louarthur666 · 1 year
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Deku +Ticcytoby
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polaris-aurora · 3 years
Here's the second and last fanart I did of Ticcy Toby. He look better in this one, but the Hands☆ are simply a sin. Everyone can agree on this?
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Toby has a lot of mental breakdowns.
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hit-me-with-a-ladle · 3 years
Ch.3 of my Creepypasta story
A/N: Now as I said this is the third chapter of the story so if you are interested in reading the other chapters before this one just go on my profile and you'll find them or just go on Wattpad: @hit_me_with_a_ladle
Walking to her room, the only thing she could think about was the possibility of escape. Though filled with dread and sadness, it wasn't the time to think about it when she was so unequivocally tired. Stepping into the bedroom, she looked around and found it weirdly comforting. The room itself was quite spacious, and the walls appeared considerably wide and coated in a warm brown colour that seemed freshly applied. Right in the middle of the room was a regular-sized bed perfect for two people. The covers were creamy white and looked good in contrast to the walls, right next to it was a small wooden nightstand and a clock right on top that seemed to be working, "Its midnight". There was also a large window in the middle of the wall across from the door, slowly approaching it the girl put her hand on it, the glass was very thick, it also didn't have any way to be opened. Lastly, there was a big wooden dresser with a flower-patterned design across it that resembled the nightstand next to the bed, opening it up, it was empty.
Gently, laying down on the bed, she closed her eyes and dozed off into a dreamless slumber that didn't last long. A few hours later she woke up with a jump, getting up in a shaky daze she quickly caught herself before falling. Sitting back down, she groaned, annoyed at the fact that she was so exhausted. She sat there with a blank expression on her face and thought about everything that happened yesterday, the only thing she could feel was a distant sense of dread, forced to stay alone in this house. And in shock that she was even able to get a minute of sleep, but still, that was the most sleep she could get in a long time so she wasn't complaining.
"Wait" She suddenly said out loud and instantly regained her composure while standing up once again. "I'm alone maybe there's a way to escape I should look around!" With that, she promptly walked out of the room and ran downstairs. As soon as she reached the end, her face turned pale, immediately remembering what Masky told her. Someone was supposed to stand guard, making sure she doesn't escape. He wasn't lying, there sat the tall man in the navy blue jumper on the kitchen table. "Jack, is that you?" She said softly, he swiftly turned his head and looked at her through his masked face. It appeared that he was reading a newspaper as far as she could tell.
"Why are you up so early?" He said in his usual monotone voice while going back to reading. "Oh, well....umm..." Flustered, she lied "I was just sleepwalking?" Though what she said sounded more like a question than a definitive answer. "Wow, you're an atrocious liar." She could hear the smirk on his face. "Ok, so I wasn't sleepwalk," Sitting next to him "I guess I couldn't relax," That wasn't a complete lie. "Mmmhmm" He answered drily, not looking at her. The minutes that passed felt like hours to the girl, but the man reading wasn't bothered by it in the slightest.
"Jack..." She started to speak after a gruelling ten minutes of ear-piercing silence. "I'm still confused about some things regarding this whole training and centreman situation that's going on. So can you please elaborate more on it?" He still didn't bother to look at her and was intent on reading his paper undisturbed, but he finally replied. "For one, it's called a middleman, and also, no." He explained in a low, dull tone. "Can you not be so difficult, I understand you're busy, but I deserve to know what's going on," She clenched her hands together while pleading, but he ignored her. "PLEASE!" She asked again but this time much louder. Still no response. "I don't want to beg for you to tell me but I will if you don't at least acknowledge my existence." Trying for one last time, she stared at him intensely waiting for something, anything to happen. "If I do, will that make you stop staring at me and go up-stares?" He asked irritated while finally giving her a passing glance, "Yes." Quickly sitting down on the chair to the right of him, she rested her head on her palms and put her elbows on the table while waiting for him to start.
Setting his paper down, he eventually spoke "Let's begin with your training. For the next six months, you will go through extensive, agonizing, training to prepare you for the job. Which, I'm assuming you know what it is." She nodded in response. "Good, now what exactly will happen is my associates and I will be in charge of teaching you different skills you'll need to obtain for the job."
"Well, who will be teaching me what?" She chuckled while looking at him, a bit worried. "So...I will be teaching you how to fight, how to track someone down and human anatomy, to be more exact how to chop up a body the right way." He almost seemed amused at what he was saying, then continued, "As for the others, Tim will be teaching you how to navigate the forest and everything you need to know about every creature that resides in it. Ben will be teaching necessary black magic and how to use magic items without getting hurt. And lastly, Toby will be teaching you fighting but defence more than anything. He'll also be showing you how to use weapons in a fight and pressure points to killing." He explained. "Tomorrow will be the day you start, and I'll be the first one guiding you."
"Well damn, that's going to suck." The girl finally spoke up while loudly sighing in frustration, looking at Jack again, and then immediately realized just how close they were. Without thinking, while he was talking, she was slowly getting closer to where he was. They were only a few inches apart now. Her eyes went wide though he didn't seem to care. Jack darkly chuckled at her reaction at their distance and picked up his paper while slumping in his chair. His laugh sent shivers down her spine, but strangely enough, it was rather soothing. She looked up to the ceiling and slouching down on the chair and crossed her arms. "Can I ask another thing?" She asked after a while, ending the peaceful silence that Jack welcomed so dearly.
"Didn't you say you were going to leave after I answered your question?" He remarked, somewhat agitated, "Yeah, I know I said that but let me ask one more thing, and I swear I'll leave." She explained. "Ok, whatever, just ask away." He murmured. "So...why was I chosen exactly" He was cut off guard for a split second by the question, not expecting her to ask it so abruptly. "I know Masky explained a bit of why, but I need to know the definitive reason to why I, out of billions, was chosen." He thought for a minute before answering. "Well, as far as I know, you had some quality's that were most common in middlemen. But that as far as I know. I'm not the one that has the ranking to tell you. But if you want to know more, then ask Tim. He's the right-hand man of one of the higher-ups that choose you." And with that, he again continued to read his paper. After a solid few minutes of thinking, the girl spoke up once more. "Ok, I should go then." She said while getting out of her chair and approaching the staircase leading to the floor upstairs. "Oh, one last thing Jack." He turned his head to look at her."Yeah?"He asked annoyed."Why is the window in my room nailed shut?"
"Well we can't have you escaping now, can we? But the main reason is so you won't try to commit suicide." He, again, darkly chuckled.
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thenightmaregirl14 · 3 years
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La Novia Falsa De Ticci Toby - [4°] soledad. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1061161440-la-novia-falsa-de-ticci-toby-4%C2%B0-soledad?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading La gente está aterrorizada, se dice por diferentes medios que Ticci Toby a conseguido una novia, una igual de loca y trastornada como él. Pero ¿Es esto realmente cierto? (TikTak Draw Terror me hizo Copyright y no les pude bajar el vídeo. El único personaje que es mío es Caz. Los demás pertenecen a sus respectivos autores. Esto es un fanfic, solo decir eso, está creado con motivo de entretenimiento)
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lyrsavivor · 5 years
im someone with tourette’s and i just discovered there’s a whole creepypasta fandom for this one character named “ticcy toby” and i’ve read some headcanon posts and googled it to try to get an understanding. for the most part all i found was the usual “uwu 🌸innocent bean 💖 soft boy!” kinda shit instead of any actual basic summary. from what I could gather, of the traits and backstory that this character Toby has, him having tourette’s seems to be like the least standout thing so it seems kinda random that this is the thing he’s gonna he known by. Even if it’s cus that’s what his bullies or whatever called him, idk why you’d use that as his nickname if its from a negative place. i’m not gonna outright say any of it is bad or problematic, it just feels funny and kinda weird to have this one part of my and many others identity be put on some kinda pedestal. i’ve seen people kinda role play or act out (type out?? idk) how he talks and a stutter is used, i’m gonna optimistically assume that we all know that a stutter doesn’t automatically equal tourette’s though someone with ts can have a stutter too.
ANYWAYS, just some last thoughts as someone with tourette’s would be:
1. I hope that the author of the creepypasta is either someone with tourette’s, had the help of someone with tourette’s, or did extensive research on tourette’s to accurately and appropriately portray it and that it was accurately portrayed.
2. I’ve noticed that the creepypasta authors and fandom like to draw inspiration from and reference quite a few mental disorders, disabilities, and syndromes so just make sure you’re still respectful to those that do actually have these things and to not speak over them or on behalf of them if you don’t actually have the same mental condition as them.
3. Lastly, I’d say to be careful with how you talk about and view these mental conditions. I understand that we can get very excited and passionate about the things we love, but try not to romanticize any mental conditions someone could have or portray them in a horrific light. I know that many individuals could still be coming to terms with that part of themselves so it could feel disrespectful for someone else who doesn’t share their same experience to call it “adorable!! uwu 🌸” or imply that being neurodivergent automatically makes you more likely to be violent/scary. So yeah, just careful with how you use your words I guess!
But anyways, that’s just my two cents on it, I want to be clear this is NOT a call out post or an attempt to cancel creepypastas, you can enjoy what you enjoy, these are just my thoughts. As you can tell, I don’t read creepypastas so my apologies if I got anything wrong and feel free to explain anything if you’d like!
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sunnyiesideup · 5 years
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i love how this came out ,,
reblogs > likes
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psycho004-blog · 7 years
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VOGLIO QUELLE SCARPE!!!! E poi che carino Toby
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coelakanths · 4 years
contrary to popular belief i have never read any popular creepypastas and never actually got into them. i dont know who this jack guy is and im too afraid to ask 
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liodendrama · 2 years
ticcytoby is giving ebony dark'ness dementia raven way
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libetsdelae-blog · 6 years
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The page is up! • After hours of work, it's finally up on webtoons! Thank you guys for being so patient with me about all the creepypasta posts, I hope you enjoyed the art even if you didn't enjoy the content! The webcomic is called Lukewarm on webtoons, it's about creepypasta, but all in the same universe. It's got a lot to it, I've been working on the idea for years now. Thank you! • [#art#drawing#webtoon#webtoons#creepypasta#creepypastas#ticcitoby#ticcytoby#ticcitobi#cp]
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polaris-aurora · 3 years
Well... this is the first fanart I ever did to Ticcy Toby :/
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Mod Dom: omg Toby is really creepy
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gogoalbarn-blog · 8 years
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En proceso...
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Sally: slendy! Were are your brothers!?
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