#wrote this cuz shitty day and night would let me relax so got this out since anxiety wouldn't leave me today :)
imandriebitemepls · 9 months
Miles willing let his sunflowers wilt
Miles falls, disgusted at himself.
Miles looks numbly at his 42 variant, his 42 prowler variant. Someone who deserved the life he mistakenly stole from him. Someone who Miles' most likely would've become, and now he feels as if he also took that from his variants hands as the numbness turns into a tired rage he's had ever since becoming Spider-Man's replacement, all those nights spent hating himself and doubting his existents all together. A existents he traded a life, the same exitance watching his uncle die because he was a mistake. A non-spider man with abilities most spiders didn't have. An anomaly, a monster, a freak of nature and universes across universes. The original anomaly.
Then, suddenly he hears what his variant spits out at him, obviously upset at the creature wearing his face, the same creature Miles' 42 mom saw, the same creature he very much still alive 42 uncle saw, the creature who 42 Miles' dad could've saw if Miles' hadn't been the fuck up he always was.
Tired rage spills back into numbness with even more hopelessness since he saw the other(rightfully) spiders, leave his universe with so much sadness and hurt, even his body hurt more than he thought it could handle without, at the very least, bleeding out.
He couldn't live anymore. Yes, physically he's still here but the Miles' he had been before being bitten had died, and he mourned his innocents death before he put on a carefully made mask around any and everyone who had met Miles' and who would potentially others he might meet as well. That part was the easiest since those people didn't know him before and even easier since he barely met any friends or even acquaints.
He understand why this Miles', deeper but very much still him- (no) he thought- (not him Miles' could never hold a candle to any and every Miles' every universe offers, he's a mistake.)
"Who are you and why do you look like me?" 42 Miles' states more than questions his counterpart.
"It doesn't matter, you won't believe a single word that comes out my mouth" 42 Miles' bristled at the non-answer and Miles' knows he deservers the truth since he looks just like him, only with a few differences, and is probably worried about how they got his identity and if this creature knew more beyond his looks.
Miles' sighs as he mentally prepares himself for the onslaught of questions and hateful gazes
"I am Miles' Morales from a different dimsention, I was bitten by a radioactive spider not from my universe but from this one instead. The night I got my powers I saw my dimsention version of Spider-Man aka Perter Parker. Since my universe already had a spider and its very own Spider-Man, I was deemed an anomaly only a few hours ago while being chased by every Spider-Man on earth 298, your earth being 42 and mine being earth 1610," Miles' pauses for a second to gauge their reactions, and as he expected they looked as if the creature in front of them was crazy mixed with an expression of curiosity of this batshit insane talk was going to lead.
Miles' continues until he get to the part of his uncle variant dying in his arms as all he could do was cry for a few moments until his dad saw him and he had to flee.
Surprised at the whole baffling situation, and Uncle Aaron being dead instead of 42 Miles' father in this universe. Learning how he had painted a mural for his uncle, noting similarities with earth 42's world as well as finding out Miles dad was gonna die- (again) 42 Miles' thought sourly- only to find out why the spider society was chasing him to begin with, noting how monstrous of his own people who know how it feels to deal with loss, and made him share their pain- (pain he'd already seem to have 2x more of before his 'friend' spider leered him to be hunted, again)- Miles' thought as he stared blankly at the section between 42 Miles' and his uncle, his rightfully alive uncle.
Not noticing the tears that spilled from his eyes as he continued his explanation. His voice finally cracking when he all but slurs out, "There's no way to save my dad, my home, my world. Because even if I can go back home there's still a interdimensional villain out to destroy everything I love and most likely my dimension and more." he wails as he feels the painfully familiarity of grief he could've stopped, but it seems all and every universe is trying to kill or hurt him since he unintentionally took lives that weren't meant to be taken from 1610 universes gentle hold, killing coldly them as soon as he was bitten.
"If maybe I died instead of uncle Aaron things would be better, if I had just never been born everyone would be here still. Maybe Miguel was right I'm a mistake, there's no hope no one is on my side, not like I deserves it. the deaths I've caused by just being born is too many with very little lives I've saved at this point. My world is dying and I might as well let my cells be destroyed by this universe for every person that now has to suffer here and getting my universe killed, the least I can do is die a slow and panful death for the actions I can never atone too.."
42 Miles' and Aaron look on at the broken boy with petrified faces eyes widening when they see him distort and slump forwards as he passes out glitching like a glitch in a game.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Following the Unknown
Okay, so sometime ago, I wrote something up about another soulmate au that was inspired from a dream I had (and for some reason I can’t find it in my archives...f* you Tumblr! And if anyone remembers what I’m talking about, think you can send me a link? Cuz I can’t find it QQ).
So the AU concept went something like this:
Some people know they have soulmates because they can hear their soulmate’s voice. If you’re lucky enough, you can actually see them, or rather their silhouette in the form of a swarm of leaves, that trail away once your soulmate stops talking to you. These leaves fly off and sometimes if you chase them, lead you to your soulmate. However, if they go on, that means that your soulmate isn’t close. Some people have feathers as guides, however, those who have seen these feathers and followed them are guaranteed to see their soulmates...but only at the brink of death. People dread to have feathers guide them to their soulmate, despite their gold color. 
The only con of this soulmate bond is that only those with the bond can see the glowing white leaves, no one else can see the leaves but those with that type of bond. 
And I haven’t touched the au until I was listening to Into the Unknown...
With that explanation out of the way, I hope you enjoy it!
Song: Into the Unknown by Idina Menzel | Daminette Soulmate Au
Context: Damian is 17 years old, never once telling anyone he had a soulmate bond. Mari is 16, her soulmate bond appearing that very year, something she always wanted, but hated that it was at the worst time to receive a bond. After all, defeating Hawkmoth was her top priority.
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak​ @damianette-is-life​
Damian stirred in his bed, a whisper ringing in his ears. Attempting to block them out, Damian wrapped his pillow over his head, his knuckles turning white as he did so.
Damian threw the pillow to the side, wincing at the voice that echoed within his head. Struggling to get up, Damian quickly drew out his sketchbook, flipping to the back of it. There, a meticulously set of dates were written and organized, a tip of a quill meeting the page, Damian writing down a new date.
Ever since his 16th birthday, he had been having these effects, a voice whispered to him. 
It was soft, soothing, but annoying all at the same time. 
Hello. It would whisper. Can you hear me?
I can hear you but I won't.
Of course he was able to. It bothered him to the ends of the Earth, causing him to become distracted at school and during patrols.
He regretted ever answering back to them after they kept trying to contact them for four solid months.
With that single response, he had been able to hear the voice clearer, causing the noise to grow stronger, something that Damian hated. 
Because of it, his grades slowly slipped, but Damian had managed to keep them up. Patrol, however, was another story. 
He kept getting a scolding from his father and brother, causing his mood to sour even more. 
He already had a pretty shitty sleep schedule and the noise just made it worse. 
He would awaken at random times during the middle of the night, ranging from one in the morning to four. He rarely got them at five and six, but nonetheless had them then as well. 
Ignore your whispers which I wish would go away
Damian got back to bed, hoping to fall back to sleep as he heard the noise stay with him. Damian didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, but he did, nonetheless when the noise had whispered to him. 
And the voice remained quiet for the remainder of the night.
“-and only one in every three million have this type of soulmate bond.” Damian paused the video, writing something down in his notepad, circling the new piece of information.
The Wind Bond.
A bond that those who had it describe it to be like a wind itself.
It caused you to hear the voice of your soulmate, ever so softly heard like a midsummer breeze. 
The soulmate’s voice would only grow stronger if they were close by.
Those who had a romantic version of the bond would also see their soulmate’s silhouette in the form of leaves, scattering into the air if you managed to see it. 
However, only the people with the bond were able to see and hear their soulmate.
It was also because of this that people called it the Wind Bond; many only faintly heard the voice of their soulmate and almost never got to ingrain the silhouette of their soulmate, causing them to lose all hope in ever seeing their soulmate.
It was hard to catch, hard to believe, just like the wind.
As Damian tapped in pencil against the table, the noise returned, Damian dropping his pencil to cradle his head.
You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear.
With shaky hands, Damian reached for the headphones laying on his desk.
Damian paired them to his phone and put music to drown the noise, his shoulders relaxing when he could no longer hear it.
I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls.
Damian looked at what he had written, huffing at the paper. 
Why would he ever believe in this?
Damian ripped the paper and tossed them into his metal trash can. Seeing that all of the pieces were inside, Damian opened his desk drawer, rummaging through it until his hand found a small rectangular-like item. 
Flicking the lighter, Damian took the final piece of his ‘research’ and lit it on fire, tossing it in with the rest, watching as smoke rose from the can.
Why would he ever think he had one?
Even if he did have one, he shouldn’t care.
They were unnecessary, a hindrance to him…
At least his mother and grandfather told him. 
As he watched the last ember die, Damian went back to studying, the ringing fading from his mind.
Damian’s eyes widened as his eyes caught the thing behind him. 
He had just gotten past the manor’s gates when he heard someone call out to him.
Turning, Damian found a girl made of softly glowing bluebell leaves.
He watched as they soon scattered into the air, Damian taking a step forward before going into a sprint.
He had the Wind Bond. And the romantic type at that.
Damian quickly came to a stop, watching as the leaves finally left his view.
I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
Damian didn’t know for how long he was standing at where he was, but when he was done accepting what had happened to him, he let out a long deep sigh.
A soulmate, huh?
He would just have to try his best to ignore it.
Damian dug his nails into his hands, the noise coming back inside his head, and at the worst possible time.
What do you want? 
He was busy trying to concentrate on the math problem in front of him, the clock ticking as his professor reminded the class of the time constraint.
“There’s ten minutes left!”
Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?
Damian wanted to scoff at the answer, racking everything he learned to solve the integration before him. It was the only thing left, but for some reason he just couldn’t seem to figure it out.
Just breath.
He did.
Recheck your fourth to last step. That’s where-
“Five minutes!”
Damian quickly rescanned his work for the twentieth time, finally noticing where he had gone wrong. Reworking that step, Damian began to internally grin as he confidently finished the rest, smiling when he placed his pencil down and the professor called time.
Damian hated to admit it, but was glad to be able to hear her voice clearly this time around.
The bell rang, signaling the start of the next class, Damian quickly walking out to get to it.
Thank you. 
“-I simply did what I had to do!” Damian yelled, a snarl present on his face.
“You endangered the civilians inside the building!” Dick yelled, throwing a glare at Bruce. “And you allowed him to-”
“It was necessary for the mission.” Bruce simply stated, walking out the cave, leaving Dick with his feelings.
“I thought you had changed B!” Dick yelled, grabbing his coat. “Seems like you haven’t.”
Damian watched as Dick left, wanting to call him back, but knew that he shouldn’t. Instead, he went off to his own room, heading straight to the shower to get rid of the sweat that made his shirt cling to his body as if it were a second skin.
As he stood under the steaming hot water, Damian pondered to himself.
While he always held his father in high regards, Damian struggled to follow his standards, finding himself to lean more towards Dick’s. Who was right? Who did he have to follow? To please? Who’s standard should he even begin to follow?
But he had to.
But don’t you already have your own set?
He did.
Then follow it.
Damian pursed his lips, turning off the water.
Why should he follow his own instead of one laid out before him?
Because if you try to meet the standards someone placed for you, you’re going to burn out quicker. You will start to lose yourself. Believe me. I’ve been there and hated it. Every. Second. 
Damian kept wondering about the words the voice told him, catching the resentment behind them. 
Despite having lived under the same roof as his father and older brother for seven years, Damian could still measure the tension between themselves. The air was suffocating, made his breathing heavy and felt off.
Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?
They did mention having to choose a decision and regretting it.
They had been through it…
Was it when he told them to take the ring from the other person she was fighting with?
If so, were they once like him? Did they once have these unwanted thoughts? Thoughts of fleeing?
Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?
Damian shook his head, throwing himself onto his bed, Titus laying beside him. 
As he laid in bed, Damian closed his eyes, replaying the day he stopped chasing the bluebell leaves.
Damian found himself reaching towards the ceiling, grabbing one of the leaves. He watched as the bluebell turned red before it slipped out of his hand.
Damian quickly chased after it, stopping as he reached the edge of the manor’s garden, watching as the red leaf turned bluebell once more and disappeared into the distance.
His hand reached out in an attempt to grab it again, despite knowing it was futile. 
Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go 
Into the unknown
Are you out there?
“-you alright Bugaboo?” Ladybug blinked as she registered what Chat had said, finally facing him after scanning their surroundings. “Is there something-”
“You didn’t hear that?” 
“Hear what?” Chat asked, tilting his head, his ear twitching in anticipation.
Marinette looked to her side once again, wondering what the hell was happening to her.
Migraine? No, definitely not. 
“Do you really-” Ladybug was about to ask, only to get interrupted by Chat.
“Seems like you can do it with a day off.” Chat said with a grin, twirling his baton. “You know, maybe a date at-”
Marinette zoned out Chat’s voice, wondering what was going on. She swore she had heard someone call out to her, a smooth voice that sent chills down her spine. But despite that, she felt curiosity behind that whisper.
“-and who knows? We might find out that we’re actually-”
“You mean soulmates.” Chat tried to correct, watching as Ladybug’s face pale. “Bugaboo. What-”
“My soulmate bond.” She whispered, feeling a lump in her throat. “I got my soulmate b-”
“Does that mean-!”
“No.” Ladybug said, sternly looking at Chat. “We’re not soulmates.”
“How are yo-”
“When I asked if you heard that, you said no.” 
“And what does that-”
“My soulmate bond has to do with hearing each other’s voices. Our thoughts.” Ladybug watched as Chat’s smile dropped, his eyes turning dull. “You’re not my- Chaton!” Marinette yelled out as Chat ran away from her, using his baton to launch himself to who knows where.
Sighing, Marinette called off her transformation, Tikki flying up to Marinette’s cheek. “Why now? Why now of all times?”
“I wish I had the answer to that Marinette, but even we have no knowledge on how soulmate bonds are assigned and given. If we did-”
“I always wanted a soulmate bond.” Marinette confessed, Tikki giving her a small smile. “But to think I would get one right now, with Hawkmoth-”
“It’s going to be alright Marinette.” Tikki assured, snuggling closer. “It’s going to be alright, you’ll see.”
“I hope you’re right Tikki. I really hope you are right.” Marinette said, embracing Tikki in her own way.
Do you know me?
Or rather do you remember me?
Marinette had not heard back from her soulmate in a solid month, wondering what was going on. 
Was it just a fluke?
“I don’t think so.” Tikki said, munching on a cookie. “While we may not know everything about soulmate bonding, we do know some basic principles. Using those, I’m pretty sure you have a soulmate bond. It’s just taking a while to settle into your life. Well, lives.”
Marinette sighed, placing her head on her desk, attempting to reconnect with her soulmate for the umpteenth time.
Months continued to pass, Marinette now dealing with a tantrum-throwing Chat and an unresponsive soulmate.
Yes, the soulmate bonding was supposed to be the least of her worries, but how can Marinette ignore the fact that she hadn’t heard from them in three months?
In attempts to push it to the back of her mind, Marinette focused on retrieving the cat miraculous from Chat. 
Another month passed when a miracle occured. 
Marinette was sick and tired of playing cat and mouse with Chat, promising herself to try this one last time before she officially gave up on taking back the cat miraculous. 
They were once more fighting an appearance changing akuma, the akuma changing the appearance of any person they touched, Marinette doing everything in her power to avoid being touched. What should she do? She didn’t want to be a useless fish nor-
Take it when he gets hit by his opponent. 
Marinette stiffed at those words, feeling as if he knew then from experience himself. 
Marinette didn’t get a response, but stuck with their advice, watching for her opportunity to rise. 
An hour later, there it was. 
As she flung him out of harm’s way, she slipped the ring off of him, her eyes closed as she renounced his ownership of the ring and of Plagg. 
A single tear slipped as he heard him scream at her. As he begged her to reconsider. 
Ladybug simply ignored the growing guilt in her chest, but knew it was for the best. 
With a final tug at her yo-yo, Ladybug took down the akuma and prepared herself to be the hero Paris truly needed. 
Back at home, Marinette hugged her pillow, crying her heart out as she started to doubt her decision from earlier that day.
A month had passed since that day, Marinette slumping into her bed as she de transformed. Plagg and Tikki quickly checked on their Guardian before going off to replenish their own energy. 
With a heavy sigh, Marinette threw her arm over her forehead, feeling the tension in it. 
Hawkmoth was still out there, searching for her, using all her allies against her. All but two. 
Rena Rouge has the first out. 
Then Carapace. 
Lady Guêpe was forced to resign. 
Then Chat Noir. 
Ryuuko and Viperion remained, but at what cost?
But she couldn’t keep burdening them with her duties, with her life. 
The trio were the only ones to protect Paris, although it was majorly Lady Chat in the scene.
Announcing to Paris that Chat was no longer going to aid with the defeat of Hawkmoth ended up turning for the worst, half of Paris wondering why Ladybug would ever do such a thing. 
Why would she ever let Chat go when she needed him the most?
She ignored them, knowing it was for the greater good. She knew that what she did was necessary. 
She wasn’t going to allow Chat to continue to corrupt Plagg, even Viperion and Ryuuko agreed with her. 
And yes, she did always meet up with them...in their slightly hidden civilian forms. 
While the previous guardian told her the importance of keeping their identities, Marinette’s morality began to waver. 
If they wanted any chance of defeating Hawkmoth, they needed more trust with each other. 
Yes, they can potentially leak out each other’s identities if akumatized, but she was willing to risk it. 
So with Ryuuko and Viperion’s help, Ladybug sought a way to take down the enemy, once and for all. 
Marinette’s thoughts soon became muddled, equations blurring into her mind. 
She sat there, cradling her mind as math flooded her head, a concerned Tikki rushing to her. 
They are rushing it. 
They had to use substitution there, not the answer they got in the first part. 
What do you want?
Are you here to distract me?
Just breath.
Recheck your fourth to last step. That’s where-
The voice faded, becoming a soothing hum. Mari felt as her shoulders relaxed, only then noticing she had then square and tense. 
She decided to sit up, eyeing her sketchbook. 
When was the last time she opened it? 
Just as she turned to a clean page, Marinette started to sketch, writing the word red at the side. 
That’s when she heard her soulmate say something she thought they were never going to say to her. 
Thank you. 
Giddiness filled her imagination, Marinette got to designing, Plagg and Tikki smiling as they watched her emerge herself into her work. 
Marinette placed a final pin into her alterations when her head began to angrily hum.
Who’s standard should I follow?
Marinette wondered what was going on with her soulmate that made them question and doubt the morality standards around them. But if she went off experience…
But I have to choose a side.
Don’t you have your own set of morals? Principles?
I do.
Then follow them.
Why can’t I just choose one of the ones laid before me?
Because if you keep trying to choose one of them, you’re going to burn out. You’re going to lose yourself.  And you’ll hate it. Every. Second. That passes.
Marinette began to panic when she didn’t hear anything said back, looking at Tikki for some type of explanation. 
Tikki simply looked at her with sad eyes while Plagg purred against Marinette’s cheek, Marinette deflating upon not getting an answer to her situation. 
Can you feel me?
The voice asked, Damian debating on whether to answer it. 
Because, no. He couldn’t feel them, but certainly did feel their emotions 
He had been for the past half year. 
And he knew that whoever they were, they were either a hero or vigilante. 
He was able to clearly feel their emotions and hear their thoughts when they finally defeated someone called Hawkmoth. 
He had tried to ask them who it was, but they never responded, quickly changing the subject. 
Mostly about their upcoming schedule. 
Something about having to make a dress for some event they were invited to. 
He remembers telling them about him being in the same boat, having to get his measurements taken for a new suit for the gala. 
Can you show me?
Their bond only allowed them to hear each other.
And our silhouettes. They added. 
“Master Damian, there you are.” Alfred spoke, Damian looking over at his grandfather (not that he would ever say it out loud). 
“Is this about the gala? I presume Father wants me to do something for him.”
“More like remind you of how-“
“I won’t let some random harlots try to seduce me.” Damian stated firmly, picking up Alfred the cat. “They can try, but I will not waver.” 
Alfred let a smile out, giving a few words for thought before leaving. 
Damian sighed, going back to his conversation. Or at least attempted. 
He tried to say something to his soulmate, but never got a response…
Not even as he tried to talk to her for the next few weeks.
Marinette stood by the punch bowl, watching as everyone around her talked like old time friends, chatting away into the night. 
She rubbed her hands against her bare arms, wondering why someone like her was even at the Wayne Gala. 
Oh right. She was personally invited because of her other identity: M. 
M - the mysterious designer that had taken the fashion world upside down with their presence and style. 
Marinette sighed, taking her glass of champagne and walking towards the balcony, not a single set of eyes following her crystal embedded red dress that stood out like a sore thumb.
Leaning against the stone railing, Marinette huffed, twirling the glass between her fingers, watching as the champagne sizzled as it swirled. 
Finding herself bored, Marinette hummed to herself, wishing she was still able to talk to her soulmate.
Ever since that night a few weeks ago, she hadn’t been able to contact them, even Tikki growing worried as to why it was happening.
Marinette missed talking to them, even if their relationship did start on the wrong foot.
She missed them...dearly.
As Marinette continued to hum to herself, something caught her attention; a single emerald glowing leaf flew into her line of sight, her breath hitching. 
It continued to fly away, into the hall in which the gala was taking place. 
Where are you going? Don't leave me alone
Without a second thought, Marinette quickly followed it, not caring about the stares she was gathering as she pushed her way through the crowds. 
She stumbled a bit as she saw the butterfly take a corner, almost losing it in the process. 
How do I follow you
Into the unknown
Marinette quickly called out Kaalki, giving out an order to bring Mullo to her. 
As soon as she had made it out into the open, Mullo quickly joined Marinette into the chase, multiplying to help with the search. 
Marinette’s heart beat louder and stronger as she watched the butterfly begin to pulse brighter than ever before, a smile growing unbeknownst to Mari. 
The joy died done when the butterfly stopped going, hovering in the middle of the garden which Mari found herself at. 
Finally having a moment to breath, Marinette looked around herself, hedges and rows of flora surrounded her, shades of camellias encircling her. In the distance, she noticed some blue salvias, the tips peeking from under bushes.
Why was she brought here?
Here of all places?
Her thoughts were broken when she heard a pair of shoes click their way towards her, Marinette watching as the shadowed figure became another person. 
When their eyes met, a group of leaves burst around them, the soft bluebell mingled with the emerald ones, dancing around each other. 
“So you’re my soulmate.” He started, Marinette wondering how he wasn’t breaking a sweat in the layers of formal attire. She also couldn’t help but notice that his suit had kevlar integrated. 
“I must be if the leaves guided us to one another.” Marinette responded, wondering what to do next. 
The two looked at each other, wondering who was going to take the next step when the man broke into a smile. 
“Damian. My name's Damian Wayne.”
“Marinette.” She followed. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m glad I found you, Damian.”
She really was. 
She was happy to have followed the wind bond into the unknown. 
Dick watched as Damian ran through the crowds in the gala. 
“Damian! Where-“
“Somewhere!” Damian yelled, peaking Dick’s curiosity. 
Dick waited until he saw him leave the hall before tailing him, having to pick up the pace when he almost lost sight of the boy a few times. 
Dick wondered where exactly Damian was running off to, worry growing stronger when they had left the manor and were running into the garden. 
He quickly tumbled into a hedge when he watched Damian slow down, following his gaze. 
There, a few meters away, was a small stature girl with the most captivating red dress. The off-shoulder dress perfected fitted the girl’s small frame, Dick watching with the utmost glee as he saw Damian approach the girl. 
Just as the two were three feet apart, Dick watched as a kaleidoscope of butterflies burst around them, leaving Dick starstruck. 
He’d always heard of the wind bond, some of his friends telling him they had it. But this was the first time he’s ever seen it, let alone seen actual soulmates-
Filled with hurt, Dick curled into a ball and stayed there in shock. 
“Grayson. How long do you plan on staying there?” 
Dick raised his head, watching how Damian attempted to keep a smile in check while his soulmate was wrapped around his arm. “Come on, the gala’s about to end. I need to make an announcement as it does.”
It took a quick second for Dick to figure out what he had meant by that. 
“Damian! Don’t you dare-“
“Watch me.” Damian said with a grin, watching as the girl looked at Dick in confusion as Damian led her back inside. 
Dick, however, didn't make it in time to warn their father, watching as Damian announced to the world about his soulmate… right as his own father was going to propose to Selina on live. 
“That idiot.” Dick muttered, a smile still on his face as he watched Damian glow alongside his newfound love.
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clementineofmine · 3 years
Here, I wrote a fluffy fic about our favorite kiddos ruining Veginald’s holiday party. (I’ll also put it on AO3)
"Typical," Five spat as he listened to Grace's announcement about the Christmas party. "Dad even knows how to take the fun out of holidays. I'm sure this soiree will be full of big shot politicians or whoever he's trying to schmooze these days."
He turned and started pacing around the room, hands pulling at his hair. "And what do we get to do? We get to perform tricks, like the trained monkeys that we are."
"Hey!" Luther responded. "Five, that's enough. Remember Dad's lecture? About how we need to show good manners at all times? This could be an opportunity for the Umbrella Academy."
Five scoffed and turned away. He was sick of Number One's blind obedience and repetition of Dad's rhetoric. 
Apparently, he wasn't the only one. "Opportunity, my ass," muttered Diego. "He just wants to humiliate us."
"Diego! Language." Grace interjected. Once delivering the announcement she had stood calmly, allowing the children the opportunity to speak, but foul language always triggered her circuits.
"You boys are just spoilsports," Allison decried even as her eyes lit up with excitement. "This is going to be so much fun!"
"Really?" Vanya asked with awe. "Are you going to sing a solo, Allison? Gosh, I would be scared to sing in front of so many people." 
In reality, Vanya was just praying that she wouldn't be excluded from this event. It's not like performing at a Christmas party required one to be special, right?
"Have you picked out a song, Allison?" Grace asked.
Allison took a breath, and set a smile on her face in contrast to her scowling brothers. "I'm going to sing…'All I Want for Christmas is -" and she pointed at Luther as she belted out the words "Youuuuuuuu'." 
Luther turned a shade of crimson and looked away as the other children rolled their eyes simultaneously.
Grace simply nodded. "That sounds lovely, dear." She turned to the cluster of boys slumped on the couch. "Klaus, Ben, do you know what you want to do?" Grace asked. Klaus nodded his head vigorously while Ben shook his side to side fearfully. "Remember children, we need to tell your father tomorrow what you will be performing, so if you don't have a song you want to sing, I suggest you use the rest of this library research period to find one."
"This is stupid," said Diego, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning back against the couch cushions.
"We could sing a song together," Luther suggested, and the others immediately scowled. "As a team. How about the '12 Days of Christmas'?"
A collective groan chased its way around the room.
"Luther, if you think I'm singing five golden rings, you've got another thing coming" Five hissed. He knew he had hit the mark when he saw Luther scowl, his face turning even redder. 
Before he could reply, Five continued. "Besides, I'm not singing, with you or anybody else. Vanya can play the violin and I'll accompany her on the piano."
Vanya looked over at Five, her eyes wide and hopeful. "Really? You - you mean that?"
"Sure," Five shrugged. "Why not. It's the best shitty option. Pick out what you want - I don't really care. Just find me the sheet music today so I'll have enough time to practice." With that, sat down in one of the library's big oak chairs, pulled the notebook he always carried out of his pocket, and began ignoring his siblings.
"Oh!" Vanya exclaimed. "Oh, thank you, Five! I’ll go pick something right now. Mom?" she turned to Grace.  "Do we have sheet music in the library?"
Grace nodded.  "Yes dear, I believe we do. Does anyone else want to look at sheet music?"
"I don't need sheet music, I know the words already," Allison said. "And I don't want Five to accompany me, anyway."
"Good, cuz i didn't offer," Five muttered, not looking up.
"I'll accompany you, dear" said Grace. "What did you say you wanted to sing? All I Want for Christmas? Is that by Irving Berlin? He's your father's favorite, you know."
"No, it's by Mariah Carey!" Klaus rolled his eyes and swayed his hips, mimicking Allison's earlier movements lewdly. "All want for Christmas is yooooouuuuu!" Luther's ears turned an additional shade of red.
“Ok, come on, we have to pick something to sing,” Luther says through gritted teeth. “How about ‘White Christmas’?” Diego and Ben both shook their heads vehemently. Now that they knew it was Dad’s favorite, anything by Irving Berlin was off limits.
“Hey we should do something fun. Like, 'Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer’?” Klaus looked around hopefully, but saw no takers. “Ok, what about ‘Frosty the Snowman’?” 
“Klaus, we’re almost eleven. Not six. Let’s quit it with the kids songs.”
Klaus huffed and scowled at his brother. “Well everybody likes ‘Jingle Bells’,” he muttered.
Diego looked up at that, an idea forming in his brain on how to make the best of a bad situation. “Hey! I want to do ‘Jingle Bells’. Ben, you in?"
"Ugh, fine I guess."
"Good. You can sing and I'll do the bells," Diego smirked.
"Damn it, that's not fair Diego!" Ben protested.
"This whole situation is not fair, Ben," Diego said with a shrug. It’s either that or you sing with these idiots." He gestured over to Numbers One and Four.
"Alright, great, ‘Jingle Bells’ it is.” Luther looks around at his team. “That just leaves me and...Klaus?”
Klaus’s eyes lit up and he gave Luther a wicked smile. "Hey, I know what we can do. How about we show off those new dance moves Mom taught us?" He stood up and mimicked waltzing around the room holding an invisible partner.
"I’m not dancing with you, Klaus." It was Luther’s turn to roll his eyes.
"Whyyyyy noooot" Klaus whined, pouting at Luther as he continued twirling.
"What about...Little Drummer Boy?"
"Oh, fucking Christ, no!" Klaus yelled. 
"Klaus! Language!" Grace’s smile transformed into the admonishment frown that Klaus was all too familiar with. 
"Sorry, Mom," Klaus grumbled. "But Luther has the...stupidest ideas."
"How about -” Luther searched his brain for an idea. “-Silent Night’?" 
Klaus rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine. I don’t even care anymore."
“Now that that’s decided, maybe we can get back to ‘Silent Reading Time’” Five muttered again from his chair. 
The show went off....well no one would say without a hitch. But it went off just the same.
Allison insisted on going first (of course) and while her exuberance embraced the spirit of the holidays, her propensity to barely miss the high notes while making up for the lacking pitch with excessive volume was more than enough to put a small crease between Reginald’s eyes. 
Sir Hargreeves seemed to relax slightly (as much as relax was a verb that could be used to describe the uptight host) as Five and Vanya went next, playing a passable rendition of ‘Greensleeves’. Reginald was pleased to see that Number Five managed to smile and look relatively charming (if one didn't look too closely at the sarcasm buried beneath the smile). He didn’t notice that Vanya was as red as a beet because he didn’t look at Number Seven at all. 
Numbers Two and Six (an odd pairing, thought Reginald absently) entered the stage area next. As Grace began playing the lively tune, Diego produced a set of sleighbells and began ringing them with forced enthusiasm. While his mouth moved at the appropriate times, it became quickly apparent that the only vocal sound was coming from Ben, a sound which grew quieter and quieter until it disappeared completely by the third verse, leaving Grace’s piano notes and Diego’s bell ringing to finish out the song. 
Sir Reginald’s frown had returned.
As his guests clapped coolly and politely, he was glad to see the least disappointing child stepped out in front of the piano. Number One’s uniform was crisp, his hair was neat, and he stood with correct posture. Sir Reginald breathed an inaudible sigh of relief.
“Where is Klaus?” Luther whispered out of the corner of his mouth at Diego and Ben as he passed, but they only shrugged. 
Well, the show must go on. Luther pasted on his best smile, and nodded to Grace solemnly. And, as rehearsed, he opened his mouth and took a breath just as the instrumental bars of the music led towards the start of the first verse. Luther had practiced those words with Grace relentlessly over the last week, until he could utter them in his sleep. He knew the words backwards and forwards, and even considered singing in the original German (which he spoke fluently).
Alas, Luther never got to utter a single syllable. Just as he opened his mouth, he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye.  Klaus stumbled into the ballroom, his disheveled uniform covered by a rich velvet cape that bore a surprising resemblance to a curtain from one of the third floor guest rooms. There was a crown of tinsel jammed on his head crookedly, and several long garlands wrapped around his shoulders and torso.
Luther blew his cue. And the next one. And the one after that, as Grace circled back smoothly for the third time. He was frozen in place in horror at the sight before him. 
Klaus appeared to be oblivious to the crowd, oblivious to the beat, but not quite oblivious to Luther as he shot his brother a dastardly wink as he spun past. Half a waltz, half ballet, and half a herb-induced trance, Klaus stumbled, bowed, and spun around for a good fifteen seconds before he finally crashed into one of the Christmas trees, causing it to topple over onto the piano with a tremendous crash.
That snapped Luther out of his trance. A quick look at their father showed barely restrained hostility. Luther was sure that it was only the presence of the many guests, some of which were chuckling politely, others who found a sudden interest in the buffet table, keeping Reginald's temper at bay. 
Luther knew he was expected to fix this situation, so he did the only thing he could think of: he walked over to his brother, extracted the flailing mess of limbs from the tree's branches, slung him over his shoulder, and walked as quickly as decorum would allow out of the room.
“And to alllllll, a good night!” Klaus cried out, his voice carrying over the sound of the piano and echoing in the high ceilings of the Academy ballroom.
The other children scrambled to make their exits, trying to be invisible to their father's enraged stare. Ever unflappable, Grace played on, the piano music soothing over the sounds of the disaster children's shoes shuffling over the polished floors.
The children were each made to do seven days of dishes as a punishment.
Luther and Diego both handled their tasks with the usual competitive stoicism of Numbers One and Two.
Allison and Ben grumbled incessantly during their punishment days about how it was all just so unfair.
Vanya offered to do Five’s share. She felt bad, knowing that he didn’t do anything to deserve the punishment. 
“Oh, no way.” Five responded with an absent wave. When Vanya made to protest, he continued. “Klaus is going to do them, aren’t you?”
Klaus gave a wide grin.“Oh sure, fine, whatever. It was totally worth it. I mean did you guys see Dad's face?  It was as red as Luther’s."
Unsurprisingly, the children were never again invited to Reginald’s annual holiday party. 
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(Which is crazy because I try to actively have a drama free lifestyle)
So, awhile back I wrote about some issues in a friend group containing A & Em. Summary: I chatted with Em about A unintentionally making me feel shitty for FINALLY accepting my limitations & making lifestyle & wardrobe changes to reflect that. Em said she'd talk to A because if I did it, A might feel attacked & get defensive.
Day before yesterday, Em dropped by to hang, help me put together a shoerack, and go to a local costume shop that does rentals and serves all the theater departments & dance companies in a 70 mile radius. This shop is amazing, been around since I was little, almost everything is hand made with amazing care and detail, and the decor in their shop is ever changing, detailed, and super fucking cool. ANYWAY, we got on the subject of A, whom I've only seen once or twice since talking to Em about it & seemed ok both times aside from getting legit pissed that I'm better at macrame plant holders than she is. Apparently A currently thinks I dislike her or like her less or something. So I asked Em if I should gently talk to her about it and see if we can reach an understanding. She said she thought it was a good idea h really, I don't like one of my friends thinking I dislike them. So yesterday I pulled together some courage and messaged her. The following is the conversation that occured:
Me: So, I've heard that you are upset and under the impression that I don't like you anymore or like you less or something. So I'm gonna clear the air, but I'm gonna be blunt and honest with you because I'm not down for lying. K? (And let me go ahead and flat out say, I don't dislike you or like you any less)
A:I've just been feeling some reservations toward me lately. Go ahead I can take blunt.
(Spoiler: she cannot take even sugarcoated gentle level blunt)
ME: So here is the deal. My illness is eternal and is only ever going to get worse. In fact, it is constantly getting worse in small, large, and sometimes interesting & unexpected ways. Sometimes it creeps on slowly, sometimes it hits like an anvil was dropped on me. Therefore I am constantly having to adjust my lifestyle, activities, wardrobe... EVERYTHING. Very recently, I realized that I have spent the last 3 years trying to live my old life and just cope so my quality of life has been SHIT. I've finally truly accepted the shithole that is my health for what it is and have started to truly make real adjustments to my lifestyle, hobbies, wardrobe, ect. Because I will never get better and live in about 400 sq ft (at best) that means when I realize something doesn't fit my abilities or needs anymore, I get rid of it. However, I always offer those things to the kids & my friends first before donating them. But here's the thing, when I offer these things to you, I get a load of questions & comments that end up making me feel like I have failed as a person for realizing what has taken me 3 years to realize. For example: when I told you that Julia's candles were my last batch ever, there were loads of 'have you tried...' and 'I'm sure you can find a way.' I know you mean well, but if I'm giving something up, I've truly tried ever avenue to make it work within my limits and it just doesn't. Even after I quit candles in May, I kept the stuff (which took up massive space) until August because I doubted myself and was reluctant to lose another hobby. But I need to face facts and be realistic. Same with the sweater. I am drastically altering my wardrobe for whatever the upcoming season is to fit the fact that I need my cane at all times now (POCKETS) and the fact that my clothes need to be comfy enough for me to get dressed every day not just days I'm leaving the house. I've lived in PJs for the last year and a half and it's not good for my mental health. So all things that don't fit that criteria or my new altered lifestyle must go. And it's going to be a constant process because I'm constantly getting worse. The jewelry making stuff, I genuinely forgot you wanted it because honestly i don't even remember what happened yesterday, so I'm sorry. (I had jewelry making supplies that I can't use anymore due to -15 hand strength, which I gave to Em.)
A: I'm sorry that I've been putting you down and making you feel shity. That's never been my intention. If I ask a ton of questions it's not because I don't understand the severity and challenges in your daily life. I ask so many questions because I often find unconventional wacky solutions to peoples problems all the time and if I can be in the slightest bit helpful in finding a loophole or a way you might not have seen, I thought that would be better than just saying "I'm so sorry to hear that" I figured you hear that enough but idk how often you hear people actually trying to find a way. Like the sweater example, I would have been happy to take you shopping for a fun print material the made you some pockets. Outside like a cool patchwork with awesome prints, or inside like a bond detective. But you were so quick to snap at me and explain your whole situation like I am not taking you seriously. I ask because I want to hear your needs and maybe just maybe be able to help out. But if all I do is make you feel like your grandma did then I'll do you a favor and stop inviting myself over to make you feel shitty. I'm glad Emma always knows just what to say.
Now at this point, I stopped replying. I was kind of shocked at her response. Like, I expected her to explain her intentions, despite me making it clear I knew her intentions were good, because that's what people do. I expected us to discuss how things should be moving forward so I don't continue to feel like a failure. I considered maybe mentioning somewhere in there that if I want help or advice or solutions, I'll fucking ask. But I did NOT expect those last couple sentences where she basically stomped her feet and said well since this isn't going how I want, I'm not playing with you guys anymore.
After careful thought, writing & editing over a 5 hr period, I sent this (which are screenshots from my notes because typing is rough, I wanted to convey what I wanted just right, and now you have to click on them to see the full thing. I'm sorry I've failed you, the reader of this normal convo turned melodrama, in such a fashion.):
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She responded at like 2 am (when I was asleep) so I saw there was a response when I woke up, but given the history of her behavior in situations like this (conveyed via Em, who has known her MUCH longer) I decided not to open it just yet, as I'd like to relax and enjoy my day. This shit stresses me out. I don't do drama and tantrums. I don't tolerate it from my teenage Spawn, much less fucking adults. I get the feeling that the response is going to be just as melodramatic & tantrum filled. If this is how she handles her intentions not aligning with the result of her actions that were driven by said intentions, then she's in for a real shock when she leaves the cuddlebox of college and enters the real world. Your boss isn't going to care about how good your intentions were when you accidentally burned down the kitchen of the bakery you work in. They will just care that you burned down their fucking business.
Welp, may as well rip off the bandaid. For you, my dear reader, to have closure I will read the response. Back in a sec.
A:I understand. And I told you where I stand. I am the type of friend that instinctually tries to help those she cares deeply about. I'm not the friend to just sit and feel bad when there's something I can do. But I have been feeling for a while now unwanted and you have confirmed it by not saying anything then, just talking about it to my former close friend, and then throwing it in my face that you have been holding on to a box cuz of me. And like the adult i am, I don't see why I should change the type of friend I am just because some one is ungrateful for it. I'll go help someone else leave their abusive boyfriend's in the middle of the night. for the people I care about I'd do anything, anything except sit and do nothing while I'm told how much worse I make things when I try and help. I will just take my good intentions elsewhere. I have had the worst year of my life but I don't remember you asking me once anyway. I wish you the best buy obviously your life is better without me and my negativity in it. I truly am sorry I hurt your feelings and I never ever wanted to. I cherished your friendship more than you'll ever know and you can ask anyone. But because I can't see myself sitting by biting my tongue around you and waking on eggshells because I clearly can't see the bounty between helpful conversion and being a cunt. Since I respect you so much I'll go ahead and remove that stupid cunt from your life so you won't be put down again.
HOOOLY SHIT. I'm not responding to that giant fucking dramatic pity party. She legit needs to grow the fuck up. Good god.
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helloletstrythis · 6 years
We Meet Again...
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Hey friendz,
It’s been a while since we wrote to you.
But we’re back.
If you’ll have us.... 
Yeah?! Okay! Great! Let’s catch you up!
a LOT has happened in the last year.
I got married. 
Lauren got married. 
Wedding planning takes a LOT out of your time. Even if you’re like me and started off the process by being like.. “I don’t want to worry about the details. I just want to have a fun day and celebrate our love...” at the end of everything you end up like... “If my mom’s cousin doesn’t like the way we’ve arranged the flowers what are we even doing here??!!?”
It’s a shame that rom-coms don’t show a lot of those real life stressful wedding moments. And they try to make brides look like the worst people ever. Poor Katherine Heigel.
But honestly, Lauren’s wedding was a freakin’ blast. My husband and I had so much fun. Their wedding was two weeks before ours and it was a nice moment to just relax and not worry about our wedding for a second and have fun.
And my wedding was amazing. I was so stressed up until and through the rehearsal dinner. And then after a good(ish) night’s sleep. (I woke up at 6am cuz I was so excited.) I decided that I didn’t want to worry and I wanted to have fun. And I had so much fun. It’s so incredibly moving to see all your family and friends there to celebrate your marriage. Like.. What?? This is just me and my love. We love each other. And all these people here are excited and like traveled miles to drink champagne with us and be happy for us that we are happy and there’s a lot of happiness and hold on I’m crying again. 
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Right before our wedding my husband and I made another huge life decision. We packed up our tiny one bedroom apartment in Queens and we moved to Pittsburgh. We had been talking about moving to Pittsburgh for a while. And we considered other cities to move to as well, LA, Toronto, Boston, Orlando... But after being away from home for 10 years we were ready to be home with our families.
My family is in Pittsburgh, and my husband’s is in Ohio. So we are lucky that we are so close to everyone now.
How has the move been?
I could smile and nod my head and say what I say to people all the time which is... “It’s a big transition, but we’re loving it.”
That’s the log line of my life right now.
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And it’s the truth!
But there’s a lot of details that lie in between those two things. Our jobs are not what we thought they’d be. We haven’t really made that many friends. We really miss our friends in NYC. I haven’t been doing or seeing comedy at all. Sometimes it feels like no one here really understands our senses of humor. I constantly feel like I’m saying... I’m joking. People are offended a lot easier outside of NYC. And I miss the hustle of NYC a lot. Being constantly motivated and feeling like every time you successfully leave your apartment you’ve at least accomplished something. I miss Seamless. And amazing food that could be delivered to your door at all times of the night. I miss Queens. I miss our apartment. It was small, and shitty, and the lady upstairs played the same movement of the same piece on the piano at 4 o’clock everyday for the entire year that we lived there, but it was a small thing that was ours.
But here on Sundays, we have dinner with my parents, and sometimes my aunt and uncle, or I get to see my nieces and nephews and for one brief shining moment I am in complete joy. And honestly, I wouldn’t trade that for a rent controlled apartment in the lower east side. 
And you can breathe here. Sit on the deck and write and no one yells at you or tries to steal your purse. And I turned off email notifications on my phone. And driving is cool! We’re buying a car. And looking at houses. And really thinking about our future. 
So.. it’s a big transition, but we’re loving it!
I spend a lot of time reminding myself what I’m working toward--the goals and the plans of my future. I often forget to enjoy the moment. I keep telling myself that this is a transition time period. But then I feel time slipping by and notice myself not noticing how I’m feeling or what’s really happening... It’s like Emily says in Our Town (Thorton Wilder)
“Do human beings ever realize life as they live it? Every--every minute?” 
I read this the other day and it struck me more than it ever has before. And I’ve read it a thousand times.
I’m not doing that. I’m not realizing my life right now. I’m letting it pass me by. And look at Emily--she died! She died young. And she’s telling us... don’t let life pass you by. Don’t think of life as a transition. 
It’s good to have goals. And to think about your future. And to go to work and remind yourself why you’re there. For your future. But there’s also something to be said for seeing where you are--even if it’s not quite where you want to be yet. 
So this is commitment I’m making to myself. To see the world around me as it is. In the moment. To take note of the time that is inconspicuously flying by. And share it here with you. 
Here’s me right now: What I’m eating: Too much fatty foods. I need to get them veggies and acai bowls back into my routine. Honestly, a lot of ham and cheese sandwiches and BBQ potato chips... What I’m wearing: My new Point Park sweatshirt my husband got me for my birthday. I love it because I’m really excited to be going back to school. (I’ll drop in more deets later.) And it was so thoughtful of him. And It’s so comfy. And I sort of feel like the West Wing cabinet crew when they work on a Saturday and have their YALE sweatshirts on. What I’m drinking: Gin. Who knew? But all of a sudden I love gin. Gin and Tonics. Bombay Sapphire. The bitter-er the better. Extra lime please. I think it makes me feel like a flapper in the 20s and I like that feeling right now. What I’m working on: The Masterclass with Aaron Sorkin. It’s an online class. It’s really cool and motivating. I love listening to the way he talks about his writing. Since he comes from an actor/musical theater background like me I feel like I really understand the way he talks about writing. And some things that have always been unclear to me just suddenly make sense.  Also working on a few scripts that I just can’t get around to finishing. I hope that writing more consistently helps me push through. But I’m really not sure-- I feel like I’ve got the yips a little bit. What I’m watching: Not currently binging anything. But been picking up and watching LA to Vegas. It’s a cheese half hour network sitcom--which is so against my vibe lately--but I’m really into it. So I’m going with it. Also if I was still in college I would say that the girl in it is a good type to tell agents of who I am. Old habits die hard. What I’m worrying about: I mean, money always. And buying a car. It’s really weird to like all of a sudden need a car and not know anything about them and not really have talked about them with like coworkers and things for years. It’s gonna be fine I know. But I’m stressing. What I’m listening to: Cardi B’s new album. I listened to Get Up 10 the other day and had a visceral emotional reaction to it. Cardi B got up 10 and I will too. Flip side and flip mood--feeling a lot of Lana Del Rey lately. It’s almost summer--prime Lana time. Plus, every six months or so I really dream about California. I think about LA and the mountains and Disneyland and not wearing winter coats, and it’s the way I cheat on whatever city I’m living in. I love California. Hoping to get out there soon. Ways I’m treating myself: Sunday nights... husband watches Walking Dead, and I take a minute to myself. Right now I’m writing to you. But sometimes I work on other writing stuff. Or do a face mask. Or hopefully I’ll start running again soon. Also, buying a lot of coffee when I really don’t need to. It feels like a small luxury I can afford right now... and that makes me feel good inside. This was a long post, but I wanted to challenge myself to keep writing. Thanks for listening. Thanks for being patient. Thanks for being my friend.
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well, today was kind of blah, mostly because I'm still in the same shitty mood from yesterday. And now that I'm back here even though I have a handle on most of my things I still feel ridiculously stressed out and can't stop my mind from racing and I could really use some fucking Xanax right now (I only say that because I'm awaiting my prescription for it from the company, I don't normally throw around comments like that). Ugh. But anyway. My alarm went off at 9:45 and I got up, got my things together and got ready, then ate some breakfast and my dad took me to the airport. I made it through all my goodbyes okay, despite having the feeling in my chest that tears were lurking right below the surface, waiting to be set off at the smallest trigger, but it somehow subsided and I was okay. The airport is small, so I made it through security and to the gate in no time. The first flight was fine, nothing spectacular. I mostly worked on my appellate brief, fixing citations and breaking up sentences (because I have a habit of making 4 line sentences, grammatically proper but I know my prof won't appreciate it) and just generally trying to get my word count up. We landed in Baltimore pretty soon and my next flight was in an hour, with the gate pretty close by to where I was. So I grabbed some sushi that looked appetizing from one of the places then sat at the gate and took advantage of the free wifi I finally managed to hack into without actually paying (it's not actual hacking, it's just knowing how to navigate the system). And with that wifi I looked up and downloaded the rest of the cases mentioned in the trial court fake opinion so I could use them for the second section of my paper. Flight boarded soon, and when we were in the air I started reading cases and working on them, and made a solid amount of progress. Landed after not too long, took for-fucking-ever for our bags to come, and then my uber app flipped out on me and kept saying my request wouldn't go through so I'm like fine whatever I'll use Lyft, so I do and the driver gets there a lot quicker than they usually do since the airport makes them wait in a special lot until they get a pick up. So I get in the car and we started chatting, apparently they had been leaving the airport after another pick up planning on going home but had their app on to see if they'd get anything going north towards where they lives and they got me haha so they turned around and so we went. And then I get a notification saying my uber driver was arriving now and I'm like ????? I bring up the app and it doesn't even have a trip going, so I'm like wtf....and then a few minutes later the poor guy calls wanting to know where I am and I'm just like....I didn't order an uber?? Haha it was strange. But my driver and I established pretty early on that we're both tumblr people, so that kind of set the level of understanding of each other for the rest of the conversation haha. So we talked about a lot of things, they talked about figuring out that they were non-binary and picking a new name, and of course we eventually got into religion and it's social effects and I was happy to hear that they were still actually a Christian even after having grown up in a crappy conservative Christian environment and dealing with all that shit. So they were telling me how much they love their church and I in turn told them how much I love my church, and yeah, it was nice. Got home soon enough, and as expected my white canary boots had arrived, so I had to try on my whole costume to make sure they work of course, haha (I'll post a photo when I'm down here). They fit, thankfully, and they match the costume pretty well- they're a little darker than the actual suit, but the jacket is a darker gray so with them together they just look awesome, so I'm very happy about that. So I settled in and started catching up on my tv shows, which I'll try to comment on if I can remember what I watched, lol. But I kept working on my appellate brief until I had about 4700 words (out of the maximum 5000). I had one more case I was gonna cover but the opinion was so confusing and its relevance to our case really tenuous, so I said ah screw it and called it there. Hopefully I can make up the last 300 or so words in final edits and adding transitory and other necessary things. I'm not worried though, which is good. I've said this a million times before, and I fucking hate it so much, but every single time I have to write something I get scared I won't be able to write as much as needed, even though I pretty much always exceed the word count and being too short is almost never an issue, and while knowing this, I still think it, and 5000 words was looming over me this whole week as some unattainable goal, so now that I'm a lot closer to it I'm feeling better about it. So yeah, tv. I initially picked out my recording of powerless, only to find out the dvr had actually recorded the premiere of trial and error. Okay, well I wanted to watch this anyway, so I might as well keep watching, and holy Jesus this show is amazing haha I already love it so much, although I know the legal inaccuracies are gonna kill me even when I'm telling myself it's a comedy ffs (but in the episode they were pulling shit like "oh homosexuality as a crime was never repealed here" and I'm like uh bullshit Lawrence v. Texas much???? Lol). But I enjoyed that a lot. I think I went to Designated Survivor next, which was a thoroughly epic episode, fairly major spoilers ahead (you've been warned) but ahhh I can't believe just like that MacLeish is dead??? The Vice President is dead?? And how that's just gonna look so much worse for president Kirkman and not just that MacLeish was a dirty traitor....ugh. I was glad to at least see my girl Hannah FINALLY getting vindicated cuz I was like ahh yes you go girl cuz I've hardcore been pulling for her this whole time, lol, so that was cool. But yeah, really intense and awesome episode, I liked it a lot. Riverdale next I think, and holy shit that episode was so sad???? Like dang man, Jughead's life is really fucking depressing. I was of course calling major bs when the sheriff supposedly took him in on literally no evidence and then had his school record because that's not fucking illegal or anything?????? Ugh. I'm glad he's at least living with Archie now though. Veronica continues to be awesome, and with the whole Betty and Polly situation I was thinking the whole time yo do not trust the Blossoms they evil AF so of course I was right there. Good episode though. Then I started last week's episode of Time After Time, which I managed to start in time to finish right before this week's episode started without actually meaning to at all haha so I watched the two episodes back to back. Continues to be an intriguing show, I think it's still finding its footing a bit, but the twists have been very interesting so far. I'm not sure how sustainable it is in the long run, like I'm not sure I can see it going more than one season really, which is unfortunate because it's clever, the plot just doesn't really allow for it. They also love killing people off haha I guess that's what happens when you have a show featuring Jack the Ripper. HG Wells continues to be an gem ("he came over right after world war 2" ".....there was more than 1???????") and the rest of cast does well too. So when that was over I knew I had just missed the live episode of Chicago justice, but I didn't really have much else to watch at this point so I watched the second episode. It wasn't bad, annoyed me less than the first, though that's likely just because they spent less time in the courtroom, lol. They're not quite mastering the time jump thing yet, where they go from crime to investigation to trial in one episode, without any real inference to time passing, which makes it feel like it all happened over like 3 days, which isn't just unrealistic, it's confusing, because they're like "oh who are we gonna bring to the grand jury?" and then the next scene is "the grand jury returned an indictment!" and you're just like da fuck?? Lol. The episode itself was interesting though, I wish they tied in their twist a little sooner, it seemed like too much of an afterthought with the entire plot they had come up with, but it was a well-thought out and well-played twist for sure. It kind of annoyed me that through the entire episode everyone was like "oh you know any cop who gets put on trial is gonna be found guilty" when that's pretty much categorically false, as cops are almost never convicted for officer involved behavior?? Lol, like I get that they're connected to Chicago PD or whatever but they gotta get that down a bit better. And yeah, when that was over I let the news play for a bit while I finished up the queue for the week on the company tumblr. Throughout the night I also wrote my "speech" (it's like a paragraph and a half) for the PAD election speeches tomorrow- so needless to say I decided that I would run. I had kind of come to that decision last night and was gonna text the justice (president) but I was already falling asleep, then I woke up and started doubting it again, but then came back to that conclusion and went for it. I'm not running for justice though because I know that would be too much, so I'm running for service chair (my current position) and vice justice. I don't know the current state of people running, but I have to imagine it's not gonna be all that many. I guess we'll see tomorrow though. And yeah, that's about it. Tired and about ready to fall asleep, back to real life tomorrow. So goodnight friends of mine. Hope you had a relaxing weekend.
0 notes