#yes i hc her as trans
mmollymercury · 2 years
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Little doodle of Abbey Bominable 💕💕❄❄
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gaytimeswith-scar · 5 months
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mcyt t4t week 24, day 1: egg cracking/coming out
ok so i forgot to make it t4t its just . t.
anyways. transfem grian be upon ye
@mcytransswag hi.
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mangokabuto · 3 months
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Some genderbend sketch before bed <3
(bonus below cut. I got carried away w/ usopp lmao)
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I've been thinking about My Life As a Teenage Robot lately
dont let me write the reboot I would make them lesbians
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marshiiicake · 11 months
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Some Kiki artwork 🌻🐹🍓
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orangejuice2004 · 30 days
#1 hopcorn truther till the day i die
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More happy and not at all angsty firebrand doodles :D
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the first one is them on a speeder chase after a mission went wrong and everybody is just losing their mind (Avar actually lied about having a drivers license, Elzar memorized the map for the wrong planet and Stellan is sooo done)
otherwise, yes, nothing angsty at all... did y'all read the announcement for the new phase three book in november? pretty sure they are going to kill avar and elzar too...
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gurorori · 5 months
I think headcanoning canonically male characters as trans women can allow you to explore identity beyond just switching the anatomy of canonically female characters. Like often when male chara gets headcanoned as transmasc people just slap scars on him and done. If you basically genderspaw a character you can focus on their experience with transition more I think
Unfortunately half of the time people go "long hair = woman" instead... I'm sorry hajime
oh 100%, undeniably there r great ways 2 explore both kinds of genderswaps/trans hcs... neither is superior or more correct over the other, but i do think it still helps 2 keep in mind it can, in *some* hands, turn somewat shallow...
immediately makin it abt enstars since dats wat we r mostly into: 2 me it still becomes mehhh when ppl will do eveyrthin in their power 2 transfemify like 3-4 specific characters who r the most aesthetically (as in, appearance n physical expression i guess) feminine while not really givin a shit abt the canonically trans woman (who is not quite the most 'traditionally feminine' image of woman herself tbh). <- m not very good at explainin things but i hope im clear. it's just interestin seein both the bias compared 2 canon rep AS WELL as the bias compared 2 like. the rest of the cast dats not shu hiyori etc
as always ppl r entitled 2 do as they wish w interpretations n all dat! i'm not one 2 give ppl shit ab stuff like this in person or rly like discourse ab this very often
i also see wat ya mean w the transition thing, but i don't think that's necessarily 'the only way', ya can focus on the transition part of the headcanon regardless of canon gender (unless im missin smth in yr words?); i guess with [canon X -> trans X] it has 2 b more of a conscious choice 2 go back in time 2 explore it, whereas with [canon X -> trans Y] it's kind of the startin point, yr gettin rite into it? i understan how dats more compellin 2 ppl, especially if they r in (pre-) transition still <3 i do think it's really up 2 ppls preference at the end of the day! it's nawt some huge political difference, just the way ppl play w the characters n narratives
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attaboy-art · 2 years
friends who help each other recover post-op (and refuse to let the other one work from home while recovering) stay together
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[Image ID: A collection of partially colored digital sketches on a beige background of Alfendi Layton and Lucy Baker. Lucy is in her normal outfit, while Alfendi has more stubble and messier hair than usual, is in grey pajamas, and is wearing a post-op top surgery compression vest with blood drains attached. The first sketch is of a recovering Fendi in a chair, with a blue blanket draped across his shoulders and over his lap, saying "Ah, Lucy. You brought the files I requested?" while a shocked Lucy in the foreground yells "Aye, Prof! What the hell happened?!". The second sketch is of Al, now standing, saying "Thanks. For this." as Lucy, who is behind him, helps him get on a dark blue bathrobe. She says "Yeesh, you're fucking tall." The third drawing is of Fendi and Lucy on the couch. Lucy is snoring loudly, and two captions point to either of them, saying "patient" and "caregiver" respectively. The final sketch is of an angry Al leaning forward and shouting "I don't want or need a break!" and then immediately settling back in his seat in pain. Lucy, who is holding a bag of takeout, asks "Are you done yet?" and looks on, deadpan. /.End ID.]
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monsterhugger · 2 years
final evangelion gender take: shinji and rei both get their femininity from yui but they possess that femininity in similar yet different ways: rei is a blank canvas with a girl coat of paint, shinji is a girl in a boy-flavored shell (interestingly he performs as the opposite while in eva-01)
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zukkaoru · 5 months
hi grace! i don't go to bsd yet but what r ur thoughts on transfem kunikida :3
hmm i would say it's not like. one of my go-to headcanons but i do very much respect it. i have read a few fics with transfem kunikida and enjoyed them (shoutout to How To Wreck A Schedule In One Easy Step by valleykey which was the first transfem kuni fic i read and a fic i have gone back and reread many times bc it's so much fun) so it's one of those headcanons that like. idk i don't have any strong feelings towards it myself one way or the other. i don't know that i would ever write a transfem kunikida fic but i also don't want to say for sure that i never will bc i never know what i'm going to write next lol
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immaeatingwood · 1 year
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Happy transition to this girl ig
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m1-4!tessla from yesterday
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butchladymaria · 1 year
I agree with your list ! People being asshole about lesbian & other headcanons gtfo! That list could work for many other things too.
But to be sure everyone don’t mix thing up i just want to point out that not liking/ not being fan of an headcanon don’t equal  being an ass about it. It’s the mean actions or words afterwards that are bad. 
hey! i’m glad you found it generalizable. there’s a lot of things on there that get used against pretty much any “diverse” perspectives both inside and out of fan spaces. as for your second point, i don’t disagree with you. there are some queer headcanons that i don’t personally hold, but i’m going to be cheering them on rather than contributing to the negativity we face on a regular basis. you can personally hold a different headcanon without being a jerk.
this is not @ you anon, but there are a lot of people who believe that underrepresented groups seeing themselves in characters — whether through the lens of race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc — is “politicizing” fandom and ruining it somehow, as though a white/cishet/male/abled perspective is the default in art and anything else is “tainting” the “pure” fanspace. some of them might believe those voices can exist — so long as they keep their heads down and don’t take up too much space. the fact of the matter is that’s a bigoted thing to believe. our existence has been politicized against our will. for the marginalized, fan spaces are just another front we have to push to participate in. if someone finds themself constantly disliking one specific type of queer/nonwhite/disabled/etc. headcanon and feels the need to say over and over how much they don’t like it, they ought to seriously interrogate why that is.
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michaelitheocelot · 2 years
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Hey, you. Yeah, you. I like you. *makes Hunter transfem*
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mateodoodle · 2 years
Happy Pride to Nancy Wheeler and her trans outfit
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