#travis hackett smut
hope-to-hell · 1 year
Animal instinct. Travis Hackett x Reader. You know about about the werewolf’s bite, but what about its claws? Travis has a close call with a different kind of curse, and what else can you do but get him through it? Smut, dubcon, fuck or die.
It starts with an itch. Poison ivy, probably: the woods here are full of it. Honestly, it’s a miracle he hasn’t tangled with it before now, what with the hunting and the fucking around in the woods at night; there’s only so much visibility even with the moonlight. He scratches absently at his side before remembering no, don’t do that, dumbass. You’ll just spread it around, and it’s not until he’s washing his hands at the sink that he notices the itch has been replaced by warmth creeping all through him.
It’s not poison ivy. Were you really expecting it to be? If so, you’re in the wrong kind of story. He’s not gonna coat himself in calamine and call it a day; all the oatmeal baths in the world can’t help him now. His hand drifts again to his side, to the pulsing warmth beneath his shirt and he cannot help himself; he untucks his shirt and lifts— and stares. Goddamn.
At least it’s not a bite. It is, however, a stark red claw mark: a sign of an encounter that was too close for comfort, red lines curving over soft flesh and hey, it could be worse. He could be lying in the woods with his guts in his hands; he could be reflecting the moon with milky eyes. But as it is, he’s barely got a scratch. It could be worse.
Could be better.
Yeah, it could be fuckin better, huh. Because as it is he’s feeling that warmth all through him, but it’s pooling strongest at his cock and this really, really is that kind of story. He thinks it’s just the adrenaline still running through his veins, one last push before exhaustion sets in. He should probably scrub himself with iodine and then take himself in hand; the night’s rolled over into morning and he’s on the cusp of being too tired to sleep. That’s the ticket. Jerk off and get the fuck to bed. But you know what kind of story this is by now; you know it’s not gonna be quick and it’s not gonna be pretty. He doesn’t even make it to the medicine cabinet before he’s unbuckling his belt; he’s gripping the sink so hard he’s breaking nails and his mind is gone.
This is the part of the curse that nobody knows, the cruel reverse that didn’t make it into the stories because til now there’s been no one in this circumstance who’s lived to tell about it. Whether it’s because nobody’s made it this far without being turned or ripped to shreds, or whether it’s this incandescent need that brought them down is anybody’s guess. And in the end it doesn’t really matter, because here he is alone and gasping
He grips and pulls and even the burn of a dry hand doesn’t slow him down. Come on come on comeoncomeoncomeon and it’s like he’s a kid again, with a hair trigger on his cock and a dirty magazine beneath the mattress; he makes a mess of the sink and his hand and the goddamned mirror and that should be the end of it, just a wry little hmph and a few deep breaths before he finds a towel. He’s not gonna get off that easy, though. Instead of settling down for a daylong sleep, he’s reaching for himself again before the come has even dried on his hand.
He’s gonna itch like hell if he doesn’t wash off, if he grips his cock with a sticky hand because oh hell, he’s hard again and can’t fucking believe it, or couldn’t if he had a thought in his head; but the only thing in his mind is need. This is base, animal; he is wreathed in the ancestral memory of grasping, holding, taking; tooth and claw ride his bones and he needs needs needs; every cell is screaming for him to bury himself deep, and if he weren’t alone he would be a monster for how he is driven to fuck at any cost.
You think you’d lend a helping hand? Trade a little roughness for the dopey satisfaction of a man wrung dry? Sweetheart, you have no idea what help would mean. But you heard that wounded-animal moan on the wind and rushed right over; here you are coming up the drive in double-time. And there he is with eyes gone black; he bares his teeth and curves his spine and when he shakes himself apart once more his words spill out all thready like spider silk, like devils’ hair, like the last drop of ink running from the brush. Can’t. I need. I need. I can’t, it doesn’t work— he’s losing coherence as he rises to attention, red and pulsing— give. Give over. Please—
Are you, are you alright? Should I call someone? Who are you going to call? The police? Hello operator, I’ve got a man here who looks like he could fuck his way through a brick wall? Yeah, good luck with that. Besides, he is the police— or sheriff, anyway, and if he could help himself he would. He falls through the tangled shreds of his clothes to land hard upon his knees but he doesn’t notice, doesn’t grunt or wince; it doesn’t matter that he’s down there and you’re up here; in this moment he is all predator, every inch of him driven by a singular purpose.
But here’s the thing: he’s not out for blood. The only red on him is his own, from clawing at his clothes like he could escape his own skin. So are you gonna go with it, see where this leads? As if you don’t already know, as if the sight of him doesn’t reach right up inside you and twist. So when he pulls you down to him you’re already struggling out of your clothes, hands shaking, anticipation burning like ice from fingertips to toes.
Travis, just— just what? Just stop and think for a second? Talk about it? Look for the syringe full of sedatives you know he’s hiding somewhere in the house? Can’t, he’s already draping himself over your back, sticky with sweat and semen and god knows what else, pushing and pulling til your face is on the floor and you’re fucking presenting yourself to him. Is this really what you want, what he wants? How about we skip the agonizing over this; you know when—if— you make it out of this with your skin intact, he’ll roll over bruised and weary with a
hey, y’alright?
and a thanks that goes almost unheard but nonetheless is there. That’s in the hopeful future, of course, but in your bones you know it’s gonna happen— if he hasn’t flayed the skin right off his cock by then, with how brutally he needs, and
fuck— mhh— he fumbles once, twice, and on the third try he thrusts home with a groan that, more than anything, sounds like relief. And when he moves it’s rough like tides, pulled by the moon to crash and roar and it’s good, isn’t it? There’s that little guilty piece of you that likes this, that wishes he’d fuck with a little less care and consideration, the part that wants him to shove you down and take.
This is animal nature dressed in the skin of a man. This is over when he says it is, when the curse releases him or exhaustion claims him. There’s no tapping out, no tired, let’s rest; when he swells and comes inside you there’s half a heartbeat before he hardens again, gasping wet and ragged in your ear. He moves through semen and slick, with the singular purpose of a machine— or a monster. Hey, Travis, where’d you get those cuts? You lose a fight?
Oh sweetheart, don’t you worry. I’ve just got a little of the big bad wolf in me, is all.
It’s a conversation in code, in the harsh sound of your coupling and in the please please please that falls from your lips in a salty spray, punctuated by sharp breaths each time he reaches his peak and finds relief still out of reach. It happens again and again until your body is nerveless, exhausted, limp in a pool of fluids on the floor, with his full weight on you, barely able to move but he still. keeps. going. The floorboards scratch and itch at your cheek in whorls and lines that must surely be indelibly etched upon your flesh; there is a faint whine hanging in the air and it doesn’t matter whose it is.
The thing about this kind of story is that it has to end one way or another. Hours or days later, when time has lost all meaning and you can’t tell if all these drifting shadows are from sunlight moving across the floor or from your vision going dark, he breathes a sigh like the end of the world and slumps, unmoving, his legs all tangled up with yours and his arm drifting down somewhere near your ribs.
The fuck was that about? The words are flavored with floor wax and spit, crushed like cellophane in a clenched fist. You’ve taken so damn much of him that when he slips free it hurts; you'll feel this for a while: poking bruises, dipping two fingers inside yourself to feel the ache he’s left behind. But that’s for later, in between wondering if this is the end of it or if the next month will wring him dry as well.
Mmph. He’s mumbling against you, slipping down into sleep; there’s a question buried in there, a worry that he’s clinging to with broken nails. Are you okay? he doesn’t ask— because he can’t, because words are beyond him. I didn’t— are you hurt? (Am I forgiven?)
‘Salright. I’ve got you (there is nothing to forgive).
The floor is terrible to sleep on, but what else can you do? He’s heavy and unmoving and you’re not much better off. So you settle down into the warmth of him; his hand is rough and sticky, and when you squeeze his hand, he answers with a twitch of his fingers. Bed is so very far away and you will wake with muscles knotted tight, but for now—
for now—
just go to sleep.
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thewanderingbutler · 2 years
Presenting: Ted Raimi's ✨Hands✨
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Skinner (1993)
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dorkszn · 5 months
y’all want a jim hopper smut or travis hackett smut? same plot, different characters
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luvliewriting · 2 years
❦Home Alone❦
❦MDNI! 18+❦
Summary: You're home alone, at least you thought
Pairing: Travis Hackett x F.Reader
Warnings: ns/fw minors do not interact please, pre-canon, smut, established relationship, unprotected, oral (female recieving), fingering, creampie, cussing,
Note: MDNI! Please have your age somewhere visible on your profile before you interact or you will be blocked. Minors block Luvlie18
Also this was very very inspired by my friend @lay-z so go check her out :)
I haven't written full smut in like 2 years so bare in mind I'm rusty
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“I only have a few hours,” Travis said calmly to himself, sitting upon the armchair of the living, his sheriff badge in his fingers. Dirt was still on his hands and in spots on his face, yet he didn’t seem to mind. He was without his work attire, dressed in only a white tanktop and his work jeans, his police gun secure in its spot on the table. “With the fullmoon tomorrow, my days both seem longer and shorter." You looked up from the cup of boiling water, Travis' eyes lost in thought looking down at his sheriff badge, “this Silas chase is starting to see more and more difficult.”
You moved over to her love, holding the steaming coffee in your palm and handing it to him. You pitied him right now, he looked so tired. He was tired. He was overworking himself at the station, he barely allowed himself any sleep as much as you begged him to lay in bed with you a little more. You would be lying if you didn't miss when you could just tug on his arm to get back in bed and he would stay with you under the covers for a few more hours.
“Perhaps I can help, Travis,” you had suggested, you had always wanted to help Travis with almost anything including on full moons, but he had never allowed you to, always saying that it was too dangerous for you, “I know it is dangerous, but I can help.”
Travis calmly shook his head, his lips pulled into a thin lined frown, “I will not have you put into danger like that.” Travis placed the cup on the table and stood, placing his jacket back down on the chair before looking at you, “I couldn't live with myself if you turned into one of those things. You're my sense of normality, that there's still good in my world.”
You felt him place a kiss to your cheek before walking past you to where your bedroom was. You followed after your boyfriend, stopping in the doorway while you watched him pull on his work shirt. You leaned against the doorframe, a frown on your face, "it pains me watching you the last few days. It's like I'm just a burden to you."
A sigh left the sheriff's lips, his hand wavering on the final button of his shirt, “I have work to go to, we shall discuss this later.”
Travis made his way past you at the doorframe, turning around to pull you into a kiss, gentle and quick before he turned on his heel again saying a goodbye and leaving out the door. You watched him get into his car from the window behind the curtain. A disappointed sigh left your lips as you went to the bedroom again to get ready for the day yourself.
A walk through the yard at sunset, the sun peered over the picket white fence, it straight out of a fairytale the beauty of the saddened woman at sunset. A daily routine for you was to take in beauty of your backyard at sunset. It was Travis' routine first that you at first didn't like that much but you slowly started to love it and attached it to your own routie. You loved the merging of colors set in the sky as the sun descended into the earth.
Your barefeet tickled against the grass, one of Travis' old shirts over your body ontop of a pair of black shorts and your fingers linked behind your back. The purple colour faded black in the sky and the stars began to glisten. You took a breath, the cold of the incoming night making your breath seem like fog in front of you. Admiring the beautiful image you wished you could see watch it forever.
Only thing missing right now was Travis behind you, his chest to your back as you two got to watch the sunset together. Something was just so romantic to you. You felt like you and Travis were the only people when you two would watch it together.
Usually he got home before the sunset but this night was different you guessed. Maybe he got swamped by work.
Once the sun had fully set, you made your way back into the house. You'd be lying if you said that Travis' busyness wasn't affecting you sexually either. It had been 7 or 8 days, you couldn't quite remember, since he's touched you the way he usually does. Even longer since he's started anything with you.
Since dating Travis three years ago, you'd never had to touch yourself due to Travis not being there. He's always been the one to do it for you yet the past few days it's felt more like a very cruel denial edging.
Quietly, you made your way to your bedroom. Closing the door slightly as you shut the lights. The only light being the bedside lamp as you laid down comfortably ontop of the covers of your bed. You checked your phone briefly trying to see if there was anything from Travis; no luck.
You took this as your sign that he wasn't coming home tonight; he was probably gonna spend the night at Chris' and his kids before the day they turn to those horrifying creatures again.
You hooked your fingers into the hem of your black shorts, tossing them to the side of your bed. You still wore Travis' shirt, it smelt like him, it was like he was there almost. You worked your hands down your naval and thighs, trying to imagine Travis and how he would tease you. You finally made it to your underwear, rubbing yourself slowly through the fabric.
You didn't realize how needy you were till now. Getting tired of the fabric in the way, you worked it down your legs kicking it to the side watching it land on the tv in your bedroom. You didn't mind, that was future Y/N's problem, right now your problem was taking care of yourself the way that Travis hadn't in the past few days.
Starting off slow, you allowed your finger to slowly massage your clit in circles like Travis always did. Your fingers weren't as calloused as his but it didn't stop the dirty things living your lips. His name especially rolled from your lips. You move your fingers to move up and down your slit, from your clit to your entrance teasing yourself so slowly.
Feeling your two fingers slowly enter yourself, you felt Travis' name leave your mouth louder. Not that you were concerned, as far as you knew it was just you right now.
Your breath is getting shallow, using your other hand to move up your body under the shirt as you groped yourself. Twisting your nipples between your fingers as you felt your fingers move in and out of you.
Unnoticed to you with your closed eyes in pleasure, Travis watched you ammused. He felt the pressure strain against his jeans from the blood flow watching you. Hearing the lewd moans leave your lips. Is this really want you got up to when he wasn't around? Being a dirty little vixen?
Did you even know he was there? Were you planning this? He couldn't quite tell, all he knew was he was enjoying his view of you so unknowing of his position.
He watched your back arch and your head throwing back, his voice lewdly loud on your lips as he smirked. He didn't even have to touch you to make you cum, just the mere thought of him touching you was enough.
"Nice show," you jumped quickly, snapping out of your high seeing Travis in the doorway pushing the door open a little more letting him in. You went to sit up but he shook his head, "no no no, lay back down." You obeyed, feeling the weight of the bed dippen as he sat down.
His hand moved up and down your leg, looking you over so patiently. Your eyes met his, they seemed darker almost with lust. That's when you noticed the strain in his jeans.
"Well come on, open up a little more," he said tapping your knee. You obeyed spreading yourself for him as he caressed your innerthigh getting dangerously close to your cunt, "I didn't even have to touch you and this is how much of an effect I do?"
You decided to destroy his ego, "you haven't touched me at all lately."
He paused, his hand landing flattely on your thigh. His eyes scanned your face as he tried to think on what he was to say, "I've been busy-"
"No shit sherlock," you snapped back, closing your legs as you sat up on the bed, "I get it you're busy but I have needs to Travis! I want the man who would just sit with me and drink coffee or would hold me while we watch the sunset or at least god for bid want to make out once and while."
"Well darlin' if you wanted that you could have just said," but as he went to lean in, you turned your head away from him, "what?"
"Are you deaf?" You snapped, scooting away from him feeling his hand leave your thigh, "you can't just buy my affection back like that."
Travis sighed, licking his lips, "just c'mere darlin', I really fucking need you."
You looked at him out of the corner your eyes, your eyes crossed over your chest, bare from the waist down, "I just need someone that can put my needs before work."
"I was gonna save this for a better time," you looked at him, your brows going up in surprise as a small box left Travis' pocket. Travis got off the bed, getting on his knees in front of you. One of his hands on your thigh, the other behind his back holding the box.
He looked up at you in admiration, a small smile on his lips as he showed you the box opening it to show a diamond ring, "Y/N will you marry me?"
Your mouth dropped in surprise, a silent nod was all you could make as Travis smiled at you, wrapping his arms around you tightly spinning you slightly before pinning you down to the bed. You gasped feeling the shirt you wore getting unbottoned revealling your braless chest. Travis kissed up and down your neck and collarbone, pressing his body against yourself as you wrapped your arms around him.
"Take off your sheriff shit please," you begged, Travis complying as you watched him unbotton his work shirt and remove his pants leaving himself in only the white tank top and his boxers straining against his dick.
Travis kissed down your body slowly, making sure to pay extra attention to all of your sweet spots as you arched your back into him. Slowly he made his way back up to your neck and to your jaw. He cupped your face with one of his hands, the other holding himself up catching your mouth as his tongue slips between your lips skillfully exploring. Another lewd moan leaving your lips as you feel his hand that was holding your face now in your dripping cunt, pumping in and out slowly.
You went to sit up and pull at his boxers but Travis shook his hand, pinning you back down, "just you tonight darlin', I want you to feel nothing but heaven."
He lets go of you briefly, tugging off his tanktop and than his boxers letting his erection spring free. He's big at 6'3 inches, wide as his tip is in an aching red with precum dripping down the shaft. Travis laid back ontop of you, lining himself up briefly before he penetrated you slowly feeling you moan against him as he grabbed both of your hands intertwining your fingers.
It doesn't matter how many times you and Travis have done it, his cock will always stretch you out making you let out a breathy moan and your nails dig into his back. Travis moans as well, kissing over your jaw feeling your cunt's walls pulse around him pleasurably.
The bed slowly starts to rock, hearing the headboard smack the wall. “Fuck me.” you whispered to him. He picked up the pase snapping his hips into you, catching your lips in his again.
Travis chased both of your orgasms, his pace quicking slowly, a mixture of super slow and super fast. He kissed your head feeling himself go deeper and deeper into your cunt as he let the words slip from his lips, "I love you."
You smiled, making him look at you, "I love you too."
Your nails dug into his bare back feeling him pick up the pace indicating he was gonna cum soon and you were gonna follow next. Your legs wrapped around him tightly, feeling his cock starting to twitch inside of your cunt.
He hid his face in the crook of your neck, breathing deeply as he sucked on the skin sure to leave a mark. The headboard smacking the wall even rougher.
Travis' cock twitches again as you started to cum around him, feeling your cunt squeeze him and pulse start to push him over the edge. Your walls continue to twitch and flutter as he cums, realsing his load into your warm cunt. Travis grunts feeling his load leave and fill up your cunt.
He's still trying to get a grasp of reality as he feels your lips press against the side of his forehead nuzzled into your neck. Travis looks up eventually when he gets a grasp on where he is. Feeling your cunt slowly start to stop twitching agaisnst him as he slowly pulled himself out.
He cleans you up as well as himself, making you a cup of water as he slips under the covers with you. His arms wrapped around your body as he watches you look at your left hand which held the diamond ring.
"I tried to find the one that matched your beauty the best but that was impossible so I went for the second best," he kissed the back of your head, pulling your bare body against his.
For the first time in the past few weeks, you felt loved, happy and satisfied.
Thank you for reading, sorry if it sucked. Don't forget to like and reblog as it really does help me out
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Travis: Have you been setting Laura up this whole time?
Y/n: Yes, I'm very bad. You should spank me.
Travis: Why would you do that to her?
Y/n: Spank me and I'll tell you.
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mutual-monsters · 2 years
anything you say can and will be held against you (so only say my name)
Pairing: dark!Travis Hackett x afab!gn!reader
TW: kidnapping, dub-con/non-con, stockholm syndrome (kinda?), masturbation (reader), p in v, humiliation, breeding, bondage, praise, sir/authority kink, pet names (darlin’, little one, sweetheart, doll), probably a lot of issues of with the tenses, not proof’d or beta’d
Summary: Tensions increase as your time under Sheriff Hackett's captivity starts to add up
Word count: 962
A/N: Hey, guys 🧍 sorry for not writing for so long! But, I’m back with this! I’ll try to be on more often!!
Oh! And the title of this song (predictably) comes from this Fall Out Boy song.
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You accosted yourself as you woke up in the North Kill city jail cells. This was probably your fault. That sheriff had told you to that Goddamn motel. But, your curiosity had gotten the best of you and after all, what could that shady ass cop know anyways?
So, of course, when you woke up with a splitting headache, locked up in a foreign place and all alone, you knew you were fucked beyond belief. You just didn’t know how exactly. 
For the first few days, he didn’t talk to you much; he fed you, gave you a change of clothes, but he never opted to stick around long. And this was could be good, of course. Not everybody wants to be interacting on a personal level with someone like that, but simultaneously, the isolation was killing you. The ringing in your ears was starting to drive you mad, and not to mention the growing need between your thighs…
Travis Hackett, the sheriff who had been holding you hostage, brought you food every morning at 8:00– A bowl of oatmeal and a glass of orange juice on a tray. 
As he slid it through on this day, he pulled up a chair. 
“Mind if I eat with ya?”
You looked up to him, nervous to answer him, and disturbed by his casual side. “Um, s-sure sheriff. I don’t mind.” A smile curves on your lips as they tremble.
“Thank you, darlin’.”
You both sat in silence for a while, eating your food and taking each other in. 
“I, uh,” His voice cracks a little, “I haven’t had breakfast with anyone in a long time. This is nice.”
Again, you smiled to him and nodded, talking to him for a while, indulging in his presence. 
Without warning, he stood, holding his bowl and dragging his chair back to his desk. 
“Well, darlin’, I’ve gotta go. ‘m sorry to impose.”
“No, sir. I-it was no trouble at all.”
You watch diligently as he gathered your tray and walked out of the room, focusing your eyes on the bulge straining against his pants.
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All morning your mind kept wandering to Sheriff Hackett. The sound of his voice, the way he smelt, the feeling of his skin, the size of his cock. The pool of arousal between your thighs grew slicker and slicker.
And then, you remembered the pillow lying next to you. Quickly you stripped off your pants, and eyed the pillow, slowly placing it below you. You mounted the pillow awkwardly, desperate for any friction, and began grinding down upon it. As you increased your pace, sweat dripped down your forehead, and you bit further into your lip desperately trying to stifle your moans. Soaking the pillow now, your mouth flew open, crying out begging, pleading for release, so much so that you didn’t even notice Travis’ name coming from your mouth, flowing out over and over like a waterfall. 
You were oblivious to the footsteps coming towards you, that of Sheriff Hackett’s, becoming slower and less methodical as he came to see what you were really doing. You didn’t even notice as he stood there, mouth agape, and then regaining his composure to speak to you. 
“Well, what do we have here?” He asked, eyes dragging over your exposed body.
“I– Sheriff! This isn’t what it looks like! I swear!”
A smug look drapped itself over his face, “Then what, pray tell, is it then?”
“Um, I, well…” You trail off.
“Because, sweetheart,” he says as he unlocked the door to your cell, “It looked like you were fuckin’ yourself silly just on account of me.”
He takes a few steps toward you, allowing you to answer. Still completely dumbfounded, and now blushing like crazy, you don’t respond. 
“Answer me, little one. I wanna hear you say it. Tell me what you were doin’ in here all by yourself.” He grabs your chin with his hand, forcing you to look him in the eye.
You swallow your pride, “Sir, I was…I was thinking of you.”
“And…and I was fucking myself with the pillow you gave me.”
“Good job, little one.”
You feel the pride swell in your chest as your captor rubs his thumb against your cheek, leaning into his touch.
“Now, darlin’, I need you to sit still while I put these handcuffs on ya, alright?”
You hesitate. His patience runs thin. 
“Be a good doll and answer me.”
“Y-yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”
“‘s alright darlin’.”
Swiftly, he pulls his cuff off his belt and wraps them around your wrists, strapping you to the cold metal bars of the bed below. He moves then to your underwear, removing them with no hesitation, tossing them to the side and onto the cool floor of the cell. 
Your eyes meet.
“Please,” you whisper. You don’t specify what.
“Don’t worry, doll. I gotcha.”
Once again without warning, as if it is his only option, he slides into you, mercilessly and without preparation. You cry out, begging for him to slow his brutal pace; he ignores your pleas. 
“Travis,” you beg, “Travis, please– I can’t!”
He leans to whisper in your ear as one of his hands finds your clit.
“Darlin’,” his voice is sharp now, “you’ve no idea how much I’ve been needin’ this.”
His pace never falters, his thumb rubs tight circles around your clit.
“I know you’re close. You might as well jus’ quit squirmin’ an’ lemme fill you up. It’ll be easier that way.”
You let it wash over you, knowing he is right, and feel yourself tighten around him. Eventually, he comes to a slow and releases himself inside you.
Travis stands, uncuffing you and placing his hand on yours. 
“Y’know, sweetheart? I think I just might keep you.”
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discordsmuse · 8 months
Discordsmuse Masterlist
Hello friends! Finally putting together a masterlist to make it easier for you guys to find all my fanfics here since I only post to AO3!
These will be organized by fandom and character.
Baldur's Gate 3
dance me to the end of love, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Halsin admit to their feelings post-Moonrise and fuck on a balcony.
Silence, NSFW/18+ : Fem!Tav and Halsin fuck in a closet
Do Unto Others, NSFW/18+ : Fem!Tav wants to give Halsin some attention and convinces him to let her be the giver for once.
Enver Gortash
body more than just a flesh, you can sell it for success, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav is invited to dinner with the Archduke and things get a little heated.
i will give you all that you need, NSFW/18+: Sequel to the above, Fem!Tav and Gortash bathe together before Enver gets a little handsy.
gracious men are those who suffer, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Enver w/ a free use kink.
legacy with no memory, NSFW/18+: Fem!Durge and Enver Gortash w/a pregnancy kink
I wanna know my god, At least enough to fear Her, NSFW/18+: Fem!Durge and Gortash have a lil bit of hate sex
Gale Dekarios
be my nightfire, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav catches Gale mid-alone time. Feelings and sex ensue.
sanctify you bedsheets with the sweat along your hips, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav is fascinated by Abdirak and nervously asks him to teach her about Loviatar.
delightful little detour, NSFW/18+: Canon rewrite for what happens when Fem!Tav tells Raphael he's bad at sex.
Let the Dream Begin, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael Phantom of the Opera AU, slowburn
Office Hours, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael College AU
i wanna have a home, i wanna share it, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Rolan get together post-saving the tieflings from moonrise.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Hector Barbossa
The Pirate Lord, NSFW/18+: Barbossa/Reader post-Elizabeth being kinged.
All That Glitters, NSFW/18+: Longform Barbossa/Reader canon rewrite pre-CotBP
Liar's Bet, NSFW/18+: Longform Barbossa/Reader canon rewrite during CotBP and DMC
feel the edges start to burn, NSFW/18+: Barbossa/Reader where reader is friends w/Carina
Harry Potter
Severus Snape
isn't it lovely (all alone), NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader closet sex
no death in rebirth, NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader longform amnesia oneshot
Brought to Life, NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader marauder's era classmates to lovers lol
Dead by Daylight
Contention, NSFW/18+: Ace/Meg against a tree hatesex
Breaking Point, NSFW/18+: Megmillan first time
It's Alright, Teen/16+: The survivors and killers recover post-entity
Anna/The Huntress
Not so much taming as growing accustomed, Mature/16+, Huntress/Reader friendship to lovers
Herman Carter/The Doctor
Untethered, NSFW/18+, The Doctor/Reader where reader annoying him but in the fun, bratty way
Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg
Business Partners with Benefits, NSFW/18+: Heisenberg/Reader where reader is Moreau's niece
Spider Man
Dr. Otto Octavius/Doc Ock
Working Overtime, NSFW/18+: Otto/Reader where reader is his lab assistant
Bedside Manner, NSFW/18+: Otto/Reader where reader is Doc Ock's lover
Jareth the Goblin King
Midsummer, NSFW/18+: Jareth/Reader at the midsummer fae ball
don't leave me lonely, NSFW/18+: Jareth/Reader sequel to Midsummer
The band Ghost
Papa Emeritus IV/Cardinal Copia
Better Than, NSFW/18+: Copia/Reader where he's a little insecure about Terzo being better than him
Dracula (lol)
Nice Costume, NSFW/18+: Dracula/Reader in a modern setting at a party
Our Flag Means Death
Israel Hands
we do get desperate, now and again, Mature/16+: Fem!Reader/Izzy hurt/comfort unrequited love.
i wanna be yours, Mature/18+: Fem!Reader/Izzy first time together
The Quarry (2022)
Travis Hackett/Laura Kearney
• fell in love with the fever, Explicit/18+: Travis and Laura are forced to spend some time together 6 months after the incident.
This list will grow/change as I write more :D Thanks for reading!
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dreamqueenkala · 2 years
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WARNINGS: Mutual H*ndjob; Gr*ping; Voyeurism; Anxiety; Gentle!Dom!Jacob; F*ngering; Internalized Hom*phobia; Hints of Ab*se; Sweet Talk
Male Reader x Jacob Custos
I shrieked as a familiar bicep coiled around my neck, forcing me to bend over as his knuckles rubbed against my scalp. Squirming, I tugged at his arms and whined, eventually resorting to kicking him in the shin. He yelped and backed away quickly, leaning down to rub his shin with a pout.
"Um, ow!" He huffed, dark eyes glaring at me, though there was still humor on his face. I stuck my tongue out in reply, ruffling my (h/c) hair gently and popping my neck.
"You started it, shithead!" I squealed as he lunged at me, dodging to the side. Taking off at a sprint, I barreled through the forest behind the boathouse, screaming with joy. "Jacob, you're a dick!"
"I know!" Holy shit, he's right on my ass! I yelped as his muscular arms embraced my waist, the force of his tackle carrying us both to the dirt. I gasped from the force, cradling my head as it had smacked the ground pretty hard.
"F-Fuck, shit, I'm sorry, (Y/N)!" Jacob stammered, sitting upright to get a better look at my head. "Dammit, okay, t-there's no blood, at least." I blinked and light rubbed the bump already forming on the back of my skull, pushing myself up onto my elbows. As I did so, my face was suddenly inches away from Jacobs broad chest, the boy leaning over me slightly to worry over my bruising skull.
Completely oblivious to my predicament, Jacob caressed my hair gently, attempting to assess the damage. My eyes raked slowly down his torso, hesitating on his wide, strong hips and his powerful thighs that straddled my hips. Straddled. Holy fuck, Jacob's on top of me right now.
Every hormone in my body immediately reacted, blood rushing to my shorts and causing a tent to begin to form. My heart raced and my breathing staggered, (e/c) eyes wide with shock. My skin flushed a bright red and I yelped, quickly forcing the guy off me with both hands to his chest.
He gasped as he fell back, resting on his elbows as he glared at me. "Dude, what the hell—" Jacob's exclamation fell short as his brows furrowed, eyes settling on my red face and flustered expression. "Dude? You good?"
I didn't respond, my brain short circuiting as I attempted to rid myself of the dirty thoughts lingering behind my eyelids. What would it be like to have those thick, muscular thighs wrapped around my skull, those strong hands smacking my ass—I groaned and covered my face, lifting my knees in an attempt to shield my crotch from view.
"Dude, (Y/N), what's wrong?" Jacob leaned forward, brushing my hair to the side. He was worried, that much was obvious, but whether or not he noticed what was really happening to me was unknown.
"N-Nothing!" My voice cracked and I winced, squirming away from him. "I-I'm fine." My awkward demeanor was a common thing as I had severe social anxiety, especially around attractive or outgoing people. Though I was normally quite comfortable around Jacob, the crush I'd slowly developed over the past month on the guy made me flustered and provided me with more than just one problem. Problems I, unfortunately, had to deal with alone.
Shifting in place, I pushed myself back against a tree, my gaze flitting around rapidly. I could see his larger form moving closer to my thin self, kneeling over me as his shadow cast over my face. "(Y/N), dude, look at me." I shook my head, keeping my face buried in my knees. His firm hands squeezed my calves and I gasped softly, recoiling at the unintentionally intimate gesture. "Dude, let me see your face, c'mon—"
"N-No, Jake—!" My face grew ever warmer as he pulled my legs down, his eyes immediately flicking to the little problem I'd developed. I whimpered slightly at the wide eyed stare he'd given me upon noticing, tears pricking at my eyes. "D-Don't look at me like that."
His gaze snapped back up to meet mine, (e/c) clashing with deep charcoal. I squeezed my eyes shut and sniffled softly, hiccuping. "G-Go ahead. F-Fuckin' hate me, l-like everyone at home—"
"Woah, woah, woah! Dude, why would I hate you?" I snapped my jaw shut, eyes still screwed shut as my fingers dug into the dirt. "D-Did...did I...?" With a swift, but hesitant nod from me, Jacob inhaled sharply, his hands leaving my bare calves as he leaned back. I felt my heart sink and had to bite back a sob, the sound a choked whimper in my throat as I covered my face with my hands.
The dark thoughts invaded, memories of my fathers drunken anger and the abuse I suffered at home lingering behind my minds eye. I could feel the glass shattering on my skin, hear the angry slurs and threats, the banging of his fist on a door. Without realizing it, I began to hyperventilate, my breathing staggered and my heart rate accelerated as I struggled to focus. Ugly. Evil. Stupid. Weak. Pathetic. Useless. Disgusting. Disgraceful.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Warm hands cupped my jaw, two thumbs wiping the tears trickling down my skin. "It's okay. You're beautiful. You're kind. You're funny. You're smart. So beautiful. So brilliant." I hadn’t realized I’d spoken my thoughts aloud. His sweet words slowly calmed my thunderous thoughts, my breathing slowing to an even pattern. Blinking my eyes slowly, I leaned into his palm, exhaling softly as my hands fell to my lap.
"'M sorry." Jacob shushed me, petting my cheeks as he moved to sit beside me. Maneuvering my body, he placed me between his legs, head resting against his chest and my own legs draped over his left thigh. He cradled me close for a moment—obviously he was used to my anxiety attacks, having helped me through them more than once before so far this summer—and gently caressed my spine lightly.
"You're okay, (N/N). Seriously, you don't have to be so worked up." Jacob hummed after a moment. "I meant what I said, okay? I could never hate you just for being gay...your dad’s a dick, dude." I snorted softly and nuzzled his chest, exhaling as his heart thumped loudly beneath my ear.
"Thanks Jake. You're my best friend, you know that?" Jacob smiled and rested his hands on my back and thigh, hugging me closer.
"Well, duh, but I think I'm more than just your best friend if you just popped a boner for me—"
"Oh my god, shut up!" His boisterous laugh was infectious, a wide grin on both our lips as the tenseness of the previous situation died down with ease. His eyes sparkled with mirth and adoration as they examined my happy expression, lingering for a moment longer on my lips. "What...?"
"Nothing. You're just hot." His cheeky grin had me groaning, falling backwards over his lap as he snorted.
"Woooooow, so smooth, Jake." I huffed, despite the pink hue painting the apples of my cheeks again. I reached up and poked his shoulder, the guy smiling down at me.
"What? I can't flirt with you?" I deadpannned and pursed my lips, narrowing my gaze as I sat up.
"You're fucking with me."
He gaped at my blatant accusation, lifting his hands up in defense. "Um, no? Why would I do that?"
"Don't be a dick."
"I'm not! Wha—(Y/N)!" I moved to stand up, shuffling onto my knees with slight discomfort due to the semi-hard-on I still sported. Before I could move any further, Jacob's hands grasped my waist, pulling me back and forcing me to face him, straddling his hips. His expression was that of a kicked puppy as he held me in place, genuinely hurt by my accusation. "I'm not fucking with you."
Pursing my lips, I hesitated, searching his charcoal gaze for a sign of any deceit or deviousness. When I found none, I caved, placing my hands on his chest gently. "Promise?"
"Yeah, I promise." Jacobs hands squeezed my sides lightly, my body shuddering as his thumbs brushed under the hem of shirt my slightly. His eyes flickered down, watching my hips twitch in his lap, before flickering up to gauge my reaction. His hands slid lower, warm fingers threading under my shirt and tickling my cool skin lightly. I sat up straighter, suddenly aware of how close we really were, our noses practically brushing as our breathes mingled.
"Jake..." I mumbled, eyes flicking to his lips as my heart hammered in my chest. He swallowed thickly, leaning forward so our lips brushed.
"Yeah..." Jacob closed the gap, pulling me closer as his hips brushed up against mine. I mewled softly against his mouth, feeling his hand slide down to palm my crotch, squeezing the length and rubbing the head with his thumb.
"J-Jacob—" He shushed me with another kiss, his fingers digging into my waist and his hand squeezing my crotch lightly. His tongue slipped past my parted lips, losing itself against mine while his knees bent slightly, rolling our hips together. Soft mewls and whines escaped me between kisses, my hands grabbing at his defined chest and broad shoulders, squeezing and kneading the muscled flesh.
He chuckled slightly, soft grunts pressed against my lips as I groped the athlete, his hands guiding my ass over his lap. I could feel him pressing against my rear, the thick outline of his cock tented in his khakis. I pulled away with a breathless gasp, a string of saliva bonding our lips as we panted and gazed at each other, pupils blown. "I-I thought you were—"
"Interested in Emma? She's hot but she's not you."
My heart warmed at his words and I found myself grinding over his lap, pressing down against his cock whilst his fingers squeezed my waist. "F-Fuck..." He groaned and let his eyes flutter shut, cupping my ass in his large palms with a nice squeeze. "You keep doing that and I'm gonna lose it, (N/N)." He warned, eyes dark as they opened to settle on my hips, watching me roll them.
"Jacob..." His name came out as a breathless whine, his eyes meeting mine with surprise and lust as he took in my expression of utter submission. My nails dug into his shoulders as I leaned back against his bent legs, lips parted and slightly swollen from our kisses whilst my pupils consumed the ring of (e/c) that once rested there. "I want you. Jacob, please." I begged, disheveled (h/c) locks falling loosely in my vision. A deep groan left his throat and his hands moved further down my ass, grabbing firmly at the plush clothed flesh. His lips found my neck and sucked at the skin, tongue swirling lightly over my pulse point. As his teeth nipped at my pulse, I cried out and bucked my hips hard, slamming my ass back against his hard clothed cock.
"Jesus Fucking—!" Gripping my ass tightly, he lifted me up onto my knees, shuffling to remove his belt. Popping the button, he slid his khakis and boxers down just enough to let his cock stand, the bulbous red tip bounding against his clothed abs with a harsh smack.!I swallowed thickly and struggled to remove my own shorts, tossing them along with my briefs to the side. My shirt still present on my body helped me relax slightly, feeling incredibly shy as my smaller length lifted the hem with its pulsing. "You're beautiful." The ravenette mumbled against my throat, licking his fingers lightly. That hand made its way down my spine, slipping between my cheeks and prodding at my entrance.
I gasped and gripped his shoulders, whimpering as he slipped his middle finger in to the first knuckle. It felt different with his hand, his digits thicker than my own. Despite the temporary discomfort, I felt extremely satisfied by just the one in my ass, keening as he buried it deeper. "Is that good?" Jacob asked, genuinely curious as he'd most likely never fucked another guy before. I nodded, unable to find words in the moment, and let my head rest on his shoulder. His ring finger slipped past the rim, following the first as deep as two knuckles, then he slowly pulled them back out only to push them back in just as slow.
"Faster..." I murmured, tightly gripping at his shirt as I did so. He made a soft noise of confirmation, his fingers moving faster as his freehand slid to my front. Between my legs, he grasped my cock in his left hand, my muffled yelp of surprise pressed against his skin. Rubbing the tip with his thumb, he stroked me lightly, other hand still thrusting into my ass as he held me. "O-Oh fuck, J-Jake...!"
"Say my name again." His voice was hoarse from lust and pleasure, leaning back to watch my expressions as he toyed with my body. His cock throbbed against his abdomen, a bead of precum forming at the tip.
"Jake!" I all but whined, head tossed back as I rolled my hips against his hands. His breath hitched and he bit his lip, dark eyes watching me with awe. Deciding to return the favor, one of my hands slipped down his chest and enveloped his length, his size much larger than my hand. I stroked him in time with his movements, watching his brows furrow and his jaw clench.
"F-Fuck, (Y/N)..." He grunted, voice cracking. I perked up slightly and moved my hand a bit faster, still rolling my hips into his hands. My thumb swiped over his tip, spreading his precum, and I squeezed the base lightly, earning a whine of pleasured protest from him. "Fuck yeah, ah..."
I leaned forward as he rushed his movements, thrusting his fingers in my ass rapidly as he fisted my cock. His lips brushed over mine as we both moaned, his hand replacing mine on his own cock and pressing our two lengths together. I mewled and thrusted into his fist, coiling my arms around his neck and threading my fingers through his hair. He kissed me aggressively, stroking faster as he dipped three fingers into my ass, altering the angle and brushing my prostate. I screamed against his mouth, his lips pulling into a smile as his tongue swallowed my cry, fingers aiming for that bundle of nerves on every thrust in. His strokes grew sloppy, our cocks rubbing together as they throbbed and our balls clenched, climax growing near.
"So beautiful. So sweet." Jacob cooed against my lips, his eyes half lidded as he gazed at me with such adoration and love, chest heaving. I whimpered softly and bit my lip, back arching as I cried out once more, my vision a blinding white. I could hear him groan, his hips bucking against mine as we both came, the warm stickiness of our release mixed between our shirts and dampening the soft cotton cloth. Panting, I rested my head on his shoulder, wincing as his fingers slipped from my ass and tugged my shirt hem down to cover it.
"Holy shit, you guys are loud." I yelped and scrambled to hide myself further, Jacobs hands wiping themselves clean on his shirt before coiling around me protectively. Nick snickered as he stood nearby, hands on his hips whilst Kaitlyn hailed a disapproving expression, her arms folded over her chest. "You guys need to clean the fuck up and thank Ryan for taking all the kiddos canoeing."
"Yes ma'am." Jacob mock saluted the short woman, receiving a roll of the eyes and a scoff before she turned on her heel. Nick waved, a coy smirk on his face as he followed after her, disappearing beyond the treeline. Jacob chuckled lowly and pressed a kiss to my temple, hugging me gently.
"We really should get cleaned up." I nodded, my face ablaze, but the dopey smile I carried had yet to fade. Even though we'd been caught, I didn't regret a thing.
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wiccanwolf93 · 7 months
So I have read all I can with the Travis Hackett fanfictions, so out of curiosity would anyone be interested If I threw my hat in the ring?
Edit: Truth be told I was not expecting the response to this! Right now I am in the middle of writing it out however Tumber and my phone are at war with each other (took 3 hours just to write this). If y'all would kindly give me a day or two to finish writing/get my laptop back up and running I will get it posted. Thank you to everyone just hold on a bit longer.
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hope-to-hell · 1 year
The difficulty of taking what you really want. Travis Hackett x Reader. Smut, pegging, implied age gap. It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks.
When you float the idea he goes all deer in the headlights, blush creeping up from under his collar. He’s not disgusted—poleaxed maybe— spluttering a bit before he gets out a what? I, um. No… no thank you, and so you let it lie. There’s plenty else you can do, after all. And anyway you’re well distracted before long, once he starts peeling off his shirt with that boyish grin that makes him look twenty years younger.
Were you a greaser? I bet you were, leather jacket and jeans, causing trouble down at the drive-in and—
Hey now, how old do you think I am?
Just messing with ya. Still think you’d look fuckin hot in leather.
There’s a span of weeks when he’s turning something over in his mind, now and then making that rumbling hmm over coffee at his desk, or as he’s moving slow and lazy in ya with your back pressed against his chest.
You think too much.
One of us has to.
And so time passes until the question just faintly brushes the back of your mind, until the lights are low and he’s nosing at your neck. I want you to, he says, and you can feel the heat radiating from his cheeks.
Gonna have to be more specific, T. Pulling it out of him carries the risk of Travis simply retreating into himself, but this is part of the dance: the I want that becomes we need, the shyness spiraling out into abandon— because he is shy, no matter what he or anyone else says; he dreams of rain in the pines and not another soul around for miles— but all this hinges on him speaking his need.
I— aw fuck. I want you to fuck me. His words are breathy on the exhale, wispy almost; it’s that little voice whispering I want, I want, peeling back the ingrained layers of good boys don’t do that, laying bare the part of him that dares to take what he wants. This won’t be a grand event; there will be no rose petals or candlelight; he is a skittish thing and so he will try to stay at the very edge of the light where he can let his needs unfurl. But he is the center of your attention here whether he likes it or not; he takes a breath and lets you lay him down.
You don’t have to say I’ll be careful but you do say easy does it when you’re slicking him inside and out til he’s nearly more lube than man; he’s had a finger in him once or twice but the promise of more has him breathing openmouthed, canines catching at his lip. I gotcha. Here, check it out— and you’re closing his big rough hand over the silicone cock, feeling the tug of leather against your skin as he hefts it, pursing his lips such that you can practically hear the gears turning in his mind.
And if he twitches a little at the way you’re petting at his insides, it doesn’t last because at last he’s drifting in the rare pleasure of being cared for, rocked now and again by the uncertainty of this unfamiliar ground. Feels— weird. Exposed? Like I’m more naked than I’ve ever been. He shifts, canting his hips up just a bit; he could be chasing sensation or trying to evade it, and so you have to ask.
Hey. We still good?
Okay, then. Lie back and let me blow your mind.
Smartass, I oughta— whatever he meant to say dies in the harsh wet gasp that punches out of him when you steady the toy against his ass and slowly push inside. It’s not from pain but rather from the sheer overwhelming scope of sensation that he has no reference for, and so all he can do is drop his head back among the pillows and feel.
‘Salright? His answer is in the way he reaches for you, threading a hand between all your tangled limbs til he can grip at your hip, catching at the leather strap. His pale arm tenses bowstring-tight with the force of his need; he’s beyond speaking but his body speaks more clearly than he could, his cock twitching and jerking against his belly. Stroke yourself, gorgeous. C’mon, let me see, you look so fucking hot when you let go. And when he does let go— when he sheds the final scrap of oughtn’t, shouldn’t, mustn’t and clothes himself in pure naked pleasure— when he takes himself in hand and his breaths falter out of rhythm, that’s when it happens.
It’s the smallest change in angle, a shift of your hips that rips a startled, wide-eyed oh from him. There, huh?
I— fuck. Fuck. Again, more— and of course you’re gonna give him what he wants, what he needs— unh— he’s been wound so tight for so long, he deserves this mindless pleasure, the wet sound of skin on skin as you push him hard toward the edge— fuckfuckfuck— the stoic in him has combusted and all that’s left is this mad dash to— ah— to—
and he falls.
He’s still twitching but you’re already halfway out of the harness, wrapping yourself around his thigh, and he slots against you so perfectly, slippery with spilled lube and your own need; the hair on his thigh gives just the right amount of friction and it’s no time at all before you’re following him down.
In the loose-limbed aftermath he’s hazy, drifting; his fingertips brush against your cheek as he’s mumbling cmere. Scootch up. He’s so warm, slick with sweat and fluids but you fit so perfectly against his side. It’ll be worth having to peel yourself off him later; for now he’s slipping into sleep with one arm draped across your belly. For now, there is no thought, no worry— only rest.
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thewanderingbutler · 2 years
Travis Hackett x Reader WIP : PART 1
I wrote the first two chapters and wasn't sure if I was going to continue. Because people have expressed such support I have found the motivation to continue. More Chapters out now!
Fast Click to Chapter list
Background info: I’ve basically inserted (Y/N) into Laura and Max’s situation but with a twist. I’ve tried to keep much of the game dialogue the same in some scenarios so you can actually hear Travis Hackett saying it.
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Chapter 1: An Impromptu Meet
“Fuck. It’s gotten really dark out” you say as you survey the road. 
Maybe driving in a day early wasn’t such a good idea. Especially this late at night. You did call ahead… kind of. You left a voicemail saying you’d be in later so that should have been good enough. I mean, Mr. Hackett always talked about how welcoming the town of North Kill was to new counsellors so this shouldn’t be that… bad.
“Shit. Did I miss the exit?”
You swing your head to look behind you in case you missed any signs. Your eyes shifting from one side to the other. When you turn back around you see something in the road, and you’re approaching it - Fast. You grab the steering wheel and swerve hard to the left. You feel a slight bump and skid off the road. The car crashes through the wooden fence, veering off into the forest. Hitting a stump you lose control of the wheel. The car twists and turns through the forest jostling you in the process. Next thing you know the car has skidded to the side and come to a stop.
You sit there for a time being, processing just what the fuck has happened. Your car makes puttering sounds in the silence.
“Oh my God… Oh my fucking God.” You say in disbelief.
Slowly regaining your composure you unbuckle your seatbelt. It hits your arm slightly as it zips up back into its regular place. You’re amazed that your airbag didn’t deploy after all that. You reach for the car door and open it with a shaky hand. As you take a step outside the vehicle you realize you’re a bit dizzy. Holding onto the car you steady yourself while taking in your surroundings. Yup. You are in the woods. Fuck. You take out your phone from the car and put on the flashlight, walking to the front to check out the damage. Shining the light you see where your front bumper is bent and that the right headlight is out, glass broken around it. 
“Shit…okay…okay. Not bad.” You move your flashlight a bit more, now seeing a bit of blood on the car. “But not great”. You say exasperated.
What the fuck was that? It was low to the ground but it looked�� hunched? Fuck, how badly could it be hurt? I didn’t hit it straight on…
The wind blowed, rustling the leaves of the forest. For a moment you almost forgot how far you are from the road. Staring into the darkness you feel a sense of unease, as if there was something more than you in this neck of the woods.
Yeah. I gotta get the hell out of here
You open up the hood, hoping that you don’t see any damage you can’t fix easy. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary… or so you hoped. It was kind of hard to even examine the car in your shaken state. As you close the hood you take a step to your side and catch yourself on a tree root, falling flat on your face.
“Oh God damn it.” You say, struggling to get up.
You wipe the mud off your phone first and then attempt to wipe down part of your shirt, making the stain worse in the process. You sigh out loud and make your way to the driver’s seat. As you open the door you hear a noise. Looking back slightly you hurry into the car and immediately lock it. You relish in the safety of your car, slowly realizing the soreness in your neck. Bringing your hand up to the nape of you twinge. Seems like your little adventure caused some slight whiplash. Although you don’t feel great it’s not as bad as it could be. You sigh once more as you get the keys to start the car up. As you turn the keys the car spits out rapid clicking noises but doesn’t catch.
“No, no, no! Come on!”
A sense of dread fills your stomach. You try again but it’s just the same sound over an over. You put your head down on the steering wheel. Closing your eyes you lift your head up.
“FUCK!” You scream as you hit both hands on the steering wheel. 
You grip the steering wheel for a few seconds before opening up your eyes and tilting your head back. Out of the corner of your eye you see a man in the window.
The man stands there calmly. You notice the police uniform and you place your hand on your chest, centring yourself.
“Jesus fucking Christ…. Oh my God you scared me”
After you finish swearing and your heart beat isn’t going a million of miles per second the officer speaks.
“Roll it down.”
“Of course officer”
Rolling down the window you can see him more clearly. He’s got short dark hair, a slender face, and piercing eyes that look black in the darkness of the forest.
“Are you injured”, he says in a serious tone.
“No”, you say immediately. “Well, my neck hurts a bit but I’m okay. Just a little shaken up.”
“Mmhmm” he says, looking at you before drifting his attention to the front of the car. 
He walks up to where the damage is and you watch him. He slowly approaches where you’ve damaged the car and bends down. After a second of scanning the front he stands back up.
“You wanna tell me what’s happened here?” He says in a very straight to the point tone. 
You gulp as he makes his way back to your window. You can’t look him straight in the eyes so you look literally anywhere else as you muster up your answer.
“Yeah, uh, I-I was driving along the road and took my eyes off for just a second a-and when I looked back there was an animal or something right in front of me so I swerved to avoid it but ended up losing control and…” you pause to compose yourself. “And now I’m here.”
You finish your rambling, shaky response by looking at the officer. His facial expression hasn’t changed at all, fully focused on only what you are saying.
“What did this animal look like?” He’s dead serious, it causes you to shiver a bit.
“I couldn’t really tell, it was so dark and it happened so fast that I don’t know what I hit.”
The cop pauses, closing his eyes for a second before speaking. He looks back at you.
“Can you get your car running?”
“No officer. I don’t know why but it won’t start up… Here I’ll try again.”
You reach for the keys, give them a turn and the same clicking sound starts up again with no sign of stopping. He visibly sighs.
“Alright ma’am please exit the car. Let’s get to the road.”
“Oh okay” you say as he takes a step back from the vehicle.
Fuck. Honestly I’m just glad there was someone out here. I did not like the idea of being here all alone.
You open the car door, placing your feet on the ground. Standing next to him felt more intimidating than when you were in the car. Maybe it’s because he’s a few inches taller than you and so the height difference is more apparent. The fact that he looks extremely serious probably doesn’t help though. Before closing your door you speak up, catching his attention.
“Um, would it be possible to grab my bag from the back? If I’m leaving my car I’d like to take my belongings with me….”
He pauses for a second before replying. “Yeah. We can do that.” He waves his hand nonchalantly towards your car then to the police vehicle. “You can put in the trunk. Let’s get a move on. ” He starts walking.
“Thank you.” You say as you turn to your seat.
You take your backpack from the passenger seat with your water bottle and sunglasses. Pressing a button you pop the trunk and close the driver’s side door. Grabbing your bigger bag from the back you shut the trunk. You pat the vehicle, hoping you’ll see your car sooner than later. You fast walk to the cop car and lug your bigger bag into the back, choosing to keep your backpack by your side. You look to the cop. He’s shuffling some things from the front to the back seat area so you can sit. He bends back up, his hand on the passenger side door waiting for you. Closing the cop car's trunk you make your way over. You can feel him staring at you so you mostly stare at the ground while you walk. Near the door you decide to look up at him.
“Thank you again for all your help”, you say giving a slight smile.
You see his facial expression change, he’s not making eye contact but focusing on the side of your face. You’re a bit perplexed but you keep the smile. He reaches to his side.
“Hold still please.”
Now you’re even more confused. Your smile starts to drop and your eyes dart to his hand. He’s taking something out of his pocket. 
“What are you doing…?” You say with apprehension.
He brings out a handkerchief, shakes it once to unfold it and brings himself closer to you, arm outstretched. You step back.
“I said, stay, still.” He says assertively.
You freeze. Closing your eyes not knowing what to expect until you feel the cloth at the side of your face. 
“Just….yeah…” he says in almost a whisper. 
He’s wiping your face. You totally forgot about the fall you had earlier. You must have had some dirt on your face.
“Mhmm…there.” He mutters as he steps back, taking away the handkerchief from your face leaving you with only the tingly sensation of the cloth.
You open your eyes again, meeting his.
“Fresh as a daisy.” He says to you in an almost friendly tone. “Now, let’s get going.”
“Oh yeah, um, okay…” You say as you sit down, still wondering why he did that for you. 
He shuts your passenger door. You put your backpack down between your legs and reach for the seatbelt. He walks to the drivers seat and closes the door once he’s in. Without even looking at you he starts up the car and puts it into reverse. He turns his body towards you, reaching his hand toward your headrest and begins to back up. You til your head slightly so you’re not right next to his arm. You try not to look at him directly but as he shuffles in his seat you can’t help but notice the profile of his face. He’s actually quite attractive. He’s got a strong yet lean face, making his other facial features quite distinct. His hooded eyes are what initially caught your attention. Every time he looks at you it’s like he can see right through you, which is a bit unnerving on your side. The police uniform collar fits his neck perfectly, making his Adam’s apple quite pronounced. You realize you’ve probably been staring for a while so your eyes wander away from his frame. He definitely fits the role of tough rural police officer with a face like that. As he reaches the road the car ride starts to smooth out. Rolling to a stop he bring his hand back and puts the car in park. With one hand on the wheel and the other on his thigh he exhaled, looking right at you.
“Now, you wanna tell me, just what in the HELL you are doing, all the way out here, this late at night?”
The tone change made you jump a bit. Now we’re back to serious cop.
“Oh, yeah, I-I was headed up to Hackett’s Quarry summer camp, I’m a new counsellor.” You say with minimal stuttering. 
Visibly raising his eyebrow he takes a second to pause, zero-ing in on your face.
“You’re one night early.”
“Yes, yes I am. I called ahead so they knew I was coming. Thought I’d get in early and scope it out”. You turn your head back to where your car ran off the road. “Of course that hasn’t worked out great.” You say with a bit of an exasperated laugh at the end.
The officer doesn’t laugh back. You stop smiling and clear your throat slightly. He looks down and presses his lips together as if he was contemplating something. He looks up at you for a second, focusing of your face and your expression before looking back down.
“You’re not going to make it to Hackett’s Quarry.” Looking up he shakes his head. “Not Tonight.” He turns, focusing on the road ahead.
He taps his fingers on the steering wheel, probably thinking about what to do with you. As he’s taking a moment to pause you look down the road too. You turn your head a bit too fast making you wince from some slight pain. The cop notices this too, looking you up and down as you put your hand to the back of your neck.
“I’ll take you to the station tonight. It’s closest and I need to be out tonight.” He’s taken his hand off his thigh and placed the car in drive before you could respond.
“Oh…okay… that should be fine…” you say hesitantly. He starts a u-turn and begins to drive down the road.
“If you’re worried about what’ll happen to your car I’ll make sure to get it out first thing tomorrow. I’ll bring it to the scrapyard to get looked at.” 
“Oh, that’s fine. Thank you.” You say a bit off-put. “I was just wondering… you said you’d be out? Will you leave me alone at the station?” 
“Yup. I have things to take care of but I’ll give you a a bed ‘till morning. I’ll take you to the camp tomorrow. Do you understand.” The way he said it was more of an order than a question.
“Yes. Absolutely. Thank you Officer.” 
“Mhmm” he replies. 
For the rest of the drive you both sat in silence, filling the car with steady breathes and racing thoughts.
Chapter 2
BTW- this is the first fanfic I’ve ever written. Let me know what you think!
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Every Little Movement (Travis x F!reader)
Author Message: Hey guys! Like you, I have been infected with the Ted Raimi virus thanks to The Quarry. So here is a little something something to help stimulate our fanbase. For mature audiences.
*It is Travisxreader, unnamed reader, reader is female, reader is a librarian, reader has a heart condition, strangers to lovers, older man/younger woman, smut, grumpy travis, soft travis, semi sick-fic, crying after sex, praise kink if you squint.
Here is the link for the Birthday Chapter:
Moving to North Kill was certainly never on her roster.  A city girl moving to a rural town way upstate was almost her personal hell.  Yet with the trauma and sadness her family constantly caused back home along with the vicious job setting at the bank she had worked at, she needed to escape.  Getting the one and only call back for a job as a librarian for said small town in her home state, was what she thought she needed; subconsciously of course.  That was the only way she said yes, something inside her told her to accept.  Her library degree was finally going to pay off!  
After being accepted, she did her fair share of research on the town.  Research detailing if it was safe, how populated it was, crime rate, etc.  She was excited to see that it was near Hackett’s Quarry.  A very popular summer camp when she was growing up.  However, last year, tragedy struck the Hackett family causing it to permanently close.  Rumor has it the entire family got wiped out from some unknown illness or attack.   
Driving the long hours through the state with all her belongs was not the most glamours way in moving.  However, it was the cheapest and the most practical.  As there was an hour left to the journey, her anxiety and excitement began to spike.  She was able to rent a duplex in the middle of town.  A sweet sounding elderly family lived in the right side of the house while they needed a nice, quiet tenant to help them cover their bills.  After the shut down in tourism from the quarry’s closure, it caused inflation to hit the poor residence and farmers of the town.  She was terribly nervous if she was making a horrible choice; moving into a house she never toured before along with people she never met in the backwoods of New York.  She also had no idea what to expect from her job.  It sounded as if she’d be the only one working there, as the hiring manager mentioned that the library was shut down due to lack of staff.  Would she be safe working into the night?  All alone?  She hoped they had law enforcement.  She remembered hearing there was a Hackett family member that was a cop, but she was unsure if he perished as well and or if they ever refilled that position.
Her heart started to beat hard in her chest and it tightened.  She gasped feeling the pain strike.  She slowed her driving to a crawl and began to take deep breaths.  Pulling over to the side of the road she closed her eyes and tried to calm her shaking body.  It’s all going to be fine.  Everything is going to be fine.  She tried to lie to herself and calm the frantic thoughts.  Her chest palpitations were a potentially non lethal condition passed down in her family.  She’ll be ok as long as she doesn’t stress so much.  However, her family caused her to be a constantly stressed and worrisome individual.  There was hardly a day she lived without stress.  
As she was breaking on the side of the road, she tried to calm her stressed nervous system.  Then a tap on her window caused her to scream.  Looking to her right and clutching her chest she saw that it was an officer.  His face was serious but it was startled at her reaction.  He made the motion to roll down the glass.
“I’m sorry to have scared you ma’am.  You’ve been pulled over for some time.  Is everything alright?”
Gazing at his face she noticed how the sun colored his dark eyes and shone through his black hair.  He had an intense, intimidating air about him with the stare to match.  Yet his tone wasn’t gruff just stern.
She nodded, “Yes I was just trying to get my bearings.  Can you tell me how far away I am from North Kill?”
His face bore a brief moment of shock, “North Kill?  Why would you…oh are you the new librarian?”
She nodded her head.
He shifted his weight and hung off the roof of the car, “Your only a half hour out from the town.  I’ll escort you the rest of the way.”
“Oh you don’t have to officer, I can manage-”
He continued, “Make sure to follow me closely.”  Ignoring her as he walked off.
She huffed.  Ok, now she had a cop snooping around and overbearingly taking her to town.  But one question was answered, they had a police force.  Rolling up her window she saw him pull out in front and drive slowly ahead.  Shifting into drive she followed closely behind.  Getting a good look at the back of the car she noticed it said ‘Sheriff’ on the trunk.  Her eyes widened, great she was being escorted by the sheriff.  This was either really good or really bad, depending on the impression she made on him.  She remarked how clean and pristine his uniform was.  If their uniforms were so well made, then North Kill couldn’t be that uncivilized and disheveled right?  
Thinking back to their encounter, he had quite the presence.  It shook her and captivated her mind.  He was very intimidating and she hoped she didn’t have to be on the end of that again.  Then a thought struck her causing her to groan.  Just how small was this town?  What if he was the only cop in town?   Would she constantly be bumping into him?  And what if she needed him to protect her at some point?  Oh boy she was in for it.
She wasn’t paying attention and had to break hard.  He was stopped at a stop sign and nearly rear-ended him.  She saw him look into his rearview mirror.  She raised her hands in a sorry gesture.  She noticed he shook his head before taking off again.  She gripped the wheel tight; yep, definitely a negative impression.  Following him around twists and turns she was actually thankful for the escort.  This many tiny side roads and sharp rights and lefts over cavernous drops was not what she was used to.  And to top it off, the thunderstorm brewing was not making it any easier.  She adored the fall and storms but not driving in them.
Pulling around a curve her eyes brightened.  North Kill.  The outskirts were greeting her as she drove in.  A small gas station with a few tiny houses and stores were lining the side.  Following in, she saw colorful small family homes mixed with stretches of farmland.  Forests lined the entire area on each side with rolling, treed hills in the distance.  As they drove she gawked at the small brick police department on her right.  That was where he worked no doubt.  Taking a right turn at a three way fork right past the station, they pulled around to a small rounded building.  It was close to the heart of town and within walking distance to the police.  He parked and so did she.  Hopping out she noticed that this was her library!  So close to town and so close to his work.  This was both a comfort and a curse.  
Walking past her car she met him as he stood near the entrance.
“This good for you?”  He asked.
She looked at the library then him, “Oh yes, this is great!  Thank you very much officer.  Er, let me correct myself, Sheriff!”
He gave a nod before turning and going back to the drivers side.  She felt she needed to show more gratitude.  His abrupt departure threw her off.
“Um, seriously I really am grateful!  I’ll have to find a way to make it up to you.  Since, I am the new girl in town and all.”  She gave a nervous smile and finished the sentence with the introduction of her name.
His face was still stern as he gave a curt nod and said, “Don’t mention it.  And it’s Hackett.”
Hackett!  Her face lit up in surprise.  He left her standing that way as he climbed into his car and sped off towards the station.  That was the surviving Hackett!  Another question answered.  Watching his car disappear down the bend she turned back at the building.  The rain had stopped momentarily but was about to pour down again any moment.  Getting a quick look she climbed back in her car.  It was a quaint building with grey stone and no edges.  Large windows surrounded the front and green beautiful trees and bushes decorated the perimeter.  Smiling she was satisfied.  This town looked more developed than what her nightmares projected.  Hearing another clap of thunder, she thought it was time to go check out her rental.  After all, her landlords were expecting her tonight.  Kicking the car back to life she headed off down the road to the left side of the library.
Passing beautiful neighborhoods she turned off and down to the right.  Riding down she saw this street held a series of one story duplexes.  It was a gorgeous street with clean cut grass and tidy homes.  Heading a bit further she found her house number on her right.  Glancing at the cookie-cutter duplex she saw brick looming behind her home.  She gasped.  The damn police station was looking over her back yard!  Was she just doomed to always be in Sheriff Hackett’s vicinity?  Also, how safe was it for being so close to imprisoned inmates?  Were there any in such a small town?  If there were then everyone would know she supposed, so it couldn’t be that bad.  Parking in the small lot, she hopped out and knocked on the right side’s door.  The lights were on so they had to be home.
“Hello?”  A short, adorable old woman with a cute pink apron appeared.
“Yes hi!  I am the tenant and new librarian.”  She said while introducing her name.
“Oh yes!  You’re early.  Did you have an ok time traveling?”
She nodded with a yawn, “It was long but, at the end there, Sheriff Hackett helped escort me to town.”
Her face bore surprise, “My that’s quite a bold offer of him.”
She titled her head, “How so?”
“He is very reclusive, even as our sheriff.  So hearing him offer such a generous thing as escorting a lady to town isn’t heard of.  Then again we don’t get many visitors now days and a cute young thing like you might be on his soft side.”
She blushed, “O-Oh well that’s good then…I think.”  This lady was adorable but a bit much right now.
“But where are my manners.  It’s raining out!  Come in dear, let us make you some tea!”
She smiled as she moved over the threshold.  Their home was just as cute as they were.  She came to find that her name was Margerie and her husband’s was Phil.  Phil looked like a mirror image of Margerie except he wore a grey sweater and black pants curled up in a rocking chair.  Their walls were full of pictures of grandkids and family along with paintings of flowers and farmland.  It was very warm to the point she was sweating.  But she didn’t mind it was cozy.  She felt very at ease and her anxiousness melted away as she watched Margerie make her tea and commence small town gossip.  
“And oh you should’ve seen Ms. Ruth’s slippers!  Poor things were chewed to bits by the Jones’ dog.”
She laughed politely as she took the tea that was handed to her.
As Margerie was sitting down she waved her hand, “But please ignore me.  I’m rambling on again.  Tell us about you dear!  You must have fascinating stories from that big city life you lived.”
She looked down with a thoughtful smile, “Yes, quite.  Very loud.  Very cold.  Very…lonely.”
Margerie’s face looked so sad, “Oh I didn’t mean to pry dear.”
She waved politely, “No please, it’s ok!  I came here for a change of pace.  For the better hopefully.  By getting this job I hope to settle down in a relaxed adorable town such as North Kill.  It might be the very thing my soul needs.”
“And settling down with a nice man maybe?  There’s plenty I can introduce you to.”  Margerie winked.
She blushed, “O-oh maybe later…but I do appreciate your offer.”
“So you work hard over there in the city?”  The gruff voice of Phil finally spoke up.
“Yes sir, I was a bank teller in one of the most chaotic parts.  I worked long and hard hours to really get nowhere.  Family was very unsupportive, so I chose the simple life.  Hopefully this library job isn’t as crazy as a major bank job in the middle of a work hub.”
He simply nodded with an approving grunt. 
She gave one more yawn and Margerie seemingly just noticed now just how tired she looked, “Oh dear we are keeping you up.  Look at us here, being old chatter boxes while you’re probably dead tired from your long trip.”  She got up and went to a kitchen drawer.  She produced something in her hand and walked over to her, “Here is your key.  We will pay your utilities as long as you keep up on your rent.  Sounds like a deal?”
She nodded with a big smile, “Yes!  Thank you so much!  I will do everything I can to repay your generosity and trust in me.  I’ll be the perfect tenant.”
Margerie smiled tenderly, “I don’t doubt that dear.”
As she stood up Margerie held out her arms.  With an approving nod they hugged.
Rubbing her back briefly she said, “Welcome to North Kill!”
“If the people here are just as sweet and kind as you two, then I’ll have no worries left.”  She said smiling down at them.
Breaking the hug Margerie held onto her arms with a smile, “Well most of us are, besides that grumpy Sheriff.  But, he means well.”  She gave a wink.
She blushed for some reason.  She turned to leave, flashing one last smile and gave a goodnight before making her way to the door.  Margerie walked her there and let her out.  With a final goodnight she turned to her right and unlocked her own door.  It was dark.  Fumbling for the light, she switched it on.  It mirrored Margerie and Phil’s side but without the massive amount of pictures and knitted blankets.  They had it furnished with a couch and a lounge chair.  She smiled, forgetting about the furnished part in the deal.  The kitchen looked clean and empty in the dark.  As she made her way to look at the bedroom she was delighted to see a nice queen sized bed sat in a near empty room.  Walking in and switching on the ceiling fan light, she saw that the bed was made and that there was a note on her pillow.
“Welcome!”  Was printed on the cover.  Opening it she gave a small chuckle as it was a brief heartwarming message left from Margerie greeting her and telling her that they were glad she was moving in.  Holding the card to her chest she sighed contentedly.  Her worries were melting away minute by minute.  The only thing left was the job itself.  And, she’ll soon find out tomorrow how good or bad that was going to be.
Undressing and falling asleep surprisingly quick, she slept a dreamless sleep.  
Waking early, she didn’t feel unrested but she did feel a bit out of place since it was her first night in a new home.  Shuffling to the bathroom she got a wonderful hot shower; washing off all the grime and stress from the drive over.  The warmth helped her sore legs and butt as she marinated under the steaming stream.  Hopping out she heard her phone ringing.  Running to it she saw it was a local number and answered.
“Yes hello?”
The woman on the other line asked her name and she confirmed it was her.
“Hello!  I’m just calling to make sure you made it to town safe.  I am Dorene your boss.”
She smiled, “Oh yes I have!  Nice to hear from you.”
“Wonderful.  When you come in I’ll be there to help show you the ropes and give you the keys.  After that, you should be all set to carry on the job.”
“Alright, sounds great.”
“Good, see you in a few.”
“See you then.”
They hung up and she sighed.  Alright, the boss didn’t sound so bad.  Getting dressed she hopped in her car and drove over.  It wasn’t a far drive at all, in fact once she felt comfortable, she probably could walk.  If she felt comfortable that was.  Pulling up and parking in the back, she ran around to the front doors and knocked.  She saw the glimpse of the inside as a woman, Dorene, saw her wave and came over to let her in.
“Hello!  Glad you are here.”  She sounded relieved, “Since I was the only one working we couldn’t open very often.  But since you are here it will make it much easier.”
She smiled politely at Dorene as she crossed into the library.  There was a large expanse between the doors and the wrap around front desk.  Behind it to the left were wooden shelves running around the circular building sectioned off with signs labeled with themes and categorizations.  She could see tables dotted throughout the shelves with low hanging lights dimly illuminating the rows.
“Well!  It shouldn’t be hard to get you to run this place by yourself.  I’ve made cheatsheets and notes in case you forget or need an answer.  And of course you can call me if you are stuck with something.”
She nodded, “Ok.”
Dorene turned to her and extended her hand, “Welcome to North Kill, it’s so nice to meet you.”
She shook it with a nod before Dorene brought her over to the circulation desk.  It was a few hours of learning the computer system and getting answers to typical procedures.  She was told of the extensions for the police as well as finding out where the panic button and escape routes were.  Eyeing the panic button she couldn’t help but imagine Sheriff Hackett running in all serious-like at the instance of an emergency.  She shuddered at the thought if she ever hit that thing by accident.  After a few more tiresome rundowns, Dorene was eager to hand her the keys and get out of there.
“Hours are 8am-5pm and this library does close on Fridays and weekends since we are such a small town.  If you ever need time off just let me know far in advance ok.  Ok have fun!”
Waving at Dorene’s immediate retreating form, she sighed.  So much for company.  Sitting in the comfy chair, she turned to look at the shelves, or stacks as Dorene called them.  Getting back up she thought it good to start and memorize where things were in case a patron needed to know where a certain book or section was.  Walking through the low light, she did find that it was a bit dark.  But, as she smiled at it, she found that the warm yellow light mixed nicely with the gunstock wood shelving.  It was terribly cozy; romantic even.  Glancing at her phone she saw that she was a few hours away from closing.  All that and not one patron today.  She shrugged.  She was fine with that. 
Heading back to the desk she saw the sky begin to darken.  It was a gorgeous view seeing the trees and hills in-between the convenience store that sat right across from her.  Being on the corner of the street helped give a bigger perspective of where she sat in town.
After another half hour or so she glanced back at that panic button.  It sat right under the desk and if she ever needed to scoot closer to the computer, she knew her thigh would hit it.  She closed her eyes and shook her head at the cringy thought of having to explain that she caused a false alarm to the intimidating Sheriff.   Suddenly, movement caught her eye out the doors.  It was the devil himself.  His cop car sat directly in front and she saw the door open and close as he got out.  Her breath hitched.  She didn’t hit the button somehow, right?  Her mind didn’t just do that?  He swiftly moved through the double doors and she stood to greet him.
“Evening Sheriff!”
He gave a small smirk, “I see they left you with the reigns to this place already.”
She nodded shyly.
“This is my last stop on my evening patrol.  Mind if I..?”  He gave a head tilt towards the shelves and she picked up on it a beat too late.
“Oh!  Yes of course!  Do what you need to Sheriff.”
He gave a nod as he began to walk around the library.  She watched his form as he disappeared in the stacks.  He was tall and the uniform really did wonders on him.  Hell it does wonders on any man.  But, something about him tickled the back of her mind.  She couldn’t quite shake what she was feeling.  She knew she was feeling intimated and nervous since he was a cop after all.  A very stern cop at that.  But there was something else causing her heart to flutter.  Fluttering dangerously fast.  Before she caused another episode with her heart she turned away and sat back down.  She refrained from staring at him until he crossed her line of sight again.
“All secure, have a good night ma’am.”
“Likewise Sheriff Hackett!”
He paused at his name before giving a nod and leaving.  She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding as she watched him get into his car.  The sky was nearly fully dark as she saw his headlights switch on.  As quickly as he came he drove off.  Her gaze watched the doors for the rest of the evening.  She remembered his greeting and that he even smirked.  It was nice to see that.  A change in his face that was.  
The rest of the time went by.  She didn’t realize she just spent hours thinking about Sheriff Hackett.  Hours studying the images in her head of his face and his walk.  Hours of remembering the timber of his voice.  Shaking her head and scolding herself, she began to turn off the lights; lock up the money; shut off the computer; and lock the doors.
The drive home was just as brisk as it was to work.  She was surprised she wasn’t accosted by Margerie in wondering how her first day went.  They were probably waiting for her to sleep and to bother her tomorrow evening.  They did have some restraint then.  She was grateful as she was indeed tired.  Stripping down she was glad to be free and comfortable in her own space.  She felt a little uncomfortable being nude in such a new place but there was absolutely no one around.  
Heading to the bathroom her mind thought of Sheriff Hackett again.  She had the instinct to cover her breasts and pussy.  His eyes bored into her mind.  Why was she thinking about him this much?  Why did she feel the need to cover up if he wasn’t here?   And why did her heart flutter again at the thought if he did catch her like this.  What the actual fuck was she thinking?  Shaking her head she just went to the bedroom and forced herself to turn off.  She needed sleep.  Too much happened and he was the last human interaction she had.  That was it.  That was all.
Meanwhile her dreams were nothing but flashes of the Sheriff.  She would dream a rut of dreams of him patrolling her work or about his smirk or about his eyes.  She got up to use the bathroom and desperately tried to change the course of her dreams.  She thought about the town, her landlords, her trauma, anything!  Heading back to bed she sighed and quickly fell back to sleep.  But to her dismay, the same dreams stuck with her all night.
Waking up with a groan, she felt horrible.  It felt as if she was fighting all night.  And in a way she was.  Rolling out of bed she went to get a shower.  A shower will solve many problems.  Hopping into the hot stream she felt at ease and relaxed.  With the water to her back she closed her eyes and rested her head against the cool tiles.  She smiled feeling the heat sear her flesh deliciously.  She felt it warm her shoulders, down her back, and legs.  It felt so warm, like a hug.  It engulfed her and and she felt comforted.  
As her mind drifted in and out of snoozing and wakefulness, the water soon morphed into hands.  She felt hands at her back and sides where the water caressed.  The hands were attached to strong arms with a lean build.  She smiled.  She didn’t mind where this was going.  A hunk sharing her shower?  She’d never turn that thought away.  As the feeling kept on she saw the person’s face buried in her neck.  She smiled more.  That was, until the face moved away revealing that it was Sheriff Hackett.  She opened her eyes and yelped.  Absolutely fucking not!  What the shit brain?  She felt nothing towards that man besides intimidation and a light wave of fear.  Why the hell was he on her mind so much?  Especially in the shower like this?  Turning the water to cold she blasted herself as punishment.  Soon after, she stepped out shivering in the frigid fall morning.  Definitely a mistake but, she felt momentarily better for it.
Getting dressed she made sure to go shopping after work.  But as for breakfast, she was going to try the local diner and grab a small thing before heading to work.  A donut and a coffee sounded heavenly right now.  Running a comb through her hair, she gathered her things and headed out to the nearby diner.  She looked out and across the street.  She could practically see it from where she stood, so she decided to walk over and get a feel for the town’s atmosphere.  Walking along she shook her head unable to believe she just thought what she just thought.  Of all things and of all places and of all people, why was it him that her mind lasered in on?  Looking up she decided to distract herself with the trees and pretty fall sky full of clouds.  She sighed happily as a breeze ruffled her damp hair.  The dead leaves rustled pleasantly underfoot.  Autumn was the best.
Arriving much too soon, she took a deep breath before entering.  People were here.  She was surprised to see so many people here.  And said people all looked up at her.  She gulped harshly.  She didn’t expect that.  Then a wonderful voice saved the situation
“Oh!  You’re the new librarian!  Come and have some coffee, on us!”  
After that, everyone gave her a smile and went back to whatever it was they were doing.  The woman at the counter was thin and in her middle age.  She had a great smile and beautiful grey brown hair tied into a messy bun.
“Name’s Gail dear!  Pleasure to meet you!”  She extended her hand.
She returned in and gave her own name.  She took the iron grip of Gail’s handshake like a champ.
“Well what would you like?  It’s all on the house today.”
“Oh I could never Gail-”
Gail waved her hands, “Nonsense!  Consider it a hearty welcome!”
“Well I’d like a latte with a donut please.”
“Sure what kind?”
“Um you got vanilla cream?”
“Of course we do darling!”  She leaned back and shouted, “Dale!  Get me a #3 with milk and a #7 with cream!”
The boom of her voice startled her but she chuckled as Gail gave her a smile.  Breaking the moment was the sound of the door opening and closing behind her.
“Ah Sheriff!  The usual I assume?”  Gail asked.
She didn’t turn around but froze.  Come on… He stepped up right beside her.  He was terribly close and she could practically smell his cologne and the aftershave on him.
“If you will Gail, it be appreciated.”
“Of course. Dale!  Get Sheriff Hackett’s usual!”
There was a faint, “Got it” from behind the doors before Gail smiled at the two and moved to clear off the bar.
She looked tentatively at his profile.  She couldn’t help but stare, what with her steamy shower thought still fresh in her mind.  He picked up on it as he slowly looked over at her.  She blushed.
“Ah, uh, we keep running into each other.”  She stammered.
“It’s a small town.  Tends to happen.” 
She nodded, “Right, yes of course.”
Gail had turned around and vanished to the back leaving her completely alone with the Sheriff.  She felt so awkward and the blush worsened against her will.  She felt the urge to say something but didn’t know how to.  As she opened her mouth to mention the weather, Gail came back with two cups and a bag.  Her mind screamed thank-yous at her.
“Your latte and donut, darling.  And your usual coffee, Sheriff.”  She handed them out at the same time.
As she reached for her cup, for a split second, her fingers brushed the side of his hand.  He definitely noticed but didn’t acknowledge.  He just paused slightly before grabbing his.  She on the other hand felt it all.  She felt time itself stop.
“Thanks Gail.”  He said before raising the cup and taking a sip.  He turned around to leave.
“Have a good day now Sheriff.”  Gail said.
He gave a nod and a glance back, “You too and you as well.”  He said looking her over before leaving.
She gave a squeak as she watched him leave before turning back to Gail.
“You ok darling?  Your face is all red.”
“O-Oh is it now?  I guess it’s from the cold.”
Gail gave a suspicious nod.
“Well thank you again Gail!  It was so nice to meet you!  I’ll be sure to come here often!”
She gave a smile and a wave, “Please do!  We love company.”
With a nod she turned out the door and began to walk to work automatically.  What just happened there?  She replayed the entire scene over again in her mind.  The brief warmth of his hand, his cologne, his aftershave, the farewell.  Why was her mind ablaze?  Why did she care so much?  There was no way she was crushing on this man already.  Give her one brooding man in a uniform and she was smitten apparently.  Was that it?  She sighed exasperatedly as she made her way to unlock the library doors.  
As she unlocked the front and turned on the first lights she stopped.  Did she just walk to work?  She sighed and scolded herself again.  Now she’ll have to walk home in the dark.  A fleeting thought crossed her mind in asking Sheriff Hackett for another escort but she shook her head.  That was silly, it was only a few minutes away.  Surely it wouldn’t be a hassle to walk back.  Switching on the table lights and getting the money out while booting up the computer, she was ready to go. 
It seemed like another slow day until some hours later when a group of teens walked in.  They were laughing and loud as they approached the desk.
“Hello what can I help you with?”  She asked.
They stopped and some of the boys noticed her.  She guessed they weren’t expecting anyone else besides old Dorene.
“Yeah we got research papers to do.”  One said.
She smiled, “Alright have at it.  Let me know if you need any help.”
They shuffled passed with their volume slowly rising again.  Some boys were still staring.  She chuckled and shook her head as she sat back down.  They were a very rowdy bunch.  After what was nearly an hour, she leaned over to see what mess they made.  It was quite the pile of books and she noticed little reading.  Sighing she shrugged, it was her job after all.  She didn’t mind the change from the quiet day that was yesterday anyway.  
A girl came over to the desk, “Hey miss, I can’t find a certain subject.”
She perked up and slid her chair next to the computer, “Alright what were you looking for!”
As she was typing through the catalogue to help find the subject, one of their friends called out that they found it.  They gave a shy look at her before thanking her and running back over.  She chuckled as she sat and continued to type on the computer.  She was going to get a little more familiar with the section numbers and how to look up certain books and items.  
Soon after, the bunch began to leave the library.  Some thanked her on the way out while some stared and others ignored her.  Smiling at them as they left, she glanced over at their table.  Wow that sure was a lot of books.  Turning back she noticed it was getting dark outside again.  Only an hour to go now.  Bringing her attention back to her computer she didn’t notice the red and blue lights coming up and flashing outside the doors.  Hearing the door open and some one run in she looked up.
“Sheriff Hackett!  Pleasant as always.  I assume you’re here for your patrol?”
He was slightly out of breath with a panicked expression, “What?  No you pressed your panic button.”
“I did…”  She looked down at her thigh which was pressed up hard against that button.  Her face turned a bright shade of red.  Looking back up at him she noticed that his lights were on in his parked patrol car.
“Well.  What’s the problem?”  He asked with a hint of impatience.
“I…I accidentally pressed it.  I…didn’t mean to.  I’m terribly sorry.”
He gave her a look then rolled his jaw.  Glancing down and then back up she could clearly tell he his patience was gone.
“So you wasted my time is what happened.”
“N-No I didn’t mean to.”  She stood.
“Look, I know you come from the big city with lots of action.  You might assume there is nothing for me to do here in such a small town but run in at false alarms.  Well, you’re dead wrong.”
Tears began to sting her eyes and her heart began to speed up painfully.
“Next time be careful.  I will let you off with a warning, but know I won’t be so fair if you do it again!  Understood?”
She had trouble breathing and the words didn’t come.  All she did was nod before turning away to clutch her chest.  She just needed to get away from this moment.  She needed to calm down.
“Are you alright?”  He asked.
She nodded as she bent over trying to shield herself from his eyes and to stop the pain.  But she heard his footsteps coming closer.  Her eyes were screwed shut.  She just wished he went away.
“Hey.”  His voice was at her back.
And she felt that she was going to pass out.  She felt herself move forward but hands caught her.  Her eyes flew open feeling one on the center of her back and one on the center of her chest.
“Easy now.”
He slowly brought her back up and she allowed it.  Her hand was still clutching her chest as her arms shook.  She felt his hand on hers as he held her chest.
“Tell me what’s going on.”
“I have a heart thing.  It can get triggered with stress.  I’ll be fine.”  She gasped.
She didn’t see, but his face softened and had a guilty expression wash over his features.   He was so close.  So terribly close.  She could feel his chest brush against her back.  Her heart sped up faster smelling his cologne.  His warm hands feeling intoxicating to her.
“Ok listen to me.  Completely clear your mind and breathe deep and slow.”  He said. His voice was a soft rumble.
Her anxiety wanted to spike further.  Her embarrassment wanted to kill her.  But she had a choice to make: continue to freak out and risk passing out or listen to him and cause her body to go into a failsafe state and shut down.  She chose the latter.  Closing her eyes she stood straight and took a huge gulp of air in.  Exhaling, she could feel her body relax.
“That’s it.” He muttered.
She repeated the inhale and just listened to his voice and his own breathing.  Her mind barred off any thoughts.  Her emotions were numbed and she felt her heart begin to slow down.  She felt her chest loosen.
“Good girl.”  He whispered.
A blush slapped her in the face and her mind began to spike again, but she forced everything to shut down.  She’ll just have to remember it at a later, more calmer time.  A few more breaths later and she felt calm.  She then was remade aware of his hands that remained on her chest and back and touching her hand.  A slight blush tinged her face.
“Are you good?”
She nodded, “Yes…thank you.” She wasn’t looking at him.
She felt exhausted.  She barely had any energy left to stand.  Turning to him his face bore shock.
“You look awful!  I mean awful as in sick not as in you.  You don’t look awful…” He cleared his throat, “Anyway, how are you feeling?”
“I’m out of the woods I’d say, just really tired now.”
He gave a nod.
“I’m sorry to have wasted more of your time Sheriff.  And I should be getting things closed up anyway.”
She glanced at him as he shifted his weight and looked down for a moment.  Looking back up at her, his face was still stern but his eyes looked sad.
“I’ll help.  Consider it an apology for my attitude.”
He walked past her without hearing any reply or retort.  She watched him begin to pick up and look at the books on the desk.  A small smile crept on her face and she went to aid him.  She huffed looking at not one nor two but three piles of books those kids left.  Shaking her head, she gathered a few that went together and turned to slide them back in on their respective shelves.  A sound from him caused her to turn around.
“You ok?”
“Yeah just…how the hell do you know which goes where?”
A smile grew and her lips quivered in the effort to hide her laugh.  Biting her lip she approached his side.  He had a book in his left hand and a small pile in his right.  He looked at her and lowered the book to her eye level.  She tilted it in his hand to look at the spine label.
“So it goes alphabetically, then numerically, then by date.”
He nodded.  He moved to put the book on the shelf below, but in the process, their hands briefly touched.  She closed her eyes to take the sudden shock and he seemingly ignored it.  Composing herself she turned and put back her pile.  It took them a few minutes to get them all put away.  Once that was done she walked around to turn off the desk lamps.  He sauntered out towards the doors.  She followed him to the desk and put the cash away and shut down the computer.  Looking up she saw he was waiting for her.
“Oh you don’t have to wait up for me Sheriff.”
He just stood and looked at her.  Getting the hint, she grabbed her purse and sped walked on her way out.  Turning off the final light before locking up she joined him on the sidewalk.
“Thanks for helping out and sorry again.  See you tomorrow I suppose.”
He gave a curt nod before turning back to his car.  He turned back once he noticed her walking down the path instead of towards the parking lot.
“Don’t you have a vehicle?”
She turned quickly, both hands clutching her purse strap, “Oh, yes!  I kind of forgot to bring it.”
He turned fully to her with a look, “You forgot your car?”
She nodded, the blush hidden in the dark, “Y-Yeah.  I walked over to the cafe and didn’t think about it as I just autopiloted to work.”
He looked down and sighed, “Come on.”
“I beg your pardon?”
He looked at her, “I’ll take you home.  Come on.”
“Oh I live just around the corner you don’t have to-”
“Consider it part of my-”
“Apology.”  She finished with a grin.
He looked down with a smile as well, “Yeah.”
She walked over biting her bottom lip, smiling like crazy.  She jogged up to the passenger side and hopped in.  She told him to turn down the street to the left and to drive for a minute before her place was on the right.  
As he pulled up she turned and said, “Thank you again for helping me.  How did you know how to calm me down?  I-If you don’t mind me asking.”
He looked at her then bowed his head, “In her old age my mother developed a heart complication.  Being her eldest son I had to make sure I took care of her, along with everyone else.”
“Oh…I’m so sorry.”
He shifted in his seat and sniffed, “Don’t worry about it.  This your home?”
Glancing back and then to him she nodded, “Yes!  I live on the other side of Margerie and Phil.  And funny enough, you can see the police station just behind.”
He leaned over and squinted.  Sitting back he had a smile, “That you can.”
Unbuckling her seatbelt she said, “Thank you again Sheriff.  I’ll be seeing you tomorrow evening!”
He nodded, “It’s Travis.”
“I’m sorry?”
“My name, it’s Travis.”
She blushed, “Oh…Travis.  It suits you very well.  Um, I’d offer to let you in for a coffee or something but I forgot to go shopping.”
“That’s appreciated but I need to get back to the precinct.” He gave a nod.
She gave a nod back and opened the door.  Margerie was coming out of her side of the house.  Her face was full of concern.  As she stood and closed the car door, Margerie reached her hands out to her.
 “Are you alright dear?”
She nodded with a smile, “Yes!  Sheriff Hackett was making sure I got home safe.  I forgot to drive this morning as I just walked to the diner before work.”
“Oh how sweet.”  She leaned over and gave a wave at Travis.  He gave a small wave back before pulling out and driving off.
She turned back to Margerie, “I hate to ask but I forgot to go shopping, do you mind if I have dinner with you and Phil tonight?”
Margerie’s face lit up, “Oh of course!  We were just about to sit down to my meatloaf.  I’ve been meaning to chat with you on how your first few days were going.”
She gave a chuckle, “I’ll be glad to, thank you so much!”
She was pulled into the beautiful warmth of Margerie’s home yet again.  She was set with a hearty helping of meat and potatoes with a side of cornbread.  Meatloaf wasn’t her meal of choice but it was heavenly!  Margerie knew how to cook.  She let them know how uneventful her day was yesterday.  Today though, she had one group of teens looking for research for their paper and made a huge mess.  
“And I accidentally pressed the panic button.”
“Oh no, Sheriff Hackett wasn’t too hard on you was he?”
She dipped her head, “At first yes but upon seeing me have an…episode, his whole demeanor changed.”
“Episode dear?”
She nodded, “Yea I have a light heart condition caused by stress.  When he made clear how upset he was it triggered some palpitations.”
“I swear that man has no sense about him!  Scaring a poor young girl like yourself-”
She stopped her, “Well he helped calm me down and gave me some breathing exercises.  He made sure I was ok.  And afterwards he helped clean up and then drove me home.”  She ended it with a blush.
Margerie was floored, “Well bless my stars, that isn’t very common of him.”
She nodded, “He conducts himself as a gentleman but he is all edges.  To hear how careful he was with you tonight right after being upset is a nice change of pace.”
She blushed, “Oh.  Say Margerie can you tell me more about him?”
“Have an interest in him dear?”  She gave her a wink.
“I uh, well, uh I-”
“Don’t fluster the poor girl Marg.”
“Oh it’s all in fun Phil.  Well, from what we know his family was wiped out a year ago.  What caused that, we have no clue.  Some say a terrible virus took them.  Others say it was the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.”
“The Hag of Hackett’s Quarry?”
Margerie nodded, “Yes the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.  It’s a ghost story where 7 years ago a traveling circus came and burnt up nearby.  Rumor has it the woman had a wolf boy child who escaped while she died in the fire.  Stories say she haunts the woods looking for her lost son.”
“Now to me that’s a load of bull!  I say they either drank themselves to death with their whiskey mine or they shot each other in a frenzied hunting state.”
“So Travis is the only surviving Hackett?”
Margery gave a devilish smirk, “Travis?  He gave you his name?”
She squeaked, “Um…yes?”
Margerie chuckled then continued, “He was the only one to survive and does not talk about his family.  Of course there are rumors that he was the one to take them out.  But, we had an official investigation performed by outside agents and they cleared his name.”
“How terribly tragic.”
“It is dear.  And from what you’ve told me it sounds as if he does indeed have a soft spot for you.”  She got up, taking the plate in her hands and added, “Maybe you can replenish the Hackett family tree.”
“Margerie!”  She yelped.
Phil started laughing.
Margery shrugged, “What?  I’m a sucker for happy endings, can you blame me?”
She laughed along with them; blush burning her face, hand hiding her mouth.  Was it obvious?  Was it that obvious?  Day two and she was smitten for the Sheriff.  And…what if this news gets around!
“Um well…if this was true what you said about me and Travis it would be appreciated for no rumors to be spread…I feel he’d be a bit skittish when it comes to personal gossip.”
“Oh you’re right dear.  Well, I will do everything in my power to keep these old lips sealed.  I am not guaranteeing anything but I will make an effort.”
“Thank you.  I highly doubt though, if I was interested, that he’d be interested back.  I think I’ve made myself look quite the fool in front of him.”
“Never say never dear.”  She said as she was cleaning the dishes.
Getting up from the table she came by Margerie and asked if she could help, to which, she happily accepted.  After cleaning up and being loaded with leftovers, she was sent on her way happy and full.
“See you later dear.  And if any new ‘development’ between you and Sheriff Hackett blooms, let me be the first to know!”
She blushed, “Ah, I shall.”
Unlocking her door she turned on the light and sighed.  Home and alone.  Storing the food in the fridge she went to the couch and sat down.  Holy shit there was so much to unpack from today.  First off, she remembered how angry Travis got with her over the alarm thing.  Her fears had come true about his reaction.  Then his strong hands came around her in a a complete 360 of events.   They held her steady and felt just amazing.  She grew hot remembering the sensation on her chest.  Her head spun remembering the smell of his cologne.  She felt wet at the memory.  But what sent her over was his voice.  His rumbling calm and directing voice in her ear.  She remembered how their hands touched and how he smiled when taking her home.  And of course him giving his name.  Looking down she felt terribly horny.  She knew she was under his spell.  She needed a to go to bed and sleep it off.  Maybe she’ll feel different in the morning.
Lying in bed she tossed and turned.  Her mind was ablaze for Travis.  His image and words kept flashing in her head depriving her of real sleep.  Once she shifted and settled down though, a long and spicy dream overtook her subconscious.  She was in her bed and the lamp was on.  Looking down at the foot of her bed she saw Travis standing there, shirtless.  She gasped as his cold stare swept over her.  He began to move and climb on top of her.  As he got closer she saw that his cold stare was ladened with emotion.  It brimmed with unspoken words.  It looked tender.  
“Travis?”  She whispered.
He looked at her face then her lips and before she knew it he kissed her.   She closed her eyes feeling the world spin.  His hands were brought to the sides of her head.  They gripped the bed underneath and she felt the totality of his body on hers.  He leaned in and she could feel his hard dick pressing at her entrance.  She moved her legs aside and he slid in without effort.  He broke the kiss to look down at her.  He moved very slow and he gave breathy, near silent moans as he did.  She moaned long and low feeling him fill her.  It was soft and slow and tender and even sweet.  The thought ‘was she dreaming’ crossed her mind and in a blink she woke back up.  Sitting up, she hung her head.  What a sexy nightmare.
She felt like a zombie walking into the shower.  With that dream, she had caused for an even harder time sleeping.  Turning the water on cold, she blasted her nerves to force herself awake.  Drying her hair she deemed it good enough and got dressed.  Grabbing her car keys she was sure to not forget it this time.  The morning was dark and cold as she swung into the diner’s parking lot.  Running in for warmth she was greeted with much of the same scene as yesterday.
“Hey there, darling!  Is everything ok?”
She was confused as she approached the counter, “I’m fine why?”
“Sheriff Hackett was running into the library last night with the lights flashing.”
She hung her head, “Oh that, well I accidentally pressed the panic button.”
“Ooo not a good move.  How grumpy was he?”
“Let’s see, on a level of one to Hackett, I’d say Hackett.”
Gail laughed, “What can I get you this time?”
“An espresso and a nice warm bagel please.”
“Sounds good.  Dale!!  A #4 and a #13 hot!”
“Ok!”  Was faintly heard from the back.
The door chimed behind her again and she feared to turn around.
“Morning Sheriff!”
Yup it was him.
“Morning.”  He grumbled.
He stood by her again and her body flushed.  Her spicy dream ran in her mind and she thought her legs were going to give out.  He looked over at her and his face showed concern for a second.
“You ok today?”
She nodded and tried to act cool by throwing in a smile, “Yeah just tired.  Didn’t sleep well, ya know.”
He nodded and looked back, “The usual Gail.”
Gail nodded, noting an odd air between them before shouting out the order back at Dale.
“Everything alright between the two of you?”  She asked.
They glanced at each other with surprise before looking back at Gail.
“Yes?”  She responded.
Gail squinted before going back into the kitchen and grabbing the orders.  She looked at his profile again and fidgeted with her hands.  He was side eyeing her, noticing her nerves.  He put a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t get so nervous ok?  We can’t have what happened yesterday happen again.”
“Oh yes…I will try.”
Gail entered back in and came to a halt seeing this.  A smile crept on her face, “My this surely is interesting.  You don’t make many friends there Sheriff Hackett!   Way to go girl.”
“I don’t know what you mean Gail.”  He said as he took his coffee.  Turning away to leave, he touched her shoulder again, “I’ll see you when I’m on patrol.”
She turned bright red.  If Margerie wasn’t going to spill the beans Gail surely was going to after that.  
“Here you are darling.  Now tell me, is anything happening between you and the Sheriff?”
She shook her head, “No not really.  I…I don’t know why he is being so sweet with me.  Maybe I’ve made a fool of myself one too many times and he pities me.”
Gail had a mischievous glint in her eye but didn’t say anything.  She paid for her breakfast and waved goodbye before heading back out into the cold.  Bringing the car to life she swung it over to work.  
The days from then on were as average as possible.  One or two people would come in, make small talk, greet her, and leave.  Travis would make his evening patrol as per usual.  Margerie would try and pry into any new info but she sadly had none to give.  Though, she was getting looks at the diner whenever Travis entered.  Gail was positively spreading rumors at this point.  But, she honestly didn’t mind.  Would it be so bad if she was seen together with Travis?  Would it be bad for them to be a couple?  The words Margerie mentioned that night at dinner about regrowing the Hackett family tree flittered through her mind.  She blushed with a smile.  She wouldn’t be opposed to it.
Her first week went by.  She had three days to herself on the weekend.  They were terribly quiet and lonesome.  Though, she did enjoy it after such a busy week.  Yet she figured it would get too lonesome come time she got used to everything.  She wondered what Travis did on the weekends.  She felt sad, figuring he was at home alone too.  He was terribly reclusive and she wished he was a bit more social.  That way he could be looked after by friends in town.  Though, having such a family trauma would definitely isolate you.  Her heart ached for him.  
When would she make a move?  It didn’t need to be soon, she was only there a week after all.  Things like these take months to develop right?  Sometimes yes and sometimes no.  Her parents mentioned they had love at first sight while her sister took months for her to come around to a guy who had a crush on her.  There is no formula for this.  If she liked him she liked him end of story.  Sighing, she became nervous.  She didn’t think she had it in her to confess.  Not if she wanted to survive that was.
Another week went by and she noticed a change with Travis.  He’d show up sometime in the afternoon and then again during his patrol.  He claimed he wanted to make sure she was healthy and well, being as she was the only one in the building.  She wanted to see something more in it but dared not to vocalize it.  
During that Friday a nasty storm rolled in.  It was rainy and windy going into work that morning.  Come noon, it picked up considerably.  The wind howled and whistled and the trees slapped the outer walls and doors of the library.  She loved storms but was feeling unnerved with this one.  Mainly because she was at work and not safely tucked away at home.  The thunder made her jump and the lightening sounded terribly close.  Getting up to look out the window, a loud clap sounded right above her head causing her to yelp.  With another rolling in right after, it knocked the power out.  Her breathing increased and her fear shot up.  She was now alone in a dark building in the middle of the storm.
Travis was running around the town like mad making sure the locals were safe and inside during the storm.  Once the power went out, he sped around to the local businesses to make sure they were alright as well.   After popping in the grocery store then making sure Gail and Dale were secure, he looked towards the library.  A panic rose in his chest.  He wondered if she was safe and calm.  Booking it to his car he turned on the lights and sped off.
She was a bit frantic in the dark.  Should she lock the doors?  Should she hide?  If she felt more secure here it probably wouldn’t be a problem but, being it was only her second week, her imagination ran rampant.  She just wanted to go home and curl up in bed listening to the rain pound outside her window; feeling the safe strong arms of Travis around her.  Pacing the library, she didn’t hear the doors swing open.  Travis rushed in drenched and frantically looking around for her.  He called her name but got no response.  A pit rose in his stomach and he began to search the library.  She didn’t hear him as he approached, her heart and her fear pounded too loud in her head.  Walking between the stacks and out in to the space between, she bumped into something.  It grabbed onto her and she screamed.  She screamed and cried as the grip tightened.
“Sh, sh, hey it’s me!”
“I can’t breathe.”  A slight hint of panic rose in her tone.
“Just inhale deeply.  Remember what I told you, clear your mind.”
She felt him at her front.  She was face to face with his chest but couldn’t see him.  She felt his arms around her back and smelt his cologne again.  Closing her eyes she drank him in.  He was here and holding her, whispering soothing words into her ear.  She leaned into him and felt herself begin to calm.  
“That’s it, relax.  I’m here.  You’re safe now.”
She breathed in again and again, feeling her body slow down.  She thought for a moment that she could fall asleep this way.
“That’s it, good girl.”
She snuggled into his chest and as she did the lights flickered back on.  Opening her eyes she peered around but dared not move.  She could now see the dark of his fabric at her face.  She saw his arms wrap around and disappear behind her back.
“Yes.”  He said softly.
She raised her head to look at him.  His dark eyes were looking tenderly down at her and her heart skipped a beat.
“You came for me?”
He swallowed harshly, “I needed to make sure you were ok.”
“Oh…how sweet.”
A paused settled between them as they looked at each other.  His breathing was still a little ragged from all the excitement.  His eyes looked glazed over but still held their sternness.  He was so close to her.  Her body was practically melting into his fame.
“Travis?”  She asked again, breaking the silence.
He didn’t say anything but leaned in closer.  Their eyes locked and danced between them and their lips.  And in the next moment they kissed.  It was soft and chaste.  They both felt that, if they weren’t careful, this illusion would break.  His lips were soft against hers.  His cologne crashed down hard into her senses as she felt him kiss her.   His hands shifted up her back and into her hair.  She brought hers up his chest and around his neck.  He felt strong and what he was doing caused her head to spin.  He was the one to deepen the kiss.  Her mouth opened without resistance and his tongue slid in to meet hers.  He tasted like the outside rain mixed with tinges of coffee.  She slid her hands up from his neck into his hair.  She felt his grip tighten around her as they devoured one another.  He pulled away breathless as he looked at her.  
“We should take this somewhere else.”  He said.
“I agree.  Let me go check the computer and text Dorene about leaving.”
She went to move but his grip pulled her back in for one more brief kiss before he let her go.  She smiled dumbstruck as she walked away.  He followed closely after.  Switching on the computer she found that there wasn’t any internet service.
“Yeah no service.  Good, more of an excuse to go home early.”
“I’ll help you close up.”  His usual tone was now a mix between stern and desperation.  
She couldn’t believe what just happened.  He was here and just kissed her silly.  She chuckled as she watched him run to turn off all the desk lights.  The new fire lit under him was so endearing to see.  She put the money away and threw Dorene a text about no wifi and wanting to get home for safety.  Coming back to the desk her phone buzzed with a confirmation to go home.  Dorene figured no one was going to come out anyway in this storm.
“Alright, let’s get out of here.”  She said.
Travis rushed to her side and kissed her again.  She smiled as his lips met hers.  Breaking away he held onto her arm as he walked them out the doors.  She turned to switch off the last lights and he let her go to allow her to lock up.  When she turned to face him again he kissed her once more.
Breaking away she said, “I’ll meet you at my place?”
He gave a nod as he ran to his car and she did the same.  The sky was terribly dark and the rain pelted down hard.  She bolted to her car, missing the cover of the library awning.  Unlocking her door and sliding in she turned the vehicle on.  Turning on her brights she pulled out and down towards the street.  He waited for her to be in front as she began to turn down the road.  Fortunately it was just a straight shot home in just a few minutes.  She pulled into the parking lot and he did right behind her.  Turning off the car she ran out to unlock the door.  As she was doing so he ran to meet her.  Throwing open the door Travis grabbed hold of her and turned her to him.  He kicked the door closed as his lips met hers again.
“Let’s get out of these wet clothes hm?”  She said with a mischievous smile.
He nodded.  His face held something between awe and pure adoration.  It nearly broke her seeing such a powerful look come through those dark eyes.  She quickly tossed off her shirt and he was in the process of taking off his utility belt.  He carefully laid it on her kitchen’s bar before unbuttoning and peeling off his wet uniform.  She watched him become undressed and her mouth watered.  His bare chest was muscular and lean.  His thighs were just as strong and shapely.  Once he was down to his boxers he moved over to her.  Her bra and panties covering the last bit of her as well.  His hand slid down her sides and he pulled her into his chest.  She kissed him as her hands slid up to his pecs.
Breaking away he asked, “Bedroom?”
She jerked her head to the left indicating where it was.  In an instant he hoisted her up and carried her to the room.  Once there, he threw her down and climbed on top.  It almost mimicked her dream.  She reached a hand over to turn on her lamp.  She wanted to make sure she saw everything.  Every emotion that flittered on his face.  Every physical movement as he made love to her.   His body was cold and clammy from the drenched clothes, but in the process of being so close to her it began to warm up.  Hers did the same.   Lifting himself off he looked down at her.
“Are you sure you want this?”
She gazed at him, “I really do.”
“With me?”
“Travis what do you mean?”
He glanced down then into her eyes, “I’m an old, grumpy cop.  I’m not a pleasant man.  Not to mention I have serious baggage that you might never know the full extent of.”
She was silent for a moment and he looked away.  She brought a hand to his face to turn him back to look at her. 
“Travis Hackett I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you ever since we met on the road.  I’ve dreamt about you just like this to the point I couldn’t sleep.  I know you’re all edges and aren’t the nicest man, but I’m still here!  I want you.  All of you Travis.”
His eyes looked like they flooded with tears.  Turning to kiss her hand he said, “I thought it was too late for me to find happiness.  It always eluded me.  But you’re here and you’re real.”
She smiled, “I am.”
He kissed her.  He kissed her and shifted to take off his boxers.  Her eyes flew wide and she hurried to take off her bra and shimmy out of her panties.  She looked down to catch a glimpse of his cock.  It was long and thick.  Her legs quivered, aching to be filled.  His lips moved down her neck to her breasts.  They latched onto her left nipple.  She gasped and arched as he sucked and rolled it between his teeth gently.  
He hummed as he continued to suck at her breast. Her legs kicked and trembled.  She opened them wide, ready and waiting for him.  He let go and raised up.  He lined himself at her wet pussy and slowly entered in.  She moaned as he gave one as well.  He was slow as he slid his dick all the way inside.  
Once hilted he asked, “Are you ok?”
She arched her back, “Y-Yes, please, fuck me!”
He smirked and rested his face at the crook of her neck.  He continued to move slow, dragging in and out lazily.  His breathing became heavy.  He closed his eyes and began to make soft, cute moans in her ear.  Her mouth gaped open.  She couldn’t believe this was still happening.  He felt so perfect inside her.  He stretched her a tiny bit but just enough to not hurt.  He raised himself back up and began to quicken the pace.  
He was over her.  His hands still firmly planted at the sides of her head.  She wrapped her hands around his forearms.  They locked eyes.  His were no longer dark and stern.  They were full of love, care, and sadness.  Hers were glazing over with how good she was feeling.  
“You’re so lovely.  So sweet.  You’re such a good girl.”  He groaned.
Her breath hitched and she felt herself cum then and there.  She screamed and gasped as he quickened his pace.  Feeling her contract around him and grow even wetter was sending him over the edge.
“Oh Travis!  You’re a good man, my good man.”
His voice caught in his throat.  His breath came out ragged as he gazed down at her.  The words crashed over him in a heightened sense of love and pain.  In the next moment he felt himself about to cum.
“I should pull out.”  He panted.
“Don’t!”  And she wrapped her legs around his waist, “I don’t mind.”
Looking in her eyes for one moment, he screwed them shut as he came.  He moaned and cried out from the intensity.  He thrusted deep and slow until his movements stopped.  As his body stilled he remained over her, panting.  She was breathing hard and glistening with sweat.  Her hair was splayed out under her and she looked at him.  She was absolutely gorgeous.  Feeling over come, he kissed her.  As he kissed her, he couldn’t help the tears from falling.
“Oh Travis, are you ok?”
He nodded but couldn’t look her in the eye.  
“Come here.”
She enfolded him in her arms.  His face rested on her neck and hair.  His body began to shudder.
“I’m sorry.”  He choked out.
“Sh, don’t be, let it out.”  She hummed.
He cried.  The emotions he held back for so long: sadness, anger, resentment, fear, loneliness, and now love; all came crashing down.  She held him as he laid on her, still inside of her.  She stroked his strong, lean back as he wept at her neck.  It was such a tender and heartbreaking moment.  One she never foresaw coming.  After a few moments more he raised himself and climbed off of her.  He moved to sit at the edge of the bed.  He hung his head.  She sat up to hold him.
“Are you alright?”  She asked.
He shook his head not meeting her gaze, “I’m sorry.  Crying after sex is quite the turn off.  I just…”
She turned his face to look at her, “Don’t be sorry or embarrassed.  I couldn’t imagine what you’ve been through.”
His gaze swept over her for moment before he asked, “How much do you know?”
“All I know is that your family died tragically around you.  I can’t even begin to express my sorrow.”
“Well, one day I’ll probably share the story with you.  But now’s not the time.”  He turned to look into her eyes.  He saw nothing but love and concern.  He almost couldn’t bear it, “After this display, you aren’t repulsed?”
She shook her head and looked confused, “Why would I be?  All I see is a broken man.  One who is overdue for happiness.  One that I think I’ll come to love very quickly.”
His breathing shuddered as he studied her face.  There wasn’t a hint of deception or humor in her tone or features.  Tears brimmed in his eyes again as he kissed her.  He kissed her soft and sweet.  He never wanted to let her go.
Breaking the kiss she smiled, “Now let’s go shower.”
He took her hand and she touched his face before she brought him to the bathroom.  She turned the water on and waited for it to heat up.  As they did he held her to him.  Their warm, sweaty bodies pressed together.  She snuggled her head in his chest.  Feeling the steam rise from behind her, she turned and moved to hop in; holding his hand to pull him along. 
The heat surrounded the two as they embraced in the shower.  It was just like what she daydreamed about.  His hands held her as her back was flush with his front.  His hands ran up and down her body.  She closed her eyes and he brought his lips to her neck.  
She smiled and hummed, “I’ve imagined this exact scenario.”
He smirked against her skin, “Wow, you really wanted me from the start.”
She blushed, “I-I mean what can I say?  You're very handsome.  Ah!”  She felt him lightly bite her neck.
She leaned into him as he kissed and sucked, marking her as is.  He wanted to show the town she was his and only his.  Let them talk.  They remained that way for awhile.  Soon they turned to clean one another.  They slowly slid the soap up and down each other, savoring the other’s body.  Near the end the, water was turning cold so they jumped out.  While drying off, a knock on the door sounded.
“I’ll go get that.”  She said.
Exiting the bathroom she wrapped her robe around her tightly.  Opening the door, it revealed Margerie.
“Is everything alright dear?  I was worried about the storm and when I looked I saw your car and Sheriff Hackett’s in the lot.”
She glanced back and turned sideways in the doorframe.  Margerie followed the line of sight to see Travis standing in the hall with a towel wrapped around his waist and another slung around his shoulders.
Margerie gasped, “Good heavens, hello Sheriff!”
He gave a nod.
She turned back to Margerie with a smile, “Well I guess what you said about the Hackett family tree will be true.”
Margerie floundered for words.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow!”  She said with a wink as she closed the door.  Turning back she saw Travis huff and look down with a smile.
“Guess it’ll be all over town now.”  
She smiled, “I guess so.”
She crossed the room to get to him.  The smile that played on his face made her feel giddy.  She kissed him, yanking on the towel to pull him in.  He gave a surprised moan as her lips crashed onto his.  
The following days in town held a different buzz.  Margerie told Ms. Ruth who told the Jones’s next door which in turn made its way to Gail which confirmed her rumors.  Soon everyone knew about their relationship.  Travis never mentioned it but he was worried if the town would disapprove; what with his mysterious family history and his age.  But the dirty looks never came.  He would get smiles on the street and pats on the back expressing how happy they were for him.  Getting all this positive attention affected his attitude and soon he was smiling just a bit more.
Meanwhile she was getting all the girl talk from Margerie and Gail.  They wanted all the juicy details about Travis and how he treated her.  She would never reveal too much, but made it clear he was terribly sweet and gentle with her.  He was incredibly patient and kind.  This set an even more positive outlook for Travis as women gave him stares and winks.  He wasn’t sure how to take this new attention so he’d just nod back and be on his way.
Months and months passed and the love grew between the two.  They were virtually inseparable.  They continued to have unprotected sex since she wouldn’t mind if she got pregnant.  He desperately wanted to be a father so he never argued.  Children were just around the corner for them.
In time their wedding would be small yet full of meaning.  The entire town would be there.  Her family was invited but seeing as they were a few hours away it was ‘too much of a hassle’ to come.  Phil gave her away as Margerie acted as the mother of the bride.  The entire town celebrated late into the night.  Travis never felt so loved, even when his family was alive.  And she felt the same.  She never felt so at peace.  Their relationship was the thing to inspire and rejuvenate the lonely depressed town.
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hrefna-the-raven · 2 years
Taste of regret (Chapter 1)
There aren't enough Travis fanfictions, I just had to contribute xD the world needs more Travis Hackett stories <3
The same routine once a week, every Wednesday evening, since Travis started doing the shifts at the station with Hank. They drove to the only bar in North Kill to drink and play pool, throughout the whole night right until the bar closed.
Chapter 1 - Wednesdays
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The same routine once a week, every Wednesday evening, since Travis started doing the shifts at the station with Hank. They drove to the only bar in North Kill to drink and play pool, throughout the whole night right until the bar closed. They always were the last to leave, wavering home and cursing the next morning swearing to rein back the week after. Every Wednesday felt like some weird version of Groundhog Day right until a year ago when a new bartender took over. Fred, the owner of the bar retired, leaving the establishment to Y/N, a young and rather good looking woman,who came to North Kill to find refuge from the hectic army life. After six years as a soldier you had seen enough and chose the quiet country, although you weren't entirely sure if owning and maintaining a bar would be a definition of quiet. By pure chance, there was a touch of fate that Fred's farewell party happened to fall in the middle of the week, on the exact same day Travis had his night out, but at this moment neither of you realised what impact this coincidence had on the both you.
It was around 9pm when Travis and Hank came through the door, you could feel a sudden cold but fresh breeze clashing with the warmth and beer odour of the room, instinctively you looked up and your eyes met instantly with Travis'. It felt like one of those magical moments, neither of you knew what it exactly was, but you held the gaze, feeling a soft tug towards each. After breaking the eye contact, he and Hank walked up to Fred, patting him on the shoulder and discussing what you presumed to be farewell wishes and questions about his plans for retirement. Travis excused himself and walked up to the counter, sheepishly smiling at you. You threw your towel over your shoulder and leaned towards him.
"What can I get you", your eyes wandered over to his name badge, "sheriff Hackett."
Your voice had this soothing mesmerizing tone, radiating captivating aura, an invisible net which captured Travis' old heart on the spot, leaving him absolutely defenseless. He suddenly felt like a stupid teenager, a heat rising to his cheeks and quickly looked over to Hank who gave him a thumb up to order the usual.
"Two whiskey, please", he still avoided your eyes.
As time passed, the slurred conversation in the bar grew louder and it was just after 11pm as Travis walked up to you again, slightly staggering and definitely buzzed after two hours of toasting with Fred and Hank. A quiet voice in the back of head told him to be careful, to restrain himself, but the boisterous drunk voice seemed to win with better arguments. He dropped down on the bar chair and looked up, eyelids heavy and the vision starting to blur.
"Don't say it", you said jokingly while closing your eyes, pressing two fingers against your temple faking a concentrated expression, "two whiskey", you opened your eyes again and winked at him, which earned you a chuckle.
"Ma'am, you're trespassing on private property", he joked and tapped his head with a finger, "stop reading my mind."
"Please don't shoot me, I've got a search warrant", you innocently raised your hands holding up the drinks for him.
His heartbeat was tapping the rhythm of a dangerously fast song, his head began to spin, but there was this loud voice again, urging him to ask her name, argumenting that she definitely had some interest in him, starting a joke and playing it along.
"Ok, I'll let you off with a warning this time, but only if you tell me your name", his direct approach surprised even him and his stomach felt queasy causing him to tense up.
Before you could answer, Fred rocked up behind the sheriff and leaned on his shoulder, Travis foundered somewhat under the sudden weight.
"Y/N, I'll be off home now, I'm too drunk, too old and too retired to stay any longer", he babbled, "sheriff I'm off, it was nice having you and Hank around. Take good care of of my bar, Y/N!", he walked a few a steps away, turning around again, "oh and Travis, be careful with her, she might look like an angel but that woman can't bite the devil on her tongue and will say whatever comes to that weird mind of hers", and he went out of the door, leaving you and the sheriff in a moment of awkward silence.
You were the first to talk again and as time passed you ended up being caught in a deep conversation with the sheriff, only interrupting it here and there to serve the other clients. Travis and you discussed god and the world until it was midnight, you closed the bar and stood for a moment outside with sheriff Hackett, who was the last guest for that night.
"Until next Wednesday, Y/N, it was nice talking to you."
You made your farewells and left both in opposite directions. Travis tried his best to keep his body in check as he staggered home. He felt a little dumbfounded, his inebriated mind struggling with the events of this evening. He couldn't get a hold of this beautiful young woman wasting her time on talking to him, a weird old man in uniform, coming to the bar she now owned to get hammered once a week. He was nothing special, he never considered himself ugly but hell, he was well aware that he couldn't possibly be handsome enough to get that much attention from any woman your age. Whatever it was, he decided that he was too tired to overthink it in detail and he fell on his bed, falling asleep with improper dreams of you.
You let out a sigh as you let the apartment door shut. You didn't expect anything from this small town, you presumed to encounter trouble with some of the local drunks at work, maybe a quiet time outside your work, but your tiny list of expectations never mentioned the possibility to be intrigued, almost mesmerized, by the local sheriff. He was clearly older than you, even though not too bad looking, but there was something in his eyes that enamored you, something that was maybe slightly mischievous, there was certainly more to him than just being a lawman trying to keep a small town in check; and then there was this unspoken chemistry, a magical spell squiggling around you and him, talking to him felt like it came naturally, no need to restrain yourself, your shared interests and the sarcastic dark humour hopping hand in hand down a street of which only time could tell where it lead.
Chapter 2
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It’s 3am
Can’t sleep.
Need smut ideas / smutty blurbs / smutty hc’s
To write for
Travis Hackett and Chris Hackett.
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mutual-monsters · 2 years
Travis Hackett masterlist 🩸
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Banner is orginally by @/maysdigitalarts, altered by me
Smut is marked by a 🌶️
anything you say can and will be held against you (so only say my name) 🌶️
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Special note: all of my fics are inherently written with a plus-sized reader in mind; whether you choose to read them as such or not is up to you, but it will always be my intention.
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falsemortal · 1 year
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Déjà Brew
Coffee Shop / Bakery AU for @spookyscaryscully 💋
Laura is the temporary baker for the Custos family's coffee shop while they're out of town. There is something about the moody cop that she can't quite scratch from her memory. Some nosy friends find a way to get them together more often than not.
Chapter 4/4 - Steep + a short epilogue
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