#tongue removal
bumblingdragon · 2 years
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Whumptober - day 25 - Silence is Golden
Use it and lose it-
(too tired today to render this one, but i wanted to draw the Castlevania AU cause I definitely did some tongue removal in that one...)
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
Would Tael ever give Emil the chance to attempt to run? (Even if it was rigged so he'd be caught no matter what?)
CWs: Vampire whumpee, Demon whumper, Mouth whump, Fake escape chance, Blood loss, Aftermath of skin carving, Painful but brief possession
Emil’s head was spinning as Tael guided him through a portal, the blindfold around his eyes prevented him from looking around to try to ground himself. 
Tael hums as he closes the portal behind them and works on untying Emil’s wrists. “What’s wrong Emil? Cat got your tongue?” He humored, wondering why the vampire was so quiet. 
Hearing a small whimper from him caused the demon to look up just in time to see him slightly open his mouth, causing blood to start to dribble out before he closed his mouth again. 
Tael laughed “Oh that’s right! I took your tongue!” He says, almost as if he had genuinely forgotten. “Well, that just means I’ll know what you’re about to do will likely be by yourself and not because you caught someone’s attention by screaming for help.”
He takes the blind fold off. 
Emil blinks a few times as he looks around. 
Around him were woods as far as he could see, with the exception of a shack-like cabin directly behind the both of them.
He looks at the demon beside him, clearly confused.
Tael smiled “I’m giving you a chance here. There’s miles of woods all around and there’s a road that runs through it at some point. I’m going to let you run, and if you can make it to the road there’s a chance someone might come across you. If you succeed, I’ll let you go.” 
The vampire lets out a whine, in a weak attempt to voice a concern. 
“Oh I know.” The demon says, already knowing what the other was worried about. “I’m going to give you a thirty second head start. Fifteen because you’re injured, and another fifteen because I am faster than you.” He explained before digging his phone out of his pocket to set a timer. 
Emil was conflicted as he looked up at the sky, trying to gauge what time it was but the heavy cloud cover made it impossible to see where the moon was. Was Tael really going to hold true to his word? Did he even have a chance? The blood in his mouth and the blood soaking into the back of his shirt wasn’t reassuring. 
With a lash from the demon’s tail striking against the back of one of his legs, he’s snapped out of his thoughts. 
“Start running.” Tael ordered, holding up his phone to reveal that Emil had already wasted 3 seconds by getting lost in his worries. 
The vampire didn’t think, he just ran off into the woods in a random direction. He didn’t have the time to waste by thinking any more. 
He made sure to keep his mouth shut, he didn’t want to leave an obvious blood trail for Tael to follow. He could breathe through his nose, worst case scenario he could last a while without air. 
The small pains of branches hitting him and thorns catching and tearing his clothes and the skin underneath were nothing in comparison to what he’ll probably feel if he fails at this. 
He also hoped that he wasn’t just running in circles as the world was spinning and twisting around him.
By the time Emil was stumbling and unable to keep moving, he failed to find the road that Tael had mentioned. 
He resorted to tucking himself into a bramble bush, hoping that Tael would think he wouldn’t be in it due to the thorns and tangled branches. 
His heart was pounding in his chest, making him want to gasp for air. He decided to open his mouth to let the blood fall out since he wasn’t moving anymore and he was trying his best to not pass out right now. 
He needed to keep his breathing calm and to make sure he could still properly listen. 
It felt like he was sitting there for hours, but it really couldn’t have been longer than 15 minutes before he heard humming in the distance. 
Emil freezes and his breath hitches in his throat. He brings his hands to cover his nose and mouth to muffle any sounds he might accidentally make. 
Tael’s humming got closer as did the sound of leaves being crunched under his hooves. 
Emil squeezed his eyes shut as it sounded like the demon was just a couple of feet away from his hiding spot. 
Then they continued to walk away, not talking a moment to falter as if he was looking around. 
Once the sound of humming and leaf crunching was further away, Emil let a sigh of relief out as he trembled. He remained in his spot as he needed to rest for longer. 
The demon was just barely still in his hearing range when he spoke. “I’m starting to get bored, I think I need a hint.” 
Emil’s eyes widened and before he could do anything, the recently carved symbol in his back lit up with sudden searing pain, forcing him to let out a scream before he could even stop himself. 
The pain claws its way up his spine before a sudden crushing pain radiates all over his head, causing him to go to clutch at his head as if he was trying to feel for something that could be taken off. 
Tears stream down his face as a teal color dotted around his vision. 
“Ah, there you are.” Tael’s voice echoed in his head. 
As quick as Tael’s voice came, it was gone. The crushing pain started to fade but the searing pain in his back remained, making it impossible for him to move even if he wanted to. 
All he could do was wait as Tael’s humming and the crunching of leaves got closer.
Gen: @emmettnet @thebluejaysworld
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poorslaindoll · 8 months
Goretober day 8: Tongue
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Prompt list:
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As awful as Tael is, sometimes he genuinely makes me laugh dhsjshsnskshd
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rongzhi · 4 months
Waking up after anesthesia
English added by me :)
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thetroupemaster · 11 months
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"I'm more of a taco guy myself."
- Saint Rainworld, during the Dating Sim
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vladdyissues · 1 year
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Vlad Unfiltered
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sleep-nurse · 4 months
does anyone else's jaw always crack/pop everytime you open it slightly wide. my brother keeps calling me a crocodile
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I have found the fabled ✨️Tongue Ring✨️ and slowed it down and enhanced the quality as much as I could
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I swear I'm not hyperfixating
But anyway Sanji has a tongue ring (most likely frenulum still he has a mfing tongue ring okay) it's canon now my mind is made up
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mllekurtz · 7 months
He's often called a monster, but he's not a monster. A monster is an exception, an outsider, someone society doesn't have to be responsible for. But society is responsible here. These "monsters" are not sick: they're healthy children of the patriarchy, of rape culture. Rape culture condones those behaviors that damage and oppress women, starting from things we don't recognize as important but are: controlling behavior, possessiveness, catcalling. All men are privileged by this culture. "Not all men," they often say. Not all men, no, but they're always men. A man can’t be good if he doesn't do anything to demolish a society that makes him so privileged. In this patriarchal society that gives them so much privilege and so much power, men are responsible for educating friends and colleagues when they hear the smallest hint of sexist violence. Say it to your friend who controls his girlfriend, say it to your colleague who catcalls passers-by, make yourself hostile to behaviors that are condoned by society and are the prelude to femicide. Femicide is state murder, because the state is not on our side. The State doesn't protect us. Femicide is not a crime of passion, it is a crime of power. We need widespread sexual and emotional education; we need to teach that love is not ownership. We need to support anti-violence institutions, and we need to give whoever needs it a chance to ask for help. For Giulia, not a minute's silence. For Giulia, burn everything down.
(Elena Cecchettin’s open letter after her sister Giulia’s femicide. In the last sentence she quotes Peruvian poet architect Cristina Torres Cáceres: If it's me tomorrow, if tomorrow I don't come back, mother, tear everything down. If it happens to me tomorrow, I want to be the last one." Read a good article about it (in Italian) and an English one. All translations are mine.)
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ef-1 · 4 months
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#i have to fly out to capetown to see mother and im literally debating if i could land in the morning and leave at night on the same day#like. anything longer than that is going to ruin my year.#when she called and did her “katherine. you have to be here on the 10th” i literally sobbed in my bed for the rest of the day 😍😍😍#not dyeing my hair black for a year and its getting lighter and lighter everyday and i look like her again#and my therapist telling me “you need to do things for yourself.” but like can i? sorry that woman traumatised me and i actually cant :)#like everything i do is informed by her#I'm going to go and just like everytime the only way to keep my sanity is to mirror her. talk and sit and speak and read and eat like her#and its such a terrifying experience bc i remember that im capable of emulating her viciousness and maybe i am my mother's daugher 🤢🤢🤢#and im going to come back and its going to take fucking months for me to feel like myself again#“oh you look so beautiful just like your mother” i hope you DIE lol !!! the fact that my conception of beauty was shaped by her#growing up with this cruel beautiful detached woman and realising that at the intersection of beauty and wickness is a lifetime of pain#and still being so desperate for her approval- for any metaphysical proximity to her that i felt elated when#people would tell me i look like her. that it meant i was also beautiful like her and maybe she'll love me a little for it#but now i know for a fact that i do look like her and it makes saliva swell under my tongue - that moment right before you throw up-#when people mention it 😍#last time i was in capetown my optic neuritis flared up (and i know for a fact it was that it was ms-stress related from having to see her)#and i thought i hid it so well even though i had near constant headaches & lethargy until she said “katherine give me the red notebook”#and i knew that she knew all along. it was so acutely humiliating standing there and knowing she knows i cant see which one is the red one#and she tilted her head and said “whats the matter? do you not know what red looks like?”#im never going to have kids. my mother and i read eachother so well it can only mean im never too far removed from becoming her#lol!!!!!!!!!
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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dailykugisaki · 5 months
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Day ninety-one
Everyday I am low-key thinking about Nobara in the official light novel.
Doodled sumn from it.
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electoons · 2 months
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she was the silliest billy 🥹
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leliesblou · 3 months
Chief Inspector Alwyn "Gag-chewing, remember the academy, Fleet" Keller would admire Clara's gag-removing technique
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