#this makes my heart hurt :( you deserve happiness and some peace of mind
septembersghost · 9 months
I really appreciate your writings about Elvis, because they cheer me up when things are bad. You’re such a great writer and make so many great points that most people don’t want to hear. I haven’t been productive this year unfortunately so I’ve been online a lot and I fear being into Elvis has been very damaging for my mental health. It’s been more than a year of reading comments about what an abusive groomer racist appropriator he was and I don’t think I can take it anymore. I’ll never deny the joy his work has brought me but sometimes I wonder if its better to take a step back from all things Elvis :/
*hugs hugs hugs* thank you so much, this means a lot to me and i'm happy if anything i've shared has helped through everything.
here's what i can advise, as someone who VERY much understands being less productive and online a lot and maybe then relying a little too much on fandom - you never have to justify the things you love that are enriching your life and bringing you joy, but you are also always entitled to step back from them if that begins to hurt you. fandom is supposed to be fun! it's NOT supposed to take a toll on your mental health. the fandom i initially came back to tumblr to participate in was doing that to me, just wrecking my mental state and stressing me out on a loop, constantly putting horrible posts in my face (and this is a fictional case, but seeing someone you love, character or artist, wrongfully called an abuser and a monster and vilified to an insane degree when it isn't at all a true depiction is intensely difficult to read and to navigate). and my solution was to loosen my attachment to it and get some distance, it was the only way to alleviate it. you have to take care of and prioritize yourself. i promise you that if he could give you guidance here, E would say the same thing. he wouldn't want you being hurt on his behalf, that's not what he was here to do!
i don't know where you're seeing this stuff (idk where any of y'all read this garbage 😭 i'd say stay away from forums or threads or comment sections where you know it's likely to happen). also be confident in the truth and the reality and facts we have, because they DO outweigh those hateful comments and hearsay. it's like the accusations of racism make my blood boil because it's horribly untrue, but it's also so easy to research and learn about and refute that i know the people who say that are uninformed and don't care. i've shared a lot debunking that specifically because of that wealth of information and testimony about his character. the nastier comments about priscilla and his romantic relationships, it's just...it's salacious and invasive, *not* to discuss it in general because it affected him and was a part of his life, but the way in which it's handled tends to cross lines. and while i may disagree with aspects of decisions he made myself, it is not my business and not my right to demonize their private life. i don't understand the obsession with this, if i'm being honest. how is THIS a focal point of how someone is defined? i see iconic male musicians with a ton of stans online who really WERE documented racists, abusers, misogynists, pursued groupies (elvis did not), and they NEVER get this kind of villification. i'm not saying it's wrong to enjoy their music either, but it's crazy how this discussion dominates him in such an unfair way. ask yourself why this takes such a hold of people with elvis where it doesn't with others, because there are societal factors at work, along with decades of misperception and intentional detraction. then take whatever matters most and touches and resonates with you, from him, from his music, and let yourself carry that with you. nobody else is owed that. it's sacred to you alone.
if you can, redirect your attention to something new, whatever that may be, and rest and refresh your mind. you don't deserve to be stressed or suffering over this. sometimes, getting distance can help you hold onto that joy in a more centered and healthier way. sending you love, and please remember my askbox is always open if you want to talk or if you need a little light 💖
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animeshotsh · 4 months
I would know | Husk x Child!Reader | Small AngelDust x Child!Reader |
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Summary: Your life in hearth was not good and your learned too fast to know when someone its hurting
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, suicide. HuskxAngel ship too. Grammar mistakes.
You were never too sure why you ended in hell or how. First, you were just a child, a regular one, you wondered what sins you could have done to end here. Was life not hard enough on you that you did not deserve eternal peace?
Was because of your death? But even that was a mistery to you. You cant remember if you were killed or if you took away your life. Then again, your life was a hell more than what the actual hell was. You would tremble when thinking of it.
Thats why you faked your emotions, the happy smile, the jokes, everything was a mask so no one would think what had happened to you. But one day after one exterminator day you met Charlie the princess of Hell. And she saw you, the Real you, she soon took you under her wings and roof, her dream of redemtion for sinners filled your heart.
So you stayed and met others along the way.
Husk was at first a grummpy sinner. With no Real care of what was happening in the hotel or with the others. However you found him interesting and started to follow him around (letting Vaggie breath alone for once). It was not a suprise Husk was not in for the task of taking care of a child specially one that could move without making a noise.
Some said it must be demonic power but you are sure you mastered this from the time you were alive.
Sneaking behind Husk was now your personal activity. Alastor found it better than the average comedy and would alwasy be around when you were doing it.
So far you had sneaked behind Husk at least 29 times. And over these times you two kind of got close. Husk never had kids when being alive, so he was not sure if you saw him as a father figure or a older brother, whatever it was he made sure you were on the right path. As right it could be in hell, at least he would make sure you were safe outside and inside the hotel.
He found what happened to you one night. His left ear twitched as movement came, he caught you getting a pissed look from you.
"You are losing your touch kid" he said letting you down "and you should be asleep, the princess will know if you passed your bed time"
"Well, im not tired so lets do something!! We can watch tv all night"
"Alastor said that he would destroy the hotel if there was one single tv in here" Husk reminded them
"Oh right....then teach me to play poke!"
"And why would you like to learn that?" Husk asked looking down on you who was looking away from him
"I dont want to think now, If my mind its in another task...or seeing something...then I dont think"
Husk could hear the sad tone in your voice. He got down to your eye level making you face him.
"And what is it that you dont want to think about?"
You kept your eyes on him then tackled him for a hug. Husk hissed in suprise but stopped when he started to hear your cries. He slowly moved you, making you sit on him so he could wrap his amrs and wings around you.
"Shh kid, no one is going to hurt you in here, im gonna make sure of it"
After that time Husk and you got closer, others noticed it but said nothing about it. Charlie went "aww" once she saw you being carried by Husk on his shoulders while he serverd drinks.
You also grow to be close with Angel Dust, at first he too was not too happy about having a kid around but soon your jokes and personality got him. He also loved to see you pranking Husk.
And his little piggy loves you!! He wants to get you one too.
But you soon noted, something was off about Angel. You started to see times when his persona would change, how he would ignore others worries over him and just smile it off.
Oh....that was what you used to do. But you never had to face someone doing it too.
Of course you went to Husk later on. Him and Angel seemed close so you were 100% sure that Husk would help you.
"You gotta be blunt" Husk said after you explained the situation.
"But...that would hurt him..."
Taking a deep breath Husk faced you.
"Listen kid, people have issues and how they face them its up to them, and how they do it sometimes backfires. Not everybody its going to listen to sweet talk and honey words. You have to be direct and end it there. Its up to them how to act afterwards"
"But...you were not like that to me" you said confused
"Because you are you and Angel its his own persona. You two are different" he responded "listen, i know you want to help him...i want to do it too. Let me try my way and if nothing happens...then we can try yours"
Your eyes got bright with emotion as you nodded.
"Yes!! Lets do it, lets help your boyfriend!!"
Blushing Husk responded "he is not-"
"I see it in the way you look at him" you stated getting a defeated sound from Husk.
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dlanadhz · 6 months
It's hard to talk about the war in Israel.
It's hard because it seems that everyone I know who IS talking about it, is 300% on the side of Palestine and Hamas, and they're sharing articles that make Israel sound like a country of barbarians.
It's hard to talk about because I have a friend who lives in Israel, who's literal job is to study Jewish history and then teach it to others. And she's been updating me (and others on her Tumblr) about her experience during the war. She's been sharing articles and videos and first hand accounts, and it all sounds directly opposite to the propaganda I see everywhere else.
It's hard because it feels like everyone I know doesn't care that it's her job to know the history and the truth. They keep sharing the antisemitic articles and cheering for the downfall of any company that half-mentions support for Israel or doesn't outright support Palestine.
For some reason, people are looking at this war that doesn't effect 90% of them and seeing it in stark black and white. They're raging against a country that has never hurt them, in defense of known terrorists that have never done anything for them.
And it blows my mind that I can't even bring up the idea that I want my friend to be happy and healthy and safe and for her life to go back to some modicum of peace and stability in the country she loves, because too many people will accuse me of supporting genocide and colonization.
Honestly, wtf is happening. It's like watching Donald Trump win the election and wondering how so many people can suddenly be racist, close-minded bigots all over again. How has America (and maybe the world?) been convinced that Israel is nothing at all but an aggressor and Palestine and Hamas are nothing at all but innocent babies in need of defense?
To all the people who claim this IS a black and white issue - honestly fuck you. No war has ever been black and white, and you fucking know it. Your brain's just gone stupid over this war for some reason.
To the civilians in Palestine, you didn't deserve the war brought to your doorstep by the terrorists among you. I wish this war would end yesterday and aid can rush to you and help you heal. You didn't (and don't) deserve to have your friends and family caught in this crossfire.
To the civilians in Israel, you have never deserved the vitriol thrown at you. And you certainly don't deserve to hear the world calling for the eradication of your country and livelihoods, all while erasing the terrible deeds done against you in this war. I wish I could erase antisemitism from the minds of everyone in the world so that you could heal from generations of degradation and mistreatment. You didn't (and don't) deserve to have your friends and family caught in this crossfire.
To anyone calling for the eradication of either nation - fuck you and your bigoted hearts. We're supposed to be spreading love, not hatred. We're supposed to care about each other, not hope missiles wipe imaginary enemies off a map.
What the actual fuck.
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lavendermunson · 6 months
red velvet - steve harrington
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day 8 of leia's christmas tree farm
cw +18. a very drunk softie steve. steve's dad deserves his own warning. FLUFF FLUFF. some allusions to sex?. steve is head over heels. no use of y/n or body descriptions.
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This always happens. Steve is too nervous to meet his dad at his annual Christmas celebration at someone else's big mansion. This isn't the first time you tag along, you have been doing this for a while not wanting to leave Steve alone with the people who torment him the most.
"I think that's enough" You take the cup of wine from his hand, his hair is starting to look disheveled and his pupils are already dilated. "You need to drive me home!" 
"I'm sorry, you know this is how I cope with my anxiety!" he slurs his words, shaking his head as his vision gets blurry.
Every time he was with his dad, he needed to be drunk enough to let his hurtful words fly away from him. Mr. Harrington had a special gift, where all of his words cut deep into Steve's heart, tormenting his mind for a long time, not just the moment he was talking. 
"We should go, everyone else is leaving. You can sober up in the car, let's go" you say, your arms traveling to his back to push him off the stool he was sitting on. He wraps his arm around your waist, pressing a peck on your cheek and making an effort to stand by himself to get going.
You help him walk to the car, waving to his parents goodbye and pretending he was still sober. He wasn't. 
Both of you sit in the back of his BMW, he parked as far away as possible to have some peace of mind when he arrived. Good thing he did, it's been a while since he has been sitting beside you. Eyes closed, shaky breath and his arms around you.
His wandering hands caress your waist, his fingers work to unzip your dress and his large palm finds your back, cold and soft hands in contact with your skin giving you goosebumps.
"You always make me feel so safe, baby" his head lifts from your shoulder, Steve's beautiful brown eyes lock with yours and you can see the happiness that shines in them. You mirror his emotions, rubbing his thigh.
"I'm always here for you, you know that baby" you whisper.
He looks at you, still rubbing your back with his gentle hands. He admires your features, the way your eyelashes make your eyes look bigger. The way the tip of your nose always looks so kissable, your lips always in a perfect shade of red. Your signature red lipstick that he buys for you anytime you need it.
He feels the warmth of your skin in contact with his hands, the way you melt against his touch as if it's the first time he is doing it. His mind wanders back to that night he made love to you for the first time, taking care of you and wanting you to feel good. 
But right now he feels at peace, his head is dizzy and the taste of wine is still present on his tongue. The bubbly feeling on his chest, he isn’t sure if it’s the alcohol or you. The only thing he knows, it’s that he is too drunk to start playing with you, as you once said you are his little toy.
This time, in his car under the moonlight, the bright lamp of the street and the windows fogged, the only thing he can focus on is how much he loves you. On how much his heart beats for you, every pump of blood is dedicated to you because he is here for you.
To take care of you, to listen to you, to take you home and make breakfast when you stay at his house. Steve's heart is entirely yours, he gave it to you without a single doubt. Because in a world full of people who enjoy stabbing him in the back, you are here to remind him the only thing that matters is how much he has grown into the beautiful and sweet boy he is now.
"You make me so happy, princess. You have no idea"
You smile at him, his puppy face and glassy eyes make you pout. You hold his face in your hands, his eyes close involuntarily as he feels your lips pressing over his face. You leave pecks all around his cheeks, trying to kiss every one of his freckles and moles. You kiss the tip of his nose and laugh as he scrunches his nose feeling the tingles. You kiss his forehead like you always do before falling asleep. 
When you try to leave a peck on his lips he throws his head back and sticks his tongue out like a little kid. You giggle, admiring the marks of lipstick on his face, the tattoo of your red lips decorating his pretty face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Don't move, Stevie!"
You look for your bag, taking the polaroid camera out and holding it in front of him.
Steve smiles, and when the camera clicks the picture slowly reveals itself. You show it to him and he laughs, loving how the marks are all over his face. 
"I think I'm going to get this tattooed, Eddie does tattoos right?"
"Baby, you can't get tattoos on your face!"
"But look how cute I am! All marked up by my princess" 
When you can't seem to stop giggling, Steve leans in, pressing his lips against yours to kiss you. His kiss is soft, like the silky duvet you sleep in. He takes his time to feel your lips against him, you let out a moan when his body presses against you. 
With your hands wrapped against his biceps, squeezing his arms with your fingers. One of his hands travels from your back to your cheek to hold you in place while his tongue makes its way past your lips to brush yours, he groans over the kiss feeling the vibration in your mouth.
You enjoy how his tongue presses against yours, you moan again savoring his taste. Wine, cigarettes, and a hint of his favorite cake red velvet. The one you always bake for him on his birthday.
Both of you break away from the kiss, lips red thanks to your lipstick and glossy from the mixing of the saliva. Hair messy and disheveled, your heavy chests and pounding hearts are the cherry on top.
"What's the name of your lipstick?" he asks, thumb caressing your cheek as you lean your face to the side. 
"Red velvet. Why?"
"Same as the cake you made for my birthday!" he smiles.
"Yes, I'll make that cake for you for the rest of my life" you bump his nose lightly with the tip of your finger earning a giggle from him.
"And I'll buy that lipstick for you for the rest of my life"
Now that he is sober, he can take you home. When you ask him to stay, he will say yes to wake you up with kisses and make you breakfast. For the rest of your lives too.
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reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! ♡ thank you for following my christmas event, remember you can still request a gift!
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 month
Summary: everyone is happy
Tw: heavyyyy angst, sad lil fic (literally what i named this before i came up with a title), mental health issues, depression, feeling unworthy of love, panic attack, self harm, self hate. thats all i can think of right now, but let me know if i need to add anything
A/n: based on this and this poetry by @gardenofrunar 🤭 you couldnt tell it was me could you pookie?
also, there is not really a bat boy our reader is supposed to be with, so im tagging this as all three of them. there will most probably not be a second part to this, but still, lemme know hat you all think
AND, im not trying to glorify what reader is going through in this fic. if you are going through something, please talk to someone. you are not alone, my loves ❣️
anyways, enjoyyyy!!
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It was happening again.
The breathlessness was starting to creep up again on her.
And the worst part wasn't the fact that she felt like she was dying.
It was that she was alone. Again.
No one was coming. No one cared. No one would even realise she was gone until it was too late, and maybe that was a miracle.
The haze cleared slightly, and gasping for breath, Y/n stood, somehow making it to the stairs leading to her bedroom before her lungs constricted again.
She had no other option as she crumbled on the stairs, the hard wood digging into her sides and thighs.
She could not breathe.
She could not think.
She could not move.
She could not breathe.
A cruel laugh broke through her consciousness, the sound so familiar yet so foreign, Y/n could not help but sob.
You deserve this.
Azriel. It was him, no doubt. But the longer she sat there, other voices started joining in.
First Cassian. Then Mor, Rhysand. Amren.
Feyre, Nesta. Elain.
"Stop." She whispered, her hands shaking as she rose them to her ears, pressing as hard as she could. But no matter how much she tried to ignore it, the clearer the words became.
You deserve this.
You don't deserve us.
It's your own fault.
In an attempt to get away, to get some peace and quiet, she reached out, clutching the stair. The wood grains whispered against her palm, their sound lost to ears filled with taunts and laughter.
Still, she dug in her fingers, her nails screaming in protest, her heart yelling back in a horrific screech, beating loud enough to almost drown out her family.
Pulling herself up, she reached out her hand, ignoring the pain as she did her best to haul her dysfunctional body up the hard terrain, trying to make it to her bed before she lost herself fully to the dark depths of her mind, losing all sense of her being.
Somehow, having no recollection of the climb, Y/n collapsed at the landing, her breathing erratic as she stared at the blurry paintings on the wall, gifted to her by Rhysand's mate.
Had they always been this blurry?
In the back of her mind, she realised that they were never blurry. There were just tears in her eyes, but she didn't think too much about that as she crawled forward, miraculously crossing the threshold to her room, the familiar smell of flowers Elain had gifted her last week pulling her out of her misery for a moment, enough to let her get up and stumble into the plush material of her bed before tears again erupted in her eyes.
They then came back, screaming in her ears about how much of a disappointment she was, how she deserved no happiness.
And she agreed with them.
But still, it hurt her heart to hear the people she cared for voice thoughts she only limited to the darkness of night, under the gentle presence of the moonlight.
You don't deserve happiness.
She knew the inevitable onslaught of her self hatred was about to break over her head, knew it was unavoidable and would probably have her moping for days.
Her mind started wandering, which in itself was alarming because as much as she wanted to stop thinking about her miserable life, she knew that any and all thoughts she had at these times would only work against her.
Rhys's tear stained cheeks, his bloodshot eyes and his quiet sobs as he clutched Y/n's hands between both of his, Y/n's soft cooing as she tried her best to soothe his wounds after his mother and sister's death.
As she held him after his return from under the mountain.
This was going to be a long night, she was sure.
Cassian's grumpy self refusing to eat after one of the Illyrians had again bullied him for not being good enough. Y/n's cheeks aching from how hard she was trying not to smile as she tried to convince the overgrown illyrian to eat something.
Azriel's shaky hands as she held onto him after a particularly bad nightmare that usually started keeping him up around the time his hands were burned, the anniversary o the time where an innocent little boy realised that the world was filled with cruelty.
Y/n being the first one to find out about Mor's liking in women and helping her sneak out to meet her lovers.
Y/n dragging gallons of fresh blood to Amren's apartment under the cover of the night when she knew the ancient being hadn't had the time to feast.
Her hands scrambled to find something to tether herself to, to remind her that this was not real and that it would pass. That her family did love her, and that they would never hurt her or want her to think this way of herself.
They would never hurt her the way she hurt herself.
They just wouldn't... would they?
Rhys's wide smile as he admired his mate while she spoke to a grinning Cassian, who in turn turned to Azriel to tease the blushing Illyrian. Mor, giggling over her glass of wine as she mumbled something to Elain, Nesta and Amren conversing in hushed tones next to the window, happiness shining on both their faces.
And Y/n watched on, huddled in her own little corner as she gulped down another glass of champagne, trying to focus on the burn in her throat as the liquor travelled down. Trying not to think of the way her breathing started coming in shorter pants, her lungs constricting in the too small rib cage that were set on killing her.
Trying to ignore the tang of copper in her mouth as she bit her own tongue, not wanting to speak and draw attention to herself, to ask for help because she was too unused to suffering in silence. Her family had always been there, and she had never had to go even a day without their constant nagging. She always had at least one of them guiding her through the worst of her days.
Trying not to think of how no one even glanced up as she exited the room, tears prickling her eyes, feeling like she was nothing but an intruder, watching from outside the warmth of the house, standing knee deep in the cold snow as she tried her best to keep warm by looking at the happy faces of her family, no matter how much she was freezing on the inside.
Her fingers curled around the lumpy material of her comforter, and she pushed forward, trying to ignore the tears that rolled down her warm cheeks and buried her head in the soft fabric.
And then let out the ear piercing scream she had been holding in, uncaring that she had let down the sound shield around her room.
She knew no one was around to hear.
She knew no one would come.
They were all too happy to worry.
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Her stomach was grumbling, and she was glad it was because otherwise it would've been the cause for concern, considering she hadn't eaten in almost a day.
She was still so tired and wanted to do nothing but lay in bed all day and cry, but she needed to eat too.
And so here she was, chopping up some vegetables in a daze, not really paying attention despite wanting to focus on something that took her mind off of her thoughts.
It was not easy to stop thinking, so when suddenly the fog in her mind cleared, she glanced down.
The red of her blood was bright, and the longer she stared, the quicker the pain came, but it was only a tiny sting, nothing more than the bite of an ant in the shape of a knife.
She stared, and stared.
And then, she lifted her eyes, her gaze settling on her dagger, unprompted.
She smiled.
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Writing was one of the parts of Y/n's responsibilities. Writing a letter to help the relations between the courts. A report for the high lord.
It was one of the things that broke her out of her own mind's torture, one of the things that made her feel like she wasn't entirely useless.
So here she was, just scribbling away senseless words in her journal, knowing she would hide it away before anyone saw it. Saw the blood stains.
For the first time in weeks, she was smiling, no tears to be found in her eyes as she lay on her stomach on the bed, her legs in the air behind her as she began doodling little flowers in the corner of the page, her inkpot next to her and her dagger in her other hand.
She went to dip in her feather pen in the ink, frowning a little as it created spots of ink on the crumpled paper, mixing with the dark red liquid that still dripped slowly from her fingers, little rivulets running down from her wrist.
As she continued, a tap on her mental walls had her pausing, and after a brief conversation with Rhys, she got up, closing her journal and beginning to clean the cuts on her wrist and around the journal and then donning a flowy, simple white gown.
It wasn't long before a knock sounded at her door, and she hurried to open it to find Cassian standing on her front porch, smiling.
"Hey Y/n, Rhys asked me to pick you up-"
Y/n nodded. "Yes I know, let me just grab my things and then we can go."
He shrugged, leaning against the doorframe.
She ran up the stairs and to her bedroom, grabbing the little bag she had put all her pens and previous reports into, deciding to carry them with her just in case.
She hurried back out within a few moments, but she saw that Cassian had moved, standing near the gates. Which was suspicious, but not too alarming as she stepped onto the porch.
"Let's go."
Before she shut the door Y/n turned and glanced around the house for the last time. Why, she didn't know. But she couldn't shake the feeling in her gut that something was wrong.
And she had known to always trust her gut.
But she turned around, locking the door before leaving.
Not realising her journal was missing from the table.
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"I really don't want to pressure you too much Y/n, so if you don't want to be a part of this research, I understand-"
"Rhys, this is no burden. I'm actually honoured you even considered me for this project."
His brows furrowed, his smile turning confused. "What are you talking about Y/n? You're one of the smartest people I know. Of course you are included-" he trailed off, his eyes filling with understanding. "How have you been Y/n?"
Y/n blinked, pretending not to understand what he meant by that. Of course Rhys knew she struggled with feeling worthy of her family, and of course he made that connection.
"I've been good, Rhys." Y/n mumbled, an easy grin on her face as if Rhys's concern was ridiculous.
"Have you had any recent episodes-"
"Guess what I found!"
He paused, both their heads turning to where Cassian's booming voice floated through the cracked door.
Y/n's whole body ran cold, and before she could even question the reaction of her body to something that wouldn't have concerned her before, she was stumbling out the door, following Cassian's voice to the sitting room, where everyone else was gathered.
Cassian was grinning as he explained to them how he had gone to pick Y/n's up from her house, and how he found-
Her secret diary.
Y/n's eyes widened, her legs refusing to move as her gaze locked on the book Cassian held in his hand.
"Oh, look, she's here too!" He turned to her, his expression carefree and inviting. "Never knew you had a diary Y/n. What will I find if I read through it? Your secret lover's name? His-"
"Cass." Y/n warned, finally getting herself to move forward as he danced back, his hands beginning to crack open the book.
"Will I find your secret fantasies-"
He stopped dead in his tracks, all the emotions gone from his face as he stared at the page he had opened, his features hard. Y/n waited with bated breath, her head turning to gauge everyone's reaction.
Mor sat with Nyx in her lap, bouncing him as she glanced between Y/n and Cassian. Feyre and Azriel exchanged confused glances before Azriel stood, stalking towards Cass.
Panicked, Y/n jumped forward, but before her hand could wrap around her journal, he pulled away, face pale.
"What is this?"
"None of your business."
Azriel had stopped, his eyes wide as he stared at Y/n.
That's when Y/n realised he had smelled the blood she left on the pages.
Damn it.
Y/n stepped back towards the exit as she felt all the eyes on her, panic starting to dig its claws in her gut and begin its ascent up her throat as the shadows curled around Azriel's ear and his eyes went to her wrist, covered by the long sleeves of her dress.
Y/n turned to find Rhys standing in the doorway, his eyes filled with tears.
She glanced once at everyone, tears starting to fill her own eyes, her face flushing in embarrassment, mad that she had started crying over nothing, and pushed past Rhys, running towards the front door.
They will be mad.
You deserve it.
Y/n fled the river house, ignoring the concerned looks thrown her way by the people on the streets as she ran straight to her house.
They hate you.
The door slammed shut behind her as she leaned against it, gasping for breath as her lungs started contracting painfully, refusing to let her breathe.
The breathlessness was starting to creep up again on her.
It was happening again.
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686
@cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1
@hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21
@mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria
@girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar @girlswithimagination @sunnyspycat
@artists-ally @riddlesb1tch @milswrites @berryzxx
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings @azrielsmate3 @celestialend
@stqrgirlies-blog @tele86 @bakananya @xyzmeh
@st4r-girl-official @caraaaaugh @nacho-nat @allllium
@fandomarchiveilyd @nickishadow139
Cassian Taglist: @moonlwghts @samslittlespoon @nickishadow139
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lady-ashfade · 4 months
Through My Window. Pt.2
Day 17 of celebration marathon.
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-♡Book!older!Percy Jackson x Fem!reader.
-£ this fic was very popular and I have been asked uncountable times to make a part two, some people will be disappointed but I hope I can please some!
-£ Part one.
-£ words: 1.7k
-£ warnings: angst, seeing your ex, crying, reader being rightfully upset, college reader & percy, reconnecting from the past, I had a hard time writing this, so poor writing.
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You’d like to say you got over him.
That everything was placed in a box and forgotten and never thought of again. Tragically you couldn’t seem to get percy out of your thoughts. Late at night you’d see him fighting monsters, saw him running for his life, or the past moments you shared. But they were only dreams, and he wasn’t going to come back for you. The college life treated you well enough and even if you couldn’t get him out of your mind the new friends you made helped keep him out from time to time.
You could lied to yourself that the boys you spent time with at parties or your dorm didn’t make you feel special. But they weren’t him and you hated that. Percy was somewhere with someone like him— better for him then you and he was happier. He had it all while you stayed the same girl who longed to feel his love again, to see his smile and brush his hair.
You missed him. Everything about him was stuck in your mind like a constant playing movie on repeat. It was years you both knew each other, he was a friend before anything so your heart wanted him close again. Even though you knew it would sting to glance upon him once more.
Today you had extra time to yourself in between classes so you went off campus to get yourself something to eat. Thankfully the small shop you loved was empty and not overflowing with business. And it was a perfect day to eat outside and review your notes, so you did just that. Sitting underneath a tree at a bench and eating your lunch. It was peaceful. You liked the light breeze on your skin and rustling of the leaves in your ears made you smile.
“You’ve got something in your hair,” he chuckled and pulled out a leaf from your hair making you role you eyes. He smirked at your attitude and leans to press his lips to yours. And you couldn’t stay mad at him after that.
“I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”
Suddenly the breeze made it easier for your spine to feel a shiver as you remembered the feeling of his hand on your cheek. It was like remembering a ghost of your past, making you cold and icy. The last words he ever said to you were him apologizing. It made your skin crawl, he was sorry? Time couldn’t heal you when all he said was “I’m sorry” like it was a simple fix for you. You weren’t enough for him, and you came to terms with that but he lied to you all that time, only to dump you before prom.
Now percy wasn’t happy with himself. He never wanted to leave you, he swore to be by your side even when odds weren’t on his favor and that’s exactly what he didn’t do. He left your side and broke your heart with something that wasn’t true. It was no secret that you were everything to him and he worshipped the ground you walked on. And that’s exactly why he had to leave you, you were his greatest weakness to his enemies. And the lie about annabeth made his head turn with regret and guilt.
But you brought it up and at the time it was a good coverup to make you hate him— which he was right. You did hate him and rightfully so. Each night he went to sleep with you in his mind, and then when he woke he was never left with your voice in his head. Percy knew you probably wouldn’t want him back but he’d never want anyone else. That doesn’t mean he would blame you for moving on, you deserved to be loved and he wanted you happy.
but that was all forgotten when he saw you now. just a perfect as ever.
“Excuse me,” His throat went dry as he approached closer to you. he should have kept walking, leaving you alone because he hurt you.
“Do you had to know anywhere around here that takes golden drachmas?” All the breath in his chest went away when you turned your head to look at him. He knew he missed you but he could cry on his knees right now upon seeing you again but reality reminded him quickly. Your eyes were shocked and wide like he was a monster of some sort only here to hurt you.
“What are you doing here?” You hiss and grab ahold of your notebook to ground yourself. Glancing around the place for any sign of anyone else, her for example. But you saw no sign of the blonde beauty anywhere.
“Honestly, I heard you moved here for college and hoped to run into you,” he spilled and walked closer with his hands sweating. “Which I now believe sounds crazy.” he gives you awkward smile which you don’t return, instead you get up from your seat and pick up your things in a rush. your books starts to fall and papers flying while you groan and try to catch everything. He wanted to help you but you held up your hand to stop him from coming closer.
“I told you,” once you had everything in your bag again you stomped your feet and glare at him, “I never want to see you again.”
Percy remembered those words like they had happened only moments ago. He also remembers the tears rolling down your eyes when you shouted at him to leave. He was haunted each day. What hurt him worse was how you stormed away from him leaving him like a sad puppy…exactly like he left you. But he wasn’t going to leave you thinking any longer that he would choose anyone over you.
“Wait,” he jogged behind you. he knew you heard him when you started to speed up to get away from him. “Please, Baby—” it’s been forever since he called you that and he knew his mistake as soon as he let them slip. You turned quickly with a fire in your eyes that could burn him down to ash with your hatred.
“You have no right to call me that!” Your voice echoes through the air as you point your finger at him. He stopped in his tracks just a few inches before you and his head hung in shame. “Not after everything you’ve done.”
“That’s what I’m here to see you, I never-”
“I don’t care for your reasons or apology— I want you to leave me alone.” And that was the one thing he couldn’t do. Not yet.
“Just give me a chance to explain why I left.” He pleads with begging eyes. You shake your head with no more control over your emotions to say no to him. Tears pool up in your eyes while trying to wave him away from you.
“You left me—even when you promised.” For the first time in a long time he got to feel you but not in the way he dreamed about, but by you hitting his chest. “You said you’d stay by my side no matter what. You said that I was enough.” Even after you continued to hit his chest you sobbed while he watched with tears of his own.
“You promised.” His arms wrapped around your trembling figure and pulled you close and you gave out in the fight and let him. You cried into his chest while he rubbed your back with no care for anything else but you.
“I never stopped loving you. I lied and I am forever sorry to be the cause of your pain but I had to, I’d rather you hate me then watch you die.” you breathe out and pull away from his chest and look at him. he could see the puzzled look at your face. “I lied about being in love with annabeth. I needed you to hate me so you wouldn’t be targeted and-”
“So you’re saying all of it— the constant feeling like I wasn’t enough…was all a lie?” he wanted to deny it but he couldn’t get anything out of his mouth.
Stepping back and throwing his arms off of you, “really? Now that,” you began to laugh and lean over with your hands wrapping around yourself. “is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard. I pictured her kiss you, you telling her that you love her- when it wasn’t happening?” it was a mix of crying and laughing now at yourself, even a hint of anger.
“Hunny..” he reached out for you again but you moved out of the way. you whip you eyes of tears and your cheeks with your smile still on your face. It was all too much for you to handle, seeing him again and the him telling you the truth. So your outburst may have seemed crazy but it was natural for your body to be overwhelmed.
“That’s why you came? Go get it off your conscience,” you tilt your head.
“No, I came to tell you the truth…to see you again, make sure you’re happy.” you could tell by his eyes that he meant all the words. A frown on his face and he looked over you like you’d change in seconds again. 
“How could I have been happy without you? You’re a idiot,” you confess. again, there was not a day that has gone by without thinking of him. “Massive.” He agreed with you with his own smile creeping on his face. You missed him after everything he did.
“But if you’ll have me, I’ll spend the rest of my days making it up to you.” His hand grabbed yours slowly incase you wanted to pull away from him but you didn’t. you wrap your fingers around his, moving closer to him.
“You have a lot of making up to do.” it was a peaceful moment between you both as you smile together.
Maybe you shouldn’t have taken him back. Maybe you should have forgive him on the spot. But you knew that he was met to be in your life or he wouldn’t be here now. Slipping through your window with a wide smile into your dorm room and waiting for a hello kiss from you. And he would continue to come to your window until college was over.
“Someones going to catch you coming through my window.”
taglist: @maria699669 @purplerose291 @itzmeme @ravenmedows @repostingmyfavs
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anchoeritic · 2 years
「 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐞. 」
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of food, she/her pronouns, pet names: baby, sweetheart, bear. lil bit of kissing, carm being a precious boy.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: in which his only comfort is found within you.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: first carmen berzatto fic, eeeek.
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“Carmy, baby,” She stifled out a laugh, pushing his shoulder.
“Does it hurt to cheer up a bit, even just for me?” With a soft pat, she wrapped her arms his waist, hugging him from behind.
He stayed quiet, the stirs of his wooden spoon cutting through the thick, silent tension. It was another one of those days; he couldn’t bring himself to do much.
"I love you."
It was like the only person he could bring himself to be around was her. She was the one person he wouldn't mind spilling his guts to — quite literally physically and vocally.
Whenever she laid her eyes on him, it takes him back to the night they met.
She made him feel like everything was okay. Whether it was running into some type of debt, being drained out after a long day, she made him feel like he was at least human.
"You're not a robot, Carm, So don't expect yourself to work like one." His girlfriend would tell him before pressing warm kisses to his rosy cheeks.
Reassurance. That was his comfort; his favourite kind. The only one that actually worked for him, and she was fucking good at it.
Why? Because she truly believes that he deserves more recognition than he gets. He deserves the love he lacks of giving himself.
"C'mon, baby!" She tried to cheer him up, swaying her hips to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Funny Valentine".
Clasping her hands over his stomach, she held him tightly, trying to make him dance with her.
"Each day is Valentine's day..." The vinyl spun slowly, letting the music play. "Is your figure less than Greek?"
Closing his eyes, he felt the music flow through his soul, allowing himself just fall free into the peaceful abyss of your arms wrapped around him. A small smile was set on his lips as he began to dance with her, placing the spoon onto the counter.
"Is your mouth a little weak," she sang quietly, resting her head on his back. "When you open it to speak?"
It was the nights like this that really brought him happiness. A dinner for two with low dimming lights barely shining down on the two of them as they danced to the gentlest rhythm.
Quickly but softly, he turned around to face her, placing his arms around her waist instead. She smiled when she saw the grin on his face, feeling accomplished.
"I knew you'd break at some point, bear." She teased him, tangling her arms around his neck. "I missed that smile of yours, it felt like forever since I've seen it."
Carmen let out a low chuckle, kissing her temple. "I'm sorry." His heart warmed up at the sound of your light giggles, starting to beat faster for her.
"Don't be," she placed her hand on his cheek, looking at him with sympathetic eyes. "Just, Shh.."
Meeting her doe eyes, he admired every part of her face, falling right back into love. The music drowned into the background, going completely silent for Carmen.
It was only the two of them now, just in each other's presence.
She was something straight out of those silly, little Rom-Coms that Sugar used to watch, the same ones she used to talk about constantly.
Her eyes, lips, her fucking nose, he could go all day just telling everyone how beautiful she truly was. Never in a million years did he expect her to fall in love with him, to be excited to wake up next to him every morning,
She was the missing piece to his complicated puzzle.
The cup of coffee he needed every morning, the adrenaline he craved. He wanted that and he needed her.
The silence was broken when Carmy decided to remind her again, how much he did care for her, even when it doesn't show
He leaned into the warmth of her palm, laying a tender kiss. "I love you." He whispered, tracing circles into her back. "Fuck, I love you more than you know it, sweetheart."
Eventually, their lips melted into one, fitting in perfectly between. Her hands found their way to his hair, running her fingers through his curls as his arms drew her body closer towards his.
Another sweet kiss was shared that night, lasting longer than the previous ones. Engulfed in each other's arms, completely and utterly in love with one another.
Well, that was until their dinner decided to boil over, sending the couple into an unexpected panic.
"Carm, the soup!"
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics in which a character had experienced abuse of some form in the past as requested in this ask. Please don't forget to leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here.
- Louis/Harry -
🧱 Run Like the Devil by benzos
(E, 143k, Supernatural au) Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
🧱 Saving Symphony Hall by @helloamhere
(E, 124k, omegaverse) “That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
🧱 Hang there like fruit, my soul/Till the tree die by louloubaby92 / @louloubabys1992
(M, 111k, omegaverse) Louis knows he's a defective omega. He knows its also not his fault but it is what it is. He takes the world head on even when the world is unkind to him. 
🧱 Give Me Truths by iwillpaintasongforlou / @canonlarry
(E, 110k, punk Louis) the one in which Louis falls in love with a fragile boy and tells him every beautiful truth in the world, as long as it makes him happy.
🧱 The Naked Truth by @larrysmomfics
(E, 80k, Naked Attraction au) The producers of Naked Attraction decide to do a 'Second Chances' edition of the show where past contestants who didn't find love on the show the first time can re-apply in hopes that the second time's a charm. 
🧱 Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds
(NR, 88k, historical) 1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
🧱 Shout It From The Rooftops by therogueskimo / @bravetemptation
(M, 70k, PTSD) Plagued by memories of the worst day of his life, Louis Tomlinson feels like he’s constantly living in darkness. Harry Styles might just be the person to bring him back to the light.
🧱 These High Walls by LarryAlways28
(E, 68k, omegaverse) Born to one of Seattle's wealthiest families,  Harry was raised exactly as a Styles heir should be: sharp as a tack, witty, charming, and powerful. He was the ideal son - until he presented as an Omega.
🧱 you're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece by Valentia
(E, 50k, uni) The one where Harry is soft and pretty but doesn't see it and Louis just wants to love him the way he deserves.
🧱 elephant juice by @stylinsoncity
(M, 32k, uni) harry doesn't understand boundaries. louis doesn't mind at all.
🧱 With These Arms Folded by @taggiecb
(NR, 21k, famous/not famous) Harry Styles is living a peaceful existence in California as a very successful songwriter. That is until he receives a curious email one sunny summer morning, and his life almost immediately gets turned upside down buy a force that's bigger than any storm he's seen outside his window.
🧱 why take your life when you give it so willingly by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 19k, pirates) When Louis Tomlinson, Captain of The Rogue, ends up adrift at sea after Captain Cowell attacks his ship, he is surprised to find his enemy, Captain Styles, coming to his rescue.
🧱 vatican cameos by nightwideopen / @themarshalstale
(T, 14k, asexuality) sometimes louis gets sad and sometimes harry lets louis write on him
🧱 Just a touch of your love by @thegirlontheblackhoodie
(E, 12k, omegaverse) Harry is a touch starved omega trying to get through it on his own. Louis happens to be the only alpha around to realize it and offers to help.
🧱 You've Got A New Life (Am I Bothering you?) by LilyBlue28
(NR, 5k, omegaverse) the one where Louis is an omega who suffers from PTSD and is triggered one day. He doesn't know how to ask for help from his doting alpha, doesn't think he deserves it, and tries to handle it on his own.
🧱 I Don't Wanna Hurt Anymore by offwiththeirheads / @hazzabooween
(M, 5k, kidfic) Harry walks a thin line between breaking his best friend’s heart and fighting a losing battle.
- Rare Pairs -
🧱 Sugar, We're Going Down by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 131k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) At 37, Nick has everything he could possibly want in life: huge success in business, a Bachelor of the Year award hanging in his toilet, piles of money, and a rather odd little habit of visiting a cafe with terrible service on his way into the office every morning.
🧱 It's You by happily_missy
(E, 56k, Zayn/Liam) Liam is a PA for a famous fashion designer and Zayn is their gorgeous new model.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Twenty One.
Kyojuro x gn reader
A/N: Today is my 21st birthday, since Kyojuro’s is only three days after mine, I figured I’d write this </3
Word count: 1.2k
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You’re humming softly, hanging the laundry on the line so it will dry as the sun rises. It’s peaceful, dew covering the grass as a symphony of frogs can be heard through the trees by the pond. Birds chirp softly as they wake, accompanying you in your solitude. Today is a special one, Kyojuro is turning twenty. You smile at the thought, you had some activities planned for the day to celebrate his completed teenage years and welcome him into early adulthood. You’d make breakfast together, spend the morning quietly just as he liked.
Then, in the afternoon you’d go on a walk to the pond less than a mile from your estate and have a small picnic. Finally, in the evening, you’d be meeting up with your fellow Hashira to really celebrate him. Kyojuro wasn’t aware of any of this, which made it even more special to you. It was hard to get anything by him, never mind surprise him. You clipped the last piece of laundry, yelping as warm arms wrapped around your midsection. “Kyojuro! You scared me!” You’re laughing now, feet leaving the ground as he twirls you. “Sorry, my love.” He’s laughing too.
“It’s alright, it doesn’t even matter.” He’s setting you down, allowing you to turn and face him. “What matters is this…” you're pushing upwards, kissing his lips tenderly before pulling away. “Happy birthday, my shining star.” You smile harder as his face blooms red, eyes diverting from yours with a wobbly smile. “What’s that look for?” You teased softly, hands cupping his warm cheeks. “I didn’t think anyone would remember.” He confesses softly, a look of hurt dawning on your face. “Didn’t think anyone would remember? It’s May 10th, the most important day.”
He’s turning redder, eyes shutting as he presses his forehead to yours. “I’m sorry.” It’s soft and meek, you have to wonder how many birthdays passed him by where nobody remembered. “Nothing to be sorry for, it’s your birthday so stop apologizing.” A real smile creeps up his face, eyes opening slowly to look down at you. “Thank you.” You kiss him again, hoping it gets your feelings across better than any words you could utter. “I have a whole day planned for you, Kyo. So why don’t we start with breakfast?” His smile was blinding . “We’ll make it together?” He was letting you go, taking your hand in his to pull you back towards the house.
“Of course! We’ll make whatever you want.”
The kitchen was a mess by the time you were done, flour covering your cheeks while strawberry jam covered his. You were laughing, sitting on the porch because the sun had yet to dry the dew off the grass, eating the breakfast you had made together. “This is why we don’t make breakfast together.” He’s laughing as he eats, watching you carefully as you try the food. “No, this is why you don’t make breakfast.” It’s lighthearted, funny even, and it means the world to him for some reason. He loves how unserious you can be, a beautiful change of pace from the life he knew after his mother passed. He could laugh with you, speak his mind and not worry.
“Touché.” His face was beginning to hurt from the smile that wouldn’t leave. You made his heart feel so impossibly full, as if it would burst at any moment. “So, I was thinking we could clean up, us and the kitchen I mean. And then we can pack a basket and head down to the pond. Maybe go see Senjuro too, or even invite him on the picnic?” You loved the way his eyes seemed to sparkle. “That sounds wonderful, I’ll send a crow to him in a little bit. I’m sure he’s still sleeping.” If Kyojuro could, he’d have already moved Senjuro in with the two of you by now. The boy didn’t want to leave their father alone, even if he deserved it. Kyojuro respected the decision of course. Despite everything, he still loved his father.
“You know, I was thinking of ways to make this day special for you. Especially since you’ve been granted some time off by Master. I’ve been struggling, but I hope the things I have planned for you are worthwhile.” You were pretty sure he’d love it, though you still harboured doubt. “You could never disappoint me. This is already more than enough.” Which was the honest truth. A simple happy birthday from you would have been enough to make his heart full. The fact that you were going the extra mile was enough to solidify his decision… he’d ask you to marry him. Perhaps even at the picnic today, with his little brother present.
He’d been holding on to the ring for a while now anyways.
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The ring on your finger sparkles in the early morning sun. A whole year has passed, once again May 10th has arrived. Kyojuro turns twenty one today. Similarly, it marks one year since he asked you to marry him. You began clipping the fresh laundry, humming softly as you worked. Unlike last year, Kyojuro wasn’t home. He’d been sent on a mission, apparently many people had gone missing while riding a particular train. Knowing Kyojuro, if all went well, he’d be home by this afternoon to celebrate this special day.
“I wonder if he’ll want to go on a picnic again…” you hadn’t planned this day out like you did last year. The surprise party with the other pillars had turned into an engagement party as well. You smiled thinking back on that night, you wanted to go back so bad. You’d never seen Kyojuro smile that much, eyes sparkling in wonder like a small child trying candy for the first time. But, since he was on a mission, you figured taking the day to relax and spend time with one another was for the best. You could always go out with friends some time later in the week.
You’re soaking in the quiet morning, surprised you don’t hear birds chirping or the frogs croaking down by the pond. Rather, it seems everything has gone still, only a slight breeze rustling the leaves of the trees around you. The morning dew wasn’t as prominent as it had been last year, though you didn’t mind your feet being dry. Humming still, you picked up your half empty basket and made your way around to the other side of the drying line. The gentle flapping of a crow had you stopping in your tracks. “Oh, he must be on his way back…” you smiled at the thought.
You watched the crow land on top of the drying line’s pole, waiting for Kyojuro’s message. But, the words the crow uttered had your laundry basket slipping from your grasp. The basket tipped as it hit the ground, damp laundry spilling into the grass as you fell to your knees. Violent sobs shook you to your very core, lungs threatening to collapse as all oxygen was pulled from you. The morning that had been so unusually silent was now filled with your blood curdling screams, tears spilling down your cheeks in rivets. Kyojuro had left the world the same day he had entered it.
Never quite making it to twenty one.
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bbabymesssss · 7 months
"You go too fast for me, Jophiel. There's only one place I truly want to see again, and you can't take me there."
Jophiel dropped onto the steering wheel, letting out a frustrated sigh. The conversation had ended worse than he had imagined.
Trembling, he looked at the lighter the owl had given him. Despite everything, he had given it to him.
He thought about how curious happiness was and how it could vanish from someone's body in a matter of seconds. How everything around him felt warm with Azazel's presence, with that talk where he had confessed in the most adorable way possible his desire to be called angel by him. And how the cold had taken over the car at the same moment the owl had said those words before leaving, leaving him completely alone.
Frustrating, was the best way he could define all that. It was frustrating that so many of his conversations ended that way, that they left him with a strange feeling in his body. It was frustrating to feel that there was never enough for the demon, that he never found the exact right words, that something was always missing.
Maybe it's that he couldn't compare to the faith that Azazel still maintained. Of course not, how could he compare himself to God? How stupid.
But he couldn't help but feel mad. It was pretty obvious that Azazel wanted to return to heaven, even if he didn't say so verbatim. That same heaven that once rejected him, that had caused him so much suffering and that, even nowadays, that same suffering only complicated his life. Hurt him.
He had always questioned certain ideals of heaven, even if it was risky to do so from his position. He was aware that he was not the best example of an angel. It was increasingly difficult for him to understand what had pushed Heaven to expel Azazel.
What sense did it make to abandon someone so devout, with a purity that bordered on the impossible. With an innate goodness that was dangerous to the owl himself and a faith that was eating away and devouring him day by day?
How did they even dare to turn off a light like his?
If anyone deserved a place in heaven, it was certainly him. His angel. His light. And even then, he had fallen and had to live with it for the rest of his existence. With that sorrow. With that sadness in his eyes, his incessant nervousness, his words. The burns on his hands. Oh, the burns.
They must have hurt, right?
He promised to himself that if God didn't protect him, he would. How was he going to protect him from himself?
How frustrating. Azazel was frustrating. The love he felt for him was incredibly frustrating.
Not that it mattered, of course. He was going to love him either way.
Jophiel asked himself if love always was like that. Exasperating, infuriating, confusing, maddening, all at once. And at the same time, so tender, so sweet and warm.
Even now, when he was feeling so miserable and defeated, his mind couldn't stop spinning around the fact of how devilishly adorable Azazel was. In the enormous desire he had to see his face again, to hear his voice, to make him smile and laugh and, perhaps, some occasional blush. His heart felt at peace just by that thought. But it also raced so fast that for a minute he thought it was going to explode.
He wondered how it was possible for love to be that complicated. How was it even possible that it caused so many different emotions in him.
He felt like he was going to lose his mind at any time.
"What a tightrope we walk on, angel."
But oh, how much he loved him.
How much he adored him. How much he worshiped him.
another little thing based on the best good omens au ever, oopsie!omens by @asleepyy bc they are all i think about lately. hope you enjoy it!🩷
(english is not my first language so i apologize in advance if there's any mistakes)
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nikosaki · 2 months
"I got my eyes on you"
Summary: Dazai realizes how gloomy you have been, especially during both yours vacation ,,,what will they do to make their sweet s/o feel better?
Genre: fluff, hurt to comfort
Warnings: reader is sort of workaholic and very tired, implied depression, basically him comforting you when your at your lowest <3
A/N: um hi guys :D first post!
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DAZAI knew whenever you were sad, happy, delighted or angry. He was a very calculating man after all. One would say he knew everything, though you wouldn`t say that when he first confessed his love to you, he acted like some lovesick puppy!
You could only think of his soft chocolate-coloured hair which you would run your fingers through late at night, his umber eyes which would shine with just a tiny bit of light when they looked at your figure whenever you felt gloomy.
You loved everything about this bandaged man.
And you didn`t even know why!
You opened your eyes a large beach infront of you ah thats right you were on vacation with him. The sky was getting darker by the minute especially since it was late at night. There was a huge cloud above you, you could feel it hovering your thoughts at all times.
As you took in the sight infront of you, you notice dazai playing around the sand in beach-type clothes to which you only smiled softly from the chair you sat on.
The evening air brushed across your skin making your body slightly shiver. This was the last day tomorrow both of you had to return home.
Dazai walks over to you, a beaming smile presented on his face ''Bellllllla! come join me, we can swim together the water is a bit cold but who cares it would be fun" he exclaimed.
"No dazai, not in the mood" you chuckle out.
You could see a hint of worry and concern on dazai`s face as you decline. He grabs you by your arms, a bit softly like always on how he treats you like a fragile doll and makes your feet pace with him.
"Wait where are we going, dazai!" you shout as he only smiles and keeps making you follow him up to some hill beside the shore you had never seen it before but it was filled with lilies and was very high.
"Keep close to me bella" he replies back as he keeps taking strikes, you had wondered why he was so persistent in taking you to a place lovely as this, you don`t deserve it.
As you finally quiet down because its no use Dazai stops on the top of the hill and at that moment you felt everything stop as fireworks blow in the sky, each a different colour. The way the dark sky blossomed into various colours looked as if a huge bundle of feelings were let out.
"Dazai, this.." you uttered softly taking in the view as you feel his bandaged arms on the top of your head, lovingly rubbing it giving you a peace of mind.
"Did you forget sweetheart? Tonight was the fireworks show, I couldn`t enjoy this without you can i? You deserve all this, everything in this world" he continued.
"I wish i could gift you every single item presented in this cruel world but that wouldn`t express my adoration for you properly so i will give you heart, because that`s the richest thing i could gift you"
You didn`t look at him, as your teary eyes which reflected the patterns in the sky tried not to cry.
Dazai kissed the back of your head, gently like the night breeze.
"You deserve all of this, my belladonna"
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A/N: first post! hehe
Divider: @benkeibear
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Thank you so much for responding to my request last time, it was so good! I have another concept that's also inspired by something else if you don't mind?
Sebastian and MC are married, but he goes missing (due to his dangerous job) and is thought to be dead for years. MC is still grieving, but trying to move on. She gets engaged to another wizard, but Sebastian finally returns after trying his best to get back to her. They have a huge fight when Sebastian finds out (it'd be nice if it had a happy *smutty* ending, though).
"Where do you get off letting him think he can have you? You're mine and I'm yours. That's it!"
Great Request! 😃 Thank-you 💜
This has angst! It's also long! NSFW 🌶 🔥
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC (Mrs Sallow) as adults.
My beloved, Sebastian,
They tell me you are gone, forever, lost to me...dead. I haven't seen your face for over two years now, and my deepest fear suspects they may be right. But in my heart, safe for always, you will remain. As much as it hurts me, I could never let you go completely, for that would mean the end of me also.
I know our friends mean well, they wish to see me happy, at peace perhaps. But it has been hard to hear their insistent pleas for me to move on. Of late, I have had to succumb to their pleas. I'm not sure I can handle another visit to the morgue to identify another poor soul, the guilt of my relief that it is never you under the cloth, but some other lost loved one. I don't envy their family's pain, but it is another desperate scrap of hope that you are still alive.
We are holding a ceremony for you, to say goodbye, to let you go. I cannot say goodbye, merely farewell, for one day I know we will be reunited. How could we not? Whatever awaits beyond the mortal realm, I will find you there, my whole soul is destined for it. It always was.
It breaks me that you had to go before me, and all I have left are my memories, precious moments that are a comfort during dark, lonely nights.
Forgive me for having to let you go, if only for a time. I will love you forever, just as I promised you.
Wait for me. I will wait for you.
Your wife, MC.
Six months later...
"Matthew has proposed," MC said. Her fingers clutched her teacup a little tighter. The words sounded so terribly real when said out loud.
Poppy paused as she went to take a sip from her own tea cup, her eyes widening. She quickly put down her cup and put a hand on MC's arm. "Oh my goodness," she said. Concern clouded her face. "How...I mean...what did you say?"
"I told him I needed to think about it," MC said. Which was the truth. She looked down at her left hand, the silver band symbolising her eternal promise to Sebastian still there on her finger. Her voice became a whisper. "I can't help but feel like I am being unfaithful."
"Oh, MC," Poppy said. "I know it must feel strange, and of course it's so very difficult. But, you deserve to find some happiness, MC. And, Matthew is so lovely, I know he would take care of you."
MC nodded. "That's what makes it so difficult, Poppy. Matthew is wonderful, so understanding. He told me to take all the time I need to think. He would make a wonderful husband, but..."
The pause lay heavy between them. Poppy nodded knowingly. "He isn't Sebastian."
MC took a swallow of tea to loosen the restriction in her throat. She took a deep breath. "However, I did make a promise to try and move on, didn't I? Maybe a new beginning would be the best way to go about it."
"I agree," Poppy said. "It would gladden my heart to see you happy again, MC."
The fire crackled and dipped in the hearth. MC sat cross legged before it, her eyes watching the flames dance. Passion, and heat, unpredictability, fire had always reminded her of Sebastian.
A hand on her shoulder made her look up. Matthew smiled down at her, handing her a wine goblet. She took it with thanks. He folded to sit on the rug beside her. "Are you cold?" He asked. He wrapped an arm about her, rubbing her arm with his hand.
"No, just unwinding," she smiled. She leant her head against his shoulder. He was sturdy, safe, comforting. Traits that had made her gravitate towards him. It kept the edge off her loneliness.
He pressed a kiss to her head, his thumb making lazy circles on her arm. He had never pushed her to be physical with him, knowing how fragile her heart was. He had been an exemplary gentleman, and she was grateful for it.
She sipped her wine, the firelight glinting off the diamond she wore on her ring finger. She had accepted his proposal. Sebastian's ring was now on a chain around her neck, close to her heart. She rubbed a hand absently against it through the fabric of her blouse.
"I thought perhaps we could take a boat trip tomorrow," Matthew suggested. "We could get some fresh air, maybe take a picnic. It would be good to escape the city for a while."
"That sounds perfect," she smiled. She looked up at him. He had lovely, blue eyes, blue like the sky. His hair was fair, neatly trimmed. He was nothing like Sebastian, and that was how she wanted it.
Matthew's gaze was warm, loving. He tightened his hold a little, his gaze dropping to her lips. MC felt a little breathless and wondered if perhaps she had drunk too much wine. His kiss was soft, testing. He did not want to pressure her.
MC felt her body respond. It was weak, just a flutter, but it was the first time she had felt anything remotely close to desire in years. She kissed him back.
As the kiss deepened, the warmth of it seemed to ease back the cavern of loneliness that had carved itself in her chest. So, she let him lay her back on the rug, his mouth claiming hers more deeply.
There was a war going on inside of her. Half was opening up, reaching out for the closeness, the warmth, after so long in the dark. The other half of her was screaming, no, this was all wrong. She was wrong, a betrayer, she was betraying Sebastian.
She pulled back from Matthew's kiss, her hands flat against his chest. She could feel the pounding of his heart.
"Are you alright?" He asked. The concern in his gaze made her want to scream and rip at her own hair. She was being so unfair to him. She would be a terrible wife. He deserved so much better.
"A little overwhelmed," she breathed. She winced. "Forgive me. I think I need a minute."
"Of course," he said. He immediately sat up, adjusting his trousers.
"You must think I am a terrible tease," she grimaced. "That is not my intention."
"No, MC, I don't think that at all. I think you have suffered a terrible loss, and I do not ever expect to fill the hole Sebastian left behind." Matthew said. "I wish I could take the pain away for you, truly I do. I only hope that, one day, you can love me even a fraction of what you felt for him."
MC felt her heart squeeze painfully. Matthew was a good person. She did not deserve him. She reached out and took his hand. "How are you so perfect?"
A sharp rap on the front door made them both jump and turn. "Who on earth could that be at this hour?" MC asked.
Matthew frowned. "I will see to it." He got to his feet and MC couldn't help lift her eyebrows. He was sweet for thinking that she needed protecting, after all, she was a far more powerful witch than most.
She heard the door open and the surprise in Matthew's voice. "Ominis!"
MC immediately got to her feet. It was very unlike Ominis to call upon her so unexpected like this. Her heart kicked up a notch and she twisted her fingers together as he appeared in the living room doorway.
"Good evening, MC. I am sorry to call on you so late, but this couldn't wait," he said. He looked grave, a little flustered even. He tilted his head trying to locate her.
She went to him, reaching for a hand. "Ominis, I'm here, it's alright." He squeezed her fingers, his usual cool fingers hot and sweaty. She swallowed. "What is it?"
"I don't know where to start," he said. He pressed long fingers to his brow. "I had word through the Ministry that a stronghold of slavers has been discovered in America. There were many prisoners, witches and wizards from all over the world, Aurors, Unspeakables..."
MC felt his grip tighten on her fingers, his bones grating against hers. She didn't even feel the pain. Her vision was starting to tunnel. All she could see was his face, her eyes fixed on his lips as the words came out. "Go on," she urged.
Ominis took a deep, shuddering breath. "The list of survivors, the ones they brought back..."
"Ominis," she said. Her voice was a strangled plea. She was clinging to his hand, her other hand reached out to grab the front of his immaculate robes. Hope was being dangled in front of her eyes. Years of agony were twisting harshly in her chest and her ears were screaming for what he had to say next. Oh, Merlin, please!
He nodded and got a hold of himself, his eyes blinking back the sudden shine in them. "His name was on that list, MC. Sebastian...he has been found."
She could hear someone wailing, a terrible, wrenching sound and then all was quiet. Soothing blackness wrapped around her and then there was nothing else.
She blinked. Once, twice, the living room swimming into view. She felt heavy, sluggish, her mouth glued shut. MC tried to sit up on the settee, and then hands were there steadying her shoulders. Matthew's face was a picture of worry.
She turned her head, and there in the wingback chair sat Ominis, looking anything but his usual composed self. His fingers were clutching the arms of the chair, his face rigid, his hair a little ruffled.
They had found him!
"Is it true?" She croaked.
Ominis turned his face her way, his lips trembled, and he nodded. "The survivors were brought back to England three days ago. I made some enquiries and Sebastian was placed in a safe house. I had trouble believing it myself, and so I made arrangements to go and make absolutely sure it was true."
Her heart was a wild thing in her chest, it hurt to breathe. "You've seen him?"
He nodded. "Yes," he said. "I saw him not two hours ago."
Her breath left her in a rush, a tear slid from her cheek. She shook, uncontrollably, and shifted, fully facing him now. "Can we...can I," she gasped. She put her fingers to her lips. "Is he alright?"
"He is alive, and not badly wounded. I can't say much about his state of mind, of course. He is...understandly, traumatised. But he did ask for you. It was one of the first things he said to me." Ominis said. He hesitated, his fingers flexing. "He wanted to know everything...about you. I...filled him in a little. I apologise."
She flinched and slid from the couch to her knees, literally crawling across the floor to clasp Ominis' hand. "Take me to him, please."
Ominis held her hand, but his head turned in the direction of Matthew, a pained look on his face. MC gasped and swung her gaze around to Matthew, horrified that she had completely forgotten he was standing there. She began to stutter out an apology, but he held up a hand to stop her.
"Don't say another word," he said. His eyes were sad, but his mouth was firm. "Go, go to him. It's only right." He faltered. "He is your husband, after all."
Ominis and MC Apparated to the location of the safe house. The road was dark, quiet, a chill breeze tugging at the trees. Set back from the road was the house, an Auror standing guard near the door. A light glowed in a downstairs window.
MC was clinging on to Ominis' arm, too afraid to let go lest she just collapse to the ground. None of this felt real. He led her through the gate and towards the door, her feet stumbling along the path.
"Are you sure you're up to this?" Ominis asked.
"I will crawl through that door if I have to," she said through gritted teeth. "I need to see."
The Auror guard gave a nod to Ominis. "Gaunt," he said, respectfully. His eyes took in MC. "Mrs Sallow, I take it."
"I think Mr and Mrs Sallow need some time," Ominis said. "By all means, keep your guard, but perhaps at a distance. I will be nearby as well, but they need some privacy just now."
"Understood." The Auror gave the door a long look before he made for the gate. "I will be along the front of the property."
"Why are they guarding him?" MC asked.
Ominis frowned. "Not all the slavers have been caught yet, and every survivor is a witness. It's for Sebastian's protection."
"Anyone coming for him will have to get through me first," she growled. It gave her some of her strength back to think that anyone might be about to snatch him away from her again, and she hadn't even seen him yet.
Ominis held her close for a moment. "I don't doubt it," he said. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she looked up at him in surprise. Ominis was not one for overly displaying affection. "Will you be alright, now?"
"Yes," she said. "And thank you. Thank you for bringing me here."
"It's only where you belong, MC," he said. He moved from her grip and knocked on the door. "I doubt you will need me, but I won't be far away. He...he did not take the news well that there is another gentleman in your life."
MC could well imagine it. Sebastian wasn't the sharing type, especially when it came to her. But then, she would have felt just the same if another woman had laid a hand on him. She opened her mouth to reassure Ominis, but the latch sounded on the door.
The door opened, the light from inside spilling out onto the front step. MC stared, eyes wide, heart pounding as Sebastian stepped into view.
"You have a visitor, brother," Ominis said. He gave MC a gentle nudge forward.
Sebastian and MC looked at each other for the first time in almost three years. Her eyes devoured his face, ogling the shape of him, lines and angles she knew so well, but they were oddly strange to her now. He looked leaner, shadows under his eyes making him look weary, and there was a scar on his forehead that disappeared into his hair line.
Her name whispered from his lips. She took a faltering step towards him, and then another. He just stared, his eyes trying to comprehend that she was truly there at all. Her hand reached up, her fingers trembling so badly, that she missed on her first attempt. But then, she was touching him.
Her fingers trailed from his forehead, down over his nose to brush against his mouth. "You're real," she breathed. "It's really you."
A tear slid from his eye, rolling over his cheek. Her lips trembled. And then she was in his arms, crushed against him, as a sob ripped from her throat.
He held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe, but she didn't care. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing him in with small gasps, her fingers gripping at whatever she could get a hold of. He was solid, he was warm, he was here, alive.
Ominis slipped quietly away into the shadows, leaving husband and wife to find each other again.
The inside of the cottage was sparsely furnished but warm, a fire burning in the grate. The remains of a half eaten meal was on a tray, and a blanket was hanging off the edge of the settee.
MC wandered in behind Sebastian, her eyes constantly checking he was still there, feeling a little adrift since he had released her from that choking hug. He hadn't looked at her since, his face tense as he began to pace before the fireplace.
"I can't believe you're actually here," she said. "It's like a dream."
He spun to face her, his eyes hard. She flinched as he strode towards her, snatching up her hand to look at Matthew's diamond on her ring finger. He dropped her hand as if it burned him. "Some fucking dream," he hissed.
"Do you have any idea what it was like!" He snapped. His face was so harsh, so cold. "Night after night, the screams, the beatings. An endless loop of nothingness. I thought I was going to go mad, I felt myself slipping away, but I kept hanging on. It was you! Your face, my memory of you, that kept me going. And now, now I find out that you replaced me! You're wearing another man's ring on your finger instead of the one I gave you!"
His voice had reached a pitch that made her press her fingers to her face, the fury in his eyes so much to bear that she gasped, her heart breaking into a thousand splinters.
He growled viciously and kicked out at a chair at the table. It clattered to the floor.
"I'm sorry," she gasped. "Let me explain..."
He glared at her. "Does he touch you? Does he make you feel good?"
MC remembered the kiss her and Matthew had shared mere hours ago and flushed, but she shook her head. "No, Sebastian, please..."
"You're lying," he spat. He began to pace again, his hands raking through his hair. He swore harshly.
MC gritted her teeth. Her own shame at accepting Matthew gnawed at her, had she not felt like she was betraying Sebastian? She had not wanted to let him go, but had tried to, tried to please her friends, tried to be happy.
This was not how she had envisioned a reunion taking place. She watched Sebastian pace, his fury darkening his face, the pain flickering in and out in his eyes. "Stop this," she said. "I never stopped loving you."
He lunged for her arm, holding her hand up between them. The ring shone brightly in the firelight. "This says different."
His face was close and her heart ached for him. She felt the sting of tears. She fumbled her chain from out of her blouse, his ring hanging from it. "I never let you go, not really," she said.
He eyed the ring and then her. He shook his head. "You were all I thought about." He sounded broken.
He released her arm and turned away.
"I had to bury you!" She wailed.
He stiffened.
Her hands curled into small fists. "We had a ceremony, each of us saying how much we loved you. We put momentoes in a box and buried it because there was no body to say goodbye to. I wrote you letters, hundreds of them, but I had nowhere to send them. I had to bury them in the ground, with all the hope I could barely hang on to that you were still alive."
He turned to face her. She was really crying now, huge, fat tears of despair. She jabbed a finger at him. "You were gone. I was alone, so fucking alone, and I tried to find you. Searching, begging, pleading, driving everyone mad with my nonstop hope that you would be found. I almost threw myself into death's arms at one point, I thought it might be the only way to escape the pain of you not being there when I woke up every day."
Sebastian swallowed, some of the fury fading from his face. "You...you were going to kill yourself?"
She was panting, sucking in deep breaths, chest tight. She swiped the tears from her face and turned away from him, her cheeks colouring with her shame. She had never admitted that out loud until now. She calmed herself, smoothing her hands over her hips
"How was I supposed to go on without you? It was a really low point, but I was lucky. I had friends who cared enough to pick me up. And then...and then I met Matthew."
Sebastian scowled. But MC continued. "He was kind, he tried to help me. He works at the Ministry and he tried to help in my search for you. He took care of me, he never pressed me for anything in return."
"Sounds like a right hero," Sebastian muttered.
"Maybe he is," she said, whirling to face him. "He was certainly there for me. After we all said goodbye to you, he asked me to marry him. I agonised over it, but eventually accepted. But do you know what he said when Ominis came to get me tonight? He told me to come to you, that it was only right that I did. He didn't try to stop me."
"He wouldn't have got far if he had tried," Sebastian growled. He stalked towards her, his hand catching hold of her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "How could you ever think about letting him touch you?"
MC was breathing hard and fast again, her heart hammering in her chest. Their gazes were locked, the fire in Sebastian's eyes shifting from fury to pure desire, a hunger so deep and vast she was starting to drown in it. A flame flickered into life deep inside her, trails of fire spreading thick and fast through her veins.
He could still do it. After all this time apart, he made her blood sing, made her melt into the merest touch. "We didn't...he hasn't..." She swallowed hard. "I wasn't ready."
He lowered his face to hers. "Good," he breathed into her mouth. "You're mine, and I'm yours. That's it!"
MC lowered her eyes to his mouth. Slowly, agonisingly slow, he leant in and pressed his lips against hers. A moan, relief mixed with need, sounded in MC's throat.
He gripped her hair at the back of her head, kissing her deeply, stumbling back towards the table with her. Desperate groans fell from their lips as he lifted her skirt, parting her legs as she sat up on the edge of the table.
He stroked his fingers against her heat, finding it pleasingly wet. "Oh fuck," he groaned. He shifted, opening his trousers and pulling his arousal free.
Need came before anything else. He pressed inside of her, thrusting deep, greedily. She cried out at the immediate stretch. It had been a long time, his thickness burning along her walls, but she didn't stop him. Instead, her hips lifted to meet him, needing to feel him fill her up. His eyes were glazed, drunk on the very feel of her, he began to thrust, deep, desperate, like a man starved.
His fingers dug into her flesh, his lips were parted and his breaths came harshly as he fucked. He wasn't violent, but neither was he gentle. His release came hard and fast, his hips bucking desperately and a growl tearing from his mouth as he collapsed over her. She held him, her hand stroking through the unruly locks of his hair, calming him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. His head was buried against her chest. "Did I hurt you?"
"No," she said, shaking her head. It felt so good to be holding him again. It had been a long time, she had understood his need, let him take what he longed for.
He straightened and took hold of her hand. "Come on," he said.
"Where are we going?"
He smirked. Her heart glowed at the sight of it. The memory of that smirk had haunted her dreams, but there it was, for real. "I'm taking my wife upstairs to my bed," he said. "I am far from done with you."
MC couldn't have told a soul what that bedroom looked like when she first entered it. So intent were they on each other, removing every barrier of clothing, tossing it all to the floor without a care, just desperate to feel skin against skin.
The blanket was cold against her back, no fire up here, just the moonlight gleaming through the window. She arched her back, welcoming the feel of Sebastian's lips as he kissed her breasts, learning every curve again like it was the first time.
Her heart beat for him, her pulse skittering madly as he sucked at her neck, his hands exploring the curve of her waist. Her nipples brushed against his chest hair, hardening into desperate peaks. Fuck, she was aching with the need for him, it was almost a pain that only he could heal.
"Sebastian," she whined.
"I know," he whispered. He kissed her, his teeth tugging on her bottom lip. "Patience, my love, I need to taste all of you. Trust me, I will give you what you seek, and more."
MC moaned, her fingers seeking greedily through his hair, massaging his scalp, drawing moans from his lips. Every sound he made was a balm against the pain in her chest. He was alive. He was here.
Her fingers traced new scars on his chest, hurts he had endured so far from home. She kissed them, her tongue trying to soothe the pain inflicted on him. She caught a nipple in between her teeth and tugged, his cock twitching and dripping onto her thigh.
She reached for him, teasing fingers drifting up the silky hardness. "MC..."
She smiled against his skin, breathing in the scent of him, feeling like she was finally at peace. She began to stroke up and down his length and his hips bucked. He groaned and pressed her back down onto the bed. "No," he breathed. "It's your turn."
His mouth worshipped her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel, swirling hotly. She found herself lost in a haze of fire, only his mouth, his hands, the sounds of his breathing mattered. She reached up to grip the blanket behind her head, her thighs separating, her hips grinding as his hot tongue slid luxuriously up her slit.
Oh, he knew what she liked!
Waves of delicious flame circled hotly at her core as his tongue swirled over her clit, his fingers teasing cries from her lips as he fucked her, slow, and with a knowing touch. She whimpered, her thighs beginning to tremble, as her release began to build.
Three years without him, three years of yearning, and now he was here, driving her over the edge again, sending her spinning outwards to see stars. Her fingers gripped his hair, holding his head right where she needed him most as her climax hit.
She was shaking, tears flooding her eyes, and he held her. His kisses warmed her cheeks, her neck, his hands smoothing up her back and over her hips. "That's my girl," he whispered. "Gods, I have missed you."
Barely having caught her breath back, Sebastian rolled them, settling her above him. "Fuck me," he begged. "Show me how much you missed me. I want to watch as you fuck me."
Aftershocks tingled through MC, her cunt pulsing with a need to feel him deep inside her. She caught his arousal in her hand, pumping him softly, her thumb sliding over his tip. He held her hips, his hungry eyes watching as she lined him up against her soaked entrance. He parted his lips, anticipation thick on his tongue, a delicious groan leaving him as she slid on to his cock.
She rolled her hips, her head falling back, her hair trailing down her back, the moonlight soft against the sweat on her skin. He let her move at her own pace, licking his lips at the sounds coming from her throat, at the hot slickness of her walls sliding along him.
MC still had a hunger for him, a need to feel out of control, lost in him. She angled her hips, ensuring that his throbbing tip was stroking just where she needed him. The pressure began to build and she began to bounce harder. His hands caressing her breasts as they jiggled with her efforts.
He was appreciating every move she made, his hips bucking to meet her, his own fire building to the limit. "Cum for me, MC," he said. He slid a thumb to press against her nub. She cried out, her hips twitching. He looked down, saw the slick shining on his cock. He licked his lips. "Mine, all mine."
She clenched around him, desperate cries echoing around the room. Sebastian knew the Auror was still outside. He hoped he could hear her, let the whole fucking world hear what he did to her. She was his wife, his love, his fucking everything. He wanted everyone to know it.
Driven mad by his utter need to claim her again, he flipped her, her hair fanning out across the blanket. He grabbed her hand, tugging the diamond free and letting it tumble across the bed. He linked their fingers, his eyes roaming over her as she panted below him. He saw his ring, attached to the chain around her neck, pooling in the dip of her throat.
He bent to catch it up into his mouth, rolling it on the tip of his tongue. He bent to kiss her, softly, his cock aching to fuck her, the ring caught between their mouths.
"I love you," she breathed. "I've never stopped."
He smiled, the ring slipping to fall onto the bed near her ear. He would be putting that right back on her finger where it belonged. But first...
He slid into her, rolling his hips, revelling in the way she clenched around him, sucking him deeper. He couldn't hold it off any longer. He fucked her, hard, unforgiving, burying her into the mattress under the fire of his need. She clung to him, her nails scraping against his flesh and he savoured every scratch.
The sweat dripped from his face, the room was filled with the slap of their skin, the grunts and cries of their pleasure, and then he squeezed his eyes shut, hips bucking. Hot release spilled into her, and she squeezed her muscles, drawing every last drop from him.
They collapsed into a breathless heap of limbs, mouths seeking and finding each other in a long, slow kiss.
As their breathing calmed, and their flesh cooled, he drew the blanket over them both, holding her close. She looked sleepy, content. He kissed her forehead. As he settled onto the pillow beside her, holding her warmth close, he thanked every star for letting him get back to her.
His nightmares hovered over his shoulder, but he grit his teeth, willing them to stay away. Let him have tonight, just tonight, to hold her, to remember.
Tomorrow, the healing could begin for real.
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znerac · 8 months
Come Closer
Sorry for my terrible exuses of titles LOL
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x ftm!Reader
No specific pronouns are used but if i make a part two the reader will be described as ftm
Part 2
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, No Y/N, Cheating (Readers Bf)
Words: 2.2k
Summary: after finding Kriz with another in bed, reader finds themselves in the arms of the general they've treated many times before.
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Today so far was normal, patients were slow, and once you were off-shift you headed home. Of course, your apartment on coruscant wasn't the best, but you shared it happily with your boyfriend Kriz.
You found it odd how the door was unlocked, but brushed it off. You walk in with a happy 'im home!'. You begin to set your things on the counter, when an odd noise was heard. Of course, you thought nothing of it and called your lovers name. When you got no response, you got curious.
Walking over, your brows furrowed at the continuation of the noise, making your gut twist. Opening your guy's shared bedroom door, the pit in your gut deepened and your heart practically shattered.
The two in your bed jumped and your boyfriend started speaking, but you heard none of it. Walking out and shutting the door with tears welling up in your eyes.
You stood for a second in shock.
And then the tears started streaming.
You let out a choked sob and grabbed your bag, shuffling out just as your boyfriend came out of the bedroom.
Of course, you didn't have time to think, you were overwhelmed and disgusted. Rushing out of the building with a few held in cries.
Your mind was racing, and you didn't know where else to go but work, and so you did. You caught a cab back, and when you arrived you bumped into a few clones, apologizing profusely before you went back into your office.
It was pretty much the only place you could be alone. So you sat in your chair and held yourself, your mind going over the scene over and over. It plagued your mind, and it was too overwhelming, you nearly choked on your breath.
After about ten minutes, you heard a knock on your door. And you jumped, quickly wiping away your tears with a weak 'come in'.
The door opened, and you couldn't look up, staring down and grabbing mindlessly at a few papers, "can i help you?" you ask, thumb sliding over the documents.
"You bumped into one of my recruits, said you were upset. Is something wrong?"
You knew that voice, that voice was from a certain general who had a tendency to getting hurt. You looked up, surprised.
"General Kenobi? I- i uh it's nothing im fine, really" you lie between a smile. Obi-wan frowns, coming to sit down on the seat opposite of your desk. "You know very well i can sense that something is not right. Its better to talk about your feelings, you know. Why don't you tell me whats bothering you?" he says, asking again for you to talk. Your mouth wavers, opening and closing to speak. But you break out in a few more tears.
Obi-wan's eyebrows furrow, "Maybe i can help?" he offers, but you shake your head. "You.. Can't do anything. I just.. I" you pause to breathe. "I found Kriz.. With a girl.. When i went home" you say quietly. You watch as Obi-wan thinks, and it clicks. "Oh, I'm so sorry" he says, tone soft. You sniffle, shrugging. "Its.. Its fine. I'll get over it" you mumble, and he sits up. "But it's not fine, he broke your trust. Thats not just something you can forget." he explains, "i expect you probably don't feel like going back. I could offer you a stay in my quarters?" he offers, tilting his head to the side. You give a faint smile, "i.. I can't. I don't want to be a burden"
Obi-wans face contorts, "You're no Burden, Never" he says in an almost defensive tone. "Please, it would be be my pleasure. Besides, you deserve a break. Some peace" he excuses, standing up. "Come now, I'm not letting you be alone after such an event"
You smile faintly, appreciative of his caring demeanor. You stand up, grabbing your bag and slowly following him.
Obi-wan stays fairly quiet as you two walk, it feels tense. But somehow comforting. Although you don't really know the general all that much, you appreciate how caring he seemed to be.
Once you arrived at his quarters in the Jedi Temple, you step in a little nervously. But the clean and tidy surroundings make you just a little more at ease.
"What kind of tea do you like?" he asks, walking over to the set of counters and puts a kettle on. You follow, standing beside him. "I don't usually drink tea.. Just make anything you like and I'll drink it" you say, and Obi-wan looks over, "Ah.. Well.. I'll just make you one of my regulars. Unless you'd like something else?" he cocks a brow. You shake your head, "no, no its okay, I'll drink your uh, tea" you exuse with your hands up. He smiles, "Relax my friend, Take a seat. You could put on a holo if you'd like. Make yourself at home" he says, patting your shoulder and you nod.
You make it over to the little couch by the holo, taking in a shaky breath. Everything went by so quickly, and it felt a little unreal to even be here. You jump a little when you get a commcall on your wrist, but seeing the name your face scrunches and you quickly reject it. You end up taking off your link and setting it aside.
Obi-wan came back with two mugs, handing you one. "I sure do hope its alright, i just made it how i would usually for myself. But if you don't care for it theres always other options" he says, sitting next to you. You can't help but crack a weak smile, looking down at the drink in your palms. "Thank you"
He smiles over at you, and takes a sip from his mug. "Would you like to talk at all? Or would you prefer to just take your mind off of things?" he asks, tilting his head to the side and looking at you with those beautiful blues.
You think for a moment, looking at your transmitter before back at obi-wan. "Maybe later.. We can talk.. I just, want to relax for a little" you reply, and he gives you a nod. "Fair enough. Here, put a show on." he hands you the holopad, and you grab it. Choosing a random show you liked and throwing it up on the big screen.
You both sit quietly, until you start to talk about the show. Which, felt good. Obi-wan was a great listener. He looked over when you spoke, kept his attention on you, and replied when you asked him a question. It had been awhile since anyone actually gave you their full attention, and you were sure obi-wan could sense how thankful you were.
Eventually, you continued to drink your tea, actually finishing it too. "This was good, maybe your just great at making tea. I've never actually tasted one this good" you compliment, standing up. He furrows his brows, "well thank you, but, where are you going?" he asked, uncrossing his legs and sitting up. You pause, looking down at your mug. You thought he would want you to leave after the drink. "I don't know.. I kind of assumed you'd want me to leave after" you reply, and the other chuckles. "No such thing, I'm not sending you back there unless you choose to go. Please, Stay." he smiles, standing and taking your mug. "Here, I'll take care of this. Now why don't you go have a shower and refresh yourself, i have some clothes that could fit you." he offers.
You bite at your lip before sighing, "a shower does seem nice.." you hum, giving obi-wan a faint smile. He nods you to the refresher and you thank him before going, shedding your clothes almost instantly before hopping into the shower and relaxing against the hot water. You just let yourself stand there, soaking up all the warmth.
About five minutes into it, you hear a soft knock at the door followed with a "I'm just going to place these here, a Towel and something for you to wear" you hear obi-wan say. And you smile softly, thanking him before hearing him leave. You don't know how much longer you spend in there, but it just feels so nice you can't help but soak it up until the water starts to turn cold.
At that point, you get out and wrap yourself in the towel after drying your hair. You spend some time just standing there, going over the scenes once more. And then dry yourself off.
When you picked up the shirt obi-wan left you, you smiled a little. It was definitely his, or at least fit him. It was a plain white tee, and you slipped that on along with the gray sweats he gave you. It felt a little odd to be in another guys clothes, but you decided to savor the feeling. If your boyfriend could savor another person, you could let yourself at least wear these. You walked out, feeling a bit better and definitely more refreshed.
"Enjoy your shower?" you hear obi-wan ask, as he walks over to you from the little kitchen in the quarters. He handed you a plate with a neatly made wrap. "Oh, yeah it was.. Really nice" you say, taking the plate and thanking him for it. "Thats good to hear. Now how about you eat that, and then go take a rest. I'll be here, i just have some paperwork to do" he says, pointing to the plate. You cock a brow, "Rest? Like, sleep?" you ask. He nods. "I'm not taking your bed, obi-wan. I can rest fine on the couch"
"Nonesense. You can sleep in my bed, it's more comfortable I'd say. I'll take the couch, you need a good rest and I've had plenty." he smiles. You huff, thinking for a second. "You're not sleeping on the couch, this is your home, you can rest in the same best as me, we're both adults" you counter, and he raises a brow. "You're okay with that?" he asks, and you nod reassuringly. He gives you a final nod, "well then, please do get some rest. I still have to do some work" he says, giving your shoulder a small squeeze. "And if later when i come back, and you decide you don't want me to rest with you i fully understand" he says reassuringly before wandering off to his office.
You stand there for a second before going to sit, eating slowly and going over todays events again. It made you feel worse, but you couldn't help it. But what did help, was Obi-wan offering help and comfort. Which he seemed good at, and that made you feel a little better. Although, when you looked at your empty plate a few tears shed again. You get up to place the plate in the sink, and wander to obi-wans office. Gently pushing the door open. You watch with teary eyes as he turns his head and frowns. Then he stands, and faces you with open arms.
You don't hesitate for a second to jump into his arms and hug him. Feeling his arms wrap around you carefully, caressing your back to comfort you. You sob a couple times into his robes, leaving a small wet mark where your tears fell. But he says nothing, rubbing your back and letting you release those emotions. You spend a good couple minutes in his arms before pulling away, eyes red and puffy. And he smiles down at you, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. "Let’s go lay, i can sense that you're tired" he suggests, and you nod. Turning and letting him follow you to his bed, and you glance at him before crawling in under the blankets. He waits a second, putting a finger up and going to grab a few clothes of his, and heading to the refresher. He comes back in just a simple sweatshirt and loose pajama pants, and asks you again if you're okay with him laying with you. Of course, you say yes and scoot aside so he can get in.
Once he gets comfortable, you wait for a second, biting your inner cheek. "Can we-"
He nods and opens his arms. And you shuffle into his arms, up against his chest with your head tucked into his neck. It’s comforting, and warm. And you feel yourself relax against him as he rests his arms around you.
Obi-wan moves his arm and suddenly you feel his hand in your hair. And you just melt, humming and leaning your head up into it. Of course he continues, and it just feels amazing.
It had been ages since anyone touched your hair, and it just felt special. Especially with how gentle obi-wan had been treating you. It was like he knew what you needed.
"Obi-wan?" you spoke up gently. He hummed in reply. "Thank you, for everything." you say in a somewhat weak tone, and he holds you just a little tighter. "Of course, Dear" he says softly.
You think for a little, feeling a buildup of emotions in your chest.
He kisses the top of your head, holding you closer, "It's going to be alright my dear, now just rest, okay?" he speaks softly, and you just nod.
Sleep was surprisingly easy to find that night.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
But they deserve to be happy Leah don’t hurt our babies
Listen….. I don’t make the rules okay. I just don’t. But as always here’s the series Masterlist if you’re not caught up!
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Funerals. They were always far too much for you. The idea of a loved one being buried six feet under the surface or burnt into a pile of ash. Both concepts of inevitable mortality seemed horrifying—the furthest thing from a peaceful transition.
“Dad’s memory will live on through the Navy, with all he gave, all he aspired to achieve and everything he changed.” You always had a comforting understanding for cultural whose beliefs were that death was only a stepping-off point, not a forever goodbye. But as Chaos Kazansky spoke about her father and his love for all things aviation and his deepest passion of all, his family. You couldn't fight the fear off for much longer. Death was an inevitable goodbye you were running from.
“How's she holding up?” It was odd seeing everyone in their dress whites instead of their usual attire. Their sweaty old flight suits that had seen better days. “Probably not too good under the circumstances?”
“Yeah, she uh–she's shut down.” Rooster spoke to you softly as his eyeline continued to linger on Chaos who stood with Maverick and a few other of Tom's close friends. “I've got her though, no need to worry.” Rooster only let his gaze drop from Chaos to send you a soft smile. “How about you?”
“Can I uh, can I talk to you about something?” You had always trusted Bradley Bradshaw in all the time you had known him. He was a soft spirit, but he’d been through things that made his heart a little harder. You knew he’d have some advice to give. From the heart. Sipping on the beer you’d picked up from the bar the Krazanksy family had provided at the wake. Nothing too extreme, just a few beers, wines and soft drink options to go with the catering. Finger food and hors d'oeuvres.
Rooster turned all his attention to you without hesitation, noticing how it was now your eyes that now lingered over to where Jake Seresin stood in his dress whites with Sarah Kazanksy. Spilling his deepest condolences as the woman still stood holding the framed photo of her late husband.  
“What's bugging you Hawkeye?”
“I keep having this nightmare, about Jake.” You hadn't told anyone about the nightmare that had riddled you, and plagued your mind since before your split with Jake. “About this–” Gesturing to the wake going on around you. Sombre faces everywhere. “Except it's just me, there's no one else around to mourn his death.”
“What scares you the most? The fact it's just you or the fact that he's gone?” You’d never stopped to think about it in too much detail before, but Rooster had a point. “I think both ways you look at it though you can't control the outcome either way.” Rooster explained as you looked back at him. “Jakes a great pilot Y/n, come hell or high water he’ll give his life for the greater good, but he's also a menace to fly with.”
“If something were to happen tomorrow would you have his back after everything?” It was a heavy question Rooster didn't really know how to answer simply with a yes or no.
“I wouldn't risk my life for him, no.” Rooster had his own life, his own love to worry about. You understood where he was coming from even if it made your heart sink into your stomach. “But you know I'd do my best to prevent the situation ever getting to that point Hawk.”
“I know, I know, it's just–I don't know if everyone else would do the same.”
“Everyone would do the same.” Rooster was quick to correct your judgment of the TopGun group. “It's our job, like it's your job to keep us safe with all the parameters you set–I don't think you’d send someone you don't necessarily like to their death because of something they’d said or done in the past.”
“I wouldn't–” You defended yourself as Rooster wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you close to his side.
“Exactly, it's like that with Hangman, we argue and get on each other's nerves and sometimes I really do question how he managed to convince you to marry him but at the end of the day I'm fairly confident if push came to shove up there he’d have my back and id have his.” Rooster was trying to level with you as Jake noticed the moment you two were having, sending Sarah his condolences one final time before making his way over with intent behind his stride. “I wouldn't go out of my way to save his life if he was the one who put himself there though, I’ve made promises to be around for the long hall for a certain someone who won't even look at me right now.” Rooster had lost Chaos in the time he’s spent listening to your insecurities. He’d later find her back at her place, in her childhood treehouse with a sign hung up that said no boys allowed. Knowing he’d come for her.
“She’ll come around Roo, she always does.” You sighed as he let you go. Pressing his lips together as Jake finally made his way to you, eyes off Rooster like he was the son of Satan himself.
“You trying to steal my girl, Bradshaw?” Jake taunted as he pressed his lips to the top of your head. He looked way too good in his dress whites, handsome and all put together. Shoulders squared as they could be. “Something I need to be concerned about?”
“I wouldn't use a wake as a pick-up place.” Bradley sighed, almost annoyed that he’d again insinuated that he was trying to hit on you. Even though if anything he was doing his job for him. “That's definitely a lot further up your alley than mine.”
“You okay?” Jake turned his attention specifically to you as Rooster walked away, trying to find the girl who really had his whole arse heart in the palm of his hand. “You seem a little off?”
“We’re at a funeral, Jake, do you want me to wipe out a couple of backflips or something?” sighing you shrugged him off, making your way over to the nearest table that had some finger food laid out. A little hungry. “How's Sarah holding up?”
“Distraught, she just lost her husband.” Jake explained as he reached over your shoulder for a sandwich triangle. “Wouldn't you be if you–” He physically had to stop himself from finishing that sentence. Jake's brain had momentarily forgotten just who he was talking to. His eyes lingering on yours as you turned back around to face him. “I'm sorry– I shouldn't have–”
“I would be.” You agreed with Jake's assumption. “Distraught would have to be the kindest way to describe it.” Looking around Jake finally understood what you were so afraid of, what you had run away from. It was never about him, it was about the fear you felt of losing him. But you can only run so far. “The only difference between you and Iceman is he quickly learnt how to fly with the idea in the back of his mind that there were people who loved him waiting for him to come home—“ You took in every fine line and small set of Jake Seresins face. “You still fly like you have nothing to lose and that’s what keeps me up at night.”
“I have already told you—“ Jake's voice grew lower, you didn’t miss the little hint of frustration in his tone. “I’d pull back.”
“What does that even mean though.” You questioned as you pushed past your husband, too overly consumed with the emotions the funeral had made you feel. “Your version of easing up is probably something completely different to mine and it still doesn’t change the fact I don’t wanna be the only one who has to say goodbye—“
“Hey?” Jake chased up to you with concern lacing his voice. “Hey slow down will you?” Taking strides to keep by your side Jake took your wrist gently in his hand. Forcing you to stop in your tracks. “What’s this all about?” Trying to read your face, Jake only saw sadness hidden behind your eyes. An inner ear raging on, he wondered what side was winning and hoped that he was on it. “Tell me.”
“I just wanna go home—“ It wasn’t an acceptable excuse but nevertheless Jake let you go. Hoping you’d tell him anyway. “Come home with me?” You asked softly as you stood with your shoulders slightly sloughed, barely enough energy left in the tank to keep yourself upright after the emotionally draining day that was the goodbye of Tom Kazanksy. “I don’t wanna be alone right now.”
“I’ve got an even better idea.” Jake smirked softly as he walked beside you. His hands in his pockets as you wrapped your arm around his. Kissing your temple as you both walked down towards where your cars were parked. “Go change, pajamas only—meet me at the Hard Deck.”
“I’m not wearing my pajamas to the Hard Deck.” You chuckled, scoffing at your husband’s request.
“Okay, just something comfortable at least, and I said meet me there not that we’re staying there.” You wondered what Jake was up to, but chose to let him have this moment—obviously believing whatever he had in mind was better than what the offer you’d given him. “See you soon.” Jake paused, turning to cup your cheeks in his hands before pulling you closer. His forehead on yours. “I love you, so much.” Kissing you softly and with such passion it almost sent you to the moon.
“I love you so much more.”
Jake Seresin considered himself to be a romantic. Sure he had his flaws but when he wanted to be? He could really turn it on. All he ever really wanted to do was fly planes and marry the girl of his dreams. His highschool sweetheart. His best friend.
Jake stood awkwardly by his locker across the hall from where yours was like he did every morning. Waiting for you to grab your things, he’d been working up the courage to say hello to you ever since you’d transferred.
“She’ll never talk to you—“ Sebastian snickered as he watched the love struck blonde who’s braces were due off in two weeks pine over a girl he’d never even spoken to. “I heard a rumor that she got expelled from her old school in Florida for kicking some kids so hard in a fight she broke his legs.” Jake's eyes widened as he saw you round the corner, headphones on and minding your own business like you typically tried to do most days.
“Shut up douchebag she’s coming.” Pretending to fish his bags from his locker, Jake turned to see if you had stopped behind him. Noticing that you hadn’t as he looked around—Jake let out a heavy sigh. Another day to tick off his calendar as another day gone he didn’t have enough courage to talk to you. The most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. “See ya later Seb, I’ve got P:E with Mr Horron and if I'm late again he’s gonna make me do two hundred pushups.” Jake groaned as he stepped back slightly and shut he locker—revealing that you’d been standing behind Jake's open locker door. Just waiting for him to close it.
“Why do you wait by your locker for me every goddamn morning?” It was the first time you’d ever spoken to him. Jake almost shit his pants with how much you’d managed to scare the junior-year puberty-ridden teenager. His hand over his heart as he looked at you speechless and wide-eyed. “Well?—you gonna tell me or?”
Jake turned around to see that his best friend Sebastian had in fact, bailed. Leaving him to fend for himself.
“Must just be a coincidence?” Hardly, Jake made sure he was at his locker every morning at least twenty minutes before your bus even came in. He didn’t want to miss the best part of his day. “I’m Jake.”
“Y/n—“ You knew Jake was lying, but you didn’t really care. Your heart was beating so fast from the fact you’d worked up enough courage to finally ask the kid who you thought had been glued to his locker all semester if he was in fact waiting for you, that it didn’t really matter what the answer was. So long as he wasn’t trying to run away from you. Kids could be cruel, and the rumours they created even more vicious.
“Oh, I know.” You couldn’t help but to laugh as Jake's cheeks turned a blushed crimson, embarrassed he’d been so quick to let you know he knew who you were. “I mean, I just—“ Fuck he’d fumbled the ball. Big time. “Hi?”
“Hi yourself.” It was your turn to blush. You could feel the heat in your cheeks rising as Jake's eyes stayed lingering on yours well past the bell which meant he’d be getting two hundred push-ups. “I reckon tomorrow morning you come say hello now that we’re not technically strangers anymore?”
“For sure, yeah uh—yeah No definitely I will!” Jake rambled on like you’d just asked him to marry you. Watching as you pushed off the lockers you’d been leaning on and made your way to whatever class you had that morning. Chemistry—Jake knew you had chemistry Wednesday mornings. “Bye!” You didn’t respond but what Jake couldn’t see was just how excited you were that you’d spoken to him. Keeping your composure—ignoring him as you walked away. That’s what you did when you liked a boy right?
“Oh my fucking god dude she left you hanging man—“ Sebastian laughed as he met up with Jake in the hall a little later. “Hangman’s a great nickname though, at least that’s something.” Turns out that nickname stuck a little too well into his adult life, and Into his career for all the wrong reasons.
“What’s all this?” Jake heard you from the top of the dunes, you’d gone in to find Jake at the Hard Deck but Penny had turned you away, pointing to the direction of the beach.
“Pizza, beers and a fire.” Jake bellowed back as he put the finishing touches up. A string of fairy lights that hung across two tiki torches that he’d stolen from Penny and stuck in the sand on either side of the beach chairs. “Come sit.” Jake picked up one of the blankets he’d brought with him to the beach, wrapping it around your shoulders before you sat down.
“What are you up to Hangman?” There it was again. His callsign, that stupid nickname he’d been given all those years ago when he’d left him hanging in the hallway. The original hangman if you will.
“I thought we could just—“ Jake took his own blanket out from the seat before he sat, letting it lay across his legs as the fire warmed you both. “Talk. Thought we could just sit here with a beer and listen to the waves and just talk.”
“Sounds doable.” You cooed as you accepted the beer Jake had given you. Taking the neck gracefully. “Can we maybe talk about what we’re gonna do with the house?” You jumped straight into the opportunity gifted to you as Jake took a bite of the pizza Penny had made him, offering you a piece too. “Do we maybe wanna put it on the market?”
“Depends on what you think the markets gonna do I guess?” Jake's voice fit perfectly with the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. “On one hand we’re making what? a couple of hundred extra each week from rent after we pay our mortgage.” You both still kept your joint account after you’d split up. It all felt too permanent and too real to close it. “On the other hand we split the diff and sell up.”
“I think I was more wondering if you just wanted to start a fresh somewhere else.” Taking a sip of your beer to help the pizza go down. “I mean we could always buy in Texas again? Your mums always said she wanted you closer.” Turning your head towards Jake you watched under the glow of the fire as his chest puffed. Laughing.
“I’m pretty sure that’s just a ruse to be able to see you more often.” Jake explained as he told you about all the times his mother had questioned him about if you were getting back together or not. “She’s always had a soft spot for you.”
“Right, well—we can circle back to the house situation after we figure out what we’re gonna do about our next postings.”
“I overheard Admiral Beau talking to Admiral Bates last week and I think we’re getting a pretty easy ride after this if we want it.” Jake mumbled through his next bite of pizza, talking with his mouth full. “So I’ll go wherever you’re going.” It was nice to think about—being able to spend more time with Jake while working. It always seemed to be touch and go. “But, I do wanna talk about something, if you’ll give me a chance?” Jake took a sip as he let his head fall against the beach chair. The white wooden lounge chairs connected by a table top that held the pizza box.
“What’s on your mind?” You asked, enjoying the serenity and warmth of the fire.
“Today honestly really got to me.” You weren’t expecting that. “I mean, I've never really thought about it before but—yeah it hit me really hard after you left just how much I really need to check myself before I crash and burn babe.” You’d been right. Jake knew deep down that you had been right all along. You had every right to be worried about him. “Seeing the way Sarah was just so lost really made me think—“ Jake turned to look at you with a soft lul in his neck. Mimicking him you did the same. Both of you still holding your respective beers. “I can’t do this to you anymore—I’m done talking risks, if that means I’ve gotta fly with hazards on then so be it.”
“And all the times you’ve called Rooster a conservative—“ You chuckled softly as Jake beamed at you. He loved your laugh, so much. It had been far too long since he’d gone without it. Never again.
“Yeah, I’ll have to eat my words.” Jake just rolled his eyes knowing that that would open a can of worms for Rooster to eat one by one. “You ever gonna tell me what you were talking about today?” You let the question linger a little. Treading water in the silence as waves crashed and the fire crackled.
“I will, one day—“ You smiled softly as Jake sat up. Letting his blanket fall into the sand. “Hopefully I won’t ever need to. But sure, one day.” For a while, you both just sat In comfortable silence. Something you hadn’t had the chance to do in a while. Enjoying each other’s company.
“Are we really gonna make this work again?” Jake's voice drew you back into reality before you had a chance to drift too far away. “Because if we are I reckon we should at least write new vows.”
“Why’s that?” You weren’t opposed to the idea, not in the slightest bit. But you wanted to know Jake's reasons. His thought process, what led him to this decision.
“I wanna be with you forever.” Jake was wearing his whole heart on his sleeve for you. A side no one else ever got to see. “And you wanna be with me forever, right?”
“I do.” You responded with no hesitation. “I absolutely do, although it’ll probably lead me to an early grave the amount of worrying I do.” Jake let you have that one. Watching as you decided enough was enough and that you needed to be closer to him.
“In order to do that, we need to make vows—a commitment, a contract.” Jake continued as you made your way over to him, bringing your beer and blanket as you sat in between his legs. Back against his chest. Reaching out for the notebook he’d brought from the glovebox of his car Jake let his arms prop over your shoulders so you could see the book. “So what do we want to promise each other?”
“We already did this at our wedding?” You tried to side just how smitten you truly become but it was hard to do when Jake kissed the top of your head before clicking the pen he held in his other hand.
“This is for now until forever, clearly the ones we made before just weren’t cutting it.” Jake's voice had dropped a few octaves as the night grew old. The fire still burned bright before you as the lights above your head flickered. “So, what do we want to promise each other?” You didn’t respond instantly, you simply let the waves fill the silence.
“That you’ll always love me—even when you hate me.” Jake couldn’t contain his happiness as he wrote down what you had said.
“To love each other—“ Jake spoke allowed as he chicken scratched his handwriting across the paper. “Even when we hate each other.” Love isn’t random. It’s chosen, Jake Seresin would choose you in every universe.  “How about, no running—ever.” Jake pulled you as close as he possibly could into him. Your back right up against his as you took the pen from him, writing down his words. “Nobody walks out, no matter what.” It just got personal, your past self would never have thought to write something so specific down. But it felt right to promise it now.
“To take care of each other even when we’re old and smelly and senile—to have and to hold forever.” Jake chuckles against your back as you laughed with him, watching as he took the pen and wrote down what you had said.
“This, is, forever.” Jake whispered the words he wrote in your ear as his chin dropped to your shoulder. Signing his signature underneath the bows you both had written down. Passing you the pen and notepad so you could do the same. “Sign here please Mrs Seresin.”
“To have and to hold Mr Seresin.” You signed your signature right next to Jakes. Grinning ear to ear because for the first time in a very long time—you had hope that your marriage was whole again. Under the moon and the stairs next to fire and with the love of your life, everything felt whole as you both sat and listened to the waves crash and the fire crackle. “I feel like we need to exchange rings—“ ripping small strips of paper from the bottom of the same page you’d written your new vows on.
“Paper rings? A nice touch.” Jake cooed as he held his left hand out for you to slide the not so sturdy paper ring down his left ring finger . Covering the tattooed one he’d gotten because he was always forgetting to put the carbon fiber wedding band on. It still sat in the ring box at the bottom of his bedside table. Safety tucked away.
“Love you forever.” You whispered gently as Jake took the one you’d made for yourself. Placing it above the ring that already wrapped around your ring finger snugly.
“And a little bit more—forever and a day.”
The night you and Jake had rewritten your vows to each other had been a turning point for Jake Seresin. He wanted nothing more than to be a better version of himself for you. Nothing mattered to him more, more than you, his marriage.
“Captain Mitchell?” Jake knocked before he entered Petes office. Waiting to speak again until spoken to.
“What can I do for you Hangman?” Pete sighed. Frustrated at the stunt Chaos had just pulled in front of the entire class, knowing there was nothing else left he could do to protect her from whatever punishment Admiral Beau had chosen for her. If Jake was quiet enough, he could hear the reprimanding she was getting next door. It didn't sound good. And judging by Petes expressions? It wasn't going to end well.
“I uh, I just wanted to express my concern about the mission, sir.” Jake stood with his chin tall and his shoulder squared. Hands behind his back as he watched Maverick roll his eyes.
“Yeah i know i know, i’m working on it kid–i've got names and times and i know everyone wants to be chosen but i just can't promise an–”
“I’d like to withdraw my name from consideration.” It was the last thing Pete Mitchel ever expected to hear come out of Jake's mouth. His jaw almost hit the floor when he paused in his tracks. Rubbing his face to see if he’d actually fallen asleep at his desk going over reports.
“You what?” Maverick questioned just to make sure he heard the aviator with such potential correctly. Sure he needed some real tough love when it came to teamwork and efficiency but Jake was a fine pilot. A top condenser on Pete's current list.
“My priority list sir, it's uh–it's shifted recently and I can't–” Jake corrected himself as quickly as he could to make sure it was known this wasn't negotiable. “Sorry sir, I won't risk not coming home to see those commitments through.” Pete stood beside himself bewildered into utter silence. Downing in the silence, Jake tried not to let his mind wander.
“It's really funny you mention this sudden change of heart Hangman, because not four days ago your wife was threatening me that if I even considered putting you on this mission she’d hold me personally responsible if anything happened to you.” If there was one thing Jake was good at it was a poker face. As Maverick dropped a bond he wasn't expecting as a response Jake stood calmly as his heart raged a war inside his chest. His temperature rising, his skin boiling. “I can't promise either of you anything, but I'll take both of your requests into consideration.”
“Thank you Mav.” Jake wasn't in the mood to stick around, he did however wait outside Admiral Beaus' office to see what had become of Chaos Kazansky. He needed a distraction from the fact you'd meddled with his career. The only person who got to do that, who got to decide what he did and did not do with his career was him. Not you. Not anyone. Even if you had both come to the same conclusion– you went behind his back before the fact. And didn’t mention it.
Down the hall, you were just coming back from lunch. Admiring the bunch of roses Jake had been ever so kind to surprise you with. The card attached read to have and to hold forever and a day in that same chicken scratch writing he’d down on the notepad that now sat framed on your desk.
A pile of mail sat unopened that had been delivered while you were out. All addressed to Y/n Seresin. On autopilot, one by one you opened each envelope. Reading the mundane work jargon that cluttered your brain. Some real above the shoulders mustard type shit. But soon your heart was falling into a pit so deep you never knew a hole could be dug so deep.
A single letter had been mixed into the mail. Addressed to one Jacob Seresin. It was already too late to put it down, no. You couldn't put it down even if you wanted to. Screaming from the inside to stop reading but you couldn't. Your hands clench at the paper as you read the letter addressed to your husband. A letter from DNALabs.
A paternity test request from a woman by the name of Marissa Mccauley.
Tags: @justanothermagicalsara @alexsisrebekah @stinkyjax@starkleila @luckyladycreator2 @love2write2626 @shanimallina87 @dempy @mintellaine @kiarabellerum31 @abaker74
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Dream A Little Dream Of Me (series)
The reality of Aziraphale parting ways with Crowley was a difficult reality to grasp, and so the demon decided he’d rather escape it through picking up an old habit he had long since abandoned; sleeping. The trouble is, the angel is just as present in his unconscious mind than his conscious one. Meanwhile, Aziraphale, with the angelic ability to visit people in their dreams, has decided to abuse that privilege despite direct orders from Heaven.
Length: 22,927 words
AO3 Rating: Teen and Up
Best for: Safe in Public, Slight Angst
Triggers: Temporary Character Death (ish)
Read it here, fic by lavender_mo0n
*Minor Spoilers* This one broke my heart and put the pieces back together so very softly. In this series, we are post-S2, and Crowley is hiding from the world, asleep, and as usual, he dreams of his Angel. They travel through their history together, and Crowley is honest and open with the Angel in his dreams. But soon, the lines between dream and reality start to blur. I don't want to spoil any more of the plot for you, so I'll stop the summary here. I really didn't know how things were going to play out, which made it all the better, so I want the same for you.
There are some really excellent insights and ideas here. I was particularly interested in this version of Saraqael, who is a complex ally. I know there has to be a ton of interesting things happening with her that happen "off-screen" in this story. I find myself wondering what her deal is and what her plans are. There's also this line from Crowley that stuck with me, “You lot think that you’re so pure and good,” he sneered, “but the reality is that when you cause pain to someone trying so hard to live their life in your image, it hurts just as much as if a demon had done it.” And oh boy, does that sum up my feelings on religion. There are also some musings on guilt and forgiveness that really spoke to me. I love that they force each other to slow down and work out negative feelings together. They both try to hide and repress their feelings and are both prone to thinking they don't deserve good things. Thankfully, they can now teach each other that they do deserve to be safe and happy.
Safe in public, but it's a perfectly mellow and dreamy read so I suggest being somewhere comfy with a big blanket. Some slight angst, but this isn't a heavy story really. I love how it ends, they still have some healing to do before they're settled. But now they can relax, and find peace. Even though this is a series, it's really one work. Make sure to read every part and in order!
Read it here, fic by lavender_mo0n
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giantchasm · 6 months
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"It turns out that sometimes the future actually belongs to someone else."
Happy Taransusie Tuesday, everyone! Here's...
Content that only ostensibly focuses on Taransusie and is more than anything character analysis of a third party?
How romantic! 🎉🥳
Okay, but no, seriously. Joshing aside, the other day I posted a meme about Sectonia and how she might feel about the idea of Taranza eventually moving on from her. And it was funny. We all laughed. But things can't always be goof-goof "If everyone started saying 'she sent her for you' I would start haunting literally everyone here because no I didn't." I'm a serious guy. I like exploring concepts that make me go "OUCHIE!" and so let's look at that sort of idea through a more somber lens for a moment.
...How would Sectonia feel if Taranza eventually moved on?
Now, I don't know if she's out there... somewhere in Hades or haunting his ass, but either way I think about her a lot. How she might feel in death, especially if she was returned to her right mind.
I think... Sectonia would have a lot of complicated feelings. Like, before we even get to the relationship nonsense. Let's toss all that aside for a second. I think Sectonia would be simultaneously be crushed by the state she left Taranza in and still... upset to eventually see him heal from it. She'd be glad, of course, to watch the scars she left on him fade, but all the same... seeing him make new friends— leave her behind...
That would have to hurt a little bit, wouldn't it? After all, it's not like she'd be afforded the same opportunity. She died young. Via circumstances that were hardly her fault. Of course she'd be a little bit jealous. Of course she'd be a little bit depressed. Maybe even a little bit angry. And she'd feel bad about it, but she would.
So when you factor in the idea of Taranza entering another relationship... oh my gosh, those complex feelings would only intensify. Taranza deserves to be happy. Taranza deserves to move on. She would know that rationally, but at the same time, the heart isn't always rational.
I do think ultimately she'd support him. In whatever he chose to do. Even if it hurt her a little. The least she can do is give him her blessing after everything that happened.
But that's something that applies to just about any Taranza ship. Let's talk about Susie for a moment.
I... think Susie and Sectonia are people who have some similar issues. At least in my interpretations, they're both people who have warped and maimed themselves in an endless search of perfection hoping it will grant them acceptance from others. But this hasn't granted them peace of mind, and in fact all it's done is pull them further from 'themselves.'
I don't know. I just think they'd have a lot to talk about, even in contexts that don't flagrantly disregard the Bechdel test like this one. They're both girlies who would, like, really vibe to both "Oh No!" by Marina and the Diamonds and "Body" by Mother Mother if that's a sentence that makes even a lick of sense. Their mental illnesses aren't the same, but they're like cousins. Their mental illnesses went to school together.
I think this sort of... self-recognition through the other would both make things easier and harder on Sectonia. Because on one hand, I think it would further be a reminder of all the things she'll never have no matter how badly she wants them, but I also think it would help her... have more empathy for this person she's initially inclined to see as her enemy, and maybe even help her eventually want good things for her.
It's kind of a complex scenario. More serpentine than I could possibly portray in a single comic or Tumblr post. Eventually, I'd like to write a fic from a deceased Sectonia's perspective exploring these sorts of ideas. But for now, I'll leave you with one last preposterous observation:
Perhaps this, too, is yuri. 🤖🐝
#its the age old debacle! when does wanting to be another girl wrap around to wanting to kiss her?#kirby#taransusie#taranza#susie kirby#sectonia#queen sectonia#susie haltmann#susanna patrya haltmann#kirby of the stars#hoshi no kirby#hoshi no kaabii#i think all people who ship taranza with someone other than sectonia (me included) should be forced to like#write a 2000 word essay on how she still plays into his story and would affect his ability to have relationships#and is a fascinating character in her own right who adds a more interesting angle to literally any dynamic if she's like.#explored instead of carelessly brushed aside so whoever you ship with taranza more can 'fix' him#if you devote tons of time and thought to taranza and none to her outside of occasionally like .#treating her as his one dimensional abuser/fridged woman to eventually move on from#then i'm going to hit you with a giant flyswatter#several times#but enough of me complaining#a few details in this comic are specific references to my kirbyverse/fics i've written so i'll explain those here#panel with susie & implied body horror is because in my interp she mechanized herself in a desperate attempt to stay by her fathers side#then as for those last few panels with the scarf#and taranza not wearing HIS scarf#that's actually a reference to a fic i wrote about taransusie getting together and uhhhhh How Complicated that would be#i won't explain it all i'll post it eventually but what you need to know is when Taranza decides to enter a relationship#he leaves the matching scarf he had with sectonia at the base of the dreamstalk because he feels like he no longer deserves it#but mysteriously it ends up back on his bedside table smelling of cyclamen and zinnias the next day#wow. i wonder how that happened! definitely not a sign from someone saying 'hey. it's okay. i don't hate you.' nooooooo
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