#untamed reactions
drama--universe · 1 year
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Requested by anonymous: Hello! I see the requests are open again!💘 I hope you don't mind one from me: How would Wei Wuxian, Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Meng Yao, Wen Ning and Xiao Xingchen react to a woman being found running, injured and scared? Because it turns out that someone has sent assassins to the reader's family and the reader is the only one who manages to escape, but the assassins are still after her. What would they do? How would they help?😔😔😔
Pairing: the untamed boys x fem!reader
Warnings: blood, assassins
Wei Wuxian:
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he's just peacefully walking when he sees you
it's too late to move when he does, however
so you two collide quite painfully
he doesn't care much and instead asks if your okay
when you shake your head, he is also quick to worry
that's when he spots the blood that is splattered across your clothes
as well as the fresh cuts that lingered across your whole body
a sudden shout pulls both of you out of your thoughts
you hide behind Wuxian
he doesn't understand until he sees two men running towards the two of you
they're obviously assassins, their clothes say enough
so Wuxian pulls out his own sword while holding his other arm in front of you
maybe it's the fact that he's helping you or maybe just his aura, but you visibly relax
you aren't shaking much anymore, instead your just hidden now
although Wuxian can still hear he occasional sob or whimper from you
the two assassins are quickly disposed of by Wuxian
then he asks for more of an explanation
one your happy to give, telling him everything that came to mind as you retold what had happened
Wuxian takes you back to lotus pier so you're safe
and he'll surely help you find the actual culprit behind everything
Lan Zhan:
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the usual stroll with all the disciplines was quiet
a bit too quiet even
until you stumbled out of the bushes
your eyes are bloodshot from crying, your hair a mess from running through the branches and your clothes are covered in blood and mud
most disciplines step back so you don't dirty their white and blue clothes
only Lan Zhan steps forward
your quick to explain everything, words faster than Lan Zhan can process
he picks out the most important points of your story
which happen to be massacre and assassins
just as he figured it out, five men jump from out of the woods
their swords are drawn out
Lan Zhan orders the younger ones to take care of it
then he guides you away
you are worried for the younglings left behind to fight, Lan Zhan is not
he knows they'll take care of it
he goes to check on them once you're safe inside
takes care of you for a few months and teaches you to defend yourself
also makes sure that an investigation starts about the demise of your clan
Lan Xichen:
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you stumble to him around the time that he and Meng Yao are in hiding in the woods
you didn't know who either were, you only saw the house from afar
Xichen is kind enough to let you hide there from the assassins chasing you
they stick around for a few days, threatening him multiple times to tell them where you were
he always says the same
I don't know who you're looking for, but they're not here
stupidly enough, the assassins believe him after only 3 tries
you're just glad that they left
nonetheless, Xichen insists that you stay a bit longer
Meng Yao hasn't woken up yet and he's lonely
not that he says that to you, no
he just tells you that the assassins might still be near
which isn't a complete lie
Meng Yao:
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he doesn't usually involve himself in stuff that doesn't have a profit for him
he calculates everything that he does, to the finest details
It was a bit of a surprise when he catches you in the forest as your first meeting
you looked scared, terrified even
not of him, but rather of the men following you
three men, dressed in black
they scattered when one spotted Meng Yao
he was kind enough to bring you back to his place in the Nie palace
brews you some tea to calm you down and carefully listens to your story
he later brings it up to Nie Huaisang, who later says it to his elder brother
which is what Meng Yao wanted to begin with, but he didn't want to do so himself
you're welcomed with open arms by other clans, who all offer to rebuild your clan
Sending pupils your way once everything is in fact rebuild
you can't get your savior out of your mind, you owned him your life
so you granted him anything that he wanted, whenever
he gladly took the offer, but claimed that he didn't want too ask for to much
at the end of this whole ordeal, Meng Yao was glad that he sent those assassins your way
Wen Ning:
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he was practicing in the woods
he missed the target and was quite surprised when he heard a loud yelp
you came from the bushes, running through the river and one man followed
his arrow stuck in the stranger's shoulder
he doesn't really know what to do, freezing as you approached him
luckily for him, the other man doesn't continue after spotting him
you were quick to thank him for shooting the assassin behind you
to which Wen Ning shyly admitted that it wasn't intentional at all
you stare at him for a few seconds before bursting into giggles
he only looked down to the ground in embarrassment
but even with the embarrassment, he manages to stutter out that you should join him for dinner and get treated by his sister
you graciously accept his offer
his sister is very kind throughout the process of stitching and cleaning your wounds
all the while Wen Ning continues to stare your way
he wonders what happened to you
but he doesn't have to wonder for long as his sister asks
and you start to explain, the tears that started forming were clear to see
Wen Ning almost wanted to cry as well, the story sounded a bit too close to his own situation after all
which is why he convinces his sister to let you stay
before begging you to stay around with the promise that he'd take care of you
and that he does
Xiao Xingchen:
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the street was empty, which is why it was so obvious that something was wrong with you
you were running on the street, a panicked look on your face
you tripped not far from him, in arms reach and Xingchen looks at you
he wasn't sure what to do at first, his heart said yes but his head said to not involve himself
his heart won when he saw a few men approaching, dressed in black and clearly there to kill you
his sword was pulled as he stood before you, staring at the man with a glare
the fight doesn't take long, the men are dead after only 10 minutes
while Xingchen cleans his sword, you were quick to get up and thank him
he doesn't say much, instead he just shortly nods before walking away
not expecting you to follow him
you do though, asking him if it was okay to stay as you feared to be alone
he accept the offer or at least until you reached a clan that would protect you
which takes a few weeks and he hates to admit that he's grown attached to you
he hoped you'd stay by his side, but you chose not to
instead, you plan to rebuild your own clan
but you make sure to tell him that he's always welcome to visit
he never gets said opportunity
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melonnade · 2 months
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joked about this a while back and finally decided to make an edit
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 6 months
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duohensheng · 12 days
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hey wwx! it’s terrible that people keep bringing up your parents to undermine you and your accomplishments. i totally understand why it makes you lose it
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and it’s terrible to see it happen to someone else in front of you. you’d never use their birth against someone in return, right? far less joke about their reaction? right?
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sonik-kun · 5 months
"Jiang Cheng would have been involved in the attack on the Burial Mounds even without the death of sister"
For context, this all takes place AFTER JZX was killed. From JC's pov that was all 100% WWX's fault (bear in mind, WWX does have some culpability with his death. He lost control because of his unrestrained resentment for JZX. Sooo).
Was JC not supposed to do anything? Just sit there and twiddle his thumbs? Object to the siege entirely, perhaps? How do you think that would have looked to the rest of the CW? It would have been very suspicious if he didn't take part in eliminating a potential threat to the CW. Especially when said threat was once a part of his sect and KILLED his brother in law. Wouldn't they think it is strange that he refused to take part and get revenge on behalf of his sister??
If he did object or refused to take part, the rest of the CW would have grown even more suspicious of him. And the Jiang sect would have had a huuuuuuge target on their backs next. Especially giving how power hungry the Jins were becoming.
It was a very difficult situation he was put in. Not one he could easily talk his way out of. We've seen him try to numerous times even before things escalated to vouch for WWX and even once for the Wen siblings. And we all saw how that went down. Do you seriously think he could talk his way out of this one? After a sect heir had been slaughtered by his former SiC? Come on now.
All of this is why we see JC desparing so much because he is watching his brother spiral and spiral, and all he can do is watch on helplessly, for it is beyond his power to save him.
WWX kept so much from JC. He sided with the sect that almost wiped out his own and then goes on to inadvertently kill his brother in law. How do you think that must have looked to JC? How JC must have felt?? Let's be real here and look at things from his pov. Because I feel as though some of yall are failing to do so.
To JC, WWX had become unhinged and out of control. But even after the death of JZX, JC still seemed to desperately hold onto hope for his brother. He exclaims when he's holding his dying sister in his arms, "I thought you said you could control it?!"
That says to me that JC had faith in his brother that he could fix all this up until JYL was caught up in it all.
If you look at things from JC's pov, you'll see how bad things looked for WWX. How culpable he appeared throughout it all. And when you take that into consideration and realise that JC doesn't have all the information we as the reader are privileged to have, we can easily see why he came to such a conclusion.
It was either WWX or the lives of hundreds in his sect. JC chose to protect the many. And that doesn't make him a terrible person. Nor does it make him a terrible brother. He did all he could for WWX. But to him, WWX had made his bed, and so he should lay in it.
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starrywangxian · 5 months
happy international hot and spicy food day to wei wuxian
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(Image Description: The cover art for the extra episode Glutinous Rice Congee from the Chinese MDZS audio drama drawn in a cute simplistic comic style. There are two rows of tables with characters sat at it with Wei Wuxian in the bottom left hand corner. The character in the back row to the left is Lan Qiren. He is red in the face covering his mouth with red liquid around his fingers and his hand is slamming against the table holding a sign that reads zero in Hanzi (零). Lan Wangji is next to him in the back row in the middle. He is sipping on a bowl with a small amount of red liquid dripping over the top of the bowl, his eats are red and a bead of sweat is on his right cheek. He is gripping a sign that has the Hanzi for ten (拾). In the table in front of him has a plack with his name written on it like he's a judge in a contest. Next to him in the back row on the right end of the table is Jiang Cheng. He is looking at Lan Wangji to his left with a look of disbelief and much judgement (typical jc behaviour). He's holding a sign that says the Hanzi for the number three (叁). In the front row to the left is Lan Jingyi. His tongue is out and he is red in the face and on his ears. He is looking very worriedly at Lan Qiren. On the table in front of him is a bowl of red glutinous rice congee with a soup in the bowl and a little of the liquid has spilled onto the table. He has a name plack in front of him too and he's holding a sign that has the number one in Hanzi (壹) on it. Lan Sizhui is sat next to him in the front row to the right. He has a slight blush on his cheeks and ears. His mouth is open in an O shape and he's looking at Lan Qiren. On the table in front of him is a bowl of the glutinous rice congee and he has a name plack. He's holding a sign in his left hand with the number eight in Hanzi (捌) on it. Wei Wuxian is in the bottom left hand corner smiling with his eyes closed holding a big steaming pot of glutinous rice congee with cloth to act as oven gloves. Rising from the pot is a mist of red and little stars. He has a slight blush to his cheeks and he's wearing a pink-ish white bandana on his head. There is a little heart to the right of him <3)
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mushroomwriter · 1 year
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gh0st-0f-luke · 1 month
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nine excerpts from my ~completed~ tgcf/mdzs worst cooks in america au 💖
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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shitpost dispatches from the unclean realm - why kill your darlings when you can just fuck them instead edition
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soph-skies · 4 months
i have reached the infamous ep 25 wwx archery scene and i have ascended. this is the hottest thing this man has done to date,,, dare i say the hottest thing done by any man ever?? righteous fury at people being mistreated leading to an incredible feat of blindfolded archery to save their lives??? he is the perfect man
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drama--universe · 1 year
Lie Detector Curse
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Requested by anonymous: Hi, I picked up some idea from the foreign stories and came up with an idea for a request: How would Meng Yao, Lan Zhan, Zewu Jun and Wen Ning react to a reader who has something like a ''useful'' curse? Anyone near the reader lies, gets caught, gets hit out of thin air, has colored hair, longer nails, or has a colored aura around them...how would they react to a reader with this curse? Would they appreciate it or take it badly? Thx!
Pairing: Untamed boys x reader
Warnings: none, I think
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Lan Zhan:
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You can see auras of people
which leads to being able to see if they're dangerous or not
and also when someone is truthful or not
Lan Zhan is concerned about this
and honestly, I think he'd take it badly
because he thinks that you sacrificed something to gain such powers
it's not every day that you meet someone that can sense if someone is lying or not by seeing auras
it isn't until you explain that you had been cursed by someone else, that he somehow feels better about your powers
not fine really, because you still got cursed
he doesn't worry about them perse, he never lies
but he surely will ask for your help with some of his work that includes socializing with people
he's not good with people
and they tend to lie to him when he asks questions
and thus you follow
it makes his life much easier
and his journeys significantly shortens in time
so it definitely grows on him after time
just give him awhile
Lan Xichen:
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your hair changes color depending on who you talk to
it depends on emotions
red for anger, blue for sadness, yellow for happiness, green for envy and black for nothing
but when someone lies, it turns to white
Lan Xichen definitely finds it peculiar
he isn't sure what to think
even after an explanation
he's mortified that someone would curse a child, mostly
he, honestly, finds it a bit funny at times
because you can't fully control it
which means that your hair changes at any time
even if you're talking to someone you barely know
and they always tend to run off after
he tries his best to hide his smile
but he's always quick to make sure that you don't take it to heart
he usually doesn't ask for your help regarding your curse/gift
only when it is absolutely necessary
which is often only when you jump in on your own accord
he's one of the four who really wouldn't care much in the end
Meng Yao:
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you're a bit like Wen Ning
your appearance changes and your eyes turn black when someone near you is dangerous or lying
(you change immediately when you see him)
nonetheless, he never really lies to you
he learns that your powers don't take in account when he just leaves certain things out to avoid the actual truth
he finds a way to use your power for his benefit
because it makes his plans easier
he asks questions to people while you hide away
you can later tell him if it was the truth or a lie
he enjoys your powers to the fullest and you know this
hence why you stay by his side
because other people get frightened when they see you
Meng Yao never asks how you got your powers
because he honestly doesn't care
he's not here to be your best friend, he just needs your powers
when you couldn't help him out, he'll discard of you
maybe not, if you're lucky
Wen Ning:
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your powers basically flip a person upside down if they lie
you can control it, you just have to look at the person as they talk
they lie?
they get thrown in the air and hung upside down
it isn't pleasant
you often don't look at people because of it
until you meet Wuxian
who loves it and lies on purpose
through him, you meet Wen Ning
who loves to see another person like him
he's practically a puppy as he talks to you
if he had a tail, it would be wagging left and right
always smiling near you
doesn't dare to lie, not that he ever would lie to begin with
he gets you more comfortable with eye contact again
soon enough you hold eye contact with everyone again
(Wuxian loves watching as you talk, waiting for someone to flip up again)
Wen Ning is just glad that you can go back to "normal"
at least conversation wise
he'd also make sure that you don't hate your gift
he calls it a gift, even if you don't agree fully
because he feels like it is a part of you and you can't hate yourself
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chnqin · 10 months
Please feel free to explain your reasoning in the tags/comments and what you think they'd go to jail for.
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mrcformoso · 5 months
I can finally reveal my MDZS Secret Santa 2023 fic!
My giftee asked for heavy angst with a happy ending and I wrote this through tears to deliver! Please read tags and warnings because this fic deals with heavy issues in canon.
Wei Ying always said he has a terrible memory, but the truth was that he was very, very good at packing away the most horrible parts of his life into a closet at the very back of his mind and shrouding it in the dark. Forgetting became a habit. It was the way he preserved his sanity. It was the way he maintained his faith in his peers.
But when a night hunt went wrong, and those memories were released, it is up to his family and closest loved ones to take the burden of his memories, lest Wei Ying implodes in his own grief.
If they can handle it.
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touchlikethesun · 12 days
not nie huaisang laughing approvingly as ouyang zizhen weasles his way out of getting disciplined by his dad game recognises game smooth talkers recognise smooth talkers
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devotedly-a-bug · 2 years
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Oh if only she knew how this was just the beginning of Song Lan's problems
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Yes yes body horror and Becoming The Monster as in Losing Oneself and the grotesqueries of transgression, of ill-fitting skin stretched too-tight over bones that feel like they don’t belong to you anymore — but what about body horror as metamorphoses? What about Becoming The Monster as in Embracing The Shadow? What about Wen Ning who has never felt more himself when he was alive than he does now that he’s dead?
He is a MASTERPIECE, the greatest work of the greatest demonic cultivator of all time! His life was characterized by fear and uncertainty and loneliness and it was only in death that he learned how strong he really was, how capable, how resilient. If he had been the Ghost General during the war, or right after it, would the Dafan Wen have still died?
I just want Wen Ning to settle into the whole being undead thing and decide that he’s pretty okay with it actually! There’s so little left for him to fear, and the few things he does find actively unpleasant are all things that Wei Gongzi can probably fix if he takes some time to work on it. Wen Ning doesn’t like asking people for things, most certainly not for his own sake, but at the same time… Wei Wuxian, as an inventor, would want to know how his master work is faring, right? He’s never completely satisfied with anything he makes, always tweaking and tinkering, and he does keep Asking of Wen Ning needs anything, so…
I dunno where I’m really going with this but I think it’d be interesting to explore an AU where maybe Wen Ning gets to be lowkey kind of excited that he’s now an unkillable hyperbadass literally powered by all the rage he suppressed for so many years AND he gets to have that while also maintaining his cognizance and his genuine desire to help other people. Wen Qing shielded him from as much as she could but the results of that were Wen Ning feeling like he was quietly suffocating under the weight of his sister’s controlling brand of overprotectiveness — he loves her and appreciates everything she did for him but god was she good at making him feel small and helpless — and it didn’t even work because life under Wen Rohan was such constant stress that by the time Lotus Pier was burned Wen Ning was damn near numb to it. Now? Wen Ning only answers to one master. A master who Knows How To Utilize Him. A master who respects and cares for him as a person without trying to smother him! Wen Ning takes quiet pride in his existence as Wei Wuxian’s magnum opus and consequently in his ability to actually function as his General (personal bodyguard, second in command, right hand man!) he is the living (kinda) embodiment of both his family’s drive to survive and protect each other and his master’s brilliance and ingenuity.
I just think it would be cool! I just think it would be cool.
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