duskdog 17 hours
A Haiku
Batfam burns my face Acid. How dare they gatekeep I just want Steph Brown
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duskdog 20 hours
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outing myself as a dinahollie hater 馃
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duskdog 6 days
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ga2001 dynamics
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duskdog 7 days
My favorite part is she gets a ride from this guy the same way she got a life from Ollie. "Yo I have a need -- I'm just moving in, thanks."
settle an internal debate ive had for like 3 years
panel for context
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duskdog 11 days
I have a few thoughts/headcanons about this, actually: Mia having a little trouble accepting being gay, not because she has a problem with homosexuality (she doesn't, homophobe jokes aside), but because she can't help but wonder if she was always a lesbian, or if she was just so strongly influenced by her trauma that she can't stomach anything else anymore. And this is really complicated, because sexuality is not an affliction -- and she knows this, and knows the idea of lesbianism being something that's not natural but is inflicted upon a broken woman is incredibly hurtful and offensive to a lot of the community... but, at the same time, her situation is really complicated, and they're her feelings and she can't help feeling them whether they're "correct" or not. (Probably feels guilty about it nonetheless.) Lots of other enormous things in her life were inflicted upon her, after all -- she wasn't born with PTSD (canon be damned, I can't imagine that she doesn't have it), she wasn't born with HIV. So can we really blame her for wondering if she also wasn't born with the LGBT, even though we as the reader and Mia as the character both know damned well that it's not a disease? And the idea that she'll never really know for sure hurts. She hates the thought that maybe there's nothing that's really hers -- that sometimes it feels like everything she is is something that was determined for her by other people, and for something so intimate and personal to belong to someone else, yet again, is like being violated all over again. She wonders if there's really any part of the real, original Mia Dearden -- the person she was supposed to be -- still left in her at all, or if all of that was taken from her, piece by piece. Eventually it's okay. She'll get it all sorted and accept who she is, regardless of whether or not she's ever able to answer the question (and she may never voice this, because who the hell is she going to talk to about it, who has shared enough of her experiences to ever possibly understand?). That's the sort of person she is: she's agile and resilient and works things out so that she can live her best life as much as she can. I don't think she actually still mourns the Mia that might have been -- she's proud of the Mia who is and that's the real Mia. When things are tough, she doesn't necessarily shoot for right, she shoots for okay and then clambers her way up from there. It's just hard for a while until she gets her head on straight. That's how character development works.
realistically, if mia was to be revealed a lesbian in canon, how would you want it to be done?
hm hm hm hm. youve struck my achilles heel (having to come up with an original idea)
i think realistically and how i would want it to be done contradict each other a bit.
i would want it done via a genuine exploration of mia's feelings towards men and her unpacking how it relates both to her trauma and her sexuality. and the unfortunate blurred lines between the two. the comphet i could fit in this bad boy is crazy
realistically i think they'd put her in a pride special in the background with a lesbian flag
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duskdog 11 days
Consider: Titans Halloween party, past and present. Mia goes as Green Arrow. Roy goes as Black Canary. They play it up for all it's worth.
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duskdog 8 months
reblog if you have a gale-sized hole
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duskdog 8 months
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here comes a special boy !聽
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duskdog 9 months
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duskdog 9 months
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duskdog 9 months
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duskdog 9 months
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duskdog 10 months
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duskdog 10 months
hang on I鈥檓 trying to see something
don鈥檛 tell me the name of your pet, just tell me in the tags the name you call them that鈥檚 got nothing to do with their actual name
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duskdog 10 months
My headcanon is that little whelp Wrathion, being... well, just a whelp, not only alone in the world but actively hated and hunted by most of the world, and with the weight of so much on his tiny little shoulders, actively chose "Prince of the Black Flight, son of Deathwing" as his persona because he desperately needed for people to respect him in some way in order to both protect himself and to do what needed to be done. He was hyper-advanced, full of information crammed into his little skull, but he was still just a tiny little flappy guy -- and we all know how the inhabitants of Azeroth treat whelps. Puffing himself up to give himself a title, and owning that title as much as possible, was a way to get his foot in the door, so to speak, so he could build the network that he eventually built. I don't believe it's fair to say he wanted to be like Deathwing, though. He's shown many times that he hates that idea -- is actually afraid of becoming like him. He's even said it outright. I think that calling himself the son of Deathwing was just a way to give people pause when considering him, rather than any indication that he actually wanted to be like Deathwing. (IMO, this is the biggest flaw of Dragonflight -- suddenly conflating Wrathion's desire to become Aspect with a respect for/desire to be like Deathwing. His entire schtick has always been about protecting Azeroth -- being the true Earth-Warder that Neltharion failed to be.)
It's also very possible that he doesn't even know who his father actually is, and just claiming one gave him some comfort -- made him feel more "normal" when literally everything else about his creation is so abnormal.
Regardless, I would also love to see how he feels about his mother, too.
I wonder how Wrathion feels about how his mother was basically raped and forced to birth him, even if it was to create a purified egg. It was a good cause, but went about in a very shitty way.
It鈥檚 odd that he always mentions Neltharion as his father, when he was his grandfather. Perhaps he doesn鈥檛 want to even acknowledge his biological parents鈥t least not whoever his father was. I wouldn鈥檛. But Nyxondra was forced for experiment to create a brood. She had no desire to carry eggs, yet here we are. Imagine being a little whelp, born all alone, no siblings, and a dead mother. He never felt any love. So he decided, being a badass already, his mission was to be like his grandfather.
Something deep down in me really wants to see if in some way, Wrathion wants to show his mother, wherever she is, that he was worth creating.
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duskdog 10 months
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duskdog 10 months
Out of curiosity, are there any groups out there roleplaying Black Dragonflight characters? I know there are some individuals who do, but it seems like a really good opportunity for a small guild/group to get together and build something, because the established lore already sets up a small population with a rich but mysterious backstory who now need to navigate a new future for their flight/family. There's past heartache, current drama, etc... so much potential!
I know people in general, and even the roleplay community specifically, often find dragon roleplay to be cringe... well, I'm too old to give a shit about what other people think. Life's too short to deprive yourself of fun just because other people aren't into the same things.
I just wanna unleash an OC and play dragon drama, run ultra-chill dungeons with other dragons, sip tea with other dragons, speculate on what the deal is with Swart with other dragons, etc.
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