#tw slight yandere
eyeless jack meeting his future male s/o for the first time?
Also i didn't really have the chance to mention the gender of y/n but it was written with a male in mind.
Tw for the slightest yandere vibes in the form of stalking, it's really subtle but it is there
There are a few ways to meet ej, starting with, becoming a resident at the manor, being a victim who was too op to die, being a monster as well, and just asking this tall king to get you something from the top shelf at the supermarket, meeting him at the club, or you are a friend of his from college but you forgot about him, so it's like meeting for the first time again.
So many choices oh no
I'll go with a mix of a supermarket and old college friend thingy
So now that he had a "makeover" he has to wear a mask and hoodie in public as well as sunglasses.
Even if you can be considered an average height person, it really seems like the top shelf in the supermarket was against you. He stood there watching you struggle for a few minutes, deciding whether he should step in and help or not.
Finally, he gets over the anxiety of speaking to somebody and helps you out. Of course, you thank him and you'd be on your way, right? That is until you hear him mutter something about you looking very familiar.
He just cannot shake the feeling of familiarity off, so, like any normal person, he keeps trying to accidentally go to the same places as you, trying to have some kind of friendship built between the two of you.
Sooner or later you guys actually become friends and he no longer needs to bump into you by accident, instead you guys actually plan the meetups.
It is only a matter of time until you fall for him now. If you manage to get through the obstacle he carefully built by lying about his true identity, then you have a promising future with him in your hands.
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pamgkrthwrites · 11 months
My beta reader said to stop, so will do more.
Yandere Barbarian Bakugou trying to find a wife and see you by the river. Watches you for days and decides you hips are wide enough to carry the amount of kids he wants.
Raids your village and Carrie’s you back to his temporary camp where he brands you. Drags you all the way back to his home camp base where he forces you to marry him.
Will put as many children in you as your body allows. Will give you 3 months after giving birth to rest up before he starts trying again.
Kisses you sweetly after biting and drawings blood from your neck. Tells you he loves you after yelling at you. Calls you his holy treasure after telling you that if you ever run from him, he’ll kill you.
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xan-izme · 1 year
Platonic! slightYandere Miguel x teen reader
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(Was literally watching the movie while making this)
Okay, lets run this one last time.
My name is Y/n L/n, I got bit by a radioactive spider. And for the past two years I have been the one and only friendly neighborhood Spider-woman. You probably know the rest.
Beat a few bad guys, got hit by a few cars- don't ask. Go through my daily routine, take care of my family. Saved my brother. I . . . couldn't save my best friend, Miles Morals.
Beat up more bad guys. Me and Miles kind of, stopped being friends. Yeah, things kind of went downhill for me. One day, I was just doing my usual save the city thing. When some portal sucked me in!
I back home, but it wasn't my home. Fast forward, I was in a universe where Miles is the Spidey, me and other Spiders help him save the multiverse and we get back home.
But a year after I got back home. A villain showed up, one I couldn't defeat. My pops died saving me. My whole family found out about me being spider-woman.
After that I had to leave them. It was for their own safety. Mine as well
And I guess that is how I ended up in the Spider society.
-You were recruited into the Spider society by Jessica Drew. You were still hung up about your father and leaving the rest of your family. So, you stayed silent. Stuck with Jessica most of the time.
-When you and Meguel first met, there was a little tension between the two of you.
-But the more you stuck around. The more you and Meguel got close with each other, you two didn't have a chatty relationship. Just silent. No words were needed with you two.
-Miguel had strong feelings to keep you close. You were so broken. Your canon was to lose your brother, making you feel the need to protect the people. Your father's death was to make you stronger. Of course, it was to take time. Meguel never saw your progress of healing, but he sees you almost every day. And every time, your face is battered up.
-You do certain things to cope with your father's death, things kid's your age should be doing. So, when Meguel found out (#lyla a snitch) he was pissed.
You were sitting in the lounge, laying on the couch as Jessica was giving you a report on how your family was doing. Suddenly, Miguel came marching in the room, your small stash bag in hand.
"Miguel?" You spoke up. When you noticed your stash bag, you quickly got out your couch and followed him.
"Yo, Miguel. That's my bag!" You were speed walking at this point. Miguel opened the door to the bathrooms.
He opened the trash can. He looked at you with a stern expression.
"This-" he held up the bag in the air "-- Is unexpectable. You understand me!?" You stood by the doors, slowly approaching Miguel "Just put the bag down, and let me explain."
"Explain? no querio tus malditas excusa. No more."
Miguel was about to throw the bag in the trash
"No- Shit. Miguel! the fuck is your problem!"
"oop-" Lyla could be heard from behind. Meguel stayed silent. He kicked open a stall and dumped everything in the toilet.
"Oh my- No! no no no!" You ran towards the toilet, only to be held back by Meguel and pushed away.
"Look mi hija. I don't care if that, was your way to cope. I don't want to see this shit anymore. Understand?" Meguel reached out to you. But you slapped his hand away and scowled.
"Don't fucking touch me." You turned around and stormed off.
-It hurt Miguel when you refused to talk or even look at him. You were mad, but he wanted you to know that this wasn't okay. He blamed the fact that you would be with Hobbie all the damn time.
-It took a few months, but you eventually forgave him. Knowing that he was just doing what any other parent would do. You know what happened with Miguel and his daughter. You felt that the two of you had somewhat familiar wounds.
-You would stick with Miguel more often. He would be working as you were crouching down on the ground, playing with toys Jessica gave you.
-Miguel enjoyed watching you act like a baby when you played with the toys silently. He made sure to keep you close. He has been saying words of manipulation to make sure you never do anything bad like before or keep any secretes. He knows you're not going to tell him everything, but he wants to know every detail. To keep you safe.
-What makes you feel more guilty about doing anything or saying anything that could hurt Miguels feelings, is when he does practically anything you ask. Want something homemade? he'll do it. Want to go to your world or a different universe just to go to the mall or theaters? he'll let you, as long as you are assisted by either him or Jessica.
-So now if he does something you don't really agree with, you just complain a little and just wait it out. Because you feel bad if you actively go against him. After everything Miguel has done for you.
-And that is exactly how Miguel wanted things to be. For you to obey and stay out of trouble. Then Miles came to the spider society. Miguel made sure to keep you occupied with a mission back on your earth. So, he can finally deal with Miles.
-You have spoken about Miles Morales multiple times before. Both the Miles from your earth and the one from earth 1610. You clearly care for both of them. And Miguel knows how you get when people you care about are in a situation, you're not fully fond of.
-Miguel also hopped deep down, you would side with him. Hoping all of his hard work to wiggle his way into your trust will pay off.
You sighed as you slipped off your mask. You had a long day. Your earth was safe for the time being from any other anomaly. When you entered the portal. Your Spidey senses were tingling. You were quick to search around you. You were in the lounge. Shrugging, you made your way to where Miguel should be.
"Yo! I'm back." You entered the room holding some drinks for you and Miguel, and a little something for Jessica. But your eyes are met with an awkward scean.
Miles was there. Why weren't you told about this? your usually talked about incoming visitors or guest who are in already.
"Y/n!" Miles jogged to you with a smile. He was happy to see another familiar face. You chuckled as you and Miles gave each other a quick hug before your hand rested on his head.
"Hey. . . . Que haces aqui. " You looked up to scan the room once more. Miguel stared the two of you down, Gwen glanced at you before slowly avoiding eye contact.
As Miles went on and on about his little adventure here. You took his hand into yours and walked with him back towards Gwen.
"A-and I was just wondering. You know Spot. I got some ideas-"
Suddenly, Miguel threw a desk along with the empanada on the groaned towards Miles. You were unphased as it passed you, Gwen and Miles ducking down to not get hit.
"He's worried about Spot- I'll worry about Spot!" Miguel was in a burst of anger. You groan and roll your eyes. "W-what did I do?" Miles asked quickly. He was nervous, and you felt bad. This was why you didn't want Miles to be here.
"Ay, calmate, esto no es su culpa." You covered Miles with your body.
"He blew another hole in the multiverse!" Miguel shouted again.
You sighed as Gwen defended Miles. Miguel scolded Gwen about her knowing better. He moved on to Hobbie who he just got frustrated at by looking at him and ignored him. Peter B showed up.
You let the other three have their small reunion. You shot a web and swung up to where Miguel was having a stressful brake down.
"Miguel, por favor, Miles no sabe nada. Se amble con el." You put your hand on his arm. He put his own over yours and took a deep breath and fully turned towards you. You caught Mayday and held her in your arms. Miguel was visibly annoyed by Peter B as you just chuckled at how excited Peter is and proud of Mayday.
You felt a slight pain in your chest. Your mother used to do that all the time.
Things went to shit instantly. In a blink of an eye. It went from simply seeing all the canons then to Miles being surrounded by multiple spider-men.
". . . Miguel, Miles is right." That was all you had to say to break the older man's stoic expression. He gave you a look of utter confusion.
"Miles just wants to save his dad! He wants to save an innocent life. Isn't that what we do?" Miguel inhaled deeply.
"He could destroy everything! Mi hija, if you knew about your father's fate, knowing what it could do if you saved him." Miguel got into your face as you kept composer.
Your eyes glanced to Miles. Meeting his big eyes that shined with so much hope. No matter what. You know that this Miles with you at the moment was your Miles.
The Miles you failed to save, the son of the mother who you had to comfort at his funeral, the nephew of the man who hated you for killing him.
But you also know, you have the power to prevent any more pain come to him. To keep him save. And if that means going against the man that took you in, cared and even gave you fatherly love, then so be it.
"In a heartbeat."
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eroguro-angel · 6 months
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Artist - mai (maika 04)
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r0-boat · 5 months
Birdie Bride
Sfw Yandere!Harpy! Larry x GN!reader
Cw: slight yandere, (no killing or harm towards reader just watching them and kidnapping)
Gendered nickname: Wife (Larry does not know anything about humans)
Author's notes: yandere Larry is easy mode. I see him being a very light yandere. The most he'll do is kidnap you really and stalk you, but that's about it. So, you people who don't really like yandere's for their overbearing and murdering nature I feel like you enjoy this one.
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Gentle claws brush against your cheek. Sharp jet-black eyes gaze down at you, taken in your unconscious form sprawled out in his nest. Curiosity took over the creature's mind as he tried to figure it out. Who or what are you? He had always watched you from afar his, his claws digging into the bark of a tree, watching you, studying you, a craving to satisfy a need to creep closer. 
Now that he had found you unconscious in that weird, thin hide cage. Larry could finally fully drink you in, cause gently prodding your hair and pawing at each strand to find out a single feather; at the same time, his own talons graze through his own black and white hair as if he was comparing mammalian hair to his mixed concoction of human hair and avian feathers.
He wasn't done. However, his claws gently grazed against your skin down your arm as if meticulously looking for a single feather on your skin.
You were not a harpy, it was evident, not a single feather on you. Your Talons were dull and flat, and when he gently pressed his thumb against your lip to inspect your teeth you had no Sharp things to rip and tear through meat, feeling your soft fleshy lips in the process.
You were not a harpy, but he can't deny the Primitive feeling he felt when he caught a whiff of your scent, even now as he pressed his nose against the nape of your neck, his black and white wings puffed up, his eyes open and softened.
If not, mate, then why is his body reacting this way? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? His face flushed with heat, instinctually letting out a low-throated cooing noise. He wanted more. Larry wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew he wanted more: no more light touches with his fingers to inspect you. He tried to place his hand against your stomach, almost hypnotized by how it moved up and down as you breathed calmly. Despite his eagerness to be close to his mate, his hand approached you slowly and carefully.
Only to flinch away when you stir in his nest, tossing in the soft straw pillows and blankets. Keeping his distance but quietly observing as you slowly awaken from your slumber, expecting to wake up in your tent only to realize that your hand grazes through a straw immediately. Your heart quickens the fog of sleepiness immediately lifting as you bolt awake, scaring the figure next to you. Black wings flap as he jumps back, startled by your sudden movement, only to crawl toward you slowly.
That's when you finally saw your kidnapper. Jet black eyes matching with his feathers, with with what you see patches of graying feather. Even as he crawled, it was clear that he could easily tower over you. You were unable to speak due to your circumstances, and you're being riddled with anxiety and fear of just being kidnapped while unconsciously thinking that it's just a bad dream. Your palms were sweaty legs and arms shaking. You are not on the ground anymore, your eyes looking down a high drop. 
Larry notices your eyes filled with fear. His voice is low, husky, yet gentle.
"Do not be scared, wife. I will not hurt you,"
Out of everything that was happening, that one little nickname robbed your attention away, finally getting you able to speak.
"W-wait what did you just call me?" Your voice cracked fear still in your system as you try to scoot a little away as the big birdman urges you closer to his body.
"This is what human males call their mates, is it not?"
His knowledge of humans is highly lacking. However, getting him to change his mind on the little pet name he gave you seems complicated. But you had better things to worry about, like getting out of this nest and away from him.
" you do not have wings, wife; please stay away from the edge."
Larry cooed, still using that softer voice. You pull your arms closer to your body, or fists clenched as your whole body tenses up. His black wings brush against your side and closing you against his chest.
Almost in his lap, your body was pressed against him, a firm hand against your back, and his wing wrapped around you. You feel his nose nestle against your forehead.
Even though you've been kidnapped, things could have been worse. This bird guy doesn't seem like he wants to hurt you. You can't help but feel your heart fluttered by his voice when he calls you that little nickname. Even though he's technically wrong, it doesn't feel bad. Holding you against his chest like this feels kind of nice; it is better than killing you. Hopefully, you can convince him to let you go. Unbeknownst to you, Larry plans to keep you for a very long time.
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merakiui · 1 year
OMG with your caption of "milkshakes at monstros lounge is about to taste 10x better with Jades secret ingredient" made me have a brain rot.
IMAGEN FXCKING FLOYD DRINK IT AND NOW WANTS IT STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE 😭 in that fic you said that we were first passed to Floyd but he was too bothered so we got handed to Jade. So imagen he somehow find out and now wants us in the same position that we are with Jade but with HIM.
Or Azul is also a degenerate so taking a book from Jade we go back to working for him tasting his potions that for some reason also made us lactate..
OR SOME OF OUR FRIENDS SEE/HEAR WHAT GOING ON OR MAYBE WE TELL THEM AND THEY TRY TO "help" US BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH WE WHERE ALREADY MILKED IT STARTED TO FILL UP MORE TO AN UNCOMFORTABLE LEVEL AND THEM BEING OUR BFF AND "totally not weird or have feelings for us" CONVINCE US TO LET THEM HIM. While it's either but them sucking or playing with our nipples with a bowl under to not make a mess 🤞☺️💕
Now we can also have multiple BFF and they all help us at the same time too to get all that fullness out of us 🥰
-Yours truly, the annon that you awakened their lactation kink onces again 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
(cw: yandere, brief nsfw mentions, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, lactation, female reader, brief mentions of pregnancy)
Floyd and Azul are so incredibly fake. T-T they only want you when you start producing milk. Most fake fans ever, switching up like that… Floyd complains about how lucky Jade is, and Jade has to tell him that it was Floyd who wanted nothing to do with you in the beginning. He’s merely looking after you as you’re now his contractual obligation, though he would be lying if he said he wasn’t attached to you. He’s become rather enthralled. Jade has written the potion recipe down, even perfected it after some more trial and error (which you were more than happy to assist with) and so now he has a potion that’ll have you lactating for at most a full day. <3
Floyd’s too impatient to fill bottles and jars up, so he’ll just pull your shirt open and tug your bra up and take it straight from the source with his greedy mouth. I like to think Jade watches the both of you so fondly, so happy that his favorite people are getting along well even if you’re squirming and telling Floyd to be more gentle, to slow down, to put his teeth away.
Azul goes absolutely insane when he learns of that potion. You can’t tell me he also wouldn’t have the biggest lactation kink ever. It ties in nicely with the breeding kink. Jade has him sample some dishes made from your milk, along with a glass of your milk, and he’s easily able to tell there are notable differences. He asks if this is goat’s milk rather than cow’s and Jade smiles deceptively and says he’ll show Azul who to thank for the delicious ingredients. He brings Azul to you, where you’re currently trying to deal with your swollen, leaky tits while Floyd is doing everything he can to try to steal at least one sip. If only you could see the dollar signs in his eyes… Oh, you’re so marketable! He could definitely capitalize on this.
Now that Azul knows of this, it’s over for you. But before he decides to sell your milk or use it for Mostro Lounge dishes, he wants to touch and squeeze and fondle you. I imagine he just stares at you for the longest time because his brain is short-circuiting trying to remind himself that you aren’t pregnant; this is just the result of magic. You aren’t pregnant or filled with eggs, but you could be. You’re not pregnant. He’s never fucked you before. But what if… Azul milks you once and out of sheer instinct he places his hand over your belly and mumbles something about how he can’t wait to be a father. (pathetic tako delusions…)
Imagine they give you the potion so often that you start to lactate on your own, if only a little. Magic definitely has more of an effect on your body because you can’t use it or sense it like mages can, so it’s definitely possible it might do something to you internally. Imagine being with Ace and Deuce and you leak through your shirt and you’re so embarrassed trying to explain what’s happening and Ace is poking fun as usual, while Deuce is in shock like, “Milk comes from women?!?!?!?! The store-bought milk I drink,,,,,, came from a woman????” Deuce already had a lot of respect for you, but now he is a million times more respectful because it can’t be easy filling all those milk bottles. (Deuce, never change. You are a sweetheart.)
Ace will want to sample directly from you. He teases you a lot, squeezing your breasts just to watch the wet patches on your shirt become larger and more noticeable. Deuce thinks that the two of them should bring you to someone who can help. Ace supposes that’s fine, but before that he needs a taste. Be a good best friend and let him taste you. There’s nothing weird about it. Best friends help each other out all the time. Ace and Deuce bring you to Trey because he’s responsible and oh-so-wise, and Trey also has this moment where he just stares at you, mouth slightly agape, before he has to clear his throat and quickly act normal and relaxed and calm and level-headed. Did I mention how relaxed he is? You cannot lactate around Trey. He will want to use your milk in the sweets he bakes (Riddle’s strawberry tarts are about to be so delicious), but he’ll also want you against the counter while he fucks you against it, pretending the both of you are married and he’s knocked you up and you’re lactating in preparation of the baby. He’s so not normal about this; he’s so down bad.
The brain cell duo bring you to Housewarden Riddle and he is overcome with so many emotions. Riddle is so flustered and he snaps at Ace and Deuce to cover you while he figures out what to do next. But you know Che’nya’s probably lurking around, and if you happen to be outside and a pair of invisible hands grope you and you’re suppressing moans while milk trails down your tits…… Riddle is fighting a losing battle here. He has never been so,,,, conflicted. So acutely aware of the female form. So immersed in how you sound when Che’nya’s teasing you. Riddle wants you and your milk so bad, but he has to be polite and respectful. He will help you and after the fact he will not think about it again. He will not lie awake at night, staring into the darkness and wondering how it might feel to drink directly from your breasts. For once the Octavinelle trio have done something good, even if this good thing is the byproduct of dubious behavior.
Ruggie learns of this and you know he’s going to want in. Let him have a taste, won’t you? He couldn’t get breakfast because he was running all around for Leona. He’s parched! Likewise, Leona probably hears of it from Ruggie or he catches the gossip from his dorm members and now he’s demanding Ruggie to bring you to him. Leona’s much more composed about the entire thing. He’ll tease you a little with a cocky smirk, asking if you like being in the spotlight like this, if you like his hands on you, if you like being milked and treated like a commodity by some (Octavinelle). Leona actually handles you very gently when he milks you. He respects women and their bodies, so he doesn’t want to hurt you or cause you any discomfort. Sometimes he thinks you’re pregnant (which could also be another reason why he’s oddly sweet to you), but he quickly reminds himself that that wouldn’t be possible because if you were pregnant it would be with his child and his child only. If you point out his behaviors, he’ll gruffly tell you you’re delusional and that he’s not doing this for your sake. It’s just his means of having access to a little snack when Ruggie’s taking forever to bring him his lunch.
Though Malleus can’t sense life within your belly, sometimes he’ll think you really are pregnant when he sees you lactating and he thinks of how pleasing it would be to raise little ones with you. He visits every night, not only to see you and spend time with you, but to help should you be kept awake desperately trying to milk yourself empty. Malleus is also gentle when handling you, his voice so soft and fond when he speaks to you, praising you and calling you all manners of endearments to show you that you should not be self-deprecating or disgusted with yourself. He thinks you are absolutely perfect; this is nothing to be ashamed of, nor does it make you unsightly in any way. He’s probably kissed you while his hands were cupping your breasts. There’s something so intimate in kissing while he’s touching such a special, sacred place. Every day the temptation to sweep you off your feet and away to Briar Valley consumes him. He could build such a happy family with you. Lilia certainly encourages it.
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Best and Worst of both worlds (Part 4) [Choice: GO TO UNIVERSITY]
tw: yandere, slight injury
damn yall iam tempted to add a third mid yandere like not as slayer girlboss as Yves but not as cringefail Montgomery, but fr idk how to slot it into the story because i think its gonna get 2 crowded
anywahys enjouy and pleas id appreciate them reblogs
part 5
You gave him the address of your university. He may now know where you frequent, but at least he doesn't know where you live.
"Alright, buckle up."
"Here ya' go." He pulled up right to the entrance.
You muttered thanks, but as you were unbuckling yourself, he told you to wait for a moment.
You watch him fish a ballpoint pen and an old flyer from somewhere, he removes the cap of the pen using his teeth before scribbling something on the piece of printed paper. He took something out from the side pocket of his door before shoving it into your hands.
You opened your palm to see that he had written his phone number on a torn brochure of the countryside. You quizzingly looked at the crumpled $20 note between your fingertips.
"I'm... actually not done workin' for the day. I'll have to work extra hours to make up the ones I lost. I don't know how long you'll be here, but I bet you're gonna get hungry or thirsty."
You said that you can't accept this, it's a lot of money!
He laughed right at your face.
"Don't worry about it! I'm workin' full time, that's just a little change for me. You just focus on settin' your grades straight. I'll probably clock out at ten in the evening. Give me a call and I'll pick you right up if you're still here by then."
Well, if he insists. You shoved the cash and his number into your pocket as you opened the door. He got out and opened his trunk, he retrieved your backpack with a grunt.
"What's is IN here?" He mumbled as he found it abnormally heavy for someone of your stature to carry daily. You replied that it's your study materials, he only shook his head in pity.
"Are you sure you're alright on your own?" He helped you get your arms into the loops of your straps.
You assured him that you're fine and you're used to this. He opened his mouth about to say something, but you already took off running. You looked back and waved goodbye, he scratched his head in bafflement as to how someone like you can run that fast with that much load.
The next bus is in an hour.
Sitting under the bus shelter is definitely not ideal in this severe weather. You wiped the sweat off your brow.
The only place you know you could lurk around without seeming strange is the library or one of the university's many cafes. You checked the time, it's still just half past three in the afternoon. Yves doesn't leave until six.
The cafe it is.
You don't know what to expect, whatever they're selling is always out of your budget. So you never bothered going near it, as it only made you hungry and bitter that you weren't born into generational wealth. But since you're a rich person today thanks to... what was his name again? You had a small spring in your step as you made a beeline to the cafe.
Perhaps you were too excited, you were too fast and too distracted by the various blackboard easels around promoting their respective cafe's dishes. You weren't paying attention to the man leaving the establishment
You bumped into something, rather, someone. Your collision is followed by the sound of a hot liquid spilling and a metal clanking. You gasped, trying to take steps back but you ended up stumbling over your own feet, tripping over your own ankle and falling backwards.
A sense of deja vu washed over you as a strong arm wrapped itself around your waist, keeping you steady and unharmed. But your dignity is definitely bruised to death.
You were afraid to look up. You know who this chest belongs to. Who else would wear a black turtleneck in this scorching hot weather and not break a sweat?
You muttered apologies as he lets go, realizing that not only did you commit accidental assault on your biggest crush, but you also made him spill the golden brown, clear, steaming tea that he's probably looking forward to drinking.
He grabbed you by the wrist and began inspecting you for any burns. Your eyes trailed to his other hand, which is now reddened by the scalding liquid splashing onto his skin. His fingers are still wrapped around his half empty, reusable stainless steel thermal cup. The rubber lined lid is now on the floor, sitting still in a puddle of wasted tea. The smell of jasmine permeates the air and into your nose.
Once he deems you unharmed, he lets go. And you rushed to pick his lid up, flicking any remaining liquid off before nervously presenting it to him.
"Thank you." He plucked it out of your hands and entered the cafe again. Through the pristine glass door, You watched him talk to the employee behind the cash register, they nodded and accepted his cup. Soon after, someone came out with a mop in hand.
They smiled and greeted you as they placed the mop onto the puddle. You panicked when the staff opened the door and invited you in.
At this point, you wanted to run away and hide in a ditch. But Yves is staring at you as he wipes his injured hand with a cool, damp towel provided by cashier. There doesn't seem to be any discernible emotion present on his face, but when you tried to flee- even only a single step, he narrowed his eyes at you.
Defeated, you hung your head low and went in. Setting your kiloton bag onto a nearby chair before making the walk of shame to the counter.
You tried not to look at his face, knowing that you're going to burst into tears out of severe embarrassment and guilt. You went straight to the cashier and asked to pay for his replacement.
"No worries! You don't have to, we replaced his drink free of charge. It was an accident, after all!" She chirped.
That came to you as a surprise. Aren't they supposed to be money hungry? Well, whatever. At least you don't have to pay extra, but you asked about their pastry choices. You wanted to buy him something sweet to make it up for the bitterness.
"Right this way!" She walked to the display case. They all look exquisite, but you felt like your eyes are about to pop out of your head with the prices. Unfortunately for you though, the option which is the most presentable and the cheapest is a large slice of fresh cream fruit cake, for the price of exactly twenty dollars.
You tried to hide your hesitance as you told her you wanted a slice. Good lord, and you see people eating their baked goods every day. She prepared one on a quaint little ceramic plate, placing a miniature fork next to it.
"That will be twenty dollars." You bite your tongue to prevent yourself from grumbling, knowing that Yves has some sort of superhuman hearing. You fish the $20 out of your pocket and try your best to smoothen out the wrinkles.
The woman's customer service smile faltered a bit when she felt a little resistance trying to take the note from you. It took a few more seconds of you mourning and tugging it before you finally let go.
"Thank you!" She beamed again.
Finally, you have no choice but to face him. At least you have a plate of cake with you.
His gaze softened and the straight line formed by his lips was replaced by a pleased smile. You followed him to the table where you placed your bag.
He set his bag down on the chair next to him and took a seat. You placed the dish on the table, you're actually unsure if he wanted you here or left alone. So you awkwardly stood nearby, waiting for the next social cue.
"It's been a while since we last talked. I missed you." He purred. His words and body language is enough to tell that he's accepting of your presence. But you're still cautious, it could just mean he's being nice for treating him to a scrumptious dessert.
"Please." He gestured towards the chair opposite of him. "Take a seat. I would love to catch up with you."
It would be rude not to. You settled in your chair, completely disregarding the rule you set for yourself to not mingle with him.
The table is... smaller than you thought. You're physically a lot closer to Yves than you would like, the table barely served as a barrier between you and him.
"How have you been?" He asked while taking a bottle of hand sanitizer from his bag. Yves applied a decent amount on his palm and rubbed it in thoroughly, going gentle on his recent injury.
You said you were... fine. Not wanting to reveal too much about yourself. The last time that happened, you managed to act a like fool in front of Montgomery. You don't want to look stupid in front of Yves. So you threw the question back at him.
He hummed in response. "I suppose... it could be better."
Yves left it at that. You don't know what to say next, trying not to look at the fresh burn. So you apologized again.
"You're forgiven." He shot you a teasing smile. "How endearing of you, treating me to a slice of this decadent sweet." Yves picked up the fork to cut and retrieve a piece.
"And, It's my favourite. Why don't you have a taste?" He brought the fork closer to your face. You tried taking the utensil, but his other hand went ahead to hold your chin. Applying a gentle pressure to silently signal that he wanted you to open your mouth.
'Why is he like this?' You internally screamed as you allowed the detectability of the cake to sink onto your taste buds. You might be biased, thinking that the dessert is a thousand times better due to him feeding you. You thought that this is the best thing you ever ate in your life.
Your face is probably hotter than his tea at this point. Curling your toes in your shoes as the embarrassment becomes nearly unbearable.
He released his hold as soon as he felt a little tug from your head, knowing not to go too far with his actions; just enough to excite your growing infatuation with him.
You give him a thumbs up as you repeatedly wipe your face with your sleeve as if trying to wipe away the blushes under your skin. Your ears perked up at his chuckles, it was something that you would like to hear often. But you don't think it's worth having heart attacks over.
"Your classmates were discussing about the exam." He cut another piece for himself. You watched him with widened eyes as he used the same fork to eat the cake; daintily covering his mouth with his hand. Yves didn't seem to care that the utensil was smeared in your saliva and proceeded with his train of thought. "They were lamenting over it in the library."
Then, he stopped. Bringing his piercing gaze back up to you.
You freaked out, realizing that this is the cue for you to respond appropriately. You let slip out that the paper was atrocious and you were fully expecting to fail your course. Blood ran cold in your veins as you realized he now knows more than he should.
"That's a shame." He replied. "But, you're being unfairly harsh on yourself."
He was interrupted by a staff member handing Yves his thermos cup filled with his Jasmine tea. Yves thanked them and they went back to their post.
"You're clearly dedicated to your studies." He nonchalantly fed you a piece again, this time without having to hold your face. Only when you bit into a slice of strawberry among the fresh cream did you realize what you had done. Yves slid the metal fork out of your mouth and took another scoop for himself.
This is extremely unsettling how you suddenly felt that comfortable accepting his antics.
"I know you did well." He took his time chewing his food behind his fingers. "You will not fail."
You found comfort in his words no matter how much you thought he didn't know anything about your life. It was nice to have someone recognize your efforts for once without resorting to fake pity.
However, unless your marker accepts tear stains as coherent answers, you are definitely going to fail.
Though, there is a small part of you that found it weird Yves is so sure of himself. It almost feels like your valid worries are simply sleep talk to Yves. But in the end, you dismissed it and convinced yourself that he's just a huge fan of toxic positivity.
You and him continued the day chatting about each other. Mostly about you, though. There were many times that you caught yourself oversharing, the majority of which you either downplay or overplay depending if it made you look good or bad.
Yves would only have a mysterious, even knowing smile on his face when you grossly upsell some of your best moments. You don't know why you did that, maybe subconsciously you tried to impress him.
Eventually though, you don't seem to mind sharing forks with this man who you spoke to twice and counting in your life. You realize if he wanted you to shut up about something, he feeds you a piece. You were offended, but humbled because you would immediately realize how ridiculous you're sounding at that moment.
You swear, Yves must be a practitioner in the dark arts. He made you act in ways you don't normally do, you're unusually attracted to him and he always seems to know how to control you.
You made a mental note to check your bag for any stray crystals, strange leaves, rocks or jewelry when you get home.
Yves sets the fork down on the empty plate before taking a sip of his tea. He listens attentively to every word you tell him about your interests in your favourite colour, your favourite TV show, your favourite song-- things that you knew would bore just about anyone.
Because if someone you don't really know were to rave about whatever you're raving to Yves, you would be fucking bored out of your mind. Your friends and family would be bored too, why is Yves so different? You're completely self aware that whatever you're blabbering right now should cease.
But somehow couldn't stop for the life of you.
It was like a projectile vomit of words, you kept yapping endlessly while Yves nodded and occasionally interjects with his own opinion at the most appropriate times.
In the end, the only thing that snapped you out of this mania is overhearing one of the staff members complaining about having to take the filles trash bag out back.
You knew that food establishments usually do that at the end of the day and you were instantly reminded of something important.
His smile fell into a thin line again when you suddenly whipped your phone up to check the time.
Two busses has gone by and you're still here. The next bus is in five minutes.
You scrambled to gather your belongings, hopped off the chair, and said a quick goodbye to Yves- right after explaining that your bus was arriving soon. He didn't look too happy with your sudden departure, all he did was observe you unspeakingly with his posture straight. Both of his hands were resting on the table atop each other.
You felt chills down your spine as he looked straight into your eyes with no anger, no sadness, but none of that warmth from before.
It scared you, but missing the bus again scares you even more at this point in time. So you took off running, leaving him alone in the cafe.
He spent a few more minutes sipping on his stone-cold tea before, collecting his cup, standing up, and leaving the building. Yves closed the door behind him and from his handbag, he drew out a familiar piece of printed paper with a certain construction worker's phone number scribbled onto it.
Yves took his time to tear it to shreds with controlled, fluid movements of the wrists. He repeated enough times to give him a handful of thin, even strips. There was no way of knowing what the document was anymore, which satisfied him.
He dropped his handiwork into the trash can he walked past. Yves sanitized his hands before heading in the direction of your bus stop with slow, relaxed strides.
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rowiewritesstuff · 4 months
Huskerdust please 😊? They are so soft and loving together, feels safe. I love seeing Angel happy.
Husker X Angel Dust
Slight Spoilers <3
The two of these demons forged a bond from their chains. They both owed a good deal to powerful demons, and could understand one another’s pain. Often, they’d be spending time in Husker’s bar. They could be seen chatting and laughing almost all the time- the two seemed inseparable. 
“And then I said, up yours bud!” Angel Dust finished his story with a laugh. Husker chuckled.
“You really are going to get in trouble one of these days.” 
“I’m not worried, I have you.” Angel flirted.
Alastor appeared suddenly, and pulled Husker away. When Husker returned, he looked furious. He went back to his bar to clean his bar cups, trying to get his mind off of it. Angel Dust looked at him in concern, sitting in front of him.
“You uh…Are you okay?” 
“Fine.” Husker spoke coldly in an even tone.
“..Look, you don’t seem like it. What happene-”
“None of your damn business Angel!” Husker snapped. A glass broke in his hand, and Angel flinched back. For a moment, he saw Valentino instead of his usually loving boyfriend. Angel looked at Husker’s fluffed up wings and rage and couldn’t see Husker anymore.
“Sorry… I’ll see you later.” Angel left the room quickly. Husker laid his head down on his bar, muttering a curse when he realized he fucked up. 
Husker gave himself time to cool off before going to Angel Dust’s room. He was cuddling his pig Fat Nuggets as he cried lightly. Husker sat next to Angel but couldn’t meet his eyes.
“I’m…I’m sorry, Angel. I didn’t mean…I didn’t want you to…fuck…” His voice slowly got quieter as he put his head in his hands. He heard a sigh behind him as Angel leaned his head on his shoulder. 
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to…but you gotta remember babes, I don’t like getting treated like that. I get enough of that at work.”
“That damn bastard makes me do things I hate.” Husker admitted. “I wish I could just wring his damn neck!” 
“We can’t change nothin…so ya just gotta remember.” Angel kissed his cheek.
“What? What are you talking about?” 
“So things look bad, and your back’s against the wall…” Angel sang to Husker. Husker couldn’t help the small smile as he remembered what he sang to Angel the day they had their first fight. 
“Your whole existence feels fuckin’ hopeless, and your whole existence feels like a divebar bathroom stall….” They sang softly as they held each other. This was their song, and it would always remind them of who they were and what they mean to each other.
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
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Art of Justin from @rene-01 and his boyfriend's Justcan Yandere Simulator AU!
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underthetree845 · 7 months
Alrighty April, can you write a yandere! Chuuya x reader fanfic (hcs or oneshots whatevers easier) where reader is single (More of a hopeless romantic type thing) and she's talking and laughing with Dazai? Maybe Dazai will hold your hand or something and he snaps. Maybe he could like kidnap you, or kill dazai, or something? Idk, I'm just trying to give you ideas, do whatever you want with this request :)
Hey! I know this took me awhile to answer, I just had some other things I needed to push out of my drafts first, so I do apologize :') I'm going to tag you just to make sure you see this: @a-random-weeb And please let me know what you think!
(As previously stated) I have never written yandere content before, and I don't feel comfortable writing anything too dark, so I did my best with this. It might come off as a little more jealous/possessive, but I stuck to the prompt.
Dogs Are Better
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Chuuya/Reader (oneshot request)
Cws:  gn! reader, jealousy, yandere if you squint, reader is a dog person (it makes sense later I promise), dazai getting beat up (by chuuya), possessive! chuuya, unhealthy possessiveness, chuuya does genuinely care, implications of stalking, alcohol, drinking, slightly tipsy reader, reader gets a hangover, overly trusting reader, kind of kidnapping? 
About 2.7k words
Summary: Chuuya is already overly protective of you, how would he react if someone threatened to take you away?
A/n: Please note, I did my best to altar their roles and limitations to fit the prompt, but this is not necessarily how I ultimately view Dazai and Chuuya as characters! Also- in case it's unclear- Dolcetto is a type of red wine.
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Chuuya’s gloved hand grips his drink tighter. The bartender has been growing worried that it will just shatter under the pressure.
It’s been over an hour and you haven’t stopped encouraging Dazai with that stupid grin on your face. It’s nothing like the one you give him, the one he lives to protect. 
You’ve got a heart that longs to be loved, one Chuuya wants to nurture. How can he make you understand that you don’t need to jump around from person to person to receive compliments and feel validated? Why can’t you see that he’d be more than enough?
With a slam of glass down on the polished wood, Chuuya slides off his barstool and makes his way around to where you and Dazai are seated. 
It was a stormy day, but nonetheless, Chuuya decided to make a run to the little shop one block from his place. He was set on picking up some appetizers that would go well with the red Dolcetto sitting in his kitchen cabinet. 
Leather shoes splashed in the puddles along the sidewalk, rain pittered against the black of his coat and umbrella. He held the plastic bag of gouda and roasted turkey slices with one hand, doubling up on the knot in hopes of preventing any water from leaking in. The shade of his hair was the only reason he didn’t blend into the bleary background. The city was a monotone watercolor painting; dozens of droplets falling from the sky, lights flickering on as afternoon turned into evening, the usual rush hour bustle muffled by the cold rain of the murky clouds above. 
Anyone would’ve paused for a moment if they found a soaking figure crouched down on the sidewalk. Anyone would’ve tapped them with their foot to see if they needed help. Anyone’s heart would’ve melted a little when they laid eyes on the shivering puppy the person had been shielding from the rain. Anyone’s heart would’ve thumped a little harder making eye contact with you for the first time. Not just anyone deserved to. 
When you refused to take the umbrella and leave Chuuya without one, a compromise was made that he would walk you home; somehow, that resulted with him sitting on your bathroom floor, caring for a wet puppy, and trying to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat with every laugh that spilled from your lips. 
What kind of person halts everything, soaks themself to the bone for some random dog, and lets the first stranger to offer them an umbrella into their apartment? He began to question whether it was the puppy or you who needed more protection. 
The redhead found himself wandering into your city block more often. He noticed your favorite coffee shop, and decided that it had to be added to his routine. Lovely little coincidences slowly allowed him to engrain himself into your everyday life. It was all for your own good, after all. 
Someone getting a little too friendly on the metro? That same man’s body was found beaten half to death in an alleyway the next morning. No evidence, no fingerprints; the perpetrator used gloves. 
Crying because of the things your friends say behind your back? Chuuya isn’t hesitating to accidentally stumble upon your hiding spot and offer his shoulder to lean on. 
On a particularly windy day, his hat blew off, and you just happened to be nearby to catch it. 
It had to be some form of fate. He was meant to find you and you were meant to be with him. 
Such a precious creature you turned out to be; he found it sad that no one had ever bothered to get to know you properly. To understand you. Not like he had. 
You were a drug to his mind every waking second and every night as he laid awake staring at the ceiling, arms crossed behind his head.
Everything slid into place so naturally. He messaged you good morning and you followed through with a goodnight. On the best days, he walked back through his front door unable to wipe the lovesick grin from his face. 
His presence gave you something solid to fall back on, it was nice. 
He should’ve known it could only last for so long. 
Some people are like parasites. They squirm around their miserable existence until they can find something lively to latch onto. They use it to fill their own void, draining the other being of its life and leaving it behind once they’ve had their fill. 
“Oh, Chibi! Didn’t expect to see you here,~” the brunette chimes. Liar. 
You spin around on your barstool and a smile lights your eyes up when your gaze lands on the redhead. 
“Y/n-san and I were just sharing a drink. Do you two know each other?” Bastard. 
“Chuu, it’s good to see you,” your voice melts in his ears. “Do you want to join us?” 
“I don’t know why you didn’t introduce me sooner,” a grin spreads across Dazai’s face, “They’re an absolute treat.” He swirls the sake around in his cup before raising the glass to his lips. Parasite. 
“Yeah, I’ll join you,” Chuuya replies politely, taking the seat to your right while Dazai is on your left. 
“So how do you and Dazai know each other?” you question innocently. The two men make eye contact for a brief, unnoticeable moment. 
“Work,” they both reply in unison. “We dealt a lot with trades between organizations,” Chuuya explains.
“Many jobs here and there,” Dazai adds. You nod your head in understanding. 
“But enough about us!” a fox-like grin crawls up onto Dazai’s face, “I’ve barely gotten to know you yet.” 
“I don’t think there’s much to talk about,” you reply with a humble smile. 
Chuuya sighs and turns to the bartender to order another drink. If only he could make you understand. 
“Nonsense!” Dazai rests his chin in the palm of his hand, “Why don’t we play a little game?” 
“Okay,” you nod with interest. “It’s either or,” he continues with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “First question: Tall men or short men?” Chuuya chokes on his whisky. “Hmm,” you tap your chin in thought, “I don’t think height matters much to me.” 
“Interesting,” Dazai folds his arms in front of his chest. Chuuya glares. You’re treading on thin ice, Mackerel. 
“Next question: Do you think dark eyes or light eyes are prettier?” Dazai tilts his head, you stay silent. “Sorry, but I don’t think I want to be asked these types of questions,” you state politely, Chuuya has to hold back his smirk. “Ah, I see, I do apologize,” Dazai leans back, “I’ll change the topic. Cats or dogs?” He’s not worth starting a bar fight over, Chuuya internally screams, he's not worth it, he's not worth it, he’s not worth it. 
“Well, that’s a tough one,” you hum, tracing your finger over the rim of your glass, “but I’d have to say dogs.” Chuuya’s ears perk up. “They’re so protective and loyal, and I’ve never met one that wanted to sink its teeth into me just because it can.” “I see,” Dazai smiles slyly, narrowing his eyes. 
Chuuya sighs. You shouldn’t be wasting your breath on such a snake. Can’t you tell he’s done this a million times? The way his lips move, when his finger slips under his glass to set it down softly, how his eyes trace over your form like a wolf studying its prey. 
“What about you, Chuu?” your voice breaks him out of his trance. He blinks at you a few times before raising his eyebrow, your giggle practically squeezes at his heart. 
“Do you want to take some tequila shots with us?” you tilt your head. Chuuya raises an eyebrow. “Tequila? You don’t drink very often though,” he furrows his eyebrows in concern, “Tequila is pretty strong, you’ll end up with a shitty hangover.” 
“Dazai says he can have a few shots without getting too tipsy though,” you reply. Dazai sits with a conceited smile. 
Of course he can, that man’s alcohol tolerance is concerningly high. 
“Fine, but just one,” Chuuya’s tone is stern, “two at most. You’ve already had three drinks.” 
“I’m not even tipsy though,” you pout softly. Dazai chuckles as he raises his hand to call the bartender over.  
It was clear from the start that you had no intention of heeding Chuuya’s advice. After two shots, you were giggling all over yourself and Chuuya had to keep a hand on your back to prevent you from falling off your barstool. “No, Y/n, give that back, hey! Dammit!” Chuuya attempts to swipe the glass away, but you’re just fast enough to steal his shot and throw another mouthful of tequila down the back of your throat. 
“Mm!” you beam with satisfaction, “I told you Chuu, I’m fine.” The warm-toned lights of the bar seem to complement the hazy flush of your cheeks that bleeds into your smile. He adores the way you lean into him so trustingly. He’d probably have a smile similar to your own creeping up into his cheeks if it weren’t for the dark-eyed lynx sitting just to your left.
“They told you ‘Chuu,’ they’re fine,” Dazai’s lips form a smirk, one Chuuya wants so badly to smack off his face. He glares for a moment, but reminds himself of who his top priority is. He leads you to your feet by your forearms and catches you when you fail to hold yourself up. “Y/n, I’m going to take you home now, okay?” Chuuya’s voice is gentle, he slings your arm around his shoulder and turns to walk out the door. You look over at Chuuya and suddenly gasp, “We’re going somewhere? Where?” 
“I’m taking you home, Y/n.” “Come on Chuuya, you’re really not willing to share?” Dazai calls loudly. 
Chuuya pushes down the feeling boiling under his skin for your sake. You’re trusting him to get you home safely- admittedly your judgment may be a bit skewed at the moment- but still. 
“What’s so special about them, huh?” Dazai prods and Chuuya’s grip on you tightens. You’ll never get to know. You don’t deserve to. That’s my right, this is my person. Who the hell do you think you are? 
“I may just have to steal them away and find out for myself,~” Dazai smirks and Chuuya freezes. It’s only for a brief moment. He continues walking, but a dark cloud settles around his chest and in his mind. 
“I’ll be right back,” Chuuya reassures you as he buckles you into the passenger seat of his car, “It’ll take two minutes, I promise.” “Where’re you going?” you look at him with a half-lidded stare, fingers still gripping the edge of his sleeve. “The bar has a bug problem,” he smiles deeply, “I’m going to go help them sort some things out.” 
Dazai hadn't turned his head back after Chuuya’s fist came into contact with his cheek, the beginning of a bruise certainly beginning to form where he was hit. “Ouch,” Dazai keeps his voice steady, and his eyebrows lowered. He rests his hands in his pockets, ignoring the stinging pain in his back from being slammed against the wall in the alleyway out back of the bar. “I said, do you understand me, Dazai?” Chuuya grits his teeth, clenching his fist as he uses every drop of his remaining willpower to not crack Dazai’s head open like an egg. He takes one step closer. 
“You really feel that threatened?” Dazai laughs lightly, “Aren’t I allowed to take an interest? They really are a very intriguing pers-!” Dazai grunts and his chest concaves as he feels the wind being knocked from his lungs. He looks up, back flat against the ground, Chuuya’s heel digging into his chest. “Something isn’t clicking in that brain of yours, so let me spell it out,” the mafioso glares, his frame silhouetted by the moon. “Y/n doesn’t need people like you in their life. The world doesn’t deserve them, I have to protect them from it. There’s no one else who can, don’t stick your nose where you don’t belong.” Chuuya takes a step back, allowing Dazai to sit up before turning on his heel to return to where you wait. Dazai’s scoff makes him freeze. “Shouldn’t that be something Y/n decides for themself?” Dazai’s voice echos, Chuuya doesn’t even need to turn around to see the haughty smirk on Dazai’s face. 
In a split second, Chuuya’s heel comes into contact with Dazai’s other cheek, knocking the man roughly to the ground for a second time. “Tch, I don’t know why I even bother with you,” Chuuya snarls. Dazai stays low until his ex-partner walks around the corner and out of sight. 
Dazai sits up and the corners of his mouth curl into a grin. He wipes blood from his bottom lip and chuckles deeply. “Damn, Chibi.” 
Your mind keeps slipping you in and out of consciousness. One moment, you’re riding next to Chuuya in his car. He’s gripping the steering wheel tightly. The next, you’re in his arms, and he’s carrying you into a strange house. You accept whatever he puts in your mouth, swallowing it with the water he holds up to your lips. 
You awake with a jolt, immediately laying back down when a sharp pain shoots through your head. You groan slightly, rubbing your eyes and trying to adjust to the morning sunlight. The first thing you notice is that you are still wearing your clothes from last night. The second thing you notice is that your shoes and jacket have been removed and placed on a chair next to the bed, and there’s a bottle of hangover medicine sitting on the nightstand to your left. The third thing you notice is that wherever you appear to have spent the night is definitely not your house. Ignoring the ache in your head, you throw the covers off and stand up cautiously. There’s something indistinctly familiar about the room’s scent, but you shake it off. 
Creaking the door open, you observe the wood furnishings and step hesitantly into the hallway. Something in the next room smells heavenly- like a hearty broth. You can hear someone shuffling around. You tiptoe forward, but any apprehension churning in your stomach dissipates as soon as you lay eyes on the familiar head of red hair standing in the kitchen. 
“Chuu?” you crinkle your expression in confusion. He smiles slightly and places a wooden spoon over the pot on the stove before looking up at you. “Y/n,” he turns down the heat and walks over to you, “How are you? Do you have much of a headache? I hope the medication helped.” 
“Yeah, it’s not that bad…” you reply, scanning your eyes around the room, “is this your house?” “Mhm,” he replies, brushing his thumb over your cheek, “Well, our house now. You take a half step back. “What do you mean?” you question, “You know where I live, I have my own home.” Chuuya just shakes his head. “That isn’t going to work anymore,” he sighs, “I did a lot of thinking last night. Trust me, this is what’s best for you.”  A shiver runs up your spine. The look in his eyes is so… impassive, nothing like the man you know. “What are you saying?” you shake your head slightly, “What, are you going to just keep me here against my will?”  Chuuya steps forward again, his eyes boring into your own. “You won’t mind after a while,” he replies, taking one of your hands in his and brushing his thumb over your knuckles, “I’ll give you a good life, I promise.” You try to pull your hand away but Chuuya grips it tighter. You’re both silent for a moment, the air in the room seems to still. “Chuuya, you’re scaring me,” your voice wavers slightly. 
An invisible force pulls you closer to the man, you stumble into his chest and he catches you by the waist, using his other hand to cup your cheek. A cold, thick sense of dread is present in the back of your mind, but you’re having trouble focusing on anything except his gaze. For a moment, his eyes soften. He looks at you tenderly, like the Chuuya you thought you knew. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you,” he speaks closely. You find yourself unable to move as he presses lips against your own, holding you close as if you could break at any moment. 
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A/n: I realized while writing this that this is actually the first time I've put a kiss into my writing! I am also open to feedback since I don't try to write this type of character/relationship very often. Thank you for reading!
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miyuuu-217 · 11 months
can't you look at me? tw: bloody dazai under the cut
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minemineminemine · 3 months
You like collecting bones, right? What about ashes? I don't mind being cremated!
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
Albert Wesker x You Commission- Caught His Eye
Commission by @prettycutebunny! I'm glad you enjoyed it~ Part 2 here Part 3 here
Warnings: Unhappy Marriage, Slight Cheating (sorta but not really) Yandere Tendencies
You weren't a part of the usual crowd that joined Umbrella, let alone the type to be involved with Oswald Spencer. It's no wonder you caught Wesker's eye and became a source of endless... fascination.
  To say you were “married” to Oswald E. Spencer wouldn’t be accurate. It was literally true, as in, on paper you were married, but you weren’t close. Not even a little. He barely knew your name and you his. It was for the money. The power. Your family benefited from the marriage monetarily and materialistically and he benefited from having more lackeys that were loyal to him and willing to do… unsavory work in exchange for more boons in his name.
   You did work in Umbrella but not for the money or for the power. No, you naive little fool, you actually wanted to make a difference in the world. Not make a name for yourself, not to become rich, not to become immortal. No, you merely wanted to make the world a better place. Whether it be from creating vaccines for known diseases or aiding in the creation of medicines that would help pre-existing ailments, you wanted to help. It was admirable but Albert couldn’t help but to shake his head and sigh.
   What to do with you… 
   It was surprising to learn you knew nothing of the front that was Umbrella; nothing of the many, many bio-weapons they have created, that have been implemented and used- simply nothing. Concerns about security were brought up surrounding your joining of the company. What if you leak their secrets?! Concerns were brushed aside. “She won’t be an issue.” Spencer would say. 
   And he was right. You were never an issue. 
   Albert remembers the first day he met you. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for work, ready to make friendly with your coworkers. Everyone thought you were a spy planted by Spencer to monitor them. Albert knew right away you weren’t. It was the way you carried yourself, the way your eyes looked… You seemed to want genuine connection. It shouldn’t have been found there but… 
   He couldn’t help himself… 
   “A-Ah! You’re Albert Wesker?! THE Albert Wesker?!” The colour rushed to your face as you scrambled to appear somewhat professional. You patted down your white coat and smoothed down your hair. Suppressing a giggle, you offered your hand, though you did so with an air of uncertainty. 
   “I-It’s so nice to meet you! I-I mean-! It’s a pleasure! A-A… an honour?” The excitement was washed out by the mortification that crossed your face. A spy? You must be a phenomenal actress. Wesker took your hand, giving it a curt shake. Your hand was completely engulfed by his own. He noted how your fingers trembled and twitched as embarrassment swiftly turned back into excitement. 
   “The pleasure is mine. You are Mrs. Spencer, correct?” It somehow left a sour taste in his mouth. It was more than… what? Strange? Unbelievable? Infuriating that such a young, bright and seemingly decent person was tied to, perhaps, the most selfish, egotistical and simply evil human being on the face of the planet. Perhaps you’ll prove him wrong, though. Perhaps-
   You scrunched up your nose. Something akin to disgust crinkles your forehead.
   “Ah- Please, no need for… that. You can use my first name if you like! …or my maiden name…” Your voice fell flat, trailing off as you realized that was, most definitely, not an appropriate thing to say to one, a new coworker that you just met, two, the Albert Wesker, and three, a member of Umbrella, where you’re “husband” may or may not find out you said such a thing. Maybe he wouldn’t care, though. A feeling sours your stomach. 
   Maybe you are more bothered by this arranged marriage than you first thought… 
   You weren’t as subtle as you had hoped. Behind Albert’s sunglasses, his eyes narrowed. Did you really try to hide your disgust? No… you aren’t sure if you even could. He made a note of it, but chose not to bring any attention to it. There was no need to. Not at the moment, anyway. This could be useful for him later. 
   No love for Spencer, hmm? 
   “Of course. Anything you please.” 
   It took less than a week for Albert to know, with utmost certainty, that you were not a spy sent by Spencer. Or by another rival company, even another country. No prying questions, no overachieving in very, very specific areas, no rubbing shoulders with the higher ups, nothing. Albert would have been disappointed if he wasn’t so intrigued by you. 
   Having someone that genuinely wanted  to make the world a better place was unusual. Rare, even. It was something that he could respect. You applied yourself in your field, you worked hard and the results you produced reflected your work ethic. Staying late was usual for you, something that Albert, himself, did often. Normally, he wouldn’t fraternize with his coworkers much at all, certainly not as he pulled in overtime. But you?
   He certainly enjoyed your company. 
   You were unlike anyone inside this godforsaken company. The cut-throat politics that dominated the work culture weren’t something that you could survive without intervention. Certainly not if you were anyone other than his wife. Your overachiever results pissed off many, many people. People that no lowly virologist would ever dream of crossing, not in their worst nightmares. You did this daily. Hourly, even. And you did it with a smile on your face and with the cluelessness of a child left to fend for themselves in the wild. It would be easy to manipulate you and your work….
   Albert couldn’t stand to see anyone else do just that.
   He rubbed shoulders with some truly abhorrent people. You were not one of them. The opposite, in fact, he couldn’t- wouldn’t- stop the feelings he had towards you from developing into a permanent fixture in his daily life. If it doesn’t affect your work, then let it be. That’s what Albert always told himself. If it, or you, were to become a problem, then he would deal with it. “Dealing” with you slowly began to twist from “cutting you out” and quickly became “guard you at all costs”. 
   It certainly wasn’t a terrible change for him. 
   You grew tired. Work was draining you more than you realized… All the long nights and contending with the work culture were finally getting to you. Whenever you felt like you were drowning in your work Albert was always there to pull you out of the deep end. You felt guilty, genuinely you did! You shouldn’t have to rely on him… but he always dismisses your apologies.
   “Don’t apologize. Perhaps you should leave early tonight and get some rest. Pushing yourself until exhaustion isn’t healthy.” Albert knowingly made a habit of this. It’s bad for our bottom line. You can only produce good results if you are well rested. Excuses were easy to make and even easier to execute. He didn’t want to scare you away. Rather, he wanted to bring you in closer…
    The times you would leave early, or rather, leave on time, were rare indeed. You stayed most nights, long until the morning. You would occasionally nap in the breakroom, or even on the floor of whatever area you were working in. The first time, Albert let it slide. The fifth time he caught you, though, he called you out.
   “What are you doing?” 
   You jolted awake. No, not awake, per se. You weren’t quite asleep, but not awake, either. You felt your heart jump up between your ears, throbbing and pounding so loud you can’t string together a coherent thought. Shame burned your cheeks and made you trip on your own tongue. 
   “I- uh, I jus- um…” You had a deer in the headlights look. 
    What were you supposed to say? 
    You didn’t want to go “home”. No, it wasn’t a home. Not your home. It was cold, unwelcoming, totally vapid and too damn big for even the largest family fit to burst. You wished you had something that was your own… just something small. A studio apartment! Anything other than that empty shell of a place… For all the money Spencer had, he didn’t really care about what you wanted. You had a roof over your head and you wouldn’t dare speak up to him, of all people… 
   Out of all of your coworkers, having Albert Wesker be the one to find you in such a sorry state stung. What would he think of you now? He was, perhaps, the last person you wanted to see at this moment in time. All you could do was get up and try to look presentable. Wave off his concerns. Don’t trouble him with your personal problems… You have already overstepped your boundaries with him many, many times… 
   “Why are you laying on the floor?” You cringed. Albert was always curt and to the point when talking to anyone, even you. No matter how much you searched his face, you couldn’t read his expression. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking or feeling at any given moment, let alone now, of all times… 
   “Has something happened? Are you alright?” Immediately you noticed the tone of his voice shifted ever so slightly. It wasn’t as cutting. Not harsh, but softer. Instead of standing straight and stiff, he leans against the wall, a slight frown on his face. You were already on the cusp of breaking. Now, though? Now you can’t stop the tears from wetting your eyes. 
   “I- N-No… It’s not-” What were you supposed to say? The lack of care and intimacy in your life was eating you alive. You couldn’t tell him this!
   Could you? 
   “No, it’s alright. You don’t have to tell me anything. I’m sorry, I can’t help but to worry, seeing you here so late all the time.” His frown deepened. Albert had stopped hiding his care for you long ago. Now more than ever he needs it to be known to you.  
   You didn’t hide it as well as you would have liked. You were desperate for human interaction. Validation. A connection of any kind. Others in the company have tried to use this desperation to their own ends, tried to steal your work and all credit that was yours and yours alone. Albert rebuffed their claims, though he would never tell you this. 
   You weren’t fit to work in this place. In this world. No, you deserved far better. He itched to give you more, to see you smile genuinely, laugh in the way you do when you tell your unfunny jokes- Albert wanted to see more-
   “Do you want to go home? I could take you.” It left a sour taste in his mouth. No, he didn’t want you there. He can’t protect you when you are in the lion’s den. Alone, without him at your side. He felt immediate relief when you shook your head. 
   “N-No! I, um, n-no… I’m fine here…” No, you weren’t fine. You couldn’t hide it from him no matter how hard you tried. 
   You were tired. Every joint in your body ached from so many long nights laying on the hard floor, with only your lab coat as an impromptu blanket. You were slowly starting to resent this job and most of the people that you had to see every day. You are certainly naive, but you aren’t stupid. You know nearly all of your coworkers couldn’t stand you and that the only thing they wanted from you was the work you did. Of all of the people you saw on a daily basis, of everyone that you talked to, forced a smile at, laughed at their dumb, insensitive jokes, there was only one that seemed to show you any measure of genuine care. 
   A few stray tears leaked from your eyes. It was embarrassing! Albert was already offering you a tissue. You accepted with your head hanging low. 
   “Whatever your reasonings are, if you don’t wish to return home, you are always welcome at mine.” You raise your head, surprised. Welcome to his home? It made you strangely anxious, though not in a bad way. 
   “Dunno… just tired…” You barely spoke above a whisper, from the fear of breaking into hysterical sobs. You jumped when you felt his hand on your shoulder. When did you move so close? It was nice, though… You focused on not having a full blown meltdown and the comforting hand on your shoulder that gave you a slight squeeze. 
   In the end, you took Albert up on his offer of staying the night at his house. Just for a few hours, really… is what you said. You couldn’t really think, though. You didn’t want to stay there and you certainly wouldn’t return “home”. 
   The drive was short and Albert remained mostly silent. There wasn’t much to say and you were relieved he wasn’t worrying over you so much. Hungry? Thirsty? No, just some water, you had said. You swore the couch was fine but he insisted you take the bed. You took it reluctantly. It was weird being in someone else’s home, in their bed as they took the couch. 
   Another man’s home. 
   You couldn’t dwell on it. You were exhausted and sleeping in an actual bed was so, so wonderful… Sleep came easier than it had for a long time. Since you were married, actually. Even though this is the first time you’ve done something like this, you felt safe. Albert made you feel safe. Safer than you’ve felt in a long time… 
   Yes, it was surreal having you in his home, asleep in his bed. No worry, no stress, totally and blissfully unaware and vulnerable right there, mere inches away. You scrunched up your nose as he brushed a few stray locks away from your face. Adorable… This is what he was wanting to see. You deserve to feel this more often. Forever, even. Safety and comfort. Warmth. Love… Albert vows to make this want into a reality. You deserve no less and so much more…
Would anyone like to see more of Wesker? I have an ask for him already that I'll be working on soon! -Mara
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire
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x-monochrome-x · 2 years
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finally got around to drawing something
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Sweet Dreams
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yandere!001/Peter/vecna x fem!reader, and steve harrington x fem!reader.
summary: you once met Peter in the lab and fell in love, unaware of his obsession with you, now vecna, he’s not stopping until he has you.
warnings: manipulation, gore, yandere themes and behavior, implications of murder, obsession, possessiveness, dark themes, and Manipulation of dreams
Reader is Steve’s age so maybe 19-20. Peter’s older than reader but still in 20’s. Idrk if that makes sense but whatever. he’s aged down so not a huge age gap:)
part 2? I’ll do it if it’s requested. or I feel like doing it. again really depends.
again another long imagine so buckle up>/3
“Honey, promise me you’ll get some sleep tonight, your mother called. “I will, Mom, You tell her.
You usually called your mother before you went to bed. It had been a routine for quite some time and your roommate, Steve, was totally different.
You were very close to him and the party, especially Eleven. Both of you were in the lab together until you escaped not so long before El.
She was like a little sister to you. And you adored her. You helped her escape as promised. And so, you two were closer than ever.
Mike, being her boyfriend, (although personally you preferred him with Will), was jealous of you slightly. You ended the call with a groan. “Overbearing Mom again? Steve teased. “You know it, You reply.”She’s worried, of course. But too worried.”
“Doesn’t she have nightmares of her own? Steve asks, crossing his arms. "This shouldn’t be any different.”
“I guess, you shrug. "They're just intense sometimes.” Steve softly smiles. "they'll go away, y/n. I think it’s ironic. Max has been having intense nightmares too.”
“Pretty strange, You murmur.”Considering the murders and how the bodies were found. Do you think she’s next?”
“What about-“
You slammed the door behind you, wanting to get to Max as soon as possible. Despite being pretty late at night, You knew she’d still be up. In fact, she was sitting outside.
Her Mom probably wasn’t home. “Max, why are you outside? You ask. “Hey Y/n, She responds. "My Mom isn’t home and I can’t go to sleep. Not with those nightmares.”
“I get it. Lack of sleep due to intense nightmares, You agree.”Anyways, If you want, you can stay with me and Steve for the night.”
She smirked jokingly.”You two a thing now?” You laugh.”Nope. Just Roomates. You know Steve is still into Nancy.”
You haven’t used your powers in a while but with telepathy you were curious on what Max was thinking. Vecna could get into her thoughts easily if she was vulnerable.
Right now, She definitely was.
Max shivered, since it was cold. “I’ll stay with you tonight, max smiled.”thanks y/n.” “Of course, You grin.”anytime.”
She hopped into your car as you tried to make it warm before driving off. Her mother probably wouldn’t mind since according to Max, She worked a lot.
And left early in the morning most of the time.
Once you got to your place, Max seemed happier in a more stable place honestly. You saw it in her eyes. She used to be in a stable home, but her brother dying changed that.
"Hey Stevie, we got a guest, You smile. He smile."Hey Max." She says hello, you go to show her the guest room. You were relieved to choose a 3-bedroom place to stay in.
“Is she sleeping now? Steve asks. You nod. “You’d be a good Mom, He compliments. “Thanks, Yoi reply.”Kids sounds ncie. But not six like you want.”
He laughs.”Wouldn’t six kids be fun though?” You shrug.”I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Steve.” “Goodnight, He replies.
The only part about his dream of the six children and camping he didn’t tell you about was that you were there. Steve liked you for a while. He loved Nancy but he felt different with you, very much in love with you.
You closed the door to your bedroom and turned the lights off. You tried not to use your powers often, usually only when you needed to.
Since you were in pajamas already, You just went to sleep quickly. Expecting dreams, You got nightmares.
It had been years since you were in the lab, so why were you back? When you quickly looked at your appearance, you knew you were in a dream.
Or just a traumatic nightmare. “You’re back, a familiar voice said. And you turn to see him. Peter. How on Earth was he back? “I know you’re scared, he adds, coming closer to you, before he faded from view.
The next thing you saw was your old neighborhood. Mike and everyone else lived nearby and you still knew you were dreaming. Also, the world wasn’t the same in your dream.
When you saw Max’s house, you saw Billy’s car, which reminded you of horrible memories. But he was dead-? Wasn’t he?
“Y/n… the voice lingered, deep and inhumane was all you knew. It wasn’t recognizable at all.
The voice belonged to Steve, who rushed over to you. But he was bloody and slightly bruised. He just hugged you.
“Steve what happened to you? You ask, worriedly. When his eyes turned white, you knew it couldn’t be good. It couldn’t be him.
“Why can’t you accept my feelings for you, y/n? I love you so much.”
You didn’t know about his love for you so it took you by surprise. Stepping back, you got even more scared. “Steve, I didn’t know… you try to explain.
He keeps coming closer to you. “Do you love me y/n? He asks. You didn’t have a response. Then you blurt,”I do love you Steve!”
Your dream ends there but you sit up panting. That dream was no coincidence or anything. Dreams couldn’t be like that, right?
Suddenly Steve burst through the door. “Y/n, I heard screaming what happened? He asked. You sigh. "Nightmare. This time you were in it.”
You nodded.”But it was awkward I guess. Anyways you look like you didn’t sleep.” He groans. "I didn’t. For some reason.” "What happened? you ask worriedly.
He sighs. "I died in my nightmare. By some creepy monster thing. I know i died because when his creepy hand covered my face, i woke up."
You frowned. "It was only a nightmare. I can't lose you, Steve." He blushed."I can't lose you either, Y/n." You smile, both of you leaned in when you both stopped.
"Did you hear that? He asks you. You nodded. "Should we check? I mean, nobody else is here right-" Suddenly, you swore you were knocked out because when you woke up, You were in the upside down once more.
"Steve? You whimpered, wondering further from the bedroom. You needed to find out what was going on. "He isn't here, A familiar voice spoke.
How come you recognized the voice? Then, it hit you. The voice belonged to 001, or Vecna. Bu wouldn't his voice be deeper if he were in his true form?
"I'm not using my real form, Y/N. I don't plan on scaring you unless i need to."
001 stepped forward, his white clothing drenched in blood. You were definitely scared. "Whose blood is on your clothes? You ask, softly. 001 chuckles. "Your lover's."
My lover? You thought, before realizing he meant Steve. "No! What did you do? You yell, before being held back by vines, while he comes closer.
There, you saw his body. Steve, his eyes now lifeless while being covered in blood, his blood. You held back tears before breaking down and crying.
"Why did you kill him? You sobbed, while Peter goes on your level, lifting your chin with his finger. "So i can have you, Vecna responds. "I did this for you, everything. You're not grateful?"
You scoffed. "You murdered Steve!" Looking smug, 001 replies, "For you. For us. He said some horrible things, lustful things." You frowned. "Steve isn't like that."
001 chuckled. "Well, Y/N, he has been keeping his lust from you." You shouldn't believe him, 001 was dishonest after all. However, knowing Steve's past, You kind of did believe 001.
You mumbled, "He would never." 001 chuckled. "You're so loyal to someone who only uses you for your body, Y/n. How foolish." Boldly, You snapped, "You don't know him like I do."
Peter laughed.”And you know him better? He just wants to fuck you. Steve hasn’t changed and I did you a favor. Now you’ll be mine.”
His grip on you was so strong, What choice did you have? If you refused, He’d kill more people you loved.
You sighed.”fine. But don’t hurt my loved ones anymore.” Peter replies,”I don’t plan to.”
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malfromtheblue · 7 months
so like hes hiding in readers closet when his darling comes back from a hard day at work and just starts stripping in front of him, not even bothering to cover herself up as she falls asleep!! Eeek!!!
REN'S REACTION??? PLEASEEEEE!! (Chubby! Black! reader plz!)
The day had been exhausting. You barely managed to stumble upstairs without falling, and even if you did, you would have just slept there.
By the time you got to your room, you were barely able to stand. But there was no way you could handle wearing the tight clothes from work any longer.
And Ren was crouching in the closet, watching in amazement as your belly filled out comfortably over the hem of your panties, and your breasts spilled from their unnecessary containment in your restricting blouse. A small squeak escaped from his lips, and he quickly covered it.
Thankfully, you didn't seem to notice. Ren watched as you took off your heels and flopped on the bed, not bothering to cover yourself up. And with that, you were asleep.
Ren had never seen you so... BARE before. He.... Liked it. And so he did something he had never been brave enough to do. He slid out of the closet as quietly as possible, and padded over to where you were sleeping. For quite a while, he just hovered. He knew he had already broken Monster Code. Never leave your hiding spot unless you're going to scare or kill your victim. But he didn't want to hurt you! He could NEVER bring himself to do such a horrible thing!
I mean, look at you! So pretty and kissable. Your brown skin took on an amazing glow from the moonlight shining through your window, your round face and full lips had him shaking, and your curly/kinky hair looked softer than ever. Which reminded him. He noticed that every night before bed, you would put on what you called an... Um... Bonnet? Yes. He took your bonnet from your nightstand and secured it around your head as gently as possible, trying to be careful and not wake you up. It most definitely proved difficult, because his hands were five times the size of yours. However, he managed.
Ren looked back down at you, proud of himself. A small snore rumbled from your throat. He giggled. Cute! He started by taking a seat on the edge of your bed, cringing when the mattress dipped low under his weight with a creak. Still, you slept on. So he continued by caressing your face with his huge hand. Still asleep. He studied your figure, inch by inch, amazed at how perfect you were. There were pinkish marks on your hips and thighs and arms, and breasts. Stripes.... From an angel. Angel stripes! No female monster had those. And not many humans that he's been assigned to either.
And so he kissed your hips and thighs, where most of your angel stripes were, being as careful as posible so he didn't cut you with his teeth. He could've bathed in your natural scent. Warm vanilla and brown sugar. His kisses turned into suckles and nibbles as he took in the sweet, sweet taste of your skin. You were squishy! Squishy, and sweet, and addictive...
"Hm..." You mumbled, stirring in your sleep.
Ren whined a little in frustration but pulled back, his lips leaving your pudgy belly with a 'pop'. He studied you again once more and gave your chest a little peck, before covering you up and turning on your lamp. Just in case you woke up in the middle of the night and freaked out because he knows you're afraid of the dark.
You were safe for now, but what was he gonna do when it was mating season?
(there ya go, darlin! i love black chubby women, so this spoke to me! thanks for the request *bows*)
~ Mal 🍵 (tea is my everything and is now my sign off emoji. if you know, you know)
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