that1normalkidd · 4 years
Monsters Don’t Need Hearts Part 12
It was the tenderness of his touch, the coldness of his skin which stimulated the deepest parts of me.
My mind was seeming to lose itself as he trailed sweet kisses down my (S/C) skin.
I wanted to believe that there was still a part of me that still harbored some sort of affection for the mischief god's brother but, the further I looked within myself the more I found that there was no such thing...at least not anymore. What was once nothing but love for the thunderer was replaced with an affection towards Loki that not even Thor brought out of me, though admitting it pained me more than anything.
"Such a beautiful creature." Loki whispered against the nape of my neck
The air surrounding us was filled with the stench of, if I were to dare say it...love and lust.  Outside of his chambers there was the chatter of what to cook for supper and meaningless gossip which was surfacing itself. So in other words whatever we did would go unnoticed, or so I hoped.
A faint blush dusted my cheeks as I felt his slender fingers trail down my sides, tracing an ever small circle and tenderly kneading the flesh.
"Ah, L~Loki.." I breathed, tangling my fingers within the thickness of his locks.
Was this part of some plan? To seduce me and use me as another trophy of his...conquests? That's what every part of my mind was screaming at me, begging for my blind eyes to see. That this was all some sick game to him but my heart was telling me something vastly different.
As if he read my mind he spoke once more, tugging at the hem of the emerald night gown which covered my trembling body.
"What must I do to prove my loyalty to you kitten? My infatuation?"
Our bodies rubbing up against one another and  exchanging an unfamiliar warmth.
Loyalty? Does he really think he of all people can talk to me about loyalty? How many times as he betrayed his brother? Asgard? How many times has he manipulated others in order to fulfill his selfish desires?
But of course I didn't let my thoughts manifest themselves into words, instead my next phrase of a different tongue that was almost foreign to even myself.
"Show me...my king. Just how infatuated are you with me?"
My response seemed to shock him as his gentle massaging of my sides stopped, for only a moment before I heard the faintest chuckle.
"If you believe you can handle it my dear."
"Do you believe in love brother? Or has Odin completely made you lack belief in such a thing?"
"Odin never loved me brother, nor did the people of Asgard. I was an outcast who was left to rot while you prospered."
"Lies brother."
"I may be the god of lies brother but in this moment I speak only the truth. Love is a lie which I was fooled into believing someone like me could achieve."
"Don't sound so defeated little brother. You will experience love someday and when you do it will make you do things, say things you never believed you would. Or so that was what mother told me."
My eyes fluttered closed and hips bucked as I felt him suddenly bite down onto the flesh of my neck, his hands which were once gentle now squeezing my sides roughly.
Another chuckle.
"You humans are such fragile creatures, flustered by even the slightest touch." His voice was smooth and sultry, like honey.
Beneath Loki's facade I saw a man who was broken, yearning for love, for understanding. He hid behind a smirk and an array of sarcastic comments to keep others from diving in too deep.
My body shivered and melted at his very touch though I was doing everything in my power to hold myself together.
A pitiful attempt really.
I was unraveling slowly, with every kiss and every squeeze.
Was this love? Or was this lust? That's what it had to be...that's what this had to be. The two of us simply acting in such a way because of the lack of sexual attention we yearned to receive.
It was as though Loki was tracing his fingers along a treasure map, looking to find the prize he had been so patiently waiting for. Beneath him was the woman he dreamt of. The woman he lusted and craved for for so long. A jewel to be cherished. A jewel to be loved and sought after.
For a moment all the god could do was admire the beauty, your beauty. His emerald green eyes dancing over your partially naked form.
It was taking everything within him and more to not simply tear the thin night gown he had given you the night prior off and ravish you right then and there but he couldn't assume you and his brother had already slept together and so he would have to be gentle. The god wasn't so evil as to force himself upon you.
Much like a predator stalking it's pray Loki licked his lips in amusement, lifting up the end of the gown which covered you. Beneath a pair of black lace panties covered the wet sex beneath.
"Mmmm..." The raven haired beauty hovered over his prize, taking in the sweet aroma which came from it. A few strands of his hair tickling the inner most part of your thighs.
Just a taste.
Only slightly did he part his lips to allow his tongue a taste of the nectar which tempted him, earning the faintest groan from the both of you.
I whimpered, opening my eyes to look at him with a lust I didn't know that I could ever feel. "P~Please don't be a tease.."
The voice that came from me the soft meow of a kitten begging for it's master to give it the affection it so desperately craved.
Loki smiled, happily obliging with my request. "Since you requested of it..."
With a sudden swiftness I felt a cold breeze brush up against my womanhood, giving me the indication that the lace panties which covered me were no longer there.
My patience was running thin and so I grabbed a hold of  the gods head and shifted my hips upwards, indirectly telling him to the best of ability that I wanted him and that I wanted him now.
Of course he caught the hint rather quickly and only grinned before parting his lips once more and licking along my wet folds, then sliding his tongue inside and earning a soft moan as his reward.
Upon getting another taste it was as though a switch flipped within him. The sweetness of it spreading along the gods taste buds and allowing him to savor it to an even greater degree. His calmness and tentativeness going out the window and replaced with an aggression Loki had buried deeply within himself long ago.
A light flickered within the god of mischief's eyes, then a lust, and finally a hunger.
Loki dug his nails within the meat of your thighs and let his eyes watch the way your body moved. The way you begged for more when his tongue plunged within the deepest and innermost parts of you.
The taste, oh by the gods the taste.
"L~Loki! Aa~ahhh!!"
The sound of his name falling from your lips further driving him to quicken his pace.
The room seemed to be getting hotter with every passing moment, counteracting against the coldness I felt in between my legs. I could feel the sweat starting to bead down the sides of my face as my breathing became ragged. Within myself a knot was growing and getting more intense with every passing moment Loki had his tongue curling in and out of me.
I had to keep in mind that we were still in his castle with dozens of servants walking down the halls just outside those doors and so I had to bite down on my tongue to keep myself from moaning out too loudly.
Loki didn't seem too fond of the sudden action I took of dampening the noises that were coming out of me and so he abruptly slide his tongue out from between my embarrassingly wet folds and crawled over me. This sudden lack of attention caused me to whimper out, looking up at him and finding only want and need within those eyes that held so many emotions within them.
"Do not mute your voice kitten..your screams, your cries is what drives me...graces me with such conviction." He said, leaning down to gift me with a kiss.
As our lips and tongues dances with one another my mind wandered.
This was...the momentary bliss and ecstasy that I had been yearning for months on end even though I myself for the longest time was blind to it.
Blind to the very fact that I did indeed have...feelings for this man...this god who had a destructive but lonely history.
Was it the thrill that drove me to him? No, that couldn't possibly be it. Or was it simply Loki himself. The very god that he was.
The idea seemed ludicrous yes but I've had far more crazy thoughts.
With every second that passed the kiss deepened and my sex grew even more wet. My nipples grew hard and the sweat coming from my pores came out at a much faster rate than before.
Something hard began poking at my inner thigh, eagerly pressing against the damp cloth with every roll of his hips.
I couldn't help but to blush, smiling faintly as he pulled away to look at me once again.
"Are you..."
"Yes," I nodded, cutting him off abruptly and finishing his sentence for him.
The raven haired god was shocked to say the least but kept it from showing on his face. He had assumed that you and his brute of a brother had already slept together. Loki was the god of lies, he wasn't able to read minds though a part of him wished he had such capabilities.
"I see.." His voice was low as he returned his attention back to the bruised skin around my neck.
A part of me was afraid... Afraid that he would break me. Afraid that his true intentions would be brought to light and be exactly what I feared for them to be but I couldn't let him sense it.
I couldn't let him sense my hesitation, so I bit my tongue and masked the uneasy feeling with an uneasy smile.
"I will be gentle with you kitten. Though I cannot promise you that I...wont loose myself."
Before I knew it the thin fabric that was covering his erect member vanished, reveling a massive manhood that I didn't think someone his...well size would have.
For lacking the muscle his brother had he...made up for it in other ways even though I had never really seen Thor's girth, rather the outline of it whenever he decided to wear sweatpants. But even then I always believed for the blonde to be the bigger of the two.
As if he sensed my surprise he let out a husky chuckle, planting kisses on my neck as he teased my womanhood with the tip of his throbbing member.
"Do not worry my dear...I will be gentle. "
I wanted to gaze into his eyes longingly but his sudden pull and pinch on my nipple kept me from doing so, causing me to gasp instead.
"A shame...no mortal ever thought to cherish you as I shall. Now...hold onto me kitten. I cannot promise you that this will not cause you pain, even if only for a moment."
The part of me that still had any sort of feelings for Thor wanted to stop this. Stop this...nonsense.
But as much as I wanted to try and push him away and say that I didn't want this I couldn't bring myself to do it.
This was the nirvana that I had been longing for for ages. The excitement that my nerves craved.
Loki was the drug that I never knew that i needed and for years had been suffering an intense withdrawal.
I brought him closer to my trembling body, hooking my legs around his waist as I took his chin and forced him to look at me.
Was that...surprise that I saw in those emerald green eyes?
"I want this...Loki. I want you." My words were a confession to not only him but to myself.
In a sense I was denouncing whatever part of me that still loved Thor.
The god of mischief gave me the faintest smile and a nod, kissing the back of my hand while never breaking his gaze from mine.
"My queen...and I shall treat you as such."
With a final kiss I felt him slowly insert himself inside.
That was the first thing I felt.
A splitting pain I had never experienced before in my life.
My eyes went wide for a moment before shutting tightly, the grip I had around his neck tightening.
To hide the pain I was in I buried my  face in the space around his neck that my arms didn't cover.
The groan that had came from Loki's throat was one that I would've never in a million years thought I would've heard.
Low and...husky.
A symphony to my ears that I was elated to partake in.
"By...the...g~gods (Y/N)..." He managed to groan out, slowly continuing to push himself further inside me.
He tried desperately to distract my mind from the pain, kissing me as he rolled his slender hips into me, connecting with my own.
Tears threatened to spill but I held them back, returning his kiss to try and keep myself distracted from the evident pain crashing over my body in cascading waves.  My lips must've had the taste of salt but the taste didn't seem to bother him. Perhaps he was accustomed to it, having shed unseen tears in the solace he often put on himself.
"L-Loki..." His name the only thing keeping my wavering grasp on reality given the current situation.
The god gave me a pained look, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. "I know my kitten...would you like for me to stop?"
'He was being considerate? Of my feelings and of my pain?'
I shook my head, kissing him softly and a single tear fell. "N-no...just..stay still...please."
Loki kissed the tear away and nodded, clenching onto the silk sheets and uttering another groan as he waited for my pain to subside.
It took a moment or two but the god was soon fully inside me uttering words in his native tongue that was foreign to me as walls tightened around him.
I steadied my breathing as I waited for myself to adjust, finding comfort in his earthy aroma and scent.
Soon the pain became nothing more than an afterthought, causing me involuntarily roll my hips in the subconscious need to truly be one with him.
"I care for her brother...no. I love her."
"(Y/N) is mine Loki. If you ever dare lay a finger on her or include her in one of your lies I will end you myself."
"Do you truly believe I fear you brother? I have watched the way you treat her. As if she is nothing more than a mere afterthought. Oh no brother I am not the one hiding behind a veil of lies this time, it is you. You go off to war and expect her to wait for you? While you go off on your brute antics?"
"I will cut your tongue out myself brother."
"I have suffered far worse of fates at the hands of our so called father. One day brother...one day she will see through your facade. She will no longer be there waiting for you but instead be with me...where she should have been. That I promise you."
The god began to roll his hips, the pace slow and gentle at first before beginning to quicken in to something far rougher.
In this moment my mind didn't think of my friends...locked away in some god forsaken cell. Nor did my mind wander to the man whom I was supposed to have feelings for. Instead all of my thoughts were on Loki...easing any of his pain or loneliness, making it my own.
Was that so wrong?
The rolling waves began to overtake me, my voice uttering cries of ecstasy and bliss. In return the god above me groaned out my name as if it were a prayer which drove my pleasure to a state I never fathomed of experiencing.
Beads of sweat stuck to his forehead, along with strands of his raven black wavy hair that I often found myself lost in.
What were once clear grunts of my name turned into something far more primal, his pace morphing into that of a starved animal.
My eyes clamped shut and my head tossed itself back.
"L~Loki! Oh my...god!"
No longer did it feel as though I was being ripped in two, instead the feeling was something complex. I could feel myself tightening around him with every thrust, each one sending me further and further over the edge to the peak I so desperately wished to experience.
Our lips danced with one another feverishly, the harsh sound of skin slapping against skin being drowned out by the chatter outside of his chambers. They were soft...and smooth, something I could never grow tired of while the sound of my name coming off of them was something I could grow drunk off of.
A knot began to form, deep within the pit of my stomach and it was one faintly familiar to me as it was the very same knot that had built inside me a few minutes prior. It caused my toes to curl and nails dig into Loki's back. If the gesture was too rough I wouldn't know as it only seemed to turn him on more, his hands clutching desperately onto me waist as if he were afraid I would dissapear.
"I will have her one day brother, and when that day comes you will only have yourself to blame."
"(Y/N) would never fall for you Loki."
"And can you really be so sure?"
I could feel myself growing ever closer to that peak and given the twitching of Loki's member I could tell he was close too.
Even know she's beautiful.
The way her hair lays against the sheets as if there is an halo over her head, an angel watching over her.
No, (Y/N) is an angel the gods so foolishly let free from their gaze. But it is alright, she is mine now and I never intend on letting her go.
Even in my delirious haze I was able to open my eyes,though the moment was brief I found a pair of beautiful emerald green orbs looking into my own with a sea of emotions I couldn't even begin to break down.
As his thrusts grew more erratic he placed a hand on my cheek, his thumb tracing gentle circles along the flesh before his lips parted to speak words I never believed I would hear from the god of mischief.
"I love you (Y/N)...with every fiber of my being. I crave you, your touch...your voice. How is it that a mortal...has such a hold over me."
I was...speechless to say the least.
'The god of mischief and lies...loves me?'
'But then again (Y/N) he is that...the god of lies. Every word coming out of his mouth could be nothing more than a fabrication.'
'But still, the look in his eyes says something else.'
'Even in this moment after hearing those words I couldn't deny I felt something great for him. Was it love? That I didn't know.'
Loki seemed to sense my shock and hesitation but instead only placed a gentle kiss on my lips, continuing his pace.
"I do not need an answer now kitten...I know it is sudden but..."
His words were cut off by the sudden cry of his name from my lips as that familiar knot began to suddenly unravel, my vision momentarily going black and toes curling. In that moment everything seemed to make sense. Being with Loki, even after all he's done. I somehow couldn't no longer see him as the monster everyone, including his brother, made him out to be. He wasn't the villain...not anymore.  It wasn't soon after that he followed, my name his last curse before his hot and thick seed was shot into me.
He rode out the rest of his thrusts before slowly pulling out of me, the sudden lack of warmth and filling making me whimper.
There was a pleased gleam in Loki's eyes which earned a soft smile from me, watching him take his place beside me on his double king sized bed.
"You are...beautiful kitten."
His voice was hushed almost as he pulled me into his arms.
It was strange just how quickly drowsiness overtook me, my (E/C) eyes struggling to stay open even though a few moments ago I was wide awake.
I felt his touch on my cheek again, lulling me into a full state of sleep but not before pressing his lips against my temple.
"Sweet dreams (Y/N)"
"I will always come back for her brother. No matter what battle I fight."
"That is not enough. She should be your reason to stay. She has shed tears for you Thor. Praying to her God that you come home to her every time you go off on some whim. One day you will break her and you won't be able to put the pieces back together, I will."
"You will be in Asgard's cell rotting before I let you near her Loki. She will not fall for your tricks or your lies."
"She's been lied to enough."
Family things have been overwhelming and I just haven't been in the writing mood. But i'm back now and I really am going to try and get back on schedule. I also tried to make this chapter longer than any of the others to make up for my lack of posting! Once again thank you all for being patient with me!
Bye lovelies! <3
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
You should check out this Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FroArtStudio
Hey lovelies! I've updated my Etsy shop and added a couple of prints! Please check it out!
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
Please take the time to check out my Etsy shop. Any support would greatly appreciated 💚💚💚
You should check out this Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FroArtStudio
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
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Hey guys. So I made stickers and I'm selling them for $5 each! Please don't hesitate to DM me if interested! I have 10 of the left stickers and 4 of the right. 💜
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
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Look at my little Ezraaaaaa
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
Click this
Copy this link into your browser and something magical will happen 😊😊
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
Wassap guys
Hey guys, ya favorite Loki fangirl over here lol. I know I haven't posted the next chapter of 'monsters dont need hearts' in ages and I apologize deeply for that. A lot has been going on and I've just been trying to get myself together. I'm still alive though! I'll put up the newest chapter when I can but for now theres this site that I found and it is 100% legit because of course I wouldn't dare trick my lovely followers but it's an easy way to make a little bit of money! All you have to do is post your referral link on any of your social media platforms and if you sign up you get $10 for each person! So if you're struggling please look into it and here's my referral link:
~Also the next chapter of 'Monsters Dont Need Hearts' will be coming soon!
Bye lovelies!
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
Etsy shop!
So hey guys I finally started selling my art! Right now I only have stickers but I plan on making more! Here's the link if anyone is interested! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FroArtStudio
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
Can we uh...talk about that 5th picture please 😍😍😍 I'm totally not staring at his crotch
Comics vs Movies vs Real life 😆😆
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
So I draw guys and i wanna start doing commissions! So for $5 if anyone is interested I'll draw you! 😋😋 The support would be amazing and greatly appreciated. DM me if you're interested!🖤🖤
Also I haven't forgotten about 'Monsters Dont Need Hearts'. I've been working on the newest chapter on and off I've just had a lot to deal with so please be patient with me!
Bai lovelies! 🖤🖤
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
My website!
So hey guys here the link to my website. We sell health and wellness products and things that help with weight loss! If anyone buys anything please screenshot the ID number and DM it to me so I can get the instore and referral credit! Once again thank you guys so much for the support!
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
Big news guys
So girl is trying to start up her own little business and any amount of support would mean the world to me😏😏 🙌🏻 I’m not asking you to buy anything lol unless ya know...you want to but would some of you guys be open to putting a post up on your page for me? I’ll send you the post, all you have to do is tag me and I’ll do the rest😎😎 DM me for the post itself and the picture that goes along with it! Also side note I've announced this on Facebook already but people seem to forget tumblr exist and more Loki will be coming soon! The next chapter is super juicy and itll be worth the wait!
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
Big news guys!
So ya girl is trying to start up her own little business and any sort of support from you guys would be amazing. I'd be selling different healthy life and wellness products such as shakes, wraps, cleansers, and guys they even have coffee that helps you loose weight. I honestly didnt know something like that existed until today😱😱 🙌🏻i’m not asking any of you guys to buy anything unless you want to but would any or you guys be open to putting a post up on your page for me? I’ll send you the post, all you have to do is tag me and if their interested send them my way! DM me for the picture and post if anyone is interested! 🧡🧡
Side note- Monsters Dont Need Hearts is still alive and well! I just needed sometime to get myself together! I've been working on a juicy chapter and want it to be nothing but the best for you guys 💙💚💛🧡💜❤🖤
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
The Struggle
I honestly hate not having a car and having to ask people for rides every day. The car I'm eyeing is 1250 and im 400 short so far
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
My friends always looked at me crazy when o said I found Loki to be more attractive then his brother. Sorry I'm not a big muscle and blonde hair type of gal.
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a whole ass god.
idk, what do y'all think? should i start writing imagines for tom, loki and/mcu? lemme know in my ask or on here.
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
When people give Elsa crap for being "too sexy" for Disney
It’s like,
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For gods sake, Ariel had a nude scene.
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that1normalkidd · 5 years
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