#trying not to sound panicked but secretly freaking out
Tantalizing Television
RadioApple with a side dish of static - Hazbin Hotel
Explicit: Teasing, jealousy, Vox kinda gets cucked, secretly!est RadioApple, (switches/verses.)
//Just so happens I was gonna do this anyway, now it's radioapple week. So it's meant to be right XD first time writing these characters and this ship...and I decided to make it harder on myself. Inspired by an IG Reel by akrcos. So naturally the song is Neon Medusa by The Midnight//
In one of the far wings of the Hazbin Hotel, a translucent form flickered to life in a plush red room. 
The hologram glimmered and Vox smack a hand into his screen. “C’mon ya piece of shit, work.” The overlord grunted, his projected body covered with blue static as it tried to stay solid. 
His flat eyes blinked, before his trademarked grin spread across his square face—Alastor’s dark hotel room finally becoming clear. And Vox was finally inside it.
“Let’s see what the pompous ass is hiding.” 
Vox’s projection drifted forward, his half-corporal boots making no sound on the plush crimson carpet. His feet tangled in something on the floor—because he was still getting used to walking without feeling his footsteps—and because the place was a damn mess. 
“So much for a fastidious freak.” Vox snickered to himself, only to hiss out more garbled curses as he reached out to a dresser drawer. His translucent cyan fingers passed through the handle once, twice, before he focused on solidifying just enough to grasp it. 
Thinking he just might spare the projectionist demon who sold him this janky spell, Vox rummaged through the drawer. Looking for anything embarrassing—or juicy—to hold over Alastor’s head. 
Instead, his hand closed around something small and rubbery. 
Vox pulled out a bright yellow duck. 
“What the hell…?” He muttered, in utter confusion, as he uncovered an entire collection of rubber duckies.
The TV demon let out a grunt of frustration, squeezing one of the blasted things in his fist, making his hologram flicker as the toy let out a shrill little squeak. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” A mocking lilt startled Vox, causing the duckie to go bouncing across the floor. It landed right at the high-heeled boots of the King of Hell himself. 
Lucifer was leaning casually against the four-poster bedframe, arms folded, and a devilishly smug grin on his lips. 
“Ah! Y-your Majesty!” Vox panicked, nearly backing into the dresser drawer he’d just opened. He’d been ready to kick some ass, now he had to prepare to kiss some.
Damn projectionist told him he was going to the room where Alastor spent the most time, not the archangel’s bedroom! 
“An Overlord reduced to snooping through drawers?” Lucifer clicked his tongue, his smile nearly as sharp as Alastor’s. “My my hell really has gone downhill with you guys in charge.” 
Vox felt his signal glitch with panic. 
“Now, I know you’re not stupid enough to try to sabotage my daughter’s hotel with me in it, right?” Lucifer took a few steps forward, and Vox wished his hologram could just vanish into the wall, but he was stuck until the spell ended. 
“No no no Your Highness, I’d never!” Vox said plaintiff, throwing a hands to play up his innocence. “I was just looking for Alastor, you know, old rivals. Messing with each other…ha ha.” 
The truth sounded like a lame excuse when he was saying it to Lucifer. 
“Trying to find him in my room is a little under the belt, don’t you think?” 
“Below the belt…you mean?”
“What did I say?”
“You said this was your room, sire?” Vox demanded, his flat screen head snapping around. “Fucking projectionist piece of shit.” 
The fallen angel’s yellow eyes narrowed on Vox’s form. “You’re using a projectionist, are ya?” Lucifer grinned. “Oh, that’s an old school trick—I with an old weakness.” The angel raised his hand, and snapped his fingers.
Glowing golden ropes materialized, binding Vox’s projection from chest to ankles, before a flick of the blonde’s wrist sent him flying into the plush chair by the rumpled bed. 
Vox thrashed against his restraints, his shape lagging and distorting where the binds held him. But even his real demonic body would be nothing against pure angelic power. 
“Sir! I mean, I’m doing you a favor.” Vox protested, unable to help himself but trying to gab his way out. “The projectionist—he sent me where Alastor spends the most time in the hotel.”
Lucifer raised his eyebrows, his black lips suddenly pressed into a line—like a toddler with a secret. Vox was too busy pleading to notice. “You realize this means Alastor must have been spying on you, right? So so I’m letting you know! No need to get your feathers in a fluff!” 
“I decide when to fluff myself!” Lucifer snapped back, before making a face. “That sounded wrong, didn’t it?”
Vox opened his mouth, only to have it filled with static.
“Yes, darling, it did.” When a shadow stepped up from the half-lit room.
“Well now, Vox. You’ve gotten yourself into quite a conundrum, haven’t you?” The radio demon’s eyes burned with amusement and his sharp grin grew impossibly wider as he took in the scene. “Delightful to see you stooped so low as to rifle through my rival’s chambers.” 
“Hold the fuck up.” Vox’s screen flashed red. “You’re calling him your rival now?” 
Alastor and Lucifer glanced at each other, the angel’s face giving away more than the radio demon’s ever-present grin. 
Vox was too outraged to notice. “We’ve been at each other’s throats for fucking decades and suddenly this guy waltzes in!” He thrashed against his binds again. “And you’re making enemy goo-goo eyes at each other?!”
Alastor’s glee was practically luminescent. “My my, I did take you for the jealous type. But this, my good man, is a new low.” He leaned forward, arms folded neatly behind his back as the light of Vox’s screen glinted off teeth—and he twisted the knife in. “Though I hardly need to look to the king of hell to find a more interesting company than your static-filled nuisance.” 
“You smug son of a—” Vox leaned against his restraint, ready to bash his monitor into Alastor’s face—when the radio demon was suddenly a safe distance away. 
Lucifer stepped in front of Alastor and stuck a sharp heel squarely into the captive demon’s chest. The hologram flickered, but somehow held, tied in place by the divine rope lashed around him. 
“Watch your tone, buddy boy.” Lucifer gave a contemptuous sneer, about as much as his diminutive form could manage. 
“Now, now. Where are your manners, my friend?” Alastor chided, practically gleaming with sanctimoniousness. He loomed just behind the angel, his red-tipped fingers curling over Lucifer’s shoulders in a way that was almost…no, it couldn’t be. This was Alastor. And Vox knew damn well the radio demon didn’t invite contact. 
“I do adore it when you are ruthless, Your Majesty.” Alastor’s voice had gone smooth, almost purring. 
Vox’s screen flashed, like his circuits couldn’t compute an obvious flirtation from Alastor.
Even if Lucifer’s answering chuckle and the tilt of his head towards the smiling demon brought their faces closer than Vox had ever seen a living being get to his old nemesis. If they were still alive.
“Well now, Alastor, you old dog,” Vox taunted, seeing Alastor’s ears flick with irritation. “If I didn’t know ya better, I’d say ya needed the King of Hell to fight your battles for you now.” 
The radio demon straightened up, stiff as a rod, and Vox knew he’d dug under Alastor’s skin. Lucifer bore his heel further into Vox’s chest. If this projected body could bleed, he might be already. 
“As ever, Vox, I am more than capable of handling you myself.” His smile twitched. “But why get my hands dirty when I can watch the master at work?”
“He’s your master now, huh? Is the untouchable Alastor cozying up to the big boss down stairs?” Vox snapped.
Radio static burst through the room. Alastor answered to no one. And no one would imply otherwise. But, before he could put the demon in his place, the angel in front of him had to go blustering and bleeding heart.
“Listen here, you big piece of shit!” Lucifer glowered, his red pupils disappearing in a terrifying radiance. “Say anything like that again, and I will personally ensure that you spend the rest of eternity in Hell’s deepest, darkest, shittiest sewer. Got it flat face?” 
The angel yanked the captive demon forward, until his projected form was glitching all out of shape. Lucifer, the sweet fool he was, looked up at the smiling demon like a cat that had presented him with a half-dead mouse.
Unfortunately, Alastor loved cats. And dying things.
He had to regain control somehow. And that meant reigning in the devil himself. 
“You say the sweetest things when you’re threatening my enemies.” Alastor’s slender fingers gripped Lucifer’s face, curling deftly around the angel’s chin, and pulling the blonde’s gaze back to him. 
It worked like a charm, perhaps too well. 
Lucifer leaned into the touch, his cheeks impossibly redder, and his eyes fluttering closed for a moment. When he opened them again, they were filled with an emotion that even Alastor could not be prepared for. 
Leaving him unguarded for what happened next. 
Lucifer, the sweet fool that he was, surged forward to kiss Alastor. Right in front of a gaping Vox. 
The radio demon should be livid. He made it clear their personal lives were not for public consumption—in any form.
Only for the petite archangel to hold nothing back in his gaze every time their eyes met.
So, why was Alastor melting into the press of lips, regardless of who was watching? 
A shiver ran down Alastor’s spine, taken in by the fierce protectiveness in that kiss. Misguided, clumsy, foolhardy, and vowed to shield him from harm with everything he had.
Which would be just lovely, if Alastor didn’t have to consider the crumbling reputation he’d just glued back together.
But, when his red eyes found Vox, already wearing a brilliant smile like he meant to expose this level of affection all along—he saw something he should have expected. 
The television demon’s eyes widened in shock, circuits buzzing with disbelief. His screen went blank like he’d overload, until the color blocked test pattern displayed the words ‘please stand by.’ Like his entire system had to reboot. 
He’d stunned the picture box—and that, the radio demon could work with.
“What the fuck, Alastor?” Vox crackled, outrage written over his features. “You don’t like being touched! Isn’t that your whole damn shtick?”
Crimson eyes slid to Vox with barely concealed loathing. Alastor tutted, lips curling in a mocking sneer. Soaking in that glorious, irrational, jealousy.
“Oh, I don’t.” Alastor said simply, turning a softer smile to Lucifer, knowing the Overlord was watching with wrapt attention. “Not by just anyone, and particularly not by you, Vox.” 
Vox’s screen fritzed again, eyes flashing with fury. 
“Oh-ho, I know that green-eyed monster when I see it~” Lucifer taunted in a sing-song voice. His hand tightened around Alastor’s waist. 
“This all started with your silly little obsession, did it not?” Alastor mused with a dark chuckle. And the radio demon, utterly amused with this revelation from his rival, leaned in to the assumption. “When did you realize your propositions to have me on your team turned into utterly pathetic advances?”
“Cocky fucking bastard!” Vox’s voice distorted and crackled. “Don’t act so high and mighty! You just found a higher power to whore yourself out to!” The Vox hologram rocked violently against its bindings, wild with jealous rage, somehow even more deranged and unhinged without a corporeal form to ground it.
Static burst throughout the room, lights flickering and shadows distorting. As Alastor’s smile stayed perfectly in place. 
The radio demon leaned forward, teeth glinting with pure malice as he tapped his microphone against Vox’s screen, making the cyan distortion appear again.
“If you think it wise to spread gossip about me, by way of blackmailing Our King…on your head, be it.” He said in a sadistic purr. “No one will believe a thing you saw here.” 
Over his shoulder, he felt his shadows banished. Lucifer had his back with a flash of divine light and power. 
And nothing felt better than rubbing salt into Vox’s wounded ego.
Alastor reached out a clawed hand, pressing the tip of a nail into the hologram’s chest. The projection wavered and warped under his touch, but still provided a just hint of resistance. 
“Then again, this isn’t really you, is it?”
He felt Lucifer’s hand tighten at his waist. “It’s a hell projection dear, “ he explained, his voice amused. “Meant to torture sinners by allowing them to touch, but never be touched in return.” 
“Oh.” Alastor’s ears perked up. “How inspiringly cruel.” 
He straightened up, shooting Lucifer a wicked smile, before he grabbed the shorter man by the lapels, and shoved the angel back into Vox’s lap. 
Both men appeared completely taken aback.
Vox’s screen glitched between showing his two-dimensional eyes wide with excitement and indignation.
“Al, you sure about this?” Lucifer’s face was painted with the same shock, but with a bit of delight curling his lips. Wondering if the radio demon was serious. 
Alastor caught his eye with a smirk. His long nimble fingers making quick work of the buttons, revealing the scarlet dress shirt and black suspenders underneath—shedding his coat entirely and tossing it onto the bed. 
Vox had never seen Alastor in a scrap less of clothing before, and those slim shoulders and narrow waist made something hot and hungry twist in his gut. 
Lucifer was already reaching for the demon, knowing this was the signal that his partner wanted to be handled. 
  Alastor moved to straddle the King of Hell with his long legs, caging his rival overlord as well, while he captured the angel’s mouth in a searing kiss. 
Lucifer groaned against his lips. 
“I can still fucking see you sick perverts!” Vox snarled, face burning with humiliated fury. 
Vox was having a conniption. Since when did Alastor let anyone touch him, let alone paw at him and his immaculate clothes? But here the radio demon was, sitting astride Lucifer’s lap, and kissing him like he wanted to devour him. 
Alastor tsked, wagging a chiding finger as he nuzzled against Lucifer’s cheek with a rumbling purr. 
Vox watched Lucifer’s hand slide down the demon’s waist, gripping his hips to pull him in even closer.
Alastor’s low chuckle met the gesture, that clawed hand grabbing the chair behind the other demon’s head. As he lifted his hips and rolled them against Lucifer’s. 
Through his eyelids, Alastor could see Vox’s screen flashing and flickering, a sound of disgust—and abject envy hitting the deer demon’s ears. 
Though his delight at Vox’s outrage was shriveling in comparison to the familiar delight of Lucifer’s hands on him. He’d never wanted for touch, never felt so starved without it, until the first time he’d felt the angel’s lips on his own. Now, he was always famished.
“Get off me, you sick fucks!” Vox snarled, struggling against his bonds as he tried to buck them off.
With a sharp intake of breath, Lucifer pulled away from the kiss. A sly grin played on his lips as he cast a fleeting glance at the flat screen mounted behind him. “Voxy might not really be here.” he purred, his hands sliding up along Alastor’s torso, hooking into the black suspenders he wore, and the demon let himself be pulled forward. Just to see the TV glitch. “But I can feel him getting hard.” 
The television behind Lucifer flashed a brilliant, blushing red and Alastor laughed at this tantalizing little tidbit. 
He leaned in, his forehead pressed to the angel’s as he murmured. “What a shame I cannot be recorded…” he taunted, his lips drawn over the angels with pure want and sweetness that he gave to no one else. “I suppose you shall have to commit it to memory.” 
“Fuck you both,” Vox growled, his projection flickering with impotent rage. Practically frothing at the mouth. Because beneath the anger and the jealousy—was the shameful desire. The longing to be touched and wanted by Alastor the way Lucifer was. 
“Oh, you wish chatter box.” The angel snorted, only to have the radio demon’s claws pull his attention back. 
“No, I—” Vox couldn’t even get the protest out of his mouth. It was…he couldn’t be jealous of Lucifer? Or Alastor…Or…both. 
He didn’t know anymore, and that was the greatest torture of all. 
The two seemed too lost in each other to give much of a damn about him. 
“Darling~” Alastor purred, moving to stand with as much grace as he could manage in this state. Causing two breaths to hitch. “I think…we need some privacy. Don’t you?”
“Mm, couldn’t agree more.” Lucifer’s eyes sparkled as he stood and ran his hands up Alastor’s chest, finding his tie and undoing it with deft fingers. Before pulling his collar to bring him back nose to nose. “I want you all to myself.” 
A full-body shudder rippled through the lean demon at the intimate words and touch. They’d been playing a game of teasing, hardly doing anything more heavy than petting—but it seemed Lucifer was ready for more than just a little light handling. 
The angel’s fingers slipped into Alastor’s hair, tilting his head back and leaving a searing trail down his neck, popping open the collar of his shirt in his wake. 
Exposing more of his skin than Alastor intended. 
“P-Perhaps we shouldn’t give our...captive audience too much of a peep show,” Alastor managed, static crackling around the words. 
Lucifer pulled back, reading something through Alastor’s stiff smile. “Oh, Al—!”
The demon pressed his pointed fingers to the angel’s lips, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Clumsy as ever, but affectionately honest. And Alastor wanted to kiss the apology off of his lips.
“You can’t just leave me here!” Vox’s screen flickered and glitched, his useless hands clenching at his side. “While you go off and—”
Vox couldn’t even finish the thought, his mind rebelling at the images that flashed before his eyes. Alastor and Lucifer, tangled together in the sheets, their bodies moving as one. Alastor’s head thrown back in ecstasy, Lucifer’s name falling from his lips like a prayer.
The real men in front of them were leaning into each other again, like they couldn’t surface from each other long enough to care that Vox was here. 
Alastor nipped at Lucifer’s ear, voice dropping to a conspiratorial murmur only they could hear. A thrilled laugh spilled from the fallen angel at whatever filthy suggestion was offered.
“You’re a singularly wicked thing,” he praised, squeezing Alastor’s hip meaningfully. “Wouldn’t dream of denying you.”
With a casual flick of one hand, the glowing angelic bindings holding Vox constricted suddenly, forcing his projection into an awkward, hunched position on the chair. 
Alastor smirked at the muffled noise of frustration.
Alastor sauntered over to where Vox’s bound projection fought against its ethereal bonds. He tsked in mock disappointment, crouching down to meet those twinkling electronic eyes, seeing how they darted to the open collar of his shirt. 
And how the rope criss-crossed his screen, gagging Vox at last. 
“Such unbecoming behavior from an esteemed colleague,” he chided, all velvet and menace. “Though I can’t say I’m surprised—you were always dreadfully uncouth.”
Vox’s screen flashed furiously, the test pattern barely holding. Alastor watched the frantic display with undisguised relish.
“No witty comebacks? No desperate pleas?” He feigned a pout. “Disappointing. Then again, you always are.” 
Straightening, Alastor’s microphone staff materialized in one hand with a crackle of static. He gave it an experimental twirl, grinning madly.
“It’s just a shame you won’t be able to feel yourself burning in the lake of fire.” With an oddly graceful sweep of the staff, a swirling vortex sparked to life at their feet—a hellish portal yawning open. Searing brimstone fumes billowed forth, carrying the roar of raging flames. 
“Do enjoy the sight of your flesh melting though, ta-ta!” Alastor gave a teasing wave as Vox’s projection was lashed with his shadow tentacles, and dragged into the fiery pit itself. 
Lucifer watched the whole display with rapt amusement from the bed, crimson eyes glittering. As Alastor turned back towards him, snapping away the vortex with a casual flick, the fallen angel reclined with unabashed hunger written across his handsome features.
“I do love it when you do you evil, Al.” The angel grinned, popping onto his boots. “It’s hot as hell.” 
Alastor rolled his eyes at the terrible pun, but couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped him. The man wore his heart on his sleeve to an embarrassing extent. 
What made Alastor find it so inexplicably pleasing?
“Then you must be perpetually hot and bothered. Sounds like a terrible state of affairs to be in.”
“Not one you can relate to, huh?” Lucifer grinned, wrapping his arms around Alastor’s tapered waist.
The taller demon ducked, smirking only broader when he stayed just out of the reach of the Lucifer’s lips, to the King’s visible frustration. 
“I may relate, as of late.” 
That was all the shorter man needed to reach up and grab Alastor in for another kiss. 
“I can help with that.” Lucifer offered sweetly, pointed fingers curling into the radio demon’s hair to demand a deeper kiss.
Lucifer, with a level of gracelessness that was miraculous for an angel, pushed Alastor back onto his rumpled bed.
The slender radio demon's body relaxed into the mattress, his long legs splayed indignantly—so he thought. Though there was no hint of mirth in his lover’s yellow eyes.
Lucifer was already on top of him, forked tongue sliding past his lips with desperate need.
Alastor felt Lucifer's sharp teeth glided along his jaw, marking a trail of small kisses down his length of neck.“Impatient, are we?” Alastor attempted a tease, but his ever-practiced voice faulter under the angel’s undaunted enthusiasm.
“Oh, honey. I know how getting one over on someone gets you going.” He lifted his head, only to waggle those damn eyebrows. “Do you want me to slow down?”
Lesiurely, Lucifer made a scorching path down the demon’s chest and torso, pushing apart his blood red shirt inch by inch.
“Fuck you.” Alastor gripped at his golden blonde hair, trying to shove his head down further.
Lucifer resisted the force like a tiger swatted by a house cat—sending another thrill down the demon’s spine.
The angel was pausing to swirl his tongue into the grooved indents of lean muscle and hipbones. Lucifer’s clever mouth worked lower still—until finally he freed Alastor’s hard cock and enveloped him in the welcoming heat of the angel’s mouth.
The radio demon arched up from the bed with a strangled cry of static, clawing at the crimson sheets as Lucifer’s mischievous skills swiftly robbed him of breath and higher cognition. Alastor’s legs fell open wider as debauched sounds hissed from between his teeth. 
Lucifer hummed his approval around his mouthful, that damned tongue of his flicking ceaslessly as he sucked Alastor down.
The demon was already trembling under him. Too damn easily.
Only when Alastor’s sounds reached a true crescendo of desperation did Lucifer finally pull back with a filthy pop.
“My, my...it seems the great Alastor turns quite tame with just a little bit of attention,” Lucifer purred, sinuously licking his lips clean.
“Consider yourself fortunate that pride flatters you, darling.” Alastor snarled hoarsely, eyes burning crimson and fangs bared as radio noise crackled around him.
With a snap of Alastor fingers, their clothes vanished, only to appear folded neatly on the nearby chair.
Lucifer quirked a brow as Alastor reached down to hastily prep himself. The radio demon’s long fingers deftly worked, slicking himself with conjured lubricant.
“Don’t keep me waiting,” Alastor growled out the demand. 
Lucifer’s grin stretched wider, all too eager to oblige.
He surged up to capture that snarling mouth in a hungry, devouring kiss. Pinning Alastor’s wiry body back against the bed, careful to align perfectly with the demon’s entrance—before snapping forward in a brutal thrust.
Alastor threw his head back with a guttural groan of blissful torment.
Static discharged in a blistering wave, scattering signals and causing lights to flicker in their room. The radio demon’s slender fingers scrabbled for purchase, digging into Lucifer’s back as his legs wrapped vice-tight around the angel’s powerful body.
Lucifer leaned in close, to the constant rumble coming from the demon’s stretched lips.
“Growl for me all you like, my dear,” he purred darkly. “I know exactly what you need.”
Lucifer set a punishing pace—plunging into Alastor’s willing warmth over and over.
The demon keened brazenly beneath him. Clinging with a desperation that belied centuries of scheming and solitude, finally crumbling to primal need.
Their power swirled and clashed in wild waves.
Alastor’s shadows swirled and snarled, his eyes burning bright in the room's dark as he fought to keep them open, his teeth gnashed together.
Lucifer’s vast angelic grace responded—six resplendent wings unfurling in stark juxtaposition—keeping Alastor’s demonic power in eclipsed beneath him.
The angel groaned deep in his chest at that exquisite sight his tightly buttoned partner made when he finaly let go. He drank it in with reverence.
And that undeniable dominant power shattered the last strand of Alastor’s restraint.
He came with a harsh cry, clenching to the angel’s cock as he came. Making a mess of them both, knowing that was exactly what Lucifer wanted before he was spent inside Alastor.
Lucifer panted harshly, sweat beading his brow as the pleasure rolled through him.
For long moments, they simply clung together, chests heaving and hearts pounding violently.
Lucifer nuzzled into the crook of Alastor’s neck, relishing their closeness, the scent and taste of his lover’s bliss. He felt utterly sated, lethargic in the most delicious way.
Alastor panted still, almost silently, arm thrown over his face as he attempted to compose himself. Hiding his mouth as he drew ragged breaths.
But when at last Lucifer made to pull away, shadowy tendrils lashed around his waist, refusing to let him go.
Alastor whimpered faintly as he drew the fallen angel back down atop him, long limbs winding around Lucifer to keep him nestled close.
The blonde chuckled, the sound warm with fond amusement as he happily settled in the circle of Alastor’s embrace.
Trailing reverent touches along those deceptively delicate features, he murmured, “My sweet little deer demon...”
A ragged growl vibrated low in Alastor’s chest at the endearment. But there was no real threat behind it as he clung to Lucifer—soaking up every caress, every brush of affection in still, sated bliss.
When Lucifer’s fingers carded through his disheveled hair, he even leaned subtly into the intimate touch like a cat being stroked.
“Hush now,” Lucifer purred, placing a soft kiss to Alastor’s brow. “Let me take care of you...”
Alastor’s only response was a halfhearted grumble as he tucked his face into the curve of Lucifer’s neck, content to let the former archangel dote on him.
Just for now.
35 notes · View notes
For the Ice Queen/Tyrant King AU:
Thena and Gil visit the grave of his mother before the wedding.
An emotional and soft moment between them :)
"I used to come here with Dad and Imo when I was little."
Thena looked at him, curiosity piqued by the first words he'd spoken since getting in the car. She held onto his arm as they walked, his hands in his pockets.
"Dad always used it as an excuse to bitch and moan about shit, especially about how I was the reason she was here in the first place."
Thena frowned, holding onto him just a little bit tighter. She leaned her head against his arm, "hm...I could kill him."
Gil smiled, leaning his head against hers, "nah, it's okay, Sweetness. Success is the only revenge that actually works in this family."
She had asked if this was even a good idea--her coming with him to visit his mother (in a sense of the word). She had worried that it was more of a family affair--even asked his aunt if it would be disrespectful for her to come.
Imo had told her that she was a part of the family, now, so what did that matter? She also told Thena to call her Imo, from now on.
Gil had grinned from ear to ear.
"When did you come here last?" she asked him gently, not letting him sit in silence but not chatting just for the sake of it, either.
"I guess it was with Imo, last time I was home," Gil shrugged beside her as they turned down another walkway. "I come when I can, but I can't really leave business just to visit."
Thena nodded with full understanding; it wasn't safe to, whether his mother was already passed or not.
Gil looked at her with a smile, pulling his hand out of his pocket just to link their fingers together, "I have a lot to tell her this time around."
Thena stopped beside him as they arrived at a particular grave marker and grassy knoll behind it. She bowed with him, offered her prayers and respects with him, in Korean and everything.
"Hey, Ma."
Gil took in a breath. "Sorry it's been a while. It's been a crazy year and some, so I think you'd understand. I got shot!"
"Gilgamesh," Thena scolded beside him. She squeezed his hand, "give your mother a proper explanation."
He smiled; that was his Ice Queen. "So...this is Thena."
"I know I've talked about her before. It was probably as just--oh, we had a meeting today and the Ice Queen is doing well, sort of thing. I was in denial back then, but you probably knew. You would have told me how obvious it was that I was already head over heels for her."
Gil peeked sideways at Thena, who rolled her eyes at what she definitely thought was embellishment on his part. He chuckled.
"You'd love her though, Ma," he continued, smiling at the stone with just a name in Hangul carved into it. He had long become accustomed to speaking with it as if he could picture his mother's face--it was one of the things that pissed his father off the most when they would visit her together.
Imo never minded.
"You'd love her because I do," he raised Thena's hand to his lips, moving his thumb over her ring. "But you'd also love how tough she is. You'd love how she doesn't let anything intimidate her and how smart she is. You'd love that I have her to keep my head on straight over there while I'm doing business."
"You'd love her because she's perfect," Gil whispered, squeezing Thena's hand as he felt his throat tighten. "You'd love how perfect she is for me. She's smooth and calculated, but there's one hell of a heart under that porcelain shell of hers. And I'm lucky that she gave it to me. I...I haven't always been the most careful with it."
Thena finally snuck her eyes over to him, but stayed silent.
"I know, and you and Imo would both kick my ass if you knew the whole story, too," Gil sighed. The look in Thena's eyes when she accused him of lying about loving her; he would never forget it. "But I righted my wrong--I took responsibility, just like you taught me. And you were right; good things come to those who stand for what's right."
"And she's the best damn thing I've ever found," Gil swallowed, blinking a few times. "I'm sure you would just kill Dad if you knew what he had tried to pull with the daughter of that business partner of his. You and Imo always were talking about how he was going to run your hard earned business into the ground. Imo's still got a handle on things, though."
"And hey," Gil sniffed, finding a smile again, "Imo loves her too!"
Thena looked at him again, about to accuse him of exaggerating.
"I've never seen Imo like anyone," Gil chuckled, finally tearing his eyes away from his 'mother' and to the woman beside him. "But I think she took one look at you and knew that you were right for me."
Thena shook her head at him.
"Really," he whispered, looking forward again. "You know how Imo is, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified to find out she was in America to see us. But I was shocked when she accepted that I wanted to stay with Thena instead of coming home. I mean, it was basically giving us her blessing. She even told Thena to call her Imo--that she's part of the family!"
Thena smiled.
"Dad doesn't know yet," Gil said in a quieter voice, his face drawing down again. "And he won't. He's never getting anywhere near the woman I love. I think you'd support me in that."
The grave marker didn't have a reply, but he really got the feeling of agreement.
"He doesn't need to be in my life, he doesn't have to know my business," Gil stated more for himself than anyone else, present or not. He squeezed Thena's hand again, "he doesn't have to meet my wife."
"Gil," Thena squeezed his hand back.
He looked up again, some lightness returning again. "We're not married yet. Well, not officially, I guess. Far as I'm concerned, we've been married since the very first time we-"
"Sorry, Princess," he chuckled, turning and kissing Thena's warm, pink cheek. "But you already know I've been down bad for you since before then."
She chose to roll her eyes at him again instead of dignifying his claim with a response (whether denial or confirmation).
"But yeah," Gil looked at his mother's grave again, "this is the woman I love, Ma. She wanted to meet you--and I wanted her to meet you, too, even if it meant coming over here. Even if Dad knew we were here, even if our enemies knew we were flying over."
He looked at Thena beside him, in a simple white sundress with her hair loose around her shoulders. She wasn't here as the Ice Queen, just Thena: his fiancee and the woman he loved.
"Some things are worth the risk," he concluded, feeling he had told his mother the most crucial parts he wanted to. He had neglected to discuss the poisoning and the shooting and such, but that was business. They were here for a family matter. He looked at Thena again, "anything you wanna add, sweetheart?"
Thena took a long look at the stone before them before stating very plainly, "I love Gilgamesh."
Concise, his Ice Queen.
"I love your son," she elaborated in a whisper-soft tone. "I certainly hadn't expected to. But I'm sure you knew better than anyone that not loving him is...just impossible."
Gil blinked away a few tears again.
"There isn't much I can promise," Thena confessed in a surprising admission of fragility. "Imo may like me, but I doubt anyone else will. And my family...doesn't exist anymore. I don't have much to offer."
Thena very literally controlled the global diamond market--was one of the riches human beings on the planet (off the record). And only she could see that as 'just business' and set it aside from herself enough to think she had nothing to offer in a marriage.
"But I'll love him," she said with conviction, gripping his hand. She was shaking. "I will love him every second of every minute we have. I already do--I love him so much I can't breathe. It rewrote the world I knew and every cell in my body. But against all odds...I suppose I find it worth the risk."
"I know how special you will always be to Gilgamesh. And I promise that I will take care of him. I will stand by him through every decision and every consequence. I was willing to go through with a ceremony here with your family, actually...not that I had mentioned it."
Gil grinned; he already knew that, but still.
"He worries about me meeting his father," Thena peeked over at him before addressing his mother again. "I am not so fragile as to fear someone as cowardly as someone like him."
Gil held in a laugh. His Dad would shit a brick if he knew this woman - a powerful business mogul whom he had never met - had called him a coward to his late wife.
"I would rather face down his father and his whole empire than have to meet Imo for the first time again," Thena let out a breath at just the thought. She smiled, though, "I can see why Gilgamesh turned out to be such a good man. He had such wonderful women raising him, it was never in question."
Gil's eyes watered again.
"So, I suppose I would like to thank you," Thena mumbled, some shyness coming over her. "I don't remember my own mother, but...I promise I will do my best to honour you all the same."
Gil watched Thena clutch at her lace shawl laid in the crooks of her elbows and dangling around her legs.
"Thank you for having me," Thena bowed again before looking at Gil, holding her hair back against a breeze, "are you okay?"
He nodded, leaning forward to kiss her forehead, "thanks for coming with me, baby."
"Hm," she sufficed to say as they slowly came away from his mother's grave and made their way back to the entrance to the cemetery again. "I did want to meet her."
Gil moved his hand from hers, only to unfold her shawl and pull it over her shoulders so it could drape over her arms, which were only partially covered by billowing linen sleeves attached to her dress. "I don't want you to burn, Ice."
Thena held onto his arm, leaning her head against him again as they made their way back to the car. "It would be worth it."
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Pure vanilla cookie x reader who adopt sorbet shark cookie and choco chess part 4 in the day of the reunion where hollyberry and dark cacao come to the vanilla kingdom soon as both know that reader sorbet and choco chess are okay both are completely joyful specially knowing that sorbet and choco chess are alright soon as clotted cream cookie come and after that incident during the council sorbet choco chess trows at him a huge cake right on his face in front of everyone to give him a lesson then soon after the kids secretly goes with gingerbrave to the cream republic
The waiter at Olive Garden has been waiting for me to say when. There is a cheese stacked to the roof. It’s been eight hours. Three people have died. I will not yield./j
Trying to get some more motivation to write! Haven’t had much, but eh, I’ll just do the words and stuffs
Anyways, here’s your part 4!! Hope you enjoy!
The glorious part 4
PV x reader & SS CC. Ft, DC HB CC ++
Romantic & Platonic
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Mmm big family reunion. While everyone’s talking about war and death the children are just having an entire rave in the corner of the room. Wildberry brought them child-friendly drinks while they dance to the sound of everyone arguing.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Financier tried to jump in the way of the cake with her sword when Sorbet Shark decided to literally push it down on top of Clotted Cream, but defending the Consul from a giant cake is different from an enemy, and both of them ended up caked in cake! This also led to a soft ridicule of Sorbet Shark, though mostly from you. Pure Vanilla tried to tell them what they did was uncalled for but immediately stopped at the horrifyingly sad look the mercookie sent their way. The Chess Choco twins were just vibing in the corner watching this all go down and taking pictures, along with Strawberry Crepe.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Hollyberry is just on the floor laughing for a good bit. She can’t stop. Someone please help her. Wildberry is just waiting for her to stop laughing, to be honest. Dark Cacao, on the other hand, is literally PRAISING Sorbet Shark. Like hand-on-shoulder “You have some good instincts, kid” type of praising. He ends off his monologue speech “but don’t do that again.” when he sees the way that Vanilla and you are looking at him.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ After the reunion, Pure Vanilla is freaking out when he can’t find the kids. He is literally running around the palace moving window curtains and checking under furniture type of panicking.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “I LOST THE CHILDREN!” “You whAT-“ “THEY’RE GONE!”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Once Strawberry Cookie finds a rogue Sorbet Shark digging through their jellies, Gingerbrave sent a note via bird to Pure Vanilla and you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Trusting Gingerbrave in babysitting, you get a small break to spend with your significant other before the children return safely and in one piece. Pure Vanilla will not leave them alone for a while after that. You could tell he had missed them- it was pretty hard not to with him practically moping around- and he wanted to make sure they didn’t run off on a surprise adventure again.
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
mm the thing with madam qin and jgy and honestly a bunch of situations in mdzs (which is why i love it so much!) is that no matter what choice you make, everything still sucks. there's a chance that everything won't suck, but it's as likely as winning the lottery.
mme qin have been raped by an incredibly powerful man who's also her husband's admired superior and political ally. a woman being raped is not only mortifyingly humiliating for her, but also for her husband. what certainty did mme qin have that qcy wouldn't have divorced and cast her out, or even killed her, after finding out? even if he was the best man in the world and he assured her she's the love of his life and nothing would ever change that, the sect is still subsidiary to lanling jin. they can't do shit.
and this is the societal and political side -- we can't forget about the woman herself, about her trauma, about the fact that she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child, a daughter, and lives with her. if jgy can't stand to be in one room with his son, a product of surprise incest, but nonetheless a loving relationship, then how must she feel, knowing that this little girl beloved by everyone is a child of rape?
i get being frustrated with her as a character whose acts contributed to a tragedy, i've been there too and now rereading that one post i regret it because it's kinda unnecessarily aggro towards mme qin! but literally what could she have done? and let's not assume she just sat and did nothing. jgy says he and qs had to fight for the permission to marry; mme qin was probably doing her best to stop them from doing that, but what ammunition did she have other than "son of a whore, i don't trust him", something that qs would have immediately disregarded and qcy -- disregarded after either seeing or jgs agreeing that his son is a hardworking, filial good man? nothing.
same for jgy's side, the "he should have told qs" -- okay, but when? and then what? what certainty did he have that she wouldn't have flipped out, panicked, said the same things she said to him when she got the letter from bicao? of course, there was a chance of her freaking out at first, then calming down, deciding to end the pregnancy and live as siblings, but how big this chance was? how safe and effective would it be to secretly take a mix of herbs from an unknown source? how soon would everyone start wondering why is she not expecting, is jgy impotent, is she barren, did she change her mind, is he so diseased and disfigured that she ran away screaming, etc, etc?
i've seen people calling jgy all sorts of names for talking about reputation and the conference, but while it sounds monstrously uncaring to qs and shows in a twisted, sad way how changed jgy's priorities are from those of a "normal" person, he's... not actually wrong per se. he's just bypassed, packed all the emotions one would normally feel in this situation and squished them into a dark locker at the back of his mind, and went straight to Trying To Stop The Worst From Happening. because it really IS the end for both him and her if the incest news get out, and someone -- two people, possibly even more, but he doesn't know that -- is out there, KNOWING it. they can do whatever they want with this information, and once they do, suicide or faking your death and running far, far away is the only option. and qin su KNOWS THIS. this is why she kills herself, aside from shock and grief. once even one (1) more person knows about her situation, everything is ruined. hell, i can't imagine how qcy must have felt when he returned from his trip. his son(s?) must have been either at the conference or at home, but there's no mention of them at the meeting in the lotus pier. i wonder how they managed it later on, when everyone knew.
and finally, if mme qin told qs -- then what? qs would be shocked and confused. she'd hate it. she'd ask why her mother waited for so long, if her father knows; depending on the timing she could already be pregnant. EVERYONE INVOLVED WOULD HATE THIS SITUATION SO MUCH.
and like... i kinda get why mme qin "waited" until the last impossible moment. she may have begged jgy to call the wedding out, but she must have known it was too late. but had he and qs not been so intent on getting married no matter what, qs wouldn't have been pregnant, and while this reveal would still be shocking and miserable to jgy, at least he would be able to tell mme qin he won't touch her. and i feel that maybe she was hoping for something like that? maybe they could sit qs down and tell her, or maybe jgy could pretend he's not interested in sex or even kissing and qs would spend the rest of her life in a sexless and childless marriage that's nonetheless as happy as it can get. but it was impossible! that's the tragedy, no matter what angle you look at it from, everything sucks and is horrible.
there's no way out! mdzs is full of situations like that that don't involve characters taking insane risks and being 100% confident in predicting the other characters' reactions, and also society getting cool about a bunch of things real quick
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Helluva Boss Theory: Are Asmodeus & Fizzarolli In Love...?
[Note: Reading This Is Optional and Do Not Reblog Without Permission.]
   some fans have started to ship those two like crazy, they are just too cute together, and some fans wonder if those two are secretly in love.
so the question is, are they in love...?
 and why are they so freaking cute together...?
well from how Asmodeus acted in the episode that both he and Fizzarolli first appeared in, I would say they pretty much could have feelings for each other, but might show it a little differently than most.
and if I were able to, I would flick them both on where their noses for what they did to Blitz, Stolas, Moxxie and Millie.
as weird as it sounds, I had the same thoughts the other night ago, about flicking both Cain and Abel on their noses and their foreheads.
and in my point of view, both Cain and Abel deserve the punishment flicks to both their noses and foreheads...
they both know why....-_-
even if I know that I am a descendant of both Cain and Seth, which them being brothers that would make them both my and few others own Grandpas and Grunkles...
and there is the fact that I’m a Defective Earth Angel who was born from different soul fragments fusing together....and I am never un-fusing and I am staying who I am....
but anyway, Cain ain’t the boss of me and if his soul-dad is really well you know who, well he ain’t the boss of me either...
 and I did say in another post that I am my Soul-Parents and Soul-Grandparents own little accident, which I guess I could perhaps view as myself being Cain’s little accident as well...I have learned to accept this, I know when my soul was born it was one of those surprise accidents.
and before I found that one site yesterday, that talks about some info about Soul Fragmentation, and even talks about how a soul fragment can attach to another soul or soul fragment, I already found out before finding that site that talks about it, that the soul fragments that make up who I am, had ended up not only attach to each other but had fused.
it might be possible that if two or more soul fragments that have become a new soul were to be forced to separate, it might be harmful to their very soul that makes up who they are now....let’s hope no soul has to go through that.
but anyway back to the whole Ozzie x Fizzy being in love, even if they poke fun at Moxxie for his love song for Millie...
maybe they just like making fun of others who are in love, but keep their own feelings for each other just to themselves.
 we don’t know how they met or how they started to have feelings for each other, and some can only guess by picturing it either in maybe a fan comic or like fan fic.
maybe we will find out how those two met in a future episode, well maybe...?
well they could end up having other secrets that they keep from their fans...
like one of them being that they are in the “we are in love” closet.
they could be giving clues that they are in love each other, but some in the show’s universe, might not be able to tell that they are, and only fans in our universe can tell they have feelings for each other.
it be interesting if those two ended up animated in one those meme parodies...
like when those two Dads end up accidentally locking their baby in the car.
and Fizzy ends up calling for help, while Ozzie is panicking and holding something up in the air all while screaming “I’m gonna break the window!”
and Fizzy has to tell the lady on the other end of the call, that is not his wife, that is Asmodeus.
anyway I guess there could be many fans that ship those two, because of that one episode, are curious and wondering if those two might really be in love.
well, maybe will find out more if that is true in the future...
in my next post, I will talk about another theory that has to do with Transformers and Steven Universe...I don’t really have much to say about the theory that has to do with Ozzie and Fizzy being in love with each other...
maybe I can try to talk more about Ozzie x Fizzy another time.                    
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Ghost Riders
August 23, 2022   
Helllllz yeah we did it!!!
Walking over and sitting against the hood of one of the cars in the High School parking lot, I rested my hands on my knees and took a deep breath. Gotta admit, I think I’ve completely lost any affinity I ever had for the color green… St. Patrick’s Day next year is gonna have to be canceled.
"It was touch and go there several times!"
Oh man! Hey guys that was great! I'm happy we got you all back! smiling excited yall wanna cone back to the bar with me and jo and celebrate? looking at everyone's faces
I’m just glad those crack head cowboys are gone. Walker they ain’t
I lean against the high school and heave a big sigh. +guys, great job tonight. it was tough but we made it!!! so glad everyone’s back safe+
( someone caught it 😂)
laughs softly and my hand slips in yours! agreed my sweets!
+Ellen, that sounds great. I could use a vodka coke right about now+
After the ordeal we’d all just completed, the last thing my tired, abused body wanted to do was go to the Bar and throw back a few. But I couldn’t deny that this was a WIN after it felt for a while there that we weren’t going to pull one off. It made perfect sense that everyone would want to be together and celebrate having come through it all. And why the hell shouldn’t they? Sucking it up, I smiled over at Ellen and stood back up. I’m IN for going to the Bar. I think we’ve all earned it.
Yes my beast?
Just glad to have everyone back we should celebrate!
As much as I love a good party I’m afraid our tinies might eat the clones Or put them in a home
Oh very true! laughs!!!! Yes sweets, I think we should get home and check on the kids!
Wahoo! We did it
Good idea wrapping my arms around you we’re heading home guys . Ready gorgeous?
Yeah. Everyone needs to come back to the bar with me and mom!
See yall later. waves bye to them
Sounds like a plan
Yes, let’s do this!
Mmm ready sexy! I kiss you deeply!
heading back to the impala I could definitely go for a drink
kissing you back abracadabra we vanish *
Watching Gabe and Donna vanish, I pull out the Charger’s keys, which by some miracle of its own, were still in my jeans pocket, and head towards my car. Ruby, you riding with me?
Sounds like a plan yall! Come on jo. starts to head for the truck
Yep, right behind you!
Who’s riding with me?
I will
Coming mom
+uhhh… guys? where’s Henry?!+ looking around for him
What the hell?
Looking around for Henry, but not seeing him
Still, I do a quick head count and Eileen is right, I don’t see Henry. I try to think back to where we were the last time I did actually have eyes on him.
What? Henry is missing? I start looking around we have to find him now!
Crowley, when exactly did you give up you’re only looking out for number one motto?
I glare at Moose Oh you want to do that now? The kid is missing!
Since when do you worry? Now you woeeg?
(tf is a woeeg?)
(do you smell toast?)
(I’d worry about a woeeg too!)
(It was supposed to say worry lmao)
Wow? Me caring about someone else had destroyed your pretentious vocabulary.
We need to fan out and find him
looking around panicked hey someone should reach back out to Gabe and Donna, they're gonna wanna know. secretly freaking out that our cookie monster is missing
Holding my hands in the air I’m not the one to be placing this call, Dean maybe you should do it…
Not it holding my hands up
Yeah...Gabe’s gonna kill us all for losing henry. I agree we need to tell him though
+I value my life, now that I’m resurrected. I will not be the one to tell Gabe that Cookie Monster is missing. nooo way+
Throwing up my hands! Fine! I'll do it. I get ready to reach out to Gabe, letting him know about Henry being missing .
Sighing when Ruby volunteers, I can’t let he give Gabe that kind of information without support. Come on Ruby, we can reach him from the car.
Following behind Sam, I am dreading this call
We will all be here while you tell him...
I look back and give Dean a one finger salute.
appearing at home with belle
I look into your eyes for movement after appearing
seeing our babysitting clones rocking and holding their heads muttering to themselves
but it is short lived!
clone one no one said he walked in water and we couldn’t bathe the baby ……
Ohhhhh dang!!! I go around checking on the kids!
You’d think they have this down my now!
Clone 2
Antonio ……Antonio….,,Antonio …..Antonio …….
shakes head!
Clone 3
Angels my ass these things are DEMONS!!
Watch yourself
Clone 3
They all take after YOU!!!
Thank you
Clone 3
Not a compliment
Clone 2
I need a safe space
I pick up Jesus! you’re not too bad are ya?
Clone 1
Jesus….Jesus ….aptly named …..
Sam did better we need him to baby sit again!
making the clones vanish
I tell 3T to get ready for bed, and hearing my voice he obeys! Lol I do think he will
as bell gets the kids ready for bed I hear Ruby & Sam where the hell is HENRY
Sitting in the car next to Ruby, I try to center myself and connect to Ruby’s direct angel-line energy, I hope that Gabe will get that we are trying to reach out to him.
I call to the kids who aren’t, to get ready for bed! And starts to take our youngest son into the bathroom for a bath!
what’s going on?
Gabe? Hey, I hate to already be laying something else on you. I’m sure that you and Donna have enough going on there… but I thought you’d want to know. We did a head count outside the High School and we were one short.
who did the counting? It wasn’t Dean was it he can only count to 20 and a half completely naked
No, we all pretty much took a look...
and you found him, because, I know none of you want me to show the vengeful god side of me riiiight? hoping for good news
Henry’s not with us. No one saw anything happen, but we haven’t been able to locate him yet. We all thought that you’d want to know that.
we’ll be there in a moment hold onto don’t go anywhere we don’t need anyone else wondering off
Got it...
turning to belle darlin we gotta go back, kiddo wandered off!
I pop my head back out of the bathroom The what???? Henry? He probably just followed a famous Amos truck down the nearby street.
Who else do I call kiddo darlin? Gotta make sure he’s ok, you know I’ll lose my mind if anything happens to him pacing And found pennywise, that kid would hug him! Henry’s gonna float!
calling into the bathroom! As naked little Jesus starts to circle himself in toilet paper! no don’t make robe out of that, toilet paper is not for that! I look back with a soft soft smile Not quiet getting it! I’m sure he’s okay! But if you want go check on him!…. I’ll take care of the little ones!
Ok I’ll go check it out you can stay here ok darlin kissing you softly  back soon
MISSY ….. make 3T get in bed!!!!
Kay mom!
kisses you softly good luck sweets Jesus! No!
I hear that a lot vanishing
walks around circling Henry with an evil grin
what? How am I still alive? ok ok I need to not panic I’m sure everyone is looking for me. what is that thing keeping my eyes on the monster I try to use my telekinesis that’s not working I should pray to them prays to Dad, Crowley and Ruby whoever gets this message I‘m a human statue in the gym on display send help
Crowley! Did you hear that? It's Henry!
I freeze in my tracks hearing Henry's voice in my head Yes, I heard him. We have to get to the gym. Now!
appearing that’s him why is he still in the school? And alone?
Pup said he's a human statue. We didn't intend to leave him there.
Wait, what? You can hear Henry? I didn't hear anything
It was in my head
He’s praying Let’s go get him heading towards the school fuming  who’s idea was it to let him be in there alone?
We didn’t know he ran back in
Can you tell from where? I begin to hope maybe we can just go and get him... then stop myself. When were our lives ever that easy.
No one's. We left as a group. He must have fallen towards the back or split off.
run back towards the school
I hurry towards the school just hoping the others follow
follows Dean and crowley back into the school
I can hear him
Follow her team
following the team
I follow after Crowley into the school, always searching for Henry
run through the halls looking for Henry
Careful Dean No idea what’s in here he said he was in the gym Let’s start there
What else matters than getting to the gym where Henry is
slow down and head for the gym
Apparently reliving your saved by the bell fantasies
sees a statue that looks like Henry running past the gym
I was going to the gym
Oh here’s our screech now
Keeping a watch around us as we move back into the school
Saved By the Bell? Really Squirrel?
Hey Dean. You guys have to see this
That was Gabe Kinda reminds you of screech doesn’t he? What’s going on mama Winchester?
But you're the one reliving it.
There's a statue that looks like Henry in here
I was more a love boat guy 😉
Yeah yeah
What ?!?!?
A statue you have GOT to be kidding me
Mmm M*A*S*H is quite good.
That statue was r here the first time we came through
You know the more I’m around you the more I understand why Noah only took animals on the boat
looking around the gym neither were all these creepy ass spiders! I feel like throwing up at the sight of them
stomping as many spiders as I can oh shit I'd rather fight a monster. still stomping and the sounds of the crunch makes me cringe
Really ?
Checking out the statue of Henry, I look closer. It looks like solid stone. Giving it a couple of raps with my knuckles, I listen next to the statue
At Ellen’s announcement of spiders, I jerk around in the direction she indicated and see a huge mass of spiders coming at us. I begin to aggressively smash the ones that get close, all the while mumbling to myself. Spiders, great… really great… eight-legged clowns is all they are… shit! Even with several of us stomping, more keep coming. We gotta get out of here guys!
I try to step on the while conjuring a fire ball hoping they'd retreat from the sight.
looks at the spiders
start stomping on spiders
stomping on the spiders o knocking them off me I can feel them bite, I slap them off Alex and Crowley’s backs if I don’t get to shoot webs out of my wrists after this I’m going to be pisssed
Look over ahhh! Stomp on spider
seeing the spiders coming I start trying to stomp them as they keep coming 8 legged freaks! Fuck! No dont lick them Gabe!
what is taking everyone so long. I just followed a voice that sounded like sissy. I need to use the bathroom. Look who decided to show up. I’m hungry. random thought sounds this reminds me of that part in the hobbit with the spiders Ruby stop knocking on me before I scream in my thoughts! I’m not a door
Maybe they are like psychedelic spiders??? Like the frogs?
Ahhhh!! Thank bud Scared that was scary I don’t like spiders
I look at Gabe and Crowley to see if they heard it too!
still stomping spiders
I can see everyone stomping spiders, looks like we’re doing some weird kind of tribal dancing
That's only in the Tobey Maguire ones Gabe I turn and smack one off Ellen Can I light them on fire?
looking for this GABE guy
kicking a spider off my leg after it bit me
Ew gross dude! Kill the bastards! stomping as more jump on me I scream loudly I HATE SPIDERS! Stomping the spiders and knocking them off me
You’ll light everyone on fire they are everywhere
knocks spiders off and shoots them
I heard Henry too, he got scattered brained for a sec though
jumps as Mom's gun starts firing
What the FUCK ELLEN ?!?
I’m still stomping on spiders!
You’re more trigger happy then tweedle de and tweedle dumbass
Converge on Henry! I shout watching them
That’s Henry in there alright!
Chooses to think he's talking about Dean and Crowley
stomp on more spiders trying to get to henry unsure of what we are gonna do
hearing the shots I dive for cover in a pile of these creepy ass spiders jumping back up stopping the shit out of more of them
Who do you think they got it from?
SPIDERS—-The many many many spiders start to crawl all over the team! And start to bite where everyone they can
stomping the spiders as they start crawling on me
Ok crow I was wrong let’s blow these bastards to hell my hands starting to glow
I feel a sharp stinging pain on my arm Ouch! and slap a spider off of me. Damnit! We’re not making any headway here!
Stomping all over the place like a mad woman
NO! You could kill Henry! I argue
Ow! Ow ! Bear yelp scream
Ow ow ow!! You little bastards! spiders biting me
Becoming concerned I have to ask, "Are they are hurting Henry?"
Damn it I really do hate when you’re right
dad please no screams my thoughts I officially hate spiders
Their just spiders guys its not that big of a deal I’ve dealt with lots them before OW SON OF A BITCH MITHER FUCKER! As I get bit roo
ouch! I curse inwardly as a spider bites me. I slap it and it falls off my arm, very very dead
are you ok though? Are they biting you
I swear in Gaelic as I'm bitten
As I cock my gun, I start shooting at the gyms floor boards were all the spiders are.
I don't think they understand that any better than English!
Ooooowwwww!! kicking another spider off me
continue to stomp at the spiders
For fucks sake psycho dicing out of the way they’re just spiders not vampires !
Well The kid doesn't know what that means."
I don't think so I can't tell. I can't feel or move just my eyes though
kicking and stomping at the spiders around henry
then you’re safe
There’s too many! We need to run and come up with a plan!
I have to agree with Dean on this one We’re not helping Henry by staying here and getting eaten alive!
Let’s go!
head to the door out of the gym
yelling to henry well beack for you!! It's gonna be ok!!!
starting to burn the ones on the floor RUN!
kickin' and knocking these little birches off me
(attacked by small angry trees)
Running with the others, I get back to the Charger  and look around for Ruby.
(stupid little birches 😂)
getting back to my truck
running with the others to the car
I'm right behind you Sam!
at least get me a cookie please! yells after them. Jeopardy music
get back to the impala knocking any extra spiders off me before jumping into the car waiting for whoever is riding with me
Follows to the cars
I look back at Henry We'll save you Pup. I promise. I turn and join the others.
waiting for the others to get out of the gym I look at Henry once more  we’ll be back kiddo vanishing
We get in and I drive Ruby and myself back to the Bunker
I run to the vehicles and jump in pushing in the clutch, I start the truck and me and jo take off
gets in the car
gets in the car
I drive myself Mary Alex and Eileen and patience back to the bunker
appearing in the bunker waiting on the team  I’m their very own heals on wheels
Pacing the floor, I wrack my brain, trying to think of some solution for this mess.
Back at the Bunker I’m starting to feel a little feverish, and I can see red blotches starting to appear all along my arms where I was bitten by the spiders I’ve never had an allergic reaction to a spider bite before, but holding up my arms to show everyone I’m thinking these weren’t ordinary spiders.
Sit down, all of you and take hands, hurry
Feel sweating fever groan I don’t feel good I am hot too hot turn up AC up
feverishishly I'm not feeling too hot guys. start sweating
feels feverish it feels like I have a fever
I quickly sit down and take Mom's hand
It’s 12 degrees in here and Alex has the flop sweats
+uh. yeah not feeling too great.+ feel my forehead +yeah I definitely am a little hot+ I sit in a chair and grab Sam’s hand
pull into the bunker and head in as I get inside I start to start getting hit as blisters appear on me everywhere I pull my flannel off as I’m too hot
I am hot I have a fever I sweating I feel dizzy
I look at the group unsettled and turn to Ruby Do you have any idea what's going on here?
as the others take hands I put my hands on Sam  Shoulders and send power through Sam and into the others healing them
I stop pacing and answer Crowley "I've heard of this type of thing happening before during the Revolutionary War."
Gratefully accepting the Healing offered, I slap Gabe on the shoulder Thanks, once again…
grab Alex hand
Any time Sammy anytime
Collecting my laptop from my room, I sit at the table and start it up
+thank you Gabe+
sees I'm getting a rash why am I breaking out in a rash
Because the healing hasn’t reached you seeing the glowing power hit you  better now?
Look over Gabe Gabe? Feel dizzy
Yeah. Thank you.
Yeah bear bear? Anytime
I feel dizzy fever
I don’t feel well either. And I think I’m Burning up
slowly start to feel better thanks Gabe
I check on Ellen and Eileen while Sam and Ruby research
walking over putting my hand on your forehead healing you better?
Pulling Charlie's laptop over, I quickly pull up an article, finding just what I need to explain what I'm talking about. "YES! I've found it!!"
You got it Deano
What have you got Ruby
looking over at Ruby
Much. Thanks Gabe!
Can you heal me?
What? looking over drinking water
"It’s called an 'Anuk-ite'."
Of course giving you a hug you get a full blast of healing power
I quickly add the name into the search program to see what I can find.
+I’m good Crow. thanks for checking+
Bless you
Thank you Hugs back
Come again?
I'm alright crow. Thank
I nod and turn hearing the name of the creature
What the hell is that
"It’s the oldest shape shifter known that destroys villages and towns through fear and chaos feeding on the fear."
The thing is it’s not just that but it can turn you to stone…. Like Henry ….if you just look at it
I nod in agreement with Gabe before interjecting They can also mimic the sounds or voices of anyone it’s been in contact with, almost always completely indistinguishable from the person they're pretending to be.
sitting in the chair I get a vision knocking my ass right out of the chair my head pounding what the fuck
turning worried PAY!
watching patience being knocked back I rush over to her patience are you ok? What did you see?
Pay you ok?
holding my head the anuk-ite has been in contact with All the stinking spiders
I think we’re going to need to get back there…
The only one it was in contact with was Henry, so we should be ok.
We don’t have time to drive I’ll teleport us there
grabbing my go bag ready to go fight this son of bitch
grabbing my gear I'm ready!
grabbing my duffle seriously?
Hold on to Gabe
gets my gear
Meet you all back at high School. I vanish from the room
+ugh I hate teleporting… I just got over my nausea too.+ grabs a hold of Gabe
Always with the teleporting
Only think of himself figure
Dean, quit being such a baby... think about Henry in all of this. We said we’d be back for him and we need to get there as fast as possible.
It wasn’t even that actually
grabbing Sam’s jacket and Ellen’s jacket we ALL vanish
+Shut it Dean. let’s just go save Henry+
You even said as we vanish
we all appear back at the high school
as we appear at the school how the hell do we fight something we can’t see?
I’ve got a plan Dean
Really Gabe....what plan that dont get YOU killed?
You aren’t going to like it …, I’m heading to the gym you guys heard the anuk-ite my way
Get it to the gym? Why am I thinking that this doesn’t sound like much of a plan?
Just do it Sammy I’ll take it from there
You better be right about this, I’m not going to be the one to try and explain all this to Donna….
I’m with Sammy
smirking I vanish
Shaking my head, I remark "I hate that look. It always means trouble!"
Great! Just fucking great!
What do we do
What we gotta do to get this thing to Gabe
My suggestion is to spilt up!
it's on the move. I don't know where though calls out to them with my mind
I hear Henry in my mind and turn Squirrel! Hurry, It's on the move!
I hate the idea of splitting up nothing ever comes good out of it but.    What other options we have? Mom come with me?
+I’ll go check out the cafeteria. Alex, coming with?+
Splitting off from the rest, I walk beside Ruby and the first room we come to is the Men’s Locker Room. Looks as good as any don’t you think? Pulling my gun out, I wait for Ruby to open the door and I lead us into the room with it.
Opening the door for Sam, I let him go in first
Jo and I will check out the library with jo at my side we go to check the library come on hunny let's go. I put my arm around her
Sure thing. I don't like the idea of splitting up either
Always one of the main rules in every horror movie DONT split up! heading down the hall
appearing in the gym next to statue Henry  longest I’ve ever seen you in one spot not eating a cookie kiddo
I shake my head at splitting the party Come on Pay, let's check out science.
Right beside Crow
goes with Dean.
+Yes ma’am+ walking with Eileen
let me out! My thoughts are starting to annoy me!begging to be free
As soon as we kill this thing kiddo I promise you know I’ll never let anything happen to you . I’d give my life for you . Do you trust me?
why can't you turn me back? Your God you can do everything
Because I have to kill it kiddo . And this isn’t going to be pleasant to watch . I’m sorry
what do you mean getting scared but can only watch
not saying anything the SHINK of my blades being unleashed the only sound
I continue down the hall slowly
follows closely
LISA! hearing the voice
ghostly at first! Deaaaan!?! Is that you??? gets for upset down the hall
Lisa? Where are you??? starts walking faster down the hall
Hellllp .. Dean! The thing …. It … it…. Took Ben!!!!
Dean stop. It could be a trick
This way Dean!!! Help!!!! Room 113!!!! Deannnn!!! HELP!
Son of. A bitch! LISA! IM COMING! Sprints down the hall keep yelling! run to the sound looking for the room. As I watch the numbers 100....105.....110...111...112...113! I’m coming baby! I open the door and run inside LISA! BEN! tears streaming down my face in worry
eyes glint brightly looking directly at the Winchester turning Dean to stone!
LI..... As I look at the thing I turn to stone
Runs into the room
looks to Momma Winchester the instant she enters the room, and turns her to stone too!
turns to stone as about to pull the trigger
Tap Eileen +I am hungry I haven’t eat+
+yeah seeing all this food makes me hungry too. tell you what bear bear. if we all make it out of this alive, I’ll have Dean make us all steaks.+
+why don’t i take the lead now?+
+That is sound so good Yes ma’am+
+since I can’t hear anything the Anuk-ite can’t get to me with a loved one.+
+Agree+ Smiles
Mommy!!! MOMMY!!!! Help… I’m scared!!! It’s going to get me mommy!!!
Suddenly heard Olivia voice turn around Olivia? Princess? Went look for Olivia mommy coming baby Run and see anuk-ite
the instant Alex goes to turn and look for Olivia, it meets Alex’s gaze and immediately turns Alex to stone!
Turn into stone
a figure in the distance catches Eileen’s eye! Is that your mother??
I keep walking, not even noticing that Alex isn’t with me anymore. I keep a sharp eye out for the monster, but I never see it. I see a sudden movement down the hall, and look up. “Mama?!” as I’m saying that, I think, shit it’s the monster and turn to stone
and with another evil glint, Eileen turns and looks  into the eyes of evil, turning to stone!
The Locker Room appears to be empty, but I continue to clear the spaces I pass.
I take a stance, covering Sam with my glock.
calling from inside the locker room! Ruby? Sam? Is that you!??
Carefully watching everything around us, I hear Charlie. It sounds like she's just outside the locker room. How odd. How did she get there?
Charlie? I'm in the locker room. I'll be right there!"
Hurry! I think found it!
Looking around, I don't see her  "Where are you Charlie?" Hearing her to my left, I look over, trying to find her, and suddenly am turned to stone
Finally, stepping out into the gym area, I turn back to tell Ruby we should probably split up and notice that she’s not behind me. Ruby?
Sam???! Sam you in here??? from inside the locker room
Just as I start to retrace my steps, I hear Mom call from across the gym towards the female lockers. Mom? I didn’t see you and Dean come this way, did you find anything?
Sam?! I’m on here… the ladies locker room! … Sam, … Dean has been turned to stone!! Sam?!?
Adrenaline floods my system at the mention of Dean being turned. I sprint across the gym floor towards where I heard her voice, but I don’t see anyone. Mom! Where are you?!
Up here Sam! from above!
My feet stop on their own, seemingly glued to the floor, at the sound of the new female voice. It’s been a lot of years, but I know that voice. Jess….
Up here!!
I look up to the gym ceiling and can see Mom and Jess appear to be plastered against it. My heart is racing and it's hard to breathe, I’ve seen part of this vision in real life before! NO!
Just as I scream, both of them burst into flames. NOOOOO!!!!!!
GRABS SAM FROM BEHIND AND TURNS HIM, Looking in his eyes… turning the youngest Winchester to stone!
The stiffening begins at my feet and rapidly runs up my legs. It wasn’t until I couldn’t twist myself away from the sight before me, that this thought pierced my grieving brain and I realized I was becoming…stone.
busting in like the kool-aid man through the library doors with my shot gun in front me
I rush in next to my mom. I’ll go o the left. Mom, you go to the right.
Ok hun. Don't believe your ears though. I'll let out a bird call for your attention!
Ok mom I raise my gun as I head Thru the Children’s section
I start heading down the adult section of books when I see a man. I call to him. As he turns I see it's my husband Bill. He looks gray and skinny and DEAD...he starts to blame for letting him DIE! this can't be true! I start to turn and run away
did I just hear my mom scream Mom! As I go racing to where her voice came from. I see my father and raise my shotgun.
the turns you and looks to you turning you to stone!
I see my father and raise my shotgun again!
grabs Jo, turning her, looks to her and turns a her to stone!
I walk through the halls of the science wing looking in each room Oh look at all those posters. Jobs, Zuckerberg, Musk. Praised as pioneers of their industry, all on the payroll for hell. Cut a deal and reap the rewards as well as more souls sometimes. I push into the next room Oh, Einstein, the rare exception of real talent.
hearing my grandmother calling and yelling at me for wasting my power Crowley do hear what I hear it's my grandmother Missouri calling out for me and cursing me
talking to my grandmother grandmother I’ve done the best I can what is you want from me?
shaking my hand at her Gran how have I wasted my powers? I don't understand worried now that she berated me so much
I stand beside Patience watching the woman before hearing her say Pay's consorting with demons I'm no ordinary demon you old crone. I'm the King of Hell
shit thinking I can't do anything right now she's yelling at me telling me I should not be consorting with demons grandmother I'm not they help us so much.
Are you sure about that pipsqueak? Last I knew, you're just my seat warmer.
Turning around I expect to see the taller arch angel sneering down at me
trying to understand all of this knowing it has to be either some kind of worry vision or apparition.
looking Crowley, turning him to stone
looks up at grandmother
turns patience to stone!
standing still pain in my feet moving all up through my body
My eyes grow wide as I meet the cold stare of the creature in front of me. It's gaze strikes more fear into my stone heart than the day the hounds came to drag me below. The cold touch of the stone seems to seer into me like the winds of Everest, so slow and yet over in an instant. I'm stone before I even have the chance to scream
the last of my teams screams tearing through the core of my very being , every instinct of every fiber of my very being crying out to them , to run to them to save them I force myself to stay put , knowing the only one left between them and being stuck like this forever is making sure I kill this abomination
Why don't you go help them? You need to do something besides standing here.  thoughts rush through my head of being sick and tired of being stuck
yelling for Gabe screaming in pain
I know what I’m doing kiddo. ignoring the scream as it rips through me
what do you mean?  really confused
Sweets Help …. help!!! It’s found me!!! HELLLLLP!!!
Belle! How did you … NO! ITS NOT HER !
Ahhhhhhhhhhh DADDDDY!!! Helllllppppp ahhhhhhh
falling to my knees hearing my first born , our first miracle calling to me every instinct calling out to save my baby , my claws dig into my chest ripping through my shirt my skin, reminding me it isn’t real
Aggggggggghhhhhh owwwwww …… AGGGHHHHHHHHH
tears leaking from my eyes the struggle to hold back the fury , the doubt , the self-loathing tearing me apart with in, the claws dig deeper shredding what’s left of my shirt clinging to my hold on my plan
raspy voice nearby! llllloook at mmmmmme!!!
closing my eyes kiddo I’m going to need your help to fight this thing
yelling at Gabe this is all your fault
what do you want me to do?
this is all your fault Gabriel. the mightiest of the archangels we have left. you have staked your claim as our new “god”, which makes you all-knowing, yet you know not that your team is falling! you could have saved us all! yet you stand here doing nothing. COWARD. shame on you. we will never forgive you for this. you will live with this on your conscious for the rest of eternity. we will haunt you.. you have murdered us all.
Wow Gabe just wow. You spent all that time telling me 'You're part of the team.  You're useful. Open up to us and we'll care for you.  I start doing that and when we needed you most, you left us to die for you. Your worse then Lucifer
Gabe! How could you! I thought you love us! All of us! This family! You turned your back on all of u! I trusted you. You told me not to let you down with protecting this family! I tried so hard to not disappoint and you got us killed! Your fault everything we've been through! You let us die!
why did you let this happen!! Why did you kill my family!!!
the guilt burning through my lashes from a whip knowing Eileen is right
Crowley’s words burning through my veins like hell fire driving the guilt and rage I didn’t ….I didn’t…..Dean…..I’d never *the heart in my chest seeming to be squeezed tighter with every word Ellen …., you… jo … you ATE family *the blood pouring through mg eyes closed red surging through them in waves of a fury like never before NEVER !
dad? What do you need me to do?  trying to help snap him out of it
Henry SPN you tell me where that son of a bitch is so I can END HIM ! with a cry of fury that makes the eruption of volcanic explosion feel like a low rumble, threatening to rip the earth itself apart , I raise my hands , blades gleaming, and shove the cold, hard, sharp , celestial metal through my eyes the cry of pain growing louder, as I feel the sharp deadly metal tear through my eyes, blinding me the blood pouring down my face. I reach down ripping the remains of my shirt, and wrapping it around my dead sightless eyes
YOU SON OF A…. starts to run right for Gabe!
hearing the footsteps rushing towards me I dove out of the way rolling to my feet claws extended back to the anuk-ite  Henry where is he!
ok I can try to do that but I have no sense of directions watches and tries to figure out where it is buckle up because this a real life version of a video game. To the right hoping to heaven we get out of this alive
coming from his right going to grab tackle you again!
spinning to the right my blades at the ready fighting to ignore the tearing pain in my head I get hit and go down as I can’t move fast enough
connecting hard as I go to grab for your throat!!
oh sh- stopping mid-way throat grab
turning at the last moment I shove my blade upward through your chest leaning back and pushing with my legs throwing you across the room and against the wall
hearing you I jump through the air and bring both blades down towards you
flies and hits the wall hard, cracking it. Falls to flow. Gets up. Shakes it off and runs at you full steam!
wall straight ahead and a good one too adding on all the details and then stops heading right towards you
heading Henry I home my hearing the sound of the anukite approaching I launch myself at the anukite, my blades connecting  for Henry! again Eileen my claws tearing through the anukite SAM! RUBY ! ELLEN! Jo ! my blades flying faster and faster tearing ant the body of the anukite DEAN! ALEX! CROWLEY! My blades thrust your through it jaw, I can feel the tendon drip and the blades pierce the bones of its skull as they rip through the top of its head and I thrust my arm upward ripping its head from its body  and for impersonating My WIFE AND CHILDREN!
Gatling in blood and pain…. Goes limp… and dies
its dead good job. Now how long do we wait to come back
the death of the anukite making the adrenaline crash out of my body the pain, fury blood and grace loss, the destruction mf my body making me collapse in a heap, a gargled whisper from my lips, SHARKY nearly soundless words  bellllllllle…..
Suddenly able to move freely, I run back across the gym to find Ruby Ruby!
No longer a statue, I look for Sam. Spotting him and tucking my glock into my waistband, I run to him.
feels myself being free dad!!!  screams louder than I normally do* dad!!! Guys!!!
the stone releases me from its cold hard grip, and i turn around to make sure Alex is ok
You okay? Let’s find the others! Rush with her back the way we came.
feeling the statue break around me I start looking for jo jo jo!!! Let's go find the others!
suddenly I’m able to move again and I run to Mary Mom! checking you over make sure you’re ok then running for the gym where I hear henry scream joining the others
I walk into the hallway and see the others running to the gym. I don’t know what’s going on, but I grab Alex’s hand and take off running to find out
I feel the stone falling away and sink to my hands and knees shaking some from shock going to patience Are you alright?
starting to feel again I'm loosening up I make my way to where the rest of the team is
seeing the others in the hallway we run to them
run into the gym seeing Gabe GABE! SHIT! FUCK!!! DAMNIT! SON OF A BITCH!
screams for the others dad! Please no no no!
Finding the other’s, I can see that they are gathered around someone on the floor. Gabe!! Dean, what happened?
Running over to Henry, I lean over and quickly grab one of Gabe's arms and wait for the others to gather around.
I enter the gym, and see Gabe lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, bleeding and motionless. I look around at the others. but.. he can’t be …. can he? I think. I grab his other arm
How the hell do I know besides he’s fucking hurt I was a pile of rubble fashionably shaped!
hope he gets through this and touches his shoulder
I grab Patience before warping us back into the gym where the others are and finally stand going briskly over to Henry and Gabe What......he can't be......How?
Ruby Crowley lets get him back to the bunker!
No no say he's going to be ok!! We just can't lose him
Blink look around and look at herself and look up at Eileen +Are you ok+
Let's go Crowley. You ready?
He saved us by stabbing himself and killing the monster blinding. I had to give him directions
the Dean statue
Of course I kneel beside Gabe and carefully touch his shoulder and grab Ruby's wrist so that we can focus our power together.
+I’m ok Alex+
Putting my hand on Dean's shoulder and my other on Ruby, I wait for the feeling of vertigo that teleporting always gives me.
Ok, Crowley let's do this
(What the heck)
Run to gym +Come on Eileen we need to go to gym+
Then hurry because building our power like this can't be held long
Lets do it
I close my eyes and focus on the Map Room and warp us there quickly as possible
soon as we land I grab Gabe with Sam and Ruby’s help we rush Gabe to med bay. I’m worried about him
Helping to get Gabe into the MedBay, where we get him hooked up to IV’s to replace fluids and monitors to watch his vitals. I clean the wounds on his eyes and apply fresh bandages.
Setting sterile gauze and wrappings out on the table, I get alcohol swabs to clean his wounds. I also set out suturing paraphernalia just in case
going to the bar poor myself a drink
I walk to one of the Bunker library's to get some silence as I to attempt telepathically reach Donna
watch you and ruby grabbing any other things that may be needed i really hope he pulls through. He’s just as much family here as the rest of us and we just CANT lose him!
+ok, was it just me or were those visions incredibly real?!+ I sign to Ellen, Jo, and Mary +I mean, what did you guys see?+
back at the bunker I'm talking with some of the others about what we saw and what happened I saw Bill.
Taking care of some of the lesser cuts with bandages, I suture up the worst, then cover them.
What did you see? Mary?
Donna, Hello, Donna. Am I getting through at all? Christ this feels stupid I keep trying to extend my mind powers to reach the woman as well as trying her cell
+I saw my Mother. I don’t know how I recognized her. I haven’t seen her since I was a baby. she didn’t say anything though. she just .. stood there +
sits on the couch and waits for donna. I hope he pulls through I don't think anyone will make it if we lose him
Ruby, he looks bad, I think is the worst I've seen him
It's crazy! She made me see Bill And it wasn't very pleasant! mad
I placed my hand on his arm "He's Gabe, Sam. He'll pull through this too. We've done what we can. It's up to him now."
sitting in the med bay no no when we put those blades in him he was about this bad. .. Only this is bad cuz he hadnt stabbed himself in the face when we put him under to put the blades in
kissing Jesus’s head, as the last of kids finally fall asleep Crowley? the heck? everything okay? why are you calling me? walks out of the littles ones room, closing the door!
Sweet hell I finally got through. No, Everything is most certainly not alright. Gabe is, well, he wont wake up...
pouring myself a drink
WHAT??? suddenly pops into the bunker right next to Crowley! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?!? glaring at the king of hell … it was just suppose to be a find Henry trip!!!
Yeah, well, it was an ancient monster that turned the entire team to stone. It was a shitshow Donna. It got every single one of us. He.....it was taunting us. My guess is it was pretending to be you, or the kids
I was a statue I'm sorry starting to feel guilty he will pull through like he always dose
I turn and shake my head Pup, No. This wasn't your fault.
Temperature growing, not really listen half way through! Turns looking around* where is he? My ArchAngel! It’s not your fault Henry! looks around! where?? Med Bay??
Donna you shouldn't.....He wouldn't want you to see him like this. I try to block her way to the med bay.
But you are angry let's try to calm down  not knowing how to calm someone so I end up sitting there awkwardly
eyes flash white! Crowley move! I’ve seen him burnt to a crisp!! Used a pin cushion bleed out grace and blood all over the place! …. I seen him ever way! ….., MOVE!
But the shock could risk the babies Donna
hairs start to float CROWLEY!!!!!!
DONNA!!! I shout back spitefully
eyes start turn bright white! Crowley …. MOVE!!!!
Hears the shouting and comes out form the MedBay Hey, let's all calm down, huh?
Once Gabe is stable, I head out with Sam to the others.
Donna... We’ve done all that I we can think of for him. I hate to not be able to give Donna better news He’s going to have to take it from here. But Donna, he’s strong and has a lot of reasons to fight… 28 counting you and then all of these 12 new ones to come… I realize I’m rambling and just shut up and squeeze her arm
Donna, we all know Gabe's too stubborn to die. I give her an encouraging smile.
follows Sam grabbing a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet
taking a seat
There she goes let's hope she's doesn't harm anything grabs a plate of cookies
I walk over to Dean and pluck the bottle from Dean and starts to chug
appears in the appears in med bay, my hair stops floating …. My eyes back to normal… I run to my loves side …. Tears in my eyes grabbing his hand! no no no  no no!!!! We had a deal no dying!! … noooooo holding you hand tight I start to cry! god damn it!!!!
grab a bunch of beers and other drinks from the fridge and carry everything into everyone passing them all out
grieving seems to be never ending is all I could think as I think about what that bitch did to me and the others. And what she caused Gabe to do to himself thanks Dean. I take the drink from him barley noticing he handed me a drink just lost in my thoughts
Accepts the beer from my brother Thanks, Dean I twist off the cap and sit down at the map table thinking that all we can really do now is wait.
I accept the beer from Dean and take a seat by Alex. +thanks Dean+
Look up guys! I have vision of Olivia I heard her
+bear bear what did you see? or hear+
taking a beer from Dean and I hang my head thinking this can't be it Gabe has just got to pull through
+I heard Olivia my princess I saw her+
Thanks Dean you're One of a kind
+aw. I’m sorry bear. that’s sooo dumb that the monster could make us see and hear people we love+
I hope he wakes up  takes a sip
+Right and I will always protect my children+
+that’s good Bear bear. you’re a great mama bear to your babies+
it sit the rest of the drinks on the table they are here if anyone else wants anything. I take my bottle of whiskey grabbing a glass thinking Lisa and Ben and the fact the thing used them against me even more reason as much as it hurts, to keep them out of this life, then now Gabe.... Why.... Everything he does for us...all of us. He’s done a hell of a lot for me too why is he the one laid up right now?
Crowley lurks in the corner having an existential crisis. Everyone else saw someone they care about deeply. Often someone with a romantic or deep familial connection with. What does him seeing Lucifer mean?
I hope that Gabe will make it thru the night… I’ve never seen him this bad off, and I can only hope that having Donna nearby helps him. I hope he can feel her presence.
1. Alex, Sam, Donna, Mary, Dean, Eileen, Jo, Ruby, Ellen and Sam are celebrating the fact the ghost riders are gone. Jo and Ellen saying they’re ready to head back to the bar and asking if everyone wants to join them to celebrate getting Sam, Ruby, and Alex Back as well as vanquishing the ghost riders. Donna and Gabe say they are heading home but they’ll catch the others later they have to get back to the kids before the clones get torn apart and they vanish. The rest of the team starts to climb into their vehicles when Eileen notices that Henry is missing. Crowley becomes concerned telling them they need to find Henry. The team seems confused about Crowley being so confused about someone other than himself. Sam comments and Dean tells them to fan out. Ellen tells the team they should probably reach out and let Gabe know that Henry is missing. The team looks at each other each saying they don’t want to be the one to tell Gabe, they know it won’t go well. Finally relenting Ruby reaches out to Gabe letting him know about Henry being missing.
2. Donna and Gabe arrive home finding the place a mess, the clones pulling their hair out and rocking back and forth on the couch muttering to themselves about Jesus, 3, and Zack. Donna checks to make sure they are ok when Gabe here’s Sam. A quick conversation between Gabe and Sam ensues with Gabe telling Sam he’ll be there. Donna asks what’s going on and Gabe explains. Donna tells Gabe to go and she’ll take care of the house. Gabe asks if she’s sure and Donna tells him that everything is likely fine. Henry is likely either chasing a cookie truck down the street or got lost in a bakery somewhere hiding eating all the goodies. Gabe tells her she’s probably right and he’ll be back after they find Henry. Gabe vanishes.
3. Henry realizes he can’t move at all but is somehow still alive. As he watches the hideous beast walk around him, he tries to use his telekinesis but nothing happen. Quickly reaching out to Gabe, Crowley, and Ruby hoping one of them can hear him . He tells them where is in the high school gym.
4. Crowley and Ruby hear Henry just as the Gabe appears. Crowley and inform the others and as one they head into the school Henry calling out for help spotting them. Mary spots a statue that looks just like Henry. Jo tells them that the statue wasn’t there the last time they were in the school and Alex agrees. Ellen looking around the gym says that neither were all these spiders. All but Ruby turn to find an army of spiders crawling towards them. Jo, Ellen, Patience, Gabe, Alex, Sam and Crowley try to stomp on the spiders as Ruby checks out the statue of Henry. Solid stone. Knock on the statue Ruby Crowley and Gabe can hear Henry scream telling Ruby to stop. They are shocked to find that the statue IS HENRY!
5. The spiders start to crawl over the team. Alex, Jo, Ellen and patience crying out as they’re bitten. Dean tells them it’s just spiders and not to worry, then he’s bitten and curses. Gabe Sam Eileen and Crowley are bitten shortly after. The team wants to stop them and tries but they swarm over Henry the statue. Gabe’s about to blow them to smithereens when Crowley tells him to stop he could blow up Henry. Ruby asks if they are hurting Henry as the others stomp and kick at the spiders Jo using her shot gun to blow holes in the floor of the gym to kill spiders. Dean tells everyone to run Ellen telling Henry they’ll be back for him. Making it to their cars the team rushes back to the bunker.
6. Getting back to the bunker, the team heads in Gabe does his best to heal the team as Ruby paces the floor. Alex, Jo, Ellen, Eileen, Dean, Mary and Sam all getting fevers and rashes from the spider bites Crowley asks what Ruby is thinking. Ruby says she’s heard of this type of thing happening before during the revolutionary war. Healed Sam pulls out his laptop as the others grab drinks sitting around the table wondering what to do about Henry. With a shout of triumph Ruby says she found it! Sam asks her what it is, and Ruby explains it’s an anuk-ite. Mary asks what the hell that is and Ruby explains it’s the oldest shape shifter known that destroys villages and towns through fear and chaos feeding on the fear. Gabe speaks up stating that one look at it can turn you to stone. Crowley adding that it can mimic the sounds or voices of anyone it’s been in contact with. Jo mentions the only one it’s been in contact with is Henry so they should be ok. Patience is struck by a vision knocking her out of her chair. Rushing to help her, Ellen asks what she saw and Patience tells them it was the spiders. The anuk-ite has been in contact with them all. Sam says it sounds like they’re going back. Alex tells everyone to grab their gear Gabe tells them theirs no time to drive. He’ll teleport them. Dean starts to argue but Sam tells him to shut up. Eileen agrees. The team gears up and Gabe teleports them to the high school.
7. Appearing at the high school. Dean asks how they fight something they can’t see. Gabe tells him he has a plan, but they aren’t going to like it. He’s heading to the gym, their job is to get than anuk-ite to him. Sam makes sure he’s not doing anything stupid. They don’t want to have to explain it to Donna. Gabe just grins and vanishes. Ruby tells them all she hates that look it means trouble.
 8. Alex suggests that they split up. Henry calls out that it’s on the move using his mind and Crowley hearing them calls for them to hurry. Dean doesn’t like splitting up but agrees it’s the best way. Dean and Mary head down one hallway. Alex, and Eileen head into the cafeteria. Ruby and Sam take the locker room. Jo and Ellen take the library. Crowley and patience take the science wing. The team spreads out.
9. Gabe appears next to Henry’s statue and can hear Henry begging to be let out. Gabe promises him he’ll have him out soon. Henry asks why he can’t just save him and turn him back. Gabe explains the anuk-it’s has to die for him to be released. Henry tries to ask Gabe what he’s going to do. Gabe only lets his claws out.
10. As Dean and Mary head down the hallway, Dean hears Lisa’s voice calling to him saying the anuk-ite took Ben. Running towards the voice Mary tries to stop him. As Dean enters the room, he’s face to face with the anuk-ite and turns him into a statue. Mary hearing her son scream rushes in aiming at the anuk-ite, it’s turns to her turning her to stone before she can pull the trigger.
11. Alex tells Eileen she’s hungry she hasn’t eaten and looking at all the food reminded her. Eileen tells her if they get through this, they’ll have dean make them steaks. Eileen stops Alex and tells her she’ll lead the way. Alex asks why and Eileen tells her that since she’s dead the anuk-ite can’t mess with her. Alex agrees. Suddenly Alex hears Olivia’s voice calling for her mommy. She turns around to look for Olivia and finds the anukite immediately turning to stone. Not hearing it Eileen keeps going until she sees her mom from a distance startled she looks up to see the Anuk-ite being turned to stone.
12. Sam heads into the locker room with Ruby covering him. Ruby heard Charlie calling out from outside of the locker room. Finding it odd Ruby calls back wondering how she got there. Heading out of the locker room Ruby calls for Charlie asking where she is. Charlie calls right here from her left. Looking over Ruby is turned to stone. Sam turns to see Ruby missing then hears Mary call out from further in the locker room. Sam calls out asking why she isn’t with dean and Mary calls back dean got turned. Sam runs towards her voice and not seeing her asks where she is. Hearing jess’ voice say up here. Sam looks up to see Jess and his mother burst into flames. Sam cries out the anuk- ite grabbing him from behind and turning Sam towards him Sam immediately turns to stone.
13. Jo and Ellen kick in the library doors there shot guns out in front of them. Jo says she’ll go to the left as Ellen goes right. Ellen warns her not to believe her ears. She’ll let out a bird call to get her attention. Jo agrees heading into the children’s section. Ellen takes the adult section and as she looks she sees a man she calls out and as the man turns she sees it’s her husband bill. He turns towards her his skin gray and rotting blaming her for letting him die. Ellen says it’s not true she turns to run as the dead image of her husband rushes her and runs into the anuk-ite being turned into stone. Hearing her mom yell out jo rushes over seeing her father she raises her shotgun. The anukite turns to her turning her to stone.
14. Crowley looks around the labs making jokes about guys like bill gates and Steve’s jobs being considered geniuses when in reality they all cut deals. Patience asks him about it when she hears her grandmother. Turning she sees Missouri standing there. Missouri berating her for wasting her powers and consorting with demons. Crowley pipes in correcting her that he’s the king of hell. Suddenly Lucifer’s voice is heard behind Crowley asking if that’s so as patience tries to explain to her grandmother she’s doing what she thought was best. As Crowley turns, he sees not Lucifer but the anukite and is turned to stone. Missouri grabs Patience turning her telling her she’s disappointed in patience and she deserves what she gets. Patience looks up tears in her eyes seeing the anukite and gets turned to stone.
15. Hearing the last of the teams’ screams, tearing through his soul wanting to run and help them, Gabriel forces himself to stay put. Henry asking why he doesn’t help them. Gabe only tells him he knows what he’s doing. Suddenly Gabe hears Donna’s voice pleading for help. Followed by Missy screaming in pain and 3t yelling out in agony. Gabe refuses to look and the anukite yells for Gabriel to look at him. Closing his eyes Gabe tells Henry he’s going to need his help as the anukite takes on the voices of the team telling Gabe their deaths are his fault, he could have saved them. (everyone take turns guilting Gabe) Gabe blocks them out only hearing Henry ask what he needs to do and Gabe tells him he’ll need to know where the anukite is. Henry asks what he means and Gabe taking a deep breath shoved his blades into his eyes blinding himself and letting out a scream that shakes the earth.
16. The anukite and Gabe fight with Henry giving Gabe directions as to where the anukite is. (free run for a bit until Gabe kills the anukite)
17. They all are released from their statuesque states - including Henry. Henry runs to Gabe screaming for the others. The team gathering themselves finds Gabe unmoving in the gym  Dean tells Ruby and Crowley to grab Gabe and the team coming together vanishes with Gabe Crowley and Ruby.
18. Arriving back in the bunker Dean Ruby and Sam rush Gabe to Med Bay. Crowley reaching out to Donna telling her what’s going on and that Gabe won’t wake up. Donna vanishes leaving clones behind. Appearing in the bunker, she tries to head to Med Bay but Crowley and the others tell her she doesn’t want to see Gabe that way. Patience gets her a drink as Henry and Alex comfort her. Mary, Eileen Ellen and jo talking about how real the visions seemed and discussing what they saw. Soon Dean, Sam and Ruby appear from Med Bay. Donna demands to know how Gabe is as Dean goes to grab a bottle of whiskey. Sam says they’ve done all they can and now it’s up to Gabe. Ruby tells her they all know Gabe’s to stubborn to die. The team sits, Dean handing out drinks to everyone and they drink their drinks silently lost in their own thoughts.
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c0rpseductor · 1 year
i am so sick of my fucking brain. i am so sick of my fucking Self. oh my god.
obviously the stuff i saw earlier made me enraged and really miserable; i was genuinely so mad i felt sick and dizzy. now i just feel really drained and frustrated and somehow that's led me to obsessing over how because self-dx is risky and bad i CLEARLY don't have any of the problems i think i do and none of the things i think happened are anything more than highly complex delusions and i'm an IDIOT and any doctor i try to see will laugh me out of their office.
and like, i know at this point that it's really unlikely, because i'm at the point where i will have people like "i have literally spoken to your alters, i can absolutely confirm that was not like you" and i will be like "but what if, like, i did it on purpose and then forgot about it or something"
it's just so tiring. i hate how every time i freak out over this exact thing i just want it to go away so badly that i have no confidence in myself. i genuinely am like so consumed by terror that everything i remember isn't real that i just like...refuse to even treat my responses as though they're justified and just sink further into flashbacks or panicking or whatever because "why am i freaking out why do i feel sick that was imaginary and it never happened so this makes no sense"
i want to just forget about all of this nonsense and go back to before. apparently i was not doing any better mentally back then either, but i don't remember all too well. i just know i would prefer not to believe that these things happened and back then whenever i thought about it it was SO easy to dismiss as overreactions or whatever. now i always get terrified over how floridly psychotic i'd have to be to have things that completely resemble normal memories not just to myself but OTHER PEOPLE and seem indistinguishable from normal reality but never happened. that would be like, if i couldn't trust any of my perceptions of anything AT ALL i would rather not be alive than spend the rest of my life wondering just who in my life might secretly be some kind of extremely convincing and plausible hallucination. i used to worry about it in middle school, like that everyone on earth except for me was actually dead and i was hallucinating everyone and if i figured it out i would snap back to lucidity and be alone and it was so scary, and the new version of that for me is "what if you developed an extremely plausible-sounding and convincing set of delusions and hallucinations resembling memories and PTSD flashbacks that in conjunction with your legitimate memories make it SEEM like you were sexually abused by your parents but ACTUALLY you are crazy and went around making shit up."
like. What if i woke up and forgot about all this tomorrow and went about my merry way and never once had a moment's thought about "what if i have DID" or "i was sexually abused" ever again? it would rule. it ruled when i did not think that had ever happened to me and i would prefer to go back to that even if the tradeoff was that i was drinking and cutting all the goddamn time. that is genuinely preferable to me.
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lilylovesundertale · 2 years
Chapter 10: watching from afar
Crystal: ... Hey bro do you feel like we're being watched
Delto: are you feeling uncomfortable because of aquo
Aquo: look I'm actually sorry for that it's not my fault I actually wanted to kill you
Sunny: t-that... Doesn't make sense...
Sunny: ...Touche
Crystal: it's.. not that you know what never mind we should probably get going
Begins heading forward*
Leaf: jumped in front of Crystal before anyone catches up* hello it's been a while since I've seen a human well a part of one that is
Crystal: w-what do you want form me
Leaf: you see my king wants your soul but I don't want to murder you or hurt you in that case.... So I'm going to secretly join you do not be afraid I'm not going to betray you I'm not like those people*jumps back into tree*
Crystal: w-wait a second where do we find-... She's gone
Delto: who were you talking to
Crystal: no one
Sunny: I'm surprised we didn't see or hear the conversation I think they might have put up a sound barrier
Aquo: I need to talk to you Crystal...
They left but Delto follow them and watched from a tree*
Aquo: Crystal from the day we met I felt love more than anything do you want to be my girlfriend
Crystal: I'm sorry but I like females I still see you as a friend not more
Aquo: oh... I understand I mean we just met after all and I did try to kill you how about we get back to the others okay
Crystal: okay
Aquo: so who do you like you can tell me
Crystal: sunny
Aquo: ooooh do I need to tell her
Crystal: *blushing* W-WHAT NO
aquo: come on ask her out I know you want to
Aquo: pretty sure I can make something happen between you two besides she's a lot taller like you might need a stool
aquo: okay okay calm down
Sunny: oh hey you guys I decided to catch up to you have you seen*Delto jump down from the tree* oh oh by the way what sexuality are you
Crystal: lesbian
Aquo: straight
Delto: transgender and bisexual
Sunny: well I'm pan
Aquo: ... Am I the only one who's straight here and why do I have a feeling this happened before with someone named star
Sunny: why does that name sound familiar
Crystal: oh do you mean my mom's friend Thay are straight and just accepted the fact that they're the only one thats straight
Aquo: well I hope i can meet them we could be great friends
Crystal: I have an idea for the name of our new sibling if it's a boy flame -*pick up phone* oh it's a boy how about flame- okay chaos is happening over there a lot of chaos
Echo: so it turns out you little sibling wanted to come early for some reason lily wanted a baby shower in 9 months so no idea why she thought of that
Crystal: what does that mean and why is the team freaking out
Echo: put it on speaker
Crystal: I don't think that's a good idea
Echo: please
Crystal: okay*put it on speaker
*very loud noises and screaming and panicking in the background Delto seems to be the only one who's calm about this at some point there was fighting and Crystal was beginning to try to stop it but it only got more chaotic*
Echo: Jesus pecking Christ what is happening over there
More chaos and a monster roar seem to have calmed down the chaos before very loud fighting happened echo just put down the phone gently at that point beginning to back away looking worried*
Star: far away* what the heck is happening over there
The chaos settle down*
Echo picked up the phone again*
Echo: everything okay over there
Crystal: big big spider big big spider big spider*holding on to Sunny*
Delto: yeah everythings fine
Delto: I'm fine with that
Sunny: don't worry we can just follow the monster footsteps follow me*begins following the monster footsteps*
To be continued*
0 notes
nerd-of-karasuno · 2 years
Sugawara Koushi Dating Headcannons
timeskip!! Sugawara dating headcannons
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Sugawara's a little shy towards you at first, but extremely kind too.
But once you get to know him, you get to see his chaotic side.
Nishinoya and Tanaka totally try to give Suga dating advice.
He kinda plays it off like he's going to use it, but he doesn't actually. He really does not want to scare you off.
I can totally see Suga pulling a secret admirer little thing because he's nervous about telling you and doesn't want to ruin your friendship if you don't like him back.
He'd leave little notes are your desk at school everyday, sometimes with a small gift or snack.
Suga couldn't stop thinking about how you look when you read the very first note for weeks.
His notes are very romantic, but a couple of them are funny and not so serious.
Suga leaves the notes for a few weeks and he's feeling a little less nervous about confessing.
He knows you want to find out who your secret admirer is.
So with the help of Daichi and Asahi, he sets up a date for you two if you return his feelings.So with the help of Daichi and Asahi, he sets up a date for you two if you return his feelings.
At the end of the school day, he finds a way to secretly put another note on your desk that has a time and place for you to come to.
And when you walk up to him at that place, Suga speaks first, worried about what you might say to your secret admirer being him.
He struggles a tiny bit through his confession that he practiced oh so many times.
After you say you like him back, please just let him hold you for a while.
He's been waiting to do this for a long time 🥺
Suga is really happy that you're dating now and it's really obvious to his team that something happened.
It's Nishinoya who first figures out that Suga is officially dating the person he likes and begs Suga to bring you to meet the team.
Suga leaves it up to you to decide when you want to meet them because he knows the team can be a bit much.
You most likely already know Daichi and Asahi though.
It means the absolute world to Suga if you come to his volleyball games even though sometimes he doesn't play.
It melts his heart and makes him fall in love you even more.
If you can him to teach you volleyball, he'll get so excited.
He's so sweet and such a good teacher.
okay, I can't exactly explain why I say this next bit because of manga spoilers so trust me, ok?
Sugawara's really good with kids
If you have any younger siblings, it'll be really easy for them to get along with him.
They love him a lot too and try to keep him away from you so they can play with him more lol
When it comes to be meeting your parents, Suga was freaking out before, like really panicking.
But it goes really well which surprises him.
Your parents probably approve of him pretty quickly unless they need a little more convincing that he's the right one for you- then it takes slightly longer.
Suga is really genuine about his feelings for you and isn't scared to tell your parents exactly how he feels about you.
If you are ever down or are filled with dark thoughts, Suga will be quick to notice.
Suga'll give you a very soft little "negativity begone!" bonk on the head.
He doesn't like seeing you sad or upset and will do his best to cheer you up
whether that be with cuddles or snacks, Suga's got you. 
The only thing he can't really do is skip practice for you.
Because if it was for you and you had a good reason why he should, he just might.
But unfortunately for Suga, Daichi gives him a lecture because he figures that Suga might do something like that 
 and now Suga doesn't want to face Daichi's wrath for skipping.
He's sorry and he loves you, but he's terrified of angry Daichi.
If you ask about this lecture, Suga will give you a goofy reenactment of Daichi telling him off.
He does slightly break character by smiling when he sees you laugh.
Your laugh is one of his favorite sounds
Suga loves hearing it and seeing you smile.
When you're happy, he's happy.
He just adores you so much.
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Three Days With You (Draco Malfoy x Reader) - Part One
Summary: You know he is a Death eater, you know hooking up with him is dangerous and yet, you can’t seem to stay away. What happens when you and Draco Malfoy try to seize three days to do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do together before the impending wizarding war?
Warnings: drinking, smut, mature language mature content, reader discretion is highly advised. Flashbacks in bold and filth labeled as “⚜️” (note: the filth has been toned down in this part, so sorry if you came for that)
Word count: 2500-2800 (give or take)
Disclaimer: please don’t over think the time line. I have very much deviated from the canon timeline.
A/n: I’ve been working on this series right after finishing wisps of smoke but I’ve been really freaking nervous about posting it. Let me know what y’all think and if I should continue or scrap the series. 💀Kay. Bye.
Masterlist | Part 2
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He slicked back his wet hair back and watched you angrily stomp towards where he stood at the school courtyard under the blizzard of falling snow. 
“I know your secret.” You said firmly as you approached him. “I know you are marked. I’ve seen it. I know what you did to Katie bell.” 
“And yet, you are here.” He blinked his frosty grey eyes that were absent of any kind of emotion at you. “Strange how you chose to come here and see me instead of running back into the castle and telling everyone everything you know.” 
His robes were damp after standing out in the snow for too long. Yet, you could still smell the faint musk of his expensive—a bit too expensive cologne. 
His scent stimulated your brain, and soothed the ache you felt in the deepest, darkest, most tired corners of your being. 
“Tell me y/n.” He smirked, reaching forward to grab you by the wrist to pull you towards him. “Why are you standing here in front of me when you know what I am?”
“Shut up.” You snapped looking up at him. “You’ve done enough.” 
His hands grabbed a fist full of hair at the nape of your neck, pulling your face closer to his. 
His lips were mere centimetres away from yours.
Merlin, the way he licked his lips…
“And where is it that you are going today?” Your mum asked, interrupting the flashback inside of your mind. She was leaning against your bedroom door with her arms crossed over her chest as she observed you fumbling with the zipper of your yellow dress. 
“Just getting lunch with a friend, mum.” You said a tad bit too quickly. You didn’t want your parents to make a big fuss about the matter. Hell, you didn’t want anyone to make a fuss about the matter at all. 
You knew you’d be knee deep in consequences if someone found out you were secretly hooking up with a death eater in the middle of what looked like an upcoming war. 
“Oh?” Your mother said, sounding like you told her something utterly bizarre. She then tilted her head and called out in a loud voice across the corridor. “Y/n is going out to lunch with a friend!!” 
After about five seconds, your dad’s voice boomed back. “I didn’t know y/n had friends!” 
You rolled your eyes and reached for your purse before walking towards the door.
You knew your parents were worried about your lack of social interaction. It wasn’t that you didn’t want friends, you were just too afraid of opening up to anyone.
“So who is this friend again?” Your mum asked, interrupting your thought bubble once again as she watched you leave. 
“Potter. Harry Potter.” 
“Potter? St. Potter of all people?” He scoffed, crossing his arms and pressing his back against the wall of the shadowy little alleyway you’d both agreed to meet at.
“I couldn’t think of anyone else. I’m panicked, okay?” You snapped in response as you rummaged through your bag, looking for a scarf and sunglasses you knew you’d packed with you.
He watched you observantly as you put the scarf over your head and tied a loose knot under your chin. Stubborn bits of hair had managed to fall out of the scarf and frame your face. He found the heart shaped frame of your sunglasses strange.
 But then again, you were strange. He’d never met anyone like you. 
“Is this even necessary?” He finally said. “We could have just used a polyjuice potion.”
“I came all the way here to see you. Not you looking like somebody else altogether.” You tilted your head to look at the blond boy who had a puzzled look on his face. 
“Fine whatever.” He finally shrugged before putting on a pair of thick framed glasses. 
“You call that a disguise?” 
“You’re one to talk with your bloody heart shaped glasses.” He smirked before intertwining his hands with yours. “Let’s go.” 
You’d expected Draco Malfoy to take you into the shadows of knockturn alley, or a freakish looking pub or even a hotel. 
You knew what he wanted—a quick fuck and maybe a quick conversation afterwards before he left for whatever death eater duty that awaited him. 
But somehow, you found yourself in a quiet inn hidden away somewhere around muggle London.
The walls and windows of the inn were covered with vines of devil’s ivy. Some were lime green, some golden and some were variegated. And every time the main door opened, a small bell chimed. 
“Stay here.” He instructed before walking towards the front desk. You couldn’t hear what he said, but you did see him pull out a thick wad of muggle currency and hand it to the innkeeper. 
You kept checking your watch while you anxiously waited for him. Did he not understand that time was of the essence? 
“Let’s go then, y/l/n. ” He said and before you could say anything back, he lifted you up in his arms and quietly walked up the rickety stairs and along a small corridor before stopping in front of a door. 
“You did not have to carry me all the way up here.” You pointed out, looking up at him scrunching up his nose as he unlocked the door to room “107.” 
“As you wish.” He said simply, as he dropped you to the floor and walked towards the window looking as unbothered as ever about you swearing at him under your breath. 
You slowly got up, and dusted your dress before removing your sunglasses. 
It was an odd little room. 
A double bed with plain white sheets, a dusty, flickering lamp on the bed side table and paintings on the wall that looked like they belonged in your grandmother’s house. 
But as you looked around further, you saw a forest green jumper resting carelessly on a hanger. There were a few books, some parchment, and an impressive collection of empty alcohol bottles. 
He’d been here before. Several times by the looks of it. 
“Uh, nice place.” You joked as you walked up to him. “Although, I expected something a little different from a rich ponce like you.” 
“Well, this is what you get when your father besmirches the family name, gets sent into azkaban and lets a deranged fanatic with a pet snake hold meetings at your family home.” He laughed maniacally before rubbing both of his hands on his face. 
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” You mumbled with your head hung low. You didn't mean to hurt him. You’d never do anything to hurt him. You’d been in love with this boy since the third year. 
“You don't need to say sorry.” He said softly as he used both his hands to lift your face up. Your scarf managed to unravel and fall to the ground as he did so. “I never liked that scarf anyway.”
His hands felt cold on your face as you both stood there, forehead against forehead, breathing slightly quickening. 
“Then what do you want me to say Draco?” You asked, looking him straight in the eyes. 
He really did have pointed and angular features that distinguished him from the rest of the guys you’d seen. You knew full well that he was completely aware of the uniqueness in his features. 
“Nothing.” He said with his lips moving closer to yours. “Say nothing at all.” 
And you obeyed.
There was just something in this voice that always made you so very acquiescent towards him. 
His lips then crushed yours in full force and and his hands desperately roamed your body. First, through the dress you were wearing and then, from underneath it. 
You kissed him back ardently and for a second, he forgot everything that was happening in the messed up world around him. 
The softness of your lips and the yellow of your dress that he was slowly taking off your body made him feel less broken than he really was. 
“Bed. Now.” He murmured against the flesh of your neck and you slowly backed away from him and took his hand in yours—leading him all the way towards the bed. 
Draco was aware of the power he held over you. You never said no to him. 
But he also knew that the power he held over you was nothing compared to the power you unknowingly wielded over him.
If you’d asked him to jump into the great lake with a pocket full of rocks, he would have happily done so. 
You were his only weakness and it made him angry. 
Draco pinned you against the bed and kissed you till your lips (among other places) were bruised. 
He pried your legs apart and pressed himself inside you and took immense pleasure when you kept wailing his name over and over again.
In the beginning, both of you moved together like ripples in the ocean. Gentle, breezy, soft. 
But with each kiss, with every thrust, every groan and cry, those ripples turned into angry, violent, turbulent waves that slowly consumed the both of you. 
“Draco.” You cursed as you succumbed to your orgasm and soon, he followed—breathing heavily and grunting your name like a chant against the crook of your neck. 
After having a second go, both of you lay holding each other and basking in the afterglow of it all. You ended up staying there longer than anticipated and who could blame you? He was fucking addictive. 
“Would things be different Draco? If Pansy hadn’t—well..” You finally broke the otherwise peaceful silence, shifting your body weight and looking up to meet his eyes. 
Your eyes looked expectant. Hopeful. Maybe even slightly optimistic. If eyes were in fact, windows to one’s soul, he couldn’t even begin to imagine what your soul must look like. 
“I don’t know y/n.” He said with a heavy heart because deep down he knew things would have definitely been different. He just couldn’t tell you that. It would make things worse. 
“Hmm..” you mumbled, submerging your face in the hollows of his neck while he continued to run his fingers through your hair. “But this feels right doesn’t it?” 
“It does.” He admitted. “I just don’t know why we wasted all that time. I mean, we could have been together. You and I.” 
“We could have gone on proper dates..maybe I would have even dressed up for the occasion.” You added. 
“And I could have fucked you senseless in that dress after the date.” 
“Draco..” you said sternly. 
“Fine. I could have taught you how to fly on my nimbus 2001 without falling on your arse.” 
“I would probably write you those painfully long and sickeningly sweet letters on Valentine’s Day.” You chuckled while he rolled his eyes at you.
“I’d sneak you into those parties Blasie and Theo used to throw.”
“Oh, wow.” You giggled with your eyes wide open. “Sure you would, if you would have been in the right state of mind. I heard those parties used to get pretty out of hand.”
“Well, the whole point of those parties was mind alteration..among other things.”
“Well, if I were to go to one of those parties, I’d make sure to keep you away from the clutches of Pansy Parkinson.” You teased, sounding oddly possessive and he tickled your ribs as a response till you were laughing, out of breath and begging him to stop. 
And when you finally settled down and caught your breath, he looked at you intently for a hot minute before breaking into a wistful smile. 
“I’d hex anyone that would ever think about being nasty to you y/n.” 
“But you were nasty to me.” You stuck out your tongue at him. Up until this very moment, you’d never noticed how vivid his eyes actually were. There was nothing dull or subdued about the grey tones, especially when he smiled at you. 
“That’s a bit rich coming from a girl who begs me to do very nasty things to her now.” He murmured into your earlobe before baring his perfectly straight teeth to nip at it. 
“Merlin Draco…Is sex all you ever think about?” You let out a silent moan and let your hand trail lower along his abdomen till you found what you were looking for. He was already hard, ready and groaning into your ears as you wrapped your hand around his shaft. 
Sure you’d called him out but you didn’t even want to acknowledge or think about the wetness that had formed at your very core—your arousal seeping and trickling down your inner thigh. 
And if that wasn't enough, his fingers were already moving up and down your slit like he could sense your wetness before you. 
“As if you aren't.” He whispered into your ear before lazily pushing a finger inside. 
“I am not...” You mumbled, arching your back to allow him better access.
“Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night darling.” He mocked, quickly retreating his fingers and making you wince and whine at the emptiness in the process. 
“Sod off.” You groaned into the pillow while he quickly got up and picked his shirt up from the ground. He’d already managed to button his black shirt back on before your brain could process the thought of your time together slowly coming to an end. 
“About to.” He muttered, suddenly sounding colder than he did a few seconds ago. 
You remained perfectly unamused though. Draco always acted weird before parting ways. In the beginning it left you wondering if you had done anything wrong, or if he was tired of you. But now, it just seemed like something did as a force of habit. 
While he poured you both a final glass of neat vodka, you slipped your dress back on and picked the tangles out of your hair in front of the mirror. 
“But I was serious.” You said softly as he handed you the glass. “I wish things were different between us..that life we were talking about earlier..I would have liked it.”
He didn't say a word at first. He simply took a long swig of the vodka and waited for it to burn up his insides. 
Draco was desperate to tell you all the things you wanted to hear, but then again, there was a point of saying it in a world that was going up in flames. Still, he couldn't help himself.
“I would have liked it too.”
“Well, that's a shame.” You shrugged before putting your god awful excuse for a disguise back on. “If only we had the time.” 
“What if we do?” 
“What if we do all of those things— well as best as we can before the impending doom.” 
“Are you serious? Or is this vodka talking?” You asked, walking past him towards the window. 
“I am pretty fucking serious.” 
“So If things keep going the way they are going, It gives us what two—maybe three days?” You asked in a cold clipped tone, turning your head to look at the ivy covered window. 
“Three days..” he echoed back to you. 
“Three days to do all the things we have ever wanted to do—three days with you.” Your voice cracked as you walked towards him, raising your glass. “You in Malfoy?” 
His glass made a clinking sound with yours.
“I’m all in.” 
(To be continued…) 
Part two teaser:
Draco was still wearing the same trousers and black shirt from the previous night. Only this morning, the shirt was buttoned halfway, exposing most of his chest and torso. The sleeves had been rolled back and you felt your stomach twist into a knot at the sight of his dark mark.
It was a constant reminder that you only had three days with him.
But before you could delve deeper into your thoughts, Draco walked towards the bed with a ceramic mug filled to the brim with coffee causing your lips to twist into a grateful smile as you thanked him and reached for the mug.
“Drink up.” Draco said with a barely there smile as he sat down on the chair next to you. “We have a long day ahead of us.”
After a big gulp of the coffee, you put the mug on the bed side table and looked at him.
“We do?”
“Of course we do….”
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Alternatively, you can always message me if you’d like to be tagged. 
my other stories can be found here.
Thanks for stopping by.
- Vi
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xtrrdnrypotato · 3 years
Bakugo x chubby reader
Katsuki Bakugo x chubby! female reader
TW: fluff, language, reader is insecure of her figure,
Note: This is my first piece so please go easy on me if I didn’t portray everything exactly. This is also a part of @heart-shaped-cheerios collab event, so go check her out. Also, I hope this fic makes you less insecure with yourself because whatever shape, form or size you are, you are perfect and you're the only one who can do you. Also, if some of the lines sound familiar to you, that's probably because I took some inspiration from Yagami Yato hehe anyways I hope you enjoy
WC: 2.7 k
You stared longingly at Bakugo again for the umpteenth time, your food untouched.
"Y/n!" your friend, Mina, called again, and your attention snapped to her.
"Oh, sorry, what was it?" you asked her, and you swore she looked so close to facepalming herself.
"I said, you still haven't touched your food. Quit daydreaming about Bakugo and start eating!" she said, almost yelled, and you shushed her quickly.
"Shh! Mina, don't talk too loud or he might hear you," you said, glancing quickly at the said boy to make sure his attention wasn't on you guys. Mina sighed exasperatedly.
"Y/n, how many times have I told you, just tell him your feelings. This is our last year in UA. If you don't tell him now how you feel, you may never get the chance to do so," she said, softer this time and you sighed.
"I know, but, you know how I feel about myself," you answered, looking down at your body. "And besides, he's probably not even in the slightest bit interested in me," you added as you took a bite off of your food.
"Hey, you never know! Who knows, maybe secretly, he's also daydreaming about you when you're not looking." You could clearly hear the mischief in her tone and you shook your head.
"Yeah right, as if," you mumbled as you kept eating, unaware of the vermilion eyes staring at you with a somewhat doting look.
It was your dreaded time of the day again. Training. You hated it when it's time for training, hated it when you don your hero costume, hated how you're fully aware you probably look round as hell in it, and hated the fact that Bakugo has to see you in it. But seeing Bakugo in his hero costume somehow made your hatred for training a little more bearable. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you almost missed it when Aizawa-sensei announced that you would have to go against Bakugo. Almost.
"Wait, what?!" you gasped as soon as you realized what your teacher said.
"Is there any problem?" Aizawa asked sternly and you gulped, shaking your head.
"N-none, sir."
"Good. Now, everyone, get ready," he said.
"Mina, Mina, Mina! I'm going up against Bakugo," you said to your best friend, clinging to her arm frantically. She immediately looked at you.
"Wait, really?"
"Yes! Oh, what do I do, what do I do?" you panicked as you thought of ways on how to avoid making yourself look like a complete and utter fool.
"Relax. Everything's going to be fine. Just, try not to look like a fool and do your best. Don't think of him as Bakugo, your crush. For now, think of him as Bakugo, someone you have to go against," Mina said as she rubbed your shoulders to help you calm down and that seemed to do the trick. With a deep breath, you nodded and smiled.
"You're right! Thanks, Mina," you said.
"Welcome, now go and get ready. You're up for one heck of a training," she grinned and you rolled your eyes playfully, thanking her once again before leaving to get ready.
Meanwhile, Bakugo watched as you started getting ready.
"Oi, Bakugo, quit staring at Y/n and get yourself ready," Denki teased, flustering the spiky haired blonde.
"Shut up! I'm not staring at her!" he denied as he geared himself up. Denki and Kirishima glanced at each other with a knowing look, before bursting into laughter. Bakugo looked at them with furrowed brows.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" he demanded. His eyes suddenly widened as Kirishima put an arm around him.
"Come on, Bakugo, no need to deny! We all do that, you're not alone," Kirishima said, to which Denki agreed.
"Yeah, dude! I always do that to Jiro," he said with a shit-eating grin. Bakugo looked at them incredulously before shaking off Kirishima's arm around him.
"Shut up, both of you!" He was about to deny more when Sero suddenly entered.
"Yeah, if you look closely, Bakugo's a bit softer with Y/n," he casually stated as he put on his helmet. Bakugo's eyes widened once more before he let out an exasperated groan and pushed his friends out of the way.
No, can't be. I'm not softer with her. Tsk, damn Soy Sauce Face.
"Next up, Katsuki Bakugo and Y/n L/n!" you heard Aizawa announce and you stood up nervously, sparing one last glance at Mina, who nodded firmly. With a sigh, you headed to the center of the gym.
"Good luck, Bakugo," you smiled at him and he responded with a simple tsk, before getting in position. As soon as you heard the signal to start, you immediately backed away from Bakugo, activating your quirk just in time for one of his explosions. You quickly attempted to kick his leg to knock him off balance, but he easily avoided your attack and landed an explosion on your back, sending you to the ground. Wiping the dirt off of your face, you stood up and decided to lunge at him. He easily avoided your attacks, until you managed to find an opening. As you were about to punch him, he suddenly grabbed one of your hands and flung you to the ground, face first. You could feel your stomach growling from lack of food this morning, but you still willed yourself to stand up and brace for one more attack. However, just as you were to get up, you felt your knees weakening and before you knew it, you fell to the ground, stomach hurting too much for you to make a move.
Bakugo was determined to prove to his friends that he wasn't soft for anyone, especially not with you, but as soon as he saw your knees starting to buckle, his determined look suddenly softened until he saw you on the ground, seemingly crumpling in pain. He stood there at first, shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, before he walked to you and started lifting you up.
You were curled up on the ground in pain, hands clutching your growling tummy, when you suddenly felt someone starting to carry you. You were just about to open your mouth to protest when you saw the face of the one carrying you.
"B-Bakugo?!" You gasped. He simply ignored you and started walking towards the door and you started freaking out internally. Oh shit, I'm heavy, I'm heavy!!
"Bakugo, put me down! This is embarrassing!" You hissed at him but he still looked completely unmoved.
"Bakugo, put me the hell down! I'm too heavy!" You complained again as you started thinking of ways on how to free yourself from him when he suddenly glared at you.
"Shut up, damn brat. Are you underestimating me?" he asked and you shook your head. Never did it once cross your mind to underestimate him.
"Good. Then shut up and let me do this," he said and you said no more, remaining silent until you reached the infirmary.
You couldn't help but wince as Recovery Girl kissed your cheek. Bakugo brought you to the infirmary, then left as soon as the old healing lady attended to you.
"You children, obsessed with being skinny and all. Look at what you're doing to yourselves," the woman reprimanded you as you remained silent. The silence was soon broken though when your best friend Mina entered the room.
"Y/n!! I was so worried about you. What happened? Are you okay?" she asked consecutively as she ran by your side. You waved her off with a laugh.
“Yes, I’m fine, don’t worry,” she answered with a smile. Mina seemed relieved with your answer, but her frown remained.
“Now, woman, you have some explaining to do to me. Why are you starving yourself?” she asked sternly and your smile slowly dissipated.
“How’d you know?” you murmured, avoiding your friend’s eyes. You heard her audibly gasp.
“So you are starving yourself. God, why Y/n?” she asked, sounding both exasperated and concerned. You remained silent, ashamed of yourself.
“Y/n, come on, answer me!”
“Because I want to be like you guys! You all have the ideal bodies, slim and curvy, while here’s my chubby ass. So I thought, maybe I could try starving myself so I could be more like you guys,” you retorted as you tried to hold back the tears threatening to leave your eyes.
Bakugo was about to enter your room when he heard another voice from inside. Tsk, Raccoon-eyes. Still, instead of leaving, he decided to stay outside the door, eavesdropping on the conversation. Tsk, I shouldn’t be here, he thought to himself despite what he’s currently doing. What he heard next though was something he never thought you’d say.
Mina gaped at you, aghast before she suddenly hugged you.
"What are you talking about, silly? You don't have to be like us, Y/n. Yes, you may be chubby, but that’s part of your charm,” she said in an attempt to comfort her.
“No, I..of course it’s easy for you to say that. Look at you,” you pouted, motioning to her slim pink body.
“I’m pink. Yes, I’m slim, but I’m pink. Despite how my body shape looks, I’m still pink, unlike you and Uraraka and others. But you guys still befriended me, right?” she asked and you nodded.
“Of course! I mean, you may be pink but you’re fun to talk to, and you’re nice,” you added, which made her smile sheepishly.
“You really think so?” she asked teasingly before bursting into giggles. Staring at her, you couldn’t help but snicker as well.
“But kidding aside, now you get my point?” Mina asked as she stopped laughing. Wiping the corner of your eye, you nodded.
“I guess?” you answered with a slight grin. Mina looked at you with an “are you serious” look and you giggled.
“Well, I think that’s the best I can get from you for now. But once you’re out of here, I’m going to whip you into shape! And I don’t mean physically! Got it?” she asked in a bossy tone, her hands on her hips. Your slight grin turned into a full fledged smile and you nodded. Mina’s serious yet playful look softened and she hugged you once again, before finally leaving you alone in the clinic.
Mina shook her head as she closed the clinic door behind her.
“She’s always so stubborn,” she muttered to herself. When she looked up, she was surprised to see Bakugo.
“Oh, Bakugo, are you visiting Y/n?” she asked. He didn’t answer, which made her grin.
“She’s up, don’t worry. Get in there, I know she’s also looking for you,” she added and the blonde looked at her with an inquisitive brow raised as Mina held her hands up in surrender and moved out of the way. With a tsk, Bakugo was about to enter when Mina talked again.
“You should probably tell her how you feel already. It’s starting to get out of hand, you know,” she teased. She can obviously see him tense up, before letting out a low growl and opening the door, quickly closing the door behind him, making Mina chuckle.
Your eyes were closed as you pondered your best friend’s words when you heard the door open.
“Mina, I thought-” you were cut short when you saw Bakugo enter. You quickly straightened and cleared your throat.
“H-hey, Bakugo,” you said with an awkward laugh.
“Wh-what are..you doing here?” you asked, seeing as he didn’t respond to your first statement. He remained silent and you were starting to get annoyed by his behavior.
“Seriously, why are you-”
“How are you?” he cut you short and you closed your mouth before responding again.
“I-I’m good. Recovery Girl told me I can go out by today, I just need to take a small rest,” you answered and he nodded thoughtfully. You tried to look for more things to say, but couldn’t find any and so you decided to shut up.
“I..” Bakugo said before pausing quickly, as if hesitating what to say next. He cleared his throat before talking again.
“I..overheard what you and Mina were talking about earlier,” he stated and you looked at him, eyes wide before shaking yourself off.
“You did?” you asked and he simply nodded. Great, now you’re probably thinking of how pathetic I am, you couldn’t help but think.
“Why?” he asked, breaking your train of thoughts.
“Wh-what do you mean..why?”
“Why would you try to change yourself? Why would you do such a thing to the point that it almost got you in trouble?” he asked, and you were pretty sure you could hear concern in his voice. You remained quiet though, embarrassed as you looked down to your hands.
“Why?” he repeated himself, firmer this time and you looked up at him.
“So you’d take a second glance at me!” you shot back and he furrowed his brows, as if he didn’t understand what you meant.
“I did that..so you know, you would notice me,” you paused, considering your words before resuming. “I’ve liked you for some time now, Bakugo, but I thought..you wouldn’t notice me or take a second glance at me, because of how I look. Because, let’s be honest, I pale in comparison with the other girls in our class. So I tried being like them, so maybe you’d like me back,” you said, tears welling up in your eyes. He remained speechless for a long time, and you sighed. You’ve only made a fool of yourself.
“Look, I know it sounds pathetic, so could you please just leave me-”
“Idiot,” he mumbled and you looked at him, aghast.
“Excuse me?” you asked, incredulous. After that confession, he’d just call you an idiot?!
“You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot for thinking that you need to be like them in order for me to like you. You’re an idiot for thinking that I wouldn’t take a second glance at you because of how you look. You’re an idiot for even thinking that I didn’t like you in the first place,” he added and you looked at him, confused.
“Wha-? What are you talking about?” you asked him, visibly confused.
“You really are a dumbass, huh?”
“One more insult and I’ll kick you out.”
“How could you not notice? All my friends have been telling me that I’ve been so obvious, but I guess I wasn’t obvious enough,” he answered and you only gaped at him, even more lost.
“What do you mean “obvious”? What the hell are you talking about?” you asked, starting to get annoyed.
“I like you, dumbass!” he finally yelled and your eyes widened, taken aback. He saw your shocked expression and decided to continue.
“I like you because you’re cheerful, you’re smart, you’re kind, you’re helpful. I like you because you still manage to smile even after all the insults you get from others. I like you because you’re you. So when I heard that you were starving yourself because you wanted to look like the others, I knew I had to do something. You don’t need to be like them for me to notice you, because it’s you who I like. I wouldn’t like you if you were like them. And I don’t care if you think you’re too fat or too chubby or whatever because to me, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. And you just need to see that,” he said, the words flowing out of him so effortlessly. When he looked at you, he could see tears in your eyes again.
“Tsk, making me say stuff like that,” he said and before you knew it, he pulled you in a hug.
“So don’t go trying to change yourself, okay? If you really want to, I’d respect that. But do it for yourself. Not because you want to be like someone else, but because you want to be you. Got it?” he said as he hugged you tightly and you couldn’t help but tear up more.
“Are you saying this because it’s what you really mean, or because you just pity me?” you asked with a slight laugh.
“Shut up, dumbass. You know I don’t do things half-assed, and I wouldn’t say all this stuff if it’s just out of pity, so you better appreciate it,” he mumbled and you couldn’t help but smile.
“I do appreciate it,” you answered and you swear you could feel him smile.
“Good. Now shut up..and let me hug you,” he said, holding you tighter and at that moment, you knew you couldn’t be any happier.
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twotapbuz · 3 years
The leader and a body guard(Rin x reader)
(Sorry this took so long, school sucked all of my motivation away. You can find the rest of the series here: Eloni )
warning: violence, slight angst with a happy ending
Sometime after the rock revolution, Neon J decided to leave for a 3-week vacation
This meant that you and your coworkers would need to report to Rin
The first couple of days were difficult because Rin didn’t seem to care about the reports and would flirt with whoever was giving him the report
It wasn’t till week two that things began to spiral
1010 had been in the middle of a performance when a fight broke out in the crowd
You jumped out of where you were standing to help control the crowd
You assessed the damage after everything calmed down
The venue + stage was partially destroyed, Purl-Hew lost his glasses and an eye, Haym lost an arm, Zimelu and Eloni’s faces were cracked, and Rin was missing
Rin was missing
This was bad news as the factory still hadn’t been repaired yet which meant that he couldn’t be brought back until Neon J came back
And if Neon J found out that you lost a member of 1010, you and your co-workers would be fired
So your group split into two parts, one half would take Zimelu, Haym, Purl- Hew, and Eloni back to Barraca Mansion while the other half would search for Rin
You were placed into the latter
It had been nearly an hour since Rin was discovered missing and there still was no sign of him. You were definitely going to get fired. While the concert was in Cast Tech, you along with several others were sent to search Metro Division in case he simply went back to Baraca Mansion without telling anyone. You were about to head back when you heard the sound of crashing metal. 
“Hello, is anyone there?” You didn’t mean to say anything, but you were caught off guard. Against your better judgment, you began to walk towards that alley. You were desperate to find him after all.
“Stay back! RETREAT!” shouted a panicked autotuned voice. It was Rin.
“Rin? Is that you? Are you ok?” you rushed down the alley to find Rin hiding next to a dumpster.
“Don’t look at me!” Rin was trying to cover the right side of his face with his arm.
“What? Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah! Do not worry about me, I’ll make it back fine,” Rin tried to stand up, still covering his face, but immediately fell back down because his leg was missing.
“Look… everyone’s worried about you and you won’t be able to make it back by yourself with that leg,” you gestured at Rin’s broken leg. Please let me help you, I know some shortcuts.” You offered your arm. Rin hesitantly lifted his hand for his face and grabbed your hand for support. The metal that covered the right side of her face was gone, revealing the damaged hardware underneath.
You involuntarily flinched, he may not have been human, but it was still pretty jarring to look at something that looked like a person who was missing part of their face. Rin also flinched, covering his missing face with both of his hands now.
“I’m so sorry about that”, you rubbed your neck, “I just… well I didn’t expect the injury to be that bad.”
“You aren’t going to scream, are you?
“What? No, I'm very sorry about that. Besides I’ve seen way worse” you joked, trying to release the tension. Rin hesitantly uncovered his face once again and grabbed your hand and pulled himself up. The two of you dodged the groups of people walking through Metro Divison.
As the two of you were walking through, you couldn’t help but wonder about Rin’s reaction when it suddenly hit you, 1010 got severely injured during the rock revolution. One of these injuries included all of them losing their faceplates. Their fans unsurprisingly freaked out which caused 1010 to explode due to some protocol Neon J must’ve implemented. Your heart sank when you realized Rin’s reaction wasn’t because he was worried about his image, but he was scared of you screaming and what would follow afterward.
After that incident, Rin seemed to act differently towards you. He took you more seriously and listened to your reports
Even after Neón J came back, Rin still came to you for your reports
Probably just practice for when Neón j retires, you thought
As the weeks passed, the time spent on the casual chats you had increased to the point you’d forgot to give him the actual report several times
“And that’s how we got Quienne and Bebe.” Rin had just finished telling you the story of how they got their cats by Haym and Eloni smuggling them in through a box. This was one of many of the 'behind the scenes stories' that Rin had told you. While they didn’t act that much different when they weren’t on camera or in front of a crowd, it was nice to be trusted enough to hear about their personal lives.
“So what about you?”
“Do you have any good stories? I don’t think it’s fair if I tell all of my secrets after all~.” Rin teased
“Well, I do have one. I was at a dance audition and waiting for my turn to perform and this dude that was performing was pretty much a circus act. He was doing all these frontflips and backflips and it was just crazy. Wish I had recorded it.”
“You used to be a performer? How come you stopped?” Rin curiously asked.
“Nah, I never made it past the first round of auditions. I didn't really mind since I only entered to support a friend.” You sipped on your coffee
“That’s a shame.” Rin paused for a moment. “You know I could always offer you lessons.”
 “that's really nice, but I’ll have to decline. No amount of practice can fix these two left feet.” You looked at the clock, realizing half an hour had passed. You quickly said your goodbye and left to avoid getting into trouble. Rin watched your back as he left, unsure why he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
Rin was walking to his dressing room when he saw you walking alongside several other security staff. As rude as it sounded, Rin normally wouldn’t think twice about the people he worked with. Most staff would either quit from being harassed by crazy 1010 fans or get fired for secretly being 1010 fans who used the job to get access to 1010 content, or worse, 1010 themselves. Rin shuddered as memories of one of the many incidents came back. Rin could count on both of his hands the amount of current staff that has been working for over a year and you were one of them. Rin began to think about the early part of his career when he and his family would actively engage with the staff, talking about both of their personal lives and inviting them over to hang out in the mansion. He and his brothers stopped interacting with the staff after the high turnover started. What was the point of talking with them if they were going to quit and avoid 1010 like the plague or get fired and be avoided by 1010 like the plague. He was glad that he could talk to you. He also liked the sound of your voice and how your eyes sparkled brighter than the LEDs that lit up him and his brothers. Rin blushed at the last thoughts. The sound of your voice and the sparkle of your eyes? It’s not like he was in love with you or anything. He was technically your boss and your relationship was completely professional. Yeah, your interactions were one of his favorite parts of his day and your smile would always brighten his day, but even if he was in love with you(which he is not) there’s still the challenge of gaining the approval of his family and having to deal with his fan’s harassment. He couldn’t let you go through that. Though Rin couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to talk with you outside of work…even go on a couple dates… maybe he was in love afterall.
You walked past Rin and smiled. Despite your attempts, you fell for Rin's charm just like his fans did and it took you no time to notice this. You knew you were never going to say anything, afterall, everyone knows the rule about not dating coworkers and Rin can choose practically anyone, why would he pick you?
It was the first concert after the rock revolution
The fans were extra antsy due to the lack of content, so it was all hands on deck
You were positioned on the front of the stage
This concert was no different than the previous ones, 1010 were performing, a couple of their fans attempted to jump on the stage, and you could barely hear your own thoughts over the mix of music and cheering. Suddenly both of those stopped. You looked at the stage and so 1010 standing still in mid-performance. You were told about this situation during training: it was either a malfunction or a hacking. You prayed that it wasn’t the latter. 1010 suddenly began to move in sync, but it was different from their normal in sync movement. You saw two fans get tackled to the ground as a red saw blade passed them at what would’ve been chest height. Your radio buzzed loudly as you were given your new orders:
“Get everyone out of there.”
It was chaos as you rushed around to get everyone out of the venue. Those with superhuman abilities(pyrokinesis, levitation, etc) stayed behind to prevent 1010 from leaving the venue. Despite not having any abilities, you stayed behind too. You were running around in the back looking for anyone who still might be there when the rubble from an explosion behind you knocked you to the ground. You quickly got up and saw Rin towering over Neon J. Without thinking, you quickly grabbed a nearby pipe that came from the newly busted wall and smashed it over Rin’s head. This managed to stop his attack, but it also brought his attention to you. He suddenly ran towards you, grabbed you, and threw you against the wall. Your consciousness began to fade in and out as your head collided with the wall. You saw Rin approaching you, then darkness, Rin raising his arm to strike, darkness again, Rin being pulled away by Neón J, darkness again, the inside of an ambulance, and then nothing.
You woke up in a hospital room. Your eyes scanned the room: on your right was a monitor accompanied by an IV drip. On your left was a small table with flowers, a get-well balloon, a couple cards, and a Rin with a worried face sitting on one of the chairs of the room. Rin noticed you were awake and quickly rushed before stopping unsure of what to do.
“Y/N” Rin said, unsure of what to do or say
“Y/N… I’m so sorry about what happened- I didn’t want to-I couldn’t stop- if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you-” Rin began to stutter out of guilt. He kept making sentences but giving up on them and starting new ones.
“Rin, please” Rin paused and looked at you. “It’s not your fault, I know you would never do this” the two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity before you continued, “You know... if the offers still up… I’d be happy to accept those dance lessons when I get discharged." Rin began to smile
“Yeah, the offers still up”
Neon J walked through the hospital’s halls. For the past two weeks, he had been personally escorting Rin to your hospital room. He knew Rin felt responsible for your injuries so he didn’t object to this despite the possible security risks(he couldn't keep his boys locked up). He had heard from Rin that you had woken up and he was glad that you were ok, but he had to cut your visitor time short due to an interview that all 1010 members must be present for. He walked into your room to find the two of you sleeping with Rin’s head on your lap. 
“It’ll be fine if Rin misses one interview.” Neon J thought as he closed the door. He also began to wonder how long it will be before Rin introduces you officially to the family.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Where's My Raincoat? (Haiykuu!!)
Primary Universe
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Summary: See the prompt above. Substitute hoodie for raincoat.
A/N: I love Hinata and Kageyama prompts - especially if they're lee Kageyama! Thanks so much for indulging me! I really love how their storyline is progressing through these fics and I can't wait to see where it leads! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,700
“Kageyama, have you seen my raincoat?” Hinata asked, turning to look at his friend from across the gym. “I thought I left it right here.”
“I don’t keep track of your stuff,” Kageyama replied gruffly, zipping up his gym bag.
Outside, there was a bright flash of lightning, followed by a roar of thunder that made both of them jump.
Hinata hesitated. “Maybe it’s not safe to go out there right now.”
“Do you want to spend the night in the gym?”
“I mean, it’s not the worst place to get stranded during a thunderstorm.”
Kageyama grunted. “Sure.”
Hinata looked around for his raincoat again, even though at this point he was seriously considering just spending the night here. It was better than getting swept away by the insane wind or struck by lightning. Seriously, where was his raincoat? He’d left it right here, by his gym bag. It was only the two of them in the gym. If it wasn’t here and Hinata hadn’t moved it, that only left…
All of a sudden, all the lights in the gym went out at once, and they were plunged into darkness.
Hinata yelped in surprise, but Kageyama didn’t seem fazed. “It’s just a blackout, you wimp. Stop freaking out, already.”
Another flash of lightning lit up the gym for a split second, giving Hinata a brief view of where Kageyama was standing just on the other end of the net. Without thinking, he sprinted for him, wrapping his arms around him and tackling him to the floor.
“Ow! Jeez, Hinata, what’s the big idea-AHA!!” Kageyama squealed, blindly reaching for his shorter friend even as he felt giggles bubbling out of him faster than he could try to stop them. He grinned widely. “Nohohohohohoho! Dohohohohohon’t do thahahahat!”
“But I’m scared,” Hinata whined playfully, using another flash of lightning to orient himself and Kageyama’s positioning so he could shove his hands up under the setter’s shirt to scribble directly over his belly. “I want you to cheer me up!”
“You ihihihihihihidiot!” Kageyama giggled, but he didn’t sound angry. He squirmed underneath Hinata’s touch and snickered openly for several moments. “Stahahahahahap! It’s wohohohohohorse when I cahahahahan’t see you!”
“Oh?” Hinata sounded wickedly inspired. Kageyama felt a sharp mix of fear and excitement shoot through him at the teasing word. It was a good thing for him the redhead couldn’t see how big he was smiling. Hinata dragged his fingernails up and down his belly, careful to avoid that one spot. “Would it help if I teased you more?”
“Nohohohohohoho!” Kageyama pleaded, a whine in his voice he didn’t intend. He cursed himself. Surely Hinata could hear how excited he was. “Plehehehehease, Hinata!”
“Aw, what’s the matter, Kageyama?” Hinata chuckled, using a baby voice that Kageyama both hated and wanted more of at the same time. “Does not being able to see where I’m tickling you make it tickle more? Hmm? Does it tickle more when all you can do is focus on the tickling and the teasing and nothing else? Do you like it that way?”
“Stahahahahahahahahap!” Kageyama begged, bringing his hands up to cover his face even though Hinata couldn’t see him, either. “Plehehehehehehease, this is wohohohohohohorse!”
“But you’re not stopping me, are you, Kageyama?” Hinata chuckled, scraping his nails along the grooves of the setter’s ribcage now. “Maybe I should up the ante, hmm? Where did you put my raincoat?”
“W-Whahahahat?! I d-dohohohohon’t hahahahave your raincoat!”
“Well I put it with my gym bag earlier, and now it’s gone, and we’re the only ones here. So if I don’t have it, you must have hidden it somewhere.” Hinata used another flash of lightning to smirk down at his friend, inspired and encouraged by the wide-eyed look he saw for a brief moment. “Is that it, Kageyama? You wanted me to stay and tickle you so bad you hid my raincoat from me?”
“N-No! I d-dohohohon’t hahahahave it!” Kageyama was so flustered he could hardly stand it, finally reaching down to try and pry Hinata off of him through his giggles. “Plehehehehease!”
“Oh, well, that’s too bad.” Suddenly Hinata was climbing off of him, leaving him lying on the floor in confusion, sides and ribs still tingling from the leftover sensations, craving more. “I guess I’ll have to look for it myself, then.”
“W-Wait,” Kageyama stammered, frowning, disappointed. “That’s it? You’re not…?”
“Not what?” Hinata’s voice came from somewhere nearby, but the setter couldn’t see him to read his expression. To know what he was thinking.
“You’re not…not going to…?” Kageyama hated how pathetic he felt. “You’re not going to tickle it out of me?”
There was a pause. Then suddenly Hinata’s voice was right at his ear. “So you do have my raincoat.”
Kageyama gasped, falling back again, startled. How had he gotten so close?! He must have taken his shoes off to stay quiet, that sneaky little decoy. Still, he replied, “Y-Yeah, so I took it. What of it? What are you going to do about it?”
It was painfully obvious that he was baiting Hinata into tickling him again, and he hoped desperately that the redhead would understand him this time. There was a long pause. Then, without warning, Kageyama felt a weight settle on his legs, pinning him to the floor by his shins. His shoes came off first, then his socks. “H-Hinata?”
“So not only do you have my raincoat, but you lied to me about it.” Hinata scribbled his fingers along the setter’s soles. “That’s not nice, Kageyama.”
Kageyama let himself dissolve into giggles, too relieved to care that he was probably going to regret this in a few minutes. “Deheheheheheal with it, neheherd.”
“Fine, then.” Hinata grabbed the toes of his right foot to hold him still and scratched a single finger at the base of them. “Gonna tell me where it is?”
“Nohohohoho way,” Kageyama shot back, secretly thrilled that his plan was working after all. “Y-You’re nohohohot gohohohoing outside anywahahahay, right? Whahahahahat does it mahahahatter?”
Hinata laughed, finally letting his own façade slip as he dug all ten of his fingers into all ten of Kageyama’s toes, and soon the both of them were laughing openly in the darkened gym.
For a few minutes Hinata focused on his feet, then eventually moved on to his knees and finally straddled his waist to tickle his belly again, drawing out laugh after screeching laugh from Karasuno’s setter. The redhead kept up the “where’s my raincoat?” play the whole time, but it wasn’t until he pushed Kageyama’s shirt up to his chest that the taller boy knew Hinata was getting serious about this “tickle interrogation” thing.
First came the raspberries. Those long, horribly ticklish raspberries that made him toss his head back and scream with laughter, kicking and writhing and eventually begging for them to stop. He pushed weakly at Hinata, who used the opportunity to snatch up his wrists and pin them underneath his knees so he couldn’t fight back anymore.
Kageyama whined. “Plehehehehehease, no mohohohohohore!”
“Gonna talk?”
Another whine. “Nohohohohoho…”
“More it is.” But rather than go back to raspberries, Hinata carefully – very carefully – scratched at the place where Kageyama’s ribs met his belly, making the setter gasp and jerk hard beneath him, his giggles turning panicked.
“Nohohohohoho, not thehehehere, Hinata—”
“It’s okay,” Hinata said, but he stopped. “Just a little? Really lightly? I promise I won’t use it to torture you. I just want to help you like it again.”
Kageyama felt the heat of a blush rush to his cheeks just as all the lights in the gym suddenly turned back on. Both boys grunted in surprise, squinting and blinking to adjust their eyesight, but as soon as they had, their gazes met.
“Please?” Hinata asked. “Just a little?”
Kageyama hesitated. He did use to love having that spot tickled, but it had been so long…
“I…I need you to stop when I tell you to,” he said at last. “Okay?”
Hinata’s face lit up so much that Kageyama instantly felt at ease, knowing the redhead would be careful like he promised. “I will.”
The touches were light at first. Kageyama squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on resisting the urge to laugh already, instead squirming horribly and digging his bare heels into the floor of the gym. He bit his lip but couldn’t stop the first few snickers from escaping.
“Wow, this is a seriously ticklish spot, isn’t it?” Hinata asked, more curious than teasing. He scratched a little harder, and Kageyama’s dam burst, laughter pouring out of him freely already. “Doing okay?” When the setter nodded, the redhead used all of his fingers to gently dig into that spot, smiling when Kageyama yelped.
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” He laughed, bucking his hips, trying to dislodge the little middle blocker. It tickled so much already, and he was still being really gentle! “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! HINATA IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!!”
Hinata beamed. “Hey,” he said, voice teasing but also sincere, letting him know with just that one word that he’d still stop whenever Kageyama asked him to. “Where’s my raincoat?”
Another jolt of panicked excitement. Kageyama whimpered, laughing despite himself, shaking his head and trying to block out the sensations for another few moments before finally crumbling. “THE STAHAHAHAHAGE!! THE STAGE, HINATAHAHAHAHA!!”
Hinata slowed to a stop, releasing Kageyama’s wrists but still sitting on him, grinning. “You good?”
Kageyama was blushing, but he didn’t care. He took in a big breath, let it out in a sigh. “Y-Yeah. I think so.” Then he lifted his head and smirked.
Hinata’s eyes widened in the split second before their positions were suddenly reversed, with Kageyama pinning him down and straddling his waist, wasting no time in digging into his bottom ribs, making Hinata scream with the brightest, loudest laughter. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHA KAGEYAMA!! I STOHOHOHOHOHOHOPPED!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE, NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!!”
Deciding it was really only fair for him to be merciful since Hinata had kept his promise despite his tendency to overdo things, Kageyama slid his fingers down to the redhead’s sides and scribbled there gently, enjoying the bright smile and helpless giggles he pulled from his friend.
“So,” he said, smiling wide, “still feel like spending the night in here with me?”
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twst-bs · 3 years
TWST Dorm Leaders and an Anxious MC
This is the first piece of written specifically for this blog!
Riddle: Had they broken a rule?
Even if Riddle had improved by leaps and bounds in the anger management department, he still held his rules in high regard. And the way his brows furrowed when he looked at them from across the table, was he angry about something? He couldn’t exactly punish them - they had no magic to lock away, and they were a dorm leader in their own right, so he didn’t have any right to discipline them, but what if they had done something on a personal level? Offended him in some way? They had barely mastered social cues in their own world, what if they messed up in Twisted Wonderland? What if -
...Riddle had said something, and was clearly waiting for a reply. In their internal panic, they had missed whatever it was.
“I-I’m sorry, Riddle, I was kind of zoning out. What did you say?” Were there rules against zoning out? Probably, that seemed like something that would annoy him.
“I asked if you were alright.”
Riddle set down his tea cup - it was a pretty, delicate little thing, gilded gold along the edges and handle, with roses painted beneath the rim. His mother would be mortified if she knew he was drinking strawberry milk tea with an ungodly amount of sugar out of it, Riddle had once said with a small, almost sheepish smile. That same mouth was now downturned as he regarded them with concern in his wide gray eyes.
“You seemed to be under a lot of stress lately,” he spoke slowly, like they were a frightened animal. Maybe they were. “Is everything alright? Are you sleeping well?”
They weren’t, but that was more of a side effect of their stress than the cause of it. They idly tapped their fingers against their own tea cup, a matching one to Riddle’s. They had been drinking lavender tea in an effort to calm their nerves, but it clearly hadn’t worked.
“I’m fine, promise,” they grinned, hoping it looked convincing.
By the way Riddle’s face scrunched up, it did not.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “I know I’m not the best at handling emotions, but if I can help in any way…” Riddle trailed off, looking embarrassed.
They felt their stomach twist in horror. These little tea parties were the highlight of their week, a little moment of reprieve for the both of them to just relax and enjoy each other’s company. And they had gone and ruined it because they couldn’t figure out how to human properly.
“I’m sorry!” they burst out. “I’ve been so anxious lately, and I haven’t been able to sleep, and I’m worried about my grades slipping because I don’t know the first thing about magic and -”
They didn’t even notice they were starting to spiral until Riddle had reached across the table and grasped onto their hand. Their chest was heaving with barely-contained sobs, and they weren’t sure if the trembling they felt in their hands was theirs or Riddle’s.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he murmured. “Deep breaths, now.”
He was parroting what Trey would tell him to help him calm down, they knew, but it was good advice. They knew that he had talked Riddle down from many an anxiety attack before, but the fact that Riddle, someone who suffered from severe mental health problems, was the one calming them down made something sour begin climbing up their throat.
“I-I’m making everything worse…” they mumbled, squeezing Riddle’s hand tighter. “I should be able to handle this without freaking out, but…”
Riddle reached out and brushed away a tear they didn’t know had fallen away with the back of his knuckle. “I know better than anyone how it feels to be under pressure.” he sighed. “Please, don’t think you have to deal with all of this stress on your own.”
Leona: “Will you sit still for five minutes?”
They hadn’t thought they had been making that much noise. Certainly not enough to wake Leona up from his nap, that was damn near impossible. So either the floorboards in Ramshackle dorm were worse than they thought, or Leona hadn’t actually been sleeping.
“Sorry,” they mumbled, staring down at the worksheet in front of them. They had been trying to finish this homework for hours, and the incantations were starting to blur together. What language were these even written in? Were they in the demonic section or nature section?
Leona sat up from where he had unceremoniously plopped himself on their bed. “You’re fidgeting like a rabbit, herbivore.”
“So you weren’t sleeping after all.”
“Hard to sleep when I can practically smell your anxiety.”
“Then go sleep somewhere else.”
Leona clicked his tongue, sounding annoyed, but they both knew he secretly enjoyed it when they got snappy with him. Not a whole lot of people had the guts to give him sass, and he liked having someone to verbally spar with. “And miss watching you squirm?”
“I’m not squirming.” they bit back.
“So that chair squeaking was just the ghosts, then?”
They could practically hear Leona roll his eyes, but they still didn’t take their eyes off of their textbook.
“Staring a hole into the page isn’t going to solve the equation.”
“How do you know?”
“Shut up and get over here.”
That made them look up. Leona had stood up, motioning them over with a tilt of his head. “You’re taking a break.”
“But -”
“You’re. Taking. A. Break.” he punctuated his words by grabbing the back of their desk chair and pulling. Just enough to jolt them, they could tell by the way the chair stopped that he was purposely holding it steady. Even so, they couldn’t help the small noise of surprise they made.
“Leona, I have to finish this!”
“You’ve been staring at the same page since I got here, you aren’t finishing anything.”
Subconsciously, they knew that taking a break would probably be good for them. But the part of their brain that was panicking about failing was telling them that if they took a break they were essentially giving up. And giving up wasn’t an option.
The soft growl in Leona’s voice snapped them out of their thoughts. Leona had gone back over to the bed, flopped onto his back with his arms splayed out. To anyone else, it looked like he was just lazing about, but they had been with him long enough to realize that this particular position was an invitation.
It was then that they realized just how sore their neck and back were from being hunched over their desk. And how badly their eyes were burning from staring at the miniscule writing in their textbook. And how their legs and arms were one wrong move away from cramping because of how tense they had been.
...Okay, yeah, maybe a cuddle break was in order.
Leona grunted when they plopped on top of him, face buried in the crook on his neck. “Shit, herbivore, that hurt.”
“Suck it up.” they muttered, internally melting a little when he brought his arms up to wrap around them.
“Tch,” again, he sounded annoyed, but they knew better. “Learn to take better care of yourself.”
Azul: There was so much stuff to do.
Even if Crowley made sure they didn’t have to worry about money, a lot of the responsibilities of dorm upkeep still fell on them. They had to buy groceries, clean the whole dorm, make sure the place didn’t fall apart, follow Grimm around and make sure he hadn’t scorched any curtains...and that was all after they had done the assigned homework.
All things considered, they did a pretty good job, but sometimes they laid awake at night thinking of all of the things that needed to be done. Which left them in a less-than-ideal state for class the next day.
They winced, hoping no one heard that. They had slept soundly through their alarm this morning, to the point where Grimm had to slap them awake, and therefore didn’t have time to snag breakfast. And it was really hard to focus on Trein’s droning lecture when they were both hungry and sleep-deprived.
Ace looked at them out of the corner of his eye with a raised eyebrow, but thankfully didn’t say anything. It might have been because the last time they got busted talking in class the spiel from Trein had been worse than if Riddle had just collared them, but still.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Trein dismissed the class. They still had Alchemy before they could go grab lunch, and even though mixing potentially explosive potions in their current state seemed like a terrible idea, Grimm skipped class enough. They didn’t need to add to his track record. So, feeling distinctly zombie-like, they made their way through the halls towards the alchemy lab.
Maybe they could dash by Sam’s shop really quick and grab a protein bar just to hold them over? No, Trein had yammered on until the last possible second, and they only had a few minutes before their next class started. There was no time. Maybe -
Well, that’s what they got for not watching where they were going. Their books clattered to the ground as they ran headfirst into someone.
“Ah, damn, I’m sorry,” they bent down to pick up their books. Now they really were going to be late.
“Are you alright?” they looked up to see Azul stooping down to help them. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No, I’m fine!” they grinned sheepishly. “Just wasn’t paying attention, is all.”
Azul frowned, picking up their Alchemy textbook before straightening. “You look exhausted. Another rough night?”
“Is it that obvious?”
Pale blue eyes widened and Azul flushed red. “I-I didn’t mean it like that!” he stammered, “I just - I merely - “ he cleared his throat, quickly recomposing his gentlemanly demeanor. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong.”
“Relax, Azul,” they laughed, standing up from their crouched position. “I was just teasing you.”
“Must you do that in public?”
“Are you saying you like it when I tease you in private?”
“That is not what I said.”
They laughed again, reaching for their books, but Azul held them out of reach. “Hey, come on,” they pouted. “I’m going to be late.”
“Seriously, are you alright? You look kind of pale.”
They sighed. “I didn’t sleep very well last night, and then overslept this morning, so I haven’t eaten anything. Happy now?”
“Not really, no.” Azul frowned. “Come on, I’ll treat you to lunch at the lounge.”
“But I have class.”
Azul kept walking, and they had no choice but to follow considering he still had most of their books. “I’m sure Crewel will understand if you miss one class. You have an otherwise perfect track record.”
“How do you know that?” they asked. “We don’t have any classes together.”
“I have my ways.” Azul smiled cryptically at them.
“Which one of them was it?”
“Knew it.”
Kalim: “...and then, there was this one time, the baby elephants broke out of their cages…”
They wanted to pay attention, they really did. Kalim was a great story-teller, even if he was a bit all over the place. And stories from a magical noble family, no matter how mundane to Kalim, were always fascinating. They could sit here and listen for hours.
Well, usually, anyway.
Nothing in particular was wrong, really. They had just woken up feeling off. It could have been anything. They could have had a weird dream, they could have forgotten something minor, the planets could be slightly unaligned, it didn’t matter. It was just an off day, and they were feeling it.
“...hello? You still in there?”
They nearly hit the ceiling when Kalim snapped his fingers in front of their face. Where they had been sitting there being anxious about trying to figure out what was making them anxious, Kalim had crawled across the floor where the two of them had been having lunch in his room. He had wanted to have a picnic on the flying carpet, but Jamil had put his foot down. Literally, he had stood on the carpet so Kalim couldn’t ride it.
“Sorry!” they yelped, almost knocking their tea over as they were forcibly brought back into the present.
“You looked kinda worried there,” Kalim frowned, quite an unusual look for him. “Everything alright?”
“I’m fine,” they looked down at their lap and bit their lip to stifle a gasp. While they had been worrying, they had subconsciously been picking at the skin around their fingernails. There were a couple tiny drops of blood beading up around their nail beds. Maybe Kalim wouldn’t notice?
“Hey, you’re bleeding!”
Kalim’s expressive, ruby-red eyes went wide and he lunged forward to grab their hands. “When did that happen? How did that happen? Do you need to go to the infirmary?”
“Kalim, I’m fine, there's barely any blood.” they sighed, gently prying their hands away from him. “I do that a lot.”
“You just randomly start bleeding?!”
“No, Kalim,” they laughed softly, shaking their head. “I pick at my nails when I get anxious.”
Kalim pouted, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “You’re anxious? Why are you anxious? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no, it isn’t you, I promise!” they idly swiped at their nails. The places they had picked open had already closed. “It’s just...it’s a thing. I just have anxiety in general, is all.”
Frowning, Kalim sat back down in his original spot. “Isn’t there a way to fix that?”
“There’s a few ways, but none of them are quick.” they shrugged. “I was doing better, but suddenly coming here brought back a lot of my old habits.”
“Hm…” Kalim stared at them intently before the apparent storm passed and he brightened up again. “Well, we’ll just have to get you new habits to replace the old ones!”
“I...don’t think that’s quite how that works…”
“Here!” Kalim reached down and took a bangle off of his wrist. It was gold, with an elephant charm hanging off of it. With a big, eye-closing grin, he handed it to them. “When I was little, I used to get scolded for squirming a lot, so my mom told me to play with a small toy instead of running around. I know it’s a bit different, but maybe, instead of picking at your fingers, you can play with the charm instead? Would that help?”
For a moment, they were quiet, just staring at the shiny gold bracelet in their hand. Then, a small smile split across their face. “Yeah, I think it’ll help.”
Vil: “You haven’t been sleeping.”
“Hello to you too, Vil.” they sighed, flopping unceremoniously onto the stone bench beside him. Usually they at least tried to hold themselves to a higher standard when they were with the Vil Schoenheit, but they just didn’t have the energy. “How could you tell I haven’t been sleeping?”
“Unless the undead look is a new fashion trend, but bags under your eyes are very telling.” he reached over to tuck their hair behind their ear, both in an affectionate gesture and to get it out of the way so he could assess them better. “You’re also breaking out. Are you stressed?”
“Isn’t everybody stressed?”
“Don’t get existential, just answer the question.”
They huffed, letting their head rest on the hand that was still at their ear. “Yes, okay, I’m stressed, happy?”
Students were watching the two of them on their way through the gardens, but Vil paid them no mind. He had plenty of practice at ignoring the masses. “We’ve discussed this, haven’t we? Mental health is just as important as physical health.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” they closed their eyes, unable to look at him.
“I didn’t mean that to be scolding,” this time, Vil sighed. “Just a reminder that you need to take care of yourself. Maybe a spa day is in order.”
That did sound nice. “Can we do hair masks?”
“Of course, my dear.”
Idia: “Big Brother, you have a guest!”
Idia fought the urge to groan when Ortho popped his head into the room. Why did people always have to bother him on raid night?
Just as he was about to tell Ortho to send whoever it was away, a second head appeared.
“Hey, Idia.” the Ramshackle prefect sounded drained, enough to make him type a quick “AFK” into the chat and turn to them.
They stepped fully into the room, returning Ortho’s cheerful wave before closing the door and collapsing face-first onto Idia’s bed. “There’s too many people out there.”
“And they all want me to do stuff for them.”
“Also mood.”
“So can I hide in here for a little? Please?” they turned their head to look at him with pleading eyes. “I’ll be quiet, I know it’s raid night.”
Idia turned to glance at the screen. The team he had gotten saddled with this time around was garbo - three tanks and no healer, honestly - so he was fairly confident they weren’t finishing the dungeon. Shaking his head, he clicked a few buttons and the screen returned to his desktop.
“Bunch of losers anyway,” he mumbled, getting up from his chair. “Wanna play something else?”
“Can we play Skull Girls?”
A few moments later, they were sitting side-by-side on the bed with the opening for the game playing on one of Idia’s monitors
This was what they needed. No people besides the two of them, no lazy Headmasters asking them to take care of problems way beyond their physical and emotional capacity, no chaotic cats threatening to light everything on fire. Just a nice little break.
Slowly, careful, so as not to startle him, they leaned over until their head was resting on his shoulder. He tensed, but his hair didn’t turn red, so they counted that as progress.
“Thanks, Idia.”
“N-N-No problem.”
Malleus: Okay, so this probably hadn’t been one of their better ideas.
Sleep just wasn’t happening tonight. All of the things they had to worry about kept running through their head, and every time they thought they were about to drop off, something else popped up. Eventually, they had given up and decided to take a walk.
Unfortunately, they had completely forgotten how cold it could get at night. Even with the jacket they had pulled on over their pajamas, they were shivering.
“You’re up late.”
The deep voice startled them, but they managed to compose themselves before turning around. “So are you, Tsunotarou.”
Malleus Draconia smiled softly at the nickname, looking absolutely ethereal with the small green lights flitting around him. “It’s dangerous to be out alone at night, Child of Man.”
“The gargoyles will protect me.” they said cheekily. Malleus chuckled.
“And what of me?” he asked. “Do I not get the honor of protecting you?”
“You can fight the gargoyles for the honor.”
Again, Malleus laughed, before noticing the subtle tremors that wracked the human’s body. “You’re cold.”
“This wasn’t my best-laid plan.” they sighed, tugging their jacket closer to their body. “I always forget how cold it is at night.”
Malleus hummed before opening his arms. “Come here, then. I’ll keep you warm.”
They hesitated for a moment before stepping into his embrace, sighing as his body heat seeped into their being. “Wow, you really are warm.”
“Dragons run hotter than humans,” he explained, tugging their head beneath his chin. “It’s why I have no trouble roaming around at night.”
“Well,” he murmured. “I’ll simply have to accompany you on your nighttime adventures to keep you warm.”
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
3 types of kisses - technoblade
so wholesome, I had to put it in here. forehead kisses signal the love he feels for you, which is perfect for him because sometimes he has difficulties talking about his love for you and would MUCH RATHER want to show you love through affection and actions instead of words.
nothing was going right for you.
the entire day had been a disaster from the moment you stepped out of your bed, and up until now, the moment you stepped into your boyfriends apartment.
number one, you had to wake up at 6.30 am for an early meeting at work, only to find that your coffee machine was freaking broken, which meant you’d be absolutely drained during the meeting. and as if that wasn't enough, your train decided to run 20 minutes late, so you didn't even have an option to buy a coffee before work.
number two, your boss had given you the most work a person could handle on possibly the busiest day ever, which meant that you had to stay at work for at least 2 hours longer to catch up on the work you had left.
number three, your boss had yelled at you for not being able to complete the work he’d given you, and even when you tried explaining by saying it was too much work at once for one person, and that no one could possibly finish it in time, he just yelled at you some more.
number four, once you finally got your hands on a cup of coffee, you spilled it all over yourself.
number five, you had to text your boyfriend that you had to cancel your date for tonight, since you had to stay overtime. he had been kind about the situation, as always, but you still felt guilty about having to cancel your plans with him on such short notice.
number six, the moment you stepped out of your work place to head home, it was pouring down with rain, and you had to run to the train station to prevent getting yourself completely soaked. it didn't work that well.
your feet squeaked as you stepped into the apartment, your nostrils taking in the pleasant smell of.. was that lasagna? the air felt warm and nice against your cheeks, like a newly lit fireplace would. you peeled your wet jacket off of your body and kicked off your shoes, staring into the dimly lit dining room.
you moved into the room, eyes landing on the dining table that was lit up with candles, making the room smell like cinnamon. the smell of food intensified and you could now hear the low sound of music playing from a speaker nearby.
with your brows furrowed in confusion, you were about to call out the name of your boyfriend, when he suddenly appeared from the darkness of the living room. once he saw you a smile spread widely across his face.
“oh, you're home baby,” he smiled, opening his arms up to a hug. your heart dropped to your stomach the moment you saw him, finally having something good about today. you felt like crying and yelling and thanking him all at the same time, but instead you dived right into his arms, wrapping yours around his waist.
he was taken aback at first at the powerful grip you had on him, but then pressed your head further into his hoodie-clad chest to bring you some sort of comfort. knowing you, you’d be feeling some sort of guilt from having to cancel the date, but usually you knew it wasn't a big deal to him. he knew you were a hardworking person, which was something he adored and looked up to.
you felt him place a warm hand on the back of your head, making you sigh into his chest, finally able to feel some type of relief from your stressful day.
“hard day?” he asked, and you just nodded, not wanting to talk about it just yet, but just enjoy the much needed silence. he sighed at that, but didn't further the conversation without you wanting to. instead he pressed your body as close to his as possible, rubbing your back up and down.
you stood there for a while, just breathing each other in and hugging it out, before he started pulling away. he looked into your eyes for a moment, seeing the frustration and exhaustion laying behind their glimmer, and then moved the hair away from your forehead to press a gentle kiss onto the soft skin there. you closed your eyes, a small smile stretching onto one side of your face as his lips lingered for a while. 
when he pulled away, he grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, before leading you into the living room and over to the couch. “come on, I made lasagna - your favourite.”
I knew it, you thought.
on the coffee table, two plates of nicely cut out and steaming lasagna were placed in the middle of it, surround by a couple of lit candles and two cups of what looked like freshly made hot chocolate. and of course he hadn't forgotten to hang up the fairy lights you got him a while ago. “wow, this is- this is amazing, baby. thank you so much.” you tilted your head up to kiss his cheek, whereas he let you linger for a moment before leaning in for a kiss on the lips.
you smiled lightly once pulling away, mirroring him, and then crashed onto the couch to finally rest your aching body somewhere. he followed after you, sitting down beside you and resting his arm over your shoulders.
“so, what do  you wanna watch on Disney plus?”
again, very wholesome. everything about him is just so wholesome🥺 prove me wrong. anyways, he would definitely use a hand kiss often as well, but in situations where he felt like leaving a more romantic and heartwarming touch. would def be the type to make sure you weren't uncomfortable or unsure of something before you did it, and would use the hand kiss as a way of telling you he’d be right by your side. sorry, I’m getting too carried away now;
tonight was a very special night.
you had been invited to a large dinner party by one of your friends, who was allowed to bring a plus one. it was a gathering with a lot of known youtubers from the gaming community, and your friend just so happened to be close with one of them.
well, in a way you were also familiar with them. you had met Technoblade a couple of months ago, not knowing anything about his popularity on the internet until you got to know him better. he revealed what he really did for a living, and you couldn't help but to be surprised. overtime you had grown very fond of him, and deep down you knew that your feelings for him was more than just a friendship. but your denial got the best of you and now you're running around your bedroom, panicking over what to wear since you knew he was gonna be there tonight.
of course he was, how could you forget? he’s one of the bigger youtubers who’s friends with even bigger youtubers! and who are you? just some stupid no-one in his life who happens to appear at the same party this night, who doesn't even know anyone!
maybe I shouldn't go, you thought. maybe this is the worst idea and is gonna end up being the worst night of my life.
you picked up your phone, about to text your friend that you had other plans tonight so you couldn't go, but the sound of the doorbell ringing stopped you in your tracks. “oh shit.”
you went downstars, deciding that you couldn't just ignore your friend because they always found a way to get you out of the house anyway. you opened up the door, only to be met with a glamorous looking person, also known as your best friend, dressed in the finest clothes you’d seen them in.
the smile on their face disappeared the moment they saw you. “why aren't you dressed yet?”
you scratched the back of your head, grimacing and not meeting their eyes. “well, you see…”
“ugh, we’re gonna be late! come on, I’ll help you get into something.” they grabbed your hand, charging up the stairs again before you had the chance to protest, and was at your closet in no time.
there had to be a way to get out of this
                                         • • •
there was no way you were getting out of this.
there you were, sitting in one of the lounging chairs all by yourself, sipping on your champagne in boredom. your friend had left for the dance floor with one of her fellow youtube friends, who you know they’d been crushing on for a while, which left you all by yourself in the corner of the room.
so far you had only seen a couple of recognisable faces, yet not the one specific face you were looking for. your friend had ended up picking out a deep red silky look for tonight, shade so dark that it matched the colour of your blood.
you spun your glass around in circles in your hand, bored from this party already since the only person you knew wasn't even there for you to talk with. but suddenly, your train of thought was interrupted once noticing a darkness stretching over your form, the change of lighting confusing you. you looked up to see what happened, only to be faced with the one and only person you’d secretly tried to avoid seeing the whole night.
“why is a person this lovely-looking sitting here all by themselves?” Technoblade’s eyes took in your figure with a light glimmer to them, a lopsided smirk etched onto his face as he spoke. you stared at him with big doe eyes, swallowing a lump that you weren’t aware had formed in your throat. you stared at him in awe, not able to believe that the handsome tux-clad man in front of you was the very same person you’d spoken too not that long ago, who you'd only ever seen in hoodies and t-shirts.
he chuckled at your lack of words, and instead chose to speak up. “I usually never end up in these kind of situations, so I’m not really that good at this… but do you think there's a chance- I mean if you want to- what I’m trying to say is; do you want to dance with me?”
it came as a shock to you - the whole situation was really just unexpected if you were being honest. you couldn't help but to let out a giggle nonetheless at his sudden shyness and stumbling of words, easing up the built-up tension between the two of you. you wondered if he also felt that tension of untold feelings, or if it was all just something you’d made up in your head.
anyway, you nodded at him, smile stretching out on your face, glad to have someone like him to ask for a dance instead of some weird creep like you'd feared. “I’d love to dance with you.”
the two of you moved towards the dance floor, blending in with the crowd of other people, who were too busy admiring one another's presence to notice the arrival of you and him. you looked at the way the other people changed pace in their steps as the song switched to a more slower-paced song, before turning around to see the very handsome man in front of you.
his hand was extended out to you, waiting for you to put yours in the rightful place of his palm. you did so, but not without a warmth weighing down on your cheeks. and just when you thought you couldn't get more flustered, he lifted your hand up to his face, gazing into your eyes as he placed a delicate kiss on your knuckles.
“I’m happy to see you here tonight,” he stated, lacing his fingers with yours to position himself in a suitable way for dancing, other hand resting on your waist as he slowly took control and started moving your bodies in slow motions. “I didn't think you'd be here, but I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.”
his hand on your waist was burning through the silky material of your clothes and onto your skin - well just about everything was burning at this point - and you could still feel the soft plushness of his lips tingling the skin on your hand. you felt like a million fireworks were going off inside your chest, your heart not catching a break from beating so fast. you didn't know what to do with yourself, but managed to let out a small; “I’m glad.”
he showed off his pearly white teeth at your response, nervous yet excited to spend a moment like this with you - and he wished for many more moments like these in the future. if only he knew you felt exactly the same way. though he didn't have to wait for long, for there was a whole night in front of you.
this man looooooves just cuddling up with you in his arms, leaving small love pecks on your neck when you're just chilling together. most of the time he just kisses your neck out of boredom - or when he isn't fiddling with anything, he’ll just start leaving pecks all over your neck. would be very subtle about it, though and probably isn't the type to kiss you in public. such a cutie though (I’m not simping, you are).
“I’m done!” a tired-looking Techno entered the living room to your pleasure, hair messy and wearing his usual hoodie he wore when recording videos. that one or the grey one that you may or may not be wearing at this very moment.
a smile spread onto your face at his presence. “perfect timing! I was just about to watch harry potter,” you said as he moved to crash onto the bed beside you. he left an long peck on your lips, craving the touch after the last time you’d left him to record alone. “you want to watch that?” you asked him once pulling away from the sweetness of his kisses.
“yes~. I haven't watched that movie since I was, like, sixteen,” he yawned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to pull your back to his chest.
“you say that like you're old,” you laughed, resting a hand onto one of his by your chest, and with the other one you started the movie.
“I am old,” he responded, fiddling with one of your fingers, taking in the difference in size.
“shut up.”
as the movie progressed, he found it harder and harder not to do something else than just sit and watch. so what better way to distract his mind than to start showing you just how much he enjoyed spending time with you.
a warm smile reached your cheeks when you felt your boyfriend starting his routine of leaving loving pecks across the skin of your neck, making sure to push any hair out of his way to leave space for even more kisses. his hand resting on your chest slid further down, landing on the softness of your belly and rubbing the flesh gently.
you sighed in satisfaction, closing your eyes for a moment. you needed this - silence yet the three important words hanging in the air like silent screams of pure affection. you wished for nothing else in that moment.
kiss after kiss and a few belly rubs later, the two of you fell asleep silently with harry potter playing in the background. the perfect way to finish the night.
* *
hope you enjoyed! who do you want a 3 types of kisses for next? requests are always open, so don't be afraid to request anything! thank you for reading :)
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✧ P1Harmony as the Demon living under your Bed ✧
✧ P1Harmony all members ✧ genre: humor, fluff
Author’s note: I was gonna write something more serious but then thought of this kind of scenario instead so here you have a very rare attempt of me trying to write something humorous!
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noisy demon
like, you’re gonna notice him on like his second day after uninvitedly moving in under your bed
I bet he’ll wake you up when crawling out from his hiding place to thoroughly stretch because his joints became all stiff from lying on the floor all day, and that’s when he lets out a noise while doing some stretching exercises, because he’s way too sure that you’re sleeping soundly
so obviously you let out a high pitched screech when you realize there’s someone you’ve never seen before doing yoga in front of your bed in the middle of the night
“no, no, nooooo, there’s no need to be so loud!” he’ll try to shut you up by attempting to slam his hands over your mouth but stopping himself last second, realizing that wouldn’t make him seem very trustworthy
so he tries to calm you down by explaining
“I don’t know what I’m doing here either, they just told me I should hide under someone’s bed and, like, eat their soul or something? haha, that doesn’t sound very good now does it?”
you ask if he’s a demon or something and he just admits it kasjlfksa
tbh you’re too tired to give a damn so you just tell him to let you sleep, and besides, you’re convinced this is all just a dream anyway
until a few days later you hear someone singing under your bed when you’re trying to fall asleep
gives you little private concerts as soon as he warmed up to you, and you don’t really mind him being there?
you take a liking to him as well, and somehow you both seem to completely forget that he’s supposed to make a pact with you to take your soul lol
annoyed demon
doesn’t really get why he even needs to do this kinda thing 
I mean, taking people’s souls and killing them in the process just seems super mean and no fun at all???
so when he gets assigned a new person whose soul he’s supposed to take he’s just annoyed and very demotivated
until he actually sees you for the first time and feels his heart starting to flutter???
so the next few weeks he just spends under your bed watching and observing you, and somehow he has to realize eventually that he’s developing feelings for you?????
now, aside from the fact that it’s very problematic for a demon to fall in love with a human - not to mention the human he’s supposed to kill - he has no idea how to act about it
eventually he just decides to get it over with and end this, and so he tries to attack you in your sleep, but he’s so flustered by your beauty that he just can’t do it and gives up ksafjlas
similar unlucky attempts at taking away your soul follow, until one night you notice him while he’s crawling out from under your bed and you make very awkward eye contact
before you can scream or freak out, he already tries to calm you down
“It’s not what it looks like!!! I mean… it kind of is… but I’m not some creep who’s stalking you or anything… I mean… then again…” - his awkward rambling actually keeps you from panicking, so eventually you tell him to chill and take a breath and to explain himself
eventually he admits that he’s a demon but that he has no plans on actually harming you
so he ends up protecting you in case any other demons notice he isn’t doing his job and come here to do it instead
and secretly he hopes that you would think of him more fondly as well over time
helpful demon
doesn’t mean to scare you and when you freak out because there is suddenly someone surrounded by a very scary aura standing in your room at 2 a.m. he does everything to explain himself and ends up talking so much that he doesn’t leave you any time to be scared
you both kinda just accept that you’re living together now and so, over the next few weeks, you become closer by occasionally chatting with each other
offers emotional support to you
makes a deal with you that for each advice he gives you, you owe him one (1) cookie, so you make sure to always have a stash ready from now on
your friends are already starting to wonder why you always hoard cookies in your room kjsflkas
super respectful, but uses it to mask his shyness towards humans
like when you figure that sleeping under your bed is uncomfortable and you offer him to sleep next to you instead he gets super flustered and argues that you barely know each other and he Can’t Do That.
so you’re like… “dude you literally live under my bed, that’s the closest I’ve ever lived with anyone”
is still wary of your idea, but eventually you manage to lure him into the bed with some cookies
now whenever you’re worried about something he comes up to lie down next to you and you talk for hours at night while he snacks away on whole packs of cookies
try-hard demon
he really really wants to do his job well, his only problem is that he’s way too comical to be scary sakjdfldkas
like he will suddenly sit on top of you in the middle of the night, waking you up with his hand wrapped around your throat to start threatening you into making a deal with him, and then he’ll just drop the cheesiest line ever that he learned from Twilight or smth asklfjsa
v confused when you crack up at him ruining the mood instead of shivering in fear
crosses his arms in front of his chest and starts thinking very hard about where he went wrong
decides to act like nothing happened and to just disappear for the night, but you boldly grab him by his ear and keep him from vanishing into his hideout
you start arguing and yelling at him for scaring the shit out of you 
somehow the following night he starts another attempt at attacking you, but this time as well you’re wide awake and you’re just like “really now?” before he crawls back under the bed in defeat aksjfdlkas
this goes on for a while, until he just loses interest in scaring you and instead tries to get closer to you and earn your trust that way
and somehow? it works? 
you warm up to each other and become really friendly over some time, so from now on he chooses trying to earn your trust as his preferred method to reach his initial goal of getting you to give him your soul
potato demon
literally the first time he glanced up from under your bed and you looked each other right into the eyes you were about to scream, but somehow all this boy said was “potato?” and so instead you were very confused
the first time you noticed something strange was actually when you were eating potato chips in your bed and one of them fell on the floor and when you looked down to search for it it was gone???? and you thought you heard a silent munching sound???
doesn’t talk much so mostly he hides under your bed
thinking you just imagined him in a sleep-deprived state you start talking to him one day, and you’re surprised when he actually answers with either “yes”, “no” or “potato” skajflaks
that makes you figure he likes potatoes so the next time you have some for dinner you sneak one into your room on a plate and place it next to your bed, waiting for him to come out
and really, you catch him reaching out for it to grab it quickly and then you hear him eating it
so now you’re stuck with a potato-eating demon under your bed who’s slowly becoming more talkative, the more you tell him about yourself
is he dangerous? you’re not sure, but because of his shyness you’re not afraid of him - it’s kinda just become a normal thing to you to talk to the demon under your bed and feed him potatoes
smart (?) demon
actually tries to do demon things™ and scares the shit out of you when suddenly you wake up in the middle of the night with him sitting on top of your blanket, about to attack you
when he realizes his silent attack failed he curses and then pouts
him: “so what do I do now?”
you: “YOU’RE ASKING ME???”
him: “just pretend this never happened” - he crawls back under your bed and leaves you questioning what the hell just went on
from then on he’s just seemingly very pissed off by your presence, but still he doesn’t leave
so when one day you’re trying to study, reading the part you don’t get out loud over and over again, you suddenly hear a voice coming from under your bed, trying to explain it to you
since he puts it into way simpler words than your textbook does, you finally understand what’s written there
from then on you kinda become study buddies, except he makes you agree to a pact, cause he is a demon after all
helps you with your math homework and everything you’re struggling with in exchange for being allowed to take your soul one day, and as a despairing student you don’t see the problem with that deal
so now Jongseob is making sure your grades are the best they can be, and over time you get the feeling he quite enjoys your company, even though he still rarely admits it
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