#yes hound is going to absolutely love it and you know it
varpusvaras · 8 months
Fox stared at the screen.
"What is this?" He asked, and instantly regretted it when Even turned to him with a shocked expression on his little round face. There were many things he could take in life (being bred to be a soldier did that to a person) but having his own three-year-old being disappointed in him wasn't one of those.
"Buir!" Even puffed his cheeks. "It's the Spiky Guard!"
"Oh, okay", Fox said, even though he still had no idea what was going on with the talking, colorful cartoon massiffs on the screen in front of them.
Breha gave him a gentle pat on his thigh.
"It's a new children's cartoon", she explained, when Even had become engrossed with his screen again. "It's about a group of super massiffs who save citizens from silly dangers."
"Okay", Fox said again. Breha's eyes softened, and Fox felt a bit bad for the sad tinge that had appeared in them, even when he knew it wasn't his fault.
"Not too many shows for children shown on Kamino?" It was more of a statement than a question, even if she tried to soften it up by posing it as the latter.
"Not ones like these, and not for us", Fox said, quietly, so Even wouldn't hear, just in case, even though he looked like he was still completely immersed in what was going on the screen. Breha didn't say anything to that, only took his hand into hers, lightly running her thumb over his skin.
Fox wasn't really sure what he was looking at more. At his son, who was sitting there, without a worry in the world, watching a pink massiff operate a hand-glider, or at the pink massiff operating the hand-glider.
One thing was clear, though. He needed to show this to Hound.
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soarrenbluejay · 3 months
Supervillains for a community. (Well, except those jerks over in Gotham, insular lot, but they’re they’re one problem) Of course they do- supervillains are a group defined by strong opinions and a willingness to see them through, often with a healthy dash of societal failures and trauma as a catalyst.
The fentons, while not active even on the online message boards, are well known and explosive when they do show up, full of fascinating insights and hours long rants on mad science on hair pin turns courtesy of that ADHD attention span. Bit of the cryptids you feel honored to bump into kind of deal. Besides, like a good quarter of the community as it aged, they’d settled down and had kids (not necessarily in that order) and taken it very seriously! Out in the middle of nowhere, where even the most fearsome government outpost members, the local branch of the IRS, quake before them in fear. Out of the way.
Reveal gone okay-ish, Danny moves to Gotham still to get some air bc now things are Akward and he landed that engineering scholarship which is loads better than any other college would give him with his track record. So- the mysterious Fenton children are finally crawling out of hiding! Everyone is psyched! And roll in to Gotham en masse to witness the fireworks!
Except Danny is Determined To Be Normal. He’s had enough of the throwing himself into harms way shit for a lifetime- he wants to be free to peacefully built Rube Goldberg machines and unintentional increasingly complex bombs to his hearts content. JAZZ, on the other hand- the coveted token Normal One, has finally snapped! She’s watched her baby brother she practically raised throw himself into danger over and over and could do nothing, and now that she’s exposed to this whole network of superheroes outside of small town Amnity, some of those uglier emotions are coming out. And boy is she pissed! And can’t afford to show it much while filing the paperwork to have Arkham legally razed to the ground!
See I love this idea of like, niches in superhero society. A villain the heroes know they can plop their kiddo down with for an exciting afternoon brawl while they take care of a particularly grisly case and come back to a few hours later ranting about some new life lesson and a new move they really want to try. A villain who has a functioning moral compass despite their somewhat batshit long term goal and you can contact to fuck with another villains’s plan so they can laugh at them and you can have an easy afternoon. One who pries up hostile architecture and fills in pot holes, idk man. Get creative here, there’s such potential!
So Jazz becomes a Training villain- someone the heroes know their sidekicks will walk away from in a fight 100% of the time, usually with some new lesson to ponder and only a couple of bruises. Sometimes even snacks!
She also absolutely ambushes mentors to check that they’re worth the kiddo, which they appreciate once they get over being jumped in a dark alley by a 7 foot Amazon trained force of nature. They are not used to being on that side of the jumping, it’s a little unnerving.
(Yes, she low key adopts Shazam upon checking in with him on cursory ‘is the main hero of this city and asshole’ checkin. Yes, the super clones get yoinked out from under Superman’s negligent thumb to go have a blast with Ellie. What about it?)
This however only encourages more assorted weirdos to crawl out of the woodwork. It’s not often one of their own forfeits their potential spot for the running of the coveted Most Normal I Swear prize, but when they do it’s bound to be good! But jazz is off hounding various heroes and punching the faces in of pedophiles and shit whenever there’s no cape within easy reach, and so is a mite bit harder to contact than Danny, who has innocently gotten an apprenticeship under a clockworker for access to their workshop and is gleefully going about doing nerdy shit with great abandon.
Plus this is Gotham. No one gives a shit if someone in the Mad Alchemist uniform and still smoking from their latest experiment pokes their head in a window to bother the local shrimp teen- none of the usual social rules apply, everyone’s crazy here! So everyone drops any and all attempts at masking and just acts their genuine unhinged selves, much to the alarm of the Bats and frustration of Danny.
Bc he cannot get these mfers to go. Away. Even liberal use of the creep stick has little effect when the interloper is calibrated for an opponent with super speed or laser vision or whatever, and he’s trying to maintain his guise as a Normal College Student Do No Investigate.
So he calls in the big guns. He’s not super active in the supervillain kids group chat ever since things in amnity calmed the fuck down post becoming King and then immediately using a loophole that says he will not take the throne until he is grown, as defined by finishing learning his trade a la the medieval standards Pariah set up. So he can just take his sweet ass time with his graduate degree and out of inter dimensional bull shit that much longer! Point is, he hasn’t taken the chance to rant over there in a while, so his Crazy friends are getting a lil worried.
The change to come over and shout at their batshit crazy but (mostly) well meaning parent AND see Danny? Score!
The bats, however, are getting awfully suspicious about this one kid that villains from all over the country are flocking to, especially young and upcoming ones as of recently! And he’s acting his engineering course- all the worst rogues are known to have flown through their PhD studies prior to Cracking. They seem to have a real problem on their hands with this Fenton guy.
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request!!: peter parker who has a huge crush on reader and one day r just accidently friendzones themself without even realising that they did? (i hope that makes sense?) then after that u can take it anywhere u want to honestly!! ly <333
ily anon, you answered my pleas. also you know that tt prank where couples kiss and then say “thanks brother” or “love you sis”… couldn’t help but add it for some comedy.
mcu!peter parker x fem!reader
you need to learn when to shut your mouth. tripping your foot into your mouth has gotten you into too many situations before, but this one is absolutely the worst one. you might as well be taken to the grave already.
your just a girl. sometimes you say your crush is “like a brother to you” when getting hounded by mr. delmar. it’s a panic move, mouth speaking before mind catches up. and it landed you in the dog house when you saw the way peter’s face dropped at the implication. but you thought he was smart enough to know that wasn’t true, you were touchy and teasing with him. you wouldn’t do that with a sibling, you’re not one of those people.
“mj, i’m a fucking idiot.” groaning into your pillow, trying to suffocate yourself.
she gave an exasperated sigh that you knew was followed by an eye roll. “yes you are, but you don’t need parker.” you heard the flip of a page.
you whined in your throat, “but i want parker!” acting like a tantrum kid. even adding a kick to your feet, your bed springs creaking.
mj groaned, “then clear the air! it’s not that hard!” over your peter parker drama.
you rolled from your stomach to your back, arms flipping to your sides as you stared up at your white ceiling. “but what if-“ your sentence was cut short by a knock at your window.
“say his name and he appears.”
peeking at the tips of your toes you saw peter squatting on your terrace, a hesitant smile with an awkward wave. welp, now’s a good time to clear the air.
crawling off your bed you pushed the window up and were greeted by a cool breeze. bits of peter’s baby curls swaying with the touch, a angelic glow surrounding him. you feel yourself melt just at the sight of him.
“h- hey peter, whatcha-“ “can we talk? alone?”
your eyes zeroed in on mj who was blantanly staring at the two of you, book of no interest at the moment. “oh, i’m fine over here.”
“mj…” “fine. fine. i’ll see you both at school.” packing up and leaving your home with a wiggle of her brows.
“so what did-“ “do you really think of my as a brother?”
you couldn’t help a small chuckle, “kinda funny how you’ve interrupted me three times, but uh, no. i- i don’t see you as a brother, that thought feels gross. mr. delmar was making me anxious.” looking to your fingers as you drummed them along your windowsill.
“oh thank god.” peter declared while cupping his hands on your cheeks to bring your head up. both of you smiling brightly at each other
two months later
“so what do i do?” “just sit there and look pretty.”
a shy smile at peter’s lovely words. he finished setting up his camera and pressed record, you just stared at his side profile.
“you wanna get to her, well you gotta go through me.” and peter turned to kiss you on the lips. a shiny haze covered your eyes then- “love you sis.”
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sxriusblxck · 1 year
Hellooooooo can I request marauders x reader (platonic or poly whatever you want :)) with reader who like never drinks water so like everywhere they go the boys are making sure there hydrated lmao this sounds weird I’m sorry lol anyway hope you having a good day/night <33
i never drink water so this is perfect LOL!
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poly!marauders x gn!reader
warnings: exam season, stress, dehydration, the marauders being absolute sweethearts
word count: 529
Your head is hurting as you approach their door, shoulder heavy with the bookbag that hangs off of it.
You'd been studying all day, barely giving yourself a moment to breathe before diving into the next subject, eager to pass the next exams thrown your way.
By the time you had reached the boy's dorm, you were ready to lay down and sleep for the next fourteen hours.
But they had other plans.
"Dove, you look exhausted." Remus breaks the silence, sat on Sirius's bed with a worried, yet stern look on his chiseled face.
You pout, slinging the strap of your bookbag over the arm of James's desk chair.
"I am not. I was jus' studying." You shake your head, trotting over to plop yourself in Remus's lap.
He grins, despite the worry coursing through his veins. He'd never deny you a cuddle, even if you had done the worst of the worst, that was just off the table. Cuddles were a must in his book.
"Did you drink some water?" He asks, and you know you've been caught.
You bite down on your lip, hesitating before slowing shaking your head side to side.
He sighs, giving you a knowing look before tossing you to the side, your body landing beside Sirius's resting figure as Remus goes to fetch you a glass of water.
"Hi." You giggle, now nose-to-nose with Sirius.
He grins. "Hello, my love." His arm stretches around your waist, pulling you closer so your front is flush against his. "You know you have to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, right?"
"Yes." You sigh, nuzzing your nose into his cheek like a kitten nudging for attention. "It's just so hard to remember."
"We should get ya' one of those water bottles with time marks on 'em so you don't forget." James perks up from behind Sirius, head popping up so he can look at you. "How does that sound?"
"I wouldn't mind it." You shrug.
It's even worse with the water bottle, and you kind of regret agreeing to it.
By nine am when you're supposed to have drank two cups of water, Remus is hounding you to watch as you drink the last of what you had forgotten. But he rests his hand on your thigh during, so it's not much of a punishment.
After DADA, at noon, when you hadn't finished the four cups you were assigned by said water bottle, James is cornering you at your locker to make sure you've drank it. It's not too bad since he wraps his arm around your shoulder while he watches you drink it.
Sirius is somehow the worst, trapping you in the janitors closet to gulp down the last two cups before you can get to your potions class because "staying hydrated is important," as he put it. But he lets you sit on his lap and massages your tummy while you do it.
Honestly, you can't even be mad about it. Having three loving boyfriends who care so much about your health makes up for the mild annoyance you feel having to chug three cups of water at four o'clock in the afternoon.
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krypticcafe · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing sm!!! Could I request how the boys + könig would react to a reader with curly hair? (We’re talking tight, kinky coily curls)
COD:MWII Boys w/a curly-haired partner
rating: PG-13
character(s): GN!Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" McTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, König, Hound
warning(s): none
a/n: aw thank you! And I love this request!! I'm not someone with curly, kinky hair, but I hear a lot about how they're super underrepresented. Even I'm tired of the "brushed his hand through your hair" or the "y/n with a messy bun/straight hair" bc PLEASSEE, my hair is a rat's nest, this would not work 💀 Anyways, I hope I did you justice and lmk if I got anything wrong!!
Let's be honest, it's nothing new to him. He's experienced with coily, kinky hair, whether it be himself or his family or a friend.
I actually like to think he experimented with longer hairstyles before cutting it for military.
He gets you the most out of all of them, honestly. Knows exactly what you mean when you need a certain product or talk about maintenance, doesn't belittle you when you get upset over your hair, and helps a lot, too.
He doesn't have to do as much maintenance, so he doesn't use too much product, but sometimes he'll eye yours and make a note to try some for himself.
Since you and Gaz can trust each other, you sometimes have nights where you help style each other, just to spend some quality time.
Also yes, you guys have matching bonnets, it was actually his idea. You guys take so many pics together, too.
Gaz will notice if your hair looks healthier or fresher, and while he always thinks your curls are beautiful, he'll make extra compliments so that you know that he pays attention.
Oh, and if you do something special with it? He's all over you, all like, "What's the special occasion? Or am I just lucky today?"
Your hair was one of the many reasons Price had noticed you so much, particularly because the military didn't really allow room for soldiers to do much with their hair and most have to gel it down if necessary.
When you tell him about the amount of care that goes into it, he starts thinking that his facial hair routine isn't so bad after all.
Once you get together, he starts looking into the product you need to get.
Unfortunately, he will have a bit of a hard time, so it's probably best if you show him the ropes for stuff like oils for protective styles, specific tools you use, etc. Otherwise, he'll be wandering around the aisle for a while. Please.
Sometimes, there'll be days where both of you guys take up the bathroom and go through your routines together, it's a pretty good way for him to learn your process and for you to learn his. There's a mutual respect.
Realistically, I don't think you would let either party take over for each other. At least, not for a long time.
If you put on a real nice outfit and let your natural hair out, oh this man will be on his knees, so use that information wisely.
Ooo, he's obsessed, I'm telling ya!!
Definitely gets stunned at how much it takes for you to take care of those curls, but not surprised that it's so difficult.
He does kinda wonder how you deal with it if you're someone that's on the battlefield.
You definitely had to tell him off for toying with it once, and he has stopped, but it's taking every inch of him to keep his ADHD ass from mindlessly twirling one between his fingers whenever you guys cuddle. But he isn't gonna do it! Unless you let him, then he loves how the texture feels.
You won't admit it, but sometimes you only let him touch it because of how happy it makes him, and you know he's being as respectful as possible.
He'll always be your #1 hype man too! Loves it when you experiment!!
You've definitely caught him wearing your bonnet multiple times, too.
One time, you decided to tease him by guiding him to help you detangle your hair, and frustration was absolutely worth it.
He got so pouty afterward when he had to give up, but you let him know he did a good job trying.
He doesn't mean to be rude but he's definitely like "Can't be that bad."
And then you show him your grocery list.
It is that bad.
He gets frustrated and just buys one of everything, walking out of the store with like a dozen bags. He memorizes the ones you pick so there's that at least.
Don't mind him, he's just a bit blunt because he'll then ask, "Why don't you just cut/gel it?". Just explain it, and he'll respect your choice, though it intimidates him a little.
At one point, you're actually the one that lets him feel your hair, so he knows what it's like. He would never touch it unless invited, he's got too much self-control. People also become too intimidated by him to try to touch your hair too, so that's a plus.
It oddly soothes him, he likes how the texture feels on his fingers and especially when it's softer than usual.
One time, you used your own hand to help guide his through your hair, and oh man, was he flustered. Mans was glitching out for a few seconds.
He thinks your curls are so cute,
Like he literally can't stop watching you because of how they move when you walk.
On occasions where you let him touch it, you'll find that whenever you both are close to each other and really deep in an activity or conversation, he'll absent-mindedly roll a curl between his fingers.
His hands are good for many things, signing, fighting, and other fun stuff. Styling your hair is included!
One of his favorite things to do is help you find and try new styles with your hair. Roach loves looking up and researching about your hair type and what you can do with it, he finds it all super interesting!
Often buys you clips, beads, or whatever he thinks is pretty so you can try it on!
Loves to kiss your head because of how your hair tickles his face a little. He's been tempted to just bury his face in the back of your neck just to plant a bunch of kisses on more than one occasion.
On days where you put extra care into your curls, he's absolutely showing you off to everyone! He wants others to know how hard you worked to look so damn good!! (Gary says it's a full-time job, really)
Expect to find him staring all starstruck a lot.
Like a lot.
When you tell him it's your natural hair, he's surprised, he thought you just did a lot of work to make your curls so coily.
He once asked (very) politely if he could touch your hair, and because he was (extremely) nice about it, you let him.
Only for him to panic when the velcro from his glove got caught and he apologized a dozen times over. Afterwards, he treated you like porcelain, keeping his hands straight at his sides around you and acting like a spooked animal.
It got to a point where you had to confront him and tell him it was an honest mistake, and he didn't have to apologize which made him apologize more.
On the other hand, König enjoys watching you do your hair, just sitting there quietly with the occasional question. Sometimes, he helps comb your hair, but that's the most he'll let himself do since he doesn't want to mess things up.
Really loves how your products smell.
While he thinks you look amazing no matter what, he likes it best when you go natural.
Knows a lot more than you expected. They aren't well-versed, but they know more than the average person when it comes to the deal with kinky hair.
They'll go out with you on shopping trips and often help you pick out scents, one that you like but one that isn't too sensitive for their nose, it's something you didn't expect them to enjoy so much.
You can trust her to always have stuff on hand for you if you live separately or in different quarters. Oils, creams, custards, moisturizers, a hair pick (all from your fave brands, of course), she's got you.
He surprises you again when you come home one day, way too tired to do your routine, so he offers to do it for you.
If this was a test, they passed!! They even knew how to brush your hair the right way not to damage it and had already refilled some of your stock.
After that, you often find him helping on wash days when you're far too exhausted, as his way of pampering you. His favorite thing is doing your edges.
Her scary dog privileges also help ward off weirdos trying to touch your hair, and much like Soap, she hypes you up regardless if it's a frizzy day or a special occasion.
Expect them to be mildly addicted to the way your hair smells, it's literally one of their comforts because of how much it reminds them of you.
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devouringdevoutly · 2 months
007: Singaporean Sling [G!P]
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Summary: She was never this cock drunk before she met her.
Horny? Yes.
Wanting to be dicked down every time of the day? Absolutely not.
But as the seasons change so does Audrey's sexual appetite.
Note: This is a self-indulgent fic, crossposting it here on tumblr is basically a birthday gift to myself. Again, this is a work of fiction and does not reflect real life situations and relationships. Originally posted on ao3. CW: Smut, Drunk Sex, Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Futanari, G!P/Girl Penis, Vaginal Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Lactation Kink, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Lemon. Pairing: Audrey/Bada Language: English Words: 2,676
"You wore my clothes again."
Bada says with a sigh and it was hard to discern whether it was meant to be one of annoyance or lust. Maybe it was both but who knows, really. 
They just came back from the nightly company dinner their manager relentlessly dragged them to, every single night without fail since they both arrived in the country. It was beginning to feel like it's quite the chore no one wanted to do. But who were they to refuse and complain? When they were getting sumptuous yet equally scrumptious food for free. 
"And what about it?" Audrey cheekily responds as she plops down on her hotel room's sofa. The mix of the high end liquors and the cheap cocktails they basically chugged under the provision of their flagrantly drunk labelmates and staff, was definitely getting to them. Thankfully, Bada had managed to take the both of them back to Audrey's suite before they went insane from the loud music and just overall embarrassment of having to deal with their drunk co-workers' high jinks. 
Audrey's suite was big. Big enough to accommodate two tipsy and touchy girlfriends that is. The room overlooked almost all of Singapore's best sites. The view was to marvel at and any person of whatever standing would've been in an awestruck, as the city's bright lights beautifully contrasted the dark empty sky as it was already deep into night.
Under usual circumstances, Bada would've taken a picture and posted it on her Instagram story with some cheesy music she had been listening to recently, and then paired it with some banal ass caption to cater to her deranged fans who would overthink what it meant. But she was in no mood for that tonight, not when a literal goddess was laying right in front of her. The view just paled in comparison. If there was anything that should be captured by her in the first place, it was to be Audrey and only Audrey.
"Take it off." The older one demanded.
"No." The younger defies playfully, recklessly pushing her girlfriend's buttons as she lounged on the sofa and stretched her body like a cat.
"No?" Bada chuckles in disbelief with Audrey's antics. She then easily swooped her off the couch. Throwing her on her shoulder, and walking to the bedroom with her body in tow without breaking any sweat. Normally, Bada wouldn't even be able to lift that much weight with her almost lanky figure, but her vigor when it came to her beloved girlfriend was not to be underestimated nor questioned. One look at her and anyone would think, "Damn, that's a face men used to go to war for." And that only fueled her primal desire to claim her, if she were to be honest.
Audrey doesn't squirm or try to get out of her grasp, instead she enjoys it as it lasts before she gets gently thrown on her queen size bed. She hits the duvet with a barely audible plop! as she giggled—it was all going according to her plan so far. Bada then crawls over to her body, her taller frame almost covering her whole and she fucking loved it. The thought of the older woman patently enveloping her, just sent a different kind of excitement down to her already soaked and stimulated cunt. 
She then gets closer to her neck, inhaling every bit of her scent like a hound about to devour its prey. And god did Audrey smell so fucking good. Her sweat due to the Singaporean sun pitilessly toasting them as they walked around the amusement park earlier, and her strawberry gourmand fragrance that was still clinging onto her lightly tanned skin, only managed to turn her on even more.
Bada then placed chaste kisses along her neck before placing her plump lips against hers. Their lips met as if waves crashing into shore, her hands roaming around Bada's back wanting to pull her closer than their current position. She then grinded her body against hers, not failing to notice the older woman's hardening length underneath her khaki shorts.
"Fuck. I told you not to wear that hoodie and jogger pants, it's hot as shit here in Singapore." Audrey only giggled at the older's sudden reprimand. She knew that from the start but she insisted in still stealing her clothes and wearing it, parading herself around the city as Bada's to those with heedful eyes and letting them souse in their own surmisings. Bada then hastily removed her clothing only to be taken by surprise.
"You're not wearing anything?" Bada asks as she stares at Audrey's body, all in its naked glory. Her eyes then lingered on her girlfriend's already hardened tits, the brush of the hoodie's fabric on her chest all day making it so.
"Nope." Her younger girlfriend replies with a lustful grin.
"You're such a fucking tease, you know that right?" The older woman complains before latching her mouth onto one of Audrey's pink buds, earning a loud gasp from her.
"Y-yeah… Fuck, are you trying to milk me or what?" Audrey finally responded, her voice heavy and thick with bafflement as her girlfriend hungrily sucked her tit. Her other hand playing with the unoccupied one, basically encompassing her whole breast. It wasn't that big in the first place so it was easy to do so. She never had a problem with it as Bada constantly reassured her that it was the perfect size for her to grab and hold, like it was her personal hand warmers in winter.
"What if I am?" The older woman finally lifts her head, her mouth finally detaching from her now sore nips. Audrey whines as her dampened nip was met by the cold breeze of the room's air-conditioning. 
"I wanna fuck you pregnant." Bada says thoughtlessly and Audrey could only raise an eyebrow at her. The constant boob grabbing and massaging, the incessant hand placement on her stomach and her thumb rubbing circles on the soft yet flat surface, the pull out method… It all made sense now.
"Then do it." Audrey says unthinkingly, green lighting whatever was bound to happen from then on.
"What?" Bada asks dumbfounded.
"Did you not hear what I just said?" The sudden change of tone from Audrey could only put a devilish grin on Bada's face. She could only respond by going down on Audrey and suddenly inserting a finger inside of her, earning a loud moan from her girlfriend.
"You're quite loose." Bada plainly says as she inserts another finger inside of Audrey. Her cunt had welcomed her so easily, that it wasn't much of a struggle pumping her fingers in and out of her hole.  
"P-repped myself e-earlier… Do you not like it? A-ah!" The younger woman cries out as Bada sped up her pace. Her long and slender fingers were an absolute godsent to anyone who has had the opportunity to be fucked by her. Each plunge was met with a sickly sweet sound of Audrey's pussy spewing out her own juice. The younger woman then tightened around her digits before wetting and totally coating it with her cum.
"No, thank you baby. It just means that I can fuck you much easier." She then pulls her fingers out of her wetness, sucking every single bit of Audrey's sap that was discharged on her fingers. She tasted salty, a bit sour with a hint of sweetness… She tasted like ripe mangoes and peaches dipped in sea water. If she had to go through hell and beyond like Dante did, just to get a taste of her every single day then she would do it in a heartbeat. Bada then gently grabs the back of Audrey's head, before pulling her into a beguiling kiss to distract her from what would happen next.
Bada would've eaten her out with no shame if her cock wasn't throbbing painfully at this point, screaming at her about wanting to be let out of its clothed imprisonment. She quickly got out of her own hoodie that matched with what Audrey was wearing earlier and zipped down her khaki shorts. Clearly not wanting to waste any more time and miss out on fucking her girlfriend like a dog in heat. 
Bada then teased her by rubbing her raw cock on Audrey's wet folds, letting her feel the hardness and every vein of her length. Dampening the side of her dick with each glide. She slides herself a few more times before slipping inside of Audrey's burrow which warranted the younger to claw her back. It stung like a bitch but the feeling of her tight walls around her cock was just too much for her to notice anything else at the moment. Bada let out a sigh of relief as her cock was now fully engulfed by Audrey's cavity.
Her younger girlfriend could only smile with pride as she salaciously gazed, ogled even at Bada's reaction. She knew that only her pussy could emit such a reaction from the famous dancer. Those bitches can desperately hop on her girlfriend's dick with their shriveled meat curtains all they want, but Bada would only want to fuck her cunt.
She then moved her hips in a lackadaisical manner, wanting to take it slow and ease the both of them to the rhythm of each thrust. 
"F-fuck… forgot how big… y-you were…" Audrey comments, panting and stammering in between words as she physically feels her cunt adjust to Bada's girth and length. Bada swore she could die then and there. Her cock just sandwiched between the gummy enclosure felt sublime. She silently thanked all the gods that had blessed and guided her ancestors to have led her to this moment. Pounding the absolute sanity out of Audrey, their skins slapping with each slide of her cock in and out of Audrey's drenched cunt. Their moans and grunts of pleasure bouncing off the hotel bedroom, making a harmonious melody of their own even without singing.
Audrey was just like a limp vegetable at this point, unable to do anything but to tighten her grip on the sheets under Bada's roughening. She asked for it and so she'll take it like the champ she is. Her resolve was long gone the moment she had landed in the familiar South East Asian land, after her excruciating seventeen hour flight from Los Angeles to Singapore anyway. It had been almost two weeks since she had been physically near her girlfriend. Two weeks of not being able to hold her hand, not being able to hug her human equivalent of Poby from the cartoon show Pororo the Little Penguin, not being able to yap her pretty little mouth off about the most stupid and chronically online of things as she listened to her despite being tired from work and practice. And most importantly… not being able to get fucked by her handsomely gorgeous and charming girlfriend, whom she's convinced was written by Sappho herself.
The last time they had sex was on the night of their last concert, which coincidentally was also Audrey's birthday. Audrey didn't want any gift as she was more than grateful to have had Bada beside her on such a momentous occasion of her life. But it would be a grievous lie to deny that the birthday sex wasn't the cherry on top, as her birthday candles weren't the only thing she had blown that day. 
She was never this cock drunk before she met her. 
Horny? Yes. 
Wanting to be dicked down every time of the day? Absolutely not. But things do change with time like the seasons do, Audrey realized that with the time she had spent flying back and forth from the U.S. to South Korea. Her sexual appetite only being heightened further once she entered her relationship with Bada. 
Bada was her forthcoming. And the reason she had blossomed like a flower in spring, finally receiving its much needed tending after months of ruthless winter snow.
Audrey was then pulled back from her thoughts as Bada hit her spot again and again, she could only pull her closer to her as she moaned shamelessly. She secretly hoped that Emma snuck out of her own hotel room to go clubbing once again. The last thing she wanted to face in the morning was to be bombarded by her teasing. In which she admits, she rightfully deserves for their impudence as a young robust couple with a high libido to keep up with. But she won't let Emma have her win so easily, after months of bickering and play fighting with each other. She wasn't going to back down now.
Soon enough, Bada's body trembled as she thrusted into her one last time, unabashedly painting her walls white and coating her warm with her cum. And holy fuck did it feel good to her senses. She then followed Bada's high with her own, coating the older woman's cock with her own slick.
Bada laid on top of her for a while in which she didn't mind, it felt great even. To hold her close and so tenderly. Audrey then wondered if she would feel the same way once their own baby is placed on her chest, when she finally gives birth in the future. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She felt butterflies in her stomach just at the thought of her possibly carrying their child a few weeks from now. Audrey then accidentally clenched multiple times around Bada just from those thoughts, earning a moan from the older.
"Babe. Shit. Was that not enough?" Bada asks, her ears heating up from the possible suggestion of a second round. Audrey's tightening cunt was basically draining her of every drop of cum from her cock at this point.
"Maybe." Audrey then brazenly grins at her like she's a Cheshire cat. Her big brown eyes gleaming with want and desire. 
"Shush, that's enough princess. We still have work tomorrow." The older woman rationalized, Audrey wanted to protest against her decision but she was quite tired herself as it had been a long day. And so, Bada carefully spooned her and pulled the duvet over their naked bodies before the both of them headed off to dreamland.
A few days later…  
It was time for Bada to go back home. Her schedule in Singapore was finally done and she had no excuse to overstay her welcome in the foreign country. She also had her own share of responsibilities waiting for her back in Seoul that she needed to attend to as soon as possible, so staying for a few more days was out of the conversation. Audrey had to stay behind and send her girlfriend off at the airport. She wanted to cry right then and there and Bada knew it. She hugged her and savored the warmth of her embrace one last time. 
"We still have Vietnam in March. So don't miss me too much, babe." Bada says cheekily once she sees the tears threatening to fall from Audrey's eyes. She then cups her pretty girlfriend's face and gives her a goodbye kiss on both cheeks, forehead, nose, and finally her lips before Audrey leaned into her ear to whisper something.
"I'm not gonna miss you too much when I have my own miniature version of Bada Lee to accompany me." The younger slyly says to her before she was playfully pushed onto the entrance gates. Bada stood there dumbfounded, unable to say or confirm anything from Audrey as their company van drove off to her girlfriend's next agenda for the day.
She boarded her plane with the image of a pregnant Audrey clouding her mind, a smile formed on her face as she embraced the adorably amusing notion of her actually knocking her girlfriend up. God knows more than anyone else that she'd be more than grateful if it actually turned out to be true and not just some silly yet kind of cruel jest by Audrey.
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dean-winchesters-clit · 11 months
Okay y’all, we need to talk about the OFMD season 2 trailer
Or, lack thereof.
Listen, I’m also frustrated. I want some sort of update too, something concrete that we can sink our teeth into. However, I think the memeing may be going a little too far. Let me offer some words of comfort.
I understand that the first season of Our Flag Means Death was only in post-production for about six months before releasing. I understand that it’s been almost seven months and we’ve gotten no news, I get it. But, we have been promised a bigger, bolder, more extravagant second season. Samba has also mentioned that the VFX artists are working very hard to finish the effects for season 2.
And - to tangent off of that - the VFX houses working on the show are absolutely SPECTACULAR. We’re talking about the people behind the effects in the recent Dune movies, Black Mirror, and THE FUCKING BOYS. If we have to wait for THOSE GUYS to finish season 2 before we get any update, I will gladly wait for as long as it takes because the effects will be out of this fucking world.
However, I think that the biggest reason for this lack of news is actually due to the desired release date. I am in no way 100% an expert, but I did go to college for filmmaking for five years, so I know what I’m talking about to an extent. I know with absolute certainty that the date a film/tv series is released is incredibly important to its success.
Yes, it is true that they would have needed to release the second season before May 9th in order for it to have been eligible for consideration at this year’s Emmy’s. HOWEVER, it is possible that they knew the show would not be ready before the cutoff for the 2023 Emmys, so they are aiming for next year’s Emmys. My theory is that we will get some sort of teaser by the end of August or beginning of September and that the show will premiere in late 2023 or early 2024.
The biggest times to release any sort of film or series come during the summer or around the winter holidays. This is why we have summer blockbusters and why Disney released some of their most widely popular animated movies during the month of November. These are times when people have a lot of time off work or when kids are out of school/college and are more likely to go to the movies or watch tv.
However, things have changed in recent years with streaming services. I think it’s likely that the second season may air in the “dead” month of January when lots of streaming services will post original series or movies since nothing big tends to be playing in movie theaters at that time.
Just be patient, my loves. I do not foresee us getting the second season before the summer is over. There could be a million reasons why we have yet to hear anything concrete about season 2. I think it’s very likely that everyone has signed NDAs that are keeping them from spilling any news until HBO gives them the go ahead. And don’t forget that there’s a MASSIVE strike going on that could be halting the progress of the production of season 2. Be patient, stop hounding the actors and creators for information that they can’t give us, and go write/read some goddamn fanfiction to pass the time.
TL;DR: There are 3 main reasons why the second season could be taking so long. 1: It’s just not fucking ready yet 2: They have a late 2023/early 2024 release date in mind 3: The Writers Strike has ground everything to a halt. Just be patient and enjoy some fanworks while you wait.
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according2thelore · 4 months
LITERALLY that "dad I'm gay and stronger than you" post had me like ..! my friend and I have been screaming for A Week Straight about the concept of Actual Child Monarch boykingofhell!Sam manifesting his powers early on and just. he and Dean figuring this is probably just another one of those Things We Don't Tell Dad. like, Sam who always knows where the radar traps will be on the interstate, and Sam jedi-whammying the motel clerk into forgetting their overdue payments... John flipping his absolute shit when he finds out; Sam being like "you can't stop me" and John being like "... You're /twelve/, yes, I can" and Sam being like "uh. you're just a guy, dad. I have all of hell at my disposal. do your worst, I guess???" John figuring that if he can't exorcize the hell outta Sam, he can at least make sure Sam can't get out of hell; telling Dean that he really tried but that the demonic forces killed Sam before John could save him; smash cut to early-20s Dean in his first year of solo hunting encountering a crossroads case, where the vics freak out anytime they're alone with him because "can't [he] see that massive fucking hellhound trailing after [him]?!" and the crossroads demon who can't believe who they're looking at when he finally gets them cornered. crossroads demon who smokes out under exorcism, but not before telling Dean "your brother wants to see you"
...anon...holy shit anon...
you are so correct!!
i think that in this situation (growing up with (to his knowledge) a dead sam, and a dad that "let" him die) dean would be more than passively suicidal. he doesn't care about himself, he failed. sam is dead. dean gets reckless, but he just barely avoids dying more than once, just a hairsbreadth.
he drinks until he can't walk straight, gets in the car, and wakes up in the motel parking lot. he goes half-cocked into a werewolf hunt, and he's sure that there's a werewolf behind him about to take him out (and isn't going to stop it, not really), but when he finally gets his finger around the trigger and turns around, the werewolf's ten feet away looking blank and confused. he puts a nominal effort into stitching up a bullet hole, doesn't even bother digging the slug out, and passes out in a random motel. next morning, the bullet's on the nightstand, and the stitches are even and tight. it's not enough to be completely concerned--hell, dean's borderline black-out drunk at any given moment, can't remember the last time he was completely sober--but it's...weird.
animals suddenly hate his fucking guts. dean used to tease sammy about it, about the fact that animals seemed to love dean and hate sammy. they would cringe away from sam's touch, skitter out from under his feet. birds would land on the impala if dean was driving, deer would poke their heads out of the woods if he walked past. but now...dean can't remember the last time he even saw a dog.
they just...flee. even at witnesses' houses, dean sees food bowls and chew toys and hears nails clacking on wood upstairs, but they tuck tail and run as soon as he knocks on the door.
after that first case, that first crossroads case where they name the thing, a Hell Hound...dean thinks it's bullshit. he's heard of black dogs, but this is new. it's weird.
he names it hooch. he and sam had seen that movie at a drive-in one summer, and he figures he's kind of fighting crime, right? he jokingly orders an extra patty on his burger and leaves it out for his imaginary dog, and the next morning it's gone. on the next hunt, the vampire doesn't even come within fifteen feet of dean before something rips its leg off at the knee.
when he calls the demon, it keeps looking down at dean's feet warily, back and forth, like something is pacing between them, something low. the demon keeps giving vague non-answers, distracted, and dean slaps his thigh, calls, 'hooch. down, boy.' and the demon...stops.
then those words...your brother wants to see you your brother wants to see you yourbrotherwantstoseeyou YourBrotherWantsToSeeYou.
dean is apoplectic. he finds the colt, finds the gate, heads into hell without a second thought, muttering to hooch the whole way (you better fucking rip some demons up you lazy son of a bitch).
sam's eyes are yellow, all the way through. bright yellow. he's huge. grown. beautiful. it's everything dean never thought he'd get to see. he dreamed about sam being this old, about sam having hands that dwarf a machete handle, of shoulders that blot out the stars.
sam doesn't react at first, knows that dad sent dean on a solo hunt before it all went down, but doesn't know how much dean knew about it, about dad locking him down here. dean doesn't even question why he's on a throne, why demons flank him on either side, heads bowed, why no demons even tried to stop dean from getting here, why they flinched away from him like something would swoop out of the dark and steal them if they brushed his shoulders.
"sammy," dean says--begs, really--for the first time in years, sam's smile falters. his eyes are hazel again, and his bottom lip trembles, and dean begs, "come with me, come home. please."
maybe it works, and they leave, and dean pulls sam into a hug so vicious that they both cry. maybe sam works from afar, and they relearn each other. their first hunt is ripping john winchester's head from his shoulders and trading kisses in his blood.
or maybe it doesn't. maybe dean stays, because they won't be separated like this, not again. the world's got other hunters, and dean has sam, and the rest of it can go fuck itself.
and sam has the life he's always wanted: power. respect. love. dean. (those last two are the same, really). and a dog, that keeps stealing dean's shoes.
anyway anon...much to think about...i love this...and you, coincidentally, mwah.
you and your friend galaxy-brained this one i fear.
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directdogman · 9 months
HOUND I need a name for this guy. he’s a late night show host (like Jimmy Fallon) and he’s weirdly obsessed with crystals (he’s also fruity and has absolutely NO filter)
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Okay, I'm not gonna get in the habit of naming other people's characters, BUT: since I've got an idea, you get one: Phil Agate.
I think it sounds vaguely like a celebrity name. Chris would also work as a first name as it sounds like crystal. Agate works as a surname as it's both a type of crystal and it's also one letter off 'agape', which denotes people doing this face when something shocking is said ":O", which fits into his lack of a filter.
The next layer is really dumb. I derived Phil from Philia, meaning 'brotherly love' in ancient Greek. It's where we get the suffix we use in English for carnal desire. While the ancient context refers to platonic love, given the common ancient definition of 'brotherly love' + the decidedly less platonic modern definition, this would be a way to work in the fruity aspect of his character into the name (there's definitely a connection as most gay guys I know love ancient Greek legends and I even see some gay guys describe themselves as 'Achillean' online.)
The final layer is: Philia is actually one of 3 ancient greek words for love. The other two are Eros (for sexuality, where we got the word 'erotic' in english) and... Agape, for god's love. Yes, coincidentally, it's the same word as before. So, Phil Agate has references to sexuality, crystals and (in agape being a near homophone), shocking dialogue. And it ties both names together through agape's two meanings.
So, here you go, a genuinely constructed DT pun-name. Hope this helps!
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sleeplessgreaser · 6 months
The Outsiders as Animals
wanted to draw Johnny and Dally but I can't draw people to save my life + i love using animals to represent characterizations of people = i came up with the animal equivalents of the gang
also im an animal nerd so i gotta use my knowledge somehow
This is gonna be long because of all the pictures, sorry
Johnny Cade - alley cat
A skinny alley cat of no specific breed, just your basic domestic feline. Likely with black, tuxedo or black smoke fur. He lives almost exclusively outside and is often the target of abuse and bullying, resulting in malnourishment and less-than-ideal hygiene. But, if you feed him and give him a warm place to sleep at night, he might just be your friend. He didn't choose this kind of life, and really he deserves much better.
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Dallas Winston - hound
A tall, lanky mutt, with a barrel chest and sharp, pointed features. He's not a specific breed, and definitely not a purebred, but similar to an Ibizan hound. He likes to go fast and enjoys racing, but he also enjoys going out and hunting for some action. His stature might be intimidating, and his teeth sure are big, but he's not so bad once you get to know him... if he let's you, that is.
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Two-Bit Mathews - possum
Just your average wild possum, with a goblinoid personality and little grabby hands. He'll show off his teeth any chance he gets, but it's anyone's guess if he'll ever use them. Also, he's surprisingly clean given his lifestyle. (And it's absolutely shocking that he doesn't carry rabies.)
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Steve Randle - mountain lion
Lean and muscular, can jump wide gaps and is surprisingly dexterous, and sure he looks innocent enough on the surface (if you didn't know any better) but he would love to beat you up and absolutely will if you give him ANY reason to. You may not be afraid of him, but you should be.
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Darrel Curtis - Kodiak or grizzly bear
Big, strong and sturdy. He looks scary, and sounds scary, and yes you should probably be scared, but he'll leave you alone if you mind your own business. Alongside that, he's mostly a loner, definitely wishes he didn't have 2 cubs to look after, but he will provide for them and protect them until his dying breath.
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Sodapop Curtis - black bear
A handsome guy, with sleek fur and a kind face. He looks so sweet, and boy is he a charmer, but in reality he is a menace to society (and it's easy to forget that). He will mess with you, and he enjoys being a nuisance, but if you tell him to knock it off he'll probably stop... probably.
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Ponyboy Curtis - Gobi bear
Small and dog-like, but still a bear! His kind is endangered and there aren't many like him. He lives in a place that you might not expect, but he's happiest there. He's not much of a hunter, definitely more of a gatherer. He'll defend himself if he has to, especially if he has some backup, but really he doesn't want to hurt anyone.
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tenko-thinks · 10 months
Can I request the same prompt you did of pregnant reader with Douma, but with Gyutaro and/or the Hantengu clones please? 👀
grasps you firmly yes absolutely you can. But bc these can get pretty long feel free to send in the clones in another rq ! Separately or together ill figure it out ♡ also the og rq specified twins but I'll keep it to one unless specified otherwise hehe
Gyutaro with a pregnant s/o + fathering headcanons
Tags : pregnancy, labor and childbirth ( nondescript ), referenced abortion, insecurities, referenced s/h , Gyutaro needs a hug and I'm gonna deliver
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To say Gyutaro had never expected to be a father is an understatement.
He had never expected to find someone that would tolerate looking at him. Let alone willingly father his child.
When you told him you were expecting? His first thought was that he had truly ruined you. Tainted you and not quite in the way that made him giddy.
He had anticipated you to tell him you already took the concoction to get rid of it. Or eaten wisteria to induce it. But when you had smiled at him so fondly. He didn't know what to do.
Often asks what you're going to do with a demon child. To which your answer is always the same. Raise it with him and Ume. Or on your own if he refuses to raise it.
The insinuation that he wouldn't want to care for the kid makes him irritated but he hears Ume in his head. Telling him about how mean he's been to you. Of course you'd think he doesn't want the thing.
Which couldn't be further from the truth. Sort of.
He's petrified for the outcome. What if you die? Of course he raised a kid before but could he even bond with it if you weren't there? The selfish side of him wants the kid gone so he can make sure you don't die on him. But he knows you'd probably hate him if you found out.
He knows how pregnancy works in theory. Watching courtesans deal with it in yoshiwara. But he's a bit clumsy when it comes to helping in any way that doesn't involve him helping you move around. It stresses him out to no end. His habit of self mutilation is at its worst when he can't help you when you start crying over seeing a cute design.
Cravings? He doesn't know what to do. He has to rely on Ume because like hell he's going to go out and purchase a can of sardines or several kinds of weird mochi he's never heard of.
Ume is elated the entire time however, more than happy to demand another room beside her own in the kyogoku house. While in the night Gyutaro pilfers baby items he's able to find in nearby towns that become dormant at night. The room quickly becomes a nursery, suited not only to your own but Ume's tastes.
Ume is more knowledgeable than her brother on the complicated parts of pregnancy such as hormones and sensitivity. When you begin crying over one of Gyutaro's usually lighthearted remarks he panics. But ume is there to placate you. And give her brother a very, very dirty look.
As your stomach grows Gyutaro finds an odd fascination with it. Since his own body refuses to change in a similar way. His hands always rest on your bump when able. Absolutely refusing to leave until he has to.
When the baby begins to kick? Local Man in shambles. He mutters to your stomach a lot. Things you can't quite make out. But don't press, he'll probably get too embarrassed to do it. Gyutaro quietly mumbles all of his worries to the baby. And hopes that they'll be okay with him as their good for nothing father.
He loves to help you when it comes to carrying you around. Or assisting you with putting on shoes because you can no longer bend over in the same way. It makes him feel as though he's actually capable of this whole thing.
But when you go into labor? He is in shambles. It's only you, ume and himself. Since a midwife would have to see him otherwise. The entire time he's sweating buckets while you scream.
The sound of that very first cry ? Breaks him out of that fear induced state and he's fighting the urge to hound ume to see the child. She needs to wash the newborn first, after all. And he needs to be there for you as you struggle to regain your breath and composure.
When the newborn is placed on your chest and you can finally hold the little loaf you created Gyutaro is in shock. He can't cry. Can't even smile he's just. Frozen. Until you take his hand and lead it over, placing it on the peach fuzz of your- his child's head. Barely grazing it. Smiling at him.
It takes a few days for it to finally sink in for Gyu. While you and ume have almost immediately adjusted , he's stuck. Only able to just stare at the thing in the cradle he had built for it.
A little boy. One that took after you, only marred by beauty spots littering his face. Completely unlike his own. Small and daintily painted on by the gods while his were clumsy and unattractive. If he didn't know any better he'd be jealous of his own infant son's luck.
As a father, Gyutaro is actually quite skilled. He did raise his sister after all. However when it comes to teaching morals and rules, it falls to you. After all, he never wanted to repeat what happened in the past just because he taught wrong.
Gyutaro takes to his son very well, and knows that as a human. You rely on him when you're asleep. Keeping your shared bundle content is easy work when he doesn't have the need to sleep.
It makes him swell with pride , how much you and the child rely on him. Such small and fragile little things.
He has to get stronger to properly protect the both of you. As well as teaching your son how to fight when he comes of age.
Still doesn't leave often, but he allows you to be accompanied by his sister to enjoy nights with the baby as he grows. Deserving to see the world and enjoy being a child.
So long as you always come home before sunrise.
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johannestevans · 11 months
absolutely love seeing people who are doing serious athletics and exercise things who are trying and failing to dodge the obstacle of their deeply unserious dogs
just saw a fella jogging and he was like, this fat bear (he was hot and yes that was part of why i was looking) in like, the jogging shirt and the jogger shorts and trainers and he had a headband to keep the sweat off his face
and i don't know anything about jogging but he looked serious about it to me, he was going at a decent pace, DEEP concentration on his face, furrowed brow, slight scowl
and th. and then. this guy's fucking dog
bless this deeply goofy creature. it was this big orange curly-haired labradoodle thing, cartoonishly HUGE brown eyes, lolling tongue
big grin on its face, visibly not comprehending the world around it
SKIPPING ineffectually alongside this man
skipping! not jogging! certainly not fucking running! it was doing this adorable and deeply stupid fucking hop and skip movement, wagging its tail, peering around everywhere, visibly slowing this fuckin man down because this is not a running hound, it is animated by disney pixar
sir i am so sorry but you have brought a literal actual teddy bear on your morning run and i don't know what you expected
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lavalais76 · 25 days
I was reading terrible things about Sansa Stark and now my blood is boiling. How could people HATE an 11 yr old child who has absolutely no control over her own life. They went as far as to saying the mountain-clan will kidnap her and she will marry Timit!!!!😳
They also say Sansa will remain in the Vale until the end of the last book, but have no objections to Arya and Dany on a revenge killing spree. And for God's sake don't mention Sansa with Jon. They absolutely go INSANE, saying Dany and Jon will save humanity. Dany can't save anyone if she is killing millions of people and burning others alive.
Sansa will kill LF with the help of Timit is what they say and OHHH, Jon will marry Val. How TF can Val be QINT when she is a wilding and no real princess. She looks the part as Jon says, but we ALL know what kind of woman Jon REALLY CRAVE. A high born willowy creature who brushes her hair waiting for some knight to save her.
Jon craves Sansa Stark aNd I personally believe he always HAVE. My response to "these idiots was this: (and I could be wrong) but who knows.
Alyas Karstark was a red herring. Sansa is definitely the girl in grey. Miranda also has a grey cloak that went missing and WHY would Miranda mention Jon being LC to Sansa? There is a reason for all of that. Just like Arya and Jon were to fall in love in original version, it's going to be Sansa and Jon.
Jon even says he has no sister (,5Never considered Sansa a sister) he then says “my half sister truly” (that's what he and Sansa referred to each other as) He mistakes Melsandra for Ygritte, and says all robes are GREY in the dark, yet suddenly hers were RED. Martin is a hell of a writer, and I was in denial about Sansa being the grey girl as well. Not anymore.
Sansa is getting the hell out of the Vale. There will be no kidnapping from mointain-clans or falling in love with a secondary character such as Timit. What sense would that even make? Some people act as if Sansa doesn't matter, or she is some side character when she has one of the most tragic SAD stories in the whole series. She is scared and do whatever she has to do to survive, even if it means allowing LF to kiss her and molest her in which she has NO CONTROL over. It also blows my mind how people were “shipping” (and I hate that word) Sansa Stark and the HOUND of all monsters. Sansa has had 4 FALE BEASTS in her life. Joffery, Tyrion, The Hound, and LF. These men are evil and takes advantage of a young lonely 11 yr old girl who has been captured like a butterfly in a Jar. They are evil, YES; BUT they are NOT the real BEAST.
The real BEAST is Jon Snow. As we know, Jon was already a bit ruthless before the stabbings. (I do not think Jon died that night) For ONE: We need to think about the SNOW and hypothermia which can save the lives of people who are bleeding by knife wound or gunshot would. It's simple Science. Will Jon be on the brink of death and have a Near death experience? YES. There will be a lot of chaos at Castle Black and the wildings are very loyal to Jon. Eventually they will be ruling the wall while Jon recovers along with a few other loyal CROWS that love and respect Jon.
Master Ameon had a dragon dream when him, Gilly and Sam sailed off. He couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to tell Jon Snow that “ the cold preserves.” A fan asked GRRM about Jon's resurrection, and Martin said, “You think Jon is dead do you?” Maybe he was toying around, but everyone automatically assumed he DIED when there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE.
“He never felt the 4 knife only the cold” How do we even know there was a 4th knife or any other knives afterwards? Why was Jon’s hand clumsy when he tried to pull his sword out? Did they drug him? Why was Ghost acting hostile before the stabbings? Of course Ghost knew what was up. There is no telling who is involved in the attempt on Jon's life. Melsandra told him to watch the ones who smile in his face while they sharpen their daggers. I don't even rule Satin out, as Ive said many, many times.
On the show, Ollie was Satin in my opinion. They did not want to give it away. Back to Jon and Sansa and a few other things. First I want to say, Melsandra will definitely burn Shrinee thinking Stannis is actually dead. She will play absolutely NO PART in bringing Jon back from his “coma”. It's going to be Jon's wolf who saves him and release his soul back into his body, and Ghost will die, also sliding his shadow into Jon because Jon IS GHOST.
He will definitely be a beast and he will not be the same Jon as we know him. This is where Sansa Stark ( girl in grey) will come along and temper Jon just like she did the hound. They will eventually work together and fall in love and struggle with these feelings because keep in mind, Jon and Sansa does not know each other AT ALL. Yes, he will welcome her in open arms and be extremely protective of her, and yes they will fight while trying to get their home back or when they have to rebuild Winterfell together. (The blood of Winterfell)
Sansa Stark is destined to go North because she is the only one out of all the Stark children who has her wolf buried at Winterfell, and as Melsandra like to say: “the bones remember"
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the-kingshound · 4 days
Warning inane ramble incoming, it’ll probably be annoying I apologize. (*_ _)人 I spent the last several days reading every post here. I managed to convince myself to start liking some (sorry about that I’m sure it was annoying to get all those notifications) I have this weird thing where I get nervous about liking older posts cuz I mean it’s been a long time and it’s unprompted so that’s weird right? It feels weird like I’m doing something wrong or I’m being annoying, I considered reblogging too but somehow that felt worse? Sorry I am not good with social rules they confuse me both on and offline Idk my brain is wrong and I’m just a nervous socially anxious snail. (>﹏<)
Anyways just wanted to gush about how much I love it here and I’m never leaving (´꒳`) ♡ First and foremost Yniol has a special place in my heart they will forever be my favorite bestie (*^ω^)人(^ω^*), yes I am biased as my partner is grey and though they don’t play IFs they were thrilled to learn about your character! Also your writing is just phenomenal, your fans are fun and creative, your characters give such warm and positive energy I love them so much they’re perfect, the inclusivity is such chefs kiss ( ´ з `) 🤌🏻✨, the angst is delicious, the fluff is so sweet and comforting, the spice is ... very blush-worthy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄). This has been a journey I laughed, I cried, I giggled, and I blushed and I have enjoyed every bit of it from pasta discourse to Moldien cult wars to Arthur bunnies, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Now my mind is gonna be filled with Arthurian stuff for months my maladaptive daydreaming is having the time of its life I have a road trip next week and I’m so looking forward to just staring out a window for 6+hours while my Hound's just alternating daydream adventures with the cast o(≧▽≦)o. Also speaking of your amazingly wonderful, sweet, and supportive cast I have decided my (though I love them all) favorite poly pairings are Arthur/Morien and whole crew polycule I’d sell my soul for those but I 100% understand why you can’t really do that. I don’t think I have the endurance in me to code a single poly no matter how much I wish it so the fact you’re doing any let alone several is just god tier you are awe inspiring.
Alas I have rambled far far to much I wish I could be more eloquent in expressing just how much I enjoyed experiencing all of this but for now this is the best I can do (╥ω╥). Thank you for sharing your wonderful work it’s truly a gift to experience. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ I wish you wealth, health, and all the best in all your creative endeavors. -🐌
No, please please do not apologize. You made my entire week <3 This ask is straight up going into the folder where i keep my motivation to write and to be just a little proud of my work, thank you so so much for sending it.
For anyone having the same thoughts about liking or reblogging old posts: please do it. When I see the notifications, get very giddy and pleased, and I hope you are enjoying the food. Liking, and especially reblogging things, even more so if you add tags and reactons, not only fills me with glee but it also reminds me of old asks that I want to reblog again for new followers. So yeah, I love it, please feel free to go on a liking/reblogging spree!
You are so relatable for the maladaptive daydreaming (this game was absolutely born out of my own mental movies), I wish I could speed up the writing and editing for the next update so you can read it while you travel but I'm afraid it's a lost cause (I have been working on things, even now, but I am currently rewriting like half of it and while it is way better it takes sooo much time and energy). Knowing my characters and story are in someone's thoughts it the best kind of reward I need. I will never likely monetise this game, so this is the thing I wish to leave people with, and I hope the characters can be comforting and keep you company <3
You have no idea how much I would love to write the full polycule... maybe one day :,) But don't lose hope for the Arthur/Morien poly yet, as I decided to cancel the Gwyar/Morien poly and now I have a potentially free slot. In any case, awww, please know that this ask made me so happy today and will be in my thoughts as tkh is in yours.
Please have a lovely day and a lovely week and also a very lovely trip! Thank you again so so much!!
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netherfeildren · 5 months
Hi Vic!
I’m currently about to die from period cramps and I’m reading tcc for the third time for comfort (even if those two have never know a day of comfort in their entire lives except from when they are together) anyway I was thinking does little one get her period? If she does has Din ever been around to comfort her while she was in pain? I mean I don’t know if that would make sense since she’s been through all kinds of pain but I was just wondering if periods are something she experiences and how she experiences it. Tcc has a special place in my heart, thank you💗
oh okay wait this is such a good thought, and also something I'd been considering because of something I read recently ie. dealing with the reality of menstruation in fiction and like how it's kind of glossed over or just ignored most of the time, and also also because it'll be relevant soonish (🌚) but I think we know and have seen how thoroughly he takes care of her always. how gentle and patient and soft he is, how incrediblyyyyyyy attentive to detail he is. there isn't anything about her that man hasn't noted and catalogued to save for later in his mind. so imagine her sensitive and fragile on her period, sick with cramps and sore boobs and an aching back. he'd make her come so good to make the cramps go away, yes they fuck on her period, it's so much better let's be real and that man would probably even prefer it
and now I have this incredibly visceral image of him kneeling at her feet beneath the spray of the fresher gently washing the blood from her thighs when she wakes up one night and has unexpectedly gotten it. him eating her out in the shower to ease the ache and tightness. hehehehehe fuck now I'm thinking sooooo many things
oh also also him making a pit stop at a planet they'd not planned to stop at so he can get her something sweet and nice to eat and feeding her by hand while she's all wrapped up in blankets. oh oh also also if she ever were to... miss her period. you absolutely know he'd be the one that notices first, he tracks her cycle like a blood hound (skjflskjdlfskjfs)
my man is the softest man in all the land and oh how I love him
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rose-of-pollux · 7 months
My MFU episode recs
Since everyone else is doing this; as others have said, most episodes are worth seeing, but here are my absolute faves--
The Shark Affair -- probably my favorite episode of all time, Napoleon and Illya are on two separate missions that converge and pit them against a modern-day pirate.
The Project Strigas Affair -- you'll be playing the "Hey, it's that guy!" game all though this ep. Also Illya is in a ridiculous disguise and Napoleon still finds time to flirt with him.
The Fiddlesticks Affair -- SO. MUCH. DRAMA.
The Mad, Mad Tea Party Affair -- so much insanity, plus that lovely shot of Napoleon and Illya in the elevator shaft with their suitjackets off (one of my more notable "I may be ace, but dang" moments).
The Secret Sceptre Affair -- the clips that @justabigoldnerd has been posting should tell you all you need to know about this ep.
The Never-Never Affair -- what do you get when you take Napoleon and Illya and add in Agent 99, the Joker, and Mr. Slate from The Flintstones? This ep.
The Love Affair -- Eddie Albert plays a convincing villain and invokes Napoleon's wrath when it appears he's killed Illya. Also Madame Leota/Maleficent (Eleanor Audley) has a cameo
The Gazebo in the Maze Affair -- Napoleon embarks on a quest save his beloved Illya from a vengeful squire... with mixed results, but that's why we love this show.
Alexander the Greater Affair 1&2 -- there's a lot going on here, but that's what makes it great
The Foxes and Hounds Affair -- Robert Vaughn, David McCallum, AND Vincent Price all in the same room together--need I say more?
The Virtue Affair -- more mutual lifesaving with a ton of drama
The Bat Cave Affair -- ...there's a lot going on here, just watch it 😆
The Pop Art Affair -- modern art and killer foam
The Off-Broadway Affair -- yet another "Hey, it's that guy/gal!" episode, ft Lamb Chop, Scrappy-Doo, and General Burkhalter all in the same room with Napoleon and Illya. Also the closest MFU gets to a musical episode. ALSO more mutual lifesaving and, somehow, Napoleon and Illya still find time to have a date in a Turkish bath.
The Suburbia Affair -- very little I can add to what others have said about this ep, other than this: I am convinced that the overdubbed "Mother" at Illya that Robert Vaughn was forced to do was covering up a "Dear" that the censors refused to let air. In my heart, it was "Dear." Kudos to Robert for making it so obvious it was an overdub; it's like he knew what the fans wanted.
The Matterhorn Affair -- Yes, it's mostly ridiculous, but Napoleon and Illya's ice-cream date at the end makes it worth it
The Hot Number Affair -- we get this, enough said:
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The Summit-Five Affair -- ANGST and a beautiful showcasing of Illya's undying loyalty to Napoleon.
The 'J' for Judas Affair -- this is an interesting one, a sort of look into what happens when the duo initially fails a mission and then have to pick up the pieces.
The Prince of Darkness Affair 1 & 2 -- ft. a new evil organization, Napoleon in disguise, and Illya finding Napoleon's disguise more attractive than he expected
The Deadly Quest Affair -- more undying loyalty!
The Gurnius Affair -- there's A LOT going on here
The Maze Affair -- More angst! More devotion!
The Deep Six Affair -- You gotta watch it for the ending. You gotta.
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