#yes i'm joining the theory train
superanimepirate · 6 months
How Ohara Foreshadowed the Ancient Weapons and the Cult of Nika
Part 1: The Solar System
It is my opinion that the Ancient Kingdom, the Ancient Weapons, and Nika’s connection to it all was foreshadowed in the Ohara flashback. In this post we’ll go through some background information and evidence, then onto my personal theory of the matter.  This got a bit big, so I’ve split it into 3 main parts. 
First of all, many people have noticed that these symbols are very similar:
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(Plus many more throughout the story) They are 8 circles around a central circle, sometimes with other stuff added around it, like the Kozuki crest or the cross. For now, I will be focusing on the circles. 
Now, Moving onto this scene from the Ohara flashback and the model of the One Piece World, which is another example of similar imagery.
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Interestingly, there are only 7 satellites around the central planet (Counting the satellite of a satellite)that we can see. Most people assumed they were moons, but with the introduction of the minks and moon cycles, I don’t think that is it. The next popular theory is that of a geocentric model of the solar system. 
I instead propose that it is neither, but instead an Orrery. 
As Wikipedia states, “An orrery is a mechanical model of the Solar System that illustrates or predicts the relative positions and motions of the planets and moons, usually according to the heliocentric model.” It is used to show the position of the planets in the night sky, to track time, and predict astrological events such as solar and lunar eclipses. The current model is primarily based on Benjamin Martin Orrery , but a version of it was created during Ancient Greece and is considered one of the first analogue computers.
Here is an example that resembles the one from Ohara:
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Now there is something I find odd about the Ohara model, however.
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(Behold my shitty editing skills)
There are 7 planets but 5 orbits.  1 and 2 are on the yellow orbit, 3 and 7 are on the red, 4 and 5 are on the purple, and 6 is on the blue. But there is none on the green. I propose that there is, or once was, an 8th planet that would have been on the green orbit. Or the green is just a wire to keep the others in place. In that case, the 8th planet would be on the blue, since the blue is the only one with a single planet on its orbit.  Either  way, there is a  missing planet that is either hidden on the other side of this model that we can’t see, or it was destroyed. 
In our world, our solar system consists of 8 planets, but when Oda started, it had 9. Therefore, I think the One Piece universe had 9 planets, but one was destroyed.  And I do think that the archaeologists know about it, most likely through ancient texts/models. But they know that that planet is gone.
And I think this is what is behind the common symbol of a central circle surrounded by 8 smaller ones, it is a model of the solar system as seen by the main planet. And it is a representation of not only the Sun, but of the Solar System, the planets that circle the sun. Nika is not only the sun god, but he is the god of the solar system. 
Additionally, there are 9 Rio Poneglyphs that are meant to reveal the history of the void century. Why nine? Is it one for each of the planets in the solar system? 8 squares around a central square. We see this motif again, but this time with different shapes, and of the poneglyphs that are meant to reveal the true history.
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TLDR: The model we see in Ohara is neither a geometric model of the universe or showing that there are seven moons, but instead it is an Orrery, a model of the solar system as it relates to a central planet in order to predict astrological events. The Ohara model may indicate that there is a missing 9th planet in the solar system. And the circular motif that keeps popping up is representative of the planets in the solar system as well as the sun because Nika is not only the sun god, but the god of the solar system.
So, what happened to the 9th planet?
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spriteofmushrooms · 2 months
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Pls… pls elaborate 👁️👁️ so I can change my answer (in spirit) from crying a few days ago to crying right now!
Jiang Wanyin lies broken on the ground. Jin Ling, screaming, swings Suihua at the monstrous yao he'd just been pushed away from, the one that killed his jiujiu. Lan Jingyi should help, should move, but--anything that could kill Jiang Wanyin--
A clarity bell chimes as Lan Sizhui begins to play his guqin. The moment breaks, and Lan Jingyi leaps to flank the yao.
The battle is blue-lit by their signal flare and the full moon. Starbright sword flares sweep across the forest. Flashes of Jin Ling's qi, the golden brown of wutong leaves in autumn, bury themselves in the yao with every qi-laced arrow.
But it's only once Wen Ning holds the yao still that Wei Wuxian, responding to their flare via Hanguang-jun, eviscerates it with his trapped ghosts.
Hanguang-jun who is staring where Jiang Wanyin lies, his white robes bathed in red.
"Ah, stay back, a-Ling," a man's mirthful voice says. "Your jiujiu would be upset if I caught you, too."
Jin Ling starts "who the fuck" but is interrupted by Hanguang-jun's "Wei Ying."
Lan Jingyi turns to see Jin Ling's silhouette limned in red; Jiang Wanyin's body transformed by red; and a transparent youth in YunmengJiang-style robes sitting astride Jiang Wanyin, as bright and red as the setting sun, surrounded by a rainbow whirlwind of qi.
"Lan Zhan," the boy says laconically as a nearby tree cracks and falls. "Don't be boring for once, alright?"
As Lan Jingyi watches, the boy rests one hand on Jiang Wanyin's upper dantian and plunges the other into the swirling qi around them until all transforms to red. Another snap breaks the night, and Lan Jingyi realizes.
The little qi lights are from plants, bugs, and lesser spirits; the youth is draining the forest. An ash-black circle spreads from Jiang Wanyin.
Whose chest is moving.
"Jiang Cheng, wake up, ah? You're going to be late if you stay in bed all day." With the stolen vitality pulsing through him, the youth's features are clearer. He's handsome, his face much sweeter than Jiang Wanyin's sharp beauty. Mischief curls at the edges of his smile.
From Lan Jingyi's side, Wei Wuxian says coldly, "How often have you done this to him? Forcing foreign qi into his system will inevitably cause backlash."
The youth's smile sharpens. "Do you care, Wei-wanbei?" Without moving his hand, his thumb caresses Jiang Wanyin's cheek. "Besides, if I make it mine before I give it to him, is it really so different from spending years coalescing it into a golden core? His body knows me well."
"Gusu can integrate this part of your soul with the rest of you," Hanguang-jun says.
The youth laughs, and Wei Wuxian says "don't bother, Lan Zhan."
Ignoring his cultivation partner's advice, Hanguang-jun continues, "You will never rest until all pieces of your soul are joined. Let go of Jiang Wanyin, and come to me."
Jin Ling shifts. "You're healing jiujiu, right?"
"I am," the youth says, turning away from Hanguang-jun.
Jin Ling moves between Jiang Wanyin and Hanguang-jun, Suihua bare in his hand. "Let him do what he wants."
"How many times must Wei Ying destroy himself to fulfill a life debt to the dead?" Hanguang-jun demands, hand on Bichen.
Lan Sizhui finally speaks. "Hanguang-jun, Jin Ling, shouldn't we wait until we know more? None of us have the expertise to weigh in on Wei-xiao-gongzi's situation, do we? Applying theory without evidence could be harmful, too, Hanguang-jun." Then the traitor turns to Lan Jingyi. "If Zidian hasn't expelled Wei-xiao-gongzi, doesn't that mean Jiang-zongzhu is not possessed?"
"Yes," Lan Jingyi tries, then clears his throat. "Yes, Zidian wouldn't let its master be possessed. This must be something else."
A small voice interrupts the argument. "Wei... Wuxian?"
"Can't you call me shixiong just once, Jiang Cheng?"
"Started training first," Jiang Wanyin whispers.
"How would you know when my parents started training me? Especially since I'm older, and my mother is from a different tradition. Perhaps Baoshan Sanren starts her disciples at their hundred day celebration, hmm?"
"Stupid," Jiang Wanyin says. Then, "You're dead. Saw it."
"That was just my idiot body," the youth says with a smirk.
"Fuck you," Wei Wuxian spits.
At the noise, Jiang Wanyin's eyes flick to them. "A-Ling?"
"I'm fine, jiujiu!"
"Everyone's here because it's so rare to you lazing around," the youth says. "Do you think I could sell tickets? See Jiang Cheng take a break, only fifty tael!"
"Jiang-shixiong," Jiang Wanyin says, eyes back on the youth, taking huge rasping breaths between phrases. "Sounds better. Sixty tael, maybe."
"If he doesn't recognize you, then you don't know what this will do to him long-term," Wei Wuxian says.
"Oh, I do. I just wipe his memory every time. It keeps Jiang Cheng from digging me out of him, you know?"
The youth smiles beatifically down at Jiang Wanyin. "Did you think you got away with all of your not-quite-suicide, shidi? Did you think there wasn't a cost to being careless with yourself? Poor Pan Fu,¹ did his hero really not know what he gave his life to?"
"No!" Jiang Wanyin's fingers twitched, but even now his arm was more gore than whole. "Stop, stop. Shixiong, stop. Pan Fu, Pan Fu..."
"Still sad about that brat even now? Why am I not surprised. He wasn't even that strong of a cultivator; he just reminded you of me. Let go already."
"I raised him," Jiang Wanyin cries. "Don't, please, please."
Merciless, the youth bent down until their faces are centimeters apart. "What can you do to stop me? What have you ever been able to do against me, shidi?"
"Let me die, let me die, let me die, please let me die."
For a moment, the youth only gazes at Jiang Wanyin. "No," he says, and pours more of the forest into his shidi.
¹ Pan Fu is from this ficlet. No, Wei Wuxian wasn't jealous, why would he be? Pan Fu was simply to hand when Jiang Cheng threw himself into danger.
(To protect Pan Fu. But why should that matter? Jiang-zongzhu can't die for one of his hundreds of disciples. What would they do without him, hmm?)
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twogeeseinatrenchcoat · 3 months
Humans Aren't That Scary
So, I've been seeing a lot of posts describing humans as these strong species, with terrifying adaptations. I'd like to join this bandwagon, and that's not the right phrase for what I'm doing but it's good enough!
I think that humans would be in the middle-range in terms of strength. I think yes, we would have adaptations that the aliens wouldn't. But I also think that they would have adaptations that we wouldn't. It would balance out, and if you look at humans currently, using us now as an example, we don't seem that scary. I do think that we could be seen as unpredictably violent, and that could lead to fear, but I don't think anyone would view us as scary due to strength.
Then again, I could be entirely wrong. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking. Humans really do love war. So maybe, as a species, I could understand others being afraid of us. But individually, possibly not. We have no (natural) tools to defend ourselves with. We're not very fast. We're not that strong, unless we train to be strong.
In terms of weapons, it is slightly odd to assume that alien species wouldn't have equal, or more advanced weapons than we do. Our spaceships aren't streamlined, our energy isn't efficient, etc.
I am jumping on the funny theory that humans are the weirdos of the universe, mainly because it's funny. I think if anything, we would be seen as odd, and potentially frightening for that reason. Humans (from what I've seen) are bullshitters. We are the funny people. We are the ones who will share an inside joke between the world. (Looking at you, Rick Astley)
But then again, maybe this is normal. Maybe humans are just another species, nothing remarkable. Maybe our quirks and weird things are normal things that happen in every species. Maybe we aren't all that scary, our weapons aren't that special, and we aren't as bloodthirsty or warmongering as we may think.
On that note, I'd like to dispose of everything I just said and say that anything is highly dependent on the other species. If they're less advanced than us, they've evolved from prey species instead of predator species, have adaptations for survival from predators instead of survival for killing prey, then yes, maybe we are terrifying. If nobody knows how to adapt to *our* adaptations, then maybe we are absolutely scary and strong and could destroy anyone in combat. It all depends on the other species, and how they've evolved.
As a final note, I'm writing this at 2 am after around two hours of scrolling through the space Australia tag. Don't take any of this seriously. I know nothing about anything, I am rambling about this.
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anacecherry · 9 months
I was looking through the Fionna and Cake trailer to look for scenes we haven't seen in the show yet, and I noticed how most of them are most likely from the same episode. So, on this post, I will be talking about my theories/speculations for Episode 7, The Star.[Spoilers for the episode synopsis under the cut]
So this is what we know about the episode right now.
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My first theory was that the title came from whatever happens in the gumlee subplot or maybe it was about Cake being "the star" of the vampire hunters, but then my friend Will reminded me how the previous episodes were all names of characters (Yes, Im counting Destiny idc), and said it could be a nickname for a pre existing character. Maybe it could be this world's Marcy's "Vampire Name". I dont know enough on the topic to be able to tell if it would fit in with the theme the vampires in Stakes had, but it does have an article at its start.
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For the first screenshots we have these. The first image shows up near the end of the trailer, its 3 vampires attacking. I think these two are back to back, as the vamps are exactly the same. In the second image the third vampire is in the background and appears to have knocked Fionna down, with Simon standing next to the vampire. Maybe Cake does that attack in rage due to them hurting Fionna.
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This is a one second scene and the frame where the explosions dont cover up the whole screen is very hard to catch, but these are the same garlic bombs Peppermint Butler had in Stakes. Maybe the Bubblegum of this universe, along with Pep But, is working with the vampire hunters.
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Following up on what I said about Marcy having a "Vampire Name". When I first read the synopsis I assumed that Marcy was the one leading the vamp hunters, as it only makes sense. Being a Vampire hunter was a big part of her backstory that led to her *becoming* one. But I then realized, what's going on here, might be completely different. Not only is she already a vampire, both in the trailer and on the poster this Marceline looks pretty smug for someone presumably fighting for her life, and she has that dress which looks very "royal"(to me, at least).
I thought maybe she embraced being the vampire queen, and attacked the humans, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would she hurt the beings she wiped out an entire species for? And then it clicked: this Marcy never had a Simon at all. She was found by vampires instead of him. Remember the conversation Simon and little Marcy had at the beginning of episode 2?
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Someone rich? Living in a castle? With people trained to tend to their every need? Sounds a hell lot like a king.
This conversation is going to come up again. Simon is going to find out that No, Marcy would NOT have been fine if he didn't find her. He's going to see what would really have happened to her if she never met him. In all the past episodes Simon's been constantly told that he sucks, that Ice King was "better" and "more fun". He's been feeling like he truly did not matter and had no value, that it would be better for everyone if he just went back to being Ice King. He's going to see that that's not true, that he does matter. That Marcy values and needs him, even if things are different now. Maybe he won't get it immediately, but he might start doubting his decision to wear the crown again. I'm so confident in this I will eat my door if it doesn't happen.
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Human huntress wizard with a garlic arrow. Obviously its from this episode. She must be a hunter(duh) and maybe she's the leader as well. Or maybe Im right about Bonnie being there and *she's* the leader.
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Im only assuming this scene is from this episode bc the background color scheme is similar, I dont have any other evidence for it. It may be after Cake beats the vampires, where she gets approached by the hunters to join in. Im kinda basing this theory off the voice line that goes along with it in the trailer ("Now that is a party I don't wanna miss" Who'd wanna miss out on the fun of hunting evil vampires?), but the voice line may be about something else and she could be praising herself to the hunters here (she just has that vibe in here).
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A gun(?) Lowers down to face the gang. They smile at it nervously. The ground theyre standing on is wet, and so is Cake. I don't know the reason for that, because they didn't immediately come here after leaving the Winter Kingdom. They might have gotten their clothes wet on some other universe and then came to this world, or maybe this is after they fight the vampires and they somehow got splashed with water during the process. I came up with two possibilities of what might be going on here:
Option A) It is the vampires spotting and trying to kill them. If thats the case they might've destroyed the gun before it could shoot them, or maybe Fionna got shot and thats why she's down on the scene where Cake is attacking. Both end up with the 3 vampire goons attacking.
Option B) It's the vampire hunters seeing them, either after the fight or right as they arrive, and they think the gang are vampires as well until they show their teeth
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This isn't from the trailer its from a magazine. I think its from this episode because of the background, like that Cake screenshot. This may be after Cake is recruited. Fionna seems to be annoyed so maybe Cake is doing something wrong and Fionna's disagreeing with her. Or maybe Cake's trying to annoy Fionna and it's working. My friend @weirdlizard26 said this about it, which is far better than what I came up with:
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And that's it for the speculation! I wanted to talk about the rest of the scenes in the trailer as well but 1) this post is long enough as it is and 2) tumblr image limit is not being kind to me rn. I might make a separate post for those if I get the motivation. Untill then you'll have just one post of me going insane rambling about what could happen in a show about an old man having an existential crisis and a girlfailure with her cat.
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oikasugayama · 5 months
Can't stop thinking about AoT boys meeting and obsessing over a bigger girl. Like at first they think she must be from the interior and part of the royal inner circle because she looks 'well fed' while everyone else is starving out in the outer walls, but when they're all in training together they realize she 1. eats just as little as they do, 2. works just as hard as they do, and 3. is just a regular girl from an outer region, and for some reason her body is better at holding onto extra fat than theirs.
Once their initial judgemental theories have been debunked, they're obsessed with her. She's hard working, nice, realistic about the situation they're in but passionate about fighting titans, and not to mention there's something about her curves and her softness that makes them all follow her around or think about her in private.
They're in a race to see who can sleep with her first, or at all, or maybe all of them can, they don't know. The lewd talk starts slowly after months of knowing her but eventually any time the guys are in groups and getting a little riled up they start wondering what she looks like under that uniform, how good it would feel to be with her, how soft and squishy and gushy...
When she can't join the scouts because she can't master the ODM gear because her weight shifts her center of gravity and makes her a bit less agile than some of her comrades, her admirers are more devastated than she is.
She makes it her goal to get into the military police then, deciding that if she can't pass her ODM gear test then she'll excel in all other fields, including fraternizing with her superiors...
She meets with Hange first about the possibility of altering the ODM gear--Hange wants to and wants her in the scouts, but ultimately they're supportive when she says she wants to join the military police instead. Hange suggests meeting with Levi to talk about it because he also wanted her in the scouts, so she goes to his office.
There she makes the bold move to suggest outright that people are underestimating her because of her body and she's far more capable than people give her credit for. Levi agrees, says she's very capable. She says yes, and it seems like her comrades wonder about her capabilities... in private... And honestly she's sad to leave them because the attention is... Exciting. Levi bitterly says she'll have plenty of that attention from the corrupted fucks in her new regiment and she should be careful what she wishes for.
She tells him she pretty much never gets what she wishes for but she overcomes it anyway. For example, she's wished just to know some tender touches every now and again to balance the fighting she does in training, but no one is ever bold enough to ask her to... Well, yanno. Anything.
And Levi is intrigued now, his dick is intrigued even though he tries to will it not to be ('don't fuck your subordinates' but God is she pretty with her round cheeks and chin and her plump arms and thighs and belly and that ass, fuck, she won't be his subordinate for much longer, she'll be transfered out in less than a week. Fuck it.) and he leans forward in his chair and rests his elbows on the desk with his fingers intertwined, showing them off for her enjoyment.
You're trying to play with boys, he tells her. Of course they won't approach you. If you need company, you need to find a man.
A man can approach me as soon as he'd like, she responds. Otherwise I'm going to go play with as many boys as I can find before I leave the regiment.
And that ignites something possessive in Levi. He's up, demands she stand, he circles her, touches her, assesses her.
Those boys wouldn't know what to do with you, no matter how many of them tried. On your knees, cadet.
You're still my subordinate so you answer to me. On your knees.
and yeah... levi's finding out how that fat pussy tastes.
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dreamsontheirway · 1 year
Cynophobia | S.R.
Summary: the reader has cynophobia, the fear of dogs, and spencer is there for her. Warnings: fears? Word Count: 0.9k
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"What's your biggest fear?"
You recalled asking Spencer the question several months ago, while the two of you were curled up on his couch. The two of you had enjoyed a typical weekday night; the dishes from dinner were running in the dishwasher and the show you were binging played softly in the background.
Spencer hummed, brows furrowed as he considered your question.
"I know it sounds silly, but probably losing something or someone I love," he said, a small smile playing at his lips. "I guess my biggest fear is losing you."
You smiled at him, and rubbed your hand along the stubble on his jawline. You reached up and placed a soft kiss where your hand had been.
"You're so cheesy."
"What's yours?" Spencer asked, peering down at you through hooded eyelids, his long lashes on display.
"You'll laugh at me."
Spencer's brow furrowed, his mouth opening before lifting up slightly.
"I won't laugh at you."
"I'm afraid of dogs," you admitted, shying away from him in embarrassment.
"I had to get stitches as a kid because I got bit by our neighbor's rottweiler. Ever since then," you trailed off, shivering at the memory.
Spencer's brow furrowed at the idea, and he rubbed your goosebump-covered arms.
"Cynophobia," Spencer stated, and despite your reddening cheeks, he only looked at you with adoration.
It was an average, summer day in Virginia, and the team had just been assigned a case. It was a hostage situation; the unsub had several people trapped inside of a bank. Fortunately, his only weapon was a knife. In theory, it should be easier to get him into custody without the possession of an automatic weapon.
You, along with Spencer and Emily, were driving in one of the BAU's black vans. Spencer drove, with you in the passenger's seat, and Emily in the back reading through the case files.
"His name is Edward Fisher," Emily stated, her eyes skimming the paper. "He's twenty-seven, no priors, but it looks like he was recently divorced."
"I'm sure that's the stressor," Spencer offered, his eyes squinting as he drove.
Upon your arrival at the bank, you were met by the rest of the team standing alongside some local officers. You and the others were beginning to craft your plan of action, when another van pulled up.
Another group of local police exited the van, and what followed them shook you significantly. Three large dogs exited the van with the K-9 officers, two German Shepherds and, much to your dismay, a large rottweiler.
You would have been able to compose yourself if it wasn't for the fact that one of the dogs got loose and began running towards the team. Of course, the dog was trained, so it merely sniffed around on the ground, but you immediately backed up in fear.
You backed up straight into the strong chest of your boyfriend. Your eyes were wide, frantic, and your breathing began to pick up rapidly. You felt hands grip your shoulders - Spencer - as he pushed you behind him.
As observant as he was, Spencer had immediately noticed the dog that was set loose. He remembered your fear despite talking about it months ago and protectively stepped in front of you, hollering towards the officers, who were approaching in order to retrieve their dog.
"Hey! I thought these dogs were supposed to be trained, keep a hold on them, would you?!"
The officer nearest to you mumbled an apology, giving Spencer an odd look, and pulled the dog back towards their group of K-9 officers. You let out a large breath that you hadn't realized you were holding, and relaxed against Spencer.
He turned to you then, his eyes wide in concern and anger.
"Are you okay?" He asked you, and his thumb wiped under your eyes. No tears had actually fallen, but Spencer noticed the wetness that began to pool, both from fear and relief.
"Yes, thank you," you spoke and let out another shaky breath.
"You're really scared of dogs, pretty girl?" Morgan chimed in, smirking at you.
You could feel the arms that were wrapped around you tense.
"Morgan," Spencer gave him a stern glare, warning him not to continue with his jokes. Derek's hands went up in joking surrender, despite Spencer's seriousness.
"Y/L/N, go back to the van. Reid, you go with her. Catch your breath," Hotch ordered, and nodded towards the vehicle near you.
Spencer wrapped his arm around your shoulders and guided you to lean against the door of the van. He leaned next to you, wrapping his hand in yours.
"So you remembered," you started, a hint of embarrassment in your tone.
"Of course I did," Spencer joked, hinting towards his eidetic memory. "Don't be embarrassed, love."
"I can't help it! I'm an adult woman who just cried at the sight of a dog."
Spencer's face appeared in front of you then, his brown eyes trained on yours. He leaned his forehead against yours and planted a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose.
"It's okay to have fears," he cooed, and leaned in to place a chaste kiss on your lips, which were pouting.
"The whole team saw that, Spence. It was mortifying."
"If they say anything about it, they'll have to deal with me."
You smirked at him, admiring your tall, lanky boyfriend. You knew he couldn't hurt a fly, unless he absolutely had to, which made his statement all the more amusing.
"Don't give me that look, I'm serious," Spencer gawked at you, incredulous.
"Sure, sure,” you waved your hand at him, giggling. You gave him a peck on the lips before continuing.
“Whatever you say.”
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do you have any specific theory regarding kunikida’s backstory? i honestly never thought about how he might have met fukuzawa when he was much younger, always assumed it happened after he dropped out of uni, but this makes much more sense tbh. i’m huge on the idea of him coming from a military family (would explain how he could’ve met fukuzawa and why on earth he knows how to operate every fire arm in existence)
I have so many ideas about Kunikida! The idea of him coming from a military family is definitely interesting - it fits with the author irl and would explain a lot of his mannerisms. I'm partial to him having an estranged relationship with his family in general, because it's mentioned in Kunikida and Katai's Magnificent Days that eventually Kunikida grew to spend more time around Katai than he did his family, and because most of the ADA don't really seem to have family outside each other. No one they worry about being pulled into things when they're accused of terrorism or targeted by the Port Mafia back when they were still antagonists, etc. With Ranpo, Atsushi, and Kyouka we know their parents are dead; with Yosano, Dazai, the Tanizakis and Kenji we know that even if they're not dead they're not really involved in their kids lives enough to matter much at all. I'm inclined to think Kunikida's are similar; we know they exist, but I don't think he has a good relationship with them, if they're still alive (they could have died after he met Katai).
In terms of his past, I definitely think Kunikida had a violent past. Man is way too down with casually throttling people - between that and his extensive knowledge of weapons, as well as how good he is hand to hand combat wise, it makes me think he must have had a tumulus past.
I saw a fanfiction once where he was a child solider in the Great War alongside Yosano, making weapons for the army - while I don't think it's canon, or else it probably would have been mentioned when her backstory was, I think the idea of Kunikida being somehow trained as a child solider definitely has merit. Given how people with Abilities tend to be weaponized in the BSD-verse, how strict Kunikida is despite having a hatred of authority and a tendency to violence, it makes sense to me. It's canon he dropped out of college, but he was also working with the Agency by age 18/19 at a maximum, so I think it's possible he joined college while working there and dropped out.
Another option is him having been in some sort of high school gang. Blonde hair in anime is often used to denote delinquency - so I think it's a given Kunikida was a delinquent as a teenager (especially given his attitude). In this case, his familiarity with violence would probably come via brawls with other gangs and such. I've also seen ideas of him being something of a teen vigilante, which is also definitely possible - teenage Kunikida without a sense of direction for his moral compass, I could see going that route.
Either way, I think he met Fukuzawa young. I've theorized at age 15, to mirror how Chuuya met Mori at 15, but I definitely think he met him before adulthood. I think Fukuzawa was the one who gave him his Ideals notebook, both the physical thing and the direction Kunikida needed to develop that sense of morality and desire to save people we see in canon. I think Fukuzawa had to be instrumental for him - like, why would Kunikida, who dislikes authority and is rude to basically everyone, respect and defer to Fukuzawa so much? Why is Fukuzawa one of the first people we see him use honorifics for? What would cause that type of a relationship?
So yes, I think meeting Fukuzawa was a huge turning point for Kunikida, however it may have been. Maybe he gave him a sense of direction and a way to harness his idealism via the Agency; maybe Fukuzawa was the one who taught him how to help people with his abilities all together. Either way, I can't see someone like Kunikida having such a deep deference and respect for Fukuzawa without him being deeply linked to who Kunikida is as a person, at age 22.
I also wonder if however Kunikida and Fukuzawa met, if it was originally negative or antagonistic. By the time Dazai's Entrance Exam rolls around, Kunikida clearly knows well what Fukuzawa is talking about when he mentions testing Dazai, so Dazai's clearly not the first one to go through that. Given we know neither Yosano nor Ranpo had to pass an entrance exam to join the Agency, our choices are down to either Kunikida or Katai as the first people to take one, which... if it was Kunikida, why would Fukuzawa want that? Why would he want to make sure this guy, specifically, was a good fit for the Agency morally, given Kunikida's such a moral character? What was it that made Fukuzawa want to test Kunikida, if that was what happened?
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rosieblogstuff · 2 months
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
44 😲 in my main AO3 account. 2 others in my older account = 46!
I didn't realize I had that many things!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
All 44 of those works in my main AO3 are MacGyver 2016. One is a crossover with The Rookie. The other two at Star Trek TOS and Star Wars fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Table + Flashlight + IEDs
Mac + (Wilderness + Training + Survival) + Jack
Lost Causes
Lake + Stick + Fever
4 Times the LAPD Didn’t Pull Jack Over + 1 Time They Did 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I often respond to a chapter's comments when I post the next chapter of a longfic. And sometimes I just space on it and respond a year later when I notice I failed to respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely my X-ray + Penny flashfic, Bad Penny. Most of the comments are variations on HOW DARE YOU!!!
There are a couple other flashfics with pretty ambiguous endings, too.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a hard one. Most of my fics have a happy or at least comforty ending. Maybe... uhh.... Electricity + Combustion ? which I literally labeled "whump with a fluffy ending". I also have two Jack Lives fics so that's always a happy situation at the end...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't. A few weird comments but I mostly scratch my head and ignore them. Anybody who hates on my fics will be getting a very long and nasty reply, followed by their comment being deleted.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, no smutty fanfics here. I did have a romance I posted for another fandom awhile back (and never finished), and I've written fade-to-black stuff in my orig fic novels.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Just one! My Macgyver 2016+The Rookie cops-vs-spies crossover, in which some LAPD officers keep coming across a black GTO involved in shenangains around LA: 4 Times the LAPD Didn’t Pull Jack Over + 1 Time They Did
It's probably the funniest thing I've ever written, and the ending is one of my very favorites. Also possibly the only gen fic ever posted in The Rookie fandom, although I don't look over there much.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Somebody stole all my completed fics from FF.net last year. There was a big Tumblr post about some site full of stolen fics, and sure enough, there mine were. I asked to have them remove, got not reply. I haven't posted anything to FF.net since then.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, but not for a long time. I used to frequently co-write fics in my first fandom.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm going to go with Washington State Ferry M/V Wenatchee. Who doesn't love a good ferry boat? It's an irconic style, fun if you're walking on, handy if you need to drive on, saves you hours of driving around Puget Sound by land. Also just a very nice-looking ship.
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15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ugh, wow. I have a couple dozen things I kinda like but might never finish. My favorite, and least likely because I've made the least progress on it, is a MacGyver fic about Patti having plotted out her revenge better, and tring to fuck over the team by having listed Jack as her replacement... which of course gives him access to high-level secrets like Oversight's identity. Much drama ensues.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ramping a story up. Characters. Make a story fully story-shaped.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings. 😫
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Hmmm I don't think I've ever needed to. Like most things in writing, I'm not against it in theory, but it can be done well or badly.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Anne McCaffrey's Pern, back in the paper fanzine days. Prior to joining AO3 in like 2019, I had 0 fanfics posted on the internet but a few in zines listed on Ebay. 😂
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is IMPOSSIBLE to answer. I could answer it differently every day for the next couple weeks. Anything I already mentions plus a couple more!
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zcorners120 · 2 years
brother's bestfriend
synopsis; you and Charles had never liked each other, you being more fond of Arthur, but it all turns around when Charles sees you with a fellow competitor..
Warnings; none, charles being jealous ;), slight fluff?
this is abit of a longer one !
Y/N and Arthur, a dynamic duo. Growing up together you've always been connected at the hip, you just click but in a platonic way. You'd always support him at races, join him in training sessions at the gym, support him in interviews. You were even nicknamed the 'Leclerc Princess'
Your association with Arthur was always positive, however with the other Leclerc boy it was quite the opposite.. You and Charles had never really gotten along; your 'hopeless optimism' irritated him, and his 'constant arrogance and pessimism' drove you insane.
Most times you had managed to stay out of his way and chose not to answer questions about him in interviews.
On a radiant day in Monaco you were hanging out in the Leclerc household, as per usual, laughing with Arthur about something stupid. You were filming a 'try not to laugh challenge' where you had water in your mouth.
{ insert super duper funny hilarious video here }
Arthur couldn't remain calm as he let out the most animalistic screech you've ever heard, water spraying out of his nose like a fountain.
You couldn't handle the sight, water spraying from your mouth as you run away from him laughing, laughs heard from the pair of you were echoing around the house.
You run away, lungs hurting and walking towards the bathroom to clean yourself up until you bump into something solid.
"Ma puce, what's going on? Did Arthur make eye contact with a girl that's not you?" Charles questions, looking downwards at you, with headphones and his mic on.
"Uhm, water challenge.." You say, a smile cracking through your face.
"Children." He blankly says, before going back into his room.
Charles POV:
"I'm back, it was just Y/N and Arthur." He replies to his stream, and to Max and Carlos.
"Yes we heard, you have a nickname for her? Mate, that's some deep love shit" Carlos jokes, with Charles' eyes going wide, not realising his mic was on.
His stream chat was blowing up with new theories of possible feelings under the mask of hatred.
"There's nothing there, I call her a fly because she's stupid and annoying, you know how much we don't like each other." Charles shuts it down quickly, hearing Max agree in the background.
Reader / Y/N POV:
You heard his hurtful words, but knew it was him boosting his ego, 'the feeling is mutual' you repeat to yourself in your head.
You went back to Arthur's room and ensured that you were both even more annoying. Simply out of spite.
It came to race day for Charles, so you joined Arthur as he wanted to support, for you mainly to just watch the race. You could see Charles doing some interviews not that far away, and Arthur went to get some water.
You wore a white knitted dress, something simple but casual for the Monaco sun. Your dainty gold jewellery made your skin look so elegant, and complimented your outfit.
You could see Daniel walking towards you, a friend of yours and Arthur's, and Charles' competition. He jogged over to you, a wide grin plastered on his face, pulling you in for a hug, then sliding his arm to wrap around your waist.
You talk about the upcoming race and plans for afterwards, to celebrate whoever's victory it is.
"You best be cheering for me Y/N!" He teases, and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek to say goodbye.
You're left with a slight blush painted across your cheeks, until your hand gets pulled into a corridor.
"Since when are you friends with him?" He taunts, his eyes haunting into yours.
"What do you care? We were just talking.." You retaliate, confused.
"Y/N, you can't talk to him. Nope, you can't." His brain was racing with thoughts, but having one thing clear. You were his to mess with.
Your eyebrows knit together, portraying your bewilderment.
"You're only mine to make fun of." He says sternly, then turns his head to the sound of clicks, and camera flashes.
He groans to himself, knowing that this is going to get plastered all over social media after the race. He grabs your hand and leads you into his private changing room.
"Why are you acting like this? Charles are you jealous?" You tease, blush spreading across both of yourselves.
"You've got me Cherié." He sighs, but smiles.
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mayg-b · 4 months
@sbk-zgvlt @psycheprincess
Chapter 2 of my fanfic :)))
Chapter 2
Welcome to your new life
Sebek was looking at the potrait in denial, it was his litteral proof to doom 
"it must be a dream, Im probably in some kind of coma and my brain is playing tricks on me, something like a lucid dream...that must be it
sebeks tense shoulders visibly relaxed, since it was a lucid dream he could atleast have a bit fun right?
..its not like all of this is real right?
knock knock
Sebek looked towards the door
"Come in"  he said quietly 
Maid from earlier opened the door, she looked like a cat got her tongue. But she didn't stopped at her place and came near Sebek and offered the cup of water to him
"h-here is the cup of water you...requested young master.."
Sebek took the offered cup and held it with both hands
"Thank you, are you alright?"
"Y-yes!...umm may I ask how are you feeling today"
"I'm feeling well, but I want to stay alone for a while"
"As you request?..."
Maid left, looking weirdly awkward
Well, not like Sebek can blame her or something 
•Sebek Zigvolt, the main antagonist of the book was a loud character, a bit too loud for a lot of people's liking, he lived alone with his grandfather Baul zigvolt., for to train as a knight , Sebek didn't lived with his family, he lived with his grandfather, why?•
 • because his grandfather was a high ranked soldier who retired, perfect person to train with. And for some reason that book never explained, Baul and Lilia hate each other,
desperate people made tons of fan theories for the reason, most popular being "Baul betrayed Lilia in war, but never got caught and Lilia never talked about it" 
While least popular and the most stupid being "they were ex-lovers" it came after novel illustrations 
Like, who thoughts that? People really should stop shipping just because the looks of the characters
• anyways Sebek was a hard-core Malleus fan in the book and wanted to be his guard...it was his litteraly only dream. He already had bad feelings towards the main character even from the start of the novel because he heard Silver was a human. Sebek despited humans. Due to racist reasons and war obviously. he didn't even joined Silvers welcome back party, a party Lilia prepared at the castle of all of the places. That alone just showed how close Vanrouge family was to royalty.•
Sebek pursued his lips
•Sebek refusing to attend made the already hate relationship between Lilia and Baul worse than before•
you already hate him tho, why get more mad when he and his family doesn't attends?
See readers, just another stupid plot hole definelty.
Sebek moved his head up and down as if he just made sense to something
since I'm only lucid dreaming, what should I do now?, showering would be nice actually...but before that...
when, the same maid, came to check on her young master. Who seemed to be a bit late for breakfast time (well, not late actually but Sebek always came 5 minutes early.. til now..) she lost it..
Okay, him being unusually quite was something she could understand. Sometimes his throat hurted to a very bad degree that he couldn't scream, that's why she already prepared medicine too actually.
But this? This was....unimaginable! Unbelievable! 
What was it you ask?
His highness crown prince's portrait! It was! It was!-
Covered by a white sheet!?
'World must be ending'
Thought the Maid as she sitted down due to shock
bedroom door opened and Sebek, who finished showing came outside, when he saw the Maid in that state, he slightly bowed his head to side and spoke
"is something wrong?"
poor Maid fainted, poor one indeed.
At the dinner table, Sebek was eating alone, of course there was various butlers and maids and some knights but he was the only one eating, seems like Baul was busy
'Isn't that Maid overreacting tho? I just covered the portait...I wanted to take it out but Eh, what if it comes off as a disrespect to the royal family?'
'Well I can't really blame the Maid, this Sebek did said he would go as far as to illegally camp outside of the castle doors if he couldn't become a knight...'
Sebek sweetdroped as he remembed the second-hand embarrassment he felt while reading that scene..
Well he really did not had a problem with this character like some others, really! He didn't minded that this character was loud and sometimes annoying, he was even sometimes happy that this character was proudly showing off his dreams and idol! 
And no! He definetly didn't hated Sebek of this world before reading the book just because his siblings never-ending teasing for having the same name! Definelt not! Where did you get that idea??
It just that..sometimes Sebek took his hate with Silver and fanboying with Malleus a bit too far but he won't be like that.
Not in his lucid dream that's it! 
Right now, Sebek was walking around the mansions garden, 
'the faces of the knights when he said he won't be training today will never not be funny'
but can you blame him? The garden looks very peaceful.
While walking he came near a deep pond and he looked at his reflection
'now that I think about it...Sebek was a crocodile fae wasn't he? But he looks so much like a human...I didnt saw anything while showering either, Eh, maybe he has some kind of transformation or something'
while Sebek was watching his reflection and thinking, a pair of hands pushed him into the pond 
sebek, who was in shock, tried to swim back to surface but the water was too cold and his new little body wasn't used to swimming...
'Its scary! Its scary! But- I'm dreaming anyways, wouldn't I wake up if I die?....'
Sebek fainted as a Maid, and 2 knights hurried over to the pond while 2 other knights ran after the assasin..
End of chapter 2 
( I'm done with chapter 2 what do you think??)
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daedelweiss · 6 months
Theory time baby
So you have already shown in the trailer and some post that Leo finds Raph fighting for big mama and Mikey who has been getting trained by Draxum. Leo finds Mikey and Raph first and when they finally get to Donnie alerts go off which could cause big mama to come down find all 4 turtles and capture all of them, Mikey and Raph know this so they grab Leo and run which leaves Donnie behind.
In guessing they eventually have another chance to get Donnie in there side and we get some amazing warm hearted twin/brother moments but I’m also going to guess that after all 4 brothers are finally together Leo will either sacrifice himself or get taken into another dimension or place, this is based off screenshots you posted from the show were we see Donnie, Raph and Mikey all standing in front of a portal. I’m theorising that we will have a saving swap come in and since Leo has brought all of the brothers together it will be that now the brothers have to band together to save Leo.
I’m going to take a guess with personalities and say that it appears that Raph and Donnie were in some way both raised by big mama, however it also seems that they do not know about each other and so I’m assuming that Donnie was kept isolated and is big mamas little secret and creates tech for the nexus. Raph is obviously warrior material and once big mama finds out about his rage issues when being alone, she probably uses it to her advantage to get a stronger warrior. I’m also guessing that this is something Leo will have to fight against before getting Raph on his side and convincing him.
I’m not 100% sure about this one but I’m guessing that Mikey probably knew about his brothers since Draxum raised him. It seems like although Draxum has trained and pushes Mikey he also cares about him in a way that isn’t purely conditional love. I feel as though Mikey is going to see the bad that is being done to humans and leave Draxum and join Leo. Although he will probably be worried that Draxum will hurt April (cause human) I also think that this will only be initial and then go to Draxum having a bit of a becoming a good person/ father arc and him and Mikey will be able to be close in some way.
I also believe that Donnie Mikey and Raph will be able to activate there ninpo when trying to save Leo from what ever trouble he is going to end up in.
Leo seems to know about how to be a good ninja but also seems to know more about mystics already and possibly implies that he is already familiar with the hidden city or at least the existence of Yokai and the mystic library. Although I’m not to sure how he meets Mikey it seems like it could be at a point where Mikey is at an emotional low and has maybe failed a mission. Leo could have heard about Mikey from around the hidden city and also this could be how he ends up hearing about Raph as well and how he finds him.
Honestly I don’t really know. I love the hints you have dropped and I may be looking into things in a more literally way when you could very well only be implicitly saying something with the images you have presented, the whole thing looks amazing though and I just thought it would be fun to get involved 💜💫
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*you... i like you >:3
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i genuinely love long, thought out theories like this because i love knowing what my readers think is happening and how giddy i feel when people are dangerously right or amusingly wrong. so thank you very much for this uwu
i will just let most of this sit as a "maybe, maybe not" so you all have something to ponder, wonder, and think about u3u i won't say which parts are accurate or not but i will say this about the story.
no one has ever guessed the reason why leo is in prison dimension right? have some people come close? yes. but i'm pretty sure no one will know. if someone was right, i won't ever let you guys know until we cross that bridge uwu
thank you for the theories tho >:3 i am eating them up. i love learning you guys' thoughts on LM :D
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tatasoom · 6 months
... not actually playing, but fooling SO DAMN HARD. P'Aof is going to destroy our hearts even more this time! Let me tell you secrets of episode 6!
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Well, episode 5 made me so emotional invested that I still have a lot to say. However we need to move on (like Day with his feelings for August) and prepare ourselves for episode 6. I needed to rewatch all materials many times to find some evidence, because everything seemed pretty obvious (running), but when I found what I found... Fasten your seatbelts, my friends.
As we already know next episode will be about Day starting training after P'On's visit. Let me take a moment to say that I'm so happy for this man: it seems he's dating that girl from Tinder yay!!
Just one little disclaimer: this time I don't have enough material for proper timing predictions, so I just give you a bunch of random situations.
1: August visiting Day
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It's Converse vs Vans, haha! We'll see August who came to visit Day. Mhok is trying to be protective, but let's be realistic he doesn't have any rights to decide whether August can come in or not. That's why August will see Day. It'll happen definitely after that P'On's invitation to enjoy running race next month. Mhok will bring Day's sneakers. Just to end up having August near again, ah...
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2: Wanna have a dinner?
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This is the most exciting part of the preview. They will spent this day with August, three of them with Mhok being a third wheel (I have a theory that it's P'On who invited August to join running race, don't ask me why, I will be happy to be wrong...) However later, when it's dark outside and there're just two of them again, Mhok is definitely trying to ask Day for a date. Even though they both know that there's another guy who Day have feelings for. Maybe it turned out that those feelings aren't there anymore? Interesting!
3. Happiness or sadness?
I know everyone is waiting for these scenes with sunset (or sunrise?) and Day and Mhok being extremely close to each other and Mhok placing his hands on Day's hands looking with those loving eyes like Day is the most beautiful form of sun in the sky and who even cares about those sunsets and sunrises... But there's something tricky!
First of all Mhok will give Day something like... vitamins? Or maybe it's medicine for... for what? Also it can be that pill for someone with a hangover haha.
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Now you can ask me why the **** I ended such a beautiful compilation with P'Aof teaching Jimmy smoking like a pro. I also have a question: why rehearsing smoking in this clothing at night if everything was so sweet and Mhok is trying to quite smoking because of Day? Last time we've seen Mhok smoking was like... 4 episodes ago? And he didn't take that cigarette even being nervous about Day and August's date. What if something went wrong after such a wonderful scenery?..
Also I need to mention this:
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So maybe after Phojai's words Mhok decided to tell Day something more?.. So many questions.
4. Turning point
They're gonna spoil us with another wholesome moment of Mhok giving Day something that makes Day shine brighter than the sun.
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And then I've noticed something.
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Same T-shirt. Brown hoodie from another part of this episode. Coincidence? I think this word isn't about P'Aof's style.
Yes, next episode we'll face heart wrenching scene of Day discovering he's gonna lose his vision completely. Maybe it will be the last part of the episode or even the end of it. That's why I was so afraid of writing this prediction, I just... I just don't want this scene to come, but it's already episode 6 and we have this information about 180 days after all... Huh, that's hard.
5. Bonus with Night
Do you remember this flashback scene where Day came home after discovering he's visually impaired now? Asking mom not to tell anyone what happened to him.
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What we haven't seen yet is THIS:
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Day thinks that Night is fooling him and everyone around. In Day's head Night is trying to take everything from his younger brother. Day's memory keeps that scene with mother, but without Night. It's time to have a look at Night's truth. Don't you think he looks extremely upset, worried, maybe feeling guilty? What happened before that car accident, Night? What did you do?
That's all for this episode. I know that there're a lot of small things like reading that "Last Twilight" book or another running training that should happen too. Let's enjoy it on Friday without thinking too much.
I also have some words for Day and Mhok developing feelings. It seems they're both not each other's type. I mean they both used to love others on their own terms.
Day likes to dress up, to look cool and it's really important for him that his crush is also looks good. Mhok don't like to be 24/7 with a person he likes and prefer showing his attraction by fixing different things. Already noticed? This time Day is developing feelings for someone he can barely see and moreover who can see Day in his worst - clumsy, dirty and even naked (okay, it's not the worst, but it's embarrassing as hell). This time Mhok fell for a person who he need to spend all his time with and he can't fix Day's eyes no matter how good technician he is.
It's hard to be in love as an adult. Sometimes it's not about love at first sight, not about same favorite songs, not about similar social status. It's a deep bonding with care and respect. And I want for Day and Mhok to be able to tell each other 'I love you' on daily basis without shame or hesitation, without fear❤️
Thank you sososo much for reading. I tried this investigation to be as short as possible, but it turned out we still have a lot of bread crumbs. Of course there's a chance I'm wrong and have crazy theories at 3 AM while writing the main part of this investigation. And what if I'm not? Friday is coming!
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i-heart-hxh · 6 months
I agree with your take, Killua being cocky definitely gives the vibe that he was praised for his killing abilities or physical capabilities and that was directly consider as better than his siblings and he was made aware of that; however, it also feels like the privileged position that he has compared to his siblings is totally conditional only to his potential of becoming the greatest killer his family ever had and eventually taking over the family business, not for who he really is as a person, that's probably why he reacts in a shy way whenever Gon says something good about him. The love or praise that he gets is totally different from the one someone like Kalluto gets from his mother, Kalluto doesn't have the expectations or responsibility of becoming the heir, but his mother still seems to be super close with him and loves him in a more "pure" way, if Killua didn't have so much potential he would undoubtedly be treated like a failure or a disappointment. That makes me wonder, do you think Kalluto was Silva's and Kikiyo's last attempt at having a child with the same or more potential than Killua to make him/her the heir and not go through the difficulties of training someone like Killua? I feel like they would do something like that but would ultimately decide to focus on Killua after realizing he is still the one with the most potential and especially after the whole Nanika thing with Alluka.
Yes, definitely! I agree, I think he holds privilege in the family, but it's conditional and comes with many expectations. I'm sure they're loving and attentive to him (well, in a Zoldyck way at least) as long as he stays within the boundaries of how he's "supposed" to behave, but as soon as he shows sides of him that go outside of that, it's a different story. I do think the Zoldycks are fairly confident they can brainwash or force these aspects out of him eventually, for what it's worth, though they're obviously misguided in that belief. And I definitely think Killua's shyness around Gon's compliments comes from not being used to being appreciated for who he is as a person, rather than for his skills or achievements.
That's an interesting theory with Kalluto being a last try to have a more suitable heir. While there's nothing that proves or disproves this either way in the series, it's certainly a possibility. I actually wish we had more insight into the Kikyo/Kalluto dynamic, it's fascinating to me how he almost seemed like a doll she dressed up in the early parts of the series, and I wonder if his gender non-conformance comes from his admiration of her or something about the way she treats him. (Or just Togashi liking to include androgynous characters!) It's surprising to me that he ultimately split off to join the Phantom Troupe after being so clingy with her. It's possible part of his desire to bring Killua back is for her sake, though he seems to have his own reasons as well. I hope we'll get more clarity on his goals and character in this arc!
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ssentimentals · 2 years
vernon + meeting in the library
you stare blankly at the unfinished essay in front of you and think that yes, this must be the purest form of torture. words stopped making sense long time ago and at this point you think that if you drink one more cup of coffee, your heart is going to simply stop working. part of you kind of wants to check that theory and it's a little bit terrifying. you glance at the bottom of the sheet and realize that you need at least two thousand words more; loud groan slips out and you can't be bothered by several reprimanding glances you receive. god, how come the start of the semester is so hard?
'mind if i join?'
you look up from the too bright screen of your laptop and stare in confusion at the guy in front of you. his face is vaguely familiar but your brain is not working on its full capability, so you can't place where you know him from. he points at the seat in front of you and you nod, shuffling your things out to give him space.
'protein bar?' he offers and laughs when you make a disgusted face. 'i know, i know, but that's the only thing left in those vending machines.'
'i have some cookies,' you say, reaching out for your backpack. if he offered something the least you can do is to be nice back. 'chocolate ones. some are crushed though, i think.'
'i'll take a crushed cookie over protein bar any day.' he smiles at you and subtly clears his throat before asking: 'how's essay for the literature class going?'
you pause at this, turning to fully look at him. oh, so that's why his face is so familiar. 'we are together in that class.' you mutter and he nods. 'sorry, i'm only half awake right now. you are...?'
'vernon.' he shakes your hand, crooked smile on full display. 'it's alright by the way, i'm not very memorable.'
'and i am?' you scoff, putting little jar with cookies on the table. 'here, help yourself.'
'you are,' vernon says and ignores your shocked look. 'thanks for the cookies, by the way.'
you nod and due to not knowing what to say else, you go back to your essay. vernon presumably does the same, focusing all of his attention on the laptop. you type a bit more but frustration babbles inside of you cause those sentences are simple fillers and they are not good enough. it's hard to concentrate and the main reason for that (apart from your general closeness to a meltdown) is vernon. your mind helpfully supplies that he is very handsome and he did say you are memorable and now he's sitting right in front of you-
'do you like otters?' his sudden questions breaks your train of thought. at your confusion, vernon repeats again: 'do you like otters?'
'i suppose?' this sounds too unsure even to your own ears.
vernon grins and turns his screen your way. 'check this one out.'
he presses 'play' and it takes you two seconds to realize what is going on. 'is that..a dancing otter?'
'and he splashes water to the beat!' vernon exclaims in a whisper, looking very excited. 'take my headphones, here.'
it's actually pretty funny and amusing, to be honest. you can't look away and without you noticing your lips stretch to the biggest smile. when otter falls from the stone, you start laughing but quickly cover your mouth with hand, looking up. vernon's eyes are on you and he's smiling too, making you instantly smile back.
'where did you even find this video?' you ask curiously as he moves his laptop closer to him. 'are you a fan of otters?'
'i like watching funny videos with animals,' vernon shrugs and then smiles. 'looked like you needed one, to be honest.'
'oh you have no idea,' you mutter, causing him to chuckle. 'is this why you showed it to me? is it very obvious from the side that i'm failing this essay spectacularly?'
vernon shakes his head and says in the calmest tone: 'i haven't stopped thinking about the way you laugh from our last class. i was kinda hoping to hear it again with this video.'
you freeze at this, staring at him with wide eyes. no one ever said anything of this sort to you; you blink but vernon is not even looking at you, all wrapped in the laptop like he didn't just drop that bomb on you. or maybe it's not a bomb? maybe he talks to all of the girls like that? you turn away, feeling blush creep up on your cheeks.
'not a good idea to make me laugh in the library,' you manage to croak out.
vernon looks up from his laptop and purses his lips in a thought. 'you are right. wanna go grab coffee after this?'
how is he so chill about this?! you stare at him and he simply stares back, seemingly very in peace with himself and his sudden offering. '..okay?' you say and he nods, smiling. 'i'll take tea though, enough of coffee for me.'
'tea it is, then.' he easily agrees and you have a feeling that you could have said whatever and he'd still agree anyway. 'in an hour?' you nod and he nods back. 'cool.'
you gulp. cool? yeah, okay. cool. you refuse to giggle or to squirm at this and instead focus back on your essay. and if your sudden burst of motivation for finishing it had something to do with the handsome boy sitting in front of you then no one had to know.
a/n: vernon strikes me as someone who says the most heart fluttering things in the most casual tone and you are just left there like ??? okay?? what was that??
lmao, anyways, here is the link to my other posts, let me know what you think of this one as well! - nini
tag list: @pearlygraysky @woozionascooter @smalliechelle @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n (let me know if you want to be added!)
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shadowsxgwynriel · 2 years
I think that there’s some confusion about what SJM meant when she said, "Once you get to the end of ACOSF, I think you'll know who the next book is about."
I’ve seen some El/riel’s say that she was talking about Elain, because this was how ACOSF ended.
She found Feyre and Elain waiting halfway down the hill, Nyx now dozing peacefully in Elain’s arms. Her sisters beamed, beckoning her to join. And Nesta smiled back, her steps light as she hurried down the hill to meet them.
But, and this is a serious question, did they forget that the last time Elain actually spoke any dialogue was in Chapter 58? There are 80 chapters in ACOSF, and Elain didn’t utter another word for the remaining 22 chapters. And what about Azriel? Well his last line of dialogue was in Chapter 75.
Now how many times was Elain mentioned in ACOSF? 266 times. Azriel? 347 times.
And how many times were they both mentioned in the entire series?
Elain was mentioned in ACOMAF, ACOWAR, and ACOFAS combined: 611 times. (I’m not counting ACOTAR because Elain was only talked about in 14 chapters and she only spoke in 5 of those chapters)
Azriel was mentioned in ACOMAF, ACOWAR, and ACOFAS combined: 897 times.
And just to add even more context, Gwyn was mentioned in ACOSF 565 times. In one book, Gwyn and Elain only have a 46 page difference.
And if we’re talking about how ACOSF ended, then this was said 6 pages before the end.
Succeeding in the Blood Rite didn’t mean the training stopped. No, after she and her friends told Cassian and Azriel most of the details of their ordeal, the two commanders had compiled a long list of mistakes that the three of them had made that needed to be corrected, and the others wanted to learn from them, too. So they would keep training, until they were all well and truly Valkyries. Gwyn, despite the Rite, had returned to living in the library.
If you compare the two, you’ll see the difference. The one with Elain is her holding a sleeping Nyx and waiting on Nesta. That’s cute and all, but that’s just her being a good auntie and sister. The one with Azriel and Gwyn is talking about how they have more training ahead of them, and how Gwyn returned to the library. It sets up something.
But really, I feel like SJM herself kind of told us who the next book was about.
Steph: “Will Azriel get his own book in the future?” Sarah: nods and says, “Yes. I mean I can’t confirm anything officially right now, but once you get to the end of ACOSF, I think you'll know who the next book is about. And Azriel's journey is one I'm very excited to write, not just because of his bedroom habits."
Steph: “Will we, or can we, expect a scene of Azriel singing?” Sarah: smiles and says, “Yes, that’s all I’ll say. Yes.”
Steph: “Can you explain about Azriel’s shadows? Are they like the House of Wind?” Sarah: “Like sentient?” Steph: “Yeah.” Sarah: “You will find out when it’s time for his story to be told.”
Sarah to Steph: “I wanna hear all your theories after you read the book and his like bonus scene. The crumbs have all been like scattered. Little bread crumbs everywhere.”
She didn’t say that when you read the last line of ACOSF, that you’ll know who the next book is about. She meant that when you get done reading ACOSF, you’ll have a pretty good idea of who ACOTAR 5 will be about. Meaning, whichever character was utilized more and was being set up to have a story told. And let’s face it, Elain really didn’t even contribute much in ACOSF. So much so that she went 22 chapters without talking again.
Sarah: “I know who it’s about.” Steph: “And I think that a lot of the fandom know who it’s about.” Sarah: “I thought it was pretty obvious.”
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1indigoisles · 6 months
TWP Crackpot Theory Time!!!
So, we finally got the TWP titles! Woohoo!
Except the third one's called The Last Shadowhunter. And we are all dying a little inside because of it.
But, it may not be what we all, in at least some part of our brains, believe.
Now, before I begin with my probably crazy theory, I've been thinking about one thing ever since the titles came out, namely The Last Shadowhunter. So, Lucifer is our main villain, right? And villains, as we all know, are hugely fond of giving our heroes nicknames. So, what I'm thinking, is that Lucifer calls Kit Last Shadowhunter. I promise, it fits in my theory.
Now, we all read the Shadowhunters wiki about The Wicked Powers, yes? And it says over there that all the different generations of Shadowhunters that we have read of so far will have to band together to save the world, and Angel knows how many other different realms, from ultimate doom.
That would require them all to come from the past, right?
So we have magic the messes with both dimensions (I'm talking Thule over here) and time, which in this case means the past.
But what if it also means the future?
Now, what I'm thinking is that our TWP gang, namely Kit, Ty and Dru, somehow, through the craziness of the first two books, manage to land themselves into a possibility of the future. Mind the word possibility.
See where this is going? Dru, Ty and Kit then find themselves in a world where the nine princes won, Downworlders run rampant, warlocks are forced to join the princes, faerie are the only uniform government left, werewolves and vampires are scattered, and worst of all, Shadowhunters are all gone.
Except for one.
Kit Herondale from the future swoops in and rescues the time-travellers from an oncoming demon attack. And yes, he can fly because he has gold wings (read my other theories and convince me otherwise). Kit having gold wings and faerie magic is my Roman empire, okay?
He stares at the three of them, Ty and Dru in particular because they're dead. There's a huge confusion at first, but then future Kit explains what happened.
So the Nine Princes of Hell won. Shadowhunters, even part-Downworlder and Ascended, are all truly dust and shadows. Because Lucifer, knowing the saying We are dust and shadows really well, he gains supreme power and turns all Shadowhunters into dust and leaves their shadows behind (this is my other Roman empire, okay? Kill me later).
And just when every Shadowhunter around him was disintegrating, and Kit saw everybody he loved die too and was glad he himself was about to die, he didn't.
Nothing and no one could explain it.
All that aside, Kit had lost his parents, his sister, his friends, Dru, Ty. And lots of other people lost too. Magnus and Max lost Alec and Rafe, Maia and Lily lost their good friends, Kieran lost Mark and Cristina (and I like to think that Kieran swore to exact vengeance for the deaths of the people he loved), and Gwyn lost Diana, and the list of people who lost doesn't end. Tessa, however, is dead too, because she is also part-Shadowhunter, but Ash is still alive because he's half-faerie, quarter-Shadowhunter and quarter-demon.
Now, Kit, Ty and Dru finally understood why Lucifer called Kit Last Shadowhunter. It was because Lucifer had foreseen a future exactly like this, a future where he'd won.
And it is in this future that Kit, Ty and Dru finally find a way to stop the Princes of Hell.
Now, I have a question for you all.
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