calltoamentor · 14 hours
Even if I didn’t have a solid plan, in the back of my head, I always assumed I’d kill myself.
Now I’m an adult and people my age have their lives in order and I’m stuck here, confused, because I never planned to be alive and I’m so far behind.
I feel like I’ll never catch up.
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calltoamentor · 18 hours
Protecting Your Peace: Holiday Edition
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite? The Holidays, as the time between late November and Mid-January are often collectively called, are often meant to be a time of joy and community. A time where we light up house and tree alike with bright colors and fairy lights to repel the dark and cold just outside the window. A time of food, warmth and abundance to distract from the fact…
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calltoamentor · 1 day
I’ll Chance the Bear
Have you ever been camping? “I’m glad you’ve lived such a privileged life that you’d rather risk being alone with a bear than a man.” The blonde, blue eyed man leers triumphantly into the camera and despite having seen his face, and the many women rightly calling him out on his bullshit and hiding behind his mother’s trauma despite her take-away from her experience being the opposite of what he…
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calltoamentor · 2 days
Low Energy Days and Burnout
When do you feel most productive? It is currently 9:21 at night and I have not yet done my daily prompt. 2020 Caitilin would be aghast. 2020 Caitilin would also then proceed to not bother, and lose motivation to continue posting for the next several weeks. Part of taking my burnout recovery seriously while also keeping an eye toward avoiding backsliding into learned helplessness has been…
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calltoamentor · 4 days
Expanding Hearts and Learning Levity
How do you choose an emoji for your partner? What emoji encompasses your entire dynamic? Why do we choose emojis for people? Let's talk about the little things that build a life together.
Daily writing promptWhat are your favorite emojis?View all responses 💗 Do you have an emoji you use specifically for your significant other?This one is mine, the one I use specifically for him as a small reminder of how much my life–and yes, my heart– has expanded with him in it. It’s one of many ways I have grown accustomed to being more open and sincere in expressing my feelings toward other…
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calltoamentor · 4 days
“When you first get out of a toxic relationship, you often feel numb and isolated. You WILL push away family and friends. You WILL want to be left alone… That’s okay for a season but don’t stay there. You have to get back up and go back out. Not EVERYONE is out to “get you” or “hurt you”. You will have to learn who to trust and you’ll have to regain your self worth. You CAN live and love again. You do not have to impress your abuser anymore. Block their number and move on. Leave them be. Let them live their life however they choose, even if they don’t learn from their actions or if they throw dirt on your name. Let them! Why, you ask? You’re the bigger person. Choose love and peace. Grow yourself and have a glow up! Show that person how to change into a better person! Let them see that love always wins! ❤️‍🩹 ”
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calltoamentor · 4 days
Recovery: Discussing The Deeply Unpleasant
How do you talk about trauma? How do you discuss abuse? How do you describe the things you've been through? In today's post, I discuss how I shed light on my experiences.
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calltoamentor · 7 days
Love and Risk: Closing The Long Distance
How do you close a long distance relationship as a risk averse person? How does it impact your job search to move across the country? What if it doesn't work out? These are questions I had to ask myself before moving 15 Hours away to start again.
Daily writing promptWhen is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?View all responses Impulse and I have never been friends. My method of being has always been to choose the most stable, direct, safe option I can to mitigate any harm that may or may not come my way and keep those I love safe; regardless of whether they would have ever seen any risk from my actions or not. Most times…
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calltoamentor · 7 days
Going No Contact: When to Cut the Cord
How does going No-Contact impact generational trauma? How does separating from your family heal your inner child? What does self-care really mean? Today let's talk about how letting go of the things that harm you can help you heal enough to build a life.
Daily writing promptDescribe a risk you took that you do not regret.View all responses When breaking generational cycles, a phrase is often used to highlight the particular stage in which one cuts off several people who no longer serve their highest good: The Cutting of the Cord. Now this evokes some very visceral and severe imagery, and while my general praxis is to soften these phrases in a…
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calltoamentor · 8 days
Why They Stay: Living With Schrodinger's Abuser
Why do they stay? This is a question that plagues abuse survivors the world over, and now I would like to throw my answer on the pile. A deeply personal example of what staying in a Narcissistic relationship for ten years looked like for me.
Daily writing promptWrite about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?View all responses Do you ever look back on a time in your life and find yourself thinking: Why am I still alive?That is where my mind goes whenever I find myself thinking over my time in the Pit. To be clear, I do not think the Pit Beast would have killed me. It would have taken…
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calltoamentor · 9 days
Existing Authentically and Visibly
Does burnout ever stop after unmasking? How does trauma recovery impact your ability to function? Lately I have found myself drowning in these questions. Today is mostly a rant post.
Daily writing promptWhat makes you nervous?View all responses For long time readers of this blog, good Gods do I owe you all an apology.It’s not…it’s not that I have been lying to you, per se, more like I did not realize how aggressively I had masked my authentic self to keep myself safe until I was physically removed from the sorts of spaces that made it necessary. Every word I have ever…
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calltoamentor · 9 days
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Knowledge is empowering
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calltoamentor · 9 days
How To Prioritize
Breaking cycles of generational trauma isn’t just doing the Big Tasks of doing all the deep personal work to confront the ways previous generations have impacted you. Oftentimes the minutiae of daily changes and habits built on years of coping mechanisms that may or may not serve you at this point in your life. Which, when broken down so plainly, can fill you with dread all on its own. I’m not…
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calltoamentor · 11 days
Stress Maintenance During a Major Life Change
How do you manage stress during big life changes? How do you confront the person you were told to be, and live as your authentic self? Today, let's talk about releasing pressure and learning to live authentically.
Have you ever experienced a major life change? The kind where you fundamentally cannot return to the life you lived before, and you find yourself in this bizarre middle-scape where you can see who you were just on the horizon, and the pale specter of who you will become off in the distance while the you that exists presently just…hovers in the middle. Adrift. Exhausted. Trying to figure out how…
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calltoamentor · 12 days
No Progress Without Struggle
There is no journey in this life or any other that is devoid of challenge. No Coach is so good that they smooth every bump from every road you may take. There is this image of a life with struggle or tragedy that these spaces almost need to project.
Daily writing promptHow do you use social media?View all responses Powerful people tell powerful lies, friend. No adventure, regardless of how intentionally it was entered into, no matter how carefully planned and documented, will be devoid of struggle. You will experience days in which it feels that the entire narrative is stacked against you, particularly when there is work to be done in…
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calltoamentor · 13 days
Dittos, Mimics, and Imposter Syndrome
A win against imposter syndrome is still a win. A small glimpse into how it feels to dislike yourself less while still feeling like an imposter.
Daily writing promptJot down the first thing that comes to your mind.View all responses A Mimic Figure I’ve had since The Pit. So recently, my embodiment of how I tend to visualize my imposter syndrome has changed. For just about the longest time, years in fact, I conceptualized it as a Mimic–a big false treasure chest disguising its true form and gnashing sharp teeth to lure unwary adventurers…
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calltoamentor · 14 days
It Doesn't Need to Work Out
An anxious person's response to the "What if you just tell yourself the opposite?" Approach to anxious thinking, and argument for walking away from things you no longer find fulfilling or meaningful.
Daily writing promptDescribe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.View all responses “What if it doesn’t work out?”“But have you tried asking if it does?” Often when we are confronted with a challenging or unproductive mindset, the most immediate impulse is to reach for the opposite. What if it does all work out? Have you tried looking on the bright side? What do I…
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