#well i guess that's not quite the right wording but like why tf do i have to send one of the two furries to stand on one very specific tile
imissthefire · 10 months
if stefan turns out to be, like, some level of not good, I'm gonna drop kick him into the fucking sun.
#i was dubious about him from the start tbh but he's grown on me a lot#but damn can that man annihilate a hoard of enemies like it's nothing#i send him over to a group of like 5 or 6 enemies and half of his hits are either crits or astra activations#he also is The Dodge Tank™ like holy shit bro#man will be getting swarmed yet dodges 9 out of 10 attacks at him#he's become part of my core four tbh#which is high praise bc the other three are characters i already knew about before i actually played the game#i knew very little abt steffy other than to be able to recruit him you have to meet the most specific and bizarre conditions ever#well i guess that's not quite the right wording but like why tf do i have to send one of the two furries to stand on one very specific tile#a tile that is lowkey very out of the way as well#i sent mordy and he was like ''why does it smell like somebody is buried in the sand here?'' and this green ass hippie wanders out#and he's all just suave and chill and kinda sexy but also why is he not wearing one of his sleeves of his coat? is the other dangling loose?#i do not know#and then fucker is like ''i will have 2 supports only. mordy bc he's curious and kind. and soren bc he's got issues up to here.''#i've only watched their c supports so like idk for sure but i'm 97% sure he's also Branded?? his and soren's support alluded to it#just drops in and gives soren a lil spook and is all ''dw i'm of your kind'' and thr lil emo just acts all aloof and tries to avoid it#idk i think it's sweet that stef wants to make it clear that there's silent solidarity between them given the way the Branded are treated#but of course no one knows abt soren other than the two of them and i'm pretty sure soren is still in denial abt it? idk but i blame nasir#fuck nasir me and my homies hate nasir#the minute he disappeared below deck with soren when we wrecked in goldoa i heard sirens going off in my head man#like okay mr dragon why do you hate dragons and feel like u gotta hide form them? is it bc they'll recognise u? bc ur wanted for crimes?#and idk man i doubt soren would've ditched ike when he decided he wanted to wander about and get off the ship cuz he was bored 😭#like. if soren were present i doubt ike would have even left the ship bc he is his impulse control and also probably knew it was a bad idea#but noooo he suddenly disappeared... hmmm....#anyway yeah fuck nasir but i do like stefan. he's just a silly lil guy (i hope) and is just here to vibe and obliterate bitches and be hot#and get absolutely dogshit levelups omfg he got three in a row that were just +1 luck and that was IT#regardless. love me that guy. that is all.#gabe plays#fe por#nqp
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henrysglock · 2 months
High Existence and ZeroSpace: The First Shadow and NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
The blurb in last Friday's video from TFS sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. I found a lot of sites quoting The Alchemist about the universe conspiring to give you what you truly want (which is similar and it's probably what I was thinking of when this blurb registered as familiar), but I couldn't find this exact quote:
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Well...not at first, anyway. I decided to stick every word I could make out here ^ into my search bar...and I found where the blurb comes from:
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This blog post is quite literally the only source I could find for it, and the whole damn thing is directly lifted.
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Right off the bat, the site fucking jump-scared me:
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And it doesn't end there. Let's dive in, because this rabbit hole is a trip unto itself...no MDMA​ ​required.
1. The Fucking Website...#1 (HighExistence.com)
High Existence is a sort of drug-induced-spiritual-trip centered self-help site.
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It's got blog posts and podcasts and all that jazz. Here are some of the highlights:
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Wow! That was...a lot. A lot of words from the word show, too:
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Wholeness, heroes, ancient aliens, prisons of politeness, and the fucking Shire, too, I guess. Why not?
(An Aside: I've included the VR in here too because of the sheer similarities between Henry's experience with the Shadow in VR, El's experience in NINA, and The First Shadow in general.)
Like fuck it, why not keep going, these posts date back to at least 2017:
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And don't let me start in on that Creel boy and Faust...
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[Jason voice] "[Eddie] made a deal with the devil and now he has his powers!" (Also we get it, one of them is neurotic and the other is psychotic. I've been saying this since like...forever)
Of course, all that insanity aside, the Russian base arc has just...an insane amount of ST4 and TFS stuff packed into it in general:
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(And this isn't even all of it. I know others [cough] Stav Heroesbyler [cough] have covered it even more...but bro it is THERE)
But most importantly for the NINA arc:
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Three things: Dialogue doubling (there's the one I showed, plus a) Robin yelling "Wipeout!" at Steve which has the pipeline -> "Wipeout!" at Rink-O-Mania -> 002-005 bullying El in a very similar manner and b) Steve's "that's amazing" line about the water fountain -> "This is amazing!" not only from Alice irt the Creel house but also from Mike irt Will's painting on their way to save El from NINA. Again, these are just a few of MANY instances), makeup doubling with the bloodshot eyes, and my beloved: set/prop doubling.
I love that beautiful framing on the nearly-identical square clocks. I have so much to say about that clock, but specifically:
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The clocks being set 9 minutes apart, which happens to be the exact length of time from the end of Vecna's voiceover in 4.07 to the start of the fight sequence in 4.07 (aka the length of One's frozen-clock monologue).
Not only that, but the clock isn't even right. It says it's 3:55, but it's definitely not 3:55 AM (see: movie theater scene) but it's also not 3:55 PM:
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(And why do we have a clock in an elevator anyway? That's the real question. That thang only exists to deliver subtext, baby! It exists to connect the two scenes further!)
Anyway, as you all likely noticed, this site mostly deals in psychedelics, stimulants, and empathogens.
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Hell, you could even pull One's bit on the ecosystem into it, since he's describing connections between beings that are being disturbed/destroyed by humanity.
Anyway, the site tends to center specifically on DMT and MDMA...so let's talk about those:
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MDMA & DMT An aside: Interesting to me that psychosis here can be counteracted with sedatives. Makes me wonder if whatever happened in 1979 could have been halted if they'd just tranq'd One. Hm.
First off: Did I read that right? Piggy-backing? Damn, son. 4.09, The Piggyback, is pictured in that paragraph. So is Brenner's candy bit with the children -> "candy flipping" vs LSD use in Brenner's lab.
Second: Ah, how nice. Intravenous/injectable. Just like how El is constantly being shot up with...something...to enter NINA.
Now, nearly all psychedelics can induce psychosis, but especially so if they're combined with other psychoactive substances and/or if the user has a history of psychosis (either themselves or in their family).
However, MDMA specifically has been posited as a treatment for PTSD and retrograde/traumagenic amnesia:
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link Like...wow. Okay, I guess!
tl;dr: One seems to have been tripping fucking balls during the monologue. Literally every fucking version of him. El likely is as well. Funny how that works. Was any of that real? [smash cut to the way blood pours down the walls and the dead children dance around in the VR version of NINA] And either way, Henry in TFS isn't far behind with his hallucinogenic moments.
The connection? Whatever the hell is going on in Hawkins Labs...and symptoms of drug use.
I was not expecting to get this much out of a single rabbit hole. But...that's life with this show, isn't it? And this is only Part 1.
2. The Fucking Website...#2 (Futurism.com)
The guy who made that original post that TFS lifted the blurb from (Jordan Lejuwaan) runs a couple different websites. The most interesting one is Futurism, which is basically an online version of the Weekly Watcher:
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It won't let me filter by date, but it seems to have been founded in 2017, stemming from an infographic subreddit. (Now, it says it's a trustworthy news source, and maybe it is, but... Do your own assessment of that. I'm not your mother, yknow?)
Jordan Lejuwaan was also involved in something far more interesting irt Stranger Things...
3. Zero Space
Jordan co-founded an immersive, interactive theater experience called ZeroSpace back in 2018. As we all know, TFS was just in the beginning phase of its creation around this time.
So...This was like a brick to the skull:
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"Alice in Wonderland" (don't get me started: rabbit fuckery, DRUGS!!!!!, clocks/being later, Alice Creel, Fringe connections (Through The Looking Glass and What Walter Found There being the episode about the pocket universe where 20 years passed in 5 days...and also wherein we find out about him hiding away an Observer child that he will later time travel with to save the world from the Observer takeover...erasing himself from time/the timeline by doing so...there is SO much) not to mention the "one pill makes you larger/smaller" vs teen El and baby El...it's too much to try and fit in this post), "ALIENS AND LASERS", "stretch the perceived reality of the sense", "art, actors and your own mind converge to prompt MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS" (which was a common complaint about TFS: it leaves people with more questions than answers).
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("See you on the other side" being an in-show line from Henry in the lab to Patty in the void, but this image is ripped directly from the same promo video that the High Existence blurb appears in.)
Here's a little taste of what ZeroSpace is like, but I suggest going to the actual page to see it in action:
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It's heavily heavily reminiscent of TFS, even just in the content warnings...
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Not to mention the actual show content SFX:
However, the goal of TFS isn't to stretch our senses. We're just watching. We are not the volunteer seeing the other side.
For most of the show, that person is Henry (except the first 5 mins, when it's Cptn. Brenner and his crew literally experiencing the other side). Henry is doing the experiencing. He's the one breaking the fourth wall by picking at/breaking the sets, the one running through the audience and leaving out the theater doors (only to end up right back on stage just like El in the Rainbow Room in 4.05).
With each bit of info I find out adjacent to the play, the more convinced I am that this is some secret third boy's experience in a NINA-like simulation.
a) TFS most likely isn't wholly real, and it seems very likely that it's the same kind of simulation as NINA.
b) El was probably drugged up with some kind of empathogenic psychedelic going into NINA, likely with the goal of setting her up to form emotional connections quickly and deeply only to rip that deep connection away in order to bolster her abilities.
c) NINA is not, then, wholly based in truth. Parts of NINA (staring at the bullying from 002-005) may have been generated from El's memories of the outside world.
d) With NINA and TFS seeming so similar, I wouldn't be shocked if parts of it are just one massive empathogen trip (staring at how quickly Henry and Patty bond, similarly to how quickly Henry and El bond in NINA).
e) Whoever is in NINA with teen El is also tripping balls, most likely, and may have gone off the rails in that regard. However, that's in a simulation...hard to assign guilt or blame for things done in a fictional/unreal world.
f) Whoever was with baby El in 1979 may have been in a similar situation "moving chess pieces"-style instead. Read: drugged in order to put him in a situation where he would bolster El's latent abilities...and it went wrong (see also: Walter Bishop's orchestrated/fake massacre meant to bolster Olivia's latent abilities.)
g) Richard Brenner having been the head of narcotics makes me question which Brenner we're seeing at any given time: Martin, or Richard?
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lovemaiyo-main · 2 years
hello!!! can i have a kaveh x reader, fluff hcs please no angst :) thank youuuu!!! - 🌸
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a/n HELLO YURIO!!! ofc u can! i wasnt sure which type of hcs you wanted so i did these, tell me if you want dating hcs :)
headcanons ; 518 words ; kaveh x gn!reader ; teyvat!au . normal!au
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✦ pre-dating
✦ you were a researcher, researching ancient runes in the same darshan as alhaitham. ✦ alhaitham and you got paired to figure out a page of runes even the most accomplished translators and researchers couldn't figure out. ✦ he suggested that you come to his house to continue the research (why is this slowly turning into a haithamxreader fic tf) however, he told you to "beware of his roomate as he can be quite a... handful." ✦ needless to say you were pretty curious about "the roomate." alhaitham mentioned him a lot and you came to believe he was a interesting character. ✦ and then the day finally came, the fated moment in which you would come face to face with the tall, myst- and then the door to alhaitham's house opened. you came face to face with a tall, blonde and gorgeous man (he gives mcdonalds frenchfries tbh 💀) ✦ "oh~ who are you?" he said, smiling (why does this sound so bad omg) ✦ "alhaitham- akademiya? study-" you mentally slapped yourself after fumbling over your words. ✦ while kaveh was standing there, pondering your words, alhaitham came. ✦ "hm.. come in?" he said. ✦ you just nodded and stepped in. ✦ not a good first impression huh 💀 ✦ while you and alhaitham were working, kaveh was peeking over the corner. he found it hot how you concentrated 😍 ✦ on a more fluff note, he admired your ability to solve runes and your focus. ✦ on the other side, you found kaveh attractive and funny. everytime you came to alhaitham's house, he would always try to start up a conversation with you. ✦ and you guys got really close with the amount of times you went to his house (thank alhaitham) ✦ until...
✦ pre-confession.
✦ "just do it! this is irrational behaviour!" alhaitham rushed kaveh. ✦ "slow down! true love takes time and eff-" and once again kaveh was cut off because no one ever listens to him. ✦ "hey, y/n!" alhaitham said. you turned back and he ran away, leaving only you and kaveh together. ✦ "kaveh? did you need anything?" you asked. ✦ "uhh- well i would like you to- no, LOVE you.. love you? that doesn't sound right.. well yeah i do love you- i mean- um-" he said ✦ you stood there like 🧍‍ tf is this man doing. ✦ "anyways, meet me at the palace of alcarazay at midnight, understood?" he asked told you. ✦ "why do you talk like you're from the 1890's sure i guess."
✦ confession.
✦ and so you met him there. ✦ he looked different. more solemn? dignified? ✦ "you're finally here." he said. ✦ "yeah... why did you need to waste my precious sleepin- i mean why did you call me here." ✦ the wind was swaying, softening his features. the moonlight seemed to shine on him, illuminating him. ✦ "i have something to tell you." ✦ he looked at you. not with a piercing and annoyed gaze like he gave alhaitham. something softer. something more heartfelt. something.. genuine. "i like you. will you be.. mine?"
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beep-beep-robin · 2 years
what if when they get back from the battle with vecna they all have a little party to celebrate and steve and eddie hook up when everyone else has already left.
and afterwards steve freaks out, surpresses his feelings and distances himself from eddie bc he‘s like why tf did i do that what‘s wrong with me?
he goes back to nancy who‘s broken up with jonathan and they get back together because steve wants everything to be as normal as possible (understandable after all the traumatic shit they‘ve all been through tbh).
the first time eddie sees the two of them together he gets pretty upset even though he was convinced that their hookup was a one time thing anyways. as if steve „the hair“ harrington would actually wanna be with a freak like him.
robin notices that something‘s up and questions eddie about it - didn‘t he literally tell steve to get back together with nancy?
eddie‘s like well yeah i did but that was before i knew i actually had a chance with him and proceeds to tell her what happened the night of the party.
and robin‘s flabbergasted - not only did steve have his first gay experience but he also didn‘t tell her about it?? she can only guess how conflicted he‘s gotta be so she, being the great friend she is, immediately goes over to his house to talk to him about it (if he wants to, of course).
turns out she was worried for nothing because OH does steve wanna talk, he was just too afraid of what actually saying any of his thoughts out loud would mean, but robin coming to him and opening up the conversation gave him the little push he needed.
they talk about everything and steve confesses that he doesn‘t even have feelings for nancy anymore, and he doesn‘t think she does either. they were both just so in need of normalcy that they held onto the one thing that reminded them of BEFORE. he loves her, sure, but not romantically, at least not anymore.
when he hooked up with eddie it wasn‘t that he didn‘t like it and that‘s why he distanced himself from him.
he DID like it and didn‘t want to think about the implications of that.
and robin‘s so sweet. she talks him through it all but also sternly tells him that he has to get his act together and at least talk to eddie, he can‘t just play with his feelings like that.
and up until that point steve was convinced that eddie just wanted to hook up, no feelings involved, but when robin tells him how upset eddie got steve realizes he‘s seriously fucked up.
so he tries to get his shit together as well as he can and makes his way over to the munson‘s trailer. when eddie opens the door he seems a bit surprised, but when he realizes his visitor is steve, his brows furrow in anger.
but steve jumps right into explaining the whole thing from his perspective and his feelings and while he stumbles over his words because he‘s trying to get everything out as quickly as he can, eddie gets the gist of it.
and while this did change the situation quite a lot, eddie‘s still skeptical. the way steve just jumped right back into his relationship with nancy rubs him the wrong way, still.
but steve‘s willing to show eddie how much he wants this. so he takes him out on their official first date, and he makes it as romantic as he can. and while eddie might find the whole thing extremely ridiculous, while he‘s looking into steve‘s eyes across candlelight and red roses, he finds nothing but love in them.
so later, sitting on the couch in eddie‘s trailer, he turns to steve and kisses him. and it‘s different than their first kiss, which was eager and hurried. no, this one is lingering and gentle. this time, they‘re gonna take things slow.
and so what if their relationship had a rocky start. at least they‘d have one hell of a story to tell.
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nonhumanresources · 9 months
Summertime Gummy Fun
I know we're getting into fall but here's a solid summery story to round out the season. It's an older one so I cannot vouch for my past prose but it holds up alright. I swear I'm better at writing now. Evan is my good friend Luna's old sona but they're a pony now.
Summary: Ash, a dragon, and Evan, a goodra, pay a visit to their friend Marie—a shark taller than a skyscraper. However, Marie has some strange ideas on what to do with friends, and shenanigans ensue, including a dubious candy recipe, sharkification, a bit of a brain-bender for Evan, and a swimsuit contest. DISCLAIMER: this one is a bit more scandalous (there are boobs and they are touched) so maybe keep it 18+.
What to expect: Macro/size difference interactions, gummy shark TF via melting and setting in molds, mental/physical twinning (generally willing), excessive amounts of exposition, an awfully extended swimsuit contest, overly excitable shark girls, and some good old fashioned TG.
Length: 9.7k words.
“You sure this is the right place?” 
Ash nodded, laughing. “Who else would have a house this big?”
Evan shrugged, his head tilted back, staring up at a door that was well over ten (and probably many more) times his own height. “Some other giant shark, I guess,” he quipped. The house it was connected to was vast, bigger than any castle, but certainly not as fancy. It seemed to be an average rural house, scaled up until it towered above the landscape around it. Sort of like everything else was just an elaborate model that some crazy giant had created. “When you said she was big, I didn’t realize you meant macro.” 
“I probably should have clarified that,” Ash mumbled, looking embarrassed. 
“Eh, don’t sweat it,” Evan said. “It’ll just make things more interesting is all. How do we, uh….” He gestured at the door, a bit of goo flicking off of his arm. 
“Knock? We don’t. I can fly up and hit the doorbell, though.” Ash pointed upwards, to where Evan could make out a box the size of a gardening shed, with an enormous button in the middle. 
“I’ll, uh, stay here,” Evan said, feeling extra conscious about his lack of wings. He wasn’t quite used to being a goodra — which technically meant being a dragon, too, like Ash. Instead of wings and scales, though, he had smooth skin and lots of slimy goop. Ash claimed it was healthy, since goodras were supposedly slug-like, but it still seemed a little excessive at times. No matter how used to it he was, though, he still loved the feeling of being one. 
“Good, because I didn’t want to carry you that whole way,” Ash said, laughing. They crouched and launched themselves upwards, jumping a good five feet before even having to flap their wings. Heh, showy gymnast…. 
Ash noisily pumped their wings up and down, and Evan watched as they grew smaller and smaller, dwarfed by the doorbell. He snickered when the dragon flew backwards, like they were getting a running start, and slammed their whole body into the doorbell, just barely managing to push it hard enough to activate. 
A ring loud enough to shake the concrete porch under Evan’s feet shattered the air, sending Ash plummeting downwards. They caught themselves about half way down, gliding down to land next to Evan, who had his paws over his ears. Luckily, it didn’t last long — one enormous ring that faded away until it was just an echo, then nothing more than an ache in their ears. 
“That was awful,” Evan declared, as soon as his ears had recovered. “Why—“
His question was interrupted by the door sailing open at an incredible speed, whistling several feet over the two dragons’ heads before slamming into the side of the house. “Visitors!”
Rest of the story is under the cut, as usual. If you prefer a Google doc format you can find that here. Comments/questions/thoughts always appreciated! If you made it this far I love you unequivocally and hope you have an anti-lugubrious day.
A voice nearly as loud as the doorbell bellowed out, and with a whoosh of air, a great head came into view as the gigantic shark Ash had told Evan about crouched down. She was easily one or two hundred feet tall - but honestly, it was hard to take in details past that at this scale. It took Evan a few moments to even discern where her face was. 
“Hi, Marie!” Ash shouted at the top of their lungs. It must sound like squeaking to her…
“Aw, lookie, it’s Ashy!” The shark responded, this time at a much softer scale. She clapped her hands together happily, which shook Evan’s bones with concussive force. “Who’s your little friend? He’s short even compared to you!” By like, a foot! Evan thought incredulously. 
Ash laughed. “Most people are short compared to me, Marie. This is Evan. Evan, Marie. Want to take us inside? We can get better acquainted there.” 
Marie nodded, shoving some of her messy hair out of her face (each strand was half as thick as Evan’s arm). “Climb aboard, passengers!” She said theatrically, bending over and sticking her hand palm-up on the ground. Its thickness was nearly as great as Evan was tall. Ash leaped up, reaching a paw down to help Evan up with them. 
Cradled safely in her palm, which was, thankfully, clean, Marie lifted them up and into the house.
Conversation was much easier once it involved a magnifying glass. 
Marie had one of the best setups Evan had seen to talk to small folk like himself. Most macros, people who lived on an entirely different magnitude of life, would just lean in close and whisper, then listen carefully for whatever response came. 
Not Marie. She carried them to a table (making airplane noises and pretending to talk over an intercom the whole way) that was still bigger than any house, letting them hop off there. On the end of the table facing the rest of the room, an enormous ring was mounted, made of dull bronze. Its base had a few buttons that were each the size of a small stage, and there was a megaphone-like cone sitting next to it. A set of regularly sized furniture, mostly squishy couches and chairs, sat under the focus of the ring, with the small end of the megaphone pointing towards it. 
Once Evan and Ash had dropped off of her palm, Evan with a wet splat that sent Marie into a fit of giggles, the shark clicked one of the buttons on the ring and sat down in a chair facing it. A line of blue light lit up along the inner edge of the ring, and Marie clapped her hands again, thankfully farther away than last time. 
”Still working! I’m always worried I’ll break this thing.” She sat back, satisfied, and Evan was able to take in more about her. It was more like looking at a Megaplex movie screen. Still intimidating, but at least he could see her whole body at once. 
Marie had wild, black hair, like a halo around her face and its permanent toothy grin. She was dressed in a tank top and capris, her skin a smoky gray along the top, paler underneath her chin, on her chest, and on the insides of her arms and hands. Her fingers came to sharp points, and her bare hind paws were the same way. A thick tail stuck out from behind her. Her whole look was casual in a happy sort of way. Everything about her radiated sheer glee. Evan couldn’t help but wonder what her sizes were - did they even size clothes for macros? Marie seemed a little curvier than normal (proportion wise, of course). Each macro probably got their own measurements - that made more sense than making giant clothes that had a chance to not fit anyone. 
Evan’s train of thought was derailed by Ash’s voice. “Like I said outside, this is Evan. He’s a great friend, you’ll love him.” They directed their voice towards the opening of the megaphone thing, and Evan could hear it echo through it, presumably coming out louder on the other side, although he didn't notice any change. Marie didn’t seem to have any trouble hearing them. 
“If he’s your friend, Ashy honey, I’m sure I will!” Marie directed her grin at Evan, who gave a slightly intimidated wave. 
“Uh. Heyyy.” Evan’s mind blanked, and there was a brief, awkward silence. Luckily, Ash jumped in. 
“Marie, why don’t you tell him how the ring works?” Ash offered. Marie jumped in her seat, tail fins flopping. 
”Totally! So, this thing used to be like, a super huge magnifying glass - I mean it still is but it’s definitely magic now! I bought it so I could see little tiny people when I talk to them but the glass kept like, lighting the table on fire!” She barked out a laugh. “So I punched it out and had Ashy-poo get someone to enchant it to just act like one instead!”
“Wait, how was it lighting the table on fire?” Evan asked, incredulous. 
“Y’know, the whole light-reflecting-thing,” Marie replied. 
“Light refraction through the magnifying glass. Like burning ants,” Ash cut in. 
“Yes! That! Smarty-dragon!” Marie exclaimed. 
“Oh, huh. I wouldn’t have thought of that.” The whole set up made a bit more sense, now. 
“Well, neither did I, goopy.” Evan laughed at that, feeling a little more relaxed now that conversation was happening. 
He fell silent for a bit as Ash and Marie chatted, catching up on each others’ lives. They went back and forth, talking about this and that, Ash describing some of the details of their latest dungeon dive and Marie excitedly talking about how she’d managed to find some giant succulents to grow (which sounded suspiciously like regular-sized trees). Evan’s mind wandered along with his eyes, flitting idly around the room. It was fairly normal looking - comfy furniture, a fireplace on one wall, a couple of doors and hallways leading out to the rest of the house. A few beach-themed accessories sat on shelves and hung on the walls, giving the place a vaguely touristy feel, along with various nicknacks scattered about. It was… pleasantly cluttered, if that was even a thing. 
“Oh!” Evan started as Marie leaped up from her chair, tail sticking straight up in the air behind her. “I totally forgot! I have this super-ultra-amazing recipe - you guys have to help me make it!” She bustled over to the table flapping her hands what felt like an excessive amount before laying one down for them to climb onto. 
Ash shrugged and bounced to her palm. “I’m not sure what all we can do to help, but I’m certainly down to try.” 
Evan felt a little bit more skeptical about it (how could he do anything in a macro kitchen?), but figured arguing with Marie would be like trying to convince a puppy to stop being cheerful. He grabbed Ash’s paw and wiggled up onto Marie’s, which promptly curled around the both of them as she rushed out of the room. Ash yelped as Evan slapped against him, but the shark’s grip wasn’t painfully tight. It wasn’t necessarily comfortable, either, though. Ash tried to yell something, but the air whooshed it away from their maw before Marie could hear it, and Evan was too disoriented to understand whatever it was. 
The walls rushing past Evan’s snout changed from brown to a light gray, and he assumed the change meant they’d entered the kitchen, although the different sizes and frankly ridiculous rush made it impossible to really tell. Marie didn’t stop and set them down, either. She bounced back and forth around the room, and the clanging from pots magnified a hundred times by their size rattled his brain. 
After what felt like much longer than it probably was, Marie’s fist opened, and Evan tumbled right out of it, Ash still stuck to him, goop pulling away from the shark skin with a wet shhlup! The pair banged into the ground, Evan’s large, squishy form splatting on top of Ash before rolling off of the now slime-covered dragon. 
Marie seemed to be humming somewhere far off. Evan was too rattled to stand; he gasped in and out, trying to regain any semblance of awareness. The ground was a solid black, and the reverberations from smacking into it left it trembling for a few moments. Pulling his face from the ground (his goo was sticking everywhere), he thought for a second that his vision might be gone, before he realized the walls were black as well. 
A pot. She’s cooking us, Evan thought, eyes growing wide with panic. He couldn’t figure out why Marie would befriend Ash just to eat them and their friend, but what with the whole ‘being in a giant pot’ thing, it was pretty obvious to him what was going down. Searching wildly, he saw Ash laying face down a few feet away. Evan crawled over and slapped their arm. 
“Get up!” he hissed, to which Ash just groaned in reply. Evan started shaking them. “Up! We gotta fly out of here!” 
Off in the distance, Marie was muttering something. “Wait, this only works for one? Shoot…”
“Aaaaash!” Evan shouted, picking up the dragon’s face. Their eyes looked unfocused - had they knocked their head?
Gosh dangit! He couldn’t get out of here alone! The sides of the pot were way too high up - he was a slug dragon, he wasn’t an actual slug! 
A giant finger suddenly appeared, shoving Evan backwards a few feet effortlessly. “Heya goopy!” The happy trill to Marie’s voice made Evan feel sick. “I gotta move Ashy over to a new pot. Hang tight in there!” Her hand wrapped around Ash, and in a moment, they were gone, leaving Evan alone. 
“Wait!” Evan’s cry did nothing to halt the titanic shark. Marie hummed along, oblivious to any distress she was causing. 
Fortunately for Evan, it didn’t last long. Marie’s face loomed over the pot, a massive iris peering down at him, accompanied by a measuring cup that could house a swimming pool. “Watch out down there,” she giggled, and before he could respond, the cup flipped over, a deluge of gelatin hunks slamming down on top of his head, darkness enclosing the Goodra as the pot beneath his feet began to glow. 
Heat. Swirling, globular heat. Immense. All-encompassing. Through the simmering murk, thoughts began to emerge. Questions, curses, biting rebukes - until with the swipe of a paddle it’s wiped clean. Something rams the thoughts apart and recombines them in new, flip-flopped ways, breeding bestial brain waves from the remnants of the old. Every time the mind starts to come together it’s once again blasted apart and forcibly shoved into a new configuration, a square shoved into a circular hole over and over and over and over, and through it all the boiling, roiling heat….
Evan woke up cramped. 
Actually, cramped was an understatement - he was positively crushed. Something pressed in on him from all sides, literally condensing him. That wasn’t an unusual ability for a Goodra, but something about it this time felt… off. There was some sort of tube in his maw that allowed shockingly easy breathing, but something about the way it rested against his teeth was off-putting. Adjusting was impossible; it felt like he’d been laminated. His vision didn’t seem to make any sense, a mess of blurred light. At rest it was bearable, but now that he was wriggling about, he could feel aches starting to set in. Evan groaned. What had Marie done? 
Speaking of, a booming vibration rattled whatever Evan was imprisoned in, the tenor familiar. Even though he couldn’t make out any specific words, Marie’s voice was easy to make out, and a huge swathe of his sight was suddenly darkened by a massive, indistinct figure. A lurch sent Evan’s head spinning like a broken compass, his sense of up and down completely out of whack, and the voice got louder, clearer. 
“Oooh, I can’t wait to break these molds!” she babbled. Molds? Was that what she’d stuck Evan into? Why? Was Ash in one too? Dragons didn’t compress like Goodras….
The mold rattled about a bit more, until Evan felt it squeeze even tighter. Marie must be grabbing it. He kept trying to shift, hands and feet beginning to go dumb. Was that air on his tail? It felt damp, but maybe—
Warm air flooded across Evan’s back as Marie finally disconnected the mold, snapping it into two pieces. His face was still stuck, but at least part of him was exposed to fresh air, now. 
Evan began to immediately regret that exposure as soon as he felt his rear pop! outwards, well over twice the size it had been before. Face burning and tail flopping out into the air, feeling chunky and long and prickly all at once, Evan struggled to extricate the rest of his body. 
“Aw, how cute! That thing is massive!” Marie giggled, now only muffled by the few inches of polycarbonate, and Evan pulled and tugged harder. How dare she! When he got out of this mess, he was going to have words with that shark. If he could ever get out in the first place. 
When a claw flicked Evan’s backside, bouncing it like nothing he’d ever felt before, he finally snapped. One enormous SHOVE with both arms blew him backwards, body expanding as the pressure disappeared, snout FWUMPING out as he yelped, arms bursting wider, hips easily tripling in size. One last thing kept him attached to the mold, though - somehow, his chest was stuck, and it was doing something awful to his mind, twisting it in knots and filling his stomach with butterflies. His vision was showing him blue and white translucent skin, but he ignored it, focused fully on leveraging himself backwards, arms straining. Marie was chattering away; he wasn’t listening. One… two… 
Before he could count to three, Marie smacked his rear again, and Evan yelped, hands flying back to grab it and popping out his chest in the process, accompanied by the noise of a loud, sucking vacuum filling with air.. The stoppage, it turned out, was from a giant rack, condensed to fit the plastic shaping. Free from its confines, it flew backwards with him, wobbling, pillowy weight settling against his ribs. 
Evan quite nearly fainted again. 
Marie, on the other hand, positively squealed with delight. “OHMYGOSH! Look how HUGE you are! This is like, so incredible!!!” With a swoosh, Evan was snatched up into Marie’s paw, flying up close to her gibbering snout. “Lemme get a better look at you!”
“Put—woah—put me down!” Evan yelled, voice high and peaking. Oh, lord - he really was a girl now, wasn’t he? Or… she was, apparently. Even just thinking that made him shudder. He… she wasn’t opposed to the idea, but this was both incredibly sudden and hugely embarrassing.
“Aw, lookie that, when you blush you get all puuuurple~” Marie trilled, fanning her face with her other paw, overwhelmed. “You’re perfect, mini-me!” 
“I’m—” Evan began, then stopped, confused. “Mini-me? What are you talking about, Marie?” Fortunately, despite her excitement, she did seem to be listening closely. 
“‘M talking about you, sillyhead! You’re a little gummy Marie, isn’t that AWESOME?” She grinned, teeth glinting. 
“Excuse me?” Evan said, appalled. She glanced down at herself - gulping when she saw her cleavage squished in Marie’s grip - and noted once again the soft white and blue skin. She definitely was no longer Goodra shaped, that was for sure. 
“You know that whole recipe thing? Well, I figured, if I can make magic gummy candy, couldn’t I make my friends in magic gummy candy? Sure I had to boil it and whatever, but I was pretty sure you’d be fine. I kinda had this crazy idea a month or two ago and starting making these little people molds, since I saw this really cool video about them, you should totally watch it—”
“Marie,” Evan said sardonically. 
“Right! Uh, so yeah, I made two molds so far, both sharks, and the first one was modeled after myself! Except, ah, I made her kinda…” Marie leaned in like she was about to tell Evan a secret, winking at the same time. “Super busty! Heehee, isn’t that silly? I thought it looked sooo cute and it TOTALLY does on you!” Marie giggles, opening her palm so that Evan was sitting flat on it, waggling her other fingers at her. 
“You’re seriously telling me you put me in a mold shaped like a busty shark?” Evan cried, flopping down onto her rear. The softness of the landing on her puffy rear was like another impact on her already confused mentality. “You can’t just do that to people, Marie! What if I was like… I dunno, allergic to gummies? That would be totally bad! I… argh, why am I talking like you? Fix this!” 
“Awhhh, you’ll be fiiine, the gummy thing is like, totally reversible. Chillax, Mini Marie,” the shark teased, winking again. “Here, lemme show ya how good you look.” The palm started moving, forcing Evan to brace herself with both paws so that she didn’t teeter off the edge. Marie high-tailed it through her home, out of the kitchen (which was an absolute mess, Evan noted), through the den where the magnifier was situated, and finally through a hallway to reach the bathroom. Evan noticed that she was expecting to find it there. This was her first time in the house - why would she know anything about what rooms were where? Maybe it was just intuition. She sighed, reaching up one paw and hesitantly bouncing her rack lightly, curious. Whatever ingredients Marie had used, they were seriously fluffy. That touch brought a blush to her cheeks, coloring them a sweet plum. 
Finally coming to a stop in front of the bathroom sink, Marie thrust out her palm, placing Evan directly in front of a mirror. At first glance, all she saw was blue and white; she looked down, groaning, not wanting to see any details. Marie wouldn’t have it; she prodded Evan to her feet and placed a giant finger under her chin, pushing it up so that she could meet her own eyes in the mirror. They were set in a cheery cerulean face with a sharp, blunt muzzle. Evan braced herself, looked down, and promptly froze. 
She was so curvy. Like, she’d been able to tell that already, but seeing it was… shocking. “Grkk,” was the only thing she could think to say as she twisted, Marie drawing away her finger and grinning. 
Evan was now a perky female shark, rendered in pearl and sapphire, jewel tones made entirely of sugar. She was naked, yes, but she had been naked as a goodra too, so really not much had changed. Any problematic areas were smoothed away, likely because Marie hadn’t included those details in the mold. The dorsal side of her back and arms was a light oceanic shade, deepening towards her back in a gorgeous fade as the thickness of the gummy material increased, the indigo of an abyss. Her chin and the front of her throat, torso, and the inside of her arms and legs were all white - funnily enough, it was similar to how Ash usually looked. The white gelatin made up about half the thickness of her body where it was present, like a regular gummy shark. Her face was mostly blue, with white freckles spattered across her cheeks, and hair matching Marie’s of a slightly darker shade. Her sharp teeth were all squishy, of course, as well as her pointed hands and feet. A fat tail swung lazily behind her, cute fins poking out the top and adorning the end. 
Outside of a few details, she seriously was identical to Marie. The shark’s happy-go-lucky grin was plastered on Evan’s face (oh, lord, why am I smiling my face off at this…?), her smile lines rendered in perfect sugary detail. Arms and legs had the same tight, wiry strength and soft curves, and her hair held the same cute part. She even, Evan noted while walking a tight circle on Marie’s palm, flounced about the same way. The major difference was the frankly massive chest and hips, which were clearly overboard. Marie was certainly well-endowed but it was still… well, reasonable. Evan faced away from the mirror and reached around to push a paw against her huge rear, face a wine-colored mess of blush. 
“This is excessive!” she stammered, punctuating it with a high-pitched laugh. She couldn’t tell if it was incredulous or ecstatic. Her brain was so muddled….
“I know, isn’t it AWESOME?” Marie sang, leaning down. “I’m SUCH a hottie! Look at that butt!” 
“I am and I hate it!” Evan wailed, twisting her neck to look up at the other shark. Being made of sweet collagen had its perks, namely increased flexibility, so it was easy to contort to both look straight upwards and keep her corkscrewed pose at the same time. 
“Aw, don’t be a brat,” she chided, flipping her paw so that Evan dropped to her stomach with an oof! She laid across Marie’s fingers, her chest hanging off the edge. “I want a chance to look at you now! You got yours, heehee.” 
“What—ACK!” Evan yelped as Marie’s paw smushed her rear around. “HEY! THAT’S MINE!” 
“It’s ours, silly~” Marie reminded her, not letting up in the slightest. Evan squirmed about, protesting, but she wouldn’t listen. It felt amazing, too, which made it all that much more embarrassing, and all the while she kept on chattering. 
“Oh, we’re going to have so much fun! Having another me is like, SUCH a relief, you know? Ashy is such a little cutie but they’re sorta on a different wavelength. Oh, maybe they’ll match more now that they’re a shark too….” 
“Wait, Ashy—”
Marie interrupted Evan with a gasp, her eyes sparkling. “You used their nickname! This is like, totally working, mini me!” Evan tried to mumble a rebuttal, but Marie wouldn’t listen. 
Was she really becoming more like her? Her brain was like, all over the place. It was hard to tell! How was she supposed to figure anything out with all this stuff happening? 
...those thoughts hardly even felt like me….
Maybe this really was having an affect on her mind. The thought was terrifying, but… exhilarating all the same. The thought of being just like Marie made her feel all warm, like her body was softening as it would on the stove. 
“Okay, time to inspect the front,” Marie sayid knocking Evan out of her train of thought as she easily flipped her over like a pancake with one smooth motion. Evan folded her arms over her chest, frowning. 
“No,” she stated, frowning. 
“Don’t be a spoilsport,” Marie retorted, a claw jabbing Evan’s side, sinking into it. 
“No!” she said again, louder, her chest squashing out from under her arms. “It’s like, totally my rack!” Evan cringed - why was she talking like that? 
“Ours, I already told you that, silly. C’mon, just a peek? It’ll be quick!” Marie pleaded, rocking Evan in her palm. The gummy shark sighed. If it was really just a peek, then what was the harm? Besides, she couldn’t handle the physical feedback from her arms taught over her chest for much longer. She grunted, looking away and thrusting her arms down to her sides, hands balled into fists. Marie giggled and leaned down, kissing the side of Evan’s head. 
“Perfect, mini me!” she sang out. Wasting no time, Marie clasped her hands together with Evan cradled in the center. She leaned in close to look Evan up and down, murmuring all the while. Her hot breath blew over her smooth skin. The moisture made her skin a little less smooth, more tacky against the humongous palm. After a few moments, she spoke up again. “Can I feel your sides? They look soooo soft, I just gotta.” 
Conflicted, Evan just mumbled a tight, “Whatever.” What was she supposed to do? Refuse to let Marie feel her own gummy self? Gummy replica, Evan reminded herself; She was totes not Marie. 
She braced herself as Marie bent in her thumbs, squashing her sides and squishing into them. It was an enormous tease as the edges of her thumbs brushed up against her bouncing chest. She HAD to have realized that! Evan squirmed, the scent of her perfume strong in her nose. Was that coming from herself, perhaps…? 
“Yep, TOTALLY me!” Marie declared, thumbs still in place. 
“Am not!” Evan yelled. 
“Am too!” Marie threw back cheerfully. “Wait, does that like, even work?” 
“Uh… I’d have to ask Ashy,” Evan admitted, stumbling a little as Marie compressed her lungs tight with an especially strong massage. Her face was nothing but a berry-colored blush. 
“Mmm, yep, that’s me alright. Can’t you feel it?” Marie pressed, both metaphorically and literally. Her hot breaths made it hard to think. She was starting to bend. 
“Awwhh, I like, absolutely see it in your face! Let all those weird gooey thoughts just melt out your cute ears, hun. You’re me now, there’s no need to worry! Sexy sharky, body and mind, hehe! Well, as much as is even in there, hehe. Goodness knows my big noggin is reaaaal empty sometimes. It’s just so easy to go with the flow, you know?” Marie’s fingers slid teasingly up her inner arms, barely touching her chest before sliding back down the outside of her plush limbs, leaving Evan panting. “You’ll be like, soooo happy to be me, I can just feel it! You just gotta let me out! Or in? I dunno. Who cares? Just be me~” 
Those last words sunk deep, deep, deep into Evan’s mind. She felt so… relaxed, in Marie’s hands. What she was saying made sense. It would be so nice to be Marie….
“I know just the thing to convince you.” Marie leaned even closer, plunging Evan into shadow. “No good Marie can resist a tease - and you’re the best little Marie there’s ever been~” She connected the gap between their faces, planting a kiss on Evan’s entire face. It was impossible to escape, due to the sheer size. At the same moment, her thumbs moved inwards, and Ma… Evan let out a strangled, muffled yelp as Marie squished her rack together. She couldn’t move; her thoughts were… so light. She felt….
Good. She f… felt gooood. Great, even. Flustered, sure; worked up, absolutely. The tease was magnificently executed. Marie’s words echoed in her mind, drowning out her old voice, the kiss helping to draw a new one up to the surface. The chest massage made her eyelids flutter and knees wobble. Her thighs rubbed together as her paws paddled at Marie’s hand, the coarse texture on her paws almost as good as the professional tease on her midsection. Her whole being was surrounded in Marie’s warmth and life and scent, and her stomach became wild with butterflies as she imagined herself falling, falling into that cocoon of someone else’s self. 
When Marie finally broke the kiss, she found herself staring back at her, a matching woozy look in all four eyes. 
“Like, wow, I had no clue I was such a good kisser!~” she spoke in unison, then broke into laughter, identical except for the decibel rating. She wiped a tear away, in mirrored unison with herself, faces rosy cheeked and breathing heavy. 
Mini Marie sighed, leaning back into a salacious pose. “Mmmmnnn, I can’t WAIT to get used to myself,” she drawled, while her bigger self gave her an approving smile. 
“Don’t get too comfortable,” Big Marie said, a predatory glint in her eye. “I still have to wake up Ashy - and then, it’s party time!” 
With her new small body, it was like, suuuper easy to pop Ashy right out of her mold. All it took was a few good tugs before Mini Marie popped it open, revealing a much less curvy and significantly more panicked shark. Their (now her, judging by that bust and rear) red scales must have done something to the recipe—instead of being white and blue, Ashy was green and pink, with a completely different consistency. Where Mini Marie was incredibly soft, able to squash and stretch, Ashy was much more firm. Pressure left dents in her skin that slowly filled in, rather than the instant bounce of the blue shark. Her hair was molded into place, puffy and springy. The gummy material was also entirely opaque. Perhaps it had been a different recipe - Marie didn’t really remember, and it didn’t quite matter. They were both gorgeous either way, so who cared? Marie preferred the blue, but she waaaas kinda jealous about the perk that the denser gummy had. 
“This isn’t okay!” Ashy shouted up to Big Marie, waving her arms. Mini Marie watched with a grin, lounging and nibbling on a tailfin. “You can’t just do this to people, Marie!” 
“Why not?” Both of the other sharks asked simultaneously, before bursting into fits of giggles. They were totes on the same wavelength. Ashy sighed, rubbing her forehead with a paw. The pose was SUPER cute - Mini Marie would have taken a picture if she hadn’t lost her phone somewhere. Oopsies! 
“Turning people into candy clones of yourself is not the sort of thing you do on a first visit, hun,” Ashy explained. 
Both Maries tilted their heads to the side. “Like, why not?” Big Maire asked. 
“But I’m sooo adorable as her!” Mini Marie chimed in. 
“How many visits are you SUPPOSED to wait? Is there like, a time when it’s considered polite?”
“Yeah, I have great manners!” 
“Ohmygosh, we should get little me a tiny French dress, that would be magnifique!” 
“Let me rephrase that: just don’t turn people into candy clones!” Ashy’s voice was strained; Mini Marie wondered why. “You just don’t do that sort of thing!”
Big Marie frowned and folded her arms, Mini Marie following a second after. “Well, that’s just not fair. How are we supposed to have a party if you’re not the cutest little gummy sharks EVER?” 
Ashy’s tail lashed as she started explaining the concept of party invitations, but Mini Marie stopped listening. She was way more focused on the other shark’s tail. And maybe stealing glances at her butt. Okay, TOTALLY stealing glances at her butt, but she wasn’t gonna apologize for it! Cute butts are for looking, she should know, as the candy with the cutest butt around! Plus, Ashy was wiggling all over the place as she wagged, which increased the cuteness by like… thirty. No, fifty! Licking her chops, Mini Marie waggled her own rear, then pounced—not as Ashy’s tush, she wasn’t RUDE. Just at her tail, to give it a nice taste test. 
Ashy’s speech was interrupted by a high pitched yelp. She grabbed at her thick tail, pulling it upwards in both arms, fishing up a Marie attached to it near the end. She grinned at her friend through a mouthful of sweet, watermelon-flavored tail. Ashy huffed, disgruntled, and flicked her nose, forcing her to let go with a grunt. Marie kept the smile on, though. 
“Your butt’s hot,” she stated. Ashy’s cheeks grew a little less green and a little more pink as she twisted, still gripping a mass of tail, trying to glance behind her. 
Big Marie interrupted with a laugh. “Alright you two, stop flirting.”
“I wasn’t—” Ashy started, then screeched as Mini Marie smacked her rear. Big Marie laughed. 
“You TOTES were. We don’t have time for that now, though. It’s time to get our summer party started!” 
With that, she scooped up the gummy sharks—one bickering, one flirting back in kind—and bustled to her bedroom.
Mini Marie got deposited with Ashy at the far end of Big Marie’s vast bed, surrounded by curtains. They seemed to be mismatched cloth scraps with an assortment of patterns and textures, all strung up on bent coat hangers thicker than her own neck. She hadn’t gotten a good glimpse of the rest of the bedroom, besides the purple blanket draped across the bed. It was soft under her paws. 
Big Marie disappeared from above the pair while they got their bearings, returning a moment later with something clutched between her paws, her shadow encroaching like that of a titan. 
“Alright, girls, here’s the plan,” she declared. Ashy spoke up before she could continue. Or, well, yelled up, whatever. 
“Marie, just let us leave and sort this mess out!” she called, hands on her hips. Mini Marie only glanced down a couple of times. 
“Awww, come oooon, Ashy-pie!” Big Marie pouted. “Just for a little while, then you can go. Pleeeease?” 
Ashy sighed an ADORABLE little sigh. How was her snout that cute? Mini Marie tried to cross her eyes and look down at her own, and ended up all dizzy. Whoops. “Promise you’ll help us afterwards?” Big Marie nodded eagerly, flashing a smile. 
“Ugh. Fine. Go on.” She waved a hand, flopping down onto the blanket. 
“You’re the best!” Big Marie kissed the tip of one finger, bopping Ashy on the nose with it (which had the side effect of shoving her deeper into the thick blanket). Mini Marie bent down, arms swinging behind her, and planted another one on the side of her cheek. The watermelon tang lingered on her lips. 
The macro shark cleared her throat and continued, rolling her head to toss her hair over a shoulder. “I’ve been wanting to do this for AGES, so I’m like, mega excited to announce our first annual shark girl fashion show!” With a flourish, she opened her paws, a colorful mass of something flying out from between them and raining down upon Mini Marie and Ashy. It took a few moments to discern what they were; once the top half of a bikini smacked Ashy in the face, sending Marie into a fit of giggles, it was pretty obvious. 
“This year’s theme: swimwear!” Marie planted her hands on her hips, cocked to one side, her eyes glinting.
“Oh, come on!” Ashy groaned. She dropped her head back and her gummy hair bobbed.
“No freaking way!” Mini Marie babbled at the same time. She dove towards the piles, but Big Marie stopped her with a click of her tongue. She tumbled head over tail, the soft blanket stopping her on her stomach. 
“Ah-ah-ah, let me explain the rules first,” she chided. Mini Marie sat back with a flustered but cheeky grin. 
“First rule… be as TOTALLY SEXY as possible! There’s three rounds, so make ‘em count!” she declared, trying to look serious. She snorted then devolved into laughter. “Okay, that’s the only rule, get dressed! I wanna see you cutiepies as soon as possible! Walk through the curtains and you’ll be on the stage, so make sure you’re dressed when you head out!” Giggling at herself, Big Marie’s giant silhouette disappeared as the shark walked away with booming steps. 
Alone with Ashy once again, Mini Marie shot towards the swimsuits, sweeping them up in big heaps and sorting through them. She was an absolute fashion EXPERT - finding the perfect fit should be a piece of cake! Fortunately, neither one of them really needed privacy, already being completely undressed and still modest by most standards, so she could help Ashy pick one, too. Oooh, this was going to be so much fun!~
Ashy was just looking at her, so while she sorted the swimsuits into groups by type, she held them up to her friend’s body, looking for one that would fit such a tall build that wasn’t too tight in the bust. 
“Evan,” Ashy said, tail flicking. It had a pair of swim trunks dangling off its fin. Marie went on humming; like, who was she trying to talk to?
“Evan,” she repeated, stepping forwards. Marie glanced up, brow furrowed, holding a light red tankini, a sort of bra-skirt combo. Nah, that wouldn’t—
“Evan!” Ashy shouted, grabbing her shoulders. Marie eeped at the intensity in the shark’s pink and green face. Despite being the same shape, it almost seemed like her hair was wild in that moment. 
“I—I don’t—” Marie babbled, glancing anywhere but the eyes of the shark in front of her. And DEFINITELY not at those teeth. They were surely soft, but that didn’t make the sight less intimidating. 
Ashy sighed, expression softening. “Sorry. Too intense.” 
Marie nodded quickly. “YeahthatwasreallyscaryandyoushouldneverdothatagainlikeHOLYGOD.” She took a breath. “I thought you were gonna straight up EAT ME.” Ashy blinked, opening her maw and poking at her teeth - soft, sure enough. 
“Okay, okay, my bad. But you won’t listen!” she complained. 
“I like, always listen to you, babe!” Marie countered. “I didn’t think you were talking to me because that’s not even my name, silly goose.” 
“Okay, first of all, not true, and second, it most DEFINITELY is,” Ashy said flatly. Marie didn’t like the tone in her voice; it sounded too… matter-of-fact. Like it had to be true because it just… it just was. She didn’t like that at all. 
“It most definitely is not,” Marie said in a mimicry of Ashy’s serious tone, trying to lighten the mood. “Come on, you know me! Rawr, big shark Marie! Except like, totally your size. And candy!” Marie grinned and pointed at her own sharp teeth, squashing them with her other paw. 
Ashy just sighed at that, so she dropped her paws. “You’re absolutely brainwashed, aren’t you?”
Marie thought about it for a moment. Brainwashed, like… her brain was clean? Her mind did feel like, suuuuper empty. Just cute shark thoughts swimming around sometimes. So, a yes, then! She grinned and nodded, hair flapping. This conversation stuff was easy-peasy. Although, judging by Ashy’s hard time responding, maybe she hadn’t gotten it exactly. 
“There’s no way Marie would do this on a whim. Or even could do this. So it must have been at least partially willing. Ugh…” Ashy buried her face in her paws, and Marie’s tail drooped. She was… a good friend, right? So that meant comforting her other friend, even if that friend was also like, being all weird and stuff and making no sense at all. Maybe she was just going through something! Marie snuggled up to Ashy, tucking her arms around her friend, chest resting on top of hers. 
“Aw, it’ll be okay, sweetheart,” Marie cooed, rocking back and forth. Ashy made a strangled sound. 
“Drowning in boob,” she managed to eek out around the grapple. Marie snickered. 
“Taste good?~”
“I literally cannot breathe,” came the reply. So, probably a yes! She loosened the vice-like hug all the same, though. Ashy took in a great gulp of air and mumbled something about artificial sweeteners, her face much pinker than before. Just how Marie liked it!
“Look, we need to talk,” Ashy murmured. “I’m worried.” 
“Worried about me? I’m totally fine, sweetcheeks,” Marie said squeezing Ashy’s rear for emphasis. The shark jumped in her grip. 
“YES, worried about you,” she replied through gritted teeth, swatting away the prying paw. 
“Well, just don’t be! I’m not, it’s way easier.” Marie winked. 
“Doesn’t work that way.” 
“Can it work that way right now?” 
“I… what?” 
“Listen, I really want to do this swimsuit competition,” Marie explained, her tone almost pleading. “Like, so so so bad. SOOOO BAD. You wouldn’t even GET how badly—”
“Point being?” Ashy interjected.
“...Point being, let’s talk after and have fun now!” Marie finished. Ashy scrunched up her nose all cute-like, thinking about it. It took waaaay too long. Marie idly wondered what it would be like to have that many thoughts, thinking about how her hips were curled against Ashy’s. 
“You’ll come to my house to figure things out afterwards?” Ashy finally asked, pensive. 
“A date? Abso-freaking-lutely I will!” Marie exclaimed. 
“Not a date! It’s a magic removal session!” Ashy tried to explain, flustered. Marie hipchecked her now-totally-unofficial-girlfriend. She almost shuddered at how good that felt to think. “And stop looking at my cleavage!” Marie (reluctantly) obliged, tongue poking out innocently. 
“I’m going on a daaate with Aaaashy~” she sang, planting a smooch on the shark’s lips. Ashy wriggled out of it eventually, sputtering, but her grip made it take quite a while. Marie was excited, all the way down to her core - something within her knew that Ashy was probably the smart one, and that the smart one was usually right. That feeling was buried deep within, though, under layers of bubbly, sharky exterior. If it was all some sort of mental charade, well, it was a darn good one. She had herself fooled, even! Whoever this Evan character was, she’d MUCH rather be Marie, and so that was what she’d stay, sense be darned! Boobs were way better than sense anyway. Especially these ones. So there.
No way she’d pass up a one-on-one with a cutie like Ashy, though, that girl was a tuna and a half. A fish that fine had to be caught by hand, not bought at any old deli. She licked her chops, once again appraising her friend’s figure, just as any Marie would respectfully do. It wasn’t like checking out a stranger; this was all compliment, a reminder of how much of a babe she was inside and out. Ashy was too focused on the blue raspberry-marshmallow taste in her mouth to notice. Cutie….
Now wasn’t the time for silly smooches, though. Marie was buzzing to dive into action. The time for swimsuits was now!
Marie gathered up all the swimsuits into one giant pile. Leaping atop it and posing for dramatic flair, she tore into it in a sort of fashion feeding frenzy. The swimwear was sorted into over a dozen piles based on cut and style that made no sense to Ashy, who stood by in awe. It took mere moments for Marie to toss the last one-piece onto a neat stack, brushing away a bit of foam at the corners of her maw. She smiled sheepishly at Ashy, who gave her an impressed two thumbs up. 
“Okay, round one, we don’t want to go for anything too crazy,” Marie asserted. “We want the judges to be like, ‘Oh wow, that’s kinda cute,’ get all intrigued, not like, ‘Ew she’s trying too hard, why is she even on the stage, ugh, get her out of here.’” 
“What,” Ashy grunted.
“Just put this on,” Marie commanded, tossing a salmon colored one-piece with a plunged neckline to Ashy, who tried to argue, but withered under her commanding glare. It was seriously too cute.
“As for me,” Marie mused, wandering around her piles. Might as well keep the theming; she snagged a few different articles with her paws and tail, comparing them. There was a nice, minty, ruched garment; perhaps a bit too gaudy? It was that, or a full upper-body wetsuit with a patterned set of fish decals, the bottom tapering to a regular swimsuit. She could work with that. 
“Marie!” she called out, as loud as she could. “Accessories!” 
A sheepish eye glanced over the top of the curtains. “Thought you’d never ask.” She shared a grin with herself. 
After another shower of summertime gear, Marie tugged her arms into the wetsuit, letting it snap into place against her thighs snugly. It felt a bit strange without water nearby, but that was okay; this was for the show, anyway. She could always swim later. Grabbing a few last minute additions, Marie took a deep breath and smacked away the curtains, dashing out between them, long tail trailing behind. As promised, there was a long deck lit by car-sized fairy lights along the edges. Big Marie knelt on the ground at the other end so that her head, resting on the bed, was level with the runway. A clipboard rested on the bed beside her, and she’d donned a pair of wide, sharp glasses.
“I’m here for the rescue!” Mini Marie shouted, posing. The dash made her chest bounce underneath the rashguard, which surely garnered Along with the wetsuit, she’d procured a whistle and surfboard, completing her lifeguard outfit. It was a strong starting point; Big Marie applauded and whistled, making a few bubbling noises and calling out ‘I wish you could rescue me, tiny shark!’ 
Ashy stumbled out next, blinking in the lights. She’d snagged a net, somewhere, as well as a pair of flip flops, and had swapped out the one-piece for one of similar style but with birds flying across it. She leaned forwards, making good use of the plunge neckline, butt out and tail waggling. She was every part the silly tourist, out to catch something exotic. Mini Marie giggled, snapping her fingers politely, and Big Marie gave an approving nod. The smaller shark girl led the way back along the runway, making sure to swing her tail wide, giving glimpses of what was beneath all the way back, and earned one more wolf whistle from her bigger self. 
By the time Ashy had made it through the curtains, Marie was already undressed. “Round two!” she called out, flitting around between piles. “First impressions over; let’s start showing off what we’re made of!” 
“Marie, aren’t you yourself a judge? Doesn’t that make this a little unfair?” Ashy asked, slowly struggling out of the one-piece. 
“Uh, duh,” she replied. “Me or my bestest friend and maybe more are totally gonna win!” Ashy rolled her eyes and Marie’s tail errantly flung a cheeky bikini bottom in her face. 
Marie bit her lip, deep in thought. Deeper, perhaps, than she’d EVER been in thought. This competition was really letting her grow into herself, solidifying her as… well, as Marie. 
The choices for the second round didn’t have to be perfect, so it didn’t take too long to decide. Marie concocted a couples outfit, dragging Ashy into it with the sheer genius of its design. They waltzed out of the curtain, arm in arm, the epitome of summertime chic. Ashy had on a tight black longline swim top, vest-like, with a large shark bite out of the bottom right, outlined in blue, showing off her whole side and just a titch of side boob, along with a pair of boyshorts, like a bikini bottom with a bit extra coverage in both back and front, blue to match the bite out of her top. A half-sized pink denim jacket rested atop the swim shirt, unbuttoned and loose, reaching about to her mid back. Her tail was bangled, and she had matching sunglasses with her partner. 
Marie, on the other side, was wearing a tomboyish combination of tight briefs with a small cut up the sides and a loose-fitting tank top, off-white with bright spray paint splatters across the front. A bra underneath ensured the shirt accentuated her curves. She completed it all with her own ironic twist: a whale tail, made with a bottom that wrapped underneath her tail, stretching out over her huge hips above the briefs. The two leaned against each other back to back, looking like a hot pair of babes ready for a day of sitting on the sand. Marie had even discovered chewing gum somewhere, and tipped her glasses down, idly blowing a bubble. 
Big Marie whooped, giving a big round of applause. “I didn’t even think of a doubles round, good job me!” She started scribbling furiously, waving the two away. Mini Marie dragged Ashy back in, laughing gleefully, absolutely elated. Ashy actually smiled back, and Marie couldn’t help but throw her arms around the watermelon shark, nuzzling her neck. 
“Woah, hey, we aren’t ACTUALLY a hot lesbian beach couple,” Ashy chuckled, prying off Marie. “Come on, what’s your idea for the third round?” 
Marie nodded, coming back to earth. She undressed, then sat in the center of the dressing ‘room,’ silent. She ran through all sorts of combinations in her mind; her face was all squeezed inwards, like she’d bit into a lemon. So many options… what might please the judge? If she didn’t think it was perfect, then the larger her wouldn’t, either. Something that accentuated their natural gifts, not just fancy fabric that hid them.
Ashy’s was easy; Marie personally picked out the designs that would fit her best. She was unsure, at first, but by the time Marie finished explaining, the bait had been taken, and Ashy was convinced. Marie handed her a large, wide-brimmed summer hat to polish off the outfit. 
“I can’t wear that, I’ve got…” Ashy trailed off, her hand reaching up behind her head and grabbing empty air. “Ah. Yeah, Never mind.” 
Marie waved her off to go change. She’d taken the time to meditate a bit more on her decision, so why couldn’t she think of what it should be? All the other rounds had been easy enough. She herded Ashy towards the curtain, still bare-skinned. Bare-gummied? Did it count as skin if you were the same material all the way through? 
“Wait, aren’t you going to dress up?” Ashy questioned her, clutching her prop nervously. 
“It’s a surprise,” Marie said, grinning, although she didn’t feel it. “Go slay, babe, I’ll be out soon.” 
Ashy took a moment to steady themselves and nodded. She spun around, marching out the curtain, and Marie whipped back to the clothes piles, tail lashing. There wasn’t much time left. She had to just… just pick something. She closed her eyes, spun until she couldn’t remember what way was up or down, and flopped face first on her snout, feeling it squish into a pile of fabric. Behind her, she felt her tail snag on something; as she sat up, another piece dangled from her snout. She opened her eyes to see what she had. 
“Oh, bless you, me,” she whispered, grinning. This was going to be good. 
Ashy, meanwhile, swept outside the curtain, rushing forwards with one hand keeping the hat tilted down. She reached the end of the runway and flicked her tail, tossing a tennis ball off to the side where Marie had snuck out to set up a giant fan. The impact made it rattle to life. Reaching down, she grasped in both hands the handle of the picnic basket she’d been carrying in her paws, tilting the hat back and up to look Marie in the eyes, a serene smile on her face betraying no inner unsurity. She was dressed in a fine silk halter top, tied around the neck and emphasizing the smooth, natural curves of her rack, beautiful in the way it framed her upper chest. She wore a side-tie bottom to match, both patterned in brilliant magenta flowers. The tight garment rose up high along her hips, showing off just how long her legs were. A light green side-skirt wrapped around her waist, draped down over her left thigh where she rested her weight. The loose ribbons and skirt fluttered in the breeze, a soft ripple going along the floppy brim of her woven hat. She was a soft, gentle treasure, confident in the way she almost didn’t care for her form, as if it were simply incidental to her search for the perfect place to rest for a picnic. 
Marie positively squealed with delight, immediately sweeping up Ashy into her vast paws, blathering. The calm demeanor broke as Ashy squawked indignantly, but there was nothing she could do except be nuzzled by a giant shark snout. 
After a moment, though, a tension in the air caused them to both fall silent. Mini Marie’s lack of an entrance left the air abuzz, a book with no conclusion, a shock with no recoil. The true dominating presence of the show had yet to make an appearance. Marie lowered her palm so Ashy could watch, both sitting with bated breath as the curtain rustled in the wind of the fan. 
With a suddenness that drew a gasp from both onlookers, the curtain was flung back. In a flash of deep blue and striking white, Marie strutted out, hips swinging rhythmically from side to side, gummy rack bouncing lightly with each rhythmic step. She’d opted for simple—what was more beautiful than Marie, after all? A skinny spandex top that could barely cover even a small portion of her immense chest squeezed her rack, gummy material spilling around it. Two tight bands ran down from a circle underneath her bust, across her front and down between her thighs, merging at the bottom. It was the most revealing thing she could find, and it showed off her luxurious curves and the softness of her very being. Ashy actually blushed, looking away, while Big Marie stared, mouth agape, at the sheer audacity of her new gummy clone. 
After a minute of posing (during which several latex groans were heard, Ashy worrying that the whole thing might snap under pressure), Big Marie set down her captive and started to clap. Slowly at first, it swelled into cheering and hollering and ecstatic cries. Mini Marie won the swimsuit competition, hands down; anyone willing and able to pull off something like that had too much confidence to lose. Even Ashy agreed that she probably would have won even without the biased judging. 
The after party lasted well into the night. Marie broke out a fruity vodka, filling a bowl for the sharks to rest in while chugging far too much herself. Both Maries got completely sloshed, the gummy one swelling up around her swimsuit as she absorbed veritable gallons of the alcoholic drink, her looser constitution making the swimsuit squish into her curves tighter instead of blowing itself it bits. Ashy politely abstained; someone had to get the gummies home, after all, and neither Marie could argue that fact (although they did indulge in a bit of juice, finding their belly ever so slightly distended and squishy). So, instead, they partied wildly. Many sloshed, soppy kisses were exchanged, deep secrets told, and potential partners discussed, to great length. Having herself to talk to made Marie incredibly chatty, and it took another half hour to finally get to the front door. 
Big Marie set them down on the porch and hiccuped. “Like, ooohhhhhmygoddddddd, Ashy-pie, this was like… soooo gh… good. Hic. We should d… do this like, every year!” 
Ashy just waved. “Bye, Marie. I’ll talk to you soon.” The waterlogged gummy draped over her shoulder glanced up, confused. 
“Yer leavin’ me…?” she mumbled, sounding heartbroken. 
“No, hun, we’re going home.” Ashy looked back up to Big Marie, who was swaying back and forth, mumbling a sea shanty. “Marie, you know how to fix this, right?” 
Big Marie nodded vigorously. “Oh, yeahyeah! Totally, totally. It’s - hic. It’s like, waaaay super duper easy.” 
“Great, mind telling me what it is?” 
Ashy waited there, patiently. Marie stood, eyes lidded, and looked as if she were about to say something. 
Instead, she let out a soft burp, mumbled “Gnight,” and dragged the door closed, swinging shut over the sharks’ heads.. No amount of knocking and yelling brought her back out, even when Mini Marie joined in, yowling like an alley cat. She promptly fell asleep after that.
“Fine. I’ll just do it myself…” Ash mumbled, slinging their transformed and mentally transfigured friend over a shoulder. All in all, it could have been a lot worse; it certainly could have been better. They could be back to normal instead of stuck in a gummy body with no way of knowing how to go back, and they could have a friend who wasn’t convinced that he was a bimbo shark girl. But, well, Marie did know how to throw a good party. 
With a snoring vodka gummy squelching over their shoulder, Ash started the long walk home. 
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wjufissussybaka · 1 year
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Tristan: -Sighs- Hey guys…..I wanted to here apologize…….I’m sorry for being Rasict and I don’t wanna ruined my account -Sighs- My whole life will get ruined and Hate me down I just a failure and some stupid idea from the Lord Christ Sorry for hating On my account and My Year is finally come in 2023 and I wanna be account anymore everyone hates me so……..I quit I quit I just Said It Four times until I died Im too depressed and sad sometimes for killing you but im a kid im 8 and I just wanted to say im sorry for Being a sexual things for Message By Luna Sorry for Being Idiot and Ridiculous and failure and some stupid N word I can’t say that thing that why I’m quit for saying Rasicm Slur and Sexual things for Luna so….maybe she right imma a Just a Kid for being Saying that whore your picture sucks and failure You lost weight and Get a job touch grass fatherless motherless all Same Everyone for Hating on this channel im mean Account ig…..-Sighs- i give up and everyone hates me and -Grabs Beer and drinks- Yeah….after that So Sorry for being a Bad things Luna And Nico I wanted to tell you say that I-I Gone alone and death and idiot I keep my Life worst and I’m at The Deavinart and Everyone hated us and Ill grab a rope and did not work and my dad is gone and hate me for no reason………………I Just need my f_CKING Commit S_cide and Kill me and depressed and sad about that I need my life…………………………………………………………………………………………………..My Whole body and my heart………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Worst things of me and you……..Becoming a Worsted sh_t I ever life before…………….No more music no more help Stomach aches no More Luna and Nico and no more dad and mr Bambi and bandu and expunged………….and everyone………….i hope my life was first day for love…………………….you…………..I’m still………Uncomfortably Upset and sh_t and P_seed about Deleting a account and block me……Like a fucking murder and killer what tf did I do Did I do wrong???? WTF DID I DO
Tristan: this is why They hate us I don’t care about the situation of Heart they Broken my girlfriend Hate us then everyone you b_st_rd Everybody hates me…………… Before I did some bad……….I’m sorry For apologize -The Void appears- Ohhhhh a Void Well guys I hope you enjoy Than a worst things happened See ya soon Guys
-The Void Tries to deleted all of it- Tristan: We’ll see ya soon I hope you enjoy Goodbye everyone imma miss you -Tears are drip- -Tristan Walks in white void and leaves-
2022 | 2023
Tristan:…….Goodbye….. -Deletes All video- I miss you………
Exbungo: WAIT COME BACK…Oh He leaving…..I guess I should Being quit….I guess We’ll anyways Thank you so much I guess -The white void closed- Exbungo: And….there gone Goodbye Tristan Rest In Peace…….
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poohbea · 2 years
Why did you start writing? I’m honestly curious bc of your major and how busy it seems, like would you be able to balance writing and working in your chosen career field? Or is writing just a hobby and something for right now but not something you’re going to stay doing? (Sorry for these random and long questions!)
V I thought you were going to bed 😂 but random questions are fun so don’t apologise I like having convos like these it makes me think.
So in terms of starting to write, I’ve always loved creative writing since primary school and I found I was quite good at it by the time i reached high school (my english grades were tops). Like every time we had a creative writing assignment I’d smash it because I’m quite a creative person and have always found it easy to put things into words. I’ve come up with plenty of concepts the main four or five would be —
1. Scorchrose (which is quite complex and it’s about a vampire named Caelius Scorchrose who buys slaves from the black market of Rorrim (which is the realm that’s opposite to earth) so he buys them to kind of keep them safe in a sense because monsters of Rorrim are very unforgiving and will do anything and everything to humans because they can. So the main character Amara (she’s black and IK HOW IT LOOKS NO THIS IS NOT A NOD TO SLAVERY I SWEAR i just wanted to create someone that looked like me yk) is bought however she’s a bit different, she smells a bit different and it’s not often they get high quality blood through the black market auction so everyone jumps on this opportunity but Cae is the highest bidder naturally (he’s the founder and owner of a pharmaceutical company that deals in both Rorrim and earth) and then they’re relationship transpires — i made a map of Rorrim and everything (social classes, primary monster species, all with their own little kingdoms and laws, etc.
Let’s not talk about the werewolf orgy (where we get this is hotter with context I swear 😂 we get to meet Dimitri(os) for the first time (yes he’s the leader of the species)). I have a few unfinished scenes floating around my laptop for this story (yes I have some of the orgy scene written) — I can go on and on about this story
2. The Butterfly Effect which is now a mammon fic on my blog of that same name but it used to be a larger story of a prince/ royal or someone of that social class and a tracker. Now this whole story included topics of racism because there were two races called the Etherians (which is our tracker, her name is Seeris (Sear-ris)) and the Kertisian (Ker-tee-jan (pronounce the j like in jean) (which is our royal, his name is Dante). So the whole first chapter was what happens in the fic but the kicker is that you see Dante is engaged to a Kertisian well he just bred with an Etherian so uhh guess who’s pregnant. It was gonna be a whole lot of drama kinda delving into the realm of racism and social class, and SCIENCE I was gonna geek tf out with it but never got to finishing it. My first reader of that story was @the-australian-editor hahaha the way she loves that story.
3. Octavia which was really a self insert cause I was obsessed with the idea of space pirates. So this concept was turned into ‘Catch Me If You Can’ with Geto. The Geto fic was from a particular scene I was compelled to write. So that one was about captain y/n (in this case) and her crew stealing from the Paragon (think of them as the top 1% of those who roam space so your government officials, celebrities, kings, queens, etc.) and their whole journey being on the run. And who better to go after the captain of the notorious Octavia (that’s the ship’s name) than her ex lover. I made names for the different species of aliens that make up the crew and basically wrote little profiles for them and where they came from (and what those planet environments were like)
4. Honey which I scrapped entirely, it was gonna be your typical mafia love story. So Honey is set in Valencia, Spain and Honey the main character she’s been adopted by a family (she doesn’t know that she’s adopted - her birth parents gave her up when she was an infant). She works in the museum there and she meets a strange old man, who invites her to dinner (she refuses at first but in this case you can’t actually refuse the don of the biggest mafia in Valencia) so she goes there for dinner and she meets this man’s son, after a while she finally asks what this is all about and the father says “well according to the deal your parents made you are to marry my son”. It was a very loose and kinda cliche plot so I scrapped it.
5. Ray and Camille doesn’t have a title offically, but it’s about two opposites the sun and the moon. So Ray is born from a coronal mass ejection from the sun during a solar hurricane (the amount of research I did for this was insane, cause I wanted it to make logical sense) so the earth is not actual earth it’s like a pooh’s version of earth for the plot. So baby boy is from the sun and in the year XXXX he lands in Abadonia, more on the outskirts in this sweet black lady’s yard (she’s our mother figure of the story as is common for all beings from outer space). She raises him and as Ray grows he discovers his powers of light and heat (the sun) and uses them to become Abadonia’s hero essentially. Now Camille is cursed, our villainess and Ray’s arch nemesis. Her whole role is to bring about the end of the world (think enchantress from the suicide squad how she possessed Cara Delevingne’s character and wants to fuck shit up). Her curse comes from the moon, it was put upon her by her family who dealt in some shady magics. The whole thing is about their power struggle of being polar opposites, and the drive to stop Camille (does he kill her or does he try and save her from her curse). But yeah another scrapped idea cause it’s very very loose and cliche.
But as for why I started writing on tumblr, really it was to share my creativity with someone, anyone who was willing to read. I love story telling and I’ve had a lot of ideas over the years and I thought why not give it to an audience. Fanfic writing pretty much created a safety net because it has such a large demographic so it ensured my work would be read by someone and it’s easy to write these characters into a unique and creative narrative. Then the more I wrote the more I actually enjoyed writing fanfics and it grew into such a cool community so quickly, I met mutuals and now we’re here.
If we’re talking about the topic of my degree that’s really for stability reasons (and I really love science), if I could do creative writing I would but I just don’t see myself becoming an author hahaha it’s a very competitive and brutal occupation, not to mention making it big is difficult as well so it’s safer to do science because there will always be a need for science and I’ll never be without a job.
I think writing is more so a hobby than something I’d do for a job long term. I just really enjoy writing and sharing it with everyone and that’s enough for me. I’ll definitely do this tumblr and writing thing for as long as time lets me, I got plenty of juice in the tank so I won’t be stopping anytime soon 😊🤎.
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v-hope · 2 years
tf!yn reaction on jungkook starting to have bigger boobs than her drabble [or at least comparable or smth bc man just has no control over his boobs]
pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader
genre: fluff, humor (ig? my humor’s kinda broken, my apologies), non-idol au, established relationship, slice of life
word count: 1.0k
a/n: okay so, you literally sent this today and since i’m nearly done with finals and was taking the rest of the day off anyway, i just needed to write this lmao. not sure what this turned into, but i hope you enjoy!
oh! also! all the credits for them jungboobs go to my 🇫🇮 anon. u go, dude. keep going, u genius.
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“What are you doing?” Jeongguk mumbled.
Because, you see, when you’re two episodes of Nevertheless in, lying down on the sofa with half of your girlfriend’s body on top as she soothingly traces her fingertips up and down your stomach, only to later dig her hand under your sweatshirt and squeeze one of your pectorals a couple of times, that seems like the sane question to ask.
Saying nothing, as your focus remained on the TV in front, you squeezed his quite hard flesh once more.
“What are you doing?” he asked once more.
“Hot” you simply answered in a mumble.
That only seemed to confuse him more — lifting his head from the armrest to take a better look at you.
“You’re hot” you elaborated.
“No?” his eyebrows furrowed. “I was actually thinking of going to get a blanket because I’m getting a bit cold”.
You chuckled at his cute, dumbfounded reaction, placing a soft kiss to his chest before you looked up to him. “I mean you, you dummy. You are hot as hell”.
That was all it took for his cheeks to turn pink and for his head to fall back down on the armrest — eyes avoiding yours as they fixed back on the series you had been watching.
“I’m serious, though” you smiled, hand still under his top and on his pectoral as you scooted closer to his face, so he had no choice but to look at you. “Now I get why you always grab my boobs when we’re cuddling”.
“I don’t always do that” Jeongguk defended himself — the glare he was looking at you with did not match his flushed cheeks.
“A fair amount of times, then” you teasingly hummed, pressing your lips to his for a brief second before a pout took over them. “I’m afraid you’ll have better boobs than mine at some point, though”.
Jeongguk snorted, shaking his head in amusement over the nonsense that had just abandoned your mouth.
“First,” he began, turning to the side so now he was the one with half his body on top of yours. “Your boobs are the best in the entire world, no other pair could ever compare” his words managed to make the heat reach your face. “And second, I don’t have boobs”.
“What are these then?” you playfully pinched his nipple, getting a hiss out of him.
“Yah,” he half whined, half called you out, removing your hand from under his sweatshirt and holding it in his. “I guess I got too into working out lately and didn’t notice this happened”.
“Oh, no, don’t say it like that” you rushed to shake your head after noticing the doubt in his voice. “You keep working out all you want. Like I just said, you look hot as hell. Even more than you’ve always been”.
“Stop saying that,” he hid his face in the crook of your neck, allowing you to wrap your arms around him.
“What? The truth?”
You couldn’t hold back the giggle that had threatened with escaping at his childlike ways. No matter how many years the two of you had been together, nor how much he loved it, he could not cope well with your shameless praising for shit.
“Can they get any bigger, though?” your genuine question got a breathy, muffled laugh out of him. “Because in that case I should hit the gym, too, to keep up with your hotness”.
“There’s no need for that,” he pressed a kiss to your neck, later resting his head right next to yours. “You’ve always been the hot one in this relationship”.
“No way,” you protested. “Have you seen yourself, Jeon Jeongguk?”
“Have you seen yourself, Y/L/N Y/N?”
“Oh, I have” you nodded, leaning in to lovingly bump your nose on his. “But I enjoy looking at you much more”.
He rolled his eyes, yet a bunny smile was parting his lips. “Cheesy”.
Laughing under your breath, you let him close the space between your mouths and gently trap your bottom lip in his. Although his hand had cupped your cheek to deepen the kiss, softly massaging your tongue with his, it didn’t last long, for your hand once again digging under his top and squeezing one of his so called boobs, had him letting out a breathy laugh and withdrawing his mouth from yours.
“You won’t ever let this go now, will you?”
“Nope,” you stole another kiss from him. “I have discovered the power of the boobs and I’m not letting go of it anytime soon”.
“As your long-term boyfriend, I’m not sure how I feel about having you discover the power of the ‘boobs’, honestly”.
A throaty laugh escaped your mouth, cupping his face and pressing a loud smooch to his lips. “It only applies to the jeongboobies, don’t worry”.
“The jeongb—” he cut himself off, slumping on his back next to you and letting out a loud, heavy sigh as he rested his arm over his eyes. “You know what, after having you call me Flower Daddy all these years, I don’t know what I was expecting from this”.
“Oh!” you jolted up, sitting up on the couch and crossing your legs as you helplessly tried to reach for your phone on the coffee table. “Hand me my phone”.
Not thinking much of it, Jeongguk reached his hand out to the table to do as told. Before he could hand it to you, however, he stopped in his tracks — pressing your mobile to his chest, looking almost scared of actually giving it to you.
“Tell me you’re not saving me as Jeongboob on your phone” he pleaded, already sounding defeated as ever.
“Of course not, who do you take me for?” you rolled your eyes, taking your phone from him and lying back down to rest on his chest. “I’m saving you as Jeongboobie. Add a little love, bun”.
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kageyuji · 3 years
asking him to teach you how to kiss
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⤷ bokuto, oikawa, atsumu, suna, kageyama ; gn!reader
warnings/genre: fluff, friends to lovers if you squint, some swearing but it’s mostly in oikawa’s
note: reblogs help me tons, so please reblog <3
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*incoherent noises*
he’s so confused and flustered but he’s so sweet at the same time
wants to be helpful but also wtf do you even know that he’s actually in love with you
he agrees nonetheless
such a giddy mess whenever he realizes that he is the person you wanted to kiss
“Hey, Kou? Do you think you could teach me how to kiss someone?”
It was as though your words froze him; his eyes widened and he held his breath. Then he blinked a few times and turned to look at you.
“You- what?”
“...teach me how to kiss. If you want to, I mean. There’s just... there is this guy, and I don’t know how to kiss, and if I ever wanna, y’know, I want to know how to do it well.”
Bokuto takes a deep breath, and you can feel the atmosphere drop. He guess he knew that you would have feelings for someone eventually, he just figured he would catch on before you thought about kissing someone.
“Well... I mean, normally I wouldn’t mind, but if you’re... if you have feelings for someone else, maybe we shouldn’t?”
“And if that someone else is you?”
There a long pause, for a moment you began to think maybe you’d been reading a lot of signals wrong. But then a smile spread across his face, pink painting his cheeks.
“Maybe I could teach you then.”
i hate this mf i stg /j
he acts all cocky, but in reality he’s freaking out
to him, he’s being very good at hiding that, but you can see his flustered smile and the blush dusting his face
kinda sad that this is temporary but he’ll take what he can get
until you say you wanted to kiss him, in which case he’s openly flustered
“Uh, hey ‘ru? Do you think you could teach me how to kiss?”
A smile bulls at the corner of his lips, his face turning pink. It takes him a few minutes to respond, partially because he doesn’t know if he heard you right and partially because his brain could only form ‘holyshitfuckshitohmygod’
“Uhm- yeah, yeah. Do you... like, is there a particular reason?” He bit down the jealousy — or was it insecurity? he couldn’t tell — for a moment to reclaim his cocky demeanor. “Aw, or does Y/n jus wanna kiss me?”
You don’t reply, just send him a smile. The opening and closing of his mouth in an attempt to say something is actually quite entertaining. He blinks a few times, eyebrows furrowed.
He was kidding, of course he was. Though, he didn’t to be. It was more of a joke to make himself feel a little better, but he hoped that you’d been serious.
“I- I mean, of course you would want to kiss me. Go ahead, angel, I’ll be happy to teach you.”
what he says: i got this
what he means: i don’t got this
he’s going to act all suave and smooth but the truth is he is freaking tf out
he kinda concerned because ?? why are you kissing someone ??
but he figures he also gets to kiss you so he wins at least a little bit
“You know how to kiss someone, right? Could you teach me?”
He coughed, sputtering on his drink and then screwing the cap back on. He cleared his throat, blinking a few times and then staring at you.
“Come again? You- teach you how to kiss?”
A playful smile pulled at your lips and you nodded. You didn’t seem be embarrassed by it in the slightest. The two of you had been friends for years so maybe you did see it as perfectly innocent... right?
“Well.. yeah. Only if you want to, I mean.”
He swallowed thickly, taking a moment to let this run through his mind again. This didn’t feel real, this had to be a dream, right?
“I mean, yeah, that’s fine. But why the hell would you want to know how to kiss someone? You don’t have a partner.”
You smiled again. It seemed almost mockingly to him, you had no idea how one request could make him feel so many emotions all at the same time. Or did you?
“I would want to know how to kiss you.”
━━ SUNA ;
probably the calmest one right beside kags
i mean he’s freaking tf out but he manages to act like he’s calm at least
just smiles and teases you a little, kinda hurts him a little that you aren’t going to kiss him
fun fact: when you tell him you just wanted to kiss him, you’re pretty sure that’s the first time you’ve seen him blush
“Do you think you could teach me how to kiss?”
He doesn’t say anything at first, just moves his eyes to look at you. You can see the gears turning in his head before he takes a deep breath.
Honestly he surprised himself with the level of calmness in his voice. In reality, his heart was beating out of his chest, for two reasons actually. The idea of kissing you was one, and the idea that you wanted to kiss someone other than him was the second.
He moved to sit up in the chair he was sitting in. “But f you’ve got some person that you’re wanting to practice for, maybe that wouldn’t be very moral.”
“But what if you were the person I wanted to kiss, hm?” You sent him a playful smile.
He looked over to you again, this time smiling. He was blushing now, though trying to laugh and act as though he wasn’t that affected by your words. Despite that, it was obvious that he was.
“Then you could just ask, baby. C’mon on try, I’ll be more than happy to teach you. Just know that I like it be thorough.”
he is barely reacting to you but it’s literally only because he doesn’t know wtf to do
honestly he wants to, but the fact that you said ‘teach’ means that there is someone else you would rather kiss
so he hesitates to agree — not because he doesn’t want to kiss you, but because he’s worried he’ll have only a taste of you before someone takes you from him
and that would hurt him more than he would like to admit
“Tobio, we’re friends, right?”
“Uh... yeah, I guess. Why?” He had never hated a word more than he hated ‘friend’.
“So do you think you could teach me how to kiss someone? There’s this really sweet guy, but I don’t... I don’t really know how to kiss someone.”
Kageyama’s breath caught in his throat. There were about a thousand different emotions and thoughts running through him mind right now, none of which he knew how to put into words.
“I’m your friend, and yet you haven’t even told me about this guy, huh?” He teased, though the words hurt him.
It took you a moment to respond. Before, this had seemed like a good idea, but now you were worried. You supposed you could play it off as a joke though.
“Because wouldn’t it be kind of weird to talk to you about you?”
He made an indignant noise, blinking at you, heat rising on his face. He stuttered out a bunch of other noises you couldn’t quite make out before he regained his composure.
“Y- What? There’s, uhm. Well... I guess if you wanted to kiss me that sounds nice.”
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Home for the Holidays
Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! Reader
Warnings: None.
(Edit - A/N: Now why tf did I post this in February...)
Word Count: 1,840
“I’m just a Hufflepuff.”
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“Draco, I’ve got to go to class!” You shrieked through giggles as the blonde headed boy peppered your neck with kisses.
“Just five more minutes.” He protested, continuing to attack you with tickles and kisses.
Another round of laughter bubbled out of your chest, a sound that made his heart flutter. Draco had a knee placed on either side of your hips, keeping you secured down to his mattress. 
“You said that last time and I missed the entire class. I’ve got to go.” You persisted with another giggle, trying to wiggle out of his hold, but to no avail.
“Are you saying that you would rather spend your Friday in class rather than with me?” He questioned, knowing you’d prefer to stay in bed all day.
“Well, I’d clearly love to stay here all day, but I have an Herbology exam that I can’t miss,” You announced, your chuckles dying off as Draco stopped tickling you; “Professor Sprout is already on to me for missing class last time.”
“As if Professor Sprout would actually punish one of her Hufflepuffs.” Draco sneered down at you.
“You’re just upset because she doesn’t hesitate to take House points away when it's you.” You fired back. 
Draco looked off out the window with a laugh, because you definitely weren’t wrong. While he was distracted, you got out from under him and pinned him down on his bed. He fell back onto his pillows with a surprised grunt, smirking as you straddled his hips. He grinned up at you.
“I quite like this view...” He purred, his hands trailing up your waist.
You playfully smacked his shoulder, rolling off of him and his bed. He watched as you threw on your robes and grabbed your books. Draco had Potions first, but he never really cared about being late. You were scuttling around the room so quickly that you didn’t even catch Draco’s sudden shift in demeanor. He sat up, leaning on his elbows.
“[Y/N], we need to talk about Christmas break.” Draco said, causing you to completely freeze. 
You gave him a look, really wishing he hadn’t brought it up. You sighed heavily.
“Not this again.” You warned.
He got off of the bed, following you as you continued to gather all of your stuff. 
“I want you to come spend Christmas break with me and my family.” He stated as you had previously talked about before.
“I already told you no.” You argued, shoving your quill into your bag. 
Draco had mentioned in passing a few days ago that he was making arrangements for you to spend Christmas break with him at the Malfoy Manor. He thought you would be on board with it, which was why he didn’t bother asking you first. Christmas break was only three or four days away, and time was of the essence. He was surprised, though, when you had such a negative reaction to the idea. 
“I don’t want you to spend Christmas alone here.” Draco admitted.
It was true, you had spent all five of your Christmases at Hogwarts. Your family situation was...complicated. Needless to say, you’d much rather stay at school during the break. If only you could stay during the summer too.
You had multiple reasons for being weary of spending Christmas with the Malfoy family. You’d love nothing more than to spend Christmas cuddled up with Draco by a cozy fire, but it was his parents that you were more afraid of. You had never formally met either of them, but had heard stories that made you shudder in intimidation. 
Lucius was a powerful man. Draco was a spitting image of him, and acted like him at times as well. Lucius Malfoy was known for being refined, formal, and serious at every possible moment. He absolutely terrified you inside and out.
Of the two, Narcissa was the one you were less afraid of. According to Draco and other sources, she wasn’t always an unpleasant human being. However, she was proud to have married into the Malfoy name. She took pride in her wealth, and her pureblood family. She believed in having pristine manners, and being your best all the time. She sounded like a crazy possible future mother-in-law.
Fortunately, you had the fact that you were a pureblood on your side. Realistically, Draco never ever would’ve even given you a second thought if you hadn’t been. You knew that his family would be pleased with your blood status, but that fact that you were a Hufflepuff was concerning.
They were all proud Slytherins. They donated impressive brooms to Slytherin’s Quidditch team every year, and money to wherever else they felt it was necessary. You were petrified of what they would say to their Slytherin son dating a Hufflepuff girl. 
“I don’t understand. Why don’t you want to meet my parents? We’ve been together since last January, almost a full bloody year!” He screeched, the tips of his ears turning red with frustration.
“I know that, D. It’s not that I don’t want to, I just-” You stopped off, almost letting it slip.
But Draco was observant. He caught your quick pause, seeing the way you stopped short because you were afraid to tell him something. That was one thing Draco never ever wanted. He never wanted you to be fearful to tell him something, but he was still irritated.
“You’re being selfish. I just want you to have a nice holiday and you won’t even accept it.” He snarled.
You didn’t want to tell him. You were more afraid of what he would say about how his parents would react to you being a Hufflepuff. Him acting this way wasn’t helping. You slung your bag over your shoulder, ducking out of his room before he could stop you.
“I have to go.” You said, rushing out of the Slytherin tower.
Draco went to chase after you, but decided to let you go. He’d get to the bottom of this. One way or another. He knew if you didn’t come home with him for Christmas, then you’d be stuck at school by yourself, because all of your friends would be home. He hated the thought of you spending Christmas alone. If you wouldn’t come with him, then he was going to stay with you. However, he still wanted to know why you were so apprehensive about meeting his parents.
You couldn’t focus on Herbology for the life of you. You kept thinking about how disappointed Draco looked when you told him no. You didn’t want to ever hurt his feelings, but the thought of spending two weeks with his parents was far too frightening. 
You avoided Draco for the rest of the day, thinking about how you were going to respond when you did finally have to have that conversation. You were quiet during dinner at The Great Hall, refusing to meet Draco’s stare that you could feel from a few tables away. He had been itching to talk to you since you had left him that morning, and he was afraid you were going to make official plans to stay at school over the break. Then you really wouldn’t be coming back home with him. 
You booked it out of The Great Hall once you were dismissed from dinner, hoping to sneak back to your dorm undetected. You sighed in relief when you made it to the Hufflepuff common room, continuing your commute to your room. You had originally planned on spending the night in your room alone to figure this all out, but your plans changed when you saw a familiar face sitting on your bed, like a puppy waiting for its owner to come back.
Draco was sitting with his legs folded, and his head perking up when you walked in. You had left dinner in such a hurry that you were quite shocked that he had gotten here before you. You weren’t sure if he was still angry with you, so you approached lightly.
“Hey. How’d you beat me here?” You questioned.
He gave a proud smirk.
“I’m quick like that.” He bragged.
You gave a soft laugh, comforted that he didn’t seem to be angry anymore. You knew he had come to talk. You supposed that now was as good as any other time. He extended his hand to you, requesting that you sit with him. You shrugged off your robes, before taking his hand and joining him on your small bed. Your room was quiet, his hand cupping the side of your face and stroking your cheek with his thumb.
He leaned forward a little, looking into your bright eyes that he loved so much. He could see the anticipation behind them.
“Kiss me.” He whispered.
You met him halfway, kissing him gently. You had missed him today, in all honesty.
“I didn’t see you all day...how was your Herbology test?” He asked after he pulled away.
“It was fine,” You said, getting right to the point; “I’m guessing you didn’t race me back here to talk about Herbology.”
His fingertips danced over the material of your skirt. You knew him so well.
“No, I didn’t,” He admitted; “Darling, why won’t you come back home with me?”
You averted your eyes to everywhere but him.
“You come from wealth and prosperity...your parents are very well known.” You began.
Draco nodded, but didn’t say anything yet.
“You’re all pureblood Slytherins and I...well...” You paused; “I’m just a Hufflepuff.”
Draco’s eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement. He shifted closer to you.
“’Just a Hufflepuff’? You’re not just a Hufflepuff,” He corrected; “Do you think that my parents won’t accept you because you’re not a Slytherin?”
“Are you saying that they will?” You asked, suddenly looking at him.
Draco sighed heavily. He wouldn’t lie, the thought had crossed his mind. He was curious to see their reaction, because they always assumed he’d bring home a Slytherin, or maybe a Ravenclaw. He didn’t want you to be ashamed of your House.
“If they don’t, then they’re going to have to learn to,” He said, kissing your hand; “Because I’m not giving you up for them.”
You gave a short, but rather unamused laugh. You were still worried. 
“Do you think they’ll like me? Aside from being a Hufflepuff?” You asked.
Draco smiled proudly, leaning in again so his lips were close to yours.
“Darling, they’re going to love you,” He said honestly; “If nothing else, I want to spend the whole holiday snuggled up with my favorite girl.” 
You sheepishly laughed, a smile appearing on your face. You loved the sound of that.
“There’s that stunning smile,” He added; “So, what do you say? Will you come home with me for Christmas?”
You pondered for a moment. While you were still nervous, you realized that the important part would be spending Christmas with Draco, regardless of what his parents thought. You had to admit, it’d be nice to actually have someone to spend the holiday with. 
“Yes. I will.”
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Friendly Competition
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Request: Ok so the bau reader and Spencer aren’t dating but have been like hanging out and going for dinner and doing movie nights and such (not calling anything a date tho), and then on a case an officer is all flirty with the reader over the few days that they’ve been there and spencer gets all moody and jealous and is kind of a jerk and has to apologize but it also pushes him to finally ask the reader out on a real date
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! Sorry this took me so long to publish like tf I could have finished this yesterday, but I took a lil (two hour) nap and then goofed around on my laptop for hours a mess i know. All that being said this was a request I loved writing because who doesn’t love a jealous Spencer? Enjoy! (side note: I wrote this fic without specifying a gender/specific pronouns to include readers who do not identify as female/woman/she/her. I’m trying my hand at it here because the request only said BAU reader, so I thought it might be nice to make this request more inclusive. To whoever sent this in, I hope that’s okay with you and that you like it!)
Couple: Spencer Reid/Bau!Reader 
Category: Angsty fluff
Content warning: Slight mention of murder
Word count: 2.3k
You and Spencer were sitting in the conference room in the Dallas Police department. You and the team had been called in to investigate a series of female bodies popping up in a river bed. It had been two days since you had reached Dallas and the case was making a bit of progress.
Hotch had assigned you and Spencer to tackle geographical profiling. Geographical profiling wasn’t your natural talent, but the dynamic energy you and Spencer had at work was undeniable. Outside of work it was even better. Recently you had found yourself going on outings with Spencer. Whenever he wanted to do something you were the first person he would ask.
It was quite fun hanging out with Spencer after work. Whether it was a movie, dinner or stroll through the park, he made it the best time for you. You found him entertaining and charming on these special occasions. You hoped he would want to ask you out on an official date.
In the meantime though, you two worked diligently on solving the case at hand. You both were looking at a map of the area and pinpointing spots these women were last seen alive. Your mapping was interrupted by a knock on the door. You both turned around to see officer Mark Lucas at the doorway with his hands behind his back.
He had been around during the several conversations detective Frederick had with the team. Every time he looked at you with star-spangled eyes. He would repeatedly ask you if you needed anything as well. The day prior he asked if you wanted anything for dinner and the both of you could go get it. You politely declined, but found it cute how intrigued he was by you.
Spencer on the other hand found it quite obnoxious. Every time Mark would compliment you, touch you or stand slightly too close to you, you could feel Spencer’s blood pressure rise. Mark’s admiration for you was for sure overbearing and he made it known loud and proud. He would take any opportunity to flirt with you and every time Spencer would make sure you knew he was upset.
He smiled at you. “So, what’s that beautiful mind of yours thinking of?”
You tried to hide your blush by looking away from him. He definitely had an undeniable southern charm about him. You looked over to Spencer to see him roll his eyes at what Mark had said. You could tell since day one he didn’t like Mark’s presence. He would always look at him weird or roll his eyes.
“We’re just doing some geographical profiling,” you explained.
“I thought you were hard at work. Bet you’re pretty hungry,” he said and then revealed what was behind his back.
It was a white paper bag. He placed it in front of you and eagerly awaited as you opened it to inspect what was inside. It was a sandwich, bottle of water and fries from a local diner you had mentioned to him yesterday. He was definitely a good listener.
You smiled. “Thank you, Mark. I really appreciate it.”
“A man like me couldn’t bear to see you work so hard as you do and not supply you with food. It’s the minimum I could do for an extraordinary person like you, Y/N,” he said.
“There are women popping up dead down the road and you can’t bear seeing Y/N hungry? Makes me wonder where your real priorities are at,” Spencer bitterly said.
You were taken aback by his snippy tone. You had never heard Spencer talk to anyone besides a suspect or unsub like that. You were starting to wonder if he had the same hatred towards Mark. You didn’t get why though. It wasn’t as if you two were exclusive or anything.
Mark smiled at him. “Don’t take this gesture as me not caring about the crime, agent, because I do. I just thought you folk would be hungry doing all this hard work.”
“First of all, it’s Doctor and if that’s true then I guess you must have left my lunch back at the diner,” Spencer said as he got up from his seat.
“Where are you going? We still have to finish this geographical profile,” you said.
“I’m going on a lunch break as well. More than one of us needs to eat,” he said as he started walking towards the door.
“Well, if this spot’s empty, may I keep you company?” Mark said as he took Spencer’s seat beside you.
You smiled at him. “Go ahead.”
“Don’t you have some paperwork or something you have to do?” Spencer asked.
Mark looked at him with a playful confused face. “I thought we were on lunch break?”
Spencer opened his mouth to say something back to Mark which you knew would be vicious. You looked at him and shook your head, discouraging the bickering from going any further. He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. You and Mark watched as he walked off. You sighed and shook your head.
“Don’t worry ‘bout him, darlin’. He just needs to take a break to cool off,” Mark assured you.
You shrugged. “I guess, but I hate seeing him upset.”
“He just needs some space. After he gets something in his system he’ll be brand new. Maybe if you start eating too you’ll feel better as well,” Mark said.
You smiled. “I guess so.”
After having lunch with Mark, he had to go back to his patrol duty for the afternoon. It was nice having some company while you ate. Spencer hadn’t come back like you thought he would since he usually only drinks coffee for lunch anyway. It was probably for the best since Mark was taking every moment you two spent together to shower you with endless compliments. If Spencer was there he would have definitely had a few words to say.
You walked down the hall to go to the kitchen to fill up your water bottle. Before you entered you saw Spencer walking your way with a coffee in his hand. You smiled and waved at him as he looked at you with a smile as well.
“I see you needed a bit of coffee to brighten your mood,” you said.
“I think I needed a break from seeing that officer drool all over you,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “He wasn’t drooling over me.”
“He’s been drooling over you ever since we’ve got here and you eat it up. No need to deny it, Y/N,” he said.
“Whatever, it’s not even important right now. We’ll get back to work as soon as I fill up my water bottle,” you said as you walked into the kitchen.
You heard Spencer’s footsteps follow you inside the kitchen. To both of your surprise, Mark was in there getting ready to take the trash out. He saw you walk in and instantly smiled.
“Hello, beautiful. Don’t you have some work you need to be finishing up?” Mark asked with a beaming smile.
“Yeah, I’m just filling up my water bottle before Spencer and I get back to it,” you said as you approached the sink.
He walked up to you. “Allow me. Can’t have you working too hard on little tasks like this.”
“Y/N’s capable of turning on a tap and filling a water bottle,” Spencer snapped.
“No need to have your knickers in a knot, agent. It’s just some good ol’ southern hospitality I’m offering to Y/N,” he said.
“I’m flattered, really, Mark, but I don’t want you to miss your patrol duty and get into trouble,” you said.
“No need to worry, gorgeous. I had to clean the kitchen up a little first anyway. I don’t mind making your day a bit easier,” he said.
“Okay, you know what, whenever you two are serious about finding this unsub, let me know,” Spencer said as he turned around to walk out the door.
“Spencer, are you serious right now? You don’t think we’re serious about finding this unsub?” You asked.
He turned around. “I know you somewhat are, Y/N, but the southern hospitality oriented officer isn’t. I’ll finish the geographical profile on my own. Hotch needs some help with interviews anyway.”
You looked at him in shock. “It’s one thing to be a jerk, but to reassign me to do something else is another thing.”
You turned around to quickly fill up your water bottle and then stormed up to Spencer. You could tell by his eyes he started to feel bad about what he had said. You didn’t care though. If this was how he was going to deal with his jealousy towards Mark, it was time to give him some space. He needed some time to find the real reason why he had to make his jealousy go so far.
“I’m going to Hotch now. Talk to me when you decide you don’t want to be a child anymore,” you said.
Before Spencer could say anything to you, you stormed off. You didn’t want to hear him explain himself because you knew it would be some weak excuse. You soon shed what had occurred in the kitchen, so you could focus on interviewing with Hotch. The case was more important at the moment than immature boy drama.
The next day you were out on the road with Hotch, JJ and Rossi as all of you went to the areas the victims were last seen. The geographical profile Spencer had finished was handy, you had to admit. Would have probably been even better if you could have helped finish it.
On the way back to the police department, you thought about if Spencer had gotten over his jealousy. You had never seen him act so viciously to another man before. You guess Mark was coming on a bit strong, but Spencer and you weren’t much more outside of friends. His actions made you wonder if he saw you as something more.
When you and everyone else arrived at the station, you decided you wanted to use the washroom before helping them deliver the profile. Hotch had allowed everyone ten minutes to prep before they delivered the profile. As you made your way towards the washroom, something caught your eye in the conference room. You saw Spencer sitting in there alone. He looked as if he was in deep thought.
Your curiosity got the best of you and you walked into the room. He hadn’t noticed you since his eyes were still focused on the table, eyebrows still furrowed. You slightly cleared your throat to get his attention. His head immediately shot up and when he saw it was you, his face soon softened.
“I wasn’t expecting you guys to be back so early,” he said as he sat up in his chair.
“Well, we have everything we need to deliver the profile now,” you said.
“I see. Do you have a few minutes to spare before then?” He asked.
You shrugged. “I guess I have some time to spare for you.”
He smiled as he pulled out the chair to his right for you. You walked over and took your seat. You could already tell by his face how sorry he was about yesterday. He looked adorable as his face was slightly pink with embarrassment and you could tell he was searching for the right words to say to you.
“Y/N, I’m sorry about my behaviour yesterday. It was out of line and I shouldn’t have said you didn’t care about the case,” he apologized.
“Why were you so angry? Is someone a bit jealous of Mark?” You asked.
He looked down in embarrassment. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
“What? I can’t hear you with your face to the floor,” you said.
He looked up into your eyes. “I guess I am jealous of Mark. He shows you this undying admiration and love and I thought you were enjoying his company more than you could ever enjoy mine.”
“What? That’s nearly impossible, Spence. I love your company the most,” you assured him.
“Again, I wasn’t thinking rationally for the past few days. I thought about it last night and I think why this jealousy flared up so much is because I thought I was too late.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Too late for what?”
“Too late to actually ask you out on a real date. I’ve been meaning to, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted to.”
“Why did you think I didn’t want to?”
“Because I didn’t think you saw me more than a friend, so I built an irrational sense of jealousy over that assumption.”
You sighed, but it soon turned into a giggle. “I thought Doctorate graduates had to do labs before publishing their research? You’re out here making all these assumptions without even testing it first.”
He chuckled. “I know, it was stupid of me to do and I’m sorry again.”
“No hard feelings at all.”
He smiled as he eagerly looked at you. You looked at him confused as you didn’t know what he was waiting for. Then his face turned into a worried expression which made you look at him worried.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“You didn’t answer if you’d actually want to go out on a real date or not,” he said.
You laughed. “Spence, actually ask me in context. What you said didn’t count as a question, it was a confession.”
He chuckled. “Okay, okay. Would you want to go out on a real date with me?”
“Only on one condition,” you said.
He looked at you confused. “Anything. What’s the condition?”
“I get to revoke your Doctorate until you prove to me why they gave you three again because I think they need to reevaluate your critical thinking skills,” you joked.
He laughed. “Almost anything.”
You both laughed as you two headed out of the conference room. As you both headed out you saw Mark walking towards you two. In a second Spencer grabbed your hand to hold it. You looked at him and saw him beaming with pride as you two walked by Mark. You rolled your eyes. No matter how smart a man was, a man in love would always be dumb.
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hi they released four pages of the Clementine comic that’s coming out and they all make my brain mad. 
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I can’t be the only one who was pretending that the Clementine comic was just a massive shared hallucination, right? That it wasn’t real and everything is chill? That skybound weren’t just trying to cash in on Clementine thus ruining her story and what her journey represented and meant to the fans? Yeah well, back in reality I said I would go through each page and talk about them because they bad.... they bad. 
Which it’s bizarre that we got the 12 page comic of Clementine abandoning everyone because she was just soooo unhappy, and it was terrible... but then we get a mere 4 more pages for the actual upcoming graphic novel and it just gets worse. How did they do that? How is it somehow worse? I dunno!
Alright let’s go, let’s talk about ‘em. 
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First up, Clementine getting a new foot. Not much is shown in the environment, since it’s all blacked out. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s inside somewhere. I dunno if this is Amos giving it to her or someone else, but apparently someone just happens to have a spare lying around to give to her, someone who has made several of them in the past. Super convenient. 
Really wish I could feel something reading this. Clementine getting a new foot that she can better walk on? You mean like how AJ said he’d make her a new foot and he’d ask Willy about it? And it was super sweet and you could tell that meant a lot to Clementine? 
Well whoever this dingus is, they’re not AJ soooo I should care why? Moving on.
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Speaking of Amos, here he is in all of his amish glory. He and Clementine are in some town, a lot of buildings and plenty of walkers. Amos is telling Clementine to quit standing around staring at the walkers like a dingus and get in his carriage thing. Uhh can’t really tell, but I think there are more people in the carriage? I can see Clem and Amos, but it looks like another body is in there but I can’t tell nor do I really care. 
All I gather here is that Amos knows Clementine’s name, so they’ve been introduced at this point, and she’s willing to escape with him. Cool. Neat. 
Also love that all she has to say as they’re escaping this massive horde of death is just “Ohmygod.” like.... I don’t know why that’s funny to me, there isn’t even an exclamation point, it’s all one word, and her dumb face looks like she’s cringing at how weird the dialogue is in this comic. 
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Oh good, the page that pisses me off. 
Now I’m not the first to say it as others have gotten the vibe too but uh.... Amos is coming off like a white, blond Louis in this page. What, did Tillie happen upon Lou’s concept art and was like “heeeeey I can do a thing with that” because.... that’s not great. At all. 
Also, even though he’s attempting to give Louis vibes, I still don’t think Amos is gonna be a love interest at all. I was assuming he’d be younger but he’s about the same size as Clem? and that doesn’t really mean too much as Clem is small and he might just be a tall kid, but I still stand by Tillie forcing a new girlfriend onto Clementine. I’ve read a few of Tillie’s other graphic novels, and as far as I can tell she’s only written wlw couples. Also, she said she wanted to use Clementine to show what it’s like being queer in the apocalypse because apparently that’s the only thing she took from TFS and sorry, but pairing a canon bisexual with a dude wouldn’t be gay enough for Tilllie or the apocalypse soooo.... I wouldn’t worry too much about Amos. 
So Clementine calls Amos the most ridiculous person she’s ever met which.... uh, Tillie, I’m once again questioning if you even bothered to play the games because I doubt this random amish kid is the most ridiculous person she’s encountered. Just sayin.’
So Amos lost all of his stuff but it’s fine, he’s got his shirts, Clementine glares him down and then he asks her to come with him. 
And she calls him an idiot. 
Ugh. It’s like.... why is she being an ass? Are we in ANF right now? Is she about to shoot someone for looking at her funny? Is she gonna go off about how everyone she loved is dead or has left her even though she’s the one who straight up abandoned AJ, Louis, and the rest of Ericson so she doesn’t get to talk shit? 
Oh wait, you’re right, that was different because clearly all she was to them was a bodyguard, and Clementine isn’t interested in being anyone’s bodyguard anymore. 
....How? May I ask that? Just... how? 
Tillie, is that how you viewed Clementine and AJ’s relationship? What, did you play TFS? Or are you just one of those people who don’t like AJ because he takes too much away from Clementine and really, when you think about it, Clem should be super bitter toward AJ for forcing her to raise him when he was just a baby and had no one else. He took away so many years from her! She should want to get away from him since y’know, fun fact, he did cut off her leg and suuuure it saved her life or whatever but now she has no leg so really he did more harm than good, no? Really, WE missed the subtext of Clementine’s growing resentment of him and Ericson for forcing her to be their personal bodyguard. 
You can’t tell right now, but I’m doing the laugh.
It’s so bad. 
Also, didn’t Clementine leave because she wasn’t happy? Because she sure doesn’t seem happy wandering around here by herself, she doesn’t seem happy talking with Amos, she’s just coming off like a prick. You know it’s bad when I read this page and feel bad for Amos.
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Oh good, you brought Lee into this bullshit, too. Nothing is sacred anymore smh
Alright, Clementine is having nightmares about Lee. He’s got a hold of her, and then he doesn’t, and she’s about to be grabbed by all those walkers when she jolts awake. 
So... she’s having dreams about Lee abandoning her to the walkers? 
That’s super funny.
Especially since he never did that and Clementine was always firm in her belief that he cared about her, that he died saving her life sooo what? You feelin’ a bit of your own guilt for abandoning AJ or something, Clem? You feelin’ any happier?
Ugh, I knew Lee was gonna be a part of this comic since Tillie mentioned he would be, so it’s not like I’m surprised to see this is what she’s doing with him. I mean, if she’s not gonna get anything else right, why expect her to get Lee right? 
And that’s all the pages. Just reading them again makes me tired, they make me even less excited for the full thing. Uhh as for the art style, it’s whatever, it’s a little different to Tillie’s usual style but the more I look at it, the more I believe it doesn’t lend itself well to this universe or style of story, and Clementine just looks like a dull, lifeless version of herself which I suppose is fitting as this entire comic feels passionless but y’know..... cow, milk, yadda yadda. 
Anyway, what do y’all think? 
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Dumb Luck
Prompt: the usual "Everyone knows Merlin has Magic but Merlin doesn't know they know" but Arthur's being really fucking thick about it. Everything that could possibly be magic Arthur has brushed off as luck or something. At some point Merlin realizes that the knights know (or maybe he's known all along) and the knights tell Merlin that Arthur knows but he's being stupid, which leads to Merlin performing increasingly extravagant/impressive/silly magic in front of Arthur until the point Arthur just asks if Merlin would like him to acknowledge the fact that he doesn't care that Merlin has magic
no brain cells for these boys, leon stop hoarding them
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none!
Pairings: merthur, can be platonic or romantic who tf knows
Word Count: 2943
Alright. Merlin’s going to be honest. Is the absolute best at hiding his magic from people? No. Is he a damn sight near better than some other bastards would be if they had his magic? Yes, yes, he is, thank you very much. They would do quite well to remember that he is magic, and he’s had it since he was born, so he knows what he’s doing when it comes to knowing that he has it. Yes, thank you, he doesn’t go around doing every single thing he could with magic because well, then he’d never get to do much of anything ever again.
And that would be boring.
But yes, maybe he’s a little petty or lazy sometimes. Honestly, he’s just being efficient. Yes, he can justify pettiness as efficient. He’s just getting them back for something that he would otherwise have to expend so much effort doing. It’s very handy.
So the knights work out he has magic. Big surprise there, he knows. Lancelot is Lancelot, Gwaine is Gwaine. Percival stumbles in on him lifting too much a little too easily and cracks a joke about having Merlin pull his weight more on hunting trips and patrols. Elyan watches him fix armor and immediately clamors to bring Merlin to his and Gwen’s forge so he can actually show him how to fix armor.
Leon takes him aside quietly one day and thanks him. Merlin doesn’t start crying, he doesn’t end up breaking down into Leon’s arms, and Leon definitely doesn’t promise that although Merlin may not have been knighted, he thinks of him as his brother in arms.
Leon is very rude sometimes, as a matter of fact.
But Arthur doesn’t seem to notice.
Now, Arthur doesn’t notice a lot. Doesn’t notice Merlin shifting his chair a little bit so he crashes onto the floor, doesn’t notice Gwen spending just a hair too much time with Morgana in the evenings, doesn’t notice the guards that don’t even pay attention to the dungeons. Like, at all.
But there are some things he…should notice.
Like when a branch suddenly lifts itself up from a forest floor to trip a bandit.
“Bandits,” Merlin mutters under his breath, “why is it always bandits?”
He deflects a blow and sends one of them flying into a tree. Behind him, Elyan parries a blow and deftly clubs the man over the head. Arthur is battling another bandit a few paces away as one tries to run up behind him.
Merlin’s hand is out in a flash and the tree branch right in front of Arthur wheels up and smacks the man across the face.
Arthur whirls around and cuts the other man down, successfully putting an end to the fight. Around the clearing, the knights shake their heads and go about picking up the rest of their camp. Really, being far too calm for men who just killed a bunch of people.
Except for Merlin.
Merlin, while this is happening, is slowly coming to the conclusion that he would like to be swallowed up by the ground and never emerge again.
He just used magic, very obviously, in front of Arthur.
Is this the first time he’s done it? No, not by a long shot, but it is the first time he’s done it without any regard for whether Arthur can see.
Arthur turns and Merlin’s heart drops to his stomach.
Arthur wrenches his sword out of the ground and stalks over to him.
Arthur roughly grabs his shoulder. Shakes. Hard.
“Merlin! Merlin, answer me?”
Arthur’s face is drawn. Grim. Almost his father’s. His grip hurts.
“Where are you hurt?”
Merlin blinks. What? Where is he what?
“Where is it, Merlin,” Arthur growls again, already looking him over, “where did they hurt you?”
“I’m—I’m not hurt.”
“You’re paler than a damn sheet, Merlin, you must be losing blood.” Arthur’s hand is…surprisingly gentle as it lifts his chin. “Tell me where. Come on. Now’s not the time for shame.”
“No, no,” Merlin mumbles, “I’m not—not hurt. Didn’t get hurt.”
Arthur slows, grim expression morphing to confusion. “Then why do you look so…”
If in doubt, poke fun at yourself.
“Just scared, I guess,” Merlin tries with a self-deprecating laugh, “wasn’t expecting bandits.”
Arthur huffs, lightly shoving his shoulder. “Leave it to you to be such a drama queen that I think you’re bleeding out.”
“’S nice of you to care.”
“Just glad I don’t have to drag your corpse back to Gaius.”
So that was…bizarre. Not the most bizarre thing that’s ever happened to Merlin, not at all, but bizarre. Arthur may be a little unobservant at times but he’s not that oblivious.
But, in fairness to him—which is something Merlin tries not to do too often—he was in the middle of a fight and had just killed a man. Knights may not be known for the smarts but they are known for their overprotectiveness.
Yes, he can hear you lot protesting over there, it’s true and you know it.
And maybe…maybe Merlin’s been getting a little sick of Gaius screaming about how secret his magic must be kept in broad daylight with the door wide open. Listen, if you think he’s about to get scolded by your parental unit and not immediately find some way to rebel, you don’t know Merlin very well.
And yes, maybe there’s a sick little thrill he gets out of doing magic in front of Arthur.
So. The next time they’re on a hunting trip and he’s as sure as he can be that there aren’t any bandits around, he decides to push a little bit.
Arthur is lounging around because you can take the prince out of the castle but you can’t take the castle out of the prince and he thinks he’s still about to receive the finest of dishes that Camelot’s kitchens can prepare. Well, no, but he is about to not have to cook it himself.
“Light the fire, Merlin, it’s not that hard.”
“Have you ever lit a fire a day in your life?”
“Sure, when I was training.”
“Training? You needed training to learn how to light a fire?”
“It was survival training, with the elder knights. Had to survive a night on my own.”
“On your own?”
“Well, my own campsite. They stayed about a league away.”
Merlin just sighs and crouches down. He eyes Arthur, who is tending to his sword, and then very slowly but pointedly sets the flint and steel aside. Arthur isn’t paying much attention to him.
Slowly, Merlin leans forward and lights the fire with his magic.
Arthur looks up. Merlin looks back at him. Arthur swings the sword off his lap. He sets it on the log, his hand still wrapped around the pommel. The tip of the blade points straight at Merlin’s chest. It gleams in the firelight.
“See? I told you it wasn’t hard.”
Is…is he serious?
As it turns out, yes. Arthur is completely serious.
And at this point, this is science, now, what Merlin’s doing. Experiments. He has to know the limits! He has a hypothesis, he has a method, he wants to reach a conclusion.
Hypothesis: Arthur is really, really oblivious to anything magical.
Method: do increasingly obvious magic in front of Arthur until he notices.
Conclusion: how oblivious is Arthur?
An important caveat: Merlin doesn’t know how Arthur will react to finding out he has magic, but he can burn that bridge when he gets there.
So when he wakes Arthur up the next morning, he draws the curtains with a flourish and when Arthur turns over and pulls the blanket up to his cheek in protest, he flicks his wrist and yanks the covers off the bed.
What does Arthur do?
Mumble and groan and stumble out of bed saying Merlin’s worse than his first governess.
“Wait, first?”
“Morgana and I snuck a toad into her bed. She quit after that.”
“You two did what?”
“Think there’s still frog spawn in that bed frame. Father had that chamber closed off for a while.”
“You—eat your breakfast, you prat.”
“You’re the one that pulled my blankets away!”
…okay, so he needs to take it up a notch.
One of the ones that pisses Gaius off the most is when Merlin uses magic to polish multiple pieces of Arthur’s armor at the same time. So when Arthur is at his desk, Merlin lays his shield across his lap and grabs two polishing rags. He sets the can of polish next to him and starts working on the shield. When he’s sure Arthur is focusing, he uses his magic to lift the breastplate up next to him and start to beat out the dents.
“Merlin,” Arthur sighs, “can you keep it down any?”
Showtime. “Don’t know what you mean, sire.”
“That bloody racket! Can you at least be a little quieter?”
“What racket?”
Arthur shoves the paper away from him and glares at the ceiling. “That banging! It’s so loud I can barely hear myself think!”
“It’s no louder than you normally are, sire.”
“Oh, you—I ought to—“ Arthur just mutters to himself as he claps his hands over his ears.
But he never looks toward Merlin.
So maybe Arthur isn’t ignoring him because he’s oblivious. Maybe…maybe he knows already and is…is trying to protect Merlin.
Uther is still King of Camelot. Morgana is outspoken against his cruelty but he is still very much in charge. There’s only so much protection the knights can afford him. There’s only so much protection Arthur can afford him.
So…so maybe Arthur is pretending he doesn’t see because he knows he can’t save Merlin if he has to acknowledge it.
Merlin takes a few days to process that. The knights are concerned, they ask him what’s wrong, what does he need, how can they help? He waves them off, says he’s just thinking.
“Maybe,” Lancelot says kindly, “but with you, Merlin, you’re never just thinking.”
“Or at least it doesn’t stay that way for very long,” Gwaine agrees, slinging an arm around Merlin’s shoulders, “and I don’t know about you lot but I like a little bit of forewarning before I wake up to ale in my shoes.”
“You asked for another round, you didn’t say where.”
“Why the hell would I want them in my shoes?”
Gwaine does what Gwaine always does and steers the attention away from Merlin, leaving Leon and Lancelot to carefully prod him a little more privately. He waves them off too, even though he’s sure he isn’t keeping as much as he would like to be from Leon.
Merlin stops using his magic as much. He does his chores as much as he can using his two hands, lugs buckets of water without complaint, polishes armor until his nose burns and his eyes sting. He uses his magic for particularly stubborn stains in his room and keeps a sharper eye out for how to move this bandit’s sword a little to the right, or how to make this knight’s staff a little heavier.
He thinks Arthur is trying to hide for him, so he hides for Arthur.
Then he can’t hide.
A sorcerer is threatening to collapse the walls of Camelot in on themselves. The entire citadel shakes as Merlin and the knights rush out, dragging as many people as they can. The stone trembles and the wood groans and there are screams. More screams than Merlin could ever bear to hear join the chorus of more than he could ever know that plague him every time he closes his eyes.
He shuts them anyway and runs.
He runs away from the knights, magic pushing him faster, faster, faster with the need to protect the castle, protect the people, protect Arthur. The sorcerer is pulling him away from his people and for that…for that, he must pay.
By the time he gets to the field, it is rippling with magic. Merlin’s fingertips, his ears, even his nose tingles as he rushes deeper, deeper, deeper, trying to get to the eye of the storm.
There, in the middle of a patch of grass, stands a sorcerer. In robes deeper than night and hair whipped up in the wind of the spell.
Merlin grits his teeth and says no.
And when the Greatest Sorcerer to Ever Walk the Earth calls, Magic answers.
The sorcerer is dust before he manages to open his mouth. The field settles. Magic returns to the earth. And Merlin collapses to his knees as the knights run up behind him.
He isn’t a fool, despite what others may have led you to believe. He knows this was magic, could only be magic, and could only be stopped by magic.
So when the knights rush up to him and collapse to their knees around him, muttering that he’s alright, he did it, he’s safe, he did it, is he hurt, all he can think of is how he’s going to have to explain this to Arthur.
They tell him he doesn’t need to explain anything. That Arthur already knows, that he doesn’t care.
Merlin doesn’t believe them. Even if he saved Camelot, which he’s already done, he has magic. He used magic to do it.
They tell him again that it doesn’t matter, that Arthur doesn’t, won’t care.
But Merlin still has to tell him.
“Tell me what?”
Arthur rushes into the clearing. He can hear him behind them. He can’t find it in him to get up. The knights are still around him, he can hear Lancelot’s voice in his ear, feel Leon’s hands on his shoulders, but he can’t move. Can’t speak.
“Tell me what,” Arthur repeats, and oh, he sounds angry, “what is it?”
“Merlin,” someone—Gwaine—is muttering, “Merlin, it’s alright, he won’t care, he doesn’t care—“
“Of course I care,” comes the cold, cold voice and Gwaine falters, “now move.”
Merlin’s chest clenches. There’s the sharp sing of steel as Gwaine draws his sword.
“Put it down.”
“Nope, can’t do that.”
Then Leon stands up. “Arthur, please think carefully about this.”
“I don’t have to think carefully about anything. Merlin is hurt, let me tend to him. He’s mine.”
“You won’t hurt him.”
“No, I certainly don’t intend to, so move.”
Lancelot’s hands are the last to leave him. Merlin is cold. It’s so cold. His magic buries deep inside his chest and it feels hard to breathe.
Boots. Boots on the ground in front of him. They flatten the grass as a shadow blocks the light. Armor creaks as the figure kneels down. A gauntleted hand cups his chin.
“Merlin,” comes a voice that’s soft, too soft, “Merlin, I need you to look at me.”
And what is he supposed to do, disobey?
Arthur’s face is too warm when Merlin looks up at him. His mouth tugs up into a little smile as Merlin finally makes eye contact with him.
“There you are,” he says, still in that soft voice that doesn’t make sense, “now, are you hurt?”
Merlin can only blink.
“Merlin,” he says, and his voice is a little firmer as he cups Merlin’s chin properly, “are you hurt? What happened?”
His throat is too dry. “Not hurt.”
Arthur relaxes, only marginally. “Then why do you look so upset?”
The world could collapse and Merlin would be frozen here, trapped in the silence of Arthur’s gaze.
Unbidden, his eyes flash gold.
Arthur takes a sharp breath in. Merlin braces for a hit only for—
“Oh, you idiot,” Arthur whispers, “do I actually need to tell you I don’t care if you have magic?”
Go back.
One more time.
“I don’t care, you idiot,” he says in a tone that is too fond, “I don’t care that you have magic. You have it, you’re still Merlin, I don’t care.”
Rough metal gauntlets cup his face and oh—it’s cold—
“Merlin, look at me.”
“I—I am.”
“No, look.”
He blinks and has to focus on looking at Arthur.
“I’m not mad,” Arthur says firmly, “and I don’t care that you have magic.”
Merlin starts to laugh. Because of course, of course, Arthur doesn’t care. He’s been so stupid. Arthur doesn’t care. Arthur doesn’t care. He’s doubled over before he can stop himself. The laughs keep pouring out of him, his magic rushing back to his fingers, his nose, his chest. He laughs long and loud and hard and then Arthur is murmuring at him again because no, no, he isn’t laughing anymore, he’s crying.
“Come here, you big baby,” Arthur murmurs, tucking him into the gentlest embrace he’s ever had from someone wearing armor, “yes, there you go, that’s it.”
He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care.
Arthur has known Merlin has magic and he doesn’t care.
…wait, does that make Merlin the oblivious one?
Nah, that couldn’t be it.
It’s not like Arthur is hiding anything else from Merlin.
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Omg thank you so much for your posts about rinharu!! :"")) I was one of those people who were like "why are rinharu fighting again?? Did kyoani purposely seperate them /again/ just for the sake of drama ?? (And so that they have more oppurtunities to showcase other ships??)" I was really irked at first cuz i thought the first part of TFS is finally going to be a movie about rinharu being a powercouple, but! After reading your posts i realised that haru never really moved on from rin leaving, even in S3 the reason why hiyori's words affected him was because he thought he caused rin to leave (and by extension ikuya, but lbr haru wasn't as frustrated with ikuya nearly as much as he was with rin right) so i'm just here to say.. thank you so much for opening my eyes!!! Now i'm really looking forward to the second part!!
Awww no problem <3 tbh I've always said that free is one of those that has so many nuances left bts that it's sometimes confusing for those who aren't as invested I think. Like there's so many important things that are left out and are in additional materials, that some has no idea what's going on at times. Like back in the days when some interpreted s2 in the opposite way bc of that one thing. My point is that not everyone is even watches stuff like recaps for example (where there are in fact new easter eggs and so many important things like Rin's dad death aftermath etc), and even less read novels and checked side stories and dramas.
For example, in books this Haru's issue about him thinking he's cursed and hurts everyone with his swimming is a huge thing, when Asahi "lost his ability to swim" after seeing Haru's free. But in SD it wasn't adressed at all tbh.
And what Haru feels for Rin is such tornado of emotions, that surprised even me with all the descriptions, bc like it's real bad. Like that part I posted from the chapter when Rin leaves is at least understandable, since he leaves. But the way he reacts to him in general even when he just appears in his sight is always described as if someone tortures him for real lol. And he's always like "pls someone save me, I don't know how to deal with this, bc I've never felt such emotions before".
So basically, like yeah, he's as it is has this thing, when he thinks of himself as some bad omen, so he's very sensitive about it, but since everything Rin-related feels x100000000 for him, its just... well, it hurt for a very long time and sadly was just overlooked by a certain someone, so here we are.
I think we all at first believed that bc Rin's so shocked and in disbelief that Haru could even think that it was his fault in some way:
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that maybe they talked about it bts or smth like after the relay. But it seems like Rin either forgot or most likely I think he maybe thought that Haru understood without words? I'm just real sad still that Haru didn't get to hear this speech:
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I mean, they made it look by the end of s1 that it was about relay, which partially yeah, but for Rin it was really about Haru. You see what he said.. he said that that 1x02 race with Haru alone.. what made him want to swim again. This whole speech was not only about the fact that Haru wasn't at fault that he quit swimming in the first place, but about the fact that Haru is his lucky charm, that makes everything better. AND WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO HEAR THAT. So like for Haru it's to this day like "after I messed him up, Rin was saved with the power of friendship and a relay". But he was saved by Haru really. Bc according to s3 info, it was basically just about Haru being on the relay team. I don't try to demean their friendships or anything, but its just what it is.
And as I've said before in one post it's just fascinating that to this day Rin for example thinks that s1 shananigans were just about him and just his problem:
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Haru thought it was about them and their problem:
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So like my point here is I also up to the end of s2 thought that maybe Rei or Rin told that to him, bc we seemed to move on to another problems, until in Kizuna we were shown that he still dreams about that scene of Rin leaving. s3 Hiyori just exposed the wound really.
But also once again see what he said there, it's not just about that one time he keeps reliving, aka his first come back, its really just about each time Rin was leaving. Like the very first one already was bad, the second was the worst, bc he thought he hurt him and thought that bc of him he quit swimming, others are just painful bc by then it was already another kind of feeling. I mean, I do think that this first Rin's return to Australia thing needs to be cleared up since it's obviously still haunting him. But again it's just part of this. Haru after the Australian trip and "I've always admired you" and "without you I have nothing to aim for" and after TYM goodbye when Rin told him that he doesn't need a surprise party and that just swimming with Haru before leaving is the greastest surprise for him, he knows already about the way Rin feels about swimming with him... I think the reason why everyone is freaking out here is that bc the way it's executed it's just really about him constantly missing him and "why am I always have to longingly watch you leave, while you seem fine." If he was in a free race, but wasn't on a relay team, he'd get the same reaction. Its just all seasons combined that brought us here. We already in 3x01 without Hiyori knew that he wasn't handling Rin being far away again good. So tbh it's logical even without any explanation really. I mean, Rin does indeed leave and come back as he pleases and does what he wants without holding back or sometimes thinking about consequences. There's no lie here.
It's like since the beginning for Rin it was like "I found the gorgeous guy I adore and I want to swim with, I'll transfer schools just to nag him into swimming with me, it's not like he's gonna care if I leave after that." (he literally in the book didn't think it was a big deal)
For Haru it was like "I lived just fine, but this guy stormed into my life, made me want things I didn't think I'd ever want, got me addicted to him and then dropped me like a hot potato".
Rin's just very passionate about life and things he wants, like Haru for example, but he's really also very unobservant and very clueless at times.
But like just bc he doesn't know about Haru's existential crisis and all the pain he's truly in when he's leaving, doesn't change the fact that he at times didn't even treat him as a simple friend (because they can't be just friends I KNOW), but still things like "you could've called" "well sorry, I guess I'm just not good at it" are probably hurtful, considering the fact that you are good at it with everyone else tho, Rin sweetie. Like thanks for avoiding us the most and holding back and visiting us the last each time, we feel real special. Haru is like the opposite, he doesn't call anyone for example, but he can call Rin in the middle of the night if needed, he always does for Rin smth that's completely out of his comfort zone.
It's like some say "Rin didn't know he wanted him to call" or "he didn't know Haru felt guilty". He did know he wanted him to call and he didn't know Haru felt guilty and stopped swimming competitively when he stopped swimming, but then Rei told him and Natsuya in 3x03 reminded him about this too. Its just the fact that he doesn't want to add 1+1 and thinks "well, there's no way I can affect Haru like that right?", "he can't be that upset about Rin Matsuoka, right?". While facts are he IS literally the only one who affects Haru in such huge way. It's like everyone else can just pass him by and it's nothing, but he walks by and it's a whole "asdfghgfdsa why my body is on fire, its just Rin who's just standing there".
And I'm also buffled by this thing that some people really say stuff like "where did this come from, they were perfectly fine" etc, as if they ever had normal "friendship" relationship. I'm like when did they ever behave themselves okay? In 3x03 Rin is dying to call Haru, but can't do it, while he's constantly texting everyone including Nagisa. First thing he says in the airport when he comes back is "I'm home, Haru" to air, but then goes to hang out with Makoto and Sousuke, desperately looking for an excuse to see the one whom he from the beginning, as it was shown wanted to see the most, but in his opinion can’t without a reason. It's only when Makoto tells him that Haru was upset about Albert he quickly rans off out of there bc "hooray, I have an excuse to see my bae”. Like we know from the airport scene that he wanted to see Haru the most. If they're so as people say were doing great, than how do you exlain all of their s2 and s3 behavior for real? It's like as if in TYM Haru didn't lose his shit from some gossip about persimmons. I mean, they never settled anything really. And Haru is constantly scared of Rin leaving again since forever.
So it's complicated, but yes, we're super excited for p2, bc asdfghjhgfds.
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syn0vial · 3 years
i want to address the “boba fett is catholic” meme i’m seeing in the notes of my post, bc, while hilarious, it’s actually quite an interesting bit of expanded universe history!
from what i understand, the meme comes from someone quoting a snippet from the expanded universe in which boba fett says that he considers sex outside of marriage immoral. which, yeah, is a weirdly catholic thing for him to say. so let me provide some context.
this quote is taken from the short story “the last one standing” by daniel keys moran. daniel keys moran wrote probably some of the strangest prose about fett and was the first writer to really take a crack at his backstory (this was well before aotc when boba was revealed to be a clone), as well as his history with han solo. if you like, uh, smoother characterizations of boba fett, you might not like this version so much: some words to describe moran’s boba fett would be obsessive, paranoid, and disturbed. 
anyway, most of moran’s writing (aside from a few snippets that were expanded on but we’ll get to that later) was retconned after aotc, so if you just want to be like, “nope, boba fett never said that shit, never happened,” while still exploring other legends material, then absolutely feel free. but if you want several textually-supported reasons for why he’d say something like that that aren’t being space catholic, read on.
so, first of all, the immediate context: why tf is a bounty hunter talking about extramarital sex at all? well, the context is that boba fett is in jabba’s palace after leia has been captured. she has been sent to his room as a reward (ugh) and he’s trying to persuade her that 1. he doesn’t intend to assault her and 2. she really should just crash in his room for the night anyway bc if she goes back to jabba, it’ll be seen as a sign of disrespect and they’ll both get in trouble. leia is understandably on-edge and mistrusting of him and this is when he says the “sex between those not married is immoral” thing; he’s trying to convince leia that he really isn’t going to touch her.
(for those wondering, he doesn’t. he gives her some blankets to cover herself and lets her sleep in the bed while he spends the night sitting on the floor)
so! if you so wish, you could easily explain the whole thing as boba saying space catholic shit (whether he actually believes it or not) to reassure leia that she’s safe in his room for the night. he says himself that if she were to go back to jabba, jabba would likely take boba’s refusal to touch her as an insult and take retribution against him, so boba has plenty of incentive to try and convince leia to do otherwise.
but wait! what if you’re fine with boba having hang-ups about sex and relationships and just want a reason other than just “space catholicism?” well, friends, the good news is that that reading is even more supported by the text in a way that would later be expanded upon in post-aotc legends content.
though, before we proceed, lemme just slap down a content warning for discussion of drugs, sexual assault, and the intersection thereof.
now, back to “the last one standing.” leia eventually decides to trust fett and the two proceed to have a really awkward slumber party. leia, noting the lengths fett is going to in order to make her feel safe, begins to question what someone like him is doing working for jabba the hutt. they talk about morality for a bit and boba actually seems to enjoy talking to her--up to the point where she says he reminds her a bit of han. he reacts angrily, saying he and han are nothing alike. curious about his reaction, leia keeps pressing. why does he hate han so much? boba responds by saying it’s bc han smuggles spice. leia is like, “dude, seriously? you literally kill people for a living.” boba gets increasingly, uncharacteristically loud and agitated arguing with leia about why smuggling spice is worse than murder and is one of the worst things a criminal could sink to. and then, finally, at the crescendo of their argument, he snaps at her, “If I had been using spice tonight, Leia Organa, perhaps you would not be safe with me in this room.”
so, uh. what the fuck, right? apparently the reason boba hates han is bc han smuggles spice and spice... makes people more likely to be rapists, according to him??? what???
moran doesn’t fully answer these questions in the story, though he drops some major hints--the beginning few scenes show boba as a young man in jail for murdering a man named lenovar, his superior officer in the journeyman protectors, and staunchly refusing to say why other than that lenovar deserved it. this is followed by a scene maybe a couple of years later with boba literally burning a spice lord’s palace to the ground. this is all the context moran provides, but, the story doesn’t end there as later EU writers would keep this peculiar bit of characterization and expand upon its background.
which brings us to the backstory that post-aotc legends writers eventually settled on: when boba was 16, he began to feel dissatisfied with his life as a bounty hunter. he befriended another teenaged bounty hunter who felt the same way: sintas vel. the two of them ended up eloping to concord dawn, his father’s home-planet, and tried to live “normal” lives or as normal as two teenaged former bounty hunters could manage. boba got a job as a journeyman protector, where he was taken under the wing of a superior officer named lenovar; boba and sintas even had a daughter, named ailyn. 
for awhile, everything seemed fine, but, of course, this contentment was not to last. lenovar turned out to be a scumbag predator who, after gaining boba and sintas’s trust, sexually assaulted sintas. fearing what might happen to her young family if she tried to retaliate, sintas attempted to keep the whole thing a secret. however, boba eventually found out and immediately ran off to murder the shit out of lenovar. combined with the details from moran’s story, the implication is that lenovar was a spice-user and/or that he attempted to use spice as an excuse for his behavior when boba confronted him. either way, after murdering lenovar, boba was imprisoned for killing his superior officer. however, in an effort to protect sintas, he refused to say why he did it and instead just insisted to his interrogators that lenovar deserved what he got and that he felt no remorse for killing him (retroactively explaining the scene at the beginning of “the last one standing.”)
boba was subsequently exiled from concord dawn and his family, leaving him with bucketloads of unresolved issues regarding relationships, sex, and spice. i would say that it would be perfectly reasonable if not outright supported by legends material to view boba’s apparent disapproval of casual sex in moran’s short story as his own thin self-justification for deeper issues that have nothing to do with space catholicism and everything to do with All That Shit that happened to him and sintas when they were teenagers.
at the end of the day, technically all of legends/the expanded universe has been retconned, so feel free to take as much or as little of this as you’d like for your own personal boba fett canon. i just wanted to provide some alternative interpretations of that line other than just “boba fett happened to be space catholic, i guess”
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Would ya look at that! Iss a captain x reader fanfic!
Pairing: Captain X Reader
Genre: Angsty Fluff (Prepare to cry in a good way)
Fandom: Tankmen AN: ignore the misspells its 2am
TW: A lot of swearing. Yea.
Why tf am I doing this
Anyway just stargazing fluff w captain. I fucking hate my life. I didn’t wanna finish the end lol so suck my cliffhanger dick.
You always had a hard time sleeping since you joined the army. You always had so much to think about. Recent encounters with the enemy, philosophical paradoxes, and… the douche that was captain. You’d go to the gym to exercise your thoughts away, but you decided, fuck it. You went up to the roof of the building, gazing up at the sky. One of the only things that stayed the same throughout the chaos that is war. A clear night sky was quite rare! You looked up at the stars, trying to distract yourself. From everything. The pain of war, the meaning of life, and your past struggles with love. You had quite a few encounters with the latter emotion, and none served you well. But here you were again. You were just another run of the mill soldier. How could you even have a chance with goddamn CAPTAIN of all people. All the thoughts were just too much. So much shit was flooding your head at once, because all the thoughts you suppressed just came flooding back to you all at once. So like any normal person, you went as far away from the dorms as possible, and started fucking screaming. About everything. Venting to whatever god was up there, begging it to have mercy. As you took another little break to sob, you heard heavy footsteps up the metal stairs. Fuck. Who’d you piss off this time? You hid behind a duct opening and prayed to Christ that it was Steve. All the other soldiers would fuckin kill your ass, so would Ted, and well, the worst case scenario- you couldn’t even complete the thought as the aforementioned worst case scenario started talking. Whelp, I guess the duct wasn’t the best place to hide. There you were curled up in a ball, ready to get a right scolding for waking up captain himself. But what he said next was enough to reinduce the sorry state you were in before having to hide with bated breath. “Are you ok, kiddo?” Two years ago. The last time you were asked that question, just before you joined this fucking shithole of an army. And here you were. Crying like a baby, as captain tried desperately to check you for injuries. “I heard you screaming like a fucking sissy, you good man?” In a desperate attempt to get you to cheer up, he was just throwing insults in a panic. Steve once told him that ya probably shouldn’t insult an injured person, and told him to first ask this, if there was any distress. “Mental, or physical pain? Do I need to take you to the infirmary? Should I carry you?” Panic is an understatement. You were ofc having a mental breakdown on the floor screaming “I DONT EVEN KNOW ANYMORE!” He didn’t know what to do, so, he asked a simple question. One his mom asked him whenever he cried. “Do you want a hug?” As those words came out of his mouth, you tackled him in a hug, pushing both of you onto the ground. Still trying his best not to upset you more, he started to pat you on the head, trying to calm you down. Feeling completely and utterly useless and weak. Infront of your crush? What luck. You felt utter despair. He’d never like you in this state. At that moment you realized just how sus this was. Yikes. You. Were. Cuddling. With. CAPTAIN! As you continued to drift into despair, Captain, in the most awkward tone you have ever heard, said “uhhhh, y-ya like stargazin?” “Kinda, yea…” You try to look up at the stars, trying to gain control over all your thoughts. The moon. The stars. The Big Dipper. Orion’s Belt. Andromeda. You felt an invisible weight on your back lift gradually, as you mumble out a tired “Thank you so much, sir. For calming my stupid ass down.”
“Well, ya damn near woke everyone up so it was probably best that I calm you down.” “Yea. Sorry for the trouble sir.”
“Wanna talk about it? Or would you like to simply sit in silence.” He took your silence as an affirmation for the latter. Minutes later, you asked John, “how about you, ya like stargazing?-Ah shit crap sorry, shouldn’t be that informal, sir“ “You using me as a pillow is informal enough, but I guess I’ll let it slide since you literally just had a mental breakdown right infront of me. … about stargazing, I never really had time for it. Ya know, army business.” “Want me to show you some constellations?” As you pointed out the stars, all your worries melted away. Having laughs about the constellations he guessed wrong. Time passes fast when you have fun. You checked your watch. 3am. As you laid on his chest, you started feeling quite sleepy. As you fell asleep, you mumbled a near inaudible “I kinda… like you…” Little did you know, Captain was wide awake.
You woke up to someone shaking you violently. Gunshots can be heard in the distance. “HEY MAN, WAKE UP, WE’RE AT FUCKING WAR. FUCKING SURPRISE ATTACKS! THEY'VE SEIGED THE BASE, SOME GOT IN. HEY YOU WITH ME, KIDDO?” You vision starts blurring. You can feel Captain hoist you up onto his shoulder.
With each step he took the black spots in your vision spread, until…
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