Soo I’m thinking about reading this fanfic called “Muggle Technology and Heroism”. Has anyone red and it in that case was it good ot would you recommend another fic? Thanks :)
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Quakka out playing quidditch :)
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Toothbrushing takes more time of my life than I expected
I could be completely wrong but if not then I’ve spent about 16 hole days brushing my teeth...
We say that you brush your teeth 2 minutes per time, and you do that two times a day. 
4minutes * 365 = 1460 min
But you forget to brush them at least 20 times a year:
1460 – 20 * 2 = 1420 min/year
I’m 16 years old...
1420 * 16  = 22 720 min
22 720/60 ≈ 379 h
379/24 ≈ 16 days
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How school destroy things
You know when you have to read a book for a school project and you start to hate the book just because HAVE to read it. But you know deep inside that you’d actually would have liked it if you didn’t were forced to read it. I just hate that school can destroy even a good book
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Voldemort telling the deatheaters the plan
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So here in Sweden this book called “Omgiven av idioter” (surrounded by idiots) has gotten really big. The book explains that there are for types of personality types and that most people are a mix of them but have one that is dominant. It also tells you how to act when people act like total idiots because you probably just think they are idiots because they are a different type. And the thing is that it was really scary when you could recognize your actions and you got explanations to why you acted like you did. In one way it told you that you were not special at all and if someone learned to recognize the different types then that person would know how you would act. maybe eve before you’d know. I think it’s kind of fascinating that you can studie and figur out this much about the human brain. But I also hated the book because I don’t like the feeling of being predictable and just like everyone else. It gave me this weird feeling and I’m not gonna read the rest of the book. 
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Do you ever just think about wonderful Harry’s life had been if Sirius hadn’t been sent to prison. He and Remus could get married (because I mean Wolfstar is a fact) and they would take care of Harry. You’re just sitting there thinking of the life that Harry could had haven and obviously deserved and suddenly you realize that you’ve been crying and everything is awful
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The struggle when you’ve red so many fanfics that you start to forget what’s really happened in the books and and what didn’t. 
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One thing that I never will understand is how americans can like chocolate so much. I mean chocolate is so amazing but I’ve tasted american chocolate and it’s shit compared to other countries chocolate. Believe me, if you would try Milka witch is a chocolate from Switzerland or Fazer from Finland you would be blown away. If you want to taste the best chocolate in the world you need to get the Swedish chocolate Marabou ;)
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I hate it when you have this amazing idea for a book and you really want to write it but you kinda don’t have the time or energy so you just walk around with this story in your head and can’t share it with others 
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If you’re having a shitty day go to this random site and search for anything and your day might brighten up a little :)
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Warm countries:
*snows 2 centimeters*
Schools: well fuck
Cold countries:
*snows 3 meters** every road is cowered in deep snow* *avalanche everywhere* *new ice-age starts* 
Schools: eh this is nothing
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Just so u know this is quokkas and they are amazing animals :)))))
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