digitechjay · 4 years
How To Retain More Customers?
Marketing without proper customer retention strategies is like filling a bucket with holes at the bottom.
You can keep filling the bucket, but if you take a moment to figure out as to what caused the holes and work to fix them,the story will be different.Here are some of the proven strategies to improve Customer Retention Rate:
1.Create a Shared Value.
What does your company stand for?
People don’t become very loyal to companies, they get loyal to what the company stands for.
Take Zappos for example, it does not say - an online retailer that sells shoes or handbags, it says - a customer service company that happens to sell ___.
Go and checkout their website, you will see customer service is focus everywhere.
Take TOMS Shoes...
It says - We're in business to improve lives.
And the brand actually means it. It has donated over 100 million pairs of shoes to people in need.
2.Leverage Personalisation
A personalized welcome email from the CEO or the Founder of the company talking not about the product but about the brand's values, leaves an impact. It shows that the brand cares for the experience.
It does much better than those automated emails or no communication at all.
There can be several ways to leverage personalisation. Using it the right way improves customer retention drastically.
3.Delivery Reciprocity
Reciprocity is proven to work for all humans in general, and that too from ages. It works today and will work tomorrow.
To make it simpler to understand - If you are nice to your customers, they are going to be nice to your brand. And being nicer is the foundation of loyalty.
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digitechjay · 4 years
5 Digital Marketing Myths.
1. More Traffic Means More Leads, Sales, Etc. No, that’s not right always. High volume traffic is of no use if it’s not relevant. A higher percentage of male traffic on a female-only store? 2.Not All Industries Actually Need a Blog.
Again, it’s not right. If you’ve got a business online, you must get a blog, be it B2B or B2C.Websites with quality blogs are more credible to visitors and potential customers.
3. Blogging is Always 100% Effective.
Not really! A blog is not enough, you must write quality contents, and that too regularly.Don’t have a blog because someone said, have it because your customers need it. 4. If You’re Doing it Right, You’ll See Results Right Away. Sometimes, all you need to do is nothing. A strategy takes some time to bring in results. Once you set it all right, wait, and let data & insights come. 5. Social Media is for Engaging Only Not true! It’s right that engaging is very important on social. But, it does not mean, you cannot sell there.Just don’t be the pushy salesman, be persuasive in your approach to sell. “Do you have a question about digital marketing?” Follow Me on Instagram @digitechjay
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digitechjay · 5 years
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digitechjay · 5 years
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digitechjay · 5 years
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digitechjay · 5 years
Love=New life
Everyone have their own life but if you are in love then you creating a new life in which there no space for " your life/my life"!!
It's a new life which demands your attention care effort and consistency.
If you think that first few months will be the "proving yourself time" and later on you can live again that life which you used to live before falling in love then
You are yet to grow up!! Bcz new life demand a lot
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digitechjay · 5 years
Love can be measured by the number of moments that can't be measured
jay nagar
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digitechjay · 5 years
we know the love is most important for our life.Every one want’s love.but  Can love happen twice?
as per my view Yes, one person can be in love with two different person at the same time.
A Mother loves her two sons. A Father loves his two daughters. In these cases, the love for any one of their child is neither partial (or biased or more or less) nor controversial. Then why is it a huge concern for people when one male is in love with two females or vice versa? Why is this kind of love considered as controversial? Why is this not accepted by the society? This does not mean one person is less loved or more loved. By another person getting added into the relationship, the first person is not ignored or deleted. They both are given equal amount of love. For instance, When you are in a relationship, are you able to completely forget the love that you gave to your partner in your previous relationship? The real meaning of being in a relationship or Relationship on the whole is understanding the feelings, wishes, needs and attitude of your beloved partner. Having all this in your relationship will bring more joy and satisfaction in your heart and you will certainly be able to understand your partner more and more. "The story of a relationship, if you see, is actually quite easy and stress-free but we, by bringing our egos and selfishness into the picture,make it a whole lot burdensome !!"
So finally, Yes! Love can happen twice if you have faith in it. After all, the only thing that still keeps the world intact is Love and Humanity!
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digitechjay · 5 years
(It's a Real  life Experiences) Life is a beautiful journey full of chaos and adventure. Love is a best part of our life.Its a soul of life. Before some times,Midnight i am work on laptop at that time.i got one information email from Vodafone.I got selected in Vodafone Job Interview.I gonna mad.at that time.I called my parents and informed them about it. They sounded happy but there was nothing special like wow, omg etc. Next morning, my Mom called me. She informed that she couldn't sleep last night I panicked and interrupt,I was asked her " what happened?" she said:Nothing...we were so happy that we couldn't sleep out of joy. She wanted to hug me and her excitement made me cry. I don't know what is love but for me this is love in its truest form. કહેવાય છે પહેલો પ્રેમ ક્યારેય ભૂલાતો નથી ,તો પછી લોકો માતૃપ્રેમ કેમ ભૂલી જાય છે Hey,Mom u r my First Love...I never forget you
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digitechjay · 5 years
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digitechjay · 5 years
Love is want. Love is need.
Love is impossibly imperfect.
Love always pays the bills on time but forgets your anniversary. It gets you frozen yogurt on the way home but leaves it in the car. It refuses to change the baby’s diaper but spends hours rocking the baby to sleep. It doesn’t write you poems or give romantic speeches but when you’re sad, it suddenly says that one right thing. It rarely thinks to buy you flowers but always thinks to plug your phone into the charger at night.
Love tries.
Love is forgiving. Love lets you get away with a lot. It grants forgiveness before you ask, but oftentimes makes you say sorry anyways, because it’s good for you to be humble. Love knows it will hurt you too. Love fails, time and again, but believes every next minute is a new chance to get it right. Love is forgetful. It forgets old words and old wounds. And even when it remembers, it also remembers to stay kind. Love has the worst fight of your life with you and then, right after, shares a cold coffee and splits a plate of chaat. It will leave the last gol guppa for you. Love understands your weaknesses. It doesn’t mock that you are scared of driving on highways or you get cranky if you’re hungry. It knows you have to drink your tea really, really hot. It will expect you will complain about your burnt tongue later. Love will be patient as you cut the tags off every shirt you wear because they scratch your neck unbearably. It will be quiet when you don’t feel like talking. It will laugh uproariously at your lame jokes during a party to save you from embarrassment. Love is loyal. Love is your cheerleader. It believes in you. It goes along with your crazy ideas of writing a book, becoming a chef, launching an art business and tries its best to help you achieve your visions. It will edit poorly written first chapters, eat inedible crème brûlée and gasp amazedly at your blobs of paint on canvas. It doesn’t hold it against you when you fail. It encourages you. But because, you need it sometimes, it will tell you to stop when you are being insufferable and cut short your pity party. Love changes perceptions of beauty. Love is fond of love handles and stretch marks. Love strokes your grey hair and remarks how distinguished it makes you look. Love sings, “I like big butts and I cannot lie” to your widening derriere. It knows that random chin hair become familiar friends, wrinkles and crow feet testaments to a life lived together. Love teaches you to find the ordinary, extraordinary. Love is not a substitute for reality nor does it ask you to live in a more fantastic version of it because love lives real life. And in real life, love knows, there are good days and bad days. And a whole slew of so-so ones. Love gets through all of them, sometimes with style and pizzazz, other times with angst and bitterness. But it gets through. Love flips your idea of humanity upside down. You think you know people and then you see what they will do for love’s sake, how far they will stretch the limits of themselves to care for the one they love and it makes you swallow, hard. Love will make you witness divinity. Love is fluid. It changes with time in its expression and manifestation. It will be a spark, a raging fire, of flutters in your gut one day. Years later, it will be a steady burning ember, a sense of stability as solid as a rock and all flutters can usually be attributed to indigestion. Love will bring you Hajmola before you ask. Love doesn’t always make you happy. But it makes you better. Happy too, but also unhappy. Because love knows that its central function in your life is to help you grow. Growth hurts.  Every day, love changes you to become a version of yourself you didn’t know existed. Expanded. Stretched somehow. Love doesn’t ‘break’ your heart. It splits it open, so that more of what you need can enter. Love is a choice. You make that choice every single day, every single minute. Love is sacrifice, compromise, tolerance and a whole bunch of other scary words. It wants to leave you sometimes but it always remains. It wants to kill you sometimes but then imagines the subsequent loneliness. It turns away from you only to turn back again. It buries itself into the very core of you, so you don’t know where it begins or ends. Love is a paradox. It is awkward and graceful. It is forced and natural, kind of terrible and absolutely hilarious. It is restful. It is wild. It is hurtful and healing. It is gentle and tough. It is confusion and clarity. It strengthens you and makes you vulnerable. It ties you down and helps you fly. It is as rare as a pearl and as common as breath. Love is fierce. It is very often decidedly mundane, mind numbingly ordinary and easy to overlook, but still, if you know how to look at it, it’s really quite astonishing. Love is beautiful, it is necessary, and if you allow it, instinctual, but it is never what you think it will be. It is always much, much more.
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digitechjay · 5 years
Hello dear readers,
               Love. Guess the word is enough and maybe you have already thought a millions thoughts just as you read this. Just a single word is enough to express all your feelings. Suddenly all the unexpressed emotions and unsaid words come rushing to our minds like the adrenaline rush in our bodies. Doesn’t it feel something totally different?
               To be frank if your answer is yes then you are already in love and if its vice versa then you are yet to experience the most beautiful feeling in the world. And trust me the moment you fall in it, you are going to remember these words because it’s not just a feeling, it’s an emotion and something that turns your world upside down.
               In this quest of love, I read something and something felt inside. The happiness you get when someone is happy and you feel yourself jumping up and down with happiness.
               I have always heard that one sided love is the toughest and why shouldn’t it be when everything is at stake and you are not allowed to expect anything from the other person. It shatters you down at every turn breaking you from inside and sometimes let you feel so low that all you would want is to run away from the person you are in love with.
               But then you know that love has its own way of seeping into your life and then suddenly make you feel so alive that you feel that it’s the last thing you would want to loose.
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digitechjay · 5 years
vo urdu si kathin, me hindi sa saral vo barf si thos, me paani sa taral
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digitechjay · 5 years
Welcome to the journey of Life
Welcome to the journey of life. Here I start my new life. The one I have always wanted to live. Life of a philosopher, life of a story teller and life of a writer. You never know when you are gonna give yourself a new start, it maybe when you are completely broken or when you completely are strong enough to face your so called "Life".                         First of all "Thank you so much", for stopping by and reading this piece of my writing. Well actually these aren’t just a piece of my writings, they are my thoughts. And I would love to welcome you to the world of my thoughts. What I really do every time! Of course you really need a warm welcome because in this world where everyone is so busy with all their problems and issues, where no one really has time to read what others want to say.                       So here, I  welcome you to my world of thoughts and into the journey of life. To be true, I really am no good philosopher or a teacher neither am I a great preacher. All I say here are my thoughts and of course my own perspective of life. But yes, you can consider me as a friend and if you have any questions which you would like me to answer in my words, then please do mention them here in the comments section.                      It would really give me a pleasure to give away my thoughts in regard to your questions and of course, motivation that you give me will be all I have in return to my words for you. All I realize at this moment is that I crave to share my thoughts with you and I hope its really gonna be a great journey!!!
Stay connected,Keep reading, keep living!!!
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