#this is dog!Matthew on a calm day
valiantstarlights · 1 year
Imagine (surprisingly) buff history professor Hob and dog!Matthew.
disclaimer: video from here.
Imagine Professor Gadling hiding Captain America muscles under his old-fashioned grandpa style clothes. (Think 1889!Hob's fashion, but worn in 2022.) He's not hiding them intentionally, but he's not showing them off either. He's just normal about it.
Imagine someone, a fellow professor (Johanna), passing the push-up challenge to Hob because he's one of the younger professors who look like they could do push-ups without dislocating something.
Imagine the entire university, the entire town, in shock, as the video is uploaded and they see a hint of what Hob is hiding under his clothes. Everyone is feeling like a Victorian maiden upon seeing his arms, fantasizing about being under him, and then giggling over his doofus laugh and how cute he is with his dog.
He's so wholesome and sexy and what more could you want, honestly. (In short, Hob gains a fanclub, and Matthew does as well.)
Imagine Dream not seeing the video because he's too busy being a famous author. Actual writing, editing, coordinating with his team led by Lucienne, book tours, etc.
Imagine Dream getting irrationally angry when he meets Hob for their biweekly/monthly coffee meet up (no, not a date, they're just friends) and there's someone else sitting on his seat, flirting with Hob.
Imagine Dream just, walking out and going back home without even greeting Hob because he's so fucking stressed and he can't deal with any more stressful things right now.
Imagine Hob thinking that Dream stood him up. He's sad about it, but he figures that Dream probably just has a crazy schedule being a famous author and couldn't text him to give him a heads up. My god, what if he doesn't even have time to sleep? Or eat?? Thinking this, Hob buys an entire box full of muffins and pastries from the coffee shop--all the things he noticed Dream liked, and brings them to the Endless mansion for the family butler to give to Dream.
Imagine Dream feeling so bad that as soon as the butler gives him the huge pastry box from Hob, he calls Hob and apologizes. Hob immediately forgives him and wishes him luck on his book and to take it easy and, "Take care of yourself. Someone loves you."
(It's just a quote he read. It doesn't have to mean anything.)
'Do you love me?' Dream doesn't ask because he's a coward. "You too," he says instead, because that's a safer option.
Imagine Dream finally! seeing the video, and it's Desire who shows it to him. They're just hanging out, painting each other's toenails, and while they're waiting for the nail polish to dry, Desire thirsts about this local guy who has gone viral, and they go on about wanting to lick whipped cream off his abs and let him hit them with a truck--just normal thirst tweets, you know? And Dream is like, "Sibling. That's quite enough." Dream is used to Desire being horny on main for a lot of people, but sometimes he doesn't really wanna know.
Anyway, Desire is all, "But look at him, Dream! He's so...he's so..!" And then they show Dream the video on their phone.
Dream watches as Hob talks about the cause behind the challenge, the push-ups, Matthew videobombing, and basically making everyone who watches the video fall in unadulterated lust and adoration over him. Dream wants to tell Desire he has felt those abs against his body (during that first meeting) and has been the recipient of his dazzling smile (every time they meet).
What he says instead is, "This is my boyfriend."
Imagine Desire going, "Seriously?"
And Dream going, "Yes." Then shows them a candid shot he took of Hob across the table from him. Hob was reading and replying to an urgent email from the dean while they both wait for their orders to be served, and Dream didn't have anything else to do but to admire him, so he did. And he secretly took a picture because the sun made Hob's hair shine copper, and he looked so soft and ethereal...
"Hmm," Desire says, and it's their unconvinced 'hmm,' so Dream shows them a video this time. At first it's just Jessamy and Matthew playing in the park, then Hob's laughter is heard so Dream pans the camera to him. Hob is sitting on an honest-to-god checkered picnic blanket taking food out of an honest-to-god wicker picnic basket, and the food is all obviously homemade and looking very appetizing.
"Are you trying to fatten me up, Hob?" Dream from the video says. He sounds so fond and in love.
Hob in the video winks. "All the better to eat you with, Dream."
The video wobbles before ending because past Dream couldn't handle that.
Imagine Desire screeching (in elation) because oh my god! Dream has a boyfriend! For real! And he's fucking perfect and ripped! He's also obviously eating Dream out and doing other sexy things to him! Oh wow I'm sorry I thirsted over your boyfriend, Dream. I didn't know you and him are together. I know better now, though, and I respect a dibs.
Dream is pleased that Desire has backed off, but he couldn't help but think...
Hob likes him. Right? Desire certainly came to that conclusion from just one video alone. And Dream likes Hob. Definitely.
Imagine Dream belatedly panicking because oh god what if Hob just thinks of him as a friend and now Dream just lied to his sibling and what if Desire tells the whole family and they all want to meet Hob as his boyfriend..!
Dream is a mess. But he manages to dial Hob's number after a couple of tries, and Hob answers on the third ring. (Dream has forgotten to check the time. It's currently 1 in the morning.)
Fuck, his voice upon waking up makes Dream squirm. "Hob."
"Dr'm? Why're...why're you callin'? You 'kay?"
"I'm..." 'Afraid.' 'In love with you.' 'A fucking mess.' Hob's breathing calms him down, and gives him the strength to say, "Will you be my boyfriend?"
Hob's breath stutters, and Dream could hear the rustle of his sheets. Oh god, what if he's in bed with someone else and this is the end of their friendship? It's all Dream's fault--
"I..." Hob says, sounding more awake now. "Are you serious? You're not drunk right now, are you?"
"I am not," Dream says. And now he feels heartbroken. Of course Hob doesn't like him like that. Why else would he ask if Dream was drunk? "But if you want to forget that this conversation ever happened, you may think that I am."
"No! No, I mean...I don't want to forget anything. I just, maybe thought, you're not...serious."
"You know I'm not very good with jokes."
Hob chuckled. "You kind of are, though. In a very flat, deadpan-like way. I like your jokes." A pause. "I like you." Shyly.
Dream thinks 'fuck it' and bites the bullet. "I'm in love with you."
"Fuck," Hob says. Then, hurriedly, "That's a good 'fuck,' by the way. Not a bad one. Never with you."
"You have not fucked me yet to know for certain."
"Dream," Hob groans, pained. "It's...are you kidding, it's 1 in the morning. We should have this talk face to face."
"Is over the phone not good enough?"
"Afraid not, love. You see, like this, I can't lean over and kiss you senseless like I want to."
Dream gasps. "You--" 'want to kiss me?'
"I would like to be your boyfriend," Hob says solemnly. "But I would love to tell you again face to face."
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marvelfilth · 10 months
Dookie the Matchmaker
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x f!reader
Warnings: mention of blood
Summary: She curses herself for forgetting to ask for your name, but she thinks it's better this way. She can't afford to get close to anyone. Not after Amber. Not after Quinn and Ethan.
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Tara falls in love.
It happens slowly, gradually. At first, she doesn't even notice, just keeps sending you awkward smiles and brief glances, long enough to be considered friendly, but not long enough to make you question her.
She sees you regularly during her economics class - it was one of the electives, and Sam made some good points about choosing it, so she did.
You're never late, always showing up a few minutes early, taking your seat near the window and drawing doodles in your notebook.
Tara doesn't even remember when she first started noticing you, she just knows that one day she walked in and her eyes zeroed in on your seat, corners of her mouth curling up at the familiar sight of you hunched over the desk, chewing on your pen.
You're never absent, so when she was forced to miss one of the lectures she ventured to you, hesitantly asking to borrow your notes.
She keeps telling herself she did that because she is an outcast now, no one in her class is willing to talk to her and seats closest to her always remain empty, but honestly she just wanted to hear your voice and maybe see you smile at her, if she's lucky.
Turns out luck was on her side that day, because the smile directed at her was wide and inviting, and you gave her your notes without a question.
She curses herself for forgetting to ask for your name, but she thinks it's better this way. She can't afford to get close to anyone. Not after Amber. Not after Quinn and Ethan.
She convinces herself that the looks she regularly receives in the halls don't bother her. She pretends she doesn't hear harsh words muttered behind her back. She sits at the farthest table at the cafeteria with Chad and Mindy by her side, looking away when she feels people staring.
She can't ignore the shove she receives after she hurries away from her economics class.
She looks up and fights the urge to throw up.
It's one of Ethan's friends, all bulky, tall and angry. Other students walk by without a second glance, and his lips curl in a way that makes her shiver.
She takes a deep breath and looks him straight in the eye, straightening her shoulders.
"What's going on?"
You're the last one to walk out, looking between them in confusion, one hand in your pocket, the other on the door behind you.
He smirks and cocks his head to the side, and she really really doesn't want you to see this.
"Are you deaf?" You ask, more forcefully this time, and to her surprise you choose to stand by her side, your shoulder brushing against hers in silent support.
"Just want to have a little chat. You should leave." He jerks his head at you, but you don't budge, your eyes narrowing.
"After you, Matthews."
You look at each other for a long moment, and Tara's about to finally speak up, tell you to just leave it and go, when he scoffs and walks past you, shouldering you harshly.
You roll your eyes and make sure he leaves, before turning to her with that warm smile and kind eyes, asking if she's okay, offering to walk her home.
She shakes her head, whispers a quiet thanks and rushes away, not looking back.
Later that night she cries in Sam's arms. No words are said out loud, but she knows her sister understands, can feel it in the press of lips on her temple and the tears that disappear in her hair.
Next morning they visit a dog shelter and come back home with another family member.
The dog doesn't take well to strangers.
Mindy and Chad, who are now living with them, shriek when they first see their new pet, jumping on the counter when the Doberman starts barking loudly. In the end, Sam is the one to calm everyone down, because Tara is too busy wheezing on the couch.
It takes two months for the dog to get used to the twins and they complain the whole time. But even they can't deny feeling this new sense of security.
"Dude, she's so good." Chad rambles on and on about some girl days later, while Tara picks at her salad distractedly, her thoughts on you and the shirt you decided to wear today. It showed off your arms and she idly wonders if you play any sports, but doesn't allow her mind to wander further.
Mindy laughs loudly and shakes her head.
"I'm telling you. You should've seen her, she's crazy." He exclaims, gaining attention of nearby students.
He doesn't look away like Tara does, instead he looks them in the eye and waits, daring them to say something. They never do, because Chad is Chad. And Tara is… well, she's just Tara.
"Okay, we got it. Or do you want everyone to know?" Mindy chuckles, elbowing her brother.
Chad takes a sip of his water and grins proudly. "As matter of fact, yes, I do. She's amazing and everyone needs to know that. I think she's in one of your classes, you need to introduce us," he directs at Tara to which she shrugs, trying to hide her sudden interest.
You're the only person she notices, and if you're the one he's talking about she has no desire to introduce you.
If she could, she would keep you to herself.
She blinks, surprised by her own thought and quickly shoves it into the deepest corner of her mind.
She finally understands what he was talking about when she sees you during basketball practice, practically annihilating the other team. She gulps and pointedly ignores the looks Mindy and Chad keep sending her, her eyes on your lean body as you send yet another ball through the hoop. You smile when your teammate slaps your back good-naturally and send her a wink, making Tara swoon in her seat at the bleachers.
You don't notice her at all, your eyes never stray away from the court, your chest glistening with sweat, making the smaller girl lick her lips.
"Are you drooling?" Mindy smirks.
Tara rolls her eyes and doesn't grant a response.
She spends the rest of the day wishing that wink was directed to her.
When she sees Matthews again it doesn't go the way she thought it would go.
You burst through a door, looking ragged and breathless. Tara runs into you, your eyes widening in alarm before you quickly hide your hands behind your back, and Tara immediately tenses up, unconsciously taking a step back. A moment later Matthews walks out of the same door, his nose bleeding profoundly. He blanches when he sees you, and backtracks, shutting the door behind him with a loud bang.
You shift sheepishly and apologize for startling her, but Tara doesn't hear any of it, all of her senses focused on the way your chest rises with each breath, the way your tongue darts out to wet your lips in a nervous gesture.
Tara blinks rapidly and curses quietly. She mutters a lame excuse and almost sprints out of the building, away from you, away from her unwanted feelings.
That night Sam tells her something that makes her heart skip a bit.
"We can't live our life in fear. Maybe… maybe you should give them a chance. But not before I meet them, of course."
The words leave her with a warm feeling in her chest. She doesn't know how Sam found out, but she's grateful nonetheless.
The problem is, she has no idea how to approach you. It wasn't easy to come up and ask for notes and you were strangers then, she wasn't fully aware of her feelings. Technically, you're still strangers, but you've saved her ass multiple times now and all she's done is run. So yeah, no one can blame her for not knowing how to approach you after she so carefully avoided any interaction with you for so long.
It happens right after she steps out of her favorite pizza place after picking up her order.
One moment she has a tight grip on the leash, pizza box in other hand, and the next, her dog is sprinting like there's no tomorrow, easily tugging Tara behind him.
The brunette struggles to keep up, pizza long forgotten in favor of trying to stop her dog, both of her hands getting white from the tight grip she has on the leash.
"Dookie!" She shouts, trying to stop her dog. "Dookie, stop!"
With one last harsh tug from the doberman she is forced to let go of the leash, huffing and sprinting after the dog. She is already panting, and by the time her dog rounds the corner she has half a mind to call Sam and make her chase the dog down herself. After all, it was her sister's idea to get one.
There's a yelp right before she rounds the corner and she runs faster, almost bumping into the rough concrete, panic coursing through her veins.
She stops in her tracks as soon as she sees you.
"Hey, buddy," you say, giggling.
The leash previously held in Tara's hand is now wrapped snugly around your legs, effectively keeping you in place. Her dog, the traitor that he is, is jumping at you in joy, trying to lick your face.
Now that she's sure no one's hurt, she takes a moment to get her breathing under control and to observe her supposedly very scary guard dog making you laugh. She can't help, but be jealous of the way her dog so easily got your attention.
She thinks about calling Sam, or Mindy, or even Chad, because she can't do this. She can't walk up to you when you're looking so breathtakingly beautiful, laughing unabashedly, your eyes glistening in the sunlight.
But she has no other choice now, seeing you nearly topple over when Dookie decides to make another lap around you.
"Stop it!" she whisper yells at the dog as soon as she nears the two of you.
You look up, surprised, and blink, before a grin overtakes your features. You try to face her and realize you can't even turn when your legs don't move an inch.
She bends and picks up the leash, embarrassment painted over her features. "I'm so sorry. He's never done that before," she chuckles awkwardly and tugs on the leash.
You yelp when the movement causes you to trip and fall into her arms, and she catches you without missing a beat, holding you while you regain your footing.
Her dog barks happily from behind you.
"Sorry," you mutter, trying to pry away from the leash, but the dog doesn't move from the place near your feet, drool dripping over your shoes.
Tara's sure she looks positively horrified at the sight of your drool covered shoes, her face feels like it's been set on fire. She crouches in front of you and begins to unwrap the leash, and you try to help her as much as you can, much to the dog's displeasure.
"There. All done." She gets up, her eyes darting around the street. "I'm really sorry about this. Don't know what's gotten into him, he's never tried to kidnap anyone before." She realizes just how true the words are as soon as they leave her lips.
Dookie hates strangers. It took Chad and Mindy almost a month to even pet the dog, much less cuddle with him like old friends, which is what you're doing now. She hums in thought, barely managing to hide a smile.
Dookie's approval means Sam's approval.
You laugh, shaking your head. "It's fine. Seems like he just wants to play. You're Tara, right?" You look up, squinting from the sun and the sight almost takes her breath away.
Her face burns and she curses herself for not even giving you her name after all the times you've saved her. But it seems you don't mind at all, smiling softly and looking away like you don't want to pressure her into having a conversation.
She decides she's done being afraid.
"Yes. And you're Y/n," she mumbles, suddenly shy. "And this is Dookie," she adds, gesturing to the dog jumping at your feet.
You get up from your crouch, laughing. "Dookie?"
"Short for Babadook. It's my favorite scary movie." She looks away momentarily, tension taking root in her shoulders as she awaits your reply.
"I hate scary movies." You make a face, shuddering.
She exhales with a chuckle and looks back to where she came from. "Wanna go look for the pizza I threw somewhere down this alley?" She asks jokingly, but she really really hopes you'll say yes.
"I'd love to," you smile, a red tint on your cheeks.
When she comes back home with a spring in her step and a happy grin in place, Sam smiles knowingly and gives her a hug that feels like home.
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 4 months
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Smut/NSFW: ☆
Fluff: ✿
Angst: ➴
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𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖜 𝕾𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖔
“Is It Over?” - ➴
➥ In which: Y/N has recently broken up with her boyfriend Matt, and she isn’t sure how she’ll get through the tough times.
“Spin The Bottle” -☆
➥ In which: you’re at a party with your best friend Nick, and you finally meet his brothers, Matt and Chris, and you take a liking to the shy boy- Matt.
“Movie Night” -☆
➥ In which: you and your boyfriend try to have a movie night at home, but when you interrupt to ask him what pictures to post on your instagram, things take an ‘unexpected’ turn.
“Matching PJ’s” -✿
➥ In which: while you’re having a stressful day, your boyfriend, Matt, texts you at ten PM, saying he has a surprise for you at his house.
“Violent Love” -➴ *Authors Favorite*
➥ In which: Matt and you have been friends since kindergarten, but when his youtube career flew off, so did he. He moved to LA with his brothers, and when he came back to Boston for a visit, it doesn’t end in the most pleasant way.
“Right Here” -➴
➥ In which: You break up with your boyfriend, and your best friend Matt is there to comfort you. In hopes you feel the same way, he confesses his feelings towards you, and things don’t go as planned.
“Love Me Harder” -☆ *Authors Favorite 2*
➥ In which: You have been dating Matthew for a few years now, but he has somehow sustained keeping a major secret from you. What will you do when you find out this secret of his? Will it scare you away, or will it pull you closer?
“Little Bit” -☆
➥ In which: Matt agrees to go to a strip club with his friends, to help ‘relieve his stress’. What happens when things take a turn, and Matt actually takes some interest in this horrible fiasco?
“Sir.Cuddlesworth” -✿
➥ In which: Back at the triplets’ Boston house, you tend to cuddle with Trevor, the boys’ dog, more often than you do with your boyfriend Matt. So, you decide to be a sweetheart and led him your favorite shark stuffed animal, Sir.Cuddlesworth.
“Time Flies By” -✿
➥ In which: Matt and you have two beautiful girls together. He was now in his mid/early thirties, as you were, and your two girls were growing up, but Matt only realized when they both came home with new news.
“Strawberry Shortcake” -☆
➥ In which: You won’t deny it, you are a very attractive girl. You were now a senior in highschool, and everyone seemed to have their eyes on you- except one boy, who just so happens to be the one you want the most.
“Pacify Her” -☆
➥ In which: Matt and you always had a thing. That was until he got a girlfriend, whom he claims he loves. Even after he cheats on her with you.
“About Damn Time” -☆
➥ In which: You notice Matt’s been quite horny recently, more than usual, but as his best friend, you don’t think thats your issue. Until you walk in on him.
“Sub!Matt headcannons” -☆
“Bf!Matt snaps” -☆✿
“Bestfriend Matt Texts” -☆✿
Overstimulating, Humiliating, & Edging -☆
“Don’t Wait On Me” -paused
[pt 1] [pt 2- coming soon]
“Sweetheart” -paused
[pt 1]
“First Choice” -ongoing
{pt 1}
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𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖔
“Heartbeat” -☆
➥ In which: Evelyn stops reaching out to Chris for sex after she gets a boyfriend, but that doesn’t stop him from reaching out to her.
“Tattoo” -✿
➥ In which: Chris and his girlfriend, Evelyn, are dared by Chris’ brothers Matt and Chris to get ‘matching’ tattoos, as punishment for loosing a challenge for their video.
“Don’t Play With Me” -☆
➥ In which: Chris sees you ‘flirting’ with a guy at a party, and he gets jealous. He then decides to teach you a lesson- even though you ‘aren’t his’.
“Love Language” -➴✿ *Authors Favorite*
➥ In which: Chris and reader get into an argument, and reader goes up to Nick’s room to calm down. Chris comes up to his room to apologize, and the reader doesn’t accept it.
“Give Me Space”-➴
➥ In which: Chris gets ‘too’ clingy when you’re having a bad week, and you snap at him. Things take a turn for the worst.
“Jealous Boy” -☆
➥ In which: Chris and you aren’t together. Not dating, not fucking, only friends. But what happens when he sees you flirting with another man at a party? Will he make you his, or will he let you move on.
“By Your Side” -✿
➥ In which: Before you met Chris, and even a little into your relationship, you struggled with self harm. Chris and his brothers were always extremely supportive and caring of you, and eventually, you stopped. You hit your one year of being sober anniversary, and Chris throws you a ‘celebration.’
“Goin’ Somewhere?” -☆
➥ In which: You go to the airport, to catch a flight back to your hometown. However, you get stopped by airport security, and they have to take you in one of the private rooms, to ‘search you’.
“Left Alone With Nothing” -➴
{Fic for Texts With Chris Who Likes You.}
➥ In which: Chris likes you, but you turn him down, and you regret your decision- but it’s already too late.
“Sub!Chris Headcannons”-☆
“Texts With Bf!Chris” -☆✿
“Dealer Chris Snaps” -☆
“Texts With Chris Who Likes You” -➴
“Hellbound” -ongoing
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3] [pt 4] [pt 5] [pt 6]
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𝕹𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖆𝖘 𝕾𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖔
“Care For You” -➴✿
➥ In which: After you and Nick post together about your relationship, you feel like hes slowly drifting from you.
“Mine All Mine” -✿
➥ In which: A date with your boyfriend.. (and his brothers.)
“My Boy” -➴✿ *Authors Favorite*
➥ In which: You and Nick have been dating for a long time now, and you finally agree to be in one of the boy’s videos. Nick introduces you as his boyfriend, and the viewers find out you are trans. Some don’t respond the best to this, but Nick is there to comfort you.
“Never Say Sorry” -✿➴
➥ In which: It’s your first time meeting the triplets’ parents; and since you’re trans, you’re worried they won’t accept nor like you, but your boyfriend Nick is there to comfort you.
“I Mean It” -✿
➥ In which: Nick, your boyfriend, and you have been dating for around five months. You accidentally let a ‘i love you’ slip out, for the first time.
“First For Everything” -✿
➥ In which: Nick and you have been dating for six months, but you haven’t had sex yet. One night, you decide you’re ready, but then you begin to have second thoughts.
“Safe With Me”-☆✿
➥ In which: You decide you’re ready to have sex, for the first time with Nick, and for the first time since you’ve had your bottom surgery.
“Not A Fan” -✿
➥ In which: Nick and his boyfriend are on a date, when Nick gets noticed by a fan. The fan asks to take a picture, but says something vile to Nick’s boyfriend.
“Texts with Bf!Nick” -☆✿
“Late night Drive- completed
[pt 1] [pt 2]
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𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕾𝖔𝖔𝖓
“When The Night Calls” -➴
“Dishonest” (F.T. Matthew Sturniolo.)
“Late At Night”- part 1/?
“Dishonest” (F.T. Christopher Sturniolo.)
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berrieluv · 2 years
Matt Murdock and younger!reader. cw. bimbo reader because why not? we're fulfilling my dream of being a white man's stupid hoe. this is pure fluff, honestly, just a bit of angst in a cut but quickly resolved. also mentions of sex. this is boring but I'm sorry I really need love and affection.
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Matt looked at you and blinked a few times, it was a wonder for him how you had no filter when it came to things.
"But you can't be blind" You told him, a few dates later into your relationship. He was amused on how you didn't catch the man you were dating was blind. Yes, he knew he managed life pretty well with all his senses "I saw you fighting against those men at the bar who were saying nasty things to me... And you won!"
You say, as if it was unbelievable, which he knew it kinda was. It wasn't everyday that a blind man fights five men and wins.
"Plus, you being blind is so sad" You pout, and he frowns at your words "You can't see how pretty you are..." You close your mouth a little and then your eyes open wide; "You can't see how pretty I am!"
You panicked and Matt chuckled, sensing your concern in the atmosphere.
"Oh" He starts, soft voice and taking your hand in his "I know how pretty you are" You smile "I can tell"
"How? You can't see me" You pouted "And I don't mean 'your personality is nice' type of pretty, Matt" You look at him and get closer, he can feel your breathing in his face "I really am pretty. Like, you should see me..."
"I believe you"
"But like..." You make a smirk "Like are you really blind? Or you... Is like partially blind? Like would you get your vision back? Or you just have to live like that?"
"I've been blind most of my life. Since I was a kid, actually"
"So... you never got to see Reese Whiterspoon in Legally Blonde?"
"Not one of my biggest concerns but no, I didn't"
"But it's a film of cult!" You said "If I describe it to you, would you watch it?"
"Only for you"
You chuckle, knowing Matt is in a chokehold because of you. It haven't been long since the both of you started dating, but it was, however, a surprise for almost everyone that you even started dating.
When his best friend made a joke about Matt being blind, you legit thought he meant the kind of blind people always call men... you never thought of it in a literal way.
"You're so wrapped around my little finger, it's embarrassing" You smile "And you can't even see how pretty I am" You gasp "I'll be walking you like a dog if you could see my beauty"
Matt drops a loud laugh, because from all the people in the world, he seemed to have find the only one who could make his blindness about themselves. And it didn't bother him, he was happy that you were able to treat him as a normal person. And if he thinks about it long enough, he was treated like a 'complete' man, for long enough, before you found out he couldn't see.
Suddenly, you 'wow' "That's why you're always wearing those ugly glasses!"
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"Matthew Murcock"
You yell while entering his office and Foggy looks at Matt at the sudden change of his name.
"I have no idea where she got that from" He says, smiling.
That was the day after the first time you ever had sex, when opened the door you look at Foggy, then at Matt and pout, completely forgetting he couldn't see you.
"Foggy, get out"
Matt says and you smile, walking to him as fast as Foggy leaves the office. You kneel in front of him and rest your head in his thigh; fuck you were needing him.
"Baby, you know we can't do that stuff around here. It's my office, baby" He smiles.
"You wouldn't say the same if you knew how pretty I look"
"Oh, I just know you look fucking pretty" He says, taking your body and sitting you on his lap "You wore a skirt and everything" You nod "I guess I can put my fingers inside if you like"
You nod desperately and open your legs, Matt only laughs at your neediness and starts to work.
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You cry as you reach him in his bedroom, he was calm and breathing slowly, his chest going up and down and unconsciously flexing his muscles. He opened his eyes as soon as he heard you entered his flat.
"Yes, dear?" He asks, peacefully, ignoring the tone of your voice that adverts you're looking forward to create drama.
"Why didn't you call me?" He lets out a groan when you sit on top of his naked torso and put your hands on his chest "I let a sticky-note asking for you to call me as soon as you were back" You pouted.
"Darling..." He starts, calmly "How am I suppose to see that?"
"What do you mean 'how'... with your eyes, Matth–" You pout "I see..." He chuckles and you shake your head "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it"
"It's fine, pretty girl"
"But I'm always so reckless" You cry, letting your head fall into his pectorals "I'm reminding you all the time that you can't see"
"It's not like I can forget it, my love"
"Yeah, you're right"
You chuckle in his chest and he feels his shorts getting a little tighter. He doesn't want to point it out, how could he when you're sharing such an intimate and cute moment. And he was sure you wouldn't notice, hell, if she didn't notice I was blind, how would she notice an erection; was what he thought the first time you gave him a boner. And what he seems to remember every time now that you give him one by accident.
The first time ever you and Matthew have a fight it's complicated. You believe he was on edge before you and him got together that day, he arrived to your department a bit more serious. This time there wasn't a kiss, or a hug, or a single word.
You were yourself at the gala he asked you a few weeks ago to go with him, but it seemed like it wasn't someone he wanted you to be. He pressed tighter your arm every time you joked, but you took that as an action he was making to decease his worries, never could you think it was because of you, since your personality was never a problem.
"What is your fucking problem?" He asked, storming into his flat, his steps were heavy and loud and you just looked at him, shyly, the first time ever you felt shy around Matt. "You couldn't just act like a mature person, couldn't you? You have to let out your childish annoying personality in one of the most important nights of my career"
"I'm sorry"
You say, with a small voice, almost afraid to ask.
"Yeah" He says, finding himself the glass and the wine he always leave in the same place, to pour himself one. "You're always fucking sorry but I never see you change anything about yourself" He hears the glass breaking into the floor and he frowns, looking directly at where he sensed you. "Did you fucking moved the glass?"
You were scared to say yes, not at Matt, you couldn't be scared of him, but now, you weren't feeling him as your Matt.
"You always do this, why do I even bother having a house if you're gonna do whatever the fuck you want with MY stuff" He walks to the room and you follow him, silent, fidgeting your fingers "I would have chose any other woman if I knew you were going to act like a fucking child!"
You feel your eyes watering and you look at him, finally saying, with a small broken voice; "Why are you talking to me like this?"
Before Matt could answer with another mean comment, he smell your tears falling on your cheeks and he felt bad. Because it wasn't your fault he has been on edge all day. Because he knew you were younger than him and it never seemed to be a problem until one of the lawyers pointed out how young and pretty you were to date someone like him.
How could you ever please her if you're blind.
"Baby... love... I'm so sorry" He says, pressing his fists against his eyes and then opening his arms "I'm so sorry, you don't, you don't deserve this. I'm– I've been better than this, you deserve better than this, my darling love, I'm an asshole"
"You are" You slowly say, letting him wrap his arms around your body "But I like you anyways"
"And I'm so lucky for that"
You nod, knowing he was in fact lucky you pulled out with this shit and you didn't leave the room immediately.
"You were being mean"
"I know, I know" He says, holding you closer to him and letting your body and his fall into the mattress. "I was just so mean to my pretty girl"
And since that, Matt made sure everything that could involve you in a fight was gone. Of course, you had the typical arguments a couple has, but you never kept them for too long. You were way too distracted and it wasn't like he wanted to keep the fight going. Not when you looked so pretty.
The first time he ever saw you mad, was so ridiculously cute, you always got mad about the bloody same thing, and Matthew couldn't take you seriously anymore.
"Why are you so f-stubborn?" You stop yourself at the curse word, and Matt smiled, knowing you're not one to curse. You were organizing both of your clothes in the closet "I always tell you the clothes go ordered by color, Matt" You cry and throw one of his shirt at him.
"Princess..." He starts, that's the pet name he choose to call you when he was about to correct something you said "How am I supposed to know that green and red are not the same?"
You're ready to yell at him again until it hits you, he can't really know. "It's imposible to get mad at you"
You pout, and he opens his arms while laughing. "C'mon, my pretty dumb girl"
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misshoneyimhome · 1 month
But with three of us, honey, it's a sideshow I William Nylander & Matthew Knies - Part two 🔥🌺⚡️
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Summary; A quote by Hector Urquhart goes "One man's rubbish may be another's treasure" - however, what happens, when the first man realises that it wasn't rubbish after all?
Other notes: Alrighty babes, so here's the continuation (yes, there will be a part three) of the threesome drama I've been imagining 🙃 And if you notice me alternating between the good guy and the bad guy, it's because I'm debating with myself along the way 😉 Anyway, I hope you still find it enjoyable 🤍
Tropes & Warnings; William Nylander x Matthew Knies x reader, Friends to lovers; jealousy; 18+ smut; fingering, protected penetrative sex (p in v); bloody nose, mild "fighting";
Word count; 6.2K+
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50 @findapenny @justwanderingbutneverlost @Fortheloveofnylander
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The game against the Tampa Bay Lightning turned out to be incredibly frustrating and verging on awful for the Leafs. They just didn’t perform at their best, and the Lightning quickly gained the upper hand. Only Auston’s power play goals offered a glimmer of hope for the team, but it was short-lived as they struggled to coordinate effectively.
And what was particularly evident to everyone, especially the team's coaching staff, was the lack of teamwork between players 88 and 23. So, as the game ended with a 4-1 loss for the Leafs, Coach Keefe wasted no time in pulling the two players aside in the corridor.
“I don’t know what the fuck is going on between you two… but whatever it is, you better fucking sort it out and stop behaving like spoiled kids.”
“Yes coach…” 
“Sorry, coach…”
It was a stern reprimand, but a necessary one. While neither player had intentionally avoided each other on the ice, their subconscious actions had influenced their performance, which was unacceptable at their level of play.
So, as they stood there in the Scotiabank Arena corridor, exchanging glances, they understood that they had to address the issue. Their focus had to be on the game, and no personal matters should interfere. However, putting this into practice would prove to be much easier said than done.
Once both lads had changed into their regular attire and left the locker room to greet the gathered family and friends, they purposefully avoided you. Not out of desire, but out of necessity.
You seemed to be a source of disruption for both of them, and at that moment, they needed to clear their minds and concentrate on hockey. With the playoffs looming closer, both of them had much to demonstrate.
And in truth, you didn’t mind the avoidance. You weren’t inclined to confront either of them, so the lingering silence among the three of you created a strangely calming atmosphere for the already lacklustre evening.
Even in the subsequent two days, there was minimal communication from both players, leaving you feeling somewhat unsettled. Unsure of the nature of their exchange, you contemplated initiating a conversation, but instead, you welcomed the drama-free days, immersing yourself in work and sidestepping your own conflicting emotions.
However, that all changed when you were picking up your favourite coffee at the quaint nearby café you frequented, and you turned around only to find William's handsome face before you.
“Willy,” you gasped, feeling a sense of déjà vu as if history were repeating itself with his unexpected appearance.
“Hey y/n,” he spoke softly, a charming smile playing on his lips.
“What are you doing here?” you asked tentatively, aware that this wasn’t exactly his usual haunt, though close enough for him to drop by easily.
William chuckled lightly, shrugging as he gestured towards his hands in his pockets. “Just passing by, taking the dogs for a walk,” he nodded towards the window, where you spotted Pablo and Banksy tied up outside, patiently awaiting their owner.
“Oh,” you simply replied, surprised by the slight prickle of disappointment that flickered in your heart.
“And... I sort of... was hoping to bump into you,” William admitted nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided meeting your gaze.
And just like that, the disappointment swiftly faded, replaced by a small smile that crept onto your lips. You couldn’t quite pinpoint why this moment held such significance for you, but seeing William here, making an effort to find you on a Tuesday before the match later, warmed something inside you.
“Oh,” you responded with a gentle smile, still standing amidst the quiet of the small coffee shop. Fortunately, there were few people around, given that it was just before the afternoon rush. “Why... why were you hoping to see me?” you asked softly, the curiosity evident in your voice.
“Well, uh... I mean... I think I just... I just wanted to apologise... for being distant and all...” William began, his tone hesitant as he tried to collect his thoughts and find the best way to express himself. Then taking a deep breath, he timidly continued, “Listen, y/n... I know you’ve started something with Kniesy, and... that you’re happy, but... I’ve come to realise that lately, I’ve just been missing you a lot, and, I know, it’s a pretty mad and shitty thing to do, but... I just know that I really like you  - and I’d hate myself if I didn’t tell you that… I guess I’m sort of... maybe, in love or something…” William released a heavy sigh of relief. “I’m not trying to come between you two, but... at least now you know... sorry.”
You couldn’t believe it. Was he truly serious right now? Just when you were finally making an effort to move on from him, to try and bury the wonderful moments you’d shared, he drops this bombshell.
Lost for words, your eyes nearly glistened as your mind waged an internal battle between wanting to punch him and wanting to kiss him. But instead, you remained still, managing only a soft voice.
“Yeah... this is a pretty shitty thing to do, Willy,” you said, mustering half a smile. “Where was all of this last year?”
“I’m sorry,” he repeated, his apology sincere. “I guess I was just so focused on hockey that... I didn’t want to risk, you know, feelings messing with it…” he admitted with another sigh. “But as it turns out, they did anyway... and now I fear I’ve lost you for good.”
You had to swallow hard as you noticed the sincerity in his eyes, and you couldn’t deny that his words made your heart sink in your chest. Taking a deep breath, you tried to find the best words to navigate this difficult situation.
“Willy, you could never lose me for good,” you whispered. “But... I didn’t need to see you with someone else to know I liked you... and now, I’m just worried that the only reason you feel this way is because of Kniesy…”
A part of you resisted believing that this was true, but you’d been hurt enough times before to know this seemed like the most likely explanation.
“Y/n, I swear... I mean, seeing you with him did make me realise it, but…” William struggled to find the right words. “It’s not about him... it’s about you. And the other night, when you called me because you were scared... it just hit me how much you really mean to me… But if you say you don’t feel anything for me and you want me to stay away…. Then I promise I will…”
Once again, you found yourself unable to reply, your breath caught in your throat as he left you breathless. His hold over you was a mystery, and you knew he was tearing you apart. Yet, your heart raced as his mesmerising eyes locked with yours and his smile erased all logic in an instant.
“Anyway… I just, uh... I guess I just wanted to tell you that… so, I’ll see you around…”
And with that, he left you in turmoil, your thoughts swirling as you remained breathless and undone. “Fuck...” you muttered under your breath as you watched him casually stroll away with his doodles by his side.
William Nylander had you completely captivated, and no amount of work could distract you from thoughts of him. His name and face seemed to follow you everywhere, whether on the street, social media, or the radio. And it made sense—he was a hockey star in Toronto, having one of the best seasons of his career, and naturally, he was receiving all the attention he deserved.
And every time you caught sight of his handsome Swedish face; a quiet ‘fuck’ would escape your lips.
But what truly caused the ache was the fact that your heart was torn in two, and you knew you had to confront it. Ignoring it wouldn't make it disappear, especially since both William and Matthew were part of your inner circle of friends, and you would soon see them both again.
And with the playoffs drawing nearer, the players' focus would soon be solely on that, and for good reason. While they had almost secured their spot to advance, the real challenge lay ahead.
So, as you headed to Matthew’s apartment on a fateful Friday evening for a casual dinner and a movie, your hidden agenda was to resolve things. At least within yourself. You knew you had feelings for him, but a part of you couldn’t let go of William either, and you didn’t want to be unfair to Matthew. In your mind, he deserved only the best, and right now, you couldn’t provide that.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a broad smile as he opened the front door, and immediately, you couldn’t help but return the smile. Despite rehearsing how you would approach the situation on your way there, he completely flipped the script as you stepped into his cosy apartment and saw that he had already prepared, or attempted to prepare, dinner. The dining table was set with a cloth and fake candle lights, almost like the most romantic gesture a man had ever made for you. And your heart swelled in that moment.
“Matts…” you breathed softly, wide-eyed, and breathless as you stood frozen in place. “You didn’t have to do this…”
You were taken aback. He was being so sweet that suddenly, all the rational thoughts about ending things slowly faded into the background of your mind.
“I know I didn’t…” Matthew chuckled lightly as he came to stand gently behind you, softly caressing your arms as he smoothly helped you out of your coat. “But I wanted to.”
Matthew Knies wasn’t particularly an expert about romance. In fact, he was a rather typical young boyish lad, with hockey and hanging out with his teammates occupying his thoughts. However, ever since you’d entered the picture, a small part of him wanted to explore the realm of romance. You seemed more mature, with your life seemingly in order and possessing a strong mind - and he wanted to impress you.
So, drawing from his limited experience in past relationships, he saw the chance to woo you in a way he believed William wouldn’t. Recognising that his Swedish teammate had already captured your affection with his sexual talents, charming personality, and grounded demeanour, Matthew decided to take a different approach. He thought that his own mix of youthful innocence yet mature demeanour could work in his favour—romantic gestures with a hint of flirtation.
And it was working.
As the evening slowly unfolded, you found yourself swiftly enchanted by Matthew's charm as you savoured the delightful dinner. Sure, perhaps the culinary skills could have been improved, but that wasn’t the crux of the matter. The important part of the evening lay in the effort Matthew had invested in it all.
And soon, both of you were immersed in hearty laughter, exchanging jokes and interests as you had done countless times before. In that very moment, he was the most important person in your life—someone with whom you could truly be yourself and unwind. His company required little social energy, and it suited you perfectly.
However, as you finished dining and began to clear the table together, what should have been a simple and innocent task took on a more sensual tone. With gentle touches as you manoeuvred around the small kitchen, occasionally brushing against each other and sharing giggles, it was inevitable that the movie night would carry a certain level of sexual tension. 
You tried to maintain your composure, really, you did. However, as Matthew tenderly enveloped you in his strong arm, drawing you nearer to his large, comforting frame while lounging on the sofa, you couldn’t resist the yearning inside you.
The memory of the pleasurable sensation of his lips was all too vivid, and soon enough, you found yourself back in his embrace, your mouths meeting as your fingers tangled in his hair and your tongues intertwined.
It was intense and brimming with desire as you straddled his lap, your body moving against his in a sensual rhythm as his hands explored your form.
Matthew was undeniably attractive, that much was certain. But this wasn’t part of the plan. You weren’t supposed to feel this exhilarated with his chest against yours, your hips moving against him as if your primal instincts had taken control.
No, you were supposed to end things. To explain to him that he deserved someone fully committed to him, not torn in two.
Yet, as you delved deeper into the passionate kiss, there was no room for such thoughts.
Instead, you were consumed by pleasure, gripping his brown locks tighter as he nibbled your lower lip and sighed softly into the kiss.
To be fair, this hadn’t been Matthew’s plan either. He had simply wanted to impress you with a romantic dinner. Yet he didn’t exactly protest when he felt you responding to him. In fact, he felt rather pleased about it, sensing your longing for him as much as he longed for you. Perhaps he had secretly hoped for this to happen, yet he didn’t want to get his hopes up too high, knowing you still had feelings for someone else.
But the moment your lips were locked in a passionate kiss, Matthew’s worries about William faded into insignificance, and his sole desire was for you.
The sensation of your body pressed against his surpassed anything he had imagined. And though he had experienced a glimpse of it before, tonight, he yearned for more, his hard member, evident in the bulge in his trousers, betrayed his most fervent desires.
The small living room was growing warmer with each passing moment, almost overwhelming you as your body yearned for more than just his lips. And when you finally pulled apart to catch your breath, your eyes locked in a lustful gaze, both exhaling deeply as you contemplated what would happen next.
You couldn’t resist the pull towards him. With your core throbbing between your legs and feeling his bulge pressing against you, you lacked the willpower to resist the situation.
And while Matthew took a moment to think it over as well before proceeding, there was no doubt about his desires.
So, summoning the courage, he had gathered from their romantic dinner, he gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as he spoke softly.
“Want to… go upstairs?”
His voice remained steady, devoid of any trace of insecurity, which only fuelled your desire for him. And with a soft smile and a teasing bite to your lower lip, you nodded, encouraging him to effortlessly lift you into his arms and carry you upstairs to his bedroom.
The touch of the younger hockey player was nothing short of exquisite. The way his lips lingered on yours as he eased you onto the mattress was pure bliss. His hands on your curves were both firm and gentle as he explored every contour, slowly undressing you.
In return, you took the initiative to remove his t-shirt, unbuckle his belt, and slide down his jeans. Matthew's physique was simply impressive. His toned torso resembled that of a Greek god, with broad shoulders and hips that were nothing short of captivating.
Likewise, he admired your body as you lounged before him in your underwear. The light blue lace complemented your skin beautifully, while your bra provided just the right amount of support without distorting the natural size of your breasts. Your hips formed a graceful curve, your thighs exuding strength. And as his gaze devoured every inch of you, he couldn't help but lick his lips in anticipation.
Then with a playful smirk, Matthew leaned in for a quick kiss before kneeling back and slowly pulling down your panties, revealing your core to him. And it was a delightful surprise for him to feel your wetness, as he wasted no time in stroking his thick fingers along your folds, preparing you for the pleasure to come.
And it felt good. A soft gasp then escaped your lips as Matthew allowed his fingers to gently penetrate you, stretching you slowly, while your toes curled into the sheets beneath you, and soft moans spilled from your lips as ecstasy washed over you.
The hockey player was utterly captivated by the array of expressions crossing your face as he skilfully massaged your inner walls, surprised by how much pleasure it brought him to please you. Yet, beneath it all, he felt a deeper longing to feel his own length buried within you. The mere sensation of his fingers enveloped by your tightness and warmth caused him to already drip with pre-cum in his boxers. So, with gentle care, he withdrew his fingers before discarding his final piece of clothing.
Matthew was a big boy, much as you had anticipated even before seeing him naked. And as you saw his long and thick member, hard and proud, you were relieved he had used his fingers first. In comparison to William, his proportions were likely similar in scale, but Matthew stood a little taller and broader, so his member naturally slightly larger.
Then rising from the mattress, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him as he carefully rolled a condom onto his shaft, your anticipation nearly palpable as you longed to be filled and stimulated. And fortunately, you didn’t have to wait long.
Drawing you into another kiss, Matthew reignited the fire between you, gently parting your legs as he removed your bra, his hands tenderly exploring your rounded breasts. Meanwhile, your fingers threaded through his hair as you pulled him in for a deeper kiss, the mutual longing for the final act palpable between you.
And then, a surge of confidence coursed through you. Biting his lip, you signalled for him to lie back, to which he complied. You weren’t typically the dominant type in bed, but given that Matthew entirely wasn’t either, at least not with you, you seized the opportunity to take control.
So, straddling his hips, you gently guided his cock between your folds, riding it a few times while supporting yourself on his chest. Then, with careful precision, you positioned the tip at your entrance and pressed it in slowly. Gasping, you allowed him to stretch you as you relied on your legs for support, sinking down a little before rising back up, repeating the motion until he was fully inside you.
“Oh, fuck, Matts,” you cried as he filled you completely. He was definitely bigger than William, although lacking the slight curve that would hit your sensitive spot every time.
But as soon as you had adjusted to his size, you gently began to rock your hips, his shaft sliding in and out of your moist cunt with each sensual movement.
Moans filled the room as pleasure engulfed both of you, Matthew's hands finding your hips for support as your tightness brought him a little closer to climax sooner than he expected. But he couldn’t resist the intense sensations. You felt incredible around him, and the faster you rode him, the louder his moans grew, and the nearer he came to the edge.
And it was gratifying to watch him pant beneath you, his eyes occasionally fluttering shut and his breath erratic as he struggled to maintain composure. You sensed his climax approaching, mirroring the impending arrival of your own.
So, with the orgasm building in your stomach, you increased your pace, your fingers digging into his chest while your breaths mimicked his—panting and gasping in unison.
Though it didn’t flow as smoothly and naturally as it had with William, it was still pleasurable. Matthew felt good inside you, and his physique was impressive. Yet, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. With William, there had been a sense of fluidity, effortlessly moving around and smiling as he brought you to climax.
With Matthew, it required more effort. You had to focus on riding him and bringing yourself closer to orgasm. Even his thumb on your clit didn’t quite get you there, and after a short while, you started to worry that you wouldn’t reach the peak you desired.
However, everything changed when Matthew grew more eager, suddenly flipping you over into missionary position. With his hands on either side of your head, he picked up a faster and harder pace, thrusting into you deeply.
And at this point, the intensity was overwhelming. His large cock overstimulated your walls as he pounded into you with quick and passionate motions. Your hands instinctively grasped the back of his shoulders, your legs wrapping around his lower back as euphoria consumed you entirely. Your eyes nearly rolled back in your head, your nails digging deep into his shoulder blades as your climax now quickly approached.
It was more fervent and eager than it had been with William, perhaps a bit less refined compared to the older hockey player's skill and experience, yet it felt surprisingly satisfying. Your moans were loud cries mixed with whines of pleasure, and you found your fingers digging deeper than you intended.
But in that moment, neither of you cared. Matthew's mind was entirely consumed by the intensity of the moment, his deep gasps punctuating each eager thrust as he knew he was nearing climax. Despite his desire for a more romantic encounter, your tightness around him was too much to resist.
And with a few final hard pounds, he let out a deep grunt as he released himself, thrusting one last time and pushing you over the edge as well. Loud moans, almost screams, filled the room as both of you reached your peaks, yet the rush of orgasm didn’t linger as long as it had after your encounters with William.
Stop it, you reminded yourself. You couldn’t keep comparing the two.
You had to push every thought of William out of your head as you slowly came down from the high, your mind emerging from the blur as Matthew gently withdrew from you. And despite feeling a twinge of guilt when Matthew returned from the bathroom and pulled you in for a cuddle on the warm, steamed mattress, you pushed it aside.
The fervent and intense sex had shifted back to the romantic and sweet atmosphere that had characterised the beginning of your evening, with Matthew turning to face you, gently stroking your features as he admired your beauty.
Lying on your sides, you let the soft moment linger, the scent of sweat and sex filling the bedroom as you simply enjoyed his tender touches and the comforting atmosphere. And though you had briefly felt guilty, Matthew had a knack for washing away all concerns. In his arms, you felt safe and content, and there was no reason to feel guilty about that. Especially not considering the outcome of your casual relationship with William Nylander, who, for the record, had been the one to avoid any progression into a more serious relationship, and then had the audacity to confess his feelings for you months later, when it was too late.
No, Matthew Knies was different. He was sweet, kind, gentle, and caring. He showed his emotions openly, despite the looming playoffs. He wasn’t afraid of love like William had been, and since you weren’t either, being with him felt incredibly fulfilling.
It should have been a no-brainer.
Matthew embodied everything desirable in a potential partner, despite his younger age. While he may have been slightly less mature, it wasn’t as pronounced as many would assume.
But William had left his mark on you so deeply. It felt as if he had poisoned your mind and heart, his influence spreading through your veins like venom. So, despite the comfort and warmth Matthew provided, you chose not to stay the night after your intimacy, as you reasoned with an early morning and the need for him to focus on the upcoming game. And though being with him felt incredible, you had to admit to yourself that your heart still wasn’t fully committed.
Naturally, he was disappointed, but he understood your reasoning. Part of him knew that the rational and sensible choice would be to let you go and simply focus on hockey and his career. Yet, as you left his apartment, a sense of emptiness lingered. It felt as though you were the missing piece in his otherwise hectic yet successful life.
As the morning skate approached, Matthew felt like a renewed person. The night with you had been nothing short of wonderful, and as he prepared for the game day, he couldn’t help but smile.
Matthew understood that you weren’t completely devoted to him, at least not yet. However, he was confident that you felt something for him, something deep and profound. In the time he had spent getting to know you, he had learned that you weren’t malicious or intentionally trying to hurt him. You were simply torn between two men you cared for deeply, unable to make a choice.
And he tried to empathise with your dilemma. While he wished you would declare that you had forgotten about his Swedish teammate, he recognised that pressuring you to make a decision would only exacerbate the situation. So, for now, he accepted the situation as it was. Even as he arrived at the training centre, his lips still curved in happiness, and his demeanour did not go unnoticed by his teammates.
“Woohooo,” Auston whistled. “You seem a little too happy over there, Kniesy!”
“What’s brought such a smile to your handsome face?” Gio added, joining in the laughter.
“Or more like who?” Max chimed in with a grin.
It was nothing but the typical banter among teammates that filled the locker room as they all undressed to change into their gear. However, something more profound caught their attention this time, prompting a need for answers.
"Whoa, hold up there, beasty!" Auston nearly shouted, noticing the scratch marks on his fellow Arizona teammate's back. "Who the fuck has been doing some artwork on you?"
"And more importantly," Max chuckled deeply, "what did you do to deserve it?"
Dark chuckles filled the room as more players gathered to admire the nail scratches left from your intense night with the forward the night before.
"Looks like someone got laid last night!" Reaves added with a loud, deep grin. "And who's the lucky girl?"
"Or guy?" Mitch playfully joked.
Matthew took a small breath, glancing over to the empty stall where William would have been sitting if he hadn't been perpetually late, before deciding to speak up. "Her name is y/n," he spoke proudly, perhaps slightly boasting, though it lacked the same satisfaction without William in the room.
"Wait, you mean Willy's y/n?" Auston raised a brow, a light grin playing on his lips.
"Well..." Matthew began to respond, but then Max interjected.
"Oh, she's not Willy's girl anymore, man! Did you see those marks? Seems like our freshman here really showed her what a real man can do!"
Matthew felt a twinge of embarrassment at the words, but it was quickly overshadowed by the pride he felt. He had given you a good time, and the marks you left showcased the pleasure he had provided you.
And he couldn’t help it as his eyes gleamed with pride and he chuckled along with the other players. However, as the door then swung open, the laughter faded into a subdued murmur as William walked in, fashionably late as usual.
"What?" he asked, noticing the not-so-subtle change in atmosphere.
But the boys simply muttered 'nothing' before returning to gearing up for practice before the crucial match. They all sensed it was better to keep things low-key before the match that could either propel them into the playoffs or have them fighting for a few more games.
And it almost worked, until the practice games had William and Matthew facing off on opposite teams.
Initially, it hadn’t been a problem. William had resolved to act maturely about the situation, acknowledging his own villain role in it and allowing you to make your own decisions about how you felt toward each of them.
But as training progressed and he and Matthew found themselves in continuous physical battles on the ice, tension began to mount. What started as friendly hockey banter, suddenly changed when Max couldn't keep his mouth shut, and the atmosphere shifted.
"Looks like Kniesy isn’t just stealing Willy’s girl – he’s also beating his ass on the ice!"
Those words set William's mind spinning. What did Max mean by that?
Yet trying to shake it off, the Swedish forward focused on the training match, but to his frustration, he missed a crucial opportunity for a goal.
“Fucking hell!” he shouted loudly, banging his stick against the boards in frustration.
“Hey,” Auston came over, lightly chuckling. “Just because Kniesy’s sleeping with your girl, you don’t need to take it out on your stick, man.”
It was meant to be nothing but a playful remark, a joke among teammates, but William didn’t find it amusing at all.
“What did you just say?” he asked with a serious tone, more serious than Auston had expected.
"We- well… you know… Kniesy and y/n…" Auston stuttered, realising he might have just sparked something more serious.
“They what?” William asked again, his tone stern as his eyes fixed on the smiling freshman on the ice.
Matthew hadn’t intended to taunt William about his success in winning over a girl, but as the Swede took to the ice once more, an urge within him rose to showcase his newfound confidence and dominance.
As the two players were positioned in front of each other, they were ready to face off. And that's when William couldn’t maintain his composure any longer.
“You slept with her?” His eyes bore deeply into his teammate's, who simply nodded.
“Last night,” Matthew confirmed, prompting William to nod, his throat tightening as he imagined his teammate's hands on you.
“Hmm…” he muttered under his breath, unsure of how to react.
But before he could respond further, Matthew, perhaps emboldened by his newfound confidence, spoke again. “Guess I won her after all.”
And those were the wrong words to utter in William’s presence. Straightening his back, he halted the game and skated closely to Matthew’s face. “She’s not a prize to be won.”
The Swede asserted his dominance over his teammate, causing everyone to pause and observe the unfolding confrontation.
“Come on, Willy,” Matthew huffed, giving his shorter teammate a little push. “You’re just angry because you were the one who treated her like shit... and now she doesn’t want to be with you.”
“Fuck you, Kniesy!” William shot back, but Matthew was ready to defend himself.
“Oh yeah? Well, she did!”
And this had William push back, both physically and verbally, relinquishing the control he had been determined to maintain.
“Well, at least I know I won’t always be her second choice!”
What transpired between the first punch and the two boys ending up in the locker room with ice packs on their faces and towels containing the blood streaming from their noses was a blur to most. It happened so quickly, both players taking swings at each other in a fight far more intense and serious than any on-ice altercation. The coaches naturally intervened, while Tavares and Morgan pulled them apart, and with Reaves and other players chuckling in the background.
It was a coincidence that you had been nearby, as Stephanie had invited you to join her and some of the girls for preparations in case the Leafs continued into the playoffs. But the joy you had felt among the girls froze when you heard what had happened at training, prompting you to swiftly make your way to the Ford Performance Center.
Walking through the halls, your heart pounded in your chest, uncertain of what to expect when you faced the two boys who had torn your heart in two and claimed a part each.
And as you entered the locker room, you couldn't help but mutter, "Shit…" under your breath. Yet, other than your soft curse, there was silence. The tension filled the air as the three of you stood and sat frozen, no one wanting to take the first step and potentially worsen the situation.
It was as if all three of you were silently expressing the guilt you felt toward one another. 
William for dismissing you and then trying to reclaim your deep feelings for him and acting aggressively toward his teammate. 
Matthew for attempting to win you over despite knowing your feelings for his teammate, and then wanting to boast about his success. 
And you, for leading Matthew on while being unable to let go of William, unwilling to accept that Matthew might be the better choice, yet not fully believing it, as William still held a grip on your heart.
It was anything but an easy situation. And sensing your inner panic, the turmoil you were feeling as he saw your concerned expression shifting between him and his teammate, William chose to be the one to act.
Rising from his seat, the Swede let out a deep sigh, his eyes meeting yours in a heartfelt gaze. And without a word, he decided to be the one to walk away. He didn’t want to be the cause of your pain anymore, so he stepped down.
“Willy…” you softly gasped as your heart felt like it was being ripped out of your chest, a tear forming in the corner of your eye as you followed his movement.
You were on the verge of breaking, tears pressing on, yet you managed to focus on controlling your breathing. In the corner of your eye, you noticed Matthew’s intense stare as he watched your reaction, curious to see whether you would stop William or let him go.
And as it turned out, William walked out of the locker room, leaving you alone with Matthew.
Your heart pounded faster than ever before; palms sweaty as a tear trailed down your cheek. Breathing felt almost impossible in the moment, and your mind, soul, and body felt torn apart. You had never expected a heartbreak to hurt this much, and never had you expected it would be William to be the one to cause it.
The air felt thick, and though a small part of you felt relieved that now you didn’t have to make the hard choice between them, another part didn’t want that to be the case. So, without even consciously acknowledging your next move, you suddenly found yourself moving out of your frozen position and making your way with fast steps out of the locker room, following William.
“Willy, wait!” you heard yourself shout. But he didn’t stop. Instead, he just kept on walking, so you picked up your pace. “Willy, please!”
“What for?” he suddenly responded, halting in the middle of the corridor as he turned to face you. He didn’t shout, yet his facial expression conveyed signs of defeat and hurt.
“Because I don’t want you to leave…” you tried to argue, but it came out vague.
“Of course, you do, y/n… you can’t choose between me and Kniesy, so I’m deciding for you…”
“Willy,” you softly cried. “Please don’t do this…”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re too important to me…”
“That’s not enough, y/n… I promised I’d stay away if you didn’t feel anything for me, so that’s what I’m doing…”
You held your breath for a moment, torn between your emotions and rationality. “But I do feel something for you, Willy…” you admitted softly under your breath.
And in a swift motion, William's hands cupped your face, as he pressed his lips onto yours.
It was the familiar warmth coursing through your body as you felt his touch once again. The intoxicating sensation had your mind in bliss as his mouth melted with yours, lips moving in perfect sync as your hands instinctively reached to palm his chest.
Time seemed to stand still. The world stopped turning as you connected with the one who had captured your heart from the start. And though a part of you wanted to feel guilty for leaving Matthew in the locker room, it slowly washed away under William’s touch.
And as you then pulled apart to catch your breath, you shared a tender moment of gazing into each other's eyes. William's thumb gently wiped away the tear that trailed down your cheek before you managed to flash him a timid and soft smile.
“Please don’t leave…” you whispered.
“I won’t…” he spoke gently in return.
There was another moment of silence as you stayed connected. 
“I’m so sorry, Willy…”
“I know,” he simply responded, gently placing a kiss on your forehead before pulling you into a tight hug. Your body immediately responded to his, wrapping your arms around his warm body as you relished your re-found connection.
“I’m in love with you…” you sobbed into his shirt, tightening your arms around him.
William let out a deep sigh as he held you close, finally feeling the happiness that only you could bring him. But then, pulling back slightly, he looked down at you with a soft, concerned expression.
“But you’re in love with him too…” he stated softly, finally acknowledging the truth of the situation.
And you could only nod in response. “I am…”
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Dream really do be having that previously neglected shelter dog rizz and y’all be putting him in Situations 😭. Please all I can see him doing is laying pathetically on the floor letting out occasional heaving sighs of sorrow as Hob just carefully steps over him (because Dream somehow always manages to be on the floor directly under where he’s about to step and Hob’s one more tumble away from just investing in a ceiling made of monkey bars).
So now all I can imagine is Dream post-divorce with Calliope (because let’s be real that man came out of the celestial womb divorced and mopey) who finds solace in Hob’s flat and Hob’s occasional attempts to heave him up both physically and emotionally. When Hob’s not frantically almost stepping on his dear friend and braining himself as a result, he’s just sort of resigned himself to the reality that Dream just kind of…lives on his floor now when he’s not in The Dreaming, so he’s like fuck it I’m just gonna keep going about my days. So Dream gets to watch Hob’s daily routines from a brand new perspective, maybe even catch a glimpse of Hob changing in his bedroom when he forgets (read: he did not forget) to close his door, and how he sings awfully in the shower, and loves burnt toast that’s practically char and makes Dream watch terrible human shows and movies all of a sudden Dream’s like oh no I’m in love with him
I just love the idea of Dream moping around looking like a lost dog caught out in the rain for so long that Hob just accepts him as a permanent fixture in the flat. He makes some room in the closet for all of Dream’s nonexistent clothes (he buys him some anyway), he gives him a cupboard in the kitchen and a drawer or two, he gets drunk and tells Dream about all his own failed relationships over the centuries. And when Hob finally snaps and tells Dream that he’s not unloveable and proves that to him by giving him a big sloppy drunk kiss, well Dream’s always wanted more than he’s got, and he can’t stop himself when he doesn’t let Hob pull away, hands gripping the thick meat of his upper thighs, teeth against teeth and gasping into each other’s mouths and suddenly Dream can’t even remember why he was so sad to begin with
I need you to know the phrase "shelter dog rizz" is sending me absolutely wheezing. Iconic.
And honestly? Yeah.
It takes a little while for Hob to get used to the man shaped creature who apparently now lives on the floor, but he figures that Dream has been Going Through Something for the last several thousand years so he probably deserves the opportunity to express his depressive episode in a relatively harmless way. He's still willing to talk to Hob, which is nice. Hob tells him about work and the pub and how he's in a hyperfixation over The Sims at the moment, which happens to him for a few week every year without fail. Dream sometimes talks about the goings on of his realm, and Matthew's shenanigans. A lot of the time he talks about how useless he feels and how, despite the fact that he ought not to feel fatigue at all, he's so tired.
Dream is surprisingly welcome company for Hob (who is lonely, though he would never ever dare to say that word to Dream again). Despite acting like a very strange rug, Dream is present and calming and when Hob lies down beside him on the floor, he feels absolutely peaceful.
Kissing Dream is absolutely the best drunken decision Hob has ever made (and there have been many). Dream melts against his body and the flicker of a smile starts in his eyes before finally quirking at the edge of his mouth.
Suddenly he's quite willing to spend less time on the floor... and more time in bed.
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undercoverrobotzombie · 6 months
Seduce me nation I have something new for us to think about
Okay so, yk that whole ‘I’m not a violent dog, I don’t know why I bite’ audio clip that’s been doing the rounds on tiktok recently, now we can very obviously relate this to Sam and his aggressive attitude n stuff, BUTT consider this; it’s better (well maybe not better but equally valid) for it to be associated with Matthew HEAR MEOWT, now I havnt played the game in a while so I may be getting a few things wrong but, the scene where (in matthews route ) when like everyone’s eating breakfast together and talking about when they got into fights and whatnot n sam brings up when Matthew totally murderised a bunch of imps who was making fun of his mother. Now, I may or may not be projecting a little or reaching but these are my headcanons okay🫵🏻 but I think it’s very possible that Matthew could have suppressed anger issues like given all his insecurities with others always helping him and people not seeing him as a man and people just generally babying him it must’ve been really frustrating and it’s not hard to believe that he’d snap every now and then, and like..ugh I could sit and talk about it for days but the long and short I’m trying to convey here is that he has anger issues, he’s normally happy go lucky and suddenly he just gets SO wound up he snaps, and it’s violent, and when he calms down and the adrenaline leaves he’s worried, he’s panicked and concerned that HE just did something so out of character for himself, he’s worried he’s becoming like his father. he’s not a violent person, he doesn’t know why he lashes out like that.
Please I pray the rest of you can see my vision PLEASEEEEE AGREE WITH MEEEE /lh
Anyways I’m so excited for the book all hail lady Diana!!
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mattsbella · 2 months
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“impossible” - matt sturniolo
୨୧ ₊˚•. ↳ pairings : matthew sturniolo x almira gomez (fem!oc)
—— ୨୧ ₊˚•. ↳ warnings : angst, fluff, maybe smut…..?
୨୧ ₊˚•. ↳ summary :
ALMIRA GOMEZ had been a fan of the triplets ever since they started, coincidentally she also lived in boston, but in cambridge. she was posting on instagram once when the MATT STURNIOLO noticed her post, also posting pictures with the same caption. is it impossible for these two to get together?
chapter 001
“little baby”
social media, irl, messages
it was a normal day for almira, coming back from college and into her families apartment. she greets her two dogs as she walks in the front door and goes to her room after eating dinner and talking with her mom.
after she finishes her studies and revised she goes on her phone and on her fanpage, casually liking posts and commenting, then she has an idea to post a photo of matt in chicago in the snow with a vert special caption.
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liked by matthew.sturniolo, shpk.naze, and 156 more
mattspinkshirt hes such a little baby
she really didint think much about it and just went to sleep after it.
8:47AM wednesday morning
almira wakes up to her phone absolutely blowing up, she rubs her eyes and goes on her phone to see what has happened, the second she opened her messages from her bestfriend she was shocked.
——— MESSAGES ———
nazeera 🩷
almira you literally got fucking quoted by matt
her jaw drops, what the fuck is she talking about? she goes onto instagram to check is matt posted anything or commented anything.
on the post one of the comments said
@matthew.sturniolo | How am I a little baby..?
she was beyond shocked, and was genuinely about to jump off of her balcony after what she saw he posted.
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liked by nicolassturniolo, mattspinkshirt and 167819 more
matthew.sturniolo guess im a little baby now?
↳ Matt what is this caption lil bro
↳ Almiras gonna love this shit
↳ ALMIRA GETTING NOTICED BY MATT 2023???????,,??????????
↳ matt ill get on my knees and beg please delete thsi.
↳ @matthew.sturniolo Nopeee
↳ @mattspolitank Lujti qyqja
——— MESSAGES ———
nazeera 🩷
nazeera 🩷
Why am I a little baby?
shut up
You talk to all you favourites like this or what?
Love your username btw.
Hi this is Almiras bsf nazeera, shes currently screaming so give me a bout give or take 5 minutes…
I’ll wait for her, but it’s not like im killing her…?
“nazeera, i am not fucking okay, THE MATT STURNIOLO just told me he would wait for me.” almira says while she is sat criss cross on her bed with nazeera.
“you will manage… im sure.?” nazeera says as she sees almira scream once again in her pillow. kicking and giggling her feet.
“also he fucking realised my username, MY FUCKING USERNAME, im going crazy im so embarrased” almira says while shaking her best friends shoulders
“alright calm down” nazeera says as she giggles calming her down.
as almira is revising for college, she gets a notification from instagram, low and behold, it was matt. she gasped slapping her hand on her mouth and wheeling out of her desk.
“what the actual fuck is wrong with him?” she whispers to herself as she opens her messages on instagram.
Whats your main ig I wanna see you???
You’re acting like I will kill you…
I can’t have my favourite fan die 😔😔😔😔
Wait you’re in cambridge? Thats like 20 minutes away from me..
yes i am you stalker bitch 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
My first bitch omg 😩🥰
🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 fuck awfff
But still, send me you’re main I wanna see you.
its @almira.gomez……..
Thanks sweetheart.
what did u
you did not just call me that
Is it bad? No?
i love it dont worry 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Lotta hearts, but you’re pretty.
imma need a minute.
*screams her lungs out 😩😩😩😩😩*
Bro just roleplayed.
💋💋💋💋💋 till the next 😝🐆🐆
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olympeline · 3 months
FrUK FACE family Parent Trap AU, part 5! Part 1
Last time we left off with Alfred and Mattie going home with their other dad and Francis and Arthur none the wiser about the son switcheroo. Let’s see what happens on the Francis and Alfred side first:
During the drive to the Bonnefoy residence, Alfred has a hard time keeping a lid on his gregarious personality and playing his part as Mattie. Acting calm and sweet is so difficult when he’s desperate to talk and talk and talk and ask Francis a million questions and get to know him! It’s a struggle, I tell ya hwat. His French holds up well, though. Francis notices “Matthew” has picked up a bit of an accent, but chalks it up to his time spent at camp. Mr. Kumajiro barks all the way home until Alfred secretly feeds him some sticky jerky he got on the plane. Then Mr. Kumajiro calms down. This little pupper may be mysterious and not Mattie, but he seems alright even so. Alfred is delighted to have a dog. He’s always wanted one and now he gets to borrow Mr. Kumajiro. Lucky! Mr. Kumajiro doesn’t just get jerky but also plenty of pets on the way home.
As I mentioned earlier, the FACE family came to Quebec for an opportunity to grow Francis’s fashion business. And grow it did. Oh boy, didn’t it just! Alfred’s jaw hits the floor when he sees the size of Francis and Mattie’s house. The Kirklands aren’t poor - Arthur makes a good living as a journalist and from his books - but their apartment in NYC is nothing like this! This place is practically a mansion! And it’s not just the house but the land around it, too. There’s so much space, so much room to explore, run around with Mr. Kumajiro, and play sports! Alfred is in heaven.
He wants to go and check out the house and charge around the backyard there and then, but Francis asks him if he’d like to help him make dinner? Alfred says yes and is embarrassed at how shy he suddenly feels doing so. Alfred Kirkland is not used to feeling shy. It’s almost a foreign emotion for him and shaking it off isn’t easy. Alfred is annoyed to discover he feels shyer of Francis Bonnefoy than he ever has of anyone in his life. At least it helps in his Mattie impression, lol.
He follows Francis into their kitchen (wow! Super shiny and deluxe and no char marks! - thinks Alfred) and they chat as Francis prepares a meal and Alfred helps. He isn’t as culinarily crippled as Arthur but Francis is still surprised at how clumsily “Matthew” handles the prep. But he brushes it off. Camp was the first time Mattie was away from home longer than a few days. Being a little out of character is normal after an experience like that. They finish without major incident and sit down to eat. Alfred is distracted when he takes his first bite and oh maaaan! Instant food heaven! Bliss and angel choirs! Matthew told Alfred his (their! Their! :D) papa was a great cook, but Alfred sees now that was an understatement! Francis is obviously some kind of food superhero genius person! It’s all he can do not to wolf down the plate like a starving, well, wolf.
Francis asks Alfred how the food was at camp? Alfred tells him it was okay but nothing like this. This is so good! Francis is a pleased but a little taken aback at Alfred’s enthusiasm. Mattie is used to Francis’s cooking so it doesn’t get such a big reaction from him, though he’s always polite. They get into a conversation about cooking and proper nutrition. At first, Francis is passionate and flamboyant but then he looks wistful. Just for a moment, just for a moment after Alfred talks about junk food vs. home cooked and Francis says anyone can cook if they take the time to practice. It’s just a matter of following a recipe and choosing quality ingredients. Anyone can do it if they just…practice.
A fleeting look. Just for a moment. Then it’s gone.
Alfred didn’t miss it. And it’s a look he’s seen before, many times, but not from Francis. Heart skipping, he asks Francis if that’s really true. Did he ever know anyone who couldn’t cook no matter how hard he - they - tried?
Francis pauses and gives him an odd look. Alfred is afraid he’s messed up and said too much, but then Francis just smiles and brushes it off again. He asks if Alfred wants his dessert now? Francis already made creme brulee that morning. Alfred sees his other dad dodge the question like a pro, but decides not to pursue it. He doesn’t want to make him suspicious and blow their cover.
It’s proved one thing, at least, thinks Alfred as he digs into the creme brulee like a starving man. Mattie was right: Francis hasn’t forgotten Arthur. Not even after all this time.
“Bon?” Asks Francis as he sees his son grin into his dessert. “I tweaked the recipe again. Changed the white and golden sugar ratios. You like it?”
“Oh, yeah,” Alfred looks up with a big smile. “I really do!”
Francis is again pleased but a little taken aback at the level of enthusiasm. He’s not complaining, though. The entire point of sending his boy to camp was to help Mattie come out of his shell. Seems it worked out better than Francis hoped. Then Mattie’s “Uncle Gil” turns up unannounced (as he often does), bursts in and pounces on Alfred for a hug and a noogie. Gilbert Beilschmidt: ex-marine and local eccentric extraordinaire. Matthew told Alfred about Gilbert - who isn’t really his their uncle by blood, but rather one of Francis’s friends and Mattie has called him that since he was a baby - and Alfred couldn’t wait to meet him after some of Mattie’s stories. Crashing a parade float into a local swimming pool (don’t ask), running for mayor in assless chaps (don’t ask), building his own race cars with rockets and testing them out on the same route as the parade float (please, please don’t ask)? Guy sounds crazy awesome!
“Hey, kaulquappe! Welcome home!” Says uncle Gil as he almost scalps Alfred with his noogie. “How was camp? You show those yanky bastards who’s boss?”
“Yeah, sure!” Alfred laughs, ignoring the jibe. “You bet!”
“Haha, nice! Say…you look kinda different. Don’t you think, Fran?”
Alfred goes cold, but Francis smiles again and says:
“He’s had his hair cut. And his ear pierced. Tres chic!”
“Oh, yeaaah!” Says Gilbert. “Looks sick! Nice one, kid. Fight the power!”
Alfred hadn’t realised Francis noticed his earring already. He’s surprised that Francis seems totally cool with “Matthew’s” new look. A big contrast to Arthur, who scolded and nagged Alfred for a week when he came home with his new piercing. Then attacked Alfred’s ear with antiseptic swabs for two weeks. But Francis is obviously different. Very different.
Alfred likes Francis already. He watches him over Gilbert’s shoulder and feels joy and excitement bubble up in his belly.
He’s here now, and he has a once in a lifetime chance to get to know his papa better.
You better believe Alfred F. Kirkland is going to make the most of every minute!
(Stay tuned for part 6, where we’ll check in on Arthur and Mattie (´ε` )♡)
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sunflowersandsapphires · 10 months
Set Heaven on Fire
Wake Up, Chapter 7
Series Masterlist           Next Chapter
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: In an attempt to stop the advances of an unwanted suitor, Matt Murdock accidentally condemns you to being his fake girlfriend.
warnings: implied non-con/sexual assault, misogynistic language, swearing, angst
a/n: I feel really unsure about this chapter so PLEASE like, comment, and/or reblog to tell me you like it! Some angst (before the hurt) before the fluff. 
w/c: 3.3k
A heather gray pea coat passed through your peripheral vision and the sight, combined with the wafts of that deep sticky cologne, made you catch your breath. 
Told you that I’d come for you, Princess. 
Eyes darting around wildly, you meekly shuffled forward in line, inching closer to the hotel employee who looked as frantic as you felt. Breathing as deeply as you could, you tried to calm your stuttering heart. Why did I ever agree to this?? What if he’s here?
You and Matt were currently checking in at the venue of the annual Criminal Law Conference. A conference that you normally wouldn’t attend—especially since you were approaching a year as volunteer coordinator and thus the anniversary of the internal investigation that had ended so poorly—but this event was a rather intimate affair and attendees were encouraged to bring their partners. Matt had practically begged you to come, and you were not immune to his signature puppy dog eyes. According to him and Foggy, there were educational sessions and discussion forums during the day, but prestigious networking events at night—similar to the gala you'd attended together so long ago. You couldn’t help but shudder at the memory of that dreadful night.  
Two strong arms wrapped around your waist, tugging you into a solid chest. With a small squeak, you allowed yourself to fall against the warm body behind you.
“Breathe, sweet girl.” The deep rumble spilled from Matthew Murdock’s lips, giving you a point of focus. You dutifully obeyed his instructions, inhaling a strong breath and letting it out slowly. 
“That’s my good girl,” Matt purred, warming your body with his subtle flirt. “What’s got you so worked up, angel?” You could feel the eyes of the other attorneys in line falling on the pair of you. 
“Dunno.” You murmured in response, shifting in his arms so you could bury your face in his neck to hide from the crowd’s collective gaze. “I just…thought I saw someone.” 
“Snyder?” Matt’s brow pinched as he took his focus off of you for a moment to search for any sign of the crone. 
“Uh, yah.” You whispered, but your heartbeat stumbled. Why were you lying? Who had you thought you’d seen? Was it just a cover because he was the one making you nervous? Oh god, he was totally making you nervous. 
“The line is moving again.” Your quiet, anxious voice cascaded over him once more and he decided to drop the inquiry, for now. You didn’t seem to be in a great headspace for an interrogation. 
“Thanks, angel. Guide me?” He gave a pronounced pout, coupled with his aforementioned puppy dog eyes, hoping the expression would lighten your mood. It seemed to work marginally as he heard the small smile in your sweet voice as you spoke again. 
“Always, love.” You carefully untangled yourself from his grasp, sliding his left hand to the crook of your right elbow. The two of you moved forward with the crowd, your place in line just shy of the front desk at this point. 
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“412, 414, 416. We’re in this room here. Hold my bag for a second?” You waited for Matt’s nod before handing over your suitcase so that you could insert the key card in the door. 
Once inside, and away from the prying eyes of your colleagues, you felt the tension seep out of your body. Matt’s hand slipped from your arm, making you frown. He walked into the room ahead of you. 
“Sorry for all the PDA back there, everyone was looking so I…” His voice was soft, almost nervous. 
Sitting on the bed, he removed his glasses and nervously rubbed at his face. 
“That’s not what made me anxious, Matty. I promise.” You plopped down next to him, leaning onto his shoulder. With one hand on the small of his back, you nudged his chin with a single finger so that your foreheads could rest against each other.
“You’re sure?” The undercurrent of fear in his tone didn’t go unnoticed. Matt’s self-doubt didn’t rear its head often around you at the beginning of your pretend relationship, but, as he began to trust you implicitly, he couldn’t quite keep his personal demons at bay. Thankfully, you were more than willing to reassure him when his worries surfaced. 
“Absolutely certain, darling. You know that I get stressed in crowds. Besides, I could never complain about being held by the Matthew Murdock. Do you know how many women would kill for that opportunity?” You poked his cheek, making him smile. 
The lawyer blushed, ducking his head with a small grin. You grinned at him in return. “It’s true. They’re practically lining up just to catch a meager glance from you.” 
Matt snickered. “I don’t know about lining up…”
You looked at him, face softening. “I’m very lucky to have a fake boyfriend like you, darling. I think about that a lot.” Your heart rate picked up as Matt moved closer. 
“You think about me a lot?” Matt’s eyes were dancing with heated mirth and it sent a jolt straight to your core. 
Heat rose in your face as Matt pressed in closer to you, slowly pushing you onto your back and boxing you in with his huge arms. 
“So what if I do, Matty?” Biting your lip, you internally cringed at how wobbly your attempted flirt sounded. 
“Don’t get shy on me now, sweetness.” Matt rolled off of you, frowning, settling on his side next to you. Your heart fell as he distanced himself, as if you’d expected him to tear you apart right there on that bed. 
Recovering your dignity as well as you could, you nestled yourself against the pillows with a sigh. “Speaking of me being shy, could we, um, talk about something later? About us?” 
As if a switch had been flipped, Matt’s body stiffened next to you, his blank eyes growing wide and his demeanor becoming gruff. “Can it wait until after tonight?”
Your heart sank at his reaction. “Of-of course, Matty. How long until I have to put my game face on?”
“Well, there’s a social thing in a couple hours or so, but we do not need to stay long.” Matt’s voice was almost…stern?
Something about his new mood set you on edge. You’d been trying to be more physically affectionate with him in place of outright confessing your feelings. (Every time you thought about admitting how much you liked him, your throat felt like it was closing up, so you had avoided the topic until this moment.) 
Had you been making Matt uncomfortable? Since you’d gotten here, he just seemed…off. The brief flirting session had indicated to you that it was just nerves because of his peers, but now you weren’t so sure. You shuffled around on the bed uneasily, deciding on your next move. 
“Oh, ok. I’ll get ready then.” Your voice was timid as you slid off the bed. Padding into the pristine bathroom, you turned the shower on before letting your eyes fill with tears. He doesn’t want you. He never will. 
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Matt’s chest clenched as he smelled salt on the stale air of the hotel room. You were crying in the bathroom, barely 10 feet away from him and yet he was entirely powerless. The sound of your heart rate rising as your body exuded anxiety taunted him relentlessly. 
After talking with Foggy and Karen a few weeks ago, he’d been trying to muster up the courage to ask you out properly. Until today, he’d even had hope that you’d be excited to be in a more legitimate relationship with him—clearly his friends were mistaken. His presence did nothing but drive your vitals through the roof but he wasn’t willing to let you go just yet. 
He’d tried to find the spark that had been there during your first kiss a few weeks ago, but the shakiness in your sweet little voice clearly signaled fear. You didn’t want to do this with him anymore. 
That was what you’d wanted to talk to him about, right? It had to be. “About us?” Your soft wavering voice had crushed him. He’d been waiting for this specific shoe to drop for weeks, but the waves of shock and hurt hit him like a bus anyway. 
Emotion welled up in his throat and he swallowed painfully, trying to hold back the roiling storm in his chest. It was cruel to keep you here with him if you didn’t want to be. Tonight, he’d set you free. 
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Fidgeting with the strands of your wet hair, you let out a sigh. Your eyes were bloodshot to the point that you were concerned makeup wouldn’t be able to hide the fact that you’d been crying. An anxiety-inducing cherry on top of the shitty day you’d ended up having. 
A quiet knock on the door drew a small squeak out of you. “Yah?” 
“Hey, uh, you don’t need to come tonight, sweetness. You’ve done enough. Don’t want to force you.” 
Tilting your head in confusion, you peeled the door open to reveal a formally dressed Matt, glasses obscuring his stony gaze. 
“You…you don’t want me to come?” You whispered, throat closing up while your heart pounded. 
“It’s not that I don’t want you there, I just—“
“Did I do something wrong?” You desperately searched Matt’s face for any indicator that he was lying, his sweet self trying to spare you anxiety or something. 
“No, of course not, I didn’t mean—“ 
“Then what did you mean, Matt? I must’ve done something, you’re clearly upset!” You were almost angry now. After everything the two of you had been through and suddenly you having feelings was a deal breaker? Like you just couldn’t help yourself around him anymore?
“You just don’t need to be there, so I’m not going to force you—“
“Force me? Where is this coming from, Matt? Is this because of what I said earlier? About wanting to talk? Because we don’t have to, we can just—“
“Just what, keep pretending to be in love with each other? Kissing and holding hands and bantering like one of us isn’t going to get attached? That’s not fair to either of us.” Matt was yelling now, fists clenched. 
“I—I didn’t know you felt this way about someone getting attached. I wouldn’t have said anything, I—“
“Yeah because that would’ve solved everything, right? Just lying to my face until I didn’t need you anymore?” Jaw set with rage, you realized you weren’t looking at Matt Murdock, but the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 
“Matt—“ You tried to reason with the raging force in front of you, but he was having none of it. 
“Go home,” Matt growled your name in a way that made you flinch. “I shouldn’t have asked you to come. I’m sorry.” With one last angry murmur, he straightened his tie and disappeared through the room’s door, leaving you to crumble to the floor with a new flow of sobs. How had tonight unraveled so quickly? 
Breathing eventually falling into a controllable rhythm, you hastily wiped at your face and set off on wobbly legs to grab your suitcase. Shooting a text to Marci to let her know that you had tried to confess your feelings and it ended up being a huge mistake, you steeled yourself before turning your back on the room you’d planned on sharing with the man you had feelings for. 
Whipping open the door, you kept your head down and took a step toward the elevators, running head first into Beatrice Snyder. 
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Matt’s jaw was painfully clenched by the time he reached the ballroom. He’d commit a litany of sins in his life, but there was no doubt in his mind that he would be damned for what he did to you tonight. While it was not your fault that you didn’t return his feelings, his hurt quickly turned to anger. 
Anger was familiar. Anger was safe. Rejection wasn’t. 
Stepping over to the bar, he failed to return the bartender’s smile and polite tone. “Whiskey, double.” 
Downing the glass the moment it was set in front of him, he slammed it back to the bar top. “Refill.” Then, remembering his manners, “Please.” 
Feeling a presence over his shoulder, he cursed his cruel God for letting Foggy find him before he was sufficiently wasted. 
“Going a little hard for a work event, eh Murdock?” Foggy’s chuckle was humorless and a bit nervous as he gave his friend a once-over. “Where’s your better half?” 
“Gone. Sent her home.” Matt downed the second glass of liquor, refusing to let down his guard again tonight. 
“And as obvious as it is that you’re having a great time on your own, why, pray tell, did you do that?” Foggy’s tone was level, but Matt could hear his frustration simmering beneath the surface. 
“She knows, Fog. I don’t know how but she knows that I like her. And she doesn’t feel the same way. So I didn’t see the point of fooling myself any longer. It wasn’t fair to her.” 
“Matt, bud—“ Foggy reached for Matt’s arm but he jerked away from the offered touch. 
“What, Fog? Can you honestly tell me that any of this has been kind to her? I know you expected this to become real at some point, but clearly that’s not going to happen. I think we both just need some time.” The thought of being apart from you was excruciating, but he’d dug this grave himself. 
“Did she say that? Matt, what on earth—“ Foggy was clearly about to chew him out, but someone else beat him to it. 
“Murdock, I have a bone to pick with you!” Marci’s voice was angry and loud, sending a spike of pain through Matt’s pounding eardrums. 
“Babe, maybe it’s best if we—“ Foggy placated, his hands raised in surrender and Marci stormed towards the bar. 
“Save it, Foggy Bear. Matthew Motherfucking Murdock what the fuck did you do?” A well-manicured hand shoved Matt’s chest and, while he would’ve been able to stop it, he took the punishment in stride. It was nowhere close to what he deserved. 
“You’re going to need to be more specific.” Matt remarked drily. 
“Oh, spare me your attitude. You seriously blew up on her because she likes you? How goddamn childish. After everything she’s done for you—“ 
“Wait, what?” Matt and Foggy spoke in unison, brows furrowing in tandem. 
“Let’s drop the innocent act, ok, it’s not a good look. If you didn’t feel the same way, you could have let her down easy instead of blowing up on her and leaving her alone.” Marci rolled her eyes, waving down the bartender. 
“I didn’t—“ Matt’s chest felt tight. It wasn’t possible, you’d seemed so nervous around him. You’d lied to him about the reason. 
“Marce, I think there’s been a misunderstanding. Matt, care to shed some light on that?” Crossing his arms, Foggy turned back to his legal partner with a raised brow. 
“I—I thought she was tired of pretending. She said she wanted to talk and she’s been jumpy all day, I assumed she wanted to ‘break up’” Matt didn’t realize how pathetic that explanation was until saying it out loud. 
“Oh my god, you kicked her out and you didn’t even know what she wanted to talk about!? Murdock of all the idiots—“ Foggy was overtly upset now, anger bleeding into his words. 
“I know, Fog. I fucked up. Shit, I have to go find her.” Dread was washing over his body like sub zero water. What the fuck had he done. 
“Yah, man. You do. And I’d hurry.” 
Matt clasped Foggy’s shoulder, making a beeline for the exit. 
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Beatrice Snyder smiled at you like a feral cat snarling at its prey. Your name rolled off her tongue like a drop of poison onto your skin. 
“So nice to see you again, dear. Where’s your handsome boyfriend?” 
“And you’re leaving without him? Aw, you poor thing. What happened, did the two of you have a lover’s quarrel? Don’t tell me you broke up!” Her manicured hand fell over her heart in a gesture of mock horror. 
“No, he just—“ You started. 
“No need to explain yourself to me, dear,” The cruel woman  spat the term of endearment at you. “You've clearly been through enough already.” Her eyes hardened with judgement. 
A deep voice cleared their throat behind you and all of the hair on your neck stood up. 
Notes of tobacco and bourbon mingled poorly on the air around you, accelerating your nausea. Please do not let this be happening. Please, someone, anyone don’t let it be him. 
“Ah, yes. How rude of me. I should introduce you to the new associate attorney at HCB: James Lannister.” Snyder bared her fangs at you again, gesturing to a force behind you. 
You were going to be sick. The walls were closing in around you. Your body froze, petrified with horror as a gnarled hand crept over your shoulder. 
“It’s been too long, little Princess. You’ve looked better.” James Lannister strode around you, his piercing gray eyes lingering on your body, making your stomach churn. Your nightmares had immortalized him—with his greasy blond hair and broad, towering frame. His smile revealed inhumanly white teeth and a dangerous glint in his eyes. Your mouth felt like it was welded shut, your tongue a chunk of solid lead that was slowly choking you. “Nothing to say to me, huh? No apology?”
Fingers clenching around the handle of your suitcase, you took a step backwards in lieu of a response. Lannister’s wandering hands snatched your arm in a vice grip. “I think you and I need to have a little chat, Princess.” Snyder grinned as he began to drag you towards the stairwell, your suitcase falling to the carpet of the hallway with an inaudible thunk.
“Karma’s a bitch, dear. I’d better get downstairs, I’m sure Matthew would love to know what his sweet little thing is up to when he’s not around to keep her in line.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes again at the thought of poor Matt, who already hated you, being subjected to Snyder’s falsehoods. “Please, I’ll do whatever you want, just leave him alone!” Snyder ignored you as Lannister cackled. 
“Aw, the little whore found someone else she cares about, did she?” You were sobbing now, struggling against his humongous strength, weakly battering him with your fists as you tried to run after Snyder. “Shut up, you vile slut. She can’t help you. You’re my gift for joining the firm.” His rough fingertip traced a line over your jaw and you flinched backward as far as you could. 
Pulling your arm downwards as hard as you could, you broke free of his grip and stumbled back up the cement stairs, crying out as you rolled your ankle in your haste to escape. Throwing you down to the nearest landing, Lannister snarled. “That’s it, you little bitch.” Ripping a handgun from his back pocket, he pulled back the hammer and aimed at your pounding head. “Another peep out of you and you’ll never see him again. Get up.” 
The floor felt liquid beneath you as your unsteady legs found their way into a standing position. You raised your hands, terrified into submission once again. 
The pair of you made your way down to the ground level and out through a back door, where two other men dressed in suits were waiting. They grinned their sharp teeth at you, zip tying your hands together and stuffing a gag in your mouth. Hurling you into a waiting van, Lannister snickered. “Tonight I get pay back, Princess. It’ll be just like old times, you’ll see.” 
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Taglist: @maladaptivedaydreamingbum @scoliobean @harperdoodle @mattkinsella @leikelle @sweetbee0108 @dark-night-sky-99 @fallen-angels2213 @will-delete-this-later-probably @cheshirecat484 @thornbushrose @vernon-dursley
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caffeinated-beverage · 2 months
CanLiet please ^^
Sleep headcanon, sad headcanon, happy headcanon, sex headcanon, bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon, romantic headcanon, family headcanon, friendship headcanon and quirks/hobbies headcanon
☾ - sleep headcanon: As you know, Ąžuolas is prone to trauma-induced nightmares & night terrors, and waking up in the middle of the night in a panic. Matthew tries to console them when he notices they're having a nightmare by speaking to them calmly, but not waking them. He has also noticed the time he usually has his night terrors, and tries to wake him up shortly before that time. And when Ąžuolas wakes up panicked from his trauma nightmare, he tries to console him by speaking to him calmly and trying to get him to do square breathing. And once he calms down enough, he might get him some coffee (caffeine doesn't give Ąžuolas energy, it just makes them calm LOL (theyll still be able to sleep afterwards)) & cuddles, until he goes back to sleep.
★ - sad headcanon: When Ąžuolas is sad, Matthew makes them their favorite hot chocolate: extra thicc, with no toppings. Basically just liquid chocolate. And then he cuddles with him. And when Matthew is sad, Ąžuolas makes brownies and watches anime with him.
☆ - happy headcanon: An example of a time they were both happy, was this one day when Ąžuolas was spending time at Matthew's house in winter, and it was very very snowy outside. And, while they were both out in the snow (along with Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, Pupa), Ąžuolas sneakily balled up a snowball, and chucked it at Matthew, hitting him riGHT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD (don't worry, there were no rocks, and it really didn't hurt LOL). And so, Matthew turned around with a smile on his face and said, “Oh, so it's like that then??”. Ąžuolas ran away from Matthew, laughing their ass off as he bombarded them with snowballs, and Pupa barked and tried to catch & eat the snowballs Matthew was chucking at them. Their snowball fight here lasted a loooong long time, until Matthew said “okay, okay, enough, I'm getting chilled now” and headed inside, Ąžuolas following him indoors to chill for the rest of the day. And ofc, Pupa insisted on staying out in the snow for the rest of the day, but they eventually got her to come inside when it became night.
✿ - Sex headcanon: (TW NSFW) Ąžuolas is a bottom, and Matthew is a switch. 
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Matthew was very open to letting Pupa (Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, remember?) snuggle on the bed with them at night & sleep there with them. Spoiled dog xD Matthew even agrees to let Pupa sit/lie down on the couch, chairs, etc., despite how massive she is, because she's just such a cute & sweet girl, and deserves to be spoiled like that lol 
Pupa spends a lot of time curled up in front of the fireplace tho
♡ - romantic headcanon: They both prefer to have a comfortable date at home, both of them in their pajamas, and watching a movie together on the couch; just Ąžuolas, Matthew, and Pupa. They do also go out for dates, sometimes; usually a casual one, though. Like, for example, spending time at the park, feeding bread to ducks, going for a swim together, going to the movie theatre, etc.
♥ - family headcanon: While Ąžuolas DOES want kids, Ąžuolas isn't ready to bring that up yet, and Matthew isn't ready to have kids yet, either. So, for now, they just have Pupa ^_^
☮ - friendship headcanon: Back when they were just friends, they both were crushing on each other soooo hard for a while, before Ąžuolas gathered the courage to confess to him. Ąžuolas nearly VOMITED from nervousness & was sweating like a pig, but Matthew gave him a big hug & confessed to him that he felt the same. Ąžuolas cried all over his shirt for a while, and they soon scheduled when & where their first date should be.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: Matthew's main hobbies are cooking, baking, and gardening. Ąžuolas’ main hobbies are cooking/baking, herbology, & mycology. Also, I'm sure you know this since I am p sure I have mentioned it a few times, but Ąžuolas is autistic. Ąžuolas’ special interests/hyperfixations are herbology, mycology, & basketball. He doesn't play professional basketball tho, but he likes to play hobby basketball sometimes, and loves to watch basketball on tv, and play basketball video games, which he's got a collection of rn! 
My headcanon for my Canada is that he is neurotypical btw, but he is still very understanding & supportive of Ąžuolas! Esp because Matthew is a licensed therapist himself, and imo, a licensed therapist SHOULD KNOW these things 😤
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austronauts · 2 years
the best way to bully (affectionate) nhl players
u know when u like a player so much ur like “it’s no longer enough to stan him from afar. i want to bully him and make him cry”  well, i have made an easy-to-follow wikihow tutorial. ur welcome.
mitch marner: 
hit him with the classic older sibling-patented Silent Treatment by ignoring all his redbull-fueled attempts for attention. that means ignoring all his weird little dancing, his loud singing, and his general inability to grasp the concept of personal space. 
keep accusing him of running the toronto maple leafs’ tiktok. 
insult auston’s fashion sense. 
when he launches into a giant hug, act like an overboiled strand of limp spaghetti and don’t hug him back.
when he makes some bombastic declaration just to get a reaction from you, ignore him the first 5 times, then peer calmly over his head, and in an even-keeled Siri-esque voice, ask “hmm. you’re not actually 6′ are you?”
cale makar
loudly declare that sams club is better than costco whenever he’s within earshot. watch his already-rosy cheeks flush
keep making lewd “that’s what SHE said” jokes around him and watch him get visibly uncomfortable (already-rosy cheeks flush ) -if the “thats what SHE said” jokes don’t make any logical sense, he will get especially mad.
keep giving him attention (aka the opposite of the minch treatment). narrate everything he’s doing then follow it up with “damn that’s SO cool. you’re so good, cale!” watch his already-rosy cheeks flush all the way to the tips of his ears
declare that costcos in edmonton are way better than the costcos in calgary. this might be the only thing that gets a reaction from him.
nathan mackinnon
this man already bullies himself so much lmao 
say “well, in my opinion sidney crosby is far from the best player in the nhl. he’s never been the best player in the nhl” in a calm yet authoritative voice. i almost added “within earshot” but then thought twice because i believe nathan mackinnon has the ability to KNOW whenever someone - anyone- is insulting sidney 
threaten to bring matt duchene back to the avs (just kidding)
be better at something than him
eat one (1) carb, but then make it worse by plying him with research papers about how refined carbs can actually elevate performance, thereby throwing his meticulously-calibrated diet plan into chaos. this will make him question not only his diet plan but everything about his life. he will shave his head and enter a monastery to live away from all of his mortal desires.
become sidney crosby and tell natemac you’re moving for 2 years 
evgeni malkin
i was thinking of implementing the same natemac tactic of telling geno that sidney is not the best, but listen. the difference between natemac and geno? is that if you did this geno would kill you. 
then he would look up and say “Sid best. After me” and go about his day as if nothing happened. 
and that would be the that of that!
(Mark Friedman and Kasperi would come by later to help Geno hide the body)
matthew tkachuk
superglue his mouthguard inside his mouth so he can’t gnaw on it ever again
or better yet, make him play without a mouthguard to deprive him of the only thing that keeps his oral fixation at bay.
tell him that leon draisaitl doesn’t love him and never will, actually
trade him to the sens so he has to be captained by his baby brother brady
andrei vasilevskiy
tell him he’s gotta adopt a dog. no more cat. only dog
connor mcdavid
my brother in christ he’s already in edmonton
sidney crosby
this man is the easiest man to bully in the nhl. it’s simply too easy. breathe 88 times instead of 87 times in his presence on game day or gift him a new jock to replace his current tattered OSHA violation of a jock and he will disintegrate into 87 hockey pucks 
this will make natemac cry. and then geno will kill you.
after extensive contemplation i have decided that willy nylander, marc andre fleury, and brady tkachuk are not bullyable. flower will bully you first then charm you, willy will think you’re flirting with him (and he would be right, goddammit!), and i - i honestly do not think brady tkachuk is real. i believe he is a plant by gary bettman to grow the game.
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familiar-anonymous · 2 years
10 Hob x Dream AU Fanfic Prompts :
(Cause they are my current drug)
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★ Morpheus visits human realm in a different physical appearance for reasons and coincidentally meets Hob. But he doesn’t reveal himself to the immortal man (cause it would require a lot of explanation like him being the anthropomorphic personification of Dream and such). He then hears Hob telling someone about the person he loves who is silent, mysterious and arrogant like a cat. But is also angelic, graceful and softhearted. Dream is strangely jealous and slightly hurt cause Hob didn’t speak about this person (who is clearly very important to him) at all on their last meeting. It takes Dream a ridiculously long time to realise that Hob is talking about him.
★Hob is a teacher who loves his job and his students. When he sees a renowned billionaire is looking to hire a tutor for his son, he goes to the interview. The son has had behavioural problems in school and was threatened with expulsion, so the single father, Morpheus decided to hire a qualified professional to assist in his son's issues. The more time Hob spends with the small family, the more he realizes that the son's behavioural problems stem from his poor relationship with his father. Dream being the stubborn brood he is, initially disagrees with Hob's reasoning, but eventually yields. The longer Hob spend in the role of caregiver to both father and son, the more he starts to feel like this is where he belongs.
★ Dream is a traditionalist Alpha who believes omegas can't play the same role as the Alphas in the society. His alpha sister Death suggests that he should meet more Omegas in real life and befriend them before forming such an opinion. And guess who she thinks is the perfect non-stereotype omega to be able to change Dream's mind? Yes, Hob Gadling of course. (Can be applicable for noble or royal! Dream and commoner!Hob as well)
★The mandatory nerd!Dream × jock!Hob dorm roommate AU. They are total opposite of each other. Dream is always mad at the world and Hob's an eternal optimist. One loves Shakespeare and the other hates it. While one is a cat person then the other is a dog person. Dream's an introvert and Hob is an extrovert, party-animal. Unsurprisingly these two polar-opposite men doesn’t manage to get along at first. But with time a lot of things change, and so do their opinions and feelings for each other.
★ Wrong number texting AU: Morpheus is a CEO (or writer as par the major part of fandom's first choice for his profession). He is not very comfortable with technology. One day while trying to text his assistant Matthew, he accidentally sends the text to a wrong number. That wrong number belongs to Hob obviously. (I will probably elaborate this one in another post. Cause Texting AU is one of my most favourite tropes)
[Edit: I have started this story. You can find it here!]
★ (this one is kinda angsty? And there's too many 'what if's. But still my favourite. So just don't look too closely.) Death dies somehow and the new anthropomorphic personification of Death takes Hob's life without realising he was special. Dream gets furious and devastated. So in order to calm him and bring peace in dreaming and mortal realm again, he was promised Hob's reincarnation. So Hob gets reincarnated but without any memories of his past long life. Dream meets this Hob when he is an adult. Hob obviously doesn’t remember him, but they gradually becomes friend again. The problem is that this Hob doesn’t seek immortality, at least not out loud, not where Dream or Death can hear him. So they can't offer him immortality either. Dream watches Hob getting old (he changes his own appearance to seem as old as Hob too) and dying again. Just like Dream was promised Hob gets reincarnated again... and again, in every century. And Dream meets them and loves them in every incarnation. He collects memories with each Hob in terms of photos, short notes or gifts. Then one day one incarnation of Hob somehow stumbles in Dream's palace in dreaming realm. He finds dream's collection of his previous lifes memories,, and secrets get revealed.
★ Student! Dream x Teacher! Hob AU: Dream is that student who gets the highest marks in all subjects even though they don’t response in class at all. Even if he is asked a question, he just glares and then looks away. But only Hob's class is different. When Hob asks any silly question with his charming smile and cocky eyebrow, Dream can't help but blush and stutter out an answer.
★ It's not surprising that someone like Hob Gadling has many admirers among his students, colleagues or acquaintances from the New Inn. Some nights these admirers dream about him. Sometimes their dreams become a bit intimate. As the King of dreams and nightmares, Morpheus is always aware of these kind of dreams. And before he knows what he is doing, he appears in those people’s dream just to say, "This dream is over".
★ What if Lyta Hall died during or after the child birth? Maybe because of some conceiving-in-dream complicity or from the grief of losing her love of life for the second time? Dream has already claimed that one day her son will belong to him. So in case of Lyta's death, no matter what the cause, he would obviously take responsibility of the child.But Morphius is hardly capable of raising a human child on his own. And who would he take help from? While Lucienne or Death are surely Queens, they are still not human and have their own duties. I know Rose was Lyta's friend and will probably want to help raising her son. But she is young and already struggling with all the brand-new responsibilities (being Jed's guardian, Unity's successor, job-hunting etc). So Dream's sole option is to seek help of the only human being he calls friend, aka Hob Gadling. He already has experience of raising (at least?) a child after all. And after Dream explains everything (including his and the child's real identity) to him, there's no way Hob can refuse to help his desperate long-term friend. So he agrees to take care of the boy. At first they just sort of coparent, with Dream visiting Hob more often, every week if not everyday, to take care of the child. Eventually they get married and be the perfect Gay Dads for their son.
★ Morpheus got stuck in his Cat form.(And, no, I don’t care how it happens) He goes to meet Hob as a cat. But he obviously can't talk in public in his cat form. So it takes awhile for Hob to realise that the cat with sulky mood and teary eyes that's been following him around is his friend.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
I have posted the last three in three separate posts before. But added them here anyway to keep record. I will probably keep adding to this list (that no one asked for) as long as my DreamLing addiction lasts. I mean I already have countless other AU ideas, such as dating apps au, vampire (x werewolf) AU, common ex [ william ;) ] or fake dating au, pride and prejudice AU, fifty shades of grey AU and so on. I didn’t want to make this post even longer and more boring than it already is, so kept those ideas stored for another post, lol.
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
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~ Love Is Love ~
A 2023 L.G.B.T+ Aesthetic Collection
Day 9 • Stu Macher is Gay!
Day 8 • Day 10
👇🏽 Pride Headcanons Below! 👇🏽
It'll surprise no one to know that Stu is madly in love with Billy Loomis... Has been since the first moment they met. Though it's not because of this attraction that Stu commits all the murders. The romance is just a little bonus!
Stu is a puppy dog when showing affection. Because of this, Stu's love language can easily shift to constantly fit Billy's current mood... BUT, if he had choose a love language, he'd pick physical touch all. the. way!
His parents have no idea that he is gay... In fact, they don't know a lot of shit about him. Because the house is so big and empty most of the time, it's not hard to throw parties and have some romantic flings in order to forget that Billy is in a relationship with Sidney. Randy is not immune to Stu's charms and he's fun enough, but he's not really who Stu wants...
Stu and Tatum are in a relationship because they are both gay and hopelessly in love with their best friends. They actually have a bet to see who can kiss their crush first... This was suggested by Stu and Tatum agreed only if the kiss doesn't fuck with Sid and Billy's relationship (Stu doesn't see how it COULDN'T mess with the relationship and thinks that's kinda the point, but goes along with Tatum's terms anyway)
Following along with Matthew Lillard's Twitter post about Stuilly, Stu would be the one to adopt the dogs and he wouldn't be able to stop adopting dogs! Their entire house would be rampant with puppies and honestly it would annoy Billy, but the dogs calm him and make Stu happy, so he lets them stay. Stu doesn't pick favorites, but Billy does and she's a 4 year old pitbull named Nancy (after Nancy Thompson, obviously)
If Stu had to pick a song to describe his sexuality, he'd pick: Terror in My Heart by The Reds
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nhl-stories · 1 year
You Stupid Bitch – Leon Draisaitl
Summary: Leon is stupidly, hopelessly in love. Too bad the object of his affection has terrible taste.
Author’s Note: Just some good old unrequited love getting requited
Word Count: 7k​
Album Series Mastlerlist
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You stupid bitch, can't you see? The perfect one for you is me
Leon hears the yelling before he gets to the front door. Screaming is probably a more accurate word. He stops and ponders whether he should ring the doorbell or not when the door opens and a woman almost runs him over.
“Good luck with that psycho bitch,” she half-addresses Leon and half screams it over her shoulder into the house before she storms off to her car.
“Nice to see you too, Dawn,” he mumbles before he lets himself into the house.
The house is almost a mirror version of his next door and he moves through the open floor plan until he finds Chloe.
“Fuck,” Leon stops in his tracks when he sees her lip bleeding, “did she do that?”
She touches her lip to see the blood while Leon goes to the freezer to grab an ice pack.
 “Dammit, and technically yes.”
Leon whips around at that comment, “calm down, it was during sex. The sex was foreplay for the fight.”
Leon gives her disgusted look while handing her the ice.
“Aren’t Germans supposed to be into really kinky shit? Cause I’m real sick of this resting judgmental face you have.”
Leon just continues to stare.
“What are you doing here?”
“You have my dog.”
As if on cue, Bowie comes running through the dog door followed by Chloe’s fluffy orange cat, Baron. He picks up his dog and snuggles him close, Baron jumps up on the counter feeling left out.
“So, you and Dawn are done?”
Leon tries to be casual, not seem too interested, but he’s dying to know. Despite seeming like a grumpy annoyed neighbor, which yes, he’s that too, he’s hopelessly in love with Chloe.  
“Yes, and don’t say I told you so.”
“I won’t, but she did string you along for months and then treated you horribly while you dated, if you can even call what you two did dating.”
Chloe ignores the fact that without actually using the words ‘I told you so,’ he basically did.
“Ohhh, but the sex was so good.”
“Other people are good at sex,” he’s glad his scruff is thick enough to hide the blush he can feel creeping up his face.
“You want to stay for dinner?” She moves the ice pack and touches her lip again, the bleeding’s stopped.
“I have food that I need to cook before it goes bad,” he starts to turn to leave and pauses, “want to come over?”
“Do I have to put on pants?”
Leon turns and peers around the kitchen island to see Chloe is only wearing a long sleeve t-shirt that only barely covers the good bits. Leon second guesses his invite.
“It’s fucking cold out.”
“You’re right next door, I’ll run.”
“And I was going to leisurely walk over.”
“Fine, I’ll put on pants.”
“And bring some wine.”
After her latest breakup, Leon resolves to tell Chloe how he feels; or at the very least make his feelings more obvious. He says he’ll do this every time and he never follows through, which is extra frustrating because Leon follows through on every other thing in his life.
He swears this time will be different.
It isn’t.
A parade of suitors, or at least that’s the respectable way to call them, parades through Chloe’s door until one sticks. His name is Michael or Matthew or something.
Leon doesn’t care to remember, but is polite enough when he meets him the first time. He gives off a weird vibe that Leon is suspect of, partly because of his own feelings and partly because Chloe infamously has bad taste in partners.
Leon gives them a month. If he was a betting man, he would have cashed out big.
30 days into their relationship Chloe is passed out on Leon’s couch, her black cocktail dress riding up precariously high, one heel still on.
She had barged in last night while he had some teammates over. She was completely plastered and complaining about something but was too incoherent to be entirely understandable, just enough that Leon knew the problem was whatshisface.
Bowie jumps onto the couch before Leon can stop him and starts licking her face.
She groans, but indulges the dog with a pet.
“Fuck, Bowie don’t let me drink that much ever again,” the dog just snuggles into her more, “and don’t let me spend the night in this brutalism hell your dad calls a home.”
She squeezes her eyes shut as if it will block out Leon’s neutral, modern décor.
“Sorry, I don’t live in the clown house you’re accustomed to,” he laughs but doesn’t get a snarky response, “how are you feeling?”
“Like drilling a hole into my head will make me feel better.”
“So, you either had a really fun or a really bad night.”
“Very bad, first Mitchell stands me up because apparently he’s not ready to be a public couple or some shit and then I got too deep into the open bar and probably did something to embarrass my brother, so that’s another thing I’ll have deal with later.”
She squeezes at her temples, like that will help the hangover, “and I clearly remember at least Connor being here last night, so I can only imagine I further embarrassed myself.”
Leon picks up a pair of neon orange, lacey underwear and tosses it towards her, “you insisted on showing us your tattoo,” Leon grins remembering her showing off the colorful ‘Pow’ tattooed on her butt cheek.
“Jesus, and you did nothing to stop me? Protect my modesty or whatever?”
“I enjoyed the show,” he gives a crooked smile.
She lets out a heavy sigh then opens her arms wide, “Can you carry me home?”
“What? No!” He fights but he knows if she asks again, he’ll do it, he can’t say no to her.
“This wouldn’t be a big deal if you let me build the skybridge between our places,” she sulks, “then Bowie could see his boyfriend any time he wants.”
Leon rolls his eyes and moves to pick her up, hoping it will shut her up.
“My dog is not your cat’s boyfriend.”
She wraps her arms around his shoulders to hold on and Leon feels warm all over. Is hyper-aware of where his hand is gripping her bare thigh, how soft her skin is against his calloused fingers.
“They’re totally obsessed with each other and they don’t have reproductive organs so it’s not like they can commit a crime against nature or anything.”
He just gives a neutral hum in response, trying to enjoy the moment of Chloe in his arms and not let the warmth migrate south.  He stops by the door and piles her purse and coat on top of her, covering up the neon underwear she never put back on.
He walks out into the cold and hopes none of their neighbors choose to look outside now. The last thing he needs is a picture of him carrying  a commando Chloe back to her house, his brain hurts just thinking about the fallout something like that would cause.
They get into her house, which despite the similar layout looks so different from his own home; all bright colors and loud patterns, nothing matches, yet it all goes together. He would never tell her to her face but he loves it, it feels like a lived-in and well-loved house.
Baron comes to rub up against his legs and he has to gently nudge him away as he carries Chloe up the stairs. He’s only been in her room once before, when painters had come on the wrong day and the fumes made it impossible to take a pre-game nap, he remembers never wanting to leave.
Leon drops her unceremoniously on the bed, his arms shaking a little from carrying her so long.  She mumbles something into the blankets as she moves to curl up like a cat in the middle of the bed.
It’s a giant circular bed with a deep blue velvet bedframe and headboard, something you’d imagine seeing in an old Hollywood movie.
Marlene Dietrich.
He remembers Chloe mentioning her during one their first meetings.
Alone in an elevator she just blurted it out, “I love Marlene Dietrich, my dad and I used to watch all her movies.”
“What?” He wasn’t sure he had heard her correctly.
“Marlene Dietrich, she’s German. You’re German,” she scrunched up her eyes and groaned in embarrassment, “never mind just ignore me, I just did that stupid annoying thing where you say the one thing you know about where someone is from as if that means anything to them.”
“Like if I said you’re from Canada and told you I’m a huge fan of Wayne Gretzky or maple syrup.”
“Yeah, though that doesn’t work as well because I actually know Wayne Gretzky and everyone loves maple syrup” she flashed him a smile before exiting the elevator.
Leon shakes himself out of the memory, realizing he’s been zoning out and staring at Chloe for too long, like some kind of creep. She doesn’t seem to acknowledge his presence.
“I always picture your room as more of a sex dungeon.”
“Sex dungeon is down the hall,” she doesn’t skip a beat even through a pounding headache and the comfort of her bed.
“Feel better, I’ll uh- see you later.”
“Wait, when do you head out on the road?”
She holds out her arms and makes a grabbing motion, “hug for good luck.”
She doesn’t make it easy for him, he has to crawl to the middle of the bed and it’s an awkward hug where his arms can’t quite get around her. But she squeezes him tightly and he wants to just collapse onto the bed and hold her until the rest of the world melts away.
Instead, he presses a kiss to her temple. Maybe lingering a second too long, taking the time to imagine a world where Chloe is waiting for him in her bed, waiting for his kisses and his touch and his love. He pulls away before he gets too deep into his fantasy.
Before Chloe was his neighbor or de facto dog sitter or even his unrequited love, she was a face in the crowd he couldn’t escape.
If Edmonton bigwigs stopped by practice or the locker room after a game she was there, with varying levels of enthusiasm. If there was a charity event at a hospital or a school or anywhere, there she was directing people on where to go or hands on a craft. If there was a gala he was forced to go to as a face of the Oilers, there she was dressed to the nines and rubbing elbows.
From what he gathered she worked for a foundation or something, Leon didn’t pay her much mind, though he was curious. She was young, within a year or two of his age, but she could run a room of rich, white men.
She simultaneously fit in and stood out in every crowd and that fascinated Leon, who often felt out of place in the off-ice world hockey had forced him into.
Then at one gala, she was talking to Connor and he found his in. Instead of having an enlightened conversation he was met with a spill of red wine when she turned around quickly as he was walking up. She apologized profusely as Leon could feel the wine drip down his chest.
She insisted on taking care of the dry cleaning, giving Leon the address of her place. When he went to pick up the suit he was greeted with his now-clean suit, a new custom-made suit, and a note:
Thought you could use a spare gala suit in case you run into a drunk socialite who’s ruder than me. I probably owe you dinner too
xo, Chloe Cohn
Suddenly it was clear, she wasn’t just someone who worked for the foundation, she was the name behind it. It was a pretty ubiquitous surname around the city.
All of this to say, it’s why Leon is willingly at a gala event mid-season, any excuse to be in the same room as Chloe.
It’s also come at an especially crucial moment in time because Chloe said she’s taking a break from dating. A first for her, or at least a first since Leon has known her. Making it a perfect time for Leon to double-down on his resolution, without competition from anyone else.
For once, he actually starts to follow through. It’s nothing big: wrapping an arm around her shoulder for casual contact, bringing her flowers to thank her for watching Bowie, sitting closer than normal when they have an evening glass of wine.
It’s pathetically small if he thinks about it, but it’s forward motion so it feels like a breakthrough.
Chloe is across the room wearing gown so deeply purple it’s almost black. While she has a fairly boyish figure, there’s nothing boyish about how she looks in that dress, somehow finding a floor-length dress that can show off too much skin on display to be appropriate for this event. Leon can feel his throat getting dry as he watches her chat up a group.
“If you keep staring like that, all of Edmonton will know you’re in love with her before she does,” Connor laughs as he and Lauren sidle up next to him.
“You’re leering,” Lauren adds, “not that I can blame you, but tone it down in public.”
Leon takes a large swig of his drink in response.
“Hey guys, thanks for coming. Oilers always help donations go up,” Chloe’s brother Peter, the head of whatever enterprises the Cohn family owns, comes up and shakes their hands.
“Of course, happy to help while enjoying an open bar,” Leon jokes and Peter laughs along with him.
“And I assume you’re keeping an eye on my sister,” Lauren chokes on her drink next to them, “lord knows she needs someone to keep the riff raff away.”
“Well- uh,” Leon stutters.
Peter always makes him nervous, he’s almost a decade older than Chloe, making him have a paternal air about him. Leon always has a hard time reading whether he’s being a stern father figure or a joking older brother, his relationship with his own sister is so drastically different.
Peter claps his shoulder, “I’m kidding, many have tried but she’s the only one who can keep herself out of trouble.”
“Stop harassing my neighbor, Petey,” Chloe teases her brother and before cuddling up to Leon, like she’s protecting him from her own sibling.
He looks his sister up and down, “You’re not planning on embarrassing yourself tonight, are you?”
“I apologized about my behavior at your birthday,” she says like a petulant child.
Leon sees Connor and Lauren get pulled away into another conversation and now he’s trapped in this passive aggressive sibling moment.
Her brother just gives her a l look that screams, ‘I’m not mad just disappointed.’
“Besides I have to cause a scandal here and there if I seem too similar to the golden child people might start putting me in charge of more things.”
“And god forbid that happens.”
Leon knows this is a weird gray area between the siblings. Equal parts a long running gag and a major point of contention. Chloe more than happy being in charge of the of the Cohn Foundation and nothing else, while her brother believes she’s smart enough to take on a bigger role in the business-side of the operation.
“And you have to admit, it’s been a while since I caused an ‘incident’, that’s personal growth.”
“The last incident was you bringing a prostitute to dad’s funeral, so no one has forgotten about that one.”
“They were a stripper, not prostitute and I was dating them, Dad had met them and was a fan. And at least in my mourning I didn’t try to marry someone without getting a prenup.”
“Okay truce, Clo,” he holds his hands up in surrender, “But cool it on the champagne, you have a speech to give later. Draisaitl maybe keep an eye on her,” he smirks.
“Leave Leon out of this,” she subtly flips him off before shooing him away to go mingle.
She’s still pressed up against Leon’s side and then looks up and smiles at him like they’re the only ones in the room. He gingerly moves his hand to her waist.
“But actually, maybe keep an eye on me, I do have to talk.”
The warmth connecting them is severed when a voice calls out to Chloe and an older woman goes in for a hug. He hates the feeling of her skin slipping away under his fingers.
“I should have known I’d find you by the dashing Mr. Draisaitl.”
Chloe does a quick intro, stopping Leon from slipping away to another conversation. Though another conversation with a random Edmontonian might be worse than this, the more VIP the person the more likely they seem to give advice on his on-ice performance.
“I just wanted to grab you and let you know Caleb is moving back to Edmonton.”
Her face loses its emotion and Leon thinks maybe another conversation would be better than this.
“And I was thinking if you were free, you’d help get him reacquainted with the city.”
“Um- I – I could probably find the time,” she stammers, “He’s really moving back? He always said he’d rather die than come back here.”
“People thought you’d never come home, but things change,” there’s something under the woman’s tone that Leon doesn’t like, “I’ll give Caleb your number.”
“Great,” Chloe has a stiff smile as the woman walks off.
As soon as the woman is clearly out of earshot she turns to Leon, “I’m gonna give my little speech now, but do want to share a car home afterwards?”
“Yeah,” he gives a soft smile, hoping it will help relieve some of the tension crossing her face.
Later, they’re waiting for a car to pull around; Chloe leaning into his side trying to combat the cold in her thin dress. She puts more weight on him, like all her exhaustion caught up with her in the distance from the door to the curb. His nerves are singing at the contact.
When they climb into the back of the car Chloe scoots right up next to him, even though she has the whole back seat to spread out in. Leaning her head on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her tight.
He wants to ask her about this Caleb guy, but he doesn’t want to pop this bubble they’re in. He needs to enjoy this moment.
If he was braver, he’d seize this moment and confess his love.
Turns out Caleb is an ex-boyfriend or the one who got away or something along those lines. Chloe is never completely clear about it.
All Leon knows is he really hates him.
Leon can already feel all his forward progress slipping away and he’s worried with the upcoming road trip that when he comes home Chloe will have a new boyfriend. He’s even more worried that this one might actually last. Caleb has some history and connections Leon doesn’t know he can compete with.
He feels more certain about it when he happens to look up at the jumbotron during their final game of their homestand and sees Chloe squeezing Caleb into her side as she cheers into the camera. They look natural together. Leon takes his anger out on his mouth guard, tensing his jaw.
“She’s wearing your jersey.”
Connor doesn’t normally do small talk on the bench, but he can tell this is not the kind of anger that lights a fire under his teammate and makes him perform better. It’s the kind of frustration that makes Leon unbalanced and erratic.
“I can have Lauren try and get some intel while we’re away.”
It’s not a good solution, but it’s enough for him to loosen his jaw up a little; it gets him back on solid ground.
“So, what’s up with you and that new guy,” Lauren casually asks while on a walk with Lenny and Bowie.
“I don’t know,” Chloe shrugs, getting a little uncomfortable.
“Connor just said you guys were looking cozy on the jumbotron, I thought I’d ask,”
She’s working her best nonchalant tone to make Chloe comfortable enough to spill, it works.
“I’ve been in love with him like my whole life,” she groans like there’s never been anything more embarrassing in the world.
“So, something’s going on then?”
“Yes? No? I don’t know, it’s weird.”
Lauren just nods, encouraging her to go on.
“Little rich girls are supposed to grow up and marry little rich boys and he was so cute and smart that I was always fine with those expectations if it meant I got Caleb in the end. But for him I was never well-behaved or pretty or womanly enough but I just kept coming back and trying again.”
The dogs seem to sense the shift in the mood and whine and look at the women.
“By the end of uni I moved back home and he moved to Toronto and I thought I got passed all of it. But he’s back and it’s been years, we’re full adults, so maybe it’s different this time around.”
“Maybe,” Lauren has worry pooled between her brows, “but maybe it isn’t.”
To say the news puts a damper on Leon’s outlook is an understatement. He has a reputation for being grumpy or brooding, but this is a new level and it’s not going unnoticed. The only consolation is he’s excelling on the ice, it might not be the best coping mechanism but it’s working for him.
However, when he’s off the ice, he’s wallowing in his depression. Currently, it’s taking form in lying face down on his couch for the past 3 hours, not sleeping, not thinking, just in a fugue state.
The doorbell rings.
He’s not expecting anyone so he doesn’t make the effort to move. It rings again and he’s tempted for a second to go check. It’s when he hears a key in the door that he knows it’s Chloe. He still doesn’t move, worried that if he looks at her, he might cry or something.
She sets something down on the coffee table and sits down on the floor in front of him.
“I wanted to check on you, since you’ve been ignoring my texts and then came and took Bowie in the cover of the night.”
“You weren’t home when I got back,” he mutters into the couch.
“Okay, but it’s weird for me not to see you for so long after you come home, just wanted to see if you’re feeling alright,” she gently rubs a hand up and down his shoulder and back.
He finally turns his head to look and can’t help smiling back at her sweet, coy smile.
“Yeah, just the season catching up with me,” the lie feels heavy on his tongue.
“You can’t tell on the ice; you’re playing really well.”
“Thanks,” he sees the bouquet of orange and yellow flowers on the table, “Those for me?”
“Thought it could brighten the place up,” her smile is infectious, “boys deserve pretty things too.”
She’s the only pretty thing he wants, needs.
Leon finally sits up; he hates how much lighter he feels in Chloe’s presence. Ignoring her wasn’t helping him get over anything, just making it worse.
“Wanna hang out and order some food in?” He might as well go all in.
Her smile fades for a second, but she recovers quickly, “I would but–“
“You have plans that’s fine,” a chill runs through his chest.
“Yeah, but I can cancel if you need someone.”
She places a hand on his knee, her touch lights him on fire; he can’t tell if the burn is good or bad.
“No, don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure? It’s really not a problem.”
“Really, it’s fine.”
“Okay, another time then,” she uses his knees to help herself up and gives him a quick peck on the cheek, “soon.”
“Yeah, soon.”
He doesn’t really mean soon with any gumption, but he comes when she calls like a puppy.
Not that he could really turn this down: it’s for a kid.
He comes into the Cohn wing of the children’s hospital, he’s not wearing any Oiler gear he doesn’t want to be too noticeable, when he sees Chloe making faces against the glass of a kid’s room.
He can’t help the warm feeling that grows in his chest, or the husky laugh he lets out.
“Oh hey, you made it!” she makes one more face, and the child on the other side of the glass kisses her nose.
It’s the last thing he needs to see while he’s trying to “get over” her, not that he’ll ever actually get over her. But it’s hard not to feel something stir in his chest when he sees how much she cares about people.  She could just live her life as a rich heiress and instead she’s here.
She walks over and gives him a big hug, “I know that this isn’t the ideal way to spend an off day, but it really means a lot to me.”
“Happy to help.”
“She’s down this way,” she grabs his hand to pull him along and it takes all his concentration to stop from flinching at the electric current between them.
She stops him just outside of the door and peers around the corner, “Hey May… I have a surprise for you.”
“A kidney?” The little voice responds.
Leon’s heart breaks a little.
“Okay sorry, I might have come on a little strong, but I promise it’s a really good surprise,” she walks further into the and waves Leon to follow him.
When he rounds the corner the little girl’s eyes bug out of her head. Leon can’t help but grin.
“Hi May, good to see you again.”
She stares in awe for a few seconds longer before running up and giving him a hug. Leon feels his back strain when he bends down so he picks her up to squeeze her tight.
Leon had met her a few times at Oilers visits, she’s obsessed with Bowie and therefore a little obsessed with his owner. When Chloe had learned this information, she got the young girl a stuffed dog that look remarkably like Bowie, forcing Leon to sign a little note in a locket the dog wore around its collar.
He sets the girl down and she starts talking a mile a minute.
“Did Chloe give you the picture of us?”
“Yeah, I have it on my fridge so I see it almost every morning.”
May had autographed the photo of the pair coloring around Christmas. It was stuck to his fridge under a Köln magnet; partly because it was cute and partly because Chloe thought it was ‘so fucking cute, this little girl is melting your icy heart.’
Leon shows May about 1,000 pictures of Bowie, he doesn’t want admit he loves when he can show off the dog, most people would get bored after a couple.
“Maybe when I get out of the hospital I can meet him,” May has a pair of eyes that could put Bowie’s to shame.
“You have yourself a deal,” Leon shakes her hand, exaggeratingly shaking her arm until she dissolves into giggles.
The soft, loving smile on Chloe’s face is a bit of a bonus, too.
The trio plays a few card games, he can’t help but notice the stupid grin Chloe gets every once in a while, reading a text, he tries to power through without getting too angry.
“Chloe are you sure you can’t give me a kidney?”
Leon has half a mind to forfeit the rest of his season to give her one of his.
“If I had a spare kidney to give I would,” she gives a sad smile, “but you know nurse Jordy?”
The little girl nods, squeezing stuffed Bowie closer to her.
“I gave him one of my kidneys when he was 12, and look at him now! He’s healthy and he’s helping you guys out and that’s gonna be you next.”
“I don’t want to be a nurse,” she pouts, picking up on a specific detail like only a child can.
“You don’t have to be, but a new kidney is heading your way and you’re gonna get healthy and strong like him.”
That seems to appease her, until it’s time to say good bye. She gets a bit teary and it makes Leon never want to leave.
“Thanks again for doing that,” Chloe says as she walks to the parking garage with Leon.
“Of course, she’s a sweet kid.”
Chloe’s phone buzzes and she’s quick to open the notification, that goofy grin spreading across her face.
Since he’s a glutton for punishment he asks, “who’s got you smiling like that?
“Just Caleb, he’s so stupid,” her tone has too much adoration in it.
“Say hi to your boyfriend for me.”
He doesn’t mean for it to sound so brusque; he just can’t help it. He hates how his blood boils thinking about it, how he wants to be the one that makes her smile like that to herself, like the joy is bursting out of her.
She pinches her lips together and narrows her eyes at Leon, “it’s not–“
 She pauses to like she’s needs to rethink her phrasing, instead she just rolls her eyes and gives him a little shove.
Leon gets in his car and drives home angry.
He doesn’t consistently pick up on the road, but he does on this trip. Two nights in a row.
The first night it’s a woman who looks too much like Chloe. He thought it would be therapeutic, despite the looks Connor gave him as he left the bar with her. It’s not. That’s what he gets for not following Connor’s advice, even non-verbal advice.
Her eyes are the same shade of light brown as Chloe’s, he has to turn her over to avoid any eye contact. But her hair still reminds him of Chloe’s and he fucks her fast and rough, just to feel angry, to feel anything.
The next night he picks up a woman who looks nothing like Chloe. She’s all tits and ass and that fake shyness that comes with trying too hard to be pliant and agreeable. Leon lets her spend the night, to give himself the illusion of intimacy.
They have an off day the next day, so he fucks her again then takes a nap after she leaves.
He’s debating whether to be social and go out to dinner with the guys or stay in and order room service so he doesn’t have to sulk in front of anyone.
There’s a knock on the door and he’s a little grateful that the decision seems to be made for him.
What he’s not expecting is for Chloe to be on the other side, wide Cheshire grin. She’s wearing a long white winter coat and a dress that’s far too short for the weather, a pair of thigh high boots leaving a sliver of bare skin visible.
“You gonna let me in or what?”
He wants to ask how she knew his room number, but he can guess: Connor. So, he skips to the next question.
“What are you doing here?”
“I had business in town”
Leon steps aside, she breezes past, the smell of stale wine wafts past him.
“And that involves getting drunk?”
“Yeah, it’s called a business lunch,” she says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
She picks up the pair of underwear the girl apparently left behind and twirls it around her finger, “you apparently had some business too, good for you.”
He feels his ears turn red and watches her sit on the edge of the bed, he leans against the hotel dresser to keep his distance.
“Seriously, Clo, why are you here?” he points to the ground to make it clear that he means this place, right now.
“I wanted to take you to dinner.”
“I was just gonna order in…”
“C’mon let me take you to a fancy schmancy dinner, my treat.”
“I can pay for my own dinner.”
“We get it, you’re rich too, whatever. it’s been a while since we hung out, just the two of us. So please let me take you to dinner,” she sticks out her bottom lip and bats her eyelashes.
He groans in defeat, though he wishes he had more will power to make her beg a little longer.
“Great, wear this sweater I bought you,” she holds out the shopping bag she brought.
He furrows his brows and pulls out the sweater, it’s a deep teal color and maybe the softest thing he’s ever felt.
“You don’t own enough colors, and this will bring out your eyes.”
“Thanks, for the gift and the insult.”
“Shut up and get dressed,” she rolls her eyes.
When he comes back out of the bathroom, Chloe is laying back on the bed texting. Her legs dangle off the edge and her dress rising dangerously high. It takes everything in him to stop himself from pushing between her leg and taking her apart until she’s saying his name and forgetting that there’s anyone else in the world.
She notices him borderline lurking and sits up on her elbows, “looking good Draisaitl, ready to go?”
He shrugs eating in still seems like the better option.
They end up at a restaurant that is probably still too fancy for what either of them are wearing, but the hostess knows who Chloe is before she even gives a name, so he guesses it’s okay.
“Miss Cohn, we’ll bring your dad’s vintage out to you.”
“Sounds great, thank you,” she smiles and waits for the hostess to be out of ear shot, “my dad like bought up a bunch of wine he liked at a bunch of different restaurants, I don’t know what it is but they’re usually good.”
Leon shrugs, just going with flow.
“He obviously thought he would leave much longer than he did, cause they still give me bottles like 5 years after he’s died, and he drank heavily and smoked cigars so he had no business thinking he’d live into his late 90s.”
Leon loves when she talks about her dad, loves the soft face she gets when she talks about him.
He died before Leon was even in the picture, but it feels like he’s getting a peek behind the curtain when she opens up about him, their bittersweet relationship that came with the 70-year age gap, yet didn’t change the love between them.
A waiter comes by and pours them each a glass of red wine.
“I guess cheers to your dad then,” Leon smiles.
“Yeah, cheers,” they clink glasses.
“Chloe, what are the odds,” Leon stiffens at the sight of Caleb coming by with a glass of dark liquor.
“Caleb hey,” she stands up to hug him, “what are you doing here?”
“Tying up some loose business ends in Toronto, why am I surprised you got a table here on short notice,” he doesn’t even turn to acknowledge Leon, and Leon drains his glass of assumably insanely expensive wine in one gulp.
He pulls out an unoccupied chair at the table, “Yeah, um do you want to join us?”
“Sure Chloe, thanks,” he says as if he didn’t force himself onto their dinner
Finally, he turns to the other man, “nice to finally meet you Leon, she never shuts up about you.”
Leon can’t help but smirk at that and tries to give his firmest handshake in response.
Leon only hated the idea of Caleb before, but after spending five minutes with him, he just hates the guy. He went out of his way to talk about things Leon didn’t know about like childhood friends and would talk over Chloe when she tried to include him.
Thankfully the waitress came by to take their orders, because Leon is about five seconds from texting Connor to pull the emergency call card for him.
“I’ll have the gnocchi,” Chloe says closing her menu
“That’s a lot of carbs,” Caleb hums, not even looking up from his menu.
Chloe twists her lips to the side, for a second Leon thinks she’s finally going to tell him off.
“Yeah, change that to the branzino.”
Leon had seen Chloe do a lot of things for a relationship, but shrinking herself was always the worst.
“I’ll have the gnocchi and the chef’s salad,” Leon hands his own menu off and winks at Chloe, “you can have some of my gnocchi.”
The rest of the dinner is equally tortuous, and as if he could read his mind Connor calls just as they’re debating another bottle of wine after dinner.
“Sorry to run out but Davo wants to talk,” Leon is out of his seat before he finishes the excuse, and is rushing out of the restaurant before Chloe can get out of her chair to hug him.
Chloe comes by his house a few days after the road trip ends, she’s wearing an Oilers sweatshirt he’s pretty sure is his. She looks better in it anyway.
“Have you seen Baron? Caleb doesn’t like cats so I kicked the little guy out last night and he hasn’t come home and I’m getting a little worried,” the panic rises in her voice.
Leon knows where Baron is, he’s cuddle up with Bowie on his dog bed; he let the cat in when he started crying outside his back door. But he doesn’t tell Chloe that, because Caleb hating Baron is somehow the last straw.
“The guy hates your cat, too?”
Chloe taken aback by the comment, with her ‘missing’ cat and all.
“He walks all over you, he tells you what you should eat, and he basically hates your child. Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself, he’s a shitty person.”
“We’re not really together it's–“
“Chloe it doesn’t matter if you’re not actually something, he’s a waste of your time. They’ve all been a waste of your time, you can never pick someone who actually cares about you and I’m sick of watching it!”
“Where is this coming from?”
“You stupid bitch, I love you!”
In his wildest dreams, or nightmares, Leon never thought this is how he’d confess his love: with name-calling. But the words are out there and there’s a weight lifted from his chest.
Chloe blinks too many times, like she’s trying to make a hallucination disappear. She opens her mouth and a strangled sound comes out before she closes it again.
“What?” She finally squeaks out.
“I’m sick of seeing you throw yourself at people who don’t care about treating you right and then breaking your heart because I’m in love with you and I would never do that to you.”
“Wow, and what was that first part? I’m a stupid bitch?” The ghost of a smile graces her lips.
Leon takes a step forward, still not wanting to overstep by touching her, “yeah everyone else thought I was really obvious so I had to say something to get through your thick skull.”
Then his hands are full of Chloe, her arms around his neck, her lips on his, her tongue in his mouth.
It’s everything he’s been wanting for so long he doesn’t know where to start or focus, he wants his lips everywhere, his hands everywhere. His brain malfunctions before he can even figure out where to start, so he just tries to follow Chloe’s lead.
She pulls away and Leon feels his face following, hoping to reconnect. He nearly whimpers at the loss of contact.
When he finally looks at Chloe, she looks a bit frazzled; she’s running a hand through her hair and her eyes look wild.
“I don’t– I don’t love you, because that would be insane,” she’s gesticulating wildly, “since I haven’t thought about us that way.”
Leon feels his heart sink into his stomach.
“But this is something,” she starts to kick off her shoes, “I’d very much like to explore.”
She whips her jacket in the direction of the door and grabs Leon’s face and pulls his lips to hers again. His mind is back online and he pulls her by the hips against him.
Something nags at him before he can get in too deep, “and this isn’t just sex? Cause I can’t do that Clo.”
“No, I mean not that I’ve never thought about it” she attaches her lips to his jaw, “I have eyes and a vibrator, of course I’ve thought a little about it,” she feverishly moves closer to his mouth.
She finally comes up for air and is breathing heavily, she holds Leon’s face and looks him dead in the eye, “But you want what’s best for me and that sounds really good, because I’ve never had that before. And I want what’s best for you too, and maybe I can give that to you.”
Leon feels like his heart might burst out of his chest.
She nods, desperation in the little movements, “And I’d love to talk more about that but that love confession really turned me on and I want to have sex, like right now.”
Leon let’s out a husky laugh, but isn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He lifts her up and almost falls up the stairs in excitement. He’s waited for all of this for so long.
Chloe falls back onto the pillow, sweaty and flushed.
“Holy shit,” she turns to look at Leon, running her hand through his sex-rumpled hair, “all those times you said other people are good at sex, you meant yourself?”
“I mean–“ he laughs and turns on his side, wanting to memorize her blissed out face, “I don’t want to brag.”
“No, you should brag. I’ve had sex with a lot of people and that–“
Leon rolls on top of her and covers her mouth, “let’s not talk about your past lovers right now.”
She gives him a quick peck before pushing him off and heading to the bathroom, giving him a bit of a show on the way.
On her way back she hears some scratching at the door, she opens it up and Baron and Bowie come bounding in, jumping up onto the bed.
“Oh my god Baron, you were hiding out here?” she crawls under the covers and pulls the fluffy cat close to kiss.
“Christ, Chloe, we’re still naked.”
She chuckles, “I’m so sorry to scar the children, but Baron has probably seen much worse; he’s a bit of voyeuristic perv.”
“Yeah, well Bowie is innocent,” he laughs while Bowie tries to crawl up to lick his face.
“Look Baron, both our boyfriends live in the same house now, double dates all the time.”
“Boyfriend?” He feels a little woozy hearing Chloe talk like that.
“On a trial basis of course.”
“Of course,” he smirks.
“Cause I’m notoriously bad at this stuff so you might want to rescind the offer after the novelty wears off.”
Leon pulls her into another kiss, because he can and he doesn’t think that will ever get old.
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t3acupz · 2 months
Do you have anymore Randell x Matthew headcannons or ideas? :0
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Beasthawk headcanons:
Randall is from a wealthy socialite family in Baltimore, Maryland. At the age of five, he was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. He always did very well academically in the elite private schools his parents paid for, and went on to doubled majored in engineering and paleontology at John Hopkins University. Randall’s parents sent him to be treated by Hannibal Lecter when he was 16 for his identity disorder. Hannibal taught Randall how to hide his symptoms, and encouraged his homicidal ideation. Hannibal treated Randall for two years until he was 18 when he left home to go to university. He’s currently 27 years old and working at the Baltimore Museum of Natural History. When he is working there alone at night, he likes to take the skulls and claws of apex predators home so he can recreate them using stronger materials for his mecha kill suit.
Randall also has dissociative identity disorder, and his other personality is The Beast. He can’t control when The Beast takes over but he needs the mecha suit to feel like his body matches his mind or else he starts having a nervous breakdown.
Matthew doesn’t like to talk about his past. His biological parents were physically and mentally abusive. Even at the age of 29, his chin scar still gives him bitter flashbacks to his childhood when he looks in the mirror. He was taken into a several foster homes and group homes starting at the age of seven. He studied various specialities during his adolescence because of the time spent with different foster families (information systems technican, basic nursing skills, explosive ordnance disposal, culinary arts, etc). However, Matthew never lasted more than a few months in each new home because of his behavioral problems. He was 15 when he had his first stint at a mental institution where they officially diagnosed him with antisocial personality disorder (APD).
Matthew Brown is not Matthew’s given name. He has had multiple identities and has been using forged ID documents to find work ever since he was 18.
Depending on which canon divergence I feel like exploring, Matthew is either still in love with Will Graham but also has feelings for Randall or he hasn’t met Will in the canon yet.
They like to go hunting together for both humans and animals. Matthew brings his tranquilizer gun, and once their prey is immobile he enjoys watching Randall tear them apart.
After some coaxing, Matthew convinced Randall to get matching tattoos of a hawk encircling a cave bear on their left biceps.
Matthew loves to listen to Randall talk about engineering and prehistoric animals for hours. Randall’s low monotone voice makes him feel calm.
One day, Randall found a stray tortoiseshell kitten in a dirty alleyway in Baltimore. Matthew is more of a dog person but Randall looked so ecstatic that he let her stay. Randall named her Smiley (after Smilodon).
NSFW headcanons:
Matthew is always covered in bruises because when The Beast fucks him it’s always rough with a lot of biting.
Randall typically likes to bottom for Matthew when he is not The Beast.
Matthew has an average-sized cock but on the thicker side. Randall has a large cock that curves up a bit.
Matthew enjoys giving head but Randall finds that it makes him oversensitive. Matthew loves watching Randall squirm and moan as he holds him down while he’s sucking his cock.
Sometimes when they cuddle before sleep, Matthew uses Randall for cockwarming. Randall doesn’t mind because he loves being held.
In an Omegaverse AU, Randall would be an Alpha with a calm nature and Matthew would be an Omega with a hostile nature.
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