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Since Carnage is set to be the antagonistic force in the upcoming solo Venom movie by Sony Pictures, many people are shouting their fan castings from the rooftops of the internet. I thought I'd pitch my thoughts on the subject through the commotion. One factor in this common confusion is that the studios can't seem to figure out whether he'll be in the MCU or not. Feige says this, Sony says that, rebuttals, corrections, etc. This gives us two options, a Carnage in the MCU, or a Carnage of its own breed. I believe these two options call for different cast decisions. Scenario A: MCU Carnage In this movie, I'd pick the ever-so-popular Cameron Monaghan. I, like many others, think that he can do crazy with ease. There's also proof that he's no stranger to being the antagonist. I think the main thing that makes him my MCU pick is his age and demeanor. He's young, handsome, and he's played a fantastic PG-13/TV-14 bad guy on Gotham for a few years now. I think he's just the kind of bad-but-not-too-bad that the MCU has always lent itself to. Take Tom Hiddleston. He's considered one of the best villains in recent memory, he's extremely likable, and he didn't even do anything grizzly or R-rated on screen. That's just my honest opinion. Scenario B: Separate Universe Carnage This is the next level. We're talking rape, murder, and nudity if Sony goes hard R. They want this movie to be horror, and if they're truly not connected to the New York of Spider-Man: Homecoming, I'm pretty sure that's the direction they will go. Some people will think of their friendly neighborhood Rorschach, Jackie Earl Haley. I think that's just because he had red hair and comic book fanboys usually have a hardon for Rorschach and Watchmen in general, almost as bad as Batman. I think the answer has been hiding in TV roles for a while now: Robert Knepper. Sure, it's a major typecast to suggest him as a guy whose name is literally the definition of backwards hillbilly (I mean c'mon, Cletus??) but he is a master of that type. Watch Prison Break and tell me he's not the best country villain you've ever seen. He would be an older version of the character, switching the ages between the symbiotes and hosts. That's just my two cents, but I'd love to hear feedback!
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Find your movie-watching partner
I love film, and you'll probably see me skew towards movies as I continue to post sporadically on this blog. I wasn't born with this love of film. My younger days were filled with Pixar movies and other animated features. I learned to respect great movies about 11 years ago. My parents sent me on a trip to Cleveland to see my uncle when I was 8, I got to see where my mom grew up, watch an Indians game at Jacob's field (which I would later appreciate much more when I found out it was built where the Beatles performed), and overall just had a great time. Despite all this, the best part of that trip was the start of a long-lasting tradition. My uncle took me to a Blockbuster Video store and rented three movies that changed my life forever: the Star Wars Original Trilogy. We binged them all over a couple of days, and I was astonished by the amazing stories and themes. From then on, my uncle and I would watch movies whenever we got the chance, though not all of them were as overtly mainstream. He showed me movies like the Mad Max movies, the Dark Knight Trilogy, and great gangster films like Goodfellas. To this day, we'll take time to go to a theatre, pop in a Blu-Ray, or queue up a digital download for a night. Watching movies with other people like my best friends can be fun, and I can share my love of movies with them, but nothing beats the timeless feeling of watching a film with my uncle. I feel like we all have that one person for every passion in our lives. That one friend, family member, or significant other we talk to about comic books, video games, TV shows, or other pop culture mediums. This person shares our passion, we can enjoy, debate, and share our favorites with these people. Don't take these relationships for granted. Life is short, and having someone to share its small indulgences with is something that can't be bought.
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Open up.
Eugene "Flash" Thompson- Agent Venom
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Since I’m working on an Agent Venom cosplay, now is a good time to voice my opinion on Flash Thompson. Tony Revolori says that Flash is a “smug, rich kid” if that’s the character they’re going for, no doubt Revolori will do great. The problem is, THAT’S NOT THE FLASH I WANT. The pre-radioactive spider dynamic between Pete and Flash was mind against matter, brain against brawn. They’re missing the whole tone of their character. Not to mention, “smug, rich kid”??? Flash was a middle class boy with a drunk cop dad, who took beatings at home and took it out on other kids. It’s the classic bully backstory that Marvel may have pioneered! Flash was a strong but broken character inspired by Spidey to join the army and stand for something greater than himself. This character is being dumbed down to a one-dimensional character, and not even a one dimensional jock like Joe Manganiello, a “smug, rich kid” that is nothing like the Flash Thompson comic fans know and love. Chris Zylka had real potential as Flash, showing both the “spider fan” side and the bully side. Screw “notmyrodrick”, that series was crap from the start, I say #notmyflashthompson
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The harshness of Skyrim has a way of carving a man down to his true self.
General Tullius —The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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What is better- to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
Paarthurnax (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
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