#zen and zoology
lucidpast · 7 months
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Above: Example of Prawn Meditation
From Zen and Zoology: Finding Buddha Nature in the Animal Kingdom, 1979
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A Day at the Natural History Museum – London
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Founded in 1754, the Natural History Museum is a creation of Sir Hans Sloane’s scientific accumulations. His collection was shifted to its current location in 1881, now known as the Natural History Museum. The historic building has a Romanesque-style façade positioned behind two 190-foot tall towers and is a pleasing sight to look at.
You can also read: Find Your Zen at Holland Park’s Kyoto Garden
Scientific Variety at the Natural History Museum
The museum includes around 70 million antique items that cover different aspects of Science, including mineralogy, paleontology, zoology, botany, entomology, and many others. The North-western ground floor of the building is dedicated to a huge section of ancient mammals and houses the staggering 91-foot life-sized blue whale model.      
The Natural History Museum even has an area dedicated to the wonders of our planet called The Earth Galleries. This portion hosts a rotating globe that depicts the history and story of the earth. Adding more attraction to this amazing museum is the famous Dino section – a real treat for children and dinosaur fanatics. The enormous installations of T-Rex, Triceratops, and many more fascinate everyone in the museum. You can get easy access to Natural History Museum through budget hotel in Kensington High Street known for the budget accommodation in central London.
Apart from art, sculptures, and gigantic figures, the Natural History Museum also hosts regular events for its visitors to enjoy. Whether it is a murder mystery night or the 'Dino-snores,' these larger-than-life events make every penny worth it. Visitors can spend a night at the museum and take in the glory of the theme-based event. Park City Grand Plaza Kensington is one of the famous hotel amongst the Londoners looking for the overnight stay to enjoy night at the museum.  
Latest Additions
Not to miss, the Darwin Centre is the Natural History Museum’s newest addition. This area houses a large number of preserved specimens and various other valuable scientific possessions. The main attraction of Darwin’s Centre is its unique shape. The architecture of the section mimics a cocoon that encompasses eight-stories. Here you will find the famous Darwin’s entomology and botanical accumulations and Archie, a huge squid.
The Attenborough Studio is another new feature of the Natural History Museum. This section is specifically built for regular screenings of documentaries and historical films from the museum's archives.
Getting There by Tubes
London's tubes are, without a doubt, the best way to reach this super entertaining site. Cheap, easy, and quick, the tubes are here to help you.  
The nearest tube station to the Natural History Museum is the London Victoria, served by Southern and Southeastern services. The station is a pleasant 38-minute walk away from the museum, where you can spot numerous tourist places and historical monuments.
Another way to get to the Natural History Museum is the London Underground. Through this tube,you can head straight towards South Kensington station, which is just five minutes away from the Natural History Museum via a subway from the station concourse.
Common Tube Routes
·         From Camden Market Hall, Camden Town (27 minutes)
·         From Westfield Stratford City, Stratford(30 minutes)
·         From Golders Green, Golders Green(39 minutes)
·         From Virgin Active Chelsea, Chelsea (40 minutes)
·         From Nuffield Health Fitness and Wellbeing Centre, Willesden (47 minutes)
·         From Putney, Putney (57 minutes)
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petermorwood · 4 years
Dude.. how do you know so much about everything
Thank you! But I’m just an amateur; you should have met John M. Ford (RIP). There was a man who could raise your IQ just by being in his company.
My Mum taught me to read before I started primary school, which means I’ve been reading for a bit more than 60 years, and a lot of what I’ve read has stuck. That includes history, geography and other “school subjects”; when they’re being read for fun, not just for exams, they stick too.
@dduane​ and I also have a pretty good reference library ranging from Astronomy and Architecture to Zen and Zoology, and the books in it have better proofs and citations than “Ancient Aliens Did It”.
Those proofs often refer to other books which the local library can get for us, then we read them as well, and so it goes...
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Mystic Matchup? I have dark brown eyes and medium, brown hair. Chubby cheeks. Freckles. An adult at 4'11 ft and 100 lb. Libra. INFP. 9w1. I'm a nice balance between cheek and sweet! Reserved with others. Interests in philosophy, psychology, and zoology. Dream to travel and experience the world. Quite a kid at heart. Kids love me; I love them! I
I match you with... Zen! You sound adorable. Adorable people are easily some of the best folks to work with. You have bubbly energy naturally and I can't believe how well that meshes with most of the members. You have a dream fueled heart, and that's something that draws the passionate heart of Zen in close. When you talk amicably about your interests and passions, Zen can see the sparkle in your eyes, and he wants to learn as much as he can about you. It may not exactly align with some of his normal interests! But! He isn't going to shrug you off, he wants to know more about what sets your heart on fire (besides him, wink). He does assume that you were taller, so when you show up at his apartment he's a little perplexed, "Oh no they're small and precious. Need to protect from wolves instinct has risen 100000%."He catches you humming, singing, murmuring words underneath your breath when you think that nobody's watching or looking but all he can see is you. He understands that you might feel shy or nervous about sharing your ability so he won't press too hard. But he'll try and sneak a listen to you every once and a while, approaching you occasionally when he just can't hide his passion from you any longer.
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may i request a continuation of the Mob!AU :'DD congrats on 200 followers!!!!!🎉🎉💖💖
Part I
“And a final thing,” Professor Garrack announces, neck craned up to stare at the balcony of the lecture hall. “If you are prone to sudden, life altering emergencies come time for finals, you might be better suited for another class. I require obituary clippings for tragic deaths of distant Aunts, hospital bills for rare and sudden illness, and pictures if you are whisked off by some fair Prince to a far off land.”
The room packed with some two hundred students laughs awkwardly.
“Okay,” she waves her hand, turning back to her TA. “We’ll let out early today. Those who aren’t on the official roster yet, come plead your case. The rest of you are dismissed.”
The room bleeds from silence to white noise in seconds, shuffling shoes and zippers and raising voices complaining about syllabi and 8am labs.
From somewhere below, Yatsufusa calls out after them. “And remember to bring letters from your coaches if you are traveling this semester!”
Shirayuki lets the crowd move her, the slow ascent up the stairwell to the double doors breaking out into sticky late summer heat. Her thighs chafe under her skirts and she winces. She should have worn leggings.
Fishing her phone out of her bag, she finds a safe patch outside the traffic of students hustling towards their next class and pulls up her schedule.
“Jefferson.” She bites her lip. It sounds familiar, but she’s can’t remember where she’s seen it. Glancing down the college green at the long line of buildings, she returns to her phone, toggling over to the campus map. “Jefferson…”
“I believe it is the one down the way with the statue in front of it, ojou-san.”
Shirayuki squeaks, phone pressed to her chest between tight knuckles, looking up and up and up until she meets the face of the man currently shading her from the sun. He doesn’t look like anyone she’s met in any of her classes.
“Oh!” She laughs nervously. “That makes sense. Thank you!”
His smile is slow, all white teeth and eyes that remind her of the great cats they studied last semester in Zoology. It makes the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. 
“Let me walk you to class,” he offers.
“That’s alright,” she says, tucking her phone into her bag and turning away. She commits a description to memory. Just over six feet tall. Approximately 160lbs. Lean build. Asian, maybe. Short unkempt hair. Scar above the left eye. Clothes: All black.
And, most importantly, a thick leather coat with conspicuous bulge in humid 90 degree weather.
There’s no accounting for his longer legs. He keeps up with her without a problem. “I have class there, too,” he shrugs. “Might as well make a new friend on my way there.”
She doesn’t need a new friend, is what she wants to say. 
The blast of A/C Shirayuki’s hits her hard, immediately cooling the sweat that makes her summer dress cling to her back. Glancing down the hall, there’s already a line for the elevators and she glances at her new tail out of the corner of her eye.
“The stairs aren’t safe, ojou-san,” he mutters when she turns down the hall towards the fire towers. 
Her heart gives one solid pound, hand slipping back into her purse. “It’s faster,” she says, fingers slipping first to her panic button, and then to her taser. “I’m only on the fourth floor. Which room are you in? You should probably take the elevator.”
He eyes her, falling into step at her side. “Same,” he says, his voice far lighter than the hard edge of his eyes.
Shirayuki’s jaw tenses, pushing the heavy access door and quickly ascending the stairs. Her sandals echo loudly in the enclosed space, but she might as well be the only one here for all the noise he makes.
On the round between the third and fourth floor, she catches the sleeve of his jacket, throwing the weight of her leg behind his knee cap and slams him into the wall. 
Her taser snaps threateningly just under his chin.
His palms are face out, leather gloved hands resting by his ears and a smile that looks more like a grimace spread across his face. “Why ojou-san,” he says lightly. “You should at least take me out to coffee first.”
She hates coffee. “If Shenazard sent you, my answer still stands.”
He laughs, an airy thing. “I can’t imagine he didn’t get the message,” he agrees, the affects of higher society dropping from his voice so she can only hear the street in him. “Made a wig for some trick to wear from the present you sent him, last I heard.”
Shirayuki raises the current closer, electricity snapping between them. He lifts his chin. “Who are you?”
“You can call me Obi,” he winks. “I have many aliases and secrets.”
Her lips thin. “I’m sure you do. If Shenarzard didn’t send you, was it the Wisterias? I already told Izana-”
Obi laughs again, far too comfortable with the concept of 50,000 volts being held to his head to be anything but the worst sort of thug. “Did you really think,” he purrs. “After the incident with Raji that your father would leave you unprotected?”
Her arm slacks. “My father?”
Her vision spins, back landing hard against cold concrete and she gasps, caught between a very firm body and the wall. His knee is wedged between her legs, wrist pinned, taser freed from her grip. Obi wags the thing in front of her tauntingly.
“And he’s right. You are far too trusting.” He clicks it back off, the ominous tapping immediately coming to a halt, and he slides it back into her purse. “Shouldn’t have weapons on campus, ojou-san. What would campus police say?”
She glares. “They would probably have more to say about the guy following me that is carrying at least two guns.”
He has the nerve to looked pleased. “Ah, but another mark on my record won’t do anything to scuttle my dreams of being a doctor, unlike someone else in this stairway.”
Not that anyone would trust that face to be a doctor.
“Get off me,” she huffs, looking away. “I’m going to be late to class.”
The grin slips off of his face and Obi steps back, letting her slip by and she takes the stairs two by two. He doesn’t follow.
Shirayuki pauses at the top of the landing for the fourth floor, looking down at him looking up at her. “You’re going to keep shadowing me, aren’t you?”
His shrugs lazily. “Of course. It’s my job.”
Her shoulders drop. “Any chance I can convince you to go away?”
He honestly looks like he’s considering it. “Double your dad’s price and I’ll think about it.”
“Great,” she grumps, pushing open the fire doors. “So after residency, then.”
“I think this will really work out for us,” he calls, voice echoing. “We’ll be the best of friends!”
The door slams shut behind her.
~ ~ ~
Thunder roars overhead, sheets of rain filling the streets and turning the cracked pavement into a river. The edge of her shoes catch between ridges of concrete and she falls forward, the tell tale snap of the plastic thong breaking between her toes.
She heaves for air, arms braces against the ground and her lungs sting with every inhale. Pushing herself back up to her knees, she looks down at her muddy and torn dress; the rivlettes of blood mixed with rain dripping down her arm; the glock held tight in her hand. Her fingers ache from the cold.
Behind her, water runs under moving tires and she scrambles up, ducking into the shadows of an alleyway just as an old Toyota slip by.
Breath shaking out of her, she steps back onto the streets, looking towards the skyline to get her bearings. If she keeps running towards Sherazard tower, she just might-
Headlights flash bright against her back and she spins on her heels, raising Obi’s gun towards the black Lincoln only a stone’s throw away.
They can’t have found her. Not so soon-
~ ~ ~
She can feel his eyes boring holes into her back, the sole of his shoes tapping rapidly against the carpeted floor. He signs again for the eighth time this hour and she squints, focusing harder on her computer screen.
Bithil syndrome. Interesting but ultimately benign.Common mutations include excellent sight and hearing. Amber eyes. Fused coccyx. 
That must be why he complains about his back if he sits too long.
Obi sigh loudly for the ninth time, bordering on whining. “Out of all the college girls in the world,” he grumbles. “I have to be paired with the only one that seems to be set on wasting her Friday nights in the library. Shouldn’t I be glowering at some drunk frat boy right now?”
She purses her lips, clicking out of the jstor article and switching back to her notes. “I’m not here to party,” she says quietly.
She hears his seat creek. “Oh? Is that because of a certain Wisteria that has been making eyes at you? Gotta have a squeaky clean career for a squeaky clean boyfriend?”
Her hackles rise, but she refuses to take the bait. “I came to college with the intention of not going into the family business. Zen has nothing to do with it.” She bothers to glance over at him. “And for the last time, we’re not dating.”
“You’ve been studying since lunch,” he gripes. “Your brain needs a break. And food! And fun! And maybe a little alcohol.”
“Later.” She doesn’t look away from her screen. “Girls don’t get to become doctors if they don’t know the products of the krebs cycle.”
Obi sighs like she’s being difficult. “1 GTP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH, and Regenerated oxaloacetate,” he rattles off, bored. Shirayuki is already staring at him when he levels her with a flat look. “Are you done making excuses now?”
She blinks rapidly. “How did you know that?” she asks softly.
Obi shrugs. “There’s a diagram outside your Ochem class.”
“And you remembered it?”
It’s his turn to be surprised. “What? Is it supposed to be hard to memorize that stuff?”
She turns back to her notes, numb. “Yea.”
~ ~ ~
Adrenaline has locked her into place, the light from the headlights filling her eyes until she can see nothing but white.
“Shirayuki,” the voice calls again, so gentle she can barely hear him over the rain. He’s coming closer; carefully, slowly. “It’s just me. Lower the gun, okay?”
“Mitsuhide?” she asks, her voice shaking between chattering teeth. 
Warm hands come to rest over hers. “You’re not even holding it right,” he admonishes, slipping the safety on and extracting it from her grip. In the next moment, his jacket has been thrown over her shoulders. It goes all the way down to her knees.
“Let’s get you in the car.”
~ ~ ~
Obi is entirely too close, unraveling the scarf she has wrapped around her head in one smooth motion. She looks around, panicked, but no one is looking. No one but-
His face is incredibly soft, warm and calloused fingers slipping across her cheek, the smooth slide of metal sliding between her ear and scalp.
“I won that,” he grins, smoothing her hair back into place before re-wrapping her scarf. “I thought it would suit you better than me.”
She blinks, reaching up to touch a smooth, rounded surface, a feathery chain dangling down from the end of it. She swallows down the fluttery feeling in her gut. No one, especially not a man, had ever-
“Ah,” Obi is looking over her head now, that gentle expression completely washed off. “He got my message.”
Shirayuki frowns, following his line of vision and her jaw falls slack.
She’s never seen Zen like this, dressed down in casual street wear and beat up sneakers. He looks every bit a part of the crowd even as he stands out amongst it, frowning down at his phone and then looking around eagerly. Both Mitsuhide and Kiki have given him distance, standing a few paces away.
“What is he-?”
Obi sounds particularly pleased. “I texted your not-boyfriend. Said you’d be here,” he grins, watching Zen frown and squint into the festival with her. “Looks like he came.”
Shirayuki flushes to her ears.
“Show him that,” he winks, tapping the hairpin. “Tell him I gave it to you.”
And then Obi’s gone, disappeared into the crowd before she can ask him to stay.
~ ~ ~
“We’ve got her,” Kiki’s voice is cool, clipped into the phone as the car pulls back into the street. There’s a pause. “There’s some blood on her dress but I don’t think it’s hers. There’s no telling how long she was out in this weather.”
The heat is turned up to full, her legs tucked up under her and a blanket wrapped around her on top of Mitsuhide’s jacket wrapped. Needles pierce her skin as capillaries expand. 
“Obi,” she whispers, teeth chattering. Then louder. “Obi.”
Kiki’s eyes flicker to hers through the rear view mirror.
“Obi,” she tries again, hoping that Kiki will understand and send up the alarm. “We have to get Obi. I left him passed out in the the warehouse district. He- he was shot and he’s lost a lot of blood I don’t know how much time we have left but-”
Kiki’s vision flickers to Mitsuhide and Shirayuki’s head snaps in his direction. Mitsuhide’s face is drawn tight.
“What’s wrong,” she demands. “What is it?”
“Shirayuki,” he begins in that tone she knows too well, that tone that doctors use when the surgery didn’t go according to plan; that tone when the prognosis is the last thing that anyone wants to be said.
“Tell me,” she breathes.
Mitsuhide’s hands come to rest on her shoulder. He looks her straight in the eye, and no- no no no no-
“The Claw has him.”
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painterlegendx · 4 years
Understand The Background Of Ink Painting Fish Now - Ink Painting Fish
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Sponsored by: Mimi Michaelis, June Outhwaite Charitable Trust, Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation, and Wood-Claeyssens FoundationThe Santa Barbara Maritime Building is aflame to advertise its accessible abatement art exhibit, Fishing with Cardboard & Ink, featuring the assignment of two outstanding attributes press artists—Eric Hochberg and Dwight Hwang—and West Coast breed of fishes and added abyssal animals.The cold of attributes press is to accurate the aspect of attributes through the average of cardboard or bolt and ink. The simple breeding of accepted capacity is preferred. Whether leaf, shell, backtalk or fish, anniversary bulb or beastly has its own different texture, shape, and energy. By isolating the accountable in the abrogating amplitude on a area of cardboard this signature can be identified. The after-effects are Zen-like renderings that acclaim the assortment and adorableness of nature. Gyotaku is a traditional Japanese method of attributes press that uses fishes, sea creatures, or agnate capacity as ‘printing plates’ in its process. Dating aback to the mid-1800s, it was acclimated by fishermen in Japan to almanac their catches, and it is still activated today. There are assorted approaches to attributes printing. The absolute adjustment of attributes press involves applying ink anon to the apparent of the angle or added accountable to be printed. Cardboard is again placed over the alive accountable and rubbed by duke to alteration the ink to the cardboard and actualize the artwork. This hands-on adjustment to alteration the ink allows the artisan to feel not alone the appearance but the arrangement of the fish. In the aberrant method, ink is dabbed assimilate the apparent of attenuate clammy cardboard molded over the apparent of the angle or added subject. In both methods, eyes—and sometimes accomplished details—are corrective in later.The ArtistsEric Hochberg, who accustomed a Ph.D. in Biology at UCSB in 1971, is a Curator Emeritus in the Department of Invertebrate Zoology at the Santa Barbara Building of Accustomed History and is one of the arch attributes printers in the United States. He has been alive in press back 1968 and has advised and collaborated with printmakers throughout the world. Hochberg became absorbed in press attributes about 50 years ago because it provided a nice antithesis to the accurate analysis he was accomplishing as Curator at the Accustomed History Museum. In 1976, he was active in co-founding the international-based Attributes Press Society, an all-embracing alignment adherent to the canning of attributes and the different art of attributes printing. Over the years, Hochberg has hosted several NPS anniversary affairs in Santa Barbara over the years, accomplished abundant press workshops, and accustomed lectures both in Santa Barbara and about the world. He organized and bedfellow curated the aboriginal accumulation exhibition of attributes prints by American, European and Japanese artists for the National Building of Accustomed History at the Smithsonian Institution. The exhibition, Pressed on Paper, opened in 1981 and toured for 6 years throughout North America and Australia through the advocacy of the Smithsonian. His assignment has been included in abundant abandoned and accumulation exhibitions and is represented in private, corporate, and building collections in North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. For over 40 years, Eric has lectured abundantly on the history and techniques of attributes printing, and has accomplished abundant workshops throughout the world.Dwight Hwang began fishing abandoned at 13 and gravitated against the tebo style, a arduous blazon of fishing done with no reel and an ultra-sensitive float. His aboriginal acknowledgment to Japanese gyotaku occurred in 2008 at a accouterment boutique in Tokyo area the walls had been covered with angle prints. Hwang was anon captivated. The disability to acquisition a adept beneath whom to abstraction led him to agreement with fish, calligraphy paper, and bottled sumi ink in his chargeless time. The adeptness that a angle was not alone the subject, but the apparatus by which art is created, led him to added adeptly dispense the angle into naturalistic positions. This, accumulated with the accustomed benevolence of sumi ink and his adeptness to back perspective, adds conscientious activity and animation to the final images. Dwight prides himself as a traditionalist: he alone works with sumi inks and handmade papers. His assignment has been apparent in the United States, France, and Monaco, and he has had his assignment appear in several books including Yvon Chouinard’s Simple Fly Fishing: Techniques for Tenkara and Rod and Reel. His aboriginal above abandoned exhibition, Impressions of the Sea: Gyotaku Angle Prints, was captivated at the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles. He is currently alive on projects with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the alfresco affairs brand, Patagonia. Understand The Background Of Ink Painting Fish Now - Ink Painting Fish - ink painting fish | Pleasant to help our website, in this time period I'll teach you regarding keyword. And now, this can be the very first image:
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Chinese painting koi, ink hand painting koi,feng shui fish .. | ink painting fish
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Chinese Ink Brush Painting | Watercolor fish, Japanese .. | ink painting fish
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Lin Lis Chinese Art: ACEO Original Art Chinese Sumi-E Ink .. | ink painting fish
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Magnificent ink painting with koi fish, only the Japanese .. | ink painting fish Read the full article
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poolofpisces · 7 years
I need help
making decisions about grad school in my last semester of university
I have it down to a handful of things like
endocrinology masters/PhD
Neurobiology m/PhD
Vet School
veterinary science (coincidentally at a vet school)
Med School - endocrinology/psychiatry 
I have a 2.99GPA because motivation is hard. 
having depression/anxiety/migraines and semi-frequent episodes of all of the before-mentioned doesn’t help. 
I need motivation help. Also protocol/processes on applications and stuff. 
I like protocol. Give me protocol so i can science and stuff.
I need help getting out of the mopey pisces pool and into the content and zen pisces pool. 
Oh, I’m a Biological Sciences major with...
My CV (not including Chemistry classes like O-chem or biochem)
Genetics B
Principles of Human Genetics B
Developmental Biology C
Animal Behavior B
Vertebrate Zoology B
Vertebrate Zoology lab (this was a great lab) B
Animal physiology (w/focus on humans) B
Animal physiology lab (This was a great lab) B
Neurobiology B+
Endocrinology (not yet graded)
Biometry (using R, analyzing data) B-
Organic evolution (now just Evolution) B
Cell Biology B-
Plants and Civilization (not yet graded)
Biology and Society B
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marcholasmoth · 7 years
Z- How many words can you list that start with the letter z?let's see...zoozonezanyzoologyzoroastrianismzambiazarathustrazerozorrozeldazucchinizeuszikazuko (HONOR)zestzarazetazenzealzoezosterzionzaragozazookeeperzairezipzipperzumbazunizurichzeffirellizeligzipszuluzaki know a lot of these are proper nouns but they're words nonetheless(autocorrect is wonderful)
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mirroredsoul · 7 years
m and z 👀
m - what’s most important to you:i’m a people pleaser so probably just being as kind as i can to others and being a supportive person that others feel comfortable around is like an important moral thingy but like my family and my pets and my best friends (all my friends are important too but this is most 👀) the arts™ ((music, literature, theatre, paintings/drawings))are super important to me.
z- how many words can you name that start with z ((lol i think i’m too lazy to double check)):-zebra-zoo-zoology -zoophilia -zealous -zen
- zooted
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ultyso · 7 years
A thru Z!
Oh gosh, wow. Okay here we go:
A- At what age did you have your first kiss? -20 T n T
B- Have you ever been in love?-I guess you could call it that, but not anymore.
C- Do you have a crush/who is it?-I have no crush.
D- Have you ever dated anyone?-Yes, once.
E- What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done?-I expected a toot and got a lil’ extra T n T
F- Have you ever flown in a plane?-Yes
G- Do you prefer boys, girls, both, or neither?-Boys ♥
H- How many times have you been in love?-Do fictional characters count? XD
I- What are your interests?-Video games, anime, piano, Japanese language and culture, KDrama, animated films, figure collecting, bowling, and PROMPTO xD
J- What is the worst joke you’ve ever heard?-Uhm…I dunno. Most of the one’s I’ve heard are amusing. If there ever was a bad joke, it was probably cause I didn’t understand it’s context ^^;
K- How many times have you been kissed?-Uh just been from the one person, I didn’t keep track of how many times???
L- Are you in love?-Nope.
M- What’s most important to you?-That people don’t hate me…-That I have friends T n T-To be successful
N- Have you/would you ever send nudes?-Nope.
O- How often do you cry?-Too much to admit.
P- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done in public?-I dunno I’m too shy to be do anything crazy. Made me think of the time I went to the zoo though! Zebras apparently have big wee wees. I saw it like just slowly move down to the grass and told me friend, “Is…Is that it’s ding a ling??” And then it just kinda sucked back up wherever it came from xD I can’t see Zebra’s the same anymore.
Q- Make up your own question-Hausisjsjisz Jeiis disioaks idowlapzpce diozjwow dowpzkdnwo asdfgjkl ?
R- Are you right or left handed?-Right handed.
S- What is your weirdest sexual fantasy?-I wouldn’t consider it necessarily “sexual” but I guess it’s kinda weird? Dunno why I like it, but a cutie patootie wearing like a little headband/hat of some puppy ears and him having a pouty face ♥. Pouty faces are my weakness ahhh! Like okay whatever you want cutie pie (^∇^)If anything that would make me squeal and wanna hug him! I don’t want diddly doo. I want HUGS. So many hugs, which is funny cause I used to hate hugs so much when I was little ^^;
T- Do you trust easily? -No. 
U- What style of underwear do you wear? -The ones you get in the packages like in a set of 5…I ain’t fancy xD
V- Are you a virgin?-Yes
W- Who is your best friend?-My buddy Brittanyyyy and Aideeeee
X- What are your exes like?-Uh…How to put this…Decent person? But was into being too makey-out-y? No thanks. I’d rather have just cute little relationship stuff like cuddles and nose nuzzles =u= ♥! 
Y- What’s your favorite place to be? -Anywhere with friends/family.
Z- How many words can you list that start with the letter z?Zag, Zany, Zander, that a name? I dunno but popped in my head and I’m not getting a squiggly red line underneath. Think I’m good xD -Zap, Zeal, Zealous, Zed, Zen, Zeus , Zebra, Zero, Zesty, Zig-Zag, Zilch,Zip, Zipper ,Zoo -Zoolander, that movie count? Zoology, Zoological, Zootopia count? XD
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carlsonknives · 7 years
Tranquil Glamping in a Yurt at Bloomfields Camping, North Dorset
Where did we go?
Bloomfields Camping in Little Okeford Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8QY Telephone: 07766 292732
Glamping starts at £190 per weekend, Find out more.
What did we think?
Bloomfields Camping is a small site located in North Dorset, set in a tranquil nature reserve and small holding. There are 4 spacious yurts on the site with their own separate kitchen and eating areas. Oak, Willow, Beech, and our yurt, Poplar, are the only plots on the whole site, in-keeping with the Bloomfield vision of peaceful camping.
On site at Bloomfields
Matt and I arrived at different times to be greeted by John, the owner and visionary of Bloomfields. I myself had to commute from London and catch a cab from Gillingham station to reach the secluded Bloomfields. Unfortunately cabs are hard to come by and my original booked taxi didn’t turn up at the station. I was soon rescued by John who runs an accessible cab company, meaning there was plenty of room in the back for my rucksack!
Upon arrival, John who took extra time to explain the facilities and make recommendations for the local area, escorted us both to our yurt carting our belongings in a trailer attached to his lawn mower- a quirk that we quickly discovered the children who come to Bloomfields, love. Although the spacious carpark is well within walking distance of the yurts, it’s nice to have as quirky addition to the experience.
Inside our yurt
Inside the yurt we were stunned by the beauty and romanticism that had been carefully crafted into the décor. Nothing seemed out of place and it gave off the perfect peaceful vibe for a young(ish) couple out adventuring together. The space really felt as if it was our own and really appealed to our own sense of style, and storage! There was also ample room to tuck everything away for a clutter free, zen atmosphere.
The bed was the focal piece of the yurt, standing in the middle, covered with eastern style peacock linen. It also looked directly up to the skylight in the ceiling of the yurt, meaning the stars were visible at night, and the dawn rose to greet us in the morning.
Outside the yurt on our pitch, was also a great little kitchen tucked away. It included everything you’d need for food prep and storage. Ice box, full gas cooker, all utensils and crockery along with any extras that you never thought you’d need! There were also dish washing facilities inside the kitchen shed although most glampers seemed to prefer the shower block sink for this.
Inside the well equipped yurt
The kitchen joined a small covered area lit at night by solar powered fairy lights, with a picnic bench. Further off was the fire pit which was supplied with a rack for cooking and plenty of fire wood. Matt and I always seem to get through a lot of firewood as we like to burn through the night and cosy up together, but we had more than enough here. The cooking rack was the perfect height off the ground for our veggie dinner, and large enough to feed a family of 20!
Site facilities
The shower block was a delight. Open all hours, and regularly visited by the site peacocks (all called Dave), the building consisted of 2 toilets, 2 showers, 2 washrooms and hair dryer and straighteners. There were also two extra sinks outside these cubicles for washing up and brushing teeth. One thing I must note is that the mirror height is designed for someone about 6 foot 5. I’m average height for a woman and I had to get a stool to be able to use the mirrors. I spoke to other women campers and they said they had exactly the same problem. But the great part about the shower block, in my opinion was the fact the radio was on during the day. It got me dancing in my morning showers – I’m easily impressed clearly.
The shower block at Bloomfields
The shower block was also home to a notice board with relevant info, along with local information, freezers allocated to each yurt, and most importantly, a few lock ups with phone charging outlets. This provides great relief for anyone planning to Instagram all their pictures of Dave.
On site facilities
A beautiful site teeming with wildlife
The site itself is teeming with wildlife which is a massive draw for me. Butterflies that can be seen at Bloomfields during the summer are Red Admirals, Painted Ladies, Small Tortoiseshells, Commas, Peacocks (butterfly not Dave), Gatekeepers, Speckled Woods, Large Whites as well as Small White along with the meadow loving Brimstone butterfly. Other species include badgers, bats, pheasants, foxes, buzzards and a great variety of insects. Everywhere you look there’s wildlife, which is great for those who have an interest or want to teach their children about nature.
We loved our yummy freshly laid eggs
Out and about in the local area
The local village is a beautiful walk through flecks of woodland, farmland, and hedgerow and only takes 10 minutes. We visited the Gold Hill organic farm shop and café which is a welcoming establishment where we were even allowed to walk around crops and see how everything is grown. Needless to say, we made our way back to Bloomfields armed with a box of fresh veg and produce. We also had the honour of purchasing the best cheese we’ve ever eaten, produced onsite by James who makes delicious and award winning washed rind cheeses.
Making friends on a trip to Monkey World
We finished our trip to Dorset with a long-awaited outing to the primate rescue centre, Monkey World. It had been a dream of mine to go there as a huge wildlife supporter and it was no disappointment. The lemurs, capuchins and orang-utans stole our hearts with their monkeying around, despite the heat of the day. Monkey World is a great place to learn about our cousins and all about the work Alison Cronin does for the conservation of these creatures. It did bring a tear to our eyes a few times hearing how these animals have been mistreated and brought to Monkey World as rescues. This is a must see for families and those interested in zoology.
The verdict?
We recently experienced the most private camping experience whilst staying in Devon, where we were the only people in the entire camping field and it was the most fairy-tale weekend yet. Bloomfields was a close second but we felt as though it wasn’t as private as we’d like as a couple. We did however, feel that it is the most magical place for a young family. We met a few lovely people who felt the site was great to allow their children the freedom to run around and not have to worry about them too much. The animals on the site, kid’s sports area, and the expansive grassland makes Bloomfields an incredible place for a child to experience a world without screens and controllers.
Stunning, spacious yurts that give off the most romantic candle lit vibe in the quiet of the night.
Location is great to experience small village England and visit nearby Monkey World.
Close to Hendon hill for hikes and fantastic view.
Tons of helpful information on ty.
The region with recommendations which really brings visitors into the local area and adds to the local economy.
Well equipped in all aspects with things you probably have forgotten you needed!
Excellent choice to add radio to the shower blocks which gave us a heightened sense of the holiday feeling.
Great countryside walks and spectacular wildlife for those with vast zoological knowledge as well as those who just want to learn.
John and Amanda are great hosts and even brought us some freshly laid eggs from their beautiful speckled hens.
A big thank you to John and Amanda at Bloomfields Camping for our stay.
The post Tranquil Glamping in a Yurt at Bloomfields Camping, North Dorset appeared first on Camping with Style Camping Blog | Activities • Glamping • Travel • Adventure.
Original Source http://www.campingwithstyle.co.uk/glamping-yurt-bloomfields-camping-north-dorest-review/ For the best knives to use whilst camping check out Carlson Knives http://www.carlsonknives.com/
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