#which is something that I noticed pretty quickly when reading the manga
denkies · 1 year
I remember being so distraught when we thought Hirotsu and Gin died, and then when it's revealed that Tachihara was the perpetrator, i was literally like "nvm theyre fine. That's his family, he wouldn't kill them no matter what" and i was right.
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elkian · 3 months
It's interesting watching the Dungeon Meshi anime after reading the manga pretty recently. There's lots of fun 'that's a surprise tool that will help us later moments' (not to mention spotted all the WL motifs!), but there's more.
Some stuff I blipped over on the initial read - partly due to the story starting out as a light-hearted Monster of the Week comedy and partly likely due to my own general obliviousness - has caught my attention.
One is how Laios engages with the other party members: when Marcille is down about not being immediately useful, he's the one who jumps in to support her, citing his knowledge of her unique skillset and the strategic value in her holding back for the moment. He has a high level of respect for his party's skills in general (I wonder if part of the monster mania is a bit of compensating for not getting to show his stuff sooner?), and a strong understanding of their synergy.
Further, as I'm watching the Living Armor episode, something has finally pinged in my conscious mind: Laios is smart. It's overshadowed a bit, I think, by his Monster Special Interest (a thing he is expected to be knowledgeable in, which also leads to the dragon expert bemoaning lmao), and his general role of being either The Weird One or experiencing Consequences of eating things recklessly. Which ig is all Monster Special Interest-related at minimum.
Anyways, combining my observation of Laios' understanding of Marcille and Chilchuck's skillsets, and how to best implement him, I realize in this episode that Laios is a very skilled tactician, and strategist. We've also seen him make detailed analyses and decent plans in the manga. I think this all ties into him being the sort of de facto party leader - not only is he strongly motivated on multiple levels, but the others trust him to analyze situations and formulate viable plans accordingly, taking their strengths and weaknesses into account. Heck, when the party gets species-swapped, he makes almost immediate note in their first battle of how quickly he loses stamina, and connects that to Senshi's behavior that he's observed in the past.
Sorry for not noticing sooner, Laios.
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bots-and-cons · 12 days
Hello! This was my first time asking someone to write something and uhhh... honestly I'm pretty shy when it comes to asking so I hope you don't mind me as anon and I'm not bothering you... Q////Q. Can you please write something about Soundwave and Shockwave when they see their S/O had two stars (like Oshi no Ko (?)) and they turned into black whenever they feel unhappy, angry, sad or other intense negative feelings? I would love if the reader is female, and fluff would do! (I honestly dislike lemons/blgl so-) *insert unknown cringe noises* Thank you so much, you can ignore this if you don't like the idea!
A/N: No worries, you're not bothering me. I assume you mean the eye thing that’s going on in Oshi no Ko? That’s the only star thing I can think of at least. I haven’t seen Oshi no Ko, nor have I read the manga, but you gave a good enough description for me to work with. I decided to do HCs, since that’s easier, not particularly fluffy though
•Shockwave noticed that your eyes are a bit of an anomaly compared to other humans
•He’s only really seen humans up close on video, but he can clearly tell your eyes are different
•You have star shaped pupils and your eyes are usually a very bright blue, a bit unnaturally bright even
•Shockwave has also noticed your eyes seem to change to different shades of blue depending on your emotions
•He wasn’t really sure about it at first, so he decided to test it
•He upset you on purpose, to see if your eyes really did darken when you scared
•So he scared you, quite badly to be honest, and you were of course upset with him
•You were so upset your eyes turned totally black and even when he was done with scaring you, you still wouldn’t talk to him
•Shockwave of course explained that this was a test and there was no reason for you to be upset anymore
•But he really scared you, so you couldn’t just get over it like that
•Shockwave doesn’t understand why you can’t just be rational about it, it was an experiment, he didn’t mean any harm
•Just because someone doesn’t mean any harm, doesn’t mean they don’t cause it though
•So he realizes he has to apologize and make it up to you
•Shockwave isn’t good at apologies, mostly because he never does it, because he always feels he’s right
•He does apologize and he notices your eyes start to brighten as he comforts you
•Which is more proof of his hypothesis
•He realizes that was probably the route he should’ve taken in the first place, making you happier to see if your eyes reacted to that
•Soundwave thinks your eyes are beautiful, and he thinks the fact that they change shade is interesting
•He has tested how it works by showing you sad videos or something like that
•He always comforts you after though, and you don’t even know he was testing you
•Soundwave loves seeing your eyes light up whenever he does something nice for you
•He can very quickly tell if your eyes change even a shade and what that means for your emotional state
•It’s a very handy thing to be honest, he doesn’t have to guess, and he learned the meanings quite quickly
•Certain shades mean different things and if your eyes go black, he knows either he really messed up or you’re super upset, or both
•It doesn’t happen often, but it has happened a couple of times due to reasons that aren’t because of either of you
•Soundwave hates seeing your eyes go black, because he knows how much pain you must be in for that to happen
•But that moment when he comforts you and your eyes start to lighten, is so rewarding
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traumxrei-archive · 1 month
【 v. plated perfection 】
summary: now that yuu was better, they still had nothing to do. that is, until they heard the cheerful tune of a certain white haired maid floating down the halls… maybe they should go see what kalim is up to.
word count: 1.3k
author’s note: kalim’s part !! i really wanted to do the whole shoujo manga cliche w/ this one so i hope you enjoy ^^
[ the perfect debutante series | or read on ao3 (coming soon) ]
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There wasn't much left to do for Yuu when they finally got permission to start working again. (That was an arduous process on its own.) It appeared that Azul, Jade, Riddle, and even Jamil had pitched in to take care of any last-minute preparations.
Now that everything was decided, the previously fast-approaching ball seemed to approach at a snail's pace. On top of that, Yuu had even more free time than usual because the Duke had taken over their work to "give them more time to plan". They did come up with an idea for something special at the Debutante, but it was undergoing some final review from the head butler, so it was a waiting game.
That was why they were strolling the halls, looking for something that they could do. A cheerful tune floated down the halls catching Yuu's ear. They instantly recognized the singer's voice, approaching the open door carefully.
Inside the grand room was Kalim, silverware and dishes spread out in front of him. The silver haired maid looked more put together than usual, his short skirt fluttering over stockinged legs as he spun. A white and gold bandana laid over his silvery hair, ribbons trailing down his neck.
"A whole new– Master?!"
Yuu suppressed a laugh when Kalim finally noticed them, "Hello Kalim, that was a nice song you were singing."
"Oh, I think so too! It's a classical ballad from Scalding Sands. But, Master," The maid blinked, his earrings clinking when he tilted his head. "What brings you here?"
"I was bored." And wasn't that the truth? It was easy to be a little more unfiltered with Kalim. Red eyes sparkled knowingly at their words.
"Hmm, then Master," Kalim very gently grabbed a plate. "What do you think about this plate?"
The plate was...shiny. So shiny, in fact, that Yuu felt a bit dazed, "Er, why did you pick that one out?"
"Well," Kalim set the plate aside. "Jamil and Azul told me to pick something perfect. It's Master's debutante after all!
Kalim started listing on his fingers, "They said, 'pick something that shows off the dukedom's opulence, elegance,' and..."
"Humility?" If it was those two that gave Kalim advice, they would know a thing or two about not going overboard on the flair. 
"Yes! Something like that," Kalim pouted. "But it seems that this set isn't to Master's liking." They could see the metaphorical puppy ears droop as he picked up the plate, going back to the display cases.
"It's only a little bit too shiny," Yuu said quickly, trying to soothe Kalim's mood. "There are plenty of other options."
"Theb how about this one?" Kalim picked up a dish with flowery vines adorning its rim. The gold tipped edge made it look all that elegant. "I think it's very pretty."
"Hmm, but I don't think it would fit with the interior decor of the ball," Yuu offered. "It would be very nice to use for the gardens area, but the plates should be uniform."
A thoughtful look crossed Kalim's face, "How about using it as serving plates? It would also make it easier for the chefs if they knew which plates would go to the hall and which will go to the garden."
"That's very thoughtful of you," Yuu said, and Kalim all but beamed at the compliment.
"I heard Jamil complaining about it before," Kalim said, taking out some serving plates. "One of the times that he was helping out at a party my Baba held, the servants weren't given clear instructions on which food was for which hall and it was a mess."
"Okay, now we have some flowery serving plates and trays!" Kalim dusted off his skirts. "Do you have any suggestions, Master?"
"How about choosing something with Night Raven colors?" Yuu took a seat on the bench beside the tray of plates.
Kalim perked up at that, "That's a great idea! The grey plates are somewhere on this shelf..." The silver-haired maid crouched, reaching for another plate, "This one seems very Night Raven colors." The plates had a grey base, and symmetric white lines crisscrossing to create an intricate pattern.
It was certainly an elegant choice, "That's a bit..."
"...too serious," Kalim concluded, sliding the plate back to its spot. "I guess I'll look at the top shelves."
They watched as Kalim dragged a rolling wooden ladder toward the shelf, "Don't forget, to lock the wheels." Yuu stood up, approaching the shelf as Kalim started climbing the ladder. He made it to the platform, opening the doors to the cabinet.
"It's alright Master, I've been doing this all morning," Kalim called out, as Yuu braced an arm against the ladder. Suddenly, Kalim shouted, "Oh! I found the perfect one!"
Kalim spun in his excitement and that was when it happened. Yuu could do nothing but watch as Kalim's body tilted unnaturally to the right, and—
Yuu lunged forward.
It was instinct, and they could barely think before their back was hitting the ground. A burst of pain hit their shoulder as they rolled before finally coming to a stop.
Their chest rose and fell, the blood rushing in their ears. Kalim's weight was keenly on top of them. That much they could figure out. Yuu pried open their eyes, their chest feeling stifled when—
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Oh. Kalim's eyes were such a startling shade of red. Yuu had never seen his eyes that close before. The maid's head jerked back, his earrings chimed at the action. His ribbon brushed against their neck. The sensation was strange. A little ticklish, making them huff out a short breath.
Kalim blinked, his mouth falling open. He reeled backward with a shout and they winced as they heard another thump. Yuu sat up, gingerly touching their shoulder. Kalim was still lying on the ground, his skirts in disarray, still seemingly shocked.
And then Kalim shot up, hands clasping their own, "Master! This– I'm so– this maid apologizes for such a blunder, the ladder was— I-I should've been more careful, but— Oh, the others will kill me if they—"
“The others won't find out," Yuu reassured, glancing at the spotless floor. "None of the plates are broken, and we are both fine, save for our clothes."
"But—" Kalim seemed to sputter, hands gesturing wildly. "But Master, you—"
"Instead of arguing, why don't you show me the plate you found?" Yuu stood, dragging Kalim with them.
Kalim looked conflicted, his stare swinging between the cabinet and them, "Still, you... Master shouldn't do anything dangerous like that again. Promise?”
“I promise,” Yuu nodded toward the shelf. “Let’s see the plate that made you so excited.”
Kalim climbed up the ladder— but not before double-checking all of the wheels to the ladder— before returning with a white plate, with grey flowers and gold patterns lining the border, “Isn’t it perfect?”
“It is,” Yuu agreed, taking the plate into their hands. “You found the perfect plate.” Kalim pumped his fists in the air, before going back to grab the rest of the set. They grinned at Kalim’s quite antics, nodding along to the happy tune he was humming as he placed the plates onto the cart. 
“Should we go have a treat to celebrate?” Yuu suggested, and Kalim’s eyes grew even more shinier than before, his previous mood forgotten.
“Oh! Jamil was cooking up some tester desserts last night!” Kalim gushed, grabbing their hand. “Let’s go and ask him for the rest!” Yuu laughed as they were hurriedly led down the hallway. They had all but abandoned the plates there, but oh well. Maybe having fun and letting loose with Kalim was exactly what they needed before the debutante. (And sweets. Sweets made everyone’s days feel better, right?)
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thank you for reading ^^ if you’d like to read more, check out my masterlist ! like the art ? look at more of dumple's works on insta !
[ prev chapter | series post | next chapter ]
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babeeangel · 1 year
I love your writing!! I was wondering if maybe I could request headcanons dating kunigami before the wildcard. I hope you’re having a good day :)
Thanks a lot ! And of course, here you go~ I just finished watching the anime (i’m a manga girlie) so my memory of pre-WildCard kunigami is v fresh😎, lucky you~ I added other characters too <3 I can do a part two if characters get requested (comments or inbox)
How is Dating the BLLK boys like ?
HeadCanons about dating these cuties
Rensuke Kunigami, Niko Ikki, Ranze Kurona
Kunigami (before the wildcard)
Okay so, he might have that gentleman aura, he might be very rather daring, but in the end, it feels like it’s first time really loving someone.
Even if it weren’t his first love or first relationship, it still feels like it
He can be so awkward, not really knowing what to say, what to do… It’s new to him
Good news is, he improves very fast! 
And improving is his goal anyways: he wants to be the best version possible for you. 
Quickly, he’ll learn to read your expressions, to remember your taste and to pick up on what you like or not.
(I hope you put in as much effort to love him ;) ! ) 
And dare I say, after this adjusting phase, he becomes a rather good lover.
Like the typa lover that reads your mind. 
Seriously, he always knows which restaurant you’re in the mood for, he guesses what color roses you’d prefer, he remembers that you like weak coffee over a strong one…
When it comes to boring choices it’s like the two of you don’t need to converse, you just know for one another.
But apart from that, I feel like he’s on the talkative side.
He’s always quick to ask you how you’re doing when you meet up
Even through text, he loves checking up on you, sending you posts he likes and reacting to yours. 
He’s not the type to hesitate saying ‘i love you’
I mean, he’s proud of loving you, he’s confident in his feelings for you, he wants you to know them… Pragmatic
But he was still shy to tell his friends the two of you were dating. Why so ? Idk, maybe he felt like it was such an intimate subject to bring up.
But now that the cat’s out of the box, he’s very chill about it.
Therefore he doesn’t mind PDA, although he lets you initiate it
Apart from that, he loves to smother you with kisses.
Morning ? kisses. Cooking ? kisses. Bellyache ? kisses. Any excuse is good.
So to resume, I feel like dating kunigami is like finding support, a friend that always understands you and cares for you.
I feel like the love between you two grew over time
You used to be friends until one of you felt like it might be more
Probably him
Nothing changed tho, but you soon realized you felt the same 
Your relationship switching from platonic to romantic was never officialized tho
It just, happened. Like at some point you were too close for anyone, you two included, to keep calling each other friends. 
It was so natural you don't even remember when the first time the word ‘couple’ was employed, nor why. 
Anyway. You two are pretty alike, introverted, quiet, resolved.
You both don’t mind being silent together
If anything you love it
Good thing, cause it happens a lot
Sometimes, at the most random times, Niko tells you the most eye-opening, life-changing, sickening lore about himself. Like out of the blue. 
Then you stand in social settings, with informations that no one else have, having to pretend you know the same Niko as they do
There’s so many things you didn't expect from him, whether it’s small habits, small quirks about him or thoughts he has.
Like one thing you discovered after becoming his lover is that he’s not very resourceful sometimes ? 
Like baby boy had never thought of toasting his bread in something other than a toaster, like an oven or a pan ??  
He also notices a lot of tiny details. That’s adorable and you didn't expect it.
He for example knows that you eat farfalle over spaghetti when you’re feeling down.
Or he really seems to like watching the wind blowing through tree’s leaves. He only said it once, but now you always notice him standing under them. 
When it comes to PDA, he is a rather reserved boy.
Maybe not shy, but modest. Like he likes to keep things private
But he can’t resist holding your hand.
HandS*. He loves to take them both and play with you, especially when he’s bored.
And behind closed doors, he’s very cuddly, in a soft way. 
And for more… Let's say you’re usually the one to make the first move. He never refuses tho.
Loving him is learning that love is something that grows, not necessarily a striking intense feeling that fades over time.
First of all i really feel like you had a crush on him first
Like he’s so focused on his own world that he’s oblivious to love and stuff like that.
But the second you forced your way into his universe (no pun intended ;o), he didn't last long
Like he fell head over heels FAST. 
You kinda had to force him to notice you and consider you tho
And when he understood you liked him and not just liked him, he got super shy. 
Your persistence (in a cute not stalker way >:() got the best of him
He likes how casual and confident you are with your feelings
But at first he didn't want to fall in love, like what if it distracted him from football ?
Anyway, you two getting together kinda shocked everyone.
You form such an unusual couple
Bold yet quiet you, nonchalant yet considerate him
Even so, you guys are two peas in a pod. You do everything together
Often in silence, but together. Like brushing your teeth, revising, show each-other funny videos
But… Kurona has a secret: he’s talkative ! 
That genuinely surprised you when you got the honor of getting close to him, and being considered as a person he could trust. 
He rambled on about things. Like sometimes he goes on and on about his fav’s new song that just released, or how giving ducks bread is actually dangerous
A while after getting together with you, Kurona admitted that he hesitated doing so because it would bring so much attention to him, since you’re outspoken and good-looking…  Is that supposed to be a compliment orr ?
He can get so shy and awkward, but Kurona really loves you. He always thinks of you when seeing random things, and is the type of boy that buys you a single flower at least once a week (he can't afford a whole bouquet).
In your relationship, you’re often the one to take initiatives, even when it comes to holding hands. 
But now that he feels more at ease, he often goes for it first. 
He doesn't mind PDA at all cause he tends not to notice other people's gaze, he’s in his own world. 
But kisses in public make him blush cause it draws too much attention ;)
It took you a while to get to his heart, but it was most definitely worth it. Now you’re engraved in it forever. 
A\N: lol, as someone who’s never dated before, this almost feels ironic for me to write these TT.
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chaostroberry1 · 7 days
Qin Shi Huang absolutely wrecked
⚠️btw, no hate to any of these characters! I just wanted to make another story. Please don't come at me alvitr and ying Zheng fans, I really like them I swear 🥲⚠️
Part 2 here!
⚠️Cheater QSH × reader angst where he can't really understand what he's feeling. I haven't continued reading the manga so I don't know when he'll wake up after recovering, so the part where he does wake up is made up by me.⚠️
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Imagine being his wife, is empress, and his supporter. Yet, he still has the audacity to do this to you?
You watch on the edge of your seat, excited for your darling's entrance, hope and excitiment running down your veins.
But, there was no denying the sadness it brought you to think of what would happen to him if he were to lose the fight. But you decided to have hope, because he was your dear husband.
Any negative thoughts like that would be bringing dishonor to him.
Happiness bursted through you when you saw him make his big entrance, not even noticing the big funny looking smile you had on, just for him. When he walked, he looked towards you, before slightly raising his blindfold upwards, Giving you a wink.
Your face flushed in embarrassment, before you quickly redeemed yourself.
Nows not the time to be playing around, especially when his life and the sake of humanity, was on the line. So you give yourself a nervous smile, a small little prayer mumbled from your lips in hopes of guiding your darling through the fight.
You suddenly snap out of it when you hear a yell from below. Seeing that it came from a pretty looking girl, who looked gravely upset.
"who's she?" Your eyes trailed off to where she was looking, before seeing that her grumpy little comment was towards your husband.
You couldn't hear much due to all the talking and whispering amongst watchers, but you could make up a few words— Like how Zheng didn't practice völundr with her, and other stuff. Not that it really mattered right now.
You giggle to yourself. Of course, that was so like him; one of the many things that made you love him so much. Such a charming man he was, indeed.
Before you could happily ascend into cloud nine with all the lovey dovey memories, your thoughts were quickly disrupted when you saw your dear beloved husband, pick her up with little effort.
Your heart dropped, a little feeling of sadness clouding your emotions. Why was he picking her up like that? And Why's she blushing so much?
You shook your head a little, shaking off those negative feelings, knowing your darling would never do anything to betray your trust.
You were immediately proved wrong when he pulled her closer, as her face heated up even more. Before there was a flash of light, along with her loud whine of how it was "unfair" or something.
Something in you felt like it was going to crack. Him? Her? YOUR HUSBAND, and, HER?
When the transformation of völundr was set in place, Huang felt a strike of energy hit him like an arrow through the head.
Yes, the man had an upset wife sensor 🙂
He quickly looked over to where you were sitting. A hint of worry plastered on his face which you couldn't really make out because of his blindfold.
But both of you exchanged sweet smiles, before the fight soon started.
As Huang was announced the winner, you watched as he fell down after a brief exchange of conversation with the Valkyrie girl.
You were horribly worried for your husband, but you were also very happy that he was the winner.
Things could have ended worse. This was basically a miracle which you were very grateful for.
Somehow, in some way—you couldn't get rid of the weird feeling swelling up in your chest. Especially whenever you saw him and that Valkyrie together. You just couldn't understand, why did you feel so negative even though he ended up winning? You already got the miracle that you wanted, so what else could have possibly been missing?
Everytime you saw them speak to one another, you'd see so much adoration in your beloved's eyes.
No, actually, Both of them had that look. One that could only be described as love.
You knew it was selfish to think that way, especially when they were just trying to help each other survive..
But, when you saw how he held her so gently when she was about to fall, even when he was literally MISSING an arm...
that was it.
A little while passed, and you went to a different Valkyrie girl, who went by the name of Brunhilde, who led you to your husband.
He was recovering from his injuries , so you figured you'd just come back later. Maybe you can just get some food and breathe up some fresh air.
Finally, when he did wake up, you find him staring down at the Valkyrie—who you heard from Brunhilde, was a girl who went by alvitr.
They stared into each other's eyes, her face flushed with a soft pink, a puffy angry face while his gaze lingered on her smaller figure.
You quickly hid, wanting to see where it would lead to.
"I have..feelings..."
"you...huh?- wh-What are you on about?!"
"I know it's wrong...but..seeing how much you were willing to go down with me through such events...I liked it very much"
"I'd like you to be...my..new bride. If that's alright with you."
He gave her a charming smile, as she was left with her brows knitted and cheeks flushed red from the embarrassment it brought her.
And with that, he gave her a small kiss, retreating his face, giving a little "Hao!" Afterwards
You drop the tray of food you carried with you, your eyes wide with fury and betrayal, as the two turned their heads towards the noise that came from a distance.
Huang's eyes widened, and alvitr looked at you and him back and forth, a feeling of panic and worry quickly taking over her senses.
"Zheng....?" You mumbled, as he stood there, speechless, quickly opening his mouth to respond while the Valkyrie near him stood frozen.
"my empress! I-i didn't think you'd come looking for me-"
"save it.."
Your face contorted into one of sadness, as you looked at the face of your dear beloved husband, which was full of dread and nervousness. The Valkyrie also had a similar look, but you couldn't think well enough to process everything.
You storm off as your husband shouted your name, trying to reason with your now angry state, but was quickly stopped by alvitr, who knew that it would put him in danger to walk around in a place swarmed by angry gods.
So now you were left crying, deciding to go to a waiting room to dry your tears, just hoping for the best.
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froizetta · 6 months
WIP Wednesday: baby edition
This week I present my first attempt at writing DC fic for a pairing other than superbat - but, you know, only barely because this is for superbat mini, aka jondami. This is the start of a fic I'm planning out about Jon and Damian through the years (ignoring Bendis' timeskip because I can) in a coming of age story, in which Jon tries to deal with figuring out he's bi and having a crush on his cool(-ish) older best friend. Working title: Puberty Fucking Sucks because like. It just does.
It started when Jon was 12.
There wasn’t anything special about the day itself. In fact, it was pretty ordinary: a normal Thursday afternoon where he and Damian were passing the time between school and patrol in their base, as they did every week. Damian was sitting on the floor with his back to the couch, curled over his sketchbook, doing… Well, Jon didn’t know what Damian put in his sketchbook, since he’d made Jon promise not to look. Jon was nice and a good friend – and maybe a little scared of what Damian might consider fair retribution – so he always humored him.
Meanwhile, Jon was slumped on the couch, putting off doing his homework by half-reading a manga that Damian had recommended. A…shujo? Shogo? Some kind of romance thing. Whatever it was, it wasn’t really enough to capture Jon’s attention. So instead, he found himself watching Damian.
They’d been best friends for most of the last 2 years at this point, so Damian was very familiar to him at this point. But in his boredom, Jon found himself focusing on the details of his face in a way he hadn't before, looking at the parts and not the whole. His eyes were slanted and striking, piercingly and vividly green even hidden below the thick, dark sweep of his lashes. His nose had a little bump at the bridge, and his mouth was small and turned down at the corners, so he always looked a little grumpy even when he was in a good mood. His hair was dark and crazy thick (it was an Arab thing apparently, or so Damian had told him when he’d mentioned it one time) and it was surprisingly soft when he didn’t style it. Jon knew that from personal experience, because once Damian had let Jon hug him during a sleepover when he’d had a nightmare, and Jon couldn’t help but rub his face into it a little, like a cat. Damian had grumbled a little but hadn’t pulled away
Damian was really pretty, Jon thought. It wasn’t a new thought. Damian had always been pretty – though not pretty like girls were pretty, just…attractive. It was just a fact of life, in the way that most actors and pop stars and even Damian’s own parents were just obviously, objectively nice to look at.
But still, something about this Damian was different from the version that lived in Jon’s head. He was still shorter than Jon, although not by much. But even though Damian was smaller than him, he somehow looked…more. Older. His hands had always been long and kinda elegant, but now they looked as strong as Jon knew they were. And his jaw was no longer round and soft like Jon’s, but sharp and defined. Masculine. There was a breadth to his shoulders that felt new, even though logically it couldn’t be since he saw Damian most days, but…but somehow he hadn’t really noticed it before. It made his uniform blazer hang differently, in a way that felt weirdly distracting.
Damian wasn’t just pretty anymore, he realized. Damian was handsome. And Jon wasn’t sure why, but something about that thought got to him, made him feel weirdly hot and squirmy inside.
He quickly buried his face in the pages of the manga he wasn’t reading. He’d felt like this before, months ago. He was watching a commercial break with his parents and the pretty actress on screen had really enjoyed her branded yoghurt. Jon had gone very quiet and very red, and his dad had shot him a knowing look. Which was pretty much the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to anyone ever.
Jon had mumbled something about finishing his homework and fled upstairs. He spent most of that evening typing a bunch of awkward questions into google in private browsing mode. And then after that, he’d guiltily rewatched that yoghurt commercial a few dozen times – but on mute, so his dad couldn’t hear. His attempt at secrecy didn't really pay off, because a week later his dad had come into his room and sat him down for a Talk, as in the Talk, which had firmly pushed the yoghurt incident itself to second place in the ranking of Most Embarrassing Things.
But…but this didn’t make sense, Jon thought to himself. Why would Jon be having yoghurt commercial feelings about Damian? Damian was his best friend!
He chanced a peek at Damian over the top of his manga. It was still just Damian, familiar and sulky and way lamer than he liked to pretend he was. His best friend, Damian. He had his head bowed, pink tongue poking out between his lips like it did when he was intensely focused, and for some reason Jon couldn’t stop staring—
He forcibly ripped his gaze away, mortified. Oh no, this was weird. This was so weird. The yoghurt commercial was rapidly being pushed to third place in the rankings. He needed to leave right now.
He stood abruptly. “Hey, so I’m gonna go.”
Damian turned his head to look at him sharply. His habitual scowl was tinged with confusion. “What? Go where? We’re supposed to patrol in an hour.”
“Just training,” Jon said, false-bright. “I’m gonna work on some stuff. Training stuff.”
The confusion was very much still present. “Oookay?” Damian said. He flipped his sketchbook closed. “Did you want to spar? I could—”
“Nope,” Jon chirped, already edging towards the door. He was trying very hard to look at anything but Damian, which was probably super suspicious, but. Looking at Damian just felt like a lot, okay?
“It’s just some dumb superpower training my dad told me to do,” he continued. “It wouldn’t interest you, trust me. So you can just stay right here, while I go…away from here.” He winced. “Anyway, see you at patrol!”
He didn’t wait for Damian to respond before he turned and marched out of the room, well aware that he was acting absolutely insane but completely powerless to stop it. Thankfully, even though Jon knew Damian was incredibly suspicious of his behavior, he didn’t follow him.
Jon spent the rest of the time before patrol carefully carving patterns into wooden blocks with his heat vision and trying not to think about Damian’s opinions on Activia.
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yeppeudau · 4 months
Chapter thirty-one: our couple aregyu 🩵🧡
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banner by: @/seungstarss
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⎙ synopsis: In which you and Soobin have a crush on the others bff, who which coincidentally, are dating. So you do what any other people with a common goal would, and try to break them up. Except it doesn't go exactly as planned...
⎙ word count: 1.5k (+1 photo at the end)
⎙ warnings: none I don't think?? povs fck me up !!
♡a/n: hi guys🧍‍♀️(i have posted this and edited it like 5 times I'm a mess its been so long)
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As soon as class ends Soobin makes his way out to his locker, quickly grabbing his sweater and putting his books away before heading out of the building.
If he was being honest he was some what excited? To go and spend some time with his friends again (as well as the fact he would love some free money to spend on games). It had been some time since he had hung out with Heeseung and Jeongin, let alone Beomgyu. As they've both been preoccupied with other things.
One being the painful sight of having to see his best friend, and his crush eating each other's faces in the hallway. And maybe that was a little dramatic but still! It was something that would definitely be ingrained into his head no matter how much he wanted to forget it.
More over, he had to see you. Which, he was more than open to admit his distaste towards being in your presence, and you the same.
After the little argument the two of you had he's been in a worse mood then he would like to admit. You were just so pushy with EVERYTHING and he couldn't stand it. Boundaries? He was pretty sure you didn't know what those were. It was annoying him to say the least, but fortunately he needn't say anything when Beomgyu knew him like the back of his hand. He immediately sensed something was wrong and asked Soobin to come hangout.
He was happy to have a best friend who knew him so well, which also made him feel worse for even bothering with you in the first place. All this just to "not" break them up but "break them up" he was pretty sure even you were confused.
He felt a little guilty for agreeing to go along with your idea, but in its own way he's hoping all this would help him get over the bubbly student council president, thats what he's hoping at least.
Reaching the gates of the school he immediately noticed his friends, loud and running around like children. 'Why are they like this? ' Soobin thought to himself waiting for them to calm down and finally notice his presence. Thankfully that didn't take long as they greeted him happily patting his back.
Maybe this is exactly what he needed.
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You were ecstatic to say the least. You've finally gotten a chance to hangout with your dearest best friend again. Areum has always been a busy person but she has also always made time for you. Sometimes maybe a little too late but you could never hold it against her.
Walking into the store you were absolutely elated. You weren't a big fan of reading honestly, a wall of text really wasn't your go to, but stylized drawings along with smaller walls of text? Sign you up! The smell of books, the stationary you thought was too cute to use but would buy anyway, the merch of your favorite media, made you love this place.
Areum on the other hand was a big fan of those walls of texts. She actually didn't quite understand why you preferred comics and manga over a good book but she listened wholeheartedly whenever you talked about them. She was a great friend, more than you could say about yourself at the moment. But that was something you for you to push in the way back of your mind once again. 'Future me can deal with consequences right? ' and 'Enjoy the moment let's not go feeling guilty ' were all you said to yourself.
The two of you walked around the store together eventually picking out these cute sanrio matching keychains for each other.
"Areum I'm going to look at the manga 'kay?" you announced, to which she nodded and you walked off.
"today's going to be a good day I'm sure of it!" you assure yourself with a hearty pep in your step.
well, when do things ever go as planned?
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"Choi Soobin?" Soobin freezes at the the call of his name. That voice was all too familiar and not in a good way.
Turning from his original position slightly, he slowly cranks his neck up to meet the person who assumingly called him. Eyes trailing up suspiciously only to be met with none other than you. Arms crossed, foot tapping, with that ugly look of annoyance you always wore on your face looking down on him.
"Why are you here?!" you whisper yelled at him, causing him to roll his eyes in return.
What? could he not be in a perfectly public place when you're around now? He already has to at school, one more place wouldn't kill you, unfortunately. Soobin scoffs at your question, getting up from his position on the floor to stand in front of you mimicking your expression and stance as he raises his eye brow at you "It's a public book store, and I like books-" he motions to the wall of manga behind him before pursing his lips at using the word 'books' "-manga." he corrects.
You glare at him for a moment and he swears he's never wanted someone away from him more in his life. A 10 foot pole wouldn't even be enough distance between the two of you. He didn't need your nonsensical bickering today, or anyday preferably for that matter.
He was supposed to be enjoying himself with his friends trying to win a cheap reward for a cafe he barely even gets to go to anymore, he is not supposed to be agitated and talking to you.
Just as he's about to turn back around, clearly opting to ignore you, you grab his arm much to his surpise and discomfort. "Are you here with Gyu?" you suddenly ask.
'Of course that's what she would ask ' he thinks to himself, and for a moment he contemplates lying to you, because well, why should he tell you? But as if you read his mid (which is something he never thought was possible) you open your mouth again.
"Listen before you say anything I'm here with Areum thats why I'm asking" you state throwing a thump over you shoulder in the direction of the shorter who was currently flipping through a book.
As he looked in her direction an expression of "She looks so cute" was practically written all over his face.
You roll your eyes.
Coincidentally at that moment she must have felt someone staring as she turns to peak over her shoulder only to meet eyes with Soobin. Her brows shoot up in a pleasant surprise before going back to normal, she smiles brightly sending him a wave.
Soobin feels his heart beat quicken for a moment at the small gesture before slowly waving back dumbly. Only looking back in your direction when you let out a particularly noisy groan.
"Great, she's probably coming over here now. Is he here or not?"
"Uh, yeah he's at the game shop next door. I didn't want anything so I came here.." Soobin trails off still staring at the girl who is now, in fact walking over to the two of you. Hes not sure if he should be happy about this or still annoyed with the fact he had ran into you in the first place. Unfortunately you don't give him enough time to weigh the pros and cons of it before you harshly step (more like stomp) on his foot.
"Ow!" Soobin winces quickly kneeling down to hold his foot, maybe he really didn't have to think about the pros and cons.
"Leave before Beomgyu comes in here and looks for you, would'ya?"
"Why should I when you just assaulted me??" he snaps.
"Because I'm sure you also don't want to spend your day out with our lovely couple, now do you?" you argue back crossing your arms over your chest like some know-it-all.
But at that he silences, you were right, unfortunately, but you were right. And as much as he tells himself he would be okay with just being in her presence, recently that hasn't really been the case.
Maybe its been like that for a while now and he's just refused to acknowledge it, but either way it's not the time to be dwelling on it. He doesn't have the chance to anyway as Areum had reached them.
"Hey, Soobin! I didn't know you'd be here" Areum says with a tilt of her head as she smiles him.
That smile will be the death of him he swears. So much so he fails to give her a reply other than just blinking slowly at her.
But that doesn't seem to phase her as she speaks again "If you're here by yourself do you want to join us?" she asks, probably out of courtesy. But if it was any other day he'd be saying yes.
A simple "uh" is all he manages to let out before you take it upon yourself to speak for him.
"He can't! He was actually just leaving right Soobin??" you question through gritted teeth.
"Ah... yeah actually, I remembered I have something to do, sorry.." he mumbles scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh no, its okay! I just thought I'd ask. Have fun doing what you have to!"
"Yeah thanks.." Soobin says bye to Areum and sends you a glare before leaving the two of you.
"C'mon y/n ready to check out?"
"Huh? Yeah let me just grab this last thing."
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blue meas couldn't be tagged </3 lmk if i missed you!
taglist(open): @maitenight @kori-roe @rich-man-v @gyuville @darrensos @etherealcherrie @jjunis @i-yeseo @igotkpoops @ashxxkook @ilvaussie @soobin-chois @cha0thicpisces @ineedaherosavemeenow @luvsoobs @sukunasrealgf @captivq @baekberrie @knownunknown345 @stellz581 @jaycheoluwu @txtbrainrot @90s-belladonna @soobssup @miyawwn @tyigerz @imsiriuslyreal @txtbrainrot
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blooxorsista · 3 months
Blue Exorcist - 3x09: Rin, Izumo, & the Rescue Scene
Okay, I was reading the comments under the latest episode (3x09), and I wanted to type something out, but it ended up being pretty long and I decided I'd just post here instead.
Basically, this post will address Rin and Izumo's character development in this arc, and the importance of the rescue scene in the most recent episode.
I've already mentioned that this arc is probably my favorite in the whole manga (although I'm not currently caught up), but the scene where Izumo cries for help and Rin comes to her rescue is probably one of my absolute favorite scenes in the series.
The scene was just so impactful to me as a reader, which I wrote about in my analysis from when Chapter 60 came out.
So needless to say, I was SO excited to finally see this scene animated! I was also especially excited to see the Nine Tails dance from Izumo, and was slightly disappointed that they may have adapted it too faithfully to the manga, with still shots instead of a moving dance. Maybe they didn't want to assume what it looked like and chose to play it safe. (It's fine, not a deal breaker!)
It wasn't totally apparent in the anime episode, but manga readers know that Rin noticed Izumo crying from the vent. That's why we saw his wide eyes right before he exploded through the ceiling. It was seeing Izumo that caused him to move into action.
It may be easy to overlook since it moved so quickly in the anime, but that scene is extremely important for both Rin and Izumo's characters. Up until that moment, Rin had been struggling internally about fighting humans. When he's trapped inside the giant zombie, he can hear the voices of the humans that were inside (in the same way he could hear Kuro). That's why he was having a bit of a mental breakdown, asking his father what he should do.
He KNOWS that he has to cause harm to humans in order to succeed in this mission. But it's easier said than done for him, because as someone who has been constantly demonized and struggled with his sense of self, he has drawn himself a red line in his own personal code of ethics. To him, the zombies ARE human. And hearing their voices just confirms that for him. They are still conscious inside of their experimented bodies. So in order to fight them, he would have to harm these humans who were essentially innocent victims of this organization.
For Izumo, she finally accepts her true feelings about others, and asks for help. Up until this point, she's put up a strong front, thinking she had to handle everything on her own and couldn't trust anyone. Now she lets all her walls come down and accepts her vulnerabilities.
And it's exactly in this moment that both Rin and Izumo have a synchronous realization. For Rin, seeing Izumo crying, asking for help, in her most vulnerable state -- it's the catalyst for him to resolve his own inner conflict.
In an instant, he has made his decision and strengthened his resolve (either consciously or subconsciously) to harm humans because all he cares about in that moment is to save Izumo.
It's enough to snap him into action. And that's HUGE development for his character. We even see him hesitate slightly at the end of the episode when the zombies fill the room, before ultimately slashing through them with his sword, because he knows that that is what's needed to save Izumo and her mom. In fact, I'd probably argue that this hesitation is due to Rin having to consciously decide to attack them, meaning that when he moved to save Izumo, he reacted subconsciously.
I just felt the need to point this out after seeing so many comments complaining about Rin and Izumo's actions and character development this season. In truth, their actions and motivations align.
Another common complaint I saw was about how Izumo should have taken Rin's offer for help the first time (on the bridge). I'd like to point out that running away wouldn't solve Izumo's problems. Even if she were to be rescued and escape with Rin and the others, Gedouin still has her mother and has already threatened to use her little sister if Izumo refused. In her mind, staying was the only solution, because her goal was to protect her family at all costs.
Despite what we know of the Nine Tails, Izumo believes that she can take control and use the possession to her advantage and destroy her enemies. That way she wouldn't have to worry about them coming after her or her loved ones again.
And for Rin, he's coming to learn that "good" and "bad" are not so easily distinguished. His view of the world has been turned upside down after realizing that not all of the "bad guys" are demons.
And as a side note, I also want to mention the animation style. I know it's been a bit of a controversial topic this season, since the style is so different from seasons 1 and 2, and that a lot of people have complained about some of the episodes. However, I had a feeling that the animation team was just prioritizing the more important scenes over the others (after all, there is a limited amount of time and budget, so it would make sense to spend more time on the biggest scenes, if you have to choose).
And I was glad that this seems to be holding true up until now. I was happy with the quality of the scenes that featured Izumo this episode (much like how I thought her backstory episode was high quality), and especially the rescue scene. And I loved that we finally got to see posessed!Izumo colored and animated!
I'm also curious as to how the next episode will be adapted. I was reading through an old rant of mine from when the corresponding manga chapter came out, so I'll be curious to see if I feel the same way after watching the next scenes play out.
All in all, I'm still enjoying this season and getting to experience the manga come to life with animation and voice acting!
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bluestarjay · 20 days
Most of my hinata headcanons are based on the fact that most people write him pretty shallowly- as nothing more than his height and love of volleyball, his need to fly, and the fact he's friendly. The really well written stuff writes him well, as a kind of enigma, but even then, one of his main traits is: Oh, he's pure sunshine!! His eyes shone with pride and determination, a hunger to win; to fly, etc, etc. Right? With most ships, it's just about how beautiful he looks in the sunset/sunrise with his hair and eyes. My point is that he's mischaracterized without really being mischaracterized because it's all *true*. he is absolutely gorgeous, and he does have a hunger to win and fly, and volleyball is his entire world, but there's sooooo much more still.
Normally, I hc him according to canon; according to scenes from the manga/anime, and then further analyzing it, yk? But I *truly* think hinata shoyo would be a good liar and hard to read.
It's already somewhat canon that people find him confusing, in the fact that he's a people pleaser and switches up really quickly to make people happy. He'll say something, and then someone will disagree, and he'll immediately switch up so that person won't dislike him for his different opinion, ykwim?
And then people never know what he's thinking, either. He's completely oblivious to his own feelings but is hyper aware of other people's feelings. He doesn't notice when he's running a fever of 102° but notices that someone has 2/5 symptoms of the flu 💀💀 like my guy can remember suuuuper specific details about a person's life, like the day their great aunt's cat died, but forgets his own bday.
He's actually really smart, but he's failing all his classes bc he can't focus. I think he'd be really good at math, but really only with like decimals and uhh money math, like he's good at calculating tax and saving money, but that's bc he grew up especially poor and had to be cautious with money. He'd probably be better with Japanese literature than English literature bc obvi that's his native language, and I think he'd really like linguistics post Brazil.
But, he also has his signature death stare, and I kinda came up with a hc based off it; since we all agree he has adhd, a part of it is zoning out, and i think he'll sit hunched over like L and just do his little death stare out to nothing or nowhere in particular, or will sit on his bed zoned out doing the death stare out towards the door, with the lights off, and someone will walk in and scream. He just randomly hunches over like L sometimes, and daichi will tell him that it's bad for his back, and he'll say, "But it's comfy :(" actually I think I'm just writing autistic hinata rn oopsies it's ok tho we love autism hcs here!!
Since he's really small (probably underweight actually), he can fit into really small spaces, and he thinks they're comfy (me guys). But at the same time, he loves big fields and gyms bc he likes to run around. Basically, he says and does really conflicting things, and it confuses people, which is another reason he was bullied in middle school.
He started doing the death stare as a defense mechanism in middle school actually, bc older, taller kids tried to use that to their advantage and bully him, but glaring at them weird made them walk away. Also, contrary to popular belief, I hc he can fight. So many people have just decided he's, like, too weak to fight or smth?? Like they think he can't defend himself physically, which I personally think he could, but yk, anxiety, so he doesn't. Like my guy is an athlete, have you seen him?? He may be small, but if he wasn't frozen in fear and anxiety, he could beat someone's ass!!
I said before I actually do think he could lie, bc one again, he's a people pleaser, and I feel like once when he was a kid, a family friend or someone or like when he was at a friend's house, they made dinner and he didn't like it, so he lied about liking it, but the person knew he lied and called him out on it and he cried bc he lied abt liking it and lying is bad, but also telling them he didn't like the food is rude, which is also bad. So then he decided he'd learn how to lie. Also, ik he uses his height and baby face to his advantage!! ***Depending on the person*** he can get away with just about anything bc "🥺🥺🥺" and then when everybody else calls him out for it he's like "L fuck you hehehe 😜💪💪" Like he drew a 🍆 pp on the wall or something once and then blamed it on kageyama and the teacher believed him.
And even though he's a people pleaser, he's managed to find peace in playing pranks and being mean, in a normal teenager way ofc, because suga helped him come out of his shell (suga purely bc he is mischievous but still responsible and nice)(and then suga asks Asahi why he can't be like hinata bc Asahi can barely even write with pencil on a desk, let alone sharpie anything so 'vulgar' on school property (it's not *just* because he's scared bc it's vulgar it's also bc he doesn't think those kinds of jokes are funny, and simply doesn't understand why writing on school property is fun (that's how I feel, idk 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️) ))
BTW, guys, half of these are to spite my friend who calls hinata a "bean 🥺" even though she's not on Tumblr. Also, I think I'm gonna start organizing these kinds of posts so they're easier to read, haha. Does anyone want any character specific hc posts since I always do hinata?
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vylithscat · 2 years
technically my third post of the week,, as much as i'd like to wait till next week or monday, i really like the hc i did for this week! so consider this a bonus lol
prompt: gifts mc recieves from the bros/dateables that mean a lot between the two that not everyone can understand genre: fluffy, very fluff (asmo's is slightly suggestive), gn!mc pairings: bros, dateables + luke (per usual, pet names from here)
After growing close to demons and angels alike, even a human sorcerer, you were bound to receive a gift or two as thanks for being a friend, but when Solomon was the first to give you a gift, that being a vial of his blood, you reciprocated with your own vial.
You’ve gotten stares, questions and even attempts of theft of your vial, but you hold it close and smack away a hand when it comes close, unless it was the donor himself. However, some of the others around you have been handing you a few too many items too, like..
The pen he officiated you being the exchange student
He wasn’t connect to it at all but after a late night of work, he noticed it’s ink running low and you appeared with a new vial
With a smile and a quick peck on your cheek, he mumbles, “Thank you, my dear.”
You reciprocate with a peck on his lips
Before you walk away, he intertwined his fingers with yours and brings you close, his face brushing against your abdomen
“I want you to have this pen.”
“Why? You need it right now.”
“I have many others, my dear.”
He let go of your hand and when you felt something in it, you looked down at his pen that was decorated with gold details
It took.. A lot out of you to even give you a hint about why he wanted to give you it
“Do you remember how I chose you, my dear? I still had to officiate it after the picking, perhaps I feel that’s the pen I did it in.”
His sunglasses, at least for a while, but he can always buy a new pair! (You’ll match..)
He HATES looking at that vial, and to block your vision a little, he popped his sunglasses on your face
They were sliding down your face a lot so you had to push it up a lot
“Mammonie?” His head popped up from the crook of your neck, “Do you want your glasses back?”
“Do ya not like them? I have others I can give ya.”
Pause to allow Mammon process
He has reburied his face to hide the blush that’s creeping to his ears
Give him 3-5 business days to get back to you (he won’t last more than an hour)
Whenever you’re around him, expect him to slowly slip his sunglasses on your face
Is VERY CAREFUL to not poke your eye
Already has another pair in case you take his originals
Physically cannot look at you either or he will blush like a maniac
An author and artist signed manga
Not just any manga, it’s ‘I refuse to admit I’m jealous that my significant other got a gift from someone else and HAVE to get them something without them knowing, but I’m not jealous, I swear!’
It’s a manga he read recently and was absorbed in
Course, poking his cheek or any physical contact snapped him out of it, like tonight
“W-When did you get here, and why d-did you poke my cheek!?”
“I wanted to come visit you, Levichan.”
His heart might’ve stopped for a second, let Leviathan.exe reboot
“Are you reading a new manga?”
“Y-Yeah.. I was gonna give it to you when I was d-done..”
And by give it to you, he meant it
Finishes it in a couple of hours then stops by your room with an equally red face than before
Doesn’t say a word, just hands you the manga and runs once it’s in your hands
Until he’s far away, to which you hear, “I-I hope you like it, player 2!!”
Something with cats, books or that can cause mischief
So, why not combine it all?
He gave you a gift box with books you’d been looking for and a set of pens you kept missing the sale of
Those pens though, we’re disappearing ink, and only worked under a black light, the ink existed for about 5 minutes then disappeared
You figured that out pretty quickly when making notes on the book on a few sticky notes
“Satan?” He hummed in acknowledgment, “I think you got the disappearing ink by accident.”
“It wasn’t by accident.”
You use this chance to write him notes that he’d have to wait ages to decipher, as slight revenge
Just write simple messages like ‘I love you’ or a heart to fuck with him
Though expect a few back with a smug smile
Also borrows those pens to cause (subtle, shockingly) problems to Lucifer’s work
And will let you join him if you want to, but don’t expect to get away with it when you’re both giggling away in Lucifer’s office
Can and will get you lingerie or toys for your own pleasure
But a more tame thing is love letters or doing as he did before; spa days
The love letters are all about him gushing over you
He doesn’t give them daily since he wants you to savor the fact he wrote that letter, but he really really wants to
He loves your face when he hands them to you, when you open it and how your eyes soften as you read what he wrote
You REALLY know how to make him fall for you all over again, do you?
His spa days with you become much more thorough
You want a head massage today? Legs? Arms? Whatever you want, he’ll take care of while grazing your skin with his lips (or teeth, if you’re both in that mood)
His goal is to see you flushed or blissed out, or both, that’s his ultimate goal!
The lingerie and toys are much more specific and may take some testing or special measurements, just a small warning
His jacket, and would fully give it to you for a day if you ask
The thing’s huge on you and you have to scrunch up the sleeves a lot to use your hands
But it’s so soft inside and the fact it’s big makes it easy to get all comfy, the fur around the collar is a big bonus
The first time he gave it to you was cause it became cold out and you were shivering
Reassured you he wasn’t cold while rubbing your arms to warm you up faster
Most likely carried you home that night too
Now he’ll give you his jacket if you tug on it a certain way or if he has a match of Fangol and wants his good luck charm comfy
It helps him spot you a lot easier when he needs a confidence boost
Wave back at him with your hand still in the sleeve and he might lose a bit of focus though
One of his favorite pillows but don’t expect it to stay forever
He doesn’t take it back completely, just takes it back when it smells a lot like you
Cuddles it, re-scents it, drops it back in your room and leaves
Unless you’re there, then you’re gonna have him flopping next to you and nuzzling your side for attention
At night he’ll come in for cuddles and smile like an idiot when you’re resting on his pillow
You have so many others, but the one you got from him was picked
It’s really nice for him to see
Snuggles into your bed with a small hum while you unconsciously intertwine your fingers into his hair
“Hi cuddle bug..”
“Hi sleep prince..”
He wanted to give you two things, but since he had to choose, he ‘combined them’
After some communication, he was able to get you a chamber to stay in while you’re at the castle
Thought he still prefers you in his room
The second thing was waiting on your bed
It was a necklace with a jewel that changes color depending on how it’s tilted
It was a jewel from the castle and Diavolo showed you where it came from
“You didn’t have to take that from your castle, Dia..”
Diavolo pouted before turning to you and taking your hands in his
“But I wanted to! That way, a part of Devildom is always with you, no matter where you may go.”
Honestly, he must have a dozen tea sets for Diavolo to pick from
And he does the same for you when you come visit
Whatever set you want, he’ll bring for you
Today he offers it to you as he’s bringing you to your room
“I can’t take one of your tea sets, Barbie..”
His face softened slightly as he gently guided his hand along your cheek
“You’re not taking one, I’m giving you one, by choice. Please, pick your favorite. I have enough.”
Let’s you look over each set he has and carefully packages your choice while cooing over you
He is covering up his coos with compliments though, he just wants to make you flustered
Promises to bring you tea from time to time so you can get good use of the set
A quill and ink set, a very fancy one
He’s never said where he gets it and buys you new ink when you’re running out (to your dismay)
The quill feather is extremely soft and delicate
It’s ink glides across any paper with ease and is very subtle with how it sparkles
It’s a beautiful set, one Simeon droned on about in the past and you thought he got this for himself
“I thought about it, but I already have my own set for when I want to write. So, I thought I’d get you one.”
Does not elaborate further but happily shows you the perfect way to write calligraphy with the quill
Trying to convince him to let you buy the ink will cause him to shake his head while smiling before cupping your face with a, “No.”
A decorated picture frame with a photo of you and him together
Simeon was with you when the picture was taken but Luke saw something cool and scurried off
Chasing after him, he begged you for a photo and you obliged before finding Simeon again
You don’t know when he printed it or when he began his little arts and crafts project, but it’s adorable
The frame has stars and little yellow dots on it
At the top, it says ‘best friend’ in little yellow letters with extra stars around it
He was very red handing it to you and extra nervous when you were looking at it
Give him a hug and thank the lil guy
Ease his poor little nerves and then set up his present so he can see it when he visits
Listen.. Hear me out here..
Is it a little weird he has your blood and you have his? Maybe, but the blood pact hc rots my brain, I’m sorry
Aside from that, he does like toying around with yours while it hangs from his neck
He’s also just,, so fucking smug about it around others
Like the blood pact scar, he will rub the vial between his pointer finger and thumb
He finds it soothing, especially when you’re not around
And you, you can do whatever you want with his vial and he finds it interesting
DIGS into you when you come see him the day after getting it
“Enjoying your vial? I’m enjoying mine!”
Biggest grin he’s had in awhile, even bigger if you’re around the bros/angels
Toy with his vial around him, he’ll love it and do the same
Psst.. Trace the scar too.. Watch him melt instead of being smug
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shoujomangathoughts · 4 months
Character Corner - Oushi (A Sign of Affection)
Okay so here's a series I'm introducing (cheesy name and all) for when I'd like to talk about a specific character instead of a series on a whole.
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For some background context, I'd seen hype around this manga and then again when the anime was announced and started airing, but at first wasn't in the mood for some saccharine romance. However, I was recently in the mood and gave it a shot, and I enjoyed it (enough to read all the way to the current chapter lol). Anyway, previous to this I knew a few things about the series, one of which was that a certain character (Oushi) had a quite an online hate-train. And now that I've consumed the series up to its current point... I can't say I fully understand.
Now Oushi is definitely a character who is designed to rub the audience the wrong way; he's brash and kind of an ass toward Yuki, but people make it seem like he does such terrible things to her that he's an irredeemable person.
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One of the main reasons people dislike him is the fact that he comes off a bit ableist, and while I can't say I fully disagree, I also don't think he's intentionally doing this (later chapters especially make me believe this). Yes he's a bit misguided and the fact that Yuki isn't the fragile, helpless person he seems to believe she is at times is actually something that makes him insecure. In his mind, he's the person who reached out to her by learning sign language and by being relatively close to her throughout the years, which is why when Itsuomi so quickly commits to learning sign he feels threatened (especially true when he drunkenly mutters he doesn't want Itsuomi to come into "their world"). But honestly he never does anything that terrible to Yuki unless I'm forgetting something. When it comes to his view on trying to protect her, there's a more recent chapter that shows he was present when Yuki was humiliated and mocked for her voice sounding "weird" and he saw how hurt she was and noticed that she stopped using her voice after. He directly sees how someone with a disability is put down for it (mind you he says her voice was never strange to him and he seemed to admire her for earnestly trying), which I think is the root of him feeling like he wants to protect her. Throw that in the mix with his growing affection for her and his personality being that of someone who isn't aware of how to express their honest feelings, and you're on the track to get where he currently is.
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I actually think because of this he's a good foil to Itsuomi. Itsuomi was raised abroad and has learned the beauty of communication and tasted the triumph of being understood despite language barriers, and between that and his love of language, he's a lot quicker to adapt and be both intrigued and inspired by someone like Yuki. Oushi on the other hand hasn't had this experience and has seen Yuki's disability be used by others as a means to hurt her, hence why they act so differently. Now I'm not saying Oushi's behavior is entirely correct, but to me it's pretty easy to see why he acts how he does. I also think it's worth mentioning that Oushi himself thinks about how he interacts with Yuki and realizes that he hasn't come across well. He's still growing as a person up to the latest chapter and gradually becoming more self aware.
I also think it's important to see how Yuki herself views Oushi. She labels him childish and thinks of him as being somewhat rude (she calls his signing 'thorny'), but she also talks about how nice she thinks he is. In a series that goes over the fact that expressions are vital to understanding someone, she hardly has a bad thing to say about Oushi. Yes she was a bit uncomfortable when he was near once, but at that point she'd suspected his feelings for her and she was in a happy relationship. She even tells him that she was grateful to have someone like him reach out to her because it helped her. She seems to think of him almost like an overbearing brother, he picks on her sure, but I can't think of him doing anything overly cruel or saying anything that really cut her deep.
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I'm not sure I totally understand the hate I see for his character to be honest. The biggest reason is that he may be "ableist", but to be honest the way he treats Yuki is the way I think many people would treat someone with a disability because someone who doesn't have an impairment of a sense wouldn't entirely understand the experience of someone who does. He doesn't really make fun of her for it, more so he tries to limit her (and while he says things, he never really stops her or takes any action). As he's watched her make friends, get a boyfriend, and do things like any other college student, I think he's realized the point of view he was looking at her from was a bit misinformed. I don't know, maybe I missed something, but I think some may have missed the point of his character, especially with how heavily he contrasts Itsuomi, who is mostly perfectly adaptable and understanding. I don't know if it's the shipping of Oushi with Yuki that people don't like (for the record, it's not like I want Oushi and Yuki to date), but I think his character works well in the context of the series. Much of his behavior otherwise seems pretty standard of characters who are jealous (and honestly, like many second male leads).
I wrote this pretty quickly so feel free to disagree or let me know if I overlooked something that makes one of my points feel off, but I just wanted to give my thoughts since I saw some discourse about this character. I know it's more of a slice of life series but I really thought going into this series that he'd be quite the villain and I didn't see his character that way at all. Thanks for reading and hopefully the new format is okay! Sometimes I want to talk about a certain character despite not feeling like I have any real conversation to add about a series at large, hence why I made 'character corner'.
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m3rcuree · 4 months
This is my first time writing, so be somewhat nice ig? Keep in mind I didn't proofread, so their might some mistakes here nad there. You don't really need to play the games or read the mangas to understand this. If this gets enough interaction I might make a continuation or something set in the same universe. Hope you enjoy! blood dupre x gn reader oneshot summary: blood visits reader in his library, gets lost in thought tw: hints at yandere towards the end word count: 642 Blood's dialogue is red, reader's is blue.
Sunlight streamed in through the windows, splashing onto the cool tile floor, illuminating the entire space. The air was still, with only one person at work inside.
Shufflng around silently, muttering to themselves about the books, Blood thought they made quite the pretty sight. It was so shocking to him that after all those repetetive days, seemingly endless, he had found saviour in the mundane motions of an outsider.
He remembered when they had first arrived, pulled along by Peter White. The whole of wonderland had been in quite the commotion. After all, an outsider arriving was quite the phenomena. Immediately, it was obvious that everyone had been taken with them. Perhaps it was because of their quiet charm, or their curiosity about the ongoings of this strange new world. Maybe it was their aversion to violence, or their unique beauty. Nevertheless, wether they knew it or not, they had every other person with a role wrapped around their finger. Well, except for Blood.
Not to say he wasn't intrigued, Quite the contrary. But he didn't feel the same unwavering love for them that everyone else seemed to share. He more saw them as an experiment, something to celebrate if gone correct, and something to dispose of if gone awry. But slowly he grew connected. The witty responses to his sly comments, the way their face reddened when embarrassed, the unbridled passion when it came to their interests, all of these things drew him to them.
Maybe that was why it took him so short a time to invite them to his rose garden, which was his magnum opus. Maybe that was why it took him so short a time to invite them to a tea party to share his newest purchase. It was such a strange thing to him, to feel clock tick a little faster for this strange, peculiar, wonderful outsider. He was very aware of the fact that he was replaceable, so was everyone in this realm after all, but he didn't want to be replaceable to them. He wanted their thoughts to be occupied with him, and him alone, no room for anyone else.
A sudden thud broke the silence of the room, and brought him out of his daze. He smirked as he looked over and noticed that they had accidently dropped a pile of books.
"Need some help?" he announced in a mocking tone. Fully used ti this by now, they looked over and rolled their eyes.
He wasn't sure if they understood the gravity of what he was offering. Never before their arrival could he recall ever offering his assistance to someone. It had just been out of the question. But with their arrival, he quickly realized he had to compete for their heart, and stand from all the others.
As he picked up the dusty old novel, he noticed fingerprints on the cover.
"You've read this?" he inquired.
"Well, somebody in this place had to put the to use, and it sure wasn't going to be you." they said with an eye roll.
"Well, you might want to sit down for this, but I have actually read this."
"Really?" they said it in faux shock, but Blood noticed the slight look of adoration in their eyes, and couldn't ignore the sudden butterflies in his stomach.
"if you liked it, you should ask Ace to let you into Vivaldi's library, she's got the sequel." they said, turning away to continue perusing the shelves.
And just like that, he felt those butterflies freeze. Why, no matter how much he flattered and gifted and persisted, did he not have them to themselves. He was used to getting what he wanted, so this presented quite the unusual challenge.
The only thing that comforted him was the thought that soon, he would enact his plan to keep them. Forever.
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Can the obey me brothers survive SCP-3008 (the infinite ikea, but can they even let alone survive a normal ikea /j)
These bitches definitely can't survive in a normal Ikea /j
They have a pretty good chance of surviving SCP-3008. No one is dying this time.
For those of you who want to read more about the SCP here is a link
More important question. Does Devildom has its own version of Ikea?? How would it even be called?? Devilikea? Demonkea?
The demon brothers vs SCP-3008
A/N:For those of you who don't know what SCP-3008 is. It's basically an infinite Ikea that is extremely hard to get out of. There are also monsters under the name of SCP 3008-2 which are basically humanoid monsters, which are either too short/tall with no face and long limbs that get agressive during the night.
He just wanted to go buy furniture to replace the one destroyed by his brothers but the store doesn't seem to end.
It doesn't take much for him to realize something is deeply wrong with the store and he tries to go find an exit.
He tries to go talk with some worker only to come face to face with SCP 3008-2. Even if the monster tries to attack him, it will be killed rather quickly.
Really, the only hard thing to do is finding the exit. The monsters tend to leave him alone as they are too scared to approach him.
I wouldn't be surprised if he started asking 'nicely' where the exit is. All in all it takes him 2 days to get out. Also before reaching the exit he also took all the furniture that he came for in the first place.
A/N: Reading all of this makes me realize that it might not be so weird if this happens in Devildom...for all we know maybe that's how stores function in there...
He had a big idea for a new scheme but he needed to buy some thing for it to work and long story short he ended up in the infinite Ikea.
It took him a good while to notice that anything was wrong really. Even during the night, when the SCPs 3008-2 were moving he didn't think something was wrong. When the creatures would start talking to him he would run thinking they were some dept collectors.
He does finally realize what is actually happening and gets the brilliant to just take home with him as much stuff as he can then sell it on the internet. The store has infinite supplies so it's not like it will be missing some pieces of furniture.
It does take him about a week or two to get out just because he went too far into the infinite Ikea. If he had his crow familiars with him he would have been out in 3 days top.
He didn't leave with as much stuff to sell as he liked but he refuses to go back. He barges into MC's room to demand that they sleep together for a while...not because he has nightmares of that place or anything.
He needed a new shelf for his manga collection and it just so happened that he couldn't find it online anymore so he had to go out and buy it himself.
He was focused on finding the perfect shelf that he didn't realize that night fell and SCP 3008-2 came out and it took him a great while to figure out something was wrong.
He was avoinding them the way people avoid Solomon's cooking. The weird bodies proportions? He just thought that's what normies look like. The faces with features on them? Please, he was trying to avoid having to talk with people so badly that he didn't even look at their faces.
The only reason he figured out things was because he couldn't log into his games for his daily login. That's when panic started to set in. He spent a few hours just having a crisis and crying.
After he actually got motivated to get home he used all his experience as an admiral and the one from video games. When he stayed and thought about it, the whole situation reminded him of the 'The one time I got stuck into a supermarket full of monsters' anime.
He doesn't want to even think of all the time it took him to get out...all the lost login bonuses, all the animes he had to caught up on. His social battery was empty too. Once he got home he didn't leave his room for a month.
He needed even more shelves for his books and maybe some stuff for cats...Lucifer doesn't need to find out about the second reason tho.
He honestly noticed that something was wrong with the place pretty fast but he couldn't exactly figured out at first.
It wasn't until night came that things started to make sense and he realized what his predicament was.
He went full on detective/researcher mode. He wanted to know what those creatures were they are SCPs Satan..
He somehow stumbles across other people that have been trapped there for a while and starts questioning them about the place.
It takes 5 days to come and he brings some of the other people too with him.
With how smart he is you would think he wouldn't ask MC 'Is this how all shops in the human world are?' but he does! When MC tells him no he is both dissapointed and relieved.
Went in to buy new mirrors cause the ones he has are no longer good enough for his tastes clearly not because Mammon and Levi broke them
He got distracted by all the mirrors and the possible cute furniture he could use for his room. You can never have too many fluffy pillows and soft blankets!
The only reason he notices anything is amiss is when all the lights go out. Even when SCPs 3008-2 come out to get him, he thinks those are just some of his fans that came to see him.
His charm even works on the creatures so he is really in no danger. He even makes them carry his stuff and show him the exit.
He gets out of there the fastest and even gets more stuff than he came for!
Came to replace some of the furnite he ate back at the House of Lamentetion
SCP-3008 besides being an infinite Ikea also has infinite food so it takes Beel quite a while to notice that anything is wrong. Even when SCP 3008-2 tries to attack him he just eats them.
He would have been way more concerned if any of his brothers were with him but since he is alone he just chills around there. He eats until he had his fill and then goes on to take what he needs.
He accidentally stumbles across some people that have been stuck in there for a while and decides to help them get out.
Seeing Beel easily beating and eating SCP 3008-2 makes them question if they choose the right person to follow
It takes him around a week to get out but he would have been so much faster if he decided not to help anyone.
Goes there to buy himself new pillows, blankets, bed mattress and so on.
He tries to test which one is better and ends up falling asleep.
SCP 3008-2 kind of ignores him since it thinks he is not alive. Since he is pretty aware of what is happening around him even when sleeping he put two and two together and figured out more or less what was happening.
During the day he would wander around, trying to find anything interesting that Beelzebub or MC might like and during the night he is 'testing' the bed mattress and pillows.
All in all it takes him 6 days to come out and he got everything he needed and more. He also made sure to take some of that infinite food for Beel
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greatwyrmgold · 7 months
Lately, I've been reading Forge of Destiny, and while I think it's pretty good, I'm not going to talk about why today. Instead, I'm going to talk about something weird that I found interesting: The remnants of a text-to-text adaptation.
For those who don't know, the Forge of Destiny I linked is not the original version. The original was a "quest" on Sufficient Velocity. For those who don't know, quests are kind of like multiplayer choose-your-own-adventure stories; the author writes a chapter, the players vote on what happens next, the author writes another chapter.
You might not be able to tell if I hadn't told you that; Yrsillar has done a good job of adapting their story to a different format. Most significantly, the chapters have been broken up and merged, so that the chapters end at dramatically appropriate moments and not a decision-points.
But if you know what you're looking for, you can still see many of those decision-points. Perhaps the most obvious was in one of the early chapters, when Ling Qi (the protagonist) is looking for a seat and notes four fellow disciples with empty seats near them.
In the context of a normal novel, these characters would be one of three things: Important characters who our heroine will soon get to know, colorful set dressing, or a Chekhov's Gunman pretending to be set dressing. But they aren't, really. One of them is Qi's future roommate and friend, one of them leads a training group that Qi befriends but drifts away from, and the other two are too prominent to be set dressing but still incredibly unimportant characters. (One of them is technically a minor antagonist in a conflict that Qi doesn't seem to care about, the other is an even minor-er antagonist in that conflict.)
In a quest, though? That's the author pointing to a bunch of characters and asking who y'all want to hang out with. Which is why Qi hangs out with the guy who knows Qi's third- or fourth-best friend instead of the girl who ends up being her closest friend and ally. The players hung out with Han Jian at first, but later decided they'd rather focus on other characters. But without that context, the decision to focus on a tertiary character in chapter 2 makes little sense.
There are plenty of other instances of these visible decision points, usually times when Ling Qi clearly and explicitly contemplates two or three courses of action she could take. In an ordinary novel, a character thinking like that indicates that they're conflicted over which course of action to take (whether because they don't know what they want or because they don't know how to get it), but Qi does that kind of thing even when her actions or words in that scene are more consistent with making the decision quickly and sticking to it.
(There are also other marks; times when Qi said she'd think about something when the ambiguity wasn't needed, minor details that the players probably voted on got a bit more attention than authors would usually pay them, that kind of thing. I'm just trying to give an overview, not an exhaustive list.)
I'm not saying this as a criticism—like I said, I'm not sure people unfamiliar with the story's history would notice anything was off. It's like looking at an anime character running in place while talking and thinking "This probably looks better as a manga panel." Normally, that bit of adaptational jank isn't worth talking about.
But normally, it's not a text-to-text adaptation. Nothing about how Forge of Destiny was presented has changed, only its context. But even here, adaptation can leave scars. And I think that's interesting!
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thingyperson · 1 year
Can you keep a secret? Part 2
Pt. 2 of my last post. If there are any inconsistencies please notify me. I couldn't come up with any words while writing this. relatedwords.io are my saviors. If you're early, I might make some changes so maybe save this and come back in like 30min.
This is also way longer than I wanted it to be.
pt.1 on my profile
!SPOILERS! (manga ch.245 approx.)
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You asked one of your accountants to deliver the magazine. You determined that this was probably one of the best options because they couldn't be traced back to you specifically since that accountant worked for multiple people/companies.
The message you sent him read:
"Meet at café next to Ketsubutsu high school"
And you also wrote the number 12 at the bottom of the text.
You had pretty limited options of words because the text wasn't that long and it was an interview with a teacher from Ketsubutsu academy. You hoped that he wouldn't miss the 12 which was supposed to be the time you meet up with him.
---⇢Time skip to the next morning, around 9:45...
You were getting ready, as per usual. You didn't really like getting up early so you usually got up at around 9:00 and got ready quickly. You skipped on breakfast because you were going to café anyways.
You got ready for work, took your keys and phone and left your apartment. The weather outside was okay. It was about 18˚ and the sky was cloudy.
You had to make an appearance at your agency before going anywhere.
You arrived at your agency shortly after leaving your apartment complex since it was relatively close.
You made your way inside and took the elevator to your office. It was on floor 25, which was basically the top floor. The only thing above it was the break area outside.
Your agency didn't have that many floors because you simply didn't need that many. You didn't have that much paperwork as other popular heroes and you didn't need multiple floors for different departments like merch, marketing and accounting. Your workers all had a manageable workload. (At least you didn't get any feedback that suggested otherwise.)
You had gotten up to floor 25. The ride was around 4 minutes. It would've been 2 minutes if you were the only person who was using the elevator.
You made your way into your office and started looking for the nearest sticky note to leave on your door, saying you're out already. You quickly found one, grabbed the nearest pen and stuck the note on your nameplate.
You glanced at the clock on the wall. It showed that it was already 10:30. You would usually head out to patrol the city or do other things at this time and you had no reason to disturb your routine.
You made your way back to the elevator and selected the first floor.
You continued your day as you usually would. You made your way around the city looking out for any crime or anything of that sort.
The city was usually peaceful today. You were generating a route in your head that would eventually lead you to Ketsubutsu academy.
---⇢Time skip to about 11:45
You had arrived a little earlier than the time you had written in the magazine but you made your way to the café anyway since you had nothing else to spend the 15 minutes on.
You went inside and ordered oolong tea and a slice of cheesecake before sitting down in a 2 person table.
The barista brought out your cheesecake and tea shortly after.
The breakfast was looked very cute. You didn't usually take pictures of your food but you really wanted to this time. You were taking the picture when Hawks walked in.
He walked past you and ordered an espresso. He looked like he had been running. The server brought it out after about 2 minutes. He stayed at the bar until the barista brought out his coffee. You had figured that he wouldn't sit with you if he couldn't even message you or send you a letter.
You noticed that his shoulders shook slightly for a short time as if he was writing something, but he was sitting with his back facing you so you couldn't see what he was doing.
He got up after finishing his espresso and started making his way to the exit. You locked eyes with him and he shot you a concerned look.
You had never seen him this worried. He always seemed like a very calm and collected person so it must be something very serious that's causing him to worry like that.
You looked back at your breakfast and noticed that there was a small crumbled piece of paper with something written on it.
You looked out the window to see Hawks walking in the street and quickly took the paper.
"Ive been given a mission to infiltrate the LOV, theyre watching everyone and everything"
You rested your head on your hand so your face wouldn't sabotage you.
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