dayax19 · 17 days
Si tienes un canal de youtube, eso es bueno.
Si y no; sí creé un canal, pero está vacío. no sé que tipo de canal sería, o que subiría.
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dayax19 · 2 months
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Para ser honesto, me fue difícil bocetear esto, pero al fin me salió. (Tengo que aprender a dibujar más músculos)
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dayax19 · 3 months
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Saludando a los fans de Papa Louie! Ha pasado tiempo
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dayax19 · 3 months
Oh, wow. Welcome back to The Land of No Hope (aka "Tumblr"). It's been a while! Hope you're doing well!
Yes... It's not a full throttle comeback, it's not like I'm drawing all the time (I have work to do) but... I report that I haven't died.
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dayax19 · 3 months
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Han pasado meses... Tengo que volver a practicar, pero se sintió bien.
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Kristhal soporta muy bien el frío (traje de camuflaje en invierno)
Jhonatan se resfrío
No daré contexto del reto "heridos", porque abarca mucho texto.
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Jessica: Rigel and Betelgeuse
Kristhal: My tactical dog, Dolch, they are a sweetheart, I don't know what breed it is, but it doesn't matter... She always brings me knives because She likes them... nice
Dylan: (her mom) won't let me have pets Kristhal: but you are the pet! Dylan: haha, yeah good joke Kristhal: do I caress your tummy?
(voices in his head): yes you want it! yes you want it! yes, want it, yes!
Jessica: this is weird
jhonatan doesn't need pets, pets need him
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dayax19 · 1 year
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musiquita para la relajación y para que se empaticen un poco, la música para mí, es un factor importantísimo en el estilo de cada quien. Y lo hice con una dibujación toda hd criminal 4k bien detallada
music for relaxation and for them to empathize a little, music for me, is a very important factor in the style of each one of us. And I did it with a full hd criminal 4k highly detailed drawing.
no tiene nada que ver con el reto / it has nothing to do with the challenge
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Jessica does not because she is underage!
No son “Sexis” como tal, son mas bien “lindos”, pero lo intenté (cómo me gusta Dylan, se ve "masticable") / They're not “sexy” as such, they're rather “cute”, but I tried (how I love Dylan, looks "chewy".)
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ay we,yo dibujo chibi mas bien como comiquita, los ojos tienen algo que los delata / aw men, I draw chibi more like a cartoon, the eyes have something to tell.
momento de explicar contexto: los jóvenes son teriomorfos (transformación de un ser humano en otro animal, ya sea de manera completa o parcial), sin embargo, aqui no se aplica lo de Parcial, asi que no hay furros si lo piensan bien. (el proceso es un poco complejo, transformarse en mitad humano y mitad animal, propiciaria a una morfología bizarra, modificando desde los huesos hasta organos, siento peligroso y hasta mortal). entre ese grupo de teriomorfos, la mitad de ellos tienen "poderes analogos a las fuentes primarias" (espacio/materia y energia/tiempo)
time to explain context: the youngsters are theriomorphs (transformation of a human being into another animal, either completely or partially), however, Partial does not apply here, so there are no furs if you think about it. (the process is a bit complex, transforming into half human and half animal, would lead to a bizarre morphology, modifying from bones to organs, being dangerous and even deadly). among this group of theriomorphs, half of them have "powers analogous to the primary sources" (space/matter and energy/time).
dentre ellos no hay protagonistas, solo personajes que cuentan sus diferentes experiencias debido al cambio extremo que sufre "su tierra" (desde un punto de vista geológico. mas tarde explico los detalles. pero se viene guerra bélica y entre los chicos se verán algunos asesinos. /Among them there are no protagonists, only characters that tell their different experiences due to the extreme change that "their land" suffers (from a geological point of view. later I will explain the details). but war is coming and among the boys there will be some assassins.
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Hi, how are you? happy easter. it's normal that during Holy Week I get tired of drawing. not only I belong to the choir, but I am also the one who looks for the songs and draws the notes of the songs (sometimes I have to play and sing at the same time). and my drawing hand got a little messed up, that's why i took a break this monday. but I've been missing a lot of stuff. The only way to recover from the challenge would be to draw 2 challenges per day.
soooooo sad 
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dayax19 · 1 year
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(se supone que ellos no llevan uniforme en su colegio, pero ese era el reto de hoy / they are not supposed to wear uniforms at their school, but that was today's challenge)
están ordenados de izquierda a derecha por situación económica / are ordered from left to right by economic status. 
kristhal and jonathan: Baja / low
Dylan: Media / medium
Jessica: Alta / high
Si se preguntan por qué Kristhal tiene varias cicatrices en los brazos, es por 2 razones / If you are wondering why Kristhal has several scars on his arms, it is for 2 reasons. :
1. Suele hacer excurciones de montaña y no le gusta viajar por el terreno “obvio”, tanto en Alemania como en Canadá / He usually hikes in the mountains and does not like to travel in the "obvious" terrain, in Germany as well as in Canada
2. Practica constantemente “scherma di stiletto siciliano” con su hermano y padre / He constantly practices "scherma di stiletto siciliano" with his brother and father.
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dayax19 · 1 year
Her Majesty Kristhal is truly the prettiest princess in all the lands. I bow before her radiant beauty. ♥
(Su Majestad Kristhal es verdaderamente la princesa más bonita de todas las tierras. Me inclino ante su radiante belleza. ♥)
( You knew this was coming. / Sabías que esto vendría. (; )
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Jonathan: Por favor, No subas su ego.
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Kristhal: ¡No me contendré con tanto pawa! / I won't hold back with that much power! (Princesa Annika - Barbie y la magia de pegaso / Princess Annika - Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)
Dylan: =) (Spider man 2002 - Tobey Maguire)
Jonathan: (Hiei - Yu Yu Hakusho)
Jessica: ¡Fascinante! / Fascinating! (Capitana Amelia - El planeta del tesoro / Captain Amelia - Treasure Planet)
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Sé que deberian estar dibujados "enamorados", pero creo que eso será para después (además no sucede ese tipo de sentimientos sino cuando crecen un poco). mejor que sepan lo que ellos piensan con respecto a eso / I know they should be drawn "in love", but I think that will be for later (besides, that kind of feelings don't happen until they grow up a bit). you better know what they think about it.
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Dylan: fell in love? mmmh... aren't those adult themes? o well... I know it's normal at my age... but I don't want that! It's a lot of responsibility
Jessica: Not because...
The probability that the couple you choose in high school will be your future partner is very low, also, I would like to meet someone my age, but as a course with people older than me, I usually don't handle their conversations very well, I don't think I've mastered adolescent things yet. Besides that, I prefer to wait, I'm not a very empathetic person either to respond romantically to someone, I hate physical contact, and much less give it.
Kristhal: other than "SIMP". growing up with those kinds of thoughts is a denigration of the same person.
I prefer that he does not change his way of being for someone. even by me. Never. 
I like them authentic, without fear of what they are. Changing for love is serious, don't forget that you also have to do it for yourself, brother.
(ya a estas alturas deberían de saber que Jonathan no habla, sólo lo hace si es de suma importancia) / (by now you should know that Jonathan does not speak, he only does it if it is of the utmost importance)
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dayax19 · 1 year
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llora un poco después de películas/series emotivas. la paleta de colores de Dylan en el círculocromático está entre el agua marina, azules claros, verdes, amarillos hasta el naranja. reflejan su visión y misión impuesta por él mismo de crecer sin padecer de las actitudes de un adulto estresado. siempre optimista!  /he cries a little after emotional movies/series. dylan's color palette in the chromatic circle is between sea water, light blues, greens, yellows to orange. they reflect his self-imposed vision and mission to grow up without suffering from the attitudes of a stressed adult. always optimistic!
Jessica tiene sueño, pero nunca duerme si hay al menos una sola pantalla encendida (sea telefono, laptop, televisor, etc.). la paleta de colores de Jesica en el circulo cromático es el opuesto al Dylan, desde el rojo (mas implementando el rosado o el salmón, nunca el color fuerte), el morado, el indigo (como base), el azul como favorito (más en tonos oscuros o Claros, no el color fuerte). Refleja la costumbre de percibir su mundo desde un punto de vista más maduro (a pesar de tener una imaginacion infantil, es reprimida por sí misma). siempre viendo el vaso medio vacio/ Jessica is sleepy, but never sleeps if there is at least a single screen on (be it phone, laptop, TV, etc.). Jesica's color palette in the chromatic circle is the opposite of Dylan's, from red (more implementing pink or salmon, never the strong color), purple, indigo (as a base), blue as a favorite (more in dark or light tones, not the strong color). Reflects the habit of perceiving her world from a more mature point of view (despite having a childish imagination, she is repressed by herself), always seeing the glass half empty.
Kristhal lleva unos jeans que antes eran de salir, pero ahora los usa para la casa. no compra pijamas. por si se negaban a ver la serie que ella trajo a la pijamada, ella llevó una espada para poder amenazarlos si se negaban. no la usó, todos aceptaron sin problemas.  la paleta de colores de Kristhal en el circulo cromático oscila entre el rojo y el azul, pero aplicando poca saturación (colores frios). representa su versatilidad de llevar una mente razonable, con la habilidad de ver los problemas y situaciones desde 2 puntos de vista completamente opuestos. es empatica tanto como el oprimido como el opresor, pero no es sabia como para tomar desiciones justas, sólo desde su beneficio (lo que le conviene)./ Kristhal wears jeans that used to be jeans for going out, but now she wears them around the house. she doesn't buy pajamas. in case they refused to watch the series she brought to the sleepover, she brought a sword so she could threaten them if they refused. she didn't use it, they all accepted without problems. Kristhal's color palette in the chromatic circle oscillates between red and blue, but applying little saturation (cold colors). represents her versatility of having a reasonable mind, with the ability to see problems and situations from 2 completely opposite points of view. she is empathetic both as the oppressed and the oppressor, but she is not wise enough to make fair decisions, only from her own benefit (what is convenient for her).
Jonathan usa dilatadores nasales (rinitis alergica). constantemente tiene que resguardarse del frio o de las lluvias, es propenso a tener neumonia o bronquitis. la paleta de colores de Jonathan en el circulo cromático es casi nula, tiene sólamente al negro o a grices oscuros. puede usar colores, pero si la iluminacion y la saturación es baja. No puedo exponer lo que piensa o como piensa (aún  no), pero es sabio para utilizar sus pocas habilidades para el favor de las personas, así como aconsejar sobre cómo deben trabajar sus amigos. es el líder del grupo (asignado y aceptado) / Jonathan uses nasal dilators (allergic rhinitis). he constantly has to take shelter from the cold or rain, he is prone to pneumonia or bronchitis. Jonathan's color palette in the chromatic circle is almost null, he has only black or dark grays. he can use colors, but if the illumination and saturation is low.I can't expose what he thinks or how he thinks (not yet), but he is wise to use his few skills for the benefit of people, as well as advise on how his friends should work. is the group leader (assigned and accepted)
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dayax19 · 1 year
Hoy no hay dibujo 😔
Se retrasa porque mi hermana tiene que trabajar en la pc
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Kristhal nació en Zittau (Sajonia-Alemania) y vivió su infancia viajando constantemente la avenida Lückendorfer. Desde pequeña aprendió a hablar los idiomas fronterisos como el polaco y el checo, e incluido el alto y bajo sorabo. y por parte de su padre, el islandés. A pesar de su rapida comprensión idiomatica, sólo aprendió a escribir en aleman e islandés (y aveces sin querer mezcla los 2 idiomas y/o alfabetos/ Kristhal was born in Zittau (Saxony-Germany) and spent her childhood constantly traveling the Lückendorfer avenue. From an early age she learned to speak border languages such as Polish and Czech, including High and Low Sorbian, and on her father's side, Icelandic. Despite her quick understanding of the language, she only learned to write in German and Icelandic (and sometimes unintentionally mixes the 2 languages and/or alphabets).
Hay rumores de que Jonathan está asociado con “la muerte”. Hay un relato urbano que ronda a los alrededores del colegio: “según, si escuchas tocar a Jonathan en un lugar público, está tratando de purificar el alma antes de que se vaya al otro mundo”. La música que interpreta con la viola o la guitarra clásica se lleva la atención, y a pesar de no llevar relaciones estrechas con compañeros o adyacentes, se ha ganado el respeto (y temor) de muchos tanto fuera como dentro de la institución. Las personas no saben en qué tipo de persona se convirtió desde que sus padres murieron, sólo recuerdan que de niño era juguetón / There are rumors that Jonathan is associated with “death”. There is an urban tale that goes around the school: "according to, if you hear Jonathan play in a public place, he is trying to purify the soul before he goes to the next world". The music he plays on the viola or classic guitar gets the attention, and despite not having close relationships with peers or adjacent people, he has earned the respect (and fear) of many both outside and inside the institution. People don't know what kind of person he has become since his parents died, they only remember that as a child he was playful.
Jessica tiende a distraerse si está en ambientes aglomerados y urbanos, y constantemente hay que someterla a diversas actividades para alejar su mente “de la procrastinación”. Ha estudiado desde pequeña a tocar instrumentos como el contrabajo y el piano y ha aprendido a crear vestuarios para sus hermanas y a si misma (empezó a coser su ropa a los 12) / Jessica tends to get distracted if she is in crowded, urban environments, and constantly has to be subjected to various activities to keep her mind "off procrastination". She has studied from a young age to play instruments such as the double bass and piano and has learned to create costumes for her sisters and herself (she started sewing her own clothes at 12).
Dylan desde su niñez ha pasado de ciudad en ciudad por varias mudanzas, e interviniendo en varios colegios. A pesar de no tener amigos con un intervalo largo de tiempo, trata de conocer a todas las personas posibles. A los 10 años adquirió un amor a la gastronomía, y (a pesar de no gustarle según él) tiene habilidades para las matemáticas, contabilidad y estadística / Dylan since his childhood has been moving from city to city for several moves, and intervening in several schools. Despite not having any friends for a long period of time, he tries to meet as many people as possible. At the age of 10 he acquired a love for gastronomy, and (despite not liking it according to him) he has skills for mathematics, accounting and statistics.
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