anathemaegg · 4 months
my sister got me worms for secular winter gifting season!!!
I want to talk to people who keep worms! tell me about your guys!!
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ophrysapifera · 2 months
So I've had a vermicomposter for a couple of months now and it's surprisingly so therapeutic? Looking for worms just makes me feel like a kid again and now instead of just throwing food away, I'll end up with an apple core or mango peel or something and think 'oh my, the worms are gonna LOVE this'. And then I'll go back in a week or so and they're going crazy for it and it makes me all happy that they're happy and healthy. Highly recommend getting into vermicomposting. They're such interesting little creatures, and SO important and doing such good work for the garden 😊
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kdhume · 4 months
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preppers-will · 5 months
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rumade · 2 years
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My friend in Texas tried vermiculture but all their worms died in the heat
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cartoonscientist · 4 months
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sampurnaarogyam · 8 months
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cedar-glade · 1 year
If you’ve met me in person or have followed me on instagram, you’ll know how I feel about lawns, the usage of fungicide sprays instead of systemics,  how I think smokey the bear is one of the biggest perpetuated lies/ propaganda machines in forestry history, how I feel about the honey bees in the United States and the misrepresentation of the “save the bees” campaign has increased problems, and how vermiculture and the idea of using surface earthworms in compost has caused reprehensible and some of the most detrimental issues to our ecosystems as a hole. Areas where the phenology of egg laying worms conflicts with fire ecology and burn zones that are highly compartmentalized or continuous burn zones despite either human (first nations) land management or natural or areas where we have glacial fronting history had deep earth worms but never had frequent upper surface earth worms. We are so deeply effected them from the destruction of bacterial and mycological communities that decline in forests. Upper surface earth worms in the US are also what aids establishment of invasives and can even increase foreign allelopathic desertification faster. If you know about ground dwelling bees, or overwintering insects, you should be concerned. If you know about salamanders and foodweb interactions for birds and reptiles as well as small rodents, you should be concerned. From the composting and fishing communities continued usage this decline will only increase. If you live in the subtropical south flat lands post burn we have worms that can thrive because their phenology for surface appearance never is disrupted by burn season, instead it’s beneficial. These earthworms (deep soil) resolve themselves to earth until it’s time to lay eggs.
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nisbahemas · 1 year
Didn’t know about the usefulness of worm juice, and no, you don’t have to kill any for it!
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tinyshe · 6 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.10.28
I sat for an hour waiting for the sun to pop up. Dawn seem to last forever -- even the birds got tired of waiting for the sun and flew away. When it did finally make its appearance, it was very low on the horizon and way more south than I was expecting. That happens when you don't see the sun for long stretches of fog blankets ... foggy eyes, foggy skies, foggy brain ... it becomes just shifting shades of grey to black and back again.
I did try to plant some seeds even though the frost has settled into the mornings. I am hoping that it is still warm enough to germ some seeds because the creature(s) that dig up my garden are also taking my traps. Usually it is rats. One gets snapped up and the rest come and have a cannibal feast but they take body and trap elsewhere to consume. The price of traps have risen so I know that others are having similar problems.
Planting the seeds was a wee bit difficult. I back-filled the holes, raking what I thought was smooth and then tried to plant a row of carrots. I don't know how successful that was so the next patch I just did a broadcast of several vegetables: beets arugula,mustard and turnips. I thought about radish as I am just now able to harvest the few radish (called for 23 days until maturity, reality check at 50+ days) and will probably sow some next week once the daily frost has killed things in the second grow box. Its a bit hard for me to see right now at certain ranges which is a bit discouraging and I've not been able to adapt my attitude successfully. Still looking for an optometrist to work with me.
I still have not gotten to the worm bins. I am hoping to have a pair of hands that can see the worm eggs so they can be skimmed off and left cozy in the bins to regenerate the colony. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just have to take the top half and hope for the best.
Have some fire cider in the making -- should be done in time for St Nicholas Day.
The nettles are really doing well -- still producing strong. They must know we need them and they keep going.
Hens started to molt/did a slight molt. Alcott has finally stopped laying as she puts on new feathers. Rossetti just lost her tail feathers and a few breast feathers but she is back to producing one or two eggs a week (I am guessing she will stop soon when the days are really short). Bronte never did go into a molt -- more like a sympathy molt by loosing a few wing feathers and dipping down in colour but no eggs. I think she is done producing eggs all together as it has been months since she has participated in the egg laying realm. I'm resisting getting pullets and pups right now. Yes, pups as in puppy. Either or is just too much responsibility right now and just part of a cozy dream.
Frugal tip: sorry but my brain can't think of anything but the obvious but maybe that in itself is the key -- look at things outside of its intended purpose to discover a new use/new idea, a new taste/new recipe, a new utilization/new creation. Have fun discovering.
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punkass-diogenes · 1 year
New year, new pets!
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They are hiding right now, but this is my new worm farm, home to 12 little guys I found in the rain gutter. Welcome, new friends!
I am thinking about doing a daily photo series so I can time lapse them breaking down their food!
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percigrove · 2 years
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dry-gold · 2 years
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geeses · 1 year
oohohooohoh babeeey the worms are eating well tonight!!!!
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preppers-will · 1 year
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scuba-spaghetti · 1 year
"sorry i talked so much about worms"
- cool way to say goodbye to your friend
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