#yall this is so dumb
cthulhum · 1 month
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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dumbbullet · 1 year
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I mean... I'd vote for him.
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p4nishers · 11 months
"of course the straight couple gets a happy ending" the day yall grow a braincell is the day i'll know peace. i love how ppl who say shit like this just adore forgetting that every angel and demon are non binary. or that beelzebub uses they/them. like seriously, STRAIGHT couple??? fuck off
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sm-baby · 5 months
I read your freakshow fanfic and you are an AMAZING writer!! You have a talent for writing showtime in their natural habitat!! Could you write more? Maybe a fanfic of them like being husband and wife or something along those lines? I just loved your fanfic so much!! I wanted to read more and more of it!!
ahsjhks hh...
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the fic got a lot more positive attention than I thought ahh ha... th.. thank you... I will be looking forward to do m-more fics... shshashdhiqhlcl
waugh,, domestic showtime... thats shit is the cutest.. definitely...
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lupucs · 2 months
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Grrr-friend 🦖
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"77.kra" just hits different
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patheticbatman · 4 months
I haven't seen any posts about this yet but l've seen some fan art that makes me feel this needs to be said:
Don't forget Leah Sava Jeffries has darker skin when making Annabeth Chase fan art!
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She is much closer to Lupita Nyong'o than Zoe Kravitz when it comes to shading, reflection, and complementary color usage :).
Lighting for dark skin is different on light skin. Light skin gets changed by lighting, and dark skin reflects the lighting. Below is a lovely shot of Nyong'o's character from Wakanda Forever in mourning. The filmmakers emphasize the umber qualities of her skin in contrast to the funereal white and (arguably harsh) light across her shoulder below.
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Try to pick spots that aren't directly in or near the light, and try mixing 3 or more! You can put it into a color mixer online, or even color pick, lower the opacity, and lay the shades over each other until you find one that fits. And of course, the more 'realistic' you want to go with shading and lighting, the more shades you're going to want to be able to explore vivaciously :D.
Let's take a look at the same 3 beautiful actresses I mentioned at the beginning, with a bad color picked area and a better-ish color picked area. (Please keep in mind, these are not perfect comparisons, as I was not able to find pictures of all 3 actresses under the same kind of lighting.)
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Kravitz's has a clear difference between the two, but they aren't too far apart, in comparison to Nyong’o’s and Jeffries’s. Note the dullness in the poorly picked shades as opposed to the better ones. Also keep in mind that while Kravitz has a rosy undertone (at least in that picture - it’s from The Batman, which has stylized coloring) Nyong’o has a slight cool undertone (I can’t pin down quite what, but the picture is definitely not stylized like Kravitz’s).
Jeffries runs more ochre or russet, but neither of those are pink. They are more red than terracotta or umber, but to call Jeffries’s face rosy would be wrong. Err more towards the golden when drawing her.
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^^saved an image from a writing tutorial long ago, but can’t seem to find it. If someone recognizes it, I’ll link it. EDIT: it’s from this post. Thanks @autumnrowancollector ! <3
And also, the darker skin gets, the less likely warm undertones are going to appear. Don't be afraid to use blue or purple or even green on occasion!
Additionally, cool lighting on dark skin is always a win imo.
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(I was going to use that picture of Jeffries as Annabeth by the lightning bolt, but then I realized the lighting on her face doesn’t quite match up with where it should hit from that angle, and I realized they kind of just turned everything bluer, so screenshot time!)
(Also if you want another really great live action example, check out anything Aldis Hodge is in, like Leverage and Black Adam)(and of course there’s Spiderverse <3 but I want to post pictures of Hodge)
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Now, to here’s a list of more experienced people’s advice:
Black facial features & hair
Shading digitally for a (somewhat) monotone Black character
Stylistic choices and places to start looking for inspiration (besides a search engine).
Coloring Black people’s lips
A better coloration tutorial
Also a nice tutorial for Indigenous skin tones, just in case yall want to draw Piper or use this information for other dark skinned characters :).
EDIT: Some actresses who are closer in skintone to use for Annabeth, provided by the lovely @blackfemmecharacterdependency ! If you can’t find a reference for Jeffries in a specific lighting, maybe check out these ladies’ pictures! It’s a reblog, so scroll down.
TLDR: Don’t make Annabeth pink and pale, make her dark and golden.
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breadball · 4 months
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"In a night of silence I'm settled by your sounds In a dream of quiet Contentedness surrounds ...
Delightfully exhausted Willingly this way Always yours, always yours I'll stay With you, my muse"
-My Muse by Sarah Jarosz
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slotheyes · 1 year
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[ID: A two-panel meme from Seinfeld. Jerry looks down with a bemused expression and asks: "You're crying from naruto?" George looks down with a teary expression and says: The "rivals-to-soulmates, sun-and-moon, two-halves-of-one-whole, entwined-destinies, i-will-never-give-up-on-you love story got to me." Jerry says: "All right." End ID]
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose !
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peanutseagle · 1 year
Hi! I'm new to the fandom and you're the first few artists that made me ship damianya bad 🤭💕 could you draw them visiting stella lake or just them being cute in the summer 👉👈( It could be a date or just them in canon age 😅)
Love your arts too much... 💖
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just fullfilling my duties in the damianya nation <3
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the-kestrels-feather · 4 months
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Someone draw Edd and Molly like this re: Bon I beg of you
Edit: so many people drew this! I'm gonna link them here so everyone can see!
@itsawildsaltychip: here
@kolektsiakomah: here
@cat0901h3: Here
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I disagree that the daddy kink convo should've been replaced with a heartfelt meaningful conversation about their mutual issues with their fathers because as much as you complain that the relationship isn't developed for Buck, it isn't developed for Tommy either, and it would be a disservice to the reserved guy that Lou says that Tommy is to make him immediately open up to someone without showing the proper progression and storyline leading up to that
the kink convo worked for both characters (both are just dawgs i guess), it was very mutual, and i still don't understand the perspective that Tommy's comment came out of nowhere, i run based off of the assumption that all flirty buck convos are... flirty...????
I understand why people want this, because the acknowledgement of Buck's parental issues comes with a burning desire to have a genuine conversation about it, but something that fits his character should not come at the cost of another character.
A scene should fit to everyone involved, and at most, it should've been a kind of... maybe a conversation of buck going 'yeahh... i got issues with my dad, that's why Bobby means so much to me, he's kinda like the dad i never had.' and Tommy's response being 'Yeah, i see that... my dad sucked but i had Gerrard who sucked too, so... yeah... he's the dad i already did have lol.'
this conversation should happen eventually, but when it actually has meaning. At a point where Tommy is actually going to be willing to open up a little more (since we kinda see that he is a little bit more reserved with Buck still in this season), and maybe it's in favour of servicing Buck as a character, or Tommy, or BOTH. But you cannot put a character on the line bc you pearl clutch over the fact that your 'baby' pretty boy fucks severely.
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nightthinker-08 · 1 year
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Marcy Do you have the Amphibia Mega link?
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spamitami · 4 days
my family and i skipping back to iran after amanda from kansas told me to go back to where i came from:
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goodlittlet0yyy · 11 days
“Yes breed me! No don’t get me pregnant!” is really just “no take, only throw” for sluts
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
ive come to realise that i dont actually hate kubokai, i just hate the way people write them
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