#yay new au i guess
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Castle in the sky AU ahoy
This belongs with that first chapter of the CitS AU that i posted last week
Just a first look at the guy
Its just a little side project for comfort
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robinsnest2111 · 2 months
dreamt Randy and Benson were my coworkers at the movie theater!!! 👀
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tizeline · 3 months
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WELP! I wasn't immediatly voted out of the @tmntaucompetition! Yay me! Thank you so much for everyone who voted for me, here, have some art!
Bad news is that I semi-promised to come up with a proper name for the AU if I made it through the first round soooo... guess I'm gonna have to start thinking about that.... uh oh. (To avoid any confusion, there wont be any name changes until after the competion is done, or at least not until after I've been voted out)
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pholla-jm · 1 month
Sukuna with a S/O who has a sweet tooth/Loves eating sweets ?? :00
Like imagine most of the time they go on a date it's basically just reader and him going to different shops trying out desserts and sweets
Hello! Sorry it took me awhile! I got busy with work and my new class had just started. I decided to add some more to this. I hope you like it!! *********
Sweet Tooth
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IMAGINE: SWEET TOOTH~ SUKUNA X READER FEAT: GOJO GENRE: FLUFF cw: modern au! implied female reader, sukuna calls your woman. not proof read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Whenever Sukuna took you out, you would make him stop for a sweet treat. It could be for the slightest thing. Groceries? Sweet treat. Getting gas? Sweet treat? 
You will use any excuse to get sweet treats. 
This time, there was no real reason to convince Sukuna that you needed a sweet treat. Only that there was a new café opening up. Taking a quick glance at what would be on their menu, you already decided that you needed to go. It had most of your favorite pastries and drinks. 
“Please, Sukuna.” You pleaded to your boyfriend with your hands clasped together. You had asked him to take you, but you knew how much he didn’t care for places like that. He didn’t like the options they provided; they always smelled so sweet. And it sometimes stuck to his clothes. 
Sukuna has already decided to go with you, though. He would do anything for you. However, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t make it easy for you. He loved to see you like this. 
“Please, I’ll make it worth your while.” 
Sukuna smirks at your words. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” 
Your face lit up at his words, “so does that mean you’ll take me?” 
“Yeah, brat.” 
“Yay! Thank you!” You say while wrapping your arms around his ample shoulders. 
Sukuna chuckles, squeezing you tight in return. 
When the time came, Sukuna couldn’t believe he agreed to something like this. Since the place was pretty new, there were a lot of people. The theme was coquette, which Sukuna wasn’t fond of. 
Sukuna settled with matcha mochi and coffee. In contrast, you had the most sickening sweets in front of you. 
When Sukuna looks at all of it, his stomach almost churns in disgust. But when he sees you gleam at the desserts and take happy bites, it erases his dislike for the sweet treats. He would spend hours in places like this to see your happy face. 
“What’s so great about these treats anyway?” Sukuna asks you. 
You were about to answer, but someone interrupted you. Someone that neither of you wanted to see. 
“Ooh, can I have some of that?” You look up to see the bright blue-eyed man named Gojo. 
“Ugh, no get away.” You say while shoving him away. 
“Awe, come on.” He pouts at you. 
Sukuna frowns at seeing Gojo. “Get away from (y/n).” 
Gojo’s eyes flicker over to the brooding man. His arms were crossed as he glared at Gojo. 
An annoying smirk now sits on his face, “why? Scared I might take her away?” 
Sukuna’s hand slams down on the table, and your face twists disgustingly. 
“Oh my god.. You’re so embarrassing niisan.” You whisper to Gojo, but Sukuna hears it. 
The anger slowly dissipates from his body, and confusion fills his head. 
“Brother?” He mumbles. 
“What? I can’t protect my little sister?” 
While the two of you bicker, Sukuna glances back and forth. 
Gojo and you didn’t look alike. Not a single feature looked the same. Some things are similar, like the hyper personality… and the major sweet tooth. 
“Well, I got to go. Thanks.” Gojo says after taking a bite of one of your cakes. 
He gives you a smug look before waving bye. 
“Ugh,” You groan before turning to Sukuna, “I’m sorry about him.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me he was your brother?” 
You look at him in confusion, “I didn’t?” 
Sukuna gives you a look, “I think I would remember something like that.” 
“Huh, sorry. I guess it just slipped.” 
“How does something like that slip?” 
You purse your lips, “well whenever I’m not around him… I just seem to not worry about him. You know?” 
Sukuna looks at you, a bit confused, which means you will explain it further. 
“Satoru and I aren’t full siblings. Same mom but different dads. But Gojo has always been the golden child. Everything is about him. He always got everything he wanted, but me? I was lucky to even be in the same room as him.” You chuckle while shaking your head. 
“So, it’s nice not having him around. I can do whatever I want without him around.” 
Sukuna nods, “and have whatever you want as well.” 
You smile at his words, “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” 
Sukuna scoffs, “of course I’m right, woman.” 
You laugh and shake your head. “It wasn’t long ago that I discovered my love for sweets. I never got sweets as a child, since Satoru hogged them all.” 
Sukuna smiles at you and leans forward. He grabs a napkin, wiping some of the icing away from the corner of your lips, “that just means I’ll have to spoil you more than.” 
Your face turns pink at his words and actions. 
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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circuscountdowns · 4 months
Crude Timeline/Breakdown of my goofy Cult of the Lamb drawings if you’re interested:
The whole premise for this i guess au? Started during my first run, I already knew the game was about kill god become god, but Did Not know you could Marry the god youd betray??? Or indoctrinate him???. Like I didn't even choose the Marriage Doctrine cuz I'm like boo r u kidding me I'm choosing violent Battle Pit always. Which Lambert wouldn't know any of this in the beginning either but the big deciding factor is: 
Lamb is going into it with the mindset of Kill All Gods for what they've done to the sheep (sorry my benefactor, ur included <3) Kratos style lets go, none spared.
That being said, they have a lot of devotion towards Death, I like to think the Sheep folk prayed to The One Below for quick passings knowing they're a huge sacrificial species, and because sheep with their huge herd mentality, the worship flowed heavily which is a threat therefore that plus prophecy equals Slaughter. 
So with TOWW, they play along and genuinely mean they're serving death because they worshiped Death as a concept, a divine entity. They believe when they “kill” TOWW they'll still be “together” because Death is unkillable right (and the lamb would never have to be alone again right). Something new will be written thats the both of us as one.
So in between crusading Lamb and TOWW get closer (i am going to take your throne but that doesn't mean we can't have fun banter or that i don't really really enjoy ur compliments and attention ((because I love kittys…))) and that's when the comic about tanking happens. 
But oh no! Through their journey Lamb discovers that TOWW is actually a Bishop, chained for a petty family squabble??? Has a name and it’s Narinder???? 
The revelation kinda breaks something in their head. it upsettingly humanizes the Bishops, trivializes the death of their people, and takes TOWW off the pedestal they'd placed him on. Uh ohhhh how does this change things i mean I'm still gonna kill all the gods but what does it mean to be a god is it just a crown whats going to happen to Narinder is it actually Narinder I like ?? (And i had a comic for this time planned but idk if ill get to it)
Meanwhile Narinders opinion on the Lamb has so far just been Wow im so proud, I chose good yay I'm gonna be free (why do I feel like I could be free from their devotion alone?) (why are they just like me fr?) 
When Narinder is defeated and they have the choice, the lamb feels they betray both their people for not keeping their promise to kill all gods, but also their Faith and Narinder, v conflicting. 
After indoctrination, Narinder does his typical Isolation, depression, and Lamb mourns what they'd had. In their loneliness, they stop allowing their cultists to die for long. They do all Narinders quests, and when it comes to the resurrection he's like Haha I remember why I liked you. But also he can exploit this. That's the time of the Resurrection comic.
He tries to micromanage from there, if he can't be the god being worshiped rn he's going to control the god. Starts off with whispering insecurities of Your cultists will find a way to leave you, be firmer. Gods should do this, have this, they'll leave if you don't. Lamb knows what he's doing and mostly humors him to keep him around but over time they've just both started to build a proper relationship again. He successfully ironically becomes their right hand.
This goes on for a sec before Mystic Seller knocks on da door like Hello do your joobbbb. And thats a kick enough to get Lamb out of their misery shit to really consider their original plan of killing gods and what exactly they want Death to Mean. (Comes to a conclusion that death is a peace that has to be earned. Through living.)
Bringing Leshy back brings a rift and arguments between Narinder and Lamb. That's when the Narinder Confessional comic happens and he lets out just how hurt he was by Lambs betrayal (cuz that seems to be all anyone ever does to him lol except for his sons)
So as a sort of reconciliation! Lamb brings back Aym and Baal. Yay! That's that comic, where Narinder tries to say it doesn't affect him so Lamb forces them to be together. Aym and Ball stay in the cult for a good while as Lamb works to free Heket, but Narinder is still super giving Lamb the cold shoulder. When Heket is indoctrinated Narinder gets angry again that he has no say on the matter. 
Lamb starts sneaking off to sit in the confessional booth at night and it gets Narinders attention. He follows them in and hears them speak about essentially their motivations and beliefs described earlier. I have a half finished comic of this to partner with Narinder’s confessional, with Lamb’s being more down to earth and kinda just explanatory of the whole timeline but who knows if ill finish it tbh
Narinder reassesses his feelings for Lamb after that.
Right after Lamb's confessional would be when the Baal and AYm comic happens, and Narinder asks for his last request of going on a mission, fully committing to living a life.
Cue big ambiguous gap of time where Lamb gets the other siblings, yada yada healing and dealing. Shamura in the pillory comic happens, the bishops are Not happy about it, but Shamura's only locked up for a night.
Probably takes a hundred or two years for the siblings being comfortable enough around each other and theres a lot less venom being spat out. Idk gods grudges be lasting forever sometimes. Eventually They can start having family game nights, cue that comic. Everyones tired of the shit Lamb and Narinders got going on. 
Lamb still thinks Narinder doesnt have romantic feelings for them. Best friends til the end me and my god, never mind the tense flirting. Lamb does that with everyone. (cursed with flirty asexual disease) For Narinder its that he shouldnt have to say anything everyone should just know that the Lamb is his. Straight up if Lamb asked him, do you love me hed say yes in every sense, but though he is aware of how he feels and would be honest on approach, an immortal relationship/marriage?? It is a lot to ask of the lamb, that has to be a decision they make. Hes content as is.
but No Way could Lamb ask that without a safety net.  So when Lamb realizes Oh its like. romantic jealousy? Interesting lets see how far i can push it, announces they will be choosing a spouse (due to a wager lost they reason, depending on who asks) (the siblings who know of Shamura’s deal, watch in mild amusement at how absolutely wired this gets their brother. No one helps him.) fine for narinder If they get married thats up to them but hes gonna make sure theyre worthy of his vessel first. Marriage is just a title compared to what he and the Lamb have. 
Cue comic i have planned that is Such a funny idea to me but im not liking how its turning out so who knows. But they get married yay! 
Some years later kudaai has offered to make the lamb their own weapon. They go on a little trip to the spot they were sacrificed, now very overgrown and forgotten, and find their chains to make their weapons. 
far future comic
many many many years later Lamb death comic.
that’s it for now. I’ll add more if ideas come but this is context if you’d like. Feel free to ask questions, I’m rotating these fellas in my head
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agaypanic · 4 months
They're open yay omg!! Ok I had a cute idea for Rodrick Heffley if you're up for it! :)
Rodrick x Male!Reader where reader sings him 'boyfriend' by Big Time Rush the same way that Rodrick sang 'baby' by Justin Bieber for that one girls birthday (I literally don't remember her name lol but also it doesn't have to be his birthday) but like, it doesn't end as badly as it did for him lmao
Idk if they should be an established relationship between him and reader or if this is like readers confession so ill let you choose what you feel like writing for!
Boyfriend (Rodrick Heffley X Male!Guitarist!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: While waiting for your friends to show up to band practice, you decide to show Rodrick a new song you’ve been working on.
A/N: this is my first time writing for rodrick so pls lmk how i did! au where reader wrote ‘boyfriend’ instead of btr (with a few tweaks). rodrick and reader are in the talking stage (i dont wanna say situationship but ig that works lol) but their friends dont know about it. the only instrument i know about is the violin so sorry if i get anything wrong. also i think doing singing in stories/fics is kinda weird/awkward but whatever lol
You always cherished the few minutes you had alone with Rodrick during band practice. Sure, you liked your other friends. But there was something about being able to watch Rodrick not put on the whole ‘bad boy rocker’ persona that he was used to wearing. Around you, he felt like he could wind down and not think as much.
Although, he didn’t think too much in the first place.
“I think we have a real shot at winning this talent show,” Rodrick said, drumming a beat on your thigh as he watched you tune your guitar. “We just need to practice more.”
“Well, I think we sound fine right now.”
“We don’t need to sound fine; we need to sound great!”
“Chill out, Roddy.” You said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s a month away; we have plenty of time.”
“Don’t call me that.” Despite his words, the corner of Rodrick’s lip twitched up at the nickname. You were the only one who called him that. At first, he didn’t like it; it wasn’t a hardcore rocker name. But soon, he found himself getting giddy at the softness of it. “I guess you’re right, though.” 
Rodrick strummed his fingers across the strings of your guitar, laughing when you slapped his hand away.
“Work on anything new lately?” He asked, looking up at you from his hunched-over position. Along with being the guitarist, you were one of the main songwriters in Löded Diper, having many one-on-one writing sessions with Rodrick. That’s how the two of you grew closer, going from childhood friends playing on slides to somewhere between friends and something more, playing songs. Secret handshakes turned to lingering touches, and loud laughs turned to whispered jokes.
You were a bit hesitant to answer. You had been working on some new songs, but they didn’t exactly fit the Löded Diper brand. They were love songs, most, if not all, written with Rodrick in mind. 
“Kind of.” You finally say, picking at a frayed edge of your jeans. Rodrick perked up, always loving your new material.
“Yeah? Show me!”
“It’s not exactly like the stuff we play.” You argue, a bit anxious at the thought of Rodrick hearing what you had been toying with recently. “Besides, it’s not finished.”
Rodrick just shrugged, leaning back in his seat.
“Show me anyway.”
You hated how you could never say no to those eyes. You sighed and finally agreed, fiddling with your guitar while trying to remember the chords.
“No laughing.” You say.
“When do I ever laugh at you, Y/n?”
“All the time.” With that, you started playing. You gave Rodrick a nervous glance before clearing your throat and singing.
“Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone?
And there isn’t anything they could of said or done?
And everyday I see you on your own
And I can’t believe that you’re alone
But I overheard your friends and this is what they said”
Looking over at Rodrick, you saw him intently listening. Any other time, you’d be prideful of the fact that all his attention was on you. But right now, it made you wanna run. But you stayed planted in your seat and continued with the song.
“That you’re looking for a boyfriend
I see that, gimme time, you know I’m gonna be there
Don’t be scared to come put your trust in me
Can’t you see all I really want to be
Is your boyfriend
Can’t fight that
Knock me down you know I’m coming right back
I don’t care at all what you done before
All I really want is to be your
You let the last chord ring out before you set your guitar down and cleared your throat.
“So, yeah…” Rodrick kept staring at you. “That’s… the song.”
Rodrick scooted closer to you, and you lifted your head to face him eye-to-eye.
“Did you write that about me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. You bit your lip, watching how his hair fell from the movement.
“Depends.” You say, taking a deep breath. “Did you like it?”
Suddenly, Rodrick laughed. It made you stiffen, but you soon relaxed when he put a hand on the back of your neck.
“You’re so corny, dude.” He said before closing the gap between you. 
After the shock washed away, you gripped at his hair and ratty t-shirt, wanting to keep him close. You had come close to kissing Rodrick a few times, mainly while drunk at parties that you shouldn’t have been at or during writing sessions that eventually got interrupted by Rodrick’s younger brother Greg. But those close moments didn’t prepare you for how good the real thing felt.
When you parted, you rested your forehead on Rodrick’s as the two of you caught your breath. You opened your eyes and moved back a bit so you could see him clearly.
“So…” You start, not knowing what to do from here. “Are you looking for a boyfriend?”
“Sure.” Rodrick snorted before kissing you again.
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hwaslayer · 9 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | three.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 4.8k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, we all know seonghwa is a dick but he pulls something that makes him even more of a dick (if that's even possible?), yunho 🥺, we finally say hello to yeosang!!
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"Thank god lab was cancelled today. Can finally eat a meal in peace." Soobin sighs. "Here." He shoves his fries over to Chaery. "Too full now."
"Yay!" She claps as she takes the plate and begins to chow down on the rest of Soobin's curly fries. "They're so good. I can't believe they're already out of this when the cafeteria barely opened 30 mins ago."
"There's visitors on campus getting lunch so—" Seungmin shrugs. "Visitors getting free food and leaching off of us poor college students."
"At least the frozen yogurt machine is working!" Chaery adds.
"For now. They'll probably eat that shit up and end up breaking the machine, too. You know, visitors doing what visitors do best."
"Stop. Be nice." You scold him. "They're literally just high school seniors."
"Yeah.. so, visitors?" Seungmin furrows his brows. "I said what I said." You snort just as you finish up your frozen yogurt cup and place it down onto your tray.
"I heard that new mochi donut place opened in downtown." Soobin nonchalantly adds as he scrolls through his phone. "We should go before practice."
"We should." Chaery squeals. "I wholeheartedly agree with you for once!" Soobin furrows his brows at her before [playfully] threatening to take back his fries.
"Are you driving? I'm kinda low on gas." Seungmin asks.
"Yeah, why not?" Soobin shrugs, being the first to stand and drop off his tray. "Meet us at the library after class, Chaery?" The rest of your group follows and agrees in unison.
"Mm, sure. Guess I'll just wait around there, then. I do need to get some homework done so I can study all night." Chaery adds before looking at you. "Hey, you're seeing Yunho in class today right?"
"Sure am."
"Gonna sit next to him?" You chuckle.
"Chaery, sorry to break it to you, but that one time was a coincidence. He just didn't have anywhere else to sit."
"Whatever you say. I'm sure you'll find him in the same seat today."
"What are you, cupid?"
"Whatever you want me to be. As long as I can get you the fuck away from Park Seonghwa." She pretends to gag, making you laugh.
"You're too much."
"Call it what you want, I just care about you." She swings her arm around you as your group walks over to the library. It's quite busy at this time— lots of foot traffic, with people in and out of classes or hanging out. You, Soobin and Seungmin bid farewell to Chaery as she heads into the quiet section of the library to get work done, while the three of you head upstairs to your classrooms. There's still about 5 minutes to spare, more than enough time for you to head to your seat and settle in before class. So, you do just that— head to your seat and settle in. 
Except to your surprise, Jeong Yunho is sitting in that same seat next to you. 
You pause in your steps for a second before continuing to walk over, observing as he types away at his laptop. You're sure he can feel you coming, but he doesn't do much to acknowledge you until you take a seat. He glances over at you with a small smile, muttering a soft:
"Hey Yunho."
"How was the rest of your walk?"
"My walk?" You raise a brow before it clicks in your head. "Oh, right! With Chaery. Yeah, it was good. How was yours?" You chuckle as you take out your notebook. "Were you able to get some sleep that night?" You remembered. Such a minor detail for Yunho, but you remembered.
"Uh, yeah. Enough to suffice." 
"Good." You chuckle. "By the way, thanks again for sending me that stuff. It's super helpful."
"Glad it is." Your eyes glance up to Dr. Nelson walking in and setting his things down on the front desk. Your smile fades when Dr. Nelson begins class and starts talking all this nonsense about a major paper assignment.
"Might have to bother you again for more help with this later." Yunho chuckles a bit and shakes his head.
"You're not a bother. I don't mind." He says close to a whisper. You give him one last smile before diverting your attention back to Dr. Nelson, jotting down some notes about his topic of the day. 
Class goes by as it typically does, with you being able to work with Yunho on another in-class assignment. He asks about the rest of your afternoon, and you tell him about your plans with friends, dance practice and your evening class. He simply nods before explaining that he'll be working on some other projects for the remainder of the day. It falls silent a majority of the time you're working with him, however you don't mind keeping up the conversation. He's easy to talk to, and quite frankly, you don't find Yunho the least bit intimidating or awkward.
At least, you couldn't pick up on it during your interactions with him.
You're just hoping he's fond of your company, too. Hopefully, you don't annoy him— especially when you ask for help.
"Don't work too hard, okay?" You say as you pack up your things and start to head out of the classroom. Yunho follows shortly after, slinging his backpack strap over his shoulder.
"Mm, I'll try. I do have lots of things to cross off, though."
"Would you like me to get you a mochi donut to give you some energy?" He laughs.
"That's very nice of you, but no thanks. I'll be good."
"Okay. Suit yourself." You tease before waving at him one last time. "See ya around?"
"Yeah." Is all he responds with. He watches as you meet your friends and head downstairs, with Chaery waiting for your group at the bottom of the steps. He smiles a bit when he sees you hug her like you haven't seen her in years, becoming fond of how good you look being happy.
You should be happy.
He doesn't know much about you yet, but he does appreciate your energy and how kind you are around him. 
Meanwhile, you're enjoying the walk down to the lot with your friends. You're happy to be reunited with your bestfriends, class wasn't too bad for the first time in ages and you're off to get some good mochi donuts. But of course, you've come to learn that these things don't last, and they don't last for one reason only—
"Hey." Seonghwa says, catching you as he walks out of the gym. "Can I talk to you for a second?" You sigh as you slow your pace, letting your friends walk ahead.
"Seonghwa, I don't have time. We're literally about to leave."
"Just 2 minutes." Your friends look back at you, Chaery making it very obvious of her distaste for him. He doesn't care much though, because what Seonghwa wants is what he gets. He won't stop until he gets it. "Please, 2 minutes."
"Fine." You cross your arms. "What?"
"You're still upset?"
"Why wouldn't I be, Hwa? Tell me one good reason."
"I said I was sorry. We were just talking. I didn't know I couldn't talk to my classmates."
"Right. Just talking even with your other classmate who stepped out of your car that morning, too?"
"Baby." He groans a bit. "She just needed a ride. Why do I have to explain all of this to you? You know I wouldn't do that."
"Unfortunately, no. I don't know. I don't know what you're up to when we aren't together."
"And I'm telling you now. Stop listening to other people and assuming. Just talk to me and ask me." He says. "I hate when we're like this. I don't want you mad, and I just wanna move past this." He actually sounds a bit worried, but you know better than to just let your guard down right away because he has hurt you before. He has done things 'behind your back.' He has made it very clear what you were to him. "Besides, it's not just me. That whole thing with Yunho—"
"No. You don't get to do that. You don't get to drag him into this." You shake your head. "This is such a waste of time, and we're just going in circles. I need to go." You turn but he gently grabs you by the wrist to stop you.
"Okay, okay. Baby. I'll stop. I'm sorry." There he goes again. At this point, all you can do is stare at him. You have nothing else to say, and you're not sure what else to do. Seonghwa is going in circles and you know it's because he's sorry that he got caught;
Not because he is truly and genuinely sorry about being a dick and treating you this way.
"Y/N, let's go. We don't have much time before practice." Soobin calls out, his eyes glued on Seonghwa.
"I really need to go."
"I'll come pick you up tonight then, okay? After practice." You don't say anything— don't do anything really— besides give Seonghwa one last look before turning on your heel to head back to your friends. "I'll be there." He says as you continue walking, letting out a deep sigh.
"Sorry." You climb in next to Chaery in the backseat and buckle in, with Soobin driving out of the lot.
"It's cool. We should just go so we can get back in time. Hyunjin will never let it go if we show up late." Seungmin says.
"We'll just shove a mochi donut in his face, he'll be okay." Chaery responds, texting away before turning her attention towards you. "Babe, what was that about?"
"He was just trying to apologize for how it's been."
"How.. what's been? He's always been this way so what's the difference?"
"I don't know."
"Are you seeing him later?"
"I guess."
"He better make that the best damn apology anyone has ever seen." 
"Let's hope so." You give her a pursed smile and shrug. 
Soobin takes the quick drive into downtown, pulling up to a parking spot just around the corner from the new mochi donut shop. There's a few people waiting in line outside, but it moves quick. The four of you fall in line, each chiming in about how the day went and anything new that's happened. Soobin starts to discuss plans for Christmas break that'll soon peak around the corner— explaining how he plans to go home and spend time with his baby cousins who will be in town. You find out Seungmin and Chaery also plan to go home every now and then. For you, you're not really sure what your plans are. Perhaps you'll fall in the middle since you do love seeing your mom and older sister, however the space and freedom is always nice.
The line continues to move bit by bit until your group is finally at the front. Seungmin orders two boxes to bring to the studio, while the rest of your group orders individual donuts to try out. Before eating your donut, you snap a picture and immediately think about Yunho. You second-guess texting the photo to him, but you do it anyways— hoping it will give him some kind of boost of energy for his evening.
Which, is fair. Because Yunho is in the library already struggling to get through some of this project. 
you: here's your donut! i'll eat it on your behalf.
Yunho chuckles a bit to himself before responding.
yunho: thanks. 😊 really appreciate the support.
you: hopefully you can feel the boost of energy from here!
yunho: already do!
You giggle and set your phone into your pocket before continuing on with your friends, mentally preparing for your own evening of practice and class.
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Yunho makes his trek to the back parking lot like he usually does at this time, not expecting many people to be around. It's exceptionally chilly tonight that he sucks in a sharp breath to prevent his teeth from chattering too much. He does a little shimmy too, hoping it'll shake the feeling off from his bones until he gets to his car.
God, this walk couldn't be any longer.
As he finally arrives to the back lot, he catches you sitting at the same bench that he saw you sitting at last time. He lets out a breath and shakes his head, slowly walking to his car to give Seonghwa some time to make it to you before he climbs in.
Too bad that doesn't fucking happen.
He tried, he really tried to walk as slow as he could in this cold weather, but he couldn't prolong it any further. He pops his trunk and tosses his bag in, contemplating what his next move is when he sees you wiping away at your face. You're crying, and sitting in the cold— it's a damn shame he can't molly-whop Seonghwa's ass into the next lifetime right at this very moment.
"Fucking dick." He mutters to himself when he climbs into his car and drives over to the entrance, quickly hopping out to jog over to you with his extra jacket in hand. You don't really notice him though [and he doesn't wanna scare the hell out of you], so he stops at a certain distance before clearing his throat. You turn to him with watery eyes, but you manage to put on a tiny smile for him anyway. Probably to try and hide the fact that you're crying over Park Seonghwa, but it's too late. 
He knows.
"Yunho, hi." You wipe at your face once more. "What're you doing here?"
"I was just about to leave, but I saw you sitting here."
"Oh, no. Don't worry about me. My ride is.. coming." You pause a bit in between words.
"You sure?" Yunho cocks a brow up and you nod. No.
"Yes." You lie anyway. Truth be told, you know Seonghwa isn't coming at this point but you still hold onto hope. It's been close to a fucking hour and you ridiculously hold onto hope. You glance at Yunho but his facial expression shows that he doesn't believe you one bit. 
He knows, he knows.
So, he gestures towards his car and purses his lips together.
"It's freezing. If you really wanna wait for him, you can wait in my car until he gets closer." Is all he says. Wow, he really knows. "I just can't let you wait here any longer by yourself." You look at him and immediately know through his look alone that he's not gonna let this one go. You simply give him a curt nod before standing. He extends his arms out when you get a little closer, draping his jacket over your shoulders. It's a thick zip-up, and Yunho's scent lingers on the fabric. He smells good, you think— hints of an earthy, woody cologne he uses, mixed with laundry detergent. "You can wear my jacket for now to warm up."
"Yunho, you really don't have to."
"I do." He says in a gentle tone. He swings his passenger door open, allowing you to settle in before hopping in the driver's seat. He instantly turns up the heat before sitting back and scrolling through his phone, picking a song on his playlist to play softly in the background.
"He's not coming." You say close to a whisper as you fiddle with your fingers on your lap, Yunho cocking his head to the side to look at you.
"I'll take you home then."
"No, it's alright. I can call my roommates—"
"We live in the same community, it's not a problem Y/N." He chuckles.
"Right. Thank you." You look up at him and he gives you a toothless smile before driving off. It's a little awkward, embarrassing even, that you were caught crying over somebody who didn't deserve the tears. Somebody who stood you up and left you in the cold, somebody who didn't even care to text or call. Somebody who is probably getting busy as we speak—
Yeah, definitely undeserving.
You almost wanna cry again as you look out the window, feeling so incredibly small and stupid for this shit. But, it's like Yunho knows what's going on in your head, what you're feeling like. He doesn't have to ask, and quite frankly, he's pretty pissed himself that Seonghwa could just continuously leave you out in the cold like that. Who the fuck does that?
"You deserve better." Yunho says, running his finger across his bottom lip as he continues to keep his eyes on the road.
"I know."
"I don't know the whole story, and I can't say I understand, but you can't keep hoping Seonghwa will change for you. He's an absolute dick."
"Yeah, he is." You admit it with a whisper. Yunho won't say anything more though, he didn't necessarily pick you up to lecture you. 
"Is there anything you need before going home?" You shake your head.
"No, just wanna get home and get comfy." 
"I definitely need to get you lunch now." He chuckles and shakes his head.
"You don't owe me anything."
"So, you don't wanna have lunch with me tomorrow?" You look at him all doe-eyed and he can't help but smile bigger. You're cute.
"Never said that. I just don't want you to repay me for anything."
"Just this once?" You pout a bit. You're so cute. "We can go to that new brunch place in town."
"If you wanted to hang out, you could've just asked." He smirks and you let out a small snort.
"Funny." You turn to him. "Seriously. If you're free, let me buy you lunch. At least something to say thank you for keeping me warm and out of the cold." He nods.
"Sure. I have a good break in between classes tomorrow."
"Okay. I'll just text you when I get out of my class then." You lean your head back against the headrest and stare out the window, exhaustion slowly starting to hit you. "By the way, that literature review you helped me with? I got an A on it."
"Sweet. Nice to know I can be of help." You chuckle.
"You're a lot of help." Yunho smiles to himself as he continues to drive, a comfortable silence falling in the car for the rest of the way. 
When he pulls into the lot, he snags a parking spot near his building just because he knows he'll walk you over to yours. It's a small, tightknit community, and the walk to your building is merely across the parking lot, but it's his priority to make sure you get home safely. He does a slight jog to open your door before popping the trunk to grab your things, handing you your bag with a soft smile on his face.
He's cute.
"Well, I'm there, so.." You point towards your building. "See you tomorrow?" He shakes his head.
"Come on, I'll walk you."
"It's a quick walk."
"You do too much for me." He looks at the ground and lazily kicks at the fallen leaves.
"I don't think so. This is the bare minimum, and it's quite obvious someone hasn't been putting in the effort." He sucks on his bottom lip while looking at you.
"You can say that."
"I don't mean to say this in an attacking manner or anything."
"No I know, Yunho. I know you wouldn't do that." 
"Good." He stops in front of the stairs that'll lead you up to your unit.
"Thanks for everything tonight."
"Goodnight Yunho, walk safely." He lets out a small laugh.
"Goodnight Y/N." He watches as you slowly walk up the steps, only turning when he feels satisfied enough to leave you. 
"Oh, Yunho!" You call for him around the corner of the steps and poke your head out. "Your jacket?"
"You can just give it to me tomorrow."
"Okay. Goodnight!"
"Night." He chuckles, digging his hands into his pockets as he walks off to his apartment.
Per usual, he steps in and hears his roommate yelling at his computer screen while locked away in his room. His roommate is cool and all, but they talk here and there; not too often. Yeosang is usually minding his own business with his own group of friends, in and out of the apartment with the occasional guest over. Other times, he's locked in his room while playing games. He cooks ramen a lot, and he typically asks Yunho if he wants some— which is nice of him, and he's grateful. Yunho is okay with being in his own company for the most part. As a matter of fact, it's less of a headache that way since he doesn't have to worry much about others around him. He's always been quiet and more reserved, moreso just for the sake of his own peace. He doesn't go out of his way for people, so he finds himself chuckling at the fact that he pulled all that shit for you. Not saying you weren't worth the trouble, but it felt so out of character that he wasn't sure what he was trying to do here. Though, he can say he does find comfort in your company and he can't say that for a lot of people. It's easy for him to feel relaxed around you even though he hasn't spent a lot of time with you outside of the classroom. It's just who you are and how you carry yourself. Your aura, your personality.
It's nice, refreshing really. You don't have to try to be these things, it comes naturally.
Suddenly, Yeosang's door swings open and he's walking out in a baggy black tee and sweats. Yunho decides he'll cook up some spam.
"What's up, dude." Yeosang grabs a water bottle from the fridge.
"I'm about to cook some spam, do you want some?" Yeosang shakes his head.
"I'm good, thanks. Had dinner earlier." Yeosang looks at him with a brow cocked up. "Surprised you didn't grab anything on your way home?"
"Was gonna but got caught up with something as I was about to leave."
"Something or someone?"
"Someone." Yunho shrugs.
"Are you seeing someone?"
"What, no?! I just ran into Y/N and she was having a rough night."
"Y/N? The junior messing with Park Seonghwa?" Yeosang says and Yunho rolls his eyes. Unbelievable. You can't even spell your name without Seonghwa nowadays.
"Uh, yeah her." 
"Surprised that's still a thing." Yeosang does a slight head tilt. "He must have some feelings, right? I've never seen him hold onto someone for so long the way he does with Y/N." Yunho shrugs. He doesn't really wanna talk about this right now, let alone think about you and Seonghwa. Because what does Yeosang even mean? Feelings?
The truth is that Seonghwa is a dumbass and that's that.
He doesn't do feelings.
"He left her out in the cold for close to an hour, so. Highly doubt it's that." Yunho says with a subtle hint of venom in his words. Yeosang catches on though, even when Yunho tries to avoid eye contact and continues to quietly cook away at his spam.
"Poor girl. She really deserves better." Yunho finally looks at him for a brief moment, but gives him a quick nod before returning his attention to the pan.
"Sure you don't want any?"
"Positive. Thanks." Yunho shrugs just as Yeosang begins to head back to his room. "Alright, calling it a night." Yunho nods in acknowledgement before Yeosang can shut his door. Once he's finished cooking, he shuts off the heat, cleans a bit and takes his bowl into his room.
The only lights bouncing off of the walls are from his computer screens. There's something soothing about sitting in a dimly lit room at this time of night, especially when Yunho finds his mind wandering. He's eating and catching up on his show, but he's not really catching onto anything that's happening or what's being said. Before he can even think about what he's trying to do, he picks up his phone and pulls up your message thread. He chuckles to himself a bit re-reading the message you sent him with a picture of your mochi donut.
He doesn't really think much about other people, but he's wondering if you're okay. He still can't believe Seonghwa left you out in the cold, and he knows you have been crying.
No, he needs to give you space. You give him some attention and now he's acting up.
No, Yunho.
Chill the fuck out.
He sighs to himself and shoves his phone to the side, erasing every possible text he could draft in his head because he won't send you a text. He'll let you be. He'll give you your space, let you be in your own peace.
Besides, you might prefer to recover alone. Recharge alone. Be alone.
He hopes you are okay.
He hopes you are warm and comfortable, and that you aren't crying over Park Seonghwa's dumbass.
Hopefully, sleep finds you.
But tonight, he doesn't think sleep will find him.
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"Hey." You shuttle into the apartment and toss your things aside. "Chaery and Soobin aren't home yet?"
"Hey, no. They have some studying to get done and wanted to do it at the library." Seungmin's eyes glaze over you. "I thought you were gonna be with Seonghwa?" He asks as he cooks himself a cheese quesadilla.
"Well, he never picked me up."
"What?" Seungmin furrows his brows as he angrily shuts off the burner and turns to you. "I swear I'll fight him. It's freezing outside. Doesn't he know that?"
"I know, Seungmin. Please don't tell Soobin or Chaery, I don't wanna hear it right now." He sighs heavily and shakes his head as if to dismiss his thoughts.
"Fine, whatever. I just hope this finally gives you enough of a reason to stop messing with him." You look down, feeling like a child being scolded by their parent. "So how did you get home? Whose jacket are you wearing?" He comes closer to inspect you.
"It's.. Yunho's."
"Yunho? How did you get Yunho's jacket?"
"He saw me waiting out in the cold and gave me his jacket."
"He took you home?" You nod.
"Yeah, when I told him Seonghwa wasn't gonna come."
"I'm really glad he was there."
"I am too. He even walked me to the steps before leaving."
"God, Y/N. You've gotten so used to the way Seonghwa treats you, and to be honest, I hate it. He's a piece of shit. Just date Yunho." You sigh. 
"Not you, too."
"I mean, I'm partially joking, but Yunho has already done more for you in these past days than Seonghwa has the past months. You're my bestfriend, and you know I love you. You're way too good for him."
"Yunho and I are just friends, classmates even. We don't really talk like that."
"Still, he manages to help you when you need it the most without asking for anything in return. Says a lot about his character."
"I'm just gonna go shower." Seungmin sighs when he sees you hauling your things into your room. "I still have some homework to get done."
"Do you want me to make you some food?"
"Sure, whatever you whip up, I'll eat." You give him a small, but somewhat defeated, smile. "Thank you."
"Of course." And with that, you head in for a long, hot shower, unsure of how to feel tonight. You knew you needed to stop messing with Seonghwa, but you weren't sure why it was hard for you to cut him off. Maybe it was the attention you received behind doors, Seonghwa being a different Seonghwa that showered you in love, care— even though you knew he didn't entirely mean it. That he didn't genuinely care or feel for you, that he can't commit to you and only you.
He likes the idea of you the most, not you.
But Seonghwa wasn't the only thing occupying your thoughts, it was definitely Yunho, too. You couldn't help but wonder where all of that came from when you didn't know much about him and he didn't know much about you.
Maybe you were used to the way that Seonghwa treated you. It's not that Yunho was doing too much, it was the fact that you already expected less.
You were used to less.
Not even the bare minimum.
Hopping out of the shower, Seungmin has a hot bowl of rice with a sausage and egg omelett sitting on your desk along with a piping hot cup of green tea [drenched in honey, just the way you like it]. You smile and dig in, scrolling through your phone to see a notification from Seonghwa—
seonghwa: fuck baby, i'm sorry. something came up
seonghwa: where are you? 
seonghwa: i'm so sorry about everything, i know we've been fighting lately and i haven't been my best towards you. i'll make it up to you, i promise
seonghwa: baby please, talk to me. can i come get you now?
You roll your eyes and toss your phone aside, pulling out your laptop so you can finish up your homework. You don't feel like responding to Seonghwa, and you don't feel like thinking about him any longer.
He's already taken up too much of your time and effort.
You slip on your headphones and power through the rest of the assignments you had left. It wasn't much, and it doesn't take long, so you begin to draft out bits and pieces to your literature paper. 
Suddenly, you think of Yunho again.
A small smile is etched across your face when you remember his company tonight. You really are truly grateful he stepped in and brought you home.
Maybe he's on his walk, you're not sure. But, you don't want to be a bother.
You just hope he's okay and that he's taking care of himself after tonight. 
He deserves it.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie @h-nji [bold = can’t tag 🥺]
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inferencesarchives · 8 months
Hey can I Request a headcannon of the ancient Heroes (and dark enchantress I guess) reactions and Feelings towards a new hero in town with the powers of Spider-Man.
Bonus points if you add references towards the villains.
The Fantastic Spider-Cookie!
dark cacao, golden cheese, hollyberry, pure vanilla, white lily (not really x reader but uh you can think of it like that if u wanna this is mostly just a random au tho)
summary: how do the ancients react to the new superhero in town?
warningns: mentions of fighting, possibly ooc golden cheese/white lily? (written before their release), also not proofread sorry im tired
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confused at first. also very suspicious of the new hero. just who is this cookie, and what are their intentions?
he tries to uncover the identity of this strange hero, but to no avail.
after a few months, he eventually gets used to the presence of the hero. as long as they aren't causing too much trouble, he doesn't have a problem with them.
he does find it a bit annoying whenever spider-cookie gets slammed into the side of the citadel by doctor octopus cookie during a battle though.
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as soon as the new superhero shows up, she's interested.
she really wants to know who spider-cookie really is, but of course, she can't find any solid evidence that could lead to their identity, which leaves her a little frustrated.
sometimes she can't help but wonder why exactly spider-cookie decided to use their powers to help the city, but she's not complaining, soooo....
cheers (rather loudly) whenever spider-cookie ends up triumphant after a long and fierce battle against the spot. also gives the hero a high-five if she has time after the battle.
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she's surprised when the hero shows up for the first time, but she certainly welcomes them with open arms.
she tries to ask spider-cookie directly who they really are, but, obviously, the hero keeps their identity secret. she doesn't really mind, through, as long as they continue to keep the city safe.
she tries to get to know the cookie. she's curious as to what they're like and why they decided to use their power for good (and if they'll be her drinking buddy).
after spider-cookie wins an arduous battle, she can't help but have a feast in their honor to celebrate.
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very confused when spider-cookie first shows up. like who?? are you??? why?? do you have spider powers??? h U H????????
he is happy that the new superhero is helping take care of criminals though. it makes him less stressed while he's working.
he does get a bit curious about who the mysterious hero really is, but he knows not to butt into other cookies' business.
he does get a bit worried whenever spider-cookie has to fight a villain, but he knows the hero is plenty capable of defeating them.
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confused and surprised when the hero shows up for the first time. also a bit concerned, since she's not really sure what spider-cookie's intentions are.
she tries to figure out the identity of spider-cookie of course, but obviously she can't find any leads.
after a little over a year since the hero showed up, she eventually gets used to the hero being around the city. of course, she's still a bit suspicious of them, but she figures that if they wanted to do something bad, they would have done it by now.
she's always happy whenever the hero defeats a villain though. it makes the city safer and makes her work easier.
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a/n: anon im so so sorry for the delay,, writer's block has been absolutely kicking me in the ASS,, but i finally finished this request after like forever- now that this is done, ill officially be starting to revamp my blog!! yay yippee okay byE
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
wanna be tagged? let me know!
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angelkitty54 · 4 months
Sonic Prime AU time! (coz this has been everywhere in the last month or so.) Basically just some ideas I had for shatterverse versions of Sonic and Shadow, set after the end of the series.
New Yoke City: Based on the idea in SA2 where it's kinda implied Sonic was also made on the Ark like Shadow (which is never brought up again). Basically Nine stumbles across a pod that contains the New Yoke version of Sonic (Spirit) and excitedly wakes him up. However he quickly finds that this is not the Sonic he met before; Spirit has never been out of his bio-tank thingy before, he is basically a newborn in a full grown body, with the mentality of a newborn too. Spirit is a wide-eyed innocent child, sweet, kind and trusting, a stark contrast to the world around him and the people in it. Nine is having a hard time adjusting, especially since Spirit's keeps chewing on all his power cables. He is also constantly being accused of having cloned Sonic. Which he totally did not! He found this Sonic fair and square thank you very much!
Meanwhile, having lost their power source, the Chaos Council has lost a lot of ground to the resistance. In searching for new power sources and weapons, they discover Project Umbra (three guess who this is). Umbra leans a little more into his alien side than Shadow does, he is also less of an angsty teen and more of a scared, grieving child lashing out at a world that hurt him. He agrees to work for the council only due to the distant family connection, but he doesn't particularly like them or care about their goals. He just wants to see the world burn. Of course, things change when he finds out his baby brother survives the raid on the Ark. Tho he is not particularly happy about this strange fox hanging around, acting all buddy buddy with Umbra's brother. Ugh, the nerve of that guy!
Boscage Maze: Got inspiration from movies like Nausicaa and Origin: Spirits of the Past. So the instead of the prism, the massive jungle was actually caused by a bio-experiment gone wrong which set off an apocalypse. There are effectively three groups of survivors, those that escaped into space (mainly GUN people), those that survived on the surface (whose descendants became groups like the scavengers) that live more or less in harmony with the jungle, and those that made it into underground shelters and were put into stasis chambers where they have slept for several hundred years. The latter two group are often at odds with each other, one wanting their old world back, the other wanting the jungle to stay as is. Dr Nightshade Robotnik and his assistant, Sunny, are among the stasis group.
In this universe Gerald went down the road of cybernetics as well as genetic engineering when creating his Ultimate Lifeform, Nightshade. Their Maria got to live her life to it's fullest, becoming a scientist like her grandfather. Nightshade also dedicated his life to science, wanting to follow Maria's dreams of making the world a better place, even after she passed away. Sunny benefited from their research, as it's thanks to their work into cybernetics that he is able to walk (and run) again. Upon waking in the post-apocalyptic world, Dr Nightshade has made it his mission to find out what caused the plants to grow out of control and hopefully reverse the effects. Sunny, someone who sees the benefits of both the old and new world, hopes that he can help the good Doctor find balance between the natural and mechanized worlds. Meanwhile GUN is up to something rather suspicious up there in space...
No Place Sea: Yay pirate AU!! Honestly didn't have a lot of ideas beyond just pirates tho... Shadow is Captain Blackheart and is like super duper cursed. He is captain of a ghost ship, whose crew is also super cursed and/or undead. All save a single member, his navigator Tempest (Sonic), who is immune to the effects curses due to him being half siren. Tempest does not speak much as his voice is imbued with the charming power of a siren, which he lacks much control over. He has a knack for reading the winds and currents making him an ideal navigator in treacherous waters. He is both drawn to and fears the water, as something in those dark depths keeps calling to him, eager to drag him down down down into darkness... However he can't bring himself to stay away despite the danger, and luckily whatever is hunting him seems to steer clear of the ghost ship. In exchange for shelter aboard his ship, Tempest is helping Blackheart track down and decode ancient sea charts that will lead them to a great treasure he's been hunting. One said to be able to grant wishes: the chaos emeralds!
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My live reactions to Harrow the Ninth
Continued from my pre-reading assumptions and post-reading thoughts about Gideon the Ninth
Everyone who said "Harrow the Ninth will take a while to make sense, be patient and it will pay off" was absolutely right! I made a lot of notes throughout with predictions, some of which were correct and some of which were... not.
Theories that were wrong:
The Emperor wiped Harrow's memory of Gideon
Gideon has spoken with The Body
The Body's eyes now appear yellow because they're Gideon's eyes
Harrow only sees her own eyes as black because she wiped her memory of Gideon, everyone else perceives them as gold
The Sleeper is The Body
The Sleeper is Gideon
"Ortus the First" is Gideon (the Ninth)
Harrow is haunted by Gideon
The picture in Camilla, Coronabeth, & Judith's shuttle is of Gideon
Cytherea's body moving around is a hallucination
Gideon's sword is haunted by the lyctor who established the Ninth House
I also did make some pretty good guesses, though. Here's some more of my notes that are just fun reactions!
"Her parents had... found out... about what she had done" SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER GIDEON'S VITAL ROLE IN THIS
This Teacher is a lot more helpful
there are advantages to having God himself as a father figure
"the grey-wrappered figures of Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus laid on the slabs in the mortuary" NO :(
bookmarking this other incomprehensible clue
it's that graffiti S that everyone drew in elementary school lol
"You had noticed at previous dinners that he did not like some particular vegetables, so you had put them all in." that's so petty, I love it
"said Camilla Hect" YAY
"the skull of someone who, soon after death or symptomatically during, had exploded" Palamedes!
Harrow never got actual sword training as a lyctor, did she? Now Camilla can help her!
"Nobody had seen you walk through that door [to The Tomb]. Nobody had watched you leave." GIDEON SAW AND THAT'S WHAT'S GOING TO CONVINCE HARROW THAT SHE'S NOT INSANE, EVENTUALLY
"What a destructive, romantic, ridiculous act. It was always a certain kind of ass who approached love like that" yeah it's a certain kind of stupid, heroic, selfless, etc. to make yourself forget the person you're in love with to protect them
"Harrow Nova" another alternate universe where Harrow is in Gideon's role?????
"they've got a hotshot new BARI star" oh my god it's a coffee shop au in space
"You sawed open your skull rather than be beholden to someone. [...] Harrowhark, I gave you my whole life and you didn't even want it." AAAAAAAAA!!!!
"I was, and am, a grown man, and you both were neglected children" thank you Ortus for taking responsibility. actually a decent person
"What the fuck is going on?" yeah i feel u babe
"'The only thing that ever stopped me being exactly who I wanted,' she said, 'was the worry that I would soon be dead... and now I am dead, and I am sick of roses, and I am horny for revenge.'" hell yeah!!
oh Ianthe was gaslighting her. yeah Gideon wreck her!
"you'd kept my sunglasses" awww
"I never made her look like that. She can't love me, even if I'd wanted her to." aw :( and she's still so devoted anyway
"Your art, not my strength, was the ultimate source of our victory." so Ortus does get to be a hero after all, in his own way!
"Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity" I remember seeing posts about this name now! lol
yeah it's a weird chain of people in other people's bodies (Gideon would love the innuendo)
"We needed your, ahem, genetic material" Ianthe was right, ew. Also Gideon is the daughter of God I guess?
"You watched us kill our cavaliers in cold blood, and none of them had to die." ok that is a pretty bad thing for him to do
the tragedy that Gideon only had John as a father for a few minutes, while Harrow had him as a father figure for months but didn't want that
"'my necromancer started an affair with your mother... not knowing I'd also been doing the same thing, using his body.' // I said, 'What the fuck.'" extremely valid reaction from Gideon
"Oh, we'll still hate each other, my dear, we have hated each other too long and too passionately to stop... but my bones will rest easy next to your bones." that's kinda romantic in its own way
to be fair, if John dies, the entire solar system of Dominicus dies
"We died" no actually I think you might be alive and being saved
???????? Another alternate reality memory thing??
Multiple notes about how Harrow might just be the way she is because of growing up in a temple with strict routine, no social interaction, and no variety of sensory input... but I'm headcanoning her as autistic. Also headcanoning Gideon as ADHD, and autism/ADHD gay couples are my favorite ships.
Tagging people who have been following along. I'm going to switch to not tagging people anymore after this, but tagging all posts as #violet reads tlt, and you can follow the tag. @procrastinationaccount @vivaciouscynner @pearlofmydreams @cursed-druid-girl @ghostly-atv
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espinosaurusrexex · 10 months
The Trap - Introduction
Worlds Collide Collection
BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader apocalypse au
summary: Welcome to the apocalypse. This is the introduction to the new world you're about to enter. Let's see what your life is like. Do me a favor and be open, and maybe there'll even be a handsome stranger to meet...
a/n: so this is heavily influenced by The 100 and Love and Monsters and I guess also Maze Runner, if it seems chaotic at times, that’s because it is. With that being said: have fun reading i’d love to hear what you think 
word count: 2.2k
warnings: grumpy/sunshine, mentions of death and misery, loneliness, dystopia, nuclear weapon and monster stuff, obnoxiously optimistic reader (give her a chance okay)
collection playlist | main masterlist | collection masterlist
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May 10th 2039
Hey Book,
Here are the things that happened today:
found a new pen (that’s great because this one is running out)
watched the acid fog from the building with the tall glass roof (pretty dope if you ask me!)
went to the west border and saw new tracks
finally got the nose right on that Gordon Ramsey sketch (it’s finished, yay!)
gave Berty a makeover
The day has been pretty sweet. I’m thinking of going out tonight to watch the meteor shower. Hope I don’t die.
Anyway, see ya tomorrow!
   ~You know who :)
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The notebook closed with a loud thud that made even you twitch. Your eyes went to the basketball on the shelf above the makeshift bed.
“Sorry, Berty.” The ball didn’t respond, obviously. Its plastic wig shifted slightly further over the marker eyes, making it seem all crooked and funny looking. You weren’t crazy. You just preferred not to talk to yourself. 
A look at the window told you that it had gone dark by now. The weather conditions weren’t too great for another acid fog so your plan was good to go. You grabbed your backpack and headed out to the cliffs where you had the best view. Ever since the apocalypse started, there were a lot more stars visible at night. Half the population had been wiped out with the Hydra nukes and the rest played survivor with the mutated animals roaming the earth due to the atomic bombs that had been fired on that day. 
You remembered it vividly actually: Bright beams shooting through the sky and then it rained down like hellfire. Green glowing stripes covered the horizon from where you looked down onto the city.
The world hadn’t been that great to begin with to be honest. People were suffering, water and food supplies had shifted into the negative, and don’t even get started on climate. Humans had collectively decided that their planet was going to waste anyway. So, where was the harm in a little more destruction, right?
It’s not like you or any other normal citizen had had a chance to decide on another outcome anyway. The united governments of the world had been infiltrated by an organization with fucked up values and no sense for common human decency. They didn't care that their bombs would wipe out half of the world’s population. Hell, you’d be surprised if they even considered this an argument for their ‘cons’ column. But, hey, it had one benefit after all: if this was the worst it could get, there was nothing left to lose.
You kicked open the door of the buried school bus that had become your temporary home for a while now. Temporary in the sense that there was no way of knowing what would happen or when something would attack. You tried to make them all as cozy as possible though. Berty was a big part of that attempt. The painted basketball had become a loyal companion in your ever-shifting habitats. And even though it was a pain to transport a so unfortunately shaped object, you would never dare leave it behind. 
The humid evening air hit you like a broken fan. It was springtime, but that had stopped to matter many years ago. The weather merely shifted between scorching hot days and bearable nights. Though the wintertime was making being outside a little more doable. The trees hung low over your head when you stepped past the traps you had laid out around your home. You lived at the edge of the forest, which wasn’t the most secure place of all the ones you’ve had so far, but it was a little cooler. Most of the dangerous things out there hid several miles from the tree lines anyway. 
A dark sky stretched over your head as your feet dangled off the cliff by the forest. You were munching off an old can of beans that you had found on your stroll through the cities as the bright streams of light shot through the sky. It was beautiful and thrilling. Teetering you on the edge of remembering the very day that made this whole shit show go down. The sky was lit up back then too, but it wasn’t half as beautiful as this.
You could have sat like this for hours. The meteors wouldn’t stop passing until the sun rose, but there was a danger of being tired in broad daylight in this world. You couldn’t risk strolling through the morning with half a working brain. Especially because the morning brought a routine acid fog with its sunlight. You took a look at the tactical watch on your wrist. It was 3:30 am - Probably best to head back to safety.
As you stepped through the dried ground, you hummed a song from the old record in your bus. It didn’t work great and it was broken in several places which had you always listening to a slightly messed-up remix of the actual song, but you liked it anyway. Close to the bus, however, there was rustling from the side. Your body went into surviving mode immediately. There was a routine: hide, listen, escape. Only idiots fought whatever was out there. 
So that’s what you did.
The tree you hid behind was wide enough to cover you whole, which gave you easy access to sneak your head past the trunk and see what was making the noise. It came from about 20 feet before the buried bus, but there was nothing to be seen. The rustling continued though and as you stepped forwards from your cover, you noticed that it came from underneath. Something had fallen into your trap! It was foolproof of course, but you still approached it with care, fearfully and intrigued all together as to what you had caught this time... well, it was the first time here to be perfectly honest. Even more exciting to say the least.
Your feet crunched the dried leaves beneath you as a mumbled curse reached your ears. That was weird. Last time you checked, monsters didn’t talk. You were even more surprised, however, to find a broad man tangled in the hole you had dug outside your home. Of course, a person had been stupid enough to walk into your trap. You had been so excited about something more dangerous. 
The man had not noticed you standing above the hole just yet. He was still working with the net you had splayed out beneath the fallen leaves, too busy cursing his life away in the dirty opening. You cleared your throat after a minute, though. And as amusing as the whole scene had been, the man looking up at you wiped the smirk off your face immediately. He was gorgeous. Bright blue eyes gleamed up in the moonshine, a deep frown on his face as soon as the surprise to see you had faded.
“You got caught in my trap.” You said blankly, still captured by his face. You had not seen another person in nearly a month. It was strange, to say the least. That’s why you weren’t really expecting your mouth to say anything smart.
“This is supposed to be a trap?” The brown-haired man huffed before cutting through the last rope to free him from his restraints.
“Well you can’t get out, can you?” There was a short silence in which you caught the slightest hint of disbelief in his eyes.
“If you wanted to catch a monster with that, you wouldn’t be making such snarky comments. It’s barely deep enough for them.”
Anger crept up your neck. Who was this stranger to not only fall into your - awesome - intruder trap but also criticize your work even though he was the idiot stuck in it? “Why do you think I wanted to trap monsters? Maybe my trap was for people, which, in that case, it is brilliant.”
“It’s stupid,” he grumbled. 
“Oh come on give me a little credit, I only had spare materials.”
There was the confused glare again, and you couldn’t really place it just yet.“Yeah, yeah. Trap’s great now get me out.”
“That wasn’t genuine.” Your arms crossed before your chest, but you couldn’t hide the small smile forming on your lips. This was fun.
“You know what’s gonna be genuine? My foot in your ass once I get out of here.” Oh, not so fun.
“That's not a really good way to make me help you, you know?” You were about to step away when you heard him sigh deeply beneath you. A triumphant smirk appeared on your face before you held your head over the hole again.
“Can you please help me out of this genius trap?” The Brunette was rolling his eyes, but it was good enough for you - after all, you didn’t want to make enemies just yet.
“Why of course! I love people that appreciate good handy work!”
You nodded appreciatively and reached for the net he held your way. It took a little bit to get enough momentum but then he jumped and dug his boots into the soil walls and within seconds, the stranger was pulled up from the ground. 
“Drop the bullshit.”
“What bullshit?”
Now that he was standing in front of you like that, you noticed how tall he was, and built, too. It was a wonder you had managed to pull his weight out of there now that you thought about it. He was really handsome, too. His dark hair fell into his face and his eyes were bright blue, staring down at you with a gloomy expression. It didn’t scare you, though. You were more... fascinated by him, really.
He looked at you for a second, and the gears were literally turning behind his eyes. But he caught himself quickly, shaking his head and making his way out of the forest. You weren’t ready to have him leave, though. It was rare to meet people now, and this one seemed entertaining enough.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Away.” You barely heard him over the heavy footsteps he pressed into the ground.
“You can’t go!”
That made him stop. The stranger turned around with an unfazed expression, his shoulders hanging low with annoyance, but you wouldn’t let up. “And why’s that?”
Shit, you hadn’t thought it would get this far. Your hands wrung the net as you stood there looking for an explanation. But the guy turned around with a condescending clicking of his tongue. “Wait! You haven’t told me your name.” You shuffled over to him in haste, you steps faster than his, but it was difficult to catch up to him, still.
“I don’t have to.”
“You do, actually. It’s a rule.” He stopped again, and you almost fell at the abrupt halt.
“A rule,” he repeated in disbelief, his face still unimpressed, but he was quite pretty this way.
You smiled. “Yup. You fall into my trap, you tell me your name.” To be honest, you were a little proud at how fast you had come up with the idea, but it seemed the stranger was still not impressed. He just crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at you almost amused.
“That's not a rule.”
“It’s my rule.” Was that a tiny smile creeping onto his features? You liked it - looked way better than those broody anger lines.
Then he huffed and shook his head. “Bucky.”
“Gesundheit,” you answered immediately, but that seemed to stick that annoyed look right back onto his handsome face.
“No. Bucky is my name.” Oops.
“Oh. Sorry.” You tried it out in your head, then. And it suited him quite nicely. It was a little odd but witty - just like him. 
“Whatever.” His arms untangled before his broad chest and Bucky looked ready to leave again. You didn’t want that, though.
“Would... uh.. would you like to come in?” Why were you so nervous all of a sudden? Your hands were a little sweaty, but talking to someone that actually responded felt so good...
You earned another look with that question. Really, you’d already gotten used to those in the three minutes you knew him - seemed to be his M.O. 
“What?” He wasn’t confused this time, at least you didn’t think so. It sounded more like he hadn’t heard you.
“You know... be my guest.” A bright smile spread on your lips, but Bucky wasn’t buying it, and frankly, you were running out of ideas to keep him here. Normally, people were happy to see others around here, but Bucky? He didn’t seem to like talking very much.
“Sorry, gotta go.”
Your eyes found the ground as you heard his steps distancing from you again. “Oh, ok.” You mumbled to yourself, and with a last wash of hope, you called out again. “Will I see you again?”
“No.” He was already by the tree line, now. And Bucky didn’t seem like the type of person to run back the distance in slow-mo like you had seen in those old films. 
It didn’t discourage you, though. “Okay, you know where to find me!”
“Not gonna visit you!”
“See ya soon!” You waved and bit back a triumphant smile when you heard him chuckle before he disappeared out of the woods. 
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Hey, Book, It’s me again.
And, man, what a great day!
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elysianeclipxe · 1 year
the cookie incident | txt beomgyu
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warnings: judgement towards baking skills, cursing, talking about death in a light manner, and chaos
genre/au: fluff, boyfriend!beomgyu au
word count: 1.3k
summary: cookies are a new staple of movie nights, but beomgyu doesn't exactly think they look as appetizing as they taste
sidenote: just a little fic on my cookie thoughts. welcome the first of many txt fics, also the pure chaos in this seemed to fit beomgyu the best so yay for him. hopefully he doesn't seem super ooc, apologies if he does, trial and error y'all
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Friday nights are movie nights. That has been established between everyone in the friend group. This time, you and Beomgyu were the hosts, so that meant everything had to be prepared by the two of you. Snacks, drinks, blankets, pillows. Literally anything that was essential for a movie night is on both of your hands.
This time you were in charge of the food and drinks while your boyfriend took care of the comfort and everything else. Trust me, this is the best option you had. The last time you both hosted movie night Beomgyu confidently said that he'd take care of the food… yeah, Yeonjun ended up in the hospital for 3 days after eating what he made. To avoid another.. incident, you took it upon yourself to handle the food this time.
Now it was just time to decide what to cook and bake for everyone. Popcorn was definitely needed or else you'd hear it from the boys. Now for the rest, you should probably list it down. So that you did. Listing stuff from pizza to kimbap and cola to ice cream. You just had to make everything now, oh dear. Well good thing movie night starts late as it seems the next couple hours will keep you busy.
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"Gyu, I swear to all the deities above that if you touch another kimbap roll, I will personally shove that roll down your throat till you choke. Do Not Test Me!" You threaten the boy. It was like a sixth sense, knowing when your boyfriend is about to do some shit that he isn't supposed to do. And right as you turn around to glare at him, you catch him right in the act. Hand stretched out right about to grab another kimbap roll, eyes wide as he stares at you in horror. Busted.
"But babe! It's a compliment to eat a lot, it just goes to show how good your food is. Best chef and significant other in my heart." He grins and makes a heart with his hand. To add onto the lovey dovey effect he decides to blow kisses to you and slyly wink at you. Smooth, but mostly ineffective since you know him well. The blush on your cheeks beg to differ though.
You chuckle at his words and immediately give him an unimpressed look. "Nice try, but we have one hour left till everyone comes and you know I don't have enough time to make more. So step back and leave the kimbap alone."
He pouts and steps back from the kimbap you made, mumbling under his breath how he was just hungry. Hahhh, sometimes it's so hard to handle him. But despite that, it is nice to know that he likes your food so much to the point he'll eat so much of it… Most of the time anyway.
"AHHHHHH!! WHAT IS THIS?!" He screams, causing you to rush over to him in complete stress. If you were lucky then whatever he's screaming about wouldn't be anything majorly bad.
And you were right. Because when you went into the living room the only sight you could see was the look of fear on his face and his hand holding a plate of cookies away from him. "What are you doing with the cookies?" You ask him, staring at him weirdly.
"THESE ARE COOKIES?? ARE YOU SURE?" That hurts. Now that you look at it, the cookies didn’t look all that amazing but was it enough for him to not recognize the dessert? It was gonna be your first time serving the cookies to everyone and now it has you feeling scared that they won’t like it.
Do they really look that bad? I thought I did pretty well this time, this is like the third batch that I tried to perfect.. I guess they do kind of look deformed
You huff out in annoyance and snatch the plate of cookies from his hand. You frown and put it back on the table, “if it looks so bad then don’t eat it! I’ll just give it to Yeonjun, he knows how to appreciate my food even if it looks weird. Whatever. I’m gonna get ready so just double check everything while they’re still not here.”
Beomgyu feels bad as he watches you walk into your bedroom and close the door with a slam. Maybe he judged your cookies too quickly. I mean, yeah, it REALLY didn’t look the best but a cookie was still a cookie. And if your baking skills were as good as your cooking skills then it would probably taste great. Even if it didn’t, he would likely just suck it up and smile, since that’s what a supportive partner does.. Before gently saying that they need to practise more, with love.
So like the loving boyfriend he is, he picks up a chocolate chip cookie and examines it before taking a bite. He lets the flavour linger and- “YAH THIS TASTE FUCKING DELICIOUS!” Definitely wrong to assume that it tasted bad. Never again will he say bad things about your baking skills. Clearly you knew what you were doing.
"I should say sorry to y/n later about this. It tastes really good. But do I need her ego getting bigger? She's your girlfriend, idiot! Ughh whatever. Anyway, should I be sharing these cookies with everyone? What if they eat all of it and then y/n starts making it for them specifically? I can't have that, I'm the boyfriend! They should be for me only!!" As he kept talking to himself, Beomgyu unconsciously kept taking cookie after cookie, slowly stuffing his mouth until he could no longer feel any more cookies on the plate. 'Oh fuck, y/n's gonna kill me' he thought as the door to the bedroom creaked open right on time.
"Okay! I'm pretty sure this is the best I can dress up for movie night, both comfort and style. Everything looks right about ready so now we just have to- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COOKIES?!" You look over and see your boyfriend's back turned to you, not a word slipping from his lips. There is only one suspect, the one you left alone with the cookies. "Yah, Choi Beomgyu! Turn around."
This was it. This was the moment that Beomgyu would be choked to death. At least he got to taste your delicious chocolate chip cookies. That's all that matters as he slowly turns around to face you, and the sight of him is to behold. Your boyfriend, who previously said how diabolical your cookies looked, now had several of them shoved in his mouth by choice. Cookie crumbs and everything by his mouth, eyes filled with embarrassment.
OXNWGDUKFBTOAOBD WHY IS HE SO CUTE?!? DAMN IT BEOMGYU NOT FAIR! How am I supposed to stay mad at you? No, stay strong y/n
You approach the male and lean down, a smirk framing your face. "Care to explain or should I just assume that you're sorry for being judgemental about my baking skills?" He chews the last bits of the cookie and swallows it before nodding his head, a soft "sorry" being said after. "You are too cute, Gyu. Come on, get ready."
Before you could walk any further he grabs your wrist and tightens his grip on it. "Haha, so since there are no more, could you.. make some more cookies? For me?" He bites his lip and awkwardly smiles at you.
Oh send help he is so cute! How are you expected to say no to that? "Awwww Gyu… No." Like that apparently.
"BUT WHY?" He follows you and keeps on tugging at your arm trying to convince you to make more.
How do you expect him to have movie night without your cookies now? Sighhh. First he hates it, then he loves it. A little too much. He is driving you all over the place. Beomgyu's a little a lot annoying, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
"BABE PLEASE! JUST ONE MORE BATCH OF THOSE COOKIES!" Ah jeez, this is gonna be a long night.
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Kinda loved this one a lot, not sure why tho. Anyways, comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated <33
© elysianeclipxe. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my content onto other platforms.
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Ballad of Secrecy
Part 1: Peachy Keen
1950’s Actress!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
AU Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a renowned actress, but everyone wonders why she will never settle down. You meet her upon happenstance and both of your lives begin to change.
Note: Yay a Nat series! I have five parts planned out, but I’m not sure when I’ll posting each one. I hope y’all enjoy this first one! Let me know what you think!
Ballad of Secrecy Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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There are many words that can be used to describe Natasha Romanoff. Beautiful, confident, wealthy, golden, high-class, the list goes on. But the best way to describe her right now, as you see her across the bar, is lonely.
You feel a sort of magnet drawing you toward her. But of course, you know who she is, and you would never just approach a movie star. Most definitely not one of her status. So, you simply sit and wonder what it would be like to go up and talk to her.
Your wondering is interrupted by your friend Wanda.
“Hey there,” Wanda says as she sits in the seat next to you.
“Hey Wands,” you reply, leaning over to give her a hug. You haven’t seen her in a while. She has been traveling to try and get some new roles. “How has the search been?”
“Ah, well I have come up pretty dry,” Wanda says. “But Vis keeps telling me that it’s okay for me to keep trying.”
“And he is okay being with the kids at home?”
“He says he is. I’m not so sure,” she explains. You sip your drink as your only response. Wanda chuckles a little and orders a drink of her own. “What about you? How is the writing going?”
“It’s not,” you reply. She gives you a sympathetic look, but you shake your head. “It’s okay. Just a silly dream.”
“I don’t agree,” Wanda says. You shrug. She takes a look around the bar and that’s when she sees her. She whips her head back around to you. “Is that Natasha Romanoff?”
“I believe so,” you say casually, as if you haven’t been thinking about her all night.
“We have to go talk to her,” Wanda says.
“Oh, heavens no,” you say.
“Why? She could help me, y/n! I am going over there with or without you.”
Wanda stands up from her seat and the next thing you know she is talking to the woman. You can’t quite hear what they are saying, but when they look your way, you decide to move closer. Taking a deep breath, you move to the seat beside Wanda.
“This is my friend, y/n,” Wanda introduces you.
“Pleasure to meet you, y/n. I’m Natasha,” the woman says. Her voice is raspier in person, it’s addicting.
“Hello,” you say shyly. You figure she’s probably used to people acting this way when they meet her. But you don’t feel as though you’re starstruck, but rather her beauty is just so alluring that you can’t formulate words.
Wanda continues to talk to her as you listen on. Natasha isn’t impatient with her, nor does she turn her away when Wanda asks her about the newest movie she’s filming. In fact, she seems to tell her more details than she has to. You didn’t expect the star to be so kind.
About thirty minutes later, Wanda excuses herself to the restroom. She leaves you alone with Natasha and your heart races.
“So, y/n, what do you do?” Natasha asks you. You’re surprised she remembers your name.
“I’m a writer,” you say. She smiles at that. “Well, on the side. I haven’t exactly made any living with that yet.”
“I see,” Natasha remarks. “But clearly you see yourself in that career since you told me, a stranger, that is what you do.”
“I guess you’re right,” you say, it’s becoming easier to talk to the woman. She moves to the seat next to you. Spoke too soon.
“Tell me, do you write poems?” She asks, there’s a certain glint in her eye as her mouth forms into a smirk.
“I- yes I do,” you answer, feeling heat rush up your neck. “But mostly I write stories.”
“Stories,” she says the word as she ponders the meaning. “Like love stories?”
“Sometimes, yes.”
Natasha accepts the answer. She leans in closer to you and her hand comes to your thigh. The proximity in a public area feels dangerous.
“Maybe you could write one of those love stories into a movie,” she says.
“Do you like acting in love stories?”
Natasha thinks it over. “Sometimes. Although I do find my love interests quite boring, don’t you?”
“Well, I-”
“It’s the same white men every time. I wish someone would write something better, you know. Something with substance.”
“Oh, I must admit movies are more Wanda’s thing,” you say. “I only watch with her usually.”
“Right,” Natasha remarks. You swear her eyes glance to your lips before she moves back into her seat properly.
Wanda returns from the restroom at about that time. If she notices that Natasha has moved next to you, she doesn’t say anything.
“I should really be going,” Natasha says, sipping down the rest of her drink. “It was great to meet you both.”
“Great to meet you as well,” Wanda says, her smile not quite meeting her eyes.
Natasha looks at you and decides that she wants to see you again. She has no real power to do what she’s about to do.
“Wanda, can you be on set tomorrow morning? Say 5am?” She asks the girl.
“Oh, yes. Yes, I can, yes,” Wanda replies in disbelief.
“Alright, I will see you there. And y/n, please come with her,” Natasha says. She doesn’t give you time to ask why, but she shoots you a wink before she floats out of the bar.
You and Wanda both sit there in awe.
“What just happened?” You wonder aloud.
“I think I just got my big break,” Wanda says. “I have to go tell my family!” She hugs your neck before she disappears out of the bar.
You remain there at the bar analyzing what just happened. Was Natasha Romanoff flirting with you or was it all in your head?
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dazedquilly · 2 months
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I finally found time to finish it! Yay!!! 💀😭
Also please note that this is a high school au so characters would be aged up. No pedo behavior is welcomed! And forgive me if any mistakes were made, I tried to proofread as much as possible.
Anyways, hope you enjoy the second part!
In the Rain, We Meet Again- Part 2
Two weeks later, the second term is finally here. Back to procrastination and late nights of doing homework, You were reluctant to go but your mom insisted that "it was for your future" as they all do, you were however, excited to see your friends. They made your school life a bit more easier with the chaos they brought, you still thought about the boy you met in the rain the other day. How crazy would it be if you met him again! But that would never happen... right? Anyways, time was ticking and much more thinking would make you late for school. You quickly finished your breakfast and dashed out the door, yelling "Bye!" on your way out.
As you skipped along the way you bumped into someone, your bestfriend, Aoi. You both talked on and on about the short vacation you were given. "Oh, by the way, something interesting happened two weeks ago," you started off.
"Really? Well don't be shy, go on!!" Aoi certainly seemed interested in the tea that was about to spill.
"Well... it may or may not have something to do with a boy-"
Your speech was interrupted by her exclamation, "WHAT?! YOU? Y/N? WITH A BOY? I refuse to believe it." She knew how you were, most of the time you didn't pay any mind to boys around you but now here you were, bringing up one in the conversation. She had every right to be shocked.
"Well, if you'd let me finish you'd understand!" And so as you two walked to school, you told her about the encounter and how you both chatted and walked in the rain. "My.. and you waited until now to tell me?? WE BOTH HAVE PHONES Y'KNOW? THIS IS DELAYED INFO." Aoi was only joking but her sudden yelling made you jump, "I apologize, my dear best friend, please do not kill me..!" You both laughed at your response and entered the school gate, making your way to your classroom, it seemed like Nezuko and Kanao had already arrived earlier as they waved you over. "Guess what?" Aoi started, she obviously was not gonna gatekeep the tea that was spilled, Nezuko spoke up, "What is it? You don't normally look this excited so my guess is that this is good news..?"
You spoke up, "I walked in the rain with a good-looking boy, no biggie." Nezuko gave you a deathstare, "No biggie? NO BIGGIE?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT YOU JUST SAID?!" You slowly nodded, "Y e s...?"
Just as the two were about to rant on, your teacher entered the classroom. You all scrambled to your seats, but as you sit down next to Aoi, you see a strange, familiar person enter after your teacher.
"I wonder who that is.." Aoi whispered to you. Just then another similar person entered, in fact the two looked like printed copies of each other, "I think I'm seeing doubles.." You whispered back. Aoi only nodded in silence as the four of you stare on. Even after they said their names, Muichiro and Yuichiro, you still couldn't tell the two apart, then it struck you, one out of two them was the boy who walked with you in the rain. "Aoi..." You started as she turned to you, "I think one of them walked in the rain with me.."  Her eyes widened, "WHA..?!" You had to cover her mouth so the entire class wouldn't be aware of your conversation.
"Yes, it was definitely one of them." You continued in a positive tone. "You lucky rat.." Aoi hissed, as you giggled at the comment, just as you were about to speak you saw the two print copies sit down behind you. It took every single muscle in you and Aoi's bodies to not turn around and stare at their beauty. Class soon finished and one of the two got up and left for break as the other sat there silently. You and Aoi got up to leave but he grabbed your hand, motioning he wanted to talk to you. Your friends watched on, giving you either teasing looks or a smirk but decided leave the two of you alone.
"You.." He started, "You look familiar.." You watched him and said with a laugh, "Don't you remember? We walked in the rain together!" He nodded, finally understanding. "I see..." You continued, "By the way, is that your twin brother? Also which one are you? Muichiro? Or Yuichiro?" He only shook his head and replied, "We're a twin if that wasn't obvious, and I'm Muichiro." You sighed, finally understanding now, "Ahh, okay! I'm Y/n!" You held your hand out to shake and he received it, "I didn't know you would move to this school! Is that why you were in town that week? Getting stuff?"
Muichiro only nodded. And for the rest of your questions, he either nodded or shook his head. Even though this was your first day back at school, you felt that this would be quite the interesting school term!
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carrotkicks · 2 years
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look! an epic epic lore post yay! the sheer insanity you're about to read will be unparalleled if you do actually bother to read it.
the main pilot trio. it's just some cuteness before the crazy lore that's about to drop
Morro does have a role in this au. He's a psycho reject pilot who works for the super shady Crystal Council (the SEELE of the au). He's supposed to try to replace Lloyd and start the Third Impact himself with Unit-01. If you know what happend to Asuka's mom in NGE, then you know what's happened to Morro. There's actually a bunch of pilot candidates conglomerated in certain areas, like Lloyd's highschool for example. Morro gets sent to one of the worse ones that's directly observed by the Council.
Garmadon transformation Before and After he eats the Overlord. He gets a familiar new look.
Kai is a secret agent who has disloyalties to like. Everyone. He brings the crystal-preserved OVERLORD fetus to Garmadon so they can kickstart the Apocalypse Plan
Even though he's pretty sus, Kai is still a Good Guy. He let's Cole in on the conspiracy he's trying to uncover. Which involves showing Cole the corpse/sleeping body of the "First Being" (the FSM) that SPIRAL's been keeping hidden under the headquarters. It's blood is the "Golden Power" which is LCL and the fuel for the Ninjagelions in this world so. Yeah the kids breath that stuff. and Cole is thoroughly Freaked Out
The NINJAs (the big ol' mechs. I commited to the funny name) are very. very very haunted. Because the only way they can be operational is if there is a human soul inside their Cores. the prototype (00) and test-type (01) both are very volatile compared to the production type (02) because there was a lot. A LOT, of messed up issues with development and a lack of knowledge in what exactly they were creating. By the time Unit-02 was built, they managed to polish the formula. Anyways, Dr. Julien and Echo are the souls inside NINJA-00 but since they were merged in the nontraditional way of having their bodies stuffed in the robot a la FNAF instead of a Contact Experiment, the mech got. Very Unstable. Poor Zane is probably the only one who could handle the stress of being that one's pilot (Lloyd's gonna have a super horribly failed attempt later on). Oh and Julien and Echo were the two unfortunate victims of a m*rder-s****de but there was a third player in it. Want to guess who?
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ruthytwoshakes · 7 months
oh good evnening my homos,, my swagggalishis peepol, my lovely little guys . idk. I drew some gi. rrrrrls !!! Some fem fort!! Wahhooooo!!! Yippepeeee!! oh oh and big thank you to everybody who voted in the poll I set up! Once winter break hits I’ll be able to work on the projects full time, until then I’ll just be putting out little wips because school is more important :]
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I’ve always wanted to make a gender swap au of some sort but I really had no good ideas until now,,. . They’re all clones of the red team that Engineer and Pauling worked on!! But like kinda. really crazy and blood-thirsty.
Pauling was requested to make a better Blu team because they sucked so bad,, ,so instead of hiring new people she got lazy and asked Engineer for help to mess with the respawn machine and create these new guys. They’re also like a fourth bigger than the original mercs. They’re very scary and violent and not r,eally good at being people yet. to be fair they were born like yesterday sorta. And I think I’d be a little evil too if I was born with the memories and mannerisms and scars of a life that I had not lived. ? ,,,,oh well sucks 2 suck. They hate the other team with a burning passion because they were programmed that way I guess. Idk I just came up with it tonight so it kidna isn’t all that coherent but we bal l . If I have the time I’ll draw them all beating up the boys or just like tormenting them. heheghjshh. pyro is a bear because the original pyro is a butch,, and spy is trans masc cus the original spy is trans fem. c ool
oh if anybody has any ideas for names I’d love to hear them! I’m shit ass at names so help is appreciated B))))) )
oh. welell hello thehrer,, here is more deisntns
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these are for fun and would not actually work in the au,, teehhe. Man I don’t know what the fuck happened with saxton but he just looks the exact same. he’s growing out his hair. happened with saxton rhymes kindaa also Bidwell yay! Made her look more like Ma because I think she and scout are sisters booyahhh woah. Reddy with the butch realness hell yeah ,, love her. Mister Pauling wooooooow don’t have much 2 say. Twink Pauling little scary. Administrator though fucking killed me ,,I turned a bad bitch into an old man I’m losing my minddd. Kept the earrings cus they slayy cunty cunt cunt? Idk I don’t say that stuff
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PYRO FACE JUMPSCARE !!! I know I committed sin and removed a masked character’s mask buut,idk fuck it I wanted to. Got some gnarly burn scares there and a rat tail cowaaabunga. Don’t know if you can tell but Blu has a half a beard.
JUMPSACREE JUMPSCARE I ADDED MY OCS MUHAHHA it’s gliderrrs yay. Red and Blu glider are two different. guys,, uhh they’re both twins!! Fraternal I think. Red is very flamboyant and extroverted and talks with her hands while Blu kinda stares at you,, you can’t really tell if she’s angry or not? Not happy with you that’s for sure. I can’t info dump about them on this post because I have to get back to work but one day in the near future. perhaps. perchance. mayhaps. what
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