brytning · 2 years
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I was talking to my therapist about some anxiety symptoms --- "In my mind, I know I'm going to be perfectly okay, but my body doesn't listen and reacts anyway" --- and she recommended TIPP as strategies to keep in my toolbox of dealing with distress in the moment. I really appreciate having more than one option to try in moments of overwhelm!
Transcription below:
If you're feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or other strong emotions, TIPP is a set of techniques that use the body's natural physical responses to bring you back into balance.
TIPP stands for
intense exercise
paced breathing
progressive muscle relaxation
The body naturally lowers its heart rate in response to cold. If anxiety is making your heart race, try an ice pack, a cool washcloth, or a walk outside in cool weather, and it should help you calm down.
Intense exercise:
Anxiety is typically a symptom of your body going into fight/flight mode. If your body is coursing with nervous energy, burn it off with 10 minutes of jumping jacks, dancing, climbing stairs, or another cardio activity to complete the stress response cycle.
Paced breathing:
Deep, slow breathing from the belly can also help signal the body to come out of fight/flight mode. Try inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of six until you feel more relaxed. (I like to hold the breath for a count of two between each inhale and exhale.)
Progressive muscle relaxation:
If anxiety makes your body tense up, try this. Start by squeezing the muscles in your toes and feet for five seconds, and then intentionally relax them. Move up to the calves, up your legs, and every region of your body to purposefully let go of extra energy.
When you're feeling overwhelmed, try one or more of these to see what works for you.
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dreamerqvq · 3 months
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eliserzilber · 7 months
Thought I’d share some Deep Breathing gifs that I’ve found helpful to focus on when I need something tangible to calm myself. Just found these in a Google search, there’s so many others but these were the ones I’ve used in the last year.
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
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Putting captions for each image below the read more.
Picture One: "TIPP - Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation."
Picture Two: "Temperature -
The first step of the TIPP skill is to change the temperature. You can splash some cool water on your face, take a cool (but not too cold) shower. Cold things will help decrease your heartrate.
Higher temperatures will increase your heart rate. Try having a warm cup of tea, a hot bath, or using a blanket.
Note: Please do these things safely. Too much can cause issues."
Picture Three: "Intense Exercise - Experiencing overwhelming emotions can fill us full of pent up energy. You can expend this energy with intense (but safe) exercise. You don't need to have any exercise equipment, though if you do, feel free to use it. Even jogging on the spot, dancing to music or doing jumping jacks would all work. As you tire yourself out, your overwhelming emotions should be more balanced."
Picture Four: "Paced Breathing - Work on controlling your breathing to slow it down. When we're feeling anxious or overwhelmed in general, it isn't uncommon for our heart to race. Slowing your breathing will help you be more physically calm.
There are a lot of breathing exercises online, but here's one to start.
Breathe in through your nose and count to four, and breathe out through your mouth and count to six."
Picture 5: "Progressive Muscle Relaxation - You can try this from a seated position and start at the top of your body. Become aware of your muscles and deliberately tighten them for five seconds. And then "release" and you should feel the area begin to loosen up. Work on doing this the whole way down your body. This can be a good way to release energy from overwhelming emotions."
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I ran into this funny bit when starting up Ring Fit Adventure today. Tipp forgets his Ring-Con! 😆
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zartoon · 1 month
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My personal tutor directed me to concrete poetry as an approach citing the work of Bob Cobbing and Emmett Williams.
I thought it would be a fun experience and it was. Experimenting with text as shape and an illustration made me think about how language can take form with or without manipulation.
However, i was moving backwards in terms of an ambitious process. I felt that i was restricting myself and knew i had a more unique approach worthy of cooking up
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retropolitan · 3 months
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Part CLXXI: Diddy Kong Racing | Tipp für das Nintendo 64
(Bildquelle: 64 Power - Magazin, Ausgabe: Juni 1997)
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beurich · 5 months
Schreckgespenst Inkasso? Was zum schlechten Image führt
Philipp Kadel von der DIAGONAL Inkasso GmbH verrät, was zum schlechten Image der Branche führt und wie Inkasso-Dienstleister davon loskommen. (Bild: Markus Höfemann) Quelle: ots und http://www.presseportal.de/nr/171492 Buchholz i. d. Nordheide (ots) – Zahlungsunfähige oder -unwillige Schuldner stellen Gläubiger vor ein Dilemma: rigoros eintreiben und den Kunden womöglich verlieren oder ihn…
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My new favorite books, The Prison Healer bookseries by Lynette Noni. The books were recommended to me by one of my friends, and at first I was reluctant to read them. I just generally don’t like fantasy books, like at all, but I powered through them. And man! What a journey it has been. You just can’t help but falling in love with the main characters, and the story took a little time to take off, but when it did it was pure suspense, terrifying tension and all consuming sadness and joy all at once.
So needless to say that I HAD to purchase this special edition of the first book and I can’t wait to read the extra chapter!
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straysharks · 1 year
DBT exercises are so embarrassing bc they genuinely do help. Will be having the emotional breakdown of my life and am like “Yeah OK Nancy I’ll ~remember my acronyms~ and try my ~mindfulness exercises~ I’m sure they will help the state of extreme psychological agony I’m in. 🙄” And then you do them and everything is actually fine. The equivalent of spending hours frantically attempting to fix your “broken” computer until you out you just needed to turn it on and off
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jayrantsaboutstuff · 2 years
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Some good distress tolerance skills for y’all if you need them, DBT has a lot of practical skills to use for people experiencing high levels of emotional distress or emotional regulation difficulties.
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eliserzilber · 8 months
I need to feel productive and like I can accomplish something so I’m giving myself the goal of finally finishing my guides for the STOP and TIPP skills by next Friday, October 27th. And then diving into 1989 TV will be my “reward.”
I’m a girl with a desperate need for a gold-star feeling and pretty much no opportunities for moments like that. So I have to create them myself and reward and love myself…no one else is going out of their way to do it for me.
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me--do · 2 years
Perhaps I am a little late to the party but using ice-water TIPP technique has actually slightly helped my emotional turmoil. I poured some cold water in a bowl and added some ice cubes, after which I dipped my face in and held my breath for some time. I repeated it a few times and it even helped me cool off a little (no pun intended lol).
Hopefully it comes in handy to others in distress..
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retropolitan · 11 months
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Mogel-Montag Part CXLI: Shadowgate Classic | Tipp für den GameBoy (Bildquelle: Club Nintendo - Magazin, Ausgabe: Februar 1999)
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Néha az a legnagyobb problémánk hogy azzal foglalkozunk amivel nem kéne.
Olyan dolgok vagy emberek veszik el a drága időt tőlünk amik vagy akik nem érdemlik meg !!
Bár nehéz de hasznos tanács erre hogy az ilyet ENGEDD EL HAD MENJEN .
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