#vox concepts
I’ve been listening to Baby Bugs on Spotify recently and I feel like the song ‘Autotheist’ really fits Vox.
Contemplating making some actual art for it. Not sure if I will. Somebody definitely should, though! Here’s some screenshots from the show that I feel match the vibes of the song.
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I also feel like if it were an animatic, it’d shift between when he first arrived in hell with his Box head to his present day self, or something close. I imagine him having a mental breakdown towards the end of the song, seeing him killing people with his mechanical aspects and full demon form (at least, the versions ive seen from the fandom) throughout the song. Also, this entire thing would specifically be about if he were a TV evangelist when he was alive and took on that job when he first arrived in hell. Obviously he shifts focus to more technologically centered goals and career, but those parts of him remain.
But that’s just what I picture for the song. Anyway.
Dear god up in heaven
Are you glad I learned my lesson?
I'm not making any promises
That it'll end any time soon
And dear god up in heaven
How do I fucking get in?
You tried to make me scared of hell
But I'm living there, I'm living there
And if I was god, I'd kill the people who believe in me
And if I was god, I'd make everybody bow to me
And who says that I'm not a god?
I am god to me
And if I was god, I'd make you all believe in me
Dear god up in heaven
You saved my soul, held me for ransom
You said my life was yours, and I tried so fucking hard
And dear god up in heaven
Who do you really let in?
I pray that it's not me
I'd rather die than be with you
And if I was god, I'd kill the people who believe in me
And if I was god, I'd make everybody bow to me
And who says that I'm not a god?
I am god to me
And if I was god, I'd make you all believe in me
You are not my god
You sent all of these people after me
You are not my god
You kept me from feeling anything
And who says you're a god at all?
God is only me
And when I become god, I promise you'll believe in me
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alakuhfuckingzam · 4 months
the v's are so funny to me. they own some of the biggest media companies in hell. they're a bunch of upstarts who have the patience of a toddler. only one of them can deal with the others shit at a time like they're playing the worst game of rock paper scissors ever. they call each other pet names. they're hells worst polycule. they're somehow the least and most efficient business partners ever. they're some of the most impulsive people on the cast. they manipulate each other constantly. they're a moth, a tv, and a clown. one of them is shown to be so much worse than the other two. i think they'd kill each other if they were allowed too. they lean on each other so heavily they'd knock over the leaning tower of piza. ive never seen three cunts try so hard in my life.
like what is wrong with them i want to put them in a terrarium and observe them with a magnifying glass.
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creepypso · 1 month
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Have some drawings I did of Vox :33
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the matron of ravens and sarenrae, observing their blorbos: Baby. Bestest child. I want you to have everything.
sarenrae: actually pike should get another blazing pillar of light
raven queen: vax'ildan will appreciate these visions
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rabbibond · 1 year
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Most glorious man ever🥵💖
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art-of-vox-machina · 1 year
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THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA | Percy and Orthax Design
By Bertrand Todesco
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 month
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【which is better: television or the radio?】
Thanks for 900! (🔗)
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static-quo · 4 months
Simple character design: *exists*
Me: Okay you can do this, do not complicate the design, simple lines, no need for over the top anatomy!! You Love clean and simple art!!!!! Do Not Fuck This Up!!!!!
Me 10 seconds later:
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ventismfsblog · 4 months
okay so like what happens if two demons sell their souls to eachother
this is about Hazbin Hotel
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siaslash · 2 months
Radiostatic concept:
Human/alive Alastor had summoned demons in the past. He enjoyed the power involved in trapping them in the circle until they fulfill their end of whatever bargin he proposes. He had almost been able to summon Lucifer himself, although something had gone a bit wrong there. Instead, there had been a bright yellow rubber duck with a note pinned to it. He was still trying to puzzle out the meaning of "afk" and how the toy managed to be so much lighter and softer than the hard, vulcanized rubber ones he knew. Demon powers, maybe.
Regardless, the melody of summoning was a familiar one. The composition of scrawls on the cleared floor, the sacrifice still making muffled laments against the gag, the knife, and the chant, all played as easily as an old tune on the radio.
The circle lit up, bright blue and crackling with static. Alastor raised an eyebrow at the display. This one was a bit of a show off.
And with the loud SNAP of two universes briefly conjoining, there it stood. Facing the wrong way. The form was male shaped, which wasn't as uncommon in a demon as he had once thought, but also seemed to be optional. However, in place of the head was...
The figure turned and the other side lit up the room, eyes wide on a flat surface as they darted around.
"What the fuck?" the demon sputtered.
They stared at each other.
"Why is your head a window frame?" Alastor couldn't help but ask with his signature brilliant smile. To his mild surprise, the demon reeled back as if in shock
The demon's face flickered blue with white text, there and gone too fast to read.
"You!?" He looked around again. His humorously expressive face twisted. "What *year* is this?!"
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Stalkers Tango thoughts
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Because this is a thing now. I’m just going to spew my ideas on songs and how they relate to Vox because I likely won’t ever do anything with these ideas but I want to see someone else do something with it because it’s cool I just personally don’t have the motivation. Plus it could inspire others. Anyway, here’s the post.
I imagine this as Voxs obsession with Alastor, obviously, but there’s two different situations I have in mind.
1) Alastor manipulating Voxs perceptions. He doesn’t reciprocate Voxs romantic feelings, nor Voxs reaction to Alastor rejecting him (it wasn’t great, to say the least) but Alastor is a sadistic shit.
He takes advantage of the fact that Vox is already obsessed and has such strong feelings towards him so he plays with his feelings. This leads to Vox being hella confused because sometimes Alastor will flirt, other times he’ll give him the cold shoulder. It leaves Vox just wanting more, thinking he has a chance.
While this is happening, Alastor is using his radio waves to interfere with Voxs perception of things, making Alastor seem important, making everything remind Vox of him. Al makes Vox feel dependent on him, and sends his little shadow self out to monitor and tease him. This spirals into full blown obsession, the stalker tendencies, and later on, complete and under devotion from Vox.
Alastor exploits Voxs feelings, basically. If it had been a simple rejection, Vox would’ve been pissed off and upset, but Al played the long game, manipulating him to get what he wants. Vox is just another pawn in his game now, and it’s a bit inconvenient due to his behavior, but… well, seeing Vox so torn and destroyed, in such a state… Alastor is very pleased with himself.
(That also works as a full blown fic idea if anyone wants to use it for that, I don’t mind)
2) basically the same thing as the above, except Vox is doing it towards Alastor.
Vox is utterly obsessed, he won’t take no for an answer. He’s demanding attention, but realizes he’ll never get Alastors affection if he’s so obvious and demanding about it all. He recognizes Alastors unwillingness, how uncomfortable he is. Vox doesn’t care, he wants Alastor to himself anyway.
He keeps up a friendly facade, trying to act normal. Alastor is glad he’s trying to maintain their friendship despite the awkwardness. What he doesn’t know is that Vox is always watching him, through every camera in the city. He doesn’t know the extent of Voxs obsession or his feelings in general.
Of course, like friends, they have vulnerable moments. Alastor doesn’t like to feel weak so he doesnt go to others for help, but… well, Vox has cameras everywhere and Al doesn’t know. Vox will show up right when Alastor needs help and is always somehow able to play it off as coincidence. Alastor makes the connection that Vox is the only person who’s ever there for him when he’s at his lowest, and his fondness for him grows. Still nothing romantic, which a Vox hates.
It’s in moments like these that Vox uses his hypnosis in small ways to make certain things stick in Alastors mind, to plant some suggestions. Now, his eye does the spiral thing on accident when he’s overwhelmed or emotional, so Alastor doesn’t see it as anything out of the blue, he just thinks Vox is stressed and overworking himself. Obviously, he’s concerned, and spends more time making sure Vox is okay. He’s only returning the favor, after all that Vox has done for him.
Vox eats up this attention. He keeps this up, making Alastor feel closer and more comfortable with Vox, and eventually, dependent on him. Alastor doesn’t try to deal with things alone anymore, instead, he finds himself looking for Voxs help.
At one point, it all comes together. Vox uses his hypnosis and finally, his efforts are paid off. He convinces Alastor that he loves Vox. It’s completely artificial, and Vox has to keep a tight grip on his hypnosis for awhile to keep him feeling this way. He uses it to get Alastor more used to affection, too. During this ‘adjustment period’ Al’s eyes reflect the spirals in Voxs left eye, and he’s completely lovesick and vulnerable, everything Vox could hope for. He’s not sure if he’d ever even want to let Al out of the hypnosis. Why would he? His beloved is perfect like this.
Okay I got carried away there. Um. Yeah those are my thoughts in relation to the song. Anyone can make something based off this, it’s not like I own the idea or anything. I’d actually love to see a fic like this or something!
[Verse 1]
I know, I know, I know, this situation's strange
It takes a little getting
A little getting used to
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me more
Than you possibly can
It's not that complicated
No matter what they say
You'll never meet another me
It's not that difficult
To get your head around
You'll never meet another me
You'll never, never, ever, never, ever meet another me
[Verse 2]
I know, I know, I know, I'm always in your place
But don't you see, my dear?
I am your doppelganger, I have your face so
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me more
Than you possibly can
It's not that complicated
No matter what they say
You'll never meet another me
It's not that difficult
To get your head around
You'll never meet another me
You'll never, never, never, ever, ever meet another me
Ay, ay, ah-ba-da-bum bum bum
Bum bum-ba-ba-da-bum bum bum
Bum bum bum ba-ba-ba-bum bum bum
Ba-ba-ba-bum bum bum
Bum ba-ba-ba-bum
It's not that complicated
No matter what they say
I'll never meet another you
It's not that difficult
To get my head around
I'll never meet another you
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vypridae · 2 months
thinking about vox angry-crying . or just kinda crying in general i need more sad vox actually . preferably where hes comforted by val
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creepypso · 1 month
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Sorry sorry I know I'm being a little cringe pffF
I personally I don't headcanon him as trans all the time, however I do find the idea cute BUT it doesn't matter if he is trans or not, since I am and this silly guy helped me a lot through my top surgery that I had three months ago, as well as the recovery and especially through the post-op depression :')
So I'm giving him the honors of being drawn with my new scars <33
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allastoredeer · 2 months
>:D Imagine if some lingering impression of Vox's hypnosis was still floating around in Alastor's head somewhere?
Every now and again it'll jump to the front of the line and thoroughly freak him out before he dismisses it.
The suggestion: Stay with Vox, Trust him, Join the team-
Al (concerningly nonchalant): Just gonna repress that impulse again.
But ooooh hoooo 👀that is - that is a tasty morsel right there. That is exquisitely flavorful.
What'd make it worse is if the impulse gets stronger the closer he is to Vox. It's easier to repress if he's just listening to Vox's voice over a speaker, or seeing his face on one of the TV's around the city, because in that case, it's a screen-through-a-screen--it's more filtered--so the hypnosis isn't as powerful. Especially since Alastor doesn't watch TV or watch any screens for a prolonged time, so he can't gradually be influenced by Vox's power like the rest of the city has.
Additionally, since he and and Alastor haven't come face to face since Alastor returned to Pentagram City, the impulses have never gotten bad. Just an inconvenience he has to shoo away on occasion.
That is, until he and Vox are finally in the same room together, and Alastor is reminded just how long he's been gone, just how strong Vox's hypnosis is, and just how much he underestimated it's lingering effects.
It hadn't caused him too much problems since returning. He hadn't felt a super significant pull when they broadcasted their silly little diss track across the city. He didn't think he needed to worry. But when he see's Vox's face and hears his voice, authentic and unfiltered through another screen, he knows immediately this is going to be a big problem.
Further headcanon: Alastor's shadow is unaffected by Vox's hypnosis, so whenever Alastor starts to sink too deep into it, it's the one that gets him out of there - via shadow travel or shocking Alastor out of the trance (maybe through whatever shared connection they have).
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jinxed-sinner · 1 month
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comic page sketch that I might edit later? idk. this will probably be finished tomorrow, it's almost 1am and I have to wake up at like 7:30 so I'll leave this here for now
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have yall seen vax on twitter. tbh i love that freak
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