#which. i didn't think was THAT bad as far as diets go
lazylittledragon · 9 months
don't you love when you Just stopped feeling guilty about eating the things you like and then one of your parents drops the "i'm concerned about your diet"
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mono-dot-jpeg · 3 months
bad decisions - i. sae, b. meguru & m. reo
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summary; let's make some bad decisions.
genre/extra tags; rambling post?/scenarios???, fluff but not really, diet fluff, and diet angst, late night thoughts combined with day light thoughts, might be ooc
a/n; im gonna go out on a limb here and say you dont want yandere obsessive tendencies in the relationship (i dont write yandere bc i hate that trope and i dont understand the appeal). i only did three bc this was all i can think of, im so sorry- hope you enjoy this either way. thank you for requesting and for your patience.
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i think we all saw this coming when i say, sae probably gotta have some odd habits and thoughts when it comes to being a relationship. he's precise and serious in his soccer, and that bleeds into his relationships. it has nothing to you, no, not when he's so used to seeing into every detail and every possibility. he keeps trying to predict what you will do, and then you surprise him when it's not what he expected. most of the time, this happens when you're just doing something without much thought. he gets kind of weird about it though, he just blue-screens and had to take a moment before asking what is wrong with you because you didn't do the thing he expected. you have to tell him that this is just how you are, and he refuses to be outsmarted by his partner when he's usually the one with the brain cell between you two.
he feels the need to check on you a lot because he doesn't express it outright. he observes you like he's in a game match. it's cute at first but then you realize, "oh god he's really paying attention a little too well..."
he hates if you ever even try to interact with rin. he is one jealous little shit. if he's in a good mood [which is hard to tell with him], you have like a higher chance of talking to rin. but most days, he's keeping you away from him.
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bachira is unpredictable and he's crazy. he loves you a lot. and i mean a lot. he's extremely clingy towards things he cherishes and that probably stems from the lack of friends he had back then and he's just scared to lose you. but sometimes he really impedes on the day-to-day routine. he needs reassurance when you're gone. he texts you a lot. very standard clingy person.
he feels the need to be a guard dog. he's possessive but not in the way sae would be with his jealously. no, bachira is possessive but he's confident that he will keep you protected from others. but also he loves to wreak havoc so he likes being loud about being clingy and protective. it can get overwhelming.
i'm gonna be real, this one is short because bachira's traits could probably be pretty amplified in a relationship and honestly, i would go as far as to think that most of his traits would just be either better or worse in a relationship.
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overbearing. that should be enough to explain it.
he's got a weird complex with him. at least that is what i think. he really stuck with nagi a lot, and i think he would do the same in a romantic relationship. he's gotten too used to coddling nagi and he does the same to you. he spoils you. and it's great at first, but it can be a lot at once. and honestly i think he feels the need to compensate for something. what is the thing he's compensating for? i don't know, but he gives me those "compensating for something with money" vibes.
i think it's safe to say that all the boys have a pride to uphold and reo is no different. he hates being inactive. he wants to help you all the time. and i mean all the time. he wants to be useful but he goes at it terribly. he wants to be relied on.
is it crazy to say that i think reo is the worst out of the three here? probably but whatever.
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AITA for breaking up with someone over fishkeeping and cat food? I know how the title sounds but hear me out. This happened a couple years ago and I'm still friends with the people this happened with but it still weighs on me. So I have always been kind of militant about husbandry when it comes to the animals I keep(autistic, it' a special interest) and I don't really like to deal with people who don't take caring for living creatures they willingly bring into their home seriously. I sold a fish tank to my, then, partner J who wanted to get into fish keeping. J and D, our other partner, lived together. After taking the tank home and cleaning it up we were throwing around ideas for what to put in it. It wasn't too big but also not small, but he kept throwing out species that would far outgrow the tank or species that would fight and kill each other. Every time I shot these species down J took it well, realizing the space was either too small or they would die and didn't want the fish in improper conditions but D kept telling me not to "squash his creativity" and he could "do whatever as long as it made him happy". At this I obviously hopped on my soapbox about how it's our duty as animal owners to give the animals we keep proper conditions and D went absolutely off on me and mentioned how I care "too much" about how other people keep their animals and had always made her feel bad about how she feeds her cats and now I was doing this. For context my cat eats a raw diet. I did a lot of research and talked to my vet and he's doing wonderfully while one of her cats is extremely overweight to the point he waddles instead of walking and the other two are getting there as well, both of which I've brought up concerns about but I have NEVER shamed the way she fed her animals. She had been interested in the interest I had taken and had ASKED for better quality food recommendations, so I gave them, but NEVER told her she had to feed them a certain way. A majority of our conversations were just me info-dumping and her being happy to listen and ask questions occasionally. Anyway J kind of backed out of the conversation at this and D and I went back and forth a bit before D finally said "I don't think this relationship is going to work out if you won't let this go"(This being I have pointed out one of her cats is grossly overweight a couple times and it's extremely unhealthy, especially since he's aging now) so I said "Yeah I think so too. This is something I clearly care a lot about and I'm not going to be with someone who puts their own or their partner's feelings over the well-being of the animals they are responsible for"(referencing when she said a few times when talking about the fish that it was okay if the fish killed each other or died from improper conditions as long as J was happy with how the tank looked and "it's not like we're putting kittens in with sharks, they're Just Fish") and we broke up there and then. Since then we've still stayed close friends after a short break from each other(I'm actually her Man of Honor in her upcoming wedding to J!) and she's actually made moves to better the quality of the food she buys her cats and is working on getting her obese cat's weight down and J's fish tank hobby is going very well(with proper keeping standards!!). But the situation at the time still weighs on me and even though we're genuinely too busy with work and life to make a relationship work anymore anyway and that was also a factor of the breakup.... AITA for beginning a breakup over animal husbandry?
What are these acronyms?
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prince-liest · 2 months
Return Ticket: One Way Only ??
This is the other one that doesn't have any snippets yet (kjxhcfg, bad luck, first two asks managed to get the two only WIPs that didn't) because I often outline extensively before I start writing at all, BUT:
This is my theoretical sequel to The Last Bus Stop In Hell, Now Boarding. I'm not 100% sure that I'm going to write the entirety of it, but it exists as a concept because the one thing I was sad I didn't figure out how to hit upon in the original fic (due to timeline issues, mostly) is what it would be like for Alastor and Angel Dust to deal with each other's cravings if they were for some reason left over even after they returned to their respective bodies.
Angel Dust is addicted to "drugs" (more specifically, he buys PCP in the pilot and references how expensive a coke habit is in canon, but I'm sure he uses more than that just based on how he talks about it), which I feel like the show does not really dive into (fingers crossed in season 2) both in terms of how it affects him and how it's really not just a "Oh, have Angel throw his stash out and it's all good!" kind of situation to change. The most we really get from canon on that front is a one-off line from Charlie to Lucifer about how they've almost found all of Angel's drug stashes when she's showing him around the hotel, and I really want to shine more of a light on the complexity of that little situation, because it deserves more than to be just a punch line the way it's been so far.
Being addicted to drugs is an incredible way to feel like you are spiraling horrifically out of control if you can't get your hands on whatever you are needing. Alastor is kind of a control freak. Combining the two seems............interesting.
On top of that, I often write Angel Dust as dealing with some disordered eating issues, because 1) I can never resist that particular subject matter and 2) the old Voxtagram posts have some very blatant diet-related negging directed at him from Valentino that caught my eye. I think it would be interesting for him to deal with Alastor's cursed craving for human flesh making that entire situation like ten times worse and even more viscerally horrifying than it otherwise already is.
[ tag/ask meme ]
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foster-the-world · 4 months
I love
I love when I get to hang out with any of my kids one on one. We need to make concentrated efforts to do it more often. I'm home with baby boy all week while my husband took the girls to Cali to see his parents/sister.
Baby boy is so much fun alone (as I've said a million times). We went to the Children's Museum and the MOMA kids art lab. Kids art lab was underwhelming but he enjoyed himself. Did a quick walk through of the art. He wasn't too impressed.
We had an indoor monkey bar system set up yesterday. It took the guys a lot longer then they planned. Last night I was regretting the choice. Felt a little too risky. I think I know how we can make it safer. Its supposed to be a part of his sensory diet. We used some funds we got when the DOE reimbursed for some OT costs.
Rebel was sick Thursday night. Thankfully fine all day Friday. Flew out very early on Saturday. His parents picked them up with masks and dropped them off at a hotel. They were supposed to go right to the cousins house and were scheduled to stay with his parents. I guess his parents were worried about the stomach bug. Which is understandable but I thought it was rude not too let my husband know beforehand. He got up at 4am to take two kids on a six hour flight by himself. He would have warned the girls they were expected to go isolate in a hotel room. Of course, my husband is a Saint and just went along with it. If my parents didn't see my girls for three months there is zero chance they would give up even one hour with them - sick or not. And they weren't even sick anymore. She never had a fever. Threw up 36 hours before. Anyway not my rodeo.
Baby boys ezcema is not good. His poor little cheeks. I guess its just the cold weather.
My own scalp is so, so, so itchy. Before the last month I've never in my life had this problem. No dandruff just itchy/burning. Its not a super bad pain level but its nonstop. It keeps me awake at night. I'm assuming its related to the low iron and the hair loss. Not sure what to do. Trying shampoos right now. Probably need to do some kind of eating changes but not sure exactly what and also don't want to. My skin is also itchy but that's less persistent. The skin is also something I'm used to when the weather gets cold like this.
DOE is giving new options for baby boy since they can't find providers. I'm on the fence. It involves a different school. Its not far away, is an inclusive classroom (8 special ed kids, 8 gen ed), would include all providers (OT, PT and speech) , and would include free summer camp which also includes all providers. These are all big benefits. Its a fancy private school - which is not our vibe. I guess they reserve some DOE spots. I don't really want my poorly behaved (but o so sweet) black boy to be a scholarship kid (in essence) in a school full of rich white kids. In their defense I think by private school standards it is more diverse then most. I don't want my kids to grow up with kids who think spending $60K a year for school is normal. I think it just gives a view of the world I don't want them to have. But that's more of a concern for older grades. Not an issue for 4yo's. He can go back to our little public school for K. We need to figure out a place for providers and this maybe our best option. The free summer camp is a big draw. I need somewhere that can handle kids like him. One that is paid for and includes his services would be a huge win. They do swimming lessons and teach Spanish. He's actually picking up some Spanish vocabulary (numbers, colors, animals) so a place where that can grow would be great. DOE is setting up a tour after winter break. I'm sure its a very nice facility. Let's see how it goes. I won't hold my breathe until a solution is actually implemented.
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emira-addams · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel - Odette x Velvette - Juliet and Juliet in Hell
Interlude: Blanket Bunkers and Bedroom Blunders
In the flickering light of the TV screen, Clara and Octavia squatted in their cozy fortress of blankets and pillows, which they had collected from all corners of the Carmine mansion with Rosie's help. The two best friends wore matching pyjamas, onesies made of fluffy fuchsia frotté fabric, each in the shape of Godzilla with teeth sewn onto the hood. Between them stood a half-empty bowl of popcorn, a treat from Rosie's kitchen.
Clara's attention was glued to the action on the TV screen as she blindly grabbed a whole handful of popcorn from the bowl and stuffed it into her mouth. On the screen in Clara's dim room played a horror movie that she had recently found in the far corner of a cupboard in the living room while cleaning out their movie collection.
"This cinematic execution is more akin to a bad comedy than a good horror movie," Octavia scoffed snidely. She rolled her eyes in annoyance as the characters in the movie made a decision that would surely seal the end of their lives. "Yeah, great idea!" she grumbled, her voice filled with sarcasm, as the characters, stranded without a car and with cell phones without reception somewhere in the middle of nowhere, walked into the first abandoned house they could find. "What could possibly go wrong? Humans are so fucking stupid..."
"Why do they run up the stairs instead of to the door?" Clara complained, full of contempt for the cliché-dripping movie script, as the raging killer appeared on the screen with a roaring chainsaw and chased after the intruders.
Octavia's boos and hisses filled the room mockingly. "How are we ever going to get any sleep tonight from fear?"
"Oh, wow..." sneered Clara as the raging killer sliced one of the main characters in half with his chainsaw, blood and gore splattering across the screen in all directions. "Anyone who finds this seriously creepy has either big brain damage or has never watched Rosie cook." Clara suppressed a gag at the thought of Rosie's special diet.
Suddenly, a very strange noise interrupted Clara's mocking laughter and elicited a startled gasp from her. "What was that?" she wanted to know, distraught, while she could feel her pulse in her ears. Her heart raced in her chest.
"I thought you didn't think the movie was creepy." Octavia writhed in laughter on the ground. "I didn't expect you to be so easily spooked by a maniacal chainsaw murderer and some blood, you live with a cannibal after all," she teased her best friend, a wide grin curling her lips.
"I don't think that movie is creepy!" protested Clara, her face bright red. "Besides, for your fucking record, my Mom lives with a cannibal and I live with my Mom. So I can't really do much about the cannibal..."
"Oh, don't be so fucking coy, Clara, I've heard you call Rosie Mamá before!"
Suddenly, Clara and Octavia startled again as the very strange noise sounded again. The debate was forgotten as reality dawned on Clara. Velvette must have snuck into Odette's room and these moans-
Clara quickly shook her head to dispel the thought. She desperately tried not to let the associated images arise in her head. "Uhm..." She cleared her throat awkwardly as she felt another wave of embarrassment roll over her and her cheeks took on a darker hue. Her lips hastily formed an apology to her guest. "I'm so fucking sorry, Octavia, I didn't think... I mean, I thought we were having a peaceful sleepover together. I didn't realize that my sister... I didn't expect my sister... that she and Velvette...", Clara stammered. She couldn't really find the right words and cast her gaze to the floor in shame.
Octavia let out a light laugh. "Hey, don't worry," she reassured her best friend and put her hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic look. "Honestly, it's not your fault... and somehow in a weird way, this situation is pretty funny."
The night dragged on while the noises continued.
Furiously, Clara pressed her hands over her ears and desperately tried to block out the noises coming from her sister's room. "Kill me, please!" she begged her best friend as they laid together in their sleeping bags on the floor of Clara's room, staring holes at the ceiling.
"Velvette doesn't really have a quiet voice, to put it kindly..." Octavia commented dryly.
Clara wailed, a deep red flush of embarrassment still on her cheeks. "This has been going on for fucking hours..." she groaned. "Don't they need a break?"
Octavia waved her hand. "It's a full moon today. Just be glad that the sleepover party is at your place and not mine. You really don't want to have to listen to what my father and his boyfriend are up to tonight..."
Clara shivered as an icy chill ran down her spine and wrapped herself tighter in her sleeping bag.
"You know, I'm not sure what's supposed to be scarier..." Octavia turned onto her side. She looked at her best friend with wide eyes. "This ridiculous horror movie, or that I've become an unwilling listener and a witness to the sex life between your sister and Velvette..."
Clara chuckled, a slight smile forming on her lips. "Definitely the latter," she asserted, "at least we got to laugh about the movie together."
Clara was glad her mother wasn't home yet. Rosie certainly wouldn't rat Odette and Velvette out to her, but Clara would definitely complain to her sister the next morning about this late-night disturbance...
Chapter 08:
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
This might be a weird ask, so please disregard if you’re not interested in answering it.
I think you mentioned once that you like to cook, and a lot of your fics have mentions of food (which I love btw). So I was wondering: Do you have specific meals/recipes that make you think of certain clones? Or, do you have any headcanons as to Earth-based meals/foods specific clones would deem their favorite?
Not a weird ask at all! I do love to cook, and I'm always down to talk about food 💚
I will always think about fresh pasta with wild mushroom ragu when I think about Waxer thanks to "The Sixth Language." I have actually made that meal, and it's delicious. (I also tried to do the sexy cooking lesson with my partner, which was... Less successful 💀)
I personally headcanon that every clone has a massive sweet tooth thanks to their enhanced metabolisms and the fact that they didn't get sweets growing up. I also think they would pretty much all enjoy spicy food. This HC is for sure influenced by how spicy Mandalorian cuisine is supposed to be.
I think a lot of family-style meals would be really appealing to the clones, just because they would appreciate the sense of community. Any meal where a big group of people gathers around a table to eat and drink and laugh and talk and bond—I think that would be a dream come true for a lot of the clones. NB I'm not necessarily talking about literal biological family here; I mean it in the sense of the people you love and care about most—whomever that may include.
As far as specific foods:
I think Gregor would have a weakness for cheeseburgers (and apparently pineapple).
Dogma seems like a risotto man to me, for some reason (the technique would appeal to him, I think). He would probably love the precision of molecular gastronomy.
We know the Bad Batch loves sushi! I think seafood would be popular with a lot of the clones because they grew up on an oceanic world (though to be honest, I don't know whether their diets actually included seafood on Kamino, or whether it was just nutrient sludge).
I think Crosshair would love ramen—if he ever got a chance to actually take a bite of it.
Jesse seems like he would be very aware of his macros, and he'd be a surprisingly good cook. Mapo tofu would be his specialty. He would tell you exactly how many grams of protein was in it.
Tup... Vegetarian. Idk why, he just gives the vibe. But he'd be sneaky about it. He'd feed you the most amazing meal of your life, and you'd never even realize it was vegan.
Fireball would probably love poke bowls. Extra avocado, please!
Kix is addicted to junk food, and if anyone teases him about it, he'll be extra shaky next time he has to give them an injection. Jesse is constantly trying to get him to do better.
Rex has been a Sunday roast fan ever since he ate dinner with Cut and Suu.
Wolffe and Hunter seem like barbecue men—legit barbecue, not burgers and hot dogs. Like cochinita pibil, Texas-style brisket, barbacoa, Carolina whole hog. FIRE🔥
Cody secretly loves cheap pizza (think Little Caesar's), but if you asked him his favorite food, he'd probably say something like coq au vin. Don't get me wrong, he likes coq au vin too; it just doesn't scratch that particular itch.
The entire Coruscant Guard loves street food. Any kind of street food. If it comes from a food truck and can be eaten while walking, they're happy.
Damn, this got out of hand! I could go on until the world ended, but I have to stop somewhere. Thank you for the amazing question, Alli! It was so much fun to think about. And I'm so happy you enjoy the way I work food into my fics! One of my upcoming multichapter stories has an OC who is an aspiring cookbook author, and there is SO. MUCH. FOOD in that fic.
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kaikamahine · 6 months
hard read under the cut. tw for death.
things i wish i wouldn't have to remember
the way her eyes bulged.
her tongue, pushing out between her teeth. i tried to pry her jaws apart, to clear her airway, but they were locked tight. i couldn't. her tongue was bleeding.
her eyes bulged. they pointed in different directions. like a ghibli character, enraged.
"i'm a little dizzy," she had said, before she listed to one side. before her eyes did that awful thing.
i grabbed her face. i righted it. i pointed it at me.
"mom!" i called. "yeah?" she said. "MOM!" i called. her eyes slid back to center, on me. "what?" she said. it wasn't speaking, really. her mouth barely moved. her tongue pushed.
these were the last words she said to me.
i was right there, kneeling in front of her. her head in my hands. calling to her.
her color was bad. so so bad.
i saw her eyes go away. i saw her stop breathing.
i hauled her to the floor. you need a hard surface to start cpr. her jaws rigid, couldn't clear her airway. called 911. wailed. mom's not breathing! mom's not breathing!
chest compressions. 911 had to remind me how to place my hands.
my brother told me, later, when i told him i was never going to forget how her eyes went fixed, that he was never going to forget the sight of me, throwing all my weight onto her chest.
he was there, throwing open the front door and hauling furniture out of the way. could hear sirens now. dog barking.
men coming in. man with a braid said, "i'll take over from here, sweetheart." his chest compressions looked a lot different from mine.
lot of men after that. women, too. all in blue. lots of plastic on the floor. they cut her sweatshirt off. the teal one, with the poinsettias. her shirt, her bra. she always tucked kleenex in her bra, for when her pants pockets were too far away. it went everywhere.
a machine. like an engine. they put it over her chest and strapped her wrists to it, so she was holding it up. it did the chest compressions now. hard. her body jerked with each one. she would have liked to see it.
a man, to me: is she allergic to anything? me, to him: everything. but nothing medical.
him, to me: does she have any health problems? me, to him: everything. breast cancer, diabetes, bad kidneys, eczema.
him, to the others: diabetic. get a sugar.
it was 570.
the thought, then, like a blow. like an axe to the head: had /I/ done this?
she just had a bout of diarrhea. i KNEW she tended to slide on her diet when she had the runs, to keep up her salts.
diabetic means no starch. but she needs a high fiber diet, too, her doctor said, and there's fiber in beans, peas, some vegetables. but the most fiber is in grains.
so we compromised. i would give her a high-fiber cereal for breakfast, when she was most likely to take her insulin straight afterward. healthy blood sugars are below 120. she usually ran in the 200s, even fasting.
never 570.
i didn't think about how she'd probably eaten something salty starchy. i didn't think that she probably would have forgotten her nightly insulin. i gave her breakfast as usual.
i didn't know, then, that it had been her heart. i thought it was a diabetic coma.
we were on the floor for half an hour. they stopped the machine twice, to check. i knew what a flatline sounded like.
a man, to me: sometimes in this situation we can call it. but your mother's markers are rising, which tells me her body wants to function. we'll take her to the hospital so they can try.
onto the stretcher. out the door.
it's december. below freezing. they put the blanket under her, to protect her from the stretcher. nothing on top of her. because of the machine, maybe?
my mom is hard to embarrass. but outside with all those men around with her breasts hanging out in the air would have flustered even her, i think.
hospital. there was an underground garage for parking. i was still in my nightdress. i'd grabbed a sweatshirt for my mom, thinking she'd want one since they cut her other one off, but i'd forgotten anything for me. fuck, it was cold.
a room in the lobby with a door that shut.
then a doctor. i don't remember her name. and trista, the chaplain.
it doesn't look good, they said. would you like to see her?
of course i would. what kind of question is that.
it was the first room inside the doors. so many people swarming. i couldn't have gotten to my mom's side even if i wanted.
doctor touched my arm. pointed to the heart monitor. said, surprised, "the situation's turned around. they've got her."
said, "but she was gone for so long. i want to manage your expectations. the brain damage is likely very severe."
i would take care of her no matter what, i said. she's my mom.
i wish
i wish now
with all my heart
i wish i had called out to her. while they had her. while she was there.
i wish i wish i wish
mom don't you dare leave me. mom you're going to be so mad if you miss this. mom. mom mom mama. don't leave me here.
but i didn't want to interrupt. mom was a retired medical professional. she trusted the process implicitly. and so many people were working so hard to save her.
she crashed again. they called it at 11:27am.
do you know the strangeness of a body in a hospital with nothing hooked up to it?
there's no mistaking a corpse for anything else.
her forehead was cold. her hand was cold. i hadn't brushed her hair yet that morning, so it was frizzing out of the braid she'd slept in. they'd closed her eyes.
i think i stroked her forehead so much that my warmth transferred into her, because when my brother got there it was better.
trista said (and signed, to our surprise,) take all the time you need.
but, not long later, and with genuine regret, i'm so sorry, but they need the room.
oh no, i said to my mom, i'm going to steal one more kiss. and did.
a frequent joke. would kiss her head once i'd gotten her comfy on the sofa, and then goblin scuttle back to steal one more. she'd laugh. oh no! she'd echo. not my daughter! not a kiss! her short term memory had been fraying, so it was a new joke every time.
closed the door behind my brother and i.
trista had been right: the er waiting room was packed. standing room only. with us, tear-stained, and trista, it was obvious what kind of procession we were. i hoped it helped someone; no one's ever in the er for anything good, but i hoped someone could look at us and think, at least i'm not them.
home, then.
my brother had tidied. cleaned the plastic up and the remains of mom's clothes, and her pill bottle that i'd knocked to the floor when i'd hauled her off the sofa. he'd adjusted the pillows, straightened the towel. it looked like a sofa in anyone's living room, not like the place my mother had nestled into and lived for the last six years.
her doctor called. emily. we saw her once a month. she's genuinely the best. all those posts warning you about bad faith doctors and to not be afraid to be firm and finding one to take you seriously, and we found her on the first try.
it had just come through on the patient portal, she said. oh my god, oh my god, honey. i'm so sorry.
emily, i said. wailed, really. emily, did i kill her? her blood sugar was 570.
no, she said. no no no. elizabeth, no. it was her heart. it says right here. it was a heart attack.
it was the first i'd heard of it.
how, i said. how? her heart was the only thing that wasn't wrong with her!
but there's no answer to that, of course.
it's so quiet.
it's two days, now. and it's so quiet. no tv, no wheels clattering on the tile as she trundles to the bathroom or into the kitchen to get more iced tea from the fridge. no one calling for me to maybe do that last thing for her, pretty please.
so quiet. my mom's not here.
things i am likely never ever ever to forget
it's the same list
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transkittyinatoaster · 2 months
Snack for a parasite
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Characters: Idia, Rigel, and Perse(OC by @midnightmah07)
Content warnings: Arguing, mild swearing, and discussion of ED(eating disorders)
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(until my lazy self downloads some dividers, we'll have to get used to the dorm lounges)
Rigel spun his pencil on the solid tables of the dorm as he swung his legs underneath. Ahead of him was Perse whom was eating a rather mediocre meal
But there was a silence everyone grew accustomed to, as if it was a part of them
“Do you ever wonder how if the multiverse theory is correct, there's a universe where it isn't?” Rigel suddenly asked, breaking the comfortable silence. Perse stopped as she slowly looked at the demon across from her, staring at her with those curious red eyes
“Rigel, do you ever think about what you're going to say?”
He shook his head which caused her to mumble “of course,” before she continued to eat
“Hey,” she began, “did you eat?”
“Eh? Oh, yeah, I ate.” He smiled
She stared at him. “Food. Rigel. Did you eat food? Real food?” She clarified
He went silent
She sighed as she got up to go make him something, “Wha- Hey, wait!-” He got up to follow, but she was already gone, so all he could next was to just sit down
He held his hands together as his feet drummed the floor as he waited apprehensively
She didn't have to do this and she knew that
And he felt bad for the fact she was doing it
He got by on his diet
And now here she is, making sure he ate what everyone else was eating It… felt weird
The food tasted weird
He likes the taste of the cardboard from his torn up notebooks
He took one out and tore off a piece, sticking it into his mouth as he chewed on it as a small snack
The small crunches and tears filled the otherwise silent lounge as he ate and swallowed, taking the wood in as food, even if it was the furthest thing from it
He swung his legs as he waited for her return, he probably won't eat what she made
It was pointless anyway
She could be eating the food she made herself but was making it for him
Maybe that's why the food tastes weird
It's because she's making it specifically for him instead of herself or whoever
He got up and walked around, his steps thudding against the marble as he paced in circles
Perse, on the other hand, was making Rigel some sandwiches of a wide variety for Rigel, ensuring he had something he found enjoyable
She always did find it odd when he was the only person who ate Lilia's food with splendor
She sighed as she slightly realized signs from all over the years they've been going here
Maybe he's too far deep to be saved, maybe this'll be worthless in the end
Like a snake eating its own tail
Her thoughts were broken when she saw a hand snatch one of the made sandwiches She turned and saw Idia holding it in his mouth as he grabbed other snacks
She grimaced
This was her housewarden?
“Idia, you do know that's for Rigel, right?”
He glanced at her, now holding the sandwich “Hm? Oh, yeah, I do.”
She slightly scowled
“Then why did you take it?”
He sighed, slightly scowling “I honestly don't see the point in you making food for him. He's not going to eat it. Plus, you're acting as if he's anorexic or something.” He sighed
“As sweet as what you're doing for him is, it's ultimately pointless.”
She stared at him
Appalled, in all honesty
A man, who grew up with Rigel, a man who's more of a brother to him than she is a sister Calling her efforts futile
“.... Are you fucking kidding me?”
“E-eh?” Idia squeaked, slightly shocked by her language
“Idia, do you actually pay attention to your dorm mates?”
He opened this mouth to answer only for her to continue “Oh who am I kidding, of course you don't. You're a housewarden and you can't match the faces to names of IRL people, but you do it easily in games.”
“Idia, you grew up with Rigel, you know everything about him so how the actual fuck are you going to stand there and tell me that my efforts are useless when you, of all people, should know, that Rigel's diet consists of nothing but lead, plastic, metal, dirt, wood, cardboard— Things that have no business being in anyone's diet tract, is in his!” She yelled at him, her hand slamming against the counter as she gestured to the outside
Where Rigel was
Idia shuffled nervously underneath her words
Perse was mad
Maybe her anger was directed to Idia and not doing anything sooner
Maybe it was the world
Everyone. Everything. Who knows.
Rigel heard them to
It was hard not too
Especially since some students made mumbled on how Perse when she's mad sounds like a banshee
Rigel leaned against the doorway, listening to the one sided argument between his sister and Idia
“— Maybe if you weren't so preoccupied with your own devices, you'd have known that Rigel is suffering, and-” Her voice went silent and dead as Rigel finally decided to enter
“Hey, guys!” He grinned at the two, pretending to not notice the red tips of Idia's hair turn blue again
“Ri-Rigel, how long were you there?” Perse asked
“Oh, I just got here!” He grinned at her
Idia grumbled slightly, not believing Rigel for a second but not questioning it
“I- I see… Well, I- I made you some food for later.” Perse gestured to the sandwiches she made
“Oooh! They all look so good! You didn't have to, you know that, right?” Perse nodded
The demon shifted slightly, tugging at his cloak as he stared at the pieces of food she made him
“... I'll eat it later.” He said as he grabbed some bags to put them in for later
“You'll at least have one of them for lunch, right?” She asked as she placed a hesitant hand on his shoulder
“Of course!” He lied with his black grin
His teeth reflecting the fluorescent blue lights of Ignihyde “Now, you look tired, how about you go rest?” He asked a small tilt of his head
“Well… I guess I am a little tired..” she grumbled slightly, running a hand through her hair and softly tugging at her ponytail, “I suppose a quick nap wouldn't hurt..” she mumbled with a shrug
“There ya go!” Rigel softly nudged her to the door, “you go have a nice nap, and we'll wake you if we either need anything or it's dinner.”
“Now don't keep me sleeping for that long, Idia might start a fire.” The two laughed as Rigel gave her a quick hug before she left
He turned to Idia whom also left the room, his arms filled with some snacks and such
He sighed as he backed up, leaning against the counter as his nails dug into the marble, his breath slightly quickening for whatever reason
There was nothing wrong as of this moment
But Perse's unnecessary care and love
She made this for him
For whatever reason
He stared at the bags with the sounds of nails against marble filling the silence
He wasn't going to eat them, of course
He never ate the food she gave unless she was in the room with him
He sighed as he reached took an empty bag that pulled out with another
Stuffing the plastic into his mouth as his teeth began to dig and tear, allowing it to become swallowable
His mouth made the chewing motion a few more seconds before stopping, a soft scowl forming on his features as his mind raced
He heard footsteps and saw a student enter
“Eh?- Oh, hello, Rigel-Senpai.” The student greeted
There was an awkward silence as they two stared at another
The student went to leave, deciding that whatever he wishes to grab wasn't worth it
“Hey.” Rigel called out before they left
“Do you want a sandwich?” He smiled sweetly to the boy
tag list: @midnightmah07(hi again!)
(first time doing something like this, so if I messed up on anything, pls don't hesitate to tell me)
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yrbshay · 10 months
How did I do it?
If you checked out my last post I explained my success with law of assumption. I know that’s the next question on your mind. Well it’s not as complicated as it seems. I reposted something that’s very important for manifestation on my blog. It’s the fact that manifestation is essentially easy but it’s hard to really grasp the concept of that.
Everyone has been though that during their journey. It just takes a good mental diet and self concept (at least what’s my perspective)
Getting to how I did it :
• self concept
I can’t stress this enough. People ask “can I manifest without self concept”. And though technically you can It makes things 10x harder and I don’t encourage poor self concept. I think before you do anything work on and continue to work on even after starting other manifesting your self concept.
When people also ask “do I have to be confident?” “Do I have to believe in my manifestation” these questions can all be fixed with self concept. Why? Because it’s all about internal work and less about your circumstances. You perceive your circumstances as bad because of the mindset about yourself. And this is not to to speak down on you this is just explaining the process and facts about it. If you don’t feel good about yourself of course you’re not going to be confident you’re going to get your manifestation you don’t believe you can have it. If you know you can get anything you want no matter what nothing else matters.
• Ok next, identifying how I actually felt vs what I want
This one is pretty important too. Especially identifying what I wanted. Some people tell you to ignore your negative belief and thoughts which is true! However you have to identify them first. How do I feel about money? How do I feel about love? Really, just know how you feel and you know what to change and change about the things your are saying to yourself.
As far as what you want, write the opposite of what you already wrote down, but also go into great (and I mean great) detail about what you do want.
Last thing I did was just plain manifest. More self concept work, making affirmations based on what I wrote down I wanted, keeping up with mental diet (and maintaining the sense of "knowing I get what I want when I want it") and rampaging when I get discouraged. Sometimes you get off track but your next thought after thinking a negative one should immediately be redirecting and going back to positive.
Additional Resources
Abraham Hicks
Neville Goddard
My Pinterest board full of affirmations & tips:
I will provide my fav blogs when I can do a bit more research. I also didn't add youtubers bc I don't really have fav one but if that changes I will update this post.
Happy Manifesting ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
I watched Zootopia like 6 months ago on a whim, and now the fixation is still hyper...ing.
Anyways, Judy and Nick are the best and deserve everything (I genuinely couldn't remember anyone else's names the first time I saw it) aaaaand yeah it's sad that the Fandom is basically nonexistent.
Actually, it's still going strong(?) on AO3 (i've made a few one-shots (shameless self promotion I'm Not_Quite_A_Moron there)) but still, kinda sucks.
Anyways, random headcanon time:
Nick has two moms (he doesn't have specific names for both of them, he just yells "MOM!" anytime he needs help)
Judy actually really likes eating meat, Nick just has to convince her to try it
Nick became really closed off and touch starved after the Junior Ranger Scouts incident, so now, he's a chronic cuddler (especially with Judy (which she loves))
Judy's on the autistic spectrum (she often stims by tapping her foot, and she likes to display affection via playful punches to the arm)
Judy was born on the same day that Nick got muzzled, as if the universe itself felt bad and said "here, have a rabbit" (definitely didn't steal this one from Tumblr nope certainly not)
Nick doesn't really like Gazelle's music, he's more of a rock kind of guy, but he'll stomach any song for Judy’s sake
Judy's asexual (Take one look at the nudist club scene and tell me she isn't at least demi)
Bestie I’d just like to say AAAAAAAAAA
Sorry, but I just got SO excited when I saw someone submitting headcanons! It’s been way too long since I’ve been able to have a good ol’ Zootopia discussion. Oh and I’ll certainly check out your fics! My user is Pixarpnflover so be on the look out for some kudos!✨
Anyway, I love the idea of Nick being raised by two moms! There was supposed to be a plotline about his dad—John Wilde, I believe was his name—but got scrapped along with a lot of other content. So until it’s actually mentioned in canon I’m choosing to believe his mom in the flashback was in fact a raging lesbian lmao🤷‍♀️ also would that make him a double mama’s boy?🤔
Ooo an herbivore converting to a meat diet? How intriguing! I like to think now that she lives in the city that Judy would be open to trying new foods, which would include poultry and fish. I can see her favoring sushi or even turkey.
Nick being openly affectionate after meeting Judy, and reserving most of that said affection for her? Hell yeah. He’s very unapologetic about it too. He’s waited far too long to share that amount of vulnerability and comfort with someone. No way he’s ever going to hold back🫂
Autistic Judy my beloved🙌🏻 You cannot convince me she’s even a little bit neurotypical, I will not believe you lol. I love that her natural rabbit behavior could actually be interpreted as stimming!
Dude, I have believed this headcanon for so long!! The second I found out their age difference, I just knew there had to be some kind of coincidence going on there. I mean, Nick could’ve just said “when I was a kid” when beginning the story, but instead he specified his age (or an estimate, at least) and I think that a choice on the writers’ part. Anyway, I’m a big believer in fate/soulmates, so even just the idea of Judy being born, destined to cross paths with Nick someday to heal his childhood trauma and make his life better, just melts my heart❤️😭
Haha yeah, you can tell the concert at the credits that Nick was only there for Judy😆 Not to say he wasn’t enjoying himself, he just wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as everyone else. But ya know, the things ya do for your girlfriend!😋 I can also imagine Judy listening to music she doesn’t necessarily enjoy either. A certain loud rock song starts playing on the radio and before she can even think about changing the station, Nick goes “oh I like this one!” And so she smiles and suffers through it. She may even end up liking it anyway!😌
As for this last one, I kinda have to disagree. Not to say she isn’t ace or demi, and no hate to anyone who shares this opinion! But idk, to me I don’t think someone not wanting to see a bunch of people walking around ass-naked makes them ace or a prude (which I’ve seen some fanfics try to claim her to be?) I mean, I’m horny asf and I’d be just as uncomfortable walking around a nudist club😆😅
…I never thought I’d type a sentence like that lol
Anyway, thanks for sharing these! I sure hope the fandom comes back someday, but in the meantime I’ll be here waiting and open to exchanging more headcanons! :3
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blackstarmylove · 11 months
The Little MerQu (Word Game)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: Qu x gn!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: @choconanime
Prompt: Hello!💕 Thank you for your hard work may i request Qu with Gen!Mc. mermaid. Hairstyle. Love.
A/N: Hi! 🥰 I couldn't stop myself from using that title. 😂🙈
Word Count: 772
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This time you were going to catch the person red-handed. Though their intention wasn't bad, the thought of someone doing something to you while you slept disturbed you. Sitting on your favorite beach blanket, you scanned the small area for signs of motion. 
Who could it be? As far as you knew, this area was off-limits to the public, and not many knew about it, which made it the perfect place to take an afternoon nap. Lying on the blanket, you stared at the clear blue skies. 'What a perfect day.' You fought to keep your eyes open, but eventually, you dozed off.  
"They are here again." 
'Is someone nearby?' You slowly opened your eyes but quickly shut them to shield them from the bright sky. 'What is that sound? Is someone dragging their body across the sand? Are they touching my hair? They...are touching-'
Your eyes shot open, and you sat up with a jolt before turning your head. "SO IT'S Y-" 
His warm honey-colored eyes stared back at you in shock. His tan skin contrasted perfectly with his silver strands. His features were soft and refined, giving him an air of delicacy and elegance. His well-toned physique contrasted with his feminine features. The more your eyes traveled down his body, the more you thought you were dreaming.
'A merman?' 
The purple scales on his betta fish tail shimmered in the sunlight; the thin layer of water coating the scale added an iridescent glow, drawing you in. With a shaking hand, you reached for his tail and gently grazed your fingertips across it. The merman curiously watched, his heart racing out of control the more you touched him. 
"You are not afraid." His voice was like a melodic whisper, yet it was alluring. 
He was right; you were afraid, but why? Mermaids were creatures of myth - they weren't supposed to exist, yet there was a merman in front of you, a handsome one too. 
"I am sorry for waking you." 
Without moving your gaze from his tail, you gently touched your hair. Once again, he decorated your hair with what you assumed to be sea shells, starfishes, and pearls. "Why?" 
"Why...am I making your hair?" He asked. "Do you not like it?" 
"Um...it's beautiful, but..." You didn't have the heart to tell him his actions could be considered creepy. His intentions were such, or at least you hoped. "Could you please tell me why you make my hair when I am asleep?" 
"I assumed you would be afraid if I showed myself to you," he chuckled. 
You shifted your eyes from his tail to his face and nodded, "That answers why you waited until I was asleep, but why make my hair?" 
He averted his gaze, his cheeks turning crimson. "My answer may not make you happy..." 
"I still want to hear it." 
"Very well. I saw you here a few months back and felt drawn to you. I wished I could speak to you, but I didn't want to frighten you. Then one day, I overheard what you said..." 
Tears escaped your eyes and fell into the water, disrupting your reflection. "Why can't I be like them? It's so unfair. No matter how much makeup I wear...no matter how many different hairstyles I try...no matter what diet I go on...I never feel pretty. I hate my appearance. I hate myself.' 
"I couldn't understand why you said those words. I wanted to tell you that you are beautiful. Since I couldn't appear in front of you, I waited until you were asleep and made your hair. I thought maybe you would like one of the hairstyles and feel pretty," he gave a small smile. "But it seems like I failed." 
Your lips parted as your shoulders tensed. You had to ask if you heard him correctly. "You think...I'm beautiful?" 
"I do," he smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" 
Your bit the corner of your bottom lip and lowered your eyes to your lap. "(Y/n). W-What is your name?" 
"Qu," he softly said. 
"Yes?" He playfully smiled. 
"Thank you." 
"My pleasure," the merman touched his fingers to his lips and chuckled, his heart doing flips in his chest. He wanted to tell you many things but wasn't sure if it was appropriate to do so in the first meeting, like how he was fond of you and had been since the first time he saw you; or how his fondness had slowly developed into love; most of all, in the world of merfolks, mermen were only permitted to touch the hair of their significant other. 
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penultimate-step · 3 months
I see there's discourse going around again about if it's ok to control what kids read. I'll start off by saying that I am quite firmly in the camp of "no" and that I strongly believe that kids of any age should be able to make their own choices as far as what they read/watch/play. That said, I don't fully agree with the posts I've been seeing who argue for the same results as me. I've seen some posts going something along the line of "kids can't be harmed by anything they read, don't worry about it." which seems false to me? I do get the urge to not give a single inch to your political opponents but this seems patently false to me. of course some things are going to get kids hurt. I just think the route of maximum agency for kids is the route that minimizes harm to kids.
To me, the issue with controlling kids media intake is. well its in the name isn't it. its control. over an already vulnerable group. but more to the point, these arguments tend to speak as if censorship is a completely neutral event that spawns from the ether. It is not! To control means somebody must be the controller. What is chosen to be limited and what is chosen to be allowed are choices that in the end must be made by somebody. The extreme end of this is well documented: abusive parents, teachers, groups, any figures of authority really, if given power over a child's information diet will stop them from learning what they need, keeping the youth reliant on them. They make themselves the sole arbiter of information. Just look at basically every book banning.
But even a less extreme and well intentioned censorship is still bad. To take away the agency and ability of children to choose is to do them harm. I have to say, as someone who read many adult books as a child, and was also forbidden to read many things by my parents, most of what I read didn't do me any harm. But being treated as if none of my opinions, even about my own mind, had any value, and thinking that I had to conform to certain ways of thinking to gain approval, that stuck with me.
Also. Does nobody else on this site remember being a teenager. Be honest with yourself: when you were 13, did you really feel like your parents, teachers, school administrators, knew you well? Better than you knew yourself? Or did you feel, perhaps, as almost every child does, that they didn't understand you at all? Let us grant that I believe that books can harm kids merely by reading them. In that case, the person best equipped to make the choice on what might harm them, what they can read and what needs to be avoided, is the child themselves! As I said above, to control a child requires a controller - and that third party will almost certainly have a worse understanding of the child's limits than they do themselves, and be more likely, not less, to make incorrect, harm causing judgements.
The correct response to "some books can cause harm to children" is not "harm the child yourself by removing their agency." It is, perhaps, an argument against forcing them to read something they say they are not prepared for. If a child says they know they are prepared to read something, outside very extreme extenuating circumstances, I have no reason not to believe them over any adult authority figure in their life. Children deserve to have full autonomy over themselves.
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sterekchub · 4 months
Stiles just getting cursed or drinking a potion that causes him to grow fatter. Even as he passed 300 pounds he’s still healthy, though his sweating form and gas is a bit of an issue when his belches rattle windows. Derek coming to find a near ton of mobile blubber that is Stiles, looking up the heavy sandbag moobs and mattress sized belly to stiles fat face, the huge hog of a man casually eating a rolled up large pizza like it’s a sandwich rolls. A booming fart rumbling out of a truck sized ass that Derek imagined beings smothered under.
<3 the IDEAL size for Stiles ;) The pack (at first) feels bad for Stiles. It takes a few weeks for them to notice what curse was cast- but pretty soon they realize Stiles' never had a belly sticking that far out of his hoodie before. Stiles is shockingly unbothered. Does some research, which ends up being mostly porn, and finds himself in front of the mirror poking and grabbing at his sides and midsection, imagining himself getting bigger. If the way his dick is pressing into his underbelly is any indication- he's far from upset about it. And it doesn't hurt that Derek keeps staring at him in interest...mostly dealing with his feelings by hiding away from Stiles and hoping the pack finds a way to reverse the curse. He doesn't come back until the pack ask him to babysit. "Why me? "Because you get that dopey look that says 'in love but won't admit' it around him so tag, Derek, we're going to hunt down the witch, you keep Stiles out of trouble!" "He's *your* friend, Scott. Shouldn't you have a little more sympathy?" He's met with a long, deep sigh. Because sure- the weight? Not Stiles fault. But Scott, Parrish, even Jackson offered that maybe they can slow the curse if Stiles went running with them or mostly daily gym trips. Stiles waved them all off, with an excuse of "it could make the curse worse, for all you know!" And instead- he seemed intent on making helping the curse. His appetite kept expanding with him- Stiles reaches 400 pounds with the appetite of a man of his size. Melissa, Lydia, the Sheriff...alll offered to help him with some high-quantity, low calorie meals. And instead Stiles had shrugged them off and gotten into the routine of ordering himself enough Lo Mein and Egg Rolls that even he couldn't finish everything. And the curse didn't protect him against the way his belly started to grumble and after the constant take out and junk food diet took hold, the deep, wet belches or rumbling farts becoming almost a regular occurrence after his massive meals started to digest.
"...and I'm sure he is more hungry than before but he could TRY not eating garbage junk food that always makes him gassy!"
"Maybe it's - " "It's not the curse!" Isaac tells him with desperation. "He won't listen. He LIKES it." "He jerks off into his fat pad like he thinks we don't notice him....wobbling while he's humping his own fat." Jackson added in disgust. "Like- multiple times a day. I don't want to see that!" "I'm pretty sure the phone I lost is stuck in his fat roll." "He started Taco Tuesdays and we had to leave every window open in the house to fumigate it...."
"Even the neighbors heard the noise!" Derek puts a hand up to stop them all from shouting out their frustrations - which are basically his wet dream - and agrees to babysit Stiles while they're away.
He shows up to Stiles' house with the Camaro's so packed full of fast food bags- he couldn't see out the windows.
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lchufflepuffcorn · 5 months
Meeting you pt. 7
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(Not my gif, credits go to its owner/creator)
Author's note: Hi !! I think it's been like a year or so since I posted anything about this series... It's been worked on, don't worry, I'm just awful at being consistent.
Words: 2716
Warning: None... longing... badly written emotions... all other warnings from this series...
Masterlist OGW Masterlist
Serie Masterlist
Part one Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five, Part six, Part seven.
Spotify link
In the night's secret
No sound but the wind- Editors
↺͏͏         ◁◁͏͏        ll       ▷▷        ⋮≡
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It took a little while for the three vampires to plan the perfect cover story for their situationship. Philadelphia was really the town of miracles for Alice's imagination. She'd come up with the story that Jasper was her brother and that (Y/N) was her sister-in-law. It always bothered (Y/N) that the short girl with her was so good at covering up the truth. But this time, the story was adequate and sensible for humans to understand. 
Soon after leaving Philadelphia, the trio stayed in Toronto for a short time. The trio resided in a two-story building owned by a lovely older couple, who took them in without asking many questions. 
"My brother doesn't talk much." Or "My sister-in-law is so discreet." Would say Alice when they were shown the apartment. The lovely -but quite nosy- Mrs. Grant quieted down after that. And (Y/N) remembered why she disliked living with humans all over again. Because the biting envy and bubbling thirst (Y/N) felt from Jasper was one thing, combining it with Alice's and the poignant curiosity from their neighbours was nothing short of unbearable. 
Jasper was not much of a talker, and added to what (Y/N) knew from Alice's vision was not helping her communicate with the man. But the crisp and cold waves of nervousness she could feel wave off of him each time they talked weren't either. 
Every time. (Y/N) knew that the conversations he forced on them were out of duty and under the encouragement given by Alice more than anything else. 
It usually looked like this: 
“It was nice today.” 
"Hmm. Yes, the wind wasn’t as bad as yesterday.” 
“What did you buy at the market?” 
“Oh, just some clothes. You really need some new ones too…” 
But slowly, the cold, shaky feeling echoing in her chest melted into a sparkling and lukewarm wind behind the skin of her neck, and the conversations started to center around things they both liked. 
 And then, after some months, (Y/N), Jasper, and Alice went to Alberta, where they had no trouble constructing their own small house not too far from the Slave River. It was hidden from society, perfect for the diet (Y/N) was trying to convert the other two. 
And then, after some months, (Y/N), Jasper, and Alice went to Alberta, where they had no trouble constructing their own cabin. Situating it not far from the Slave River to add to the illusion of their rustic lifestyle. It was mostly hidden from society, perfect for the diet in which (Y/N) tried to convert the other two. It was also less complicated for Jasper to control his thirst for human blood if no humans were around. Plus, the surroundings were beautiful. (Y/N) liked hearing the birds in the early morning and having water run nearby. 
''East from here, there's three of 'em.'' Jasper's voice said, floating in the wind and through the bushes around them. 
The three of them were running in the forest, searching for prey. Jasper had smelled some moose earlier, but now they were chasing a bear and her cubs. (Y/N) did not hunt with the others often. She preferred to do it alone. But it was always fun to see how Alice and Jasper would try and compete for the first kill every time. While she didn't participate in their games, she liked watching them. It brought life to their undead lifestyle. 
Running through the tall grass and between the tree's roots easily, (Y/N) spotted a rabbit. She lounged at it with ease. It didn't bother her that the animal was little. Smaller animals were more accessible for her to catch without butchering her clothes. (Y/N) didn't like to get dirt on her. Plus, rabbits never travelled alone. She would have plenty to feel full at the end of the hunt, and she wasn't in a hunting mood today, so it played in her favour. 
It had been months since Jasper joined Alice's and (Y/N)'s little clan. He'd been charming and kind and helpful. Even if he thought it hard to change his diet -he often complained about how the animal blood tasted- he still tried his best. It was January seventeen now. A new year had started, yet Alice was deflating each day more to see that neither of her companions wasn't getting any closer. She found it infuriating.
Alice had seen hopeful moments, like when Jasper renovated the cabin. He'd taken (Y/N) words and requests to heart. Or when (Y/N) had consoled Jasper about one of his slip-ups, her hands brushing through his hair as he cursed himself in low growls. (Y/N) had nothing but encouraging words to give him. Then, of course, she gave him a stern talk about how she controlled herself by thinking about things humans did when she couldn't see them. Or again, when he was reading on the porch and (Y/N) was lost in her world, humming a melody only she knew. Alice had to confess that she'd never seen Jasper smile so softly before that afternoon.
(Y/N) liked to think that Jasper took his time to court her. She liked it that way. They had all the time in the world anyway. As she caught a second bunny, plunging her sharp teeth through the fur and into the skin until its still-warm blood flowed into her mouth, (Y/N) got a glimpse of the naked ring finger on her left hand. The familiar shine hadn't caught her eyes as it would usually have.
She'd removed the enormous wedding ring from her finger two months ago, preferring to wear it around the chain on her neck, where too rested a medallion with the triplet's picture.
''Ahah! You owe me ten dollars, Whitlock.''
Alice's laugh took (Y/N) out of her reverie. She looked in the direction her voice came from. The vampire couldn't see them anymore, but she knew they would come back in her direction soon enough. She let go of the now-empty rabbit she was still holding.
Raising from her spot on a tree root, she patted her dress to remove whatever could still stick to the fabric. Jasper's head popped out from behind the bushes. An amused smile lit up his face as he looked over the pixie-like vampire. The blond man stopped as he reached (Y/N)'s height, offering her his arm.
''If I could have the pleasure, miss.'' He said with a smile on the corner of his smile. (Y/N) responded to his smile with one of her own.
''If I must.'' (Y/N) teased the man, accepting his arm by wrapping her own around it. 
The comfortable warmth of the calm he feels, yet a subtle hint of burning cold passion that resists in the pit of his stomach, made her eyes shine. The group walked back to their cabin. Their slow pace is now a sharp contrast to their earlier race. 
''We'll have to get new shoes; you can't be comfortable in those old things,'' Alice called, referring to the boots (Y/N) wore. They were from her time as a nurse for the Second World War. Those boots were still in perfect condition. The older woman wasn't letting her things get hideous or unwearable. Still, she obliged at Alice's request.
''I think we could go in town this week.'' (Y/N)'s butterflies now associated with Alice exploded in her stomach as the girl's face illuminated with a smile. The tiny vampire held onto the other girl's hand before stopping all of her movement.
(Y/N) stopped walking to ensure that Alice wouldn't tumble over the snowy ground. Jasper stopped, too, getting closer to the girl in alarm. He was still getting used to Alice's gift. One of his hands met the small of (Y/N)'s back to help walk over some roots, but Jasper's attention was on Alice too. 
''It's alright.'' She assured, starting to walk again.
''What is it?'' (Y/N)'s tone was worried. Since the other girl had revealed to Jasper and her that they were mates, (Y/N) had asked Alice not to hold secrets about her visions anymore. Especially if it concerned other people. But Alice only smiled at her, walking to the cabin. Jasper, ever the gentleman, held the door of the cabin open for both girls to enter it. He closed and locked the door behind him after following them inside. 
 Jasper was never much of a talker. So the girls had come to realize. But it was alright. His actions spoke louder than every word he could have said. The man walked to where both the girls were seated, but he stayed back a little. On the table was resting the piece of a rocking chair he was building at the moment; he took place behind it.
''We'll have a visitor soon.'' Said Alice before (Y/N) could reiterate her question.
''Visitor?'' Quipped Jasper, ''in this part of the woods?'' Alice shot him a smile.
''(Y/N)'s old friend, my mate, I think.'' This got (Y/N)'s attention. She, too, was wondering why they'd have a visitor so far from civilization. There were only two people who knew their location, and those people were Thade and Esther. The older vampire's face darkened with a frown.
''Which friend?'' She asked. Her hand went to the necklace she wore, holding onto the locket hiding the triplet's picture. Not all of her friends were recommendable frequentations. But Alice only smiled and rose to leave the room. (Y/N) sighed but couldn't ask anything more.
The cabin was somewhat small. Not that the vampires minded it. It was big enough to maintain purpose: not living outside like homeless people. They might not be in any states now, but they could still live comfortably. It had one large room and two smaller ones behind the wall. It gave them the chance to have their place if need be.
Her ring finger slipped into the wedding monument she still had, then back out. A comforting habit (Y/N) took since she started wearing it around her neck. 
So it couldn't be Thade, that was for sure. But, on the other hand, Thade has been married to Esther ever since (Y/N) could remember meeting both of them. So maybe it was Gabriel. Last she'd heard of him, he was somewhere in France teaching history at a university. So that left – in the reasonable choices of friends (Y/N) would leave Alice with – either Gregory or Elliot. But would Gregory come to visit her out there in the woods? Esther, she knew the man was still bitter from their encounter during the First World War, as she was on the Allies' side, and he was on the Nazis.
That only left Elliot.
''What are yeh thinkin' about?'' Asked Jasper from his seat. He could feel her doubt just as she could feel his concern for her. (Y/N) turned her gaze to the man. He was still working on the rocking chair's part. Jasper's eyes shot up in her direction, staying for a second before wandering away. 
''I wondered which of my friends was to be Alice's mate.'' She answered honestly.
The man hummed.
Jasper's hair seemed more strawberry blond in the candle's light than the honey colour they had in the sunlight. His frozen features, kinder in the natural glow, were darkened by the dancing shadow of the flame. The now yellowish eyes he now had matched his hair. (Y/N) could only imagine just what the man's past was to make his face so stoic and emotionless while she could feel every change in Jasper's humour. Even from where she sat, the woman could see on his arm -uncovered as he worked, littered with bite marks. (Y/N) never asked about it, just like neither of the vampires with her wondered about her story. They didn't know about Alice. She could not remember anything from her past except for her first name.
''I meant to ask,'' continued the man after a short silence. ''What's in the locket? You always play with it.''
''Old memories.'' (Y/N) rose from her seat and walked to the table, taking place in the chair facing Jasper.
Usually, the seemingly young woman had no trouble talking about her experience and life. Some things were too hard to speak about, and nobody had ever asked. 
(Y/N) wasn't proud enough to assume her story could interest him more than any other. Tugging the long gold chain gently from her dress to present the locket better to the man in front of her, (Y/N) opened the locket to show the picture inside.
Alice shuffled closer to the both of them. 
Three small boys were staring at Jasper and Alice now, a serious expression on their juvenile faces. The man thought they couldn't be much older than eight or nine years old. He guessed that it had been taken late in the eighteen-fifties, early sixties, from the black and white picture and their clothes.
"The first boy on the right is John, the second, the one with the hat's George, and the last one on the left is Lowett." (Y/N) let Jasper take the locket in his and, it wasn't to see any better the photos, but more like a reflex.
"Were they yours?" He asked. The man could see little resemblance between the triplets and the woman sitting before her in the rocking chair. But there was still something in the expression and the posture that reminded him of her.
''In a way,'' (Y/N) answered. "I didn't birth them or bite them, but they were my children nonetheless." 
Jasper's eyes met hers. Alice smiled and got up. She silently walked to one of the other rooms, closing the door. She knew of this story and didn't want to put (Y/N) in more stress with her emotions in the room again. 
''They were vampires?'' (Y/N) smiled at Jasper's expression. But, then, his incertitude swung in her throat like a monkey to a branch. She shook her head.
''They didn't live long. And brought my creator's death with theirs.'' Jasper's expression didn't change. He looked conflicted. (Y/N) continued, shrugging. ''It doesn't matter now. It was a long time ago.'' 
''And the ring?''
(Y/N)'s smile faltered a little at his question. Then, from the other room, they heard Alice sigh. Her disappointment was bitter in the other girl's throat. ''It was my wedding ring when I was still human.''
Jasper went quiet after that, concentrating back on the rocking chair part. (Y/N)'s eyes followed his movement; she tucked the neckless back into the collar of her dress. Outside, the sun was already setting, and from the windows, the woman could see the timid shine of the slow rising of the moon in the sky. 
She suddenly felt the nip of boredom in the back of her chest. Like she was dragging the world around with her. It made her realize just how cruelly their house missed books, games, and music. If only she'd asked Esther to send her the harp she'd left in her care. But it was too late now. Her friend and Thade were travelling the world in search of his past. The man had felt the need to reconnect with his civilization now that the Second World War had ended. 
Maybe they could buy a radio once they'd gone to town. But, then, the music would fill the house at every hour of the day. (Y/N) missed the time when giggles would fill the homes she was in. She missed her son. 
Cocking her head slightly to the side, her hands resting on the table. The woman's eyes slowly clouded; Jasper recognized the look for when he'd meet her dazing out outside the house. He decided not to push his questioning further and worked silently on the rocking chair again. Alice came out of the room, her gaze unfocused but lucid enough to walk. When she didn't have full-blown visions, she would sometimes lose herself in the pathways of many shifting decisions of the people around her. 
In the silence, (Y/N) isn't aware that she started humming. Her finger played with the locket she'd tucked in her collar. It was a habit she couldn't seem to lose now. She hums the song Alice heard her sing to Esther years ago, and the girl can't help but sigh. 
Jasper just smiled. 
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Hello! I saw you accept husbandry questions so I thought I might ask about this here.
Almost two weeks ago I bought a around 8 months old male Dodoma Kenyan Sand Boa. I had my corn snake for a while and after reading and watching videos about sand boas and their care I thought it will be a great choice for my 2nd snake. He has been a good eater and a chill little fella when handled but after few days I noticed he has kind of saggy/wrinkly skin. It reminded me of ball pythons who used to be obese but lost weight and have loose skin. Sometimes I can see what I thought might be his spine poking out but it's more of on top of his both sides rather than where spine should be giving him kind of a square shape? Not sure how to describe it. With all that I assumed it's a diet issue and hoped it will get better after few meals. I fed him newborn f/t mice every 5 days (3 meals since I got him, next feeding tomorrow. Ate with no problems so far but didn't really constrict his meal. Seller claimed he eats like a champ and was right).
However I started reading about it more and found out loose skin can be a sign of dehydration and this possibility really worries me. I tried to show him his water bowl but he didn't seem interested and I have no idea if he drinks from it at night (I check on him during the night and only once saw him on the surface). I know sunken eyes are another symptom of dehydration but it's hard to tell because this species has funky eyes and it's the only sand boa I have ever seen in person. Unfortunately I weren't able to take a good photo of these skin folds because they show up when he moves and disappear before I could take a photo or even look at them properly (but if they are necessary to tell what is happening I can try). I only noticed this after already visiting the vet for a check up on the same day I bought him (I saw in one of your posts it's a good idea to take a new snake to the vet and my dad happened to have vet appointment for his gecko on that day. Vet said he looks fine other than some weird dark spots on his belly that they said might be because of the bedding sellers used for him).
Is it possibly dehydration or just my earlier theory of previous weight problems? If it's weight problems is my current feeding schedule fine and if it's dehydration is bath a good idea for this species? Today he started to get lighter which I assume means shed is coming so maybe bath wouldn't be a bad idea but I also saw it's not really recommend for this species. I wouldn't be so unsure in this situation if it wasn't a dry species, it didn't have such unusual anathomy and it weren't a baby. I saw a forum post that said boas just tend to have skin like this as babies but as I said they have strange anathomy so I don't know if this applies to them. I will keep researching but I hoped you might have some suggestions. I want to know if there's anything I need or can do for him.
I would bet every cent to my name that your little guy is just in shed. Sand boas can look pretty wrinkly when they're in a shed cycle, and the recent lightness you've noticed is probably just him getting to the clear stage of the shed. My money is on him shedding in the next few days.
It's very hard to dehydrate a sand boa; if you have water in their enclosure at all and they're eating, it's super rare. I also doubt it's weight-related - snakes at his age don't pack on weight like an older snake could. Young snakes will grow faster if they eat too much, and eating too much while young can cause health problems, but it's super hard to make a baby snake overweight.
I recommend adding a humidity box to his enclosure! They're very easy to make - make a hole in the lid of a food storage container big enough for him to curl up in and fill it with damp moss. That'll help shedding go smoothly (and make sure he never gets dehydrated, too).
If the wrinkles don't clear up within the next week, I'd visit a vet, but I really do think he's just shedding.
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