#this should be the second to last chapter I think?
mokulule · 1 day
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached - Part 13
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Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason)  Fandom: DP x DC Summary:
Danny is just trying to build a portal home, becoming a thief was just an unfortunate side effect of that goal. Now if only this vigilante family would just leave him alone. Especially Red Hood - the semi retired crime lord whose ghost-like presence keeps drawing Danny to him.
Warning! This chapter is pretty rough (I think), please check the tags for triggers before reading if you have worries. Part 13:
The plan had gone off without a hitch. The Ghost had been noticeably distracted ever since Tim had asked Jason to sit their attempts to capture him out. He’d been very grateful though that it hadn’t taken long for the Ghost to appear again in Gotham’s industrial area. Jason only had so much patience. 
Thanks to Babs’ newly upgraded cameras they’d had warning and time for everyone to get together. 
Herding the Ghost to their trap had been a cinch with him only getting away from them a few times. 
The trap was set in a dead-end alley near the power plant which had power lines running through the ground underneath. They were insulated so he wouldn’t sense them. They would only be a problem if he tried to phase through them.
The Ghost froze in place as the trap came to life with electricity every wall covered with the net. It wasn’t just electrified wire it was meant to create arcs of electricity. It needed to be visible, it needed to stop their quarry in place. Tim didn’t actually want to electrocute the guy if he could help it. 
Dick jumped down to land beside Tim and Damian, his escrima sticks ready. 
The Ghost swung around, taking everything in. Then he started to sink through the ground. It was the moment Tim had been waiting for. Everything hinged on this one theory being true; that he wasn’t just afraid of electricity, but that it would stop him from phasing through. He jumped back up with a startled yelp. 
As he turned to face them mouth a thin pressed line, Tim couldn’t help the grin of a well-executed plan.
Finally they could get to the bottom of this! But no! Tim’s instinct warned him before his brain even registered what was happening. Something about the Ghost’s posture had changed; he was looking up, tensing his body for something. 
Tim fumbled for the button, his last ditch attempt even as Dick and Damian sprung forward recognizing the look of someone about to fly. He’d tossed the EMP device earlier in the night and it had attached to the Ghost’s back. He pushed the button now. 
But the Ghost was already flying having taken off like a rocket. There was a half second delay and Tim realized with horror that even if the electromagnetic pulse did anything the Ghost was in the air. 
If it did anything he would fall. 
Oo o oO
There was a pulse like a wave of static and then Danny was dropping. 
Desperately confused he reached for his powers. Flight was as easy as breathing. Gravity was a mere suggestion. Or it should be! Nothing was happening and the roof below was coming rapidly up to meet him!
In reality it only lasted two seconds, but it felt like a terrifying eternity. His arms and legs moved uselessly; without his powers he had no control.
At the last moment he pushed his arms out. His right hand landed first, there was a sharp pain in his wrist before he curled up and rolled over his shoulder, landing on his back. Air punched out of his chest in a wheeze.
His eyes were wide staring sightlessly up at the clouds as he tried to suck air into his stunned body. He needed to get away before they found him. His core was an agitated scream in his chest. But no matter what he did, he couldn’t sink through the roof. 
He rolled up onto his knees with a pained groan, holding his right wrist protectively against his chest. Terror gripped his throat in a vice grip as he pressed his left hand flat on the concrete. He had to focus. Breathe, if he could just take a moment without panicking, he was certain he’d make his powers work. His core felt normal in his chest, they hadn’t suppressed him, not like Vlad did that one time. Frustrated tears pricked his eyes, he clenched his eyes shut, forced himself to take a deep slow breath. If he just found his calm, if he just focused…
There was not even the suggestion of any give. The roof was solid. 
Danny was solid.
There was a clatter and the high pitched whine of several grappling hooks reeling in. Danny’s head snapped up at the sound, eyes wide. He scrambled clumsily to his feet - his body felt so heavy, and his aching legs protested having to lift him.  
They gathered in a half circle around him on their near silent feet - the bats, towering shadows to his blurred eyes. Blood rushed in his ears.
Danny took a step back, barred his teeth in a snarl. 
“Don’t come closer,” he warned, the implied threat was a lie. He couldn’t do anything. He was powerless, weak as a kitten. It would be no trouble for them to capture him. But worse if they could neutralize his powers, they could hold him. Danny took another step back. 
His breath came in short, punched out huffs. Cold sweat made his hair and clothes sticky. Shadows lined in harsh white light leaned over him. Agony- No! Danny shook his head, he was not there. He stepped back, the back of his knees hit a low railing.
He would never go back. 
He turned and jumped.
Oo o oO
Tim didn’t hear any sounds but the blood rushing in his ears. He hadn’t expected the sheer panic the Ghost would have. None of them had. Not even the goggles had been able to obscure how terrified he was. His voice, the first time they’d ever heard him speak, had been thin and shaky, a hollow warning to not come closer. What was he so afraid of? They hadn’t come closer and yet-
Tim felt ill. What did he think they’d do to him, that he’d rather jump off the roof?! 
Jason had been right. He needed help. And now-
The others stood at the edge of the roof. Nobody was moving. Did that mean it was too late? There was nothing to be done?
Numbly, Tim walked up to the edge and looked down. For a moment he saw nothing, but then he caught movement further away, a flash of red- relief hit Tim in a whooshed out breath that left him weak-kneed. Jason had caught him. Tim turned around and sunk down to sit back against the railing.
He hadn’t even known Jason was out here. He must have turned off his tracker. Fuck, he was so relieved Jason had been there. 
He buried his head in his shaking hands. This was on him, his plan. 
His earlier exhilarated satisfaction of a well-executed plan was crumbled and soured, heavy in the pit of his stomach like lead. His gut turned ominously. If he threw up, it would be deserved, he thought despondently.
Oo o oO
Jason went on the Bats’ comm channel only to bark at them not to follow him. With Ghost in his arms shaking and breathing too fast and too superficial, covered in the cold sweat of terror, Jason didn’t want to know what he would do if they did follow him. 
He ran across the rooftops and used the grapple when necessary. The safehouse wasn’t too far away. 
There was utter silence from that sense where Jason usually heard Ghost’s call to him. It should be a relief not to hear his yearning and be unable to do anything about it, but it just felt wrong. Like something was missing.
Jason held him closer.
“It’s gonna be okay, I’ve got you.” The words were useless, he knew that. Ghost had to be running from him for a reason even as he called for him - and Jason could understand why he’d been running from him, Jason was wrong inside, but Ghost was his only hope, and he couldn’t not chase. Right now the words were all he had, and he couldn’t let the others take him. They didn’t understand that he needed help. 
Jason’s anger over what had happened tonight was only eclipsed by his worry. Ghost might be afraid of Jason too, but not like this, not silenced by terror.
Jason repeated his useless assurances as he ran. Ghost was much too light in his arms, too thin beneath the worn clothing. Irrational fear that he would turn to dust in his arms, seized him. 
“You’re gonna be okay.” He said as much to reassure himself as Ghost.
“Please,” Ghost rasped voice unused.
Jason froze, stopping in place, hoping he’d say more. He didn’t. He pushed uselessly at Jason’s chest, still trying to escape. Jason’s heart broke. Frustrated tears pricked at his eyes.
“Please let me help you,” he pleaded. 
Jason didn’t know if his words had gotten through to him or it was just exhaustion, but he stopped struggling. Cynically, Jason leaned towards exhaustion. At this point panic and fear had to be the only thing keeping him conscious at all.
They arrived at the safehouse finally. 
It was one the others didn’t know about. Jason had a few of those as insurance. It was seemingly just a lived-in apartment, open floor plan living room and kitchen in one with artfully placed clutter, a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom. There were weapons and supplies hidden in the spaces between the real walls and the fake walls that appeared to be the apartment’s boundaries, but you’d only realize that if you checked another of the similar units in the building and noticed this one was smaller. 
Jason landed them on the sill, and worked the window open. He didn’t bother with traps, because he didn’t use it often. Using it would have been a sure way to tip off the bats of its existence. No, this and other’s like it was for emergencies, and sometimes when he needed to stash a victim or witness somewhere safe temporarily. And even if someone should try to burgle the place, Jason had some decoy money there, a large flatscreen TV and some other easily taken electronics. It was unlikely they’d find the real supplies when there were easier money. 
He maneuvered them both inside, set Ghost on the couch and closed the window and the drapes. He pulled off his helmet and set it carelessly on the coffee table - it rolled off to land on the floor. Ghost had already seen his face and hopefully, he’d respond better to a human than a mask. 
Moving slowly, trying to make himself less threatening he kneeled down on the floor in front of where Ghost had curled up in the corner of the couch.
“Hey,” Jason said trying to sound calm, when inside he was everything but. He held out his hands in peace. “I’m not doing anything, I just want to talk.”
The emotionless goggles turned towards him. Jason got nothing from him, he only had the defensive body language to read him by.
“Please say something.”
Finally something happened, Ghost’s breath hitched and he reached up to push the goggles away. His eyes were red rimmed and blurry, and they closed as he rubbed at them. Still hiding his eyes he whispered so low Jason almost didn’t hear him, “-just want to go home.”
Jason lowered his hands and slumped forward. Letting him go would be the right thing to do, Jason could argue all the way till Sunday that it wasn’t safe for him right now, with his powers out of order, but that wasn’t why Jason couldn’t promise to let him go. He desperately needed answers. How did he make the pit silent? Was it just him or was there hope for Jason?
“I have questions,” he admitted.
Ghost slowly removed his hands. His eyes were blue and wary as he looked down at Jason. Jason held his eyes and he didn’t know what he saw in Jason as the moment stretched between them, like an elastic pulled to the point just before snapping.
Ghost looked away with a pained expression, and then, unfurling slowly, Jason felt that familiar yearning. Jason shook his head helplessly. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to help but didn’t know what to do.
“What do you need?” Jason asked.
Ghost looked back up momentarily and then away with a grimace. Shrinking in on himself. “Hey,” Jason said, frustration made him snappy, “I’m just trying to understand! It’s like you’re calling me, but I don’t know how to answer.”
That got Ghost’s attention, and his head snapped up holding his gaze intently.
“You can feel it?” He asked, and there’s this underlying desperate hope, shoved down by a voice desperately trying to hold steady.
“I can, and I just-“ He didn’t know what else to say, instead he reached out a hand to cup Ghost’s cheek. His eyes were wide and liquid and so blue before he clenched them shut and leaned into Jason’s touch with a small whimper. Jason didn’t dare breathe, as that small hum started, the one that was like a purr. Jason’s head was silent now, the underlying anger and frustration gone. In this moment he was just Jason. 
He didn’t even realize he was crying until tears spilled over his cheeks. He ducked his head. It had been some very long weeks. 
“How are you doing this?” He whispered, desperate to know. 
“I’m not sure what you mean,” Ghost answered hesitantly. 
Jason looked up to meet his tired eyes, the dark bags underneath his eyes were so dark and stark in his thin face he looked bruised. Jason looked away. Shame curled in his gut for pushing him this far. For being helpless not to give chase. He would have pulled his hand back if Ghost hadn’t still been leaning into his touch.
Quietly, he admitted, “I have this rage inside of me, you quiet it.”
“Hmm,” Ghost hummed thoughtfully with his actual voice, as he mulled over Jason’s words. “I’m pretty useless right now without my powers, so I don’t know if it’s anything I can help with permanently.”
“Okay,” Jason said quietly. Trapped in this strange bubble of quiet, desperate to break it he asked, “Do you wanna talk about what happened on the rooftop?”
The purring came to a stuttering halt. 
“That’s a no then,” Jason stated. Of course he didn’t want to talk about that, that should have gone without saying. Stupid. He sighed and stood up, drawing his hand back along with it.
“I’m just getting on the couch,” he assured when Ghost protested wordlessly. He sat down leaning heavily into the plush couch. After a moment he lifted his arm in invite. It took five long seconds before Ghost tucked himself underneath the arm. Jason squeezed him momentarily in a pitiful attempt at comfort, but it was all he could do. 
It took a moment but the purr started up again. The feeling of contentment washed over him.
Jason didn’t know how long he sat there, letting Ghost’s purr soothe his frayed mind, but he sat there so long he started to feel the temptation to just close his eyes and sleep. That wasn’t helpful. Ghost himself had fallen asleep at some point, he discovered, as he shifted and found him blinking awake startled. 
The purring stopped. Wary eyes watched him as he moved away.
“Easy,” Jason said lowly as if he actually was trying to soothe a feral cat, “I’m just gonna check to see what food options we have.” 
He watched until Ghost leaned back into the couch. His eyes were mere slits watching Jason when he turned towards the kitchen. 
Ghost needed to eat and making food was definitely more useful than falling asleep. He walked over to the cupboards, and couldn’t help but yawn as he did so. He opened the cupboards one by one, searching for something easy. A lot of the things here had technically expired and were mostly there for appearance sake. The dried herbs and spices, had probably lost most of their flavor, so actually cooking was out of the question, not to mention he didn’t have fresh ingredients here, but one of the canned soups would probably do fine. 
He turned, tomato soup can in hand to ask if that was fine only to find the couch empty. Carefully he set the can down, so he wasn’t tempted to throw it. His hand clenched into a fist reflexively with no can to hold. He walked over to the living room side of the room, just to make sure he hadn’t just moved. 
He wasn’t there.
He was gone.
Jason sighed and sat down heavily on the couch. Of course he was.
Nothing had been disturbed, not the drapes nor the windows. Everything was exactly as Jason had left it. His powers must have returned. Whatever Tim had done hadn’t been that long lasting, a couple of hours at most. He would have simply gone right through the wall.
Of course he had left as soon a he had a chance. Jason hadn’t given him reason to stay. He’d had his chance to talk and he’d wasted it just sitting and basking in his presence.
He leaned his forehead on his hands and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. 
He only had himself to blame.
So this happened... this is better/worse? At least they got to hug?
Anyways, I think I may go back to shorter tumblr parts now that these two chapters are done (if you're curious this is chapter 7 and 8 in my doc and that's what they'll be on Ao3). The last chapter really couldn't be split and this chapter only had terrible places to split it. Better to end on sad Jason.
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Update: next
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slutt4ellie · 3 days
Hearts Over Hierarchy
PT4 - Forgiveness Or Farewell
Loser!Ellie x Popular!Reader
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PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3
Do opposites really attract?
Summery - Ellie has the least bit of concern of  rekindling what you broke, and on the other hand you and Emily haven’t talked about what happened.
Warnings -> Miscommunication / THIS CHAPTER IS MESSY NGL. / Sexual themes mentions / Cut off sex 🤨 / Reader is PROBLEMATIC / feelings are heavily disregarded / brief mentions of Skater!Ellie / (Lmk if I missed anything else.)
WC: 5.1k
(Not proofread)
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You’ve tried again and again to get Ellie to talk to you.
She just won’t, she’s blocked your number, has avoided you through campus, and it almost feels like before you knew Ellie.
She just hardly made an acknowledgment she even fucking existed. And that you hated.
Because now since Ellie’s entered your life, picturing her not in it seemed impossible.
And it’s been only a week since Ellie saw you swapping spit with someone you assured her was just your “friend”.
And you genuinely feel like you’re going crazy.
Because if you can’t last a week without her, you don’t know how you’re going to last any longer. It just fucking sucked.
You wanted everything to just sink into the ground and forget any of this happened.
You especially wanted to forget everything that happened with Emily.
Despite you saying you were going to talk to Emily you haven’t got around to it.
Not because you didn’t want to, but the night after the party she had family stuff she had to do. It was planned before everything between the two of you happened, so it couldn’t be avoided.
At least that’s what she’s been telling you.
You’ve texted her a lot, it feels like a parallel with you and Ellie almost, you guys both haven’t discussed what you are, or what is even happening between you two but again it seems oddly romantic.
And that’s just through texting.
Another thing that you’ve been blocking is what happened the night of the party. The one where you and Emily kissed. The drive home was almost silent. Just you and Emily reminiscing in silence both trying to figure out what the fuck happened.
But what unfolded once you reached inside the comforts and privacy of the sorority was something you could have probably gone without.
Because not only did you and Emily kiss once you reached inside, but it resulted in you waking up in her bed.
So yeah. You fucked up.
You’re whole life seems like it’s been thrown for a curveball and you’re just desperately trying to have it be stable.
You don’t know what you want right now.
Or more so who you want.
Emily’s been there for so long of your life, and do you really want to break that simply because you can’t choose between her or Ellie.
You just can’t wrap your head around why it felt like the kiss between you two was something that had to happen, rather than you wanting it to happen. The same when you guys slept together.
Every time you kissed Ellie you didn’t once feel obligated.
So with that knowledge the answer should be easy?
With one person you feel forced, and compelled, and with the second person it feels almost natural.
Fuck if only it was that easy.
After thinking for a solid 5 seconds you decided to make a split decision, that sulking in bed for any longer then you already had wasn’t going to settle anything.
So you groaned as you lifted your body getting a good glance at your bedroom.
Ellie’s skateboard.
Right! She left it in your car after that night.
All you have to do is give it back? You know where her dorm is.
That can give you two a proper chance of actually talking, no Emily, no one near you two. Just you and Ellie.
All you can hope is that she’ll hear you out. That’s all you need.
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So that’s what you did.
You put on some clothes looking a bit overly dressed for a simple return of a skateboard but you wanted to look nice…for yourself..?
Because this really isn’t about Ellie finding you attractive it’s about her forgiving you, maybe even rebuilding a possible friendship.
At least that’s what you hoped.
Because as soon as you got out of your car 10 minutes off campus you see the student dorms.
It’s been a little bit since you’ve been to Ellie’s dorm but you had it memorized. So it really didn’t take long.
Because soon you were faced with her door.
It should be as simple as just knocking, but you’re choked up.
Which is weird because you never usually feel yourself get extremely nervous, while interacting with a girl.
But It’s not really just a girl.
It’s Ellie.
You look at her skateboard and quickly remind as to why you’re actually here.
And with that you knock.
It didn’t take long till you were hearing a trail of footsteps coming from the opposite side of the door.
A voice who’s is not Ellie’s saying “I’ll get it El..”
Fuck- fuck is she with a girl right now?
Now you’re wondering why you even came here because is Ellie hooking up with someone? and your looking fucking desperate on the other end with a stupid skateboard and a shitty apology.
But no. Ellie wasn’t hooking up with someone.
It was just Dina.
Dina was the first to hear about what transpired that night. She knows because Ellie called her immediately after the matter.
She was sobbing and her voice was incoherent.
Just a shit ton of hiccups and desperate attempts to get back air she was losing due to your actions. She was really on the brim of a full blown panic attack but some how she managed to keep that factor under wraps.
Dina pulled up a good 5 minutes after, she wasn’t stupid and knew something happened, but she just didn’t except the site which she pulled up on.
Ellie was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk head deep in her palms fully sobbing.
She hated how she was crying because of you.
It made her feel dumb that you got her in a position that resembled a toddler getting told no.
Either way once she felt a hand on her shoulder and Dina’s voice coming through soft she knew it was over.
Because then more tears were coming through and she stood up with the intent to get into Dina’s car. Try to ignore the awkward question.
Basically just not trying to talk or let the thought of you flow freely through her mind any longer.
“Ellie..?” Dina hugs her softly.
Ellie’s arms wrap out Dina instantly and her head goes deep in her shoulder.
A attempt to hide the fact she was bawling. Which was not thought through, yet did give Ellie comfort.
“What happened.” Dina says pulling back to wipe Ellie’s tears.
Ellie just shakes her head and let’s out a out of breath. “Her..”
There’s only one “her” Dina thought of and it was you.
And yet she didn’t know the story at that moment it’s all she needed to hear that you were cut out of Ellie’s life.
Because not once in their 10+ years of friendship has she ever seen Ellie like that.
Ellie’s had meltdowns, like literally everyone in her life. But even when Cat broke up with Ellie her girlfriend of a year she didn’t have a reaction like this one.
She didn’t completely understand what you could have done to get Ellie in this position but she knows it has to be bad.
“You need to leave.” Dina says, her eyes seem mad and directed to you.
“I just want to talk.? Please.” You beg out desperately.
“Leave.” Dina shakes her head once again.
“I have her skateboard..” You hold out allowing Dina’s gaze to trail off of you and onto the skateboard.
Dina reaches out her palm. A flat surface so you can easily give it to her.
“D-dina can I just talk to her..?” You ask again. Not yet handing the skateboard to her.
Dina’s wants to laugh in your face, because it’s ironic how you ended up kissing someone, yet you’re outside acting like you could cry.
“Are you fucking joking?” Dina says now stepping out of the dorm shutting the door gently trying not to have Ellie assume somethings happening.
“W-what?” You say.
And now Dina does laugh, making you feel like an idiot for even coming.
“You weren’t the fucking one who picked up Ellie after she saw you!-” Dina emphasized on the you by pushing her finger right in the middle of your collarbone. “Fucking kissing Emily or whatever the fuck her name is!”
“I know-I know I fucked up.” You shake your head.
“Is that supposed to offer comfort?” Dina says.
“But it’s not like that?!” You try, but it goes ignored by Dina.
“Are you trying to justify it or some shit?” Dina says.
“W-what no!” You shake your head really fast.
“I’m not! I know what I did- was insanely fucked up! And if I could take it back I would?” You say.
“Well you can’t.” Dina says.
“Stop trying?” She continues.
“Just leave Ellie alone. It’s over and you made that decision..” Dina sighs out.
You look her up and down. Trying to think of anything so Dina won’t walk out just yet.
“..You block me or her?” You spit out nervously. You really don’t know why you’re asking that. It just feels like you should try to talk as much as you can. Maybe Dina will see you actually do care.
“Does it matter?” Dina rubs her hand down her face, a result of being annoyed by you.
“Yeah?” You look up at her.
“Me.” Dina says shaking her head.
“You’re not good for her.” Dina says looking at you.
“I’ve never seen Ellie like that before.” Dina try’s to explain.
She doesn’t like you, or thinks you deserve any sort of explanation, but she thinks you do deserve to realize how much you actually did hurt Ellie.
“As in.?” You questioned.
“It doesn’t matter.” Dina shakes her head slowly going back to Ellie’s dorm door.
“It does!?” You say desperately. About to get another word out.
But both of you gazes are turned at the door when you hear a click signalling it opened.
Ellie has a grey hoodie and baggy jeans on. Her eyes are red.
You know she’s been crying.
Before seeing you in front of Dina’s body she talks. “Dina why are you just fucking out her-“
Ellie gets her voice cut off because she’s looking at you.
Her frown comes back, and her eyes are glossy once again.
You don’t say anything, neither does Dina, and obviously Ellie.
So now the whole hallway is filled with a shit ton of awkward silence..
Dina decides to break it first.
“I was just sending her off.” Dina says turning to look at Ellie.
Ellie hardly responds her gaze pierced on the floor. “Ah..”
“Can we talk?” You say and Dina sighs, she knows Ellie’s going to say yes..
Ever since Ellie sobered up and her anger partially subsided she wanted to reach out to you first.
Dina told her nothing good is going to come from it, and since your number was now blocked on Ellie’s phone she couldn’t really so much.
Dina’s been glued to Ellie’s side so it made it impossible to even see you.
“Yeah.” Ellie immediately responds before looking at Dina.
“I’ll be fine.” She offers a comforting smile.
Dina groans but nods, she knows she can’t fight it. Because Ellie seems to stick to things when her minds focused on it.
So she complied telling Ellie she’ll grab the two of them some food.
And soon you’re in Ellie’s dorm, somewhere where you haven’t been in about 2 weeks.
“S-sorry it’s messy.” Ellie finally pulls down her hood sitting on the edge of her single bed..
“It-it’s fine really..”
Ellie out of nervousness subconsciously start’s fidgeting with her two fingers before spitting out some that feels like fire on her tongue.
“Are you and Emily dating..” Ellie clears her throat as tears again are brewing.
“No.” You say fast shaking you head.
As you feel a singular tear fall down your left cheek you wipe it off. Ellie notices and looks at you.
“I-I don’t even know why I kissed her.” You say.
Ellie doesn’t know what to say. She doesn’t want to forgive you, she just doesn’t really want to see you crying, despite the state you had her in a week ago.
“Okay..” Ellie says.
“I don’t know what you want me to do with that information.” It came out cold, but right now she couldn’t act like she was happy.
“I’m not waiting for you to fucking figure out who you want.” Ellie says having you quickly cut her off.
“It’s not like that?” You shake your head.
“Mhm..” Ellie sighs.
“Did you guys-“ Ellie starts but you cut her off.
“Ellie?..” You don’t want to answer it, because the only thing you could reply with would be the truth. That being yes.
“It’s literally a yes or no question.” Ellie presses.
But when no response comes from you, she got her answer.
“Dina was right- you should just leave.”
“Ellie-“ You sigh out.
“No you need to leave.” She says standing up. Clearly her throat so her voice appears as more full.
“I-I can’t..” You say looking at her also standing up.
“Please just leave.” Ellie looks down now tearing up. Her walls feel like their crumbling all over again. The last thing she wants to do is cry in front of you.
You hesitantly move your hand to her cheek.
Ellie’s eyes close and she leans into your touch.
“Do you like me.” Ellie ask.
“Yes..” You say not hesitating.
“Do you like her.” Ellie ask.
“Ellie she’s my best friend.” You say.
Ellie sighs and pulls back opening her eyes. The lights again were just turned on. “Yeah well she clearly fucking loves you?”
Ellie feels like she’s growing crazy the more she talks to you. It’s like everyone but you sees it.
“Dina’s my best friend and i’ve never wanted to make out with her?! Fuck let alone sleep with her!?” She says.
“You don’t get it Ellie!” You yell.
“Then fucking explaining dude!” Ellie yells back.
“Am I a fucking joke to you?” Ellie ask.
“What..” You say looking at her.
“Am I a FUCKING joke.” Ellie yells right in your face. Something that you’re unfortunately getting used to..
Neither of you willing to admit that yelling about it isn’t going to fix shit.
After a long pause you finally talk.
“Would you be my friend if I hypothetically started dating Emily.” You say it like your tired. And to be fair you are.
Ellie doesn’t respond, she just looks down embarrassed. Her anger fading.
Because no.
She wouldn’t be.
And you know she wouldn’t be. Just by the fact Ellie’s eyes can’t meet yours and her teeth are slotted in her bottom lip are a clear sign she wouldn’t be.
Her mannerisms made that clear.
“Exactly.” You say.
“I doubt Emily would want to be friends either.” You clear your throat.
Ellie looks at you.
She doesn’t know what to do, because now she’s currently feeling multiple emotions. It feels like everything is flowing through her mind and she can’t control it.
That she hates.
Because she doesn’t like feeling anger when she looks at you. It’s shitty.
So she takes a step forward and literally just hugs you.
You instantly wrap your arms around Ellie falling into her embrace which grants you in warmth. It’s been a bit since you’ve guys been physical but it wasn’t off.
I guess something you didn’t anticipate is the light kiss on your forehead which followed. But either way you didn’t mention it. It’s literally only been a week and before everything went down with Emily you and Ellie were obviously often being physically. That including kissing.
So even though she hasn’t kissed you in awhile the kiss to your head wasn’t shocking.
“I would never make you pick.” Ellie sighs pulling back.
“Y-you know that.” Ellie smiles lightly. It’s more to comfort you. Because even though she doesn’t want to make you pick she doesn’t want to face you with someone else.
“I just- I don’t think I could be your friend if you dated her.” She looks down.
“And that’s not even fucking supposed to persuade you. I just- like couldn’t.” Ellie says her arms still wrapped around you.
Yours eyes met and it feels again like you again, have a decision. She moves her hand to your cheek and tucks a strand behind your ear.
Ellie’s eyes glance to your lips and she internally leans in.
You also lean in.
You don’t really know who kissed who. But once your lips met the two of you both started making out hungrily.
There was little pants as Ellie’s lips moved to the side of your lips, meeting your jaw, then neck. She sucks accompanied with a bite which is going to leave a mark. You know that and she does too, that being the reason Ellie why she even felt the need to leave a hickey..
She wanted it to be known.
“Fuck..” Ellie pants out moving the both of you to the bed sliding off her hoodie in the process.
It doesn’t take long till Ellie’s pressed on top of you refusing to break the kiss.
Her hands slip on the hoodie out of pure nervousness but she eventually gets it off.
It leaves her in just her sports while she’s desperately trying not to break the kiss between you two.
Your hands hastily find Ellie’s jean button and you don’t waste time to unbutton them..
While her jean button is getting undone her hands go under your shirt squeezing your boobs, again still not breaking the kiss.
It happened fast, because the moment went from making out to your hand inside Ellie’s jeans cuffing get pussy.
As you’re rubbing light circles on Ellie’s clit feeling the wetness through her boxers there’s a consecutive number of knocks.
Ellie’s whole face turns red and she starts to pull back from you as your remove you hand from her jeans.
You guys are both just silently looking at each other wondering if there really was a knock. Or if it was your mind playing tri-
There’s another knock and Dina’s voice talks. “Yo- can one of you grab the door my hands are full”
Ellie scrambles and helps you off the bed first before standing up and buckling back up her jeans.
She watches you slowly walk to the door straightening you clothes in the process.
As you walk to her dorm door you see Ellie’s now back in her grey hoodie giving a signal you can open the door.
Even though you can you hesitate having your hand shadow the door handle, hesitating to open it.
But after swallowing a big chunk of air you do. You see Dina’s gaze travel back and forth between you and Ellie.
Based on Ellie’s flushed cheeks, and how she’s purposefully avoiding Dina’s gaze, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that’s the fuck was happening.
Or what was going to happen?
“You two were gonna fuck!” Dina accuses putting the food on Ellie’s studying table.
“W-what no!” Ellie shakes her head nervously.
“W-we weren’t!” Ellie talks.
“I was gone for like 13 minutes??” Dina then turns to look directly at you.
“Fuck Ellie you fold so fast?” Dina groans.
“No I don’t??” Ellie says embarrassed walking towards Dina falling right beside you.
“Yeah sure you don’t?” Dina looks back at Ellie rolling her eyes.
“So you two didn’t kiss?” Dina questions tilting her head.
Ellie just groans and grabs your hand out of instinct, again like always she doesn’t really think. She just does it.
“You’re so weird?.” Ellie sighs.
Dina nods and rolls her eyes. “You two literally were about to fuck after I was home for like 5 minutes, but you know! i’m weird..” Dina mutters.
“We weren’t!” Ellie says putting her head in her free hand.
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Emily was coming back to the sorority today. And you were nervous.
And if you’re being honest with yourself that was an understatement, you didn’t know what the fuck to do.
It was late and you’ve been staring at your ceiling for what feels like a few hours.
After you and Ellie kissed, you decided to stay the night. Where you guys did end up sleeping together..
And the rest of that night was filled with kissing, cuddling, staying in each others arms all night, and a few hickeys which you now needed to cover.
But then again after that moment with Ellie it became ultimately clear that with Ellie it wasn’t forced..
And with Emily it was.
You hated yourself for feeling that way and there’s a part of you that wishes maybe those feelings could be reciprocated.
Because then everything would be easy.
But no.
You’ve only ever seen Emily as a friend.
And that’s something you had to face.
So when you hear the door open and the other girls greeting Emily you knew she was back.
And you knew you had to talk to her,
As much as you wanted to run away.
You had to..You had to face an awkward ass conversation.
So reluctantly that’s what you did, you turned over getting off your bed, putting on some makeup to cover the few hickeys, and sucked up any nervous feelings, making your way down the stairs.
It didn’t take long till your eyes meeting blue ones.
That’s when the guilt struck. Because you haven’t told Emily what the fuck happened while she was gone, and it’s dawning that you again led another person on. It was Ellie first and now her.
Emily smiles and walks to the end of the stairs where you were coming down.
“Hey!” Emily says hugging you.
“Hi..!” You’re arms wrapped around Emily as she hug you, the thing was you couldn’t hide that your voice was off. Having Emily pick up on it.
Like she always done.
“What’s up.?” Emily uses one hand to cuff your cheek.
“Can we talk.” You clear your throat.
Emily nods and smiles trying to cover her nervousness.
She didn’t understand what could have happened to have you want to talk to her immediately?
“Yeah..course..!” Emily frowns then covers it quickly plastering on an obvious fake smile.
Which you ignored.
With that you and Emily trail to your bedroom.
Once the door is closed Emily sits on your bed and you’re nervously looking down on her.
“W-what’s up?” Emily says.
You look at her for a few seconds. You don’t know how to say it? How to tell her that just a few days after you left you and Ellie kissed? Then slept together.
“I-Em i’m so sorry..” You tear up.
“What..?” Emily frowns again.
Emily stands up and holds your cheeks.
She’s obviously still oblivious, she’s not sure what could have happened to have to freak out so fast?
“What happened..” Emily kisses your nose.
You close your eyes and finally spit out the words that were longing on your tongue..
“Emily me and Ellie we-“
Emily doesn’t even let you finish you sentence before she pulls back.
“Emily..” You reach out and she looks at her.
“I’m not doing this..anymore.” Emily shakes her head tearing up.
You look at her. “Emily you know I love you so much” You nod.
“I just-“ You try to talk.
“You love Ellie..don’t you?” Emily shakes her head running her hand down her face.
“I-I don’t kn-“ You can’t spit it out.
“You guys deserve each other. Don’t worry. You really do.” Emily puts on a fake smile before clearing her throat.
“I’m not gonna fucking beg for your love anymore.” Emily says.
“Emily-“ You try but she just shakes her head.
“It’s fine really.” Emily nods.
“You’ve never begging for my love?” You say again stepping forward which just leads her to step back once again.
“I do love you- you’re my best friend.” You wipes you own tears.
“Exactly!- you don’t fucking..you don’t see me like that. So i’m done” Emily says her voice choking up in the middle.
And it’s true, she was done. She was done.
So now you’re just alone with your thoughts, finally letting it dawn on you what the fuck has happened..
You lost Emily.
The girl who you’ve known for years, left your room on the brink of tears and now it’s starting to feel like you just permanently closed a chapter.
Now no longer being able to open it.
You don’t know what to do. And to be honest that really scares you.
You go back and forth between a decision for a few seconds..
You finally grab your phone out of your pocket, shaky hands and nervousness coursing through your body.
You hesitate to click Ellie’s contact but you do.
Right now you only have one person and that’s her.
Emily was a person you could always go to. whether it be serious or stupid she was always there.
But this time it was about her? And you didn’t know how to handle it without any reassurance.
Leaving Ellie as the next option.
It rang for a few seconds before Ellie’s voice came through. She sounds like she’s been sleeping since you notice a rasp and tired tone.
“Hi?” Ellie says yawning.
“Hi.” Your tone is shaking and you sound like your about to cry. Ellie notices that.
“What’s up?” You can already hear sounds of Ellie standing up probably deciding whether or not you need help or something.
“Where you at?” Ellie questions.
“I’m okay- just wanted to talk?” You don’t want her to go out of her way to come all the way to the  sorority.
Ellie didn’t have a car and it was late. You didn’t want her outside.
“Yeah we can talk when I get there? You just home.?” Ellie ask as you hear shuffles only assuming she was putting on her shoes.
“Ellie-“ You sigh choking back a shit ton of tears.
Even though you didn’t explicitly tell Ellie that you’re home she assumed. She could hear a few girls in the background talking so she just took that as a sign.
Ellie talks again. Opening her dorm room door. “It’s okay i’ll be over in like 10 minutes bab-“
Ellie hung up before she could even finish her sentence and now you’re again left with your thoughts.
And that’s when you finally come to the conclusion.
You’re 100% the problem.
You’ve taken Emily and Ellie’s feelings for granted and it’s showing.
You lost Emily and you’re not exactly sure why Ellie sticks around. It doesn’t feel fair to hold both of them by a thread and it was proven when Emily’s broke.
Now it was only time till Ellie’s did.
At least that’s what you were starting to believe.
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“Baby..” Ellie sighs leaning into hug you. Putting her skateboard to the side.
You can only respond by hugging her back tears now starting to fall.
“What happened?” Ellie ask pulling back and wiping your tears accompanied with light kisses to the nose.
“Emily..you don’t have to worry about her anymore-“ You clear your and rub your eyes.
“I don’t think we’re friends anymore.” You say trying to plaster a fake smile. Causing Ellie to frown.
Ellie could honestly care less if Emily left, it’s the state that she sees your left in which hurts.
Your hands are shaking when they wrap around her, tears are flowing, and the confident tone she can distinct you for, is gone?
It feels like you’re leaving her, pushing back.
“I’m so sorry-“ Ellie try’s but you wave your hand dismissively.
“No-it’s fine. Really.” You say.
“Why’d she leave.” Ellie ask.
“I told her we-“ You start.
Ellie cuts you off with yet another hug. You can feel her shake her head on your shoulder.
She doesn’t need an explanation. She can use context clues to understand why Emily decided to leave.
But that’s when you finally spit it out.
What’s been going through your mind.
“I can’t do this Ellie.”
You look straight at her.
“What do you mean you can’t do this..?” Ellie now ask.
“You need someone who is good for you. Dina said it and she was right..i’m not good for you?..” You say.
“You can’t be serious.” Ellie looks straight at you.
“What-?” You breathlessly sigh.
“I’m not doing this with you again?” Ellie shakes her head.
And when she said that, you assumed she’d leave. Ending two relationships you had in just one night.
Even though on the contrary it seemed like this would be the worst thing to ever happen for you it gave comfort.
Because with no one around you can’t hurt anyone else…hypothetically at least..?
But Ellie doesn’t leave she just keeps going, and now it feels like her mouth and thoughts might just not stop.
Like she can’t control it.
“Why-why can’t you just understand I don’t fucking want anyone else?” Ellie’s at this point was begging.
Begging for you to understand.
“I’ll leave you alone- if you really do want me too.” Ellie says.
“But since we kissed it’s like the only thing I think about.” She needs you to get that she doesn’t want someone else.
She just wants you.
It’s the reason she’s been going through thick and thin for you. She just needs you to understand.
“I love you..?” It sounded more like a question then a statement.
Because Ellie hesitated to say it even though she meant it.
Plus it being the first time Ellie had ever said that to you made the whole situation all that more intense.
Because you don’t know if you can mentally accept the fact you just might love her back.
So you just look at her.
And now Ellie’s embarrassed.
Because never would she ever want you to feel forced to say it? I guess that’s why it hurt when you didn’t say it back.
Because if you’re not forced and you seemed to have no interest in saying it. You really didn’t love her the way she loved you. That hurt?
Because it put into reality you and Ellie truly weren’t on the same page.
That maybe she was imagining it-
Ellie probably didn’t notice that you conflicted gaze turned more into a determined one as she spaced out.
Your lips are suddenly on Ellie’s.
Ellie can only respond by pushing her lips hardly back on yours holding you cheeks not leaving room for her to pull back.
And with that, you finally something that’s been longing.
“I love you too.” You say into her mouth.
That’s all Ellie needed to hear to realize it wasn’t some fling.
You loved her.
And she wasn’t letting that go.
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I literally had zero fucking clue how to end this shit so everything happens extremely fast.
(mainly because I was making the plot as I got to it! 🌚)
BUT! I was gonna do a sad ending where the reader ends up alone so be happy I didn’t stick with that. 🙂
Honestly I was just trying to close off this story so I can put my main focus on Fated Hearts Start With Fire since I have SOO much planned with that 🙏
But I hope you guys enjoyed reading because despite it being ass it is the last one for this series.
(Like and reblogs are always appreciated!)
Taglist : @bready101 @onlinelesbo @amberputh @seraphicsentences @a-little-bit-of-everybody @zoehxnji @graviewaviee @i-feel-violated @elliesexual @macaroni676 @liasxeatt @m4rshm3ll0
69 notes · View notes
smoooothoperator · 17 hours
What Was I Made For?
01: Crossfire
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
a/n: Hi!!! First chapter! Are you guys excited? What do you think that will happen?
previous part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Monza. One of the two most important races for Ferrari in the calendar.
And my home race as well. 
The weather is still warm at the end of August, the sky is blue and every house has a Ferrari flag hanging from their windows. Every person that lives in Milano or in Italy knows that this weekend is important, that this weekend is their weekend.
“Do you think they will give you a chance to be the priority today?” 
Erica, my older sister by only two years. She was completely different from me, with blonde hair and skin easily tanned. She always came to my races, being the one that takes care of my flights and to rent cars to have during the weekend. Not like Soleil, who was actually a little version of me and my nutritionist.
“I mean, I'm ahead of Leclerc. They should” I said, shrugging my shoulders as I ate my breakfast. “The only person in front of me is Max, I don't think they want to risk and fuck up things right if front of all the Tifosi. They are idiots, but not that much to make me and Charles switch positions just because I'm the second driver”
Erica looked at me with a smile, nodding as she tied the strap of her dress in the back of her neck. Every time she came to the races she made sure to be dressed with the colors of the team, always wearing red since I was contracted by Ferrari and then white, red and black when I was in Haas. Today, for my homerace, she was wearing a nice cherry red dress from Meshki, a brand I made collabs with some months ago. 
“If they were smart they would do a good job and instead of letting Charles fight, they would order him to defend you from Lando” Soleil pointed, helping Erica to tie the dress. “Is not the first time they order you do that for him, and for once that you are in front of him they should give you a chance”
“I just want to end on the podium, that is the goal today” I sighed. “What Charles does is all his business”
“At least you should talk about the strategy…” Soleil sighed. “Only to make things clear. This is your home race, he should respect that”
“Hah! Sure” I laughed. “It was my home race last year too and he didn’t think twice to overtake me in the last lap even if his engineer was screaming in his ears to not do that. That’s even more cruel that overtaking me in the middle of the race” 
“But last year you two didn't have a warning like this year” Erica sighed. 
“Whatever, he’ll be an asshole anyway”
My sisters looked at each other and rolled their eyes, probably tired of the rivalry between Charles and I. But they don’t understand, they don’t understand how it feels to always be challenged by him since the first time he saw me. It was like he was a bully and I was his victim.
“You two are twenty six, when will be the day you two fix things?” Erica asked. 
“When one of us dies” I stated, making both of my sisters groan.
“Drama queen” Soleil sighed.
“Yes I am”
Getting out of the hotel was something that took us half an hour, being stopped by fans that waited for the drivers to start their way to the track. They called my name and the nickname they gave me when I got famous.
The good thing about being half Italian was that they didn't care if my other half was British. They cared about my Italian roots, feeling proud that someone from their country is driving for Ferrari. A Tifosi driving for the Tifosi.
“Today will be your day” a fan said. “You'll win this race”
I smiled at them, letting them put the friendship bracelets on my wrists and taking pictures with them, somehow wanting to believe all the words they said.
Some meters in front of me was Charles, signing caps and shirts on his way to the car. I recognized Andrea (his personal trainer), Joris (his photographer) and then a girl, probably his new fling. They were waiting for him already inside of the car, the three of them looking down at their phones.
“Is that his new girl?” I whispered to Erica, looking at the car Charles was walking to.
“I think so, she was in the hospitality yesterday” Erica answered, nodding. “I would say she's nice, but the only things she did was make tons of Tik Tok videos and pictures for her Instagram”
“Are we gossiping about his new girl?” Soleil smiled, stepping between us. “She's not nice. She thought I was one of the restaurant crew and just ordered me to bring her a coffee! And her manners? Uhg, non existent”
“His taste in women is really suspicious” I joked, looking at that girl, who actually looked like me.
The three of us walked towards the car that was waiting for us, walking in front of Charles' car and looking at the girl that was sitting in the front seat on the passenger seat. She was looking at her phone, recording a Tik Tok probably, while Joris and Andrea tried to not make obvious eye rolls.
“Yeah, neither his friends like her” Erica pointed.
I sighed, walking to the driver seat of my rented car and got it, turning on the engine while my sisters got in the car. People noticed us and started to wave at me, all of them holding the shirts and and even flags and waving them as I drove next to them.
“They want you to win” Soleil said excitedly, watching the Tifosi wave their hands.
“They want Ferrari to win” I corrected. “They don't care of it's me or Charles”
I heard them sigh and I just shrugged my shoulders, driving towards the track while the police guided us, somehow making sure neither Charles or myself suffered an accident before arriving.
If we have an accident during the race it’s no longer their problem.
After I parked the car, I saw Charles parking right next to mine, opening the door and looking at me. He sighed, rolling his eyes when I waved at him and immediately placed his hand on the back of the girl that was with him in this race.
I walked with my sisters, just a little faster to enter the paddock first, and when I looked at his girl I nearly laughed right on his face.
She was dressed with a top that only covered her front side and a skirt that had an opening on the side and let you see all her leg. 
“I think you went to the wrong place” I smiled at that girl. “Coachella was on April and Tomorrowland was on July”
“It's fashion” she frowned, her voice sounding too high. “You wouldn't understand”
“I do understand. At least I went to the Met Gala” I smiled, walking away and pressing my Paddock Pass on the ID scanner.
I could feel Charles' eyes on my back, probably thinking about ways of how to take me off of the track in a few hours, or how to poison my lunch. He would do anything to make sure I won't perform better than him.
Cameras and reporters followed me, making my sisters walk some feet behind me, taking pictures of me and asking things related to the race, which I always replied with the same answer.
“I'll do everything I can to win. It's an important race for me and for the team”
When they were satisfied with my answer and after they had enough pictures of me, they walked away to focus on other drivers that were around the paddock too.
As soon as the red building was close enough, the media managers and content creators of the team started to fly around me and soon after Charles, asking questions and doing the trends that were famous on social media.
Let's start the act.
The smile on my face was half real, half fake. Having Charles near while we were inside of the hospitality meant that the rivalry we had since kids had to be left outside the building, making us act friendly and fake just to make the team and sponsors happy.
“Hey Daf!” 
He knows I hate that nickname. He knows that every time he called me like that I ended up screaming at him, telling him that he's not allowed to call me that way, only one person and he is dead.
“Charlie!” I smiled, fakely, watching how he fought to not roll his eyes or look daggers at me. “Those jeans again? How many of them do you have?”
In moments like this I enjoyed teasing him, giving him nicknames he hated and making sure he couldn't fight me. 
“This jeans, dear Dafne, are my lucky jeans” he said, smiling. 
“Mhm, I wonder when are you going to burn them” I said. “But seems that your girl has the same taste as you, now makes sense”
I saw him clench his jaw and fists, taking deep breaths and looking at him with his eyes furrowed. He knows he can't do anything, so he simply smiles and nods, walking away to his room followed by that girl.
“What was her name?” I asked Soleil. “She has face of Karen”
“I think it's actually Karen” she laughed. “I wonder where he met her”
“I'm sure it was on Raya” I chuckled. “Maybe a summer fling that stayed for too long and he doesn't even know how to say no to her”
“I don't know who I should feel sorry for” Soleil sighed. “Him because she clearly is with him for the money, or her because she will probably be replaced soon”
I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the room with his number on the door, wondering what they would be doing. Ignoring each other? Her looking at the phone and taking pictures while Charles got changed? Probably that, or she would even be using him to take pictures of her so she could post them on Instagram, hinting that she's with him.
“Whatever, they are adults” I sighed, getting up. 
When I opened the door of my room and sighed, hearing how they talked, or most likely argued.
“What is her fucking problem? Why did she talk like that to me?” that girl exclaimed. “How dare she?”
“Come on, it wasn't that bad, Melanie…”
“Are you going to defend her or me?” her voice was too high, piercing into my ears. “Charles!”
“What! Fuck off, Melanie! You knew where you were coming, don't cry now. I told you what clothes you had to pack and, as always, you did whatever you wanted” he groaned, and I could hear how he closed the door of his closet.
“God, sometimes you are so stupid”
I smiled, changing my clothes to my racing suit and folding my clothes, stretching my back and arms before walking out of the room, just at the same time as Charles. His jaw was clenched and I could see the vein of his temple a little swollen, something that always happened whenever he was angry or stressed, and probably now would be both reasons.
“Next time you bring a girl, make sure she knows where she's coming” I whispered.
“What about you won't open your mouth next time I bring a girl?” he frowned. “You are giving me a headache”
“Oh really? That's nice!” I smiled, winking at him and walking away. “You should have a painkiller, anyway”
“What I should have is a good race without you in front of me” he groaned.
“Too bad it won't be possible” I said. “Get used to it, I plan of being in front of you as much as I can”
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That smile. 
God, I hated that smile.
I hated that she always knew what to say and how. 
“We'll see soon” I frowned.
She rolled her eyes and walked away, making me follow her with my eyes. Melanie walked out of the room and stood next to me, never letting go of her phone.
“Should I go to the balcony? I think there are nice views of the… How do you call it?” she said, making me take a deep breath and fake a smile.
“Paddock” I said.
“Oh yeah! That” she smiled.
“Look” I sighed. “I have things to do, I'm not your photographer”
Before she could say something I already was walking away towards the restaurant, sitting on a table and looking at my phone. Just a small lunch before doing interviews and then getting ready for the race, an ice bath and some stretch outs.
“Where did you leave that girl?”
I turned around and sighed when I recognized Erica's voice. She sat next to me and placed the cup of coffee in front of me.
Dafne's older sister always tried to be out of our  arguments. When we were kids, she always avoided our fights and stood away with my brother and Jules, ignoring us. I always believed that Jules and her would end up together, and somehow maybe they were for some time.
Maybe that's why she always tried to befriend me too, to make me feel that Jules was here too, and for her to have someone that reminds her of Jules.
“Last time I saw her she was asking me to take pictures of her” I sighed, grabbing the cup and drinking it slowly. “She was getting annoying”
“And why did you bring her, then?” she sighed. “I thought you were smarter”
“Did Dafne send you so she could just use this against me later?” I said looking at her, watching how she shook her head and smiled weakly.
“I came here because I care for you, Charles. I don't care if my sister and you can't stand each other” she said, resting her back on the chair and crossing her arms in front of her chest. My eyes went to the small tattoo of her wrist, one of many she has. The little 17 was facing me.
“A guy has his needs” I sighed. “And she was there on vacations”
“Sure, but you know what she has been doing while you were out of the hospitality?” she sighed, but I already knew the answer. “She thinks she's your girlfriend, Charles, only because you let her be in your bed”
“And what if she is?” I frowned, and somehow that tattoo got darker than it already was.
Jules would be disappointed, right?
“Look, I just…” I sighed, but immediately shook my head. “You wouldn't understand”
Of course she wouldn't. Because I don't understand it either.
“Then explain it to me, hm? I might be Dafne's sister, but I'm your friend too” she said. 
“Not now, okay?” I sighed. “I have things to do, a race to make”
“Alright” she sighed. “Good luck today, Charlie. Just… don't kill my sister”
She stood up and walked away, not after she messed my hair softly.
Jules and her would have made a really beautiful couple.
I took a deep breath and sighed, getting up and walking to my room again. I looked inside Dafne's room and frowned when I saw a fruit basket on her table, finding a big amount of peaches on it.
“Fuck” I sighed, walking in and grabbing that fruit.
I might hate her, but I don't wish her death.
“What are you doing?”
I tensed and took a deep breath, turning around and finding Dafne leaning on the door frame, watching me with the peaches in my hands. 
“Nothing” I said. 
“Putting a fruit you know I'm allergic to in a basket?” she frowned. “I thought you were stupid, but this? This is crossing the line”
“No! Hey!” I frowned. Did she really think I put them on purpose? “I just grabbed them because I know you are allergic to the peel of the peach, asshole. You are welcome”
Before she could say anything I walked out of her room and went to mine, locking the door and groaning. 
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The Italian anthem echoed through the stands of Monza, reverberating in my chest as I stood in front of the grid. My heart pounded in time with the fervent claps and chants of the Tifosi, their energy a palpable force lifting me higher. The sea of red around the circuit was a sight to behold, with their flags waving, faces painted, the roar of their passion almost louder than the melody of the anthem.
This was my home, my people, and today, I was going to give them a race to remember.
After the final notes finished, I walked back to my car, in the first line of the grid, next to the navy blue Red Bull. No one was in front of me, the only car to beat was the Red Bull. I looked to the car behind it, the other red one of the grid, Charles’ car. I felt his eyes on me, and the only thing I did was put on my helmet and remember that today was my day, not his.
This is my race.
The formation lap felt like an eternity, each second stretching as I warmed up the tires, feeling the grip, the balance of the car. As we lined up on the grid once more, the tension was almost unbearable.
Five lights.
Lights out.
I launched off the line, my tires gripping perfectly as I sped towards the first chicane. Max had a strong start, but I was right on his tail, the slipstream pulling me closer. Behind me, I could feel Charles trying to find an opening, but I shut the door firmly at every opportunity.
Lap after lap, I pushed harder, feeling the car’s every response. I stayed within striking distance of Max, waiting for my chance. And then, halfway through the race, it came. Max made a slight error going into the Parabolica, his line not as clean as usual. It was all the invitation I needed.
I dived down the inside, my heart in my throat, and for a moment, we were side by side. But I had the better exit, my car flying past him down the main straight as the tifosi erupted in a deafening cheer. The lead was mine.
Now it was a matter of maintaining it. Every lap felt like a battle, not just with the track but with my own nerves. I could feel Charles gaining behind me, his pace relentless. But I focused forward, hitting every apex, every braking zone perfectly. The laps ticked down, and with each one, my confidence grew.
The final lap was a blur. I could feel the tears in my eyes, barely letting me see the track, but I kept driving, pushing and turning the wheel until I crossed the finish line. 
“Dafne Morelli, you are a race winner!”
I did it. I finally did it.
As I parked the car in the pit lane and got out of the car, I heard the roar of the crowd, all of them waving the Italian flag over their heads. I saw my team, all dressed in red and jumping, cham¡nting my name. I felt pats on my back and helmet, some drivers coming to congratulate me.
But I felt that gaze too, the one that always burned me alive whenever I won him.
And it felt so satisfying knowing that I won against Charles Leclerc.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 hours
All of Me
Part 13
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: You and Jake get down and dirty again while showering again.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! This chapter is 95% smut, femdom, sub!jake, edging, teasing, orgasm delay/denial, sexting, spitting, ass play, rimming, unprotected p in v, humiliation, etc.
The video Jake sends you an hour later is downright sinful. In a cramped bathroom stall with no mirror, your view is just of his hand jerking his weeping cock.
Your face heats as his soft, breathy grunts reach your ears along with the lewd sounds of his hand stroking faster and faster.
“I’m close,” he grits out before releasing himself, “Fuck,” he groans, frustrated as his cock jerks pitifully at the loss of friction.
You type out a reply when it ends.
Reese: Good boy.
Reese: Since you edged me last night, I think it’s only fair to edge you. Two more times should do it.
Jake: But I’m still hard. Is it medically safe for me to be hard all the fucking time?
Reese: Yes. Unless it lasts longer than 4 hours.
Reese: I can treat it if that happens though
Jake: Oh yeah? 😏
Reese: You wouldn’t enjoy it.
Jake: Try me
You laugh as you type out the response.
Reese: The blood is aspirated using a needle and syringe.
Jake: Holy shit.
Jake: Well.
Jake: I’m not hard anymore.
Reese: Figured that would help lol.
Jake: Sorry, gotta go-I’m up next. I’ll see you tonight.
Reese: Can’t wait 😘
You really can’t wait.
Jake picks up dinner but it’s forgotten by the door when you pounce the second he walks through it.
“He-hello to you too,” he chuckles against your lips. “Wait, I didn’t shower,” he stills your hand that’s on the zipper of his fight suit.
“I don’t care,” you reply, tugging the zipper down anyway; the smell of clean sweat, fresh air, and diesel fills your nose and sends an answering wave of arousal between your thighs. “Why didn’t you shower?” You ask as you fall to your knees.
“You already-fuck,” he breathes as you pull him out of his briefs and swallow him down without preamble. “You already know.”
You shake your head with your eyes on his, mouth still full of him. “I want to hear you say it,” you release him with a pop to reply before returning to your bobbing.
“‘Cause the slightest brush of fabric on my cock is enough-oh,” he breaks off with a throaty sigh as you bring him to the back of your throat and swallow, “is enough to get me hard today.”
“Mmmm,” you hum around him, letting him fall out of your mouth to lick at his head while you bring your hands up to grip his ass. “Any other reason?”
He nods and inhales sharply when your nails sink in, guiding his hips to slowly fuck your face. “There’s…there’s still handprints on my ass.”
“Really?” You ask, one hand coming around to stroke him. “And that…embarrasses you?”
“Not exac-,” he starts, cheeks flushing bright red when you quirk a brow, “a little.”
“Why?” You tease, stroking him faster, “You don’t want the squad to know you were a bad boy?”
His head thumps against the door with a strangled whimper while he jerks in your hand.
Oh, he likes this.
“Or is it because you don’t want anyone to know that this,” the hand still on his butt squeezes his cheek tightly, making him gasp, “is mine?”
“Wait!” He chokes, reaching for your hand still working his cock. “I’m gonna cum.”
You struggle to hold back your whimper while you watch him hunch over as he fights his release.
“That’s two. Let’s eat,” you say when he relaxes, sounding way more composed than you feel as you tuck him back into his underwear. “Then we can take a shower?”
“Sure,” he sighs, grimacing as he re-zips his suit.
The dishes are thrown into the sink to worry about later before Jake lifts you bridal style up the stairs.
“God, Reese, you make me crazy,” he grumbles against your lips as you undress each other, making you pause but then he continues, “and I fucking love it.”
A slow smile graces your lips as you turn on the shower. “C’mere,” you whisper, crooking your finger as you step back into the running water, “and I’ll show you crazy.”
He backs you against the cold wall, licking into your mouth a deep kiss. His hands slide down your back to grip your ass.
“Wait,” you rasp before he can lift you. “Nice try. But not yet.”
A tortured sigh leaves him as his forehead drops to yours. “Yes ma’am.”
You make him watch as you wash yourself, spending extra time between your thighs before washing him; also spending extra time between his thighs before turning him away from you, guiding his hands to the wall.
“Can I do what I was about to before we were interrupted yesterday?” You ask, pressing kisses to his back as your fingers ghost over his butt, around his hips to brush against his cock.
“Please, anything,” he murmurs, eyes half-lidded as he turns his head, “anything you want.”
“Tell me to stop any time, okay?” You remind him as you begin to kiss your way down his back.
“I will,” he replies, moaning when you suck a bruise over your handprint from yesterday.
“Mine,” you murmur before leaving another, “you’re all mine, Jake.”
“Yes,” he rasps as you press your thumb into the fresh mark, “I’m all yours.”
You hum with satisfaction as you spread him once again, before running your tongue over that tight ring of muscle, shivering at the wrecked sound that leaves his lips.
“You like this, huh?” You throw his words from last night back at him between brushes of your tongue.
You pull back and land a hard, stinging slap before spreading him wider to spit on his hole. “Can’t hear you.”
“Yes ma’am,” he cries, legs shaking as your fingers begin to circle.
“That’s more like it,” you purr as your free hand slides between your legs, finding your needy clit. “Touch yourself,” you order breathily before your tongue again joins your probing fingers.
He takes a deep, shaking breath as he pulls a hand down from the wall.
“I can’t,” he gasps when a fingertip breaches him. “Reese-fuck! I’m too close.”
“Not yet,” you repeat. You’re close too as you nip the taut, clenching muscle of his ass.
“Fuck!” He sobs, the broken sound pushing you over the edge. You moan against him and his hand reaches back blindly to take a handful of your hair before tugging you away. “Three! T-that was three!”
“That was three,” you agree with a sigh, rising on unsteady legs. Your hand shakes as you reach outside of the shower for the mouthwash placed conveniently on the counter.
Jake’s still composing himself as you gargle and spit. Or so you thought as the room suddenly spins.
Jake presses your front into the wall where he’d just been, rutting his hot, heavy length between your cheeks before guiding himself lower, as he pulls your hips toward him.
“Mine,” he groans as he pushes into you with a deep thrust, “you’re mine too.”
“Yes,” you agree with a gasp. “I’m yours, Jake.”
“All mine,” he repeats, pressing his lips to your shoulder as he fucks into you at a punishing pace, nailing your g-spot with each thrust while his fingers slide over your hip to circle your clit.
“Fuckfuckfuck. Need you to cum for me,” he rasps, biting your shoulder as his hips begin to lose their rhythm.
You cry out as your orgasm washes over you and he cums too with a low groan, filling you up as you clench around him, milking every last drop.
You turn on a movie in the bedroom while you dry your hair but every time you glance over, Jake’s eyes are on you.
He looks like an adonis in his low-slung, Calvin Klein boxer briefs lying on your bed.
“What?” You smile as you click the dryer off to join him in.
“You’re just…stunning,” he replies with a genuine smile. Your face is free of make up and you look down at his threadbare US Navy tee that you stole before giving him a skeptical look. “You are,” he chuckles, wrapping an arm around you, “and you’re funny, so fucking smart, a great friend to Bradshaw, and an even better mom to Drew.”
Tears well in your eyes at his sweet words.
“You’ve been through hell and back but you haven’t let it harden you,” he murmurs into your hair. “I’m so glad you gave me a chance Reese. I-I’ve never felt like this about someone before.”
He continues when you don’t say anything.
“You don’t-I mean, shit. I know it’s different for you because you had Andy,” he says, “I just-“
“I know what you’re trying to say,” you interrupt softly turning your head for a kiss.
It’s true; you have felt it before. What you feel for Jake is different than from Andy; it’s not stronger nor weaker, just different.
Your heart races as you pull back from his lips to look him in the eye. “I feel it too.”
A/N: I need a cigarette after writing that smut 🫠 (I don’t smoke). Haha, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.
Also…aw! They’re falling in love. 🥹 who’s gonna say it first?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist!
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whumpyourdamnpears · 2 days
Fruit of the Wicked: Chapter Seven
CW: lady whump, male whumper/female whumpee, POC whump (whumpee is a Black woman), age gap whump (whumper is an older man), religious whump, police being incompetent
Thank you to Marz and Gen for being the best beta readers <3
Word Count: 1,505 Previous Next
He should probably apologize.
That was the thought running through Maxwell Akito’s head as he took care of business at his family’s corner store.
It’d been days since the two of them had last spoken. Max had done his best to give her her space and let her come to him if that’s what she wanted, but days of no contact had gone by. It had been like she’d dropped off the face of the planet.
He’d have to just suck it up and apologize. He wasn’t opposed to that, especially if that’s what stood in the middle of their friendship. Max didn’t want to lose her over something like this.
So, there he was. Sitting in a booth at Dave’s Diner with his heart in his hands, ready to apologize.
Christina was the one to come over to his booth, a funny look on her face. “Hey! It’s been a while since you’ve shown your face around here!” She was smiling, but she seemed nervous, wiping her hands down the front of her apron. “What would you like to drink?”
“I—uh, water’s fine.” Max distractedly glanced around the diner to see if he could make out Dani’s face amongst any of the other waitresses. He didn’t find it. “Hey, do you know if Dani’s working today? I really need to talk to her.”
Christina’s face dropped. “Oh, did no one tell you?” Pushing a loose strand of strawberry blonde hair behind her pierced ear, she said, “Dani left. She put in her notice a few days ago.”
The words washed over him like ice cold water. “She, what?”
“Yeah, she texted us and the managers saying she wasn’t coming back. No one has seen her since.”
Max sat there for a minute, saying nothing at all. She’d done it. She really left. After all that talk of finally thinking of staying, and she’d just up and left the second it got hard?
Was this his fault?
“Hey, did something… happen between you two?” Christina asked him quietly.
That snapped him out of it. “It doesn’t matter.” Max said, clearing his throat. Folding his hands together, he asked, “Can you think of any reason she’d want to leave?”
“You know, that’s what I found weird.” Christina took the opportunity to slide across from him in the booth. “She seemed like everything was fine when she was leaving on Sunday, then Monday morning she sends this weird text that she’s not coming back.”
“Weird text?”
“Yeah, it just—do you wanna read it?” Christina produced a touch screen phone from her apron pocket, pressing a few buttons, and held it out to Max.
“…Sure.” Tentatively, he took the phone out of Christina’s hand, fingers brushing against hers. Looking down at the cracked screen, Max read out the words in the green text bubble to himself. Sorry. I had to go. Tell the boss I won’t be in tomorrow. The message was… stiff. Max read over it again, perplexed. It didn’t sound like Dani; he couldn’t imagine her not using her boss’s name, especially when it was the name of the damn restaurant itself.
“She didn’t even have a shift on Monday, she’d taken the day off.”
He looked up from the phone. “She didn’t?” That didn’t sound like her, either. Dani didn’t forget her shifts.
Christina pulled at her hair, staring at the phone in Max’s hands. “It’s just… so weird. It almost doesn’t even sound like her.”
“Do you think that it’s not her?”
“I don’t know! It—it probably is her, though, right? Like, who would be texting from her phone?” She looked over her shoulder to the rest of the diner. “I don’t know, it’s just…weird that she left without so much as a goodbye.”
Max knew Dani better than that. She was notorious for leaving without saying goodbye, in her own words. But, that text…
That text didn’t come from her.
Max couldn’t remember a time where he’d ever needed to be at the police station. He was sure there had been a time, his family’s store was a fairly big target for shoplifting, but he couldn’t remember it. Thankfully, that business was usually taken care of by his father.
He sat in Pointersfield Police Department’s lobby, which just so happened to not have received a single update since the seventies. Max leaned against the wood paneling adorning the walls as he waited, tapping his foot against the faded blue carpet that covered the entire waiting area. When an officer finally came out to greet him, he didn’t say much, just followed him into the small room they fashioned into an interrogation room and sat down in one of the folding chairs left at the table in the center of the room. The officer was an older gentleman, with a balding crown and a soft middle. Max knew him as Officer Prescott, who had been an officer as long as he had been alive. The officer sat across from him at the table, smiling curtly.
“So, Charlene tells me you’re in to file a missing person’s report?” Officer Prescott asked, looking down at the manila folder he’d brought into the room with him. Max nodded. Bringing his glasses up to his face, Officer Prescott flipped through the folder, which only had the form Max had filled out in the lobby inside. “So, this… Sheridan Wallis. Is she a friend of yours?”
The image of the two of them pressed up against each other, lips interlocked and hands wandering flashed through Max’s mind. “Yeah, she’s a friend.”
“And when was the last time you saw Miss Wallis?”
“Last week.”
“Last week? Seems like an awful long time to not see someone in this town, especially a friend.”
“We…didn’t end on the best of terms.”
“No.” Max didn’t feel like elaborating on their fight to a stranger unless absolutely necessary. It didn’t exactly make either of them look good. Thankfully, Officer Prescott didn’t press, instead pursing his lips together as he looked back down at the form.
“Do you know of anyone who’d have any intention to harm Miss Wallis, Mr. Akito?”
“Not personally, no.” They were all standard questions, but the way Officer Prescott asked them had Max bristling in his chair. It sounded apathetic, like it was just routine for him to ask these questions, like he didn’t actually care what the answers might be.
Officer Prescott sat back in his seat, sighing. “Mr. Akito, let me level with you.” He took off his glasses and wiped them off on the bottom of his uniformed shirt. “There’s not a whole lot I can do for you here.”
Max sat in stunned silence. “What?”
“For one, we don’t actually have confirmation that Miss Wallis didn’t just leave town on her own terms, or whether she actually left in the first place. This is all speculation on your part.”
“I’m not the only one who thinks something is wrong, sir. A co-worker of hers also believes that she’s been gone for days due to strange circumstances.”**
“Then why isn’t this co-worker here with you to make a statement?”
Max said nothing.
“Mr. Akito, I understand you’re upset about your friend, what’s it called, ghosting you? But, unless you can get proof that something happened or get a family member to come around and fill out a missing person’s report, there’s not much I can do for you here, I’m sorry.”
“So, that’s it? You’re just going to do nothing?” Max tried to hide the way his hands started to shake. “What if something happened to her? What if she had slipped and fell in her apartment, or gotten into an accident? You’d just do nothing to help?”
“If it makes you feel any better, we can do a wellness check, but the fact that you yourself stated that she sent a text indicating that she wasn’t going to stick around doesn’t lead me to believe that one will be necessary.” Officer Prescott stood up from his chair, groaning. “Do me a favor, Max, and just go home. Get this girl out of your head. The last thing you need to be worried about is some runaway.”
Some runaway.
Max shook his head in disbelief. “Sure, I—thank you for meeting with me, officer.”
The officer walked over and clapped the other man on the shoulder. “Go home. And, while you’re at it, put in an order of that chili for me, yeah? You know the one.”
The officer walked Max back out to the station lobby, where Max stood for a minute, staring at the faded blue carpet. Unbelievable. All of it—he understood that not everyone in town necessarily liked Dani, but wasn’t she still important enough to look out for in their town? Wasn’t everyone? And she’d just disappeared—why was he being treated like he was crazy for caring?
He knew why.
Whatever. He’d just have to find out what happened to Dani on his own, then.
Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy, @generic-whumperz, @deluxewhump, @another-whump-sideblog, @pigeonwhumps, @lektricwhump, @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees, @sowhumpshaped
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joanvisitsrome · 6 hours
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i am absolutely spoiling y'all with 2 chapters. I'm too invested in this shit. comment on this if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
Summary: Billie and Reader go out to lunch together, and then spend the night at her house again.
Contains: fluff (again), KISSING 🤭🤭🤭, mentions of making out, smut in future chapters, A FORMING RELATIONSHIP RAHHH, coming out, and gay jokes
That next day was when you and Billie had planned to go out to lunch together. You get home as quickly as possible, last night running through your head. Was Billie just really into physical touch, or did she like you? You felt horrible, liking a straight girl. You tried to get your mind off of it, taking another shower and picking an outfit for the lunch. You put on a white ribbed tank top and cargo jeans, along with some bracelets as well. You fix your hair to its best, while still trying to look casual. In your bag, you put in some cherry ChapStick in chase your lips get chapped. As you’re about to leave, you receive a text from Billie.
               call me when you’re there, it reads. You reply with a thumbs up and drive over. You drive into the parking lot and call Billie.
               “Hey,” you say.
               “Hey. I’m already inside, but the reservation’s left under ‘Claire.’ I didn’t want anyone following us.”
               “Alright.” You go inside and follow Billie’s instructions, and eye her from across the restaurant. You sit down, smiling nervously.
               “Hey Bils!” you greet her.
               “How are you doing, babes?” she asks you.
               “I’m pretty good, and you?” you ask.
               “Better now that I’m with you.” You blush at the comment, still brushing it off as platonic. You pick up the menu, and you and Billie decide on both getting salads for lunch. The lunch goes well, the two of you conversing about the show you watched the night before, Shark, and much more.
               “Did you ever get to look through the clothing bag?” she asks.
               “I don’t think so. It’s whatever though, I don’t think I need more clothes.”
               “I insist. Do you want to come over again… to look at some of them?” Billie asks, looking down at her salad shyly.
               “Are you trying to get me to come over again?” you tease, “I didn’t realize you were so obsessed with me.”
               “Wait, no, not like that,” Billie says almost immediately, “only if you want to though.”
               “Billie,” you reassure her, resting your hand on hers, “relax. I was just playing. Of course I’d love to go over your house again. Should I pack pajamas so we can watch some more of our show?” you see her smile at you saying that the show you two were watching was yours, and take a sigh of relief.
               “Yeah, sure! I’d love to do that again.” Just then, the waiter approaches the two of you with a bill. He places it on the table and both you and Billie grab the bill at the same time.
               “Billie, remove your hand. I’ll be paying.”
               “But I invited you.”
               “But I’m offering.” The two of you argue about who would pay for the bill, until you suggest rock-paper-scissors. Billie wins and pays the bill. She walks you to your car to make sure you exit the premises safely.
               “See you soon, Bils,” you say to her as you back your car out of its parking spot.
               “I’m gay!” she says as you drive away. You halt your car the second you say that, and back up to meet her again.
               “What?” you say.
               “I think I like girls, and that I’ve liked them my whole life, and that I’ve been scared of them so I’ve never done anything about it. And, uhh, I don’t know, I wanted to tell you. I don’t know why. I hope you still like me? I don’t know, I’ve only told Finneas, and all he had to say was ‘took you long enough.’” Billie says quickly, almost in one breath, while looking down at her shoes.
               “Billie. Of course I still like you. While we’re on the topic, I like girls too. I honestly don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner. I thought you were straight if I’m being honest.”
               “You… like girls too?”
               “No fucking shit I like girls too. I’ll see you tonight Billie.” You drive off, shocked by this news. Billie likes girls? And if so, could she like you? You drive home in a trance almost, one thought only that runs in your mind. You have a chance. You have a chance. You pack a small bag with some pajamas, a hairbrush, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and some facial cream. You drive over, the funky song from the night before playing again. You knock at Billie’s door when you arrive. She opens the door.
               “Hey, babes,” she greets. You walk inside and pet Shark.
               “By the way, I left those clothes on the counter for you, so you can look at them. You can try them on too.” You make your way to the counter and find one or two shirts you wouldn’t mind wearing. You go to the bathroom to throw on a button-down from the pile.
               “So, how do I look?” You ask Billie.
               “You look,” Billie is trying to hold back a blush from seeing you in her clothes, “really nice.” She takes your hand and twirls you around. When you finish spinning, you’re quite close to Billie. You can hear her breathing a bit heavier, as her blue eyes look into yours. She looks at your right eye, your lips, and then your left eye. All you can feel is that Billie wants you.
               You take a step closer to Billie, putting your hands on her shoulders. You look up at her.
               “Billie, can I ask you something?” you ask in a quiet, low voice.
               “Anything, babes.” You tilt your head to look up at her.
               “Can I kiss you?” She nods and leans into you, closing her eyes as you do too. The two of you kiss. You taste a faint trace of vanilla lip balm on her soft lips. Her hands cup your face as yours play with the silky hair on the back of her head. You pull away for a split second, looking each other in the eyes before kissing again. This time, you both know what to expect, making it more comfortable between the two of you. You feel her hands shake against your skin as you pull away again, taking them in yours.
               “That was…” you say, “really, really good. I, uhh, liked it a lot.”
               “Me too,” Billie says, almost out of breath, shocked that the two of you kissed.
               “Was I bad?” she then blurts out.
               “NO! No. Not at all. If I’m being honest, that’s probably… the best kiss I’ve had. Like ever.”
               “Why don’t I make some dinner, and then we can watch… our show?” Billie suggests. You kiss her again.
               “That sounds good to me.” After a delicious dinner cooked by Billie, you cuddle together on her bed again and watch the show, although halfway through the first episode you start making out. You both get tired after a while and fall asleep again. The next morning, before you leave to go to your house again, you and Billie share one more kiss at the door.
               “Why don’t we go on a date?” she asks. “I’ll pick you up tonight and we can have some dinner.”
               “That sounds amazing to me.” You kiss her one more time before getting into your car and driving home.
taglist: @naturesapphic
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calinaannehart · 2 days
The Parts We Play
Chapter 3
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The entire drive home after shift Eddie can’t stop looking in his rearview mirror at Buck’s truck. It’s enormous, bigger than Eddie’s, and the latest model. A Ford F-150 Raptor, with blacked-out windows and custom matt paintwork, and which probably cost three times Eddie’s yearly salary.
Every time he looks back at it he feels another jolt in the pit of his stomach. There’s an A-list celebrity following him. An A-list celebrity who got paid, according to Chim, over $3 million for his last movie is following him back to his house. To meet his son. An A-list celebrity who—
An A-list celebrity who is going to see Eddie’s tiny little two-bedroom house, his poor excuse for gardening, his kitchen sink full of dishes, and his fucking boxers that are probably still hanging on the clothes horse because the fucking dryer has broken for the sixth time and Eddie can’t afford to replace it until his next paycheck.
He contemplates calling Carla, asking her to stash the offending articles of clothing in his room, but remembers his phone is in his duffle bag on the back seat. He also realizes how ridiculous he’s being, it’s only underwear. Everyone wears underwear, even Buck. Unless they decide to go commando, that is. Does Buck go commando?
The turning to Eddie’s street springs up on him and he takes the corner way too fast, yanking the wheel around sharply to avoid mounting the curb, and glancing back in his rearview once more in time to catch Buck breaking to make the turn safely. He indicates as he approaches the driveway, rolling down his window and pointing to the curb out front to indicate that’s where Buck should pull up, and hopes he can get inside the house to deal with the laundry before Buck makes it out of his truck.
He has no such luck, however, the second Eddie has closed the driver’s side door Buck is by his side, surprisingly full of energy for someone who has just completed their first night shift in a fire station and managed roughly only twenty minutes sleep in the back of the engine on the way back from a call.
“I thought Rodriguez was a wanna-be rally driver,” Buck grins, pointing back to the corner of Eddie’s street. “But with the way you took that turn, you could give him a run for his money.”
“Just a little tired,” Eddie lies, rubbing at the back of his neck while eyeing Buck’s truck and contemplating whether it’ll be safe parked out on the street. Maybe he should have gotten Buck to park on the driveway instead, Eddie’s truck is worth less, but then it’s a safe neighborhood with a very low crime rate which is rare in a city like LA.
“You sure you wanna do this now? I can shoot off, let you catch up on some sleep—” Buck thumbs back over his shoulder at his truck, turning slightly as though he’s about to make a start toward it.
“No!” Eddie blurts quickly, embarrassing himself with how desperate he must be coming across. “I mean, I won’t be sleeping until later anyway. Carla, Christopher’s home health aid has another client today so it would have just been me and him anyway.”
“Oh, ok,” Buck nods, squinting at Eddie. “If you’re sure I’m not gonna be intruding?”
“Not at all,” Eddie glances at his watch. “We’ve probably got half an hour before Chris is up, that’s time for at least three coffees.”
Buck practically skips up the path next to Eddie. “Three? Jesus, I’d be bouncing off the walls after the second.” Eddie doesn’t add that Buck doesn’t need any caffeine to be bouncing, the man is pretty much the human equivalent of a space hopper. Eddie opens up the front door, leading Buck through, and is met instantly by the offending presence of the clothes horse, his boxers hanging pride of place on the top wrung.
“I’ll just…um,” Eddie starts grabbing at the items, bundling them in his arms and hiding them from view, only moving to head to his bedroom when he thinks he has them all. But a polite cough and a tap on his shoulder stops Eddie in his tracks and he turns to find Buck holding a pair of boxers that had evaded him. Eddie’s whole face flushes which is completely and utterly ridiculous and just makes him feel like an even bigger idiot, but then again, Evan fucking Buckley is holding his boxers out to him.
“I pegged you as more of a briefs guy,” Buck smirks, but it’s not an unkind smirk, on the contrary, it’s more teasing and there’s a spark in Buck’s eye that can only be described as flirtatious. Eddie snatches the boxers from Buck’s hand, stuffing them into the pile in his arms.
“S-sometimes,” Eddie stutters, backing away when he realizes how close Buck is standing to him. “Boxers don’t sit well under the uniform so I tend to wear briefs at work—” Eddie slams his mouth shut, utterly perplexed as to what on earth possessed him to share that titbit of information with a Hollywood movie star.
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d1xonss · 1 day
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Desert Rose
Chapter 50 ~ Bring me to Life
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 4
✧ Word Count : 7.5k
In this chapter ~ When all hope seemed to be lost and the sickness only getting worse, the group finally returns with the meds after a very close call. With her newfound freedom, Rose decides to take full advantage to spend it doing something exciting. Although, nothing can last forever, and just as she was finally feeling happy again, it all came crashing back down.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ROSE POV ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
The sound of coughing bounced off of the walls around the three of us as we tried to help a man named Henry who was currently fighting for his life. Glenn and I panted heavily as we tried to hold him down on the ground as he continued to squirm, while Hershel was attempting to lower a tube down his throat so we could get air in his lungs.
"Henry, we need you to calm down. We're trying to help." Hershel said through the man's coughs and heavy breaths.
He kept fighting the feeling of the thick tube slowly slipping down his throat, and I honestly couldn't blame him, it probably felt awful. I wanted to gag just looking at the scene. But we needed to do this in order for him to live, clearing his lungs for him because his body could no longer fight and do it himself.
Eventually, Hershel got it down far enough and attached the airbag on the other end, squeezing it quickly so air could flow into his lungs, and the man stopped struggling almost immediately as his eyes fluttered closed. Glenn and I both sighed in relief as we pulled our hands away from his chest, continuing to cough and try to catch our own breaths after watching him struggle for so long.
"Drink some of that," Hershel nodded to the cups of tea sitting next to Glenn, "Both of you."
Glenn lazily handed one of the mugs to me as he lifted the glass up to his lips as well. Hershel just continued to squeeze the bag for Henry every few seconds as he watched us breath, drinking the tea he continued to provide.
"Some council meeting, huh?" Hershel asked, his tone sounding as if he hoped to bring light to the situation.
I huffed out a breath, "We're a few members short."
"I think we should make some new rules before they get back." the old man announced, "I hereby declare, we have spaghetti Tuesdays...every Wednesday." he joked. The two of us just looked at him blankly. "But first we have to find some spaghetti."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I let out a dry chuckle, "You know what, I would love to live to see spaghetti Wednesdays."
The two men both gave me a look, staring at me with disapproving eyes, "Oh, what? He can make a joke, but I can't. Hypocrites."
Hershel chuckled lightly, "You okay to take over?" he asked holding the airbag out to me and I nodded, "Every five to six seconds, squeeze. You start feeling lightheaded, grab somebody else to take over. We'll take it in shifts."
I nodded again and began to squeeze the bag like he instructed me. I was determined to keep him alive for as long as I could, hoping that the group would be back any minute now and save the man's life. We had already lost too many people in the time that they were gone, I wanted desperately to avoid another. I could feel that everyone else was holding on by a thread.
Not only that, but my worry for the ones who went out was only growing more by each hour that they hadn't returned. In the back of my mind I knew that they were okay, they were smart enough to make a trip like this. But I couldn't help but think it was too far of a trip to make in such a short amount of time. It really hit me then, and only then, that I truly might die before Daryl came back.
I was racking my brain as I continued to keep Henry alive, thinking back to the last thing I said to him before he took off. Until I remembered I just told him I loved him, and felt myself sigh in slight relief, knowing that if I were to die, at least my last words to him was something meaningful.
About an hour passed and I was starting to feel tired, my hands growing weaker by the second as they started to cramp up. Keeping someone breathing really was a lot of work, I didn't know how Hershel was holding his shit together so well. Glenn took notice and offered to take over, allowing me to take a break as I slowly waddled my way out of the cell, wanting to check on a few others in the space. But Hershel seemed to read my mind, coming up to me the second I left the room and asked if I could make his rounds with him.
We walked down the stairs silently and looked in to check on who was still alive. We passed by a few breathing people before Hershel stopped suddenly at a cell and saw a man with blood coming out of his eyes, and I peered down at his chest to see he was completely still. I closed my eyes when I saw him, and Hershel was quick to set his light down to fully walk into the room. I knew what I had to do, and I slowly took out my knife with a breath, but Hershel placed his hand on top of mine.
"No. Not here." he whispered.
He then walked back out of the room quickly while I watched the deceased man, making sure he didn't come back at the wrong time. The old man returned only a few seconds later with a stretcher so we could roll him out and put him down without anyone else having to see.
"Help me get him on this." he whispered.
I sighed as my mind began to wander, "But what about in a couple of hours, when Henry's dead,-"
"Rose." he whispered sternly.
"How are we going to get his body down the stairs and across the cellblock without anyone noticing?" I asked, "It's hard enough to do that when they're on the ground level."
"If that happens- if- you're going to help me." he responded.
I took in a breath as I looked at him seriously, "And what if I'm gone?" I asked quietly.
"Shut up," he whispered harshly, not even wanting to think about my words, "Help me get him on this."
Letting out a heavy breath, I moved to grab his legs to help pick the man up, setting him down on the stretcher gently without making too much noise. We then slowly tried to make our way out of the cellblock without too many people noticing, not wanting them to be aware of the amount of people we were taking out. Though right as we were about to make it up to the door, a child's voice suddenly cut through the quiet cellblock.
"What are you doing?" Lizzy asked.
The two of us whipped around to see the younger girl standing there with a tilted head as she eyed the covered body. I hesitated for a moment, but Hershel was quick to think of something that wouldn't scare her, walking over to bend down to her level.
"We're taking Mr. Jacobson to a quieter place," he said simply before raising his hand to feel her forehead, "Why don't you go get my copy of Tom Sawyer from my room. I want you to read it by tonight."
She coughed into her hand harshly before looking back up to him with a shaking head, "I won't finish it."
"Why?" he asked.
"It's going to get too dark." she replied.
Hershel only nodded in understanding, "Well, give it your best try." he said calmly, hoping to distract her.
I watched as she slowly nodded and walked away, but not without looking back at us a few different times, before completely disappearing back into the darkness of her cell. To be honest that kid always creeped me out.
Though once she had gone back to her room, we quickly ushered the body out of the cellblock and took him down the hall a bit so we could keep this as quiet as possible. The stretcher came to a stop as we glanced around for a moment, pulling out my knife again as I stood up near the man's head, glancing back up towards Hershel with heavy eyes.
"You haven't had to do this yet have you?" I asked him.
He quickly shook his head, "There was one late last night, Glenn did it. People don't need to see it; I don't want them to."
It seemed as though as soon as he finished his sentence, the man beneath the sheet began to groan and try to sit up as he came back to life. I brought my hand down on his chest to keep him still before plunging my knife into the side of his head, ripping it out harshly as his blood began to seep through the white cloth. I mindlessly placed my knife back on my his securely as I looked down at his dead body, hearing Hershel recite a few words from the bible like some kind of funeral.
But my vison slowly began to blur, feeling myself begin to break out into a cold sweat as I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I blinked repeatedly to try and stay awake, steadying myself with my hands on the stretcher, but the darkness was slowly consuming me, and I knew I couldn't last another second as I fell to the floor.
The last thing I managed to hear, was Hershel's panicked voice calling my name before it all went quiet.
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My face scrunched up a little as I could see the dim light behind my eyelids, feeling a soft touch running across my head. I grew confused the longer my eyes remained closed, finally peeling them open again as my vison was still just as blurry as before, trying to allow them to adjust as I woke. Eventually my gaze focused on Glenn who hovered above me, his head facing down and his hand resting against my head, gently stroking my forehead with his thumb.
But once he lifted his head to look at me again, seeing me returning to consciousness, he sighed in obvious relief. "Oh, thank God," he muttered as he placed a kiss on my forehead, "Jesus...you've been out for hours." 
My mouth parted in slight shock as I glanced past his head and noticed it was now dark outside. The day completely vanishing it seemed like. I shook my head and tried to think of the last thing I remembered before passing out, "What happened?"
"After you left to put that guy down, you just passed out cold. Hershel had to bring you back in here and lay you down, he said it was probably from exhaustion, dehydration..." he rambled on before sighing again, "God...I thought I was going to lose you." he finished sadly.
"I'm okay." I whispered in reassurance, resting my hand on top of his own as I slowly came back to reality.
He nodded, "Okay, good... just sit tight for a second, I'll be right back. I've gotta check on Henry quick, he's just in the next room."
"Okay," I agreed as he gave me a small smile, shakily standing back up to head outside, leaving me alone with my thoughts as I stared back up at the ceiling.
I laid there perfectly still as the minutes passed, trying to gather my thoughts as I leaned over, reaching for the cup of water conveniently placed right by my side. I knew I needed to get up, find Hershel to let him know I was okay, wanting to know if there were any signs from Daryl. But I paused suddenly when it hit me then that Glenn had yet to return, causing me to realize the area had grown oddly silent. A chill ran up my spine as it didn't sit right with me, slowly sitting up on my cot to try and listen for any noise, even so much as someone walking. Anything.
Lizzy's familiar voice then suddenly called out for Hershel in a slight panic, and that alone made my ears perk up. I slowly got out of bed while wincing at my sore muscles before someone else then started to scream. I tried to push myself to move faster out of the room, looking over the balcony to see that there were walkers everywhere, some killing the people who were still alive, while others fought with everything they had to try and defend themselves.
I had watched this familiar scene before, the sight taking me back to when the illness first started. A pit formed in my stomach as I knew we couldn't let it happen again. 
My eyes widened as I turned to rush and find Glenn, but when I made it towards the next room, Henry was nowhere to be found, and Glenn was laying flat on the floor. I instantly dropped to my knees in a panic, turning his head to see he was choking and could no longer breathe, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he struggled.
My stomach dropped, "Hershel!" I called out as I laid him down on his back, beginning to press firmly on his chest to keep his heart beating, performing CPR.
My hands pumped up and down on his chest at a steady pace as I counted to thirty in my head, pinching his nose and tilting his head back so I could breathe into his mouth, before counting all over again. I felt tears forming in my eyes when I saw he still wasn't responding, only growing worse as he fought for his life.
"Come on, Glenn please!" I cried, "Hershel!" I called again over my shoulder, desperate for the old man's help as my vision began to blur.
I repeated the actions over and over again, I wasn't going to stop until he had a heartbeat. My back was still facing the doorway as I hovered over him, barely even hearing the sound of a walker slowly making its way closer before I finally turned around it face it. It was just about to grab my leg until I reached for my knife and stabbed its head harshly, not even bothering to pull it back out as I faced Glenn again.
My arms began to shake as I cried, pushing down harsher and harsher as I refused to believe that this was it for him. I couldn't let him die, not when he was so sure that the two of us would make it out of this together. There was no way in hell I was going to give up on him.
Just as I was about to lean down and breathe into his mouth again, he was dramatically gasping for air, leaning over to spit out a bunch of blood that were once filling his lungs. I sighed in relief as my cheeks were wet with tears, patting his back to try and help him get it all out and clear his lungs.
Hershel then frantically turned the corner with wide eyes once he saw the state we were in, "He stopped breathing." I informed him, trying to catch my breath.
"You saved his life." he replied, "Hold on, we're going to need that airbag." he said before turning back around to find it.
"Wait!" I called out, seeing him stop in his tracks, "I'll go find it. Just keep him breathing, I don't think I can do it anymore." I said as I continued to try and catch my breath.
The man nodded frantically, quickly switched places with me as I walked out of the cell to try and find the airbag we had made. I racked my brain for where it could be, thinking back to the last person who had it. Before I stopped dead in my tracks once my eyes landed on a certain figure that I recognized quite well.
Henry had turned and was now trapped over the balcony, his body lying on the netting that kept him from falling down towards the bottom level of the cellblock...the airbag still attached to his bloody face.
"Son of a bitch." I cursed quietly, before slowly pushing myself to move forward.
I kicked each of my legs over the railing clumsily, falling to my knees in an instant on the flimsy net that was now struggling to support both of our bodies. He noticed me quickly as I gasped for air, taking it to his advantage as he crawled over toward me in an instant, not giving me a chance to balance. He hovered on top of me as his teeth chomped right near my face, my arms struggling to keep the dead weight off of me as my jaw clenched. I could feel my muscles shake wildly as I turned my head away from his face, gritting my teeth as he attempted to sink his teeth into my flesh.
I tried to maneuver his weight slowly, reaching for the airbag from where it was latched onto his face, keeping his teeth away from me as best as I could. I cried out suddenly, not being strong enough to handle it on my own as I was only one step closer to death, before a sudden voice called my name from below me.
My gaze snapped down to see Maggie with wide eyes, aiming her gun towards the walker's head as she saw it was about to kill me, but my screams of protest stopped her. "No! You might hit the bag we need it for Glenn!" I yelled as I continued to struggle with the walker.
I groaned as I continued to fight with the dead, my arms nearly giving out as I tried to reach for the bag one last time. But the weight suddenly subsided in a split second as it collapsed on top of me dead, looking back down to see Maggie lowering her gun.
I nodded quickly in appreciation as I shoved the thing off of me, tugging the airbag from its mouth before trying to stand up on the wobbly net. My heart was racing in my chest and my limbs had never felt weaker as I fought with everything I had to try and make it back up to him, steadying myself on the railing.
"He's turning blue!" Hershel's urgent voice called out, only pushing me to move faster as I lifted myself back onto the second level in a not so graceful manner.
The moment I reentered the room, I handed the airbag to Hershel and couldn't pull my eyes away from his face as he continued to struggle. He was wheezing and gasping for air as blood continued to pour out of his mouth and my breath caught in my throat. I felt tears slip down my face effortlessly once again as Maggie held him down so Hershel could place the tube down his throat to get him breathing again.
My eyes never moved away from him the entire time, standing there like a goddamn statue, not allowing myself to relax until I knew he would be okay.
Once he successfully got it down his throat, he started to squeeze the bag, and Glenn finally stopped struggling as the room went quiet once again. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and plopped down onto the floor in exhaustion, my hands shaking from adrenaline. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead staring down at him as his chest rose and fell with steady breaths. I could barely process the fact that I almost lost him so easily, I didn't want to think about it too much. He was almost ripped away from all of us, and it scared me so badly.
Maggie then noticed me struggling to catch my breath and placed a hand on my leg as she glanced back at me, "Ro? You okay?" she asked.
I tried to form some kind of reply but nothing came out as I started to cough again, blood beginning to pour out of my mouth. I heard Hershel instruct Maggie to keep squeezing the bag for Glenn as he quickly moved over to me, switching places as they both frantically moved. He gently pushed me over to the side so I could get all of the blood out of my mouth, but it just kept coming, a never ending cycle that I couldn't escape from nor prevent. My eyes started to get heavy again and he visibly noticed as he patted my back harder.
"Come on Rose, stay with us." he pleaded as he slowly lifted me up and onto the nearby mattress I was in front of.
I was trying, but I couldn't stop coughing as I struggled to stay awake. I kept trying to tell myself that Glenn needed the airbag, he needed it to stay alive and I needed to pull through for him. But I felt so tired and Hershel's steady voice started to fade again into almost nothing as it was replaced with a slight ringing. I felt myself slowly slipping away again like I did once before, knowing in the back of my mind that this could be it.
Until I suddenly heard the cellblock door slam open and a familiar voice calling my name.
The life was instantly brought back into me as my ears perked up hearing the sound of his sweet voice, however I didn't open my eyes. Though I knew that I was conscious, my eyelids felt as if they weighed a thousand pounds, the feeling being almost painful for me to open my eyes again.
"Up here!" Hershel yelled back, hearing heavy footsteps echo around the place before they were suddenly right in front of the entrance, a small gasp leaving his lips.
"What happened? She pass out?" he asked frantically.
I mustered all the strength I had left in that moment, opening my eyes slightly to see Daryl standing right above me with a bag hanging lazily from his grasp. He noticed almost immediately that my eyes squinted open, not wasting another second before he was kneeling at my side.
"Rosie? Baby?" he whispered softly, the pet name just slipping right out to prove how scared he was, raising his hand to run his thumb over my cheek.
I cleared my throat roughly before nodding my head, "I'm here." I breathed heavily.
There were sighs of relief all over the room upon hearing the sound of my strained and tired voice. I then felt Daryl lean down to place a kiss on the top of my head, "Thank God yer okay." he whispered against my hair, "Yer okay." he repeated.
I smiled weakly at him and saw Bob lingering in the doorway, hesitantly making his way inside to hand out the medicine we needed.
"We need to get her an IV to get the meds in her." Hershel said, beginning to stand.
I sat up quickly upon hearing that, "No." I protested before a cough cut off my words, "Glenn," I breathed, "Help Glenn first."
All eyes were on me in question, but everyone seemed to understand as I laid back down, resting my eyes again. Relief filled my entire being now knowing that Glenn, Sasha, and anyone else who was left was going to be okay. I was going to be okay. A weight was lifted from me, knowing now I could finally relax as everything was falling into place.
Opening my eyes again to look at Daryl, his gaze had never left me, "You're back." I said weakly.
He smiled, "Yeah m' back, angel. And yer gonna be okay." he said quietly, pushing some of my hair back and out of my face.
"You know I'm too stubborn to die."
He chuckled lightly, "Damn straight."
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It had been about a week before Hershel would even let me step outside. He wanted me to recover fully before being around everybody else, and I haven't had any human contact other than him in a whole seven days. I had briefly seen Maggie and Glenn since they were in the same cellblock that I was in with Glenn still recovering, but that was it.
After Daryl and the others came back with the meds, he wouldn't let us see each other for the soul purpose so no one else would get sick. So now I was anxiously waiting for his approval, so I could see everyone again after what felt like an eternity. He held the stethoscope up to my chest, telling me to take deep breaths as he listened to the sound of my lungs. But once he was done checking nearly everything under the sun, he didn't utter a word, silently knowing I was dying for him to say something.
I rolled my eyes at his silence, "Oh, spit it out please!" I exclaimed.
He chuckled before slowly nodding his head, "Well it looks like you're in luck...you're free to go, dear."
I squealed in excitement before quickly wrapping my arms around him in a hug, feeling him laugh again before squeezing me back tightly. I wanted him to know how much I appreciated him always, how I noticed how hard he was working to save not only my life, but everyone else's. And how I knew he would still look after me even though I was completely in the clear.
When we pulled away from one another, he kept his hands on my shoulders to make sure I wouldn't rush right out, "But take it easy, you hear me? Doctor's orders." he said.
"Oh please, I've been taking it easy for a whole week. I think I'll be okay." I assured.
He nodded, giving my shoulders a soft squeeze, "I love you...I just want you safe and healthy. I'm allowed to worry."
My eyes softened as he voiced his concerns and his adoration, leaning back in to hug him once more as if I couldn't help it, "I love you too..." I whispered, "Thank you for just...everything."
"It's my pleasure, dear." he said as he held me tight, before pulling away again to keep his hands securely on my arms as if he was scared to let me go. It warmed my heart at the thought, knowing that he's always cared for me like a daughter, and I couldn't have cherished it more.
"Why're you acting like we're never going to see each other again?" I laughed, "I'm just going outside for a bit."
He nodded, "I know. But be careful, alright. Don't push yourself too hard."
I rolled my eyes slightly, "Yeah, yeah." I muttered while giving his hand a squeeze and standing to my feet, "See you later, old man." I said over my shoulder, hearing him chuckle to himself as I made my way out of cellblock A.
As soon as I stepped outside the prison walls, I instantly felt relieved as I breathed in the fresh air. I always loved being in the sun because of how much happiness it brought me. Being inside for that long didn't exactly do me any good, feeling like an actual prisoner most of the time as I could hardly even stand up on my own without Hershel scurrying to make sure I wouldn't fall on my ass.
I turned around when I heard the brief call of my name, seeing Carl and Beth rushing over toward me quickly with excited smiles. My face broke out into a grin of my own when I caught a glimpse of them, opening my arms for them as they both collided into me to give me a giant hug. I hung onto them tightly, slowly realizing how much I had missed them the longer I held them again in my arms.
"Oh, I missed my babies." I muttered as I squeezed them tighter, hearing them both laugh happily.
"We missed you too." Carl said seriously, beginning to pull away.
"I was so worried about you." Beth said as she looked at me now, clear sadness filling her voice as her features contorted in concern.
I shook my head quickly, "Hey, I'm okay. You don't have to worry about me." I said while placing a hand on each of their cheeks.
Whether they realized it or not, they both leaned into my touch the second I reached up, my heart warming at the sight. I knew how concerned they were, but I would rather go through that a million times over than have them be the one to catch the illness. I would have been a nervous wreck, so I was silently grateful that they were perfectly healthy, and not the other way around.
"So, what are you guys doing?" I asked as I pulled away.
Carl shrugged, "Just taking a walk, do you want to come?"
I went to answer, but then my eyes briefly landed on where Daryl and Rick were standing, leaning against a few of the cars as they spoke. "How about I take a raincheck?"
The two of them turned to where I had been staring before giving each other a certain look, Beth starting to make kissy faces at me which caused me to roll my eyes while Carl snickered to himself. "Oh, shut up." I muttered as I pushed her shoulder. "Bye you two!" I called over my shoulder.
"Bye!" they yelled back as they made their way to the field side by side.
I had a bit of pep in my step as I made my way over toward the vehicles, a part of me a bit surprised that they were talking in the first place considering how they left things. But right on cue, as if they could hear my thoughts, they both turned at the same time when they heard me walking up to them, and Daryl wasted no time jogging over the rest of the way.
He quickly picked me up into a hug, leaving me squealing in surprise as I squeezed him tightly around his shoulders. I felt him sway me back and forth a little as my feet still couldn't quite touch the ground, before lowering me back down with his arms still secured around my waist. I had missed him like crazy, wanting to spend every single second with him until the sun went down to make up for the lost time.
"I missed ya so much." he finally said, pulling back slightly to look me in the eye.
"I missed you more." I whispered.
Rick clearing his throat from behind us is what made our heads turn to look over at him at the same time, "You have an audience." he reminded awkwardly.
I huffed out a small laugh before pulling away from Daryl, making my way over towards him to wrap him in a hug as well. He rested his arms across my shoulders as he squeezed me once, "Hey, Rosie." he whispered.
"Hey," I smiled, "Um...since when did you and Daryl make up?" I whispered in his ear.
I heard him chuckle a little, "Well it took a lot of talking, and me telling him I apologized to you and all that. But we're okay."
"Good." I muttered while finally pulling away from him.
"So, how do you feel?" he asked.
"Refreshed," I said simply, "I can't wait to actually do something." I rubbed my hands together excitedly.
Daryl came closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Well, why don't we get outta here and do somethin. Anythin you wanna do." he suggested.
I raised my eyebrows, "Anything?"
He nodded his head, "Mhm."
I thought about it for a few seconds before a slow smirk was brought onto my face, and I could tell that it made both men a bit nervous. "I don't like that glint in her eye." Rick said.
I smiled as I turned towards Daryl, "I know what I want to do." I spoke confidently.
"Shoot." he said.
"Teach me to drive your motorcycle." I stated without any hesitation.
He stared at me in slight disbelief for a moment, trying to decipher if I was being serious or not before shaking his head, "Nah, no way."
My mouth fell open slightly, "Oh come on! You said anything; that's what I want to do."
"That's really what ya want?" he asked hesitantly, watching as I surely nodded my head.
I had no idea why, but lately I had been itching to get out and ride on Daryl's motorcycle again. However, I wanted to be the one to drive. Though it made me a bit nervous, I couldn't deny that I was excited too, figuring now was a perfect time to learn. I was practically imprisoned for a week straight and I needed to do something.
He sighed and thought about it for a few moments before eventually giving in, "Alright."
I smiled brightly, kissing his cheek as a thank you before moving over towards his bike that was just a few feet away. In all honesty I didn't really know what compelled me to want to learn, but it sounded almost freeing. Although I thought it was funny that I wanted nothing to do with motorcycles in the beginning, and now I wanted to learn how to drive one. My guess could only be it was Daryl's constant bad influence on me. 
Being cooped up in a cell for a week made me realize how much I take for granted. I missed being outside in the sun, I missed having the wind whip me in the face, and I especially missed my family the most. I knew I hadn't taken the time to see all of them yet, but I knew I would eventually when the sun went down, all of us usually gathering around for dinner. My mind wandered to Sasha and Glenn, knowing that he was still recovering as he had a bit more trouble bouncing back. But Maggie was practically glued to his side so I knew he was just fine.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Daryl begin to slow the bike down to a stop in the fairly open road, shutting it off briefly before turning back to look at me over his shoulder, "Alright, this ain't a toy. Ya gotta take this seriously."
I blinked, "Okay, dad."
He narrowed his eyes at me, "M' serious." 
"So am I." I smiled.
He huffed at my sarcastic state, before getting off the bike as I slid myself down to the driver's seat. He then hopped on the back as I glanced down at the handles, trying to get the feel of things before he started to instruct me. I grabbed the two of them hesitantly, knowing already which was the brake versus the clutch from what I've seen Daryl do in the past.
He placed his hands on top of mine and gave me a quick kiss on the side of my head before I felt him pause. I then glanced up in the rearview mirrors, seeing him looking at the back of my head in slight confusion.
"What?" I asked with a tilted head.
He pointed to the small purple clip I had my hair pinned back with, "Where did ya get this?"
I subconsciously touched the back of my hair, "Oh, Maggie gave it to me a few weeks ago. I thought I would pin my hair back today; you like it?" I asked.
He nodded his head, "Mhm, it's pretty." he approved, watching me smile as I turned my attention back towards the bike, hearing his voice become a little more nervous, "Mkay, start it up." he said hesitantly.
I paused momentarily as I tried to remember how, but quickly picked up on it as it roared to life, nodding to myself as I heard Daryl mutter good under his breath. "Alright, ya remember which one is the clutch?" he asked over the sound of the bike. I nodded my head and motioned towards it, "Good," he said again, "So, when ya wanna go, ya let go of the brake slowly and lift the clutch a little."
"Okay," I said to show that I understood, though he could quickly tell by the slight shake in my voice that I was nervous.
He kissed my head again, "It's okay, just trust yerself...and don't kill me."
"Yeah, that's helping." I spoke sarcastically.
He chuckled, "I'm kiddin, you'll do great. Just let go of the brake, lift the clutch a little." he repeated.
I took a breath and nodded before doing exactly what he told me to do. He removed his hands from mine and placed them around my waist to hold on while I slowly let go of the breaks to ease myself into it. The bike began moving pretty slowly, but it was moving. I smiled and got a little more confidence and sped up just the tiniest bit to try and slowly get more comfortable.
But whilst I was speeding up, I accidentally hit the clutch a little too hard and it sped up a lot faster than I wanted it to, and I could feel Daryl fly off of the back at the impact. I gasped in surprise and tried to get control of the bike to check and see if he was okay, but I couldn't turn around to look back without it turning the whole bike right along with me.
Though the seconds of panic didn't linger for very long as I could hear him laughing loudly from behind me, his heavy footsteps following shortly after to try and catch up with me. He hopped back on the second he was close enough while the bike was still going, placing his hands over mine again to get me to hit the brakes slowly to bring it to a stop. We were both laughing wildly as it finally came to a halt, causing me to turn around to glance at him with apologetic eyes.
"I'm so sorry." I breathed as I let out another laugh, covering my face in slight embarrassment.
He chuckled as he gently moved my hands to kiss my forehead, "Don't be sorry darlin, it was yer first time. Ya just gotta practice some more."
"Okay." I sighed, turning back around to try again.
It took some time, but eventually I was driving the bike at a normal speed and didn't kick Daryl off of it in the process. In just those few hours, I had laughed harder than I had in what felt like forever, and it felt good. He really brought out the best in me in ways that I wasn't able to describe.
I couldn't help but notice the way he was looking at me as I drove by on the bike by myself as he watched me from on the grass, with his arms folded over his chest and a proud smile on his lips. But I also didn't miss the lovesick look on his face every time I passed him, but I liked it, and I was pretty positive I looked at him the same damn way. I was glad we got to spend a few hours just enjoying each other's company, while we laughed at the few times I made an ass of myself in the process of learning how to operate the thing that he knew best.
Eventually we headed back to the prison and to my surprise, he let me drive back on my own. To him I was going painfully slow, but I wanted to be careful, cautious as if I would somehow knock him off all over again. 
Once we made it through the gates and up towards the prison, I hopped off first and saw that Daryl was about to follow my actions, but I stopped him. "Ah, wait." I said before holding my hand out for him to take.
He looked confused at first, but then seemed to realize what I was doing and rolled his eyes, taking my hand nonetheless. "I do that for a reason, so ya don't fall on yer ass." he said.
I smirked, "I thought I would be the gentleman for once. Plus I was the one driving, it's only fair."
He rolled his eyes again at my words, placing a kiss on the top of my head before we both turned to see Rick jogging over toward us with a small smile upon seeing our return.
"Hey, how was it?" he asked.
"Good. I didn't crash it." I responded while gesturing to the bike next to us dramatically.
He chuckled, "Good." he spoke with a nod, only turning more serious a second later, "I'm uh...I'm glad you came back when you did, I was actually going to ask your help for something."
Daryl narrowed his eyes a bit in concern, "What's wrong?" 
"I was on my way to tell Tyreese about Carol, but uh... I wanted to have some kind of backup. I don't think he'll freak out again, but just to be safe."
I could feel Daryl tense from next to me, "So, yer willin to put my girl at risk of gettin her ass beat, again? Nah, no way."
I turned to look him in the eye, "Hey, it's fine, I'll do it. Nothing's going to happen. Plus, Rick came by and apologized for everything, we're good." I reminded him.
"Yeah, he told me, but that don't mean I want ya in there." he said.
I shook my head at him, "I'll be fine."
He thought about it for a second, and then probably came to the realization that he couldn't stop me, nodding his head reluctantly in agreement. We then followed Rick, making our way through the prison to try and find Tyreese to break the news to him about who actually killed Karen and David. I didn't know how he would take it, but I hoped that since she was gone, he would be a little more relieved.
My mind went back to Daryl and how he was taking the loss of Carol. I knew that they were closer friends, and I could only imagine how hard it was to hear that she was gone. But he never seemed to mention it, to an outsider he didn't seem to be affected by it at all. Though I knew him better than that.
I gently nudged his side as we followed behind Rick, "How are you doing...about Carol?" I asked hesitantly, keeping my voice down.
He only shrugged, "Sucks...but I'll be alright." he said as he nudged my shoulder in return.
I nodded in understanding as I could see he didn't want to talk about it much. I knew he was hurt about what Rick did, I could see it in his eyes, but at the same time I knew he understood too. Otherwise he would be on his bike as we speak looking for her to come back.
The three of us made our way down to the tunnels now, Rick calling out into the space, "Tyreese! You down here?"
There was a moment of silence before he heard him call back, "Rick? That you?"
We all then followed the sound of his voice, seemingly at the same time he started to come out of the darkness. He was taken aback a little when his eyes landed on me, probably shocked that I was out of cellblock A as I hadn't seen him since he had taken me.
He smiled warmly, "Hey Rose...you feeling better?" he asked.
"Yeah, Hershel finally let me go." I smiled.
He nodded, "Good," he said before looking back to the two men beside me, "Look you guys gotta see this." he said, pointing behind him.
"Can we take a beat? There's something we need to talk about." Rick said.
"It can wait, come on." he said urgently while heading back the way he came.
We all looked at each other cautiously before following the man back into the room where he came from. It was dark and the men had to raise their flashlights for us to see what he wanted to show us, but once my eyes landed on it, I couldn't help but let my mouth fall open a little. There was a dead rat up against the wall, with its insides spilling out of it.
I heard Daryl mutter, "The hell?" as he stepped closer to get a better look, shining his light over the bloody surface.
"I was just looking around, I needed...answers. Then I found this," Tyreese explained while pointing to the dead rat, "Same person who killed Karen and David did this. Remember the rats at the fence? They show up the same day she was killed, we got a psychopath living with us. We gotta find him Rick, and I'm not going to sleep until we do."
I almost wanted to laugh a little at Tyreese's detective skills, but I didn't. The rats had absolutely nothing to do with Karen and David and at this point I think he was just trying to find something, anything to lead him to who was responsible for killing them. None of us knew who was doing this with the rats, it was all too weird.
"Tyreese," Rick started calmly, "Whoever did this, I don't think that's who killed Karen."
Tyreese looked at him confused, "Why?" was all he could ask.
But before anyone could say another word, a large booming sound rang out from right outside the prison walls and the concrete around us crumbled a little at the impact. I jumped in surprise at the sudden explosive sound, growing confused and uneasy as my heart started to beat out of my chest. My eyes panned up to see Daryl who was already looking at me with the same panicked expression and I knew we both seemed to have the same sinking feeling.
"No..." I muttered.
~ Thanks for reading!
Taglist - @justareader95 @hayley1998 @ryoujoking @sipsthecoffee @winterassassin1804 @marsmallow433 @catlalice @writingstreetspirit
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senselessalchemist · 1 year
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exorcising a stupid image that has been bumping around my empty skull like the DVD logo bouncing around the TV screen (terrible quality because I truly havent drawn in so long)
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
I kind of want to write a fic where Odin is about to banish Thor and Loki's watching it go down and the guilt is eating at him and right before Thor gets yeeted through the Bifrost, Loki yells, "IT WAS ME!" and, because that's actually words (and interesting words at that), Odin actually stops what he's doing to listen instead of just yelling a keyboard smash out loud, and Loki explains that he manipulated Thor into attacking Jotunheim, but it was never supposed to get that far and he's very sorry and it will never happen again. and he thinks he's mitigating the damage but instead Odin just banishes him instead (and he'd banish Thor too but he needs someone to take the throne and tbh what would it say about him as a dad if he has to banish all three of his kids?)
so then Loki ends up getting hit by Jane's car, except he's not an idiot so he doesn't run around screaming at the sky about being hammered and Darcy never has to taze him so he never ends up in the hospital so they're off to a good start already.
and they get to talking (and they're all very confused and operating under completely different understandings of the situation) and Loki figures out he's in Midgard entirely because they don't know what the Nine Realms are and Midgard is the only realm stupid enough not to know that. Jane mentions that they're scientists and Loki just kinda scoffs at that because scientists on Midgard are like childrens' tutors in Asgard, and Jane is equally offended and impressed.
and I choose to think that Odin never takes Loki's magic away the way he did to Thor's because he can't take it away. if he could, he would've done that before they threw him in the dungeon in TDW. so Loki still has his magic so it's pretty easy to convince them that he's a god (and honestly they're more convinced than he is because he just found out that he might possibly be Jotun?)
so they end up taking Loki with them (against Selvig's better judgment) because he sounds like a know-it-all and he ends up pretty much being a know-it-all so that works well for Jane. and actually it kinda maybe works too well? because she starts to fall in love with him and surprise, it's a Lokane fic and he starts to fall for her and they have babies and live happily ever after!
no jk idk what would happen but I'm thinking Mjolnir would still be out there so maybe Loki would go to check it out and he'd probably have better luck with it because he's magic so it's pretty easy to get everyone out of his way but he's definitely not worthy so he can't wield it but it does get them both tangled up with SHIELD probably?
idk apparently I can only thing of Lokane fic ideas if they have no ending so that's all I got lmao
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meownotgood · 1 year
working hard! still working hard!!!!!!!!!
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marcusagrippa · 5 months
becoming more invested in one random side character who is fucking dead by the time my main plot starts than the actual protagonist is just a rite of passage for my writing process at this point
#big oc ramblingin the tags warning u h.#save me melisadd...... isa............#a horrible ugly name for a horrible ugly guy#however. every lover is a soldier. etc etc.#yes he gets killed because of his own ambition but he also gets killed because of his devotion to his city. and by extension his paradoxica#devotion to rhys (who has become the city itself in a weird parasitic sort of way). he hates what rhys stands for and he hates his idealism#and his tyranny andsuch but they have such a fucked up (literally) cannibalistic relationship going back to faustus and the ivy war#that neither of them can function without the other. rhys' fate is sealed the moment he kills isa because theres no-one left to balance him#out and challenge his plans. and he spirals from this genius up-and-coming ruthless commander willing to do anything to keep his home safe#into a lazy power-hungry beast relying on the prestige of his ancestors and the fear of the people to keep him fed. and he misses isa#as much as he hates to admit it#and he misses argent and he misses what they all had and as he gets older he starts losing the ability to distinguish between the past and#the present. hence the public display of argent's innards and isa's rotting corpse being dug up and given a seat at the table at the feast.#but back to isa. isa doesn't want to fight rhys - he believes there's good in him up until the last second of his life.#his execution is the death of any hope of redemption rhys might have had.#noneof that makes sense but anyway you get what im trying to say right#<- what a late republic hyperfix does to a mf#they are based loosely on the first triumvirate and should all eat each other !!#i can make my own narrative ghosts god dammit#dyrposts#r. a. bicinius#m. f. voscium#i made these guys like. two days ago??? but i cant stop thinking about them#if anyone is interested. i will say more things about dr#writing#augh#rhys isnt technically a main character either feel like i should clarify that he. dies in the first chapter#story focuses on eos furi and gabier !!! yippee !!!#jase writes#FUTURE ME EDIT: THIS IS ALL WILDLY OUTDATED :DDDDD OH WELL
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okay theoretically .. if you were to look at the word count for a chapter.. how many words do you think would make you say "this is too fucking long"
#extremely unsure as to weather i should chop this up yet again cus . i maybe sort of really rushed the planning near the end#when i was drafting everything out at the beginning of november#because i REALLY wanted to start writing but now i am paying for it by having to wrestle with these last few chapters#i think if i did break it up#i have an idea of where i would do so. but then i think i would end up with like a long chapter and then a shorter chapter and then a long#chapter again?#i want to give everything the space to have the attention it deserves and its looking like i might have to split this and make it 12 chapte#chapters if i want that tumblr can you please stop putting error messages over my tags while im trying to type. you bitch#anyways#all that is just to say i'm curious what everyone's opinion would be on what would constitute too long of a chapter#cus right now im thinking if it breaks 10k i'll find a place to break it up#but i'm interested to hear other opinions#i could have said that a lot more concisely instead of having an essay in the tags but u kno#btw NONE OF THIS MEANS ANYTHING IS READY SOON. just incase. i dont want to get anyone's hopes up on accident i think this chapter might tak#take a hot second here to write like i have chunks of it done and i know what i want to happen but i'm going to have to beat at it a lot to#make it happen smoothly#soooooooo be patient with me#for the sake of having a good chapter to read <3 instead of a rushed one <3 thankies <3#not an update
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jamiethebee · 5 months
Started Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint again, and Dokja only got his attribute when he opened the novel. If he didn't have Fourth Wall and never opened the attachment, would he never have gotten them then?
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pochapal · 2 years
for curious eyes here is a preliminary list of the various topics/sections i intend to cover in my 1-10 writeup
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ubashaaa-archived · 2 years
THINKING of starting a comic and/or own blog for my 2.5 part. hmmmmmmmmm
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