#wouldnt it be funny if this came true
blessyo4 · 1 year
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self indulgent jedi phee  (ง ͠ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌ )▬▬ι═══════ﺤ
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writer-room · 6 months
Honestly the funniest thing about TDP to me is that Rayla for some reason always thinks Callum isn't 100% ride-or-die with her on any given situation. Seriously, she could decide she's jumping off a cliff and he'd do it too--oh wait.
I get that half of it is 'protecting' him but like. Girl he has been ready to die and kill for you since the first snake chain incident. It has not lightened up since. In fact its gotten worse. She's his special little guy and if anything happens to her he will kill everyone in the room and then himself. She physically cannot ever sacrifice herself for anyone because Callum WILL be following her straight into the afterlife in no less than a minute. I'm fully convinced he can and would go even further than Claudia and he'd barely have to think on it for five seconds before shrugging like "damn this sucks, can't believe I have to turn evil" "you literally don't have to--" "no I'm gonna"
And honestly I think that's peak teenagers first girlfriend behavior.
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
hi hello here’s a horrid concept for you all that has been haunting me for weeks. the idea of this as a fluffybird song ok goodnight
[logs out immidiately]
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pawphin · 1 year
somebody bumped into my car in the parking lot and the way i IMMEDIATELY sprung into damage control because i know what its like to be yelled at over a scratch
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lycanthian · 5 months
#i am so in love its unreal. never have i ever before felt this wealth of human emotions so concentrated over the past month and a week#genuinely mind boggling how talking to logan more and more and then dating him has literally made me feel likr a new man.#not that im different or that i absolutely need him to function in my day to day life#but its the richness that being in love brought to my life that was unexpected#i had a thing with another online friend like 4 yrs ago and it never felt like much admittedly. i almost gave up dating when he broke it off#bc i thought there was something to online dating that wasnt cutting it and i didnt stand a chance at meeting someone irl#and that entire time i knew logan at least a little bit but we didnt really begin talking often until like#6 months ago maybe? and just the more we talked the more we clicked ajd i liked him so much but i was so afraid that it wouldnt be mutual#and i was so afraid that even if he is in what feels like a pretty open polycule hed never ask me out or anything#and then he did and my world felt like it exploded into a cacophony of colors and sounds and feelings and emotions#like something had been unlocked in me that hadnt been touched in years. my ability to love.#and with that came some of the most upsetting spiraling intense depressive states of my life. but it was okay. it still is okay.#its only been a bit over a month but it feels like so much more than that bc i feel like everything is so much more vivid now#i also think im beginning to take a very particular fondness to someone else in the cule but im so not stating who or expanding upon it#he also makes me really happy but i dont think im ready to take that step yet. even if it would be a dream come true.#i love what i have now and i dont want to complicate it yet.#a extremely loving and charming boyfriend and a couple of other close friends who happen to also be dating him is good. its awesome#i just. i dont know. i dont know how logan would feel abt it. i dont know abt how other guy would feel abt it.#sometimes im not even sure how i would feel abt it#aughghhhhhhhh. yeah. human emotion. love for my boyfriend who is beautiful and loving and charming and funny and talented. ueh#i dont think he reads these rambles. sometimes i hope he does. sometimes i hope he doesnt. i love him so much#i dont want to worry him with my shit constantly but it would also be nice to worry him with it occasionally#logan if you see this i love you more than words could ever describe. im so happy that ur in my life and that you chose me to be in ur own#gamey rambles#💜
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vaugarde · 2 years
well that was underwhelming. look at her shes happy :)
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snekdood · 1 year
is it magic or is it manipulation?
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 2 months
fallout tv show ghoul discussion
the only thing i dislike about the show is their retcon of ghoul lore- everything else is a banger i had a great time but the lore changing the ghouls baffles me, as it retcons and changes literally every other game in the franchise. its funny, im not mad about it, im ok with the show having different lore than the games. i just hope they make it clear that its an AU kind of thing haha mainly because if someone gets introduced to the series from the show, and they go off to play the games, theyre going to be confused. so, what are the changes? well-
in fo3, theres an entire side mission involving the underworld, where the ghouls there really hammer in that the rumors like; that they regen and so can only be killed by headshots, that they eat people, that they can go feral at any point, and that they're zombies.
all of this is just propaganda spread by the brotherhood and bigots to justify murder and genocide.
none of it is true. they bleed and die like anyone else. but in the show, these things are not rumors, and they are completely true. cooper constantly has to take this drug from a vial that prevents him from going feral. theres no explanation on where this medicine came from, who makes it, whats its made out of, etc.
so, while in the game, turning feral is unknown, seemingly at random (theories range from genetics, lack of socialization, insanity, radiation exposure, and time) and ghouls dont just- randomly turn feral. but in the show its enevitable and therefore the hate towards them is justified. the only things that are special about them is that they; age much, much slower than non-ghouls, that they can heal faster using radiation. (to my knowlege, they still need to be patched up. they do not just regen. they can still get shot to death, or maimed. they just heal a little faster.) and they need more potent drugs, as it doesnt affect them as strongly (mentioned in fo3 by some ghouls in a subway) the changes made in the show heavily changes the stories of a few characters and places in the entire series.
for fo3: changes the entire underworld. these ghouls cannot leave this place. if they do, they're shot and killed immediately by the brotherhood nearby. they discuss how they're discriminated against. in the fo3 dlc, point lookout, the ghoul there presumably hasnt left the manor he lives in for well over 200 years. he wouldnt have access to these vials. tenpenny tower. their ban on ghouls would be justified then. the entire narrative involving the water purifier and putting the serum in that will kill off all mutants. with the changes the show makes, the decision whether or not you do this has no weight and eradicating mutants becomes justified. for fallout new vegas: dean domino. he hasn't left the Sierra Madre in over 200 years. he wouldnt have access to these vials either and would have probably gone feral a long time ago. for fallout 4: diamond city. diamond city's ban on ghouls wouldnt be an issue anymore. since in the show, ghouls cant die aside from headshots, the ghouls being thrown out into the wastes to the elements wouldn't really be as heavy of an issue.
(i cannot comment for fallout 1 and 2, as i am not as knowledgable about the ghouls in those two games. feel free to add on in reblogs if you know more about them than i do)
i love the show, i think its awesome. im basically consuming it now with the idea that its canon -within its own story and lore- and is separate from the game itself. cooper is a badass and the changes work for the show itself, not so much the entire series. which is fine in my eyes.
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littencloud9 · 1 month
anyway. that was so fucking good so as usual have my post watch thoughts:
vanitas - i am putting him in a fucking blender and then giving him a big hug. give this guy a BREAK. there is something so wrong with him and i love it. him and noé are so incredibly well-done. pure opposites and they clash but it works. him and mikhail devastated me. he is so insanely kind and you dont expect it bc he keeps shoving people away?? and hes so snarky but hes doing everything to save others??? sacrificing his body to countless experiments as a child so that other children wouldnt suffer the same, saving the vampires with the book even as it chips away at the humanity he struggles to keep, being a DOCTOR. im gonna throw something
noé - i’m in love with him. that’s it. jk but he is AMAZING and his love for domi makes me wanna cry and also him and murr are so funny and when he said he’ll never set vanitas free, something in me revived. i love that his first instinct is always to protect, whether it’s by his own body or by inflicting violence. he is just so sweet and has a big big heart and i think im gonna go cry actually
jeanne - JEANNE!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH. her arc with chloé was WONDERFUL and she’s the cutest and coolest ever. im putting her in my pocket and patting her adoringly. she’s so fiercely loyal to her duty but when it comes to people she cares about she struggles because her heart is so big and i am JUST. I LOVE JEANNE
dominique - I ALSO LOVE DOMI. HOLY SHIT shes probably my favourite as of now. i didnt have much of an impression of her in s1 (tho she was so cool) but s2 hit me like a truck. i love that we got her pov of the whole thing with louis! doomed siblings haha my weakness. the scene of her holding back her younger self and louis just watching WAS SO INCREDIBLE. domi looking into her most vulnerable self and being forced to confront her past MMMM. her as a child chopping her hair off after louis died like WOW that murdered me. her saying she hates herself but fighting to stay alive anyway. AND HER AND THE SICK ASS ICE POWERS. AND JEANNE SAYING SHES BEAUTIFUL. and her with the line about protecting others or something. BECAUSE AT THE END OF THE DAY DOMI IS A KNIGHT! AHHHH GOD I LOVE HER
mikhail - this kid both freaks me out and makes me miserable. as a child screaming help me big brother while he was being dragged away, and then when the book was eating him alive and he was screaming at vanitas to help him again. that killed me. and him doing everything because he wants to bring back their family. being stuck in the past and begging for vanitas to return with him IM GONNA THROW UP
chloé and jean-jacques - they aren’t my favourites but their arc was wonderful!! oh the tragedy of being childhood best friends in this show. i love that they found each other when it was needed. i love that they did everything to protect each other. i love that they saved each other. i love that both their true names have something to do with flowers, the same as the place where they first met (unless i’m remembering things wrong do not come at me it’s been a While skfhekfb)
vanoé thoughts - because vanoé is what i came for. i was Not disappointed. thejr dynamic is so silly and fun but also devastating. their designs being parallels, being Meant To Be, is great. vanitas having to hypnotise himself to kill noé, yet being unable to do it even with a KNIFE TO HIS THROAT. and noé also holding back, despite knowing that he is completely capable of killing vanitas too. and the rain and everything and ohhhh my god i will die. and vanitas leaning on noé in s1 and noé leaning on vanitas in s2 HECK YEAH. AND THE SUN RISE IN S1 WHEN NOÉ PROMISED TO STAY BY VANITAS’ SIDE. AND THE SUN RISE IN S2 WHEN THEY MADE UP. AND VANITAS TOOK NOÉ’S HAND! AND ACCEPTED HIM INTO HIS LIFE! after hiding everything about himself from noé, and now letting him see just a piece of him. and them arguing like an old married couple but also instinctively protecting each other. these damn gays
domijeanne - when do they kiss. like for Real. man i love that they hold such high admiration for each other and they support each other so much. and domi who harbours so much self-hatred and compares herself with jeanne, but jeanne just sees her as strong and beautiful and incredible. i love that they’re genuinely friends and always go to each other and ALSO LETS NOT FORGET THE DANCING SCENE! and also jeanne the hellfire witch and domi with the ice powers LIKE! INCREDIBLE SHOW STOPPING. pretty please i need them to kiss
overall - love the op and ed so much. love the colours and vibrancy and how during the last fight it was all grey and dull and ugh. studio bones KNOWS how to do symbolism with these damn colours. incredible and devastating writing and im definitely gonna go read the manga. drop dead gorgeous art style like all of these characters are BEAUTIFUL. a perfect mix of silly and pure horror and genuine love (both platonic and romantic and maybe some of these characters are trauma bonded but they come together anyway and that is just great) and tragedy. i love vnc. the bsd-mtp-vnc pipeline so real. they are all incredible shows but i think vnc has my favourite storyline out of them all so far. thanks if u read til here LMAO 🫶🫡
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dinxieyinxie · 4 months
wouldnt it be funny if yonal was gilderoy's go-to senior WHAGAHAHA
if my sources are true, yonal would be in his 4th/5th year when gilderoy came to hogwarts so i find it absolutely hilarious to imagine him being that annoying freshie constantly bugging yonal for whatever question or exaggerated story he has up in his sleeve, its like the opposite dynamic of lucius and sev LMAO
yonal complimented him ONCE then he instantly became his fav like ???? 💀💀💀
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marunalu · 11 days
Hi just want to say I love your theories especially the President of USA is actually AFO's disguise or rather Hisashi real AFO's disguise in America that I remembered something from chapter 422 where we saw the president again. I found it interesting as I remember before the heroes of America were prohibited from intervening in the war going on Japan because they were busy with their own villains aka AFO's friends. Stars and Striped just broke that rule and went to Japan anyway. Funny how now that a certain green haired kid is fighting AFO is when the president changes his mind and sends the heroes of America to fight in Japan but only after seeing its Izuku who's fighting. I mean could be a coincidence maybe they already dealt with their own situation in America and only then decided to assist Japan but I don't think the manga ever showed that situation in America being solved. But then the president looked absolutely panicked in that panel and Inko was shown in the same panel. What do you think?
First, thanks for your kind words. I love this kind of theorys, even if they dont turn out true in the end. Its so fun to speculate what could happen. I have no idea why so many people react so deeply insultet as soon as people talk about dfo or other theorys. Its not a big deal. We are just having fun.
About the theory if the us president is afo aka hisashi in disguise. Its a fun thought and when @lurking96 @psychomurderz and I came up with it, we were for the most part just joking. I swear if it turns out true I will eventually die of laughter! 🤣 Just imagine, right now most of the readers believe dfo is debunked because "afo doesnt love izuku" (as if all parents on this planet actually care about their children, there are enough who dont) and because he seems dead for good, but then in the last few chapters hori gives some subtle hints or even confirms that hisashi is afo and on top the president of the united states. The fandom would explode! 🤣
Fact is, afo has the ability to change his appearance, to change his dna, can have any quirk he wants, said himself he never leaves traces that could lead back to him, did hide in america for many years, is pretty popular in america as well and whos best buddy is a mad doctor/scientist with the ability to dublicate every quirk and also was in the possession of a clone quirk. So I think, people believing that afo couldnt have a clone (no matter if hisashi is the real afo or not) is kinda dumb. Hori hyped hisashi up to be someone of importance in interviews and refuses to talk about him because of "to big of a spoiler" and I dont think he was lying. Dfo is debunked when the last chapter comes out and its to 100% confirmed there is no connection between afo and hisashi not sooner or later, so I dont get why so many dfo fans have given up already.
And yes, I too think that its weird how the us president was at first against his own heroes helping japan out with afo, but as soon as he sees izuku fighting he orders all heroes to go to japan to help and when this one guy pointed out "but what if afo wins and we are the next target?" And the president SCREAMS "I dont *fucking* care!" On the same page inko is on! I mean HELLO?! Of course it could be just an coincidence. But why was the president at first against it and was like "sorry, guys but my heroes have enough to do with our own villains. You are on your own" but as soon as he sees izuku he is like "screw that! Send EVERY SINGLE american hero to japan to help that boy! I dont fucking care what meanwhile happens to the country Im responsible for!" Yeah, weird reaction.
It was pointed out that afo has his hands and influence in every single country. Has "friends" all around the world in the governments. If afo similar to garaki had a clone of himself there is no way afo wouldnt try to take control of the most powerful nation of the world. Im still positive about dfo and I dont care what any anti says. Dfo is debunked when the manga is finished and hisashi really is just some other dude of no importance what already contradicts what hori said about him! Remember, how hori used hagakure as a red herring for the traitor reveal and readers were like "I KNEW IT!", just for aoyama confirmed to be the true traitor. Hori had no qualms to put red herrings in his story just to come with a twist in the end. Seems like a lot of readers still havent learned their lesson!
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ohmygeese · 1 year
I feel like the complaints people have about this season about the princesses and destiny's children have the mechanics of dnd combat and storytelling to "blame."
Like I would've loved if Rosamund got to do a persuasion check for either Snow or Cinderella. Like I was ready for it even before the start of the episode but it couldnt happen 'cus one: Rosamund was out for I think a round of combat, two: Rosamund heard people coming from out side the Canonade and three: Snow white was already four rounds into the spell and something needed to be done pronto. Yes, her concentration got broken but I think at that point Cinderella stole Scheherezade's book.
So, Siobhan not wasting anytime decided to go for what could solve the problems at hand. A zephyr strike so she could at least deal good damage to Snow (maybe so Tim can put her in the book or at least to knock her unconcious) and so she could move 60 feet away from what she knows should either be the fairies or the Stepmother.
And then she fucking hit a nat 20, you don't plan that. A great, poetic nat 20 btw. Like again the image of Sleeping Beauty killing Snow White, two princesses who needed a true love's kiss to wake up from what is essentially death. One undead princess to another, trading crits and blows. Really, if any other dc member killed Snow, it wouldnt have felt as good anf painful as this.
And besides, we got Mira and Elody (maybe, Cinderella, I honestly don't know how thats going to go but I am waiting for it meaning I need Rosamund in her fucked-up state to do it). Heck, Red really tried with La Bete. And even got her fur when it was obvious that talking wouldn't work. It's the thought of even if it came down to this, I'm thinking of you. We're thinking of you. We'll accept you with open arms.
(Well maybe not all of them but c'mon you have to let the Frog Prince eat Rapunzel like the heron at Baba Yaga's hut. It's funny and nice callback. Who knows maybe Gerard coughs up a hair ball).
All in all, I am happy with this season and am excitedly waiting for the finale. I hope the Stepmother and Baba Yaga have a looney tunes type brawl. And I hope the Baba Yaga makes Alphonse appears in a battle one last time.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 7 months
You know, a bonus to designing the oc is that other people will drawn them in the scenarios you share! I know your lore really made me excited to see your little fella ^^) it's so nice to encounter someone eho likes SDV in the wild and your world building makes me want to boot up my computer and deal with the lag to see everyone again. I do have to wonder though, what's your take on how the valley feels about JojaMart? It seems like it replaces extensions on the Vally's magic if you fund it.
TRUE…U ARE SO RIGHT!!! Luckily I have a small little ref sheet for him already made heehee. But ill post it on my sdv blog (when i make it). I can put it here too but ill do that under a readmore 😌
Also. U are so sweet 😭 I am so sorry ur game is too laggy to play but i am touched that my little bit of lore is enough for u to want to brave through that mess anyway LMAO
FIRST OF ALL….here is my boy….
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His name is June and ive since tweaked some stuff about him. You dont need to know much about him, just that hes a bit of a cryptid among the town for almost two years before townspeople start interacting w him on their own volition. His best friends are Marnie, Kent, and Caroline, and he is really cool w Willy, Linus, and Marlon (old men gang rise up). Also romances Shane which is funny to Me bc whenever shane gets a male farmer to romance i am constantly rotating this image of vincent getting upset and saying ‘gee jas how come YOU get two cool godfathers’
To answer ur question about Jojamart; i feel like it truly wouldnt mess with the balance of magic in the valley. Magic is powerful BUT. It is adaptive. The Junimos harness the magic of the valley to fix things in the broken down community center, but if someone else came along and fixed it for them, well thats one less thing the magic of the valley is used for. Theres plenty of talented people in the valley that dont need magic to get things done 😉 (Robin my beloved)
But i do think jojamart is a big indicator that something is amiss with the town. I think it is a common idea to believe that jojamart is like. Evil. And like. Its totally a soulless corporation, but i think its filling a very specific Need of this town. Pelican town has some very skilled laborers that sell their work and services to help provide not just for themselves, but FOR pelican town; if that still leaves people unable to pay rent/mortgage or groceries, then people will absolutely swoop in and offer ‘solutions’.
I have more Thots but basically……magic is powerful, but it cant do anything on its own. Its utilized by magical beings to make tangible change in the world. But humans are capable of making real and tangible change without the use of magic. Jojamart says ‘here, give me money and time and ill fix this stuff 😉’ and that is not anymore different than Robin, Clint, the junimos, etc saying ‘give me some money and time and i can do this thing for u 😉’. Jojamart is like. Bad. But bad in the same way Pierre owning the only grocery store in town wo employing anyone is bad, and how Lewis is okay with all of this Mess. Its indicative of a bigger problem in the valley that magic cant really fix
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chatlote · 7 months
Please. Share more info about the maruki adopts akechi au. IM INVESTED
Anything about the PT in this au? Would Akechi meet them? (Drama? Romance?)
Thank you sm for being interested! Theres SO MUCH I can say that I wouldnt be sure where to start so I will focus on the ones you did ask!
The phantom thieves are very much in this universe as well. And Akechi will join them eventually, he approaches them himself when he realizes that maybe Maruki isn't following through their cause properly. He requests them to change Maruki heart along with him for the sake of making sure the world the envision will truly be good. (Obviously this will all blow up into Akechi breaking out of brainwashing as they explore the palace)
I will copy a snippet of my notes about the fact that he is part of Shujin academy as well and how he Joker first meet! And reply to the romance question under cut!
"Akechi would be the vice president of the student council and has a general reputation of being approachable and kind and that venting about your problems to him always helps. He doesn't always use his powers it's just a general he Helps just by listening. The entire school is rumors of how kind and pretty is the counselor and his son. They might not look alike but everyone is like they are so similar it's so true this school will always be at peace with them. Then akiren charges in. And it's not like he brainwashed the whole school so rumors start, it's unpleasant and akechi won't have that its not their goal. He changes the person who started the rumors but that doesn't stop it and they can't make their plans too obvious he can't change everyone so he approaches akiren with the goal of knowing how he is doing if he should just change him into someone 'calm' and maybe the rumors would go away on their own. But he realizes akiren is … harmless and kind? There's nothing there to even rumor about. Maybe it's because akechi is there and he is pretending? He decides he wants to keep in contact he wants akiren to keep in touch to know if he will adjust well if he can give names if someone does something to him and funny enough akiren agrees in a similar reason of, tell me if there seems to be a big person that the students are worried about (so the thieves can change them) Basically they are each other new source of info for side quests. Also joker figures it out after kamoshida because the entire school seems to be Too Calm and Too Okay with what just happened. Something akechi slipped with Morgana there makes him realize Akechi has some powers too and maybe that's why."
As for romance, I'm obviously a shuake fan if you have glanced at my blog. Basically there would indeed be a endgame with the two of them but things are a bit more complicated than that. Because for Akechi to heal and accept himself after Maruki brainwash breaks, he needs Joker to not have loved his pleasant self. Unlike canon it's not like that's a version of him he was just pretending to be, it's a version of him that existed out of his control.
So basically while they have feelings for each other before it a bit, even though Maruki says he shouldnt (making this one of the few things Akechi has picked out of his own free will) and Joker mostly likes him as a friend. Their relationship mostly develops as in a similar way to Sumire Rank5-10, Joker spends time with Akechi figuring out together what 'Akechi' even is as a person, its been all 4 years since he has been under control, and now all he has is Anger and Sadness at his manipulation and forgotten memories that came back. Joker is the one who introduces him to competitive games like darts and shogi this time around. The most validating thing Joker does for Akechi is loving his anger more than his politeness in the end.
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fipindustries · 4 months
one interesting thing about AI art is that...
well, in all my years online i am used to coming across images that i like to call "internet images", meme fodder, fanart, strange illustrations of the most random stuff, funny little doodles, etc. i would see them being used as reaction pics in 4chan or as avatars in forums. there are those specific illustrations that become a meme format that noone really knows where they came from or who the original artist was. there were those images that would get shared around from some hyper obscure comic or manga panel or from some rpg manual from the 80's.
thing is i almost accepted in my head that these images didnt really have an origin, a part of me conceptualized those images as if they had sprung forth from the ether, spontanously arising from the very foam of the internet. they were images without origin or artist. maybe if you asked the person who shared it what the source was, in the hopes that you could find more of tha stuff, they would mention this one webcomic noone read or some artist they follow of pixiv but just as often they wouldnt know where those images came from
well, now with AI that is more true than ever, every weird, cool, fascinating, strange and eye catching AI image you see truly arose from the very internet without much more context than someone asked the AI to make it.
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mako-neexu · 3 months
this manhwa is sooo goooddd usually the villainess wants to live... but she wants to die lmao i love it. the take on being transmigration to a novel where the FL does not want to be here (since usually they just comes to terms with it in time) and has identity crisis along the way, forgetting who she was before inhabiting the current body shes in, the literal world bending reality just to fulfill a destiny set in stone so no matter what she does not die until she accomplishes that that body must do ughh so gooooood...
ive expected helena to be a white lotus female character to the story but i really like that she really is good deep down. shes advised to be naive to survive but as the different!eris changed almost everyone's lives, helena matured in her own way, initially feeling nothing more than friendship with the crown prince, the ending showed with her simply giving a him a look of pity and indifference, a look that his mother gave him since he was born. he used her without even asking helena's feelings and nobody even asked her what she felt for him.. so he really was nothing more than a friend to her right from the beginning. the ending showed with her giving him a look that would haunt him for the rest of his life.
i really liked priest hubris lol he was so cute but the obssessiveness he had to different!eris intensified that i cant help but kinda wish he fell in love with helena, like what the original novel said so he wouldnt have had to suffer... but then again his mother issues got to him lmao. same goes for jason where he should have just fallen in love with helena but got obssessed with FL instead (i just noticed a lot of them have greek names huh? man i love it. the way the pieces fall into place is really good but it really is funny the ML is named after skywalker lol)
when it revealed that OG!eris wished to disappear and it came true was spine chilling. seriously, its amazing. can you imagine doing your everyday routine and when you wake up, you are in a world far different from your own where you realize you are in the body of one of the characters in a novel you read, the skin, the flesh you feel is not yours, not yours, feeling someone else's skin clinging so tightly against yours it doesnt feel real yet you still feel your heartbeat, your breath, your pulse. but as time passes it eventually fits the wearer, a skin tight suit that suffocates you, its face plastered for so long on you that you begin to cry for your face- and then you realize the walking skin suit you were wearing all along has been a corpse. its owner dead the moment she fervently wished to disappear because the world hated her, because the prince never returned her love (wished for her to never have been born), born a villainess for the sake of the story's happy ending, unfortunately granted because of a wish from the person who loved her like a daughter and because of a force beyond their circumstances.
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