Once again procrastinating by making memes instead of writing lol
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omg look
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I just infordump about glow worms, moari culture, and schizophrenia--
Person: What's your book about?
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I'm both somehow 🙃
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Ethan closed his eyes. The motion sent another few tears down his cheeks, glistening in the afternoon sun. “I know what I saw.”
“Is… is that it?” Victor asked, pointing to a floating shape bobbing against the shore, floating with the gentle waves lapping against the yellow sand of Ititai Bay.
“Yes.” Victor looked up from where he was crouching to see Ethan smiling, something he hadn’t done in so long that it made Victor smile as well, despite the fact that Ethan was smiling and reaching out for something that wasn’t there. “It’s right here. Can’t you see it?”
“I… Ethan…”
“That… there’s nothing there.”
“Yes there is. Look, she’s right here. I’m touching her.” Sep turned back to the empty air, his eyes filled with love. “She’s gentle.”
“Ethan…” Victor whispered, tears gathering in his eyes. It would be a beautiful sight – Ethan’s tan skin glowing in the warm summer sun, his green eyes bright and shining with that tender love that was rarely given freely, his soft blonde hair a mess from the wind as he smiled, his hand outstretched to an invisible creature. In any other circumstance, it would have made it to the top of Victor’s “cutest Ethan moments”. In any other circumstances, because the thing Ethan was referring to wasn’t real.
What are taniwha? In Māori mythology, taniwha are large supernatural beings that live in deep pools in rivers, dark caves, or in the sea, especially in places with dangerous currents or deceptive breakers (giant waves)."
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Well shit. 10, all the way.
you are personally and directly hit by a bus¹ and isekai-ed, via resurrection, into the body of the main character your most recent WIP
reblog and tell me: on a scale of 1–10, how screwed are you right now?
¹ this is, transparently, a plot device, so if you are about to tell me "joke's on you, I never leave my fifteenth floor apartment!" then you may rest assured it will have tremendous comedic value when the bus is launched into the sky and crashes through your apartment wall to flatten you anyway
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Reagan rubbed the designs in the ancient Hai Mataou she always wore. It had been passed down for generations, finally landing with her on her 16th birthday. It used to be white, but despite the care her family provided for it, it had faded to a dull yellow, the symbols and markings long cracked and faded, as taniwha bone did with age. The magic the relic used to contain was faded as well, however much it contained dwindling to a few residue sparks with age. In the center of the spiraling designs were carved letters, reaching out to each other amidst the tendrils of shallow grooves. It really was a beautiful thing. She could barely make out the initials, but it looked to be a crooked E and a curved V. Or maybe it was a U, but something told her it was the former.
She was still fiddling with it when Sep walked in, jumping up to her outcropping of rock and settled next to her. Reagan barely even looked up. Sep had come to visit her everyday since she got here -- at first it was annoying, surely he had other places to be and other things to do than bother her. Somehow his visits grew on her, especially when she realized that he was her only companion -she wouldn't call him a friend just yet- in this dismal cave. Some days, they talked. About Verr, about Veraldwiz, about life. Most days they sat in silence.
Today, Sep was staring at the artifact in her hands. "What is that?"
Reagan didn't look up. She held the little hook up by it's handle, wrapped in worn leather, the longest in a line of repairs. If she focused on it, the glowworms above her disappeared in a blur of blue, framing the carefully crafted artifact. "Hei Mataou. Family heirloom."
"Oh. Who gave it to you?"
"My... mother. Before she died." Sep dipped his head. "I'm sorry." He whispered, falling silent again.
"It's okay." Reagan pulled her legs under her and held out her hook. "Would you like to see it?"
Sep nodded. His hands were warm when Reagan dropped it into his palm.
Reagan watched as Sep held it up to the light, twisting it, gently tracing the carvings. His breath suddenly hitched when he flipped it over and read the initials. Reagan looked at him.
"Where did you find this?"
Reagan shrugged. "It's been in the family for hundreds of years. I guess someone found it when the Island was destroyed and Sintania invaded. I guess it's one of the last Hei Mataou we have from Sintania's reign. At least, that's what my father said."
"Ah. And Sintania was..."
"No clue. Some kind of Polynesian emperor or whatever. I didn't really pay attention in my history classes."
Sep nodded. He froze, then his hand jerked to his neck and he let out a shaky breath as he pulled a necklace out from beneath his shirt. Slowly, he joined the Hei Mataou with his... own fish hook carving. A fish hook with the same markings, same initials, and the complete opposite of Reagan's that fit perfectly in the cracks and grooves and spikes of her Hei Mataou.
Before she knew it, Sep was crying silently. Reagan reached a hand out, but Sep pushed it away. "It's the last thing I have of him...."
"Of... who?" And who exactly was this guy sitting beside her, with an exact copy of the pendant she took everywhere.
"Victor. He died."
"Oh. So the V stands for Victor. What's the E?"
"Ethan." Sep breathed out. Reagan likely wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't listening, hanging on to his every word.
"Ethan. Huh."
"I... I miss him. But he's still here, with me. He's in Ky now."
"Ky?" Reagan echoed.
"He's been with me since he died." Sep said. His voice was quiet, but still echoed in the chamber.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's fine. It happened so long ago..." Sep sighed. "Here's your relic."
Reagan barely caught the Hei Mataou before it could plummet into the rippling water below.
"If... you don't mind me asking. When did he die, exactly?"
Sep froze, halfway to his feet.
"I... it's best you--" Something clicked. Reagan's breath hitched. "You're Ethan."
Sep let out a choked sob, violently shaking his head. "Please, no--"
Reagan stood up, stepping towards Sep. "When did Victor die?"
"Who are you?" Reagan hissed. Sep let out a pained cry, tears slipping down his face.
"I-I have to go--"
"Sep, Ethan, whoever you are, ANSWER ME!"
There was a split second where Reagan watched as Sep's eyes flashed with hatred and fear and pain, before he was lunging at Reagan with a shout of fury. Reagan screamed as she fell backwards into the water. When she finally resurfaced, terrified, furious, and spluttering as she trying not to swallow the water, she realized Sep was gone. Only when she reached the rocky shore, shivering and gasping for breath, did she realize the Hei Mataou was gone.
What is a Hei Mataou? A Hei Mataou is greenstone or bone carved in the shape of a fish hook representing strength, prosperity, fertility, good luck and safe travel over water. It's meaning originated from the Maori legend of Maui who once caught a great fish using only a woven line and hook made from the jawbone of his grandmother.
What are taniwha? In Māori mythology, taniwha are large supernatural beings that live in deep pools in rivers, dark caves, or in the sea, especially in places with dangerous currents or deceptive breakers (giant waves)."
Sintania is loosely based on Santana from the Marvel Comics and, aside from being the person who conquered NZ after the Disaster, they have no real relevance to the plot.
Like I said, knee-deep in research. There are some liberties I took for my world-building and mythology-based magic system, but even then, it is based on Maori culture, so if I got anything wrong or portrayed anything in an offensive way, just let me know :)
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Hello and welcome to Veraldwiz!
For those of you who don't know, Colors of Veraldwiz is a novel I (@popcorn-plots) am currently writing. I fell in love with the idea of an underground society living in what they think is a dystopian world -- while the rest of the world is definitely alive and thriving above them back in November of 2023 and I've been living in this world ever since.
Since then, there have been many rewrites and modifications and I am proud to admit that I have almost an entire outline. I've already reworked the first 20 or so pages many many times and will likely continue to do so. Hopefully after I get the first draft done.
Currently, CoV is set in an underground society living beneath the glow worm caves of New Zealand, so if you're interested, stick around or shoot me an ask :)
Veraldwiz discord server and Spotify playlist. also YouTube.
About me/the author: My name is Toby. I am pansexual, and a genderfluid demigirl with he/him pronouns. Yes, you can refer to me as a female. Yes, you can also refer to me as male. Yes, you can use any pronouns, I just prefer he/him right now (it may change with my gender).
I love writing! I write poetry, novels, short stories, fanfiction... if you name it, I've probably written it. Except songs. I am absolute rubbish at songwriting.
Ao3 is here (popcorn_plots) and here (Kadi_WatsonHolmes).
I also like to play the piano, read and draw. I'm learning French and I want to be a criminal psychologist (or forensic anthropology, if I had the guts). Possibly ADHD, definitely anxiety. I love history, learning/experiencing new cultures, and theology/religion is always a fascinating subject. I am currently knee deep in Maori mythology and New Zealand culture/legends.
This blog is mostly for fun, and for me and anyone else to gush about my children (Sep, Reagan, and Ky as the Golden Trio, and Cadimus, Kleura, Catalina, and Victor as Epic Side Characters), post some snippets from my novel, and hopefully get this story done.
And, if anyone was wondering... yes, I did take that pic on the top of the blog and yes, it is the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. If anyone wants a truly breathtaking sight, go watch the sunset on top of the Arc de Triomphe. Absolutely stunning. 10/10 would recommend.
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