#the untamed lan zhan
drama--universe · 1 year
Lie Detector Curse
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Requested by anonymous: Hi, I picked up some idea from the foreign stories and came up with an idea for a request: How would Meng Yao, Lan Zhan, Zewu Jun and Wen Ning react to a reader who has something like a ''useful'' curse? Anyone near the reader lies, gets caught, gets hit out of thin air, has colored hair, longer nails, or has a colored aura around them...how would they react to a reader with this curse? Would they appreciate it or take it badly? Thx!
Pairing: Untamed boys x reader
Warnings: none, I think
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Lan Zhan:
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You can see auras of people
which leads to being able to see if they're dangerous or not
and also when someone is truthful or not
Lan Zhan is concerned about this
and honestly, I think he'd take it badly
because he thinks that you sacrificed something to gain such powers
it's not every day that you meet someone that can sense if someone is lying or not by seeing auras
it isn't until you explain that you had been cursed by someone else, that he somehow feels better about your powers
not fine really, because you still got cursed
he doesn't worry about them perse, he never lies
but he surely will ask for your help with some of his work that includes socializing with people
he's not good with people
and they tend to lie to him when he asks questions
and thus you follow
it makes his life much easier
and his journeys significantly shortens in time
so it definitely grows on him after time
just give him awhile
Lan Xichen:
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your hair changes color depending on who you talk to
it depends on emotions
red for anger, blue for sadness, yellow for happiness, green for envy and black for nothing
but when someone lies, it turns to white
Lan Xichen definitely finds it peculiar
he isn't sure what to think
even after an explanation
he's mortified that someone would curse a child, mostly
he, honestly, finds it a bit funny at times
because you can't fully control it
which means that your hair changes at any time
even if you're talking to someone you barely know
and they always tend to run off after
he tries his best to hide his smile
but he's always quick to make sure that you don't take it to heart
he usually doesn't ask for your help regarding your curse/gift
only when it is absolutely necessary
which is often only when you jump in on your own accord
he's one of the four who really wouldn't care much in the end
Meng Yao:
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you're a bit like Wen Ning
your appearance changes and your eyes turn black when someone near you is dangerous or lying
(you change immediately when you see him)
nonetheless, he never really lies to you
he learns that your powers don't take in account when he just leaves certain things out to avoid the actual truth
he finds a way to use your power for his benefit
because it makes his plans easier
he asks questions to people while you hide away
you can later tell him if it was the truth or a lie
he enjoys your powers to the fullest and you know this
hence why you stay by his side
because other people get frightened when they see you
Meng Yao never asks how you got your powers
because he honestly doesn't care
he's not here to be your best friend, he just needs your powers
when you couldn't help him out, he'll discard of you
maybe not, if you're lucky
Wen Ning:
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your powers basically flip a person upside down if they lie
you can control it, you just have to look at the person as they talk
they lie?
they get thrown in the air and hung upside down
it isn't pleasant
you often don't look at people because of it
until you meet Wuxian
who loves it and lies on purpose
through him, you meet Wen Ning
who loves to see another person like him
he's practically a puppy as he talks to you
if he had a tail, it would be wagging left and right
always smiling near you
doesn't dare to lie, not that he ever would lie to begin with
he gets you more comfortable with eye contact again
soon enough you hold eye contact with everyone again
(Wuxian loves watching as you talk, waiting for someone to flip up again)
Wen Ning is just glad that you can go back to "normal"
at least conversation wise
he'd also make sure that you don't hate your gift
he calls it a gift, even if you don't agree fully
because he feels like it is a part of you and you can't hate yourself
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lovewanxian · 3 months
Lan Wangji: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?
Wei Wuxian, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?
A-Yuan, whispering: Because I have little hands.
Wei Wuxian to Lan Wangji: Because he has little hands.
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illuminchim · 26 days
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Character sheet of Lan “You Are Not Qualified to Talk To Me” Zhan 🐰
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kkarmin · 4 months
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frroggy · 7 months
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for the blorbo who suggested wlw wangxian, FEAST YOUR EYES
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guzhufuren · 8 months
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The Untamed + text posts (pt. 4/4)
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swagvo1d · 7 months
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evuwus · 7 months
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CQL Wangxian watercolor studies!
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solacestea · 1 month
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lutszu · 9 months
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Hanguang-jun, stop ignoring your poor husband!
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drama--universe · 1 year
I'll give a hand
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Requested by anonymous: Hello! I see you write for 'The Untamed'! I just started watching it recently, but I'm already in love with the serials! Can I have a request for Lan Zhan? I see that no one has asked for Lan Zhan yet (I think separately): Where the reader (female) is a new student in the Lan clan, she is very smart, kind and helpful, but people avoid her because she is mute. And one day several students break the rule of the Lan clan and start making fun of her...Lan Zhan intervenes, but as soon as she turns to the reader, the reader is long gone, she runs to her room. Lan Zhan came to check on her and found her sitting in the fetal position and crying (she is sensitive when someone makes fun of her for not being able to speak). Lan Zhan knew she was crying, he didn't hear her sob but he could tell by the movement of her shoulders. It's true that Lan Zhan isn't very good at dealing with emotions, but he still tries to help her...
Pairing: Lan Zhan x fem!reader (platonically)
Word Count: 1.6k words
Warnings: bullying, anxiety attack (personal experience, so might not be too accurate for others)
Following Xichen, you couldn't help but stare at your surroundings. The building was beautiful and the surrounding forest was even prettier. You couldn't wait to go and explore everything once you had the chance, but you probably had to wait until you had some free time. Xichen was kind enough to explain your new lifestyle, classes during the day and a curfew at night.
No room to explore, but maybe later.
"This is where you will follow your lessons. After your lessons today, I will bring you to your room. Does that sound good to you?" Xichen nodded and you were quick to nod, trying not to smile too brightly. You didn't have too though, because Xichen could see the sparkle in your eyes and that said plenty. So he led you inside, letting you sit at a table in the back before making his way to the man that sat in the front. They talked for a few seconds before Xichen left again, leaving you in the room with the other students. Some glanced your way, but none of them said something as the lesson started. You paid close attention to the man in front as he started explaining certain things, but you also tried to focus on what the other students said when asked something. It was only two hours, but it felt like two minutes to you. After the man had left, other students approached you and started asking questions left and right. You tried to hear all of them, but it was too much at once and you were starting to get overwhelmed. They noticed and calmed down, asking one question at a time while waiting for your answer.
Your brush flew over the paper as you tried to answer quickly, something that seemed to fascinate the others a bit.
"Are you mute?" One boy asked and your brush slowed down before stopping completely. You looked up before nodding softly, which created an awkward silence around you. They started leaving one by one and soon enough you were alone again.
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Your reflection stared back at you, but you didn't recognize yourself in the slightest. Your eyes were red from crying, your hair was a mess from tossing and turning in your bed, and you could see some marks on your arms from digging your nails in. In short, you looked like a mess and all because you cried all evening long. Just because you were lonely, something you never had a problem with and yet now it was the worst thing in the world. It was not the loneliness per se, but rather the fact that everyone avoided you without even trying to hide it. You felt miserable, people avoided you because of something that you were simply born with. You wished you could, every single day you wished and it changed nothing in the end. You'd never be able to say that you loved someone, no matter how hard you tried.
Washing your face with some water, staring back into mirror before grabbing some make-up to cover the redness around your eyes. Then you made your way out, raking your fingers through your hair to tidy it up enough so that you wouldn't be punished. Your outfit looked fine enough, so you only brushed over it with your hands once before ignoring it. No one would notice that you hadn't changed in the last two days, most of your outfits were the same anyway and you honestly couldn't care less at the moment.
"Hey, mute!" A voice rang out, not too loud to catch anyone else's attention. Some people came closer to you, making your anxiety spike up and you flinched as an arm was thrown around your shoulders.
"Still not going to say anything?" One asked and you flinched again as one of them tapped your face a bit too harsh for your liking. Some cackled at you, voices starting to blend as they mocked you. Tears started welling up in your eyes with every word or hit and soon enough, tears started streaming down your face.
"Oh, are you sad? Can't bear the truth, little mute-" The one who spoke was interrupted, gasping softly as he felt the metal of a sword pressed against his neck. All of them dispersed slightly, staring at your rescue in shock.
"Your breaking the rules." He spoke and you could recognize his voice as Lan Zhan's, shocked that the man would even speak up for you. Then again, you doubted that it was for you and rather for the fact that they were being a nuisance. The arm around your shoulder was removed, making your body relax a bit as you stepped away from your bullies.
"Bullying and shouting is forbidden here, so-" You didn't wait for Lan Zhan to finish his sentence as you slowly backed away from everyone while the attention wasn't on you, but soon enough you were sprinting back to your room. Your body was shaking, shivers running up and down your spine as you tried to calm yourself down again. Just like last night, it didn't work as your breaths started to grown shorter and shorter. Your vision started to blur from the tears in your eyes, rolling down your face like waterfalls. You let yourself crash to the ground, ignoring the pain that shot through your legs as you curled up into a ball. Your sobs didn't stop, your whole body still trembling as you tried to calm down the anxiety in your body.
Someone entered, but you couldn't focus on trying to see who it was. They kneeled besides you and a hand laid on your head, softly stroking your hair as they told you too breath slowly. Unfortunately for you, you couldn't calm down until you fainted from exhaustion.
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Eyes opening, you tried to ignore how your body felt as you sat up. Taking in your surroundings, you spotted Lan Zhan not far from you. His eyes were on you and even though he never showed much emotion, you could see that he was slightly uncomfortable. You couldn't blame him, after all he was in a girl's room for what you guessed had been a few hours.
"Are you feeling better now?" He asked and you nodded at him slowly, trying to not focus on the pain in your throat that you gained from crying. He nodded as well before standing up, walking your way before sitting down again. His hand went to your forehead and you flinched, which was clearly visible and Lan Zhan paused his movement. His hand remained in place as he waited for you to relax again, placing his hand on your forehead when you did.
"Your temperature is back to normal it seems." He dropped his hand again, but he didn't move from the bed. You waited for him to say something, anything but it never came. You just sat in silence for awhile, trying to ignore the thoughts that swarmed around in your head. Swallowing softly, you winced at how painful your throat felt. Almost like sandpaper that was being dragged through the inside of your throat.
"Ignore those people, listening to them won't change anything." Lan Zhan spoke and you almost wanted to scoff. It was easier said than done, how could you accept something that was clearly a flaw. People didn't need to say something for you to know what they thought, either it was annoyance or pity and you disliked both. But somehow, it didn't feel like that with Lan Zhan's gaze.
When he looked your way, it was usually the same gaze as he gave others. Not a lot of emotions or care about you, but you definitely preferred it over the looks of pity.
Shaking your head, you quickly looked around for some paper and pen. Unfortunately, there was none that was near you and you had a feeling that you could get up just yet. You looked at Lan Zhan again before awkwardly grabbing his hand, tracing letters on his palm with your finger and hoping he would understand.
"I will get you some tea, please wait here." And after that, he was off and you were left alone again. You gently threw your blanket to the side, throwing your legs off the side of the bed before pushing yourself up. Although your legs were weak, you could stand without any problem. You went to your desk, grabbing your paper and a pen.
"I thought I asked you to wait." Lan Zhan said and you nearly jumped out of your skin, surprised at how quiet the man was. The tea was put on the table as Lan Zhan made his way back to you before guiding you back to your bed. You wanted to write down why you moved, but Lan Zhan held his hand out again.
"Don't waist paper and ink." He said and you looked at him before laying down the pen and tracing letters on his hand again. He waited carefully until you finished your sentence, staying silent even when you paused to think of which letters to use. When you finished asking what had exactly happened after you passed out, Lan Zhan turned to you fully.
"You have been asleep for a couple of hours. Xichen-ge knows about this already, you're excused from the lessons tomorrow as well." Lan Zhan explained and you pouted, grabbing his hand again to write that you wanted to follow the lessons. Seeing how eager you were to learn, Lan Zhan could only approve before getting up.
Ever since then, Lan Zhan would always reach out his hand to you so you could speak.
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yutaan · 2 months
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Papercraft commission of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian (and Li'l Apple and a bunny), in a pose inspired by Gustav Klimt's famous painting The Kiss! Lan Wangji may be a little disgruntled at being interrupted, but Wei Wuxian is, of course, laughing the whole time.
This piece had some of the most complicated layering I've ever done in a papercraft, which meant I had to take even more care than usual with how every piece of paper was placed and the order in which they could be glued - and I already take a lot of care with that, no matter what I'm making! But the extra time was definitely worth it - I'm really happy with how the final piece came out. ^_^ A very sweet scene for WangXian!
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mmagurro · 11 months
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[commission] finally finished! took so long 🥹 but yes they’re in love 🫶🥹💕💕
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kkarmin · 3 months
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unkonageki · 10 months
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MDZS!Wangxian meeting their CQL selves [Part 4]
Some people asked for the two Lan Zhans' version, so here it is!
Poor cql!Lwj found out about the "everyday" thing. Is he shocked? Is he having a horny awakening? We'll find out next time
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sandushengshou · 9 months
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the untamed + text posts
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