#they think he's invincible so it doesnt matter
oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
unpopular opinion for this area of tumblr, beware+also abuse talk warning
admittedly, all the super casual bashing of saikis dad makes me really uncomfortable, like i dont totally disagree but i wish we didnt just all do it in the middle of other completely innocent headcanoning 😭 its never tagged or warned..
my personal opinions on kuniharu are not as extreme as some are on here, like i think he sucks but i dont think hes a genuinely bad person, he was just thrown into a situation he didnt know how to handle.. he reminds me of those parents who prepare to have a baby and get pregnant on purpose, but then the baby has a disability and suddenly, everything changes.. because they didnt prepare for this unlikely scenario, but it happened anyway, and now they have to figure out where to go from here.. kurumi and kuniharu BOTH made mistakes and didnt handle their genius/psychic kids in ways they shouldve, but its because they werent prepared for it
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samuel-is-an-idiot · 1 year
I love seeing realistic kids like Atreus who gets cocky when he learns he isnt sick or cursed like he's believed his whole life but he's a god, because it's REALISTIC, a 12 year old kid learning he has powers would get cocky, he got knocked some sense into in the end and that's what matters.
I like seeing the violent shifts between his character arcs; this is how 12 year old kids are they're all or nothing!
I LOVE RAGNAROK ATREUS! He's awkward, he's a dumbass, he makes mistakes, he talks back, has outbursts- he's a teen! He thinks he's invincible and untouchable and we get to see him be beaten, wounded and corrupted. We see the whole process of growing up! We see a character, a person growing in and out of toxic phases and learning from their mistakes!
Atreus is a work in progress he's not finished yet, not ready to go on his own he still needs and seeks guidance, which is why he gets corrupted, why he gets trapped and controlled by Odin but once he's ready he goes, he leaves. He leaves to live on his own and to finish his work in progress on his own, with purpose and his father's voice in his head. And that's growing up for you.
I recognize myself easily in Atreus, a kid who had to grow up too fast due to some event regarding his mother, who sees the best in people no matter what has been done or has happened to him, who has had to evolved and skip important steps of his evolution to get to where his father needed him to be at the moment. A kid who does his best and still manages to fuck up and disappoint a father who was absent during his childhood but is now very real and present in his life though not yet emotionally available but he's getting there, you can do it dad/Kratos. But at the same time the father is very proud of the kid because he's his kid still but he's kind of a dumbass sometimes, but he doesnt know how to communicate his feelings correctly and thinks the kid already know it but he doesnt actually but the kid doesnt dare ask for it just in case this might be a mistake as well.
I see myself in Atreus because I too have lost a mother and gained a father and I too am struggling with what is my purpose in this world. So i make mistakes. Because that's what happens when you grow up. You fuck up. Atreus is a great character I'm really proud of his evolution.
All that to say: If you do mistakes; good. Grow, learn from them, take from them what you can. And even if they suck, if they're scary as fuck you cant avoid them so embrace them. Like a fucking tornado in the face. Just avoid freeing giant dogs from Helheim. Also; be as awkward and as much of a dumbass as you can while you can; do stupid shit. Have fun. Be a kid, be a teen while you can cause some people couldnt.
TLDR: Atreus is a realistic character that I love dearly and we may have the same backstory somehow. Also: be dumb, make mistakes and break the elderly with your awkward references and social skills!
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n0bluev · 3 months
random scene i kinda wanna write (wont now tho 😔✊)-- brought to you by [megumi gojo found family ness] being my favourite thing. and the fact that megumi has no idea how actually fucked up the events that lead to him getting a new "caretaker" were (its almost funny)
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idk what tone id go for after that though. like maybe shoko finds him snooping and she decides '... i am not dealing with this' but still calmly tells him a *bit* more about it before telling him to go for a walk or sum pft
id keep it light i guess. and i dont think megumi would go talk with gojo at first cuz "feelings, ew, 'cringe'" , but something would shift between them (kinda awkwardly) and i think that would be enough for gojo to eventually up his "annoying tactic" game and he'd get megumi to give up and confess and then he would be like 'wow, nvm, i am not having this conversation' [<- gojo 🤝 shoko frl] "oh that! dw about it megugu 👍, haha!" and he would get all elusive with would fucking backfire because it would hit megumi like a truck that 'oh wow, gojo has done this for as long as ive known him'
also megumi probably had questions and unsure feelings about his dad "killing" gojo and doing whatever else is in the report, gojo killing his dad "back", and gojo ('after all of this ??') taking on the role of being his "dad's replacement" ; managing to make megumi's life so much livelier even if he didnt have to.
I wouldnt make them talk about all their feeling and blablabla, (not yet at least), but i would have megumi accept the information he got, surprised but okay with the knowledge that gojo too can be touched, be hit and get hurt (even though since he was young it always slipped his mind with ease. his benefactor was arrogant but he really did seem like "the strongest"), because that just makes him seem more real. (sure, he survived the unsurvivable; but he got hit first, he started somewhere just as everyone does.) He doesnt fully like it ofc, because it was always easier to believe that someone he cared about was invincible [protective megumi core] BUT it doesnt change the fact that gojo is still the pillar of strength he claims to be and that megumi has the luxury of caring for someone who can fend for himself in situations where most couldn't.
He takes what he learned as is, even if he doesnt know every detail, deciding that it doesnt change anything.
Another time, when theyre alone, Megumi takes the initiative to reply to gojo's typical shenanegans and ruffling of hair by giving him a stiff but very warm hug thats gladly returned with just as much love (and some more annoying hair ruffling)-- because thats all that really matters.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
HI just wanted to comment on something i see frequently in your writing! A recurring motif ive noticed you like to use is like... xue yang waiting for something to hurt- expecting pain (usually physical) and either enduring it when it happens or being surprised when it doesnt. And i think that is just so chef kiss- i think xue yang as a character is on some level always waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for things to start hurting, ready to cut and run or lash out when they do, and i think that recurring motif of yours is just Extremely him and its always stuck with me when i reread your work. 10/10 thank u for giving me xue yang brain worms
you're welcome for the xue yang brain worms, just sharing my own when I don't have any more room for them in my own head. it's how I cope
anyway though I love when people like...specifically mention recurring Motifs they notice me playing with with a character, because I both worry that it's too obvious and also unclear at all times. but yeah!! this is definitely one of those where...I've talked before about how I think Xue Yang is very used to existing in a constantly precarious state.
Nothing is certain, nothing is stable, and his expectations of the people around him are in the basement. He pretty much lives by the expectation that he can't trust anybody else to look out for him except for him, and when they do it's always contingent and going to end eventually. I don't think Xue Yang was surprised to get kicked out of Jinlintai, however it happened; there was always an expiration date on that arrangement, from his perspective, and it was just going to be a matter of how and when it happened, and how well he could land when it did. He is very much always waiting for the other shoe to drop, because it's just a matter of time and he has to be ready when it happens.
(He wasn't ready when he was a kid, he didn't see it coming, but he's never making that mistake again. He will, in fact, bite first if it looks like there's something anywhere nearby that might possibly hurt him. Caught off guard once, death on the entire Chang Clan, caught off guard twice, that's just embarrassing.)
I also think a lot about how Xue Yang simultaneously spends all the time in anticipation of his own imminent death and carries himself with a certain attitude of invincibility and total indifference toward consequences. Bad shit's going to happen and eventually it will kill him but in the meantime he's going to live life like it won't.
Basically: pain and suffering is not just a fact of life but the rule; anything else is the exception.
And this is what kills me about two specific moments in the Yi City arc. The first is the one where Song Lan first calls Xue Yang's name, and the second is during the argument with Xiao Xingchen where Xue Yang tips from trying to get Xiao Xingchen to understand to on the attack. They're moments where I think it shows how much Xue Yang did relax during that period of time, and how much he at least...stopped being quite so ready for the flip side, and that's part of why it hits so hard when it does arrive, and part of why he goes after Xiao Xingchen as viciously as he does.
(Like I said, caught off guard twice...stupid, stupid mistake, and look what happened. Nobody's supposed to be able to hurt Xue Yang anymore but somehow Xiao Xingchen is doing it, and he should have known this was coming, when did he forget to watch for it?)
There's something too, though maybe this is also me reading forward in the MXTX extended universe, that looks at the way Xue Yang treats Xiao Xingchen in particular and wonders if he is, at least in some way, testing his hypothesis. I definitely think the way he goes after Xiao Xingchen isn't just about personal revenge; the way it's tailored is very specifically making a point about how Xue Yang's worldview is right and Xiao Xingchen's is wrong. Xiao Xingchen thinks he can alleviate suffering and make the world better; Xue Yang is here saying that there's no such thing.
anyway see related texts: xue yang's relationship with his body, xue yang, candy, and the mug metaphor
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
(4.6 beta changes) (again) (guys this is so long im just. many thoughts and me thinking out loud abt arle and my pulling plans. & other nonsense etc. my bad)
ooookay so yeah def glad i didnt jump the gun and attempt some sorta "is this a buff or not" feelscrafting nonsense on arles adjustments jkwjkwdjkwdjkwdkjjk and waited for TC (mostly zajef lmao) analysis and opinion on the real changes that ended up happening
anyway so like. it appears to be an universal buff for her p much? but how big of a buff it ends up being depends on some mechanics we still dont have a definite answer as to how they function (mostly how her BoL stacking from E works during the ECAQECA reset thing, if it enables 140% total stacking = massive dmg buff overall)
firstly my fears of her becoming too ult dependent for overworld appear to be? not as bad as i thought? so thats nice at least very pog like if she can do her thing decently enough just for fun running around thats very good
secondly. the ER situation is literally on a 50-50 😭 because its all about whether she has particle ICD on her E. if she doesnt, thats actually like. 0 ER needed or at the very least incredibly little of it. if there is particle ICD. well. thats going to be another story
the way her rotations have changed now seem to gear her towards overload teams with chevy? since they have very long rotations and characters like fischl and yae can have full uptime over those whereas vape teams lose hydro application from yelan or XQ and buff uptime from characters like bennett over time when a rotation stretches past 24s
like from what ive been reading it seems to be a pretty common sentiment that these buffs will make the biggest impact in chevy overload teams specifically (even tho shes obvi buffed just in general in all teams) for that reason and that chevy teams Especially w her at c6 with arle should be the best bennettless teams ultimately. which is definitely an interesting turn ?
(and this isnt all of the changes btw im just talking abt the ones that matter most for my considerations rn)
anyway. my thoughts then.
so im obviously glad the changes turned out to be buffs so far. but. theres still stuff im a bit. ehhhhhhhh on
firstly the survivability situation (which in turn leads back to the teambuilding issues). bc her self heal did get nerfed. so arles no longer going to be able to risk taking very high dmg during a rotation and dragging herself back to full once the next one starts. which to me feels like an emphasis on dmg mitigation for her and shielding.
(not to even get started on the. spam NAs to reduce her now 30s E cooldown so its up in time for the next rotation meaning you Do Not want to be staggered and tossed out of her attack string. and gee would you look at that! neuvillette level interruption res on c1 now! great!!)
(like again. to be clear. its hard to say exactly how much interruptions to her NA spam will end up fucking her over. i could just be overtly wary about how bad it might feel. but at its worst. with enemies that run away from u or go invincible. or stunlock you. the fact that it will at least heavily risk arles ability to reduce her E cooldown the amount she needs for fluid rotations. could definitely end up feeling like shit to play in practice without that interruption resistance. be it from c1 or a shied)
but then if we go back to her synergies and look at. those more interesting (imo) chevy teams that should perform well even without bennett. like arle/chevy/fischl/yae. whos keeping ur arle from dying there 😭 its giving lyney spreadsheet impact vs actual reality trying to play him without a shield 😭😭 guess we know who he got it from...
and yea could replace yae for beidou for damage reduction but her dmg will TANK in single target. as a whole. defensive options list in pyro/electro units only just isnt that good. beidous the one who tanks team dps the least as long as ur in AoE, but outside of that its just. thoma and dehya. and they will 100% tank the team dps
whereas defensive options like zhongli to me feel like they will just end up w her teams just wanting to lean towards that. traditional vape and mono pyro angle. bennett and kazuha and yelan/XQ. the usual stuff. and shes not getting benny and kazuha from childe so we have an issue 💀💀
unironically i will prolly be looking for some double geo zhongli/chiori/yelan vape team calcs for arlecchino (hope someone makes them. all double geo team calcs ive seen so far assume bennett 😭) just out of curiosity in terms of. how much worse it is than her best teams. bc if i can just slap her in that setup its a big bonus to how flexibly i could use her but eh. prolly will end up weaker than any chiorinavia nation core i could play so who knows
but. all this yapping and im only now getting to the point JSWJKDWJKWDJK so. heres the BIG problem
i dont have a single fucking chevrolet 💀 but i do have like 38 pity on a guarantee.
and like people are suggesting that maybe chevy will be on arles banner and fair, especially with these new beta changes incentivizing arle chevy teams way more than before, it would definitely make sense for hoyo to put chevy with her. and i definitely am overall a fan of this possible chevy overload team direction for arle (anything thats not bennett for father. ANYTHING) so id love for that to be the case
but. thats not guaranteed at all. and the same sentiment i had over arlecchinos hypothetical best support in the form of the pyro archon (or honestly. with the lack of electro shielders for chevy teams even clorinde could end up being that missing piece) where id almost rather wait to guarantee that synergistic unit before getting arle herself on a rerun. actually applies to chevy here too. even just a c0 one
and like. yes. if i spend that guarantee now on c2 chiori. and it turns out chevy is indeed featured with arlecchino. i will Not be able to guarantee her anymore - ill get one 50-50 and all the chances for a few solid chevy copies on the way but thats it.
however. the other scenario here is that arle does NOT get chevy. she gets fucking. kaveh noelle mika. and then chevy is going to rerun with like. idk. random banner. clorinde who may or may not have synergy with arle
...and im not really sure if id even want to pick arle up on that guarantee from that sort of banner SJKDKJADJKDJK but ok id skip her. buuut im still sitting on a guarantee i might not want to use on a character i feel just eh abt. but who might be with chevy (and like. i do pull for 4* when im on a 50-50 and low pity, idm the early. so as long as thats the case i can see myself tossing a few pulls at Any chevy banner in the future).
... which brings us back to. okay yeah saving the guarantee for clorinde IF chevy isnt with arle and IF shes an electro shielder sub dps support for those arle chevy teams. and getting arle on rerun as ive considered. doesnt sound that bad. but clorinde might also Not be that. uncertainty uncertainty.
like im fairly sure clorinde Will be an unit i wont mind pulling at 17 pity xianyun style on a 50-50 no matter what. but if shes not that mythical arle BiS support she prolly wont be worth that guarantee is my whole complex here lmao
whereas. c2 chiori. isnt an uncertain factor here. like im investing in her im getting her c6 eventually, c2 is like almost 25% personal dps increase (also my husk pieces LOVE rolling ER so itd actually be useful) it feels like the "safe" option in a sense ya know???
like. yes id leave arlecchino up to a coin toss . (Jail for jen!! fake lesbian!!!) but id also be left with the option of skipping her banner (if no chevy rateup to be clear) in favor of seeing whether she gains any synergistic units in the future and seeing how the various aspects of her kit that i do somewhat worry about end up panning out ?? and i think. id be fine with that ? Over the alternative
ultimately tho. im super happy arle got overall buffed and that at least some of my fears abt her kit changes were indeed unfounded, but some concerns still remain. its kinda wild and still sad to me that she went from an absolute 100% must pull character just bc its Her to like. curse of pyro on fielder idk if i Need this right now 😔😔 but i Will be getting her eventually!! no matter what
anyway have a sticker if u stuck around for all of my bullshit. this is literally just arle buff thoughts into gacha pulls stream of consciousness rambling 😭😭😭
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merscylilith · 2 years
So, this whole chapter just about introduction of Taiju Shiba as 6th Captain Division of 2nd Gen of Toman. ( take a guess of who potentially become vice captain of 6th Division of 2nd Gens Toman)
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The saddest thing about this, Mitsuya had been predicted their half-lose againt Kantou Manji Gang, there's Invincible Mikey, doesnt matter how many people against him in fight, ge always win. But it totally in different meaning when Mitsuya says it.
Whole thing about fighting former friend, not to mention, fighting former friend in your together built up gang, never been easy. Mitsuya might says, Mikey as his "former friend" because honestly , that's the reason why Mitsuya in the first place accepted Takemichi's favour, but there's no further explaination why he wanted to fight Mikey, his former friend, at this point, i just wamted to assume that he couldnt afford losing other friend after what happened to Draken.
He knew, he couldnt fight Mikey, not only physically but emotionally too, it was the saddest thing happened to any of us, fighting your own friend. He cant fight his own friend, not how Draken involved in death beacuse he pursued the same path to revive Mikey. I could says, that's probably why Mitsuya helped Takemichi, he wanted Draken's wish of Mikey comes true, save him.
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Helped ? They all looks so good here. AND Hanma looks so edible, i could "munch" his cheek. Did Hanma laughed at Sanzu or he just more exciting how certain people make a suprise comeback ? Poor Sanzu, btw. I love him, please no bad thing happened. Oh wait, Wakui might forgotten something. I thought Mikey have a fight with Angry but he did have some time to react Taiju's suprose appearance ? So, who did win between those two ? There were no fight scenes, yet or absolutely Mikey win? Hanma will fight against Kokonui after this ?
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Im nost sure what these legends saw in Mikey. Yeah, sure they have to be loyal towards their leader no matter what but why it has to be Mikey. I wiuld says that, they love Mikey, just like how they love Shinichiro. Or they just wanted to protected Mikey as they cant protected Shinichiro, but i dont think Taiju have an intention to face Mikey, he just opened ya path for Takemichi. We will soon get Mikey vs Takemichi and that would be the most heartbreaking scenes, if Mikey violently punched Takemichi. Before these, Mikey always helped Takemichi in every fight with his beaten up body, and the only thing that can prevented him from death was Mikey appearance to save his days.
Im like Taiju, to witness how Takemichi gonna take Mikey down, whether it would be physically or emtionally, i means, in physically of course Takemichi will lose but at the certain point, we still doesnt know Takemichi's real strength is, how he can resist those crucial punched, i dont think Takemichi "weak" physically, i think how his traumatic past of being bullied constantly got him drifted away.
But we'll see, the fight between them.
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To the death ? Someone about to die ? Taiju is violent person but not sure how violent thses legends were. Or the prediction of Waka would come true ? Hopefully, nope. The next chapter, gonna focus more on Black Dragon.
Isnt it mind blowing,how ex-Black Dragon members have a moment in this fight, final arc and the reason of Toman exist in the first place was Black Dragon.
Kudos to Wakui honestly, he did the great job to connecting all the dot in TokRev.
I see how the flashbach of Mitsuya recruiting Taiju happened in thia chapter, but we still never get the real reason of Sanzu git gis scars.
Perhaps, Senju get up and have a 2nd round fight with Sanzu, and this time, Senju will deff fight against Sanzu because she knew Sanzu changed not because of her accusations but for his own doing.
Actually, the fight between Hanma and other Toman member kinda disappointing, but now, Taiju faced those legends, the fight between Mikey and Angry are still going on, Sanzu might in a lttle break after his crazy chapters or Senu will faced him for the 2nd time, and Hanma is free, just like Benkei said they are not gonna let them reached Mikey, so, right before Takemichi can reached Mikey, Hanma probably intereferred in Takemichi's action, and thing about time leaping will slowly being exposed and explained, but about how Sanzu knew time leaping raised a suspicious.
Things got excited when someone that always helped you will be the one who's gonna stand up to against you.
Ok, really curiousity, how long Haitani gonna take a rest ? I miss them.
( dont start with ex-Tenjiku found Kakucho's condition, it just so sad :(( know that Ran couldnt say the last word to his most liked person). Plus, he's a sentimental and poetic person.
I actually do have Ran's fic that still going on, i wrote it last Saturday and predicted it would finished in that day of the evening too but in the middle of i wrote it, but my friend invited me to play a game, which i almost spending my 5 hours playing game, now, i still need those motivation to write it efficiently.
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kacchananti · 3 years
Deku vs. Kacchan 2
What’s very interesting about deku vs kacchan 2 is how bakugo seeked out deku specifically when he was in a place of extreme emotional turmoil. It’s interesting because at this point, bakugo still thinks deku looks down on him and he’s just waiting for an opportunity to surpass him. And obviously bakugo doesnt want deku’s comfort or sympathy, or for deku to make him feel better, yet still he seeks him out during that time and has a full fledged break down in front of him.
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I already talked about how for a long time deku was the only one who saw bakugo as a person separate from his quirk, while everyone else just saw him as someone who had a flashy quirk and potential to be a hero because of it. Because of this, bakugo internalized that all of his worth comes from his quirk, from how strong he is and from what he can do, instead of who he is as a person separate from his strength and his quirk. It’s why he never allows himself to fall behind others, why he thinks that he needs to be the absolute best — because anything less means he’s weak. 
This is why his strength is so important to him and why winning and coming out on top is so important. To bakugo, the greatest hero is the one who always wins in the end no matter the odds. It’s what he admired All Might for and what he strived to be. 
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In the conversation with deku bakugo first starts doubting his ideology of “win to save”, because Deku was acknowledged by All Might of all people, which means Bakugo’s way of admiring All Might for his victories must have been wrong.
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This is also why Bakugo never learned to really process his emotions properly, because he was always basing his entire worth as a person around his quirk and being the strongest. We know already that bakugo thinks accepting help from anyone means that he’s weak, which is why he always thought that deku offering him help actually meant deku was looking down on him and mocking him.
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So of course even when he’s emotionally and mentally at his lowest, bakugo still wouldnt want deku’s help. But still he sought him out in that moment, and i think it was probably *because* deku was still the only person who saw bakugo AS a person who had emotions and who needed help.
 After the LOV kidnapping everyone kind of brushed bakugo’s experience off as him being strong for being able to hold out until help came. And after it, nobody really checked up on him to see if he was mentally okay. He was once again burdened with his strength instead of allowed to feel weakness.
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The reason he sought deku out during DvK2 was because deku was the only person who recognized that bakugo *could* have moments of weakness and allowed him to experience those moments. He was the only one who could understand what bakugo was feeling, because he was the only one who saw beyond bakugo’s strength and his quirk and actually saw him.
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Still, like i said because of his experiences bakugo never learned to properly process his emotions, and the only way he knew how to do it was through physical altercation, through his quirk. Even in DvK2 that’s what he was looking for -- he wanted a physical fight and he thought that was what he needed. In a sense it was, but what he actually needed was for someone to acknowledge that he’s capable of having emotions, he needed to feel seen and not be judged.
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Deku gave him both of the things he needed in that fight -- he gave him the physical outlet bakugo thought he needed, and he gave him what he really needed, which was for his emotional turmoil to be seen and acknowledged. deku was the only one who could do that for him, because he was the only one who saw Bakugo as a person who sometimes felt weak and needed help, who wasnt always strong and invincible just because he has a strong quirk.
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So despite his hostility towards deku, Bakugo felt safe with him because he knew Deku would allow him to let his emotions out and he would understand and wouldn’t judge him. Bakugo allowed deku something he never allowed anyone else, which was to see him at his weakest and most vulnerable, because even when he thought he hated him, even when he thought deku was looking down on him, a part of bakugo still trusted deku above everyone else and he was comfortable enough with deku to really let his emotions out.
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thechangeling · 3 years
I had a question for you, and if you would be willing to answer I would greatly appreciate it. Since your last post referenced this, I was wondering if you had any tips on writing Ty specifically, or autistic characters in general? I think that you might have posted on this before, but I couldn’t find it, so I figured I would ask you. Anyway, like I said, if you don’t mind answering that would be wonderful, but if you don’t want to, no hard feelings!
For me I guess it's more intuition like if something just feels right, but that's kind of hard to explain to people so I'm gonna try and put this into words.
I like it when people make an effort to understand Ty's emotions and where he's coming from. I appreciate people taking care of Ty's emotions through the narrative even when it's angsty and treating them as valid. Also putting in autistic traits in a way that doesn't seem forced. Especially more nuanced things like rubbing your neck or running your fingers through your hair. Acknowledge the fact that Ty is pretty smart. I can't stand fics that dumb him down. But don't write him like a super genius who knows everything either.
I wanna see autistic joy. I wanna see Ty getting so happy and excited after finally figuring out the answer to a tough mystery and not being able to hold back his happy stimming. Ty rambling about his special interests to Kit because he trusts him and stimming with Kit's hair and fingers.
I would also like to see autistic anger. Ty getting rightfully pissed and the narrative actually explaining why. Ty losing his shit in ways that aren't pretty and instantly regretting it. Ty getting weighed down by burnout and avoiding Kit because he doesnt have the energy to be social or be around people at all without snapping. Give me Ty trying so hard to tell Kit how he feels despite not being able to find the right words. So he writes letters where he uses other peoples words and quotes to explain.
Address the trauma he has been through! Address the fact that it is just as valid as Kit's trauma!! Acknowledge the shit that his father put him through!!! Explore how complicated that makes his memories of his father especially compared to Ty's siblings. Acknowledge the fact that growing up autistic isolates you from everyone else and forces you to constantly compromise.
Show me Ty loving Kit but also being jealous of him for not having to deal with the ableism that Ty does. Show me Ty being strong but still vulnerable and not invincible. Show me Ty being afraid of messing up with Kit and violating social boundaries and being afraid Kit might not say anything because of his past trauma even when his feelings are hurt.
I don't think allistic writers should be writing internalized ableism, but you can write about how the opinions of others affect him. Don't infantalize him compared to the other characters. If the others are drinking, let him drink. If the others are swearing let him swear. If the others are talking about it having sex then let him do the same. Autistics don't really flirt in my experience, at least not traditionally. But we usually end up smiling more and touching the other person or trying to be around them a lot.
Explore the intersectionality of Ty being queer and autistic. Or maybe don't if you're straight idk. This will probably require further research.
Autistic people acquire new special interests over time. I don't think he'll drop Sherlock yet because he's pretty invested but he might add a new one. You can have tons of special interests at once actually. I currently have five.
Look up theory of mind and how autistic people lack it. Think about how Ty will perceive everyone's actions if he assumes everyone knows what he knows. Maybe show Ty going non verbal after going through a lot of stress and using pictures or a text to voice app to communicate.
Ty listening to other music besides classical! He uses it to calm down and that's valid but I don't like the implication that autistic people only like soft or slow music. That's not true! I personally love heavy metal and alt rock. I lowkey headcanon Ty as a Queen fan idk.
I can't think of anything else but if other autistics wanna add on then go for it. But my final thought is just let him be autistic. Let him stim, let him be blunt, let him be overwhelmed, let him feel music with his entire being, let him have stim toys and comfort objects but don't have him be just his autism. Let him talk about and show interest in other things besides his special interests, let him show his personality, let him make jokes, show him being a shadowhunter. Also let him have a connection to his sexuality! I swear I've seen so many fanfics where Ty talks about being not straight only in relation to his love for Kit or not at all and acts like it doesnt matter. This bothers me a lot. It does matter! Even when you're autistic.
If you have any questions you can always ask me as long as you're respectful.
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Hey are you still doing BOTW matchups? If so could I request one? I'm a ENFJ, 5'3", and super competitive in almost every aspect of my life. I am 100% protective of my friends and family and will fight someone who dares hurt them. I can be extremely hot headed but only because I get super passionate about things and I am bipolar type 2 (the more depressive kind). However, my bipolar doesnt hinder my life or friendships as I refuse to be beaten by my own weaknesses, but when I do have a manic episode or a depressive episode it can be hard to pull myself out. Thank you in advance and I look forward to your response!
Heyo!! I'm always available to for a request!! Thank you so much for the ask! Hope you enjoy!! Have a great day and remember to eat and hydrate 💕
I match you with Revali 🐦
Short squad ftw!!
I feel like you two would be that power couple that knows they're the shit and people are kind of in awe of you both.
You're such a strong team and you learned to read each other in the way where you can have whole conversations without speaking
Revali is a super strong personality and he can come across pretty arrogant so you're there to pull him back to the ground and remind him he's not invincible.
You also stand up for him if anyone ever thinks of making any bad comments, something he hugely appreciates, even if he doesn't say it.
He shows his appreciation by fighting anyone who would say a single bad thing about you.
Revali is the type to show how much he cares through actions. Things like braiding your hair back in Rito fashion or always bringing along an extra scarf in case you get cold. It's the little things that speak volumes.
Queue Revali going on about how you should know better while wrapping 40 scarfs around you
You two have friendly competitions about a lot of things like getting somewhere first or killing the most enemies in battle. Sometimes you argue over larger enemies counting for more points when your scores are close. (LOTR with Legolas and Gimli is the vibe)
Sometimes little arguments can lead to tensions. Revali is known for his snide comments which can strike a nerve. He means we'll most of the time he's just not good with words, so a comment about needing to be smarter when you get hurt can make you feel defensive. He says it out of worry, it's just harder to understand that in the heat of the moment
If anything ever blows up into a fight neither of you are willing to back down and can get pretty intense. You have an agreement that when things get tense you take some time to cool down before talking because you both know your own tempers can get in the way.
You always talk things through because neither one of you want to repeat the same disagreements and you know not talking through the issue might leave you both feeling regrets and guilt. It's just better to calmly work through what happened and how you really feel.
You both are passionate about things and sometimes you clash but you never let it get in the way of things.
One of Revali's absolute favourite things to do is listen to you talk. You could go on forever about the things you love, or something you did that you enjoyed. He finds it relaxing to sit back and just watch you talk. The way your eyes light up brings a warmth to his chest he never wants to let go of.
Sometimes the two of you will sit by the fire and just talk throughout the night about anything you can think of. You've been told to be quite more than enough times but nobody's really bothered by it. It's sweet to listen to the way your voices carry across the breeze into the night as you talk about your pasts and futures.
When it comes to your depressive episodes, sometimes Revali can be slightly dismissive in the beginning. He truly doesn't mean to hurt you, but it takes him a bit to understand this is more than an off day
The moment Revali realizes that you're pulling away he's right there to pull you back. He'll do everything he can to understand what you're going through so he can be by your side through it all.
He may act all tough but Revali is running you water and snacks and more blankets throughout the day. You wanna sit and watch the sunset, he'll carry you in a burrito to the landing. Sometimes he'll offer a competition like a shield surfing race down the mountain when you seem better to try and take your mind off any darker thoughts.
He's not the best at giving advice but he's there to listen whenever you need. Even if it's not really directed towards him he'll sit with you, playing with you hands or hair, and let you ramble on to work through your feelings
He won't let you pull away or think you're weak because he knows firsthand just how strong and incredible you are. Even the strongest people need to lean on others sometimes and he's gonna make sure he's always there to hold you up when you can't do it on your own.
Overall 10/10 birb who loves you so much he doesn't know if he could ever really voice it. You ground eachother while reminding eachother of your strengths. Your competitive nature's compliment eachother in a way where you can let loose and have fun with your friendly games. At the end of the day you're together and that's what matters most to you.
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crowsent · 3 years
so consider philza actually having 3 canon lives but he lost 2 before the smp plot even started
so how about an AU where techno “sbi is not canon” blade got adopted by philza when techno was in his early teens. im talking 13 to 14 years old, the rebellious teenage phase, and this lil piglin motherfucker is already almost at phil’s shoulder level and he doesnt listen to ANYONE
techno “teenage piglin who thinks he’s hot shit” blade just believes he can tank EVERYTHING. he can kill zombies, he can kill skeletons, he can kill endermen, this bastard isnt afraid of ANYTHING so of course he wouldnt listen to philza when hes told not to wander the caves at night. why the fuck should he listen to philza????? hes technoblade! he never dies!
so this lil dumbshit goes and sneaks out the house when philza’s asleep. grabs the nearest sword to the door and nothing else. armour is clanky, philza’s gonna wake up and techno’s gonna get grounded. so he just sneaks out with just a sword into the middle of the night and goes down into the caves like the rebellious lil teenage shit he is
and he gets lost
the caves are huge, he lost his bearings, and he has no idea how to get back home. he wanders around for HOURS trying to get back but he cant and his feet are getting sore and hes trying not to panic and trying even harder not to call for philza. he didnt bring any torches. its pitch black. nothing but the sound of bats, the occasional bubbling of lava, and the constant sound of mobs EVERYWHERE. every corner he turns theres a creeper, a skeleton, an enderman. and zombies. so. many. fucking. zombies. no matter how many times he beats them back, more always seem to just come from the shadows
techno “rebellious teenager” blade gets stuck at the bottom of a cave with a zombie horde
but hes fine. hes good at fighting. he can kill these zombies no problem. who gives a shit? the big ones hit harder but theyre slow and he can easily kill them with a few hits. the smaller ones are a fucking nuisance though. he tries and tries but theyre small and theyre fast and the cave is too dark and he cant see anything and hes getting swarmed
and his sword breaks
so techno picks a direction and runs, chased by a horde of tiny lil baby zombies. some with armour, some with weapons, all taking swipes at techno when he takes too long climbing up the rocks
and maybe techno finds his way to a ravine. he can see the sky up above, still dark, stars not even shining, but even if he found his way to open air, he cant get out. techno cant even fly. hes not like phil. so he climbs as best he can, little piglin hooves scraping against the rocks, trying to escape the horde of baby zombies reaching out for him. no weapon. no armour. literally defenseless
when people ask why techno instantly kills any baby zombie he sees, or why he’s so protective over phil, he just tells them that baby zombies are tougher than they look and changes the subject. phil makes a light joke out of it if he’s within earshot, but he knows the real reason, they both do
philza died
philza woke up in the middle of the night to find techno missing and IMMEDIATELY looked for him, finding him just in time in the ravine, with the lil baby zombies trying to kill him. and without hesitation, philza jumps down to protect his son and it. was. messy.
techno got out without losing a life, but philza wasnt so lucky
and that moment kind of. imprinted on techno? in many ways 1) never underestimate an enemy, even if its a tiny lil pipsqueak looking thing 2) he isnt as invincible as he thought which drove him to be more cautious/overprepare for every fight 3) philza died for him
philza is someone who was willing to lose a life to keep techno from losing one of his. even though they arent related by blood, philza loved him enough to shield him from the horrific process of respawning
and this is kind of the moment techno went “ride or die” for philza minecraft. absolute reciprocity. philza protected techno with everything he had, now techno will do the same
starting by utterly mauling the FUCK out of any and every baby zombie even remotely close to philza
techno would never say it out, but its kind of his way of apologising for that cave incident all those years ago, and as atonement for indirectly causing philza to lose one of his lives. philza tried telling him that he didnt need to do it, but techno is still a stoneheaded lil piglin shit so he never listens. its not as if he feels guilty or anything
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bonesofapoet · 4 years
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From Dusk ‘Til Dawn
[marcus lopez arguello x you]
author’s note: i dunno about you guys, but i miss this show So Much, and i wont disappear from this fandom again!! you know, probably. (used to write for deadly class under ladyofstadvst) also, this prompt is like ten years old but im still a sucker for it so here! we! are!
word count: 1148
ao3: @ ladyofstardvst (apparently tumblr doesnt like links anymore??)
two times Marcus wanted to kiss you, and the one time he did.
Marcus Lopez Arguello couldn’t remember the last time he paid attention to the world around him.
He noticed thunderstorms and sunshine, knew when it was cold enough to snow. Saw the leaves begin to change from bright, leafy greens to honey gold and russet red. Of course he saw these things. He simply stopped caring about little happenings when Reagan killed his parents.
The last memory he had of a sunset . . . he couldn’t remember.
And he still couldn’t, even with the one painting the sky right before his eyes. Because when it was transforming into a radiant Monet as the sun descended down, down, down below the skyline, then the harbor -
The only place that held his attention was you.
You, with a smile that tugged the corners of your lips up towards your eyes. Eyes that reflected the deep violets melting into vibrant magentas and swirling with heavenly golden clouds. You, standing next to him in awe at the raw beauty this world had to offer for no cost but your time.
The air had become tinted with that specific shade of pastel pink, and Marcus had to catch his breath. His chest tightened, hands began to shake just enough to be noticed. He shoved them in his pockets so you wouldn’t see.
He would trade all the sunsets in the world just to feel your lips against his own. He would do it in a heartbeat.
This time, it’s different.
Power outages darkened the city, torrential rain threatened to flood the streets, shutting down trains and buses, and no, don’t even think about walking. Wind came alive to uproot small trees and gift certain people with wings. It rattled the glass of Lost Innocence Comics right inside of its frames.
You and Marcus were soaked to the bone after stepping outside to just get a look down the street.
Great, he groaned, slamming his head against the locked door. The C L O S E D sign rattled against the glass. We’re fucking stuck here.
In front of him, the clouds changed from heather gray to deep navy and, within minutes, they were almost midnight black. It began to look like night had come to call early.
“Think we can find some candles around here?”
“Uh,” Marcus scrambled to collect himself, turned to face you in the fading light. “Who knows, there’s all kinds of shit in back.”
An eyebrow raised in curiosity. “Lead the way, then.”
Thunder rumbled low and followed you into the small storeroom. It was all damp concrete and chaos and muted rainfall past the small window lodged into the far wall.  Bright, violent flashes of lightning accompanied scavenged flashlight beams as you scored a box of matches. Marcus balanced the half-burned pillars he found on a stack of inventory crates to breathe the treasured warmth of fire into the darkness.
Your chilled bones didn’t complain, either.
Flickers of flame danced across you both, the silence slowly growing thick with that special sort of tension. The kind that was only present when something big was about to happen, or when no one had anything left to lose. It would have become overwhelming, but then – then. You were closer to each other than you had been before. Closer than the moment that had just passed. Maybe it was the sharp crack of thunder that made your heart beat faster when his lips were drawing so close to yours -
A bright, harsh light filled the room and you both jerked apart.
The power kicked back on, and the worst of the storm had passed.
Things were different after Vegas.
Distant, secretive, hushed.
A fog followed them around like a phantom that thrived on fear, and fear alone. The friends who came back were not the same people who left the day before, not really. Those mere hours seemed to age them years, decades, eons.
Maybe it was smart that you bailed on them with Willie. You wondered if the abandonment of their two friends led to their downfall.
That was the thing about King’s Dominion - death clung to it’s students like a cloak one could never shed. You didn’t always want to rush off to meet danger at it’s doorstep when you didn’t have to. There was value in a quiet, comfortable weekend spent in your room, thank you very much. So you turned them down.
But that was the thing.
There was no such thing as comfort in a place like King’s, in a life that trained the next generation of assassins. It felt detached somehow, the reality that there were no safety nets, no promise of a life growing old, no promise of even growing at all. Comfort, ease, dreams – those ceased to exist the day anyone walked through those monstrous front doors.
Marcus forgot that too, sometimes.
Vegas reminded him that life was so impossibly fleeting, invincibility certainly did not exist, and there was no fucking time to live safely when there was nothing safe about life in the first place. When all you really had were ghosts that didn’t yet exist, and nightmares of the ghosts already born from your own making.
When San Francisco greeted them in the early morning sunlight, Marcus Lopez Arguello found himself heading straight to your dorm.
I almost died, he greeted you with tired eyes and a rough voice. Like. Five fucking times.
He watched as your eyes drifted over his silhouette propped against the door frame, all bruised and bloody boy. You expected nothing less at this point.
“But you didn’t.” came your reply.
“No,” he said. You were so close that it had gotten difficult to breathe – and, no, it wasn’t because of his bruised ribs. Probably. “I didn’t die.”
The unspoken ‘yet’ hung in the air, the elephant in your room.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t with-”
The dam inside Marcus cracked, hitched, broke.
There wasn’t a universe where he would allow you to apologize for something he had no right to ask for in the first place. No universe where he would allow death to take him home before he did the small things. The important things.
The kind of things that almost dying in an alleyway dumpster in Las Vegas made him realize mattered.
He kissed you, and you kissed him back.
It was hesitant, at first. All soft lips and warm breath questioning if this was real, if this was happening, if maybe Marcus really was dead after all. Then passion crept in, the comfort of his arms wrapped around you, your hands threaded through his hair, his own pulled you closer and closer and closer.
He was so very much alive, with a pounding heartbeat to prove it. With your skin grazing his, with your breath in his lungs. For the first time in a long time, he was so very grateful to be alive.
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niagaragrape · 2 years
i found it. i found the perfect koiru song.
the FUCKING LYRICS MAN!!! koiru ramblings under the cut
"Its hard to look into your eyes knowing it might be the last time" Yoru worries that someday Koi or himself will end up in a situation where they have to separate or they can't protect each other; he knows their job is dangerous, but more than anything, he wants to protect and take care of what is trusted to him. He knows he is not invincible, even with all of his ego and strong demeanour, and Koi is really fragile in his eyes. He knows she can take care of herself, but wished he could do it for her.
"Sudden changes make the air uncomfortable" DID I TELL YOU HOW AWKWARD THIS MAN IS?? AKDJWKDA!! Koi is so dense and she never realizes how romantic and caring she can be to him, anything she says or anyway she acts can and WILL intimidate him. Not in the bad way! but her nurturing and gullible attitude is so cute and so loving to him he can't help but make the situation awkward and blush. He gets angry at himself for doing so, making the situation uncomfortable for him! meanwhile Koi is just vibing lol
"I'll hold you so you're not alone" KOI. WILL. COMFORT. YORU. no matter what, Koi will tell Yoru that he doesn't need to act strong and invincible in front of her; she knows all he needs is a moment to relax sometimes. Yoru keeps himself in denial, though! she clings to him and tells him how much of a good boy he is, and how good she feels to be on his side, reassuring him how much she loves him and telling him he does not have to prove himself to her. Still, it's really hard for him to open up:
"When i'm quiet on the other side, know that i'm loving you, that's all i do" Yoru is a mess when confessing or talking about his feelings, he usually keeps all of it to himself and tries to supress it; Koi, as an empath, notices that. She doesn't try to force him to open up to her, but she enjoys how the tiny details tell her how much he loves her. Mostly, to show his affection to her, he scares the other agents who intend to throw their paperwork on top of her by standing with his arms folded and a intimidating look in his face in front of her bedroom door when she is busy (Yoru bodyguard skin when /j + He doesn't tell Koi about it, because she will get kinda sad since she wants to do other's peoples work) or leaves a little letter in her room in which he writes about where he went + what he is doing + when he is coming back! He even drew a little heart on it once, reluctant, obviously; Koi found it to be really cute! part of him wanted her to notice the little heart and the other part cringed when thinking about it, this man is a mix of emotions.
"And all the things we ever cared for To run again without the pain To love you without being afraid To fall into the flowers bloom, of the other side" I think Yoru and Koi both share the same need for a world where their problems just... stopped existing. For Yoru, there is no need to keep himself alarmed and he doesnt need to seem strong all the time if there were no threats or reasons for him to do so: no, i don't mean that Yoru is "idealistic" and "that he wants a better world", what i mean is that i think he just wished he didn't have to keep himself so rough and tough to her. And seeing how much it hurts her to try to make him open up to her makes him feel really... bad, somehow. But he must never show weakness, never.
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losingface-mp3 · 3 years
analysis of eight by sleeping at last and how it relates to aliveburs character
sorry its not super good, i hadnt done this is a while and this is a few months old, just figures i should post it here
I remember the minute It was like a switch was flipped -wilbur snapping at tommy when he lead schlatt to pogtopia, seemed out of nowhere at the time I was just a kid who grew up strong enough To pick this armor up -he had the charisma and the people to start a nation with violence, but was against it, he didnt want to stoop to dream's level And suddenly it fit -when he came into power God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago I was little, I was weak and perfectly naive -looking back and thinking how stupid he mustve been to try and run a nation with words And I grew up too quick -was given power before he learned that violence was a necessary evil Now you won't see all that I have to lose -he cant let go of his power, even in pogtopia, when everyone is supposed to be equal, you can see how he takes up a leader-like role And all I've lost in the fight to protect it -canon lives, allies, friendships, his son, ect. I won't let you in, I swore never again -trusted schlatt to vouch for them, but just used them to get on the server to try and get his own power, what if techno does the same thing? I can't afford, no, I refuse to be rejected -'if i cant have Manberg, no one can have Manberg I want to break these bones 'til they're better -he believes that violence solves problems I want to break them right and feel alive -self destructive tendencies and poor coping mechanisms, even before pogtopia, he didnt have anyone to vent to, sure he would smoke with big Q but even then he couldnt tell him everything because he was convinced that it was a weakness. he would yell and lash out at people ruin relationships, ect. You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong My healing needed more than time -likely something philza said to him as a kid, his dad always said things when he didnt understand the full story, he called him a terrorist only to do the same thing 2 months later When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things I see the familiar -not only is this how he sees himself, but how he sees the people around him, babying fundy, 'you will never be president tommy', 'are you saying i shouldnt do this because of niki?' I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too Now I'm a broken mirror -reflecting on who he used to be, but also showing how hes become the tyrant he promised to bring to justice, a warped version of all the people he hates I can't afford to let myself be blindsided I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart -he cant let anyone else take advantage of him, so he pushes the people he trusts away so they dont get close enough to betray him And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through -he wants to trust tommy, he wants to trust the people he loves, but he's scared that without his power he'll be the reason everything and everyone he loves will be taken from him Here I am, pry me open What do you want to know? -talking to tommy and tubbo about how he doesnt care, he will blow up manberg, almost hoping to be asked why, again, there was no one to vent to I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough To hold the door shut -ghostbur talked about how alivebur cried a lot during his presidency and how he wasnt nearly as calm or confident as he let on And bury my innocence -he became callused and more distant from the people he cares about But here's a map, here's a shovel Here's my Achilles' heel -he became dream's vassal, he gave dream exactly what he needed to weaken their shared enemies and himself, and was fully aware that dream knew this too I'm all in, palms out I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin -more about being dreams vassal, how he cant step out now I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in -he has cut his emotional ties with l'manberg, it isnt his lmanberg anymore, he's fucked and he will not go down without a fight I'ma shake the ground with all my might And I will pull my whole heart up to the surface For the innocent, for the vulnerable And I'll show up on the front lines with a purpose -he understands that he's become a bad person and he doesnt care but he knows he should so he goes into batle, knowing it would be his last, and hes content with that fact, its for the best And I'll give all I have, I'll give my blood, give my sweat -he will make sure that he, and manberg, are dead An ocean of tears will spill for what is broken I'm shattered porcelain, glued back together again -he knows people will be upset, but theyll be crying for who he used to be, not who he is now Invincible like I've never been -he goes into war with the same air hes had everytime, still acting like he's invincable, like hes at the top of everything, but this time his confidence comes from him knowing that either way, no matter what he does, he will be dead by the end of it all
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Do you want Sanji to survive?
I am someone who puts shipping as a secondary thing. I am also not in a position to tell anybody what they should ship or what they shouldn’t. To each their own. But if you are someone who likes Sanji, then you need to think deeper.
Disclaimer: Personally, I hate blind/ ignorant shipping but like I said, I am not in a position to do anything about that.
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This side of Sanji will never change. This will stay with Sanji until the series ends(😢). You need to keep this in mind.
At the end of the series, since Sanji is part of the monster trio, his strength would basically be God-level in that universe assuming all of them survive just fine. But Sanji will not be invincible:
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Before timeskip... after timeskip.... it doesnt matter how many powerups Sanji gets.
This is his no.1 weakness and will always be.
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You might say: well... it doesnt matter if he becomes soo fast he will dodge and run away.
But will it always work? Do you honestly believe it will be that easy?
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Women in One Piece are no slouch... you can’t underestimate their power.
Now I want you to read what Violet said again and carefully.
Violet: “I’d heard you were weak to women, but to think it’d be this bad.... how disgraceful”
If Violet heard that he is weak to women, what do you think will happen if the news was all around the world about a member of the Pirate King’s crew being weak to women?
Sanji is someone who cant stand to see a man beating a woman:
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He is not safe even with Luffy or Zoro.
But he is fine with women fighting women.... so in theory Sanji needs to be with a woman, a strong dependable woman, in order to survive:
Now let me ask you.... Are Violet or Pudding defeating Kalifa?
By the story, Kalifa being a CP9 member who mastered the skills of Rokushiki, and on top of that a Devil Fruit user.... simply they dont stand a chance.
I know you already figured out as to where I am going with this, but let us be honest here...
Who is someone that already knows that to the fullest?
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Who is someone that already stepped up and covered up that weakness?
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From the very start, Sanji gave me a reason not to worry about Nami’s well-being because he will always be there to protect her.
But who will do it for him? I am always concerned about Sanji’s well-being out in the battlefield.
If you are someone who just CANNOT accept a strawhat getting together with another, then I as a Sanji fan am waiting for a really strong and dependable woman who cares for Sanji other than Nami.
And as a Nami fan, I am waiting to meet a character that treats her better than Sanji ever did, that adores her just as much, that supports her on almost everything and anything, someone that makes her feel the safest and most relaxed.
Because as of now in the story, there is NO WAY anybody checks off these qualities.
Let us see if we get to meet one.... I am here for it.
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dimitrixxiv · 4 years
|| Get to know DIMITRI IVANOV who’s TWENTY-FOUR years old and a JUNIOR in college majoring in BROADCAST JOURNALISM. He is from ST. PETERSBURG and is often times mistaken for HARRY STYLES while others say he reminds them of DIMITRI from ANASTASIA. ||
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Dimitri is definitely a kleptomaniac, and it kinda touches on OCD with the obsession to steal and the relief he gets when he engages in the urge. He probably should go and talk with a counselor but he kinda has a sense of being invincible so that makes him think nothings wrong with him ever.
He definitely can be a bit harsh sometimes, somewhat of an asshole, but he does have a heart of gold. If you win him over, you’ll have a best friend for life. He’d do anything for anyone, no matter the risks.
Speaking of risks, he likes taking them! He likes being in high stress situations, especially when using his invisibility to get dirt on people (people who he thinks deserves to be exposed). He’s like a fly on the wall, most of the time.
He likes to con people, but only the gullible people because he knows for sure he can get away with it. He’s smart about thinking about his plans and how he can get away with things.
Dimitri lives in an apartment, one of the upstairs apartments of a tall building near the palace in corona since he works as a kitchen boy there as well to spend his time when he’s not in school learning about journalism. He’s not really supposed to have access to the roof, but he does it anyway because he’s a bad boy (or at least he thinks he is).
Whenever Dimitri steals things, he secretly puts them up for sale to make money. He knows its a bit dangerous because of tracking, but he uses the money he makes for tuition and rent and saves everything else to splurge.
He also kinda hoards things, not super bad but like his apartment by no means is empty, like his apartment is kinda cluttered and everything has a specific place. It’s also very aesthetic as well. Although, it could potentially be a problem down the line.
Wanted Connections:
1. Friends
- close friend - confidant - best friend - mom friend - dad friend - a bro friend - gym buddy - partner in crime - group therapy friends - friends with benefits (strictly friends)
2. Romantic Relationships
- crushes - high school sweethearts - friends with benefits (ohhh nooo, i think i’m catching feelings)
3. Mentors
- professor - therapist (he needs this but he doesnt know that) - personal trainer
4. Bad Influence
- fake friend - backstabber - drug supplier? (nothing too intense probably just weed ha)
5. Literally anything else I’m down for it all~!
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kantogamer · 4 years
What are your thoughts on Superheros/Superpowers? If you like them... -Favorite superhero -Least liked/hated superhero -Favorite superpower -If you could have a super power what would it be? (Doesnt have to be a popular one, it can be one you thought of) -What do you think would be the most OP power ever? And would you want to have this OP power?
My favorite superhero is tough. I like a lot of them but I always default to Wolverine. He is deeply flawed and has a lot of issue but he really does ultimately care. He was pretty much the first hero I ever saw lose in a tv show and as a kid I couldn’t quite place it but I always felt for him in a big way. As an adult I realize its because he is so relatable. He fails, he has a lot of demons, he is very human and I always appreciate that in either a hero or villain.
I don’t like superman at all. It is perfectly fine if anyone else does, I dont judge, but the idea of a perfect person with perfect powers just bores me to tears. His weakness is a rock and he is just so unrelatable for me
Super power is a tough one to pick. I am sure there are a ton of good ones that I can’t think of but I guess the power to be all knowing or learn at an accelerated rate. I feel like the more you can understand and sympathies with, the better off you are as a person. 
I think the most OP power is invincibility. I wouldn’t care to have it. I feel like it would demotivate me in a lot of ways knowing that no matter what I do I would ultimately be fine.
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