vivianaster · 4 months
The War is over, but Hermione can only reminisce as she lies in the grass with a knife wound in her side. Oneshot, non-HEA
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vivianaster · 4 months
thinking about that post of people assuming ao3 has an algorithm and also about how bonkers persistent the view is that ao3 is social media lite. like with startling regularity I get comments saying something along the lines of "it's probably weird to comment on a fic this old--" no it isn't!!!! this is an archive I am literally just assuming you searched for a selection of specific tags or sorted by kudos or looked back on my pseud or any other number of completely normal ways to use an archive site ?? kill the tiktok ghost in your brain and comment on old stuff it's NOT weird
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vivianaster · 5 months
I once received a bracelet as a gift.
It was nothing fancy,
just black string with three tiny shells strung on it
like birds sitting on a power line—
but I cherished it and loved it and never took it off,
even in the shower.
Wherever I was, the bracelet was, too.
Road trips, flights, collecting sand on the Belizean beaches—
in every photo, there it was.
It was always there
until one day, it wasn’t.
I looked down one day, tan line prominent on my wrist—
no bracelet.
Panic flooded through my veins—
where did it go?
It could have been anywhere, because it went everywhere,
and in that moment
I cursed myself,
because it never would have been lost
if I hadn’t worn it so much.
I never did find that bracelet,
and maybe now, in hindsight,
I don’t miss the bracelet itself
—(though sometimes I miss the feel of it on my wrist)—
mostly, I mourn the memories attached to it,
lost somewhere in the ether,
like birds sitting on a power line
ready to fly away at any given moment.
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vivianaster · 1 year
try as you might (nothing really matters)
Winter is silent—cold and unforgiving
Snow blankets every surface, icicles hang from every ledge—
they twinkle sinisterly.
the wind howls in anguish.
But every spring, they arrive,
attracted by the warmth of the sun
and melting snow.
Loud cries echo in the breeze, calling to each other.
What do they know?
What are they searching for?
But maybe that doesn’t matter. All that matters
is caught in the sea of white and gray, caught
and devoured by hundreds of mouths
until nothing but bones remain.
Try as you might, you can’t avoid your fate—your fate is
Every spring, they arrive.
Over the whistling of the wind—
They gather.
They scream.
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vivianaster · 1 year
Written down on paper are bits and pieces of my mind.
In the Notes app, in notebooks, on small paper scraps—
These little snippets live together until they break through the
walls of my mind and find more words to cling to. Words
are settled in my head; they live with my emotions.
The days go by—sometimes it’s months before the
stories reveal themselves. Sometimes I worry
that inspiration has left me. Random words and phrases that
I come up with wait for me to use them in writing, but I
can’t pull them out of thin air. Poetry is difficult. I can’t
explain it.
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vivianaster · 1 year
i want to be loved gently. i want to be loved over a bowl of stew. i'm quieter, these days. i don't know that i ever really wanted a loud life anyway, but - i do get tired of being my own support structure. i get tired of having to paint myself brighter. i like the idea of holding someone else's brush. of letting them be my counterpoint, even if that takes trust. and yes; of course i have friends and family and loved ones.
but every once in a while, i think about how nice it would be to make two cups of coffee. i think about going to our local community theatre production just to support anybody on stage. i think about how i want to pack a cooler with little sandwiches cut into triangles and go on a day trip to somewhere new. to explore with somebody. to share that moment where something-is-new.
oh, my life is beautiful, i know that. but sometimes, in the quiet moments, the echo of what-is-gone comes back to me. i remember again the difference of being alone versus being lonely.
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vivianaster · 2 years
The moon is merely a cold, dead rock in the vacuum of space, but the stars are balls of fire, ancient and ethereal and all-knowing. They cluster together, glittering coldly even as some burn with the heat of a thousand suns. They are massive, deadly, impossible to reach, and yet—there are seven billion humans that stare at the night sky in wonder, pointing out shapes and telling stories and basking in the deep dark of the abyss they float on a rock that isn’t dead at all. They pour wine into crystal and lay back against checkered picnic blankets and speak quietly as the stars twinkle at them as if saying hello, we are here, we love you.
Jewellery of the night
illuminating the sky
smiling down at us
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vivianaster · 2 years
a tapestry of diamonds
splays across the darkened sky
they whisper to me
of things to come
i tell them of my
dreams and wishes
those twinkling lights
wink at me in mirth
i stare back with
those very stars in my eyes
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vivianaster · 2 years
Apples, crisp and golden like the breeze between the leaves, weigh down branches heavy with their fruits.
Underneath the great oak trees, acorns fall as squirrels scamper around, gathering food for the coming winter.
The clocks seem to stand still as you relax into a pile of ruby-colored leaves, resting in the gold sunlight, the
trees breaking the light into rays that scatter in all directions, until your mother calls you in for dinner. You
are disappointed, but she has sweet potatoes and a steaming apple pie for dessert, and the feeling fades away.
Red apples peek out from underneath the golden crust. It’s far past sunset. The last rays of light fade away
and the stars meander into view, tiny pinpricks of light that form a dazzling galaxy of light overhead.
Golden light casts golden shadows over your kitchen cupboards as the morning rises.
The daytime is warm but is interrupted by an inescapable breeze, as if Nature wants to remind you that
Harvest is approaching. Soon you have obligations—school is fast approaching, homework
Is inevitable, football season brings Friday nights with friends. The birds begin to fly south, trying to take the
ripe and juicy crops with them as they go. Smiling pumpkins appear on the steps leading to homes,
and soon the snowflakes will start to fall, replacing gentle autumn rains that dampen the earth, and the air
fresh and peaceful in their wake. So you enjoy the time you have, basking in the golden peace that is autumn.
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vivianaster · 3 years
‘Tis a rather nice thing, wishing.
Anyone can do it—it’s free, and fairly effortless.
Just close your eyes and think, I wish...
Or don’t. Shout it to the world, if you like.
Keep your eyes open, and scream it into the sky.
Or whisper it into the breeze.
Wish on a star, the first one you see that night.
Or, wish on all of them—wish on the universe.
Wish upon a dandelion seed as it is carried away in the air.
Wish upon the lash resting on the cheek of someone you love.
Brush it away gently as you whisper your dreams.
Wish your lover’s tears away. Kiss them away, and leave your thoughts on them as you do.
Wish on 11:11, those four lucky numbers that are really one and the same.
Wishes are your heart’s desires.
Wish for your wealth to multiply.
Wish that your first kiss is with someone you adore.
Wish for your wildest, most passionate dreams to come true.
You can wish for anything.
But what do you wish for? you ask. What do you wish for?
I stare up at the stars, the infinite points of light twinkling back.
I wish for the flowers to bloom for someone who needs a bit of happiness.
I wish for the sun to turn the dewdrops gold the morning after someone cries themselves to sleep.
I wish for the moon to glow and blanket the bed of someone who is grieving.
I wish for the rain to fall when someone wonders if they are alone with their tears.
I wish for the snowflakes to settle in someone’s hair after they are called ugly.
I wish for rainbows to appear when someone needs reassurance that everything will be alright.
I wish for everything to be okay.
It will be okay.
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vivianaster · 4 years
sweet things: apple pie, buttercups blooming in the forest, mint chip ice cream, peaches and cream, a hot mocha, kittens, chocolate, fairy lights, kisses
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vivianaster · 4 years
Direct byproduct of being neurodivergent and growing up isolated from your peergroup is having no idea when it's appropriate to define someone as your friend
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vivianaster · 4 years
that feeling you get when the moonlight shines through your window at two in the morning, when you wake drowsily from sleep and see that one spot on your bed completely illuminated, that feeling when you check the time and you still have hours to sleep, when your snuggles under your covers and the temperature is just right
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vivianaster · 5 years
good things: hot cocoa, apple pie, snow globes, blankets, beagle puppies, nectarines, the colour yellow, lotus flowers
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vivianaster · 6 years
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what a beautiful person
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vivianaster · 6 years
You are valid.
No matter what anyone else says!
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