#who lights up at the sight of the sandwich so he goes to tell her he also gets happy with the sandwiches
laviejaguardia · 3 months
Thinking about kid Syd and kid Carmy spending an afternoon neither of them remember anymore playing under the tables of The Beef
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majorbaby · 11 months
Sorry if someone sent this in already, but Trapper goes to Illinois?
sorry i didn't see this come in last night!
i really need to finish this one because i like the concept. it's trapper visiting lorraine blake in bloomington when he gets home, after he's visited by radar who tells him he should go. rated G, excerpt under the cut
Trapper has to rub his eyes when he answers the door of his Boston brownstone one foggy morning, to find the 4077th’s company clerk on his doorstep. 
“Hello, sir.”
Trapper looks at him blankly. “You’re a long way from Iowa. S’pose the least I can do is invite you in.”
Radar seems unaffected by this lukewarm greeting, he shuffles past Trapper before he’s even had a chance to clear the doorway. 
His wife’s voice echoes through the house, “Who is it, dear?”
Trapper and Radar look at each other. They’d never quite been friends, but at the same time ‘colleague’ didn’t seem right either.
“War buddy of mine.” Trapper says, and Radar seems pleased at that description because he breaks out in a grin.
“Oliver?! You should’ve told me he was coming by!” Louise rushes into the hallway. Trapper catches how Radar’s eyes still widen and how his skin still reddens at the sight of a pretty lady. Trapper feels smug, Louise isn’t a model but she takes care of herself and even in the dim light of the hallway, her eyes sparkle. 
“Oh,” she says, her large grin shrinking into a sweeter smile that’s more appropriate for a stranger. “Sorry. You’re not Oliver.”
“No I’m not, ma’am,” Radar stands up straight, “But if it’s Oliver Jones you mean, well, I knew him.”
“This is Radar,” Trapper says.
“Um, Walter O’Reilly, ma’am. You can call me Walter.” 
Louise sets them up in the living room. She lays out an impressive spread of sandwiches and juice. But before she makes herself scarce, she hands her husband a beer from over his shoulder, giving him a knowing look. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.”
Radar’s been surveying the family photos on the fireplace as Louise laid out the refreshments, but he’s drawn to the food.
Jeez, Trapper thinks as he watches Radar load up a plate.
“Do you have any pets?” Radar asks, looking like a chipmunk with food stuffed into both cheeks.
Trapper again looks at him blankly. “My girls are after me for a dog.”
“Dogs are good.”
What is happening? Trapper thinks as he watches Radar, Radar from the 4077th, eating sandwiches made by his wife, and grapes Trapper had picked up at the grocery store, here in his home, one year after he’d left Korea. 
“So,” says Trapper, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“... any particular reason for your visit? Beyond taking in the sights of Boston.”
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choppedupnotkilled · 11 hours
Flora Man Chapter 5 (Little Shop of Horrors fanfic)
A Cabinet Man (Lemon Demon) inspired Little Shop of Horrors AU where Seymour and Twoey are two halves of a whole and ultimately fuse physically on the night of Seymour's proposal to Audrey. Content warning for some mature themes. I should've mentioned this in the fic itself, but Seymour/Twoey grew more slowly in this AU and is about the size he was in Feed Me (Git It!). Rated T.
Audrey made her way back to the shop with a slight spring in her step for once and a paper bag containing a large container of chopped sirloin, a smaller one with a reuben sandwich, her handkerchief, and her vase with her pink lily in her hand. It really did seem like the interview went well! That's a relief for sure... I bet it'll help our sales, at least a little bit. Maybe there'll even be a few customers waiting for the shop to open back up when I get there! Probably not, but it did seem like it... went... well... Oh my God... The sight of the shop, or, rather, the lack of it due to the distance between it and her and the massive crowd that had formed around it quickly took the spring from her step before taking her step altogether, and she stood in shock for a few seconds before backing into the alley she had just emerged from and standing with her back pressed against the wall.
That... that couldn't even just be everyone in Skid Row, I don't think... I guess people really do love a Beauty and the... well, not a beast... Botane? story? Seymour did say that's the root word of botany, it probly means plant... Huh, etymology is the most endlessly fascinating field in the world when you should be worrying about how to deal with a flood of customers with no extra help instead... We probly won't need any more employees I said, they'll just... get driven off by Patrick like the girls did... yeah, that's what must've happened there... Well, I can't ponder etymology in this alley forever, those plants aren't gonna sell themselves unfortunately... and it is good that the plan is working... very well... so far... ohhkayyy, here goes. Audrey hesitantly left the shelter of the alley and resumed her journey to the shop, attracting the attention of the crowd long before she had reached it.
She could barely make out any particular details in the swarm of flashing lights and clashing voices, and her basal fight or flight and much more environmentally-driven instincts against heading into dangerous and unfamiliar situations were teaming up with the crowd and against her. Audrey ignored them and instead opted to try her best to emulate the charisma and virtues of the noble kalanchoe plant, selling a hopefully not entirely inaccurate image of herself as an endlessly patient and long-suffering widow-in-name-only. I almost wish I had lost this skill of selling an image of myself... or just never needed to develop it in the first place... nice girls who live in good places don't have that skill, at least not in the same way... Audrey reached the crowd and was quickly swarmed and nearly knocked over many times, to the point that they helped to cancel each other out. "I… just… let me get to the shop please, I need to open it, I can take any orders and answer any questions in there."
Only a few people immediately adjacent to her appeared to have understood the overarching content of her request if not the specific words and attempted to make room for her, and she started the very difficult process of fighting her way to the door while attempting to appear to be the image of grace and humility and not stressed out of her mind. She had made decent progress when an all too familiar and booming voice and the person attached to it made themselves known over the clamor and at her side. "Audrey, you snake's disciple, you hussy! How dare you not tell me that-" Surprising even herself, Audrey partially spun around to face Patrick Martin without slowing her progress to the door. "Get out of here! Go on! I don't have time for this, now or ever!"
So much for the image of grace and humility… at least not many people saw that? Oh God he's sad, I feel bad now… no, I need to focus on the shop. Audrey left him shell-shocked and locked in place, throwing a split-second apologetic look behind her in his general direction, and entered the shop, which was almost immediately filled with people. She started heading towards the register before noticing that her precaution of roping off Seymour's section of the shop might as well have been left undone. Customers, who were embarrassingly enough for the human race they were acting as representatives of not even children or teenagers for the most part, were prodding at him and gawking at his teeth and vines, and Audrey's sympathy for him and anger on his behalf was quickly joined by alarm as she noticed a few of his vines tensing and relaxing and/or moving along the ground almost imperceptibly slowly.
They're getting dangerously close to wrapping around their ankles… or they would be dangerously close if I didn't trust him, which I do. Her attempt to rush towards him was quickly thwarted by a group of reporters with cameras and notepads getting in her way, and she searched for a path to him while vaguely hearing one of them ask "Audrey, how did it feel when your fiance was nowhere to be found on the day you were supposed to be wed?" She felt a jolt of shock and ambivalent surprise as she watched Patrick shove through the crowd to get to Seymour and start almost silently from her perspective yelling at the customers surrounding him, managing to get them to ashamedly and almost collectively move to the correct side of the rope after several seconds. …Huh… well, at least that problem's solved.
Audrey turned to the reporter who she was decently sure was the one who had addressed her. "Oh, it was as awful as you could ima-" She trailed off and jerked slightly to the side in shock as she suddenly heard Patrick's voice and felt his presence near her. "I'm so-" He quickly trailed off as well. "We'll split the workload. I'll take orders and make sure none a these guys go near that… plant…" His voice briefly gained an edge to it. "fiance a yours, you answer the interviewers' questions. With more honesty than you answered mine, please." He moved his gaze from its steady hold on a spot several inches from the side of her face to her eyes and almost appeared to melt slightly, and she felt a cursory amount of begrudging warmth and gratitude towards him. "...Anything else I can do ya for?" Audrey shot an apologetic glance at the now impatient reporters in front of her, briefly giving them the 'just a second' gesture, before partially turning to face him.
"If you could be so kind as to…" Patrick interrupted her by unceremoniously shouting "What?!" barely a foot away from her face, and she winced before course correcting and wordlessly handing him her bag with a polite head dip. As he opened it and stared at the contents for a moment before hopefully looking back up at her, she realized what the combination of two containers of takeout, a vase with a fancy-looking flower, and an ornate handkerchief that could charitably be mistaken for a placemat would imply to a guy of his particular inclinations. Audrey tilted her head towards Seymour, noting that her timing was ideal as she saw that the movement of his vines was now noticeable and he had begun to view the crowd from as high a vantage point as he could manage, and Patrick's face fell once again as he followed her gesture with his eyes. To his credit, he only sulked for a moment before returning her head dip and making his way over to Seymour, allowing her to turn her attention back towards her interviewers… with a slight amount left over for her lunch which she had just surrendered to him.
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esonetwork · 4 months
Timestamp #291: It Takes You Away
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/timestamp-291-it-takes-you-away/
Timestamp #291: It Takes You Away
Doctor Who: It Takes You Away (1 episode, s11e09, 2018)
Ribbit… or is it tibbir?
The TARDIS lands in a Nordic forest. The companions enjoy the views while the Doctor confirms the time and place by tasting the grass, then everyone jumps when the Doctor spots a sheep. She determines that they are in 2018, leaving 193 years before the great Woolly Rebellion, an event that forced a renegotiation of the entire human-sheep relationship on Earth.
The team sets their sights on a distant cabin, and the Doctor wonders why there’s no evidence of smoke from the chimney despite it being the middle of winter. The cabin is boarded up but Ryan catches a bit of movement through the window. The Doctor uses her sonic screwdriver to unlock the three locks on the front door and the team investigates. Ryan finds a girl hiding in the upstairs wardrobe, but she refuses to move when the Doctor asks. Once Graham offers up his emergency sandwich(!), the girl joins the team in the kitchen.
The girl’s name is Hanne and she’s afraid of the thing from which her father was defending the house. She can’t explain what the thing looks like because she’s blind, but she knows that her father disappeared four days ago. She asks the Doctor for help.
Ryan’s not great with kids, but Yaz immediately bonds with Hanne over a t-shirt for the Arctic Monkeys band. Hanne knows that her father didn’t simply leave her because the boat is still tied up nearby. Hanne gets nervous when her watch beeps, signaling the daily hunting time for the beast. As Yaz and Ryan scout around, they find animal traps and hear a loud roar. The team convenes outside but can’t find a beast to accompany the roar, so the Doctor orders everyone to secure the house.
Upstairs, Graham sees a mirror that doesn’t reflect his image. Ryan wonders if they are vampires before the mirror bleeds strange energy and the Doctor arrives. The mirror changes to normal for a moment before shifting again, but the Doctor is able to lock it in phase and take a look inside. The mirror is a portal to another dimension, and the Doctor decides to take another look but wants to leave Ryan behind to look after Hanne. She writes “Assume her dad is dead. Keep her safe. Find out who else can take care of her.” on the wall, telling Hanne that it’s a map of the house for Ryan’s benefit. Then the Doctor, Graham, and Yaz enter the mirror in search of Hanne’s father, Erik.
What lies beyond is a foggy and narrow cave. After leaving a trail of string to find their way home, they follow a light to a strange being named Ribbons. Ribbons offers his lantern in exchange for the sonic screwdriver (which looks pretty), and the Doctor promises payment upon delivery if Ribbons can show them the way to Erik.
As they progress, the team is introduced to killer flesh moths which Ribbons lures away with dead rats. He then cuts the thread while the team is distracted and betrays the team. As flesh moths descend, Ribbons mentions that this place is an anti-zone, a buffer that appears wherever the fabric of spacetime is threatened. The flesh moths extinguish the lantern and Ribbons tries to run after snatching the sonic screwdriver, but Graham stops him. The Doctor warns the team to stand still, but Ribbons tries to grab the sonic and is consumed by the moths. While the moths are busy, the team runs to a nearby portal and escapes, but they’re on the other side of the mirror.
Back in normal space, Hanne calls Ryan’s bluff about the map. Hanne is upset about Ryan’s attitude, but they team up when the roars come closer.  Ryan finds a wire and follows it to a speaker, discovering that the roars are a recording. Ryan runs back to tell Hanne, but she knocks him out and goes through the mirror. When he comes to, Ryan pursues.
In the mirror world, the team finds a beautiful and tidy cabin. They also find Erik, wearing a Slayer t-shirt with a backward logo, and a revelation: The monster is a recording. Erik tried to keep Hanne safe while he was gone because Trine (Hanne’s mother) is in the mirror zone. Or rather, her mirror universe version exists here, but cannot travel through the mirror. The team is also introduced to another traveler.
Grace is here.
Both of the women have memories of their lives before death. Graham tells Grace all about his adventures with the Doctor, but he’s unsure if he can trust Grace until she explains her passion for frogs. Meanwhile, the Doctor tells Yaz about the Solitract, a story that her fifth grandmother shared when the Doctor was a child. It existed at the start of the universe along with all of the other elements, but it couldn’t exist in the universe so it was exiled to another plane so it could exist naturally. The Solitract isn’t malevolent. It’s just lonely. But because of its nature, nothing from this universe cannot enter N-Space.
Graham and Erik have to choose between life here with their loved ones or their real lives in the normal universe.
As this detail is made clear, Ryan and Hanne navigate the anti-zone. Ryan sends Hanne ahead while he distracts the flesh moths. Hanne is overjoyed to find Erik but is not convinced that Trine is her mother. The world around them is falling apart since it is full of incompatible N-Space energy, but the Solitract wants to keep them as a cure for its loneliness. When the travelers reject the Solitract, they are knocked back into the anti-zone, and the Doctor offers herself in exchange for the others. She will stay behind since she’s seen the universe that the Solitract misses. The Solitract rejects Erik to save its universe.
Then the mirror universe goes white.
When it resolves again, the Doctor is faced with a skeleton of the cabin’s attic and a frog sitting on a chair. It speaks to the Doctor in Grace’s voice, taking an avatar that once delighted Grace. The Doctor begins to vibrate as the universe continues to destabilize, and the Doctor makes the case that the Solitract cannot survive if it holds on to what it cannot have. The Doctor tells the Solitract that they will remain friends even in her absence, and the Solitract sends her back into the anti-zone.
Everyone runs back to N-Space as the anti-zone collapses. The Doctor seals the portal behind them as the survivors come to terms with their losses. Erik and Hanne plan to move back to Oslo and start again, and Hanne is proud of her father for coming to terms with Trine’s death. Ryan and Graham talk about how Grace would react to this adventure, and Ryan finally calls him granddad. Together, they join their TARDIS family and set course for a new time and space.
I’m going to avoid a Calgon joke.
This is a beautiful story without a true villain. Instead, the Solitract is lonely, and to make connections, it offers companionship to those who grieve. Erik and Graham both get to heal a bit from their grief, and they extend this to their dependents. Graham specifically makes a deeper connection with Ryan through their shared trauma.
Now, I understand the Solitract taking a frog’s form in honor of Grace, but I think it would have had a better impact if it had taken a form that would tempt the Doctor to stay. Sure, the Doctor is tempted by this Time Lord fairy tale, but the whole point of the Solitract’s game was to bait companions with someone they miss. The perfect avatar would have been Susan, extending some goodwill with the return of Carole Ann Ford.
After all, “one day, I will come back”… yet the Doctor never really has on television, have they?  Instead, we get another fast ending and more questions about things we’ll likely never see again.
The casting was great with Eleanor Wallwork, the first blind actor in Doctor Who to play a blind character. That degree of authenticity was wonderful, as was the general low-budget horror atmosphere of this kinda spooky tale.
Rating: 4/5 – “Would you care for a jelly baby?”
UP NEXT – Doctor Who: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Stories That Are Told
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Pairing: Tarrant “Hatter” Hightopp x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: (Y/n)’s so used to being the background character in everyone’s story that she forget she can be the main character in her own.
Warnings: Slight angst but majority fluff!
A/N: I love this man with my whole being omg pls
Stumbling into Wonderland with Alice had been a wonderful thing for not only Alice, but (Y/n) as well. For Alice it was an escape from all the things she didn’t wanna do and would never wanna do. She wasn’t forced to marry some sod of a guy who’d make her miserable for the rest of her life or to be the proper lady she was expected to be, but instead she got a taste of freedom. And although it was an escape for (Y/n) as well, it was an escape of a different kind.
In the other world, with it’s dreary skies and monotonous patterns and cycles, (Y/n) lived a very humdrum life. Her family had never been as fortunate as Alice in any ways of the sorts, it was a miracle that they were friends to begin with. Alice’s father had been friends with (Y/n)’s since boyhood and because of that, he always made sure they knew they were welcome to anything of his that they wished. And while (Y/n)’s father had never taken advantage of that from the way Alice’s mother treated (Y/n) and her family, it wouldn’t be hard to think otherwise.
When Charles was still around, she hadn’t done anything out of line. The older woman always kept to herself, occasionally having an afternoon cup of tea with her own mom. However, her true colors and feelings came to light after the passing of her husband. During the next few months after her husband’s absence, the (L/n)s were there for Kingsleighs. Although they didn’t have the funds to help them monetarily (for they also didn’t need it), they offered their labor and services to the two as much as they needed. Farm work, house cleaning, garden maintenance. Anything you could think they had done. But as soon as Helen was well (as well as you could be after losing someone so dear) , she had forbid them from coming to their property. She didn’t believe her and Alice should associate with people of “such low stature” because it didn’t “align with their image”. But that had never stopped Alice.
Anywhere Alice went, (Y/n) was always there by her side right along with her. They practically went everywhere together and that hadn’t changed since they arrived in Wonderland. (Y/n) was grateful that she had chased after her friend. It was like she knew something would happen. Afterall, crazy things always happen when you put two curious girls together for more than a moment. The friends they had made since they arrived were nothing short of lovely. She knew her sister would describe them as odd characters and disturbing individuals. Telling her to stay far away from them and to not associate herself with those types. But what was wrong with being odd or even disturbing? The only things worth doing in life were a bit odd and disturbing and if that made her peculiar than so be it. 
For the first time in her life, she felt as though she belonged. Sure, it wasn’t her story nor her destiny to be here as it was Alice but that did not mean she did not appreciate Wonderland for what it was. The story had never been her story, not here, and certainly not where they were from. Alice was the main chat and she was the topic that would get trickled in after. 
“Everyone has a part to play, (Y/n). Even if it is not large or as set in stone, each person’s role is necessary for the story to progress, even yours. You’ll see.” the words of that tricky caterpillar replayed in her head over and over again whenever she had a moment to think. What had he meant by that? Was her story not more than to be here in support of her dearest friend and the latest edition to their friends? Was she not just a tool in the scheme of things? (Y/n) had never known people of lesser importance as herself to contribute much of anything big to a legacy as large as Alice’s! 
From her end of the table, she watched as Hatter threw his hat high into the air before it landed on his head causing everyone to erupt in a jostled mess of laughter and cheering. She smiled fondly from a far. Tarrant was a kind man. No matter what was going on or where they were, he always had a way of making her feel included. That’s just who he was. He had known what it was like to feel excluded from things and the last thing he’d wanna do is be the cause of that for someone else. But it was nothing more than his nature, that’s it.
“You know, you should just tell him how you feel.” a velvety voice sounded from beside her ear causing her to jump. The (h/c) haired girl glared at the purple cat, reaching a hand to swat him away but he disappeared once more before appearing on her other side. “He watches you often, even when there is not many around to see. But I always do of course.” The Cheshire cat said in a sure tell tone. The girl scoffed at him, shoving another small pastry into her mouth.
“I’m not in the mood for one of your jokes today, cat. So if you’ve come to mock my feelings during my 2nd to last day in Wonderland, I wish you well and send you off.” she huffed out, crossing her arms across her chest, turning her gaze away from him back to Tarrant who was already looking at her. The Hatter gave her a secret wink and a smile before turning back to the March Hare who seemed rather frazzled about something. Or perhaps excited. But once again, the grinning cat appeared in front of her face once more.
“Silly girl, you ignore the plain truth in front of you? I can see why you and Alice get along so well, both of you can be quite foolish. Oh well, the story isn’t over yet after all.” and with that he was gone. What did he mean by that? The story was clearly over. Alice had done what she set out to do. The Jabberwocky had been slain, the White Queen ruled once again, and all had been made well. And what was with everyone with stories? Not everything you can do will always be a story and not every story comes to an end. She decided not to dwell much on it. This was her last night she’d ever spend in Wonderland and she’d rather like to keep it in good memory.
So when the White Queen offered her a hand to dance she took it, their dresses swaying in the wind in oppositional unison. They all danced with one another, twirling, laughing, and having a grand time. The entire time the smile never once left (Y/n)’s face which a certain hatted man enjoyed with all his being.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving today. It seems as if it was only yesterday when you arrived.” the girl swiveled around to see the red head there, a bittersweet smile on his face. His smile grew once she turned to face him. Removing his hat, he bowed as he grabbed one of her hands placing a delicate kiss to the top of it. “I am delighted to have known a woman as graceful as you.” hot tears sprung into her eyes which she quickly got rid of before he stood up. Giggling some she hopped onto the large sit swing, motioning for him to join her.
“Don’t get sad yet, Hatter. I’ve still got a few hours left. You can’t rid of me that easily.” he joined her on the swing, a wide grin still on his face. Although it was partly real, she could tell there was some sadness lingering behind it. (Y/n) turned her gaze to the sight in front of them. From the large benched swing, you could see just about all of wonderland over the edge of the cliff. “Besides, there’s not much to miss. I’m just me.”
“And ‘just you’ is a lot! I’ll miss everything about you. The way you mimic the bird calls you hear, the way you get excited when the rock you skipped across the water goes further than you imagined,” she looked at him in shock as he continued to speak, “E-even the smaller things like how you leave the crust of your sandwich for last and give your crumbs to the ants. But I think more importantly I’ll...I’ll just miss your presence.” he said the last part softly, staring off the edge of the cliff to avoid her gaze. A million thoughts raced through her heads as he spoke. Could it really be? Could he really share the same feelings as she did? (Y/n) reached a shaky (s/c) hand to lay on top of Hatter’s pale one, intertwining their fingers.
“Hatter, I've got something to tell you. During my time here in Wonderland, I’ve enjoyed every second I’ve had with everyone. But more importantly, I’ve enjoyed my time so much with you and I believe it’s only fair to share with you that my feelings I have for you go beyond those of normal friendship. I guess you can say I’ve grown...quite mad for you.” his head whipped to face her as he stared into her eyes, tears welling within his own. He flashed her another smile except this one was genuine, filled with the love and warmth he had shown her the entirety of her time in Wonderland.
“(Y/n)! Alice sent me to fetch you. I’m afraid it’s time for the two of you to head back.”
After a lot of shedded tears, heartfelt speeches, and goodbyes that were nothing short of wholesome, it was time for the two to head home. Alice patted (Y/n)’s shoulder before holding her arm out for her to grab. As they neared the portal, (Y/n) turned around once more to stare at her friends but when she got to Tarrant, her heart began to break. The gaze they held with one another was long until she simply couldn’t take it. Without thinking she ran up to him once more, grabbing his shoulders tightly.
“Hatter, Tarrant, I need to know how you feel. I couldn’t live with myself if I left and never knew.” he shook his head, looking away from her as he tried to stop the waterworks that were withheld behind the dam. Hot tears streamed down the delicate skin of the girl’s face. “Hatter...please.” her voice was broken as she begged.
“I believe I wasn’t honest myself either. I am completely enamored by you, my dear. I wish I had said something sooner but even though I couldn’t, I’ll always hold a special place for you in here.” he said, placing a hand over his heart. Standing on the tips of her toes, she leaned forward placing a quick peck to his cheek.
“What if it isn’t too late? What if I stayed?” she started, watching as he shook his head, “Hatter listen! You may think I’d regret if I stay but I think I would regret even more not following my heart the first time it’s ever tried to tell me something. Nothing would make me happier than staying here with you...that is if you’d allow it.” a silence fell over as everyone awaited his answer. Without another thought Hatter leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and sweet. Filled with a silent promise, a silent vow to care for her as deeply as his heart will allow. 
“I do not know what I did to get so lucky, but I would do it again if needed.” she felt herself grow flustered at his words. A quick peck was placed on his lips before walking over to Alice once again. The blonde had tears of her own in her eyes. She was glad her friend had found something to fight for, something to call her own. But also for the first time in many years, they would not see each other everyday as they once did. They both stared at each other before throwing themselves into each other's arms, laughing in unison as bittersweet tears fell.
“Good luck. Make sure you put your foot down. You’re Alice! You listen to no one and march to no one’s drum but your own.” Alice gave her a curt nod.
“Take care. We’ll meet again, do not doubt it.” 
Although Alice’s story had seemingly come to an end, it seemed as though (Y/n)’s story was just beginning. For once she wasn’t the side character in someone’s tale, but the main character in her own.
TAGSLIST: @de4ds0up @pink-hufflepuff​ @redpanda-poetry​
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babydaddyleorio · 3 years
How they would act on a plane
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These are very much crack headcanons because I needed something to help me escape my writing plateau lmao
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                                    How they would act on a plane
-If he’s sitting next to a girl? Oh he’s flirting the whole plane ride.
-Literally won’t shut up and tells her this very extravagant story trying to woo her, the whole time eyeing the necklace that’s placed on her neck.
-Also did I mention that he’s in first class? Yeah he definitely tied up some guy in the bathroom and “borrowed” his ticket.
-He’ll order drinks for him and the girl and will secretly pay for them with her money.
-A true finesser.
-Even the flight attendants love him. He has so many numbers now.
-If he does happen to sit by himself, he’ll probably read a book while listening to classical music.
-He refuses to sleep because he feels like he has enemies everywhere watching him.
-like please you are not the main character Chrollo take the damn nap. 
-He's on his phone the whole time but he’s so obnoxious with it. He purposefully has his volume all the way up just to annoy everyone around him.
-He’ll play games like candy crush and laughs super loudly If he makes a match and groans sadly If he runs out lives.
-The old man next to him wants to bang his head against the chair in front of him because he literally won’t shut up.
-Doesn’t put his phone on airplane mode.
-Probably hacks into the plane. Literally will make the bathroom have the occupied sign on the whole plane ride so no one could use It.
-Has a needle in the pilot’s neck just for fun.
-Also has the plane doing loopity loops in the sky and everyone is screaming for their lives while he’s just laughing evilly.
-Claps when the plane lands.
-He just reads the whole ride.
-If you accidentally brush his arm he gives you a death glare.
-He has to jump to reach the overhead because it’s too high.
-He woke up way too early so he’s in a “I hate everyone” type of mood.
-Hisses when the person beside him tries to open up the window.
-He accidentally sits next to an escape exit and when the flight attendant asks him If he’s ready to save others just in case something happens he’s like “....No.”
-Refuses to change his answer too
-Listens to music on his playlist and silently pretends to be in a music video.
-Takes up all of the space and squishes you.
-You wonder how the hell his earlobes got that long and he would say something smart to you like “It’s rude to stare.”
-Well excuse me...
-Someone in front him will lean back in their seat and their hair covers the movie he’s watching. 
-Is scared to move it so he just sits there like “😐”.
-All the drinks are too small to fit in his hand so he awkwardly sips from the straw that’s poked in his apple juice box.
-Someone ends up leaning their head on his shoulder while they are sleeping.
-Doesn’t know what to do now and is frantically looking around for help.
-Knitting or sewing the whole time.
-Do not try to talk to her. She won’t respond.
-Has a window seat because she likes to peacefully look at the clouds and city lights as she’s sewing.
-Also to imagine Hisoka falling from the sky without a parachute.
-Ah, so tranquil.
-Doesn’t like riding on planes because they’re kind of scary. She would never tell anyone that though. 
-Wanted to sit next to Pakunoda but instead got stuck sitting next to a chihuahua who won’t stop yapping at her the entire ride. 
-Has to stop herself from yeeting it out the window.
-The dog will see he’s not getting through to her, so he’ll slowly raise his leg up and Machi will literally start screaming at what he’s trying to do. 
-Yeah she hates her life.
-You can hear pierce the veil blasting from her headphones.
-Binky has its own seat for some reason.
-She goes to the bathroom and once she sees that It’s occupied (kudos to Shalnark) she will turn to go back to her seat but already forgot where she sits.
-The type to bring a book that she never reads.
-If the person next to her is watching a movie, she’ll change It simply because she doesn't like It.
-There’s one flight attendant constantly flirting with her and she gets a lot of free drinks because of them.
-Of course she never catches on and forgets who they are every time they try to talk to her.
-Will argue with the flight attendant about how expensive the peanuts are.
-After like five minutes, he finally buys the peanuts and once he’s about to eat them the turbulence becomes so strong that It makes them fly everywhere.
-He has to resist the urge to punch the air.
-Phinks has to have an aisle seat because he gets paranoid easily.
-Phinks will try to go to sleep but there will be a kid constantly kicking the back of his chair.
-He will turn around and would be about to throat punch the kid when suddenly he sees how hot his mom is.
-Simp mode activated.
-He’ll try to flirt with the mom but the kid will notice and he ends up “accidentally” squirting his drink in Phinks face.
-Yeah It’s on sight when he gets off the plane.
-Watches a movie, probably one dealing with samurai. 
-Somehow got past security with his Katana?
-Most likely because of Shalnark
-Ate really bad airport food which messed up his stomach.
-Feels sick and tries to hold It in, but you can tell by his face that he’s struggling. The old lady beside him stares with wide eyes once she hears his stomach literally start beat boxing.
-He runs down the aisle clenching his cheeks and knocks harshly on the bathroom door, but he sees that sign says occupied.
-Nobunaga is shouting at the non-existent person in there to hurry up holding his stomach.
-Shalnark Is eating popcorn and laughing at Nobunaga as he watches him through the security camera.
-Goes to ask the flight attendant for hemorrhoid cream
-Is really nice and will talk to you If you start a conversation with her
-Has earbuds packed for the altitudes and offers you some as well
-Turns her brightness down as she reads smut on her phone. Literally turned her whole body and everything so no one could see the words.
-Her face is so red as she stares at her phone and the flight attendant is so concerned that they ask if she’s okay. Pakunoda jumps so high and almost chucks her phone once she sees them standing over her, scared that they’ll see that she commented “😩💦” under the fanfic.
-Brings homemade snacks and sandwiches that no one wants 
-Has a window seat because she wanted to look out the window and see how small the land is below her
-Unlike Machi, Pakunoda has a cat sitting next to her and the cat absolutely loves her.
-Will probably steal it 
-sleeps the whole ride with a mask over his eyes and a neck pillow that he swiped from someone earlier.
-He snores sooo loudly and everyone around him is irritated because they can’t go to sleep because of It
-He would eat all the food on the plane
-Is the type to laugh very loudly at the movie playing or give commentary about each scene that’s happening
-Didn’t bring any luggage with him and… yeah...
-His head touches the ceiling of the plane and Its really uncomfortable 
-Has no Idea where he’s going but got on the plane anyway
Hisoka (honorable mention)
-Somehow sits in first class with Chrollo and once Chrollo sees him he almost loses his shit
- “This seat is taken.” Chrollo would say while staring straight ahead but Hisoka ignores him and sits down anyway.
- “Do you not enjoy my company?” He’d tease while licking his lips.
-Chrollo immediately gets him kicked out.
-So now he’s stuck in economy with the rest of the troupe. None of them let him sit with them either.
-Finds an empty seat and sits down In it and starts laughing to himself because he’s plotting on how to get back to first class.
-The person sitting next to Hisoka is legit terrified and they side eye him the whole ride while clutching their bag to their chest.
-Will trip people walking down the aisle with his bungee gum.
-He would purposefully take his time to get his bag out, creating a long line for no reason.
-Whole time doesn’t even have a bag.
-Is banned from ever riding a plane again.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Elevate Thy Hate
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Not a day goes by that you and Bucky don’t argue.
Word Count: 4,642
Warnings: Cliché plot but slight angst, self-doubt and Bucky being a loveable idiot who sucks at communicating
A/N: Surprise one-shot because I just remembered I wrote this like...last year lmfao
You woke up feeling great and excited. The mission was finally finished, debriefings were done and reports have been submitted. Everyone was given an entire week to get some rest and since rest days were pretty rare, you truly looked forward to this day.
Before you could even saunter in the kitchen, you had already heard the chatters from your fellow Avengers. One particular voice irked you though but hell no, you weren’t going to let one Bucky Barnes ruin your day.
A chorus of good mornings greeted you as soon as you walked into the kitchen. Nat and Steve were on one side of the counter sipping their coffee while Sam and Wanda were finishing up their food. Tony and Bruce were out of sight, probably holed up in the lab doing experiments as usual. Bucky didn’t acknowledge you and quickly headed out of the kitchen, thankfully. You weren’t in the mood to pick a fight.
Walking up to the cupboards, you quickly grabbed you favorite cereal and proceeded to pour it out on your bowl. None came out though. You peeked inside bag and saw that only crumbs of it were left.
“Who the—“
Everyone was already pointing at Bucky when you turned around to ask. And of course, Bucky did it on purpose because he stood there at the end of the hallway, watching you with smug grin on his face.
“I hope your day sucks.” He said and flipped you the bird before turning around to walk away.
You groaned out loud, ignoring the amused chuckles from everyone else in the kitchen.
“I’m not stooping down to your level, asshole! I hope your day is average!”
The day was fortunately uneventful, except for your ruined breakfast care of Bucky. You were determined not to let that annoy you for the rest of the day. So far, so good. You could only wish it’d continue that way for the rest of the week.
“I told you not to rush!” Bucky snapped.
“I had him already! If you didn’t throw that goddamn smoke grenade I would’ve killed him!” You explained.
You could see Sam shaking his head in frustration. Bucky always had to blame something on you even though you weren’t the one at fault.
Bucky snorted, “He had a sniper for fuck’s sake! One shot and you’re dead.”
“Oh wow, says the one who got shot before I did.” You rolled your eyes at Bucky.
The two of you continued to bicker until Nat and Steve walked into the living room looking confused as you and Bucky exchanged insults while Sam remained sandwiched between the both of you on the couch.
“Who got shot?” Steve asked, glancing at you and Bucky alternately.
“Did we miss out on a mission or...?” Nat continued.
Sam chuckled, “We were playing Call of Duty and we lost.” He explained, taking the opportunity to get up from the sofa.
Steve still looked lost, something that Nat immediately picked up. “It’s a video game.” She explained.
“You two are fighting over a game?” He asked you and Bucky.
“They fight over everything.” Nat shrugged and walked out of the room with Sam tagging behind her.
“I’m outta here too, I’m so done babysitting the kids.” He muttered under his breath.
It was past midnight when you were in the living room alone, watching television while eating a Whopper. The lights were turned off and it was absolutely quiet in the compound, setting the perfect ambience for the crime documentary you were watching.
Not long after, you heard someone walk into the living room. It was only when your heard the familiar grunt that you realized who it was. Of course, it had to be Bucky.
“Are you eating a burger?” He asked incredulously.
“No, it’s popcorn. Of course it’s a fucking burger, are you blind or just dumb?” You snapped, your eyes still glued on the television.
“Dumbfounded that you’re eating that at this hour. No wonder you suck at cardio.” Bucky said as he sat down on the other end of the sofa.
“Are you body-shaming me?” You gasped.
Bucky snickered, “I didn’t say anything, I just said you suck at cardio.” He said, not looking at you.
You chose to ignore him and brought your attention back to the television. It was quiet for moment. You almost forgot about Bucky’s presence until of course, he decided to annoy you yet again.
“Can you pass the remote?” Bucky asked monotonously.
“This show sucks.” He commented.
You were focused on the show but noticed that Bucky was staring at you.
“Can you please pass the remote?” He asked again.
“In case you didn’t notice, I’m watching. I was here first. I hold the rights to control the remote.” You deadpanned, refusing to look at him.
There was a flash of black and gold right before your eyes. Everything happened quickly and the next thing you knew, Bucky was hovering above you, trapping you between his body and the arm rest of the sofa.
“The fuck, Barnes?! Get off of me!” You protested and started pushing him away.
“You gotta work on your reflexes, darling.” He said, finally leaning away from you, remote now in his hand.
He grinned triumphantly and switched the channel before placing the remote inside his sweatpants, “Want to switch the channel? Come and get it.” he taunted as he leaned back on the couch, opening his legs wide as he showed off how the remote created a tent in his sweatpants.
That was the remote...right? You mentally slapped yourself for actually thinking about what Bucky was packing beneath those pants and frowned.
“You’re an asshole and a disgusting one.” You told him.
“God, I hate you.” You muttered and crumpled the wrapper of your burger before throwing it at Bucky.
Deciding that you didn’t want to argue any further, you got up and left the living room, but not without telling Bucky again how much you hated him for making your life miserable.
“The feeling is mutual.” You heard him say.
The petty fights with Bucky went on and on during that entire week of rest. Despite the arguments, there were small moments of kindness shared between you and the soldier.
“Where are you going dressed up so nicely?” You asked Bucky upon seeing him walk into the kitchen wearing a leather jacket on top of a black shirt, dark, tight-fitting jeans and a pair of Doc Martens.
It was meant as an insult, of course. You took every opportunity to tease Bucky and his newfound sense of fashion. Said fashion meant his taste for very millennial outfits despite his old age.
“Grocery.” He replied as he went over to the fridge to pour himself a glass of water.
“Ooh, can you buy me Starbucks on your way back? I’ll pay.” You asked kindly.
Bucky just stared at you as he drank from his glass of water. He slammed it on the counter before walking past you.
“Not a damn chance.”
He did buy you Starbucks though. It didn’t shock you that much considering that the both of you didn’t hate on each other all the damn time. But what surprised you was that he brought you your usual drink and your favorite pastry too.
Steve must have forced him to do so, probably told his best friend your usual orders as well so you made a note to thank him as soon as they got back.
And thank Steve you did, but you didn’t expect the reply that you got.
“Oh was that the reason why Bucky kept bugging me about stopping by Starbucks?” Steve asked.
You narrowed your eyes at him, “What do you mean? I thought he told you I asked him to buy me Starbucks.”
Steve chuckled, “I guess now I know why he wouldn’t shut up about it.” he said, amusement laced in his tone.
“I don’t understand, Cap.” you said.
Steve just smiled at you in response before squeezing your shoulder, “Maybe you will understand soon.”
And with that, he left you feeling even more confused. You honestly didn’t understand the context of the conversation so you decided to just ignore it. Steve sometimes would say weird shit that none of the Avengers knew about. You dismissed it and thought that maybe it was Steve being a decade old, it was probably an old man thing.
You decided to make coffee for Bucky the following day, as a simple gesture to thank him for the Starbucks. He didn’t ask you to pay him back so you felt obligated to do a little something for him. You were an asshole to him sometimes, yes, but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to give credit where credit is due.
Okay, so maybe you didn’t really hate Bucky. If you did actually hate him, the entire team would probably do something about it. Maybe force the two of you to talk things out. The hatred was all fun and games, everyone seemed to be amused by it too.
You still considered Bucky your friend despite the constant bickering. You had to admit, the arguments were pretty fun.
Although, you were wondering whether Bucky felt the same about considering you as his friend. Sometimes, his attitude towards you confused the hell out of you.
One day he’d eat the chocolate you’ve been saving up for cheat day just to spite you. And it definitely did because you ended up cursing him out loud when you saw him munching on it. The next day he brought you a new one. You were watching Netflix when he waltzed into the living room and threw a bar of chocolate at your lap before walking out without saying a word.
These exchange of small yet kind (and confusing) gestures remained unacknowledged. You didn’t know why but you also didn’t feel the need to talk about them. You weren’t going to lie but Bucky’s random acts of kindness would always put a smile on your face.
The vacation unfortunately came to an end and everyone had to go back to saving the world. All of you were gathered in the conference room with Fury for a briefing about the next mission. It wasn’t as big as the last one but it still required a lot of planning.
After explaining the mission, Fury let Steve take over the meeting to strategize.
Some were assigned to do surveillance around the parameter while some were appointed to do all the groundwork. Steve of course, just had to partner you with Bucky to do the actual infiltration given that your skills complemented each other’s.
You grinned and was prepared to roast Bucky’s ass when you turned to him and was met with a scowl. He shook his head with what you assumed was disappointment and turned away from you.
It was the first time he ever dismissed you like that. Sure, you were rude to each other but the look that Bucky gave you wasn’t a teasing one. He wasn’t mocking you nor frustrated. Bucky seemed to really hate the idea of being partnered with you. It was the first time that the two of you had to work together without anyone else. Usually, Steve or Sam joined but for this mission, it was just you and Bucky. Concluding that he must have woken up at the wrong side of the bed, you chose to ignore your gut feeling and focused back to Steve.
After the meeting, everyone else exited the room and started with the preparations for the mission. As you walked down the hallway leading to your bedroom, you heard some soft chattering coming from Steve’s bedroom.
You were supposed to ignore it until you heard your name, making you stop in your tracks.
“I can’t be partnered with her, Steve.”
“Buck, just go with it. I can’t be changing assignments at the last minute.” Steve explained.
Bucky sighed, “You know I can’t function properly when she’s around, let alone be partnered with her. She distracts me, Steve. Her skills distract me and I swear on our friendship, I would end up dying on this assignment.”
“You’re being overly dramatic, Buck. Just suck it up, pal. Do the mission and get it over with.”
“Steve, you don’t understand. I really can’t deal with her. Especially if it’s just the two of us. You know how much I fucking—“
“Hate me?”
You couldn’t help but interject in their conversation. How could you not? Bucky was complaining about how he couldn’t deal with you. It really hurt hearing Bucky say all those things about you. Sure, you were somewhat new to the team and you didn’t have superpowers nor years of training like the rest. But you worked your ass off to be in this position. And for him to say that he couldn’t function with you being around struck a nerve. The last thing on your mind was to hold back your teammates, that’s why you train twice, thrice as hard.
Steve and Bucky stared at you as if they’ve seen a ghost. It’s as if all their blood was drained out of their body when they saw you step inside the room. Bucky was about to say something but you decided to cut him off, not wanting to hear more about how he doesn’t want to be partnered with you.
“We don’t get along that well, I get that. But I honestly thought that our arguments were harmless. Hell, I consider us friends. I didn’t think that you actually hated me.” Your voice quivered because you were truly, deeply hurt.
“That’s not what I meant.” Bucky insisted.
“You literally said that you might end up dying because of being partnered with me, Bucky! Look, I know that I don’t have a super serum running through my veins. I can’t move things with my mind and I can’t come up with life-changing tech. I wasn’t trained since childhood nor have the perfect aim. But I worked hard to be in this team. I trained hard not to be a burden to anyone and I’m sorry if my skills aren’t up to your standards.”
What did you even do to Bucky for him to hate you this much?
“Don’t worry, I won’t burden you. Once this mission is over, I won’t bother you anymore. Ever.” You said before walking out of the way, ignoring Bucky when he had repeatedly called your name.
The ride to the location was filled with tension. Although everyone else had no idea what happened, they somehow knew that the tension had something to do with you and Bucky.
Thankfully, the quinjet was big enough for you not to end up sitting beside Bucky.
“You okay?” Wanda asked, noticing how restless you were.
What you heard definitely affected you in more ways than one. You kept on double checking your weapons, your gadgets and you even ended up doubting yourself. Were you really equipped to be an Avenger? Steve said that Bucky was merely overacting but what if he was right? What if you weren’t skilled enough to protect him or your teammates?
“That’s not true.” Wanda said out of the blue. “I didn’t mean to read your mind, though. Your thoughts are coming off too strong, kinda hard to ignore.” She said apologetically.
You softly laughed, “I should really be staying away from you.” You joked.
Wanda smiled and placed her hand on top of yours, “I mean it though. You’re amazing at what you do. I don’t understand why you’re doubting yourself about being an Avenger.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you offered Wanda a grateful smile. You noticed that Bucky had been staring at you the entire time but simply ignored him. You weren’t going to let him snap you out of your focus.
Once on location, everyone started to split up and listened for Steve’s orders through the comms. You and Bucky managed to get inside the base, all thanks to Nat and the Hulk who handled all the guards.
The building was completely empty when the two of you walked around in search of the hidden quarters where all the intel were kept.
Bucky whistled to get your attention, you turned and saw that he was motioning towards what seemed to be a regular brick wall. However, there were a few bricks out of place and upon examining it, you realized it was some sort of a secret door. You managed to figure out which bricks to push and thankfully, it didn’t take you long enough to open the door which revealed an old, steel elevator.
“We found the entrance, Steve.” Bucky said into the comms.
“Careful in there, there were suspiciously a few guards within the parameters. They all might be in there.” Nat warned.
You heaved out a deep breath before stepping into the elevator with Bucky trailing behind you. There was only one button in the elevator, a red one.
“Can someone scan the elevator and make sure this button won’t set off any boobie trap or something?” You asked nervously as you inspected the elevator for any hidden traps.
The comms cracked with Sam’s voice. “Button is safe although...” he trailed.
“Although what?” Bucky asked, examining the elevator as well.
“You’re in for a long ride.”
You frowned, “How long?” You asked.
“Can’t see. It’s way too deep.”
Sam was able to scan the entire base and true enough, the elevator would lead deep down into the hidden laboratory. How deep into the ground it was, none could tell. Neither Sam nor Tony’s technology could see through due to the lack of signal. Steve said it might be dangerous to proceed given that there were no other ways into the lab except for the elevator.
The lack of signal down there meant no communication.
“Guys, I don’t think it’s a good idea to continue with this mission.” Steve said.
“But we’re so close, Steve.” You said.
“I think Steve is right. It’d be hard to call for back up when things go south.” Bucky interjected, not even sparing you a glance.
You snorted. Bucky sure wasn’t overacting when he was complaining about your skills. He definitely didn’t trust you. You weren’t going to settle for that.
“We won’t need any back up.”
And with that, you pressed the red button and completely ignored everyone’s warnings through the comms. Bucky looked at you with disbelief and tried to press the red button again in hopes of halting the elevator. However, the brick wall had closed and the elevator started its descent.
“Why the fuck did you do that?!” He yelled and tried to search the elevator for some sort of stop button.
“We’ll follow soon!” Steve’s voice was the last you heard before your comms completely lost its signal.
“Christ, we don’t even know whether it’s the lab that’s down there!” Bucky said, continuing his search for anything that would bring the both of you up to the ground floor.
“I’m not as stupid as you think I am. All secret doors lead to a top secret room and no, we won’t be needing any back up because I am totally capable of taking down anyone who gets in the way.” You stubbornly replied and leaned against the wall.
You wondered how long the elevator ride was going to be. At the speed that it’s going, it wasn’t impossible to take at least fifteen to twenty minutes if the lab was really far down into the ground. Bucky’s frustration was evident from the way he kept on inspecting the elevator walls. At first it was easy to ignore but Bucky was becoming more and more desperate to find a way to go back up.
“Your desperation to stay away from me is just...astounding.” You said with a bitter chuckle.
“I’m finding a way to get out of here, not away from you.” Bucky explained calmly.
You shook your head, “You don’t trust me to keep you alive, I get it. But can you tone it down even for just a bit?” You spat at him.
Bucky pressed the bridge of his nose and let out an exasperated sigh, “You don’t need to keep me alive.”
“Of course not, you don’t need me to do so ‘cause you’re so capable. How did I not think of that?” At this point, you couldn’t stop the word vomit.
You had tons of things to say to Bucky to prove to him that you were totally good at what you do, that he didn’t need to underestimate you just because you were a new addition to the team.
“That’s not what I mean.” Bucky explained again.
It was starting to annoy you that the more you were becoming agitated, the calmer he was becoming. And he kept on telling you that he meant differently with his statements but he never really attempted to further explain his side.
“Then what do you mean, Bucky?” You pressed. “What did I ever do to you for you to hate me this much? Did I say something offensive? Do I have to train 24/7 for you to think that I deserve to be working alongside the Avengers?” You kept on babbling on and on and on.
Bucky rubbed his face with his hand, “I don’t hate you, okay?” He doesn’t even spare you a look.
All this time, he was looking at anything but you and it was really getting on your nerves.
“See? You keep on telling me that you don’t hate me but you can’t even look at me! I mean, if you really loathe me then own up to it! It hurts me more that you keep on denying it when you can’t even explain a damn thing. At least tell me why!” You were never an emotional person and Bucky knew that, so when he finally turned to look at you, he was surprised to see you on the verge of tears.
“Hey, hey...” Bucky coaxed and tried to hold you but you stepped away from him.
“Just please tell me why, Buck. Tell me and I promise to stay away. If you think I suck at being an Avenger to the point of irritating you, tell me so I can train my fucking ass off until you deem me fit to be an Avenger. If my jokes offended you, I’m sorry. If I—“
“It’s because I like you.”
Bucky Barnes...likes you? It’s as if the silence went on forever inside the elevator that seemed to keep going. How long were the two of you inside it anyway? You couldn’t tell anymore and you didn’t know whether Bucky was simply fooling around with you.
“That’s not funny.” You said.
Bucky shook his head, “It’s not a joke.”
You stared at him doubtfully, “Explain.” You demanded.
Bucky licked his lips and let out a soft chuckle, “I’m an idiot.” He said.
“That doesn’t explain anything. If any, I’d think you’re simply fucking with me.” You pointed out and crossed your arms over your chest.
That seemed to urge Bucky to finally explain. “What you heard in Steve’s room was correct.”
“So you really hate me.”
Bucky groaned, “Let me finish, please?” He pleaded. When you remained silent, he continued to explain himself.
“You really do distract me during missions. Because you’re so amazing and I never doubted your skills. But I also get worried and I hate it when I see you in pain or wounded and it fucking distracts me. I didn’t want to be partnered with you because when I see you, I just...fuck. I like you that much. You kick someone’s ass and I’d end up watching you with awe that it’d cause me my own demise. That’s what I meant. That I’d probably end up dying because whenever you’re around, you have my full attention.”
The anger within you dissipated just like that. You could feel your face heat up from Bucky’s unexpected confession.
“But you’re an asshole to me.” You pointed out.
Bucky laughed, “Because that’s how I get your attention. You walk into a room with a kind-hearted super soldier, a witty bird brain and a few more intelligent men and yet I’d be the first one you’d acknowledge. With a snarky comment but still, attention is attention. It’s the only way I get to interact with you without feeling awkward. I suck at conversations, I mean, you heard me and though I was hating on you when I was merely blabbering to Steve about how much I like you.”
This time, you couldn’t hold back your laughter. All along, Bucky was finding a way to talk to you even though it meant constant arguments over the pettiest things. To be fair though, he really did suck at communicating.
“I’m sorry that it came across like that.” Bucky apologized sincerely. “I hope this doesn’t change anything between us.” He admitted.
You shrugged, “Oh but it does. In fact, it changes everything.”
Bucky’s face fell.
“Because I think I like you too and I kinda want for things to change. For the better of course.” You grinned.
Bucky chuckled and scratched his forehead bashfully, “You think, huh? Not sure?” He asked and turned to you just as the elevator doors opened.
Indeed, it led to the lab where almost all of the targets stayed. The man nearest the elevator had his gun pointed at Bucky but before he could even pull the trigger, Bucky had thrown his knife at him without even sparing a glance and choked the next guy to attack with his metal arm before throwing him towards a group of armed men. He was just gazing at you with a smittened smile.
“Still not sure about liking me back?”
Impressed at his gesture, you smirked.
“Now I am.”
By the time Steve, Nat and Sam walked out of the elevator, the mission had already been done. You walked towards the trio and handed Steve a USB.
“All their data is already saved there. Wiped out their entire system clean too.” You told him, voice chirpy and all.
Bucky was right behind you, a couple of folders in his hands before handing them to Sam, “Lotsa confidential info in there too which includes our next targets.” he said and walked past Sam with a certain jump in his steps.
The three exchanged glances before looking around the entire lab. Men were scattered on the floor, most were dead and others heavily injured.
“What the hell happened here?” Nat asked, avoiding the injured men on the ground as she walked around.
“The mission happened, Nat. All that matters now is that everything has been resolved. I mean, everything.” You said meaningfully and threw Bucky a flirty smile before walking into the elevator.
He followed suit and saluted at the three before pushing the red button. The doors weren’t even closed yet when Bucky couldn’t hold back and quickly leaned to press a soft kiss on your lips. An action that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by the three. You couldn’t help but chuckle when you noticed their reactions before the elevator closed.
Said trio stood there dumbfounded and confused as hell. Early on, the tension between you and Bucky was felt by everyone. The kind of tension then wasn’t even a sexual one. It was so intense that Nat was actually expecting to see you and Bucky at each other’s throats when they got down to the lab.
“Guess that the long ass elevator ride did something. Whatever was in that elevator seems interesting. Wanna go check it out, Nat?” Sam asked suggestively.
Steve chuckled and shook his head.
Nat simply smirked and walked past Sam, “In your dreams, Wilson.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
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cheesyficwriter · 3 years
Can you do a prequel to “Here We Go Again”? The day before when the blond is flirting with Ron and Hermione is getting jealous. From Harry’s POV! :)
Hiya, @cynthia-granger! I'm so sorry this has taken me a long time — looooong time 😳 — to get to, but I was able to drum up some inspiration given today's theme for @romioneweek. Here is part 2 of Harry's perspective of Ron/Hermione's jealousy. Hope you enjoy!
Part 1: Here We Go Again
Romione Week Day 4: A Different Perspective
It's a typical day in the Ministry, or so Harry thinks.
He's excited for the prospect of today's lunch as his stomach rumbles with hunger. Will there be corned beef sandwiches? Steak and kidney pie? He's salivating from the mere thought.
Hermione gripes beside him as they walk together, babbling on about how she isn't really all that hungry — typical — but she hasn't seen Ron in nearly a week since he departed on a mission and needs to give him a "proper hello".
Even just those two words are too much for Harry's ears. He really doesn't want to be thinking about his best friends in that way.
"Well, where is he?" Hermione huffs almost as soon as they walk into the crowded Atrium, an impatient trill hanging on the edge of her tone.
"I'm sure he'll be along shortly," Harry assures. He hopes he's right, so he can say a quick "hi" to his best mate and leave the couple to their own agenda while he piles a plate high with food.
Scanning the room, he blinks twice when he spots a familiar head of hair.
"Wait, I see him! Actually…" Harry's eyes grow wide and he spins Hermione around so that she's not looking in the same direction as him. "That wasn't him."
"Who wasn't him?" Her eyes narrow, indicating that she doesn't believe him in the slightest.
"I saw red hair, but it-it was another ginger bloke," Harry stammers. Blimey, he really should be better at lying by now.
"What ginger bloke?" Hermione interrogates. "We know almost everyone in the Ministry!"
Shit. Time to deflect. "There are other ginger-haired wizards outside of the Weasley family, Hermione."
"I know that, I just can't recall any who…" Hermione pauses, pursing her lips as she crosses her arms. "You're deflecting."
Why does he have to be best mates with the smartest witch of his age?
"What? No!"
"Harry Potter, tell me what is going on right now or I will hex you!"
Harry mulls over her threat for a brief moment. He's been witness to an angry Hermione with a wand before. Better not risk it.
"Fine." He sighs, rotating his finger in the air. "Turn around."
Hermione spins in place at once, curiosity morphing into a frown that becomes etched across her face.
"Who is that?"
The sight she finds is of one Ron Weasley, conversing quite closely with an unfamiliar witch with long blonde hair.
Harry shrugs. "I think she's new. I don't know her name."
"And why does she have her hand on my boyfriend?"
"See, this is why-" Harry doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Hermione goes marching over in Ron's direction, sticking very true to her determined, albeit somewhat abrasive nature.
Sighing to himself, he mumbles, "This is why I can't stand you two sometimes."
Harry watches Ron's eyes light up as she approaches, his smile quickly fading into a look of apprehension as she not-so-subtly slides her way in between Ron and the other woman. Hermione then pushes her back into Ron's chest suggestively while lifting an eyebrow, challenging the blonde woman with a smirk. Harry can see Hermione's mouth moving at rapid speed, making him wish he had an Extendable Ear so that he can listen in to the conversation too.
Harry struggles to maintain his laughter as he watches Ron's face turn a significant shade of red before relaxing and replacing the shock on his face with pride, naturally wrapping an arm around Hermione's waist.
He's so bloody chuffed.
The blonde woman scurries off just moments later, a scarlet tint on her cheeks indicating clear embarrassment. He almost feels sorry for the woman, knowing she walked into a force to be reckoned with.
"Ron!" He overhears Hermione reproach, as she's now turned fully into his arms and he's whispering in her ear. "Not here!"
Harry doesn't even attempt to resist rolling his eyes, wondering why he's subjected himself as a witness to their charades, knowing damn well how it was going to end — how it always ends.
At least they replaced not speaking to each other for weeks on end with snogging — only slightly less annoying. He laughs inwardly at the thought of Ginny. If she was here, she’d have a grand time taking the mickey out of them.
"Isn't Ron so big and strong?" Hermione coos as they approach their best friend, leaning into Ron's side, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Hey!" Ron defends. "S'not my fault that's what she thinks!"
"Don't worry, love," Hermione pats him on the chest. "I never said that I don't think that as well."
Oh bloody hell, how is Harry going to stomach his lunch now?
"You alright there, Harry?" Ron asks, concern etched between his brows.
"Yeah, yeah," Harry waves off, distracted by the smell of food — glorious food —that he’s eager to find, knowing it’s close by. "Welcome back, mate."
"Cheers!" Ron grins. "Hey, listen, Hermione and I think we're going to go-"
"Yeah, yeah," Harry waves off again. "Go on, get out of here, you two."
"Thanks, Harry," Hermione smiles, and the two walk off arm in arm, giggling back and forth about Merlin knows what.
The sight makes Harry's lips curl up, grateful that despite the typical, disgusting displays of affection between the two, they finally managed to get their shit together. He'll take this over their endless rowing and hostile demeanor towards each other any day.
Now, where are those sandwiches?
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 2: Push and Pull
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst
WC: 8.2k
Warnings for this chapter: stalking, alcohol consumption, a gun, attempted murder, language (jk has a potty mouth) pls let me know if there's anything I should add!
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn't sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn't his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
Previous → Next
Jungkook blinks up at his ceiling, his eyes dry from keeping them open for so long. The light of the sun is starting to peek through his blinds, signaling that morning has officially come. He finally looks away from his ceiling to look at the window where the light is creeping in.
Jungkook sighs and sits up, running a hand through his hair and mussing it up. He's not sure he even got a wink of sleep last night. There's something about this case that's apparently keeping him up at night, and he's barely even started.
He can't help but wonder what this girl did to make herself a target. He's not questioning whether he should go through with it, no, that's not even a question. The money on this girl's head has to be at least three if not four times as much as his previous hits.
Jungkook just wants to know what he's getting himself into, that's what's bugging him the most. He doesn't like walking into situations and not knowing everything that's going on.
He looks around his tiny studio apartment, his eyes blurry. Then, he starts to laugh to himself quietly. With a job that pays this much, he's worrying an awful lot about things that don't matter.
After another minute of delaying the inevitable, Jungkook forces himself to get up and get dressed before grabbing an apple to eat on the way.
As he locks his apartment door behind him, the neighbor's door opens and Jungkook sees a familiar face smiling brightly at him.
"Good morning, Jungkook!"
"Hi, Hoseok. How are you this morning?" Jungkook asks politely.
The older boy smiles even brighter if that's possible as he holds up a rolled-up paper, "I'm great since I've got a new paper to read. Thanks for leaving it, Kook."
Jungkook smiles, "No problem. I was getting one anyway, thought I might as well grab an extra."
Hoseok nods, "Where are you off to? I thought you didn't work at the coffee shop on Tuesdays?"
"Oh, I'm going job hunting," Jungkook responds lightly. "I'm tired of working at the coffee shop." He laughs as Hoseok pouts.
"I haven't even gotten to visit you while you work! Darn." Hoseok snaps his fingers in disappointment. "Oh well, good luck on the job hunt!"
"Thanks, Hoseok." Jungkook smiles and turns to leave, only relaxing when he hears his neighbor's door shut. That's something he doesn't like about having a friendly neighbor, he hates lying to people that seem to actually care about him.
Hoseok was always saying he wanted to visit Jungkook and get some discounted coffee. Jungkook doesn't have the heart to tell him that it was all a lie. In fact, everything he knows about him is a lie.
That's why he doesn't involve a lot of people in his life and he plans to keep it that way.  
Jungkook shakes his head to clear it. He's been getting too emotional lately and his head isn't in his work.
"That stops here and now," Jungkook vows to himself as he waits at a crosswalk, watching the cars drive by.
A few minutes later, he arrives at Sunshine Kindergarten.
Jungkook is caught off guard when he sees the girl immediately. He had expected to have to wait for her arrival again today. She's sitting outside the school on the steps, a book in her hands that's long forgotten as she looks up at the sky. It looks like she's talking to someone, but when Jungkook looks around, there's no one else anywhere near her.
The girl cocks her head to the side, then starts to rock back and forth a little as she continues to talk to no one. Too curious for his own good, Jungkook crosses the street to get closer. Maybe if he gets close enough, he can hear what she's saying.
"I th-think...maybe s-sandwiches would be a good idea."
The hell?
Jungkook glances at her as he pretends to just stroll by. She's definitely talking to herself.
"No, no no no. I had a s-sandwich for l-lunch yesterday..." She bites the fingernail on her right thumb as she seems to contemplate something. She takes no notice of Jungkook while she continues to look at her book, then the sky.
"Mm, maybe tt-tteokbokki?"
Jungkook fights the urge to look at her like she's insane and just continues to walk by until he's safe to turn and keep an eye on her.
"Oooh, tteokbokki sounds y-yummy." The girl says with finality. Then she glances at her phone, notices the time, and starts putting her book in her cupcake and cookie decorated bag. A minute later, she's walking into the school and leaving his line of sight.
"What the hell..." Jungkook mutters to himself.
Who even is this girl?
Today, as Jungkook follows behind the girl as she walks home, she stops several times to talk to babies, dogs, and even a bird.
Jungkook just follows behind in disbelief.
This has to be some kind of an act.
Yeah, that's definitely what it is. This girl is better than he thought, she's got her whole act planned out to throw anyone off her track. She's going to have to do better than acting like some innocent school teacher to throw him off though.
This time, instead of heading straight home, the girl goes to an arcade. When Jungkook walks into the arcade a minute later, he spots her in the same white skirt and chunky tennis shoes, a light blue cardigan around her shoulders.
She's playing one of the games by herself, her face set into one of pure determination. Jungkook goes to a game where he can still see her and starts to play. He's more focused on making sure she doesn't leave, so he ends up losing that first round.
He doesn't really care though, he watches her carefully as she shouts in triumph. A few tickets come out of her little machine and she snags them, running to the front to trade them in for a tiny stuffie.
The girl ends up staying at the arcade for another two hours, collecting enough tickets to trade in for an octopus stuffie that's almost the size of her to go along with the tiny starfish one she got earlier.
She looks laughable as she carries her prizes out the front door and down the street, clutching the giant octopus like her life depends on it. The little starfish rides along safely in her bag.
One more stop is made as the girl gets a little cup of ice cream from a man selling it on the side of the street. The second he asked her if she wanted to buy some, it was like she couldn't say no as she hurriedly agreed and bought one scoop of ice cream. When she leaves, Jungkook goes up to the man and buys a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream to eat while he follows her.
He hasn't had a decent meal all day and he's starving.
It's starting to get dark by the time Jungkook recognizes the streets they're on and realizes she's finally heading home. Weirdly enough, the girl turns and walks down a dark alley, even though the streetlamp near it is flickering on and off.
Doesn't she have any sense of self-preservation? Jungkook thinks to himself.
It might not be good for her, but it's definitely something that could help him out immensely. He'll have to keep tailing her for a few more days to make sure, but if she continues to use this dark alley as a shortcut, then she's practically doing his job for him.
Sure enough, they end up a lot closer to her apartment by the time they're out of the alley. So, it's a shortcut she probably uses quite often. Then Jungkook notices that she hasn't turned around to look at her surroundings this entire time.
She's making this too easy.
He could have this job over with by the end of the week if luck stays on his side. It's always a relief when it doesn't take him long to get a job done.
He's really had nothing to worry about, why was he worrying so much? It isn't his business why this girl is a target, it's his job to carry out his end of the deal, that's all.
It feels like a weight has lifted off of his shoulders as he climbs the stairs to his apartment that night. He says hello to Hoseok, who's sitting outside and reading, before making his way inside.
The first thing he does is jump in the shower, then when he's finished, he makes himself some ramen.
Jungkook sits alone at his little dining table, gently blowing on the noodles in-between his chopsticks. His hair is still damp from his shower, but he's cozy in his sweats with something close enough to a real meal than he's had all day. He gets up once to grab some kimchi and soju from the fridge, then he stays at the dining table until he's downed two bottles.
This happens every time he gets a new job. It feels good at the moment, but he knows he's going to regret it in the morning. That's the only thought that stops him from grabbing a third bottle.
By the time he's settled into bed, he's forgotten what was worrying him so much the past few days. He smiles to himself, relieved that he'll be getting that money in a week at most. He'll have to come up with a plan when he isn't hammered like he is now. That's the last thought to pass through his mind before he's out like a light.
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping.
Not real birds, just the sound that you chose for your alarm. Something you're grateful that Mina helped you do. The other alarm sounds just give you anxiety when they go off.
You don't notice it at first, but by the time you've become aware of your surroundings, you realize that your legs are all tangled up with the tentacles of a giant octopus stuffie. The small starfish stuffie is laying by your head. The events of last night, you getting enough tickets to get your new little friends, makes their way into your brain.
You laugh and snuggle into it more.
No wonder you slept so soundly last night; you had something to cuddle!
You breathe deeply, after a few minutes you're awake enough to sit up and rub your eyes. Smiling to yourself at the sight of the beautiful golden light seeping in through your blinds, you sigh happily. Normally you don't like waking up, but today feels different. There's something that's shifted, but you can't tell what it is.
Maybe it's because you slept so well last night. The nightmares that usually plague your dreams, were absent. You smile at the giant octopus in your arms, "Y-You chased away all the b-bad dreams!" You exclaim, hugging it tightly to your chest, "Thanks, C-Cookie!"
You named the stuffie last night, the starfish also got a name, Smiley, due to the tiny smile stitched into its adorable little face.
You sit in bed for another minute or so, just staring into space and thinking about random things. Then you slip out of bed and hurry to the bathroom to get a quick shower. As the water pours down your head and shoulders, you start to sing a song that's been stuck in your head for a few days. Your voice cracks as you try to hit the higher notes, but you pay it no mind and keep singing your heart out.
With your hair wrapped up in a towel on top of your head, you pour yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal. You play your favorite songs as you eat and hum along to them, your mind wandering. When you're finished, you move to your room to get dressed.
Opening your closet, you stand there and scan the limited amount of clothing you have as if you had millions of choices to pick from. "One, two, three, four..." You count lowly to yourself, pointing at each shirt, skirt, and pants hanging in your closet. After a minute of debating, you decide to wear your light blue flowy skirt today instead of your favorite white one. You pull it on, then grab a white blouse along with some frilly white socks.
Mina texted you earlier to tell you how sorry she was, but she couldn't drive you today. Her work wanted her in at six o'clock sharp. You didn't need to be at work until seven. You reassured her that you would be totally fine walking. You love to walk in the mornings anyway, the fresh air always smells so nice and all the birds seem to be braver as they are out more in the morning. The whole world is just so quiet and beautiful as it wakes up.
You hum to yourself as you pull on your favorite tennis shoes. It takes you a few tries to get the laces done, but you manage.
"What should I eat f-for lunch today?" You ask yourself as you scan your fridge. You really want to try making some kimbap, but the last time you tried that without Mina's help, you ended up with a burned finger and almost lost another finger trying to cut the veggies.
So, you decide to make yourself another simple sandwich today, cheese this time. When you're done putting it together, you get out your cookie cutters and get to work. You have to contain your excitement at the heart-shaped sandwiches sitting on the counter after you're finished.
You stick to letting yourself jump around for a second to let the giddiness out, then you force yourself to calm down enough to grab a container and gently put the little sandwiches in. You grab a few more little snacky things to put in your lunch bag, then you zip it all up.
Finally, you're ready to go!
You grab your bag and sling it over your shoulder, then you snag your lunch and clutch it tightly in your fist as you make your way out of your apartment, remembering to lock the door this time.
Mina would be proud of you.
The crisp June morning air hits your nose and you breathe in deeply, a smile spreading on your face as you descend the stairs.
You make good time this morning, seeing as there isn't much to catch your attention today. You arrive at the school twenty minutes before the bell is going to ring, so you decide to sit on the steps again today like you did yesterday. It's just too nice out here to be all closed up in your classroom before your kids even get here.
You pull out your drawing pad from your bag and get comfortable on the front steps. Next, you take out your colored pencils as you scan the area, trying to figure out what you should draw today.
You see something across the street, the kind old man that runs the paper stand. Maybe you could draw him and give it to him as a present when it's all finished! You nod in excitement and get to work, your nose soon buried in your drawing pad.
Jungkook had decided this morning that he would follow the girl from her home. If he was lucky and she was going to walk today it would be a perfect chance to see if she always uses the alleyway or if she had just used it by chance last night.
The girl comes out of her place around six-twenty, in a light blue skirt this time. Jungkook smirks, so she does own something that isn't just that one white skirt.
Her hair is a little messed up as if she forgot to brush it before leaving. She's got a scrunchie on her wrist, but it appears that she has no intention of using it.
Jungkook follows a little ways behind her, as he has been these past few days. With how distracted this girl gets, he could walk right behind her and she'd never notice him.
Surprisingly, she doesn't stop much on the way to the school. She skips a little, probably to the beat of the song she's listening to in her headphones. A few people, Jungkook notices, give her odd looks.
He later finds out when he hears her, that it's probably because she's talking to herself as she looks at the sky, then down to her shoes as she watches herself walk.
He shakes his head, seriously wanting to know what the story is behind this target.
She deserves an oscar, Jungkook thinks in amusement.
Then he notices that she doesn't use the alley, she just passes by it.
Maybe she'll use it again tonight, he thinks hopefully.
At one point, the girl trips over a crack in the sidewalk and lurches forward. He isn't sure why, but he finds himself stepping closer, his hands out to catch her before he realizes what he's doing. Jungkook steps back and clears his throat, watching as she catches herself anyway, and continues to skip down the sidewalk.
When they get close to the school, Jungkook crosses the street and heads over to buy a paper from the old man before finding a bench and settling down on it. He looks over the paper, expecting the girl to just go inside, but instead, she sits on the steps again.
He watches as she pulls a notebook out of her childish bag, then she pulls out a little box. Out of the little box, she takes some colored pencils. She looks across the street and he can tell she's decided to draw the old man at the paper stand.
This girl is undoubtedly strange.
She sits and draws in concentration for a good ten minutes, then she gathers up her things and heads inside. She must be too excited about her picture because as she's skipping in she yet again trips on the last step and stumbles. The girl catches herself and continues in as if she's used to tripping over everything.
Jungkook cocks an eyebrow, then just shakes his head again and goes back to reading the paper. He's got some time to kill before school is over.
It turns out, he would see the girl before the last bell.
Jungkook thanks the man at the food stand and heads to his little bench to sit down and eat his lunch, grateful that he's going to be eating actual meals today.
He digs into the tteokbokki and fish cakes immediately. It's as delicious as he expected it to be and he tries not to groan in satisfaction at the taste of something that isn't just instant ramen noodles. But what he doesn't expect, is to see the girl coming out from the school.
Jungkook chokes on a rice cake as he scrambles to grab his paper and flip it open, covering his face. He settles his breathing enough to be able to swallow the bite that almost killed him, his eyes closed in annoyance. When he slowly peeks over the top, he sees her sitting on the front steps again, a little pink lunch sack in her lap. She moves her legs so her skirt doesn't ride up and expose anything, then she opens the lunch bag.
Jungkook watches in mounting disbelief as she pulls out what looks to be a heart-shaped sandwich.
How much weirder can this girl get?
She says something to herself before taking a big bite of the sandwich, her cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk that stuffed one too many nuts in his mouth.
He shakes his head and stabs a little rice cake before shoving it in his mouth. He isn't sure why this girl is starting to annoy the crap out of him, but she is. Jungkook looks up again when he hears a loud laugh ring out from across the street. A couple that was walking look at the girl like she's insane, but she doesn't seem to notice.
She just covers her mouth with her hand and snorts as she looks at something on her phone. Jungkook scoffs and goes back to his paper, the annoyance seeping off of him.
How can someone be so annoyingly happy all the time? Damn.
It's like she knows she's got everything she's ever wanted and she couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.
Jungkook despises people like that.
It's as if a switch goes off in him and he's suddenly really freaking pissed off. People like her think that life is so easy all the damn time. Do they ever struggle with anything?
He snaps his paper to straighten it out, trying to calm himself down before he goes into that nasty hole of becoming envious of those more fortunate than him.
Against his better judgment, Jungkook looks over the paper at her again, his chest only burning with more hatred as she starts to count the stupid little carrot sticks in the container on her lap.
Fucking annoying.
By the time Jungkook looks up again, the girl is gone. A second later, the bell signaling the end of lunch rings loudly.
Jungkook sits on the bench in a funk until the end of school bell rings. When he finally sees the target coming out of the school, he stands up and starts to follow her. The same routine he's been doing since Monday. Jungkook mulls over a few things in his head as he watches her stop at several food stands until she's got a cup of rice cakes, a scoop of ice cream, a fish cake skewer, and a mochi that's bigger than usual. He doesn't know how she is able to carry all that, but she manages.
She walks around a bit, looking into the windows of shops, her forehead pressing against the glass as she stares at a gaudy red dress. She stuffs another bite of mochi in her mouth, chewing sadly as she reluctantly drags herself away from the store window.
Jungkook looks at the dress in distaste; it's hideous. He can't imagine someone actually buying that thing, besides, it's probably way overpriced anyway.
He turns from it to keep following her, seeing that she's stopped now at a window where a few puppies are running around and playing with each other. The girl smiles at them and puts her hand up to the glass. A tiny brown puppy inches close to her hand and licks the glass that separates them.
She giggles delightedly.
Jungkook watches, emotionless.
When is she going to head home?
Finally, after what feels like hours, the girl starts taking the streets that lead back to her apartment. Jungkook sighs in relief, then he gets another nice surprise when she turns to head into the alley by her house.
A smirk spreads on his face as he enters the alley behind her. He knows what he's going to do.
The next day passes just like they have been this past week. Jungkook trails the girl from her apartment to the school, from the school back to her apartment. It's a relief to find that whenever she walks, she takes the alley by her house on the way home.
Now, Jungkook is sure what his plan is going to be.
It'll be sure to draw attention when this girl is dead, there's no doubt about it. No one is going to suspect her of being anything other than a school teacher, so why would someone kill her?
Jungkook has thought through it all. This is what he does for a living, of course he isn't going to be sloppy about it. He'll be done with this by Sunday and no one will suspect anything other than a robbery gone wrong.
He happened to overhear the conversation between the target and her friend that drives the black car. The friend will be gone by Saturday morning, out of the picture and none the wiser.
Jungkook needs to be careful today though. He also overheard them this morning talking about how they are going to be meeting up at the girl's apartment tonight. Something about doing girl shit before the friend leaves tomorrow.
So, Jungkook decides to take the day off. He heads back home, not about to be caught by this friend that's probably a lot smarter than the target.
He'll just come to her apartment tomorrow morning and the plan will be over by tomorrow night.
When you see Mina's car parked out in front of the school, you start running outside excitedly, your bag bouncing as you bound down the front steps.
She has a huge smile on her face when you open the passenger door and climb in. "Hey, girl!" Mina shouts, yanking you over to hug you. "Aren't you excited it's Friday??"
You nod, "Yes, b-but...I am g-gonna miss you." You pout.
Mina shakes her head, "Nuh-uh. Tonight we party, there shall be no tears!"
You laugh as you buckle yourself in, "Ok, I p-promise I won't cry. W-What are we going to do tonight?"
Mina smirks sneakily and nudges your arm, "Oh you'll see~"
You clap in excitement when you see what Mina has planned for you two. After you unlocked your apartment door and let her in, she had set down a few bags, then instructed you to open them.
Inside one, you found a tub of ice cream, a box of cookies, and a few bags of your favorite types of chips. In the other, there were two blankets, two pairs of fuzzy socks, and a couple different movies.
"We g-get to have m-movie night?" You jump up and down as Mina nods happily.
"Yes! Now you have to pick which movie you want to watch. Should we do romance or comedy?" She starts pulling the stuff out of the bags as you mull over the different choices.
You have a hard time deciding things a lot of the time, that's why Mina usually has you make the choice. She wants you to get some practice making decisions.
After she's set everything up, she turns back to see you on your knees, leaning over the movies that you've laid out on the ground. You're biting the nail on your thumb as you appear concerned, looking at the movies.
Your best friend laughs and moves to crouch next to you. She looks at you and speaks softly, "Do you want to laugh tonight, or do you want to get the butterflies in your tummy?"
You turn to her and a shy smile spreads on your face, "Ok, l-let's do romance!"
A few minutes later, you're cuddled up next to your best friend. You both have fuzzy socks on and blankets, keeping you warm. You each also have a spoon, scooping out the ice cream as your eyes are glued onto one of your favorite romance movies of all time.
Not even three hours have passed when you're both dead asleep on your couch. Soft snores leave Mina's mouth, both of your legs tangled up with each other. The second movie is playing in the background, long forgotten after you both fell asleep not even halfway through.
The next morning, you wake up on the couch groggily. You look around in confusion, forgetting for a minute why you're on the couch. Then you remember and you laugh to yourself as you rub your eyes. Then you look around again.
Mina isn't anywhere and you think for a moment that she's left without saying goodbye. You hang your head, trying not to cry. Then you hear the toilet flush and the water run in the bathroom. You sigh in relief and wait patiently for her to come out.
When she does, you instantly stand up, "Want s-some breakfast?" You offer. She smiles sadly, "I wish I could stay for breakfast. But I have to leave now. I still have to grab my luggage and head to the airport. My flight is at ten."
You look at your phone and see that it's eight o'clock.
"Oh," You say sadly.
Mina walks over and hugs you, "Don't worry, ___. I'll be back before you know it! And I'll call you whenever I'm not working, okay?"
You nod and smile at her to reassure her that you're okay.
She leaves a few minutes later and you find yourself alone in your quiet apartment once again. Your nose twitches as you try not to tear up, then you move to the kitchen to get yourself some of your favorite cereal to cheer yourself up.
You'll have to plan some fun things for you to do while she's gone, or you might just go crazy.
Jungkook has been outside the girl's apartment since eight this morning. He saw the friend leaving a little after he got there. He recognized her shoulder-length black hair immediately and he knew it was the driver.
He had smiled to himself when he saw her get into her car and drive away. He honestly can't believe the luck he's had on this job so far. This is going to be the easiest he's ever had it.
But now, he's sitting on a bench in complete and utter boredom as he waits for the girl to leave her house. It turns out, she doesn't leave her house until almost lunchtime.
By the time he sees a flash of black and grey, he's almost fallen asleep on the bench. But he jerks up the second he sees the girl hurrying down her stairs. She looks totally different today...
Jungkook is surprised to see the girl is in grey sweatpants and a long black t-shirt. A black bucket hat is on her head, seemingly hiding her bed head if the knotted bits of the hair he can see tell anything.
She's usually more put together, but then again, it is the weekend. Not everyone should be expected to go all out to look decent when they aren't working.
But there is one thing that hasn't changed; the girl is still simple as hell looking.
She doesn't have a bit of make-up on as she rubs her eyes.
He gets up to follow her once she's about two blocks away.
Jungkook shakes his head when he sees that even though her outfit is completely devoid of color today, she still has that damned bag covered in colorful treats.
It seems like today this girl is on a mission. She walks briskly and not a single thing distracts her. She only stops once, to get a small bite of lunch from a food stand. Jungkook realizes where they're headed a second before the girl stops.
She looks into the window of the store and waves at the brown puppy. It wags its tail at her and she smiles for the first time that Jungkook's seen today.
The girl goes into the store and Jungkook follows a minute later.
He sees her talking to a woman at the front. She points at the dogs in the front window and the woman nods with a smile. A minute later, the girl has the brown puppy in her arms as she's sitting in one of the little places with a bench and walls to keep the dogs that are being held from getting out.
"Can I help you, sir?"
Jungkook flinches and turns to see the woman that helped the girl looking at him with a smile. "Oh, uh...I, uh..." Jungkook looks around frantically, then he points at a little black kitten that's sitting in a big cage, staring at him.
"Can I uh...hold that kitten?"
Why the hell is he so awkward??
The woman smiles brighter and nods, "Of course! Come with me."
Jungkook tries not to groan in frustration as he follows her to the kitten's cage. This wasn't part of the plan, but whatever.
The little ball of fluff mewls when the woman takes it out and hands it to a very stressed Jungkook.
Damn it.
He flinches when the kitten licks his nose. The woman laughs, "Looks like he's finally found someone he likes. No one that's ever come in here to hold him has ever had him more than a few seconds before he freaked out."
Jungkook forces himself to smile at the employee. Then, he turns to keep an eye on the girl, pretending like he's just talking to the kitten.
"Hi, little guy." He speaks softly, his eyes shifting to see the girl hugging the puppy close to her chest.
After a few minutes, the girl reluctantly hands the puppy back to the store employee, her eyes watering as she talks to the little dog.
"I p-promise I'll come back and b-buy you next t-time, okay?" Then she hurries out of the store, making Jungkook hand the kitten to a random employee. "I might get him another time." He says in a rush before hurrying out after her.
The day is spent much like it is after she gets off work every day. The girl gets some steamed buns and walks through the park, humming along to whatever song is playing in her headphones. Jungkook strolls along behind her, going through the plan over and over again in his head to make sure he isn't missing anything.
He's pretty sure he's got it all down to the last detail, nothing should go wrong tonight. This target is quite predictable, but there's always that chance that they pull something that you don't expect. Jungkook doubts that'll happen with this girl, but he can't be positive. After all, if she is acting, then she could turn it on him in an instant.
Jungkook watches the girl doubtfully as she tries to stuff more steamed bun into her mouth than it can take.
Then the girl suddenly plops down on the ground. Jungkook stops and sits on a nearby bench to watch her. She sets her paper bag of remaining steamed buns on the grass next to her, then pulls out the drawing notebook that Jungkook has seen her use several times this week.
The girl gets right to work, her nose stuffed into the notebook as she scribbles madly. Jungkook fights the urge to get up and look over her shoulder at what she's drawing. He used to love to draw when he was younger. When the world wasn't such a brutal place to live in and be accepted.
Jungkook leans back on the bench and tilts his head up to the sky as he closes his eyes. He gets the feeling that they're going to be here for a while. Besides, he can still hear her drawing, no need to keep an eye on her. The feeling of the warm sun on his skin makes some distant memories try and sneak their way into his brain, but Jungkook immediately blocks them out.
He takes a deep breath of the fresh June air through his nose, then blows it out through his mouth slowly. Hell, he's exhausted.
Jungkook reaches a hand up to snatch his black baseball cap off and sets it in his lap. Then he starts to massage the back of his neck, his eyes still closed. He feels like he hasn't had nearly enough sleep this week, the stress of just wanting to get this blasted job done keeping him up at night.
The sound of the girl drawing and mumbling to herself reaches Jungkook's ears as he continues to massage his neck. Then he moves down and starts to rub the tense part of his shoulder close to his neck. After that, Jungkook moves his hands to start massaging his face. He rubs his eyes and temples, moving down to his cheeks.
"Hello, mister."
Jungkook flinches at the tiny voice and his eyes fly open as he yanks his hands from his face.
There's a very very small girl standing in front of him, her long black hair in two braids on either side of her face. Her huge dark eyes stare into Jungkook's as he calms his breathing.
Fucking hell. Scared the shit out of me.
"What do you-"
Jungkook cuts himself off when the little girl steps even closer until she's standing in between his spread legs. He leans back, one of his eyebrows rising in confusion.
The hell does this girl want?
Jungkook looks around to see if he can find her mother or father. When he looks back at her, she's smiling shyly, her wide eyes still staring straight into his soul.
"What do you need?" He snaps.
She doesn't react to his sharp tone, she just reaches out and snags his baseball cap. Jungkook tries to protest but she places it on her head anyway. She looks even tinier if that's possible, his hat looking positively massive on her small head. "My name is Mi-Rah." She whispers.
Jungkook feels a twist in his stomach. This innocent child shouldn't be anywhere near someone like him. He kills people for a living.
Where on earth are her parents? Have they taught her nothing about stranger danger?
Then Mi-Rah reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of candy in a very crumpled wrapper. She takes Jungkook's large hand and places it into his open palm. "You look very sad, mister. Sometimes all we need to feel happy is something sweet, no matter how small."
Jungkook tears his eyes away from the little candy and looks at the tiny girl in disbelief. How old is she?
"Uh...thank you-"
"You don't have to thank me, mister. Maybe just...make someone else smile today. Give someone else a chance to be happy." The little girl says simply. Then she takes his hat off her head and places it back onto his own before turning and running off.
What the hell.
That girl spoke like an adult, but she couldn't have been any older than seven. Jungkook shakes his head, then glances at the candy. It has a bit of lint on it, there's no way in hell he's gonna eat that. So, without thinking, he stuffs it into his pocket, then his eyes shift over to where the girl is drawing.
Except she isn't there.
"Fuck." Jungkook jumps up and whips his head around, scanning the park. When he doesn't see a single sign of her, a growl leaves his throat and he starts walking. If that kid hadn't distracted him, this wouldn't have happened.
Jungkook walks around for a good two hours, but he hasn't seen the girl once. Now he's starting to panic. The sun will start going down soon.
What if she already went home?
His plan would be ruined.
Jungkook takes his cap off and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. He doesn't want to have to wait another day to get this over with.
One more hour passes as Jungkook frantically walks around the city. He even goes to the girl's apartment to see if he can tell if she went home, but all the lights inside are off so she probably isn't in there.
After another hour, the sun is down.
Jungkook curses and kicks at a little stone on the sidewalk, watching it roll into the grass. He fucked up. He got distracted and now he's going to have to do this all over again tomorrow if he's even lucky enough that the girl will go out and stay out all day tomorrow.
After all these years, he's never lost a target before. He feels like an idiot. Out of all the hits he's had, every single one, this weird-ass kindergarten teacher is the one he loses. All because he let some kid come and distract him for a second.
He curses again and resists the urge to throw a punch at something, anything.
Jungkook turns around, ready to head home and curse himself until the day he dies. But he stops short when he sees a familiar figure walking down the street. A bucket hat covers their face, but the unmistakably ridiculous bag is hanging from her shoulder.
"Fucking hell." Jungkook sighs in relief as he watches the girl make her way towards the alley. His luck is back! The second the girl turns into the dark and desolate walkway, Jungkook follows her in.
She's singing softly to herself as she walks slowly, taking her time. As if there isn't a killer looming right behind her.
Jungkook pulls the gun he grabbed from his safe earlier out of his back pocket. The girl stops, then crouches to pick something up as Jungkook switches the safety off his gun.
He raises it slowly.
A tiny laugh slips out of the girl's mouth as she messes with something on the ground, her smaller figure crouched on the dirty cement of the alley.
Jungkook aims carefully, he's got a perfect target.
He can do it.
He can be done with this.
So, why isn't he pulling the trigger?
Jungkook shakes his head and raises the gun again.
The girl stands up again and starts to walk quickly.
Shit, shit, shit Jungkook scrambles after her, almost tripping on the trash piled in the alley. She happens to be the one to trip on it first. Her arms flail out and a tiny shriek leaves her mouth as she tumbles to the ground. "Ow." He hears her whimper quietly. "Owie." She pulls her right knee out from under her and pulls her sweats up enough to see the small cut on it. Ok, enough dilly-dallying Jungkook. Get it done. Jungkook raises the gun once more as the girl gets to her feet and starts to walk away. He's about to call out and get her attention so he can get her from the front. Make it look like a robbery gone bad. That's when he sees the papers on the ground that had fallen out of her bag when she fell. He doesn't know what possesses him to look closer, but he does. Shock courses through him at the drawings he sees. They're fucking terrible. They look like a four-year-old drew them, the coloring not even in the lines she drew. What the hell even is that? A fucking bird? There's something that looks kind of like an apple tree next to the deformed-looking bird thing. Another picture shows an awfully drawn lollipop. Who messes up a lollipop? Jungkook looks up at the girl, who has stopped to look at her phone. "Give someone else a chance to be happy." The tiny girl's words suddenly ring through his mind and Jungkook swallows thickly. He lowers the gun, his arm hanging limply at his side.   "Damn it." The girl swivels when she hears the voice of a man behind her, but when she turns there's no one there. She glances at the dumpsters and trash bags and listens intently. When she doesn't hear anything, she quickly turns and runs out of the alley. She runs the rest of the way home, only stopping when she's gotten inside and locked her door. ________________
"Fucking stupid!" Jungkook screams and throws the gun onto his bed. Why the hell did he hesitate? He never hesitates. He's shot dozens of people dead and he never blinked an eye. Why? Why now? This is the most paying job he's ever gotten and now he's fucked it up! He got distracted. That's all. If he hadn't spoken to that kid today or seen those stupid drawings, he wouldn't have messed up. "Ok, that's it," Jungkook growls and stomps over to the file sitting on his coffee table. It's been sitting there since Sunday a week ago. He grabs it and opens it angrily, a few papers spilling out and onto the floor. He doesn't bother cleaning them up. He just grabs the last one, the folded picture of the target. Jungkook unfolds it and glares at the image of the smiling girl. "I don't give a fuck why you're a target. I'm going to fucking kill you on Monday and that's it!" Then he tears the picture in half. He tosses it onto the coffee table and slumps down onto his couch, mentally exhausted. _______________ Jungkook spends Sunday holed up in his apartment. He's never been so pissed at himself before. No more distractions. If he doesn't get this done tomorrow, he doesn't know what he'll do. This hit is driving him insane. The only time he leaves his apartment is when Hoseok knocks and asks him to come over for dinner. As much as he would rather do anything but that, he agrees with a plastered smile. Jungkook sits at Hoseok's dining table awkwardly as his neighbor plates up the fried rice he made and hands a plate to him. "Thank you." Jungkook takes it and his stomach growls the second he smells the food. This is the first homecooked meal he's had in...well as long as he can remember. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and Hoseok laughs, "Oh, I almost forgot! I hope you don't mind, I invited some more of my friends over." Jungkook shakes his head, "I don't mind at all." When Hoseok opens the door, Jungkook sees a tall handsome man with broad shoulders and black hair walk in. He's taken by surprise by the man's beauty for a split second before he snaps out of it and sees another man walk in. This one is shorter and his hair is bleached blonde. The first man has a huge smile on his face and the second looks like his face has been set into a permanent look of uninterest. "Hi! You must be Jungkook!" The taller man says happily, reaching a hand out to shake Jungkook's. The younger man nods, "Yes, I am." "I'm Seokjin! And this is Yoongi." The handsome man turns and points at the blonde. Yoongi nods and sends Jungkook a small smile. "Nice to meet you," Jungkook responds politely, trying not to be awkward as hell. The only person he's really spoken to as an acquaintance for years is Hoseok, and he's only known him a little less than a year. Dinner goes by rather smoothly and the food is delicious, but Jungkook is grateful when he finally steps back into his own apartment. He's usually good at faking with people, part of his job is to charm people and put all suspicion off of himself. Tonight was different though, he felt exposed and like he couldn't put up a facade with those men. He takes a long hot shower, trying to wash away all the stress from the past week. When he's out of the shower and in his shorts, Jungkook crawls into bed and turns out the light. He blankly stares into the darkness for a while, trying not to let his brain run rampid so he can sleep. But he thinks back to the dinner a little while ago, anyway. Seokjin and Yoongi were nice, and Hoseok has always been kind to him. But, Jungkook feels uncomfortable, he feels off. He just isn't cut out for friends. He's a killer. That's all he is and that's all he'll ever be. And killers are meant to be alone. ______________ Jungkook sighs as he sits on the bench in front of the school. Hopefully, this will be the last day he has to do this. The girl had already gone into the kindergarten hours ago, it's nearing the end of the school day. All he has to do is tough it out until tonight. If the girl doesn't stay out till dark, he'll just have to lure her out of her apartment later somehow. He'll figure that out when he comes to it. The bell rings and Jungkook gets up to buy a paper from the old man that he's become quite acquainted with this past week. The two of them chat it up a bit as Jungkook watches the school doors. Eventually, he sees the girl leading a long line of kids out the front doors and down into the grass to wait to be picked up. It takes a little longer than usual, but finally, all the kids are gone and the girl goes back inside. When she comes out and starts walking down the street, Jungkook follows on the other side. As he walks he keeps an eye on her, but that means he isn't looking ahead. "Umph!" Jungkook jumps back in surprise when he sees a little old woman glaring at him after he ran into her. "Oh, sorry. I'm sorry." Jungkook bows his head in apology and the old woman nods curtly before walking around him. He looks back across the street, only to groan at seeing the girl is nowhere to be seen. "Not again." Jungkook moans in dismay. Then he jumps a mile high when he feels someone tap his shoulder. "Excuse m-me, sir." Jungkook turns and his heart stops in his chest when he sees the wide eyes of a horribly familiar girl staring up at him. She's clutching a piece of paper in her hands as a smile spreads on her face when she looks at him closer. Jungkook blinks a few times, the rest of him frozen in horror at being caught. "Th-This is for you." She holds out the paper. Jungkook takes it limply, his eyes never leaving hers. When the initial shock leaves his body, Jungkook tears his eyes away from the girl and looks down at what she gave him. He squints in confusion at what he sees. Then he looks back up at his target. What the hell is this?
a/n: I hope you guys like this one. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it at first. Let me know what you think <3
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words: 4.6k
pairing: incubus!mattsun/makki x f!reader
prompt: threesome
warnings: threesome, double penetration, daddy kink, sir kink, oral (male receiving), anal penetration, dirty talk, reader getting her shit rocked by two hot demons lmaoo, special twist at the end
summary: going to the bar this frequently usually means you’re looking for trouble. but what do you do when the trouble comes to you instead, and instead of just one problem, it’s two?
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the lights in the club were nearly overwhelming, the bass from the music thudding heavily through your blood and pounding in your ears.
the lights cast shadows over everything and the walls seemed as if they were pulsing with the music. different shades of blues, purples, and reds made your skin glow almost ethereally, the white dress that clung to your figure looking downright sinful as it practically glows under the lights.
(e/c) eyes lazily scan the dance floor, deep wine colored lips wrapped around your straw suggestively as you finish your third glass of rum and coke.
although the club was lively, bodies grinding against one another in a drunken and lust-filled frenzy, it becomes boring after a while.
you needed something exciting, something new. something that would get your heart thudding in your chest and your lungs gasping for air. you were tired of this same old, tepid pace.
so when your eyes trailed lazily back to the bar and immediately connected with not one, but two pairs of eyes that were already locked on your figure, a bolt of electricity shot down your spine. maybe you had spoken too soon.
a small flirtatious smile made it’s way onto your wine-colored lips when neither men broke eye contact with you as you caught them staring. instead, they both chose to shoot you their own smiles back.
even from across the bar you could tell they were tall, easily towering over the people that surrounded them. the man on the left with the dark curly hair and sleepy eyes was taller than his light-haired companion with the cheeky grin to his right.
sleepy eyes’ grin was small and lazy, more of a smirk than anything. his dark hooded eyes roamed over your body, and the intensity behind those orbs made you feel as if he were undressing you right where you stood.
your thighs clench unconsciously, and sleepy eyes’ grin only grows wider, as if he knew the effect he already had on you.
trying to cool your flustered expression, you trail your eyes over to the man on his right. any hopes of fighting off the blush on your cheeks went down the drain the moment you locked eyes with his companion.
piercing eyes captivate yours, and you feel like you’ve suddenly been put underneath a spell. his eyes hold yours and you feel the room melt away, as if it were just the two of you alone.
plush lips part to swipe a tongue that changes colors under the lights across dry lips, and you barely hold back a whimper when you catch a glint of metal before it disappears back into his mouth.
unable to hold the intense eye contact any longer, you rip your gaze away from the man and settle it back on your empty drink, head tilted towards the floor as you struggle to regain your footing.
when you said you were waiting for something exciting and new to pop up, you didn’t necessarily mean for it to come in the form of two incredibly attractive strangers who you seemed to pique their interest from across the bar.
but you’re most definitely not complaining.
you shuddered as you recalled the way their eyes roamed over your body as if you were already undressed, greedily taking in the way your body curved and flowed.
there was a hint of familiarity in their gaze as well, as if they’ve seen your body before, devoured it before laying their eyes on you for the first time tonight.
not realizing how deep into your thoughts you were, you gasped in surprise when suddenly a warm hand came into your view, calloused fingers gently gripping your chin to force you to look up from your empty glass.
heat rushed through your body when your eyes connected with a sleepy pair, hooded lids barely containing amusement and a hint of lust behind swirling irises.
the tall man bends over to bring himself down to your height, lips brushing against your ear so you can hear him over the pounding music, and you think you imagine the feeling of cool metal against your skin.
“why such a concentrated look, cutie?” he rumbles into your ear, and if rough sex could have a voice it would definitely belong to this man. his voice is velvety, deep, and slightly raspy at the ends, like smoke curling past someone’s lips after they’ve taken a drag.
his scent invades your nose, cedarwood and hints of leather intoxicating your senses, and you have to refrain yourself from leaning your body into his.
instead, you lean back to level your gaze with his, lazily crossing your arms with a small smile curling your painted lips.
“just wishing i had another drink in me.” you purred, enjoying the way his eyes trail down to your exposed cleavage before trailing their way back up to your eyes, not forgetting to gaze at your lips while he was at it.
he chuckled as he ran a large hand through his inky curls, and you absentmindedly wondered what they would feel like under your fingers as you tugged on them.
“well, pretty thing,” he leered at you, one corner of his lips curling up into a half smile and it was at this moment that you realized that you hadn’t imagined the feeling of metal.
a thin ring was settled right in the middle of his plump bottom lip, and you couldn’t help but gulp when you watched his skin stretch even tighter around the piercing when his smile grew.
“i think i can fix that.”
just as you’re about to say your thanks, another large and warm hand shoots out to grab your wrist, and you nearly break your neck when you whip to your side to see who would be so bold as to just grab you out of nowhere.
the venomous retort on your tongue dies when you lock eyes with a familiar pair of intense orbs. a small blush fills your cheeks as light hair brings your hand up to press a kiss to your knuckles, cheeky smile never leaving his lips.
without saying a word, he gently tugs you to your feet and jerks his chin in the direction of the dance floor. he wanted to dance with you.
you shift your gaze back to sleepy eyes for some assistance with his friend, but all he does is give you that same half-smile before shooing you away, turning to the bar to order your drink.
seeing as he was going to be no help, you allow the other man to drag you to the middle of the dance floor, secretly relishing in the way his large hands grip your waist and pull you onto his crotch as you grind and sway to the music.
getting a cheeky idea, you twist in his hold, now facing his chest as his hands never leave your waist. he cocks a thin eyebrow at you, a small smirk curling his lips as you smile up innocently at him.
swaying your hips to the music, you slide your hands up and around his neck, lightly scratching the base of his hairline as you bite your lip and give him a flirtatious wink. you giggle as you feel the slight groan that leaves his lips rather than hear it.
the smirk on his lips could only be described as devilish when he removes a hand from your waist to trail it up your body, lightly groping your breast before settling on the nape of your neck, eyes narrowing at the soft moan you released when he gave you a gentle squeeze.
the prominent feeling of his hard cock grinding against you through your dress already has your panties growing damp, but you couldn’t feel bothered to care.
he released your throat to bring his fingers up to cup your cheek, and his eyes darken when you slip his thumb into your mouth and suck when he goes to brush against your lips.
your body feels as if you’ve been put under a spell as you stare into his eyes. your only mission is to please this man and his partner by any means necessary.
another groan rumbles from his chest when you swirl your tongue around his digit before pulling off of it with a pop, and light hair is quick to wrap his hand around your neck and pull you close.
his breath is sweet with the faint stench of alcohol, no doubt from what he was drinking earlier.
a whimper escapes you when he pulls you even closer, running his nose along your jaw before settling his lips by your ear.
“you like playing with fire, pretty girl? cause it seems to me like you’re in the mood to get burned.” he growls into your ear, voice low and smooth like silk.
your panties are undoubtedly drenched by now when he finally pulls you into a searing kiss, cock still grinding against your aching core as you tighten your grip on his neck.
his kiss is dominant and demanding, eager tongue plunging into your mouth, and your delighted when you feel the distinct metal of his tongue piercing drag along your own muscle.
you continue making out with the ridiculously hot stranger before pulling away with a gasp as another body comes up behind you, sandwiching you in the middle.
you moan lightly when another hard cock is ground against your ass, ring adorned fingers coming up to wrap around your throat and tilt your head back until your heady gaze is met with those lustfully hooded eyes again.
“well now isn’t this a sweet treat,” sleepy eyes muses as you whine and grind against his cock, already helpless and they’ve haven’t done a single thing to you.
“what a naughty little thing, letting two strangers grind against your body and touch on you like this.” he continues, eyes leaving yours to meet with his partners across your head.
you can’t see the grin light hair shoots his friend but you can definitely feel a pair of nimble fingers disappear under your dress, lightly stroking your soaking core before teasing your clit.
sleepy eyes grins darkly at the sight of your eyes widening in shock, cute brows immediately furrowing as you moan softly at the pleasure, hips grinding onto the two fingers.
the whine you let out when light hair pulls his fingers away almost makes him feel bad, but the sight of your shocked expression when he offers his fingers to his partner to taste your slick makes up for it.
sleepy eyes takes his fingers into his mouth, groaning at your essence as he laps it off of his partners digits, shooting him a small wink at the slightly flustered expression on his face.
turning his gaze back to you, he grins wolfishly before bringing his lips down to your ear again. “let’s introduce ourselves, hm? that way you know who’s names your gonna be screaming by the end of tonight.”
you nod dumbly at his words, still dazed by his previous ministrations, thighs clenching as he releases his hold on your neck and angles your head to look at the man across from you.
“my name’s hanamaki takahiro, sweetheart.” hanamaki winks at you, trailing his still wet finger across his lips before flicking out his tongue to swipe across the flesh, watching how your eyes stay trained on his piercing.
sleepy eyes grinds his cock against your ass again, pulling a whimper from you as he rumbles his name into your ear.
“and i’m matsukawa issei, pretty thing.” he groans into your ear as you grind your ass back against him, his hold on your waist just under hanamaki’s grip tightening.
“i’m (y/n),” you reply breathlessly, flushing under the cute smile hanamaki sends your way, lips barely brushing as he dips head close to yours.
“a pretty name for a pretty girl.” he murmurs softly before pressing a quick peck to your lips, laughing slightly when you try to chase him as he pulls away.
the two men lock eyes above your head before hanamaki drops his hands from your waist and matsukawa spins you around so your facing him.
you crane your neck up to meet his eyes, and you can’t repress the startled gasp when you see his dark irises have been replaced by a glowing purple, nearly the same shade as the lights bouncing off of you from above.
your heart is pounding in your chest when hanamaki joins him on your right side, expressive eyes narrowed in lust as his irises have also been replaced by the same purple in matsukawa’s.
your body feels like it’s locked in place, the urge to tear your eyes away from their gaze practically nonexistent. you should feel scared, terrified of these men who clearly aren’t human, yet you can’t find yourself willing to part from them.
they both smile fanged smiles when they realize you aren’t running from them, already caught in their trap. matsukawa tugs you closer as hanamaki brings a soft hand up to cup your cheek.
“why don’t you come home with us, pretty girl?” hanamaki coos at you, bright eyes swirling with lust and mischief.
“we’ll take good care of you, scouts honor.” matsukawa can’t hold back his snort at makki’s words, muttering “scouts honor my ass” under his breath which hanamaki snickers at.
you can’t help the nervous shiver down your spine, the daunting task of taking on these two men men? suddenly presenting itself to you.
“but i’ve never... been with... two before…” you trail off weakly, and both men have to repress the urge to just rip off your clothes and take you there when you gaze up at them with those glassy doe eyes.
“don’t you worry your pretty little head, gorgeous.” matsukawa reassures you, giving your waist a comforting squeeze. “we’ll walk you through it and make sure you enjoy yourself tonight. what do you say?”
you miss the sinister looks in their eyes as you nod your head yes. you had no idea what you just agreed to.
“issei!” you moan out, eyes clenched shut as you pressed your face further into the mattress, fists clenching the wrinkled sheets until your knuckles turned white.
a swift spank rang across your ass cheek, forcing another choked moan from your lips as mattsun kneads your flesh, appreciating the way your skin looks all marked up and red.
“that’s the wrong name, baby girl.” he tuts out disappointedly, grinning wickedly as he adds a second thick finger into your tight ass, slowly easing it in before spreading them apart.
a cute squeal leaves your flush lips at the burning stretch, head coming up as tears of pain and pleasure sting your eyes.
“there we fucking go.” mattsun groans out, pumping his fingers steadily into you, hungry eyes never leaving the delicious way your back arches as he crooks and twists his fingers around inside you.
you could barely focus on the words leaving his mouth, cute little cunt clenching around nothing as he further stretched your ass
“we wanna make sure you’re nice and prepared for us, pretty thing.” you remember makki whispering to you as they shedded your clothes the moment they got you into their bedroom.
speaking of makki, a black and thin tail trailed the edge of your jaw, spade-tipped end coming to rest under your chin and force your hazy gaze upwards.
(e/c) eyes met a smiling pair of glowing purple, makki’s pink hair glowing under the dim bedroom light as he smiled down on you, his curled horns glinting dimly in the light.
“she looks so fucked out, issei. whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.” makki coos out, smirking when he brings up a palm to your face and you lean into it, moaning even louder as mattsun continues preparing your ass for later.
but stretching your ass out wasn’t makki’s concern, though you did look adorable all close eyed and flushed. right now, makki was more concerned with how your plush lips would feel on his throbbing cock.
feeling something hot and wet nudge your lips, you open your eyes to be greeted with makki’s throbbing length. you drooled at the sight of it. both of these men had been blessed in the cock department, but what exactly do you expect when you’re fucking a incubus?
makki’s length was long and thick, flushed red tip steadily leaking precum, and you could see his pulse in the long vein that ran on the side of it. you can only imagine what it’d feel like inside of you.
as if reading your mind, makki smiles down at your awed expression, kneeling in front of you as he lightly taps his leaking tip against your lips. “open up pretty girl, the faster you suck my cock the faster i can split that pretty pussy apart.”
he laughed at the desperate whine you let out, tapping his tip against your parted lips again. “what do you say about that?”
you flush as you press a quick kiss to his tip, shyly dragging your tongue across the slit to avoid answering his question. a hiss rang from makki before he grabbed a fistful of your hair and tugged, causing to to yelp.
mattsun took that opportunity to squeeze in a third finger, relishing in the way you tightened around his digits in pain and pleasure. you were gonna feel heavenly around his cock, no pun intended.
(yeah it was.)
makki jerked your head around again when you took too long to answer him, glowing eyes looking down on you harshly as you cried out.
“answer me when i’m talking to you, (y/n), or i might not play so fucking nice with you next time.” he growled out.
your heart jumped at the idea of a next time, but you pushed that to the back of your mind, swallowing your pride as you shyly looked into his eyes, embarrassed.
“i like the sound of that…” you murmured out quietly, quickly averting your eyes as you hoped that would be enough to appease him.
makki’s eyes hardened as he slapped his cock roughly against your cheek, causing you to squeal. “you like the sound of that, what?” his cold tone made you realize his patience was wearing thin.
“i like the sound of that, sir!” you whimpered out, and you relaxed when the harsh look in his eyes was replaced with that soft satisfied look again.
“there we go, sweetheart. that wasn’t so hard, was it?” you bit back a whimper as he slowly dragged his tip across your lips, lightly nudging them further apart as you panted from mattsun’s fingers in your ass.
without warning, makki thrusted his cock past your lips, filling your mouth quickly as mattsun slammed particularly hard into you.
you choked on his cock as you squealed, eyes rolling back into your head as both men began a fast pace, rocking themselves in and out of your body as you laid there and took it.
“fuck, pretty girl, your mouth feels really - shit! good!” makki panted out, gripping your head firmly as he fucked himself further down your throat.
you gagged around his thick length as he pushed further into your throat, and he let out a loud moan when you swallowed around him reflexively.
“shit!” he groaned, and one of his hands left your hair to lightly grip your throat, feeling it bulge from his cock. “fuck, babygirl, do that again! issei, you gotta feel this.”
mattsun’s unoccupied hand came up to rest against your throat just as you swallowed around makki’s length again. both men let out a moan at the feeling, and mattsun pulled his fingers from your entrance, causing you to whine.
“don’t worry pretty girl, you won’t be empty for long.” before you could process his words, you felt the fat head of mattsun’s cock press against your asshole, slicked up with lube as he pushes in, hands spreading your ass cheeks apart.
you force yourself off of makki’s cock as you grip his thighs tightly, nails digging into his flesh as you cry at the feeling of mattsun splitting your ass in two.
makki lowers himself onto the bed as he cups your face, cooing to you softly as he gently wipes away the fat tears rolling down your cheeks with his thumb.
“fuck she’s tight.” mattsun swears as he continues to sink further into your ass.
you hiccup at the stretch, vision swimming with tears as his fat cock continues to enter you for what feels like forever. how much more of him can you take?
“d-daddy!” you hiccup out, and the watery tone of your pain laced voice causes him to stop only two-thirds of the way into your ass. his hand comes up to rub soothing circles into your lower back.
he leans over your figure, pressing warm kisses to your shaking spine as you struggle to accommodate his length in you. “i’m sorry pretty girl, does it hurt?”
you whimper as you nod your head, back bowed and eyes clenched shut as you fisted the sheets tightly.
mattsun and makki shared the same look with a frown on their lips, and mattsun continued to rub your lower back as he peppered your back with kisses.
“i’m sorry pretty girl, you know i don’t mean to hurt you,” he murmurs against your spine. “you just gotta relax for me, sweetheart. then you’ll feel really good.”
you shook your head again, thighs still trembling. “t-too big, daddy!” you gasp out, and a small smile curls mattsun’s lips before he wipes it away as he coos at you.
“i know sweetheart, but i also know you can take it. just relax for me, pretty girl, can you do that for me?”
with a shaky nod from you, makki peppers your face with kisses, licking away your tears as his hands travel lower until he reaches your chest.
a soft moan escapes your lips as he fondles your breasts, slim fingers rolling and pinching your nipples until they’re nice and hard for him.
mattsun releases a shaky sigh as he feels you loosen up around his cock, but you still have a bit more to go before he can move again.
you let out a soft gasp as you felt the distinct feeling of mattsun’s tail in between your legs, spade-tipped end flicking and rubbing against your clit.
mattsun let out a breathy chuckle as you moaned from the stimulation, body loosening up even further until he finally slid all the way in, his hips pressed flush against your ass. “there we go, sweetheart. just relax.”
he stayed like that for a minute, letting you accommodate to his size before gently rocking his hips to test where things were. a surprised moan fell from your lips as you placed your forehead against the sheets, lightly rocking against his cock.
you’ve never felt so full in your life, and you had absolutely no idea how you were supposed to take both of them.
mattsun took your moan as a sign to continue, and this time he pulled back a little further before thrusting into you firmly, but not too much to overwhelm you.
“oooh daddy!” you squealed out in pleasure, and makki shot mattsun a grin that mattsun returned, gripping your hips firmly as he lightly thrusted into your ass.
“i told you it’d feel good, princess.” mattsun chuckled as you met each of his thrusts, pace slightly picking up along with your moans ringing through the room. “ohh fuck.” he groaned out as he sped up, biting his lip as he fucked steadily into your ass.
you were drooling into the sheets at this point, mind completely blank as mattsun drilled into you, headboard slamming lightly against the wall from the force of his thrusts.
the pleasure was so overwhelming that you didn’t even realize he stopped thrusting into you and makki slipping under you until you felt his cock nudge against your cunt.
you lifted your head in shock as your eyes met his, and makki only smiled at you as he pressed into you, moaning at how tight and wet you were.
“ohhh my fucking god.” you choked out, resting your head against makki’s shoulder as you shook in their hold, the feeling of being impossibly stuffed intensifying as makki finally bottomed out inside of you.
you panted harshly against his skin, and when you felt two pairs of hands squeeze you in question, you couldn’t help the breathless chuckle at their concern.
“i’m green guys, it’s okay.” you lifted your head to peer into makki’s glowing irises that were swimming with lust and concern. leaning in close, you captured his lips with yours, twisting your tongue around his as you played with his piercing.
when you guys parted you were panting, hooded eyes never leaving his. “c’mon, sir!” you whined as you lightly rocked your hips.
a choked moan left makki’s lips as his grip on your waist tightened. a similar sound came from mattsun behind you, and you turned around to gaze into his eyes as well. “you too, daddy.”
“i thought you guys were going to take ‘real good care of me’ tonight?” the condescending tone of your voice broke the men out of their temporary reverie, and both growled as they both pulled out and thrusted back into you at the same time.
a choked groan left your lips as they stuffed you full again, and you let out another breathy laugh that ended in a moan as makki leaned forward to bite your neck.
“please wreck me, daddy. i wanna cum all over your fat cocks, sir.”
you knew you were in for trouble the moment both of them snarled, and a wail escaped your swollen lips as they both began pounding into you, flesh slamming against flesh as they fucked you within an inch of your life.
as mattsun railed your ass harshly and makki snapped his hips deeply into your cunt, pelvis grinding against your clit with each thrusts, you made peace with yourself that if this is how you died, at least you’d see them in hell.
with a final cry and the stuttering of hips, all three of you collapsed onto the sheets bonelessly, gasping for air as you came down from your highs.
both men pulled out of your abused holes, a smug satisfaction filling them as they watched their seed ooze from your twitching body.
they both laid down on either side of you, makki snuggling into your neck on your right as mattsun rested his chin on your head to your left.
“i think…” you panted, still trying to catch your breath. mattsun hummed and makki began tracing patterns onto your stomach, waiting for you to continue.
“i think… that may have been the best session yet.” both men laughed as they agreed with you, hugging your body closer to them.
“like for real. you guys were so convincing in the club, i nearly forgot we were role playing.” makki chuckled into your neck before sighing in content as you rubbed his horns.
he always loved when you played with his horns after a particularly steamy round in the bedroom.
“yeah, that was a pretty good round.” mattsun concluded as he got comfortable, lazily wrapping his tail around your waist, pressing a smile into your hair when he felt makki’s intertwine with his over your skin.
mattsun raised himself to press a sweet kiss against your lips, tugging makki by his hair to pull him from your neck to give him his as well.
makki’s whines were short lived as he melted into his boyfriend’s kiss, and once they broke apart, he smiled into yours as you pressed one against his lips as well.
finally relaxing into your bed, limbs all tangled with one another, you all began drifting to sleep. just as the boys were about to go under, your sweet voice rang out into the quiet night air.
“i love you two so much, you have no idea.”
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taglist: @lovelypasteldreams @living-for-drama @arixtsukki @month-seasoning
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tanniesjeom · 3 years
when the camellia blooms | pjm
park jimin x kim! reader | 1 | 2
sypnosis: diagnosed with the hanahaki disease, you had only two options - accept a deathly fate, or never love again. 
genre: au, angst, fluff, humor, friends to lovers? maybe.
warnings: many talks of death and dying, minor character death, pain, unrequited love, swearing, talks of past sexual experience while intoxicated, pining, longing, really sad reader, and lots of angst.
word count: 7.2 k
"you would die for her, for him."
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"You're dying."
The two words escape past his lips steadily and breathily as your widening eyes linger on the way his hands fiddle with one another out of habit. He sighs deeply and resists the urge to avoid screaming at you and maintain eye contact out of professionalism, pushing back his slipping glasses.
"At this rate, you won't have any more than a month. Had you told me this sooner, y/n, the results wouldn't have been as scarce. But because you waited after almost a year of this, I'm afraid there's not much to do." He pushes his desk lightly to pull away from it, creating a mere distance between himself and the papers which finalized your future's passing. Reaching his collar, he tugs on his tie to loosen it before unbuttoning the first stitch as he looks at you with seemingly stray and angered eyes mixed with sympathy.
Suddenly, his sight wanders the room as he shakes his head repeatedly, scoffing in disbelief. He then smiles, dimples prominent, lip tightened, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes broken, piercing straight at its target - that being you.
Standing up, he takes off his glasses and slams his fist onto the chair's arm rest before running a hand across his hair, softly hissing.
The professionalism is now out of the drain, "You're an idiot, y/n."
"Fucking stupid. How could you not- I mean- how could you not tell me? I'm your brother! We're family. Blood. We're supposed to- we're supposed to tell each other these things and you just fucking- you kept it to yourself all these months! Ten months! And now I'm sitting here being the one to tell you that you're dying? That you're leaving me? I would've done something. I would've helped you, I- I would've killed whoever this person you're in love with is. y/n, please- I just-"
You don't know why, but you felt exhausted.
The ringing in your ears is deafening. Truthfully, you hadn't heard a single thing the minute you received news that you'll be, well, passing away. Not to mention, within 30 days time.
It's not as if you didn't already know about your condition, of course you did. Coughing soft pink camellia flowers every time you see the man that's brought you here is not exactly something that just simply passes a blind eye. You sense it, you feel it, and it hurts.
It really, really hurts.
You also felt awful for your brother. You hadn't meant for it to go this far. You didn't mean to not tell him. You didn't want your assigned doctor to suddenly call in sick and have your brother temporarily take his place. You didn't mean for him to find out this way - such a twisted, horrible fucking way, but here you are.
"I'm sorry, Joon. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to go this far. I just-"
"Were you ever even going to tell me?" He cuts you off, voice low and steady, almost afraid of your coming response.
Your eyes locate his across the cramped room, and one could clearly tell that it's striving its hardest to fight against desperate tears.
"I- yes, Joon. I was. Of course I was. I was gonna do it after this check in actually, but I guess God wanted you to find out sooner than I intended, though He could've just waited a little while longer and it would've been fine." You joke whisperingly, the heavy weight of your heart lightening just a small bit when you notice the corners of his lips twitch and his eyes faintly soften.
Regrettably, that was a lie. You didn’t plan on telling him, not today at least. Maybe not even ever.
The softening air lasts for only a second as his following question makes you hold back the urge to cough up another camellia flower slowly blooming its way to your throat.
"Who is it?"
Genuine, concerned, curious. These were all that he was.
But noticing the way your body went entirely rigid at his words and the way your hand clutched your clothed chest in attempt to shut down what you know will happen next, Namjoon's brotherly instincts causes him to naturally make his way towards you softly, taking small and careful strides towards your fragile state.
And once he's finally reached you, he gets on his knees gently in order for him to be of nearing same height level as you're sitting down, his hands rubbing the back of your hand in a comforting manner.
He does this all before pulling the trigger.
"Who are you in love with, y/n?"
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two years back
You call out your brother's best friend loudly, who is currently in the midst of doing a one-man stage play in front of the mirror, "Joon's saying you guys need to get going now. Says he has a patient in two hours and wants to go over all sorts of documents before treating her."
Turning around, you scan the living room and dining room for the keys of your friend's car as your brother also asked you to hand them to him since the two always end up on forgetting it until they've already reached the car parked across your apartment's block.
You hear Jimin shuffle behind you, "Really? He wants to go over documents at- 9 AM in the morning?"
Smiling at his attempts of complaint, you nod your head softly in order to play along and answer his rhetorical question, "He really needs to learn how to drive doesn't he? Since he's dragging you along everywhere he goes."
Jimin laughs at your statement, which being an opinion, your brother would argue, 'driving isn't a necessary aspect of life.' But who really thinks like that? Oh right, non-drivers.
“I guess he’s getting too caught up in learning medicine that he forgot to learn how to officially become an adult.” Reaching above the kitchen top, you finally found sight of Jimin's car keys.
How did it even get up there? You think to yourself. It's really high up, so Namjoon must've been the one to leave it as to where it is.
You groan slightly, "Joon, can you get over here! I found Chim's keys but it's too far up high so I can't reach it. Hell I don't even think he can reach this-"
You are cut off when you feel a hand sneak around your waist, making you flinch and suddenly spin cautiously.
Eyes widened. Lips parted. Breath hitched. You let out an inaudible gasp as you come to the realization that Jimin is now in front of you, head tilted with an amused smile on his face, "Excuse you? I can very much reach this." He says, all the while reaching up behind you, inchly leaning forward. At this point, your body is being pressed up against the kitchen counter and his oh-so-very toned front.
This small action is enough to instigate a flaming abyss inside of you as you very much attempt to calm your alarmed heart.
You can feel the cuts and lines of his abs against your chest as he is now standing on his tippy toes, desperately trying to reach the keys on the kitchen top. Anyone that could see his posture would call him adorable, but your body is currently being sandwiched and by all that is high and mighty your mind can't even really process a single thing. Wait, what were you thinking just now?
"See? Got it." Jimin falls back in place as he jiggles his car keys in front of your stone-cold face, smile wide as he giggles softly, "Piece of cake, y/n."
He then proceeds to move on with his life like he didn't just do what the fuck he just did.
Clearing your throat, you blink about a million times in order to gather your thoughts. Your heartbeat is racing faster than the speed of light and your lips have become as dry as a desert. If you had gone standing on your tippy toes just as he did, you would've been a baby hair away from lips touching. The thought is enough to make you grow weak.
Yet as if something inside of you is suddenly turned on, no pun intended, you remind yourself that these thoughts are wrong. You can't be having these apprehensions, they aren't right. Because not only is he your brother's best friend, he also has a-
"y/n?" Jimin's soft voice calls out your name.
Breaking out of your trance, you turn to see him sitting down on the dining table, head tilted downwards with a small smile on his face. The sun escapes your pastel curtains as it slips past the window sill, reasoning with the current ray of golden yellow that has found its home on Jimin’s plump cheek, shining on the left side of his luminous face.
It's absolutely senseless how he can look as beautiful as he does simply by existing, and it makes perfect sense that your finding yourself to liking him more and more.
Just look at him.
You are broken out of your enchanted daze once more as dreaded words leave his smiling lips, "I'm gonna ask her to marry me."
Only then were you brought back to your inadequate reality.
“W- what?” You attempt to speak, but you notice the way your voice has suddenly become noticeably hoarse.
Jimin looks up at you with a smile, the kind that has his eyes almost disappearing.
“Sung. I’m gonna ask her to marry me tonight.”
and more silence.
Like a coward, that was all what you could muster to respond with.
And only then did you notice the velvet box on his hands, upon which he is tenderly caressing. Only then did you recognize the questionable romantic script of his one-man stage just moments earlier. Only then did you realize that the reason behind his growing smile are because of her, not you. Not because of what had just taken place.
Only then did you remember that no, you can't be having these apprehensions - they aren't right.
Because not only is he your brother's best friend,
he also has a, now upcoming, fiancé.
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present time
"I already loved him then, Joon."
By this time, your brother has stood up and begun pacing back and forth the modest office, murmurs of curses towards his friend escaping past his lips, "-that small son of a bitch."
Smiling softly, you look down in reminiscence of the moments you have spent falling for Jimin. "I guess I've always been infatuated with him ever since our first meeting, but my God Joonie," you pause, inhaling a short breath in attempt to stop tears threatening to spill. "-ever since that day, when he told me that he was going to propose to her, I finally realized that like was the wrong term to use. I realized that I loved him and I just- I lost sight of everything." You cry, small sobs coming from you as you blinkingly look up to try to contain the waters forming in your eyes.
It was true. That day, when he told you about his plans to ask her to marry him, you've never felt more indignant.
Of course you faked it at first, congratulated him and consoled him into truthfully believing that she will undoubtedly say yes. But the minute he and Namjoon left your apartment, you collapsed on your carpeted floors, sobbing loudly and hitting your chest repetitively all the while cursing yourself in your head for ever even considering the tiniest of possibilities that you and Jimin could ever happen.
You also went out that night, got drunk, found a guy, slept with him, and never looked back.
Sure, this may seem like a regular night out for many, but not being the type to kiss and sleep, sex meant a lot to you.
Nothing wrong with one night stands, that just wasn't your particular chosen lifestyle. But you were wasted. You were intoxicated. You didn't know what you were doing. Had you been sober, you wouldn't have done what you did, especially with the person you did it with. So when you woke up in the middle of the night naked in bed next to a familiar face and realized what you've done, you rushingly stood up, got dressed, and left, ignoring the calls of the man you had just been with.
You went straight home and washed yourself for hours, feeling dirty and sloppy and disgusting. You can easily recollect sitting down in the showers, head tucked underneath and in between your legs, sobbing and crying loudly as the steam surrounding you from the warm water kept on worsening.
You hated what you did, and you most definitely despised the reason for what you did, - to simply get over someone else. You felt guilty. You felt ashamed. What would Jimin think? You thought to yourself. And though that truly didn't really matter, the ache in your heart kept on making you believe otherwise.
You didn't notice how your tears have fallen and stained your newly-bought jeans until Namjoon's hands holding a napkin comes within your perception.
Mumbling a small 'sorry Joonie,' you accept his offer and wipe the tears still continuously streaming down your now reddened, warm, and puffy face. As you do this, you furthermore catch sight of your brother's shadow rubbing his face in frustration, matching the groans that you also hear release from him in the background. And without meaning so, you deflate in insecurity.
Hearing the sound of air being released from a pulling force, you look up to see that Namjoon has sat back down, his elbows resting on the desk while his chin rest on his hands. "Does he know about this, y/n?"
You sigh, "No."
"Are you going to tell him?" You hear him ask once more.
Closing your eyes and sniffing lightly, you inhale a steady breath as you answer him for the second time, "I don't know, Joon."
Namjoon looks at you, eyes full of worry and concern. You don't know?
You're his sister, and he loves you. He would do anything for you. If he could shower you with all the love that you lack from Jimin, he would. And he would do it in a heartbeat. But you're dying. You're leaving him. And he doesn't know what to think. He doesn't know what to do. So how could you not know? How could you sit here, in front of him, after keeping this shit for ten months to yourself, tell him that you just don't know?
He feels frustrated. Frustrated over the clearing fact that if you don't know the answer to that simple yes or no question, then how more could you know the answer to when he asks you to make the choice?
The choice - to love or to die.
A very careful, unprecedented surgery that has been performed by professionals only a few times, yet each one has been successful. This seems easy, yeah. A surgery to save your life? Of course you'll do it! But there's a reason as to why this has been done only by a certain small count.
To perform the surgery and live, the price is not the expense, but rather the loneliness that shall come as you spend the rest of your life void of emotions. The surgery doesn't get rid of love on its own, it gets rid of everything that comes with it - happiness, sadness, trust, pain, pretty much everything that one can possibly feel. The only emotion left is indifference, yet even indifference lacks its self-sustainability.
Who would want to live like that?
Who would want to live a life where you just simply exist and nothing more?
He knows that the day will come eventually - when he offers you the choice, the chance to save your life, and he knows it will come soon. But right now, he has chosen to prioritize being a brother over a doctor. Right now, the only thing in his mind is comforting you.
"Okay." Your brother nods, making your eyes widen slightly in shock.
Okay? No scolding? No 'how could you not know?!' older brother reprimands? But then you remember, oh yeah. You're dying. And who could possibly scold their dying little sister?
"I'm sorry Joonie-" You try to apologize once more before he cuts you off again.
"No, don't apologize, y/n. It's not like you could've possibly wanted for any of this to happen, yeah?" He offers you a smile, but you could easily see past its fabricated purpose, "But instead let me ask you this. And I need you, in our deceased parent's name, to be completely honest with me."
You only nod, completely submissive and understanding of his seriousness the moment that he mentioned your passed parents.
"What you just told me, when you first fell in love with him, that was two years ago." He starts, making you nod again in agreement.
"But you were diagnosed only ten months ago."
Your heart drops, and you don't nod again.
"The Hanahaki Disease is not something that gradually begins and comes to existence over the course of time. It is an illness that is triggered. It could be by a sudden forthcoming realization or proclamation of love, or by an event that triggers the heart to completely shut down in overwhelmth. Either way, basing on the timing of what you've said, you should've been diagnosed with the Hanahaki two years ago. But you weren't."
Namjoon eyes you questioningly, but not too much to the extent that you feel uncomfortable, only just enough to remind you of the importance of this conversation, "You were only diagnosed ten months ago, y/n. Why?"
You sit still, not wanting to move, as if your stone figure would somehow make him think that you're not real or that you're a simple figment of his messed up imagination.
"y/n, what happened ten months ago?"
He finishes his question and you swallow harshly only to realize that you're parched, your throat completely dry. You then tilt your head to steal a gaze at your brother, making you catch the way his eyes suddenly widened as if he just realized something of high importance. As if he had just realized the answer to his own question. And that didn't work with you.
Clearing your throat, you are about to answer him in order to cut off his thoughts until the door swings open and you feel your throat compact, - the coughs of a camellia flower slipping its way to visibility -because there he is,
the man of the hour.
"y/n." He noticeably breathes a sigh of relief before making his way to you, engulfing you in a giant embrace. "I was so worried about you. Why didn't you tell me you had the Hanahaki? How could you not let me know? How long have you had it? Who is it? I swear I'm going to murder whoever this piece of shit is that he dared ever making yo-"
"Jimin this is a professional space between a doctor and his patient." The two of you pull away almost exactly the same time as soon as Namjoon speaks up, Jimin's eyebrows furrowing, "Get out."
"What?" Jimin barely gather the voice to ask him as he is completely caught off guard of his friend's erupting vulgar attitude.
"I said-" Namjoon speaks before getting caught off again.
"No trust me, I heard what you said. But what?" Jimin repeats himself, "So you're telling me you're not prioritizing being y/n's brother right now? You're still caught up in this Doctor Kim bullshit? Like you're a real one?"
"Jimin-" You attempt to budge in, sensing that a certain trouble may suddenly come knocking.
"No, y/n. Listen hyung-"
"No, YOU listen. You small piece of shit." Your brother raises his voice, "-don't come barging in here like you own the place or like you have any authority over her. She is MY sister and this is a family matter. So it's best you stay out of it and keep in your lane."
At this point, Namjoon is in front of Jimin, a short distance separating the two of them, "And don't you ever dare speak to me in that tone again. I know you're my friend, but remember to treat me with respect. Not only am I your superior, but I'm also your hyung." He finishes with a serious voice, tone low, and message deep. His earnest eyes piercing through his friend's pained ones.
Jimin, mouth slightly agape being at loss for words and clearly confused at his close friend's unreasonable anger, storms out of the room.
But not before he drags you along with him.
Namjoon is quick to act as he tries to reach for you, but you turn back and look at him pleadingly, signaling him that it's okay and to not worry. And him being the understanding brother that he is, pulls back and holds himself steady.
You can handle him. You’re a Kim. You’re strong.
Strong enough to survive through this.
You’ll be okay.
And as he watches the two of you leave, the door closing shut right in front of him, only then does reality hit Namjoon as his legs tremble abruptly, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden.
Falling down the floor, he reaches onto the desk for assistance as he slides his back down the wooden wall, hands painfully fisted and finding its way to cover his mouth in order to muffle the choked-in sobs perilously escaping him. He proceeds to blink away the tears and bite harshly on his lips, trying to diminish the flourishing grievance in his heart.
His sister is dying, and he doesn't know what to do.
“Doctor Kim? The next patient is ready to see you.” A knocking nurse distracts him and calls out from behind the door, “-shall I send them in?”
Namjoon sniffs heavily and sighs deeply, rushingly grabbing his glasses and adjusting his emotionally wrecked state, “One moment!”
He lets out a soft, shaky breath and reminds himself once more that you’re a Kim.
You’re strong.
You can beat this.
It'll be alright.
You'll be okay.
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"IM NOT OKAY JIMIN-SHI!" You voicely whine out to your friend who is currently dragging you along the halls of the hospital and out the technologically advanced glass doors, "What is wrong with you?!" You pull your arm aggressively from his grasp as you bend down, hands resting on your knees while you hastily try to catch your breath. The camellia flower stuck just along the chords of your throat making it very difficult.
Jimin stares at you worryingly, having forgotten of your illness, "O- oh no. y/n, I'm sorry I forgot I- are you okay? Should we go back?" He stutters in concern before you hold up one finger, signaling him to shut the hell up. "-sorry."
Looking at you like this, tired and exhausted from having to put up with all his bullshit, Jimin feels a sudden urge to reach out and embrace you tightly, almost forgetting of his previous encounter with your brother.
And so that's exactly what he does.
You are caught off guard the moment you feel a hand grab your shoulder by means of pulling you closer all the while another rests just at your crook of spine, and although this first makes you stumble in a not-so-very prettily way, your destination is found to be in your friend's embrace, his fragile yet protective arms wrapped around you securely.
Not letting this moment simply pass by, you let yourself melt in his arms as you find the comfort meant to be found in his comforting hug, wrapping your arms around his neck as you slightly stand on your tippy toes. Somehow, your simple action makes him pull you even closer, one hand creeping behind your neck all the while his other is completely wrapped around your waist although this time is tighter than before.
As the two of you stay like this in the middle of the sliding glass doors of the hospital, crowds of unfamiliar voices passing by you and ambulances ringing endlessly against your ear, you let yourself submerge within the passion of your heart.
Amidst the chaos and cries of your nearingly counted days, you find consolation in the arms of the same man that has put you in front of death's door, and quite frankly, you wouldn't really want it any other way. You'll take what is given by the heavens above when it comes to Jimin, because well- you love him.
Unfortunately, that quick and simple thought is enough to make you lose control of your reminded disease.
"y-y/n what's- are you okay?" Jimin pulls away from you abruptly as you break into coughing fits, pastel pink camellia blossoms escaping your trembling lips.
The sight has caught the attention of many civilians, but both you and Jimin remain to be indifferent about them as you or more or less are occupied with your illness all the while Jimin specifically aims his attention on you alone.
"Alright that's it, screw your brother alright?" Jimin exclaims a bit louder than what you're comfortable with as this obviously did not benefit with the proceedingly growing public focus on the two of you, "-we're going back, y/n, it's my fault for bringing you outside so suddenly-"
"No chim, please-" You roughly attempt to speak out, your throat painfully extracting the feeling of abrasiveness, "Please just- let's just go."
“Please chim,” you cut him off for what seemed to be the fiftieth time, coughing, “-please. I don’t want to be here any longer.”
Hesistant yet concerned, Jimin nods slowly as he assists your side, his hands finding its home around your waist and lower back while you both take short and careful strides. You destination is still unknown, but you didn’t mind. A journey a day with someone you love has never turned out for the worse.
At least that's what you think.
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"Really?" You roll your eyes as you notice the familiar lane that Jimin's car just entered, "I asked you to get me out of the hospital area, I didn't ask for a sleepover, Jimin." You jokingly accuse him, but you can't help the smile that makes its way on your puffed-up face as you notice him smoothly take a side-glance at you with a knowing smirk.
"Well I thought that with all that bad hospital air, you might've wanted to breathe in a familiar scent," Jimin responds as the car comes to a stop.
You turn slightly to open the door and step out before you here a meek, "Jankkanman!" and perceive a 5'9 in height blondie come running around the bonnet in order to open the car door for you as a gentleman would. It is such a sweet and casual pantomime, yet an ill-patient diagnosed with an illness of the heart can never bring you any wins. Consequently, his actions only causes your throat to feel strained and compacted for the endless time.
God, how much did you love this man that such a simple gesture makes you want to cough out countless of fully bloomed flowers?
You thank the heavens above for your past endless experiences that allowed you to now be better in terms of hiding your pain as you attempt to smile genuinely, mumbling a small "thank you" in the process before making your way inside his home.
"So," Jimin starts as the two of you plop down his couch, his eyes seeking for yours as he tilts his head ever so lightly, "what should we do today... now that you're out of that hell hole?"
"Chim!" You scold him lightly, "my brother and your best friend just happens to be working in that hell hole, just in case you forgot, and- hey! You work there too, you ass." You accusingly point at him all the while hitting his arm playfully.
Jimin is was a nurse in that hospital. Your brother is a doctor.
He laughs and smiles widely, "Nope. I don't work there anymore, remember? But I did for a while, which is why I can most definitely testify that that place is indeed, a hell hole. And by the way, I'm kind of offended that you pretty much forgot my lost profession just then, y/n, like what the fuck?" He jokes endingly.
Your eyes soften slightly as he mentions his lack of job, yet you still stubbornly choose to ignore his last remark. "Well I sure hope that's not the case since I'll be most likely spending my last days there."
The silence that ensues goes inevitably noticed by the two of you the moment those words escaped past your lips, but you paid no mind. That was the reason that you asked him to take you away anyways. You weren't hoping for some cliche romantic bullshit where the two of you simply elope and forget your real worries in your life, no. Instead you were here with the main purpose of facing it.
Besides, even if you did want to leave with him, you couldn't. Remember?
Jimin is the first to break the excessive blockade, "Don't say that y/n."
You sigh, "But it's true, chim."
"I don't give a shit if it's true or not."
"Chim.." You are slightly startled with his sudden outburst, caught off guard in the way his voice slightly raised as his attention and body language are now completely directed at you, "Wha- why are you getting mad?"
Jimin scoffs, almost irritated at your oblivious question, "Why? Because you're talking of dying like it's not a big deal, y/n!" His voice getting louder and louder by every word he spits out, "God, you know you can be so fucking insensitive sometimes. What, did you already forget the shit I suffered when I lost someone? Did you already forget all the fucking shit I suffered when death took her from me?"
At the mention of her, you pause. Speechless. Guilty. Hurt.
Of course you remember. How could you not? You remember the darkest of days as like it was just yesterday.
You remember getting that call in the middle of the night from the contact name of your brother as you slightly answered it in an irritated voice, "Joon I swear to God if you're asking me to drive you to work in the middle of the fucking night I will personally drag your ass right now to get a driver's liscenc-"
You remember immediately stopping as you recognize the voice that most certainly did not belong to your brother, "Chim?"
"y- y/n."
You remember the outbreak of his sobs as you call out to him, his sniffles and cries becoming more and more prominent as you stumble on your feet, struggling with keeping your phone against and in between your ear and your shoulder as you hurryingly take off to grab a jacket and your keys, "Chim what's wrong, where the hell are you? W- where's Joon?"
You remember the way your heart dropped as your worst fear came to mind, the thought of losing your brother itself being enough to make you wobble in your feet, your heart clenching. He had your brother's phone, and he was crying.
"N-no, he- he's fine, y/n. It's not him, hyung's... hyung's fine."
You remember the way he struggled to find the right words; the way he sniffled and stuttered through forming such a simple sentence all the while you on the other side of the line breathe out a sigh of relief at the information of your brother's wellness, yet feeling slightly guilty that your emotions are in contrast with your friend's.
"It's Sung."
You remember Jimin's worst.
"It's Sung, y/n. Sh- she got in an accident on the way here to visit me during my off hours and- fuck! Some fucking demon pulled a hit and run on her. She was walking, y/n. She walked an hour here and got ran over by someone and.. they're doing an operation on her- hyung's assisting and he just- it's bad. It was really bad and she was bleeding all fucking over and- hyung, he- he left his phone and I didn't know what to do so I just called you- I didn't, they pushed me out of the room, y/n. I need you here. Please, please. Please come here because I'm losing my fucking mind and I need you here."
You remember driving to the hospital as careful as you can with the fear of the possibility of an accident occurring still in the midst of the back of your mind.
You remember reaching the doors of the emergency room and being greeted with a pair of reddened and exhausted eyes that looked up the moment you walked in, "Jin."
He stands up to greet you politely but you stop him, obviously seeing that his reaction upon seeing you is no more than a forced delight, "Let's not do this under these circumstances, okay? You're allowed to feel unwelcoming. It's okay, Jin."
He does no more than mumble a small 'thank you' before going back to his previous spot with you trudging along beside him.
You remember feeling the sorrow of the man beside you as you watch him lean his head back against the wall, fragile streaks of tears rolling down his flushed cheeks. You couldn't imagine his pain, the pain of such a situation where your sister's life is at stake. You wanted to comfort him, to softly rub his back and whisper sweet encouragements against his ear, little white lies that his sister is guaranteed to make it without a doubt. But you couldn't. You weren't here for him, regardless of your history. Regardless of the way you left him the morning after your supposed mistake.
"Uhm, have you seen Jimin?"
You remember the way his void eyes find yours and the way his lips lightly upturn as he gives you a forced smirk, trying to keep up with his image of being Kim Seokjin, Kim Sungkyung's handsome and cocky older brother, "And here I was thinking fate brought you here to me, y/n." He trails off, "-considering how you fucked me then dipped."
You gasp slightly and playfully hit his arm at the blunt mention of your regretted one night stand as you give him a small yet genuine smile, partly glad yet at the same time worried that he can make such remarks during a situation like this.
It was strange really, how everything in your life seemed to be connected. How on the day you felt your heart tore apart the time Jimin first mentioned his planned proposal, you went out and accidentally slept with the soon-to-be-bride's older brother.
Letting out a small sigh, Jin nods his head in the direction of a different waiting room, "He left when I came. Guess he was embarrassed of how fucked up he was but hey- I'm not doing any fucking better am I?" He tells you, subtly pointing at the very visible streaks of tears still falling down his now puffy face.
You get on your feet and turn to leave but not before giving one last glance at the man next to you, a hand softly reaching to rub his shoulder, "I'm so sorry, Jin. I wish I could stay, but-"
"It's okay, y/n. Go." Jin encourages you with a small yet noticeably forced smile, "He needs you."
And so you do, bidding him a soft goodbye before taking off, your eyes beginning to water out of the guilt of leaving a friend in that state.
You then remember being suffocated. Suffocated from the embrace that greeted you the moment Jimin entered your peripheral vision. You remember landing on your behind with a harsh thud from the struggle of Jimin's weight as he continues to seek your embrace for means of comfort, the two of you falling down the floor. You remember getting drenched from Jimin's tears as you cradle him as would a wailing child, rocking him back and forth all the while softly rubbing his back, whispering every bit of amenity that could make him feel better.
You remember feeling your heart physically ache as you fail to notice the tears that have fallen down your own eyes, blurring your sight.
To see Jimin in this state, so broken and hurt and scared, it tore you apart. You wanted him happy. You wanted him smiling. You wanted him. You loved him. And God forbid that you're admitting this in your own mind while his fiance is battling for her own life, but fuck.
You wanted nothing more than to lay down your own life for Sung so that she could continue in existence for him.
If you could, you would take here place.
You would die for her, for him.
You remember pushing back your thoughts as you put focusing on Jimin your first priority. You remember keeping him in a neverending tight embrace as he neverendingly sobs against your chest, his lips leaving prayers you could barely yet still tried to understand;
please don't let her die
don't take her away from me
i love her too much
i still have to marry her.
You then remember hearing a wail of anguish, putting a pause to both Jimin's silent pleas and your eavesdropping as the both of your heads turn to pinpoint from whom the noise came from.
You remember the way Jimin stilled.
You remember his whisper of such a small, two-lettered word, yet somehow it caused your heart to crumble.
"No no no no-"
You remember having to tackle Jimin slightly as he causes a mess of himself, punching the seats and harshly tugging on his hair all the while screaming wails of pain and suffering, "Jimin please-"
"No- get the fuck off of me! Sung?!"
You remember how Jimin lost sight of reality as he pushes you off of him, your body making in contact with the cold tiled ground.
You remember seeing nurses and other staff pull the man you love back as he causes a scene, starting to become physical and violent with the people surrounding him, "PLEASE! Please- I just- I NEED TO SEE HER! SHES MY FIANCE-"
You remember seeing a man dressed in blue make his way near Jimin, a needle in his hand.
"H-hey, no!" You remember trying to catch up to the nurse, attempting to prevent them from giving whatever the shot was to Jimin, "Stop! Please-"
"y/n. D-don't."
You remember feeling a hand on your shoulder which makes you turn around instantly, only to find the culprit behind the anguished scream just moments prior Jimin's outburst.
"Jin." You start, "-they're going to sedate him. That- that's not okay."
"They have to, y/n." Another voice calls out from behind Jin, "I know how it seems and I don't like it either, b-but he's becoming violent. They have to sedate him."
"Joon." You whisper softly.
What a sick and twisted game that life is playing on you, that your brother, Jimin's best friend, Jimin's best man at the wedding being planned, is the one to give news of the bride's passing.
"Sung, is she really.." You trail off, not having the heart to finish your sentence.
It seems neither does he, as he responds with nothing but a simple avoidance of eye contact.
You remember Jimin's faint and tired yet still firm voice as he calls out your brother, "Hyung, you saved her didn't you? You- you were part of the surgery. You saved her didn't you? Didn't you!?" Jimin is weak as he trails off his words as the effect of the syringe takes its course, but that doesn't stop him from reaching out to the three of you, "H-hyung. Tell me you saved her. P-please tell me you saved h-her."
Namjoon doesn't stop the tear that rolls down his hardened face as he only shakes his head, "I'm sorry, Jimin. We did our best. We really, really did. I'm so sorry-"
You remember the way Namjoon's voice trails off your hearing as your throat suddenly feels contracted. You remember the itching pain just within your chest as you find the struggle to breath, your hand clutching it harshly. You remember stumbling back just a little bit as you feel lightheaded, thinking that these were only from the overwhelming happenings in that moment.
But then you cough.
And you cough
and you cough
and you cough.
But no one notices you.
Not even yourself.
Your attention remains still at Jimin, who has now dropped completely to the floor, tears still continuously spilling out of his drowsy eyes. Short breaths are released from his trembling lips as he mumbles words that none of you can understand. He then begins to seemingly reach out for something, someone.
"P-please," He whispers.
And as you bend down almost immediately to attend to his calls, you cough.
And you cough
and you cough.
And still no one notices.
No one except him.
You cough as your eyes find his, barely open yet staring right at you from the lows of the floor.
You remember having to excuse yourself and run to the nearest restroom you can find, legs trembling and stumbling on your way there as you push against the winds of the almost empty halls, still coughing with every step you take. And just as you reach the doors of the restroom, you turn back slightly, just enough to catch Jimin's last sight while his body is being carried away to where you guess is a vacant patient's room, all this before his eyes ultimately close.
Eyes you found lastly staring at you.
You remember finally shutting the door and locking it, thanking God silently that you're in a family restroom hence there is no one else inside. You cough desperately, your throat beginning to feel exclusively sore and your lungs beginning to tighten from all the air being released as you cough and cough and cough again.
You reach out to the sink, gripping tightly onto the white metals as you cough and cough and cough again.
You then brushingly turn to the toilet, your eyes watering and lips numbing as you cough and you cough and you cough once more.
You practically clean the whole restroom, as disgusting as that sounds, from all the moving you made as you coughed anywhere and everywhere. You felt awful for the next person to come inside, now that your bacterium were practically in its every corner, side, and space. You cough again, this time harder, the worst one out of the previous.
You remember sensing a certain feeling rise up, something soft yet itchy, something light yet heavy.
And so you cough, and you cough, and you cough, and you cough,
and you bleed.
And amongst the red is a pink.
A single, individual pink petal from what you would soon find out is a camellia flower - the flower that is soon to be the latter symbolization of death chasing you, growing closer, inching nearer, just about to knock on your door.
So of course you remember Jimin's distraught. Of course you remember Sung's - his fiance's death.
Because her death was too, the ultimate beginning of yours.
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taglist for part 2?
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insinirate · 2 years
just be warned I took like two shots of tequelia to help with the uh cringier parts if you get what I mean. lmao okay here goes nothing:
Being an imp means being in the background. They're the wallflowers of the Dearest mansion, seeing everything and listening to every whisper uttered behind every wall. There are secrets only they are privy to, making them akin to nothing more than an open diary no one has bother to consult. They have their ties, their allegiances to each particular Dearest member, and perhaps that is why they are so mum when it comes to dear little Girlfriend's crush.
It's obvious, really.
In plain sight, quite frankly.
How her father hasn't figured it out by now is beyond them, but it works in her favor. Even now, as they work the catering table and serve the ostentatious visitors and... well, party goers is a crass word to use for the guests, but it truly is what they are - little morsels and fancy little sandwiches, they keep an eye on the youngest Dearest and her protective bodyguard.
And right now, they're doing nothing more but bashfully keeping their eyes away from each other.
"Um," begins sweet Girlfriend, "are you enjoying the party?"
"...Sure," answers Pico, awkward and fidgeting as he's done nothing but stand by her side the entire time, "it's pretty... chill."
The imps groan amongst themselves as they continue to serve food and drinks. One of them makes eye contact with Pico and subtle gestures to the drinks. Any other gentleman would offer his lady a drink, right? It's only natural to offer her a drink in a crowded, hot room. But Pico, unfortunately, does not catch the hint.
Like most times.
"...I bet you'd rather be anywhere but here." Girlfriend heaves a sigh, making Pico turn to actually look at her finally. "It's not a very fun party."
"I mean-" Pico clears his throat and adjusts the collar around his neck. "It could be worse. At the very least I... at least I get to be with you?"
Holy shit.
"I mean-!" Pico quickly backtracks from his statement as Girlfriend looks to him with wide eyes. "Well- it's- being near you I mean- it's my... job! So if I wasn't near you then I wouldn't have my job, y'know?"
"...Oh." She deflates as quickly as she gained that hopeful spark in her eyes. "It's... just your job! Right..."
"No! I mean-" He groans loud enough for the imps to hear. "...I mean, I just. I really do like being near you. You're uh, you're really fun to be around, and even though this is my job, you make me feel... real relaxed." Quickly, he awkwardly laughs and looks away. "'Course, that's a bad thing to admit with a job like mine. So, uh, don't tell your dad I said that."
"...Oh!" A light blush colors her cheeks as a smile threatens to overtake her face. "Of course! I won't tell daddy a word, I promise."
And then they're back to avoiding each other's gazes again.
Back at a standstill. Again. An imp heaves a beleaguered sigh before two faces walk up to catering table. The pair are another set of contracted killers made undercover security who also happen to be Pico's friends. Dressed in fancy wear, the pinker one, Nene, speaks up as she snatches up a sandwich to munch on.
"Hey, impys!" She cackles to herself as her partner, Darnell, helps himself to some hor d'oeuvres. "Anything new happen?"
Clever of her to come to them for possible Intel. They are the unseen eyes of the Dearest mansion, after all. However, one of the shakes their head has she huffs softly. "Well, it's good that nothing's happening. But it makes this job soooo boooring when there's nothing to do!"
"It's easy money," Darnell says with a shrug, before picking up a drink. "And who are we to turn down easy cash?"
"True." Still, Ms. Nene looks irritated all the same. "I just wish something would-"
Pico's voice speaks up from the crowd, gaining Nene and Darnell's attention as they turn to look in the ginger's direction. "-it's no big deal, really. It's just a drink."
"Oh shit," Darnell mumbles, "not this again." They all collectively sigh as they watch the fumbling two continue their awkward figurative dance with each other.
"You don't have to!" Girlfriend waves her hands in air as they all watch. "I'm not that thirsty-"
""Nah, I don't mind. Just tell me what you want. Champagne? Uh..." He looks over briefly to the drinks table before looking back at Girlfriend. "Alcohol?"
She giggles sweetly and shakes her head. "None of those. To be honest, there's one drink I want, but my parents never really serve it during these kinds of parties."
"Now you've got my attention," he says with a light teasing tone. "What is it?"
"Oh it's nothing." Girlfriend looks down and plays with a bit of her hair. The imps, however, already know what she wants as she drags the answer needlessly out. "It's just, um, a soda. That's all!"
"But you're craving it?"
"It's my favorite, I guess." She shrugs. "But soda isn't really appropriate for parties. At least, that's what mommy tells me."
"Let me guess, is it-?"
"Girlfriend?" A mature, feminine voice calls out for her as all eyes snap over to Mommy Mearest's imposing figure surrounded by a posse of obedient guests. "Come here for a moment, dear."
"Yes, mommy!" Before she leaves, she gives Pico an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I'll just be a minute."
"No worries." He watches as she joins her mother's side before making a beeline to the drinks table. The ginger practically slams his hands down on the table as he stares down a hapless imp. "Where's the nearest grocery store?" is the question that leaves his lips, taking them off guard.
...What? Why would he ask that?
Nene, equally befuddled, quickly butts in. "Why do you need to go to the grocery store?"
"To get Cherry Dr. Pepper." He doesn't seem surprised to see his friends here as he takes their presence in stride. "It's her favorite."
There's a momentary pause as everyone but Pico takes a second to heave another sigh. While it's sweet that he remembers her favorite drink, it's downright stupid of him to go out of his way to buy it for her while he's still on the job. "...Pico," Nene begins, disappointment etched into her expression, "just ask the imps."
"They probably have it on hand." She nods over to the them as an imp quietly nods. "If it's her favorite drink, they probably have some in the kitchen or something."
"...Huh." The thought clicks in his head as he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. "You're right." With that, he turns back to the imps and asks politely, "Do you happen to have a can of Cherry Dr. Pepper?"
Wordlessly, one of the imps summons the drink on the spot and pours it into a glass with ice. He hands it over to Pico who holds it like a delicate treasure. A grateful smile crosses his face as he thanks the imp and bustles away, already content with waiting obediently for Girlfriend's return. Darnell lets out another sigh as they continue to watch.
"This dude was really about to go out and buy a can of soda."
"Probably would have asked us to cover for him too." Nene blows a puff of air at her bangs. "As if this place doesn't have a stash of her favorite soda on hand. Dumbass."
Darnell snickers as he shakes his head. "Man is down bad for her. You remember how he was with Boyfriend? It's just like that."
"But this is somehow worse." Nene groans as Pico lights up at the sight of Girlfriend. They watch as he offers the drink to her, her face lighting up with delight as she takes a sip. The two of them share a smile before looking away with bright blushes. Growling, Nene shakes her head. "Boyfriend at least had the balls to take the initiative. They're not going to get anywhere at this rate."
"...Have a little faith in him?" All the imps turn to glare at Darnell with Nene as he laughs weakly. "C'mon, it won't be that long until-"
"Hey, Gee?" The sound of Pico's shy tone has everyone snap their attention back towards the couple in question.
"Hm?" Her bright, warm eyes focus on Pico, making him stutter and lose his already faltering wind. Nevertheless, their audience leans forward as he gulps and seemingly collects some resolve.
"So, I was just, uh, wondering..."
"If you'd, uh, maybe interested in..."
"I mean, I don't want you to feel pressured to-"
"Oh, no, I'd never feel pressured around you!" They both laugh awkwardly as a blush burns brightly on Pico's features.
Goddammit, just get on with it.
"Well, uh, y'see, there's this movie that came out recently that looked pretty interesting. But it'd look weird if I just went by myself, so I was wondering if..." Everyone looks on with bated breath as Pico raises his eyes to meet Girlfriend's hopeful gaze, his resolve strengthening as he finally manages to push his words out. "I was wondering if you'd-"
"Pico!" A booming voice makes everyone flinch in surprise as Daddy Dearest calls the bodyguard over with a commanding tone. "Come here, I have a task for you!"
"...Sorry, duty calls." Pico looks down at the ground for a moment before offering an apologetic smile.
"No, it's okay." Disappointment weighs heavily on Girlfriend's shoulders as she waves Pico away. "We can save the conversation for later, maybe?"
"Yeah, later." He backs away with a final wave. "I'll see ya later, Gee."
"Bye bye, Pico." She returns his wave before turning her gaze back down to her drink, sad and put out.
Meanwhile, the imps go through their own throes of disappointment as another attempt gets foiled by the big man himself. Nene pulls at her hair and makes a restrained yell.
"This close! They were this close! Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"Okay, we cannot blame that one on Pico." Darnell drags a hand down his face regardless. "But Jesus Christ, I think he still needs some help after all of that."
"I'm gonna go have a chat with Girlfriend." Nene huffs as she straightens her posture. "Maybe she'll have better luck asking him out than vice versa." Before Darnell can stop her, she begins her stride over to Girlfriend with the bright smile that made her so popular back when they were in high school.
"Go easy on her, Neys!" His words are barely acknowledged as the short Asian pulls the demon aside for a little girl talk. He shakes his head, turning back to the recovering imps as they pull themselves back together. "Is it always likes this?"
"Always," one grumbles out. "Either they chicken out, or they get interrupted."
"Double D has got record timin'," quips another. "We've been keepin' track. That's the fifth time this week."
"Jesus." Darnell runs a hand through his hair and thinks. "So I'm guessing nothing I could suggest could help them out, huh?"
"No can do, boss." An imp shakes his head before pouring out some drinks. He offers a shot to Darnell who gladly takes it. "It's been months of this. Every day, they do the same song and dance. It used to be cute. Now it's just downright painful."
"Damn." Darnell takes the shot with ease and sets the glass down. "What now?"
"We wait for Take Two." Another imp sighs as he offers a snack to Darnell. "They always do this at least twice a day."
"...Christ." He looks down at his watch, but the imps already know that the party isn't even halfway close to being over.
Being the wallflowers of the Dearest mansion means seeing everything, and hearing everything that happens within its walls. But in moments like these, where it feels like watching the same episode of a poorly made cable drama on repeat in some kind of false approximation of hell between two unfortunate lovestruck fools...
They really, really wish they could just ignores things for a day or two. Just for a small break.
this was outrageously painful to read i love it
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Hey, I hope you're had a very pleasant birthday and birthday month! If the prompte are still open: Can you do Stony with Tony finally and sorta randomly confessing his love to Steve and Steve only then realizing that what he feels for Tony is romantic love as well?
Hello! Sure thing! Quick note: there’s a change between present and past tense for a flashback, for anyone who doesn’t like that kind of thing
As always, everything I write is also on ao3
“I love you,” Tony says, and Steve doesn’t quite know what to do about that.
He won’t say that he’s thought about it before because he hasn’t. But he won’t say that he’s never thought about it either—because he has, occasionally, glanced at Tony’s ass outlined by his perfectly tailored pants and appreciated the sight, and he has, once or twice, wondered what Tony’s warm, sparkling eyes would look like when hazy with pleasure. But a quick, glancing thought that he immediately moves on from is not the same as being attracted enough to Tony to think about asking him out or anything past that.
And now that he’s faced with that question, he doesn’t know what to say. Is he supposed to thank Tony? Is he supposed to acknowledge his feelings and say that he doesn’t feel the same way? Is he just supposed to ignore what Tony said? This is why he has so much trouble with his dates—he never knows how to act in a way that isn’t awkward. No wonder Natasha recently declared him hopeless after he came back from his last date covered in her sticky drink because he accidentally called her a dame.
“I love you,” Tony says and Steve doesn’t know what to do about that, but as it turns out, he doesn’t have to do anything, because Tony nods immediately afterward, says, “Good talk,” and turns and walks away like he wasn’t expecting an answer—or at least, not one that he would like.
Steve doesn’t know what to do about that either.
“Do you think I’m in love with Tony?” he asks Natasha later that day when they’re relaxing on the couch while some mindless sitcom plays in the background.
Natasha blinks at him and then caps the nail polish she was using and puts it on the coffee table. “Do you think you’re in love with Tony?” she asks carefully.
He frowns at her. “That’s not what I asked.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure I should just tell you what to think.”
He sighs and takes another sip from his Coke, only to realize that it’s empty. Yeah, that describes his life pretty well. “I’m gonna get another one,” he says, standing up. “Do you want something?”
She shakes her head. It’s not until he’s in the kitchen, grabbing another Coke from the fridge, before she asks, “What brought this on?”
Steve thinks about the vulnerable look on Tony’s face as he said those three words. He probably wouldn’t like it if Steve told Natasha what they’d discussed. Or, well, he’d probably act like it was fine but he’d secretly feel hurt and might put the workshop into blackout mode again. Steve hates it when the workshop is in blackout mode. He doesn’t like that he can’t get to Tony when he’s feeling so terrible that he has to shut himself away. He wants to be there to support him, and he hates it when he’s the one who makes Tony feel like he has to close off the workshop.
“Nothing,” he tells Natasha.
She gets up to come into the kitchen, where she eyes him for a moment and then declares, “Tony finally told you, didn’t he?”
How does she always know?
“How do you always know?”
She smiles enigmatically. “I always know,” she says in that mysterious tone.
Steve glares at her. “Tony told you, didn’t he?”
“Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t.”
“One of these days, you’re going to have to admit that you two are friends.”
“Hmm,” she agrees. “But not today.” She hesitates, watching as Steve starts preparing a ham sandwich. “So Tony told you he loves you and you said?”
“Nothing,” Steve says with a shrug. “JARVIS, do you think it would be a good idea if I took this to Tony?”
“Sir has not expressed an explicit desire to keep you out of the workshop but I believe he would not appreciate you down there at the moment.”
Steve sighs. “Great. Could you send U up here to bring this sandwich down?”
“Of course, Captain Rogers.”
With that taken care of, Steve turns back to Natasha, following her back out to the living room. “I didn’t say anything because Tony didn’t give me the chance. He just took off.”
Natasha is quiet, studying him for a long moment. He knows what she’s thinking, since it’s probably the same thing he thought: that Tony was too afraid to hear the answer to give Steve the chance to respond. Eventually, she asks, “So how do you feel about it?”
“I don’t know,” Steve says honestly. “I can’t say I’ve ever thought about Tony like that before but—we act kinda coupley, don’t we?”
Before Natasha can respond, the previously bright sky outside goes dark. There’s a bright lightning bolt right outside the window, followed by the crash of thunder and then a loud rushing sound. It dissipates after a moment, the sky lightening again.
“Captain Rogers, Agent Romanoff,” JARVIS says, “Thor has returned to the tower.”
The Steve and Tony story goes something like this: instead of going on his planned road trip, Steve returned to the tower the day after the Chitauri invasion to offer his apologies to Tony about what he said on the helicarrier. Somehow—and he’s not sure how, even to this day—he found himself getting wrapped up in the tower repairs with a room of his own on one of the lower floors. And by the time those were done, Tony had apparently also redone some of the apartments near the penthouse as a headquarters for the Avengers. Steve hadn’t been lacking for options after the battle (the Army, in particular, wanted him back) but he’d moved into the tower permanently instead.
He and Tony had clashed a few times in those early days but once Bruce came back from wrapping up his affairs in India and Natasha and Clint left SHIELD to join them, they settled into a bit of a truce.
And over the semi-regular movie nights and the training spars and the late-night conversations after they both couldn’t sleep, that truce became a friendship and before Steve quite realized it, Tony had become one of his best friends. Slowly, Steve found himself being pulled out of the shell he’d withdrawn into after waking in this new century. Tony dragged him to lunch at new and exciting places, places that Steve could never have even dreamed of when he was growing up. They planned missions and training days together. Steve had even gotten adept enough at handling the press with Tony to feel confident accepting interview requests with him.
He hadn’t realized though that Tony had taken it as something more serious though. And now that he does know, he’s not sure what to do about it.
He eventually goes to Bruce, since Pepper is busy dealing with a business merger and Colonel Rhodes is out of town in some undisclosed location (though Steve is certain that Tony knows where). Bruce’s lab isn’t quite the wonderland of light and holograms that Tony’s is, but it’s still impressive to someone who grew up with nothing. Tony makes sure that Bruce has all the latest equipment so the lab is a gleaming marvel of sleek instruments with silver and white colors everywhere. It doesn’t look like the most soothing environment but the speakers pipe out some sort of piano music that Steve vaguely recognizes and there’s a teapot on one counter, keeping whatever Bruce is drinking warm.
Bruce is currently examining something under a microscope. Steve can make out what looks like a purple smear on the slide from where he’s standing in the doorway, but that’s it. Bruce doesn’t seem to have noticed him yet, even though JARVIS announced him, so he waits patiently until Bruce has rolled away from the microscope.
“Bruce, you got a second?” he asks quietly.
“Hey, when did you get here?” Bruce asks, offering him a tired smile. He waves Steve over to the teapot and offers him a cup.
“Just a couple minutes ago. I didn’t mind waiting,” Steve assures him. “What’s the blend?”
“Lavender and chocolate.”
“Sure, I wouldn’t mind a cup.” Bruce hands him the steaming mug. Steve has to add the sugar himself (only Tony knows how he prefers his tea).
“What brings you to my lab? Tony’s downstairs today,” Bruce says, fixing a cup of his own.
“I’m not looking for Tony. Not yet anyway,” Steve corrects. “I did want to talk about him though.” He hesitates and then decides to take the plunge. “Has Tony ever said anything to you about—ah—”
“About his feelings?” Bruce asks knowledgeably. “It’s come up a few times.”
Steve takes that to mean that it’s come up fairly frequently. Tony does like to overshare sometimes and trying to figure out what he’ll overshare about and what he’ll clam up about is about as accurate as trying to make one of Clint’s trick shots. “He told me today,” he begins carefully. “But he didn’t let me say anything.”
“Well, he wouldn’t,” Bruce says, like that’s perfectly reasonable and not absolutely surprising to Steve. He must see the confusion in Steve’s face because he adds, “He only just figured it out a few days ago himself, even though he’s been talking about you for months. I don’t think he was expecting you to feel the same way as him right after he realized it.”
“But why would he say it then?”
Bruce takes off his glasses, holding them in front of him as he thinks. “Tony—he’s got a weird relationship with love. He told me once that he thought he’d lost the chance to tell Pepper he loved her, first in Afghanistan and then with the palladium poisoning.”
“His parents,” Steve realizes. “He didn’t get to tell them either.”
“Exactly,” Bruce says, pointing at him with the glasses. “He doesn’t like to wait. So even though he knows you don’t feel the same way, he felt it was important to tell you.”
“What, in case I die tomorrow?”
“Or if he does.” Bruce must catch the stricken expression on Steve’s face as he smiles gently. “It’s not just about getting the feeling off his chest for Tony. It’s about making sure that you know you’re loved too.”
“Oh,” Steve says softly.
Normally, he would go down to the workshop to think about something that’s puzzling him but he doesn’t want to bother Tony right now. Instead, he goes to his second-favorite room in the entire tower: the library. The library was designed specifically by Tony for Steve after he mentioned how much he liked the tablet Tony had given him but how he missed paper books too. He hadn’t been angling for a library out of the conversation but Tony, generous to a fault, had immediately gotten to work on one.
It’s a beautiful room, completely incongruous with the sleek modern style of the rest of the tower, but perfect despite that. It takes up an entire two floors of the tower with balconies, a spiral staircase, and several sliding ladders for Clint to reenact a scene from some movie that Steve hasn’t gotten around to watching yet. Tony had done the room in dark wood with enough windows to make it feel light and airy instead of cramped. There are little nooks hidden among the shelves and a few window seats for anyone who wants to gaze out over the New York skyline while they read.
It’s perfect, made all the more so because Tony designed it for him.
“Steve, you should have realized how Tony felt sooner,” he mutters to himself as he settles on one of the cushy armchairs with his sketchbook. But how could he have? According to Bruce, Tony hadn’t even known how he felt until a few days ago.
He sketches as he thinks, no subject in mind until he looks down to find that he’s roughly sketched out Tony at his workbench, arguing with DUM-E over something silly. Steve smiles fondly down at the drawing, rubbing his thumb over the curve of Tony’s cheek. He remembers this argument. It had been a couple weeks ago. Tony had asked DUM-E to bring him a wrench and instead, DUM-E had brought him two screwdrivers, three hammers, and a level before finally bringing the wrench. It had made Steve laugh, which had just encouraged DUM-E. Tony had acted frustrated but he knows Tony well enough to know that Tony had been secretly proud about DUM-E’s personality, both for DUM-E and for himself. After all, as Tony said, any monkey could design an AI. It took skill to design one with character.
In his sketch, he’s drawn something of that conflict in Tony’s face—the frustration in the downward turn of his mouth but the pride in the twinkle in his eyes—and it only makes him more beautiful.
“Beautiful,” Steve repeats, awed at the thought. Tony is beautiful, when he’s tinkering, when he’s flying, even when he’s going toe-to-toe with Steve over something stupid (usually Tony’s self-sacrificial tendencies).
He flips through the book, taking in each drawing: Natasha, Tony, Clint, Thor, Tony, Bruce, Tony, Tony, Tony. “Yeah,” he murmurs, looking back down at the drawing he just finished again. He thinks he’s got it figured out.
He stands, tucking his sketchbook under his arm. “JARVIS, do you think Tony would mind talking to me now? I’ve got something important to tell him.”
JARVIS is quiet for a moment, then says, “Sir would be happy to see you.”
He makes his way downstairs, thinking about what he’s going to say, but as soon as he sees Tony—wonderful, beautiful, perfect Tony—playing with one of those incredible holograms he designed, the words fly from his mind and he blurts out, “I’m not in love with you.”
And then he winces. Yeah, okay, so he’s a bit of a disaster.
Tony looks hurt for a moment, but it’s quickly covered up with dramatic offense. Before Tony can make one of his infamous quips that’ll just make light of the situation, Steve crosses the workshop and pulls Tony’s hands into his, rubbing them gently with his thumbs.
“I’m not in love with you,” he repeats. “But I think I could be soon. I’m not where you’re at yet—my brain isn’t nearly as quick as yours, Tony, of course you’re a step ahead of me here too. But Tony, you’re on almost every single page of my sketchbook. We go on what we might as well call dates together. We talk for hours. I know you almost as well as I know myself. I’m not in love with you yet but I think I’m only a couple dates away from it, so you should take me out, and we’ll see how fast I can catch up.”
Tony is smiling by the end of his little speech. “How are you always so good at that?” he asks.
“I was born like this,” Steve says seriously, only to crack a grin when Tony laughs.
“No you weren’t,” Tony argues. “You were born small and spiteful.”
“And full of good speeches. But no one wanted to listen to a little guy like me so I had to bottle them up to use on you.” He pauses and looks down at Tony. “Um, not to pressure you, but does a date sound good?”
Tony thinks about it for a moment. “Depends. Where are you going to take me?”
“Oh, am I taking you? You’re the billionaire, shouldn’t you be treating me?”
Tony’s eyes darken as he purrs, “Only if you’re very nice.”
Steve shivers. He hadn’t really thought about how it would feel to have the full Tony Stark Seduction TechniqueTM turned on him, but he’s thinking about it now and it is absolutely delightful. “What if I’m not nice at all?” he whispers, hands tightening on Tony’s.
Tony’s smile turns downright filthy and he leans up to brush a kiss over Steve’s cheek. “Hmm, I’ll think of something,” he murmurs into Steve’s ear.
He’s not going to act like a caveman and take Tony to bed. He’s not. He’s going to—“Sal’s!” he blurts out, immediately regretting it when Tony takes a step away, brow wrinkling confusedly. It’s really cute. Steve wants to kiss it away.
“Sal’s,” Steve says again. “Best burgers in Brooklyn. I want to take you there.”
Tony smiles again. “Sounds like a date.”
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Yours Truly (Pt. 1)
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Requested By: Some of you!
Pairing: Jisoo x Fem!Reader
AU: College
Word Count: ~ Part 1 -> 9,786 // Part 2 -> 7,433
Warnings / Misc. -- Pining, Angst, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hey everyone! I finally have a few days off, so we're back to our (semi) regularly scheduled programming with this fic! I really hope you enjoy it; lmk what you think :)
PS ~ Once again, I had to split it into two parts to appease the Tumblr Overlords.
♡ Happy Reading ♡
Part 2 -- Click Here
1.) A Day In Class
Where does true beauty come from?
Is it strictly based in someone's DNA, rooted entirely in the attractiveness of their features? Or is deeper than that; does it extend from their soul? The very essence of stardust and personality that makes them them? Is it in how they interact with others? How they carry themselves? 
You, being the wannabe philosopher that you are, love hearing people's answers to those questions. Every response is unique in its own way, altered depending on the person asked, and you find that to be one of humanity's most wonderful qualities. Like snowflakes, we're all different; as such is our definition of beauty. It lies in the eye of the beholder, subjective in its nature, and you find that comforting. Just think: if 99% of the world's population found you unattractive, 78,000,000 would beg to differ. 
Though, for one person, you're sure those rules don't apply. She's objectively beautiful, and no one even attempts to pretend otherwise. 
Who, you may ask? Kim Jisoo, of course -- head of your school's student council, resident girl next door, and keeper of your heart. She's poised in every way, and refined to the point that you question if you're even deserving of knowing her. Humor and kindness radiate from her no matter where she goes, so it's really no surprise that so many people love her. 
A tap on your shoulder pulls you from your thoughts, and you turn to look at your best friend. "Yo, Y/N. What did you get for number 32?" Jeong asks from his seat in the row directly behind you, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Your history professor likely wouldn't take kindly to being interrupted during his lecture, so you choose to show him your answer instead of responding out loud. 
Jeong thanks you and continues to work on the activity you finished nearly 15 minutes ago, leaving you to half-heartedly listen to your professor. You're a good student, but even you have a limit to how much monotonous speaking you can handle in one sitting. As his words drone on, you roll your neck -- intending for the action to relieve some of the tension in your aching muscles; you're in for a surprise, however, when you lock eyes with none other than Jisoo herself. She offers a warm smile and wave, and the innocent actions send swarms of butterflies to take flight in your stomach. After sitting there for a moment, dumbstruck by her beauty, you snap to and return the gesture, making her giggle quietly. 
Huh. So that's what angels sound like, then.
She turns back to her work after a minute, flipping the page every so often as she follows along with the lesson. You take note of how her eyes dart across the materials laid out on her desk, how her fingers mindlessly flirt with the edge of her sleeve in contemplation when she gets to a question that stumps her.
Never have you ever found yourself in such inner turmoil before. The sight before you begs to be seen -- to be admired -- but class continues on. As much as you try to fight it, your resolve eventually crumbles; foreign concepts now falling on fully deaf ears, you allow yourself to be entranced. 
2.) Out In The Square
A Few Hours Later
Throngs of people stretch out before you, everyone making their way to various parts of campus as the blazingly hot sun beats down on them. Some run like their lives depend on it -- likely having overslept or missed campus transit -- while others take their time, catching up with friends and gossiping all the while. The soft pfft of sprinklers set up across the sections of lawn around you can be heard, going off every so often, and occasionally they're followed by the shouts of some unfortunate people getting soaked. 
"You're so lucky, Y/N," Jeong groans from behind you. A grimace sits on his face as he flips through the pages of his Trigonometry book, looking for the reference graphs again. "No more classes for the rest of the week and you don't have any more assignments to finish? Remind me again how to become a teacher's pet, please." You roll your eyes with an amused smile, leaning back on your elbows to talk to him. 
"I'm not a teacher's pet, Jeong. I just do my work on time instead of partying every night." He picks up a leftover piece of bread from the picnic basket that sits to his right and tosses it at you in retaliation to your little remark. 
"I don't care what you say, those parties are always epic. One of these days I'll convince you to come along." 
You shake your head, knowing there's no way you'd willingly attend one of them. From his stories, all those "epic" nights consist of is ridiculously drunken beer pong, sweaty people doing jello shots, and regrets.
"Not in a million years, loser." You say adamantly, not letting him trick himself into believing he's capable of swaying you. 
With one last muttered phrase of, "we'll see about that," he returns to his studies, and you turn your attention elsewhere.
Scattered light filters in through the leaves of the tree you're sitting under, wrapping you in a blanket of warmth as your eyes scan across the crowd again. The sight brings to mind an idea that always fascinates you: everyone you meet is busy creating their own stories, writing and rewriting new possibilities and endings for themselves with each new choice they make. You can hear snippets of their conversations -- see instances of some having their best days while others are living through their worst -- and it really puts things into perspective. Although we may appear as side characters in those books of life that others are writing for themselves, we have no idea what they're going through at any given moment. So, you believe, that makes it all the more important to leave a positive impact on them; whether it be a kind smile, holding the door, or even a simple compliment, you're determined to have your legacy be one rooted in kindness. 
Speaking of kindness in human form…
There she is, you think to yourself, feeling that all too familiar pitter patter of your heart pick up. Jisoo exits Building C, where her latest lecture just ended, and rushes down the stairs with her books in her arms. She's studying to become an actress, as far as you know, and you can't help but smile at the thought; she'll make an amazing star someday. 
You watch as she meets up with 3 other girls, whom you immediately recognize as Lisa, Rosé, and Jennie, and they eagerly bounce their way over to the refreshment truck that one of your school's clubs had been so considerate to hire. It's the perfect day for a cold treat, after all. 
Jisoo's dark hair flows in the gentle breeze that rolls in, looking like silk as it rides the currents. She's gorgeous in every way, and you can't help but be smitten; besides, it's not like you're not alone in your pining. She practically has the entire student body wrapped around her finger. 
"Y/N, don't forget to blink. You're staring pretty hard," Yuqi says, raising up onto her elbow beside Jeong. He laughs with her, but his eyes remain glued to the notebook paper he's scribbling his work onto.
Your eyes dart away following her statement, and you know you've been caught. "I thought you were asleep," you bite back, attempting to hide the blush of embarrassment that's quickly flooding to your cheeks. 
"I was, but I guess my intuition as your best friend woke me up. It's my mission in life to tease you." 
"So I've gathered," you sarcastically smile at each other, making stupid faces like always. 
"You love me," she flips her hair over her shoulder, appearing self-assured with the smirk that tugs at her lips. 
"Do I though? I don't know sometimes..." she socks you in the arm, making you chuckle. 
"All jokes, babe. Don't pout," you pinch her cheek until she grins, and then she begins telling you all about the dream she just had. 
Jisoo leads her gang over to one of the nearby tables, making sure to choose her seat strategically. A special someone caught her attention earlier, as they have from the moment she first laid eyes on them months ago, and she hasn't been able to fight the urge to admire them. She watches as they laugh along with something their friend said, tilting their head back as the cheerful noise rings out. She finds herself smiling along, imagining what it would be like to make them laugh like that; it's a uniquely wonderful sound, and she can't help but adore it. 
They lean across the blanket they're sitting on and dig through a picnic basket, retrieving what seems to be a sandwich packaged up in plastic wrap. One of their friends exaggeratedly thanks them, tackling them to the ground in a messy hug with a shout of gratitude that even Jisoo can hear from across the square. 
"Earth to Jisoo!" Jennie says, raising her voice slightly as she snaps her fingers in front of the unnie. The former jolts back to attention with a little jump, clearing her throat to gather her thoughts. 
"You know, you could always go talk to him. I've heard he's sweet." She tells the other girl, noticing the look of longing that's befallen her features. 
"Yeah, Joy has Art with him on Thursdays. I think his name's Jeong or something like that." Lisa butts in before taking another lick of her ice cream. 
Despite being so smart, the girls are really oblivious sometimes; Jisoo wasn't looking at him at all. She was looking at you. 
She doesn't know if now is the right time to tell them that, though. She hasn't officially come out to them, but she isn't afraid that they won't accept her -- she just wants that moment to be special, and sweating in the middle of the campus square doesn't seem like the golden opportunity that she's been hoping for.
"Just eat your treats, knuckleheads." She concludes, taking a spoonful of the shaved ice she opted for instead of ice cream. The truck had multiple types of treats, with all kinds of different toppings and flavorings lining the walls.
"Okay…" Rosé trails off before adding, "but don't say we didn't try to help when you start wishing you had said something later." Jisoo uses her spoon to lower the one that Rosie had raised accusingly at her, reassuring the girl that she'd be fine. 
She knows it's a lie, though; as the 4 of them later toss their trash in the bins and make their way to the student council room, Jisoo sneaks a last wistful glance at you, wishing she would've had the courage to start a conversation.
3.) One Step Closer
Friday, 1:34 PM -- A Few Days Later
"Hey, Minji. How many do we have today?" You wave at what kids have already been dropped off, your presence making their little faces light up with joy. 
Your coworker responds from across the room, tossing a couple stray toys into their labeled baskets to keep the space tidy. "10 or so, I think. The last ones should be arriving soon." You nod and take off your coat, setting your things in one of the small cubbies against the wall just beyond the entrance. 
"Y/N!" A small voice shouts from behind the counter, hidden from view. You smile deeply when you realize who it is, and you quickly dart around the corner to say hello. His chubby hands cover his mouth, but they do little in hiding his adorable grin. "Seungbum! How's my little munchkin?!" He squeals and runs into your arms, giggling loudly when you pick him up and spin him around. His dark hair sways from side to side with the movement, the slight waves sticking out in random places. A few seconds later, he wraps his arms around your neck and pulls back to look at you, settling into your secure hold. 
"Can we play when Jia gets here? I promised her I'd show her the new trick I learned, but I wanna show you, too." 
You smile at the sweet sentiment. "Of course, buddy. As long as you eat well at snack time, we can play however much you want." You raise an eyebrow at him, showing your authority, before saying, "I saw you put your veggies in your pocket last time and skip to dessert, so it'd better not happen again." He lowers his head after realizing he had been caught, and a hint of redness flushes his cheeks in embarrassment. 
"Okay Y/N-yah." 
You tickle him to make sure he knows you aren't mad at him, and soon he's laughing again. "Now, go wash your hands and get settled at the table, please." 
"Yes ma'am." His tiny sneakers squeak against the floor as he races off towards one of the lowered sinks that borders the kitchen wall, and you shake your head with a smile. 
Not even a second later, you feel a soft tug at your pant leg, and you turn around to find the source. 
A head of brilliantly auburn hair is the first thing you see, and its shade compliments the child's outfit perfectly. "Hi sweetheart. Are you new?" You squat down to the young girl's level, noting how she shyly toys with her fingers as they rest in front of her. She nods, the movement so subtle that you almost don't notice it. 
"My name's Y/N, and that awesome lady over there," you lean closer to her and point towards your coworker, "...is Minji. You can stay with us today, or you can play with the others, okay?" She nods again, her mannerisms letting you know just how shy she really is. Gently taking one of her hands, you hold it and look at her with a reassuring smile, asking, "Will you tell me your name?" 
"I'm Aera." She meekly says, only maintaining eye contact for a second or two. 
"That's a beautiful name," you compliment, seeing progress as she lightly smiles at your words. "And I love your bow," you add, touching the delicate material that rests near her ear, nestled into her straight locks. It has cherry blossoms and butterflies on it, all vibrant and neatly colored. 
"Thank you, I picked it out myself." She perks up a bit now, raising her head to look at you with a proud smile. "Wow, really?" You put on an impressed expression, wanting to boost her confidence even more. "You'll have to help me choose one the next time I go shopping, then. You're great at it." The praise makes her chuckle, and her eyes squint into soft crescents in the process. 
After stealing a glance at the table where everyone else has already gathered, you realize that they're waiting on you to start. "Alright, Aera, it's time to grab a bite to eat. Do you want to sit with me, or are you ready to be with the others?" You tilt your head to the side, asking the question softly so she doesn't feel overwhelmed. Having had this job for a while, you've gotten the hang of adjusting your behavior to put them at ease. 
"With you," she says, growing a little timid again at the idea of mingling with them yet. "That's perfectly fine." You reassure her, smiling one more time before standing and leading her to the room. Her hand remains clutched in yours, wiggling around slightly from the height difference as she looks around. 
"Who's ready for some snacks?" Minji asks the group, laughing when they all raise their hands and get excited. Their high pitched voices carry around the room as they discuss what foods they want to trade with each other, and soon everyone is happily munching away. You rub Aera's back sweetly as she eats some cucumber sticks, swinging her feet through the air beneath the short chair you retrieved from the table for her. She looks up into your eyes with a smile, melting your heart with the cuteness of her full cheeks. You squish them before turning away, feeling your 6th sense kick in as you scan your eyes across the rest of the group. 
"Seungbum…" you warn, catching the way he's mischievously eyeing the carrots laid out before him on the table. He pokes at one of them and sighs, eventually giving in as he takes a hesitant bite of it. With some more convincing, he finishes the rest of the pack and gets started on his dessert. 
Honestly, you feel sorry for the birds outside.
They must have had hundreds of mini heart attacks upon hearing the somehow earth-shattering roar of the 10 young kids, all blasting out the side door towards the playground. Some of them automatically race towards the swings or slides, while others approach the basket of toys and sports equipment. Aera, however, hangs back, her entire hand wrapped around just a few of your fingers. "What do you wanna do?" She shrugs, looking around at the different activities that the others are already starting. 
"I can push you on the swings, or we could race. There're some monkey bars and a merry-go-round, too, that nobody's using right now." You suggest, hoping to catch her interest with one of them. Her attention snaps up to you at that last option, and she dramatically drops her jaw. "Did you say merry-go-round?" You nod with an amused grin, laughing when she lets out a cute noise of joy. After pointing her in the direction of it, she dashes off ahead of you and makes her way to it, only stopping to make sure you're still coming with her once she gets there.
"Hold on tight, little one." You advise, cheering when she giggles in anticipation. Her chuckles fill the airwaves as you spin the bar around, making sure not to pull too hard and make her too dizzy. You were once a kid, too, though, so you make it a point to add some serious speed every now and then to keep her entertained and happy. You remember playing on these all day when you were her age.
"Auntie!" Aera shrieks, excitedly thundering towards the fence that borders the playground. You finish cheering Seungbum on after watching his trick, grinning as he tries to flirt with Jia; she looks impressed. You turn around at Aera's commotion, feeling your eyes practically pop out of your head at who you see standing on the other side. 
"How was your day, my love?" Jisoo asks sweetly, leaning over the metal divider to run a hand through her niece's hair lovingly. She still hasn't noticed your presence, and for that you don't know if you're relieved or saddened. Watching her interact with the young girl is quite adorable, though, and you're distracted from your personal gay panic for the time being. 
"I've had so much fun. And Y/N-yah said she likes my hair clip! I told you this one was prettier than the one with just trees on it!" Aera says smugly, happy to have her decision pay off and prove her aunt wrong. Jisoo tenses up, not expecting to hear your name right now. Seeing that this is her first time picking Aera up, she had no idea you work at the daycare; though she'd be lying to say that it comes as a surprise -- you're a very warm person, so it's no wonder that you're good with kids. 
As per Aera's request, you walk across the playground and join her in front of Jisoo. Now it's your turn to be shy; you sneak a glance at the student council president and immediately feel your cheeks heat up, so you busy yourself by patting Aera on the head. She hugs your leg and settles against your side, causing Jisoo to raise her eyebrows. "I'm impressed, Y/N. She usually doesn't open up to new people very easily." 
"Ah, I'm surprised that such a cool girl like her wanted to hang out with me." You tease, tickling her side lightly when she hides behind the material of your shirt. "Do you want to come in and see what she drew today? She's definitely skilled." You suggest, trying not to sound too hopeful as you muster up the courage to look at Jisoo again. She's already smiling at you, a soft sort of adoration shining in her eyes as they rake over your features. She accepts your offer, and you walk over to the gate to let her in. Aera demands that you carry her, so you scoop her up into your arms as you make your way back into the daycare center. Her head sits on your shoulder, and you can feel her playfully making faces at Jisoo the entire way; her tiny frame jolts with each loud giggle she lets out, and the sound makes you smile. 
"Yeah, she was my sidekick for the day." You respond to Jisoo, continuing your conversation as you watch Aera remove her drawing from the cork board that she taped it to earlier. Displaying the kids' artwork is something that you advocated for when you first began working here, and you're so glad you did; they always get excited to share their works. 
"She's a lucky girl, then." She says, doing her best to ignore the feeling of your eyes on her. Focusing on anything other than you is already hard enough for her, but she knows there'd be no hope left if she gives in now. 
"Y/N helped me draw this. She doodled Dalgom in the corner," Aera cheerily says, breaking the slight tension in the air as she approaches the table. Most of the other kids have already been picked up, and Minji's watching the handful that haven't. 
"It's not very good," you cringe, scratching the back of your neck. You've seen him a few times since the beginning of the year, whether it be on walks across campus with Jisoo, or perched on her desk during "bring your pet to class" day. 
"It's adorable; Dalgomie will be honored when I show it to him." Jisoo says with a nod, shutting down your insecurities within a second. You fail to contain the laugh that slips past your lips, disbelief present in your voice as you ask, "You're going to show him?" She looks at you like you have 3 heads. "It would be a disgrace not to."
With a breathy chuckle, you say, "You're so strange. I like it, though." 
Jisoo smiles at that, and the three of you discuss all of the fun things you did that day. Jisoo tells you about the classes she had to sit through, and even how she stepped in gum and had to borrow a pair of Rosé's shoes. 
All good things must come to an end, though, and after about half an hour of talking, it was time to say goodbye. 
You lead them out the door and down the sidewalk as per Aera's request, yet again (that child is basically a mini dictator at this point, but she's cute so she gets a free pass). As she rustles around her bag in search of her keys, Jisoo accidentally knocks her earbud case out, sending it tumbling to the ground. "Oh! Here, I'll grab it for you." You kindly offer, stepping past her to retrieve it from the grass. She takes it from you with a word of gratitude uttered in that angelic voice of hers, and you begin your goodbyes upon hearing Minji call your name. 
"I'll see you around, Jisoo. And Aera, I expect to see you next week." You wiggle a finger at the little girl, donning a shocked expression when she pretends to bite it. "Can't you tell we're related?" Jisoo asks with a smile, ruffling her niece's hair. "The resemblance is uncanny," you laugh, watching as both of them join in with you. 
"Y/N, come on!" Minji whines, sounding like a toddler herself. You initially go to brush off her request in order to spend a few more seconds with the two of them, but when she stands in the doorway, entering your line of sight, you see why she's so desperate for your help -- two of the children still waiting on their parents are climbing on her, about to knock her over at any second. Her face is beet red from the effort she's exerting, and her hair is mussed wildly. 
"Oh shhh---" you start, catching yourself when Jisoo widens her eyes at you and goes to cover Aera's ears, "--shiitake mushrooms!" You finish with a nervous smile, gaining a stunned laugh from your crush. "Bye girls; gotta go. I'm on my way, Minji!" You call out like a superhero, running to her aid as fast as your legs will carry you. 
Jisoo watches you wrangle one of the squirmy kids off of her and initiate a tickle fight to distract him and give Minji time to deal with the other one. She smiles like a dork at your actions, realizing she would be content with watching you all day. You're a natural with them, and seeing you in action is something she wishes she had the chance to do more often. With that, she turns around and picks Aera up; the youngster nuzzles into her embrace, lazily slumping onto her after having such a tiring day. As Jisoo goes to take a step forward, she notices something on the ground: a piece of paper. It's been folded neatly many times, and it reminds her of the notes she would always pass to her friends back in elementary school. Her curiosity gets the better of her, and she can't resist the urge to pick it up. 
"To The Girl Who'll Never Know I Love Her"
Her eyes scan across the words and she unfolds the note, making sure to keep a steady grip on Aera with her other arm. An almost unnoticeable signature is scribbled in the bottom corner, and she nearly scares Aera by squealing in pleasant surprise. 
It's your name, curled into the letters that are so uniquely yours; the paper must've fallen out of your pocket when you bent down to get her case earlier. 
After buckling her niece into her car seat and climbing into the driver's seat, Jisoo unfolds the note again and begins reading. She's like a giddy kid all over again, and part of her feels bad for giving into temptation. She reasons with herself by promising to give it back to you the next time she sees you, and that manages to rid her conscience of some of the guilt she feels. For now, though, she's eager to see what it contains. 
The first thing to catch her eye is a poem written neatly underneath a doodle of a rabbit, likely serving as some sort of label. Everyone on campus knows of her nickname and resemblance to rabbits, and she can't help but hope that your drawing wasn't simply a coincidence. 
Poison, is what you are
A bittersweet mix, intoxicatingly beautiful 
For one glance from you
Steals every breath I had so foolishly believed was mine to take
For one smile from you
Sends me reeling, falling all over again
She nearly swoons at the words, rereading them multiple times over and imagining you saying them to her. She wonders how the syllables would fall from your lips, which ones you'd stress to alter the meaning into whatever you imagined when you wrote them. Whether or not they're written for her, she may never know; all she's aware of right now is how they make her feel, and how that feeling is one that she never wants to stop experiencing.
4.) Practice Makes Perfect
2 Weeks, 3 Exams, and 1 Mental Breakdown Later
"Coming!" You call out, using all of your strength to push your rolling chair away from your desk and across the room towards the door. 
"Y/N L/N, at your service," you say, doing a little bow in your seat. Upon looking up to see who's in front of you, your eyes lock with the same girl who's been living in your mind rent free ever since you met her. 
"Jisoo!" You announce a little louder than intended, scrambling up into a standing position before kicking the chair backwards. You wince when it collides with something behind you, filling the room with noise as a few of your knick knacks clatter to the floor. Jisoo has to fight to contain the smile on her lips, pursing them as she looks towards the ground so as to not embarrass you. 
It's too late though -- you've already made a fool of yourself, and right in front of your crush, no less. 
"What can I do for you?" You ask, finally relaxing your face from its previously scrunched up position. 
"Are you busy right now? I have a favor to ask and you might be the only person who can help me out." Her eyebrows raise inquisitively at you, quirking up in that special way they always do when she's focusing in class. 
She could ask you to do just about anything, and you'd be agreeing without hesitation; no questions asked. 
"N-no, just doing a little studying is all. How can I help?" You'd normally curse yourself for sounding so shy, but she looks especially gorgeous tonight and you can't even blame yourself for it. The fluorescent bulbs of the dorm's hallway fail to even put a dent in the glow she's radiating, and that's no small feat -- those horrible little things are usually capable of making anyone look bad, and yet, once again, Jisoo manages to break the mold. 
"Mrs. Choi assigned a rehearsal for me tonight, and I need a peer to score how well I do. I trust you to do it." She says, having no idea how much her words are affecting you. 
Review portions of the semester are crucial to every major's success, but arguably none so much as those studying to be actors. The peer and admin reviews that they receive account for a large chunk of their grade, so you can imagine how nerve-racking it would be to put that kind of power in someone else's hands. You're touched that she trusts you with it. 
"I'd love to help, Jisoo. Just curious, though: why don't you have one of the girls help? They probably know more about it than me, after all." Everyone knows how close JenChuLiChaeng are, so her decision to choose you is genuinely intriguing. 
Shit. For some reason, Jisoo hadn't anticipated that you'd ask that question. The thought had never crossed her mind earlier, when she was preoccupied with convincing herself to come in the first place, so she has to think something up on the fly. 
"They're all busy with work. Couldn't afford to lose any precious cramming time, you know?" She says, a hint of nervousness behind the small laugh she lets out. It's uncharacteristic for her, considering she's usually so confident all the time, but you think it's adorable.
"Ryujin's the same way," you tease, turning your head to look at your roommate. She's across the room on her bed, reading through her book as she holds her middle finger up to let you know she heard your comment. "What a sweetie," you coo, blowing a kiss at her that makes her roll her eyes and smile despite herself. She pretends to be hardcore, but after spending the past few months with her you've discovered that she's actually the human embodiment of a cinnamon roll. 
"Well," you say, turning back to Jisoo, "when do you have to start?" 
She pulls her sleeve back to glance at her watch before returning her gaze to you. "Gotta be back at the dorm in 10 minutes." 
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise, the inner honor student in you already panicking. "10 minutes?! It's all the way across campus, Jisoo!" 
She laughs at you now, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth. "I'm kidding; we still have a couple hours. You should've seen your face, though. Priceless." 
"That's no way to treat someone who practically has your grade resting in their hands." You say smugly, a little smirk playing on your lips when her jaw drops dramatically.
"You wouldn't dare," she narrows her eyes, referencing the notion that you might give her bad marks because of that little prank. 
"Maybe, or maybe not. Perhaps I'll be merciful if you take me to get something to eat first." 
"Food as a peace offering? Alright, I can do that."
You smile, doing a dorky little cheer at that. "Okay, I'll be right out; just give me a second to make myself look presentable." 
Jisoo accepts your words with a curt nod, but she wants to tell you that you already look more than presentable. When you first opened the door earlier and she saw you in your study glasses, she couldn't help but smile like a fool; you're adorable, especially to her, and she wishes you could see that. 
A couple minutes later you exit your dorm and find her leaned up against the hallway wall, her hands fidgeting in front of her. Is she nervous?
"So, where would you like to go?" You ask, pulling the thin material of your jacket over your shoulders. It's lightweight -- seeing as how the weather doesn't call for a large one -- and it feels soft against your skin. 
As the two of you fall into step with each other, she responds, "It's up to you, princess. Since I'm at your mercy and all." Her smirk is visible in your peripheral. 
The nickname causes your heart to flutter in your chest, thudding around even harder than it had before. "U-uh, how about the noodle place?" You suggest, trying not to cringe at the stutter in your voice. You've heard that she likes chicken and ramen, and that shop is known as the best restaurant on campus for it. 
"110%. You know me so well," she says dreamily, batting her eyelashes at you with a silly smile. 
"Called it," you retort, brushing your shoulder off nonchalantly. "Now come on, I'm hungry and ready to spend all of your money." Her hand slips into yours when you reach down for it, almost instinctively, feeling like it was meant to be there all along, and you tug her down the hallway towards the elevator. 
"I know! If Mr. Johnson assigns another project like that then I'll politely be jumping out a window." 
Jisoo laughs at how animated you are, even having to stop chewing her mouthful of food momentarily to make sure she doesn't choke. She really loves hanging out with you; you make everything fun, and all of the stress she feels on a daily basis seems to vanish into thin air. 
"I did pretty bad on that last one," Jisoo adds, grimacing as she remembers her score. 
"You literally got a 93 out of 100, shut up." You shake your head with an amused smile, reaching across the table to snatch a piece of gimbap from her plate. 
"Hey--" she goes to yell at you, but her phone vibrates against the table, successfully stopping her. 
"Hello?" She answers, silently starting a chopstick war with you when you reach for another piece. When the person on the other end begins talking, she stops playing in order to concentrate on what they're saying. 
"Did she cancel?" She asks, furrowing her brow as her lips form into a natural pout. She sighs, rubbing her temple gently as the conversation continues. "Okay, I'm out with a friend right now, but you can go ahead and head that way. We'll meet you there. Alright, love you, too. Bye." 
You raise an eyebrow, wordlessly requesting info about what new plan you're being involved in. "That was my brother; the babysitter cancelled on them last minute, so we have to watch Aera for a few hours." Jisoo loves her niece dearly, but she can't deny that she wanted to spend the evening alone with you. She's afraid the little girl will steal all of your attention away, as childish as that may seem. 
"You're such a good person," you compliment, only to frown when she brushes off your words. "I mean it, Jisoo. You always take care of everybody around you; it's admirable. Now take the compliment or I'll team up with Aera later and tease you." 
She rolls her eyes with a smile, saying, "You're gonna do that regardless." 
"That's not the point," you pout, stomping your foot on the ground lightly. 
"Fine; tis I, Jisoo, the greatest person in all of existence. Happy now?" 
"Ecstatic." You beam at her, returning back to your cheery self. "I'll go grab some boxes for us, okay?" She nods, and you scurry off on your mission. 
Back At Jisoo's Dorm
Images flash across the large, flatscreen TV mounted to the wall across from you, displaying scenes of whatever cartoon the network decided to air right now. Aera isn't being picky; she's content with sitting in your lap, mindlessly fidgeting with the necklace that loosely dangles from your neck as she remains entranced by the screen. Your arms are around her to make her feel secure, and her small frame racks against you with every sweet giggle she lets out anytime a new joke is told by one of her favorite characters. 
Jisoo observes from the kitchen, leaning back against the countertop to settle in while she waits for Aera's favorite snack to heat up. She watches as you point to various things on the TV, having her name the ones she knows and teaching her others that she doesn't. 
She loves seeing you like this. You're beaming in that special way that sets her heart on fire, and the flames are only fanned when you turn to look at her. Somehow, the sight reminds her of the first time she met you:
It was orientation week -- the beginning of the school year -- and you were taking a tour around campus with some of your friends. You were lucky to have them; you'd only kept in contact with a handful of people from high school, knowing full well that most of those relationships were only rooted in superficiality, never meant to last. But this motley crew was different; they saw you for you, and all of you genuinely enjoyed each other's company. It didn't have the same air of awkward tension as the fake friendships had -- this was real and honest, and you thanked your lucky stars for them on the daily. 
All of you had managed to get into your dream schools, and the reality was bittersweet; you'd all be moving away from each other and beginning your own lives, having less and less time for each other in the process. You were beyond proud of them, and yourself, for that matter, but it still hurt to think that they wouldn't be just a few blocks away anymore. That you couldn't just swing by their house to go on a late night drive through the city like you used to. As exciting as your new experiences were bound to be, part of you was terrified; your life up until now had been fairly safe, creating a little security blanket to protect you from all that life had in store, but now you were on your own and the idea was a bit daunting. The memories you made together comforted you, though, and kept the sadness at bay. 
"Dude, this place is sick. How did you manage to make it in again?"
"Because she's smart, dumbass. We should be asking you that question."
"Ouch, (Friend's Name), that hurt."
"Do you still have those chips from earlier? I'm starving over here."
"Yeah, here, they're in my bag."
Pockets of separate conversations can be heard from behind you, all of your friends chatting away while you walk ahead of them, map and schedule in hand. The campus is fairly large, and with so many buildings and classrooms it's easy to get confused. You continue walking, running a finger along the map to trace the path you intend to take towards the Help Center. 
In your preoccupied state, you don't even realize that you're headed straight for a trash can that sits on the sidewalk, mere seconds away from colliding with it. 
A passerby notices just in the nick of time, reaching an arm out in front of you to prevent the accident with a noise of warning. You tense up, not expecting the sudden interruption, and look up into the eyes of your savior. Her dark orbs peer back at you, an innocent gleam in them when she sees your lips slowly tug into a smile. 
She mirrors your actions, neither of you saying anything yet. You couldn't utter a word even if you wanted to; her beauty leaves you speechless. 
"That was close," she says quietly, only to you. Your friends have almost caught up with you now, still busy with their own conversations, though they'll tease you once they see a gorgeous stranger's arm wrapped around you. 
"Thank you," you breathe out, clearing your throat as you take a step away from her. 
"Ooh, who's this, Y/N?" One of your friends coos, garnering a chorus of childish "oohs" and kissy noises from the others. Why are they so obnoxious?
You apologetically glance at the girl one more time before turning around to respond to them, but she speaks up before you can. 
"Kim Jisoo." She introduces, facing them with a wide smile. It's easy to see that she's done this before; her tone is pleasant and light, not even a hint of hesitancy in it. She's used to being the center of attention; you can tell by the way she carries herself and commands the space. 
"I see you guys are taking a tour, right?" She looks between all of you, though her eyes linger on you for a second too long to be brushed off as 'just friendly'. 
You nod, saying, "I can't find my last class. It's a Gen Ed one; World History, room 435. The map says it's in Complex D, but the room was vacant when we went by."
She listens intently, paying attention to your every word. "They must've handed out the old maps by accident, then. Mr. Johnson had to move rooms to accommodate larger class sizes. When do you have him?" 
You unfold your schedule again, gazing down at the slightly crumpled sheet until your eyes find their target. "Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1PM." 
Upon registering what you said, Jisoo does her best to contain the grin that threatens to spread across her face. "Ah, same as me! I can take you to the room, if you'd like. That way you can find it next week." She offers, pleased by the fact that she'll be seeing you more often. Your cute mannerisms have already thrown her for a loop, and she wants to get to know you better. 
"That would be great." You let out a relieved laugh, releasing the worry you felt; tours are meant to end within 20 minutes or so, and before Jisoo came you were afraid you'd never find your last class. She's saving the day again, it seems. 
"Great, follow me," she smiles warmly, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back to turn you in the right direction. When you give your friends one last glance over your shoulder, you find them giving you thumbs up with smirks on their faces. One of them puckers their lips at you, and you stick your tongue out in return. 
You're not sure what they'll end up doing while you finish your tour, though it'll likely involve either skating or eating fast food. They have each other to keep themselves entertained, so you're not worried about them in the slightest. You make a mental note to text them when you're done to meet up again. 
Jisoo smiles like an idiot when she realizes what's happening behind her, failing miserably to hide it when you spin back around and give your full attention to her. 
"What?" You ask, leaning in closer to her to nudge her shoulder when she looks away, blushing. 
"Nothing," she shakes her head, only to be prompted by you again. "You're just cute, is all." 
You have to use all your power to hold back the squeal you want to let out at hearing that. Kim Jisoo, as you now know her to be, thinks you're cute? You must be dreaming. 
"That's funny, I don't remember turning into a mirror."
"Yah, babo!" She chuckles, not expecting that as she smacks the back of your head with no real force. The two of you share a laugh and continue talking while you make your way to the room.
Beeping sounds from the microwave bring Jisoo back down to Earth, causing the pleasant memory to fade more and more with every incessant signal that cuts through the air. She grabs a couple heat guards and approaches the machine, carefully opening the steaming package and pouring its contents into a big, shareable bowl. Though it may be Aera's favorite food, she'd be damned to not make enough for the two of you as well. After all, keeping her entertained will take plenty of energy. 
"Did this princess order one heaping bowl of popcorn or am I at the wrong castle?" Jisoo plays, padding into the room with a bright smile on her face as she looks over at her niece. The smell of her snack snaps Aera back to reality, making her eyes light up with pure joy as she leaps off of your lap and runs to Jisoo. She wraps her arms around her legs, thanking her in that sweet little voice of hers as she gazes up at her aunt with stars in her eyes. 
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She chants, wiggling her body around in excitement. She lets go when Jisoo goes to walk to the couch, following close behind her like an eager puppy. 
She approaches you again, making grabby hands for you to lift her onto your lap even though she's more than capable of getting up there by herself. Nevertheless, you pull her up with a humored grin, watching as she puts her hands in her lap and patiently waits for the two of you to get a bite first. Her ability to follow manners is commendable, though the slight twitch of her lip when she gets a whiff of the food is pretty adorable. 
"Dig in," you say around your mouthful of food, locking eyes with Jisoo when Aera jumps at the opportunity to follow your instructions. You never have to tell her twice when it comes to food. 
"Yep, definitely related." 
Jisoo laughs at your comment, reaching over top of Aera to flick you in the forehead. She shrugs at your pained exclamation, uttering a nonchalant "Sorry, not sorry," as the two of you crack up together.
"Y/N, how the hell did you manage to do that?" Jisoo whispers, not bothering to censor herself when she sees Aera fast asleep in your arms. It's not like she could hear her anyway. 
"She was already kinda tired when she got here; I just made sure to get that last little bit of energy out with the games. Have you forgotten that I know a thing or two about kids?" You tease, turning to her with a smile when you finish walking up the short staircase. 
"You don't understand: usually it takes us hours to settle her down. She's just a totally different person around you." 
"Must be my awesomeness." 
"Hmm, must be," Jisoo hums, quietly opening her bedroom door for you and watching as you carefully lay Aera down. You tuck her under the blankets with care, making sure to brush the hair out of her face and adjust her pillow a bit. Jisoo leans against the doorframe, adding the scene before her to her list of reasons for loving you. Seeing you in such a domestic situation gives her baby fever, and she has to push the persistent feeling away. 
"Ready?" You whisper with one last look over your shoulder, giving Jisoo your undivided attention once you confirm that Aera's alright. 
"Let's do it," she says, pulling the door to but not latching it. The two of you will be in the living room, just down the hall, and you want to be able to hear her in case she needs something. So responsible.
You take in the dorm as Jisoo leads you towards your destination, amazed at how much bigger it is than yours and Ryujin's. This one has separate rooms equipped with their own personal bathrooms, a decent kitchen, and, of course, a living area. Clearly, having ties to the school and being president of the student council come with some major perks. Your socked feet pad against the hardwood floor, and you close what little distance is left between Jisoo and yourself to press your body against her back, wrapping your arms around her. She lets out a little noise of surprise, but doesn't protest; she tucks one of her hands into your clasped ones and uses the other to rub your forearm. 
A few moments later you plop down onto the couch and get comfortable on the cushions. Jisoo digs around in her bag that leans against the tv stand, searching for the script of her upcoming production. Her shirt rides up slightly, giving you a perfect view of her beautifully sculpted stomach, and her skin looks ethereal as it glows in the soft lamplight of the room. Embarrassed for admiring her in such a way, you avert your gaze, failing to notice how she subtly bites her lip as she approaches you; she planned that little show, and it worked. 
"Okay, so here's the scoring sheet," she hands you a semi-formal looking paper, along with a pencil and clipboard to use as a stabilizer. "I'll be reading from the first few pages on my own, but I was wondering if you'd fill in for the male lead for some of the other parts? It's a lot easier to get into character if I have someone's energy to feed off of." 
You smile at how cute she sounded with her little rambled request, and nod. "Of course, Jisoo. I doubt I'll be any good, though." She releases a sigh at that, happy to have you agree; her plan is coming along nicely, but there's always room for things to go wrong. 
"I'm sure you're better than you think." 
"Stop sucking up, Chu. Flattery won't make me raise your grade," you warn, pointing the pencil at her sternly. Your tone sends a shiver down her spine, though it goes unnoticed by you. 
"Let's just get started." She concludes, doing her best to keep from getting too flustered under your already watchful eye. 
Her show is well underway, caught somewhere towards the end of act two, and you're enthralled by the performance she's giving. The paper that once rested in your lap is marked up with comments of praise and proud annotations to accompany your high scoring, though now it lays forgotten about on the coffee table, serving no purpose any longer. You finished all of the required sections necessary for your peer review, and now you're just enjoying the journey that Jisoo is continuing to take you on. 
You look back up into her eyes after reading off the lines of the character you're filling in for, looking completely unskilled next to the pure talent that she's exuding. She stands from the couch, looking down at you with an exasperated expression as she remains in character. 
"You don't get it!" She raises her voice slightly, though not loud enough to wake Aera. Even while in the intense mindset she has to be in for her character, she keeps one foot in the reality of this world, making sure to behave appropriately. 
"Enlighten me, then." You stand and retort, shifting a bit closer to her after reciting your line. 
"Only when I'm with you do I feel true happiness. Your kind eyes bring me comfort like no other; I'm safe in your arms. For you, my love," she pauses, her eyes brimming with tears from the emotional words she's spent so much time rehearsing. "...there isn't a thing in this world that I wouldn't do." Your breath is held tightly in your throat, and your hands subconsciously grip onto the material of your jeans. 
Only now do you realize how close the two of you have migrated to one another; she's merely a breath away, so close you can feel the warmth radiating from her. You swallow thickly, feeling your nerves come alive with every second that passes in heated silence, neither of you knowing what to do now. You've lost the desire to read your next line, and she doesn't seem too upset by that fact. Her eyes slowly scan over your features, and the lovesick look in them makes you question if she's still in character or slipping out of it. 
After her gaze darts down to your lips and she licks her own without even realizing it, you seriously begin hoping for the latter of the two options.
She searches your face for any sign of refusal as she leans in closer, now bringing her arms up to wrap around your waist and lightly ball the material of your shirt up into her fists. Your hands rest on her shoulders, and you glide your fingertips over her jawline. A singular nod is the last form of consent that you give her before she pulls you closer. 
Her lips ghost over yours, receiving some of the vanilla balm you applied earlier; her breath hitches when you tug at the collar of her university sweater, teasingly taking her bottom lip between your teeth. She wants to savor this moment, so she fights against her urge to dive right in and get lost in you. 
Within seconds, she's kicking herself for that decision. 
"Auntie? Y/N?" Aera calls sleepily from just around the corner, making the two of you spring away from each other. When she appears less than a second later, you realize how close you had been to getting caught. Jisoo refuses to meet your gaze when you look towards her, and that simple action disheartens you a bit.
"Hey, sweetheart. Bad dream?" You ask, using your inference skills after noticing the way that she's clutching her stuffed bunny close to her chest. Her lip trembles as she nods, and the sight breaks your heart. Quickly, you pick her up again, assuring her that she's safe and that you'd slay any monster that dared to hurt her, even in her dreams. A small smile tugs at her lips, and she brings a fist up to rub her eye. "How about this: I'll do a quadruple check of the room for you, and stay with you until you fall asleep. Sound good?" 
She utters a tired, "Yes, Y/N-yah", before laying her head on your shoulder and waving a goodbye towards Jisoo as you take her back to the room. 
Four sweeps of the room and one fight with a ghost later, you tuck her in again and lay a sweet kiss to her forehead. "Love you," she mumbles lazily, making your heart melt. Kids say that phrase quickly, without even realizing the weight that it has, but you're always glad to accept whatever they imagine it to be. Whether she loves you for playing with her, tucking her in, or defending her honor against imaginary monsters, you don't really care all that much -- she loves you in the ways that she knows how, and that's all that matters.
"I love you, too, Aera. Sleep well." You tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and settle against the wall, prepared to come through on your promise. 
"Hey," you start, albeit a bit awkwardly. 
"Hey," Jisoo returns, pushing her leftovers from the restaurant around her plate half-heartedly. You approach the marble countertop that she sits behind, silently begging for her to look up at you. 
"Should we talk about earlier?" You quietly ask, picking at imaginary imperfections on the surface of the countertop. 
"What about it?" 
"We practically kissed--"
"It was in the script to do so, Y/N." She says, finally looking up at you. She sounds a bit hostile now, like she's getting defensive for some unknown reason. 
"Oh," the simple utterance is all you can manage, seeing as how your brain is running a mile a minute. You want to ask if it meant anything else to her -- if she would've taken it farther, had Aera not walked in -- but you don't.  Her tone serves as enough of an answer, and you're not sure you could stand to hear her verbalize your fears anyway. 
"Well I guess I should go, then." You retract your hand and put it in your pocket, realizing how stupid you were for thinking she could like you back. She doesn't; she was just in need of a helping hand tonight, and you offered that. You shouldn't have tried to turn it into anything that it wasn't. 
Hearing the disappointment in your voice makes her want to confess right then and there, but something still holds her back -- some force is yelling at her to keep her feelings hidden for fear of rejection. "I can drive you." 
You shake your head. "Nah, it's okay. I'll have Ryujin come get me. You can't leave Aera here and I wouldn't want to have to wake her up just for you to drive me across campus." Jisoo agrees, realizing that she didn't even think about that at first. 
"Goodnight, Jisoo." You say, heading off towards the front door. She returns the gesture, reminding you to be safe as she locks it behind you and watches you dial up your roommate's number. Before long, she pulls into one of the parking spaces in front of the dorm, and the two of you drive away. 
Click Here For Part 2
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ack3rlady · 3 years
The Universe Had His Back - Chapter 6
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Summary: Reader finally goes back home to meet Levi & Luna and discovers the true reason behind her fallout with him.
Chapters: Five | Six | Seven
Master List
Warnings: Fem! Reader, Fluff, Spice - non-explicit , Modern AU
Word Count: ~ 2.7k
Inspiration: Shall We - Chen
Tags: @sooibian, @queenofcurse, @red-n-tall, @badbitxhbuckybarnes , @sweet-assh0le ; Anyone else who'd like to be tagged, please let me know!
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Being at the patisserie today was difficult. You were exhausted after staying up all night in anticipation of how the day would go. The thought of returning to your old home that evening to see Levi and Luna combined with the revelation bombs that Hange had dropped on you yesterday had your heart in your throat for a good part of the day.
You were so distracted that a dozen eggs went flying from your hands when Miche tapped on your shoulder from behind during one of his usual visits, causing a huge mess on the kitchen floor. You had blown up at your new assistants Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie for looking at you wrong when they rushed to help with cleaning up the mess, after which Miche had officially ordered everyone to stay out of your way.
Your head rested on his shoulder, as you ate a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich, sat in the breakroom during lunch hour. Mikasa sat opposite you, quietly analyzing your body language, contemplating whether breaking the silence would be the correct choice to make. The television news anchor’s gibber-gabber played like white noise in the background while you chewed on the dry bread at a frustratingly slow pace, your eyes glued to the Aztec patterns on the ceramic backsplash beyond the sink. After hearing you sigh for the fourth time in three minutes, Miche decided to finally speak up.
“You do realize you’re not going to war, right? It’s just your little girl, not a titan. What has got you this terrified?”
He was right. Why were you overthinking this? Luna was your own daughter. She could never hate you, could she? Would she despise you for not being there for her for the last two months? What if she refused to see you today? What if she refused to see you at all? Your breathing began speeding up again.
“Oi!”, Miche jerked his shoulder and shook you out of your thoughts. “Stop worrying, will you? It'll be just fine.”
This resulted in another sigh from you and an eyeroll from the two.
Hours flew by in a matter of what felt like seconds. It was already time to leave for the much-awaited reunion. You assured Miche that you were okay to drive when he offered you a lift. Upon beginning on the familiar route you took every day for the last five years before you moved, memories of the long periods you spent stuck in traffic, longing to see your family after an exhausting day at work flashed before your eyes. Unlike then, you were hoping to be stuck in it today, just so that you could buy more time to prepare yourself.
But obviously, life had other plans. You zoomed past surprisingly empty roads and didn’t have stop at many red lights. And before you knew it, you pulled up on the street outside the house, your house, within fifteen minutes. You sat in your car frantically shaking your leg and running your hands through your hair, looking at the little home where you had spent both the best and the worst days of your life.
Light emanated from the large windows, the Prussian blue front door that you and Levi had painted yourselves, was closed, the lawn was freshly mowed, and Luna’s swing set sat on the grass just like it did while you still lived there. The sight made your heart warm, but you couldn’t get yourself to walk towards it. You gripped the steering wheel and laid your head on it, trying to calm down, until a knock on the window caused you to jump. You looked up to find Levi hunched over and motioning you to step outside.
“Oi! You’ve been parked here for thirty minutes. Are you coming home or what?”, he asked when you lowered the window.
You decided to finally leave the comfortable confines of your vehicle and slowly made your way to the house, your heart beating rapidly. Levi’s hand found yours; the warmth from his fingers intertwining with yours made your breath hitch.
“It's going to be okay. She’s really excited to see you.”, he assured you when you met his eyes.
Inhaling deeply, you stepped inside the house. Everything looked exactly how you remembered it. The sheer white curtains lining the French windows were gently blowing with the breeze, the rich cherry-wood grandfather clock that stood ticking away at the far end of the living room, books were lined neatly on shelves, family pictures were mounted on the wall, warm yellow light from the lamps illuminated all these features - it was all unchanged. You were instantly drawn to the pictures. Letting go of Levi’s hand, you moved to stand in front of the wall, softened gaze roaming through them and reminiscing the happy memories they brought back.
“Mama!” You were roused from your reverie by a voice you yearned to hear for the last two months. Immediately, Luna had clung to your leg like a koala bear.
“Loonie!” you squealed, picking her up and pulling her into a solid embrace.
“I missed you, Mama!”, she reciprocated with an equally tight hug.
“Oh, I missed you so much more, baby girl!”, you didn’t realize when you began sobbing.
Levi, who was happily watching your reunion from a distance, walked closer and placed his hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as a reminder for you to stay strong.
“I’ll get dinner ready. Moon beam, why don’t you take Mama up to your room?”, he drew Luna’s attention as you stole some moments to compose yourself. The little one zealously tugged on your hand and guided you upstairs yapping in excitement the whole way.
You watched in awe as she told you story after story about everything she could possibly remember since the day you last saw her. Her angelic voice was like cool water to your parched ears. What took you so long to come back here? All the fear of rejection vanished in thin air as Luna modeled the new dresses you just gifted to her, and showcased the toys and books that her doting Papa, uncles and aunts bought. She insisted that you tie her hair into two space buns like you always did before because apparently, “Papa never gets it right like you do.”
Levi leaned against the door frame and smiled at the sight of Luna theatrically narrating an especially thrilling story about her encounter with a ladybug in the backyard. He clicked a mental picture of his little girl's dramatic oration while you marveled at her as if she sprinkled the stars up in the sky. As soon as she was finished telling how the polka-dotted bug landed right on the ridge of her nose, she spotted her father and announced that the three of you were to immediately commence with a tea party.
Akin to the rest of the evening, Luna insisted upon sitting on your lap as you sipped on hibiscus tea that Levi brewed while she drank the warm turmeric latte that she requested you to make. You peppered the top of her head with kisses as the walls of your home reverberated with more tales about her day at the park, and about a puppy that tickled her fingers by licking them. At 8:00 PM sharp, Levi declared that it was time for dinner when you finished your respective beverages.
His signature dish, Tonkotsu ramen was on the menu that both you and Luna gobbled it up in no time. For dessert, you brought her favorite strawberry ice-cream mochi that you made yourself at the patisserie. You two ladies chatted away and Levi participated every now and then.  You couldn’t help but think how perfect this felt and going by his serene expression, Levi seemed to be mirroring your thoughts.
Bath time after dinner had been a routine as the three-year-old was still learning to eat by herself and more often than not, made a big mess. You volunteered to bathe her while he cleaned up.  He slet out a content sigh when Luna’s laughter accompanied by yours echoed through the house as you splashed her with water while she played in the tub. Even the most beautiful music in the world did not hold a candle to this harmony that was falling on his ears.
When it was finally time for bed, Luna was in deep slumber within minutes, drowsy after a warm bath and a fun-filled evening. You reclined on the bed by her side, caressing her hair and listening to her mellow snores, and Levi sat on the armchair by the bed, catching up on some reading, occasionally glancing at the pair of you.
It was tranquil. The light from her moon-shaped night lamp dimly illuminated the room. The dream catcher that you made for her swayed over your hear. Nothing but sound of the soft breaths of your baby and of Levi occasionally turning the page of his novel filled the air. There was no stress, no negativity, only peace of mind. With closed eyes, you took it all in, this life you missed so much.
You had been entranced for a while before feeling a soft tap on your forearm. Levi signaled you with his neck to head outside. Right as you tried to get out of bed as gently as possible, a little hand gripped yours tightly.
“Mama, don’t leave.”, the melancholy in Luna's sleepy voice tugged on the strings of your heart. You opened your mouth to respond, but words refused to spawn.
“Moon beam, Mama will be back home with us soon.”
Levi was now on the bed beside you, caressing Luna’s hair with one hand and clutching yours tightly with the other. It was hard to decide whether the sudden flutter in your heart was a result of bewilderment, or from the warmth of his words.
Making sure she was really asleep this time you both lightly kissed the snoozing baby, snugly tucked her in and made your way downstairs.
“Tea?”, he offered while entering the kitchen. You obliged, making yourself comfortable on the couch, not ignoring the sudden Deja- vu that dawned upon you.
He soon returned with two steaming cups of fragrant chamomile tea and sat next to you, stretching his arm on the backrest. He absentmindedly twirled strands of your hair between his fingers as you both sipped the hot beverage in a serene silence.
“I owe you an explanation.”, Levi finally began.
You turned to face him, with your back now resting against the arm of the couch. Poles apart from his usual calm demeanor, he looked... fidgety. His puffed the already plump pillows beside him, eyes glancing over everything in the room but you. Your continued silence was enough sign for him to go on with what he wanted to say.
“Uh... You are the first person I’m about to tell this to. In fact, I have never even uttered this out loud before. I only just came to terms with it myself.”, he exhaled sharply.
“What is it, Levi?”, you urged.
"Okay. Here goes. Something in me changed on the day Luna was born. I knew that as a father, I was expected to be her protector; that's what I was told a father should be. But- But I was too afraid for her. It was an obsession, almost blinding. It started with keeping the kid out of harm's way at all costs. But it just deteriorated from there. As she grew up, she wanted to try new things and explore. And you, like any parent would, encouraged her to do just that. It makes me sick to even say this, but my urge to shield Luna got so bad that I started to perceive you as a threat to our own daughter. I got these splitting headaches and I’d black out and lose track of what I was saying or doing every time things didn’t go my way. I didn’t even realize when I pushed you far, far away until it was too late.”, he sighed, his gaze locked on the blank television screen in front of him.
Your stomach was in twists, horrified face exuding your inability to grasp what you just heard. There was a long, pregnant pause as he waited for you to say something... anything.
“How could you?”
Levi and you had been together for a long time even before you married. You were offended that he could feel this way about you. It made you furious that he put you, Luna and himself through so much pain. Neither of you could control tears from being shed as he continually begged for your forgiveness.
"I knew I had fucked up, the moment I signed those papers. I turned our whole world upside down with my own hands. My mind felt like a prison that I could not break out of, and instead of letting you help me, I abandoned you.", he despaired.
Your rage started to evaporate when he described how lost he felt the moment you were gone; how he had hung on to Luna like his life depended on it, just to maintain his sanity. He was barely sleeping and the frequent nightmares he had were only making things worse. He told you how he had been working hard on controlling his impulses - starting by trusting Furlan, Isabel, Hange or Erwin with taking care of her in his absence.
“I can’t express how much I regret letting you go, love. I wish for every second of every day that I hadn't done it.”, He was breathing raggedly, as if trying hold back another wave of tears.
You quietly stared at him, unable to think of anything to say to him.
“It is getting late. I should leave.”, you sniffled as you began to gather your things.
Your mind was in scrambles; the heartache threatening another breakdown. It was almost midnight, the tea had done its job and you were exhausted, causing your feelings to be much more amplified than they would be otherwise. The last two days had been too much to process.
He nodded in despondency and watched you walking to the door.
It reminded him of something.
This was his nightmare coming true. Again.
In his dream he was stuck to the floor, robbed of his voice, his limbs frozen. He couldn't let that miserable dream win this time. He needed to stop you. He had to have you back. He couldn't let you leave.
Not again.
Just as you were about to step out, he called out your name and reached out for your hand.
“Stay.”, he whispered, almost too softly.
“Levi, I have to be at work early tomor...”
“Why are you such a dumbass? Do I really need to spell everything out for you?”, he interrupted.
“You’re not helping your case right now.”, you raised your brow.
“I love you, you idiot. I let you go once, and I don’t want to do it again. I wont survive being away from you any longer. I need you. I horribly failed at being a good husband. But I promise I’ll make everything right if you give me another chance. Please.”, he begged, the lone tear running down his cheek shone in the dim luminescence of the room.
Dumbfounded, you gaped at his anguished face. You were wordlessly taking in what he had just said when he mistook your silence for rejection and turned around, looking dejected.
“Levi!”, you clutched his hand and pulled him towards you.
Your bodies collided, faces just a few inches away from each other's. Reaching for his face with your other hand, you wiped the tear away with your thumb.
“Kiss me.”, you breathed.
He looked... befuddled, unable to comprehend the words that just left your tongue. Getting impatient, you took it upon yourself to close whatever little distance that remained between you.
And like pieces of a puzzle, your lips met; perfectly merging together as if that’s where they always belonged. The stars that twinkled in front of your closed eyes accompanied were by ecstatic explosions in your heart and butterflies in your stomach. His lips tasted like sweet chamomile tea, with hints of the tangy strawberry from earlier. His touch was so gentle that you were transported back in time to the balcony of his old apartment where a shy Levi took all evening to muster up the courage to kiss you after your first date while it snowed outside.
The tenderness soon heightened into fiery passion when his hands wandered down to your thighs to pick you up and pin you against the door, slamming it shut. Waltzing tongues, heavy breaths, frisky hands; you were like two starving animals who were just presented with their favorite meals, hungrily grabbing the other and moaning into each other's mouths. He began to fiddle with the hem of your shirt, pulling it up with one hand as the other held you firmly against the door.
“Oi! What the fuck?”, Levi resembled a child who dropped his ice-cream on a hot summer day when you swatted his hand away.
“Slow down, Tiger. What’s the rush?”, you smiled coyly while wiggling out of his grip.
“I-I uh...”, He looked dazed, unable to form sentences.
“I love you too, Levi. I never stopped. But I don’t want to get hurt again. It has only been a day since we reconnected. Can we take this slow?”, you sighed, smoothing his hair and straightening out his shirt.
“We’ll go at whatever pace you’d like.”
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A/N: So, did you ever expect to be Levi's Modern AU Zeke Yaeger? 🙊😬
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Chapters: Five | Six | Seven
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 years
Love Blooming
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Pairing: Frankie "Catfish" Morales x F!Reader
Summary: It started when Frankie walked into a flower shop...
A/N: I'm willing to write a part 2 if someone wants it.
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Frankie felt so out of his limit. When Will insisted to set him on a blind date, he uninterestingly agreed, thinking that Will would forget about it. Turns out he didn't. So now Frankie is rushing. He's sweaty, coming straight from work to pick up Mia, paying the babysitter, dropping off Mia. Now he had to grab some flowers, and maybe buy some cologne or body spray from the store nearby so he doesn't smell so bad.
He enters the small flower shop and he's overwhelmed by the different floral aromas and colors.
"Be right out!" you call out from the back. A few seconds pass and you step out holding a tray of small succulents. You set them down on the table and when you look at Frankie, your eyes light up and you smile brightly at him, "Hi there! What can I do for you today?" He thinks you look beautiful with your smile and the flower clips in your hair.
Frankie nervously rubs the back of his neck and walks closer to the counter, "Um...I'd like some flowers."
You giggle, "Well you came to the right place. What's the occasion?"
"A date."
"Do you happen to know what the person likes?" you ask interestingly.
He sighs and shakes his head, "No. This is a first date, blind date. One that don't even want to go on, honestly." he murmurs the last part and winces, "Sorry. I didn't-"
"It's okay. I think we'll go with daffodils. They're simple, pretty, and symbolize new beginnings. I think that fits for first dates. You never know if it's that start of something, ya know?" You move around the counter towards the greenhouse. You don't signal for Frankie to follow, but he does anyway.
When you feel his presence, you glance over your shoulder and give him a polite smile. He doesn't know why, but his stomach flutters whenever you seem to look at him.
"So Mister..."
"Frankie. Call me Frankie."
"Frankie, okay," you stop in front of the daffodils, pulling out your gardening scissors from your apron and you start cutting, "I'm guessing your friend set you up on this blind date against your will?"
Frankie stuffs his hands in his back pockets and sighs, "Sorta. I mean, he offered to set me up with her a few weeks ago and I blindly said yes. I honestly thought he'd forget about it. I was wrong."
"Not looking to date right now?"
"I got a lot on my plate right now, honestly."
You nodded, "I see." you pull out some twine from your other apron pocket and bind the bundle of flowers together. You then hand them to Frankie, "Here ya go! I hope you enjoy your date!"
Frankie took the flowers and looked at you with furrowed brows, "Don't need to pay for these?"
"Free of charge."
"You sure?"
"Definitely. I really hope things go well on your date."
"Um thanks-" you give him your name and he repeats it and you nod in confirmation, "Well thanks. I guess if I'll ever need flowers again, I'll come to you."
"Please do! Bye, Frankie!" you escort him to the door and wave as he hops into his truck, driving away.
Frankie looks at the time and sees that he's running late. Guess he'll have to skip out on the cologne.
It's two weeks later when Frankie walks back into your shop, this time he has Mia attached to his hip.
You're at the counter already helping another customer, but a minute later, they're walking away and you're giving him a welcoming wave.
"Frankie! It's good to see you again!" He approaches the counter and sets Mia down and you smile softly at her, "And who's this cutie?"
"This is my daughter, Mia. Honey, say hi!"
The three year old looks at you and then hides her face into Frankie's shirt and you giggle, "She's shy, I see. It's okay. Anyway, what can I help you with today? Oh! How was the date?"
He shrugged, "Alright. We didn't really click."
Your shoulders sagged in disappointment, "Oh. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. She liked the flowers though. So I guess there's that. Anyway, um, I'm on my way to a friend's engagement party. Didn't have time to really get them anything."
"Well I'm here at your disposal! Follow me!" you walk towards the greenhouse and Frankie picks up Mia, setting her down. Her small hand goes into his and the two Morales' follow you.
"So yellow tulips symbolize cheerful thoughts, which I suppose you're sending when people get engaged." You pull out your scissors and hold them out to Frankie, "Here."
"You and Mia can cut them. Grab as many as you'd like."
"You sure?"
"Okay," he takes the flowers and kneels beside the flowerbed of yellow tulips, "Honey, you wanna cut some flowers for Uncle Benny?"
You see Frankie's eyes go soft as he guide's his daughters hands across the scissor and cuts one flower off, "Good job, sweetheart!" he kisses her head, "Let's do a few more, okay?"
Mia giggles and says, "'Kay, daddy."
You go back to the counter to sort out a new shipment of seeds. A few minutes later, Frankie appears setting the flowers down. He pulls out his wallet as you wrap the flowers up, "I'm paying for the flowers this time."
You shake your head, "No, you're not."
"Oh come on."
You shake your head again, "Seeing you and Mia have some cute daddy and daughter time was payment enough." Frankie says your name and you stop him, "Nope!" You also slide a card over to him, "And here's a card to go with it. Just scribble your name and you're good to go."
Frankie chuckles in disbelief as he writes his and Mia's name in the card. He then takes it and the flowers in one hand, his other hand preoccupied with Mia's, "You're losing money doing this."
"Hardly. But I hope you guys have a good rest of your day!" you leaned over the counter and waved at Mia, "Bye Mia! It was nice meeting you!"
Mia, feeling a little more comfortable, smiled shyly and waved, making you giggle. Frankie smiles at the sight and sound, then clears his throat, "I don't mean to be forward, but, um, would you like to get some coffee sometime?"
You brightly smile at him again, "I'd love to!" you take a business card and scribble your personal number, "I usually take Fridays and Sundays off."
"Who runs the shop when you're not here?"
"I have other employees. But call or text me sometime and we can hash out the details."
"Alright," he smiles and pockets the card. He gives you a wave, "Thanks again."
"Anytime," you say as you wave back and watch as Frankie and Mia hop into the truck and drive away.
You and Frankie have been texting back and forth for two weeks. He's been really busy with work lately, hence why you've yet to go on that coffee date.
Frankie: So I know I asked you out for coffee, but do you actually drink coffee? Or are you more of a tea person?
You: I do drink coffee, yes. Usually something sweet with vanilla or cinnamon flavoring.
Frankie: You're one of THOSE people.
Frankie: ;)
That's all he sends you and you were going to reply, but a few customers have walked in and you became preoccupied.
You're finishing up and order when you see Frankie walking through the door with two coffees and a paper bag.
You give him another one of those heart stopping smiles and he seems to blush from that, "Hey! You didn't tell me you were coming!"
"That would've ruined the surprise, cherry blossom."
You cocked a brow at him and smiled, "Cherry blossom?"
He shrugged, "I dunno. It fits. You work at a flower shop and...you're as beautiful as a cherry blossom."
You feel your cheeks heat up at the compliment, "Well, aren't you sweet."
"Have you had lunch yet?"
"I haven't."
He gives you a questioning look and you snicker, "Lemme just get Jess to take over the front. If you head through those doors at the back of the greenhouse, it leads to my favorite hiding spot. Meet me there?"
"Yes, ma'am." Frankie replies with a nod and proceeds to head over.
You quickly rush to the back where Jess is, "Quick! Take over the front!"
"What? But why so...rushy?"
"Frankie's here and he brought me coffee and lunch!"
"Frankie, hot dilf, Frankie?"
You groan, "Don't call him that, but yes!" You practically rip off your work apron, dust off any soil left on your clothes and fix your hair to look less messy, "How do I look?"
"Good enough!"
You quickly rush to the back where you told Frankie to met you and let out a deep breath before stepping in, "So, what made you decide to bring me lunch?"
"The fact that I've been so busy that I keep pushing back our date. I figured that I have time now, might as well."
"Eager, hm?" you laugh when he shyly looks away and you place your hand on his arm, "Hey, it's okay. It's cute. You're cute." then you scrunched your face up, "No. That's weird. It's like we're teenagers saying that. We're adults. You're handsome. There. That sounds better."
Frankie chuckles and then looks around the room, "This is a nice area."
"Thanks. It used to be storage, but I wanted to have a place where we can hold classes or little luncheons for guests. It's not finished yet."
"Still looks beautiful," he notes the vines going down the frames of the windows, the soft pastels of different flowers. His eyes go back to you and he sees you softly staring back at him.
Your gaze makes him nervous so he grabs two sandwiches from the paper bag he brought, "I, uh, didn't know if you liked sandwiches, but these are best sellers."
"Thank you, and for future reference, I'm not picky."
"Good to know," he then takes your coffee, handing it to you, "I hope this is to your liking."
You accepted it and took a sip, smacking your lips together to really get a taste, "Mmmm! That's some good stuff right there!" and Frankie let out a breath of relief. You giggled, setting the drink down, "Are you always this nervous when it comes to dates, Frankie?"
"I...Well, to be honest, haven't gone on dates in a long time. Since Mia was born and my ex and I separated, never really had time. It wasn't a priority because my main focus was on my little girl. That blind date was my first date in a few years."
"So what changed?"
Frankie bit his lip and nervously reached out, placing his hand over yours, "You. God, I don't know what it is about you, cherry blossom, but you just seem to pull me in. I want to get to know you, take you out, hold you, kiss you. All of it." his thumb softly rubs against the back of your hand and you smile sweetly at him.
"I get what you're saying, Frankie, because I feel that way about you too. The way you're so sweet and kind, you're a great father to Mia, and you care about your friends. I'd love to continue getting to know you. There's just something about you to that pulls me towards you."
"If we do this, I just...I need to warn you that I'm a little rough around the edges. I've gone through some stuff-"
"-And that's okay. And you don't need to share that with me unless you want to."
Frankie chuckles to himself and shakes his head, "You wanna know something?"
"I'm glad I went on that blind date, because if I didn't, I wouldn't have met you, cherry blossom."
You giggle and place your other hand on top of Frankie's, "I think that nickname is starting to grow on me. I was a little iffy of it at first but the way you say it...sounds so sweet. You're so sweet, Frankie."
Jess walks into the room with her hand over her eyes, "Are you guys decent?"
You roll your eyes and look over your shoulder, "Quit it, will you?"
Jess drops her hand and smirks at you, then looks at Frankie, "Oh yeah. Definitely a dilf."
The young woman cackles and dodges a napkin ball you've thrown her way, "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Anyway, a delivery arrived. You want me to sign it off?"
"Please do," you reply with a nod.
"I can go if you're busy," Frankie said and you immediately replied, "No no. You're staying. Jess can handle everything."
The young woman saluted, "Yup! I can handle it. Also, remember to use prote-"
She proceeds to rush out of there and back to the storefront and you groan, letting your head fall into your hands.
"So....you think I'm a dilf?"
Your head shot up and your eyes widened, "No! I mean, yes, but no! i just told Jess that you're a dad who also happens to be very attractive!"
"So a dilf."
You ball up another napkin and throw it at Frankie, who's just laughing wholeheartedly.
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