#tim drake is bad at boundaries
oldmannapping · 2 months
Fic: The Mouths of Babes
Summary: Bernard meets Lian Harper, who decides he's friend-shaped.
Roy and Tim have terrible boundaries. Bernard and Roy have their first fight - will this be the end of a beautiful friendship?
Part of the Networking series, where I singlehandedly try to make the "Roy Harper & Bernard Dowd" tag a thing.
“My daddy says that the most important thing you can do is challenge yourself. That’s why I make sure I brush my teeth even when I don’t want to, or go to school even when I don’t know anyone, and when I’m playing Minecraft I always make my axolotls swim in the ocean where can sharks eat them, so they challenge theirselves.”
“Uh.” The end of that sounded like a very Joker thing to say, but Bernard didn’t want to get this kid offside. “That does sound challenging.”
Read it here
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
One of the many tragedies of Jack Drake is that not only was he bad at being a parent, but that he had the perfect person to discuss how hard the experience was for him right there and yet the only conversation they ever have about parenting Tim is conducted at gunpoint.
Because look at Jack Drake. As far as he was concerned, he had everything under control until Janet died and his world fell apart.
Tim was a Good Kid™ as a kid. He was well behaved and polite and not a difficult child and that's obvious from the fact that many of his memories of his parents together are of being taken out in public. Jack and Janet had one kid and they clearly wanted that kid to enjoy the same things they did, so they took him with them to restaurants and museums and art galleries and the opera. And he enjoyed it and enjoyed that time with them.
Jack however clearly saw his role as a father and a husband in the very traditional position as the main provider. It was his job to work and bring in the income that supported their lifestyle (his depressive episode after losing the company and their having to move makes it very clear how much of his self-worth was tied up in that role). He had a son, but his time with Tim was pretty clearly about taking Tim out with him on a Saturday afternoon to watch sport, or play tennis with his friends, or go to the monster trucks, or go fishing: being able to spend a few hours with Tim and show him off to his friends and then return home and someone else took over looking after Tim. And in his mind, he clearly thought he was a good parent! He spent time with his son! His son was a credit who was worth showing off! He could take Tim with him when he and Janet went out for the evening, and Tim could be relied upon to behave. He was winning at being a father!
The part Jack never realised, of course, was that like many men in his position, he'd handed the day to day logistics of raising a kid over to his wife (Janet) and to people he paid to do it for him (Tim's boarding school). He wasn't the disciplinarian parent. He was the 'fun' parent, who got to have the good times with his child.
If Jack was ever actually involved in decisions about discipline and consequences of actions, it was probably at the ultimate stage: the 'wait til your father gets home' sort of threat. The nuclear option. He didn't handle the everyday stuff - he probably never SAW the everyday stuff.
So, Jack thinks he's a great parent. He can brag to his friends about how well behaved HIS child is, unlike those little ruffians you see screaming in public or whose parents can't take them anywhere because they're disruptive.
Then his world falls apart. He's injured and disabled and grieving. He's a single dad. And the kid he's got is suddenly not the child he remembers. Tim frequently acts out, lies, runs away and comes home with bruises and notes from school saying they’re worried something is going on. He also starts dating and possibly trying to have sex ‘too young’ (being caught with Ariana sleeping over and the couch situation, Steph being pregnant even if Tim insisted it wasn't his).
Jack Drake has to suddenly step up to be the main parent of a 14 year old who he's probably never had that dynamic with. He doesn't have the years of experience in how Tim reacts to various forms of boundaries and punishments, because he's never been the one who set them or enforced them. He's probably never sat down and talked to Tim about his feelings in his life. And Tim, I repeat, is fourteen years old, possibly one of the most difficult ages for a kid. Everyone's 14 year olds are suddenly more difficult than usual and pushing boundaries.
On top of that, he's got to learn this all on the fly, in circumstances where he basically has no support. "Help, I'm a new single father to a teenager' isn't really a genre of self help book or parenting group that gets a lot of love - most people who are single parents aren't men, and most people looking for advice on dealing with problems with raising their kids are talking about under-5s, because by the time kids are out of the toddler stage most parents have a reasonable idea of what works and what doesn't, have networks set up, and are usually reaching out for a bit of advice or support about a specific situation, not Dealing With It All.
What Jack really needs is a buddy or two who are also single fathers to teenage boys, who have experience navigating this, maybe who also acquired responsibility for their son in his teen years. Wow. I mean that's a big ask, but funnily enough, there's someone who lives right next door who exactly fits that description...
(The tragedy that Bruce and Jack only ever have the one discussion about parenting Tim, the kid they've been effectively co-parenting since Tim was 13 years old, and that that discussion took place with Jack holding a gun on Bruce).
So of course Jack is terrible at being a parent to Tim. He's inexperienced, he doesn't have any support, he doesn't SEEK support outside of marrying Dana (and Dana clearly while lovely is both ineffective and reluctant to interfere in Jack and Tim's relationship). Now, he fails on very specific axes, in ways that are both understandable and also signs that Jack has a bad handle on his temper.
His go-to threat is sending Tim back to boarding school, because: when Tim was at boarding school, Jack didn't have any discipline issues with Tim! It clearly worked!; Tim doesn't want to go back to boarding school, making it a threat to hold over him; again, Jack's seeing a kid who is sneaking around, lying, running away and he's at his wits end - there's a narrative in the circles he lives in that such kids DO need to be taught to behave and sending them to boarding school is a way to do that.
He runs hot and cold on paying attention to Tim because up until Tim was 14 that was...what he did! And it wasn't such an issue then, as he wasn't a single parent. And when he pays attention, he does tend to be focused (laser focused, in fact), in getting Tim out of No Man's Land, of the dramas at school during Cry of the Huntress when Jack's getting outraged over Tim's bruises and getting into fights, when he's arguing with Ariana's uncle over whether Tim and Ariana's relationship was going too far.
It's just that he never developed the day to day, in between level of parenting and boundary setting and discipline. He's got a temper, and he swings between "it'll be fine, Tim's a smart kid, I trust him" laid back permissiveness, and getting mad and going immediately to the nuclear option: "You are going back to boarding school!" and so on.
He doesn't know how to walk away and calm himself down when he's worked up. He's not particularly good at redirecting his aggression. And he gets easily frustrated, because in his mind everything went smoothly for years...until it was all his responsibility.
And the thing is, there are so many ways Jack could have tried harder to be a good parent, that were available to him. But because of his background and the culture he lived in and the demands of storytelling he never reached out for any of them.
(And Bruce was right there! They knew each other socially! Everyone knew Bruce had worked through having two teenage sons on his own! He could have asked for advice, and he even knew Bruce knew Tim, given Bruce had officially fostered Tim while Jack was in a coma and in hospital. If you were putting together a specific support group you'd kick yourself over how perfect this was)
It's just such a part of the tragedy of Jack Drake.
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suzukiblu · 8 months
Tim going all 😳😳💖☺️💕✨💘😍💝🫣🥰 at Kon stalking him is so funny to me. He doesn’t… need… to be payed attention to in this way (he wants it so bad)
Tim: go away I'm on a case and I--wait how did you even FIND me??
Kon: oh I can just hear your heartbeat wherever you are so I just listen to you constantly! then I know when I can come watch you sleep and rifle through all your stuff. I just like knowing what you're up to, you know? 😊
Tim "Stalker Freak" Drake and his total and entire lack of normal healthy civilian boundaries, literally just v i b r a t i n g : . . . . . . I have never been this desperately horny in my life.
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antebunny · 3 days
(Or: my take on a post Red Robin Dick & Tim reconciliation. Because they love each other so much, and that's why it hurts).
Tim can admit, once an alert pops up on his computer and he immediately opens up the live feed of Dick’s kitchen, that there’s some cruel, bitter irony in what he’s doing. Also quite a few broken laws, and bent morals, and some icky stuff which he would not like Dick to find out about. Inserting surveillance cameras and trackers all over your loved one’s property, after all, is Bad Sibling Behavior. After so long spent trying to be a good sibling, Tim is hardly going to admit what he’s doing to anyone else.
Because he’s stalking Dick. 
Like a creepy little obsessed fan. Or a creepy villain-adjacent stalker. Like a ten-year-old Timmy Drake. He never thought he’d be doing it again as eighteen-year-old Tim Drake. Nonetheless, he stalks and tracks and surveils Dick from afar without ever talking to him. It’s like old times. Jason is even alive again. Except that instead of Tim stalking the Bats because he was a lonely little ten-year-old left to rot in a huge mansion with no concept of privacy or boundaries, he’s a less-lonely eighteen-year-old who knows far too much about Dick Grayson. Too much because far too much has gone down between them for Tim to just…talk to the guy. It’s impossible. Definitely impossible. 
Tim misses the days of late night ice creams, arms resting on his head or slung over his back, trading skateboard tricks for tumbling tricks. He aches for those days with a hunger he didn’t know was possible after a childhood spent starving for affection. 
But they can never go back.
Which is why Tim learns that Dick isn’t taking his meds because his surveillance equipment detected a change in behavior. Dick usually goes to his kitchen, breaks out orange juice or soda or some energy drink from the fridge, and takes his meds. Tonight he did not. Tim doesn’t know what the meds are for, he’s not that much of an invasive creep. It’s enough to know that Dick is getting treatment. And Tim doesn’t have to talk to Dick to find out how he’s doing. It’s enough to stalk him from afar to check on his well-being. 
Now the question is: what can Tim do about it? He can’t ask Dick himself. That’s obviously out of the question. Dick would listen to Damian, but the brat resents Tim’s very existence, so best not try that route. Dick would listen to Jason, but Red Hood barely tolerates Tim nowadays, and Tim isn’t interested in owing him a huge favor for something he really should do himself, so not him either. Dick would maybe, maybe listen to Bruce, but that’s hit-or-miss. 
Tim calls Barbara. 
“I need a favor,” he says as soon as she picks up. “Are you alone?”
“Yes,” Barbara replies, immediately business-like. “What’s up?”
Tim spins around in his swivel chair. Best purchase for his lair by far. “Not cape stuff, sort of, or imminently pressing, well, it’s pressing, I just needed to make sure no one’s listening in.”
“As sure as I can ever be,” Barbara confirms dryly. Answer: there’s always a chance, in the Bats’ paranoid minds, that someone is eavesdropping. But according to Oracle, she’s in the clear, and it really doesn’t get better than that.
“So, don’t ask me how I know this,” Tim prefaces, knowing she’s about to find out about his surveillance cameras in Dick’s apartment (if she hasn’t already), “but Dick didn’t take his meds last night. I don’t know what they are, so I dunno how bad it is that he skipped, and I don’t wanna pry into your, uh, relationship with him but–”
“Dick and I aren’t talking right now,” Barbara says flatly.
So, they’re in the off-again part of their on-again, off-again relationship. Most of the time Tim is rooting for them. Sometimes he thinks they should do what he and Steph did and settle into a best friends for life relationship. 
“Right.” On his next rotation, Tim catches himself on the edge of his table. He taps one hand on the clear surface and thinks of possibilities. “Do you think he would listen to B–”
“Right.” Tim tries not to sigh and fails. “Okay, uh. Jason?”
“Jason can’t keep a secret.”
Which is sort of unfair to Jason, but keeping a secret is relative. Compared to Barbara and Tim, Jason can’t keep a secret. And Tim is not one to argue if someone’s making fun of Jason.
“Cass? No. Same problem.” 
It’s against her very nature to lie. If Cass does hold a secret, it is by accident. Tim doesn’t want to leave this up to chance. This was easier when they had Alfred to mediate. 
Tim starts spinning in his chair again. His room whirls past. “What about his friends? Kori or Wally or…literally any of them?”
“I don’t see,” Barbara says, “why you’re avoiding the obvious solution of asking him yourself. He’d listen to you.”
He’ll listen to you. What a heavy, crushing promise to make. You have the trust of Nightwing. Nightwing, admired by the entire superhero community. It’s true, maybe, probably. That Dick will listen to Tim. He’s mostly sure of that now, after everything. That’s the problem, really. The “after everything” part of Tim’s confidence. Their trust is not from years of steady partnership, or slowly developed siblinghood. The trust Tim has in Dick originates from months of silence, of terribly intimate understanding, of shared grief and one horrible, nausea-inducing day. 
Dick hates when people leave him and when people fall and he can’t catch them. People don’t usually leave Dick Grayson, but Tim left and then he fell and Dick caught him. So Dick will listen, probably, maybe, if only because he doesn’t want Tim to leave. And Tim can’t ask, knowing that they don’t have the nice, easy brotherhood they ought to, the companionship siblings should have. Knowing Dick is only listening because he wants to keep Tim around. That’s the sort of fake compassion Tim spent his life running from. It’s not empathy, it’s sympathy. 
A vicious little voice that sounds like Janet Drake tells Tim that he should shut up and suck it up and accept whatever Dick gives him, because he’ll never be worthy of anything more. Tim slams his head into walls to shut that voice up. He won’t accept it. He cannot. He must not. 
“You’re not talking to him, are you.” Barbara’s voice has a tinge of that shaking-your-head condescension that drives Tim up the walls. The tone that carries that undercurrent of, why are you making this so hard, Tim? As if it’s so easy. As if everything that fractured Tim and Dick’s relationship is so easily repairable. 
Of course, Tim can’t explain that to Barbara. It sounds pathetic, even to himself.
“Bold words, coming from you,” Tim retorts.
Barbara sighs. “Look. At this point Damian has the best communication with Dick. And unless you have a way of tricking Damian into–huh.”
Tim, whose manipulative, stalkery little brain went in the exact same direction as hers, echoes her exclamation. “Oh. Yeah. Hm. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Unfortunately,” Barbara says, voice dry as the desert Tim was reborn in, “yes.”
The Belfry, a secret headquarters perfectly unobtrusive in Gotham’s old gothic and industrial skyline, was built by Tim and Barbara shortly after Bruce’s return. Since it’s so much newer than the Clock Tower, its inhabitants are not yet established. Where the Clock Tower houses the Birds of Prey, and Barbara’s friends in general, the Belfry sees a small but wide-ranging group of heroes coming in and out. Dick, Cass and Steph are the only other Bats to be allowed in.
Tonight, a little eleven-year-old boy crouches in the welcome darkness of one of the many nooks and crannies, dagger in his hands, and pretends with all his might that he belongs. 
“…at least wrap it,” Barbara is saying as she disengages the many, many security systems and enters the many passwords to get into the Belfry. 
“What’s the point?” Tim argues. “It’s not like–”
Both he and Barbara freeze. Tim raises a hand slowly to his belt. Barbara fingers one of the many buttons on her wheelchair. He gestures her to the left. They’re caught in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. With ceilings as high as a warehouse (it’s a bell tower, after all), those windows are high indeed. 
And then–
“Oracle. Red.” Damian emerges from the darkness like the little gremlin that he is, chin held high in his Robin uniform while he omits the Robin part of Tim’s new superhero name. “I have been here long enough that I could’ve killed both of you. How careless of you to not notice.”
Translation: Damian had been hoping to go unnoticed for longer.
“Here, where you most definitely do not have access,” Barbara points out. She wheels closer now that they know it’s just Robin.
Tim, while Damian is distracted with Barbara, sidles over to a table as stealthily as he knows how and sets down his package. 
“Clearly, your security standards are in need of upgrading,” Damian sniffs. Then his eyes narrow as he notices what Tim is doing. “Drake. What is that package.”
“None of your business,” Tim snaps back immediately. He moves to cover it with his back. “Get out of here. Invites only, you weren’t invited, you know how it is.”
Damian folds his hands behind his back and raises his nose. “It is for Grayson.”
“For Christ’s–how did you know?” Barbara demands.
“You just confirmed it,” Damian replies smugly.
Barbara rolls her eyes. “Okay. Fine. It’s for Dick. Happy now?”
“No.” Damian marches up to Tim, then folds his arms, dagger and all, over his chest when Tim blocks his path to the package. “Tell me what you are giving to Grayson.”
Tim leans back against the table and folds his own arms over his chest, affecting a casual state of relaxation he absolutely does not feel. “I said, none of your business.” 
In truth, there’s something so heart-breakingly ten-years-old about Damian’s behavior. His cool older brother is part of a cool group of friends with a secret hideout that Damian is not allowed into. Of course he broke into it. Damian, under all his bluster and bravado, wants to be a part of it all. He’s only human. He’s only eleven years old.
“You may be poisoning him,” Damian insists.
Tim laughs. “That’s more your wheelhouse, isn’t it?”
Seems like Damian hasn’t yet heard the saying your wheelhouse, because he scowls but doesn’t respond. Oddly enough, Tim feels worse about that than he does about the actual insult. Kids are not their parents or the secret assassin society they come from, he knows, he knows this. Yet this intellectual knowledge always flies out the window in favor of emotional responses when it comes to Damian. 
“It’s not,” Barbara interrupts, before they can come to blows. “It’s just something to make him feel better, since he stopped taking his meds. Now will you leave?”
Damian scowls again, this time resembling an angry kitten more than a fearsome assassin. Not that he ever has resembled a fearsome assassin, despite all the assassination attempts. For all the pent-up resentment and bitter anger Tim has about Damian, he can’t help but find the kid a little cute. 
(The thing is, back before everything, Tim really wanted a little sibling. Back before everything, Tim used to dream about Jason coming back).
(Isn’t it funny how the universe keeps giving Tim what he wants just to spite him?)
“Fine.” Damian glares at both of them in turn. “Since both of you are so incompetent in taking care of Grayson, I will do it.” 
And he sweeps out of the Belfry with all the righteous fury that an eleven-year-old can muster. 
Tim and Barbara finally make eye contact after Barbara ensures, using the Belfry’s surveillance cameras, that Damian has exited the building for good. Then they both burst into laughter. The rafters ring with the force of it, pealing like the bells on Sunday morning. Barbara slaps her knee. Tim leans back on the table, hands clasped over his stomach, and shakes.
“I can’t believe,” Barbara says, once she’s calmed down enough to get a proper sentence out, “that we just tricked a kid into doing our dirty work for us.”
“Hey, if it works,” Tim says, voice full of mirth. 
He easily identifies himself as an adult despite only recently turning eighteen. It is impossible to feel like a child, he reasons, after waking up in the desert. After running Wayne Industries, however briefly. After striking out on his own. After everything.
Perhaps that’s why he gets along so well with Barbara these days. She understands that he is not a kid anymore, even if she wasn’t there for everything. Dick, on the other hand, still sees Tim as the kid he was. (As Robin). As the Before Everything Tim Drake that the real Tim is getting so very tired of thinking about. So what if he misses all of it, the good and the ugly? That’s just the nostalgia speaking. That’s just part of growing up. Tim had to grow up fast, so he did. He did what he had to do and he won’t let himself regret it.
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froggibus · 1 year
Hello! Was wondering if I could request headcanons about batboys (Dick, Jason and Tim) having a touchstarved (gn)best friend reader who likes giving them hugs? It could also include just general hcs about the batboys as your best friends. Hope it's not too much, thank you!
Batboys + Touch Starved Best Friend
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Pairing: Dick Grayson x reader, Jason Todd x reader, Tim Drake x reader
Genre: fluff
CW: cuddling, general fluff, jason being a tsundere, kind of wholesome?
i was so excited to write this one! i feel like i rarely get batfam reqs so this makes me super happy!! i really hope it does our boys justice and that you enjoy it <3
ALSO sorry guys about slacking so hard on requests—life has been so chaotic and honestly I’ve been a little lazy. I’m gonna try and get some done this week while I have time off but I also have esports stuff coming up this weekend and next week
Dick Grayson:
this man is SO huggable 
like you could go up to him and just wrap your arms around him and he would not care 
i feel like he’s a very touchy/feely guy 
like he’s the type that’s just always touching the people close to him?
arm on the shoulder/waist, has his s/o on his lap
super respectful of boundaries though
if he’s your best friend, you won’t be touch starved for very long 
will hug you as much and as long as you want
and he’s a detective 
so if you’re too shy to ask or too sad or stuck in your own head
he will know and he will give you a hug 
chronic people pleaser so he’ll do anything to make you happy/feel better
Jason Todd:
tries to act like he doesn’t care/like he isn’t touch starved 
but he’s so down bad
it takes him a LONG time to get used to people and making contact with them 
and of course you love & respect him so no matter how touch starved you are, you won’t make him 
so one day when you’re especially needy and this man just randomly hugs you, you melt 
and from then on, you’ll just wrap your arms around him or lay on his lap on the couch
he acts like he doesn’t care but really his heart is racing and you’re just so warm 
once he’s used to you, he’ll reciprocate contact in any way he can
he especially loves to hold you against him to calm him down 
probably not as cuddly as Dick or as often
but when you’re needy, he’ll always be there to be your personal pillow
and when he’s needy, you’re more than happy to let him maul you 
he will NEVER admit to it or acknowledge it tho
Tim Drake:
this man is also incredibly touch starved 
he’s never been as close to Bruce as the other batboys/as close to his brothers 
and he doesn’t have tons and tons of friends either
so he doesn’t get much contact 
so if you just hug this man, it’s benefiting both of you
he’s probably a little awkward and stiff the first few times, but he really likes it
once he’s comfortable with you, expects lots of platonic cuddling
even sleepovers tbh 
you guys kinda connect over your loneliness and it makes you closer 
probably shows up at your door after patrol at least a few times a week just to hug you
also Tim can tell from just looking at you if you’re upset/lonely/touch starved
so sometimes he’ll just randomly pull you into him or lay his head on you
still gets a little flustered when you randomly hug him though
whenever you cry, he definitely holds you until you feel better too
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brucewaynehater101 · 25 days
Helena Sandsmark and the Drakes are both archeologists right?
What if they met and Cassie and Tim became besties through it? How would that change things?
Hey maybe they tell each other when they become heroes
Maybe Cassie sneaks him some artifacts to make Robinhood easier and Tim gifts programs for her to use incase the internet starts mattering during a mission
And when venting to each other or asking for advice when it comes to heroism helps them realize when [X] is bad for their friend it's bad for them too
Which would lead to them enforcing more boundaries and limits when it calls
After Bart and Conner die, would they cling together even more? What about the cult or cloning situation?
For the cloning situation, what if Cassie looked for artifacts that could help Tim's endeavor?
would Cassie accompany Tim during BruceQuest and vouch for him prior to it? Would people believe them more due to it or would they be pushed them both to pull of BruceQuest by themselves
I feel like witnessing their best friend suffer because of the Justice League's incompetence would push them to take action and turn Young Justice into an organization aimed for supporting younger heroes
And also protecting them from the Justice League and other older heroes when push comes to shove
Plus Justice League may only have the aid of the younger generations as a very, last resort and in the most extreme situations
Plus they demand very strict protocols when it comes to handling younger heroes in the JL, or they'll intervene. Never again will a scenario like BruceQuest repeat
There's probably more but I can't think about it
To start, Cassie and Tim being friends because of their parents would change a lot.
Tim would receive more support through his grief of his parents - Cassie knew them, and her mom (since she was friends with them) would allow her to spend more time with Tim during his mourning period
They would be able to help each other through multiple layers of their lives: parents, high society, academic society, hero society, heroism, being a teen hero, and how shitty JL is to them
After losing Kon, Tim and Cassie wouldn't share that weird kiss (maybe cause they've already tried to date each other as kids and knew that doesn't work for them).
They would either talk each other out of their grief driven plots (cult and cloning) or help each other with it
Cassie would believe Tim over Dick
I don't think she would travel with Tim for the BruceQuest (cause she's got her own shit to do and that's not HER dad), but she would offer him aid whenever he asked. Tim is gone for months. Cassie can't do that, but she'll drop everything to go to him when he calls
They would band together to say "fuck you" to the JL and form that younger hero support system
But yeah. I would kill for a fic where YJ decides to take care of the younger generations because JL can't be trusted to (similar to older siblings raising their younger ones cause their parents are shit).
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haltnook · 3 months
thinking about Tim Drake. Thinking about Tim Drake being mentally ill.
Thinking about Tim Drake being neurodivergent and never getting any support he needed. Thinking about Tim Drake never knowing healthy relationships. Thinking about Tim Drake pushing away all of his loved ones. Thinking about Tim Drake hurting them and not realizing it.
Thinking about Tim Drake becoming a bad person. Thinking about Tim Drake never learning boundaries. Thinking about Tim Drake doing awful things to further his goals. Thinking about Tim Drake not expressing his emotions in healthy ways. Thinking about Tim Drake never learning communication. Thinking about Tim Drake realizing he's not a good person and asking, "when did that happen?".
Thinking about Tim Drake spiraling the moment he's left alone. Thinking about Tim Drake ignoring his own needs. Thinking about Tim Drake ignoring his own pain and thinking everyone does the same. Thinking about Tim Drake not getting help because "he knows better". Thinking about Tim Drake not knowing better. Thinking about Tim Drake being a child. Thinking about Tim Drake having stunted emotional growth, while growing up too fast. Thinking about Tim Drake having above average intelligence, being ahead of his age. Thinking about Tim Drake being behind his peers in emotional maturity.
Thinking about Tim Drake never getting reliable parental figures. Thinking about Tim Drake, a child, handling the unstable adults in his life.
Thinking about Tim Drake finally having people that care about him. Thinking about Tim Drake being hurt by them. Thinking about Tim Drake hurting them.
Thinking about Tim Drake and how his mental state was never healthy. Thinking about it getting worse.
Thinking about Tim Drake being what he was trying to stop. Thinking about him failing. Thinking about him never noticing.
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sadlybeans · 9 months
Batman is dating The Red Hood!?
An AU brought by yours truly (not a ship!)
Apologies in advance for the long post
The Red Hood arrived in Gotham one day to turn the city upside down and create chaos. In just a few months, he had taken over gangs and dealers, killing those who stood in his way.
In another universe, Batman and his associates followed him and fell into a complex trap that would see his revenge fulfilled.
In another universe, Robin would almost die and Batman would be faced with the choice of betraying his morals or lose his son all over again.
In another universe, Jason Todd would never forgive Batman.
This is not that universe.
After a very emotional and difficult confrontation, Bruce and Jason agree to a truce of sorts, parting ways with the understanding that they might never see each other again. There was no Nightwing or Robin involved in said conflict.
They see each other again, across rooftops and in the news.
Maybe one day they happen to work together, and Jason doesn’t say no to a coffee break.
It’s slow, hard work, but slowly it starts working. Bruce tries to look past Jason’s violent actions. Jason tries to hold his rage back as best as he can.
Dick and Tim know something’s up.
Bruce keeps dismissing their concerns over the latest Red Hood news, he’s rearranged their patrols to not go over Crime Alley, where the aforementioned rogue works.
“We have an understanding” he says when they ask.
Batman doesn’t just have an understanding with any rogues.
Maybe there’s something going on?
They’re a little close, aren’t they? Dick doesn’t remember Bruce ever being this close with anyone.
He keeps snacks for him in his belt???
And there’s absolutely no way Red Hood’s tech is the same as theirs….
Oh my god.
Bruce is dating Red Hood
Jason isn’t ready to let anyone know he’s not dead, and though Bruce wishes he could bring him back home, he respects that boundary. It’s already hard enough to think about his death, so not talking about it sort of helps both of them. Still, it doesn’t occur to either of them that not mentioning who Jason is might cause trouble.
Soon the news spread like wildfire, even the JLA thinks there’s something up between them; Batman changed Red Hood’s status from enemy to ally in their files, he hasn’t mentioned anything about him being a threat at all. Last month, everyone noticed when Red Hood appeared in brand new gear with a clear bat on his chest.
They’re definitely flirting, it’s so obvious! B is the least expressive man on Earth and yet!!! He smiled at Red Hood the other day!!! A real smile!!! He laughed at his joke!!! He never laughs at Dick’s jokes!!!
There’s no way Bruce can keep this hidden, they have to make him slip up, but he never talks about their relationship! They’ve tried everything but he doesn’t catch up on the subtlety.
The public has even started thinking they’re together too but nobody dares post any stories on the news because they’re terrified of Red Hood.
They have no idea.
One day Jason’s out shopping for groceries and who does he run into but Dick fucking Grayson and Tim Drake? He panics for a moment but… they don’t recognise him at all. Well, it sort of makes sense? He was only fifteen when he died and his growth spurt didn’t hit until seventeen. Besides, he has that white streak on his hair now, and his eyes are green instead of blue.
They don’t suspect anything. They don’t even react to the name Jason.
It’s a little funny to him that they don’t know who he is so he decides there’s no harm in hanging around them— he did miss Dick, even if he would never say so out loud, and Tim isn’t that awful once you get to know him.
Alright fine, he likes Tim. He’s sort of funny sometimes and he definitely needs supervision, it’s a miracle this idiot hasn’t gotten himself killed.
Ok fine, a trip to the manor won’t be too bad… and he does miss Alfred’s cookies.
There’s definitely something weird. Something is up. Bruce and Jason seem to know each other…
Did Alfred just call him Master Jason?
Oh no.
He is the Red Hood isn’t he?
He’s dating Bruce.
Maybe— maybe he’ll eventually tell them if they’re patient enough and get to know him? He’s a little volatile sometimes but mostly he’s nice and he loves Alfred and he knows how to cook too, Bruce could do so much worse.
They like Jason, Jason can stay. It’s a little disturbing that their father is dating a man closer to Dick’s age but they’re adults, right? And Jason is not a damsel in distress, if Bruce ever does something to break his heart they’ll help him hide the body.
Everything is weird still, but they can live with it.
Jason introduces himself as Jason Wayne one day on a party.
Dick and Tim are so mad that nobody told them they eloped but they can’t exactly call them out on it because they haven’t even admitted they’re in a relationship.
This is fine, they have to tell them eventually.
Wait who is this kid who claims to be B’s son?
Damian is a bit hard to get with and he seems to want to kill both of them in equal parts so they’re sort of scared to let him meet Jason because they like him and don’t want to scare him off but—
Damian knows Jason.
Damian calls Jason baba.
(Damian, of course, knows Jason from the League of Assassins— he raised him when his mother was too busy and told him about the father he had never met)
Who was ever going to tell them they have a son!?
I mean, it’s obvious that Damian is only B’s biologically, but he calls Jason his father too and he spends every other week with Jason so they obviously share custody and he is both their son!!!
(It never crosses their mind to ask why they don’t live together if they’re supposedly married)
Damian thinks Dick and Tim are just insane and weird.
Why would he even suspect they think his father and older brother are married?
The best part?
Bruce and Jason still have no fucking clue everyone thinks they’re a couple.
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scintillyyy · 2 years
dana winters drake is a dysfunctional parent.
and i think it's important that dana's parenting of tim is dysfunctional, because her dysfunctional parenting is meant to be a total contrast to jack's dysfunctional parenting.
now, this doesn't mean she's a bad parent, that's not what i'm saying. when i say dysfunctional, this is truly a completely neutral term based on parenting styles. functional/dysfunctional in this case does not mean good/bad. and i would agree she is a fairly good parental figure to tim throughout tim's robin series, this is not a judgement on her, this is merely a series of observations.
however kindness on its own does not equate to a functional parenting style. it's definitely a significant part of it, but it's not the be all end all.
so to start, we're going to go through a quick overview of the four main parenting styles.
authoritarian parenting: a style of parenting in which there is high demand/low responsiveness. usually uses control or punishment to demand obedience or compliance. usually will not give explanations for rules or decisions. child input is not considered. has greater child abuse potential. a dysfunctional parenting style.
permissive parenting: a style of parenting in which there is low demand/high responsiveness. often no consequences, no limits, no rules. does little to provide guidance on appropriate social behavior. provide a warm and loving environment, but do not set rules or expectations for behaviors. will put a child's emotional needs and happiness above all else. do not want to disappoint child. is also considered a dysfunctional parenting style, and i'd argue can also be abusive when taken to the extreme.
authoritative parenting: the holy grail of parenting. high demand/high responsiveness. provides a warm and nurturing environment, while still enforcing rules and boundaries. will listen and take input from child and will explain reasoning behind expectations. acknowledge that child may not agree with them at all times and will allow them to express that.
uninvolved parenting: low demand/low responsiveness. does not provide expectations for behaviors, emotions, or needs of the child. has no expectations for social or academic behavior. does not support child's emotional state.
fyi, the last one is not the drakes, i am prepared to fight on that, they were absent, not uninvolved, etc, etc they might not have been physically present but there were expectations for academics and behavior.
anyways, back to dana. from the very first time that she and jack handle a tim-conflict together, she's presented as a textbook permissive style parent.
i'm of course talking about Robin Vol 2 #25, chuck's very racist, very special episode of the dangers of inner city youth (who just happen to be not white, it's a total coincidence, he swears 🙄) coming into our nice suburban schools with their guns and their gang violence.
and we get this argument, which i thinks highlights the dana's parenting style perfectly.
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(as a side note, this is where i also get the impression that the writers really don't see much of a problem with jack's style parenting for as much as they use it as a source of conflict for tim. why is jack the one advocating for the correct way to handle this situation?? why is dana the one who's so laissez-faire about this whole thing?? because in the end, it was the wrong decision to not go to the police. like, this is already a very special episode and idk it just reads as a rebuke of parenting that listens to kids because it's kind of like chuck wagging a finger going see!! this is what happens when you just do what your kids want!! you need to listen to your parents, parents know best!!)
now dana's being nice and supportive of tim, she's on his side against jack. so why is this dysfunctional? well, dana completely over-prioritizes tim's emotions in this case. she doesn't want him to have to do the hard thing, because it would make him feel bad (like "a rat"), and this is something that is largely detrimental to kids if you do this.
our second example is the blow up after ariana tries to seduce tim. vari dzerchenko calls jack to inform him about the situation, causing jack to come home early from his trip. jack yells at tim and grounds him over what he was told, sends tim to his room without even hearing out his side of the story. dana comes in to tell him that he's doing fine and he's a good kid.
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now, this is very, very nice of dana. and we as readers know that she's got it right. and look at how kind she is! she listens to his side of the story! tim is a good kid! he's doing the best he can! she's the parent any teenager would want!
but is it an example functional authoritative parenting? i'm going to push back and say, honestly, no. this is still overly permissive parenting (based on our definitions) on her part. because lets look at the information available to jack and dana: all they know at this point is what uncle vari called and told jack. and we're not privy to that conversation, but my guess is vari was still in a rage over the whole thing. vari most likely still well and truly believed that tim is the one who was pressuring ari into taking the next step instead of vice versa and that is probably what he told jack! so jack's reponse to this to get angry and refuse to listen to tim out. dana's response is to hear tim out and then be like "oh yes, of course you wouldn't do anything wrong lemme see if i can get your unreasonable and cluessless dad to understand". (and i'd argue that this is another example of bias towards jack's parenting because is it really so unreasonable to get upset at your son if someone calls you and tells you he was trying to pressure their daughter into having sex? i'm just fascinated by this phenomenon) it's warm and loving, and focuses on tim's feelings, but there's no boundaries set, there's no discussion of expectations of behavior. and this is a situation where a functional parent would need to balance what they were told by the other parent versus what the child is telling them because of how delicate it is. at the very least, the parent would need to tell the child exactly what they were told by the other parent and compare it to what the child is saying, and have a very frank discussion with them on all of different factors that are at play here, fully explaining the parent's side versus the child's side and what everything means and perception and how situations look and understanding and explaining why the other parent is mad.
so yea, anyways, this is actually dysfunctional parenting on her part to a tee. it's kind parenting, for sure. but what is she really doing here other than just hearing him out and then assuming he's completely in the right and uncle vari is wrong about what he saw because tim is a Good Kid who would never do anything like that. she's not setting any boundaries or expectations when this is absolutely a situation that calls for it (she doesn't see a need to, in her mind, tim doesn't need them because he'll absolutely continue to do the right thing, no parental guidance necessary), and her whole point of "You're doing fine, you're more worried about her than you" is fundamentally wrong! tim would 100% narc out ariana (and wanted to so he wouldn't be in trouble!). dana has major blinders on when it comes to tim's behavior, which is why her parenting is ultimately dysfunctional because in order to functionally parent you do have to have a base understanding that no, your child is not perfect and can be in the wrong sometimes and it's your job as a parent to navigate that to help your child become their best self.
our third and final example here is when jack finds out that tim has been lying to them for a couple of years now about, well, everything. jack is in a rage, tearing through his son's room. dana thinks they should let things slide and respect his privacy because tim is a good kid who can do no wrong (and blames stephanie but that's part of my essay on, no dana is not perfect she actually has a lot of interesting flaws)
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so this is where i'm going to get real controversial and talk about teenage privacy and reasonable expectation of privacy.
so i'm going to start by laying out my personal feelings, just so we're clear: i fully support and agree with the teenager's basic right to privacy. i think it's very important that they have it. i think that as a whole, parents should trust their kids and that kids deserve the basic expectation that they can trust that their parents won't secretly be spying on their every move so they can safely explore. and i believe that functional parenting will create a culture of trust thay will allow the teenager to feel safe with coming to the parent as needed.
that being said, nothing in parenting is always black or white. there are always exceptions. and even the most functional parents raise kids who will lie to them and hide things from them and get into trouble or in over their head and not want to tell their parents, it's part of being a teenager even if they have the best parents that they do trust a lot, because part of being a teenager is not necessarily seeing the big picture, not wanting to get in trouble, not wanting to disappoint your parents if you do love them.
and part of being a parent (ideally) is that they have an obligation to keep their child safe above all else. so the child's right to privacy can and should be superseded in extenuating circumstances and those circumstances are as follows:
do you believe your child is in danger?
do you believe that your child is at risk of harming themselves or others?
now, yes. there are some dysfunctional parents who will use these exceptions abusively due to bigoted beliefs (believing sexual orientation is a danger, for example, as an excuse to invade their children's privacy - it's not, fyi), but this isn't about that, that another can of worms I am not touching. this is about a situation where even a functional, authoritative, kind parent would break their child's right to privacy due to the parent's obligation to keep their child safe from harm.
and let me make this clear, this is very much one of those situations. jack and dana have just found out that tim has been lying to them about football camp, about where he's been, about his injuries. and honestly? by all accounts tim is definitely in danger, and he's been lying about it for a long time and there is no way they can reasonably at this point that if they ask him politely he will suddenly be truthful. neither jack or dana are handling it well. jack for obvious reasons, dana...because she doesn't see an issue at all.
her entire argument hinges on the idea that tim is a good kid they can trust and it has just been proven to her that this is absolutely untrue. her blind belief that despite evidence to the contrary, tim can do no wrong? that it's not him, it's some girl being a bad influence because he wouldn't possible do that? like. this isn't normal teenage lying, like sneaking out once and getting drunk. this is years of lies (and injuries!) they're working with. and her insistence that he doesn't need consequences and in fact should be rewarded by making his favorite lasagna because, well he lied but that's okay he's just a teenager who is an innocent lamb, they tore his room apart so they need his forgiveness. way too permissive. so dysfunctionally permissive.
now, i am not defending jack's abusive ass here. he's in the wrong as well. a functional parent would absolutely be taking a hard look at all the incosistencies, because to just ignore lying of this scale and assume it's not a big deal, just teenager things, would be a absolute dereliction of duty as a parent. and they would acknowledge that yes, this is a very big thing that needs to have some form of consequences, they would just do it with the child, not at the child. but that's my point!! neither dana nor jack are handling parenting tim functionally.
so this is what i mean when i say that dana is also a dysfunctional parent. she focuses too much on tim's feelings and emotional state versus setting boundaries and expectations for him. and you know? she needs to be this way. it contrasts jack's parenting perfectly and if she wasn't, tim wouldn't have been able to keep being robin for as long as he did. that's the point.
and again. this isn't a judgement on her, or to say she's the worst parent in the world. honestly, i think overall she's a pretty decent step-parent and the fact that she's a step-parent is a large part of why she is as permissive as she is (she says several times she doesn't want to overstep her bounds). would she be more functional if tim was her biological child or she entered the family when he was younger? honestly, idk. a pretty key part of her is her intrinsic belief that her child can do no wrong. and honestly i think she's way more interesting when you do acknowledge the overall dysfunction of her parenting style, especially in contrast to jack.
anyways tim has 0 functional parents, he needs 0 functional parents for the purpose of the narrative, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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spookyprime · 1 year
Not over how cute clone baby is. What's their name!
Tim is notoriously bad at naming things so I think the kid just goes unnamed for a few months. Tim just refers to him as Baby. And like- thats...fine and all but you can't do that forever. Because Bruce is the one who probably has to falsify a birth certificate and all the records and also he looooves overstepping boundaries I do think he'd be the one to actually name the kid. But he's still a sentimental guy and he *knows* tim. So- probably the first name after Conner since it is a clone of kon. Something like Caleb or Colin or Conrad. There's a future version where Tim had a kid named after Janet so probably Jackson for the middle name. And then drake-wayne. So like....Caleb Jackson Drake. Tim thinks it's very funny they have the same middle name but also he was going to go the rest of his life calling this kid Baby so he has no room to talk.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
the lone wolf and the big bad red hood
by lettuce_mouth A lonely werewolf meets a vengeful hunter. They go home together and make lots of cookies, displaying a happy, healthy, and mutually respectful partnership to local bewildered vigilantes. OR, Jason Todd and Hawthorne Potter make a powerful couple. By powerful I mean considerate, empathetic, genuine, and attentive. Their separate and combined ability to kick ass is irrelevant, though very much present. (No bashing.) Words: 5455, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Harry Potter, Jason Todd, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Red Hood's Henchmen (DCU), Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Amos Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Talia al Ghul Relationships: Harry Potter/Jason Todd Additional Tags: Female Harry Potter, Werewolf Harry Potter, Harry Potter Leaves the Wizarding World, Werewolf Discrimination, Alternative Werewolf Lore, Soulmates, Trope Subversion/Inversion, Soft Jason Todd, Soft Harry Potter, Healthy Relationships, Mutual love and respect, Communication, Boundaries, Meet the Family, POV Outsider, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Jason Todd, Cooking, Indian Potter Family (Harry Potter), Afro-Latino Jason Todd, Confused Batfamily (DCU), Dick Grayson Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling, Good Older Sibling Barbara Gordon, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Bruce Wayne Tries, Duke Thomas is a Batfamily Member, Jason Todd and Damian Wayne Meet in the League of Assassins, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Cassandra Cain is Not Perfect, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, Paranoid Batfamily (DCU), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, Family Dynamics, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Good Siblings Batfamily (DCU), No Bashing, Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Romance, Happy Ending, happy middle and beginning too, but also some, Angst and Feels, Family Drama, Misunderstandings, Lack of Communication, not between my precious pairing tho, im so sick of that trope, Wish Fulfillment via https://ift.tt/Je9zXfA
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boldlyanxious · 2 years
Seeing Double
Part 6
Part 5
Marinette was busy making notes as people arrived. She wanted to do well with this. It actually calmed her. The more people showed up and she focused more on what they were wearing the less she was nervous about her personal issues. It probably helped that the Waynes had not shown up yet. She had gotten a couple questions, which she had ignored, but she suspected that there would be many more interested in her once Dick showed up. A few of them were asking about her own dress too, which was awkward. She got a look when she said that she had made it herself. The decision to send her was made so quickly that she hadn’t really had an opportunity to shop for something suitable. She just used what she already had and hoped that no one would be looking too closely at her.
A rush of enthusiasm moved through the crowd as the Waynes arrived. Cameras were lined up all the way down the rope line with questions being shouted. Marinette focused on her work and mostly recorded the statements; she was far too nervous to come up with her own questions. The Waynes smiled and waved, standing against the backdrop to get their picture taken one at a time giving very basic answers but no actual information. The real work would be later when everyone was inside and moving around. The press would be invited in to continue asking questions without shouting them across a rope boundary. It was really awkward when a number of the cameras turned to her as Dick Grayson had his moment in the spotlight. It was even worse since he seemed to be focused on her as well. She tried to ignore it but that feeling in the pit of her stomach returned. She was relieved when the next Wayne moved forward to get him to move along. He would move down the path and out of sight and she could focus on her work.
She made her notes quickly as Tim Drake did not seem interested in sticking around and another even younger one tried to rush by without stopping. The crowd was shouting questions and Mariniette was working as fast as she could when a hand appeared in front of her. She looked up to see Dick Grayson reaching out his hand to her, smiling before she was blinded by the cameras. Everyone would be watching and writing about what she did. She had no choice but to accept. It was why they sent her but she really wished that everyone wasn’t watching.
“Would you like to join me?” he asked when she hesitated.
She kept herself from reacting. She definitely didn't want her reaction to be the story. Slipping her tablet in her bag, she walked through when he moved the rope to allow her to cross. The crowd was buzzing wildly but she couldn’t hear anything above the buzzing in her ears. She was painfully aware of all the eyes on her and the cameras flashing as she tucked her hand through his offered arm. He presented her to the crowd briefly before heading in after a couple of girls, one of whom she thought might have been his sister. With any luck this would get her the exclusive access and it wouldn’t matter that she was supposed to be here to get information about the fashion. She had a brief thought that she might make it into the fashion reporting and that her snow and Nightwing inspired dress with dark blue and black lace would look like she had planned to match him since he was wearing the same colors.
He had barely cared what the PR team had said. He was pretty sure they wanted him to avoid her and any additional bad press. Just to let her fade and preferably find someone to be near enough tonight and dance so he would seem to be moving on. But that was never his plan. As soon as he heard she was going to be here, he knew that he would take the opportunity to find her. He had not expected it to be when going in but she looked so stunning he couldn’t help himself. He knew they would look stunning together and he wanted to make sure there were pictures. Still, he was surprised when she agreed to join him. He hoped that meant she felt better about him. It was probably better when she wasn’t alone with the children and still recovering from her injuries.
Bruce came over to him immediately when he saw them enter. He was clearly presenting Brucie but Dick could see the strain of him not dragging him out immediately to explain himself. He almost smirked but he remembered Marinette was with him and might not appreciate that when she made a little gasp. He sometimes forgot how other people reacted to meeting the Waynes. He was used to it in general but he felt so at ease with Marinette he almost forgot that this was all new to her. He nodded at Bruce but then turned away from him to Marinette.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked.
“No one else is dancing,” she said. “What if people stare or ask questions?”
He looked down at her for a moment before he responded, “Someone has to start the dancing. It may as well be us. But as lovely as you look, people will be staring at you all night.”
Dick had gotten pulled away so Marinette moved carefully until she was out of his field of vision. She gave a little wave to Lois who was talking with Bruce Wayne and they moved towards the dance floor as the next song played. Marinette inched towards the exit of the ballroom. She needed a break from the attention. She was supposed to be here for work and they wanted her to get close to get some information on the Waynes but as it was she was only talking to one man and he didn’t seem to want to let her out of his sight. Instead of getting information there were people constantly asking questions about the two of them and assuming they had some deep romantic past. Marinette didn't want to have any association with him. The risk was too great for her and her children.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she made it through the door. She stopped herself from glancing back as if she were being followed. She had seen the man just a moment before and he was in a conversation. She moved down the hall away from the crowd. Focus would be required if she were to get a scoop that would help her maintain the level of the job. She may not have gotten the opportunity by merit or seniority but she could use the bad circumstance to get better job tasks in the future. She ended up down the hall. She was pretty sure she was not supposed to be here. The room was dark but she needed the silence. It was soothing.
She would just stay here a moment and then return.
Dick had to work to get away. Bruce was watching him carefully so he had to be sneaky about it. He was definitely going to hear about him bringing Marinette instead of avoiding her. He could see one from the PR team looking around now. Probably trying to catch him and tell him how to handle the situation now that he was seen with Marinette. He probably caused them all a lot of work. But he didn’t care right now. He had seen Marinette slip out and if he worked fast he could find her and go someplace private to talk to her.
With a break in the conversation, Dick turned away from everyone and made a beeline for the door. The PR person was trying to cut across to meet him on the way but he pretended not to see. He was out the door before they were in polite range to call out to him so he had plausible deniability as far as doing whatever he wanted to talk to Marinette. He looked in all the rooms he passed. The bathroom door was held open for a moment while he passed by and he was able to see that she was not in sight in there. She could still be in there but he suspected she was not. He checked all the spaces that were open for the event.
She wasn’t there. Maybe she had left. He walked further down the hall before turning back. He would just have to find another opportunity. He turned to head back when he saw her exit a room just ahead. She froze when she saw him. He guessed it was because she wasn’t supposed to be in there. He was just happy that she appeared to have been in there alone and didn’t need to fix her hair or lipstick.
“I was hoping I could find you,” he said.
“I didn’t mess with anything in there. I only sat for a moment,” Marinette said.
“I’m sure that is fine. I would like to sit with you for a moment,” Dick responded, herding her back into the empty room.
He guided her to a bench and sat near her. It was still dark in the room with just the moonlight shining through the glass door that led to a balcony. He reached for her hand without thinking but immediately realized how tense she was.
“I’m very sorry, Mr. Grayson, you have been very kind but I must get back to my work,” she stood to leave.
Dick jumped up to follow her. Getting her to stay was his only thought and she didn’t have any ice cream with her this time. He reached out for her quickly and pulled her back towards him. It was not how he imagined it but it was his best opportunity so far without a guarantee of another one. He kept his arms loose so she would feel less trapped, unfortunately she did not react well anyway. She threw her elbow back into his gut and then turned to shove him away before rushing out the door. Dick grunted, trying to catch his breath before he moved after her. Just as he came out of the room Jason came up to him.
“I’ve been looking for you,” Jason said. “What are you doing in there alone in the dark or do you have some mystery woman hiding in there waiting to sneak out?”
“What do you need?” Dick asked, wanting only to locate Marinette.
“Babs was looking for you,” Jason said.
Dick held in his groan but just barely at the code phrase to go become Nightwing. He looked down the hall one more time but couldn’t see Marinette. He moved to the room in the building where they had stashed their gear so their alternate identities could make an appearance at the inevitable appearance of a rogue. He wasn’t sure why they kept hosting events like this but the security was better in this building, They had built it that way on purpose to help with attacks. He moved on to get changed but looked back to see that Jason had entered the dark room. Dick wasn’t worried; there was nothing to see in there. Jason apparently agreed because a moment later he had quickly caught up with him.
Marinette rushed back to the gala. It actually really seemed to help her That she had been seen with Dick, possibly the pictures too. She didn��t catch any of the Waynes but she was getting a lot of answers from other people there who were interested in being involved with the same things the Waynes were. They saw her as a novelty and she wasn’t about to tell them that it hadn’t actually helped her get anything from them. The appearance of attention an in from the Waynes was enough to get her details that should help her tonight. She made it through the entire crowd. Not everyone was very sharing but she definitely got enough to make some observations and she would likely continue getting sent for events like this. The photographer was relaxing and Clark and Lois were dancing. Even some of the other journalists were enjoying the party rather than working.
Someone stopped her and asked her to dance but she didn’t feel like doing any more spinning. She had danced before but had quickly decided that it was not the best idea in her current state. Since she was in Gotham and the time of night was right, she was hoping she could get to a quiet spot on the terrace and find Nightwing. She didn’t know any other way to find him. She had checked the news feed and the local vigilantes were spotted at a burglary nearby. There was not a better time for it. Hopefully he would be headed away from that and with any luck he would see her and decide to stop by. She was a lot more nervous than she anticipated. She had avoided any of the drinks but she did take one glass of champagne to help take the edge off. It wasn’t strictly forbidden by the doctor even if they had strongly recommended against it.
The night was much cooler. The terrace was pretty high up so she could see the skyline all around. There were a few other taller buildings but this one was among the tallest. There was a glow from Wayne enterprises building a few blocks away that gave some light that reflected off the sequins on her dress. She could see the first few flakes of snow start to fall. It felt right in that moment and she saw a few forms move along the buildings. She hadn’t thought about how to get him over to her. She was about to call out and hope that he was the one who heard her but then they all disappeared from view. She watched for a moment but they didn’t seem to reappear.
She didn’t want to hope for crime but seeing him out was the only way she knew to get ahold of him. She turned back to head inside away from the cold when she heard a noise behind her. She turned and there he was looking just as great as she had remembered. Possibly even more handsome even.
“Marinette,” he said. “It’s so cold. You should be inside.”
“It is. But I heard you were nearby and I was hoping to see you.”
He reached out and touched her cheek. She closed her eyes at the contact and stepped closer. She hadn’t intended to try anything with him but when his hands went to her arms she moved in to greet him with a kiss. It was clearly the wrong move. He wasn’t trying to embrace her at all. He pulled her shawl closer around her and turned her towards the door, nudging her along to get her inside.
“You are not dressed for this. If I remember correctly you don’t do well with the cold winters here.”
“Last time I had problems with the Gotham winters, you were there to keep me warm.”
It was too far. He definitely flushed a bit at that. She had turned back to see him but he was only focused on getting her inside. She turned to go in and stepped out of the doorway but instead of coming into the quiet room with her, he closed the door to the terrace and went off into the night. It was fitting that some of the city lights turned down at that time. They were to light up the roofs when the vigilantes were out but now they were gone. Marinette was left alone and cold. He hadn’t wanted to see her. He had probably moved on and had someone else now. Maybe it hadn’t meant anything to him. They both had known that it was a fling that couldn’t last at the time. Nothing had changed about her life but she still felt a sinking feeling. She needed to get home now.
Nightwing was headed back to the gala and hoping to change quickly and find Marinette again when he saw her outside. It would have been the perfect moment. It was dark and quiet. No one would be able to see them. She turned to him and he could see her shiver, goosebumps covered her skin. She was clearly cold but she was there and looking for him. It was one thing with 2 consequences that happened. Batman started talking to him on the comms when he heard Nightwing say her name. The work tonight had not gone very smoothly because no one was following the same plan. Batman said it was because no one was listening to him and had decided that since Dick was ignoring his instructions about Marinette that it was probably all his fault.
Damian and Cass would not be returning to the gala and they had all been missing for longer than expected. Dick was expected to get back as quickly as possible before any questions were raised about why all of them had disappeared. It was for the best really. He could feel the cold on Marinette through his gloves. He wanted to pull her to him and hold her until she was warm. But if he held her now he would never let go. If he moved to kiss her, he didn’t think he would stop. With the disappointed voice in his ear, he knew that he definitely didn’t want to have their big revelation on the comms for the whole family to hear. He pushed until she was inside and then rushed away to be Dick Grayson again. He needed to hurry so he could find her.
@toodaloo-kangaroo | @iloontjeboontje | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @izanae | @kittenmywaythrulife | @folk-ever-lore | @jayjayspixiepop | @achaoticmess1 | @adrestar | @zynna | @jeminiikrystal | @manapeer
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Consequences For All the Stupid Things I Sa
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uHTylIb
by Samsamiam
Date: July 30th 12:04 pm
Subject: Re: Damian’s Education Tim What do you mean by your previous email? Bruce . . . Or Tim Drakes boundaries are growing stronger
Words: 1780, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Tim Drake Learns to Set Boundries
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Background & Cameo Characters, Cassandra Cain, Bart Allen
Relationships: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, Texting, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Tim Drake-centric, Protective Tim Drake, Good Sibling Dick Grayson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uHTylIb
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It's the SECOND DAY of the brudick summer exchange! See the NEW brudick fanworks below!
Morning Kisses for Anoonie
Summary: Talia makes sure each of her boys gets a kiss in the morning.
Tags: Coparenting, Polyamory, Domestic Fluff, Triad, Fanart, Sleepy Cuddles, Baby Damian Wayne
A God I Don't Believe In for withthekeyisking
Summary: Ever since he heard about Jason's forced unnatural return to the surface Dick found his resentment towards Bruce growing. That was what had restarted this tenuous relationship between him and Bruce, previously calmed down due to Jason's intervention. Dick was insistent on going to the surface, to save Jason. Bruce - God of the Underworld - insisted that he was absolutely forbidden to.
Dick, faced with shades his father has plotted against him in multiple layers of the underworld, seeking help from the Gods of Olympus, finds himself falling to the Styx multiple times. Will Dick Grayson finally manage to find his way to the surface no matter the infinite obstacles in his way?
Tags: Alternate Universe - Hades (Video Game) Fusion, Arguing, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Resurrected Jason Todd, Dick Grayson-centric, Bruce Wayne is not Batman, Angst, Dick Grayson leaves Bruce Wayne, Overprotective Bruce Wayne, Action
Smell As Sweet for LostDiamondSoul
Summary: "Haven't you had enough? Don't you just want to go apeshit?" Or, Dick smells nice to alphas, but proves omegas are not to be trifled with.
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omegaverse, Omega Dick Grayson, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Alpha Bane, Alpha Jason Todd, Alpha Tim Drake, BAMF Dick Grayson
You Bought My Boundaries for awhispycloud
Summary: "Getting in touch with you shouldn’t be like pulling teeth.” Bruce nodded. “Spoken like a man who knows what he wants after all.” The praise was subtle, but it fell on Dick like warm sun all the same.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Sugar Daddy Bruce Wayne, First time with a man, Angst with a Happy Ending, Gentle Sex, Body Worship, Power Dynamics, Praise Kink, Orgasm Delay, Bruce Wayne is bad at feelings, Dick Grayson has Issues, Bruce's Love Language is Gift Giving, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Bruce Wayne Gives Oral Sex, Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Chis O'Donnell as Nightwing, Val Kilmer as Batman, Post-Movie: Batman Forever (1995)
take what you want for miajackswild
Summary: Bruce has wanted Dick from the moment they met.
Tags: Dubious Consent, Consensual Underage Sex, Rimming, Intercrural Sex, Loss of Virginity, Overstimulation, Praise Kiunk, is it really a brudick fic without a praise kink, Fic Exchange
Proper Education for loveinblood
Summary: Dick doesn’t realize how lucky he is. Bruce didn’t have anyone around to teach him these things; Cruel fate had taken his parents from him not long before they would have. Right before he became the age Dick is now.
Tags: Underage Sex, Grooming, Past Sexual Abuse, Dark, unresolved trauma, Power Imbalance, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Dubious Consent, Overstimulation, First Time, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Come Eating, Age Difference, Hurt No Comfort, Dark Bruce Wayne, brudick exchange
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teantoxin · 11 months
🫧About Me🫧
My name is Miranda, and I use they/them pronouns (she/her are alright but not preferred). I am a 23 year old artist from the US. I am bisexual and non-binary (incase you'd like queer moots c:). I have migrated from twitter's platform.
While I am very active in the Stranger Things fandom, I also enjoy several others. So if you're a moot from twitter, fair warning you'll see other subjects too.
I typically do not write or draw things that are NSFW/MDNI, however if I do it will be marked with that tag in large print first. **I will reblog MDNI/NSFW/18+ Content, so please be aware of anything I reblog, if I don't see a tag on it claiming it is mature, I will try to add one before reposting(i.e with a caption added while reblogging, not uploading it as my own!!). It can be really intense content/written work sometimes, so please keep yourself safe, first and foremost.
I also really love ships/fanfic (why I'm here lol). That includes topics like: same sex couples, couples that are transgender, any ship that explores gender as a topic, interacial couples, kink exploration, and sometimes toxic ships (Like Robin and Carol from Stranger Things). I don't post art on the account connected to twitter but if I decide to, I will post art exploring similar themes. If these topics bother you, don't follow. (I don't want people who are transphobic/homophobic/racist/antisemitic/xenophobic/sexist following me)
Fandoms included but are not limited to:
-Stranger Things *Characters that are most prominent (Steve Harrington;Robin Buckely; Eddie Munson; Wayne Munson; Dustin Henderson; Erica Sinclair; Lucas Sinclair; Max Mayfield; Jim Hopper; Joyce Byers; Will Byers; Jonathan Byers; Nancy Wheeler)
-Marvel Comics/MCU *Characters that are most prominent (Daredevil; Matt Murdock; Foggy Nelson; Elektra Natchios; Moon Knight; Mr. Knight; Steven Grant; Marc Spector; Jake Lockley; Iron Man; Tony Stark; Venom; Eddie Brock;Spider-Man; Pick who is behind the mask, I like most of them lmao)
-DC Comics/ DCEU *Characters that are most prominent (Jason Todd; Red Hood; Tim Drake; Batman; Bruce Wayne; Nightwing; Dick Grayson; Bane; Court of Owls; League of Assassins; Roy Harper; Arsenal; Alfred Pennyworth; Green Arrow; Oliver Queen; Catwoman; Selina Kyle; Posion Ivy)
-Watcher/Buzzfeed Unsolved/The Hot Daga
-Star Wars *Featured Media (Clone Wars/Andor/The Mandalorian/Episodes 1-9/Rebels/Visions/Bad Batch)
*I try to avoid talking about the actors themselves to avoid intense parasocial relationships. That being said, I'm sure I'll reblog a picture of Joe Keery or get excited over Oscar Issac's new project. It's a boundary I have to keep it limited for myself, doesn't mean I'm not a fan too ;) *
Twitter: @TeaNtoxin
Ao3: @TeaNToxin
*Most of my socials are under that tag*
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 years
Roy Harper when his Future child comes to the Present
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Dick Grayson Ver. | Jason Todd Ver. | Tim Drake Ver. | Damian Wayne Ver.  | Bruce Wayne Ver.
Conner Kent Ver. | Wally West Ver.| Artemis Crock Ver.
A/N: And by very very VERY popular demand, I give you Roy Harper! I really really REALLY loved the storyline for this one so I really hope you enjoy it!
You and Roy were introduced through Jason
You were with Jason and Starfire when you went to rescue Roy from Qurac
And together, the four of you formed the Outlaws
Your and Roy's relationship had been through thick and thin
You went from Jason's mutual friends
To plain acquaintances
To friends but you weren't close enough to nag or judge him for his terrible life decisions
To friends but you could nag him, but you still had boundaries
To friends who could literally be considered as married
Like legit those weird friends that could go to the bathroom while the other one would be showering
The type of friends that would cuddle with each other
Or sleep in the same bed because they feel lonely
Or hold each other because they just needed to be held
Or kiss and make out and have sex
Those kinds of friends
But even though your friendship was built over a volcano that could erupt any second
You still had a strong foundation
And you had been through a lot of shit together
Even though Jason was the one that introduced the both of you
You ended up being closer to Roy than Jason ever dreamed of getting with you
So much so that Jason calls him your Royfriend
haha play on words
Remember how I said your relationship was a volcano just waiting to explode and kill several neighbouring towns?
Well, that explosion came in the form of Jade Nguyen
Or Cheshire
Or the mother of Roy's child
What the fuck?
So, while you were seeking comfort and intimacy and security in Roy
He had been doing the same with Jade
And they had a daughter together
Even though you both weren't official
It broke your heart, and you were devastated
You couldn't bear to watch Roy with his daughter after Jade left her to him
It was too painful to think that you didn't mean as much to him as he did to you
So, you told Jason that you were quitting
And one night you took off
Without telling Roy anything
When he found out, he'll admit he was a little blindsided
But he couldn't blame you
He had known he was the bad guy in this situation
Because he knew about your feelings toward him
And to be honest, he might have felt the same way
But he was afraid to fall for someone
The intensity of his feelings scared him
Everything in his life always went so wrong
And things with you were so good the way they were
Sleeping with Jade was something he didn't expect
It was stupid and it was a mistake
And he did regret it happening at all
But regardless, he had a daughter
And he chose to love her dearly, to raise her well and healthy
Unlike the way he grew up
He wanted to find you and apologize
To get on his knees and beg for forgiveness
But he knew that you deserved better than that
I mean, really
What was he expecting?
That he'd find you and ask to raise someone else's child along with him?
The same person who he slept with despite having feelings for you?
You deserved way better than that
And that's what you believed too while you tried to forget what Roy's kisses felt like
How safe and loved you felt in his arms
How if you forgot the world for a second, you actually felt happy with him
But it was all fake, it wasn't real
Because you were the only one who felt that way
You were either a burden to him, or he was using you
And you didn't want to spend one more moment lamenting over him
And that's exactly what you plan to do
Until one day someone appears at your apartment
"Hi, can I help you?"
"Hey, mom."
"Um, wrong number."
You replied immediately before you slammed the door in her face
The knocking on the door and the ringing of the bell persisted until you opened the door again
"Okay that was a stupid opening, alright. I mean it was super sentimental and wholesome from my side. But it might have been super confusing and weird on your end."
"I'm this close to closing the door again."
"Let me introduce myself. I'm Lian Harper."
You outright laughed at her standing so confidently in front of you, pretending to be your friend's daughter like she didn't know Lian was still an infant
"Yeah, because you're definitely an infant who can't stand let alone get across the country."
"I'm Lian Harper. From 12 years in the future." She said, fishing for something in her pocket and for a second you thought it was a gun before she revealed a ring
You stopped in your tracks
That ring...
It was a family heirloom that you inherited
You glared at her, snatching the ring from her hands
"Stay. Right. Here!"
You went to check where you had hidden the ring
And there it was right where you had left it
Identical to the scratches that were left on the surface from when you used to wear it out in the field
Which meant that she was really from the future
Or had amazing forgery skills
When you opened the door again, she was smiling expectantly at you
"I don't know what the hell you want from me, but I suggest you get lost before I make you regret it."
She frowned, "Trust issues much, mom? How much proof do you want from me?"
You leaned against the doorframe, crossing your arms, "Considering you call me mom makes me suspect that you have no idea what character you're supposed to be playing."
"Or maybe I call you mom because you raised me?"
You raised a brow at her, "What the hell are you saying?"
"Look, I don't know what's going on either. I was in a fight with one of the lanterns and I woke up 12 years in the past and I remember one of your safehouses were here, so I came here to camp out until I found something but instead found you."
She was sticking to her story very vehemently, and you were compelled to believe her
You spend the night talking, trying to wrap your head around all of this
"So, I get married to your father and raise you along with Roy, is that right?"
"What about your mother?"
"Who cares about her?"
This really shouldn't have surprised you
Considering you've seen A LOT of bad parental relationships
It would have been more surprising if she said that she was in a fully functioning and healthy relationship with her mother
But still, you felt sorry for her
And to be honest, the fact that you would inevitably be put in the middle of their family issues made you uncomfortable
You didn't want to be the reason their family didn't work out
Jade, Roy and Lian deserved a chance to have a happy family
Lian was stubborn though
She kept insisting that she didn't need Jade
But she was also young
You remember thinking the same at that age
But sorting out their relationship would probably benefit her in the long run
For some reason, you felt compelled to reunite her with her mother
Or set their relationship straight from the start
So right before she falls asleep in your bed
You tell her that you both are heading for Roy's place tomorrow to sort this out and try and find out how to send her home
Before going to sleep on the couch
To say Roy was surprised when you come knocking on the door with a girl that looks like a younger Jade is an understatement
He didn't believe Lian at first
But after listening to both you and her, he conceded
The three of you were standing in his living room when you heard a cry from the baby chair where little Lian was sitting
Lian grinned brightly at her younger self
"Man, I was so cute! Enjoy this time younger me, it gets real shitty when you grow up."
"Language." Roy chastised without skipping a beat and you hid a smile at it
He was such a dad
You'll admit you had doubts
But he was really pulling himself together for the sake of his daughter
Together, the three of you try to decide how to go about getting Lian back to her own time
She tells Roy all about her life in the future
And honestly just hearing her makes him feel so happy
This whole thing caught him off guard and he was never sure if he ever even wanted to be a father
He was going through his own shit before Lian came
And he was just grasping at straws when it came to this whole father thing
But she didn't seem like she hated him
She was healthy and happy
And Roy's heart had never felt so light before
All the things that were bothering him
Like whether he'd be a good father
Or whether you'd ever forgive him and come back to him
Those things seemed to go well
And he couldn't be more grateful for it
After a while though
When Lian is preoccupied with something
You pull Roy out into the hallway
To try and convince him to somehow bring Jade back into Lian's life
And how the three of them deserved to be a family
You were honestly just trying to do what you thought was best for Lian and Roy and even Jade
You didn't want to make them uncomfortable and try and fit you in their family
After all they've been through, Roy at least deserved a good family
All you wanted was their happiness
Even if it meant at your expense
But all Roy heard was that you didn't want to be part of this family
You didn't want to be put into this uncomfortable situation
You didn't want to raise Lian along with him
You didn't want to be in a relationship with him
And why should he blame you?
He shouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to be with someone who made less mistakes than him
Who was more open than him
Who was gentler and kinder and better than him
You deserved that
"I'll try and convince Jade to stay so we can be a family."
Even though both your hearts were breaking in your chest
Little did you know a third heart was cracking right as they heard you say it
The door slammed open and there stood Lian with the most betrayed expression she could muster
Her eyes were filled with tears
"I don't want Jade to come back! She chose to leave us! This was her choice!"
"Lian, I know how you feel now but if we get Jade back then we can nip this at the bud, you three can be a family."
"I already have a family! A happy one, with you and dad! I don't want her back in my life! I don't want her to ruin the family that I have!"
"Lian....she's your mother." You tried to convince
"Why are you so fixated on that?!! Yes, she is my mother, but you were the woman I ran to whenever I needed mom!"
Your eyes clouded with tears
This whole time you thought that you shouldn't be in between them
That they deserved to be a family without you
That you were just someone that Roy and Lian would settle for in Jade's absence
But she was here, and she was telling you that she just wanted you
She had a chance to choose Jade instead
But she still wanted you
And you had a place in this family
You weren't just kidding yourself
You actually had a place that mattered and a family that loved you
"Mom, please don't leave me." She whimpered out, wiping her tears and you were crying before you knew it
You hugged her so tightly and that harsh clenching of your chest ceased
It finally felt like everything would be okay
"I won't. I won't leave you. It's okay, mommy's here." You whispered into her hair, holding onto her as tightly as you could
Roy joined into the hug when you grabbed his arm
And the three of you together in the hallway hugged each other tightly
Like it was real
Like you were a family
Eventually, Lian cried so much that she tired herself out
And Roy carried her back to bed
When he came back out, you were tending to baby Lian who was just about to fall asleep as well
And Roy just took a moment to gaze at you
With his daughter in your arms as you rocked her to sleep
And he just knew that this is what he had ever wanted
Not Jade
Just you
Eventually, she fell asleep soundly, blubbering into your shirt and you chuckled at the sight of her
It was weird, you never thought you would be able to replace Jade
And maybe you wouldn't
But you had a place with them, and you were a part of this family
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." Roy whispered to you, trying to keep quiet for the sake of his sleeping child
You gave him a small smile
You weren't exactly sure how you felt about this situation and about him
But you knew this was where you both wanted to be
And you were going to try hard to work this out
So, you didn't say anything and just cupped his cheek before leaning in to place a soft kiss to his lips
Lian fussed in your arms from the movement, and you pulled away to make sure she fell back into her slumber
Just as you placed her back into the crib, you reached into your pocket and handed Roy something
He gazed at the ring in his palm with a brow raised
"It was a family heirloom. I guess, it belongs to our family now." You muttered, blushing furiously when you saw the smile on his face.
"Apparently you propose with this ring so I'm just going to tell you to hold onto it."
Roy gave you a look that was halfway between a smirk and a smile
"(Y/N) (L/N), are you proposing to me right now."
You mirrored the smile, "Roy Harper, I'm asking you to make me (Y/N) Harper."
He grinned brightly at you, leaning in to kiss you passionately
You heard a noise at the door
When you pulled away, Lian was standing at the door, smiling widely
"That was so romantic you guys! I can't believe I was actually here to witness the proposal!"
You scoffed before pointing at the snoozing babe in the corner of the room, "You are here."
Lian scoffed right back, and Roy chuckled, noticing the resemblance between the both of you
"She's so useless. Sleeping at a time like this."
"Hey, that's my daughter you're talking about."
If you noticed the giant smile on Roy's face after hearing that, you didn't say anything
You definitely noticed
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