#uniq details
uniqlook · 2 months
uniq_look_family_salon [email protected] more information co...
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accio-victuuri · 1 month
wang yibo - war of faith weibo update
Central Bank Men’s Group Wei Ruolai @UNIQ-王一博Shen Tunan @王阳0313黄congyun @actor Song Shuai All of them have their own aura! Immerse yourself in the character and polish the details while walking in the scene, and turn on the comedy mode outside the scene to make jokes! If you don’t understand, just ask, is this a necessary condition for entering the central bank?
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hi R 🌈
I recently discovered an crazy theory about GGDD dating during DD days with uniq which completely blown my mind to be honest. Is there any CPN's behind this rumor or is it just an another fanfiction. As much as I'm convinced that BJYXSZD GGDD dating during Dad's idol days kind look far fetched to me.
Have a nice day rain ლ(・﹏・ლ)
Hi Anon!
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Ah, you've stumbled across The Devil's Timeline, an interesting and often controversial theory that's been a part of the fandom for a very long time...
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Before I Start
There are some really aggressive people who always respond to these types of discussions in a hateful way, because of the implications of GG dating a younger DD (for example, in 2016 DD would have been 18-19 and GG would have been 24-25). It's called 'The Devil's Timeline' for a reason. If you don't like it, DON'T READ. It's really that simple.
And frankly, if you think it's crazy, outrageous and wrong for an 18 year old to be dating a 24 year old, you're not living in the real world. This is not an unusual age gap, especially between men.
Ultimately this is clowning and CPN. Not meant to be taken seriously.
Any adversarial anons will be blocked.
So What's the Theory?
Basically the theory is that GG and DD have been together for a lot longer than the generally accepted fan canon (fan canon tends to revolve around the idea that they got together during or shortly after filming The Untamed).
The Devil's Timeline doesn't have any specific set dates/times. It encompasses any timeline where GG and DD started dating prior to filming. Some people feel they might have met and started dating as far back as mid-2015, others think it happened between the 2017 DDU episode and CQL filming. So a timeline such as the one I wrote a couple of years ago would fall under The Devil's Timeline just as much as ones that claim they got together in 2015.
What's the Evidence?
As far-fetched as it might seem, there are some 'coincidences' and signs that point to the possibility that GG and DD might have met a lot earlier than the widely accepted '2017 DDU episode' meeting. There have also been fake rumors and whispers about them being together a lot longer than they claim.
For a bit of background on this theory - @accio-victuuri wrote a post detailing some of the clues, and there's also a post from @p-h03n1-x talking about some interesting posts on DD's birthday in 2016.
I know I've seen other tidbits here and there over the years, and in a perfect world I'd dig for it all and put together my own comprehensive post on this, but my drafts folder just can't take another big project.
If you look at their behavior toward each other at the booting ceremony, prior to filming, and then you look at the table read and early filming, they went from 'complete and total strangers' to being very familiar with each other almost overnight. While their natural compatibility and unique rapport make it believable that they'd be quickly very comfortable with one another, that's just a bit too quick even with compatibility as extreme as theirs.
Another thing that keeps me going back to this theory again and again is their behavior both in the 2017 DDU episode and at the booting ceremony for The Untamed. Now that I'm familiar with them and how they act in various situations, their demeanour in both situations seems a bit 👀 to me. Unnatural for them.
What it reminds me a lot of - particularly the booting ceremony behavior - is their behavior during Weibo night, when they appeared to be consciously avoiding interacting with each other (you can read about why here). That tension and overcompensating 'I'm not looking over there' kind of attitude.
In most situations where 'strangers' are put into proximity with one another - even 'acquaintances' who are not deeply connected with one another - there is some amount of totally normal, totally natural human curiosity. The other person is treated as a presence in the room that would naturally draw the eye from time to time.
Not so with GG and DD during the booting ceremony. They were an artificial amount of 'detached' from one another. Standing right next to each other and not even exchanging polite words. Even when they're both struggling with the red silk, they don't exchange any words or glances.
It comes across to me as very odd behavior, especially from them. They're both SO POLITE around others, especially someone they're going to be working closely with. Their normal, natural response in a situation like that would be to look at the other person, reassure and assist them. Not here. They act like the other person isn't even standing there. Not normal behavior IMHO.
And compare that with Weibo Night. Their behavior has the same flavor, at least it does to me.
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CQL booting ceremony vs Weibo night: same energy.
Here's a video of the entire Weibo Night event. You can browse through to see how they were behaving toward each other. One example is at 1:41:30 when they go onstage to receive an award. There are also a lot of fancams from that night, you can browse around YouTube if you're curious.
During the DDU episode it's a lot harder to determine their demeanour toward each other because there's so much going on, so many other people around and the camera angles keep shifting, but there were a couple of things that caught my eye.
For one, notice at 27:00 when they're tiptoeing over the bamboo canes, when Wu Jiacheng crosses the canes he immediately steps back to the XNINE corner, while when GG crosses moments later, he naturally gravitates over to where DD is standing. 🤔
It's an automatic thing. Most people will gravitate to where they feel most comfortable in a room, just like when returning to the main area of a busy party after using the bathroom most people will head over to where their close friends or partner/spouse are standing. So in this case it's interesting that GG seems unconsciously more comfortable on DD's side of the stage than with his bandmates, even though standing over by DD means standing with the hosts of the show, which most people would feel incredibly uncomfortable doing.
Then at 32:00, when they're discussing the calligraphy tablets, GG and DD are standing next to each other in several shots. Maybe it's confirmation bias on my part, but they do not look like strangers in those shots. I can't point to any particular reason why.
And please take a moment at 4:52 to admire the adorkable way GG is frolicking while the rest of the boys are running. 🥹
Do I Believe It?
Although I go back and forth between popular canon theory (they got together during filming) and some form of The Devil's Timeline, in reality most of the time I see them as having been together long before filming. To me it's the best explanation for some of the inconsistencies we've seen, some of the behavior we've seen, etc.
You can check out my (very old, outdated) timeline post here. I make it pretty clear there that I think that they were together or at least well-acquainted with each other before filming. But given some of the BTS we've seen (and their married level of familiarity), I think it's possible or maybe even likely that they were together even earlier than what I claimed in that post.
How early? Maybe 2016. The DD's birthday posts are pretty interesting. A 20:23 kadian thanking for receiving some presents, on his birthday? 👀
And I do think the theory that they met 6/22 at a Uniq fanmeet* is an interesting one. Let's face it - 6/22 means something special to them. We know it. Could it be the day they met? It would fit.
*The rumor is that GG went to a fan meet in Guangzhou because he wanted to learn more about idols before going on XFIRE. That would have been in 2015, a couple months before XFIRE started, but I have not personally seen confirmation that such a fan meet happened on that day in that location (or that GG attended).
At the very least I think they were well-aquainted/dating between the 2017 DDU episode and CQL filming.
But I try not to restrict myself to any one particular theory. Ultimately we don't know, so why not explore different possibilities? I think it's interesting to view elements of their history through multiple different lenses, and see how those perspectives impact interpretation. I did this with my Japan trip post a while back. Since we'll probably never know for sure how or when it all started for them, why limit ourselves?
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writing-with-sophia · 10 months
Writing from the perspective of an inanimate object
Have you ever write from the perspective of an inanimate object, such as a chair, a tree or a flower? Writing from the perspective of an inanimate object can be a challenging but rewarding exercise in creativity. And today, I will give you some useful tips to do that:
Determine the object's purpose: Every inanimate object has a purpose or function. Consider what your object was designed to do or how it is typically used. This will help you understand the object's perspective and mindset. Example, if you were writing from the perspective of a pencil, you might consider how the pencil was designed to write and how it helps humans communicate their thoughts and ideas. This could shape the pencil's perspective and worldview.
Use sensory details: Although an inanimate object cannot see, hear, or feel in the same way humans can, it still experiences the world through its own senses. Use sensory details to describe how the object perceives its environment. Example, if you were writing from the perspective of a rock, you might describe how it feels to be cold and hard, how the wind and rain erode its surface, or how it is warmed by the sun.
Develop a unique voice: Just like human characters, inanimate objects should have their own unique voice and personality. Consider how the object might speak or think, and develop a consistent tone and style for its narration. For example, an elder tree will have an old and mature tone like a grandfather, while a seedling have a more youthful one.
The object's history: Inanimate objects can have a rich history and backstory that informs their perspective. Consider the object's origins, how it was made, and any significant events or experiences it has had.
Use metaphor and symbolism: Writing from the perspective of an inanimate object can be a powerful way to use metaphor and symbolism in your writing. Consider how the object might symbolize larger ideas or themes, and use this to deepen the meaning of your story. For example, a broken mirror can be used as a metaphor for the character's shattered self-image or reflect on the idea of brokenness and healing.
Consider the object's limitations: Inanimate objects have limitations in terms of what they can do and how they can interact with the world. Consider how these limitations might affect the object's perspective and worldview.
Consider the object's relationship to humans: Inanimate objects often have a relationship with humans, whether they are tools, possessions, or parts of a larger system. Consider how the object perceives and interacts with humans, and how these relationships might affect its perspective.
Use humor and irony: Writing from the perspective of an inanimate object can be an opportunity to use humor and irony in your writing. Consider how the object's perspective might be humorous or ironic, and use this to add depth and complexity to your story. Example, if you were writing from the perspective of a traffic cone, you can use humor and irony to comment on the absurdity of human behavior. You can describe how humans ignore or disrespect the cone, even though it is an important safety device.
Experiment with point of view: Writing from the perspective of an inanimate object can be an opportunity to experiment with different points of view. Consider using a first-person or third-person limited point of view to immerse the reader in the object's perspective.
When writing from the perspective of an inanimate object, it's important to edit and revise your work carefully. You should pay close attention to the language and tone you use, and make sure that it is consistent and engaging throughout. You might also consider getting feedback from others to help you improve your writing.
Writing from the perspective of an inanimate object is a chance to be creative and experimental with your writing. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. By following these tips, you can create a unique and compelling story that explores new perspectives and pushes the boundaries of your creativity.
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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yibo-wang · 10 months
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Yibo official weibo update (230805):
Hello, 26-year-old Yibo~
The small number is updated again, carrying the growth and harvest of the past year, and also entrusting the hope and expectation for the new year.
This year, I often meet you on the screen, and you search up and down in breaking and reshaping, experience and perception. You bring the stories and life from afar to the audience. Three films were released one after another, with Mr. Ye, Lei Yu and Chen Shuo appearing one after another. The stubborn figure who worked hard day and night at that time also received the best response at the moment. Perhaps those times of struggle will be sealed by each character, but the insights accumulated through persistent learning and the experience of experiencing life growth with heart will definitely have echoes that will never be forgotten outside the screen.
In this year, you gradually learn to relax and face the world more and more gently. You are willing to look at the stars during the rush, to watch a downpour in the afternoon, to quietly look at the distant horizon, and to stop for a beautiful sunset. Time does not have a pause button, but you seem to have mastered the password for the occasional pause in this world, and you greet and touch the world with your calmness. Yibo, the sunset is very beautiful, just like every evening you used to focus on moving forward but didn't have time to appreciate it.
On your journey of life, you will naturally have to overcome ups and downs and thorns, and it is difficult to describe the details in detail, just like crossing ten thousand mountains and facing thousands of waves, youthful spirit without regret. Fortunately, there are a lot of gifts along the way, and there are often good teachers and helpful friends, fans and friends who support me. There are always expectations and a lot of harvest.
It is always said that "everything is cool and grows up slowly", in fact, there is a second half of this sentence, that is-traversing the wonderful, embracing the beautiful.
26-year-old @UNIQ-王一博Happy birthday! 💚 Wish you create your own playground in this wonderful world and have a more enthusiastic new year!
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idyllic-ghost · 2 years
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title: Dreams Do Come True; The Aftermath
pairing: dino x afab!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
synopsis: Your ex-roommate-now-lover, Chan, and you are trying to get used to your new dynamic - that means making new routines!
taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @cali-snow, @pearlygraysky, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang rating: 18+
join my taglist
read the first part
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It took time to get used to your new relationship with your roommate. From time to time, you'd find yourself trying to get out of the kitchen if you heard him walking in - not because you didn't want to be near him, but because you had gotten so used to moving out of his way as his roommate. The new relationships took new forms in your favor too, and you wouldn't complain when your bickering in the kitchen suddenly turned into make out sessions on the counter. So while it might feel strange, there were more positives than negatives to this new relationship. There was no more scheduled TV-time, you didn't have to fight over the TV when you would gladly watch it together. For once, you would actually try to keep quiet if you got home late, and from time to time you would sleep in the same bed instead of your separate rooms.
Chan got to know a softer side of you, as you got to learn more intimate details about him. It was refreshing to not constantly get mad at him. Your old behavior would obviously come out at times, but it was always mixed with nice gestures. Of course, it was still the beginning of a relationships and you were already living together - so it had it's awkward moments. However, the cozy and comfortable moments outshined the awkward ones any day.
"I could totally flip them without a spatula," Chan bragged.
You were making pancakes for breakfast one morning. He had the assignment of making them, while you set the table and made coffee - although with many instructions from Chan. There was not much left for you to do, as you had finished your tasks rather quickly, so instead you were standing behind him with your arms around his waist. Your chin rested comfortably on his shoulder as you struggled to keep your eyes open. You hadn't slept much the night before because of a long day at work. Chan decided that this meant that you should be rewarded with pancakes for breakfast.
"I never said you couldn't," you muttered. "But I don't want to risk it and lose pancakes."
Chan pouted and flipped the pancake with the spatula. Before, he would've made a mess of the kitchen trying to prove you wrong - but now he followed your orders like a loyal puppy. The power that good sex and cuddles could have over a man. You looked at him with an amused smile.
"Are you pouting?" you asked.
"Maybe," he muttered.
"You're kidding..." You scoffed. "That's not going to change my mind."
He didn't stop pouting. You let go of him to stand beside him, getting a better look of his face. His eyebrows were knitted together in focus, and the pout was unmoving. As he poured more pancake mix into the pan, he finally noticed you staring.
"What?" he asked.
"You're actually pouting about not being able to flip pancakes!" You laughed.
"You pout all the time!" he accused. "And then you want me to find it cute! Why can't I do it!?"
"I don't pout!" You gasped.
Chan didn't respond, instead he put down the spatula and pulled out his phone. You watched as he went into his camera rolls. Pictures of pretty scenery, gym selfies, pictures of his friends, pictures of you... and more specifically: pictures of you pouting.
"You pout," he said, proudly showing off his proof..
You couldn't respond. There was no way to respond to this. You had been defeated. Chan laughed at you and put away his phone. The worst thing was that you couldn't help but to let a pout form on your lips. Chan cooed at you, and took your face in his hands to squeeze your cheeks. You made a mental note to start taking pictures of his embarrassing habits.
"It looks cute," he mutters and kisses your pout.
You avoided his gaze, and instead looked over at the stove. A lot of smoke was coming up from the pan, and the edges of the pancake looked burnt. You gasped and patted Chan's shoulder frantically.
"Chan, the pancakes!"
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pudding-cake · 9 months
2023.08.05 YIBO-OFFCIAL weibo update
26-year-old Yibo, hello~
The small numbers are updated again, carrying the growth and harvest of the past year, and also entrusting the hope and expectation for the new year.
This year, I often meet you on the screen, and you search up and down in breaking and reshaping, experience and perception. You bring the stories and life from afar to the audience. Three movies were released one after another, with Mr. Ye, Lei Yu and Chen Shuo appearing one after another. The stubborn figure who worked hard day and night at that time also received the best response at the moment. Perhaps those times of struggle will be sealed by each character, but the insights accumulated through persistent learning and the experience of experiencing the growth of life with heart will definitely have echoes that will never be forgotten outside the screen.
In this year, you gradually learn to relax and face the world more and more gently. You are willing to look at the stars during the rush, to watch a downpour in the afternoon, to quietly look at the distant horizon, and to stop for a beautiful sunset. Time does not have a pause button, but you seem to have mastered the password for the occasional pause in this world, and you greet and touch the world with your calmness. Yibo, the sunset is very beautiful, just like every evening you used to focus on moving forward but didn't have time to appreciate it.
On your journey of life, you will naturally have to overcome ups and downs and thorns, and it is difficult to describe the details in detail, just like crossing ten thousand mountains and facing thousands of waves, youthful spirit without regrets. Fortunately, there are a lot of gifts along the way, and there are often good teachers and helpful friends, fans and friends who support me. There are always expectations and a lot of harvest.
I always say "everything is cool, grow up slowly", in fact, there is a second half of this sentence, that is - traverse the wonderful, embrace the beautiful.
26-year-old @ UNIQ-王一博 Happy birthday! 💚
I wish you can create your own playground in this wonderful world and have a more enthusiastic new year!
Trans: bjyxiao
Oweemjiii Happy birthday Yeebs. That bday wish from a certain staff is so dam sweet
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midnightfms · 3 months
who are your most wanted faces? i'm having a hard time thinking of one for my muse 😩 any gender is fine since i don't have those details worked out yet.
why do i feel this so hard ;_; but omg yes of course!
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for most wanted females, i'd love to see kiss of life's julie han, loossemble's park chaewon (gowon), actress + after school's im jinah, everglow's park jiwon (e:u), soloist lee chaerin (cl), weki meki's kim doyeon, le sserafim's miyawaki sakura, soloist you dayeon, twice's myoui mina, actress mild lapassalan jiravechsoontornkul + soloist kim taeyeon! as for most wanted males, ateez's kang yeosang, cix's kim seunghoon, onf's mizuguchi yuto (u), actor dai gao zheng, 2pm's lee junho, sf9's yoo taeyang, oneus' lee keonhee, riize's osaki shotaro, soloist christian yu, actor suppasit mew jongcheveevat, enhypen's lee heeseung, cravity's allen ma, txt's choi soobin, actor + uniq's wang yibo + got7's mark tuan!
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uniqpathlab3434 · 4 months
Navigating the Importance of Diabetes Testing in Noida: UniQ Path Labs.
In the dynamic metropolis of Noida, where lifestyles shift at breakneck speed, prioritizing health is critical. Diabetes stands out among the many health issues. 
This essay, carefully created by UniQ Path Labs' experienced content writers, looks into the critical relevance of a Diabetes Test in Noida. 
Let's look at why this test is an essential element of your regular health check-ups.
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Why Choose a Diabetes Test in Noida?
Choosing a Diabetes Test in Noida is a proactive step towards personalized treatment and early diagnosis. It provides personalized health insights, acting as a compass for a healthy future. Choose this test—a path of empowerment and knowledge to shape a better future.
1. Proactive Prevention for a Healthier Tomorrow
Unraveling the mystery of diabetes in its early phases is like steering a ship through turbulent waters. Consider your health to be the vessel, with frequent diabetes testing serving as a watchful lighthouse to guide you through dangerous storms. 
This proactive strategy serves as your shield, allowing for prompt interventions and enabling you to steer toward a healthy future. 
It's not only about early detection; it's the strategic plan that allows you to make lifestyle changes or begin on drug trips quickly, avoiding possible issues like a seasoned captain navigating perilous waters. 
In this proactive dance with health, each test is a step towards a smoother journey, ensuring you're steering a robust and healthy vessel.
2. Crafting Tailored Treatment Plans for Your Unique Needs
Consider your health to be a canvas, with a Diabetes Test in Noida serving as the brushstroke that adds clarity to the painting. 
Aside from establishing the existence of diabetes, this test is an artist's palette, showing subtle details such as the kind and severity of the disease. 
It's the art of comprehension, the key to developing personalized treatment regimens customized to each individual's specific requirements. 
Healthcare specialists use these insights to build therapies that resonate with your health's particular rhythm, much as an artist chooses certain colors and strokes for a custom piece of art. 
This personalized method converts diabetes management into a tailored experience, with each plan as unique as the person for whom it is built.
3. Holistic Risk Assessment: Mitigating Factors Before They Escalate
Consider your health to be a fragile ecosystem, with a Diabetes Test in Noida serving as the careful guardian to maintain its equilibrium.
 Certain variables, such as family history, sedentary habits, and dietary choices, cause subtle waves that may disrupt this homeostasis. 
The mindful surveyor does regular testing to proactively examine these risk factors before they become severe health risks. It's similar to predicting a storm and preparing your health for anticipated obstacles. 
This comprehensive risk assessment serves as an umbrella, protecting you from the rain of prospective health concerns and enabling you to take appropriate action to reduce them. 
It converts health management into a strategic game in which awareness is the essential player and the Diabetes Test serves as a fortification to ensure a robust and vibrant health environment.
When to Consider a Diabetes Test?
Imagine your body as a storyteller, delivering signals about its health. A Diabetes Test in Noida interprets these cues: continuous thirst, unexplained weight loss, increased appetite, or weariness. 
It's like reading your body's journal; if it tells a story, it's time for a crucial Diabetes Test. Consult with healthcare providers to uncover the storyline of your health story, assuring a narrative of awareness, understanding, and proactive treatment.
How Uniq Path Labs Ensure Your Well-being?
Consider your body to be a skilled storyteller, whispering stories of its well-being with subtle suggestions. Assume the Diabetes Test in Noida is the insightful translator, decoding these signals—chronic thirst, unexplained weight loss, increased appetite, or persistent exhaustion. 
It's like flipping through the pages of your body's journal, with each symptom telling a tale. When these suggestions come together to form a story, it serves as a prompt for a crucial Diabetes Test. 
It's more than just a test; it's about working with healthcare experts to uncover the intriguing tale of your health story. 
This guarantees that your narrative is one of attentiveness, comprehension, and proactive care—a story tailored to a healthy and flourishing self.
Health is essential in Noida's fast-paced environment, and the Diabetes Test from Uniq Path Labs may help. Each test is a note in our well-being symphony, guiding us forward to a better future. 
It elevates healthcare to the level of an art form, creating personalized strategies for each individual's requirements. The Diabetes Test acts as a watchdog, ensuring balance via proactive risk assessment and strengthening our health environment. 
This joint melody of awareness and care wraps up our body's story, assuring a robust, thriving self in the brilliant symphony of health.
Engaging FAQ’s
1. Can lifestyle changes alone prevent diabetes?
Adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and keeping a healthy weight, may dramatically lower your chance of having diabetes.
2. How often should I undergo a diabetes test?
It is recommended that you take a diabetes test once a year, particularly if you have a family history of diabetes or live an unhealthy lifestyle.
3. Are there different types of diabetes?
Indeed, there are two main types: Type 1, which is commonly diagnosed in infancy, and Type 2, which is more prevalent in adults and is often associated with lifestyle issues.
4. Can diabetes be managed without medication?
While lifestyle changes may assist control of diabetes, medication is often required and should be recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
5. Is the Diabetes Test painful?
The Diabetes Test is a straightforward blood test, with minimum pain. UniQ Path Labs' knowledgeable team guarantees a pleasant and stress-free testing experience.
More Information:- 
Business Name:- UniQ Path Labs
Address:- B-7, First Floor, Sector 2, Near Sector 15 metro station, Noida, 201301
Visit :-https://shorturl.at/qvGU8
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stellarflex · 9 months
Yibo-Official Weibo update 230815
"Learning"; "practicing"; "practicing" all the time; "practicing" non-stop!
Fine grinding, depicting details. Chen Shuo@UNIQ-王一博 "Dancing" advanced keyword: practice!
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noramoya · 10 months
The comment I’m passing here is from a reader of the fanfic “https://archiveofourown.org/works/20473640
Comment by fanfic3112 : “
“I adored the chapter and they were sooooo perfect! I love the characters who played Wei and Lan Zhan in untamed and now through this story I couldn't help imaging them in perfect detail! Have you seen the harpers bizarre photo shoot they did or tegu figwort shot that Wei dud with his hair wet and tossed in leather and sun glasses? Or the really gritty shoot they dud in Thailand with red land gold lighting and all dark and shadowy and wang yibo (Lan Zhan) looking just hit as fuck. Wang yibo is so much like Lan Zhan in so many what's with the lack of being bake to match his facial gestures to the hot, quirky, grungy, street punk and sometimes even just cute dance moves but in those photo shoots he just came alive in them. He said he really didn't have very look facial muscles especially around his mouth and so really had to work hard to let his emotions well up in his chest send shine through his eyes but to do the subtle facial moves of Lan Zhan he actually used chop stuck to do exercises to develop more facial movement around hugs mouth sync jaw and I was like damn those chop sticks worked not only on his character in the film but in all of those photo shoots. He definitely got that sexy slow bedroom neck role and looking all sexy under his lashes thing going on. Both him and Wei were yummy you could almost lick then off the screens in the photo shoots. When wang yibo dances he is clearly so single minded and focused and likes all eyes on him because he knows he's so good and that when you get to see something in him behind his sometimes shy or quiet or move stoic look...you get to see what you hit across in one live in this story "I hope Wei appreciates that he is the only person I would ever kneel to. Lan Zhan knows he's capable and tough as shit and revered and try's to distance himself from being smug or prideful but you still see it on his face. Even when wang yibo smilies or laughs in videos he still Cary's this certain Lan zhan quality in his eyes (that constipated bitch face look I love!) but he scan defiantly smilie big when he us with Wei and they were goofing off but it's like over the course of filming he brought wang yibos smiles out more and more but even then after each one you usually see himself looking embassies or self conscious cause he's smirking or embarrassed yes smiling. They were so cute in this story and in untamed!
Yeah seeing untamed added a whole other dimension to the anime, manga, novel translation to me and the characters themselves. Then for the first time I found myself really engrossed in the kazillion bits of social media on them. What interests me so much is how Chinese anime, manga, novels and china itself in terms of history and landscape, Vern the music of Chiba that has that transitional feel used in untamed but also current the music of current bands like the characters who play Wei and Lan Zhan come from (uniq and xnine) but particularly the live wuxian, costume and historical drama. It's so interesting looking at why the whole founder of diabolism package basically opened up china to the world in ways I wonder if even they realize. Up until this last year I had never heard of, nor thought or or gone looking for Chinese anime, live drams, manga or Annie and I've held Annie clubs at middle and high schools abc libraries and taught anime drawing. Korean manga and some anime really only started becoming plentiful over the last two years and it had to do with a change in their laws. The whole china xlposiin of interest and more things showing up and getting dubbed has just blown up. There has to be more still the bottom of it than founder of diabolism had a better marketing plan and used social media better or that it all was just really good BL content although those things are definitely true. I can honestly say there's never been another star ir show from china I could name except the ones now from untamed. And it's not just here in the US, it's in Thailand, Dubai, Japan and multiple countries. It's like china is making itself more known but in a back door soft approach and they chose a BL wuxian drama with some hit young Chinese actors to do it with. Just watching the evolution of the two main characters I have found just as interesting. They have just flooded Twitter Facebook and utube bad from a foreign country that us hard yo get much content out there so it all appears to be licensed and apparently nothing happens in china in terms of film, TV or anime without the government abc the censorship board approving it. I love that untamed actually showed the beautiful scenery and landscape that is reflected in the art work. I always find it interesting how things like this can attract so many people and how the impact can ripple to other areas like tourism dollars, increased fame and money and more opportunities for the actors and writers. I love that but also just find it interesting. On a video Xiao Zhan (Wei) said "it kind of frightens me. I'm trying to stay just me and figure the storm will die down soon but I was really in the past kind of nobody and no one paid much attention to me. Now I've got friends everywhere and they all say they like me but I know that can just disappear anytime so I'm just trying to take the opportunities that come because of the popularity now. I'm prepared to fall back to being nobody again when the tine comes." Which sounded and looked so heartfelt. The interviewer had asked what he thought about all the fans in multiple countries he has now and that was his answer. In the past you just didn't see a zillion twitter comment, Facebook comments and tons if utube vid ribs with interviews and every aspect of their lives shown and tons of cool photo shoots and videos shot all subtitled in multiple languages. In the very recent past there wouldn't be most of that stuff and if you did come across it there wouldn't be subtitles and much of it would be blocked on utube. Of what I did see it just wasn't that good as untamed is. For me it's soldo that they deprecated the characters so well and both seem to be so interesting in their careers compared to America actors and stars. I have a friend that used to like watching the kardashians and I never really got how that was interesting but Xiao Zhan and wang yibo have become my kardashians and now I get why other people found them interesting!”
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onsunnyside · 2 years
my fav hcv series are ari ransom andy curtis and steve I love them all btw but these guys are so uniq and weird for me btw readers are very different and intense specially starlet and casanova tehehhe love them all but starlet is something else and I wonder about ransom’s girl character and story to
thank you very much friend !! Hehe I love starlet too, but I’m also a sucker for backstories so Casanova’s has to be my fave !! (Controlling frat president Andy getting a sorority closed just bc she was being ‘badly influenced’ ?? MHM GIVE ME ALL THE DETAILS)
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
wang yibo - war of faith weibo update
Chief director @姚小峰started the boasting mode and frequently made @UNIQ-王一博laugh . The two of them collectively incarnated and paid close attention to details. Wang Yibo conveyed the subtle emotions one by one and became the trend-chasing boy "Wei Ruolai".
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mogulinterior · 8 days
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whatiscalligraphy · 26 days
DIY Calligraphy Projects: Fun and Easy!
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DIY Calligraphy Projects: Unleash Your Creativity with These Fun and Easy Ideas!
Welcome to the world of DIY calligraphy projects! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced calligrapher, exploring these fun and easy projects will unleash your creativity and impress everyone with your skills. In this section, we will guide you through various DIY calligraphy projects, from creating beautiful calligraphy greeting cards to making your own homemade calligraphy ink. Get ready to embark on a creative journey that will leave you inspired and proud of your creations. Key Takeaways: - DIY calligraphy projects are a great way to express yourself creatively and showcase your calligraphy skills. - From calligraphy greeting cards to homemade calligraphy ink, there are plenty of fun and easy projects to explore. - Create personalized and impressive gifts with your calligraphy skills. - DIY calligraphy projects offer endless opportunities for practicing and honing your skills. - Let your creativity shine as you embark on the world of DIY calligraphy.
Calligraphy Wall Art: Add a Touch of Elegance to Your Home
Spruce up your home decor with stunning calligraphy wall art. Use your calligraphy skills to create personalized pieces that add a touch of elegance to any room. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced calligrapher, this DIY project allows you to showcase your creativity and artistic flair. With calligraphy wall art, you have the freedom to choose your favorite quotes, meaningful words, or even names and initials to create unique and personalized designs. The beauty of calligraphy lies in its versatility, allowing you to experiment with different lettering styles, colors, and layouts to suit your aesthetic preferences. One popular idea is to create calligraphy canvases featuring wedding vows or special quotes that hold sentimental value. These pieces make for beautiful displays in bedrooms or living rooms, reminding you and your loved ones of cherished memories and values. Another creative use for calligraphy wall art is to design DIY wedding invitations. Incorporating your calligraphy skills into your wedding invites adds a personal touch and sets a tone of elegance for your special day. Your guests will be impressed by the attention to detail and the thoughtfulness reflected in your hand-lettered invitations. For additional creative inspiration, you can also make calligraphy gift tags using your calligraphy skills. Whether you're wrapping presents for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions, adding a calligraphy gift tag instantly elevates the presentation and shows the recipient that you went the extra mile. Table: Calligraphy Wall Art Ideas Calligraphy Wall Art Ideas Description Personalized Quote Canvases Create custom canvases with your favorite quotes and phrases to showcase in your home. Wedding Vow Art Design beautiful calligraphy pieces featuring your wedding vows or special quotes to commemorate your special day. DIY Wedding Invitations Incorporate calligraphy into your wedding invitations to add a touch of elegance and personalization. Calligraphy Gift Tags Create unique gift tags using calligraphy to enhance the presentation of your gifts.
Hand-Lettered T-Shirts and Customized Calligraphy Mugs: Wear Your Calligraphy
Take your calligraphy skills beyond paper and create wearable art. Design hand-lettered T-shirts that showcase your unique calligraphy style. Choose your favorite quotes, phrases, or names to create personalized designs that reflect your personality. Whether you want to make a fashion statement or give a one-of-a-kind gift, hand-lettered T-shirts are a creative and stylish option.
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Customized calligraphy mugs are another fantastic way to wear your calligraphy. Personalize your own mugs with beautifully hand-lettered names, monograms, or inspiring messages. Each time you sip your favorite hot beverage, you'll be reminded of the artistry and creativity behind your unique creation. Customized calligraphy mugs also make thoughtful gifts for birthdays, weddings, or any special occasion. Create Stunning Calligraphy Place Cards Calligraphy place cards add an elegant touch to any event or gathering. Whether you're hosting a wedding, dinner party, or corporate event, beautifully hand-lettered place cards are sure to impress your guests. Use your calligraphy skills to create intricate designs or opt for a simple and classic style. Each guest will feel special and appreciated as they find their assigned seat with a personalized calligraphy place card.
Handmade Calligraphy Bookmarks and Journal Covers: Combine Art and Functionality
Take your calligraphy skills to the next level by creating unique and personalized handmade calligraphy bookmarks and journal covers. These projects not only allow you to showcase your creative style but also combine art with functionality. Handmade Calligraphy Bookmarks With handmade calligraphy bookmarks, you can add a touch of elegance to your reading experience. Use your calligraphy skills to create beautiful designs on high-quality paper or cardstock. Personalize each bookmark with inspiring quotes, intricate patterns, or even names. You can also experiment with adding decorative elements such as ribbons, tassels, or charms to make your bookmarks even more special. Handmade calligraphy bookmarks are perfect for avid readers or as thoughtful gifts for book lovers. They not only serve as placeholders but also add a touch of sophistication to any book. You can create a set of bookmarks to match different genres or themes, allowing you to customize your reading experience. Calligraphy Journal Covers Transform your ordinary journals into works of art with customized calligraphy covers. Whether you're journaling for personal reflection, taking notes, or sketching, adding a calligraphy cover can elevate the entire experience. Design a cover that represents your unique style and personality. Use calligraphy to write inspiring quotes, personal mantras, or even your name. Experiment with different calligraphy styles, colors, and embellishments to create a cover that truly stands out. A handmade calligraphy journal cover not only protects your journal but also provides a beautiful visual representation of your thoughts and ideas. It adds a personal touch to your writing and serves as a constant source of inspiration. "Handmade calligraphy bookmarks and journal covers allow you to combine art and functionality, making them perfect for both personal use and gifting." - Calligraphy enthusiast
Calligraphy on Canvas Bags and Fabric: Wearable Art and Home Decor
Expand your calligraphy skills beyond paper and incorporate them into wearable art and stylish home decor. By adding calligraphy to canvas bags and fabric, you can create unique and personalized accessories that showcase your creative flair. Additionally, experimenting with calligraphy on fabric allows you to incorporate it into your home decor, adding a touch of elegance to any space. Calligraphy on Canvas Bags: With calligraphy, you can transform ordinary canvas bags into personalized accessories that make a statement. Whether you're carrying groceries or heading to the beach, a calligraphy-designed bag adds a touch of style and uniqueness to your look. Create your own calligraphy design using fabric markers or paint, or explore online marketplaces for pre-designed calligraphy bags that suit your taste and personality. Calligraphy on Fabric: Take your home decor to the next level by incorporating calligraphy on fabric. Design personalized throw pillows, wall hangings, or even table runners with beautiful calligraphy designs. Use fabric paint or markers to create your own calligraphy masterpiece, or consider using iron-on transfers for a professional-looking finish. Whether you prefer bold and modern or elegant and delicate calligraphy, there are endless possibilities to explore. Table: Comparing Different Techniques for Calligraphy on Canvas Bags Technique Pros Cons Hand-painted - Allows for complete customization - Can achieve intricate details - Requires a steady hand and precision - Time-consuming process Fabric markers - Easy to use and control - Quick drying time - Limited color options - May fade or wash off over time Iron-on transfers - Provides a professional-looking finish - Easy to apply - Limited design options - Requires access to a printer or transfer paper Captivate others with your creative calligraphy skills by incorporating it into your accessories and home decor. Whether you choose to create personalized canvas bags or add calligraphy to fabric items, you'll be able to wear your art and bring a touch of elegance to your living space.
Hand-Lettered Quotes and Calligraphy Birthday Cards: Spread Joy with Your Words
Spread joy and inspiration with hand-lettered quotes and calligraphy birthday cards. With your calligraphy skills, you have the power to create meaningful and personalized messages that will brighten someone's day. Whether you want to uplift the spirits of a loved one or convey your heartfelt wishes on their special day, hand-lettered quotes and calligraphy birthday cards are the perfect way to do it. Imagine the smile on their face when they receive a beautifully crafted card, adorned with elegant calligraphy and a heartfelt message. Your words will have a lasting impact and create a cherished memory. It's a wonderful opportunity to showcase your creativity and showcase the power of calligraphy in conveying emotions. In addition to spreading joy through handwritten quotes and birthday cards, calligraphy can also find its place in scrapbooking. Scrapbooking is a creative way to preserve memories and capture life's special moments. By incorporating calligraphy into your scrapbook pages, you can add a unique touch that enhances the visual appeal and tells the story behind each photograph. Whether it's a heartfelt quote, a date, or a personalized caption, calligraphy in scrapbooking adds a touch of elegance and creativity to your cherished memories. The art of calligraphy allows you to spread joy and happiness with your words. Hand-lettered quotes and calligraphy birthday cards have a personal touch that goes beyond ordinary greetings. Whether it's a thoughtful quote or a heartfelt message, the beauty of calligraphy brings an extra layer of meaning and sophistication. So, whether you're crafting hand-lettered quotes, creating calligraphy birthday cards, or exploring calligraphy in scrapbooking, embrace the beauty of calligraphy and let your words bring joy to others. The Power of Hand-Lettered Quotes Hand-lettered quotes have a way of capturing the essence of a thought or feeling. They can inspire, motivate, and evoke emotions. With calligraphy, these quotes come to life, transforming simple words into stunning works of art. Whether you want to create wall art, gift tags, or even personal mantras, hand-lettered quotes allow you to make a statement and share your unique perspective with the world. Personalized Calligraphy Birthday Cards A calligraphy birthday card is more than just a piece of paper; it's a heartfelt expression of love and celebration. By adding your calligraphy skills to the mix, you can create one-of-a-kind birthday cards that truly stand out. From elegant script to playful designs, your calligraphy will make the recipient feel special and appreciated on their big day. Reasons to Use Hand-Lettered Quotes and Calligraphy Birthday Cards Benefits Expressing emotions Conveys heartfelt messages in a unique and personal way Showcasing creativity Allows you to showcase your artistic skills and create beautiful, customized designs Creating memorable experiences Makes the recipient feel special and creates lasting memories Spreading joy and inspiration Brings happiness and motivation to the recipient
Calligraphy on Glass Jars and Candles: Add a Touch of Elegance to Your Home Decor
If you're looking to elevate the ambiance of your home decor, consider adding calligraphy to glass jars and candles. This simple yet elegant touch can transform ordinary items into unique pieces that catch the eye and create a soothing atmosphere. When it comes to calligraphy on glass jars, the possibilities are endless. You can write meaningful quotes, names, or even draw intricate designs that reflect your personal style. Whether you use them as decorative storage jars or as candle holders, the calligraphy adds a touch of sophistication and beauty to any space. Similarly, incorporating calligraphy on candles can create a stunning centerpiece or accent piece for your home. Write words like "love," "serenity," or "harmony" to infuse positive energy into your environment. Alternatively, you can personalize candles with names or special dates for a thoughtful and unique gift idea. "The beauty of calligraphy on glass jars and candles lies in its simplicity. It's a versatile way to add elegance to your home decor and create a serene ambiance." - Home Decor Enthusiast Table: Examples of Calligraphy on Glass Jars and Candles Glass Jars Candles Personalized storage jars for kitchen ingredients Customized scented candles for special occasions Unique bathroom storage jars with calligraphy labels Decorative pillar candles with calligraphy patterns Beautiful vases for fresh flowers with calligraphy details Rustic-style candles with handwritten quotes No matter how you choose to incorporate calligraphy on glass jars and candles, this simple addition will add an elegant and personal touch to your home decor. Let your creativity flow and enjoy the beauty and serenity that calligraphy brings to your living space.
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DIY Calligraphy Practice Sheets and Stencils: Hone Your Skills
As you continue to explore the world of DIY calligraphy, it's important to continuously practice and refine your skills. DIY calligraphy practice sheets and stencils are invaluable tools that can help you improve your technique and develop your own unique style. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced calligrapher, dedicating time to practice will take your skills to new heights. Creating your own DIY calligraphy practice sheets allows you to customize your practice sessions according to your specific needs. You can focus on letterforms, spacing, or even work on specific words or phrases. By practicing consistently, you'll build muscle memory and improve your precision and control. Remember to start with basic strokes and gradually move on to more complex letterforms. Another useful tool for honing your calligraphy skills is DIY calligraphy stencils. Stencils provide a guided framework for creating consistent and precise letterforms. You can create your own stencils using a stencil cutting tool or download printable stencil templates from online resources. Stencils are especially helpful for beginners who are still mastering letterforms and need assistance with consistency and alignment. DIY Calligraphy Practice Sheets Example: Letter Uppercase Lowercase A
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C https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl1VwEBJLh0 DIY Calligraphy Stencils Example: Here's an example of how you can use DIY calligraphy stencils to create beautiful designs on wooden plaques: "With a DIY calligraphy stencil and some acrylic paint, you can easily transform a plain wooden plaque into a personalized work of art. Simply secure the stencil onto the plaque, apply the paint using a brush or sponge, and carefully remove the stencil to reveal your calligraphy design. Allow the paint to dry completely before displaying your masterpiece." So, whether you choose to create your own DIY calligraphy practice sheets or use stencils, these tools will help you refine your skills and create stunning calligraphy pieces. Practice regularly, experiment with different styles, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of becoming a master of the art of calligraphy.
In conclusion, DIY calligraphy projects provide a fantastic opportunity to unleash your creativity and showcase your calligraphy skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced calligrapher, these projects offer a fun and fulfilling way to express yourself. From creating personalized gifts to adding a touch of elegance to your home decor, there is a wide range of possibilities for DIY calligraphy projects. You can explore calligraphy on glass jars, transforming them into beautiful and unique pieces that will enhance any space. Additionally, practicing your calligraphy skills is crucial for growth and improvement. Using calligraphy practice sheets allows you to hone your technique and develop your own signature style. Don't be afraid to experiment and push your boundaries. So, dive into the world of DIY calligraphy and let your creativity shine. Whether you're making personalized gifts or enhancing your home decor, these projects offer endless opportunities for self-expression and growth. Enjoy the journey!
Are these DIY calligraphy projects suitable for beginners? Absolutely! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned calligrapher, these projects are designed to be fun and easy to follow along, allowing you to unleash your creativity and improve your skills. What materials do I need for these DIY calligraphy projects? The materials you'll need will vary depending on the specific project, but some common items include calligraphy pens or brushes, ink or paint, paper or other surfaces, and any additional decorations or embellishments you'd like to add. Where can I find practice sheets and stencils for calligraphy? You can create your own practice sheets or find printable ones online. There are also many resources available for calligraphy stencils, which can be used to create beautiful designs on various surfaces. Can I personalize the DIY calligraphy projects for specific events or occasions? Absolutely! Read the full article
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stovebayno · 1 month
The Perfect Blend of Style and Functionality: Exploring Woodford Didsbury 5, Westfire Uniq, and Mendip Ashcott 4 7kw Stoves
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In the realm of home design and interior décor, few elements add as much charm and warmth as a beautifully crafted wood-burning stove. Not only do they provide an efficient source of heat, but they also serve as a focal point, enhancing the ambiance of any living space. Among the plethora of options available, three standout models – the Woodford Didsbury 5, Westfire Uniq, and Mendip Ashcott 4 7kw – have gained widespread acclaim for their exceptional quality and design.
At the forefront of innovation, the Woodford Didsbury 5 combines classic charm with modern functionality. Crafted with precision, this stove offers impressive heat output and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for both traditional and contemporary homes. Its sleek design and clean lines make a bold statement, effortlessly elevating any room's aesthetic appeal. Whether nestled in a cozy cottage or adorning a chic urban apartment, the Woodford Didsbury 5 adds a touch of elegance to any space.
Equally impressive is the Westfire Uniq – a masterpiece of Scandinavian design. Renowned for its minimalist aesthetic and exceptional performance, this stove embodies the perfect fusion of form and function. Engineered with precision, the Westfire Uniq boasts advanced combustion technology, ensuring maximum heat retention and minimal emissions. Its panoramic glass window offers a mesmerizing view of the dancing flames, creating a captivating focal point in any room. Whether installed in a modern loft or a rustic cabin, the westfire uniq exudes sophistication and style.
For those seeking a harmonious blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern innovation, the Mendip Ashcott 4 7kw stands out as an exemplary choice. Handcrafted with care, this stove features intricate detailing and superior quality materials, ensuring years of reliable performance. With its generous heat output and efficient combustion system, the mendip ashcott 4 7kw provides warmth and comfort, even in the coldest of winters. Its timeless design and versatile styling options make it a beloved centerpiece in any home, from quaint country cottages to contemporary townhouses.
When it comes to sourcing these premium stoves, discerning homeowners turn to StoveBay – a trusted provider of top-quality heating solutions. With an extensive range of products from leading brands like Woodford, Westfire, and Mendip, StoveBay offers unparalleled selection and expertise. Their team of knowledgeable professionals assists customers in finding the perfect stove to suit their unique needs and preferences. From initial consultation to installation and maintenance, StoveBay ensures a seamless experience, making the journey to a warmer, more inviting home effortless and enjoyable.
In conclusion, the Woodford Didsbury 5, Westfire Uniq, and Mendip Ashcott 4 7kw stoves represent the epitome of craftsmanship, style, and performance. Whether you prefer the classic charm of the Woodford, the contemporary elegance of the Westfire, or the timeless appeal of the Mendip, these stoves are sure to enhance your home's ambiance and comfort for years to come. And with StoveBay as your trusted partner, transforming your living space into a cozy retreat has never been easier.
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