#we still havent heard back with results of what happened
besnouted · 2 years
meant to post earlier but my brain turned into soup BUT thank you for all the replies about juliet yesterday, i really appreciate them ;_;
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sturnsbabie · 2 months
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pairing: matt x reader
summary: in which y/n and matt have been together for eight years,married two. you and have been trying for a baby for a while now but no luck. when they finally stop trying she unexpectedly gets pregnant.
warnings: swearing,crying,mentions of pregnancy,fluff
this is extremely short but i was rushing to get a fic out since i havent posted in a week. there may be a part two to this though:)
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matt and i have been together for eight years.we’ve been married for two years. we’ve been trying for a baby for a while now and we still haven’t gotten pregnant yet.it sucks when everyone keeps asking when were gonna have a baby and were still not pregnant yet.
we had decided to stop trying for a baby for a while but we havent exactly been preventing it either.
i have been having a few symptoms lately but i figured it was just since my period is soon. i checked my period app to see exactly when its coming.
my eyes widened as i saw that my period is five days late. is there a chance that i could be pregnant???i mean i have been having a few symptoms like nausea and extremely sore boobs and ive been extremely bloated.
matt was currently out filming with nick and chris. i decided i would take a test.i had a few pregnancy tests in the bathroom in one of the drawers. i got a cup and did what i needed to do and dipped the test in sitting it down waiting for the results.
i paced back and forth as i was feeling extremely nervous for the results.
after five minutes i shakily grab the test turning the test over seeing the results.
two lines that meant postive.
i looked at the test over again to see if it was actually positive as i had tears running down my cheeks.
matt and i are pregnant. we’re gonna have a baby.the moment i have dreamed of for a while now is finally gonna happen.
i head to the store and grabbed some more tests coming back and taking them as they all came back postive.
i decided to head to target so i can get some things to set up a surprise for matt to tell him the news.
once i got home i sat the surprise for matt up on the kitchen island. i had a few little onesies laying around on the kitchen island. i also two pregnancy tests along with a note that read.
if you couldnt figure it out already by the things laying on the counter. im pregnant! you’re gonna be a dad! im so excited to start this journey of being parents with you. i love you <3
i waited for matt to get home. he could be home any second. i was paitently waiting on the couch watching one of my shows. i was a bit nervous to tell him.
i heard him pull into the driveway so i hurriedly went into the kitchen and waited by the counter.
matt then walked into the kitchen from the garage. “hi baby” he smiled softly walking over and pecking my lips.
“hi” i smiled softly as i pulled him into a hug. “i have something for you on the counter.” i said as he hugged me back.
i pulled away from the hug letting matt see what i had laid out on the counter for him. he looked at all the things picking up the note as i seen his eyes start to water as he had a big smile on his face.
“are you really pregnant!?” he asked as he pulled me into a hug as he had tears running down his cheeks.
“were gonna have a baby matt!” i said softly as i now had tears running down my face.
he looked at me with a big smile on his face as he pulled me into a soft kiss.
“im gonna be a dad!!” he said excitedly as he picked me up peppering kisses all over my face.
i was so happy we were finally getting our baby. i cant wait to watch matt become a dad.
such a sweet surprise finally getting to become parents with the love of my life.
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mentos-or-mentoes · 3 months
My God, just recently I watched Hotel Hazbin, and it just amazed me! Especially Cannibaltown and its inhabitants, they are all so cute, aristocratic and at the same time deadly!
So based on this I came up with an idea.
What if we take the Reader, who is also the leader of a small settlement of cannibals isolated from everyone, who are followers of the red crown, who miraculously managed to survive and hide, isolating all the settlements from everyone and waiting for the prophecy and the lamb to happen, which will free “the one who waits.”
It would be very interesting to see how the already defeated five bishops who are in the cult of the lamb accidentally stumble upon a settlement where Narinder’s followers still live, who eat the flesh of "heretics" and those who want to completely destroy Narinder's legacy. At the same time, they still continue to remain like one big friendly family, with their own manners and friendly character)
(I apologize in advance, because English is not my native language, but I hope I conveyed the essence correctly)
This wont be headcanons. mainly because i don't know exactly how i'm supposed to write this as headcanons. But i hope you enjoy!
I havent watched Hazbin Hotel yet, but i will try my best to make something somewhat like you asked.
Cult of the lamb ex-Bisops + Narinder / TOWW x Reader who is a Cannibal leader.
(this will be with the bishops in follower form).
Narinder / TOWW
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Narinder was out gathering some meat for the cult per the lambs request when he suddenly heard a sound from somewhere. It was loud, maybe a shout? A cry? He didn't pay much attention to it at first. But curiosity got the better of him. When he went to investigate the general area, all he could find was some red robes and the remains of a (newly dead) body. It had definetly been a planned attack, that much he was sure of. It was obvious looking at the robes, it didn't have as much as even a singular scratch on it.
Suddenly he heard a noise, Narinder got ready to fight but was met by a seemingly innocent, joyful smile as you, greeted him. You offered him shelter and food for the night and he accepted the kind offer, not wanting to stay out too late.
Upon arriving at the little cult, he was surprised. Everyone seemed to be running around, playing and just having a fun time overall. You didn't have much of anything, yet everyone seemed perfectly fine. Nobody was even remotely sick, or lacking in nutrition. This did make him slightly suspicious. You told him that you'd have to go take care of some ''buisness'', he didn't really care too much, but he did keep an eye on you to make sure you weren't scheeming anything. A bit later, you came back, soaked in blood, and a bone in hand, ruínging a bell. It was then you announced dinner was ready, as well as in a slightly saddend tone announcing that a dissenter who was especially troublesome had been taken care of.
Narinder immidietly put two and two together, and realized that the dissenter you were talking about, was now the meat in the bowl of stew sitting in front of him. He freaked out a little and questioned you about it, You calmy told him that it was how things were around the area, thoose who failed to follow the teachings of the red crown, would help the faithful, by giving them energy, and filling their tummies. You also informed him that, after having to hide as a result of his excile, that rescources were not easy to come by, so it was how things were, and that everyone was fine with it, even scrapping together some vegetables for thoose who'd prefer not to indulge in the cannibalism. Most did so there was enough for a good bit of vegetable stew for him and a couple other followers who simply were too disturbed by the concept but didn't want to leave the cult.
Narinder couldn't help but feel as if he was falling for you, a tiny bit. A sweet, kind leader who wasn't afraid to do what had to be done. Fufilling your own needs first, but making sure everyone felt comfortable after your needs were met.
Narinder would start visiting your little cult whenever he was snet out to get anything for the cult. and if you were up for it, he would be more then willing to ask the lamb, if your cults could kind of join together, your cult taking care of the dissenters who'd keep dissenting no matter what. He'd one day confess his love for you while you two were enjoying the guts of an outsider who had tried to harm your followers, It was a bit akward, but you just gave him a quick kiss, and if you decided to pet him then he'd practically melt into your touch.
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Heket had thought that all cults worshipping the red crown other then that god forsaken lambs cult had died out. She had done so much to try and stop it, yet it seemed near inevitable.
She knew Anura the best so, naturally she took almost every opprotunity to go there, mainly to get away from the cult. One day she had heard a noise comming from a bush. Not afraid to fight, she got ready to take on whatever would jump out at her, After a bit nothing happend. She stopped for a second wondering what it was, before continuing to walk. Suddenly, she heard a soft, quiet, humming. It sounded nice, Heket went to investigate the sound to find you minding your own buisness. She knew something was off, she could tell very easily, but she couldn't quite put a finger on it. You introduced yourself to her, showing her around your cult, and talking about the history behind it
She was just taking a walk in Anura, gathering some mushrooms for the cult, when she saw you. Her whole view of you changed that day. As you were cleaning out the blood from the intenstine of a follower, whilst another of your cult members were chopping up the flesh, and another was boiling the sausages that had been stuffed with meat, and twisted to make hotdogs. You asked your friend if she was hungry and offered her a sausage. She accepted and then the little ''secret'' you had was out.
Heket was definetly amused at how your cult was. Everyone knew eachother and cared for one another like family, yet, every time you made your followers eat the flesh of the people they once knew, they seemed to only get more faithful. You even had options for thoose who didn't want to. Truly a place for everyone. upon revisiting the cult she asked you about it, and you told her that, after worshipping the red crown was forsaken, you and your followers had to go into hiding. And therefore you had to do all things nessecary to survive. If one member was caught, then surely everyone would be dead. so scavaging for plants, seeds and other things like that was out of the question, instead having to settle for whatever was available. Thats when you told her of how, thoose who dissented too much would either end up having to rot in a cell somewhere or you and the rest of your cult could get some use out of them, via cannibalising them.
She didn't really think much of it (She probably ate a couple of dissenters too back when she was a bishop herself). You treated thoose who had passed, and thoose who had been faithful with respect. promising to give them a proper passing, and not eating their remains, no matter how desperate things got. One day while at the cult you were even serving up a follower who had tried to sneak into the catacombs to try and take the meat from a passed elder. You of course didn't tolorate that in the slightest bit.
The day she asked you out, she had planned to cook a meal for the two of you, to eat alone. You seemed to read her open as a book because the second you two were alone, you gave a quick little kiss on the cheek, and confessed your love for her, right then and there.
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It was a cold, stormy night. And out on a journey to find his eye, Leshy was slithering around. When suddenly he tripped over something. He was met with somewhat of an embrace, rather then the cold dirt, as you greeted him. Offering to help him around, and to help him try to find his missing eye. You took him back to your cult, where everyone gave him a warm welcome, You gave him some soup. Leshy however, having a very good smelling sense to make up for his lack of vision, could immidietly smell that something was off. You, knowing that he couldn't see and wanting to try and calm him down fro, thinking you were trying to poison him, just told him that it was the meat of a worm follower who had recently started to dissent alot. On one hand it calmed him down a bit, that he wasn't being poisoned. On the other hand, it freaked him out even more how casually you just talked about turning a person into soup.
You told Leshy that, nobody would hurt him, and that you'd make sure of it. Your calm energy, and words of comfort definetly helped him out. The kindness of your followers towards him despite what he did, made him feel welcome
when he asked exactly who you and your cult was worshipping, he got surprised at the fact that you also worshipped the red crown. Not that it wasn't a possibility, but most people who had worshippec the red crown had been found, then put to the blade. He himself witnessed almost every single of its followers die infront of him. To think that you and this cult of atleast 60 people had hidden that well from him, and his siblings, just surprised him.
His amasement at how you handled, well, everything! You almost managed your cult better then he did when he was a bishop. You made sure everyone was comfortable, And that no boundaries were overstepped, as long as the followers of the cult were to be faithful, and respectful towards others. Your willingness to help others, both inside and outside of your cult, as long as your, and your followers needs were met, definetly lead to him developing some feelings towards you.
He'd start visiting more often, especially after getting his eye back, You'd make sure to avoid having him around especially gory sacrifices or executions, if we didn't want to see them.
Leshy would one day just, go up to you, kiss you, then wait to see how you'd react. When you kissed him back, immidietly followed up by a hug, was definetly one of the happiest moments of his life.
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Kallamar was just on a walk to calm himself down, when he saw you, he immidietly panicked. You just saw him, and casually waved with someones severed hand. His screams could be heard all throughout the old faith. He was practically unable to move, And he was terrified the second he realized, that you, were only getting closer. By the time you were close enough to actually talk to him, he was practically on his knees just begging you to not hurt him. You reckognized him as one of the four bishops that had tried to kill you and your followers back when Narinder was banished, Didn't stop you from trying to calm him down, and telling him that you weren't gonna be hurting him any time soon.
He was shocked that a cult like yours was still going, especially after everything he and his siblings had done to try and eradicate any evidence of the red crowns existence. Turns out, you and your followers had been living far back in the caves, worshipping the red crown the entire time. Knowing that the prophecy of the lamb, that would free your great leader, would one day be fufilled. You had basically managed to make a secret society, but with everyone being cannibalistic.
You were terrifying, yet, oddly comforting. You made Kallamar feel like he was in danger, yet safe at the same time. It seemed you had affected you followers in the same way, with them gladdly following your word, doing as you said happily, both in the fear for their lives, but also out of will. Everyone knew eachother down there, and it gave people less reason to dissent. Thoose who did, would lose their life, as well as make everyone around them have to lose someone close to them. It hurt you and everyone else, what you had to do for survival, but it was nessecary. They understood, and everytime food was getting low, many people would be willing to offer themselves up, for the sake of everyone else.
Kallamar would never confess his feelings to you, but you became an unofficial couple because, his crush was clear as day to everyone around him, including you. so you just started being romantic, and started dating, no confessions needed.
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Shamura didn't leave the cult too much, not without someone by their side atleast. They however do have a tendency to just, wander off to god knows where. It was on one of theese times, that they stumbled upon what they at first thought was the cult of the lamb, because of the robes. Upon seeing a bunch of new faces, they started to think otherwise. You however, were kind, and accepting of them stumbling upon your little settlement. Offering them something that could remind them of their days in power, Something akin to eating the dissenters of their cult, for power.
Shamura could immidietly tell, that something, was different, about the food they were being served. After asking you, they found out that an outsider had tried to attack some children, much to their mistake, so you simply took care of them, and served them up to preserve space. It made sense, as the area had not much if anything at all to grow crops at, so having to provide for a whole cult would be difficult without some other food source. You started talking about how, it had been a family tradition, that you had brought with you as a solution to providing food and taking care of dissenters in the cult, at the same time.
You decided to try and teach them a bit about how to use every bit of the body for different dishes, and what nutrition, the different body parts had. It was knowledge Shamura hadn't heard of before. but something they'd love to hear more about, learning every single bit there was to know about the body, and surviving in places with close to nothing.
Your cult being the only remaining that worshipped the crown before Naridners excile, meant you had lots of ''Forbidden'' knowledge. Almost anything related to death, or the afterlife was something anyone in the cult could talk about for hours on end, regardless of if it was an adult or one of the many children. You knew how to preach, and you did it startingly well.
Shamura could see your cult and the lambs, merging together, or yours potentially growing bigger. Your charisma, your soft, gentle voice, your aura, everything was just so, calm and caring about you. And to think that you were possibly one of the most brutal leaders out there when you wanted to be or needed to be, it was seomthing that they knew was the sign of a great leader.
They would bring some books and some tomes from their cult one day and ask if you wanted to read with them, you accepted, and you two spent the evening together, cuddling, and enjoying eachothers company.
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couch-house · 6 months
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2023 baybeeeee. havent done an art summary in a while since i basically stopped drawing early 2020 and didn't get back on the horse until mid-2022 (i wonder... what could have caused that!) i dont feel like my art has really changed this year, only in the ways that I draw specific sonic characters (looking through my archive is fun bc i can see the progression of the diseases known as Giving Them Big Eyebrows and Drawing The Monoeye) and--more exciting 4 me--my practice with paneling comics! :)
i think the progression is much more noticeably when you line it up with last year's sonic art... i can see all the Milestones.. more talking abt that under the cut
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May: couch gets into sonic. June: Yucky Sonic 1.0. this was also the month when i Heard Of fleetway super. July: couch comes back from brazil, having read stc. this is also when i start dong actual short comics. compare may -> june -> july. (also please forgive whatever tf i was doing with skintones. i needed some practice)
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august: merger au takes shape. dog invented. also i just really like that speed racer sonic mspaint picture. its fun :) september: deep in the fleet mines. october: i lose a lot of steam and mostly just doodle. another comic comparison for those three months:
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november: frontiers comes out. i go crazy mode and make that sonic + knuckles comic with the pretty backgrounds and LOTS OF TINY TEXT. december: winter break AND im tired. january 2023 i come back insane crazy mode and write some fanfiction?? still havent finished that LOL. made some nice cover art :) february: i shift into knuckles mode fora month. make another comic. this one is much better i think :) november -> february
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march: i shift into transfem metal sonic mode. also just stick to a lot of doodling. also write more fanfiction. crazy. april: transitory period as i shift back into stc/exit: sonic mode. may: more fanfiction. more comics. i really like how both of these turned out :) while the last two were definitely taking a lot more notes from stc, i think around here i start paying attention to and trying to learn from more creative panelling from artists i admire. like @/superemeralds THOAM and @/starrjoy's pandora au.
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june: i play sa2 and it's good. july: i play unleashed and it is both miserable and good. i get in kind of an artistic frustration zone and wiggle my way out. august: idk i think im just chillin. super react dot jpeg happens. it's not even named that, it's named after the other image on the canvas, which was maria holding baby shadow. more comics.
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september: i burn out for a bit. get real tired. eventually get back up and make more comics. the goal here and last month has become "try to make more interesting panel shapes. I've noticed other artists don't just use rectangles--try playing with irregular polygons and see where it gets you." well it gets you mixed results as you learn :) also i think after that pause i accept the monoeye into my life. sigh...
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october: oc showdown starts and @/neurotypical-sonic asks me to make some halloweeny art :) feels like i dont do much this month bc i focus on those. november: A LOT OF ART?? INSANE. more oc showdown stuff. i play shadow the hedgehog (2005). it's good and i love it. i draw a ton of shit on one canvas for it. Fucking Dember: i have shifted back into stc/EXIT mode. motivation's a little weird bc work's a little weird. doing commissions also makes it weird. well im having fun and being myself :) a final handful of comics from this month:
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idk maybe ill do something sicko crazy b4 the end of the year. mayb i'll follow exit sonic's example and #GetWorse. who knows :) well this is fun i love looking at my art and seeing and noticing things. thank u all for your support and I hope we all have a great 2024!
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tricks-n-illusions · 6 months
Calamity@Lady Ombre: The florges approached the trio as she looked voer the small giratina "Greetings all mighty," she greeted her politley "I havent seen any gods or goddesses from my universe so im not sure how its suppose to be..." she thought out slightly before looking towards Silas "This prison...." she said lightly in thought patting her chin with hand "Why was he imprisoned? It has something to do with the young zorua...?" her gaze wondered to the collapsed zorua who still haven't moved "Right...?"
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Silas's shouting had quickly melted into silence, I suppose this was a job for Calamity then! She happily approached Lady, ready to answer her question.
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Her reply was interrupted as Calamity seemed to zone off in confusion, that couldn't be right. She didn't say he could use that. There were no spirits of Giratina around beside her. A look of horror began to bleed into her expression. There was only one person who could do that. Someone much more important than a lowly spirit, someone divine.
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Reality quickly hit the spirit as she began to squirm in a panic, everything was going wrong and so quickly. "W-wait!! No! I-"
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The fox raised his arm, bringing the spirit much higher. Though his face was covered it was clear he was upset, the tone of his voice was harsh and unforgiving. "I am not your Nym." "I gave you no permission to address me as such." He growled, "Call me that again, Next time I'm going to do more than just kill you. I don't want your stupid nicknames. We are not friends and we will never be friends. I don't want to be anyone's stupid fuckin' friend, Okay? So just, fuck off. Alright!" Instead of fighting Silas, Calamity quickly began to accept her fate, she was going to die and there was nothing she could do about it. As much as she wanted to live she didn't have the heart to fight back. Tears quickly began to fill her eyes and as she shook in terror.
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The impact was rough, dust-filled but the results were clear. Silas gave a huff, he felt nothing towards that thing's death. No sadness, no guilt, he had no connection with it. Why would he care about the death of a thing that couldn't even feel true emotions or pain? Everything she did was just an act to earn trust, a facade to seem like she was real. Something to make him care about her. He wasn't going to fall for it.
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The silence was eerie, all that could be heard was the occasional small sniffle from Silas as he stared off. It seemed the fox's thoughts were wandering again.
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"I hope you didn't want to talk to that thing, I think you should have asked a little quicker. It's much too late now." His tone was mocking, and demeaning as he leaned towards the Florges.
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"I've taken down much worse than a poor little lost ghost. Just ask anyone~ I'm sure they'll tell you how much I love killing small, little helpless ghosts like you. They always like to squirm and scream." "So, This is what's going to happen. You're going to turn around, you're going to walk away and then you're going to leave this place, alright? How does that sound, hm?" Though he phrased it as a question, it's clear it wasn't. This was a threat, but something in his tone wasn't quite right. Something was off… there was almost a slight tremble to his voice? It was quickly covered as the fox gave a soft hum, "Well, Unless you want to find out why I was stuck in that stupid little prison, and I both think we know you don't." "If not, I'm sure we can arrange otherwise." He grinned, even with his face covered it echoed in his voice. "We can see how quickly you can die if you'd like~" "Maybe you can beat the bug's record? But, I doubt that, you seem like a stubborn one having stuck around this long."
[ Ask from - @ask-noonescity ]
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eyesofswift · 9 months
I'm having my own August moment
I havent been on a date in years, but when I go visit the city where the guy I was talking to lived, it turns out I may be "the other girl"
I just found out the guy I've been talking to has a girlfriend. He doesn't know I know. Now I'm working with my friends to expose him.
August (My Version)
Chapter 1: When we First Met
I first met James back in 2018 when I started University. He was my roommates best friend. I never saw much of this roommate because she was always spending time with him. At one point, James and I realized we had the same birthday.
Later on in the year, my goldfish got really cold and appeared dead. I was upset and he said, "let's turn them into fish-kabobs." I was mortified and grabbed my fish (they flinched) and put them in the freezer. Turns out they were just cold and if I had warmed up their water they would have been fine.
Fast forward to almost the end of the school year and James and my roommate were officially dating. End of the year move out came and went and I thought nothing of him and his relationship.
I graduated in 2022 and hadn't heard from him since my first year. Except that my best friend, Inez, started working with him and they grew to be good friends.
Chapter 2: Stronger than a 90s Trend
After life happened and many people in my life died, gained weight, was overall depressed, I signed up for the gym in January 2023. It was the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I loved it there. I felt great, I was gaining strength and losing weight.
Then, I signed up for three 21-day challenges. With 12 weeks left until summer, I wanted to challenge myself. So I worked hard. I ended up winning 2nd place. I shared my results on Instagram. James messaged me, saying that I was "lookin great!" and to say I was so confused as to why the boy who basically killed my goldfish was messaging me for the first time... ever? I said thanks and moved on.
After the second 21 day challenge, coach shared my progress pics on Instagram. I shared that on my story. He reacted with "🔥." Again, confused but appreciated the support.
Chapter 3: The Best People in Life are Free
Ive been single for years at this point, since 2019 and havent been on a date since 2018.
Going back to my friend, Inez. She tagged him in a snapchat story. I added James. Thought, "why not."
Eventually he sent me a snap or two. His drinks, a dog, views from the boat, what he did on his days off. We slowly started a streak. Then I was off the grid for a weekend and lost it. That didn't stop the snaps.
At this point, I started seeing a new therapist. He told me I should go out on more dates, and my first thought was, "With who? James? The guy who killed my goldfish?"
Slowly, we started talking a little bit more. Talked about work and how working in tourism sucks.
In general, I share gym pictures on snap. But I started sharing them a bit more often.
At this point, I could tell he was into me. Sent him a few gym pics. Got some responses of just his face.
Randomly, one day before the gym, he sends me a shirtless mirror pic. I clicked out of that so fast and yelled, "WTF JAMES" in my car.
I went for a weekend trip to the mountains. Sent him a snap jokingly, saying how my boat was faster than his (I was rowing a jon boat and he captains a whalewatching boat). He thought it was funny and said I was right.
Come time for summer camp, I went back up to the mountains and was mostly off the grid again. I sent some photos of my views and a few of how happy I was to be back. Lost our snap streak again, but still received some snaps while I was off the grid.
Chapter 4: For the Hope of it All
After my 10 days in the mountains, I went back to my real job. I had already known I was leaving. Toxic work environment that I couldn't stand anymore. I went to HR and picked up my voluntary resignation. I sent a snap of the document to James and a couple friends.
Then we got to talking about what I was doing after I left. That's when I tell him I'm going back north to photograph a friend's wedding. In three weeks' time, I would be back in the college town that he still lived in for a week.
We started talking more and more.
That Saturday I was photographing a different wedding reception. Sent him snaps throughout the event. I got pretty drunk. When I got home, I kept snapping him. At one point, James called me cute. I felt like Rudolph when Clarice called him cute for the first time. Didn't say it back.
A few days later, he kept calling me cute. I would say things like, "right back attcha" or "you too" without actually saying he was cute. Eventually, I did say he was cute. His response was, "I've always thought you were cute, in a big way"
I asked why he waited so long to tell me. He told me, "it was hard to say anything when I was dating your roommate."
I tried getting to know him better that night. Conversation wasn't the best. ¿But he tried?
Chapter 5: Devils in the Details
As time went on, snaps got more flirtatious. I would use the different filters and just send them because they're fun.
James called me sexy after one of them and I immediately cringed. To me, being called sexy is a major turn off. When you've been catcalled too many times, it just gross. Didn't say anything about it and moved on.
Another night, similar thing. I used the devil horn filter and he responded with, "ya make a sexy devil" and I about puked. Told him I don't like that. He was fine with it.
But then, he asked to see more of what was under the blanket. I don't wear a shirt when I sleep, but I made sure to always cover my chest when snapping him. My response to that was, "not today buddy boy."
After I left my job, I went out to a disco with friends. Sent him some snaps. Was super hung over the next morning. Was in the shower and sent him a few snaps. I was wearing a shower cap and looked like a drenched raccoon. He said, "I wish I was in there with ya." First of all, nope. Second of all, I was hung over AF. Told him, "no you don't."
The next morning, I go to the gym. Got in one last session before flying up north. Sent some sassy pics from the gym. Got home and James sent me, "that gym fit got me feelin some type of way 🥵." I was busy packing, changed outfits, and kept talking.
By the time I got to the airport, he was at work. I was excited to go north and see all my friends. Sent James, Inez, and other friends some snaps updating them on how my travels were going.
When I got to my destination, I heard nothing. He sent me a picture of the boat and that was it. That's when I caught my girls up.
Chapter 6: I had Marvelous Time Ruining Everything
While eating dumplings, I told my girls that I might be going on a date while I was there. I told them with James. My one friend wanted to tell Inez, since she was close with him. I told her, I want to tell her.
We talked about why he was a walking red flag. I wasn't looking to date date him, just go on some dates to feel good about myself (the last time I went on a date was in 2018. His name was JimBob. Deadass). Anyway. We finish the dumplings and go back to where I'm staying.
We call Inez.
Inez tells me that James has a girlfriend. I'm in denial. You don't tell a girl she's sexy, that you had dreams about her, that you want to shower with her, that your favorite shirt of hers is when she wasn't wearing any, when you are already in a long term relationship with another girl.
But he did.
We were all trying to figure out if they had broken up or not. Inez asked her boyfriend and he said Betty and James were still together.
James lived with Betty in her apartment.
James snapped me daily from Betty's bathroom... Betty's bed!
I found out that James cheated multiple times on my roommate. That he would ghost girls. That I was Agusta. I was the other girl. We wanted to expose him.
That would have worked if he ever responded to me.
Inez lost so much respect for James. She went to work and he could tell she was visibly pissed at him. He was concerned that his best friend was upset with him.
Few days later I was with all my girls and Inez snapped him from my phone pretending it was from her phone. He responded with the boat. She talked to him after she left.
The next day was wack.
Inez and I met for dinner. She told me that her conversation with James went something like this
"James we need to talk.
I have a feeling I know what this is about, so let me just tell you...
I should have never reached out to Agusta. Betty and I were going through a rough patch and things are getting better now."
I was furious.
The following day I snap James. I said, "hey. Instead of just ghosting me, I would like to talk about everything that's happened in person. Let me know when you're free."
He ghosted me.
Eventually, I photographed the wedding and flew home.
No other word from James since.
But now I debate on how I move along in life. Do I email Betty telling her what happened? Do I post that he's a cheater anonymously on the Facebook community page? Do I black mail him into paying for my gym membership? Do I send this story to an influencer on Instagram and have them help me share this without using the city or his last name and expose him to the whole world? How do I help Karma speed up the process?
If anything else comes up, I'll write chapter 7.
Thank you for reading about my life from March-August 2023.
Much love,
~ Agusta
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kisscassette · 10 months
someone i used to hang out with was in an accident and died :(
it was shocking. we’ve known each other for a year and a half now and there was a point at the beginning of our friendship where we talked to each other a lot, go out for drinks all the time, all of that. but then, he got busy. i got busy. and im not the type of person to reach out and catch up. and i think he was, too. so i didnt really think much of it.
in that span of time of knowing each other, i think we havent talked for like 70% of it. and out of all the days he had to make conversation with me, he had to do it the day before he died.
whats eating me up, is he had to comment on how i look so i didnt take it well (obviously) and i had this inner anger for him built up. what i havent realized is that he has always been like that. he joked all the time and talked to everyone that way. i think he did that for me as an icebreaker but since its something about my appearance, ofcourse i had to be serious about it! we havent talked for a long time and the first time that we did, it had to be a comment about how i look? and so the conversation was short and that was it.
early morning the next day, he got into an accident and died. seeing pictures of the accident on social media, his body sprawled and lifeless. and bloody. it was disturbing to say the least. i was shaking when i heard the news. because … why? he was an unstoppable force. he always went out with friends and somehow always went home fine. he was loud but he was careful. and as far as i knew, he had never been in a major accident. and when he did, it had to take his life???
it was eerie. i was just starting to think about getting back at him for making me feel bad about how i feel. i had to make him feel bad too, was what i was telling myself. now, i couldnt even think about that. i feel so sorry for his family. he used to talk a lot about his little sister and how much he loved her. we didnt know each other well, but he sure lets everyone know about that one.
and im sure i did not have a huge impact on his life, but since knowing his death, i thought if i had taken his joke as a joke, would things happen differently? if i had also made a conversation and ask about how he’s been, would he have been in a different state of mind, different train of thoughts resulting = him not being in that last moment of his death?
i wonder if he ever thought about his death, that it would be that sudden and tragic. i wonder if he ever was scared of it? or was he always accepting of his fate, whatever it will be. i wonder how he felt when that car hit him. i wonder if he ever felt pain. i wonder if his life flashed before his eyes. i wonder what his last thoughts were. i wonder if he realized he lived a great life, he always made sure he had a good time.
in another universe, i know you are still out there enjoying and having a good time. making plans with friends, loving the new music you discovered, showing of how good u were at singing, being the energy ball that u are, being the comfort of everyone around you.
rest in peace, adrian jake. this one goes out to you.
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theosmommy1966 · 2 years
Theodore Nott watched from the edge of the dance floor as the woman he loved danced and smiled softly at someone he considered to be a best friend. He knew it was ridiculous to be feeling how he felt.
He knew that out of all the people in this giant room, the person holding his girlfriend was the one person she would never leave him for. But that didn't stop the overwhelming doubt and insecurity he suddenly felt.
“If you stare any harder you might kill him.” The voice of Theos fellow Ravenclaw, Lorenzo Berkshire, said only half jokingly. Theodore looked around the group, at all of their friends, who all held small smiles. Blaise, Enzo,Pansy, Astoria and Daphne all knew how he felt, but thought it was ridiculous.
Theodore looked back at his girlfriend and best friend whose foreheads were now pressed together. “It's just hard when they look like that.” He said, finishing off his drink, and waving one hand towards them.
Astoria looked at Theo, squeezing his arm comfortingly. “I can promise you that Y/n and Draco are not getting back together. They aren't seeing each other behind our backs, they just understand each other on a level that we cant. We will never be able to understand what they went through together during the war.”
Theo knew that.
He knew that the two of you were in a relationship during the war. Forced to get the mark together, forced to do tasks together. The two of you only had each other after you were pulled from Hogwarts after Dumbledore's death. It was widely known that Snape killed the headmaster, but only your inner circle knew that it was actually you.
Theodore nodded, trying to calm himself down. “How do you deal with it.. The jealousy?”
Astoria looked back at the couple dancing and smiled before turning to her friend. “Because Draco has told me that they both know how toxic their relationship was. They both know that they had an unhealthy dependency on each other. It was hard at first, but after I got to know Y/n, and I saw how happy she is with you.. It got so much easier.”
Smiling she set her hands flat against her stomach she spoke again, “Plus being pregnant with the next Malfoy heir helps.”
The whole group gasped, Daphne jumping up and down in excitement. After a few minutes of excitement and congratulations, Blaise turned to Theo. “Are you and Y/n trying? We know Enzo and Daph aren't, Pansy and I are single so that's a no..”
Theo sighed but smiled “I mean we are trying I guess. Just havent had any results.” Theodore waited every month around the time of your period for you to panic and say it was late. But it never happened, he didn't know how exactly to bring it up. While you guys had talked about having kids, it was never discussed about a timeline.
“Weird.. I swore she was at Mungos the other day..” Pansy said with a small smirk “When I walked by I swore I heard something about an abortion..” She knew that wasn't the complete truth, she had seen the file, she knew what was going on. She just had an undying hate for you. She felt that you stole Draco from her, and then moved on to Theodore.
Theos heart clenched in pain, stomach turning at the thought of you getting an abortion. Were you lying to him? Keeping something like that from him and then getting rid of it? He was suddenly heartbroken and very sick to his stomach.
Astoria looked back and forth between a very pale Theodore and a very smug Pansy. She knew what was really going on but also knew one, it wasn't her place to say anything and two it wasn't the time or event. What was truly going on was between Y/n and Draco.. And then Y/n and Theodore.
“Theo..” She tried to say but just as she went to say more Pansy chuckled and pointed out towards the dance floor. The talked about couple had stopped dancing, Draco had one hand placed on the back of Y/ns neck. He was holding her head still with his lips pressed against her forehead.
He had a few tears falling down his cheeks, and a far away look in his eyes that Astoria knew too well. It was the look that she always associated with the war. It was the distiant look that he always had when he talked about the last few years at Hogwarts. Talked about the tourter and punishment that both he and Y/n went threw during their time at Malfoy manor.
“Maybe there was more than one Mommy Malfoy..” Pansy said, chuckling before she turned and walked away. Before anyone could say anything, Theodore stormed away. But to get to the door, he had to walk through the dance floor and all he heard as he walked by was Malfoy's voice.
“Whatever it costs.. I will take care of it, its my fault this is happening to you. I'm so sorry Y/n.”
That was all he needed to hear, to make up his mind. Y/n was cheating on him. With his best friend, who was dating her best friend. Not only that but he had made up his mind that not only were they cheating, but she had gotten pregnant. And without knowing whose baby it was, Malfoy was paying for her to get rid of it.
It was easily the biggest and most painful betrayal of his life.
Y/ns POV
You danced with Draco to the same song that you guys had danced to at every party or gala for almost five years. The first time you had ever danced, Dracos mom had made him ask you. He saved you from having to suffer through another dance with Dalhov. The man was sickening close to you, not really caring that you were only 15.
A few months after that you met Draco again, but this time at a Death Eaters meeting. Your father had been killed, and his had been imprisoned. As punishment for their failures you were both being forced to take the mark. While Draco had Cissy to stand up for him, you had no one.
You could still remember his face when you stood and took your turn getting marked. Could remember how empty and emotionless you felt for so long before and after that. Draco was the first person to make you laugh again. He was the first person to make you smile or eat.
He held you when you started having nightmares. When things turn sexual as a form of control he didnt complain. He let you use him because he was using you too. In those moments when you took complete control of your sex life with him, he didnt have to make choices.
In those moments he was able to feel free, free of the burden his father placed on him. It turned into toxic dependency pretty quickly, but it's what got you both through the war. Clinging to each other in whatever way you could.
“I.. I need to tell you something.. And I'm really hoping that you won't be upset, please don't be upset.” Draco practically whispered down to you, you could hear the worry in his voice as you smiled up at him. Nodding you waited for him to continue, but the words he said next punched you in the stomach.
“Astorias pregnant.” He whispered knowing how much it would hurt you. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he wanted you to hear it from him and no one else. It was painful for him to even say to you, it had been hard for him to come to terms with. Even harder for him to be happy, and impossible for him to not be overcome with worry and anxiety.
It took you a few moments before you could even force yourself to breathe. But when you did, tears filled your eyes “That's so wonderful Dray! I'm so happy for you!” You really meant it, you were happy for him. He had been through so much, he deserved happiness, he deserved everything Astoria gave him. But he was right, this did hurt, even more so after the week you had.
Dracos thumbs wiped the tears that started falling from your eyes. “What's going on, it's more than just this. I have been able to see it on your face since you got here. Tell me..” He said holding your face with one hand, his thumb rubbing over your jaw line as he waited. As much as you hated to admit it, Draco knew you better than anyone else.
He had seen you at your absolute lowest. He knew every emotion that could play across your face, and exactly what they all looked like. So when you and Theodore walked in and your eyes instantly looked for Draco, he knew something was wrong.
Your codependency in your relationship flowed over into a friendship that was so tight nobody could ever get between you two. You had gone through therapy together, redid your last year together, found Astoria and Theodore together.
You knew that you could tell him this, the only person so far you had talked to about it. You sighed and moved his hand from your face before speaking. “Do you remember.. The summer after I killed Dumbledore..” Draco nodded, knowing that he shouldn't speak, he didn't want to stop you from telling your story.
“The.. miscarragie your father and Bellatrix forced on me.. Because it wasn't taken care of properly, it caused permanent damage. Caused scarring and some other stuff that leaves me unable to.. Get pregnant without complications..”
Draco swore his heart stopped. He could remember the day that you had come to him crying, terrified that you hadn't had your period in months. Cissy kept telling you that it was probably due to the emotional and physical stress of the war.
But that week, you had been sick all the time, everything was making your stomach turn. Dracos cologne, the house elves cooking, your lotion, everything was making you sick. You had searched the Manors library to find the book with the spells you needed. When you showed the spell to Draco he almost passed out.
But you both needed to know, so he did the spell, and when he heard the little fluttering heart beat his heart broke. Not because he didn't love you, because at the time he did, in the best way he could. But because he knew what this was going to do to your already struggling body. What if you were tortured again? What would happen when his parents found out.
But still that night he laid down semi peacefully. Until he woke up to your screams from somewhere in his family manor. After running through and checking room after room, he finally found you.
On the floor of the dining room.
Mostly unconscious.
Surrounded by blood.
The next day, surrounded by Death Eaters, at a table with The Dark Lord, his father explained why you were missing from the table. “I found out she was pregnant. I saw this as a weakness and a problem to our cause. So I took care of it, My lord.”
Cissy looked at her son, then over at her husband. None of them had ever seen her so angry, her eyes were filled with a hate that Lucius knew he would see for the rest of his life. “How..” was all she could get out as she tried to ask what he had done. Her pathetic husband couldn't answer, so her crazy sister did.
“Just a few curses Cissy, ones that would.. Expel the fetus.. Then a Crucio to remind her of her place..” Bellatrix said and for the first time she wasn't laughing. She felt a little bad for the girl, understanding how it is to find love during war. She never wanted children herself, but it did hurt her a little to take that away from you.
Draco didn't know how he kept the two of you moving through the dance. His body taking over and pulling you through the movements like he had done so many times before that. When he spoke, it came out as barely a whisper “I'm so sorry..”
You shook your head, tears streaming now “It's not your fault Draco. There was nothing we could have done to stop him. We were just kids.” You had stopped moving now, “I havent told Theo yet, I had a miscarraige a week and a half ago. The Doctor at Mungos said that had everything been handled by a professional that things would've been fine. But because of the circumstances..”
You broke off, shaking your head trying to get a hold of yourself. “What if leaves me.. What if this is the breaking point.. It's too much to ask someone to deal with.. I'm ruined..” When your voice broke, Dracos breath hitched in pain. He subconsciously reached for your neck, pulling your head to his as he pressed his cold lips to your forehead.
It was killing him that he was finding his happiness while you were faltering. He can't stand knowing that if not for him directly asking you, he wouldn't even know you were struggling. He didn't know what to say, or what words or actions would make this better. So he just kept a hold of you, not noticing the amount of eyes on the two of them as they cried together.
This was just another thing that left a lasting scar on the two of them that couldn't be healed. Another thing that your family names had ruined for you. Another stain on life as a pureblood.
Draco pulled back and placed both his hands on your face, holding it so you were forced to look him in the eye. “We will find someone who can do treatments, someone to carry for you if we need to. We will talk to Theo together, if he doesn't understand we will deal with that together too.” He said, stopping you as you tried to shake your head. “No, Me and you, we are together in this. Astoria too, you know she understands. Theodore will to, we will figure this out Y/n.”
“Whatever it costs.. I will take care of it, its my fault this is happening to you. I'm so sorry Y/n.”
Do we want a part 2? As always requests are open! Drink some water, take a nap! Do you! &lt;3
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Nothing Like Them
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Gif credit @mochminnie.
Requested by @mypridefulsoul27. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the request.
"Oh god, I'm dying". You sniffled as you came out of the bathroom,  you had been hauled up in the bathroom all morning throwing up.
"Baby, you okay"? Oscar stopped you in the hall and felt your head with the back of his hand. "No fever. Maybe you ate something that didnt settle with you"?
"For two weeks? Nothing is settling good with me. I can't eat or keep anything down". You scrunch your nose up when the smell hits you. "What is that horrible smell"?
"An omelet". Oscar raised his eyebrow.
"It's horrible. Oh god". You cupped your mouth and headed back into the bathroom. Heading right for the toilet.
"Oscar"? Cesar called Oscar to the kitchen. You slightly heard him yell. You wiped your mouth and tiptoed out of the bathroom and stood at the kitchen entrance.
"Um, I know this is none of my business but are you and Y/N using protection"? Cesar asked his older brother. "You know, wrapping before tapping"? Which he regretted immediately.
Oscar growled. "Go to school. Now".
"Fine. But she could be pregnant. If you arent wrapping it. Think about it". Cesar sighed, grabbing his pop tart and his book bag. He headed out the front door.
Your eyes grew wide. Pregnant? That never even crossed your mind. What the hell where you going to do, if you were?
You had to find out if pregnancy was causing you to be miserable. You made up an excuse to Oscar and headed to the store.
There were three different types of pregnancy tests and they were all starring you down.
Shaking your head you grabbed the first one and headed to the checkout. Sneakily you checked out cause Freeridge had a bug mouth and you couldnt risk Oscar finding out before you told him.
"Where did you go"? Oscar asked as you came into the house.
"Girly time". You spoke fast your mind didnt have time to rethink your answer and you bolted to the bathroom.
"Well, I guess you arent pregnant then". Oscar sighed and sat down on the couch. Still confused about what this sickness could be.
Ten minutes to go. You sat on the floor and waited. The test on the edge of the sink haunted you. Oscar has never said anything about kids. He was forced to take care of Cesar and didnt really get to be anybody but a dad. Finally Cesar was grown and he was free. This could be another set back for him.
Looking at your phone you had three minutes left. Three minutes until life changed or stayed the same.
What happens if you turned out like your mom? You were so worried about Oscar what about you? Your mom was never there, always in and out of your life. Oscar was there for you more than she was. You could count how many times she was there on one hand. You didn't want to be like her. Now you were freaking out even more inside.
Beep beep.
"Oh shit". You huffed blowing out a big puff of air as you reached up and grabbed the test.
You covered the result part with your hand. "If I'm pregnant, I vow to never be like my mother. I will always be there for my child even if Oscar doesnt want to be in its life. I will work as hard as I can to make sure it's well taken care of and doesnt have to worry about anything". You gulped and looked at the results.
The weird thing, you felt relieved knowing. Like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. But the hard part came. Telling Spooky.
Coming out of the bathroom, Oscar was standing at the hallway entrance.
"You okay? Been in there awhile. Didnt hear no puking so what were you doing"?
"About"? Oscar came over to the bathroom door and wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm pregnant, Oscar".
"I guessed that. We havent done much protecting when it came to that. How are you handling it"? Oscar rubbed your back.
"I'm scared to be honest. I'm worried how you'll take it. I'm scared shitless on how I'm going to be as a mom. Our parents weren't the greatest role models".
"I know. But I think we've done a pretty okay job raising Cesar".
"Yeah. You've been there since he was little. You took care of him when I was in the pen. You look after both of us. So you're not like your mom. I'm nothing like my father. I stayed and raised him. I'm not going to run from you or my child. I'm here to stay. I made this little spooky jr, I'm going to take responsibility. You dont gotta worry about anything". Oscar squeezed you tight.
"How did I get so lucky to have you"? You cuddled up in his chest.
"I'm the lucky one. You're not afraid of me. Plus you let me touch your boobs". Oscar laughed. Making you roll your eyes.
"That's what got us in this situation we're in. But I wouldnt want to do it with anyone else. I love you Oscar".
"I love you too, Mi Amor". Oscar kissed your forehead. You both were worried and nervous but all parents are the first time. Now you gotta tell Cesar he's going to be an uncle.
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warsamongthestars · 2 years
I figured, y’know, it’d be more entertaining if we had two characters talk about everything from their perspective, than me just going on another user based dragging rant about ‘blah blah this’ and ‘blah blah that’ and ‘should have been could have been’.
Frankly, this is more interesting.
GAUZE: So about that recording
GAUZE: Look, I get it. There's good reason to be pissed about all of it, it pisses me off too
GAUZE: But everything that Specialist-- sorry Commander-- Crosshair said has to be taken into doubt
GAUZE: He had his very mind messed with. There was a medical record and everything
GAUZE: And of course, that fuckin Tumor
BREXPY: the chip right
GAUZE: Yeah that
BREXPY: karkin longnecks chippin the entire army
BREXPY: and people just went along with it
BREXPY: they even claimed it was for our own good and that it lowers aggression
BREXPY: were soldiers what karkin agression are they talking about?
GAUZE: Hell if I know. The Clones weren't ever going to be exact copies of... of the Prime. It was obvious we weren't
GAUZE: You can't expect exact copies when you get decanted by a tube
GAUZE: But off the topic
GAUZE: What happened with Specialist-- sorry, Commander Crosshair could be filed under being drugged medically
GAUZE: Until we have his chip in our hands, we cannot take him at his word. His judgement is compromised
BREXPY: yeah
BREXPY: itd be like a drunk wandering up to a Courscant Guard and tell him you havent be drinking
BREXPY: youd still get dragged to the drunk tank for intoxication in public
BREXPY: worse if your unit sergeant caught you
BREXPY: i heard the 501st used to run their drunks through morning physical training til they vomited if they caught you
GAUZE: I don't feel pity for them. It keeps people from asking me for medical leave
GAUZE: The point is
GAUZE: Is that our dear brother was full of banthashit
GAUZE: Even the Kaminonian's most advanced medical tools left scars. Chip Removal leaves a Scar
GAUZE: Sure, a bacta patch would clean that scar up. Bacta can fuckin do amazing things. It can heal broken bones, blaster wounds, plasma wounds, burns--
GAUZE: But you CAN'T TELL ME that they put him under Batca
GAUZE: And it was still angry too! Probably from a mix of rubbing against his helmet AND NOT GETTING PROPER TREATMENT
BREXPY: steady there Gauze
BREXPY: lot of troopers pointed out that Clone Force 99 had raised weapons against Commander Crosshair
BREXPY: but well according to reports
BREXPY: thats exactly what Captain Rex did to CF99 when they informed him that they still had their chips
BREXPY: so it can be reasonably assumed thats why they acted as they did
BREXPY: i cant blame them
BREXPY: chip activation means death or destruction for all involved
BREXPY: and from what i gather it really did look like Crosshair was going to shoot Hunter
BREXPY: lets face it
BREXPY: you cant claim sanity and the high ground when youre still acting as nutty as you were when you lost your head to start with
BREXPY: if they had kidnapped the Commander there is a good chance that he would report to the Empire behind their backs like he did when his chip went haywire
BREXPY: it wouldve meant their executions
BREXPY: and if they stayed with the Commander it would also result in their executions or possibly worse
BREXPY: frankly its a karked up scenario
BREXPY: damned if you do damned if you dont
GAUZE: We should've been there, you know, maybe we could've stopped it...
BREXPY: or we would have contributed to the problem
BREXPY: i just hope none of them pay for this with their lives
BREXPY: its none of their faults what happened
BREXPY: yes even the Commanders decisions stupid as they were
BREXPY: until we have that chip we cannot take him as being in full control of his faculties
BREXPY: 'exploring why clones stayed with the empire' my ass
BREXPY: thats exactly what everybody has been doing since the Prequels released
GAUZE: Prequels?
BREXPY: general stitched up records of lord vaders life
BREXPY: his time as anakin skywalker are called the 'prequels' like 'prequels to lord vader' or some nonsense
BREXPY: they apparently even come with a musical number
BREXPY: anyway
BREXPY: since those there have been people trying to explore whats been up with us clones since then
BREXPY: and we already got our answer: the chip
BREXPY: that hasnt magically changed and there isnt some huge secret about it
BREXPY: its just been that damn chip
BREXPY: and even if its not the chip most of the old soldiers would stick around because like hell the empire was going to let them leave
BREXPY: you honestly think that out of all four million of us that some didnt try to walk out
BREXPY: theres been plenty who tried
BREXPY: only Cut ever got away with it
BREXPY: the biggest difference is that the Empire is honest in its decommissioning of Clones and the Republic wasnt
BREXPY: and that just means theyre obviously evil
BREXPY: but theyre just the Republic with all the shackles off
BREXPY: but yeah
BREXPY: can only hope they find a way out in the end
GAUZE: ... It did seem like Crosshair was more coherent after that Ion blast
GAUZE: I'm not far off the mark. That Chip really is like a brain tumor
GAUZE: Radiation might mess with it, though probably not kill it entirely. Chemotherapy runs on the concept of radiation killing tumors
GAUZE: Might require repeated exposure
GAUZE: But that's hoping we can also drain the rads out afterwards. He had a full face of Ion radiation, I'm shocked he's not suffering radiation poisoning
BREXPY: didnt Captain Howzer have burn scars on his face
GAUZE: Yeah... Hm, maybe that's why his Chip didn't activate. Maybe he too got a face full of Ion everything and it messed with the chip
GAUZE: Curiouser and Curiouser...
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
okay so. i may have fallen down the rabbit hole and made. an OC to ship with Wukong and Macaque-
and. i might have been encouraged and written. an entire fanfic of. Wukong teaching her how to ride a horse for fun. (and also Macaque is here too)
so uh. take....this self-indulgent stuff i guess???
i havent actually ridden a horse in like 5 years hdfkjdlkfjlsksd
"Could you teach me how to ride a horse?" Sel asked- and proceeded to nearly choke on her own breath laughing at the expression that came over Wukong's face. "What's with that look?"
"...I'm trying to figure out if you're making fun of me or not." Wukong said, leaning back on his cloud. "Why, exactly, are you asking me how to ride a horse?"
"Because you're the only one around here, and you're the only person I know of who has some horse experience." Sel said, before adding, "No offense intended."
"....I mean...I do know how to ride." Wukong sat up straight, pulling a bag of peach chips out of nowhere (and really, where had he gotten those, Sel had thought she and Macaque had hidden all of them during their last prank war- he better not be eating his own hair again-) and munching on them as he thought. "Why the sudden interest? Did you watch a horse movie or something?"
"I'm a selkie, Wukong." Sel leveled the Monkey King with a flat stare. "I don't exactly encounter land animals much, of course I'm curious about it."
"...You did watch a horse movie, didn't you."
"It was the only thing on TV at the time-"
A week later, and the both of them stood in a clearing, beside a brown appaloosa horse, Sel softly running a hand down it's neck, quietly in awe at the texture of it's fur. Wukong gave her a small smile before jumping right into the plan of the day; teaching a selkie how to ride a horse.
"Right, so first you gotta learn how to mount the horse-" Wukong took one of his hairs, creating a small step stool with it. "Since this is your first time we'll use a step stool to give you an extra boost."
"Couldn't you just lift me up?" Sel asked, getting up onto the step stool anyways.
"You want to be able to ride even when I'm not around, don't you?" Wukong asked, "It's not really that hard anyways- well, this would be easier if we had a saddle-"
"Once again, you could just magic up a saddle."
"If you can ride bareback you can ride a saddle." Wukong insisted.
"Oh, so it's like the whole driving thing- if you can drive a manual you can drive an automatic." Sel said, a smirk on her face. Wukong just looked confused.
"...I....don't know what you're talking about."
"...Wait do you not know how to dri-"
"Moving on!" Wukong interrupted, backflipping onto his cloud so that he was the same height as Sel. "Now, you can grab onto the horse's hair if you want, just try not to tug, okay? Place your hand here- yes like that- now jump up and over in one smooth motion."
"Not a very detailed explanation I see...." Sel did, but still, through some means, she managed to do get up and onto the horse.
"Alright, good- you're a little bit too far forwards though." Wukong said, and Sel scooched back a little. "Perfect- alright, now you've just gotta sit up straight!"
The glare Sel gave him was downright lethal.
"....I wasn't told there'd be posture involved here." She said, attempting to straighten her back, not doing the very best job of it.
"It's necessary- look okay, just. Raise your shoulders." Wukong said, "Now push them back to just slightly behind your ears and set them down."
Sel followed his instructions- and she had to admit, she felt a lot more comfortable on the horse now than she had before.
"Think you're ready to try moving?" Wukong asked, creating a pair of reins, as well as a long rope to lead the horse with. "Here, you've gotta hold the reins like this-"
He softly put his own hands over top of hers, and Sel smiled, holding back her want to comment on the close contact as he gently moved her hands into the right position. She'd had practice- she'd long since started tuning out how close Wukong tended to get to her. She'd never considered herself as being touchstarved, and still didn't think she was now, but the Monkey King definitely was, and she found herself feeling almost...saddened whenever he would seem to rein himself in, pulling out of hugs and leaning away from contact he had initiated, as though he was afraid she would start to dislike it. (The result of a bad experience, or the result of 500 years by himself? Sel had no idea.) Still though, she decided to welcome any form of contact with welcome arms.
Wukong must've noticed her smile though, as she could just barely see the hints of a blush on his face as he pulled his hands away.
"Uh- okay, so um, now that you've got the grip right, it's time to try moving." He said, hopping off of his cloud to stand on the ground, holding the lead in his hands. "Just- follow the horse's movements, okay? She's a pretty easy ride, not as bumpy as some horses, but you'll still want to try and move with the rhythm of the horse, okay?"
"...Okay." Sel said, and Wukong started walking, clicking his tone to cue the horse into walking as well. It was a little...weird at first, but after a bit, Sel found that she was starting to get used to it.
...She did have one question though.
"Where did you even find a horse this obedient anyways?" Sel asked, "Surely she's not wild."
"Ah- no." Wukong didn't look back at her, nor did he stop walking, and Sel couldn't help but sense that the Monkey King seemed...almost sheepish. "I- stole her from a nearby stable-"
"You what-"
"It's fine! I'm going to bring her back!" He quickly added, "The people who work there know me- it's fine."
Sel had the sneaking suspicion that it was probably not fine, but kept quiet.
"So am I a bonafide horse rider now?" Sel asked, after two days of Wukong helping her.
"Psh, not really." Wukong said, "I mean, you are learning rather quick, but you can't be genuinely called a true horse rider until you've fallen off your horse at least like, ten times."
"Okay???" Sel confusedly started leaning to the side, intent on sliding off. Upon seeing this, Wukong dropped the lead, the horse stopping in it's tracks immediately, as Wukong rushed to grab onto Sel's wrist, preventing her from tipping to the side.
"Not like that." He hissed, keeping his grip steady around her wrist, only letting go once Sel had righted herself. "It has to be a natural, accidental fall, the kinda thing that just happens over the years."
"..Oh." Sel said, "...It would've been nice for you to lead with that."
"I didn't think I'd have to!"
"Well, she's certainly picked up on this quick." Macaque said, standing beside Wukong, the two of them watching has Sel rode the horse across the field. Over the course of two weeks, she'd managed to work up to a trot (she hadn't gotten to the point of attempting a canter), and could now ride without Wukong leading the horse.
"She's a fast learner." Wukong said, "Unlike you- don't think I've forgotten how you refused to let me teach you how to ride."
"I just didn't think it was important, that's all." Macaque leaned away from Wukong slightly, noting a recognizable glint in his eyes. "...And it's still not important, I don't really need to ride at all-"
"Hey, Sel- could you come here for a moment?!" Wukong yelled, and Macaque, realizing that the other was up to something, turned around, trying to get away. He was stopped as Wukong grabbed hold of his wrist using his tail, with a surprisingly tight grip. Sel slowed the horse to a stop in front of them.
"What's up?" She asked, either not noticing or purposefully ignoring how Macaque was struggling to get out his wrist out of Wukong's grip. Wukong summoned his cloud, stepping up onto it, pulling Macaque along with him.
"I'm gonna need you to scooch back just a bit." Wukong said, and as soon as Sel had followed through- "Perfect."
He grabbed Macaque by the waist (and Macaque would firmly deny squeaking, but both Wukong and Sel knew what they had heard), lifted him up, and safely deposited him on the horse, in front of Sel. For her part, Sel immediately adjusted, wrapping her arms around Macaque to keep her hold on the reins, smirking a little at how she could feel Macaque stiffen. She couldn't see his face, but from how tense his back was (as well as the shade of pink his six ears were turning), she could gander a guess. Wukong, who was now back on the ground, holding the lead he had just created, could see the other monkey's expression though, and he outright laughed at it.
"Man- Sel, you should see his face!" He giggled, seemingly ignorant to the fact that if he was in Macaque's position he'd probably react the same way. Sel rolled her eyes.
"I don't need to see his face." She said, "I can tell by his ears just fine!"
That comment seemed to smack Macaque out of whatever stupor he'd seemingly fallen into, as in one blink, his six ears had turned back into two, the pink colour vanishing with them. Sel couldn't contain her "aw..." of disappointment, she honestly liked seeing Macaque with his glamours down. (It had taken a long time for him to even be comfortable enough to be around her with his glamours down.....she knew how much trust he was giving to her when he did so. It made her heart feel warm and fluttery on the inside- and she knew Wukong also felt the same way whenever he spied the shadow monkey with his glamours down. Still though, she couldn't fault him for putting them back up now though.)
"I hate you." Macaque hissed, and even though she couldn't see his face, Sel could just sense the glare he was giving Wukong. "I hate you both so much."
Despite what he said though, he made no attempt at getting off of the horse, staying perfectly still.
"Heh, sure, we'll pretend any of us believe that." Wukong said, and, ignoring Macaque's indignant sputtering, he turned, clicking his tongue and starting to walk, leading the horse behind him. Macaque startled, slightly off balance, and Sel pressed her arms into his a little more, to keep him from falling off.
"Relax." Sel whispered, "Neither of us will let you fall."
"Unless it's funny, of course." Wukong added, and Sel had the feeling that if her arms weren't on either side of Macaque, he would slide off the horse just to tackle Wukong.
As it was, he stayed in his position, perfectly silent.
Sel, sensing that Macaque probably wasn't really in the mood for conversation (he was probably still recovering from the shock of how he ended up in this position to be honest), let herself start daydreaming, knowing that Wukong could easily lead the horse without her needing to steer. Wukong, not willing to let there be total silence, started humming a tune that Sel couldn't quite recognize, but was still pleasant.
The moment ended as Wukong suddenly froze, the horse obediently stopping with him. Sel jolted out of her daydream from the sudden lack of movement, feeling Macaque do the same.
"...Ah." Wukong said, turning to face the both of them with a nervous smile. "Um. Sorry but uh- I may have just remembered that I. Think I promised to train with MK today?"
Macaque snorted, while Sel pulled out her phone, checking her calendar.
"...You were meant to start training with him about ten minutes ago." She said, "If you hurry up, you can probably explain it away as just having been busy with the monkeys."
Without another word, Wukong was gone, Sel feeling a slight breeze rustle her hair in the Monkey King's wake.
For a moment, both Sel and Macaque remained sitting on the horse, staring at the spot Wukong had just been standing in.
"...Sel?" Macaque asked.
"....I don't know how to get down."
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zmayadw · 3 years
I’ll post a bit earlier today :) So here is next part!
Have a nice day!
WARNING! contains a sex scene (no its not an april fools day joke :P)WARNING
  When i woke up, i was alone in the bed, and i checked the clock. 7.38. „Jake?“ i called, but i got no ansewer. I looked to the desk, his stuff was still there. I got myself sitting, and noticed a paper on the nightstand. 'Went for coffee' was written on it, and i smiled. I went to the bathroom, thinking of last night. It felt so nice being with Jake, it felt right. I smiled as i brushed my teeth,thinking how i finaly got my answer about if he feels the same. After last night, i was sure he does. As I stepped back in the room, i noticed an envelope sticking from under the rooms door. I took it of the floor, feeling something was inside. I opened it, and a feel of fright washed all over me. I quickly went for the door, wanting to check if i could see anyone near. As i opened the door, Jake was standing on the outside, holding two coffee cups and about to push the key into the lock. He had a smile on his face, wich was quickly replaced with worry. „Whats wrong?“ he asked as i stepped outside next to him, looking arround. „Did you see anyone?“ i asked starting to get agitated, „What?“ he said, and i repeated, sounding even more agitated now „Did you see anyone? As you wer coming back?“ „Maya, calm down.“ He told me, and i practically screamed at him „Jake, please, answer me!“ He looked at me really worried, grabing me by the hand, guiding me back inside, sitting me on the bed. I havent realized i was shaking, still holding that cursed envelope in my hand. Jake threw a blanket over me, taking the envelope from my hands. His face got grim when he saw the content of it. It was just one raven feather inside. But it was enough for that bad feeling to creep all over me again. „Is this some kind of a bad joke?“ i asked „Because if it is, i sure as hell dont find it funny.“ Jake looked at me, not being sure what to think „I dont know what this is, Maya.“ I shot up from the bed, blanket falling from my shoulders. „You said nothing will happen!“ i started, getting a bit histerical „This isnt nothing, Jake!“ „Maya, please, calm down.“ He told me, and i franaticaly started to walk back and forth through the room. „Calm down?“ i yelled „I cant, Jake! My life is tumbaling down  in front of my eyes, and you want me to calm down?!“ „Maya, stop!“ he said, rising his voice a bit, but i just ignored it. „I cant calm down!“ i continued walking back and forth, sounding histerical. „Im terrified at the moment, Jake. I have no clue what the hell is going on here. Everything was going great at one moment, the next, all hell broke loose!“ I paused a bit to catch my breath. „Why is this happening? What does this all means? What..“ i didnt managed to finish, because Jake grabbed me, pulling me to him, and kissed me. I was so shocked by it, it took me a moment to realize what just happened. As it finaly did hit me, i relaxed a bit, my hands moving at the back of his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. I stopped the kiss abruply, moving a bit from him, but still holding him loosely by the neck. He looked at me puzzled. „It wasnt supposed to be like this!“ i exclaimed, Jake being even more puzzeled now. „What are you talking about?“ he asked. „Our first kiss!“ i started „It wasnt suppose to be like this.“ I said again. „And how was it suppose to be?“ he asked, raising his eyebrow at me. „I dont know!“ i said confused myself „But definatly not like this, me being histerical, and you probably didnt know how to stop me, other then kissing me.“ My eyes opened wide then „Did you even wanted to kiss me?“ i asked, insecurity creeping to my voice. Jake looked at me, that unknow glow again present in his eyes, making me flush. He had one hand around my waist, and he moved the other slowely across my back to my neck „Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?“ he said, leaning in for another kiss. I smiled, and this time i was ready for that kiss, welcoming his soft lips on mine. I wanted this to happen for so long. I hugged him tightly, pulling him as close to me as i could, deepening the kiss. My hand went through his hair, another thing i longed to do. I bit gently at his lower lip, and he moaned softly at it. I got my leg up, wrapping it around him. He grabed me under my other leg, pulling me up, moving us towards the bed. We fell on the bed, not breaking our kiss. I felt heet all over my body. He moved his hand under my shirt, sending tingles all over me. I wanted to feel his skin on mine, so i broke our kiss, unzipping his hoodie and taking it off, then grabing his shirt, pulling it over his head. I took my shirt off, and i could see him soaking up every inch of me. I pulled him back to me, the warmth of his body intensifing my own heat. He burried his face at my neck, kissing, sucking and biting gently, moving slowly towards my belly, and this time i moande softly. He moved a bit from me, pulling my pants and panties down slowly, leaning back to me as he did it, kissing me fiercly. My hands wer all over him, and I moved them, searching for the zipper of his pants. He moaned as i touched him down there. He was ready, and it made me feel even more wild with desire. With his pants and boxers gone, i pulled closer, wrapping myself arround him. He kissed me fiercly again, before moving his head back to meet my eyes. He slowly pushed in, gasping breath escaping my mouth. His eyes flared at it, and he pushed in completly. He moved slow at first, intensifying the pace and depth with every heartbeat. My body arched under him, my nails digging deeper and harder at the skin of his back, moans of pleasure escaping us both. I felt as if my whole body was on fire, leaning my head back, my hand clenching tightly at the bed sheets as the orgasam hit me. He continued for a while, quickening his pace some more, as the pulsing pleasure continued to spread through me, and our panting breaths being the only sound heard after it.
Laying in bed with Jakes hands around me made me feel so calm. I could stay like this forever, forgeting the world outside exists. I felt safe with him, like nothing can touch me. I still couldnt belive it finaly happened. I dreamed of this moment for so long. I turned on my other side, facing him. His eyes wer closed, his hair ruffled even more then usual, wich made me giggle. „What you giggling at?“ he asked, his eyes still closed. „At you.“ i told him. He opened his eyes, looking at me sleepily. „Well, not you, more at your hair.“ He raised his eyebrow „And what's so funny about it?“ „It's messy! More then usual i mean.“ I told him, still smiling. „Well, i have you to thank for that.“ He said teasingly, pulling me for a kiss. „You're welcome.“ I said grining. He shook his head at me „You're impossible.“ „I know.“ I said grinning even more „But you like me nonetheless.“ His eyes sparkled „More then you can imagine.“ He pulled me to him, kissing me so fiercly, i got goosebums all over my body. I wraped myself around him, pulling him closer. He broke the kiss, his eyes flashing with devilish glow. „Round two?“ he asked, with heavy breath. I grined at him „Round two.“
I'v opened my eyes, laying on Jakes chest. We must have dozed off after everything. I got up slowely, not wanting to wake him. I grabed my shirt and panties from the floor, heading to the bathroom. I poured a glass of water, gulping it down, not realizing how thursty i was. I got dressed, poured some more water in the glass and went back to the room. Jake was sitting on the bed, with just his boxers on. „Can i have that?“ he asked me, indicating at the water i was holding. „Ofcourse.“ I smiled handing him the glass. „Better?“ i asked, after he finished it in a heartbeat. „Definatly.“ He smiled. I took the glass from him, turning to head back to refill it, but he pulled me back on the bed. I chuckled „You know, we cant stay in bed the whole day.“ „I know“ he said, burrying his face to my neck, kissing it „But five more minutes wont make a difference.“ I pushed him, roling him on the back, sittuating myself on him, and grinned „Five minutes is more then enough to start 'round three'.“ His eyes sparkled with desire „Would that be a bad thing?“ „Definatly not.“ I said, leaning at him for a kiss. I had to force myself hard to break that kiss. „But, if you havent forgotten, we actualy have some things to take care of.“ He groaned „Fine, you win.“ adding as he got himself in sitting position, with me still on him „This time.“ He gave me a soft kiss. „You do know you have to get off me, if you want me to get out of bed.“ He told me teasingly. „I know.“ I said „Im just contemplating if i should do it or not.“ He laughed „You just said we cant spend the whole day in bed.“ „I know, i know.“ I started, sighing „But just for the record, i reluclantly made that decision.“ „Noted.“ He said, getting up slowly from the bed, me sliding off him as he did. We just stood there, neither of us trying to move, staring at eachother. Something beeped from the desk. „The phone checking is done.“ Jake said, still not moving. „Mhm.“ Was all i replied. He looked at me, raising his eyebrow „Maya, if you dont want to end up back in bed, i suggest you stop teasing me.“ I was tempted by that, i had to force myself so hard to move from him. „Fine“ i groaned „But only because im curious about the phone.“ He smiled at me, giving me a peck on a cheek, taking his shirt from the floor and heading to the desk. He sat down checking his laptop, and I sat back on the bed, waiting for him to tell me the result. After few minutes he turned to me „Everything is fine with your phone.“ „Oh, i see.“ I said, a bit of desperation creeping to my voice. „You're not satisfied with that?“ he asked. „I dont know, Jake.“ I started „I was hoping you might find something, anything that would shed some light to all of this.“ „I can do one more thing.“ He said. „And what is that?“  „Well, i can connect to your incoming calls, again. Might be able to get the location of the caller that way.“ I didnt hesitate with my answer „Do it.“ „You sure?“ he asked. „Yes, Jake, its fine, go ahead.“ I told him, giving him a reasuring smile. „Allrigh, it wont take me long.“ He said, turning back to his laptop. „Ok, its done.“ He told me after a while „Now when someone calls, hopefully i'll be able to get the location from where the call was made.“ „So, now we wait. Again.“ I said, sighing desperatly. He came to sit next to me on the bed „Maya, i know this is frustrating, and i'm doing everything i can to help.“ „I know, and im grateful to you for this, dont get me wrong here, but all this waiting is driving me insane.“ „I get it“ he said, his look full of compassion. „Tell me what i can do, how to make you feel better?“ I looked at him, his eyes showing me he would do whatere it takes for me. „You've allready done so much. Just by being here with me, I feel ten times better.“ I would do anything for you, Maya.“ „I know.“ I hugged him, giving him a soft kiss. His stomach made a strange sound then, and i started laughing. „That was...unexpected.“ I said, chuckling. „Hey, what to say“ he started teasingly „You worn me out woman! Im actualy starving.“ „I could eat myself, definitely.“ I said, smiling at him. „Guess we should go grab some food then.“ „Or, we could just order something here again.“ He said, with that devilish glow in his eyes. „Hmm, i like that idea better.“ I said, grining, and he pulled me to him, embracig me in a hug.
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maplecourtesy · 3 years
WE’RE BACK BABEY. i am skipping my uncles wedding for this also i have comletely forgotten not only what happened last episode but also the entire plot. also i’m kinda glad there wasnt an episode last time cuz it was smack in the middle of exams and i’d feel left out again </3
CHAOS YOUNGER SIBLING. yeah thats fair. i think it’d have been funnier if chaos was older though.OH WHAT HAPPENED LAST EPISODE WAS GOODCASTLE REVEAL.
[most of the content under the cut, because spoilers!!]
chaos having regrets and developing an emotional connection to the plan was not how i expected this episode to start but i can dig it. oh boy this is actually really interesting. i thought it’d be a fun party episode. but. i guess chaos order party Would start like this.
THREE MORTAL CHILDREN. every reminder i get that the thundermen are literal actual teenagers makes my heart do a little flip. they r just kids :(

the sword thing being the only reason he wanted to be a knight. me too.
knight to knight. reggie. FITZIE AND REGGIE. AND.. AL.
oh boy right rainer in trouble.
fitzroy maplecourt, knight of the realm of goodcastle, Dance Commander.
HIERO DIDNT KNOW??? man theres so many characters happening everywhere all the time.
festo: what day is it!
fitzroy: its judgement day.
festo: oh shit!
have i ever mentioned how much i love festo because i REALLY love festo.
groundsy’s hut.. havent heard that in a while. that was like forbidden right it has to be important
they are Squadded up… althea gordie festo Reggie this is gonna be fun
althea: if U dont have a plan. and WE don’t have a plan. then whos fighting the bajillion demons.
JWBSJDBFJSDJNKF ALL OF THEM DOING THEIR DUMB CROSSTALK OF TRYING TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF. FITZROY DEFENDING FESTO. THIS IS HILARIOUS. i know a couple people thatd be happy if justins plan went the way he wanted but i for one am glad that there will be no sacrifices
oh thank god the thundermen get a rest. finally. TIBIA AND GHERKIN<33 MISSED THEM. SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS. BELLETON.
last nights chat was the sleepover chat right<33333 missing that<3333333
argo my beloved. u are the lovable rogue.
firbolg i love u he is just dreaming that is all,, awww firby<33333 oh wait what time travel stuff???? oh boy okay. time travel fucks with my head and i am bad at thinking already. its super cool though!!! “what is powerpoint.”

i still dont know about order but i think i can sympathize with chaos which is. alarming.
did this motherfucker say heighth
chaos: this may be the last time we see each other
argo, without missing a beat: oh thank GOD.
yknow ever since they were like argo likes to be called argonaut ive been calling him argo more i think
NEW CHAOS VIBE. oh my god the rose tinted glasses.
just took a 10 minute break from the episode to try and figure out what the trope of some great and powerful person being a child all along is called. results inconclusive but its one of my favorite tropes.
ayo festo i was having a moment.
stupid argo with his stupid straw boater hat. and firbolg with their stupid leaf hat. and fitzroy with a JAMIROQUAI HAT??????? WITH. ANTLERS?!?!?!?!?!? FUCK YES. YES. YESYESYES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE THIS IS MY FAVORITE EPISDOE. FUNNEE HATS.
they are doing drugs.
they are doing so many drugs at once .
oh we are in drug audio time. PARTYTIME PARTYTIME.
argo literally doin the whole barbershop quartet bit
YEHAHHHHH GO OFF ARGO DRUGS FUN AND GOOD (jk haha dont do drugs guys . or like not too much)
ayo is fitzroy having one of them villain tango moments except homoerotically with a glowing golden version of himself. there is so much symbolism there about how that’s the physical representation of his magic and stuff but i will ignore all of it and focus on just how sexy of a visual concept that is.
argo fucking. dork.
“i guess you could say the magic was inside- *vomiting noises*”
MY FAVORITE EPISODE. THIS IS THE ONE. TAZ GRAD EPISODE 35 MY BELOVED. IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. thank u travis for my life. also griffin for my life. oh hey this ended up being a long post for such a short episode. huh! its cuz it was the best episode thats why.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
change of plans javier pena x reader
this is my first time writing for javi so please be kind lol. i wrote this about a week ago after i started narcos but i only just finished season one and havent gotten into two yet. i do have more ideas and prompts for him though so hopefully it gets better
Song: I'm bad at life by falling in reverse
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
I bounced my leg nervously under the table as we ate. Looking to javier every once in a while as he read over the newspaper in his hand. All I could think about was the damn pregnancy test hiding in my makeup bag in his medicine cabinet. I had just finished washing my hands when he had gotten home from work and didn't have the chance to see the results. It was killing me. Part of me wanted to excuse myself and go look but I was worried he'd catch on. After all, it had only been twenty minutes and he'd come in the door before I was even out of the bathroom. It was suspicious to say the least. I breathed deeply as I tapped the fork against my lip, my eyes making their way to the wall behind him.
"How was work?"
I asked, not looking to him as he perked up at the sound of my voice.
"Oh good, you weren't talking and I was afraid you were mad at me."
He sighed out, a smile making its way to his face. I tried my best to smile back but took a bite so it would seem more believable.
"Nope, just thinking."
I said and be raised a brow. Oops.
"About what?"
"The wedding."
I said and be let out a nervous laugh.
"Still planning?"
He asked and I nodded.
"Only just."
I said and he looked back to me confused.
"What do you mean? I thought you said you knew exactly what you wanted?"
He inquired and I shrugged, putting the fork down.
"I thought I did but I was going through magazines earlier with roxy and she made a very valid point that I should ask your opinion first. Ya know, before making any decisions. It is both of our wedding after all."
He looked worried for a second.
"You told her about us?"
He asked and I shook my head.
"No, I just told her I accidently got it in the mail and wanted to know if she wanted to go through it with me. But we got to talking and she said that if she had to plan a wedding she would want her future spouse to be by her side helping make every decision and I think she was right. We should both be doing this."
He reached across the table and took my hand in his.
"You know I want this to be perfect for you. All I care about is you being happy. Hell, you know id do this in a courthouse tomorrow if you asked me to."
He said and I could feel my face go flush, sending him a genuine smile.
"I love you javier pena. So damn much."
I said, looking up at him as he stood, coming to me and kissing me lightly before heading to the kitchen for more food.
"I love you too Hermosa."
He said, back to me. I smiled to myself for a second before feeling sick.
"I'll be back."
I said, running to the bathroom, slamming the door shut, and falling to the floor in front of the toilet. I coughed out as I spilled my guts. Aaaand we're back to why I took the test earlier. God I wanted this to be over already. I had been lucky the past three or four days that every time I was sick it had been while javi was at work. Guess things were quick to change.
"You okay?"
He asked, a soft knock at the door following his words. I breathed deeply as I flushed the toilet.
"Yeah, just go finish dinner and I'll be out in a sec."
I said, hearing him walk away. I closed my eyes tightly before reaching for my toothbrush and running it through my mouth. When it was back in the cup I stared at myself in the mirror.
"Javi, I'm pregnant and we might have to move the wedding date."
I whispered to myself before groaning and rubbing my hands over my face. As they rested against my lips I glanced at the medicine cabinet. I should look. No. I should wait. I shook my head, placing my hands on the sink and stepping back. God why was this so hard. I stood back up, looking over my body in the mirror. What if it's positive? I stood to the side, smoothing my shirt out against my stomach and frowning. Damn, maybe it was positive. Surely I would've noticed even this small change. But then again, was it change? Or have I always looked like this? I shook my head.
"Fuck it."
I said lightly, pulling the cabinet open and snatching my makeup bag off the shelf. I dug into it before pulling the test out, upside down. As I flipped it over I heard the door nob rattle.
"Mi amor, you've been in there for a while. Are you sure everything is alright?"
He asked as I stared at the test in my hand. I didn't know what to do other than look up at him as he pushed the bathroom door open, like a deer in headlights.
"What is that?"
He asked, brows drawn.
"I'm pregnant?"
I said through a nervous laugh, trying to smile in case it would rub off on him. His face fell and I wish I could say it was shocked but I really couldn't read him. He just stood there frozen for a second. After what felt like an hour I flashed the test to him but his gaze didn't leave my own. Then I watched as he turned and walked away from me.
I asked, following him back out into the living room. He stood in front of the couch, hands perched on his hips.
"Baby talk to me."
I said softly, looking to him a little scared. He huffed, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.
I tried again and he finally looked to me.
"You're pregnant?"
He asked and I shrugged, tossing the test at him and him catching it against his chest.
"So says the stick."
I torted back, watching him look down at it. Two pale blue lines. He didn't skip a beat before falling into the couch, tucking the stick under his leg as he reached for his pack.
"I need a minute."
He said, lighting the cigarette. I laughed, falling down beside him, hearing the leather creak as it squished beneath me.
"How do you think I feel?"
I asked, dropping my head back and looking over the ceiling.
"We've been so careful."
He said, blowing smoke out into the air and I could feel it burn in my nose.
"I guess not."
I said and he snorted, rubbing his eye with his free fingers.
"What are we gonna do?"
He asked and I deadpanned.
"What are we gonna do?"
I repeated a little angry.
"We can't have a baby."
He said and looked at him in disbelief.
"Why not?! I'm not some hooker you picked up on the street javi."
I hissed out.
"I know."
He said in defense.
"I'm your fiance."
I reminded him.
"I know!"
He called and I froze. He had never risen his voice at. I shook my head.
"Then what is the problem?!"
I yelled back, trying to examine him as he sent me a testing look. I guess I didn't have quite the poker face I thought I did because when he realized I was scared be softened.
"Mi amor,"
He sighed, reaching for my hand.
"I never thought I'd be here again."
He looked to me a little sad, rubbing his thumb in circles.
"I damn near made it to the alter once before but that feels like a lifetime ago. And when I met you I told myself I wasn't gonna do that again. But I'm here anyway."
I lifted his hand and kissed his palm gently.
"I don't want anything to happen to you."
He took the test out from under his leg before sliding into my side. I watched him intently as he looked down to our hands connected.
"I don't want anything to happen to either of you."
He said sliding his other hand gently onto my stomach and I immediately wanted to cry.
"I love you javier."
I said leaning in and kissing him softly. When he pulled away he rested his hand against my cheek.
"We've been keeping our relationship a secret for a year javi. I think it's time to let our friends know we're more than roommates."
I said amused and he laughed, dropping his forehead onto my chest with a sigh.
"I guess Steve can finally stop pestering me, wanting to know if I've done anything with you yet."
I snorted, raking my fingers through his hair.
"What? He didn't believe you when you told him we werent sleeping together?"
He shook his head against me before lifting it and smiling at me.
"Not even a little bit."
I leaned in and kissed him again.
"I think he should've stopped asking after two months, don't you?"
I asked and he snorted.
"Clearly you don't know Steve."
I shook my head in amusement.
"Guess not."
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ivyuns · 4 years
love again ❆✰
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lee minho
genre: angst / fluff 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: drugs + language + a bit suggestive + a few grammar mistakes (this was written at 5 am plz i cant) 
A/N: why do i keep having dreams of someone who i used to like :(
nonidol!minho x fem!reader
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taking a picture of the scenery of paris in front of you, smiling of how well it came out, a real smile this time. hearing a voice call out your name, you turn around as your smile dropped, seeing someone who you didnt ever wanted to see. lee minho was his name.
it started as you two were young and in love with each other back in high school. you two we known as the toxic couple. not because you two were bad for each other, but because you did everything together: drugs, alcohol, getting high, sex, you name it. other than those, you two had another side of being soft. the romantic dates and the funny days shared.
the time you two hung out as best friends everyday, making everyone in school thinking you two were couples. the night where minho took you star gazing late at night after having a fight with your mom and ended up kissing you and asking you to be his one and only.
til your mom found out that you did drugs and drank underage because of minho. she forced you to break up with him and you felt like shit. you called him to meet you at the park you two always went to and left the house to go see him.
arriving at the park and sitting on a bench with the winter breeze around you in your light cardigan. feeling something on your shoulders made you feel tense til you smelled where the owner of the jacket is. lifting your head up, a tear fell from your eyes. minho’s eyes soften as he took a seat next to you and wiped the tear away.
“y/n, whats wrong love?” minho asked. “m-min, we need to break up”. minhos eyes widened from your sentence. “b-baby what happen? is everything okay at home? please tell me”. sighing and standing up as you took off minhos jacket off of your shoulders and gave it back to him. “just know that i still love you forever and always and we’ll meet in the next life” and left him.
minho sat there in shock, not knowing what just happened. it felt like a big part of him just left him.
the next week at school, you werent at your seat. you were nowhere found in school. you were just laying on your bed, feeling total shit. feeling nothing to do but just cry to sleep. your mom made you do online school to stop you from seeing minho and his friends. you phone made another noise as you sighed. looking up to see your phone on your nightstand, you see 44 missed calls and 64 messages from minho. tears falling down even more, you ended up falling asleep with a worried minho waiting for you at school.
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and that was the last time you ever saw him, you first and last lover. his cousin, who was your best friend had kept in touch with you and told you what minho had done during the breakup. inhaling and consuming drugs, overdosing on drugs, drinking more and going crazy while yelling your name and wanting you to come back into his life.
minho eventually got over the breakup in a year. looking at the memories you gave him, he had the urge to call you names you didnt like him saying. his cousin passed by his room and heard him saying things you hated being called. knowing it was about you since his cousin had knew you before minho so of course you told her everything.
feeling hurt and angry about what she told you, you felt yourself growing apart from him. why still love him after he called you those names? you gave yourselft sometime to heal and feel better about yourself.
now here you are now 3 years later, visiting your dream city, france. you always wanted to come here when you and minho were a bit older but things didnt work out.
turning around after hearing minho called you, he ran over to you. looking at your figure, he can tell you lost too much weight but still had the perfect brown eyes with your hair recently dyed to light brown and your fashion senses that changed. only with you in a black top and baggy tan pants with black converse. god how much did he miss you.
a few minutes after not talking, you figured he just wanted your attention after he searched you everywhere in paris when his cousin gave him updates on you. walking away from him, he quickly grabbed your wrist. “y-y/n, can we please talk?” you made him let go of your wrist and continued walking to your hotel.
minho quickly ran in front of you and stopped you. “please y/n, what did i do wrong?” you sighed and looked up at him. “maybe if you werent so psycho, you wouldve known.”
minho stood there and thought of what happened. was it when you broke up with him? no, it couldnt be your fault. when he called you more than enough? no. when he was about to propose to you and run away with each other? no way. you two broke things before he could even ask.
‘shit’ he thought. it made him realize. he was too angry at some point and called you names that you hated being called and point out your insecurities. he knew someone was outside his door at the time.
facing back reality, he sees you still in front of him. “figured out now, mr lee minho?” you crossed your arms and a little smirk formed on your face. even after years, you still cant stop loving him. minho takes your hand and drags you to a park to lay under the sunset, watching to stars as it turns dark. remembering from your high school days.
laying down with you in minhos embrace, you whispered a ‘i love you’ to minho and fell asleep after missing the warmth of minho. minho, who smiled after you fell into your slumber and pulled you closer to him. “i love you too y/n”
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a few hours, you woke up to nobody in the park but you and minho in the dark. noticing you were still in minhos arms, you got up and woke up minho. minho opened his eyes and saw your panic face. “minho, where are we?!”
minho was fully awake now. looking everywhere, he couldnt remember where or how he took you to this area. “god minho if you werent such a dumbass. youre lucky that my phone works fine here” you said as you gathered your stuff and grabbed minho’s hand, forcing him to get up and follow to directions on your phone to where your hotel was.
minho just smiled and walked close to you. “you havent changed a bit y/n” he says. you stopped walking and turned around which resulted minho bumping into you. “youre really asking for a slap are you?” minho quickly shook his head a no and you turned around and began walking again.
opening your door to your hotel room, minho was full in daze. everything was decorated beautiful just for a hotel suite, or thats what minho thought it was. “you can sleep on the couch here, ill be upstairs if you need anything” you said and head upstairs where your room was after giving him an extra toothbrush and toothpaste and other necessary items.
“wait y/n!” he calls your name and you turn around to walk downstairs. stopping at he last step of the stairs, minho walks towards you. “can you actually stay down here. i-i mean like so we can catch up on stuff like you know?” you knew he just wanted you to stay down here since he couldnt be alone.
“ya, youre just trying love me again arent you minho?” you joked as you poked him. minho scoffed and went to sit on the couch. “as if”. walking towards the couch and sitting next to minho, you lift your legs onto the ottoman. “im just joking min, of course ill stay here with you” you say to him and looked at him with a happy smile. minho smiles also after hearing you call out his nickname youll call him during your relationship.
hugging you waist, minho leans towards you as you get lost in his sparkling eyes. he lays you down and kisses your lips. at first, you wanted to pull away, but after missing his kisses, how could you resist it? 
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a few weeks had gone by and you two had returned to korea as a couple again. another 3 weeks and you moved in with minho after getting kicked out when she found out you found minho. with no hesitation, you facetimed minho about what happened and let his loving girlfriend move in with him.
moving your belongs into his apartment, you felt nauseous. going to the toilet to release the sickness, minho puts down a box and runs over to your side after hearing disturbing noises from the bathroom. “baby, what happened? are you okay?” minho says and tries his best to comfort you while he lifts your hair into a ponytail so its not in the way. “i-i think im-”
tears started streaming down your face as thoughts ran past your brain. what if he doesnt want the baby? is it too early? were still in our early twenties. you were cut off by minho hugging you. “its okay baby. we can check and see in the morning. lets go head to bed, i already got the last box.” nodding your head, minho leads you to the bedroom with his arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest, both slowly falling asleep.
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waking up first thing in the morning, you turn and see minho still asleep. going to get ready to for the store. most importantly, for the pregnancy test.
walking back into the apartment, you immediately go to the bathroom and take the test. waiting for the test to give out the answer, minho wakes up to you not next to him. grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he goes to your contact and texts you.
my baby <3
where are u ?
hearing the familiar notification bell, he sighs as he realize you didnt take your phone with you. getting up, minho goes to the bathroom and sees you with the test in the palm of your hands. he goes up behind you and hugs you and to see the test come back with positive.
with the biggest smile on his face, minho turns you around to face him. “you dont know how happy i am y/n” “but minho, how are you not mad?” you pulled away from the hug with a confusion look on your face, “shhh, just pretend i wanted this to happen in the future when we dated.” minho back hugs you, facing the bathroom mirror.
you see minhos hands rubbing your stomach. “its been our dream to have kids and get married. and ta da!” turning yourself around, you hug minho at a better position. “thank you minho for loving me back and not leaving us, i love you so much”. minho leaned in and put his forehead on yours. “i love you more than you do baby” and gave you a loving peck.
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END <3
yes another minho fic bc this was sitting in my drafts and i dont know where this was heading to hehe
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aro-of-artemis · 3 years
Together I Think That We Can Make It
it occured to me like 5 mins ago that i should post my fic on here lmao. i havent written fic since 2016 but then jatp came along soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here’s the first one. if you enjoy it please leave kudos over on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28131345
Julie is a tactile person. She enjoys those little everyday touches, the brushing of shoulders, the knocking of elbows, an arm slung around someone you care about just because you can, a warm, squeezing hug when you're sad. Those types of things. As such, not being able to touch three of the most important people in her life was…challenging. This being her nature, she hadn't even thought through the action of hugging Luke until it was already happening.
"No music is worth making, Julie, if we're not making it with you," he'd said, his eyes full with tears and steadfast conviction, "No regrets." And she couldn't help it. Her throat was closing up, clogged up by the thunderstorm of reliefgrieflove and all she could think to do was wrap her arms around him. And so she did.
He was so warm. She felt his hands span across her back, holding her together as she wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him, to them. Overcome with desperate clawing love, manifested in the grip of her arms and the nearly audible tearing of her barely-healed heart.
"I love you guys," she eked out through the boulder in her throat.
And then it hit her. She was touching Luke. He had a physical body and she was touching him. She pulled back slowly, running her hands along his definitely-present-and-accounted-for arms, his similarly in-attendance hands.
"How can I feel you?"
"I-I-I dunno." His brows furrowed in a charming display of bewilderment and Julie's breath left her in a gasp as she reached up to his face. Feeling the curve of his cheekbones under his skin, the curl of hair around his ears, she revelled in the sensation of his burning hot fingers gently stroking her face. His small, confused chuckle burned in her chest, sparking down her arms. When he held their hands to his chest she could barely breathe. And his eyes - so familiar and yet seemingly so much closer than they had ever been.
Luke turned to Reggie and Alex, "I feel stronger." Stubborn, prickly hope bloomed in her chest.
"Alex, Reggie, come."
Together, they formed an unending circle, knit together as a unit. The love she felt for these boys was overwhelming, like she was bigger on the inside than she was on the outside.
After Caleb's stamps had disappeared, their hug had turned into another which turned into a twirling circle of excitement. This then turned into an exhausted cuddle pile. They were all emotionally and physically wrung out from their rollercoaster day. The couch had been turned into the pull-out (by whom, Julie couldn't tell you, she was just glad to be horizontal). Julie's head lay cushioned on Luke's chest, her ear pressed against his steady heartbeat (another development, apparently). Reggie had his face squished up against Luke's bicep, his arm slung over Luke and landing on Julie's shoulder. Alex's head was on the gentle rise and fall of Julie's stomach, his legs tangled with Luke's. Julie absent-mindedly played with his soft blond hair. She felt incredibly content. And then a voice rang out.
"Hey, Julie! I thought I told you not to ghost me. What happ-"
Julie glanced over at the doorway where Carlos stood with dinner plates for eyes. She wasn't sure what he was seeing other than her head seemingly suspended in mid-air but she didn't have the energy to move.
"Sorry, Carlos," she began, "I got distrac-"
"I - I can see them!"
"You what?"
Suddenly energy returned to her muscles. She lurched up, jostling the boys from their half-sleep.
"You can see them?" she asked, her heart beginning to race.
"Yeah," Carlos said. "I thought they were ghosts!"
"They are!" Julie cried at the same time Reggie said, in a much brighter tone, "We are!"
"Huh," Carlos said before grinning. "Cool!"
"Wait, wait, wait," Luke said, leveraging himself upright, "You can see us?"
"Awesome!" Reggie said when Carlos nodded. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Carlos made a show of squinting at him but his grin gave him away. "Four. Plus a thumb."
Luke smirked and rolled his eyes, glancing over at Alex who had been sitting quietly and looked a couple degrees away from panic.
"Hey, man, it's okay, we'll figure it out," Luke soothed, immediately understanding Alex's aversion to change. Alex just nodded dumbly in response so Julie started running her hand across his shoulder blades which seemed to calm him a small amount.
Meanwhile, Reggie had moved closer to Carlos.
"I wonder if-," Reggie cut himself off when his hand came to firmly rest on Carlos' shoulder. He turned around, still anchored to Carlos with a smile splitting his face. "Julie! Look!" He pulled back and tried again, his fingers this time passing straight through. He frowned down at his hand and continued trying, with mixed results. The others watched on in amusement.
Once again, the night air was cut through with a ringing voice. "Carlos, it's time to sleep. You can talk to Julie in the morning."
Ray stopped dead - ahem - in the doorway, several steps behind his son.
"Hello…" he said uncertainly. "Julie, what's going on?"
"I - It's a long story," she began, "You might wanna sit down for this."
"From 1995."
In the intervening time, all the boys had brought themselves to sit on the edge of the pull-out, crowded around Julie, helping her to tell the story, hot dogs and all.
"Y'know, your mom used to work as a waitress at the Orpheum. I think I remember her telling me about working the night that Sunset Curve-," he abruptly stopped himself, glancing up at the boys.
"Wait," Luke said, a grin starting to climb across his face, a little lopsided and entirely charming if one were to ask Julie. "That was your mom? Dude! Reggie flirted with your mom!"
"Hey!" Reggie cried defensively, "So did you!"
"I did not!"
"Did so!"
Ray chuckled at them while Alex looked on in smug satisfaction at the fact that he could not be said to have been flirting with Julie's mom, never mind the small details.
Ray's smile softened into something contemplative, and he looked around, eyeing Reggie, Alex and Luke in turn. When he spoke it got a little stuck in his throat but he continued on.
"Thank you, boys. For what you've done for Julie." He reached out and placed a hand on Reggie's shoulder without it sliding through. "Even though I've only known you a short time, I'd like to think you are now a part of our family."  Julie heard Reggie sniffle. And then Alex. And then Luke. They all looked at Ray as if he'd given them an irreplaceable gift.
The night ended with another hug, now bigger by two.
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