#thoughts in the wind
rorinasenpai · 1 year
do you think that when naruto and sasuke were doing the rat symbol together at the end of shippuden to end the infinite tsukuyomi.. they could have started to tighten their fingers around each other a little bit.. to stay like that for a little longer than was needed.. because now i think about it and it keeps me up at night
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hhhhunty · 2 months
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How funny that she never considered that.
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petricorah · 12 days
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manga antics [ids in alt]
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frownyalfred · 1 month
every now and then, Bruce "I hate magic so much I pretend it doesn't exist" Wayne gets a little too in-tune with his city and freaks out everyone around him with minor, brief instances of eldritchy-ness.
except his kids. they do it too.
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rendevok · 11 months
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favorite thing ♡
the inspo:
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aaaaand some inner dialogue for your viewing pleasure:
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I started learning Japanese recently. Only been about a week so far, but I am keeping up with the daily lessons so I hope it will stick. I think part of me is learning it so I can keep the idea of moving across the world as an option when I know it really isn't. But the idea that I could start fresh somewhere completely new has a form of escapist comfort to it. It is unfortunate that it took such a terrible experience to bring me to this point of finally trying something new. Even more unfortunate that part of me is only doing it as a form of survival. Really it just seemed like something engaging and productive to lose myself in. I am having far more fun learning it so far than I ever had at previous attempts to learn another language, and I find myself wanting to talk about all the little details I am learning with someone. Which of course made me think of you.
Because I used to talk to you about these fascinations of mine. My hobbies, thoughts, facts that I found interesting. Of course now I know that you didn't actually enjoy being on the receiving end of those conversations, just you were good at hiding it. Which is a devastating thing to remember when in the middle of an otherwise good time. But even so I can't help but think that if this were the good old days you would be learning it with me. We would be using the new words and phrases in our day to day and making fun of each other when we mispronounced something. I can't help but miss you despite everything you did to me.
Of course the real irony is I wouldn't even be learning it now if you hadn't broken me like you did. I would still be muddling through my day oblivious to how little I actually matter to you, and you would still be constantly making me sacrifice my goals and hold myself back so you wouldn't have to make any changes or compromise. So really I am missing time with you that I literally would have never experienced anyways. And perhaps, that is the real tragedy.
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clouvu · 3 months
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Save me french yuri... Save me
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expelliarmus · 6 months
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soaricarus · 1 month
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original post
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halfghostwriter · 5 months
“… so basically just about everyone in my life has tried to kill me at least once, it’s kinda become my go-to way of making friends, just striking up a conversation with anyone who shoots me. It’s worked with just about all of the rogues in my hometown, including my clone-turned-sister who I had brunch with just last week. Even my parents used to shoot at me, but that was only for like a year or so and in their defense they didn’t actually know it was me, haha. It’s kinda funny, the only person who ever managed to actually kill me was a friend of mine who didn’t technically kill me the first time, and then only did it a second time to fix some rewritten timeline stuff, and I still dated her for a while after that. Oh, speaking of dating, my first girlfriend tried to kill me WHILE we were dating, but again, in her defense, she didn’t know it was me haha. But yeah, that’s kinda why I kept talking to that guy while he was pummeling me, just a bit of a pattern I’ve wound up developing. Anyway, what was the question again?”
“… How did you get in my safe house, and do you need medical attention.”
“Oh! I crashed through the window, and probably. Also, I’m gonna pass out.”
And then Danny passed out.
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north-winds1 · 5 months
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plasmalink · 10 months
I just... Really hate all the techbros who are saying shit like "hey artists you better watch your days, we'll automate creativity and then its over for you guys!", not just for the obvious reason of how fucked up that world view is, but because it's heavily souring my genuine childlike wonder at how cool this technology is.
Like, take a step back, forget all the discourse we've been forced to have, and just think. We can tell a robot "gender reveal 9/11" and it can make an image of blue and pink exploding towers. That on its own is fucking insane?
And the actual like, algorithms and math that went into it too! We make robots that teach robots to teach themselves how to do stuff. Then just stick that shit in the microwave for a while and boom. Or just tell it "Here's the sum of all knowledge on earth, figure it out".
And I especially love those early AI generated images where any time you try and focus on something it falls apart, but it almost makes sense when you see if from the corner of your eye. That type of image, I don't know how to describe it fully, but it makes me think of when I'm trying to remember a dream as it's fading away in my head.
And these FUCKING chucklefucks decide "hey, let's use this cool as fuck technology in the worst possible way. let's get rid of those pesky people making a living doing what they love and get those shmucks back in an office building so they can get a real job. i'm going to be an asshole about it online and also pay $8 a month so maybe elon musk will notice me"
I'm so fucking tired, man. I want to be excited about new technology and shit but I just can't at this stage.
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Giorno and Jodio hairstyle swap
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sapphicseasapphire · 9 months
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My most recent project! I have SO many thoughts about this au, so stay tuned because I will definitely be making more content for this! Do you have a favorite?
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crabussy · 11 months
for the record I think wind turbines are beautiful and are not a stain on any landscape and the sounds they make are beautiful and whenever I see one I am filled with love for human innovation and hope for the future of clean energy and if they needed to be built close to my house I would go YAYY ^_^ WAHOO ^_^ WIND TURBINE!!
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animangabwedit · 23 days
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Wind Breaker by Nii Satoru
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