My current top 15 Anime and why
Because why the fuck not. I'm doing top 15 so that I have some variety behind it. Otherwise I would just be gushing non stop XD
15 -
(Edit: I was going to colour all the numbers because I wanted a rainbow. WHY THE FUCK FOR THEY CHANGE TO SMALL WHEN YOU COLOUR THEM??????)
Guess the titles of the anime get a small heading. Anyways. Onto the actual list!
Technoroid OVERMIND
Ayo. Starting out with a really random one. So if anyone were to look at my Anilist then they might be a bit confused. I decided I'd keep movies out of here as well as anything I haven't specifically finished. Also takt op. Destiny needs a re evaluation.
Anyways. This premise is so sick and I feel like they managed it really well. The characters were all really fun and the music was fantastic which is honestly the most important thing about Idol shows. I really like idol shows but often struggle with the stupid drama in them that just leads to seasons upon seasons that didn't need to happen or wouldn't actually happen.
In this they're just androids. The fantasy twist works so well for the genre and I honestly don't know why it isn't done more often. This way they can bullshit the drama and it actually makes sense.
Honestly my favourite character was Kite. He was great and his voice always gave me shivers. Especially his piece in the closing. Damn.
I don't want to go into full reviews with this, rather just gushing about things I like and stuff. I really don't think this got the recognition it deserves - probably because of it's deviation from the norm - but it would be cool to get some sort of sequel.
(Edit: There's a manga releasing apparently. Imma check that out.)
Continuing on with the trend of idol animes apparently. UniteUp! was so good. As I mentioned in my Reviews while I watch of the show, it felt so grounded and real that other idol shows just don't seem to capture. These were all real people with real problems dealing with real life.
I also like how we had such a large cast of characters but it never really felt overwhelming as they focused on group dynamics and specific individuals rather than trying to cram every single person into their own arcs.
Once again the music was fantastic and by god was this show pretty gay. Honestly I don't know what the sentiments of others are, but the Anela duo definitely weren't straight and neither were Akira and Daiki. That bath scene says it all.
Anyways. If you want a fun time with a really solid idol anime, please check it out. I saw earlier that we're getting a season two soon. I am so looking forward to it.
Trigun Stampede
Damn! I don't even know what to really say about this one. The visuals are absolutely stunning - there is no doubt about that. The score and the characters are excellent. And how dare they leave us on that cliff hanger.
I have absolutely no history with this story and still need to watch and read the originally but I am really looking forward to seeing how the story adapts between the three.
You can ask my partner. I've already said we're watching everything trigun related as soon as we are done with our current show.
I'm really looking forward to season two. And especially seeing how this all pans out. Apparently there will be tears according to the fandom. Concern.
Damn this show came out of nowhere for me. I watched it quite awhile ago and have been meaning to rewatch it again.
The premise is definitely a sports anime but honestly so different. All because of one thing. The fact that he is an amnesiac is such a fascinating concept to work with - especially with how he was before (trying not to spoil - can't remember when this comes up in the anime)
And then the ending?? Damn. They seriously set up that cliff hanger and I really hope this show gets a sequel.
I really can't say too much about it without giving away some spoilers but damn does it change up the formula and do it so fucking well.
Given is great. Such a pure but heartbreaking portrayal of love on one side with such conflicting but also nurturing views on the other. Having the different realtionships throughout this is really well done how they all bounce off of each other. Especially when they entertwine it with the music.
As it is said. That is how they communicate - through the music.
I'm busy catching up with the manga and really hope the anime continues with it.
Also the fucking is just fucking gorgeous. It has no write to hit you that hard.
Also - something else that shouldn't be allowed to hit you that hard. Damn Mafuyu has had a difficult past. We love how he learns to heal and grow with Uenoyama at his side.
Anyways, moving on.
Okay. Who said a sports anime could be this pretty.
I love the art style and the music throughout all of this. I love the portayal and the evolution of these character - seriously all their arcs are great. The interactions of the team is so tangible and real.
I watch a lot of sports anime and I often struggle with some of the drama used within the sports - it feels like the only thing that ever fuels the story is the matches. Whereas in Bakuten - the character seriously fuel the story. You can understand their motivations much more than just - I want to play this sport and be the best!
I also feel like they really captured everything really well in the movie. The whole concept of wanting to sore is great and really well executed.
I also love the interactions they have with the other team. It's not just a once off competition or practice match that they face each other. We actually get tangible characters for the whole team and see how much they two teams are similar to one another. It's a very healthy rivalry that isn't normally this expanded on in sports anime.
Sasaki and Miyano
Yesssssss. These two are just absolutely amazing. Their whole story arc and relationship is just tooth rottingly sweet. They bounce off of each other so well.
And I love the fact of how slow the actual story is. They meet at the start of Miyanos first year (from what I know - I still need to read the novels) and sasaki's second and they only end up confessing just before graduation happens. It really plays out well and is so healthy.
There is no problematic elements like in so many BL stories which is such a breath of fresh air. And the fact that sasaki is very specific about making sure to maintain boundaries to ensure that miyano is comfortable is also excellent.
On a slightly different note - I still need to see the Hirano and Kagiura movie. Been dying to watch it. I've been keeping up to date with both manga and both of these stories are amazing. I love the dichotomy of the two stories and how they are coming to their own realisations of their feelings in honestly very different ways.
I also recently watched the dub of the anime due to some videos on tiktok. Fucking hell it is absolutely hilarious. Kellen Goff as Sasaki has no reason for being that good. Seriously. Damn.
Link Click
On a completely different note. Damn this one makes you questions your own morals and reality as you know it.
I really don't want to get into this one much as I do believe watching it blind is the best way to go.
The art style is fantastic and that opening hits like a truck it is so good. The characters just click (pun not intended) and you just understand their motivations and don't know which side to side with most of the time. It brings about such high moral dilemmas that will seriously mess with your brain sometimes and there is one episode that will likely make you cry.
Anyways. Season 2 has just started airing and I am so ready for it.
Buddy Daddies
Why did a show about two queer platonic dudes who adopt a child while beings assassins hit so damn hard.
The show jumps between episodes with backstory and episodes with them just being good dads and it is balanced so well. This anime won't end up getting a sequel most likely with how it ended but damn I wouldn't say no to one.
Rei is my favourite character and I relate to him far too much. His interactions with the world are so fascinating and his whole arc with Miri is honestly some of the best media I've seen.
I absolutely loved watching this show weekly and it always brightened up my day when I realised a new episode would be up.
If you would like further thoughts on this one then check the Reviews while I watch on it for more chaos.
No Game No Life
So. This was the first ever anime that I ever watched. It was a random recomendation from a friend. Look at where we are today.
This show is honestly just so fun. The characters are silly and the whole plot is just absolute chaos. I really enjoy the games aspect and how it was all incorporated into the world.
I can't even really say much about it. It is just a guilty pleasure of mine and will always hold a special place in my heart.
Also. Please can it just get a second season already.
Assassination Classroom
So. Unlike everything else on the list - this one I only finished really recently. My partner and I were watching it together. And to put it out there straight away. I cried. That ending was far too emotional.
I really enjoyed the humour throughout the whole thing as well as the constant underlying dread of the whole situation.
They also really played out Koro-senseis backstory really well. The teasing to it was excellent. I must say though that one of the twists seriously came out of left field. Like damn.
I've just recently bought the boxset and am reading through the manga. Once again. It's absolutely amazing.
Also the openings of them all jumping are absolutely fucking hilarious and you can't tell me otherwise.
If you want to know what officially sold me on the show was just in the first episode. (Note we watched in dub)
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Don't ask me why but I found this to be the most hilarious thing ever. The absurdity and the line delivery was magnificent. I annoy my partner by quoting it atleast once a day.
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan
Speaking of comedies. This show has no right to be this good. The absudist dead pan comedy in the middle of whats meant to be a TV show is such a random premise but just works so well.
Due to the nature of the show, the characters are extremely relateable. I especially love Kumatani and Kikaku.
If your on the same side of anime tiktok that I am then you have definitely seen/heard snippets of the dub.
I think this was the first anime that I originally watched in sub and then tried it in dub and actually enjoyed it. (I often find that whatever I originally watched it in is the only one I can watch it in - it's very difficult for me to change it)
The voice acting on both sides just works perfectly for the show. And that final episode and how they did it was the best thing ever.
Please just give it a try.
Angel Beats
Okay. Time for a hard hitter. This comedy like assassintaion classroom is fucking excellent but will make you cry, like damn.
In complete and utter contrast to No game no life, this was the second anime I had ever watched. I had found a video that gave some suggestions and thought I would give this one a try. When I say it destoryed me, I mean it literally. I constantly think about the end of this and I absolutely love revisiting it.
The twist and turns along the way are fascinating and I love how each one alters the characters and the narrative. Each of the characters feel unique - even the lesser developed side characters - with fascinating and complex backstories.
The whole thing just makes you question your own place in life.
Moriarty the Patriot
Another one I just randomly tried because I saw a video on tiktok. The first episode immediately pulled me in. I thought it was just going to be some simple detective story (At the time I didn't know much about Sherlock Holmes and who Moriaty was so I didn't have any of that to guide me into this story.) But nope.
I keep saying this but in this one I really mean it. The characters are built so well. The dichotomy between William and Sherlock - as the fandom would probably agree - is just amazing. How they bounce off of each other - i don't even know how to really descirbe it.
Honestly just go watch it.
And if you enjoyed the anime - please go check out the manga too. If the anime was done well - then the manga is done to lamost perfection.
This show was what got me into reading and then eventually buying manga. I now have every single one that is out.
Yuri!!! on ICE
Did I make the title gay? Yes.
Okayyyyy. This is just going to be me going on about how much I love this show. Bare with me.
So I was in an anime watching slump just before I picked up this show. I had been seeing some videos popping up talking about it and decided to give it a try (this was in 2020)
I immediately fell in love with this show. Literally everything about it. I ended up rewatching it three times over the course of a week. It got to a point where I was so upset that there wasn't more content for it that I just cried for half a day. (Ask my partner - it was chaos)
This show is the reason I now read fanfiction - all because I found a way to technically have more content for it.
This show holds such an important place in my heart that I sincerely cannot express it properly.
If you've never watched it - go give it a try. It would mean a lot - and hopefully one day we might get a season two.
Thanks for reading, if you managed to get to this point. I find it interesting how my explanations managed to slowly get shorter throughout the list as I just started becoming more emotional than factual.
I hope you enjoyed it and maybe grabbed a recommendation or two. If you'd like to know more or hear me ramble on more about anything in particular then please let me know.
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Reviews while I watch Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte: Episode 7-8
Ayo!! I'm back. And I am so behind. Damn. Life has been hellishly rough the past few months and I currently have a week that I can do this. Might be able to do more after that but who knows.
I have very little recognition of what I've watched but my backlog is long and I really have to catch up. So let's do this!
She was put in danger last time from what I remember. I really should just watch stuff through as that helps me actually remember what's happening. XD
Opening is still a banger. Oh yeah, we have the creep trying to get ahold of the game aren't we? Or was that a different show?? Nah I do believe it was this one.
Aw. Awww. Awwwwwww.
The captions actually have the correct use of fiance and fiancee. That's cool.
Sincerely, why can you romance a teacher in this game? No. Just no.
He broke her. She broke him. She seriously broke him.
Ah nice. They're getting to commentate for everyone now. And people seem to be enjoying it. Damn. Even pulling more people in.
And now everyone thinks they're dating. Which they will end up doing. It's inevitable.
Damn. He got a power up. And now he will fight the potential husband. XD
She descends further into the dark.
----between episode thoughts----
So I just went back in my posts. Apparently I never wrote on this series. It was just one I was watching without posting. My apologies about that. I don't want to waste an episode so Imma keep going.
K Thanks Bye
----Episode 8----
Manipulation at its best.
Okay 1.5x speed is too fast to try read subtitles. Back to 1.25x.
Backstory time. Did we always know she was Fae? Honestly can't remember.
Oh she trained him. Nice.
Ha. He stole the mask. I like this guy.
Aw. The mom is just trying to help.
Hm. He's really pushing this a lot now. A bit too much.
Damn. THey're just trying to kill her now.
nooooo. Don't give in. Shit.
Damn. How is this show going to end? She just killed the witch. We're only on episode 8.
Tsuned really pissed. XXXXXXXXXXXXXD
They have finally confessed. Fuck yeah. Concrete.
Now these two just go to confess.
Oh no. She mad.
----after thoughts----
I was going to go longer but it is too hot to be sitting in this chair any longer. Shit's about to go down and I am so ready for it.
0 notes
Reviews while I watch Bakuten!! The Movie
Ayo. It’s been awhile. Been busy with a lack of motivation to boot. Great fun. Anyway. I have been waiting for this movie for so long. I absolutely loved the anime and recently rewatched it since I believed my previous scoring was too low. It was. (remember I score things quite high on average so bare that in mind) I rated the series a 9/10. So you can imagine my hype for the movie. It is finally available. So let’s do this. eeeee
An hour and a half. Noice. 
Birb motifs are back. 
One by one introduction to the characters again. These characters are absolute chaos. Cute little opening. 
3D models. They’re a lot better incorporated into the scene in this which is really nice. I have become too hyper aware of 3D models in anime. 
Da heck is this guy. Oh his parents. Nice. Why are all their parents showing up?? XD This is great XD
Aww. The 3rd years are leaving. Imagine the pressure of the last tournament. 
Ooooo, ahhhhh. ooooo, ahhhh
birbs. little birbs
Oh look. The rivals. 
Someone should call the fire department. They are causing sparks on the mat. I love the style that that adds to the performance. Such a small touch but it adds so much. 
This kid is just having so much fun with this. 
The camera movement is so fluid with all of these. It really brings in the feeling of the tumbling and everything. They also added a lot more to the movement for the performances for the movie. I love it. 
Fuck these two are great XD
Also fascinating that we see the rivals full performance but not our main team. 
Trouble is brewing. 
Also. We’re only 20 minutes in and we’re already at the inter high?? Where is this movie going?
Performance time. 
Oh no. Watari is in panic. This ain’t good. 
Ohhhh noooo. We don’t even see a full performance. 
I wonder who all the new team members will be. 
Coach be chilling. And the wifie came. 
Too many emotions. 
He angy. Yissus. But he still supports the dream. 
Watari is struggling. Shame. 
He notices them struggling but doesn’t know what to do about it. 
New coach. 
Watari. Don’t turn this down. 
He really just showed up with no plan. XD
They don’t have to win. They just have to inspire. 
They are good at convincing people. 
Lack of practice will make things harder. I’m glad they’re showing that. 
Hehe. He’s now smiling at the stupid nicknames. Character development. We love it. 
WHat is going to get Watari over his slump? And Shotaro too. 
Misato really keeping everyone going. That doesn’t normally happen from the brooding one. I love this change they decided for this anime. 
Bro really saying it’s the coaches fault. 
His feet are going to get cold. 
Are none of the other school third years? 
Mashiro is so cute. 
Ah. They're just continuing with the sport. That makes sense. 
She really said fuck yall, I’m the new vice captain. 
I like how many sports anime let’s their male characters cry and it’s not seen as a weakness or anything like that. Just wish we saw that outside of sports anime too. 
He nearly spilled the beans. 
Beans have been spilled. It’s festival time!
Mashiro is great. 
Do we finally get the full preformance? Oooo. THe lighting is nice. 
Once again. The camera movement is excellent.
How they going to do a encore? That;s how. 
This is going to be good. 
Ooo. pretty armbands. I love it! 
That is a lot of people tumbling. 
AHhhhhhhhhhhh. I loved it!!
Those are some amazing pictures for the closing. 
----after thoughts----
God. That was so good. I love the message it’s spreading. And the graphics. AHhh. It was such an excellent end to the story. I really hope they’re able to continue it with the next group coming through but if they don’t I’ll completely understand. It was excellent. 
And as a close. I shall be taking screenshots of the dumbest faces at the end of this. 
(Aww. They finally met the wife.) 
(Awwww. Pretty watercolour!!)
----pictures time----
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Just this whole one really. 
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face plant. 
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look at mashiros face. 
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This isn’t even the main cast. XD
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oh lord he coming. 
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There is so much going on in this one
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He about to be shmacked.
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Best reactions to the wife being real. 
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He’s just confused. 
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Reviews while I watch Mashle: Magic and Muscles: Episode 2&3
I’ve had a shit past few weeks with work and had very little motivation. But hopefully we’re back. Atleast for this week. xd
That is a lot of people. And a glance at out main cast. 
Fuck yeah, the opening is still sick. Everything is creampuffs. 
And Mashle just pumping iron in the middle of his speech. 
The absurdity of this story. Including the father and the cop watching from the centre. 
This guys such an egotistical bastard. And Mashle doesn’t give a shit. 
And everyone doubts him. And fear is apparently always the answer. I love the way e solves things without magic. It’s often really stupid but really cleaver ways. 
Lemon has appeared. Game like graphics. 
And down he goes. 
They do well to make the sphinx intimidating. 
Character arch in a few seconds. We love it. And then he just one punches the sphinx 
Aw. No one wants him. And it makes him sad. 
Lemon is honestly such a creep.
Ha. He broke the wand. 
Boss man has arrived. Boss man tries to kill gramps. How dare he. 
Noblesse Oblige really comes up everywhere diesn’t it. I only started noticing it since watching Moriarty the Patriot. 
He is really going to piss off all the teachers in this school. 
Finn has arrived. Guess who your roomate is. The person you don’t want it to be! And the door broke again!
“Peaceful school life” that ain’t happening. 
Cream puffs. 
Why is the closing a music video about cream puffs. It’s so stupid but great. 
----episode 3----
Cream puffs. 
I can’t remember how long it takes for all the main cast to be introduced. 
Random bully has arrived. 
Doesn’t he just yeet the broom? Yeup. 
Lloyd the random bully has arrived. I honestly can’t even remember this dude. 
Cream puffs. 
I should make a cream puff counter. 
Aww. Poor Mash. He just wants a friend. 
And he over cleaned. 
And Finn is standing up for himself! 
Never hurt Mash’s friends. 
Vice principal has arrived. But not for long. Yeup. He got beaten up. And he dug his grave. Mash is terrifying. 
The boss man really just wants to see what shit Mash gets up to and will do whatever to keep him around. Even if it means dealing with the bureau. 
Exposition. And they know not to load it or their audience will zone out. 
Tom has arrived. I can’t remember tom. But Tom has arrived. 
And he just chills on the floor. 
Cream puff song. We vibe. 
----after thoughts----
This is still absolutely well done. The absurdity of everything is done perfectly. To a point where it adds to the story rather than detracting from it like most stories get. It is also acknowledged half the time but not really expanded on and its just seamlessly done somehow. 
I love it. 
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Reviews while I watch UniteUp!: Episode 12 Finale
Oh my word. I can’t believe this is coming to an end. This show was honestly so fun and probably my favourite idol anime that I’ve watched so far. Let’s get into this final episode. 
They be nervous for the first live performance. 
I like the calmness and the buildup of the opening. How all the groups have developed and now come together because if it. 
That is a huge stadium.
Oooo. Is Anela performing?
Ahhhhhhh. Anela is performing!!! Yeee. Favourite group. 
This final episode is just going to be a bunch of performances and I love it. 
Those two are great. 
And dealing with the backlash as well. Nice. And they’re carrying on the performance! Yay! 
Daiki cries. Shame man. 
And they jump out the stage. That was great. 
Completely different style of music. 
Man just yeeted the mic. 
Once again. Different style of music. 
Ooo. Blue hair has nice solo. 
And onto Protostar. They get such a pretty opening. 
News flash? Ohhh. That’s so sweet. 
Protostar reminds me the most of the bands in idol anime. Their music that is. 
Now Akira cries. 
Different bands with different gloves. Noice attention to detail. 
Annnnnnd the opening song is the final song. Common trope but I still love it. 
Aw. A heart from the audience. 
And the typical chaos that all of them bring in the aftermath. It’s perfect. 
And he is very drunk. 
Oh god. He is scary as all hell. 
Nice atmosphere. They kept in a slight echo for the open auditorium. 
The three of them are so cute. I really want to see more of the different groups. 
----final thoughts----
By god, that was a fun one. I never knew idol animes could be done so well. Everything felt so authentic - even the drama. All the characters felt real and motivated which can be such a challenge with such a diverse cast. I absolutely loved this anime and I really hope we get to see more of these dorks. 
I can highly recommend this show and wish to give it an 8.8/10.
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Reviews while I watch Skip and Loafer: Episode 2
Ahhh. Ready for sweetness. 
Shame, she tired. 
Their happy dance is the absolute best. 
All the girls are sad now that they might be dating. 
Don’t stir the pot already. That’s not allowed. 
This man is crazy on the tambourine. 
Emotions are wack. 
And the best friend knows her far too much. It’s great. I want a friend like that. 
Golden retriever boi. 
Ha. She’s not going to get him, he already likes Mitsumi too much. 
New person? I like them, they’re fun.
This man has a past that we’ll probably learn about through the drama club.
Ooof. That was harsh. I wanna know more. 
----after thoughts----
There is definitely some hinting to a darker backstory and I’m dying for it. This is such a cute show. I absolutely love it. 
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Reviews while I watch Summoned to Another World for a Second Time: Episode 1
I’m definitely doing the first episode on here. We’ll see if I decide to continue doing the reviews while I watch for this show as I have quite a few that I plan on watching and I don’t want to get overwhelmed like last season where I still haven't finished most shows. I’ll still watch the full show but not sure if I’ll watch and write. That statement will be revealed at the end of this. For now, let’s enjoy.
 Oh no, why is the eyes animated under the hair. I hate that. 
So as the title suggests he has come back to his home world after being isekaied. And is apparently happy to go back. 
Aw, she tries to protect him. 
Janky running physics on the environment. 
Shame. They’re just high schoolers. And yet this pressure is being put on them to save another world they just arrived in. They’re also stuck in an inescapable situation of essentially being forced to help. 
Cocky bastard who keeps getting referred to and they don’t even know it.
Ah shit. Why did he have to hit her ass. That just annoying. 
Oh god. Her personality is so annoying now. 
Interesting reunion, I wonder how they will show the backstory of everything. 
Old enemy still around. 
Evil king is evil. 
This feels like a dnd party getting back together again. 
They introduce all these characters and then leave them behind. 
Oh look. He can see.
----after thoughts----
This is an extremely random Isekai. We will have to see how this goes. The premise is really interesting but it still feels like it falls into the more lackluster part. I think I’ll give it a few more episodes before deciding whether to stop the writing but it is quite likely. 
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Reviews while I watch My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999: Episode 2
So she ended up in his house last time. Let’s see how poorly this goes. This anime feels like it’s going so quick and I have no clue how its going to play out. 
That is such a creepy situation to be in honestly. 
I like how the masc voice in used for her then the fem voice is used for him. 
I’m assuming the necklace was important to her. Yeup. Yeup it is. 
Oh no. He so (I have forgotten the word) Abrasive? No, Blatant? no, Brash? No. Blunt!! That one. He blunt. 
It’s the necklace. Oh no. He broke it!
Hit after hit afte hit after hit after hit after hit. 
Ha. It’s him. 
He has no idea about life. 
Wait a minute, is this meant to be a love story between a highschooler and an adult??
Umbrella tiem. 
Well that was a hellishly quick delivery.
She has such an interesting friend. 
Oh god they’re drunk again. 
He’s inviting her to game. 
The closing music is so fun. 
----after thoughts---- 
This is still really cute but the fact that he is a highschooler is seriously rubbing me the wrong way. I don’t like it. Hoping that is sorted . Why does this kind of thing keep happening in anime. 
(edit: Looking into ages online it doesn’t seem like there is a definite age but by the guess it seems like its about a 2-3 year age gap at the end of his high school career since later on he is in college. So it seems okay? Hopefully. That does make me feel a little better about it seeing as that is the kind of relations I had with my own partner. Where it’s a three year gap and I was just finishing high school when we got together. For me I was already over 18 at the time so I’m going to assume it’s probably the same situation here.)
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Reviews while I watch UniteUp!: Episode 11
Time for the drama. 
Oh no, they’re believing it. And Akira is motivating people now as well. 
What is orange boi insinuating? 
Poor green boi. He was so scared. 
Oh no. He struggling. 
XD Daiki is struggling too!! XD
Oh no. The truth is coming out. 
Anela performance!!! Maoto knew that they had to carry on! Nice. 
Teacher dragging them to the baseball game. Noice. 
This kid has far too much energy. 
Why is orange boi in this game too? XD 
His eyes are pretty. 
Things are getting competitive now. And apparently fighting now too. Crazy. 
So much animation for a silly baseball game. XD
This is so cute!!
I really like the way they have handled this conflict. It honestly feels so real and authentic. 
He so happy!
----after thoughts----
Fuck. I loved that episode. seriously the culmination of everything finally coming together. Next episode is going to be an absolute show stopper. 
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Reviews while I watch Mashle: Magic and Muscles: Episode 1
Okay story time. I bought the first volume of this manga by chance because I was doing a get 3 for 2 special at the shop I was buying from and I couldn’t find a third book in the series that I had been reading. Note that I had not bought a book from a series that I hadn’t read online before at this point in time so it was quite a gamble for me to do this. So I bought the first book knowing absolutely nothing about it. I then went for some lunch and while I was waiting I decided to start reading this book that I had just bought. I finished it then and there and immediately went back to the shop and bought the next three books that were available at the time. I currently have up to volume 8 in the physical books and have only read from the physical books so there’s a lot I don’t know about but damn I really love the goofyness of this story and how the characters act and bounce off of each other. 
I’m so glad that the anime has finally come out, I’ve really been looking forward to this for so long. Let’s get into it. 
Setting up the importance of magic in the world really well. 
Fuck. This opening scene with him is hilarious in both medium. 
Also another story. I didn’t register that Mashle had yellow eyes until I saw the trailer for the anime. XD
Creampuff boi. 
Aaaaaand the opening image of the opening is a cream puff. This is perfect. Even more cream puffs. And he sits on the throne eating a cream puff. Yes. Just yes. I also love how there’s so many minor villains and they show all of them in the opening XD. Looks like we should have the puppet guy as the main villain for this season. Doesn’t look like it goes much past him. Excellent point to get to though. I loved that fight and his personality in the manga. 
Best coping mechanism for stress. Just scream. 
Push or Pull. That is the question. 
Fucking didn’t realise how much I needed this to me animated. This is amazing. 
He so skinny for such a buff guy. 
And he disobey for cream puffs. 
Perfectly timed wind. 
Good allusion to how people can tell about magic skills. 
They make the cop seem so badass. 
Not the cream puff! And the drunk cop! Not the cream puff!
The absurdity in this is brilliant. Ahhh. 
Speedy father. And he is still the cream puffs. 
Take a shot for everytime I type cream puffs. 
Ha. He doesn’t want the door to be broken again. 
They could have used the door atleast. 
A song about cream puffs. Cute. 
Backstory time. Mashle saved him! It is a sign! woo. 
And there goes the door. And the other wall. 
Time to see mash in action! There goes the shirt. 
The magic effects are so cool!
Wack. “Can magic be paff’ed just like that?” Best line in all of this. 
Is the whole outro just about cream puffs? And we just watch the characters dancing. This feels like a weird tiktok video. XD
What the fuck did I just watch. XD
----after thoughts----
Fuck that was amazing. I could not stop laughing. They really captured the essence of the manga so well. It’s fascinating how a character who has no personality outside of cream puffs is such a likeable protagonist. I can’t wait to see where the rest of this goes and how they handle the rest of the main cast. We start seeing some of their personalities through the outro which is really sick. I can’t wait for next week!
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Reviews while I watch Skip and Loafer: Episode 1
This joined my list to watch like two days ago because I saw a description of it. This should be interesting. 
Hiding MC face. And there she is. 
I feel like I’m watching so many more Slice of Life anime this season than usual, especially compared to last season. That statement might be wrong though. 
This is such a cute opening. I love it. 
Ha. Dream sequence. 
I like the friend. She’s cute. 
And we watch the main cast getting ready. While whom I believe to be main boi sleeps in. 
Today is going to shit isn’t it. 
She got lost. That must be terrifying. 
He’s so smiley. 
She listened everyone even the animals. 
She dead. 
And now he’s moved by her motivation. Welcome to the romance of the anime. Honestly really sweet start. 
Title card showed and I thought the episode was over. Thankfully not yet. 
Now that’s dedication - as well as nerves - to memorise the speech. She is dying on the inside though. 
Oh no. 
Oh yes. Show all the key characters in the glance around the class. 
I like that we’re seeing a bit of the family at home. I wonder how that’s going to end up impacting everything. 
Noooooo. Go to sleep. Not at the desk. 
----after thoughts----
This is so damn cute. The characters have a pretty good set up and by god I relate to our MC far too much. I can’t wait to see how the romance and friendships end up turning out. This is going to be a really good slice of life show. 
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Reviews while I watch Kizuna no Allele: Episode 1
Another idol show. I think atleast? Seems like it might be one or based on the genre atleast. 
Okay. VTubers apparently. 
I so desperately want my own VTuber model but definitely can’t afford it in the slightest. 
Ooo. That’s really pretty. 
Oh no. She dead. 
It is really hard to get followings when you start in online jobs. 
Cute opening. 
That is a persistent alarm. 
Her house is so bland, other than one figure and a poster. 
Mysterious person is mysterious. Mysterious person likes tea. 
They just step into a virtual world. 
Dead girl is actually an AI. Weird. 
The virtual world in this is really fascinating. 
I don’t know if it’s just her model but damn, I don’t like the 3D pieces. 
Just because you’re let down by one person doesn’t mean you should give up immediately. 
Random tiny thing. 
----after thoughts----
That’s all we get in the first episode? 
There’s a little bit of build up but not much to keep the viewer invested past this point. I hope it doesn’t continue this way as more airs. It’s got a really interesting premise and has set up a few mysteries that we’ll probably be exploring as the story goes. 
Looks interesting. Will have to see what next week holds. 
0 notes
Reviews while I watch Trigun Stampede: Episode 10-12
So I have started getting spoilers because tiktok has decided to give me dozens of trigun episodes. So I have to watch this before I get major spoilers. 
Let’s go! I will be sad when this is over. But atleast more is coming out. Yay!
I can’t remember how the last episode ended. 
Evil corporation backstory time. 
Shmancy city. 
He shneeze and they get spotted. Love it. 
What happened to his arm? I still don’t think we know. 
He really took that shot like a champ. Damn. 
Scarred boi. It looks so much harsher than most reveals like that. I like it. 
This man has a saviour complex.
Music. Ominous but pretty. 
Oh god. The new one will kill everything. 
Shame. She’s still just trying to figure out her life. 
Yissus her music i fucking creepy. 
Boss man is going to die. 
She does not like Wolfwood in the slightest. And Vash and Wolfwood go into the trap. 
She no longer creepy. 
Called it. He dying. 
Oooo. The use of her name is damn powerful. And this is why you don’t use names. 
He dead.
Meryl is going to go on a revenge streak now.
I feel like Wolfwood is going to die. 
And so the brothers are reunited. 
So the doctor caused Nai to have the knives? 
Is Vash going to be tortured and reformed now? Shit is going down. 
----Episode 11----
Two shots. Make it count. 
He drown
Oh nice. Nai joins him. 
Oh no. Why are his things black. 
I love this dream like sequence. It’s so ominous and ahhh. 
No dont use Wolfwood against him! 
He has his hand? Noice. I like how he can tell it’s fake because of the hand. 
Psychotic brother is Psychotic. 
Nooooo. He’s forgetting. That's not allowed. 
Pretty flowers!
Her name is really Rem Saverem? Crazy. 
Poor Vash having to listen to that whole speech about being special. 
Another independent. Oh no. They’re dead. Nevermind. Apparently they’re alive. I’m assuming that’s the never one we saw last episode - just rebuilt and reborn. 
Nai thinking he’s being protective but actually he’s destroying Vash. 
He’s still eating his noodles? XD
ooof. Not the head. 
Nai is going to realise he fucked up. Also it’s Vash’s birthday? 
Big person. 
----Episode 12----
The vines released her. 
Did she really just waste the two bullets? All the setup for tat? 
She has more bullets apparently. 
Music! Good constant motif between the two. 
He’s remembering!
Wings! Those are so cool. 
His hair has changed. Similar to his og design. I like it. Also love how all the colour has turned to essentially a black and white. Other than the cube. 
Wolfwood is back!
Midair fight. 
HE GETS A WING TOO! Also the wings are on opposite sides. 
He couldn’t save them. 
Superpowered gun. 
Oooo. Pretty lights. 
Wolfwood is concerened about Vash. Sweet. 
The brother is going to die. Then the other one will end up being the main villian. 
Both want peace. But one wants peace through eradication and the other wants peace through acceptance. 
Vash cries. 
Why do they have such a goofy running scene in the middle of this extremely emotional moment. 
This is surprisingly graphic. And yet he still just wanted them to live together in peace. 
Set up for part two. 
Nooooo. Not the music. 
----after thoughts----
So Meryl is getting a newbie mimiking the start of the show. Wolfwood is nowhere to be seen. And Vash has forgotten everything again, other than the music again. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. This next season is going to be so damn painful. I cannot wait. I’ll probably watch the OG show and read the manga when I get the chance between other shows. 
Ominous closing is ominous. 
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Reviews while I watch Heavenly Delusion: Episode 1
I have no clue about this other than the synopsis reminds me of Bubble and Guilty Crown. Aka. Who the fuck knows what’s happening in this. 
Interesting cinematography. 
Spoopy text. 
The animation feels hella choppy but also so smooth. 
Annnnnnd that’s a dead body. 
Note to self. Not everything is worth eating. 
I change my statement. This reminds me of a supernatural version of No. 6
Oh look. Other people. 
Okay. I like the action in this. 
She’s snarky. Yes. 
Really interesting gun. The battery situation is also weird. 
Back to the tomato heaven. 
So brother and sister separated by the wall?
Oh god. she is scarred. And she was about to kiss the mirror? 
The go kill the monster. 
Oh no. Were they drugged or something? I feel like they were drugged. 
Well that’s hellishly creepy. 
----after thoughts----
This has such a weird but interesting premise. I wonder how the two stories will end up weaving together. There’s clearly connection but currently we don’t have a true plot to work with yet. 
0 notes
Reviews while I watch My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999: Episode 1
Oh god. How is it already the spring season and how am I already behind.  I still have other shows to catch up on TT. 
Anyways. I’m looking forward to these new shows and hopefully I can actually keep up a bit better than I did last season. 
The animation is so soft. 
Gamer romance. Let’s gooo. We’re going to be seeing a lot of the sprites aren’t we?
That is such a harsh way to have a breakup. Tha would properly taint the game for me. 
Her avatar is really cute. His looks dead inside. 
I love how long he takes to reply. That’s great. 
Ha. Petty. 
That man is a bitch. 
This is why polycules exist. Are there actually any anime that contains healthy polycules?
Going through all this for revenge, Interesting?
Really? The Cinderella shoe symbolism. Nice. 
Man she figured it out quickly. Wasn’t expecting that this soon for this kind of show. 
And she doesn’t even get acknowledged. Shame. 
Ha. Fake dating. That’s what got him to agree as well XD
Aroace gamer boi. 
Aroace gamer boi who notices and cares. 
Shame this boy just wants to go home. 
----after thoughts----
DA FUCK IS THIS ANIME? That is not where I thought this was going to end up going. Okay. This one has definitely drawn me in. Now I must wait again. 
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Reviews while I watch  UniteUp!: Episode 10
This is the only show on my winter list that hasn’t finished. That is such a depressing thought. Anyways. We’ve seen all four bands origins and stories, and we have three more episodes. Let’s see where this goes. 
Announcement time. Live performance time. Wooo. 
Okay. I like how who’s on stage in the opening is constantly flipping between the two groups. Just noticed it now. And then finally to our main group. 
Aw. Daiki is crazy but dedicated. 
More Anela backstory! Yay! I love these two. 
Someone just ran past. Is that just a random background thing? Noice. 
New song time. 
What would be cool is if Anela joined the show too. I just want to see them perform. 
He’s going to be the main by the end. He’s too nervous to ask for it. But it will come about. 
Also Daiki is keeping an eye on him! woo. After that bath scene it makes sense. 
He looks so different with the hair down. 
Yeup, he’s definitely getting it in the end. 
Daiki is getting harassed by the paparazzi. 
Why do they immediately believe that story about it being a girl? Confused. 
This is definitely fake, as there’s nothing to show it could be true. Especially the way he looked up to Lin as a mentor and is now working with them. They wouldn’t have allowed that if it was true.
Oof. He’s angry now. 
And everyone is breaking apart now. 
----after thoughts----
This surprisingly still feels quite natural even with the forced conflict. That’s pretty difficult to pull off. 
Also everyone’s reactions after the news comes out is pretty cool as a closing. The music is sick as well. 
Ooof. He’s not at his spot. Daiki will end up doing something stupid won’t he?
0 notes
Reviews while I watch Buddy Daddies: Episode 12 Finale
I was meant to be going to sleep. That’s not happening anymore. 
Rei is dead. 
They are so ready to cook. That is so cute. The character development is great. 
Are they back at their old place? I thought they were in hiding?
Oh my word. It’s been one year. 
Why is Rei all dressed up? 
Oooooof. Mom’s dead. The day they explain will be painful. 
Rei coming in clutch!
Rei got Klapped. 
“They’re genetically inclined to be bad with words.” Best excuse for violence. 
He got Shmacked by a bag. Nice. 
The series started with Kazuki wearing the Santa outfit, and now we end it with Rei wearing the Santa outfit. So poetic. Make that both of them. 
Partner in crime. Literally. 
Nice change on the checking for weapons and still having one in the battle. Just make Rei the living weapon. He jump into the car. 
The spy song is literally just saying “Daddy and Daddy” I love it. 
The poor car. So much for the grand entrance. 
Domestic violence. 
Back to daycare. 
This man’s obsessions with words is so fascinating. 
The animation of him loosing his hair band was so damn smooth. Wow. He also jsut gained a bunch of hair in the front of his head between frames. XD
Oof. That’s brutal. Ha his book is gone. 
He makes a pinky promise. ahh.
Found family at it’s best.
Annnnd. He shot himself. I do believe he has crippled his arm. 
Oh wow. He trusted him not to shoot. 
This man can drive with a bullet wound in his leg. 
They’re going to come bursting through the doors. Nope. But her smile is so sweet!
Ahhh. Title change!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Older Miri!!
Rei looks even more like Aizawa now. 
Can Rei seriously still only cook French Toast? XD
----after thoughts---
Fuck. That was a damn good show. The characters were so endearing and their arcs were played out perfectly. Everything culminated into a fantastic story about found families and queer platonic relationships. 
It is so great seeing this kind of positive representation for these things presented in such a simple and endearing way. 
God I loved it so much. This really in a top favourite. I will be rewatching this soon and will give a proper review on it. 
Please check this one out if you haven’t, it’s short and sweet and absolutely perfect. It will also make you cry. 
And with that, Buddy Daddies is officially over. (even though anilist is telling me there is an episode 13 coming out next week for some reason but who knows. I don’t trust it after the Technoroid Overmind debacle XD)
That is definitely a 9.7/10 for me. (aka top 10)
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