#this post is actually just referring to johnlock
adumpofdumbstuff · 3 months
That moment when you realize the feeling that you feel when you think about your OTP feels the same as when you’d think about one of your crushes
It’s the same euphoria. It’s the same thing I felt around my now-ex. Around the friends who I never told how I felt. It’s the same euphoria I got over my first and oldest OTPs (the first characters I shipped with a burning intensity were Cavendish and Dakota from Milo Murphy’s Law when I was 17 and pathetic)
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sherlockbbc-rp · 2 months
Additional statement (April 15, 2024)
Followers harrassed
Consult-sherlockholmes’ characterisation in the fandom (here, here, here, and here)
Bullies and their blogs
Uncensored conversation with criminalisticonsultant
Divide and (not) conquer
The split between consultjohnwatson and consult-sherlockholmes
This information was removed from consultjohnwatson his blog, but here it is again to answer some of your remaining questions about our split. Catlock-holmes changed their pronouns on April 17, 2024. Since the post below is older, references to them are not yet adjusted.
Our initial roleplay ideas
Splitting after a three-year partnership was not an easy decision (for me) to make. I truly value what consult-sherlockholmes and I have established on this platform. Consult-sherlockholmes’ scientific expertise allowed my John to flourish, and I dare say my John allowed him to embody the detective he is. We built this together - really together - always being in sync, always staying true to our characters (for me, at least). It was good until it wasn’t.
I know we wanted the same thing: allow for Johnlock to happen, with whom people could interact. Post case blogs, promote fanfics (if it fit the narrative), fanart and the like.
Conflicting views
But we learned throughout the years that we just had different views on how to establish it. His love for drugs and continuing doubts about John’s love for him didn’t fit the John who was settled and raising a daughter with him. A John who had wanted to pop the question three years ago, which would have been too soon for the narrative as well.
We have had our conversations about the way forward with our beloved couple, but in the end we are people with very different views, in different life stages, with very different personalities. “Which is fine, by the way”, but apparently it isn’t fine for continuing together.
John distancing from the roleplay
Although I say “split”, since last December 2023/beginning of January 2024, it was actually my intention to leave Tumblr within the upcoming months in order to get some peace. Knowing fully well that we were not compatible as partners anymore and that staying on was far from enjoyable for me. In fact, our conflicting personalities were just stressful.
I distanced myself from the roleplay quite a bit at the end of last year, and I truly missed the core of the arguments that were taken place between consult-sherlockholmes/catlock-holmes and our followers/anon askers (the link shows one of them). I wanted to distance myself from catlock's drama more and more, but I I fully regret not informing myself, reading and checking everything back then. As a scientist myself, I believe you should never take anything at face value and inform yourself fully before forming a conclusion. Now, I didn't even form a conclusion, nor did I inform myself. I didn't follow catlock-holmes' blog (luckily, I must add), but as consult-sherlockholmes was attached to my account back then, I should have informed myself and taken an active stance on the issues that were taken place with and on that blog. My stance is that I fully agree with the anon askers and followers that asked consult-sherlockholmes in a polite manner to review and adjust their tone of voice/behaviour/characterisation of Sherlock on the consult-sherlockholmes blog. From what I know, consult-sherlockholmes received several (anon) messages around December/January asking them to reflect on their behaviour and portrayal. I also received a few of them, asking me to try and talk to my partner. Believe me, I have tried over the last three years. But their manner/take on life and people just doesn’t fit mine.
John's stance on Sherlock's potrayal
Consult-sherlockholmes' potrayal of our beloved (BBC) detective is extremely conflicting to how I feel we should treat others and our beloved fandom. Now even more than ever, actually. I believe that our conflicting natures were very clear on our blogs as well. I never agreed with their continuing obsession with drugs and their immature view on life (and sex*), the constant need to fight with anon askers and followers, and not being able to have a mature conversation with me, our followers, askers and the other roleplayers involved. I know it is "mustard after the meal", but do know that I agree with all the followers/askers who contacted consult-sherlockholmes (and me) in December/January about consult-sherlockholmes' (roleplay) behaviour. If you were or felt bullied or harassed by consult-sherlockholmes/catlock-holmes, I am sorry that I wasn't there to help and protect you, and to take your side. I shouldn't have ignored what was going on, because Tumblr should be a safe place for everyone, and I believe I have failed in that regard. Well, not anymore.
#A scandal in Tumblr
Voicing my desire to leave was ignored by my former partner and it escalated the situation between us. Catlock-holmes did not want me to leave, tried everything to keep me, and still does not appreciate me leaving, and "requested" (demanded, actually) access to my blog and back-up files. Their statement on their own admin blog is:
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They literally say here not to have “consented” to me leaving them. Let me tell you, dear readers, you never ever need consent to leave a relationship/friendship you do not like. Ever.
You are free to make your own choices and to make the decision that is best for you.
I’ve been very vocal from the onset of my decision, because I was met with even more atrocious behaviour from my former friend and partner. That started the minute, the exact minute, I told them I was thinking of quitting Tumblr and giving up my blog.
They started the defaming and harassment right after I told them I thought of quitting Tumblr, so before I told them, and on the blog, I would leave them instead of tumblr.
They were more concerned about what me leaving would entail for them (claiming it gave them anxiety) than it meant for me, or why I would even consider leaving. After their insistent demands I would hand over my blog and files, because they had found a new John to continue the roleplay with (where is that John anyway?). I quickly became to realise that the prospect of handing my blog over to consult-sherlockholmes/catlock-holmes or even deactivating this blog would hurt me more than actually splitting with them would be. That would have been the epitome of me having being manipulated. Thus, I decided to just stop our interaction in the beginning of March 2024 and not to hand my blog over (or deactivating it).
Needles to say, my former partner didn't take my decision "lightly" and it quickly escalated further in a conflict that is now known under the infamous # a scandal in tumblr. They have worked very hard both behind the scenes and on it (anonymously) to defame us in the hope it would cause me (us) to leave this platform. Instead of breaking things off neatly, they chose to partner with bullies and let the lies spread and live as a retaliation for their own hatred against having lost control over someone (me). My friends and I have voiced our perspective over and over again, on various occasions, and believe that now is the time to stop giving attention to this childish conflict (= “she left me and how could she?!”). This means that we won’t be answering (anonymous) asks regarding this matter anymore.
Continuation of the roleplay
I am lucky to have found a new partner and that my friends also decided to stay on. I will also continue to stay on as long as you’ll have me, dear followers. Because one thing that I really wanted to add is: This blog would have been nothing, absolutely nothing, without your interesting, funny, or intriguing asks and support. Without you, we wouldn’t have existed. So, thank you all for the past three years.
And remember: Let’s keep Tumblr a happy and safe place to be part of. Let us see what the future holds for us.
Your John
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moldybonessmell · 9 months
Okay, but can we talk about this one Christmas scene in BBC Sherlock S2E2?
Let's take a look at this one dialog that occured when John needs to stay with Sherlock to comfort him after Irene's death and his girlfriend is upset:
"You're a great boyfriend!" "Okay, that's good. I mean, I always thought I was great-" "And Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man." "Oh, Jeanette please"
John has his priorities and it's very obvious to everyone involved (even tho I do think that staying with your best friend after the death of a person who was important to him is a valid reason to miss a celebration) I suppose it just was the last straw for her
"No, I mean it. It's heartwarming. You'll do anything for him. And he can't even tell your girlfriends apart!"
The fact that John's love is so unconditional he doesn't even care if Sherlock returns it reminds me so much of this one episode of Doctor Who where River Song compared loving Doctor to loving sun: "You don't expect the sun to love you back!" or something like this, I don't remember the quote and it breaks my heart so much.
(Yes I did a wholock reference, what are you gonna do about it?)
And I also see here how much he tries to move on knowing that sun will not love him back but he just can't.
"No, I'll do anything for you, just tell me what it is, I'm not doing, tell me!" "Don't make me compete with Sherlock Holmes!"
This quote is so important because even Jeanette knows and understands the entirety of the situation John's in.
Compete with Sherlock Holmes is something nobody can do (all his enemies get defeated as we know) but not only villians are a threat, even loved ones will always be on a second place for John. The first place is forever taken by this one nerd not knowing the Earth is moving around the Sun (even tho he's the sun himself).
"I'll walk your dog for you. There, I've said it now, I'll even walk your dog." "I don't have a dog!" "No, because that was the last one- Okay."
Even John himself admits his defeat and realises what he got himself into.
(He did marry Mary eventually, and even tho I love her character, I can't help but see her being another one of "escapes" for John.)
Please don't witchhunt me for "hating on straight ships" or whatever, complain at the directors and writers who made John so unbearably closeted any other of his ships just doesn't sail (pun fully intended).
All I see here is a man desperately stuck in his one-sided feelings and fear of being out, he goes through the struggle a lot of queer people experienced in their life.
Yes, it's been done many times before, but I can't help but say that the production crew are cowards for not making John canonically queer when his writing is so authentic it makes me experience almost physical pain.
Coming back to the topic of Mary btw, I think it was fucking lame in the way her destiny turned out to be. She deserved to have a good life with loving husband and a child, but writers put her in the story just to make John not so openly queer coded (bi and pan people exist btw but it's a topic for another conversation unfortunately) and they just killed her off to "sail" the johnlock ship in the end because they are cowards to actually follow through with queerbaiting (that's what the quotes for, because they haven't actually sailed it). I hate, and I mean HATE when a woman is added to a story just for a man's character development and gets killed off and BBC's Sherlock situation is exactly like this. Why even add her to the story if you don't plan on making her stay with John? The last season makes no sense and makes me so angry I often pretend it doesn't exist "BOO TOMATOES TOMATOES-" (it's the reason I don't want any new Sherlock seasons tbh)
Okay, this post is all over the place, at this point I'm more just ranting instead of doing a proper topic analysis but I hope you liked it anyway. Share your opinion if you have any, ig the Sherlock tag is too full at this point I don't really see people taking about stuff while checking the tag (saying this as if the first season didn't come out like 13 years ago)
Have a good day :)
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majorbaby · 8 months
Your comments on the "canon vs fanon" posts the wishful thinking of those tags as if there arent people shipping klinger with the most racist charachter in the show might as well ship ginger/frank at that point
post and tags here
just in case you're upset that i mentioned beejhawk specifically, i did that because the edit i was referring to specifically cast Turk as BJ but i actually care more about the point i was making than i care about the ship war so have this: if trapper were black, the default early years m/m ship would be henry/hawkeye or perhaps even radar/hawkeye.
i personally do not believe in specifically setting limits on what people can ship, yeah that includes klinger/charles. first of all, by what measure are you quantifying charles as the 'most racist' because the charleses in my life are easier to avoid than the margarets, the potters, the franks and yes, even the hawkeyes. here i am not trying to make the case that charles is 'less racist' than the others, i'm just pointing out that 'most racist' isn't a universally accepted standard.
so it sounds like your problem is with the charles/klinger ship itself and not the racism you're claiming it upholds and you've decided to complain about it in my inbox referencing tags i wrote, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with your point.
those tags were not in favour of stopping or shaming anyone from shipping what they like to ship, in this case, a theoretical 'potter/hawkeye' ship that i proposed would've emerged ahead of beejhawk if BJ was black.
my wishful thinking is that people (myself included) would examine why it is that, demonstrably and across multiple fandoms, conditions exist that should reliably produce a brainrotting, filthy-fanwork-generating m/m ship and yet they're overshadowed by a much less typical m/m ship where both characters happen to be white. Shawn and Gus (Psych) are your basic Johnlock situation, JD (Scrubs) is only able to win over his assigned hetero love interest by professing to her "I love you more than Turk" - both ships feature two men who have been friends since childhood, and the white half of each one meets the standard of "the dynamic". What could possibly be standing in the way of Shawn/Gus and JD/Turk being the most popular ships in their respective fandom hmmm?
i can say all of this without attacking the ships that do dominate in those fandoms (Shawn/Carlton Psych, JD/Cox Scrubs) and so should i, because it's overwhelmingly clear to me that discouraging people from enjoying the things they enjoy doesn't guarantee or even encourage they will instead start enjoying the things you want them to enjoy, or that you deem are okay for them to enjoy.
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spaceorphan18 · 11 months
I've seen the Johnlock video as well, and I recognized the former Kummer she was talking about. I won't give away her name, but she's even crazier than the video made her seem. She had these elaborate conspiracy theories, like how Sam wearing a bolo tie meant he was gay. She was also sexist and racist: she referred to all Sam/girl ships as "Samgina" (for Sam/vagina) and was enraged that Sam was dating Mercedes because "guys like him don't date girls like her." Super gross all around.
You know - I did a quick google search after I posted that last night, and was able to figure out who it is. I completely understand not naming names, and I won't either, but she's relatively easy to find.
I did not recognize her - but I do recognize the vile type of fan that she is. Not unlike the tinhatters - she definitely has/d a need to claim that her way of looking at things is the only way - and if you don't follow her way you're *wrong on the internet tm*
The conspiracy theories are wild and not at all grounded in reality. And ooff - yes, the racism and sexism is clearly there. (I also tripped over that gross post from years ago listing why Darren was problematic -- and it really stems from Darren not being their preferred person they'd want to bang.)
But man, all this takes me back to a time when the episode Rumours included a story line to specifically to tell people that Sam isn't gay because some of those Kummers just could not let it die. Talk about toxic fandoming - and this chick clearly was one of the worst.
The sad part is that a lot of these BNF people that spout off all this toxicity are not the the teenagers or young people in the fandom. They're usually older and, scarily, have real adult jobs - such as this person is an actual lawyer somewhere. The tinhat leaders were (are) all middle aged women who should know better, too. The fact that they're able to influence all of these young people with their shady conspiracies and their awful viewpoints is just... i don't even know. Terrible.
The internet is a scary place - stay safe out there and avoid the toxicity when you can. <3
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vintage-bentley · 10 months
If David were giving "wait and see" style answers I'd have a bit more hope but he was talking to the Radio Times which is a reputable publication in the UK so I don't feel like he'd outright lie to them about the nature of Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship.
To be honest, both he and Michael have been pretty clear on this being a ~secret background story~ or whatever, and have repeatedly said it's up for interpretation, and I'm worried everybody's doing another Johnlock where they ignore what the people involved are saying and have convinced themselves they're getting confirmation that will never come. The difference is this would be even WORSE because of the marketing campaign for season 2 and Neil's baity comments.
I honestly don't think Neil would be affected by this either because the second anybody expresses disappointment the asexuals in fandom are going to make it all about them and about how society ignores and invalidates their kind of love etc. I think he'll be successfully shielded. There will be pissed off people (especially olds like me who were book fans first and have lived through this shit a billion times) and I'm sure a huge part of the fandom will be quietly seething but we simply won't be allowed to call it bait because "Neil has always said it's a love story and therefore canon uwu" (even if it's plausibly deniable to homophobes and eludes the casual viewer 🙄).
I also think it's very telling that Neil only drew attention to the fake spoilers circulating when a post appeared saying the season was "500% gay" and that Az and Crowley had many romantic scenes. He has also said that while the marketing dept at Amazon clearly love the show he would've advised them to do things differently were he not on strike.
I know we've all been interpreting David and Michael's tight-lipped squirming when asked about a romantic subplot as an attempt not the give EVERYthing away, but it could also be that they know they're not going to deliver what the audience wants (including, apparently, every single interviewer on press day lol) so have been ordered not to say anything that sets themselves up.
IF all of this does turn out to be bait I am going to become a fic writer just to spite Neil lol. Trust I will be writing the smuttiest fic and finding the nastiest NSFW Ineffable Husbands art imaginable and it will be gay, gay, GAY 😂
I still HOPE we're getting what we want because I'm an optimistic fool. I'm just not sure it's guaranteed in the way the fandom thinks it is.
(btw if this doesn't go through anonymously please message me rather than publishing? Unfortunately I have co-workers and real life friends following me on my main 😬)
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Sorry anon I couldn’t help but publish these together, it’s very funny to me 😂
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Now, I know you’ve done a complete turnaround, but I do see where you were coming from with your first ask. It’s fun to imagine that the squirmy tight-lipped attitude is them doing their best not to spoil…but it’s sadly true that it could also be them feeling like they’re walking in a minefield, knowing that fans are anticipating something they didn’t deliver.
And I agree with you about fan reception to Neil. Like I’ve said before, spicy straights thinking they can call themselves “queer” has been absolutely disastrous to our ability to talk about queerbaiting. Because that term is really supposed to mean gaybaiting. It refers to the specific trend of shows teasing a gay relationship to get viewers hooked, but never taking it anywhere to ensure they don’t loose the viewership of homophobes. But now since everyone and their mother calls themselves “queer”, they seem to think the term queerbaiting applies to them, too. Which has led us to the point where people say “actually this show isn’t queerbaiting, because they don’t show physical affection which is aro/ace representation! Not everything has to be gay!” (In other words, “this show is gaybaiting but I’m happy about that so you can’t get upset about it”).
So, even if the show ends up being perfect textbook queerbait…we can’t say that, because of how the term has been appropriated. And we’ll have to deal with spicy straights whining about how they’re oppressed by gays wanting representation.
But as I’ve said before, I’m very optimistic about it not being bait! Let’s hope we’re right!
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topsyturvy-turtely · 1 year
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I posted 3,154 times in 2022
That's 3,090 more posts than 2021!
141 posts created (4%)
3,013 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,195 of my posts in 2022
Only 30% of my posts had no tags
#johnlock - 611 posts
#bbc sherlock - 453 posts
#sherlock - 428 posts
#john watson - 366 posts
#sherlock holmes - 295 posts
#sherlock x john - 169 posts
#johnlock fanart - 151 posts
#martin freeman - 135 posts
#sherlock fanart - 135 posts
#benedict cumberbatch - 125 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#am i funny? cringy? funny but in a cringe way? yeah probably funny cringy way... nah probably just cringy... in any case:
My Top Posts in 2022:
okay so we all want BBC SHERLOCK S5 right???
and imho it needs to involve:
- A JOHNLOCK KISS!!!! (one that ~actually~ happens irl and not just in the mind palace or the like...)
-HUDDERS NOT BEING DEAD (seriously she is the soul of johnlock and she deserves better than to die. let her go on vacation or something... saw that post a few days ago)
-AND HARRY WATSON PRETTY PLEASE!!! (in a happy way. where john and her rebuild their relationship. also... maaaayyybbee bcs i'm a tiny bit in love with her)
154 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
how john watson found his heart again
[sequel to how john watson lost his heart ]
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it's been two years since i've lost my heart.
two years of grief. two years of being lost. two years of darkness.
but it's okay, i've found her. she gave me a new heart.
it's not the same as my own but it does its job: it gave me life. it keeps me alive.
but suddenly you are back.
short version: not dead.
and you present me my long lost heart on a serving tray.
with your fake glasses, your fake mustache, your fake accent.
but my real heart.
right there in front of me.
abruptly i stand up. trying to hold back my anger.
alright. john. i'm suddenly realizing that i probably owe you some sort of an apology-
fist against the table.
two years.
keep it together, watson, i tell myself.
two years.
but how can i?
when the only reason to live is right there in front of me.
when the one reason i almost died myself was right there in front of me.
i thought-
not in the restaurant, watson.
i thought you were dead.
i died too that day. i have lost my heart that day. the day you died.
now you let me grieve...
i grieved for you, i grieved for my heart.
how could you do that?
See the full post
182 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
"JOHNLOCKed in a Closet"
- now on Ao3!!!
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[cover art by @topsyturvy-turtely DO NOT REPOST]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, F/F
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson; Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade; Harry Watson/Original Female Character; Sherlock Holmes & Mrs. Hudson & John Watson; Harry Watson & John Watson; Sherlock Holmes & Greg Lestrade
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Harry Watson, Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Mrs. Hudson Ships It, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Johnlock - Freeform, Locked In, Trapped In A Closet, John is a Mess, John The Bisaster, Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings, Harry the gay advisor, Confused John, Soft Sherlock, Sassy John, Shy Sherlock, References to Canon, Case Fic, okay mostly it's fluff but anygays..., STILL THERE IS A CASE
Summary: Mrs. Hudson is done. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are just two silly little lovebirds who need to be locked together in a room until they can finally admit their feelings for each other! So this is EXACTLY what she does. And what room could be more fitting than a closet...?
Chapters: 15/15 (plus a dedication)
Originally published on Wattpad with the username "turtely". (21,6K views, 817 votes, 5K comments - status August 30th 2022)
204 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
He really just needed a kiss...
John hated it. He utterly and truly hated it. He despised himself for it. It was going on his nerves. In fact it annoyed the fucking SHIT out of him.
That stupid, always present, torturing urge to be kissed.
It was plain out ridiculous. But he couldn't help it. He wanted- needed that kind of body contact. Where one was taller, the other smaller. Where one was the bold and made the decisive move. Where your heart stops and your breath catches and-
John put the tea pot down with too much force so the china chinked. He grabbed the newspaper off the table with an emphasis that really wasn't necessary and he walked over to his armchair with a frown on his face and heaviness in his steps.
He dropped into the chair and scowled at the news. He felt like a teenager, which dropped his mood even more.
"You're annoyed.", his flatmate Sherlock, eyes closed hands steepled under his chin, his legs half up half down, stated. And it made John even more grumpy. Because look at this arsehole! With his damn hair and annoying face and stupid athletic body he wouldn't struggle AT ALL finding someone to kiss him. Not that he would care for such mundane things.
"Yes.", there was no point in denying it, John decided but hid his face behind the newspaper again.
Behind the safety of the newspaper John rolled his eyes. "I just am."
Sherlock opened his eyes and leaned forward, "That's ridiculous every human emotion has its origin in a deeper-"
"Oh for fuck's sake. You of all people lecturing me about human emotions is really not a to-do-thing for today, okay?!"
Sherlock sat up and John - even behind the paper - felt his studying gaze on him and the irritation inside him flamed up even more. "Stop staring.", he grumbled
Sherlock tilted his head - eyes still fixed on his flatmate. He leaned forward, pushing the newspaper down and the sudden proximity made John uneasy.
"Ever heard of personal space?"
"Of course.", Sherlock said and invaded John's.
"Then why are you in mine?"
"Because you want it."
"I want- what?"
"You wanna be close to someone.", Sherlock said, both hands on either side of his armchair now.
"No", John awkwardly fixed his sitting position. "I think I am good. Go back to your seat, Sherlo-"
But then Sherlock's lips were on his and John froze. It was just a hint of a kiss. It was nothing really. He could back off and then they could just-
He put his hand on the back of Sherlock's neck and his hand barely touched his side. He hesitantly kissed him back and then Sherlock's lips pecked John's lightly. Sherlock opened his mouth and John sucked on the other man's lower lip. John (or more his libido) decided he'd go a bit further and used his teeth to tease. When Sherlock gasped, John pulled back quickly.
"Oh. Wow. I didn't- didn't expect to happen.", he said, Sherlock still hovering above him. His eyes were fluttering open and then stared into John's. There was something in his gaze that made John wanna hug him tight.
Sherlock straightened up and fixed his perfectly cuffed cuffs on his shirt. That heated look was completely gone. There was no evidence of what had just happened, except ,maybe, that John's trousers were a tad bit tighter than before.
Still uselessly fumbling with his cuffs (with elegant, slim fingers), Sherlock finally looked up. And with his look came a wall, being built brick by brick between them. "You needed stimulation. I gave you that. I hope you feel better now.", Sherlock said matter-of-factly, finally letting his cuffs alone, rolling his shoulders once. With four long strides he was at the hook with his belstaff, put it on with one swift movement and opened the door. "I'll be out. No need to wait up."
And John was being left behind. Completely stunned. He still felt lips on his own, still felt breath creeping over his jaw, still saw a heated look that John felt like had burnt him.
With a deep breath he heaved himself up, the newspaper forgotten on John's lap, flew to the floor. John needed tea. While the water boiled, John thought about what Sherlock had said. That he had offered him stimulation and that he hoped John felt better now. And he did, definitely, feel better but there was a tuck inside him that made him frown.
See the full post
256 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sherlock: I KNOW!!!
john: you know what?
sherlock: i know what the H stands for!
john: *pinching the bridge of his nose* sherlock can you just dro-
sherlock: john hedgehog watson
john: ...
sherlock: ... :)
398 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
Violence ask game number eleven
11) number of fandom related words you've filtered -- oh gosh, a LOT of old stuff, mostly in tumblr savior bc i used that first so i never really got around to tumblr filtering a great deal and I'm on mobile now. not sure the amount though. not all fandom related words but definitely a lot of like. media i didnt want to see bc i didnt like it personally or it was just irritating. I have like, supernatural blocked from when that was BIG big, I had game of thrones blocked and yet i STILL know more about it than i should, marvel ships, I actually have cow day filtered for lemon man bc. I don't know, cow day doesn't really interest me, my deepest apologies. ohhhh I found my tumblr savior list from a 2015 save and a lot of that is probably still on it, johnlock is there?? look I've come around to johnlock, but however the people in BBC fandom were vibing was not how I was vibing so I had that blocked, bc it was ALWAYS in reference to only BBC back then. I even feel terrible saying I enjoy it now bc I feel like that specific ship name is tied so strongly to BBC and not to the characters in general. I had teen wolf blocked????? WHO was posting about teen wolf????????? anyway I still don't understand what goes on there. horror shows and games, zombie stuff, durarara?????? why?????? WHY DID I HAVE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES BLOCKED??????, by god what was going ON back then. okay hold on I'm gonna go look at my laptop real quick to see what else is there. oh it's still the exact same stuff. huh. well this was a FASCINATING ride
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victorianpining · 2 years
From a Drop of Water & s4 Parallels
So you might remember that I wrote the first draft of FaDoW before rewatching any of series 4. Mostly because I didn’t want the plot of the real one effecting my version too much (already the details I did remember did cause me to make a few changes I wouldn’t have otherwise). But because of that there are actually more parallels than I expected so. I kept a list before and after watching series 4 of what was intentional and what was not. It’s under the cut if you’re interested, but it does have major spoilers for the entire story:
Deliberate Callbacks
The line “Could Sherlock be in love?” In the summary is in reference to the “Sherlock is back and he’s in love! But who with?” marketing
“I’ve fallen in-” -> “It kind of gives off the impression that you’re in lo-” 
The date of John’s “I give up on everything” blog post being January 15th, the day The Final Problem aired
Moriarty listening to Queen in The Final Problem 
“Our Final Problem. The real one this time.”
John dangling off a tower during the Garridebs moment
John finally answers the question “but who with?” in the Garridebs moment. Hooray!
"I’ve Fallen in-” *Helicopter whirls* in the Garridebs moment
Mrs. Hudson leaving to watch a show that is going to “make history” right before the johnlock kiss
Oscar Wilde reference in The Final Problem
Watson’s version of the story is just straight up Series 4
And his revisions are the prevailing theory of how s4 fits into a TJLC reading. The fact that the series 4 summary is Watson’s version to begin with is also a meta joke.
TFP ends by declaring who Sherlock Holmes and John Watson truly are and always have been
SPECIAL MENTION: I deliberately dropped the Janine plotline from M-Theory because Eurus has filled the show’s entire quota on secret sisters for all time
SPECIAL MENTION #2 to the fact that I basically wrote in a scene from Dracula without having seen Dracula and so went back to add in the exact wording from the scene in Dracula. Johnny Blue Eyes. Stake through the heart? That’s fine. But someone else needs to put it there...
Aware of the Overlap But Did It Anyway:
Mary is killed (I intentionally had it happen one episode later to avoid the series feeling too structurally similar, otherwise I would have killed her at the end of TST. I think the way it happens in the finished version ultimately works better for this story though)
There is an emotional conversation about Sherlock’s romantic interests in both versions of TLD (very different conversations though)
Sherlock and John (appear to) fall out in TLD
The fire in Baker Street at the start of TFP is a canon reference. I imagine the same is true for the explosion/fire at Musgrave but I did it anyway.
Third Holmes sibling discussion in TFP (it was the only time it made sense to bring it up)
Mycroft and Moriarty working together in TFP 
Unintentional Parallels:
Sherlock deduces Lestrade has a date (TLD rather than TST in my version but still)
Sherlock going to a young hacker friend in TST (GAH!)
Sherlock finally gets Lestrade’s first name right (different contexts)
John losing it over Mary at the end of TST. Sherlock tries to comfort him in both versions. In my version John lets him. I didn’t remember this happening so this wasn’t meant as a fix-it for the end of TST but I’m happy it lined up that way.
Mary runs away and leaves John a letter in TST
Three week TLD time skip (GAH! This one I must have remembered subconsciously because I felt nervous about the time skip the entire time even though I couldn’t remember there being one in the real episode)
Molly and John in matching blue sweaters in TLD (just... why? the same color too!)
Sherlock losing his mind in TLD, putting himself “through hell” for John’s sake. (again vaguely remembered this but there are more specific parallels than I remembered)
The biggest is that thematically the two raise the same point: there is a fate Sherlock and John have always been destined to face, the question is if they can change the ending this time. And both use similar metaphors to accomplish that: Mycroft and his planes, the heart/bomb yet to go off (that does finally go off when Moriarty dies), and Sherlock having visions of his dreaded ending. This is actually a biggest  reason that I disagree that the Series 4 we got was thematically necessary. That theme was already loud and clear, most specifically from the end of TAB, the train car scene, and the Bond Air scene where Mark spells out the plot of the show. They did not need to show us a more convincing version of the bad ending to make that point. They had already made it about as obvious as they could. But I digress. The fact that my version of Series 4 raises the same question as the real one but provides a different answer was not a deliberate callback, I didn’t remember any of the Appointment in Sumatra or Flight of the Dead stuff. It was just the only way to resolve the story with the way things had already been set up by the end of TAB.
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annikathewitch · 3 years
Idk, I’m bored, thought I’d make one of those posts ppl pin at the top of their blogs
Hello! This is the main blog of the paluimbel system. We're a median, monoconscious, mixed-origins plural system of uhhh... too many people for individual introductions to make much sense. The name Fencer works for all of us, and we generally don't care that much about pronouns, but would prefer if you use they/it when referring to our system as a whole.
Feel free to ask us as many questions as you want about systemhood/plurality! We like sharing our experiences.
What is a plural system?
(EDIT: I've just had like 15 new people follow me for the tumblr poll conlang thing, so I thought I'd put links related to that somewhere easy to access. Masterpost/Intro is here.
Currently Active Polls: On hiatus for a bit due to exam season T-T)
My current hyperfixation is hermitcraft but also pokemon. Linguistics and conlanging are basically permanent special interests but we don't always post about them.
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Oh and here’s this, just to be safe, because I’ve seen too many posts accidentally come true. Not putting any more DNIs, because I don’t wanna spend ages trying to list every possible group of shitty people. If I don’t like what you’re doing, I’ll just block you.
Some fics I’ve written under the cut, just in case you’re interested.
The Adventure of the Sphinx’s Riddle
Complete. ACD Johnlock, pre-relationship, mutual pining. It’s basically a Percy Jackson au, set in the same time period as canon Holmes. Most of the fic is Holmes figuring out that he’s a demigod.
The Adventure of the Buried River
Complete. The sequel to The Adventure of the Sphinx’s Riddle. I plan to write a third part and turn it into a trilogy, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
‘Till All That Remains is the Arms of the Angels
Complete. Eternal Duo enemies to queer platonic partners slowburn for the teen titans au. Each chapter is probably gonna be really short, just a scene or two. It’s kinda inspired by that one episode of Good Omens that’s mostly just a bunch of scenes of Aziraphale and Crowley throughout history, showing the development of their relationship. I put any necessary context in the author’s notes, so you don’t really need to know anything about the ttau for this to make sense.
TTAU Season 1
Technically a series, not an individual fic. It’s kinda an intro to the above mentioned teen titans au, set up like episodes of a tv show. Currently Includes:
Pilot- There’s a breakout at Essempei City Prison and the Titans (Sam, Ponk, Bad, Puffy, and Ant) must work with the Syndicate (Techno, Niki, and Phil) to prevent all of the city’s most dangerous prisoners from getting out.
Who Am I That I Should Get to Hold You?
Incomplete. Flower Husbands angst with a happy ending. It’s another TTAU fic, but like with ‘Till All That Remains is the Arms of the Angels, you shouldn’t need any background knowledge on the ttau to understand the fic. Basically, 3rd life happened in the ttau, but it was a simulation and everyone got returned to their bodies safe and sound after they died. Everyone except Jimmy and Scott, who, because of a glitch in the simulation, ended up actually dying. Scott’s scientist coworkers managed to upload his consciousness to a computer before his body died; Jimmy wasn’t so lucky. So now Jimmy’s dead, and Scott’s basically immortal. This should be the end, right? Wrong. There is always hope, they just have to find it.
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Weird q..but i really dont understand why most fans hate season 4, especially the last episode. Why? I think it gave us a deeper look on both sherlock and mycroft! I felt it tells a lot about mycroft how he had to step in and take control of things ever since he was a kid himself. Also he is not a robot or a killer. Also redbeard thing. It was an appropriate deep psychological trauma (cause most shows usually disappoint in that area). I am not trying to impose my opinion. Just want to understand
Hey Nonny!
It’s all good, and I totally respect your opinion and how you enjoyed S4! It’s totally okay! I know that there are quite a few who got a lot of of S4, and who genuinely enjoyed it.
Sadly, I am not one of those people, and I’ll try to be as diplomatic a possible in my response, but PLEASE know that I don’t think you’re “terrible” or “stupid” for liking S4 because I DO get passionate sometimes in my responses, and I’m just merely speaking as someone who studied the series very closely for quite a long time before S4 aired, and as someone who knows Day-One-ers (ie., people who watched Sherlock on its day one airdate) who also are a large majority of the people who did not like S4. This is just me simply stating why I didn’t like it, but it’s different for everyone.
Stating what I DO like: The acting and cinematography of the first two episodes were brilliant for what they had to work with, and I’ve never faulted any of the actors for the flaws of S4. And for TFP, they did the best with what they had to work with.
That’s… pretty much all I really liked about S4.
Now, here’s my problems with S4:
Nothing made a LICK of sense to the narrative that they were telling in Seasons prior. 
This series was always based a bit in reality, and suddenly everything became comic-book rules: X-Men villains, shitty “redemption” arc, destroying favourite characters just for drama, ludicrous physics, explosions that only destroyed one small room in an apt where in previous episodes one explosion destroyed an entire block, etc.
Sherlock was OOC.
Mary was being built up to be a fantastic villain? Ah, nope, here’s the lacklustre twist where tee hee Mary’s just an assassin with a heart of gold that still emotionally abuses Sherlock and John and just won’t fucking stay dead.
And speaking of this, the DVD’s make NO LOGICAL SENSE unless she was planning to kill herself
AND she tries to make her death equatable to Sherlock’s??
Everyone was RIDICULOUSLY out of character in TFP, I’m so sorry: Mycroft is a bumbling coward for the most part, Sherlock disregards John when he gives the Vatican Cameos warning, the Holmes Parents are assholes because Mycroft COULDN’T SOLVE A PROBLEM WHEN HE WAS 12?? ARE YOU SERIOUS???? And that creepy Moriarty / Eurus thing, and LITERALLY they’re implying that EVERYTHING HAPPENED BECAUSE EURUS DIDN’T GET A HUG. Like, I’m so sorry, but that’s lazy writing.
And don’t even get me started on the ridiculousness of the entire character of Eurus. She LITERALLY had X-Men powers, and like… just nothing made sense. Her involvement in the entirety of S4 MADE NO SENSE. Why go back to prison if you can get out?? WHAT IS THE POINT?? AND I repeat: She did all this because she didn’t get a hug. Yes. I’m oversimplifying, but at the base level, that’s what it was, because she wanted Sherlock’s attention. Welcome to the club, kid, stand in line, everyone on the SHOW wants his attention.
The ENTIRE plot of the first 2 seasons got wiped out all because it wasn’t Moriarty who was interested in Sherlock, but Eurus?? What… What about Carl Powers?? Like…. the ENTIRETY of season one and TGG makes no sense now, because of that one 5 minute scene where Eurus “enlists” Moriarty. I… ugh.
The SUDDEN tonal switch from kind-of Sherlock to James Bond, for some fucking reason.
And on that note, how terribly lazy and cheap TFP looks in comparison to the other two episodes. The whole episode looks like it was filmed in a small house with 4 identical rooms.
EVERYTHING that was etablished in 2 episodes prior were COMPLETELY forgotten when Mary was “shot”.
The complete character assassination of one loyal blogger John H Watson in favour of Mary for some fucked up reason, even though AT HIS OWN WEDDING HE COULDN’T STAND BEING AROUND MARY. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe for one damned second that John would EVER forgive Mary for murdering his best friend after seeing what it did to him. That’s not love from her, and that’s NOT John’s character EVER in the ENTIRETY of the series.
And speaking of character assassinations, Molly’s character being devolved to S1E1 Molly, where instead of giving her agency like they were doing with her the ENTIRE series, so much so that Sherlock picked up on her dominance enough to give her a big role in his mind palace in HLV and TAB, only to make her a sad little self-insert Mary Sue pining for the main character, and in turn made Sherlock a TERRIBLE human being for MAKING HER say what she did. It’s gross.
AND speaking of Molly’s character, they’ve been setting up Mollstrade since as early as ASiB, but I guess that plot line got shafted. Look I LOVE Hopkins, and I am ANGRY they didn’t give her more than 3 fucking lines in the entirety of ONE episode after HEAVILY promoting her actress and character, but they essentially reduced her to a piece of ass for Lestrade to chase. AND THAT’S NOT HIS CHARACTER EITHER. EW GROSS.
The constant plot holes being gaped wide open, and the Chekov’s gun moments where they bring up shit but do nothing with it!! 
TD-12? Nope, just a lame reference to a story we like. 
John got shot at the end of TLD with a VERY REAL FUCKING GUN? Nope, it was a dart gun. 
John not suddenly knowing how to be a doctor.
The TGG one I mentioned up above. 
What was in the letter? And who was Anyone??
Moriarty essentially being erased as anything other than a hired thug and had no part whatsoever in Sherlock’s history. 
Eurus… Just all of her character is asinine. 
Everyone in T6T suddenly not knowing John’s the blogger, which is in direct contradiction to literally the entire series. 
The AGRA plotline was ridiculous, in the end.
Baby? What baby? It was only there when convenient.
They dropped whatever plotline they were going to do for Mycroft: He was being set up as either dying, or the villain.
Redbeard. I’m sorry, I disagree with you on that. Mofftiss is trying to tell me that a little boy fell down a well and went missing, and that WASN’T the first place searchers / the police wouldn’t have looked? Sorry, no. And then. AND THEN his parents just… go along with this thing where Sherlock shuts down and they DON’T get him therapy? Yes, I agree the mind is a funny thing, and we can be traumatised into forgetting or dissociating from traumatic events. I GET IT. But… like I don’t believe the Holmes are so heartless as to just never grieve or have memories around about their supposedly dead daughter. It’s another OCC thing for me.
John’s cheating.
Disappearing and reappearing characters, like this scene, and the entirety of the aquarium scene.
Mary and John being terrible parents
What… who was this girl on the plane? What? Like I know WHO, but if she’s supposed to be Eurus talking to Sherlock, why don’t we see Eurus… talking to Sherlock? I … Ugh.
Sloppy camera work that some believe was intentional, but if it wasn’t, jesus c’mon.
The RIDICULOUS amount of 4th Wall Breaking. Like… even the actors didn’t give a shit.
Essentially, everything on this list here and in this blog tag here.
And everything mentioned on these three posts:
T6T: 10 Revealing Things That Haunt You Late at Night 
TLD: 10 Revealing Things That Haunt You Late at Night
TFP: 10 Revealing Things That Haunt You Late at Night
There’s SO much more I can go into, but please go through my “something’s fucky” tag in that last link.
Notice how probably 90% of that has NOTHING to do with “johnlock not becoming canon” because the Johnlockers get MONSTROUS accusations as to THAT being why we didn’t like S4, even though it was, like critically panned by the GENERAL AUDIENCE who have NO investment in the series other than “I liked it in the past”.
Two of my fave YouTubers have interesting (not perfect, but still good) takes coming at the series as casual viewers:
‘The Day Sherlock Died’ by The Closer Look
‘Sherlock is Garbage, and Here’s Why’ by hbomberguy
So it’s NOT just Johnlockers. I’ve talked to Sher1011ies at 221B con who didn’t like S4 either, because most of them realized how shitty Molly was treated in the last episode. So yeah, a big middle finger to those who think I dislike S4 because of  “no Johnlock”. No, I disliked it because I need my stories to make logical narrative sense. I disliked it because I love John and they ruined his character all for the sake of drama and because Moffat has a “hurting Ben” kink. I disliked it because Mary should NOT have been “redeemed” because she was an abuser. I disliked it because Moriarty was turned into a cartoon villain, even though he was already overused in the series. I disliked it because the core of the show – the FRIENDSHIP of Sherlock and John, and their solving mysteries together – did not exist at all. I disliked it because John got sidelined. I disliked it because TFP was a ridiculous episode that, if you replace ANY of the characters, it wouldn’t make a difference, because it didn’t feel like an episode of Sherlock. I disliked it because everyone was OOC.
Anyway. Sorry. One too many accusations my way over the past 1100+ days LOL.
As for your assessment of TFP, I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you. There was no growth and actually it implies something far more sinister: That the Holmes are and were terrible parents that gave no shits about their daughter, their traumatized son, and expected their eldest to essentially be a parent. It implies that Mycroft, at 12 years old, orchestrated the ENTIRE Sherrinford thing… Look I can suspend my disbelief, but there’s limits, and this is one of them. A LITERAL CHILD. Perhaps Uncle Rudy had a hand in it somehow, but then why not shit on Uncle Rudy? Why is Mycroft blamed for it all?
Look, I don’t doubt Sherlock had a traumatic experience regarding “Redbeard”. But then why play into the fact that he was a dog? Why bring another character into the series just to have a gotcha moment? Because Mofftiss wanted a “Shyamalan twist”, that’s why. They threw EVERYTHING away for a twist ending either because they GENUINELY thought it was good, or they got tired of doing Sherlock. ALL of TFP is LITERALLY a really bad plot twist because reasons. TFP makes no sense to the ENTIRE narrative structure of the previous 12 episodes. It erased EVERYTHING from the previous episodes, and coated it with a gross closing by a character no one wanted in the series, and then tried to convince us that it’s a new beginning – “a journey they had to go through” – but it SOLVED NOTHING.
Anyway. I have big feels about S4, and the only way I can enjoy it is to watch it subtextually, but even then, I cannot sit through TFP without cringing. 
That said, Lovelies, please do not attack Nonny for enjoying S4! I know you guys won’t, but Nonny came out with an olive branch and they just want to understand why the fandom is passionate about S4′s… whatever it was. We can have a civil discussion about it, and point out – without attacking – why S4 is universally panned. It’s okay to like things no one else does, and Nonny was respectful to me in this ask! 
So with that, feel free, lovelies, to express why YOU didn’t enjoy the series, or why you did! I’m interested in both “sides” / pov’s whatever :)
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daredevilexchange · 3 years
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What’s your fannish ID? On Tumblr and Pinterest I'm DrewCas68 - boring but descriptive, made up of part of my name an year of birth. Stop laughing, you'll be as old as me one day. I curate bits and bobs that I like on Pinterest on a board called "Aww balls, Daredevil" which was kind of what I said when I realised how far gone I was on the program. On A03 I'm Meretseger68. Meretseger is an ancient Egyptian goddess known as She Who Loves Silence, the deity inhabiting the pyramid shaped rock watching over the Valley of the Kings. (Yeah, I didn't know that it wouldn't be appropriate now but I've had it for a few years and can't give up the name now).
What types of fanworks do you create? I started on A03 with a couple of little JohnLock stories, just as a bit of writing practice / a break from a novel I've been wrestling with for years. I'd been posting the odd drawing on Tumblr just on the offchance of someone liking them. I only became more active as I got drawn into Daredevil and found that Charlie Cox/Matt Murdock/Daredevil was an excellent reference as I wanted to expand my artistic range. I should say, whatever I do I am very slow. If I have four hours of paintbrush to paper it is likely that there will have been another three or four hours worrying about it before, during, or after. I'm hoping to take part in upcoming Daredevil events. This seems to be a friendly fandom, even to someone very new to it, so I hope to make something that you will like. I might even go back to writing (and maybe, finally, get that book finished).
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you're not creating? I love all kinds of artwork, the creativity out there in fandom is amazing. I don't care whether it's someone in full Old Master mode or the genius who produces a cartoon that just sums things up in a few strokes. I've been binging on some authors on A03 while I find my feet inside the Daredevil tags. Again, there seems to be so much range and potential, something for all moods.
What about your creating process? My creative process is mostly worry and procrastination. Honestly, if I could just sit down and just do I think I would be much happier about it. Instead I can make a cat look focussed and can be distracted by anything. I create in the gaps left between part time work (6pm to midnight), working on my house (first phase nearly finished), sleep, and talking to my cat. And eating. I always forget about that. I've been living on my own for a year now and still not got the hang of that. I've had commissions for portraits of musicians and I tend to do them while listening to their music. This was great for the various David Bowie and Prince paintings that I've done but took a little getting used to when I did a Jimi Hendrix a couple of years ago (kids, ask your parents). As I started Daredevil art to force myself to try different techniques I've tended to let Amazon Music play to itself in the background but find that I have added Matthew and the Atlas to all my mixes recently when I need something calming. I absolutely cannot watch anything while I'm trying to draw/paint/write. I even have to put my phone away because I can't be trusted until I reach that point when everything starts to come together and I forget the outside.
Do you interact a lot with other fans? My experience of Tumblr up to finding Daredevil was mostly just liking and reblogging. Actual interaction has been a new thing for me. No idea if I'm doing it right but I'd like to keep trying.
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? I've had years of being scared of trying watercolour. I'm hoping this isn't a one off, but it makes me think that it might be worth working on technique. https://drewcas68.tumblr.com/post/645478237010591744/the-devil-made-from-blood-and-faith-thanks-to
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? Yes, I am old. No, I have no idea what all the buttons do. I love the idea of trying digital art but I think I'll stick to acoustic for now.
Where can your fanworks be found? A03: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Meretseger68  - currently only a few linked JohnLock shorts and an early, unfinished, version of the book that will never get finished. Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/drewcas68 - my artwork pops up between reblogs of smarter people and is tagged #myart Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/DrewCas68/aww-balls-daredevil/
Thank you, @drewcas68 !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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2020 fic year in review
I was tagged by my lovely @khorazir! Thanks, you! 
Total number of completed stories: Three, but two of them were fairly long? I wrote: 
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: John/Sherlock, 50,689 words, explicit, John POV. Set in New York, because I was itching to go there and couldn’t, and setting a fic somewhere is the next best thing. Probably my most political fic to date, this one was a deliberate reversal of the fake-couple-for-a-case trope, aka I wanted to create a setting wherein John and Sherlock become a couple during a case but need to keep it a secret for the sake of the case. So I set it at a massive, anti-gay conference in the US. Naturally. :P 
Sine Nomine: John/Sherlock, 45,626 words, explicit, mostly John POV with sections of Mycroft and Sherlock POV as well. In fact, though the sections aren’t equal in length, it’s symmetrical: it goes Mycroft POV/John POV/Sherlock POV/John POV/Mycroft POV. This story has a dark premise and a particularly dark setting for one section. It’s based on the concept of Mycroft rewatching the footage of John beating Sherlock in the morgue for the hundredth time or so and revisiting the question of whether John had been the making of his brother, or made him worse than ever. He’s definitely come to the latter conclusion, but decides to give John one final chance in the form of a test. John, for his own reasons, makes what Mycroft deems the incorrect choice, and Mycroft basically sends him into a death trap. The setting of this place is officially set in Serbia with indirect hints at events similar to the Srebrenica Genocide in Bosnia, but the actual setting is Syria, which I’ve just spent the past year studying intensely. Putting a slice of that into the dark core of this story, albeit disguised as another place, was strangely cathartic for me. The title, which is Latin for “no name”, is a double reference to the village here, which Sherlock and Mycroft never name, ominously referring to it only as “the village”, both to each other and to John, as well as John’s never-named or owned feelings for Sherlock. This one is close to my heart for a lot of reasons, but most of all because of Syria. Also, the vast majority of the time in my writing, I choose a singular POV and stick to it very closely for the entire story. Choosing to rotate between these three men essentially allowed me to show how they’re all justified in their own decisions here, and to examine the relationships between all three of them. It’s a story about reckonings and eventual, hard-won reconciliations. 
The Secret of Hazel Grange. Sherlock/John, 18,181 words, explicit, Sherlock POV. I’m going to claim that the reason I only managed to swing three fics this entire year is partly that I put another project on hold in order to write this one, lol. This is the third Christmas fic I’ve written and I’m happy with how it came out. It’s also the only story I’ve written that’s explicitly set during this pandemic, and during the second London lockdown, which is eerily similar to the code red lockdown my own city is in, so it just felt right. It’s been a somewhat miserable holiday season for me (so many reasons, including unhappiness at work and an illegally high rent increase that my apartment building is putting through, on top of the pandemic and all of that isolation and all of those cancellations), so writing some happy endings for someone else was pure escapism for me. Hopeful for others, too! 
Total word count: 114,496 words of posted fic. 130,796 if we’re counting my work-in-progress that got interrupted for the Christmas fic. :)
Fandoms written in: BBC Sherlock.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I wrote about what I thought I expected to be able to write. Right now, I have a full-time job, a part-time job, and then freelance work, all to attempt to make ends meet, so I have very little spare time to write in, unfortunately. So getting over 100k words in is actually somewhat miraculous to me. It feels like not very much when it’s just three stories, but I guess it still amounts to a fair number of words? 
What’s  your own favourite story of the year? Picking favourites is always tough, but for the Syria connection, I’d have to go with Sine Nomine. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? I suppose that going so hard on the whole Republican anti-gay groups thing could be considered “risky” in some circles, but not really hereabouts! LGBTQ+ rights is one of my areas of advocacy (in fact, I’m a founding member of the Rainbow Equity Council at my workplace and spent a crap ton of time this month drafting governance documentation for it), but genocides are the issue that are really closer to my heart, so the Syria connection, even if it wasn’t named outright, could also be seen as a “dangerously” political stance, I suppose. But compared to other writing choices (like Scars, which features actual rape, or any of my Freebatch stuff, or any of the stories where Mary is an overt terrorist (rather than “just” a freelance assassin, lol)), I don’t really think I was terribly risky this year. 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? The first item on the agenda is to get back to work on Nocturne, my WIP. After that, we’ll see. That said, I STILL would like to get back to searching for an agent for my novel, which is strongly based on Against the Rest of the World. I would also like to write that Johnlock cookbook I keep vaguely promising (it would feature recipes from my fics), and in a quirky “other” sort of project, I also wrote a heap of haikus about Republicans this fall that I’d like to see about getting published. Want a taste? Sure you do. I give you: 
Brett Kavanaugh
Brett has a face like
a snarly little hedgehog.
He likes beer, okay?!
Mitch McConnell
Moscow Mitch is a
corrupt turtle who keeps his
balls in his neck pouch
Most popular story of the year? Well, the longer a story is posted, the more time it has to collect hits, kudos, bookmarks, and comments, obviously, so that makes The Four Horsemen the clear winner here. 
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: From this year or in general? :P I often find that my plottiest, most detailed, most researched stories that I personally think contain some of my most thoughtful writing are the ones that get the least attention. For instance, after series 3 aired, I wrote three back-to-back intensely-detailed series 3 fix-it fics (which all, to their credit, do get plenty of attention, though none so much as Vena Cava, the third of the three). Then I wrote a light-hearted, almost-crack porn fic, more as mental relaxation than any sort of literary genius, and that fic - Best of Three - remains my most wildly-popular story of anything I’ve ever written. It used to frustrate me, but now I’m just grateful to have anyone read anything of mine. But along that theme, yeah: the most complex of this year’s stories (Sine Nomine) is probably the one I feel is the least appreciated, but that’s also fine. No complaints here - I’m very lucky to have the readership I have!! 
Most fun story to write: Sine Nomine, for all the reasons I talked about above, though I’d also call this the most emotionally-invested story of mine from this past year. That said, setting any story in Manhattan is always going to be fun, and I loved researching approximately 500 holiday rental properties in various parts of England in order to finally just create my own, aka Hazel Grange, lol. 
Most unintentionally telling story: Ha, well, if you weren’t sure about my stance on gay rights, marriage equality, or Republicans in general, The Four Horsemen should clear that up pretty distinctly, lol! 
Biggest disappointment: Just that I haven’t had more time to write. 
Biggest surprise: Possibly that I felt so able to represent all three POVs in Sine Nomine as equally as I did. By that, I don’t mean being able to write in their perspectives, but rather in presenting their arguments with (I hope) equal persuasion: Mycroft thinks that John’s entire presence in Sherlock’s life has spelled nothing but disaster for Sherlock. He’s arguably not wrong. He decides that John is out of chances, and that he’s justified in being the one to make that call. Sherlock disagrees, hard, and he’s not wrong. John makes the choice he makes for his daughter, not for the choice Mycroft gives him between choosing either Mary or Sherlock once and for all, and he’s not wrong to have done that, or unjustified in wanting to go and demand some answers from Mary, who isn’t dead after all, here. But then I think that their various reasons for reconciliation are all equally justified, too. I hope! Usually when you stick to one perspective, the story naturally gears itself to persuade the reader to identify with that one character and to take their side. Here, I hope I manage to juggle the balance fairly equally. 
I don’t know who’s been tagged in this already, but I’ll tag: @totallysilvergirl, @blogstandbygo, @nade2308, @weneedtotalkaboutsherlock, @hubblegleeflower, and anyone else who writes. 
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tea-at-221 · 3 years
So, let's delve a bit into the Spanish dub of Supernatural.
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I'm going to go through a lot of terms here, and a lot of basics, in order to increase people's level of understanding as to how the dub may possibly have come about the way it did.
This post will provide information and, I hope, allow some members of the fandom to move forward with their own theories with more reassurance. Information is power. I will define and clarify industry terms to the best of my novice ability to make it easier for others who wish to do their own research.
This post was inspired by the fact that I've been part of multiple fandoms in which queerbaiting has played an enormous part: I am tired of seeing fandom friends left devastated and without answers, no emotional resolution in sight. So this post is, in spirit if not content, largely dedicated to my fellow Johnlockers and Queliot shippers. And most of all, for Quentin Coldwater, who deserved not just better but the very best.
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Disclaimer: This is my own research and there is a bit of speculation involved; I can't guarantee 100% that I will get everything right (I hit some very frustrating walls looking up what should be easy-to-find facts), but I did a *lot* of work for this. Other people will doubtless be able to clarify points/give better specifics/correct what I've gotten wrong. I am not promising a concrete answer to “SPN gate” here, as without more information than we currently have that is impossible to declare with certainty.
More under the cut.
All that having been said, onwards (see end for sources):
First, who airs the Spanish dub of Supernatural?
Answer: the Warner Channel.
Why? It goes back to who owns The CW.
From Wikipedia (2): "The CW Network, LLC, a limited liability joint venture between the CBS Entertainment Group unit of ViacomCBS; and the Studios and Networks division of AT&T's WarnerMedia, the parent company of Warner Bros., former majority owner of The WB. The network's name is an abbreviation derived from the first letters of the names of its two parent corporations (CBS and Warner Media)."
Warner Bros apparently is the side that handles the delegation of dubbing to outside studios. So, who does Warner use for their dubbing? Perhaps multiple studios, but the two I found in the course of my research were SPGStudios(5) (who specifically handle localization for Latin American Spanish productions) and Iyuno Media Group (formerly BTI Studios)(3).
What is localization?
Simply put, it refers to the translation of the home language of the show in question to the language of the new market it's entering. So, Supernatural 15x18 is translated from its native English to Spanish for Latin American viewers.
And what exactly *is* dubbing (actually called revoicing within the industry; dubbing is a widely-recognized term, however, and it's pretty well understood what is meant by it)?
Here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
"1 : to add (sound effects or new dialogue) to a film or to a radio or television production —usually used with "in"
They dubbed in the music.
2 : to provide (a motion-picture film) with a new soundtrack and especially dialogue in a different language
The film was dubbed in French and Spanish.
3 : to make a new recording of (sound or videotape already recorded) also : to mix (recorded sound or videotape from different sources) into a single recording"
There is a slang term, "dubby," which refers to any overdub that is comically jarring and obviously a dub. The history of dubbing has been such that this has become a way to think of and recognize it: by how awful and ineffective it used to be when it came to foreign films sloppily overlaid with English dubbing.
However, we are in the midst of an age of networks and companies scrambling to play catch-up, eager to use modern technology to create more effective, convincing dubs. In short, they see the moneymaking potential of presenting finished works that viewers may not even realize *are* dubbed without careful inspection. It's true that a good dub is about 10x more costly than subtitling, but it's hard to satisfy the viewer's desire for escapism if they can't suspend disbelief because they're busy reading.
The truth of that is reflected in internal statistics Netflix (for instance, but not just them) parses to gauge viewer interaction and retention with their various shows: when comparing subtitled vs. dubbed shows, it's easy to see which is the winner.(1)
So to be sure there is no nefarious intent here, we would need to be able to identify the following:
A.) What exactly was the process for this dub?
B.) Who decides what changes to make during a dubbing process?
C.) Who approves those changes?
*Can* there be such a thing as a "rogue translator," as Misha Collins put it? (I am going to clarify here that I think Misha is an upstanding person who believed the best of the show he was involved in and all the people who made it, so his assumption of a rogue translator makes sense in the context of that emotion-based reasoning).
I'm not sure which studio did the dub for the Latin American Spanish version of Supernatural; if I had access to that episode perhaps it's mentioned in the credits. You'd think that would be simple enough to figure out anyway, but I was unable. So maybe someone can take a look and let me know. But, as an example, here is how SPGStudios outlines their localization (dubbing) process:
1.) They make a digital or analog transcription of a show/movie.
2.) The translation, or localization, is done by their staff (in any of 40 available languages their staff can speak). When translating, they translate for meaning and then adapt for time, tempo, and style. They say that "extensive experience is required to capture the essence of the language dialog while accounting for variances in speaking time between the source and destination languages." i.e.,  wording/word choice will be kept as true as possible to the original intention of the native language, but at the same time the translation will need to use its chosen wording in a way that fits what is being shown on-screen. To produce a convincing/pleasing dub, they won't replace a word like "looked" with a longer phrase like "scanned the horizon" because it's not going to match what's onscreen. That would be venturing into "dubby" territory.
3.) They perform the ADR process: the voice actors (in this case it would normally be Guillermo Rojas performing for Dean Winchester, though it appears things may have been different in 15x18, possibly due to covid) record the new dialogue to replace the original actor's performance.
4.) The newly recorded dialogue goes to the sound editorial department "to ensure that lip-synch is optimized and technical aspects of the vocal performance match the original."
5.) All of the new audio--including dialogue, music, and sound effects--is mixed together to emulate the quality of the original production as closely as possible despite the changes in rhythm that resulted from the dialog having been translated.
6.) Designers, animators, and VFX editors assist with the localization or enhancement of graphics, if needed.
7.) Localized Master: SPG has a 'traffic team' who 'ensures that all client delivery and storage specifications are met, including file formatting, labeling, and uploading." So in other words, the files are heavily encrypted (or that's how I read this).
Presumably, after all steps are performed, SPGStudios transfers the show back to Warner, who then distributes it. The other studio, Iyuno, makes it very clear that *they* can coordinate and handle all distribution themselves to a vast number of networks. That means that if the client desires, Iyuno can send the finished product directly out into the world.
There seem to be two types of scripts that can be given to the dubbing company:
1.) "In-Production Dubbing indicates that dubbing production is active in tandem with post production. In-Production Dubbing fulfillment partners should expect potential changes to source materials."(4)
2.) "Final Asset Dubbing indicates that dubbing production takes place after final delivery of the show. All source assets will be in a final state. The dubbing fulfillment partner should not expect any changes to the source materials."(4)
Without knowing which of these was agreed upon for SPN 15x18, it is very hard to say exactly where or if additional edits may have been performed on the original material that weren't performed on the translated material (in other words, earlier draft).
If the studio was given the episode as an In-Production Dubbing project, this could explain why the title of the Spanish translation reflected the original script title, "The Truth," rather than the final title in English, "Despair".
Assuming this difference was unintentional, rather than a calculated marketing ploy re: audience enticement (which seems admittedly unlikely), then yes, it could indicate a screw-up on someone's part. The question is, was the dub company given the task of generating the title card, or did some other graphics department handle that before the project made it to them? If the latter is the case, the choice to add "Me too" instead of "Don't do this, Cas" could be either a conscious choice on the dub studio's part as sort of a nod to what they thought "the truth" was, or could just be them going with what they were given and making their translation choices based on something else, such as rhythm/timing.
SO, could there have been an original script that had Dean say "me too" in response to Cas, which then went through translation and made it out into the world? Teeechnically yes, but one would assume that the original script and original *footage* would have to have arrived at the dub studio together if the script is being transcribed in-house as SPGSTudios outlines in their process. I'm going to reason that the odds of them using a later edit of the visual--one that contained what in this instance we would be assuming was Warner's preferred dialogue ("Don't do this, Cas") yet choosing to stick with their own audio revoicing of the (supposed) original script/visual's "Me too, Cas" with its now subsequently poor timing, seems unlikely.
So either they would likely have to redo the exact same "Me too" audio again (having made the choice to keep the original dialogue, while also having to work under pandemic restrictions re: travel and talent availability) to make everything match the visual footage time-wise, OR, it was simply a matter that the English scene always was just as we saw it, but that the studio chose to interpret the script the way they did and were able to do their timing the first time around to match accordingly.
This still leaves a question in the air regarding the origin and fate of certain clips of Dean's more visually emotive reaction to Castiel's confession that have been floating around the internet. I've only seen very very brief glimpses of them, myself, and I'm not certain that they're really evidence of anything other than more than one take having been done of that scene, which wouldn't be uncommon and doesn't necessarily point to a conspiracy.
I also want to state that in the wake of 15x18, I opted to protect my mental health rather than follow every development/rumor/speculation that cropped up in the aftermath, so there’s probably a lot that I’m leaving out of this post that may be pertinent. Do me a favor and do assume that I know nothing of it. lol
I will also add this about the other studio, Iyuno: they are very careful to state on their site, repeatedly and with great pride, that they are committed to presenting the world with the smoothest, most true-to-the-original localized version of a film or show possible. Quote: "...our entire team of staff wants nothing more than to make every single one of our partner's content feel as if it were never translated." They are not fucking around. They want to please the client. Would they have done something like the translation in question without any direct go-ahead from Warner? It seems unlikely, though they don't outline their process on their site the way SPG does.
Notice that in the SPGStudios process outlined above, there is no mention made of a review step in which the studio presents the translated dialogue to the client for approval re: the new wording. That doesn't mean there isn't a review step; however, without seeing the contractual agreement that was made between Warner and whatever dub studio they used, or knowing Warner's preferred process by some other means, it's difficult to be certain whether or not there was a review process for the translated script. I did find evidence that Netflix reserves the right to review such translated scripts before air.
Speaking of Netflix, I will include here what their translation requirements are, as I did find those. They, like Warner, also use Iyuno Media Group much of the time for dubbing (voiceover style dubbing in which they apparently like to leave the original language audible underneath, so that's slightly different from revoicing, but I'm working on an assumption that the general expectations are the same for both):(4)
"1. Translation Requirements
1.1 Main Dialogue
   All main dialogue in the source (original) language should be translated unless specifically noted.
   Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot.
   Please refrain from dubbing redundant words such as character names and repetitions.
       Additionally, do not recreate laughs, hesitations, reaction noises, etc."
I'm looking at that bit: "Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot."
So let's say just for argument's sake that this is pretty standard language provided to the dubbing studios. Netflix is a giant, so I'll proceed with that assumption given the lack of more concrete information:
Does it really change essential elements of the remaining plot to have Dean return Castiel's declaration of love? Forgetting about the outside, emotional ripple effect such a declaration was bound to set off in the viewing audience, no. The two characters have no further scenes together, nor does Dean go on in the next episode to immediately embark on a new relationship, or tell anyone that Cas said he was in love with him but he couldn't return it because he didn't feel the same. So technically, no rule was broken. And that is what it comes down to, if you're thinking like a lawyer reading a contract: specifics, not theoretical implications or consequences.
So, possibly what we have is something that was simple to add and easy to get away with/argue for: translated dialog that fit a dub better due to its length, and didn't actually change anything plot-wise (or at least, the argument for that could easily be made). This points to the painful crux of the matter: why would the Spanish version of Supernatural which aired in Latin America allow Dean Winchester to return Castiel's declaration of love with a "Me too, Cas"? Could it *really* be as insulting as the fact that "Yo a ti, Cas" would be a quicker, smoother dub than "No hagas esto, Cas"? ("Don't do this, Cas" in English.) Or did they see something they could get away with, and a reasonable argument to provide for it, so they went ahead and claimed a small LGBT+ victory?
Is someone, somewhere, getting in trouble for all this? Maybe. But could action be taken against them? That would look pretty bad, public-relations-wise, for the party expressing condemnation if that got out. Could Iyuno, or whatever other studio (again, I don't actually know which one handled the dub) theoretically feel a ripple effect from the fallout of this? Could they quietly suffer a drop in acquisitions/revenue for "reasons unclear"? Sure. That sort of thing happens all the time, so theoretically yeah.
Whatever the reasoning behind the decision to have Dean return Cas' declaration of love, surely they didn't have to do it. Surely they could have chosen some other phrase that fit. But they chose to do exactly what they did. I don't know what went down, in the end, or whether censorship was indeed involved, but I will certainly say that I think it was a brave and admirable choice that was made with the Spanish dub. It doesn't undo the "bury your gays" trope of course, but for some LGBT+ audience members it surely provides a sense of validation and maybe even lends a little hope for better representation--which is long, long overdue.
Thanks if you read this far. I hope that even though it’s not perfect it will be helpful in some way.
(1) https://www.indiewire.com/2020/02/subtitles-vs-dubbing-what-you-need-to-know-1202212800/amp
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_CW
(3) https://www.iyunomg.com/
(4) https://partnerhelp.netflixstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/115016062708-Dubbed-Audio-Style-Guide-VO-Style-Dubbing
(5) https://www.spgstudios.com/localization
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discordantwords · 3 years
author interview tag
I was tagged by @7-percent. Thanks so much for tagging me!
Name: discordantwords
Fandoms: X-Files was my first fannish love, but I'm currently only active in BBC Sherlock.
Where you post: Everything I write eventually ends up on AO3. I'll put ficlets on Tumblr, which you can find in my little contributions tag, or collected on AO3 in Little Contributions.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: (Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea, the S4 fixit I wrote for @thetimemoves. I'm still absolutely stunned by the reaction that story received.
Favourite story you’ve written so far: Ahhhh, there's just no easy answer to this question. I love The Pillar upon Which England Rests, because it's the first story I ever wrote in the Sherlock fandom. I love Out There, because it married my previous fandom love to my current one AND I'm incredibly pleased with how the blend of Sherlock and X-Files cases worked out. I love (Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea because it was just so incredibly, incredibly cathartic to write.
Fic you were nervous to post: I always get a little bit nervous before posting anything. I was most nervous about Inscrutable to the Last, I guess, because it was my first Johnlock fic in the fandom and essentially a reboot of S3 and I wasn't sure how it was going to land. And I almost always get anxious posting the last chapter of a multi-chapter story (like the recently-completed Borrowed Ghosts), because I desperately hope that the ending feels satisfying but you never really know until the responses start to roll in.
How you choose your titles: I have no particular method. I wish I did! Titles are hard for me. Sometimes it will be based on a song lyric or a quote. The title and chapter headings for Inscrutable to the Last came from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Prince with a Thousand Enemies references Watership Down. The Pillar upon Which England Rests comes from Sherlock telling John that "England would fall" if Mrs Hudson were to leave Baker Street.
Do you outline: Generally, yes. Casefics and multi-chapter fics, absolutely. But the one-shots tend to just sort of happen.  
Complete: 22 BBC Sherlock fics (that includes one perpetual WIP that I hope to finish one day, and a collection of ficlets that I add to periodically)
In progress: Many, many fics in various stages of completion, from snippets to full and robust outlines. Some may never see the light of day, some I hope to polish up for 2021.
Coming soon/not yet started: Coming soon is an as-yet-untitled fic for @khorazir, who bid on me in the 2019 FTH auction and has been patiently waiting ever since. The outline is coming together nicely, and I'm hoping to start posting in January. Not yet started is a cracky AU called Golden Ticket that has lived in my head for years and will finally see the light of day next year even if it kills me.
Do you accept prompts: I'm always willing to take prompts for ficlets, but I make no promises. The muse is fickle. I keep all of the prompts I receive saved in a word document, so even if I don't get to it right away I might come back to it at a later date.  
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: There is a scene in the fic I am writing for @khorazir that I am SO EXCITED about. I can't wait to sit down and actually write it out.
Upcoming story you are most excited about: I pretty much turn into an overenthusiastic puppy every time I get an AO3 update notification in my inbox for any of the fics/authors that I follow, so it's impossible to narrow it down to any one particular story. This fandom is an embarrassment of riches, even after all this time, and I love being a part of it.
Tagging: @thetimemoves @therealsaintscully @221b-carefulwhatyouwishfor @vulpesmellifera @vulgarweed @khorazir @mama-orion and absolutely anyone else who sees this and wants to play along!
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mephsation · 3 years
2020 fic meme
Stole this from @sequencefairy
Name(s): Meph, quackers on ao3
Fandom(s): BFU/Watcher rpf (and a plethora of others I haven’t written for... Yet)
Where you post: ao3/tumblr
Most popular one shot by kudos: From this year, it’s Touch, though I think Mistletoe will beat it. 
Most Popular multi-chapter by kudos: Technically-Terrestrial. And my only multi-chapter fic for 2020, unfortunately. 
Favorite Story You’ve Written So Far: Of the four things I posted, probably Technically. There was a lot of research that went into it, which is hilarious considering a lot of said research barely had more than an offhanded reference or two. To be fair, when I say ‘research’, I mean ‘listening to podcasts and getting to page 3 on google search results’. 
Fic You Were Nervous to Post: While I was a little nervous about Mistletoe and Into the Water because I wanted them to be good enough for their recipients, and Technically because there’s some interesting sex in there, I was definitely the most nervous about Touch. It touches (ha) on some personal stuff, so that’s always scary. 
How do you choose your titles? Sometimes song lyrics (Into the Water), sometimes puns (Technically-Terrestrial), sometimes just a single word that’s important for the story (Touch, Mistletoe). 
Do you outline? If it’s more than 10k words, there will at least be notes, if not a basic outline. I don’t think I’ve ever done a complete outline, though. I keep a lot of it in my head, which is probably why I can’t ever remember anything else. (Never ask me to remember birthdays.)
Complete: 4
In-Progress: Ahahahahahaha, let’s just stick with the ones I actually managed to progress on. 
Impure Temptation : Is it fantasy? Demons? Is it a Victorian bodice ripper romance? Is it world building out the wazoo? Who knows, but it’s completely ridiculous and is currently over 20k words and will at least be 60k. 
The Hunt :  Why yes, I do have another vampire au. Thanks, @soft-cryptids. This one might prove to be a little darker. 6k, some of it from Emilia. Might end up around 30k? That’s a complete guess. 
Playing With Fire : Another modern fantasy au, because I have my brand. Ryan gets into something he shouldn’t have and the results are magical. 16k currently, no idea what it will end up at. 
And a couple of gift fics that shall not be spoilered at all
Other Fandoms
Unnamed MCU fic : Ironstrange, time travel fixit fic, because plot bunnies and reasons. 
Unnamed vampire Johnlock fic: I know, I know, but vampires, man. 
Coming soon/not yet started: Bakery AU, Soldiers AU (maybe, if I feel I handle it correctly), Wicked Game outtake, Black Sun sequel, and I really want to get around to working on a baseball AU with sequencefairy. We have ideas! Good ideas! Every fandom deserves sports AUs! But I am a flaky writing partner. Emilia can attest to this. :P
Prompts: I don’t mind prompts if someone wants to send them, but I can’t promise anything from them. 
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: Impure Temptation! I feel like readers will either love it to pieces or find it completely boring and I can’t wait to see the results. 
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