bookofe · 5 months
Roses 🌹
As a man it is important to appreciate a woman’s beauty like a rose 🌹
Frozen in the snow ❄️
but if the connection is strong Love grows
But it is known
As the rose becomes its full form and transforms
it’s important to also appreciate its thorns
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bookofe · 5 months
Words from the Wise
A mistake is only a lesson you haven’t learned from
Trust me you ain’t dumb. keep going don’t let it pressure you to give up try not to succumb
Your journey hasn’t ended it has only begun
After the rain comes the sun.
Some of the greatest winners had to lose over and over again before they finally won
Today’s ceiling is tomorrow’s floor
If opportunity doesn’t come knocking go to its door
There is power in not trying to settle a score. Some things are better left ignored
It’s okay not to be okay just don’t keep your battles silent and stay that way
No storm lasts forever. Every storm has to run out of rain.
There will be peace after the pain.
Seek those who ignite your flame
True friends are not the ones that leave during your lows but the ones that remain
Some of the most important things in life are the simplest and most mundane
Don’t complain if you were raised in a dysfunction home, where chaos, anger, and disrespect might be seen as the norm.
Just know it’s not and you have an opportunity to break the chain.
Anything you want out in life is out there for you to claim.
Focus your full attention look down the sights and aim
Understand everyone is in their own lane. Playing their own game.
The main character in their own campaign
Some are fortunate to be sipping on some Armad De Brignac Ace of Spades Champagne as they are sitting down on a private jet or plane heading to Rome or Spain
Like the real Bruce Wayne
Regardless we are all a little broken but last time I checked broken crayons still color the same…
There are still some other things I want to mention let me explain.
Don’t trade your identity for popularity.
To give you clarity this goes against your integrity rooted in envy and jealousy. At this point you become your own enemy so think carefully.
If your love isn’t reciprocated then that friendship or relationship needs to be annihilated 
Please know you are perfect for the hearts that are meant to love you
This is so true! Like when they say you are molded by the experiences you’ve been through.
Dying is impossible to dismiss
Death is apart of life because it makes us understand how important each breath is.
There is a fine line between truth from lies
To live a fulfilled life make sure you have your “why”
As you sit there trying to justify and rationalize
what has been said please realize
These words ain’t from me
They are words from the wise…
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