#washroom politics
exuberantoctopus · 2 years
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sign that made me smile at a local grocery store
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nedlittle · 2 years
i had to lug my two backpacks and incredibly heavy suitcase up a trail and 54 extremely steep steps in the pitch black rain and now i am seasick on the ferry. i don't think the bay of fundy wants me out alive
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peachpitfics · 13 days
Don't Blame Me
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: Daphne Bridgerton is your closest childhood friend, her eldest brother, Anthony, is the love of your life. After avoiding each other for years, you both finally lose control.
Length: 3.2k
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Content Warnings: Unprotected sex, sex in public, penetrative vaginal sex, orgasm, 'caught in the act' vibes, best friends brother.
Bridgerton master list (tag list)
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Like many other close family friends of the Bridgerton’s, their home was always a beacon of safety and comfort, especially for you. You were Daphne Bridgerton’s first friend, and you had remained close well into adulthood, she wrote to you still from her new life with the Duke. Unfortunately, Daphne would not be able to meet you in Mayfair this season, the Bridgerton’s playing host while your mother and father were out of the country. It was your third year out; you had a few hopeful matches in mind, not realizing how difficult the season might be with unobtainable love staring you in the face.
“We are so glad to have you this year, y/n. It has been so long since we have seen you around the Ton” Violet Bridgerton was as much your mother as your own.
“Father’s responsibilities have been consuming these past few years. Mother and I hardly made it to the season last year. I am glad to be here, spending some time in familiar places” You smiled, linking arms with her as she escorted you to the ballroom. Your parents had entrusted your match to you, however, had requested the viscountess to keep a watchful eye.
Waltzing into the drawing room, just like old times, Benedict and Colin, discarding their playing cards, exclaimed with joy, rushing to greet you as if a long-lost sibling had returned. There was nothing as lonely as being an only child, deep in the countryside. Eloise was fretting in the corner, fingers agitated, tapping the outside of a book. This was to be her coming out year.
Anthony entered from the far side door, his feet skidding to a halt at the sight of you.
“You arrived” Anthony said flatly, turning on the ball of his foot, and exiting as quickly as he had come in. Embarrassed, you frowned, smiling chastely praying no one would notice his strange behaviour. It had been a year since you had last seen each other.
“I apologise, he is so bizarre in the mornings lately” Violet squeezed your shoulders, leading you over to a table laden with treats. Sitting on the settee with Hyacinth and Eloise, eating small cakes and discussing the books being read amongst you were some of the precious things you missed about living in the city.
In an unsuspicious amount of time, you excused yourself from company to find the washroom. Anthony stood outside the drawing room, leaning against the wall, unblinking and mind drifting elsewhere. You ignored each other walking past, which felt a lot like tiny shards of glass embedding into your heart. Locking yourself in the washroom, trying desperately to keep tears at bay, you looked into the mirror and told yourself it did not matter. You were going to find love this year, somewhere else. 
When you opened the door, Anthony had moved, he was nearly pressed against the door, waiting for you to come out. He stuffed himself into the washroom with you, closing the door as silently as he could.
“Why are you here?” He asked. He looked different from a year ago, he had changed quite a lot more than you were expecting. He had shortened his hair and filled out into his body. His hands looked the same, the same ring on that damned finger, flexing in distress and awkward guilt.
“It is the beginning of the social season. I am here to find a husband.” You stated plainly.
“A husband?” He scoffed, charming disdain painted across his face.
“Yes, it is what young ladies do in polite society. Was that unclear?” You asked. Your lack of facial expression and tone seemed to startle him, he had no idea what you were thinking.
“Why are you acting this way?” Anthony stuttered forward, getting uncomfortably close.
With the melancholic drop of your shoulders, and a heavy exhale, you pushed past Anthony and made your way back to the drawing room. It was so like him to put the narrative back on you. Anthony should have asked himself why he was acting this way – after all, it was he who decided not to court you. It was he who decided to kiss you beside the carriage that night. It was he who decided the two of you should not speak any longer. It was he who broke your heart.
The remainder of the evening was free of Anthony, filled with laughter at the dining room table over a delectable dinner. The Bridgerton’s sense of family was everything to you – even if Gregory and Hyacinth were bickering for most of the meal, it still felt as it was meant to. Violet showed you to the guest room, it had not changed much over the years, it smelled the very same.
“I am sorry Anthony could not join us for dinner” Violet’s voice echoed with somber searching. Perhaps she had heard the two of you in the washroom?
“Do not be,” You said quickly, “His time is his own, he does not owe me anything” Violet bowed her head, words fighting against her lips. She instead pursed them into a smile and closed the door behind her. Those shards of glass moved again, every second in this house, nausea held you hostage, terrified of running into him in the halls.
Daphne was the only other person alive who knew what had happened between Anthony and yourself. She had been disappointed in him, angry with the way he had handled everything. While she promised there would never be a change to your friendship, it had never really been the same. You tossed and turned far longer than normal; your mind flooded with images of the past. Thrusting yourself out of bed, it was clear you were not going to be sleeping tonight, you decided that a distraction may be best. In your nightgown, candle in hand, you remembered your way to the study.
The study was clear of any inhabitants, it was tidy, and the few cases of books loomed high over you, reaching the ceiling. Nothing in the Bridgerton house seemed to change, except Anthony, and it was perpetually for the worse in your opinion. You selected a book randomly from the nearest shelf and perched yourself on the seat closest to the window, looking out over the square. Lounging sleepily, you read in the low candlelight, only disturbed by the creaking of the door, an unexpected sound, making you jolt.
“I knew you’d be in here” Anthony said softly, entering the room with caution as your emotionless face watched him. “You were always in here when we were children. No one could ever find you” His smile was humorless.
“You did” You waited before responding, wondering why he was here, speaking with you, “Why are you here, right now, Anthony?” You demanded.
Anthony moved to the seat across from yours, sitting gingerly, holding eye contact in the hopes you would not tell him to leave. You allowed him to sit, his hands folded in front of him.
“I don’t know” Anthony rubbed desperately at his forehead, “I just got up, and felt myself pulled here, some unknown force, dragging me to you” Anthony admitted. You had always been attracted to each other, always gravitating towards one another.
“I did not choose to come here; my mother asked a favor of yours. I would never have chosen to be this close to you. You destroyed me, Anthony” Tears welled to your eyes, “We cannot be near each other – you made that it very clear, you took what you wanted of me, and cast me aside” Hands pressed down on your knees, you pushed off, making for the closest exit. Anthony dashed around in front of you, placing his body between you and the door for the second time today.
“Goodnight, Viscount Bridgerton” You curtsied formally, hoping the rules of social engagement were enough for this man to understand the dangerous position he was putting both of you in, yet again.
Anthony’s hand trembled, reaching out, taking yours into his. His fingers tangled between yours, his grip strengthening when he realized you were not pulling away. His thumb affectionately circling the skin on wrist, the sound of his swallowing resounding across the empty room, his anxious tongue flicking over his lips. If anything was clear, it was the internal battle that seemed to be always happening inside Anthony’s mind.
His touch, the supreme legacy of your existence. His unsteady breath, captivating your common sense. The thrilling space between you slowly closing, heads bobbing forward as if intoxicated and unable to control oneself, meeting together in the middle in an exhilarating kiss, just like you had remembered it.
His lips were shamelessly enthusiastic, as if made for this very purpose, just for you. His forceful hands weaved into your loose hair, pulling you deeper into every kiss. You were overcome, that old bold, need for him to find its way out of the labyrinth you had designed for it. Anthony’s fingers pressed to your hips, his teeth nipped eagerly at the skin on your neck, softs sighs of delight followed.
It was when his hand moved sensually to your breast that you broke free of the enchanting dance you had found yourself in so many times before with him. Your body did not reflect the same pleasures, you took his hands from your body and laid them at his sides, and stood tall and stepped back.
“I am here to secure a husband, for my future” Tears found their way back to you.
“Y/n…” Anthony shook his head, stepping forward, trying to hold onto you again.
“If you cannot give me what I seek, please, stop hunting me down. I want a life with you, Anthony. I will love you until my dying breath… But you, you will never grow up” You said finitely, again, pushing your way past him and fleeing back to your room.
Most of the next day was spent in tired indifference, you remained in your room, preparing for the first ball of the season. Tears had stained your pillow the remainder of the night, each knock at the door struck a chord of hope in your heart, wishing for Anthony.
Eloise and Violet helped you into your gown, the ladies’ maids fixing your hair and face. Violet ran a motherly thumb under your puffy eye, her compassionate heart shining through her eyes and tender smile. You gave a little nod, knowing there was never anything you could hide from her – she knew everyone in the Bridgerton house better than she let on.
The Viscounts escorted Eloise into Lady Danbury’s estate, greeting the Queen and Lady Danbury ahead of you. Violet linked arms with you in solidarity, following Anthonys actions and proceeding into the ball.
“Who will you be accepting dances from this evening?” The Viscountess asked quietly.
“I am not restricting myself to names, I will dance with any eligible man who asks” You answered politely.
Violet gave your forearm a squeeze, “That is very sensible” She nodded, releasing you, sending you off into the lion’s den. You met up with Eloise, taking a short turn about the room to appear social, greeting the other young ladies who you’d met years previous. There were several older men who seemed to take an interest in you as you moved about the room with your friend. No one really stood out to you, no true love at first sight, much to your dismay.
Retiring to the wall with a glass of lemonade in hand, you watched the gorgeous young women excited to dance with suitors and recalled how that was never an experience you had.
Soon enough, one of the suitors who had shown interest in a season previous approached, positioning himself next to you. Lord Harlan Grahame was intelligent, considerate, and not entirely horrible to look at.
“Lord Grahame” You curtsied, a familiar smile finding its way back onto your face.
“Miss y/n, I do hope your mother and father are quite well” He remarked, having known them for many years now, he had noticed their absence.
“They are in abroad, my father has business to conduct in Greece and my mother only saw fit to tend to him during this time” You explained, “I am being hosted by the Bridgerton family. How is your family?” You asked in politeness.
“Fantastic, Mother has moved herself to the country and hopes to get yet another dog soon” He laughed, clearly happy to be free of her in his home. Laughing along with him, you spied Anthony, discreetly looking on from across the ballroom. The conversation between yourself and Lord Grahame was easy and hardly uncomfortable. He was charismatic enough that you could see yourself becoming quite fond of each other in no time at all. He made small jokes at no one’s expense, he offered refreshments frequently and complimented you in kindness. You could see and accept a perfectly happy future with the Lord.
Across the ballroom, sheer asperity brewed live in Anthonys eyes for all to see. He was known to have a temper amongst society. With a final twitch of his left eye, Anthony’s feet picked up under him, carrying him in your direction. Violet watched on, fear and embarrassment ready and willing in her chest.
“I apologise” You mumbled preemptively to Lord Grahame as Anthony arrived to interrupt your conversation.
“Miss y/n, may I have this dance?” Anthonys eyes were terrifying, filled with rage and jealousy. You paused, contemplating antagonizing him, forcing his hand, backing him into a corner. But relinquished, excusing yourself from Lord Grahames company, taking Anthony’s hand as he swept you off to the dancefloor.
You did not meet his eye, your nails dug into the skin on his hand in resentment. You said nothing to each other for the first several minutes of the dance.
“You cannot marry him” Anthony muttered in quiet, helpless indignation.
Giving him a great look of disbelief, “Who are you to tell me who I can marry? I do not answer to you, Viscount” You growled into his ear as he pulled you in tighter.
Anthony finished the dance, bowing to you, holding onto one of your hands with unbelievable force. He walked swiftly from the dance floor, conspicuously pulling you along behind him, and into a room down the hall.
“You cannot blame me for acting this way!” He yelled, “If I have to see you speak to another man this season, if I have to witness another man watch as you walk by – You have driven me to the brink of insanity” He heaved, frantic energy filling his body.
“What would you have me do? Spend my life in loneliness, a Spinster? Would that be convenient to you, Anthony?” You parried.
His hands ran through his hair stressfully, at a loss for words, unable to express himself in the way he wanted. His intention had not been to yell when he sequestered you away to this side room.
“I was fine! You left Mayfair, and I was well. Now, here you are – and God help me, I am intoxicated every second we are in the same room. Your presence is the most decadent drug, forcibly hypnotizing me. I am powerless to you” Anthonys words were like honey, carried on the end of a bee sting.
“You made your choice!” You yelled back at him, hoping the music was loud enough outside.
“I was young, y/n! I made the wrong choice!” He retorted, his words shaking, and unfiltered for the first time in a long time.
There was a second of unblinking silence between you before magnetic energy pulled you into each other, deranged nipping at each other’s lips ensued. Hands grabbed and grasped at skin and hair, trying to force your beings into one person. There was a white-hot craze that seemed to come over the both of you, and you had felt it before, a few times.
Anthony sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, biting and kissing in a spontaneous fire.
“Someone will hear” You moaned into his ear, as his teeth moved their way down your neck. Anthony did not seem to care, his mouth on your chest, fondling and sucking on your breasts, still sitting pertly in your dress. He was simply uncontrollable, his behaviour now inherently superior compared to when he had been speaking.
Anthony maneuvered your body across the room, hands comfortably held in places of control, his left on your lower back, his right splayed across your throat like the prettiest necklace. You reached the door, his hands twisting your hips to face it. Your palms met the wood, bracing as Anthony bent you slightly, kicking your feet apart with his. Anthony hiked up your gown, undoing his pants in the same instant and buried himself inside of you.
You mouth gaped silently, aghast at the entire situation, but thanking God above for the opportunity.
“Oh my god,” Anthony gnarled into your ear from behind, “Just like I remember it” He moaned, sinking deeper and deeper it felt like. Every thrust led with intense and vicious primality, his hands wrapped around each of your upper arms, for leverage. He was right, it was just how you remembered – overwhelming, devastating, unforgettable. You had thought about your secret affair with Anthony every day since you had moved away. The pleasure Anthony elicited from you sent you into a familiar haze, deep and indefensible. Every movement, every sound from him made you feel greedy, always wanting just a little more.
The way he pounded into your smaller frame rattled the wooden door you were leaning on. “Anthony! They are going to hear!” You squealed in a whisper back to him.
“Let them” He panted, “If anyone asks, I’ll tell them I’m fucking my future wife” Anthony’s hand found its way into your hair, pulling your back sharply for a profound, wet kiss. Anthonys fingers sunk into the flesh of your hip, painfully pleasant as his nails clambered for an anchor. Your body arched back involuntarily, Anthony powering through fast, harsh thrusts as he found his inevitable end, placing sloppy kisses on your shoulder as he slowly finished moving inside of you.
You both leaned on the door in exhaustion, bodies heaving in unison. Anthony placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, stepping backwards and rebuttoning his breeches, fixing your dress behind you. You turned to face him slowly, knowing he could very well go back on every word he had said not moments before.
The softest smile enriched his face, his eyes lit in such a way that you had never seen them. His arm dashed out, pulling you into a grinning embrace, smooching dear kisses upon your lips.
“Loving you causes me delirium, y/n” He nipped at your nose, your foreheads planted together, eyes closed in tranquility.
As you stood, the doorknob gently turned and Violet Bridgerton slid her head through the gap, assumingly checking on the both of you; you had been in here for a little while longer than societally acceptable for two young single people.
Her hand flew over her heart, “Oh thank God!” She exclaimed, smiling ear to ear, a sense of pride glistened in her eyes.
“I cannot wait to write Daphne” The viscountess cheered quietly, finding it hard to contain her excitement. “I knew that you would find each other” She chuffed, slipping out, closing the door. Your foreheads knocked together again, never having a minutes peace in such a large family – you stood there a moment longer, relishing such a long awaited and monumental confession of your love.
tag list: @cringycat24 // @blckbarbiedoll // @freyagallileaevans // @junkie05 // @rosabeetroot // @flamewriterr //
If you would like to be tagged in Bridgerton fics, please let me know!
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moon7jay · 5 months
i would KILL for a hearing non-con but like in public, at a restaurant or something so public kink x somnophilia kink (?) pretty please
Don't let them hear you (p.sh)
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Warnings : non consensual, stalking, public sex, chikan, exhibitionism, voyeurism, dub con(?), just pure filth
if u still proceed to read I take 0 responsibility
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"He's still looking" You whispered in to your phone, trying not to make it obvious to the man sitting 3 tables across from you that you had caught him staring at you like a creep.
"Babes maybe he just finds you attractive" your best friend answered and that option would have been viable if it wasn't for the eerie feeling you got from the said man.
"No you don't understand syd, I'm pretty sure I saw him earlier in the cafe today"
"at your part time?"
"Yes! and I've seen him there a couple more times before and he's always maintaining this weird eye contact with me it's so creepy" You said urgently, trying not to raise your voice more than an octave while simultaneously trying not to look in his direction. He was still staring at you, you could feel his dark eyes on your face.
"You do know that it's the most famous cafe around town right? Besides its so close to the university maybe he's just a random college student?" she tried to reason.
Maybe she was right. Maybe you were reading too much into the situation and maybe he really was a random stranger who happened to be around you most of the time by a stroke of coincidence. You looked up momentarily and met his eyes, a jarring shiver running down your spine when he stared back blankly, sipping on his coffee, his headphones hanging around his neck, gaze focused intensely on you. You tried to shake off the unsettling feeling creeping up in your chest and managed a small, polite smile in his direction. Maybe he was just someone who had a crush on you and needed some encouragement to talk? And if you were being honest..he was insanely gorgeous, that was the main reason you had noticed him at the cafe before.
What you weren't expecting was for him to go stiff in his seat and break eye contact. You watched in confusion and worry as he slammed his coffee down on the table and stood up, eyes downcast, hurrying towards the other side of the restaurant. You felt disrespected and confused while you watched his retreating figure. What the fuck was his problem??
"You still there? Y/n? What's happening?" syd's voice brought you back to the conversation at hand.
"Idk I smiled at him and he just...left, so weird" you whispered to her and she cackled
"Men" she snickered and you chuckled, finally breathing in relief now that he wasn't around and breathing down your neck
"Men" You laughed back, stirring the conversation onto the other topics while you finished your meal.
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your phone dinged while you were waiting for your bus to arrive, the phone number was unknown, weird, you thought.
Your blood ran cold when you read the first sentence, a couple more messages flooding in one after another.
[9:34] : your smile is so pretty, had to rub one out in the restaurant's washroom baby
[9:34] : can't wait anymore
[9:35] : you're mine you know, I just need to show it to you
[9:36] : fuck i know you're reading my msgs, r they turning u on?
What the actual fuck?
You cupped your mouth with your palm and turned off your phone, looking around frantically, the panic rising in your chest, but you saw no one around and it creeped you out more.
A relieved sigh left your mouth when you saw your bus pulling over, hurriedly getting inside and squeezing through the crowd, moving past pressing bodies to reach the end of the bus, leaning against the glass window and panting with the exertion and relief of finally being in a safe space, scanning the crowd to see if he was there.
The bus doors closed and you finally stood up properly, your shoulders relaxing, turning around to look out the window while u held onto the strap handles on the ceiling.
What a fucking weirdo, you thought. How did he even get your number? had he been stalking you all this time? How had you been so slow in noticing him?
you felt him before you saw him, his large hand coming up to engulf yours on the strap handle you were holding, pressing his body closer to your behind. Your chest constricted in acute fear, the position was so uncomfortable that you tried moving forward to create some space between you two, leaving the strap handle and pressing yourself closer to the glass windows, holding on to one of the seat handles instead. This can't be happening, how did you not see him get on the bus, your hands started sweating.
You knew you were in trouble when he shamelessly invaded your space again, both hands looping through your waist to rest against your stomach while he buried his nose in your hairs , inhaling deeply.
Your breathing became heavy, your nerves making you freeze. You looked around and realized that the bus was too crowded for anyone to notice anything inappropriate, with the way he was holding you, you almost looked like a couple. Almost.
Your eyes met an elderly man's and you were about to open your mouth to scream for help when you yelped from feeling a sharp object dig into your side. Your blood ran cold.
"Don't even think about it" he whispered. His voice was deep and husky, sending a shiver down your spine. You stilled, facing forward to not provoke him. He was so much bigger than you, his body practically covering yours. You did not want to die here tonight. He wasn't going to kill you was he? Would anyone ever find out what happened to you if he did? Tears started to gather in your eyes when you felt his hands squeezing around your body, touching and groping u like u were meat.
"U think anyone would care? look around you, these are all men sweetheart, they would probably jerk off while you cry for me" He chuckled condescendingly in your ear, his one hand moving up towards your chest, groping your boobs harshly, a gasp leaving your trembling lips at his actions. A satisfied groan left his chest at feeling you, his fingers digging into your mounds.
"so fucking big, ever fucked a cock between them baby?" He asked and a sob left your lips at his words. No one had ever talked to you this way before. It was making you feel so dirty, a weird feeling rising inside your chest.
He chuckled at sensing your discomfort, running his hands down your body, leaving your boobs and groping your ass through your skirt, lifting it above your rear cheeks, basically exposing your bottom half to the entire bus if someone were to look over.
"ever taken a dick in this gorgeous ass? fucked back on a dick while it pounded your tight hole?" He groaned, groping your hips and connecting his lower region to your ass, his actions pushing you forward to press against the glass. You pressed your hands against the window to gain some balance, the position giving him leverage to rut into your behind.
"mhmmfuck do u feel how excited you make me? " He asked groaning in your ear, running his tongue against it while his hard cock poked your ass repeatedly as he grinded against you. You could feel that he was big, a disgusted shiver ran down your body when you realised how violating this all was. But at the same time, a sick tingling feeling was beginning to throb between your legs.
"Take your panties off" He whispered and you thought you heard him wrong.
"w-what" You sobbed quietly, dreading what this was leading to, his fingers flexed impatiently at your sides, his hips moving against youu in a subtle grind.
"I said fucking take them panties off, you won't need them soon anyways" your hands shook as you slowly reached under your skirt to slide your panties off your legs, the implication of his words wasn't lost on you.
"fuck yeah" He groaned, snatching the lace fabric from your hands. You shivered feeling the cold air run between your legs, cursing yourself mentally for opting out of wearing pants today, more tears ran down your cold cheeks.
Slurping sounds reached your ears and you closed your eyes, trying to drown out the sounds of him licking into your panties. The sounds were so lewd, you wanted to puke. This can't be happening to you. The movements of his hips became fast, muffled moans coming out of his mouth while he rotated his hips to search more friction for his throbbing cock against your bare ass.
"You smell like sex you know? Taste like fucking peaches, so fucking perfect" He panted, burying his face in your underwear.
you could hear his excitement in your ear and it was starting to affect your body in a way that disgusted you. The moisture was beginning to gather in your pussy, body heating up from the assault.
"fuck this shit" You heard him curse and he pulled away from you, dangling sound of a belt being undone and pants being unzipped made your body shake in anticipation of the oncoming violation of your body. It was going to happen. You were going to be raped. More hot tears spilled over your cheeks, a sob building up in your throat.
"Name's sunghoon, remember that while I tear your pussy apart" he whispered.
"P-Please" You sobbed quietly even though you had no hope left when he was pressing his body into you again, a hot and heavy organ digging between your thighs.
"p-please no, please stop, I'll do anything" you sobbed again, a sharp gasp leaving your throat when he rubbed his cockhead against your entrance, gathering your slick.
"you're wet as fuck for me baby-shit-u like getting raped on subways yeah?" he chuckled, hissing through his teeth when he finally breached your opening, tearing through your cunt, impaling you on his monster cock roughly. A sharp pain tore through you, your pussy unable to adjust to the harsh entry, he was too big for you. You scratched against the glass window, resting your forehead against it to find some support as you sobbed in pain.
His mouth found your ear again and he started to thrust in you, groans of satisfaction leaving his lips upon feeling the tight clench of your warm pussy.
"dreamed of raping your cunt since the first time i saw you in that cafe baby" he panted, his words confirming your suspicions about him, but what use was that suspicion when you couldn't even protect yourself? His dick lodged itself into your womb again and again, a reminder of your foolishness.
"always so pretty, wanted to open your legs and fuck into you while everyone watched, that guy that works with you? He wants your pussy too, that fucker" He groaned and snapped his hips into you harder, a pained sob ripped through you again. Jake? No.. Jake was a sweetheart, he would never think about you like that.. . He would never -
"You're so unaware of the effect you have on men's dicks aren't you baby? - jesus fuck- if given the chance, everyone here would bury their dicks in this slutty pussy, raping it till they're satisfied" He groaned, chuckling condescendingly, as if mocking your naive nature with the constant pistoning of his hips into your cunt.
"pussy so good, so fucking tight and creamy mhmmn" he moaned into your ear in pleasure, more slick ran down your legs, your lower body burning up in arousal now, a sick pleasure running through your body as his dick kept bumping your cervix. His hands travelled inside your shirt and groped your breasts roughly and painfully, holding onto them for leverage while he thrusted into you like a madman.
"Oh fuck yeah, jerked off to this image so many times baby, fucked into my fucking fist imagining it was your cunt"
Your eyes closed, unable to stop yourself from moving your hips back on him, it was instinct, or maybe some sick part of you was enjoying this. Tears ran down your eyes again, but for an entirely different reason now.
"fuck yeah baby - he laughed in disbelief, his thrusts getting deeper now that you were meeting his hips halfway - fuck back on me like a fucking slut"
Your bodies found a rhythm and a lewd moan left your lips as the pleasure started clouding your brain.
"Yeah? Raping this pussy so good huh?" he panted, hot heavy breaths falling against the side of your face, his eyes rolling back in pleasure due to the insane friction of your lower bodies.
The sound of slick squelching and skin slapping was reaching your ears and you looked around to see if anyone could see you both. Your eyes met the elderly man's from before but this time his stare was different. A jolt of pleasure ran through you when you saw him squeezing his cock through his pants while he watched you getting violated.
You slammed yourself back on the dick that was moving in and out of you faster while you watched the lewd sight. Your hand moved down to lift your shirt up and bite its hem into your mouth so that your entire body was exposed. Your boobs already spilling out of your bra cups, being held onto by sunghoon who was fucking into your greedy cunt.
A sick satisfaction washed over you when you watched the elderly man haphazardly unzip his pants and slip his hand inside, his eyes watching your body get used and violated, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
"Yeah that's right baby, show him what he's missing out on, show him how u like to get raped by random men's cocks like a real slut" sunghoon groaned , his eyes catching onto the scene your gaze was pivoted to.
A gasp left your lips when you felt sunghoon shift your body to the side so that it was facing halfway towards the man while still being hidden from the rest of the passengers. He lifted your right leg and held it up, holding it from under your knee, spreading you out, giving the pervert man a fucking show.
"Now he can see how my dick moves in and out of your creamy cunt, raping it so good that you're making a mess-shit baby just like that" He panted in your ear, his hips snapping harshly into yours. Your eyes met the old man's again and you moaned upon seeing his hand moving faster and faster inside his pants, drool falling from his lips.
fuck why was this so hot, what was fucking wrong with you??
Your hips moved back into sunghoon's, cunt slamming down on his dick, grinding and fucking back cuz your brain was broken, the thought of cumming overwhelmed your senses, your pussy leaking gallons of slick, making the act of penetration more pleasurable for the both of you. Sex getting messier and nastier.
"keep fucking it baby-holy shit- you need to keep fucking that dick, just like that oh yeah" His breathing was becoming heavy, your mouth was panting, working your body faster and faster to chase that friction on his dick.
His one hand left your chest and travelled down your body to rub your engorged clit, a sharp moan leaving your lips, making him slap you on the clit harshly.
"Don't let them hear u, or do u wanna get gang raped- he groaned, feeling your pussy clench at the thought- is that what u want? what a greedy little cunt" He chuckled hotly, licking into your ear cavity.
His thumb rubbed your swollen clit, making the knot in your stomach tighten, you were so fucking close. Your eyes met the old man's while sunghoon's thrusts became sloppy, his groans getting whinier , the pleasure getting too much for your tangled sweaty bodies. His pelvis met your ass in a few more harsh thrusts, his balls slapping the underside of your thighs
"You're gonna make me fucking cum, yeah fuck yeah make me fucking cum baby" He groaned, his high so close you could feel yours approaching too.
"cum cum cum, gonna cum in you, gonna take you raw, fuck my babies in that cunt, fuck jesus-ughmhmmm- his words cut off as his hips stilled , his dick spurting cum inside of you, your own eyes rolled back upon seeing the old man cum in his pants like a freak, your pussy clenched harshly around sunghoon's dick, milking him for all that he was worth as you came all around him, making him ride his orgasm.
"Shit yeah, feels so motherfucking good" He moaned, pushing his hips deeper into you, fucking his cum back into your cunt, breeding into you. His hold on your body loosened and his dick slid out of you with a pop when you heard your stop approaching. He shoved the panties in your hands and you instantly wore them back, adjusting your shirt and skirt while he watched, his zip still open and cock still hanging out, his hand fisting it to overstimulation, a pained hiss leaving his lips at how good it felt.
You turned around to meet his eyes and watch him jerk off his cock harshly, biting on his lower lip, pressing against your body again, his brows furrowed in pleasure, hot breaths falling on your face.
Your pussy was starting to heat up again, seeing pure carnal pleasure on his face was driving you insane, god what had he done to you?
He slammed his lips into yours and licked into your hot mouth while his hand continued to fist his dick, trying to make himself cum again. He groaned at your taste, his movements becoming faster. He pulled back from the kiss to rest his forehead against yours and stuck his tongue out, just a millimetre away from your lips. As if on instinct, you stuck your own tongue out to meet the tip of his, moaning at the feeling, rubbing your tongues against each other while he jerked off, saliva dripping down your chins.
When you sucked his tongue into your mouth, you felt his body jerk rapidly, pleasure overtaking his senses as he groaned into your mouth and came all over his hands, finally pulling away from you, sighing in relief and satisfaction.
The bus had reached your stop, coming slowly to a halt but before you could move to leave, he was bringing his cum covered hand to your lips "lick it clean" he whispered and you met his dark eyes, maintaining eye contact while your tongue snuck out to eat his cum out of his hands, moaning at the taste.
"Fuck" he cursed at the sight, watching as you licked his hand clean and finally walked away from him, licking your mouth clean with your fingers.
You were his perfect match.
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starsmourning · 10 months
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૮ ྀི◞͈ ˔ ◟͈ ྀིა ‧₊˚ ꒰ྀི it looks like the scary looking loner has been keeping a secret from the class ꒱
ᥫ᭡ ⋆゚⊹ ꒰ྀི yandere creep blade / gross pervert blade x male reader ꒱ — ( college au ノ dom/sub dynamics ノ yandere behavior ノ toxic mindset ノ perverted behavior ノ tresspassing ノ stealing ノ posessive and obsessive behavior ) 𐂯 ‧₊˚
repost. fem alligned & mdni blogs dni.
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Yandere creep blade who's known in class as that weird quiet creepy kid that always looks like he’s about to fight anyone at the moment making everyone not wanna be near him at all. It wasn’t his fault he has a resting bitch face, it's everyone who just assumes he does something bad. Though it all changes when he meets a cute little partner in a project.
Yandere creep blade who’d be enchanted at the nice and cute boy who comes up to him asking his name, with his cute little voice asking if his name is blade. He couldn’t help but blush a little as he nodded his head. His eyes wandering all over his small small body, he was practically towering him. He’s just like a cute little hamster in his eyes.
Just the way you pucker your lips, blink your pretty lashes. God, you're so adorable. He can feel himself getting hard just from this, seeing you shyly smile at him as you try to start the conversation about the project. Oh you sweet little thing you are.
Yandere creep blade who listens to everything you have to say about the project, how you think what you two will do. His ears are attentive to your voice although his eyes wander everywhere but on your own eyes, too afraid to meet in contact with them for some reasons. Was it shyness? Was it nervousness? he doesn’t know but god does he love your flawless neck. He wonders if you let him fill it with his marks.
Yandere creepy blade who’d get addicted to you after the project, you were just so cute? so nice? just such an adorable little thing. He has to keep an eye on you. His eyes are always staring at you in class. Observing every little thing you do. The way you bite on that pen as you look at your test with furrowed brows. He wishes he was the pen. God is his cute boy just so adorable?
He’s just so adorable as he greets him whenever he sees him, his hands waving his way as he smiles politely. God he wishes he could talk to you but why is it so hard? his tongue stopping him from saying any words to you only giving you his familiar cold stoic look nodding his head at you whenever he senses your wave. Shit why is he like this? oh well you seem to tolerate this behaviour of his and god he loves you for it. Don’t worry once he gets the courage he’ll talk to you again, showing all his devotion to you.
Yandere creep blade who’d die just to get a swift of your scent. His pants got tight as he got a wift of the new shampoo you used on your hair. It was lemon with a dash of vanilla? fuck thats just so like you and it made his boy even more adorable. After that he gotta stop by the washroom after all he has to deal with his little problem down in his pants. He can't help it, it's only natural to have desires. Even if that desire was to pin his sweet boy down as he thrust his cock inside him as he cried in pleasure. So? it's only natural.
Him trying to contain his groans of pleasure in stalls not wanting anyone to hear him jerking off as he fantasises about you once again. Fuck just Imagining it sounds so hot he wonders if you let his cock sink in deep inside you? Going back to the class as if nothing happened. His eyes back again observing every detail you have.
But it wasn’t enough. Looking and observing wasn’t enough, so when the pen you always seem to bite onto rolled down the floor. He couldn’t help but take that chance to take it, it wasn’t stealing if you lost it. It was simply just borrowing things that's all. As he picked up the bitten pen he looked at it with practical hearts in his eyes. He was practically drooling as he looked at it as if it was the most precious thing. I mean it is, it came from you, sweet beloved little y/n, his y/n. Pocketing it he can’t wait to collect more things from you.
Yandere creep blade who continues to borrow you lost stuff, remember the lip balm you always use? you somehow lost it don’t worry though bladie got it! but he doesn’t wanna give it back to you. He still remembers the many times he fantasised he was this lip balm, how he wanna kiss your kissable lips. This lip balm was so lucky to freely do that but now he has it! technically you two kissed if he also used it too right? just how romantic and cute is that!
It went from small items to much more bigger, the half eaten apple you threw away because you didn’t like the taste. It has your cute canine bite marks on it, look how adorable that is, he wonders if you’d give him some marks too. He got bolder and stalked you to your house, slowly trailing behind you making sure he’s quiet and making sure you wont notice him. God is his beloved home such a cute one? getting in secretly without you knowing. He was just visiting you thats all don’t worry! As he looks around the house, walking in your shower seeing the shampoo brand and soap brand you use. He wishes he could take them but you need them! I guess he’d suffice on buying the same brand so that he can imagine your scent filling his room.
Quickly coming back to his house as he opens the shrine he has made for you. All the things he has borrowed from you. He couldn’t help but giggle as he looked at his collections, isn’t this just perfect? his sweet beloved! He can't wait until the day he finally starts talking to him without feeling so nervous. As for now he’ll protect him from harm as he admires you from afar. His sweet boy~ created to be all his <3
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edenesth · 3 months
[9:47 PM]
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Noticing Mingi's persistent gaze fixed on you yet again that evening, you frowned and nudged his shoulder, whispering sternly, "Quit staring at me and mingle with your coworkers! It's impolite to ignore them. Take advantage of this chance to network, for heaven's sake."
Your boyfriend had eagerly brought you along as his date to his company's annual dinner, eager to finally introduce you after enduring endless teasing from his colleagues for always attending solo. Despite the opportunity to establish connections with influential figures ranging from high-ranking executives to international affiliates, he found himself unable to leave your side.
Extending his hand under the table to clasp yours, he leaned in and slyly murmured in your ear, "But darling, how can I possibly take my eyes off you when you look so irresistibly stunning tonight, hm?"
"Behave yourself, Song Mingi."
As those around you began to shoot knowing glances at both of you, you felt a blush creeping up your cheeks. While you weren't usually one to shy away from public displays of affection, this wasn't just any place—it was Mingi's work event. You felt it important for him to maintain a professional impression among his colleagues.
With a smirk, he tightened his grip on your hand, planting a mischievous peck on your cheek, "And what if I refuse to?"
"Don't be ridiculous," You scoffed, lightly swatting his hand away and pushing him back by the chest, though it wasn't easy given his towering size and strength. Deciding it might be best for him to give his coworkers some attention, you sent the people at your table a polite smile before excusing yourself, "I'm just going to freshen up. Please keep an eye on him for me."
They chuckled at your jest, assuring you as you rose from your seat, a hand on your boyfriend's shoulder as you passed behind him. Leaning down, you whispered in his ear, "Listen to me and be a good boy, perhaps you'll be rewarded when we return home."
You didn't need to look at him to sense the warmth creeping up his cheeks. You could hear his colleagues laughing, likely teasing him for being so whipped. Suppressing your giggles, you made your way to the nearest washroom to touch up your makeup. With the dinner drawing to a close, you dared to utter those suggestive words, relying on the fact that it was almost over. You just needed him to behave a little longer. Maybe that would serve as good motivation.
Or so you hoped.
To your surprise, when you walked out of the facilities, Mingi was nowhere to be found. You let out a sigh of disbelief when you realised he wasn't in his seat. There went the chance you wanted to give him to socialise, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."
As you reached into your purse for your phone to text him, you gasped when your actions were abruptly halted by a pair of arms wrapping around you from behind. It was only when you registered the familiar scent of your boyfriend's cologne that you relaxed. However, your calmness didn't last long as you remembered your surroundings. It wouldn't be appropriate if any of his colleagues were to turn around and notice the back hug he was giving you.
"Stop it, Mingi—"
You froze when you felt his face right beside yours, his breath brushing against your cheek as he spoke in his famous low voice, "You're so cruel to me, you know that? How do you expect me to remain professional after that stunt you pulled, darling? As if you haven't already been seducing me all night."
Protesting, you attempted to free yourself from his embrace, "I was not—" but your words caught in your throat when he pressed his lips against a sensitive spot on your neck, sending an immediate shiver down your spine and weakening your knees.
"Say what you like, princess. But we're leaving now," He declared, finally releasing his arms from around you. Without delay, he firmly secured your hand in his and led you out of the hall. Sensing your resistance, he quickly reassured, "Don't worry, I've informed them we're leaving early due to an emergency at home."
"Huh? What kind of emergency?" Your brows furrowed with concern.
He grinned, casting a glance back at you over his shoulder, "I'm in desperate need of that reward you promised, darling."
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ATEEZ Masterlist
It would be a crime not to write anything after seeing these damn photos HAHA the way I was trying so hard to focus on writing part 20 of TWTHH, but I literally could not do so until I get this out of my system first.
Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this one! As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho @the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid
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rynwritesstuff · 6 months
Lust for Life
Young!Coriolanus Snow x Reader
Warnings: NSFW (18+), oral sex, possessive thoughts
Word Count: 722
Summary: You give Coriolanus a blowjob in the bathroom.
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You had hardly even heard him following you. He is quiet, Coriolanus Snow. He’s quick, too, especially when he wants something. In this case, it is you. He watched you all throughout class, observing the way your brows furrow when you concentrate, the way your jaw clenches when you don't understand, the way you sigh when things begin to overwhelm you. 
You were frustrated, Snow had realized. Anxious. Maybe even just a bit bored. 
He could fix that. 
So, once class was over, he hurried towards you in the crowded halls. He touched your shoulder. He smiled at you. He spoke to you. None of this is unusual, of course, but he is a peculiar man, and you sometimes struggle to figure out what Coriolanus is thinking. 
The conversation had ebbed and flowed. It turned into questions, which turned into flirting, which turned into Snow hastily leading you down the hallway. 
And now, here you are, on your knees in the restroom while Coriolanus pulls his cock free from his trousers. The door is locked, but still, part of you worries that someone will hear. You push it aside, though, because Coriolanus is stroking his hard, throbbing cock, and he lets out a shaky breath as he stares down at you. He enjoys seeing you like this, he always does. He feels powerful and in-control when you look up at him with those pretty eyes of yours. It is almost like you’re worshiping him like this, down on your knees and willing to make him feel good. 
Coriolanus smirks softly as he touches your cheek, then slips his thumb between your lips. He hums, satisfied as you suck on his digit eagerly. 
“This is what you needed, isn’t it?” he hums. “Release. Someone to help you out.” 
You nod despite your thoughts. This is hardly a release for you. You can’t even touch yourself like this, your clothing would be too much of a hassle. 
“Open,” Coriolanus says, and your jaw drops. You flatten your tongue for him, and he nudges his cock head against your bottom lip. He pushes himself in slowly, allowing you to get used to his size, and your eyes flutter shut as tears rise in your eyes from the pressure in your throat. Coriolanus pushes forward, and you gag, face heating up. 
“You can take it,” he says softly, starting to roll his hips. He grunts. “Shit . . .”
You keep your eyes shut, your hands coming up to hold onto his rocking hips. He’s got one hand in your hair and one on your cheek, and you concentrate hard on not gagging. Your core is hot and wet with need, but you know that once Snow cums he will not return the favor. 
“So good,” he sighs, his blonde curls falling forward as his brows knit together in pleasure. You hum, and the sound vibrates around his cock. He grunts, his thrusts becoming sloppier and faster. 
You look up at him, and he stares down at you, and Coriolanus is sure that this is the most perfect thing he’s ever experienced. A pretty girl like you, on your knees, taking his cock and obeying him without pushback. He groans at the realization, orgasm building. 
“Gonna cum,” Snow breathes. You nod slightly, moaning again as Coriolanus lets out a shaky sigh. Another handful of thrusts come before he lets out a long, pleasure-filled groan. The sound is wonderful, it goes straight to your aching core, and Snow must know this. You shift slightly, and he pulls his cock from your wet, dripping mouth. He stares down at you for a moment, looking you up and down before offering you his hand to help you up. He smiles as he thinks of how polite he’s being. 
You stand, and he rights his clothing and grabs his things, which are discarded on the floor of the washroom. You swallow harshly. For a moment, you thought that maybe he would offer to make you feel good, too. Perhaps it isn’t that he doesn’t want to make you feel good, but that he thought him being pleasured would get you off, too. No matter, there will be another time, and a time after that, and a time after that. 
You can count on it. You can count on Coriolanus Snow. 
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
monster trio x fem reader nsfw formal wear 👀 either way because i’m a sucker for a man in a suit and i know they would be on their knees for a dress
ayeee now that's what we are talking about!! (scurries like a rat to pinterest to find hot men in suit as inspo~)
"all dressed up, just for me" ft. the monster trio!
ft. luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader
set-up: hot men in suits; just no other thoughts
warnings: nsfw drabbles; nsfw stuff includes: penetration, dirty talk, them being just a little bit possessive if you squint; MDNI (thankyou very much)
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the way luffy would slay this is like unthinkable actually
- his hands are snaking around your waist, fingers digging harshly against the silk you were clad in - ignoring the man in front of you that you were chatting up, he leans in to whisper against the shell of your ear, "come with me, please" - you excuse the man, flashing him a polite smile and then luffy's dragging you by your wrist outside of the ball-room and into the corridor - "luffy-" you moan, words dissolving on the tip of your tongue as he's kissing and bruising the skin on your neck "somebody's gonna see" you whisper he flashes you a grin, "let them" "luffy" you push him away, "somebody's gonna see." - he groaned but nonetheless, he pulled away. then, pulling you by your wrist and walked into the nearest washroom - your back is against the cold wooden door and his fingers are hiking up your gown, letting it pool on your hip "so pretty" thats all he mumbles before he's kissing you again - his fingers pull your panties aside, the pad of his thumb rubbing the bundle of nerves - you moan into his touch, your hands pulling him closer and kissing him harder "luffy" you whimper at his calloused touches "look at you, all dressed up, just for me." he groans, fingers moving faster, "let me fuck you just like this" - fucked you with the dress on - you can never put that dress on again because luffy goes feral every single time. - rip u and ur dress
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you heard the man, he said he'd wear something black
- zoro was trying to have some self-restraint. - truly, he was trying. - if trying meant ogling you from across the room as he downed his third glass of whiskey and clenching his jaw whenever another guy's fingers lingered a little too long over your skin, then sure, he was trying - but enough was enough, that dude was getting a little too close and your smile was turning from a genuine one to an uncomfortable one - so, zoro's arm wraps around your waist, his lips pressing a chaste kiss to your neck he whispers, "do you want me to kill him?" and then he's pulling you away, sending the man in front of you a death-glare - you're pressed against the cold balcony wall, the night air painting goosebumps on your skin as zoro presses against you "nobody ever comes here" he reassures as he is bruising your skin "are you su-" he pulls you into a kiss, devouring you whole and shutting you up as his lips trace over yours - and now you are bent over the balcony, your dress bunched up at your hips; your hands are gripping the cool metal as his fingers lace up in your hair and pull you backwards. he slips in and out from behind, whispering dirty nothings in your ear "fu-ck yn" his voice is heavy, mixed with groans and low moans, "look at you, all dressed up just for me" "zoro ngh- shit fuc-" "shh" his finger drags your bottom lip as he drills into you harder, "somebody might hear us" - well, now you know his kryptonite - wear a dress and pray to god he doesn't tear it when he fucks you
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hold up, sanji with this slutty waistline i know you all hear me
- he's been pressed up against you all night, hissing insults as soon as other man got too close to you or smiled a bit too much with you or any other thing ever "sanji, you're being ridiculous come on" you whisper as you pull him aside, silently begging him to leave your side for like two minutes and act normal "i cannot help it, darling. look at you" he flashes you a handsome smile "sanji." "awh don't be mad," he leans in, tucking your hair behind your ear and whispering, "i can make it up to you" - and that's how you were stuffed inside a utility closet with sanji pressed up against you - your dress hung barely onto your skin as you chest was exposed and sanji fucked into your cunt, his hands holding you into place against the wall "san- sanji, fuck" "my love, all dressed up, just for me" he whispers as his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips, "takin' me so well, darlin-g" - yeah, he ended up accidentally ripping your dress - its fine tho, he bought you another and fucked you in it too
a/n: this was relatively short but oh my lord my brain isnt working im sorry 🙏🏼
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kimabutch · 9 months
Things are getting increasingly shitty in Canada for trans people and, not gonna lie, it's really stressful! Within the last month:
The Conservative Party of Canada, which is the official opposition party (AKA the party with the second most votes) and has a solid chance of forming the government in the next election, held a convention where they voted overwhelmingly in favour of creating policies to stop gender-affirming medical care for minors (link)
They also officially voted to define "woman" as "female person" and try to stop trans women from being in women's prisons, shelters, locker rooms, and washrooms
Multiple provincial governments are either enacting policies that would require parents' approval in order for trans kids to change their names or pronouns at school, or have officially said that they support forcibly outing kids (link)
A nonbinary teacher in Quebec received threats of violence for using pronoun "Mx" and other Quebec provincial parties complained about "wokeism" and said they wouldn't use the title (link)
And this doesn't include the homophobic & transphobic protests outside pride events throughout the summer or the "Save Our Children" convoy that's being planned for later this month (link), or the tons of shitty things that have happened all through this year, like tons of Ontario trans people (including me!) losing healthcare.
I'm trying to stay as optimistic as possible, knowing just how many trans people and allies there are, but sometimes! It's hard!
Anyways, if you're Canadian, please consider:
Getting involved in local, municipal politics, especially on school boards, to speak out about the need for gender-affirming policies, especially for youth
Showing up (with an organized, prepared group) to counter-protest anti-trans protesters
Keeping track of any anti- or pro-trans bills going around and contacting your MPs & MPPs to let them know what you think of them
Supporting 2SLGBTQ+ charities
Literally never ever voting conservative
And even if you're not Canadian, if you have friends who are Canadian & trans, maybe check in on them? Most Canadian trans people are pretty freaked out right now I think.
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bookyeom · 2 months
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pairing: Joshua x reader word count: 3.1k warnings: kissing, a swear or two, bad jokes
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Author’s Note: this fic is part of the Thirteen Valentines event, but can be read as a standalone! also, i would suggest listening to the song listed below to get a feel for the vibe of the fic, but it’s not necessary.
This one is based semi in reality (the laughs bit). Can you even believe?
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shortcut to heaven by lullaboy
oh my god, what a blessing out of ten, you’re eleven
you make it worth all of the waiting somebody patient, somebody kind
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You technically shouldn’t be cleaning up before the doors officially close at 11:00, but it’s been a slow night, so you figure it can’t hurt. You’re sweeping the farthest corner of the cafe when you hear a new song start to play over the speakers, and you let out a cheer. 
“You’re welcome!” You can hear your coworker shout from his spot behind the counter, where he’s  preemptively cleaning the espresso machine. 
“You rock,” comes your returning yell. 
You love the nights you get to close with Joshua. He wants to get out of there just as quickly as you do, so he’ll break the rules a little and help you clean early when there’s no customers. Plus, he has great taste in music. Since you work the same closing shift three nights a week, the two of you usually split the AUX, but you wouldn’t really mind if he controlled the sound for the entire eight hours.
The song that’s just begun to play is a new favourite of yours that you’d sent him over text last week, and it makes you feel all sorts of giddy that he remembered and played it over the speaker for you.
You hear the espresso machine begin its loud cleaning cycle, and you’re impressed that Joshua had the guts to switch it off completely already. It’s 10:58 now, but if your boss knew, he’d have a fit. You finish sweeping, bringing the broom and dustpan back to the corner it rests in by the counter, and then you jog over to the front door. You turn the lock and flip the sign to CLOSED with a dramatic flourish, and when you turn back, you meet Joshua’s eyes. He’s laughing, and you shoot him a grin. 
“Risky,” is all he says, and you snort. You’re about to tease him back when the landline phone for the cafe rings, and Joshua easily uses a free hand to hold it out for you. You make a face as you recognize the number, but you pick up regardless.
Your boss’s voice rings out over the line, and you wince. You roll your eyes, putting on a show for Joshua, and you’re rewarded with another soft laugh as he shakes his head. You watch as he finishes wiping down the espresso machine, meticulously scrubbing the syrup shot cups and dumping out the grinds, as you listen to your boss drone on about something being dropped off in the morning. You agree to pass on the message for the girls opening the next day, stifling a sigh as your boss then rambles on about what needs to be done during the closing shift as if you haven’t been doing them for months now. He finally hangs up after you offer a polite laugh in return to one of his lame jokes, and you hand the phone back to Joshua with a grimace. 
“What joke did he tell that time?”
You stretch your arms out over the counter dramatically, leaning forward to rest on them with a yawn. “How do you know he told me a joke?”
“Because he always does.” You pout as Joshua throws a cleaning cloth at you, and you force yourself back into an upright position. “And,” Joshua continues as he heads towards the door to the stockroom at the back, “that was your ‘you just told a joke that was absolutely not funny but I’m too nice to tell you that’ laugh.” He disappears around the corner, and it takes you a second to register what he’s just said to you. 
Your what laugh?
You grab the cleaning spray from under the sink and head towards the tables in the cafe, settling into your usual closing routine with Joshua. As he restocks what’s necessary, you clean the tables and the washrooms, brows furrowing as you replay what Joshua said in your mind. 
You’re distracted when he emerges from the back and turns the music up, and you finish up your closing list in no time. 
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Joshua waits as you lock up, and as you head to your cars, he listens diligently as you finish the story you were telling him. 
“She’s here everyday and gets the same thing every time! I’m not trying to judge people’s coffee orders, but she orders a quadruple-shot Americano at 5pm. Is she okay?” 
Joshua shrugs as he unlocks his car. He peers over the hood at you, lips pursed as though he’s thinking, and then he says, “I don’t know, but you’re right. A four-shot black Americano is definitely a sad drink. A Despresso, if you will.”
You let out the loudest groan known to man as he absolutely beams, proud of himself. You can’t help it — you burst into laughter. 
“Horrible,” you manage, trying to roll your eyes, but you’re still giggling. 
“Ah,” Joshua grins. “See? There’s the laugh you have when you actually find something funny.”
You’re taken by surprise again at the comment. His words make you flush a little, but you’re quick to respond. “No way. That’s impossible, see, because you’re not funny.”
Joshua gasps. “Rude,” he says, scandalized, and you laugh again, lifting your hand in a wave as you open your car door. 
“Bye,” you say in response, grin still wide on your lips. He shakes his head, but he’s laughing, too, and you consider it mission accomplished. “See you on Friday, Shua.”
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You’re having the worst day ever.
First, you hadn’t been able to sleep because of the wind and rain outside your window. When you’d finally stumbled out of bed at 11:00am, you remembered that you were out of milk which meant that you a) couldn’t have a bowl of your favourite comfort cereal, and b) you couldn’t have your morning coffee. When you managed to force yourself to get dressed and out the door to the cafe down the street, they’d been out of your favourite muffin and their espresso machine was being serviced. Last but not least, you’d forgotten to move your clothes from the washer to the dryer the night before, and the load you’d done had included your favourite work shirt — the new one all the employees had been given recently that was plain black instead of the old ugly, vomit shade of yellow-green. So here you are, pulling up to clock in for your shift, wearing the ugliest shirt known to man because you’d forgotten to dry your other one. You think the giant coffee stain on the collar that you’d never been able to wash out really adds to the appeal, too. And when you step in a puddle on your way to the door that almost entirely soaks your left shoe, you barely even flinch.
You’re in a daze as you half heartedly greet your coworkers. One of them simply lets out an ‘oof’ from behind the cash register at the sight of you, and you’re inclined to agree. You head into the breakroom at the back, grabbing your apron from the locker and turning your head only briefly when the door opens behind you. 
“Hey,” Joshua greets.
“Hey,” you return quietly, turning back to fix your ponytail in the mirror. You can feel Joshua looking at you and you face him, your eyebrows raised in question. “What?”
He shrugs, and you watch as his eyes take note of your puke-coloured shirt. “Nothing,” he says after a moment, and you cross your arms. 
“Go on then,” you say. “Get the teasing out of the way now.”
Joshua grabs his own apron, lifting it over his head. You watch as he smiles while reaching to tie it behind his back, meeting your eyes again as he does. “What would I possibly have to tease you about? You look like my favourite movie protagonist.”
You blink. “What? Who?”
Joshua deadpans, smoothing down his apron and beaming as he replies smoothly, “Shrek.”
You pout. He dissolves into laughter, and you hate that you’re genuinely upset by his teasing, but you’ve just had the worst day ever and you can’t help it. You turn away from him, trying to compose yourself as you let out a forced laugh of your own. “Funny,” you say, trying to appear way less upset than you are.
”Hey,” Joshua says softly, and you close your locker door. The last thing you want is for him to feel bad for you right now.
“Let’s go. It’s almost 2:00,” you say, and you’re about to brush past him when he gently grabs your elbow. 
“Hey,” he says, and when you meet his eyes, you can tell he genuinely feels bad for teasing you. “I’m sorry.”
He searches your face, concern written all over his, and your shoulders relax just a little. “It’s okay. It was funny,” you offer. 
“I know it was, but you gave me your ‘I would normally find this funny but something is wrong’ laugh.” 
“Okay, now that’s ridiculous.” 
Joshua searches your face. It’s not lost on you that he’s still got a gentle grip on your arm as he says, “So you’re telling me nothing’s wrong?” 
You open and close your mouth for a moment. For some reason, you want to tell him everything. Instead, you settle for, “I’m okay, Shua. Thanks.” 
He nods slowly in response, seemingly deciding not to question you further. Then he reaches into his locker and pulls something out, holding it towards you. “Here. I keep a spare one just in case.” When you don’t say anything, dumbfounded, he drapes the black t-shirt over your shoulder and smiles. “It’s clean, don’t worry. And I really don’t mind if you wear it.” 
Before you can process any of it, he’s disappeared out into the cafe. When you emerge a few minutes later, he’s already clocked you in so that you’re not late, and the rest of your shift passes without a single comment on the black t-shirt you’ve changed into.
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You’re staring again.
It’s a bit slow at the cafe this evening, and your eyes stay on Joshua as he leans against the counter, scrolling on his phone for a song he wants to show you. He’s laughing as he explains how he’d discovered it, blissfully unaware of the way you’re gazing at him like he’s the sun incarnate. You wish you could blame your unprofessionalism on the fact that you’re bored, but the truth of it is, simply, that your coworker has the most delightful laugh.
You’ve known Joshua for a couple of months now. You’d clicked immediately during your first shift together, and it had been easy from then on out. Even on your worst days, everything is a little better with him there. He greets every customer with a friendly greeting and a smile, and he never complains. His smile makes your day, and his laugh… you’re starting to realize that it does something to you. 
It doesn’t help that he’s often laughing at your jokes. Or commenting on your many different laughs, which you’ve come to learn are plenty. Since that closing shift when he’d first mentioned it, he’s pointed out at least five different laughs of yours. If you’re honest, it’s got you entirely flustered. Joshua has always been kind to you, and you would even argue that you’re friends now… but do friends pay this much attention to one another?
You think about it all day. You think about it when he calls out a drink order to you with a smile; you think about it when he goes on his break and you miss him the entire time. You think about it when you meet eyes throughout your shift; you think about it when he hides the last chocolate chip muffin from customers so you can have it on your lunch.
You’re still thinking about it as the day nears its close. As usual, you find yourself a bit bummed about the end of your shift. Not because you want to work – you don’t – but because you know you won’t see Joshua for at least two days after this. 
You’ve been on beverages all afternoon, and you’re grateful when the post-work rush keeps you busy. You’re making your third decaf latte in the last thirty minutes, and you thank the customer politely when you hand them their drink. You offer a polite smile and a laugh as they make a joke about how silly decaffeinated coffee is, really, and you’ve just turned back to the espresso machine when you nearly run into Joshua. He leans past you to hand the same customer a muffin he’d warmed up in the microwave before he meets your eyes.
“That was your customer service laugh,” he says, low enough for only you to hear, and you flush.
You can’t help it as you say, “You pay an awful lot of attention to me, Mister Hong.”
Joshua chuckles, not fazed in the slightest that you’ve pointed it out. He just smiles. “You’re hard not to pay attention to.” 
His admittance is soft, nonchalant. And when he leaves you at the espresso machine to tend to the next customer, you stand there for a few moments, staring blankly at the metal of the machine in front of you. Even after you’ve kickstarted your brain into working again, his words bounce around in your head for the rest of your shift. 
And for the next few days.
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It starts off just like any other day.
You arrive ten minutes before your shift – as usual. Joshua arrives soon after, and you forget how to breathe for a minute when he says hello – as usual. Then you spend the rest of your day wondering if he’s flirting with you, or just being really, really nice – as usual. 
Just another ordinary day.
Until you and Joshua find yourselves soaked from head to toe in coffee and hot water. 
“I’ve told him so many times that we need a new one,” you mutter helplessly as the two of you stare at the broken machine. You’re angry, but mostly you’re just tired from going to war with the espresso machine. 
You’d been cleaning it after the last customer had left when it had begun to spray coffee grinds and brown, grimy water all over you and your apron. Joshua had rushed out immediately as soon as he’d heard you gasp, and the two of you had done everything in your power to stop it. You’d won in the end – but at what cost?
Joshua sighs, humming in agreement as a hand rubs at his jaw. “We’ll let him deal with it in the morning. It’s not your fault at all.” He turns to you, a hand lifting to your shoulder as he says softly, “Are you sure you’re not hurt? The water didn’t burn you?” 
You shake your head, offering him a tired smile. “I’m good, Shua. Did it get you at all?”
“I’m okay.” 
He smiles back, giving your arm a squeeze before he turns, and you watch as he slides down slowly to sit on the floor. You let out an exhausted laugh before you join him, resting your head back against the counter in a mirror image. He glances over at you at the sound of your laughter, a smile lifting the corner of his lips. You wait for him to say something, but he doesn’t. He just gazes at you, and your breath catches in your throat.
“Aren’t you going to tell me what kind of laugh that one was?” You ask, voice low in the quiet of the closed coffee shop. Joshua’s smile grows wider as he finally looks away. It takes you a moment longer to look away from him, though. He’s got the tiniest smear of coffee grains on his cheek, and you wonder what he’d do if you reached out to brush them off. 
“Does it bother you?”
You blink out of your daze. “What?”
Joshua picks at a thread on his jeans. Neither of you has the energy to lift your heads from the cupboard behind you, and you can’t imagine what the two of you look like right now — covered in coffee grinds and dirty water as you sit side-by-side, slumped on the floor behind the counter. 
“You know,” Joshua says softly, gesturing vaguely, “the whole laugh thing.”
You look at him again in surprise. “Oh.” You bite your lip, looking down at your hands. You shake your head. “No, it doesn't bother me at all.” You flush as you add quietly, “It’s nice that someone notices stuff like that about me.” 
You can feel Joshua’s eyes on you again. “I like that you have so many different laughs.” He pauses. “It’s versatile.”
You let out a snort at that, and when you meet his gaze to roll your eyes, you’re stopped by the way he’s smiling at you. 
Then he says, as soft as ever, “I like your laugh a lot, actually.”
Your breath hitches in your throat as his eyes fall to your mouth. “Laughs,” you correct shakily as your gaze finds his mouth, too. “Plural.”
“Right,” he murmurs with a smile, “laughs. All of them.”
You don’t know who begins to lean in first. All you know is that he’s so pretty, even with his coffee-stained apron and his coffee-grind-covered cheek. Even as you both seem to forget that you’re filthy when his hand finds your chin and tilts you up to meet his mouth. 
He’s pretty, and his lips are so warm, and it’s over way too soon. 
But his hand is still on your face, his thumb brushing softly against your cheek. You can’t help it — you let out a small, breathless laugh, and Joshua’s smile spreads wide. 
“That one’s new,” he whispers. 
“I think that one means ‘finally’.”
His answering smile is so fucking soft that you think you melt right on the spot. When he stands up and holds out a hand to help you, he pulls you up and right into his chest, and you have a feeling the closeness isn’t an accident. The way you pull him even closer by his apron isn’t, either.
And it’s definitely not an accident when he kisses you again, pushing you gently against the coffee-stained counter.
“I was really hoping to do this off the clock,” Joshua muses against your lips, “but I’m not upset at all that I’m being paid overtime to kiss you right now.”
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A/N: sorry this took so long, there’s been a lot going on in my life!! Thanks for waiting xx
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imajinxnation · 4 months
First of all I wanted to start off by saying that I absolutely love your work and I saw that your requests are open so I was wondering if I could make one??
Could I request a one shot with John Wick x reader where they’re in a relationship and are out at a bar or something and someone is just being really creepy and hitting on a clearly uncomfortable reader? Cue protective John to the rescue!!
Honestly you can take this wherever you want or do whatever you want with this!
Thank you so much, but if not no worries at all :)
Have an amazing day/ night!!!
J & J (Jardani & Jealousy)
John Wick x Reader
SUMMARY // You get hit on by someone in a Café, which makes Jardani(John) get jealous and protective.
TW // Fluff, Creepy Girl, Sexy Protective Jardani, Cussing, Suggestive...
I switched between the names Jardani and John because I'm in love with his real name.
Also, decided on a Café because more people go to Café's than Bars (at least where I'm from).
Lmk if there are any mistakes, my dumb brain wants to say 'I' everytime I type 'you'.
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When John wanted to go on a quiet Café date with you, this was not what he had planned. Everything was going so well, until he left to use the washroom and came back to see a girl practically sitting on you, she was so close. Just by the expression on your face, he could tell you were extremely uncomfortable with this girl; and she wasn't taking a hint.
Her face gets closer to yours, he sees her whisper something in your ear and he starts to feel a fire burn in his soul, his protectiveness taking over.
That's what he's seeing now, but let's back it up a bit to when he first left to use the washroom and take a look at what happened that he didn't see.
You're sitting quietly in your booth, looking out the window at the street and all the different cars passing by, a dreamy look in your eyes. Obviously, you were thinking about the love of your life, Jardani. You knew about his old life and what happened with Helen, but that didn't tip you off from dating on him because you know that he is more than his past. You also know that Helen will always have a piece of his heart, and you don't mind as long as you also have a piece of his heart, too.
"Excuse me," a voice says.
You're taken out of your daydream when you hear a woman's voice speaking next to you. A waitress at the Café stands there, smiling at you with a weird look in her eyes. You smile politely at the waitress and sit up straight.
"Yes?" You ask, smiling gently.
"These are your orders. If I may ask, where'd your father go?" The waitress asked after setting the drinks and breakfast on the table, a grin on her face.
You freeze for a minute. 'Did this bitch just call Jardani my father?' You think. 'I get that he's older than me, but anyone can tell by the way we act that we're romantically involved!'
You give her the most obvious fake smile you could muster before replying,
"He went to use the washroom. Also, he's my boyfriend, not my father."
The waitress gave a shocked look, not expecting those words to come out of your lips. Suddenly she looked at you with fake concerned eyes. You raise a brow at her expression, waiting for some bullshit to come out of her mouth.
"Oh sweetie, you can tell me. Is he making you date him, are you okay?" She puts her hand on your shoulder and strokes down your arm before sliding into the seat right next to you, her hip and thigh squishing yours.
"What? No, he's not making me date him, I really do love him," you say, trying to be as polite as possible, not wanting to cause a huge scene.
"Honey, you don't have to lie to me! Besides, you can do so much better. You need someone closer to your age," she plays with your hair.
You look around nervously, checking to see if John had finished in the washroom yet. When you still didn't see him, you mentally cursed him for leaving you to deal with this crazy woman who doesn't understand what 'no' means. You also prayed he'd be back soon so you could stop playing nice and get her to leave.
"I really don't, trust me, I've tried to date people my age, they're rude assholes," I say, trying to hint at her.
"You just haven't met the right one yet.." she whispers in your ear, her breath making you shudder in disgust and lose your appetite for breakfast.
"What's going on here?" John asks politely as he walks up to the table.
Once the woman is no longer looking at you and is looking at John instead, you mouthed the word 'help' behind her back, giving your lover a distressed look. You see a look of understanding in his eyes.
"Yes, well, you can do that without sitting on their lap, and besides, don't you have other customers to tend to?" His words quickly made her feel embarrassed, and she quickly left to do just that, but not before glancing back at you, winking at you and mouthing 'call me!'.
"Oh nothing, I was just telling your.. partner.. that they looked lovely today," the woman lied, giving him an uninterested look, giving him a quick once over.
You let out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding, your body relaxing as John moved back to his seat across from you.
"That was awful, thank you for that.. I see that look on your face, no matter how much you, or even I, wanna kill her, she is technically an innocent," you point out.
John raises an eyebrow at you, "That? I can tell you right now there was nothing innocent about that.. thing."
You roll your eyes and can't help but smile at his protectiveness, the fire in his eyes burning you to the core. Seeing him angry and possessive was always a sight, and it never failed to make you squirm in your seat.
"You know.. she really tipped me off my breakfast, maybe we could just.. Oh, I don't know.. Go home, take a hot shower.." You say, not trying to be subtle at all with your intentions.
"Yeah, I think that's a great idea," he gives a small smirk, the fire in his eyes that was burning with anger, now burning with desire.
"Well, let's not wait.. Jardani," you tease him, riding your foot up his leg, getting him excited.
Jardani shivers, from both your touch on his leg and you saying his real name. You calling him by his birth name always does things to him, and it will get you anything you want.
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strrmyclouds · 3 months
› › › aged up!! ballroom!katsuki smut
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i nearly vomited while thinking about ballroom!katsuki who fell in love with you the moment he watched you enter the room, your dress sparkling and glittering under the lighting as you moved so beautifully.
he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of you, your h/c locks bouncing with each step, a sweet and polite smile on your face as you declined various offers to dance.
the night went on, and you had certainly caught ballroom!katsuki’s attention more than once, you helped a woman clean her dress after spilling a drink on herself, you consoled a man who had been cheated on, and you even raised a toast to the host of the ball.
you seemed like such a sweet person.
so when you walked up to him, shyly asking to dance, he was quick to take your hand, mumbling an “of course,”
he didn’t miss the hungry look you’d given him an hour before, and ever since then he’d been sporting a raging hard-on, just barley being able to keep it in his pants. but now that he’s holding you? there’s no way he’s letting go.
you danced with the man, admiring his features and the way his eyebrows scrunched up as you both swayed to the music. the sounds of everybody else seemed to muffle as he looked back at you, your eyes locking in a soft gaze. as your lips drew closer, ballroom!katsuki sucked in a breath, before twirling you around and ushering you towards the large palace’s bathrooms.
he didn’t care if it was the woman’s washroom, he bunched your dress up and shoved you in a stall, a large hand placed on your waist to support you as his other hand locked the door.
both of your breaths mixed together, eyes hazy from the feeing of your warmth. he leaned closer to you, licking his lips before pulling you into a hot kiss.
“you think i didn’t see you lookin’ at me like that?” he’d mumble into your ear after pulling away, his free hand pulling up the skirt of your dress, ruby eyes glowing with excitement as he noticed the pretty coloured panties you wore. a thick finger hooked beneath the waistband, pulling it back, then letting it snap back against your skin. he grinned at the yelp that left your lips, hand tugging the lacy fabric down quickly.
he made quick work of his pants, tugging them down before freeing his hardened cock from the confines of his boxers. he glanced at you, scanning your expression for consent, before couching down and planting a hand on your hip. he spat on his finger, before reaching up and rubbing it around your folds, smirking at the sound of your quiet moans.
“quit squirmin,” he’d grunt, standing back up. you looked back at the man, watching as he stroked his cock and spread his saliva over his length, you hadn’t even noticed when you started to rub your thighs together in anticipation. “such an eager one, aren’t ya?” he’d teade, hand squeezing at the flesh of your hip as the other guided the tip of his cock to your entrance.
as he entered your folds you moaned, head tilting back in ecstasy as your eyes fluttered. your pussy clenched around him, practically inviting him. he chuckled gruffly, slowly but surely burying his dick into your tiny little hole.
“mm..!” you’d squeal, body squirming away from the larger man, his grip on you intensifying as he held you in place with both hands now.
“stay still, pretty.” he’d hum, lips attaching themselves to your neck, sucking at your sensitive skin.
ballroom!katsuki almost moaned as your nails clawed at his back, your grip almost strong enough to tear through his expensive suit. he’ll make sure to have a look at it later, but for now, all he could focus on was folding your body into a better position.
he clasped your hands together, lifting them up and pinning you against the bathroom stall’s wall as he thrust up into you roughly. you whined, body twitching as your back arched. you squealed as his fingers pinched at your clit, your own hands desperately tugging to get out of his grasp, you wanted so badly to touch yourself.
“c-clooooseee,” you draw out, eyes rolling into the back of your head as moans and other nasty sounds spill from your tongue. “so close!”
“oh yeah?” the man would smirk at you, thrusting particularly hard into your wet pussy before you gushed all over his cock, your cum dripping onto the tiled floor beneath you as you both panted and moaned.
he shut his eyes, taking a deep breath as he pulled out of your warm pussy, and as soon as he opened his eyes again, the door was swung open and you were running out, holding your dress up as you dashed out of the woman’s bathrooms.
“wait, i didn’t even get your name!”
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brain-rot-central · 3 months
Sonnet of the Lone Cardinal, Ch. 3
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A/N: Thank you all for your patience. She's finally here.
Word count: 3.5k Rating: M (nothing sexual; mostly topics that may be uncomfortable) Pairing: Ascended Astarion/Fem!Tav Warnings: 18+; Mentions of murder, violence, death, blood, gore (very minor), blood drinking, sexual acts. Angst, alcohol consumption.
Summary: Tav and Shadowheart finally reunite for a simple lunch date. Their discussion turns toward Astarion, and a particularly unsettling event.
Chapter track: Cry - Cigarettes After Sex
♥ Previous Chapter ♥ Next Chapter ♥ Link to Ao3
Dawn breaks over the horizon. The subtle stirrings of a city coming to life once more fill the streets. Maids and matrons pat down their mats just beyond their front doors. Street vendors begin setting up their carts. A young boy with a satchel carrying copies of the Gazette goes from home to home delivering the day’s latest print.
Tav kneels before her front window, watching the street below. A few days have passed since her meeting with Jaheira. Astarion hasn't been to see her; the longest stretch of time between visits since they began their ordeal. She fully expected a visit last night. However, he never came. She hates admitting it to herself, but she feels a shallow pit in her stomach beginning to form having gone without him for so long.
Standing up, Tav closes the window and brings herself into the washroom to prepare for the day ahead. An old friend has requested a lunch date; she hasn’t seen Shadowheart for many months, and owes her dearest friend an audience.
Tav pours the carafe of water into the wash basin, dipping a cloth into the water before bringing it to her face. Studying the various soaps and creams she has lined along the shelf, she chooses one of nettlebark, smelling of citrus and pine forests. This scent is one of her favorites, and she’s relieved she can still find comfort within the smell. Scents are still a trigger for her nausea at this stage in her pregnancy. The usually tempting smell of breakfast wafting about the air of the city turns her stomach upright, now. Tav has found that if she holds off eating until mid-morning, she's in the clear. 
Yet… odd cravings have begun. 
For instance, she's since gone back to the butcher's, profusely apologetic to poor Gideon. Of course, the kind soul that he is, he was nothing but understanding and even offered her a few rations free of charge. Tav politely declined his offer, yet as she stared into the display cases full of various raw meats, she found herself practically bewitched by the sight. Rich, bloody beef; cut straight from the animal. She recalls how intensely saliva pooled within her mouth staring at the provisions. Tasting the metallic twang of the blood on her tongue, swallowing thickly as Gideon returned with her order.
Patting her face dry with a small towel, Tav returns into the main room and begins rummaging through her dresser for the day's outfit. The midnight blue bottle Jaheira gave her sits atop the dresser. Tav considers the potion every morning, but quickly declines as her heart aches at the thought. 
She believes the weather to be rather warm today, so she settles on an airy, light blue sundress and a wide brimmed hat. The gray scarf she recently bought matches perfectly as she stands before her mirror, assembling the ensemble. 
The ghost of scars catches her eyes as she adjusts the scarf around her neck. They're light enough; most wouldn't notice, though to her, they blare. Permanent gifts from her months-long affair with Astarion during their journey to defeat the Absolute. His bite was always a clean one, never marring her tanned skin. Two faint fang marks are all that remain, Tav taking the index and middle fingers of one hand to press lightly over the imprinted flesh as she lifts her chin.
Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub.
The rhythmic beating of her heart can be felt beneath her fingertips as she pushes slightly into the artery. Accurate, Tav notes, a shiver running down her spine. She makes quick adjustments to the scarf and grabs her hat off the edge of her bed, placing it atop her head. 
Returning to the mirror, Tav smiles approvingly at her reflection as she gives herself a final glance over. The dress is loose enough that it hides the new softness of her body, something she's thankful for. Curiously, she places her hands over her stomach, pushing the fabric of the dress down and under the small swell of her lower abdomen. A pleased laugh escapes her lips while admiring the sight.
Tav turns her body from side to side, tracing the movement with her eyes. Her breasts now fill the top of the garment. The deep plunge of the dress’s neckline displays her new cleavage in a flattering manner. Feeling suddenly bare, Tav unwraps the scarf from around her neck, repositioning it lays across her chest like a bandana. Better. A bit more modest.
The satisfaction doesn’t last very long as she thinks of Shadowheart. How can she tell her? Will she tell her? While Shadowheart has never been anything but supportive, Tav worries how she may respond to news of her pregnancy. Tav is not ready for the backlash and potential lecture her best friend would give her, hearing Shadowheart's scolding voice echo within her mind. 
You cried over him for months! Tav envisions clearly, sour facial expressions and all. How many times did you come to me distraught in the middle of the night? Only to end up like this?
If the conversation doesn’t occur naturally, Tav decides on not discussing it. Not yet.
Swallowing past the sudden lump in her throat, Tav grabs her satchel from behind her main door, throwing it over her shoulder and across her chest. She inspects the contents quickly to ensure everything is present. Slipping her feet into brown sandals, she makes her way down the stairs to face the day ahead.
The morning is spent strolling around the park not far from her apartment. Tav recalls an altercation with Bhaal’s followers in this very park so many months ago. Today though, people are enjoying the sun and the company of one another. Lovers lay out on the grass, hands interlaced as they speak freely of their devotion to one another. A book club gathers in the middle of the park to discuss their latest obsession. Tav overhears bits and pieces of mixed conversations, finding comfort in the fact that life is slowly returning to normal for the citizens of Baldur's Gate.
The midmorning quickly slips into afternoon, and Tav begins her trek over toward the Elfsong to meet with Shadowheart. A few people nod in recognition as she passes by. “That's our hero!” they shout. “The savior of the city!” Tav smiles and bows graciously toward them, never quite comfortable with everyone suddenly knowing of her existence. Still, she is thankful for their praise and support.
Upon entering the Elfsong, Tav scans the tavern and quickly finds Shadowheart seated at a booth along the wall. Their eyes meet, Shadowheart waving her over with a warm smile on her face. “There you are!” she exclaims as Tav draws closer. “My goodness, I feel as if it's been ages!” The two women exchange a quick embrace, planting chaste kisses upon eachother's cheek.
“Good to see you again, Shadowheart,” Tav says as she settles into the booth. She removes her hat and scarf, placing both items on the cushion to her left.
Shadowheart soon joins her, taking a sip from her glass of wine. “Shall I ask for another glass?” she proposes, nodding to hers. “We could just order a bottle,” she quickly adds with a smirk.
“Oh, no, I'm quite fine,” Tav declines, a sharp twist in her abdomen forms at the thought. “Truth be told, I haven't had the best stomach, as of late.” Bile begins to rise in the back of her throat as a quick wave of nausea passes over her. She quickly swallows it back down.
Taking another sip from her glass, Shadowheart cocks her head to the side. “Truly? Why haven't you been to see me yet?”
“Not to worry,” waving a hand in reassurance. “I've been to a healer. All is well,” Tav replies with a liar’s smile.
All is not well. None of this is well.
Fortunately, Shadowheart takes the bait and quickly switches subjects. Waiting for service, they begin a pleasant conversation about resettling back into their lives. They speak of their new jobs and all other mundane activities of day-to-day life, sharing a few laughs between remarks as they pursue the menus in front of them.
The waitress takes their orders – Shadowheart keeps it light, ordering salad with grilled chicken; Tav orders a rare steak with potatoes and a side of vegetables. “Rare?” Shadowheart comments as soon as the waitress is out of earshot. “You hate all meat, unless it’s well done.”
She's right. Any hint of pink in Tav’s portion would go right back into the fire. “I-I've been trying new things lately,” Tav explains, rubbing her neck coyly. The cravings only seem to grow as the days pass, and she briefly wonders if it's a consequence of having a half-vampiric pregnancy.
Shadowheart raises a brow again, but fortunately does not pry further. The women then delve into a discussion regarding their old companions as they wait for their meals. Tav talks of her efforts to bolster the city watch with Wyll, now the Duke after his father's unfortunate death. Shadowheart speaks of Gale, who she notes has since opened a school of wizardry back in Waterdeep. Neither has heard much regarding the others, though they agree that they're most likely doing well.
Shadowheart wastes little time once their meals arrive, forking salad into her mouth. “So, have you heard from Astarion at all?” she asks casually after swallowing.
A shudder passes over Tav as she begins slicing into her steak. “No,” she feigns with eyes cast downward, “I-I have not.”
Gesturing toward Tav with her fork as she chews, Shadowheart swallows. “I read something interesting in the Gazette a few days ago,” she suggests.
“About him?” Tav questions, bringing a potato wedge to her mouth.
Shadowheart shakes her head in disapproval around a sip of wine. “Not in particular,” she clarifies. “They don't name him explicitly, though it made me think of him.”
Silence befalls the table as Tav awaits her companion to continue. She doesn't trust her voice enough at this point to offer more to their conversation now that Astarion is the topic at hand. Playing idly with the vegetables on her plate, she chooses a small piece of broccoli to bring up to her mouth. The heavy pull of dread is beginning to creep in, her chest tightening.
“They… mentioned an incident that occurred in the sewers but a tenday ago,” explains Shadowheart, a sour expression befitting her face. “Some sort of deal gone wrong.”
Tav looks up to meet Shadowheart's gaze, puzzled. “How exactly does that involve him?” she inquires.
“Well, that's just the thing,” Shadowheart continues, “those first on the scene mentioned five victims in total, all young males.” She interrupts herself to feed another forkful of salad into her mouth, swallowing before resuming, “They were all reported as being exsanguinated, though only three had their throats slashed.”
Tav swallows hard around another piece of steak, silently savoring the rare flavor washing over her tongue as she focuses her attention on Shadowheart. “And the other two?”
Shadowheart looks sheepishly around the bar, discomfort evident. She dips her head. “Tav, I know of your history with Astarion. I don't wish to speak ill of him out of respect for you.”
Tav's fist tightens around the knife in her left hand. The tightness in her chest has traveled up to her throat. Her heart pounds rapidly as she drinks from the glass of water within her right hand. “What of the others?” Tav insists, placing the glass back down on the table with force.
Eyes falling closed, Shadowheart sighs heavily. “The other two…” she begins, voice trailing off. She pulls in a deep breath. “Well, they're reported as having two pin marks on their necks.” She gestures to Tav's throat with a soft nod of her head. “...Not unlike the scars you bear.”
A prickling heat spreads across Tav’s face. A tenday ago? she speaks within her mind. Rather close to when she'd last seen Astarion. Tav recalls again how miffed he'd been that night; impatient and direct, wasting little time coaxing her down onto the bed.
She pushes around a chunk of potato on her plate, anxiety mounting. “What makes you think it was Astarion? It could have been a kobold, or a spider, or-”
“They were gone the next day,” interrupts Shadowheart, bluntly.
Tav’s heart nearly freezes. She locks eyes with Shadowheart. “Gone? What do you mean gone?” she asks frantically, furrowing her brow.
“Gone,” Shadowheart reiterates, raising the wine glass to her lips again. “When the investigators returned the following day alongside the medical examiner, only the three with the knife wounds remained.” She pulls a long drink from the glass. “The other two were nowhere to be found. As if they'd simply gotten up and walked away.”
Tav shivers, entire body twitching with the thought. “T-that doesn't mean it's Astarion, Shadowheart. It could be-”
“Could be what? Another vampire?” suggests Shadowheart, sarcastically. “I don't think Astarion would take kindly to someone else moving into his territory.” She sighs, clicking her tongue. “I'm sorry to say it, Tav, but it sounds an awful lot like him.”
The sounds of the tavern flood Tav’s ears. Her vision narrows to a single pinpoint, the edges of her vision growing fuzzy. She leans back in her seat and closes her eyes. “We don't know that,” Tav states, trying desperately to calm the wild beating of her heart. “We don't know what happened.” She shakes her head, slowly opening her eyes. “We won't know until the case is settled.”
“Why do you still defend him?” asks Shadowheart bluntly, mouth pulling into a displeased pout. “Surely you remember how badly he hurt you. Why continue to defend him at all?”
The question echoes in her mind. Why does she defend him? The man is a monster; an abomination, as Jaheira had called his child. Tav knows not who he’s become. Small glimpses of the man he once was shine through now and again, mostly when they argue. The stubborn selfishness of him reveals itself, inevitably bleeding into raw passion once she works at him enough. It almost makes her feel at home in his arms, albeit for a few hours.
“He wouldn't, Shadowheart. It's not like him…” Tav says, quietly. She's unsure if she believes it or if she's lying in an effort to convince herself that it's true. She's suddenly lost her appetite, pushing the plate of food away from her.
Shadowheart is quiet for some time, eyes cast down at the table. “Well,” she says, cutting through the silence, “let's hope he's as innocent as you say.”
Silence stretches across the table before the two women agree to shift the conversation elsewhere. They inevitably tie up their gathering, sharing an embrace and chaste kisses to the cheeks once again. They vow to meet the following week, and head out on their way.
Walking back toward her apartment, Tav's stomach begins to sour as she thinks over her conversation with Shadowheart. Vivid images of Astarion sinking his fangs into the necks of the alleged victims flood her mind's eye. She feels a tingling sensation over her own scars as she imagined how they must have felt. Could he have really done such a thing? The sounds of the city are almost absent from her ears as she ponders the question.
“Wait a minute,” she speaks aloud, freezing in place. Her eyes are cast down to the cobblestone street below as her heart fills with horror. Her mouth dries quickly, choking as she tries to breathe.
The last night she'd seen Astarion coincides almost exactly with the timeline of the murders within the sewers. If the report is true, then Astarion's enthusiasm that night wasn't solely due to want, necessarily. Tav dips into a small alley between two buildings, leaning against the brick wall as her knees grow weak.
No, his insistence was not due to missing her. It was attributed to blood-fueled lust, a state Tav has seen him in a number of times. She clasps a hand over her mouth as a sob suddenly racks her chest. Her whole body shakes as the horrific realization sinks deep into her bones. The puzzle aligns near perfectly as the thought continues to blossom.
Astarion had come to her bed after draining two people dry. He didn't spend time on their typical foreplay because he couldn't. Tav knows the power mortal blood has over him, and she doubts the ascension has changed that. She recalls how it all but possesses his thoughts, his feelings, and his body, enslaved by the sheer power of unbridled desire running through him.
Lurching forward, she begins to dry heave; a million thoughts race across her mind. He couldn't have done this on purpose, could he? He wouldn't. There's simply no way he would. Denial clouds her thoughts as saliva drips freely from her open mouth, gathering it together to spit upon the floor. Holding a hand to her stomach she rises, leaning her temple against the cool brick of the wall next to her. She closes her eyes, trying to calm her excitement with slow, deep breaths.
“No innocents; you have my word.”
Astarion's past promise to her rings loudly in her ears. It was from this promise their almost nightly affair to keep him well-fed began. Tav tries desperately to block out the memories of what would transpire after their sessions; how could she have not noticed? All the signs were there.
Because he didn't drink from me.
Her stomach churns again and she rubs her hand in a circular motion above her navel. Her chest burns as she chokes back tears. What to do, now? Does she wait until his next visit to confront him? When will that be? The anticipation will burn a hole through her soul, she knows. But, what other option does she have? 
A small voice wrestles from within as she wipes her mouth with the back of a hand.
…Do I go to him?
The decision is made before the logical side of her mind can argue a rational point, her feet carrying her toward the Crimson Palace. She second guesses the choice; from some place within, a voice yells for her to reconsider. 
He'll tell me the truth, surely, she argues against her doubt. 
Aware that she's potentially putting herself in a grave position, Tav cannot rest until he tells her otherwise. She needs to hear from Astarion's own mouth that he didn't murder five people only to share her bed mere hours later. She needs to hear from him that he wouldn't do this, that he still abides by his promise to her, that her blood is all he's ever known.
“Why do I care so much?” Tav questions aloud to herself, practically running now toward the monastery. She shakes her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts; he will eventually drink the blood of others. If he is to create an army of spawn as he'd so claimed after the ritual, that would be the only way to do so.
They're no longer lovers; no longer deeply acquainted. They just sleep together, and she fell pregnant as a result. 
Why does she care so much?
Before long, Tav stands before the immaculate palace. Grand mahogany doors stand proudly at the building's entrance, adorned with intricate carvings along the wood. Black metal knockers depicting the faces of gargoyles signal a way in. Tav’s hand reaches instinctively around the bell of one, pulling up.
Before she can complete the knock, the door creaks open. A faint glow from a distant light source cracks through the opening of the door and Tav releases the handle, stepping back. She freezes in place, fully expecting the door to continue opening. Yet, it halts, remaining only slightly ajar. Stale air greets her nostrils and a shiver passes through her.
Silence suddenly engulfs her, the sounds of the city falling dormant. As she surveys the area around her, Tav notes no other presence out on the street for as far as the eye can see. Her ears pick up the soft sound of someone humming, and she determines its origin lies within the palace. 
An assimon carved into the middle of the marble trim along the heavy doors catches her attention as she looks up. Tav turns her head as she studies the figure; a young woman with long hair, eyes closed and wings outstretched as she holds a lance within one hand.
The humming from within the building turns into a tune and cuts through Tav’s daydream. She shakes her head briefly, regrouping. She can turn away now and forget this entire thing. Forget that this was even a thought that crossed her mind, leave, and no one would ever know she was here.
A quick flash of Astarion’s fangs piercing into skin flits across Tav’s vision. She winces. I simply must know, she reassures herself. Drawing in a deep breath, she steps forward.
Resting the flat of her palm against the door, Tav slowly pushes it open. The old metal and wood fuss loudly as the door gives way under the force of her hand. The faint glow of the light from within now pours out, illuminating the street behind her. With some hesitation, Tav steps over the threshold, disappearing into the palace.
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chocsra · 10 months
"I Can't Hear You, Speak Up!"
15! Chuuya x fem! reader
content: you stain your skirt and a certain mafioso comes to help you, swearing, periods/blood, fluff, pre-relationship, mutual pining, teenage romance
Reader is fem! mention of periods
based off a reddit story 😭
Please give some more ideas and characters for fanfiction, I love teen skk btw
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It's been about 8 minutes since you left an important mafia meeting, excusing yourself to Boss to go to the washroom.
Yet now you stare at your bloodstained skirt and underwear, sighing to yourself in defeat. "No pads either.." You mutter, digging your palms into the luxurious marble sink in thought. Theoretically, you could tell Boss that something happened and you taught an underling a lesson while you were out, or you could be frank about your period; which was something really embarrassing considering you'd have to stop the meeting infront of a bunch of grown criminal men for hygiene products.
So you hid behind the ajar white bathroom door, calling out 'hello?'s and 'is someone there?'s everytime a gust of wind made the slightest creek. "11 minutes.." You leaned your head on the steel door, trying your best to cover your skirt.
Then you heard it.
A quiet murmuring coming from the hallway outside the bathroom, you sighed in relief and poked a leg out of the door; the shadows covering half of your face. There he was, Chuuya Nakahara walking around the hallways like there wasn't a highly significant meeting going on; he had a scowl on his face and his fists clenched like something had happened, muttering about 'killing that bastard'.
"Ahem." You cleared your throat, peeking out to the ginger boy, he spun around in mutliple possible directions the noise could have come from. "Huh?!" the short boy shouted, before locking his blue eyes with yours. "The hell? Aren't you supposed to be in the meeting?" He cocks a brow, folding his arms over his chest. Chuuya seemed to be all dressed up for the day, wearing his signature fedora, choker, white dress shirt and black slacks; but a new large raven overcoat that reached his ankles was loosely thrown over his shoulders, even a new silver hat chain.
"I need something from here, that's why." You purse your lips into a pout, crossing your arms behind the door. "Why are you here anyway?" You ask curiously, slowly easing into the topic, the stylish boy only scoffs with irritation. "Got kicked out, all cause of that fuckin' mackerel." Chuuya rolled his tongue across his inner cheek in annoyance, of course you knew who he was talking about; Dazai, his only friend, you think? You did see them attempting to act serious as they kicked each others leg under the table, maybe he deserved it.
"So then where's Dazai?" You question, tapping your shoe against the marble floor. "He got to stay because he was important, or some bullshit!!" Chuuya shouted again, gritting his teeth harshly. "Woah, calm down." You motion before pausing, "Can you just get a girl, please? Like Kouyou or something.. I don't know." you ask politely, a light blush tinting your cheeks; the redhead's eyes only furrow at your request. "I told you already, I got kicked out, Kouyou's inside. What do you need anyway? I'll just get it for you." He feigns a sigh, shoving his hands in his slacks pockets.
You inhale in annoyance, before stepping further into the washroom, "Nevermind, forget it." you dismiss, causing Chuuya to clench his fists even more. "Just tell me, damn it." He scowls in annoyance, before noticing the blush creeping on your cheeks, and the fact that you did not turn around once from facing him. It all clicked together. "Oh, uh-" The boy paused, red tinting his ears and nose. "You want that thing?" Chuuya asks, causing your eyes to light up at seemingly the only boy who knows what hygiene products are. "Yeah, that!"
He then fishes out something from his pocket and hands it to you, you were a little confused as to why he'd keep pads in his pocket, until he placed a silver safety pin in the palm of your hand. "What is this?" You ask with a blank, despairing face; Chuuya only blushes more at your reaction. "Your.. your skirt ripped, right?" He stammers, making you internally facepalm. "No, no.. pads." You whisper the last part awfully quiet, making Chuuya lean his ear closer to your face, his hands still in his pockets.
"What?" He asks, knitting his brows. "Pads, tampons.." You repeat again, motioning with your hands. "What the hell? Speak up!" The boy scowled, leaning even closer to your face, you almost wanted to push him from inching so close to the girl's bathroom; and the close proximity of his breath tickling your lips.
You shout in his ear with a frown, Chuuya stepped back at the loud noise, now blushing profusely. "Oh shit, my bad- I just thought your skirt-" You cut him off, crossing your arms. "It's fine! Just please get them, damn.." You brush off with a scowl, seeing the boy scurry off to the hallway.
And after a few minutes of agonising silence, you hear loud shouting coming from Mori's office.
"You can't just go thru Rintarou's stuff!!" A high-pitched girl yelled.
Chuuya quickly hushed her, the loud sound of rummaging through drawers audible. "Shh, shh! He's gonna hear us, shit!"
"I don't care if he hears us! Just let me colour!!" Elise then countered, throwing what you assumed was a crayon at him.
The boy soon rushed to the bathroom with multiple types of pads in his hands; night, day, winged, super. "What the hell is winged?! Does it fly to you or somethin'?!" Chuuya yelled, making you laugh. "Did you really fight Elise for this?!" You laughed, taking them all from his hands. "Shut up!"
And as you finished thanking and mocking him, about to spin around and leave to a stall, he tapped your shoulder.
"Here, uhm.." The redhead took off his overcoat and draped it over your shoulders to cover the stain. A pink blush spread on his cheeks, you only did the same. "Thanks.." You grasp onto the coat, walking inside the stall.
And even as he waited for you to come out of the bathroom, walked you back to the meeting room, and parted ways with a meek wave and blush; you walk into the room with a big smile on your face, only seeing that the meeting was already empty and done.
Even so, it wasn't all that bad; even if the incident happened weeks ago, there would always be a certain redhead giving you a casual nod or wave if he saw you wandering the mafia's hallways or available in meetings.
It made you want to make him steal pads from Mori's office and give you his coat all over again.
Double fuck.
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ada7201 · 5 months
bllk boys …
with a clutz s/o! < hcs >
gn! reader, mention of a heel in Kaiser’s part, (i tried to make it sound like it could be a high heel or a normal shoe heel)
★ part 1 with, Kaiser, Barou, Kunigami, Chigiri
⭢ ★ part 2 with, Isagi, Bachira, Nagi, Reo
⭢ ★ part 3 with, Rin, Sae, Shido, Aiku
Michael Kaiser
he fucking loves your clumsiness.
finds it extremely amusing to watch you stumble and trip over every time you both take what was supposed to be a nice and calm walk
he’ll help you up … if he feels like it.
depending on his mood, he might even catch you.
he wouldn’t like to see his cute clumsy baby fall and hurt themself, would he?
the first time you revealed your secret… talent, to him, was on your first date. (good job on hiding it until then!)
you and Kaiser were both sat down at a restaurant of his choice, the warm lighting illuminating your beautiful face. his sharp blue eyes watched as you ever so gently picked up a fork, ready to poke it into the steak - before you paused.
“um, Kaiser?” you’d ask, voice slightly timid.
“yes?” he responded, an eyebrow raised at your sudden pause.
“i might need to go to the washroom. is that alright?” you said politely, placing your fork back down. Kaiser’s eye twitched, before he nodded, a passive-aggressive smile on his face. how dare you, a mere speck of dirt, even think about leaving at such a time? a shame that you were so gorgeous.
“thank you.” you responded, cautiously pushing your chair away to stand up - unaware of Kaiser’s foot creeping towards your chair in attempt to trip you - but before his plan could work, the heel of your shoe broke, causing you to fall to the floor. in the middle of the restaurant. Kaiser’s eyes widened, shocked at how quickly you had fallen. did his plan really work? he didn’t feel you with his foot - wait, he didn’t cause that fall. before you could get up, Kaiser was already chuckling about how you had fallen over so stupidly in front of him. maybe on the next date you’ll fall the same way? (spoiler alert: you did!)
as anyone would, he sometimes gets annoyed by your constant clumsiness - and has temper tantrums.
of course, he’ll “apologise” later by cuddling you so you won’t be able to trip over anything. definitely not because he wanted to hug you…
he babies you whenever he’s not in a pissy mood, such as making sure you’re okay - sometimes even handing you a plaster for a cut you had managed to give yourself.
he fucking HATES it when others laugh at you.
like, i’m saying he will literally make a huge scene, bigger than the one you caused, just to get that person to apologise to you for laughing.
Barou Shouei
sometimes loves it, and sometimes hates it.
for example, he’d be busy mopping the floor, and you’d run in to tell him something - before falling flat on your face.
“hey!-“ you exclaimed, dashing towards the kitchen where your husband was doing something. what, exactly? you weren’t paying attention to that. you just had to update him on the workplace drama you’ve just heard abou-
“ack!” you coughed, feeling your body connect with the cold, wet, tile floor of the kitchen. Barou just stood there, a deadpan expression on his face as he watched you fall. he had to think for a moment about what his next words would be.
“are you… okay?” he’d ask hesitantly, resting the mop he was holding against the countertop. his eyebrow raised as he leaned over to look at your body, sprawled out on the floor. he just cleaned that spot.
“mmph…” you would groan, sitting up and looking around. your gaze fell on Barou, and you immediately hopped up - as if you didn’t just fall onto the floor with one of the loudest “thud’s” Barou had ever heard.
“Hi babe!” you beamed, a warm smile on your pretty face as you scrambled to Barou, unaware of the bruise that has started to form on your cheekbone.
Barou sighed. How could he ever be mad at you?
he really tries, keyword - tries to be patient, but sometimes your ability to somehow trip over everything scares him. how can you fall over a fucking washcloth?
was very confused the first time you broke something, he was like “what is this person doing?”
overtime, he got used to it.
he sometimes remembers the time you tripped up a little at your wedding. if it wasn’t for your dad, (or father figure) you would’ve fell on your face for the nth time that week.
he loves you, but can’t help but laugh sometimes when you trip.
he does, however, find it irritating when you somehow manage to knock over a cup, or glass and break it - letting the contents spill all over the floor. (he had a tantrum afterwards.)
you’re his sweet, but clumsy lover, so he can let it slide every once in a while.
Rensuke Kunigami
(before wild card)
you make him really nervous.
the poor boy is always kept on his toes around you
he makes sure to keep an eye on you, so he can always catch you before you fall or trip
he feels bad whenever you fall or do something silly
he finds your little slip-ups endearing, however.
because that’s how the two of you met!
you were rushing down the street, the clicking of your shoes loud against the pavement as you made your way. the walkway was pretty full, with a lot of people walking down - not as rushed as you. suddenly, you heard a cat or something make a sound, causing you to turn your head quickly, but before you could look back… you felt yourself start to fall!
“ah-“ you squeaked, eyes closing in preparation for impact. but it never came…?
“are you alright?” a deep voice asked from behind you, followed by a pair of large, warm hands resting on your waist.
“y-ep! in a rush!” you said shyly, a blush on your cheeks as you held your hands to your chest. this was really embarrassing!
the unknown person straightened your posture, and pat your shoulder- rather gently.
“oh, and thank you!” you said quickly - turning around to face the person.
you were met with the face of a beautiful boy. suddenly, your meeting didn’t matter anymore.
“can i have your number?” you asked the orange haired man, lips parted in awe.
he likes to have you with him when he’s training - but all he asks is that you don’t touch anything
we can’t have another incident where you break a piece of equipment…
he’s gentle with the way he handles you, he wouldn’t want to trip you over - you’re already good enough at that.
if you break something, he’s quick on buying materials to fix it.
like, you had just broken your favourite necklace. the next evening, Kuni has the same necklace that you had snapped in his hands - as good as new.
Hyoma Chigiri
this is a little obvious, but he’s very quick to help you up or catch you
but, like kuni, you make him really nervous.
he hates to see you sad whenever you break something of his! so he tries his hardest to always say things like “it’s alright”
he prefers to have you sitting (still) near him whenever he’s doing his nightly and morning routines, so he can keep an eye on you. (he also just wants you to be around him)
he won’t admit it, but he sometimes likes to play with the way you’re so clumsy
you both were walking outside at the park, the cold winter breeze fanning against your skin, even with the sun burning so brightly the sky. Chigiri looked over to you, watching as you happily skipped along the walkway - until your eyes land on a park. you’re quick to grab his hand and drag him to the playground.
“let’s go to the… swings!” you’d exclaim with a smile, running towards the swings.
he was following after you quickly, chuckling at your eagerness. his expression fell as he watched you lose your footing - again. with a loving smile, he gently yanked your hand, pulling your figure towards himself - stopping you from falling on your face, so you instead fell into him.
he secretly takes videos and photos of you if you’ve fallen over, or when you’ve accidentally broken something - or maybe that time you accidentally choked yourself with the ribbon you were trying to wrap a present with.
when he first met you, he thought that it was your shoes that made you fall so much, so he bought you a new pair of shoes.
he felt really guilty when you kept falling, and thought that he got you a bad pair :’(
if you hurt yourself, like if you accidentally cut yourself, maybe got a bruise, and things like that - he always makes sure to give the spot where you’re hurt a kiss.
he says that it’s a “magic kiss”
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hermslore · 6 months
Coffee Shop
You and Enid volunteered to work at the Weathervane. She spots a customer flirting with you and decides to have a little fun.
Warning : Smut [Public sex, Pain Kink, Mommy Kink, Dom!Enid, Bottom!Reader, Fingering]
You and Enid ended up being the only staff at the Weathervane, the others leaving for a lunch break. Surprisingly, not many customers were in today, making it easy for you both to manage
A beautiful young lady walked in, and headed to the counter to place her order.
"Good afternoon, ma'am. What can I get you," you asked, with a polite smile.
"I'd like an expresso, please," she said returning the smile. "Alright, may I know your name?" you asked, writing down her order.
"Yoko, but you can call me yours.", she said with a wink and a smirk on her lips. You just smiled awkwardly at her as you were writing down her name. She proceeded to throw even more pickup lines at you, subtly trying to get your number.
What you didn't notice was Enid glaring at the lady from a distance. She had heard the whole interaction as she walked towards you with clenched fists.
She wanted to punch the lady for even trying to flirt with her woman. Walking over to you, she wrapped her hands around your waist, not giving a fuck about the woman across her who was trying to flirt. She noticed how the woman's smile faltered when she showed up.
Enid smiled triumphantly and pecked her girlfriends cheeks with a soft 'hey baby' as Y/N smiled at her actions and continued to take her order.
"So, would you like anyth-" Y/N cut herself off with a small gasp that left her lips when she felt Enid's hand slip inside her pants and brush against Y/N's clothed pussy. "Are you okay?" Yoko asked when she heard Y/N gasp.
"Y-yeah.. so uhm as I was saying, would like something else?" You let out, trying not to moan as Enid pinched your clothed clit. You quickly wrote down whatever Yoko was saying, as you struggled to pay attention when Enid's fingers slipped inside your panties and began to tease your clit.
You shot Enid a warning glance to which she just shrugged, not stopping her movements. You bit your lip to contain your moans as her fingers made their way inside you. Your brain was barely functioning at that point, focusing more on staying quiet rather than Yoko, who was asking you about food recommendations.
"Yeah, there's a restuar-", you cut yourself off biting your lips harshly as you felt Enid's fingers ram inside of you. Your vision almost went black as she hit all the right spots making it difficult for you not to scream out her name, you closed your eyes for a moment before opening them back again. "Are you okay, you look a little pale but also hot when you bite your li-" Yoko was cut off by "She's fine, don't worry. If you're done giving your order, could you please sit down at a table so that we can make it?" Enid said, almost letting out an animalistic growl at her.
Who the fuck does she think she is?
Yoko left, leaving you and your girlfriend behind the counter, alone. "Mommy.." you moaned, her fingers making you feel delicious. She quickly led you towards the washroom, locking it as soon as you both got in.
"Enid, oh god," you whimpered out, her lips trailing kisses down your neck. Her claws extended, leaving scratches on your stomach as you threw your head back at the pleasurable pain.
A loud moan escaped your mouth as her teeth sunk in, biting you to make a hickey. "Mommy.." you said, sighing pleasurably as her fingers made their way inside you again.
Enid smirked, she loved having you like this with your hair messed up, desperately clinging on to her and being a moaning mess. You loved calling her mommy, and you knew it drove her crazy.
"Fuck, baby," you sighed, eyes rolling to the back of your head as she made you cum. Your vision almost going blank for a second at how good the orgasm felt.
"Just wait until we get back, babygirl," she whispered in your ear, your body pressing into the wall she was pinning you to.
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