#tw psychotic episode
ikamigami · 3 months
It wasn't the same! Sun killed Bloodmoon in self-defence, in late stage of development of psychotic episode, possibly reliving the moment when he expelled Eclipse from his head! And also there was a high chance that BM would kill or at least attack and damage Sun if he didn't do anything.
Lunar killed Eclipse who was defenceless! Eclipse wouldn't hurt Lunar because he would die if he did! It really looked like Lunar killed Eclipse with cold blood.. It didn't seem that Lunar lost control of their powers.. He should just leave... Or even yelled their head off at Eclipse... Not kill him...
Tl;dr: it wasn't the same situation dang it..
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traumaticenby · 1 year
Some few days ago happened with me very bad thing, which I even can't name normally. Maybe it was psychotic episode, what I know?
It all started because of some strange headache and then I felt someone's breath at my ears and I thought my head is gonna explode.
Because of that feeling I was so much sure I will die right now and my brain will explode.
But then my dog lied on my head and... Everything litterally calmed down.
And somehow I fall asleep.
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spoonietimelordy · 2 years
Sometimes I envy people who never knew the parent(s) that abandoned them. Sometimes I wish that my memories with my father from my childhood were not all positive for how much it clashes with him leaving me.
Sometimes I wish for more than the sparse contacts we have had this decade, all during one of his psychotic episodes. Sometimes I wish that he was here with me and that he never contacted me this past 10years, yes at the same time...
I am more than a grounding person, I deserve more, I deserved a dad and I still do.
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alixisherebutringagain · 10 months
Psychotic episode are fucking terrifying so sorry if I don't like when you use the word "delulu" and sorry if I don't want to talk to you because you think I'm crazy or dangerous and sorry if you think I'm exaggerating BUT FUCK YOU BECAUSE I WAS TERRIFIED.
Fuck anyone who thinks psychotic episodes are funny. Fuck anyone who judges someone for being on the schizo spec. Fuck anyone who laughs at this.
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schizopositivity · 4 months
Do you have a severe mental illness that can/has caused a mental health emergency? Are you currently stable? You should make a basic safety plan! [Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional, this advice is taken from my own experiences and what I learned in inpatient psychiatric facilities. This post caters more to those who experience severe psychotic episodes as that is my experience.]
1. Find a safe person. Someone you often spend time with that you can trust with the details of your mental illness and feel safe around. Ask them if they are comfortable being the person to look out for you if you have a mental health emergency. Preferably someone you live with. If no one you live with fits this role, find someone you contact regularly.
2. Explain to the safe person what a mental health emergency looks like for you. Think of the way you presented in the past during mental health emergencies and try to describe it. You may have to describe it based on what others have told you if you had memory loss during episodes in the past.
3. Let them know how they can check with you to see if you are in a mental crisis. You might need them to ask you some questions to gage your mental state (examplse: Do you know where you are right now? Are you able to talk?). Tell them what questions to ask to find out if you are in a crisis.
4. Explain to them what you would want to happen in a mental health emergency. If they are able to see that you are indeed in a mental health emergency, what steps would you want them to take? If you will need to go to the hospital, but don't want to interact with police, let them know to tell that to emergency services. If there's a nearby inpatient facility you would want to go to, tell them which one and give them their contact info. If episodes typically pass on their own for you, let the safe person know how to keep you comfortable and safe until it passes.
5. Have an easily accessible contact paper or note on your phone with some basic info in case you can't speak to professional help while you are in a crisis. Add your name, birth date, your diagnoses, and exactly what medications you take and the dosages. You can add specific warnings or triggers about yourself (examples: Doesn't like being touched by medical professionals. Can react violently to loud noises). You can add contact info of people you'd want to let know about your situation. You can add your insurance information if you have it.
6. If you would have to go to a hospital/inpatient facility, let the safe person know if there's anything else you'd want them to handle once you get there. (Examples: Pack a bag of clothes for the inpatient stay. Feed my pets while I'm gone or ask someone else to. Contact my work place for me and let them know I won't be able to come in.)
Yes this is a long list, but I feel it's important to prepare and get your bases covered while you have the capacity to do so. Often when someone is in crisis they don't know how to ask for help, or what to do once they get help. Thinking of everything ahead of time saves you the extra worry later, or the extra worry of guessing by the people around you.
And if you are thinking "this is too much work to make someone else do!" Consider how much harder it would be if they found you in crisis and had no idea what to do and you wouldn't be able to tell them. If you have a severe mental illness that can/has caused you to be in a state of mental health emergency, you deserve to be cared for by others during the crisis.
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bunniibpd · 2 years
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n0-al-3n8y · 8 months
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yeah, done with human interaction, better for everyone including me. good thing schizophrenia get u totally isolated. no it's not its just horrible.
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r0ttingsystem · 27 days
How to stop a psychotic episode no glue no borax (srs)
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i think the most embarrassing batshit mcr related thing ever to happen to me was when i was reading unholyverse (end of the first part when frank is blacking out on the table and having that experience of being crucified) at like 3am, and i was so deeply overwhelmed with emotion that i burst into tears (i do not cry btw) not necessarily emotion for unholyverse frank but emotion for the whole concept of crucifixion, and i could physically hear the chorus of women crying in my ears and i just had this intense physical and psychological breakdown. and converted to christianity and made a shrine to the Virgin Mary the next day. ultimately because of a fucking rpf fanfiction. anyways
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ikamigami · 4 days
Even if Sun is doing better I'm sure that what's happening now will take a great toll on him..
Also people say that Sun is past his trauma which honestly I doubt.. or maybe it's just that I'm really upset that Sun never said anything about his trauma on his own.. and that we didn't see him heal from his trauma even one bit..
Sun never had any meaningful conversations about his past and trauma - cause we can't call him saying "yeah", "I don't know" or "uhh" or just being silent as a conversation because conversation require talking (sharing thoughts and feelings on both sides of conversation which never happened with Sun).. and let's be honest Sun wasn't talking about it at all and because of that how he was able to heal?
I would find it quite odd if what's happening now won't affect Sun.. especially considering that Sun probably has depressive psychosis (he even said recently that he was psychotic last year).
I wouldn't be surprised if it triggered Sun's delusions and could even lead to another psychotic episode (break).
I wouldn't be surprised if Sun ended up blaming himself for what is happening with Moon right now due to delusions.
And I'd love to see Sun's mental health problems which are caused majorly by trauma from Old Moon's abuse and July 16th incident and other stressful events in his life be finally addressed properly.
Because when if not now? Now when Moon acts similarly to Old Moon which definitely reminds Sun of his trauma. And now when we know that Dazzle is July 16th victim and wants to apologize to Sun for causing him to snap (poor kid QwQ). I think that if they won't address any of this now then they won't do it ever. Because addressing it in some other time later will lost its meaning and impact.
For me this is what will determine whether show cares about Sun's character or not.
It isn't fair to Sun's character to say that he healed from awful trauma and abuse and psychotic disorder so quickly and it happened completely off-screen.
I still have a hope. But I'm slightly upset that others people don't have any problem with that.
I get it that they don't relate to Sun but to other characters.
And it's easy for them to say that people like me are annoying for complaining about it when their favourite characters get better treatment in the show. It's really easy to complain about annoying fans when you get what you want.
I wish people could see it from different perspective. I think that I'm not asking for too much.
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partypacking · 2 months
Jol and I have both been heavily dissociative for a few days now, but not in the "blurring" way. We can very clearly feel the lines between each other. Instead we're dissociating in the "nothing feels real" way. Yippie!
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bambinification · 3 months
Thinking about turning my meds into cute anime girl tumblr profiles. It'd be like "Bentyl, she/her. Likes making you feel warm & cozy, cannot drive a car or operate heavy machinery. DNI: other muscle relaxers, if you cause prolonged qt intervals, warfarin and warfarin supporters! XP"
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queerpossums · 5 months
ack it feels like i smoked way too much and then ate a bowl of coffee grounds. salt hasn’t helped so it isn’t pots/neurologic issues. i need to sleep but i fucking can’t. it’s been days of feeling fucked in the head and i’ve been actively avoiding all risky activities and behaviors since i noticed shit getting weird. fuck fuck fuck i have to make it through the next semester and keep my merit scholarship. at least i’ve done a months worth of late work in the past five days
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ink-asunder · 1 year
I didn't expect this much of my blog to be dedicated to debating the religious implications of Soul Eater, but here we are.
Enough DTK Jesus. People don't know Kid exists; he's the son of God; that doesn't inherently make him Jesus.
You know who would be a MORE compelling parallel to Jesus? Asura. The Kishin Asura. He was the son of god (created by Lord Death out of a fragment of Lord Death's own being), and he was killed by a group of mortal meisters who didn't know any better. It is the perfect comparison to Jesus for a Kishin-worshipping cult. The Kishin was REVIVED ffs.
Lord Death just KEEPS making Jesuses. But they never manage to be a living examples for humans to live by. Is that because Lord Death is flawed? Sure. Does this imply something cynical about Ohkubo's view of Christianity--that the christian God is also flawed, as no being can be perfect? Absolutely the fuck not. Ohkubo wasn't thinking about it that hard.
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itspixthecrazybitch · 7 months
“Oh wow you had your first crush at 12? That’s cool, I had a suicide note and a psychotic break!”
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n0-al-3n8y · 4 months
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marla singer - fight club
an icon & lets not forget her introduction
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im done, im out. life's fucjing joke.
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