#wasted opportunity
candlelightsinner · 10 months
a subwoofer sounds like the perfect puppy play category and I can’t believe it’s some tech stuff
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foolilazuli · 5 months
Season 2 mkulia is what all stars aleheather should have been
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lady-of-the-spirit · 6 months
You're telling me there isn't a single Lucifer/Doctor Who crossover fic where Tom Milligan and Lucifer are the same person and Martha finds out she's engaged to the devil
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kittenslady · 8 months
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If only they would have teamed up.
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One thing i haven't seen mentioned like, at all, is how all of what's left of 104th was there to see Armin become the Colossal. They pulled him out of the titan
(Am i the only one who saw that scene as a very fucked up bonding activity? Levi and Hange watching the kids as they cheered, as they pulled him out. I was halfway expecting Levi to pull out a whistle and go " all right, get this done and hit the showers")
And yes, there is very much an element of body horror there, but I'm not focusing on that rn.
My question is, who of the 104th would tell Annie " i saw your boyfriend naked before you"?
My bet's on Jean/ Connie
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itsmeswaggyg · 4 months
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Get ready to raise Hell this summer.
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xxamorxexmortexx · 1 year
The fact that Street Profits didn't have any interactions with Snoop Dogg is just criminal
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navnae · 1 year
It would’ve been so nice to see Steve and Eddie check up on each other and making sure that everything was alright with one another. Steve barley have any male presence in his life that genuinely seems to care about him and Eddie could’ve easily been that. A few ‘hey man, are you alright’ here and there between the two would’ve highlighted their relationship no matter if it was platonic or romantic.
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doubleaspectrum · 8 months
Ruby Gillman, A Lesson on Earning Moments (Spoilers)
So, I recently watched Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken. Overall, it was… well… it wasn’t particularly great. It had potential, but I would most likely prefer the fix fics that people either have written, are writing, or will write.
Now, I could say what everyone else has already said, or I could go on a tangent, but how about I just try taking one writing lesson away from the movie instead?
Today’s lesson is on earning your moments, with Ruby Gillman standing as an anti-example.
You see, when I saw the scene where Brill talks Ruby out of her obligatory “My actions made everything worse, so I’ll start moping before the final battle” moment, I flipped out.
Looking back at the scene, what he said to Ruby word-for-word was, “I could never understand why [Agatha] chose to leave the ocean. Until, I saw the awesome life she created on land. And I realized, your mom chose her own path. She chose you.”
Now, this sound like something that should come out of the tail end of a character arc. It contains an admittance of bad understanding, acknowledgement of a transformative moment, and a declaration of new ideals following said moment. Overall, it’s a summation of somebody’s character development.
You see where I’m going with this? My problem is that Brill is acting like he’s just conquered his character arc, when most of his time in the movie has been:
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And… you get it by now
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My point is that with Brill’s comic relief antics dominating his character, he had no arc! So getting to say, “I didn’t get it at first, but I do now” isn’t earned in the slightest!
It wouldn’t have taken a lot to earn this moment either! He may be a dumb marshmallow, but he’s a well-meaning marshmallow! All we’d need is to have some moment which fits his character and still progresses him to the “I get it” moment that would justify his speech!
The solution would be either bonding with Agatha, or bonding with Ruby. I could see how either of those would be structured too!
For Agatha, all Brill has to do is express any emotion beyond “happy puppy” when he’s with her.
Seriously! She left home without an explanation and he makes it clear that he looks up to her! All he would need is a moment to say, “I missed you” and the conversation could take off from there!
Such a moment would force Agatha to respond and that could give Brill a chance to understand why she left. Heck, it would benefit Agatha too! Being confronted with the idea that her choices have harmed her family would force her to reflect on her actions! She could either go out of her way to justify her choices, or show some remorse at having hurt her brother’s feelings. It would be a revelatory moment that would show us how to see her character.
Sorry about the tangent, I’ll get back on topic.
The alternative to get Brill to his “I get it” moment would be to have him bond with Ruby.
What I’m thinking in particular is for him to act as a firsthand witness to Ruby and Grandmamah’s relationship. Grandmamah’s ideas of making Ruby the heir to a warrior kingdom is shown to make Ruby uncomfortable. If Brill was shown reacting to this, and if he took into account any accusations Agatha had about Grandmamah being a controlling mother, then it would have helped him have a “So this is why Agatha left” moment. That would validate a later claim that he understands that Agatha only wanted what was best for Ruby.
Overall, what I’m saying is that an emotional revelation should have emotional buildup. It makes the character’s actions flow in a logical manner, and it gives us a chance to determine their natures. But when you have the emotional revelation without the buildup, it’s jarring. If we can’t see how it happened, then it doesn’t make sense to us why it happened at all!
To sum up the lesson, take your time to give characters moments to have emotions and react to the events and ideas they’re exposed to. It’ll give moments to develop their relationships, character traits, ideologies, and most importantly, their character arcs.
If you give characters the time to become who you want them to be, we’ll get to enjoy watching it happen.
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em-um-canto · 7 months
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noemitenshi · 1 year
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
I'm so mad at myself. I have so many opportunities just handed to me, and I fuck them all up.
Anna Dorn, from Vagablonde
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idungoofed · 1 year
You wanna know what I’m mad about?
We didn’t get any close up shots of Frankie’s hands on the helicopter controls.
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lemonsbakery · 10 months
Kind of upset over lange de chat having no cat features. I might change thag myself
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Ok a golden fucking angst opportunity MISSED yet again — where is the confrontation scene between Ashley / Tim over Lucy? Writing Ashley as clueless to the dynamic and not addressing it at all makes for such WEAK writing and character. We needed a drug-induced “Chen, is that you?” from Tim post surgery and for Ashley to explode, break down, and walk away. Like if my bf made heart eyes to his co-worker, especially after the double date from last season, I’d be like ?? Bitch??? Are you in love with Lucy?? We can all see it, including me, the blonde??? Give Ashley rage. Let Tim stew in it. Then let that be the lingering thing when Lucy comes to visit him so that he’s hurting and maybe a little bit shut down, which makes Lucy fuss over him all the more, and generates even more angst, I MEAN FFS, let them be real people like in S1/S2, not these milquetoast soap characters. I just —
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balkanbitch · 3 months
Cozy glow is such an interesting villain cause she is one of the only times in media that has the whole "friendship is magic" trope to try and USE IT TO THERE ADVANTAGE
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