emptycup16 · 6 months
Newest DNDADS ep spoilers
To think the heart-to-heart he's always wanted from his dad actually being Willy, meaning Willy was more willing to be 'vulnerable' with him then is own dad.
Can this kid go ONE day without catching a Mr.Crocker-F sized L to the dome.
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emptycup16 · 6 months
Linc - Slowly losing touch with himself and his own emotions because he doesn't know how to process his own grief and the pit that's deepening inside of him. Substituting it with helping his friends. (Grant's the same expect his outlet is Violence.) Which even then Linc is slowly getting more numb to being violent.
Scary - Emotionally detaching herself from her father figure to avoid feeling the pain of rejection and abandonment she's so use to receiving from them, and by the time she comes around to being able to reconcile herself it's too late. (Terry Jr with Ron by distancing himself, both TJ and Ron feeling the flinch reaction to expect pain from getting attached to a father figure.)
Taylor - Prioritizing a lack of conflict over an actual bond, being more friends then family and in the end missing what the other want each other to be there for and unable to get any of that time back. Related to a stranger that you hate for not being there but can't bring yourself to stop loving (the entire close family)
Normal - Losing your childhood to some unforeseen magical event after being robbed of any positive influence due to your 'lackluster' ability to be seen as of 'use.' And despite trying his best to be a breaker beacon of happiness to fill the void he's missing it can't cover the burning anger that keeps the family at arms length of eachother.
Did Normal's mascot costume get burned in ep. 46??
(spoilers below btw-)
I know he was wearing it in the start of the episode where they do the Stampler and Close family flashbacks, because at the start when he gets out of the ambulance he took the mascot head off and there was the whole moment about how he was obviously crying inside the costume
And then I think when Taylor got out of the ring but Normal was stuck inside with Abraham Lincoln and the Marine he put the mascot costume head back on to try and be a distraction, only to get the life beaten out of him and burned-
Then at the end it was said that his clothes were incinerated or something (i don't remember the exact phrasing of what happened-)
But does that mean that his teenie costume was also incinerated?
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emptycup16 · 6 months
Did Normal's mascot costume get burned in ep. 46??
(spoilers below btw-)
I know he was wearing it in the start of the episode where they do the Stampler and Close family flashbacks, because at the start when he gets out of the ambulance he took the mascot head off and there was the whole moment about how he was obviously crying inside the costume
And then I think when Taylor got out of the ring but Normal was stuck inside with Abraham Lincoln and the Marine he put the mascot costume head back on to try and be a distraction, only to get the life beaten out of him and burned-
Then at the end it was said that his clothes were incinerated or something (i don't remember the exact phrasing of what happened-)
But does that mean that his teenie costume was also incinerated?
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emptycup16 · 6 months
I was also thinking about it and I think it would only be used for some narsty shit The thought I had was kinda wild and I'd be insane if I actually heard it happen, which is since Bear'ry saw and knows what happened, and if Bear'ry is still somehow in contact with Willy (doubtful) then maybe Willy would drag out some possessed Hermie zombie to fuck with them? Cuz he's clearly not beyond mentally ruining an actual child for gain, both with Ron, the Kiddads, and Scary So what'd stop the support from supporting his team? Stop the one kid keeping the Doodler grounded because of his connection? Again, doubt it'd ever happen, but also depending on the vibe they go into facing against Willy again there is a world where it could be a thing That would fuck Normal up horribly (me Im Normal) CUZ LIKE Bear'ry can make those homunculus And do some puppeting shit So like, imagine an Evil Hermie that just torments the teens with grief and regret for their actions
Did Normal's mascot costume get burned in ep. 46??
(spoilers below btw-)
I know he was wearing it in the start of the episode where they do the Stampler and Close family flashbacks, because at the start when he gets out of the ambulance he took the mascot head off and there was the whole moment about how he was obviously crying inside the costume
And then I think when Taylor got out of the ring but Normal was stuck inside with Abraham Lincoln and the Marine he put the mascot costume head back on to try and be a distraction, only to get the life beaten out of him and burned-
Then at the end it was said that his clothes were incinerated or something (i don't remember the exact phrasing of what happened-)
But does that mean that his teenie costume was also incinerated?
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emptycup16 · 6 months
I can understand where the Paeden bits were more enjoyable to keep up on then the suicidal DC drama nerd, especially with the tone and emotions attached to it.
Did Normal's mascot costume get burned in ep. 46??
(spoilers below btw-)
I know he was wearing it in the start of the episode where they do the Stampler and Close family flashbacks, because at the start when he gets out of the ambulance he took the mascot head off and there was the whole moment about how he was obviously crying inside the costume
And then I think when Taylor got out of the ring but Normal was stuck inside with Abraham Lincoln and the Marine he put the mascot costume head back on to try and be a distraction, only to get the life beaten out of him and burned-
Then at the end it was said that his clothes were incinerated or something (i don't remember the exact phrasing of what happened-)
But does that mean that his teenie costume was also incinerated?
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emptycup16 · 6 months
I think it's a mix of likability, just cuz I remember the OG dad's would look to see what that vermin was up to every other sentence, and also importance. Paeden had a solid story reason to keep being around even after the 'silly little billy' bit wore off (it never did tbh) Meanwhile Hermie was just a bit from day 1, only story involvement to connect the teens to Goof realm and revive Anthony's true love (scam) The oakworthy was a byproduct, and was the only thing keeping him relevant past Goofs, so him dying for the sake of maintaining the Oakworthy integrity just makes sense Though do keep in mind I'm not up to date on the Teen Talks so there's a chance Anthony at some point just violated our boy with some verbal slaughter but I choose to believe that's not the case and never will be
Did Normal's mascot costume get burned in ep. 46??
(spoilers below btw-)
I know he was wearing it in the start of the episode where they do the Stampler and Close family flashbacks, because at the start when he gets out of the ambulance he took the mascot head off and there was the whole moment about how he was obviously crying inside the costume
And then I think when Taylor got out of the ring but Normal was stuck inside with Abraham Lincoln and the Marine he put the mascot costume head back on to try and be a distraction, only to get the life beaten out of him and burned-
Then at the end it was said that his clothes were incinerated or something (i don't remember the exact phrasing of what happened-)
But does that mean that his teenie costume was also incinerated?
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emptycup16 · 6 months
I'm gonna hot take rq cuz I've been reflecting
I think Hermie dying like that was best case scenario for how the thread was currently going
Is it still gutwrenching? Yes BUT Think about it from a story level The Oakworthy relationship is built off of being doomed by the narrative. Hermie was slowly losing charm and relevance with each episode he was being forgotten because they finished with Goof realm stuff so all that would be left is the doomed narrative Right before Normal is about to have his turn to deal with his arc its immediately meaning he has to start handling the Oakworthy situation, and if Hermie was there in the moment it'd be first and that would go 1 of 2 ways Either they get together or they don't, and I mean sure they can drag it out with hrms and hahs but Anthony don't got the patience for that If they get together then Normal gets to go into the Oak arc with a high head and lover on his side? Way out of tone for the shitfest that was planned. If they don't but Hermie still just sticks around cuz Normal can't get over him? Has the right effect I guess? But it's too tense and just sorta bogs stuff They wouldn't just go 'you won't date Normal? Well then L go back home smh' So best case? Dramatic unrequited love where they both knew they loved each other but will never have the chance to say it directly
And that is why Hermie dying was best case scenario for the story. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
Did Normal's mascot costume get burned in ep. 46??
(spoilers below btw-)
I know he was wearing it in the start of the episode where they do the Stampler and Close family flashbacks, because at the start when he gets out of the ambulance he took the mascot head off and there was the whole moment about how he was obviously crying inside the costume
And then I think when Taylor got out of the ring but Normal was stuck inside with Abraham Lincoln and the Marine he put the mascot costume head back on to try and be a distraction, only to get the life beaten out of him and burned-
Then at the end it was said that his clothes were incinerated or something (i don't remember the exact phrasing of what happened-)
But does that mean that his teenie costume was also incinerated?
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emptycup16 · 6 months
I think the costume is gone but the exchange is not being fried to hell from the magma fighting ring
Did Normal's mascot costume get burned in ep. 46??
(spoilers below btw-)
I know he was wearing it in the start of the episode where they do the Stampler and Close family flashbacks, because at the start when he gets out of the ambulance he took the mascot head off and there was the whole moment about how he was obviously crying inside the costume
And then I think when Taylor got out of the ring but Normal was stuck inside with Abraham Lincoln and the Marine he put the mascot costume head back on to try and be a distraction, only to get the life beaten out of him and burned-
Then at the end it was said that his clothes were incinerated or something (i don't remember the exact phrasing of what happened-)
But does that mean that his teenie costume was also incinerated?
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emptycup16 · 6 months
I'm coming out from under my rock to let every Hermie fan that listened the new episode something I've been thinking about ever since which is that 'JK by Crywank' is THE theme for the him.
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emptycup16 · 8 months
Hello tumblr uh I never use tumblr but im very new to dndads and my friends are getting me into it
ive taken it upon myself to do stupid recaps of what I remember of the episodes so I can look back and remember it and my friends think it’s funny enough for me to post so here is a recap (from memory) of dndads season 1 episodes 1-10
4 cool dads going to a soccer game, black out and are now in fuckass land, kids are gone, wtf 3 dudes cool fight, GLENN RUNS OVER THEM WITH A CAR, dude is fucking terrified, finds this other guy and now knows where their kids are, find a cool inn and a dragon too I guess, make a deal with a woman I guess, sleep, wake up, ditch, bring dragon with them, kill dragons kid, find dragon other kid, make weird deal or smth idfk, charleston chews, goes to find Henry’s kids, what the fuck they have been taken by the lord of chaos, sex pit, fighting pit, they get naked and fight for the lord of chaos to prove themselves or smth, the lord of chaos is just lark and sparrow, sex pit, they get taken into a dungeon or something, sex pit, they fight in this dungeon or whatever, Henry’s a fucking wolf now, doodler!!!!!!, uhhh snake person or something, oh cool their clothes are back, they also get cool items, bag of beans, HOLY FUCK A PYRAMID????, cern, in a car with the kids, sparrow I think tweaks out oh fuck demon voice, kids gone, panic, dad huddle without cern, lizardboy scales mcstuffin, they go camping, shared group dream with same demon voice, Ron shits himself, drive to find Glenn’s kid in morning, found Glenn’s son, Henry disapproves of Glenn’s parenting style, so does darryl now, glenn son has curse, cool buff woman, drug flowers, SCAM LIKELY?, hotboxed a fucking building with drug flowers, got cool guitar axe thing, Nick didn’t have a curse, battle of the bands thing, really gay stuff happened, the best recital of silent night, Ron throws a pair of pants in the crowd, glenn and Nick dipped, scam likely again, children fighting, 8 year old paeden, anger in a bar because the dads found glenn, talking stick but it’s a bone, Nick tweaks out and also does demon voice thing, what the fuck nick is gone now, only spinach cheese dip, check please!!!!!!,
that is all thank you tumblr, I will update this for each episode I watch but I am also insane and a major procrastinator so this will take a while
here is glenn art if you read all that I love him a lot
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emptycup16 · 8 months
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This post plauging my thoughts to make this for so long AJAHFHFJGG IT'S TOO GOOD
god but can you imagine being Hermie’s adopted parents? your son starts becoming extremely depressed. he’s stealing shit and is just all around closing himself off. every time you try to talk to him he just repeats that no one truly cares about him. the only thing that makes him happy is theater but even that seems to be bringing him less joy than before. you don’t know what to do. every time you try to talk to him he talks circles around you in depressing riddles. everything you say is wrong. you just want to help him. he asks to transfer to another school. you and your wife angst about it but ultimately decide to let him do it. maybe he was being bullied at chaparral? he starts being more energetic - not necessarily happier but more himself. you’re relieved. he’s cast in the school play. he gets asked to the school dance. he starts hanging out with friends. you made the right choice. his friends disappear. he starts going to their after school program (you think). you’re worried about him being alone. he stops talking to you. he becomes more intense on finding his friends. he becomes obsessed. he ignores school altogether. you don’t know what to do. you can’t stop him from skipping class. you don’t know why. he disappears. he won’t call you or pick up his phone, but his friends call their parents. their parents tell you he’s in Seattle. he never asked for a permission slip. you should have never sent him to that new school. you should have sent him to therapy. the city becomes politically divided. you thank god your son is in Seattle. his friends come back. he does not. you beg the police to help find your son but they don’t seem to know who you’re talking about. you can’t seem to bring yourself to ask his friends what happened. you don’t know why. his friends kill their vice principle and disappear. you pray your son was never really friends with them. you wish you knew why you couldn’t speak to them. the sky turns blue and the sun turns into a burning ball of light. you wish your son would pick up the phone. he’s all alone in Seattle. he and his friends are America’s most wanted, except the picture they show of him has changed. half of his skin is burnt and he’s wearing makeup from the musical remake of Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker. you bought him that makeup. you cleaned it off his bathroom counter every time he applied it before going to school. your son is not in Seattle. he never was.
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emptycup16 · 9 months
was thinking about oakworthy again bc Hermie will NOT leave my brain lately and like. if they ever had children they would be the most insanely anxious and impulsive kids of all time. absolute gremlins. could probably kill god.
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emptycup16 · 9 months
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Been busy out the wazoo but I got tons of little silly ideas to do when I finally have the time to do them.
For now have a Willy stuck in a glue trap
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emptycup16 · 9 months
Psst do you take requests? If so would you be willing to draw-
Teen-high-binder Transmasc Normal? :D
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I don’t see why not jdvabfbsv
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emptycup16 · 10 months
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This is what I thought Sparrow and Lark looked in s1
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emptycup16 · 10 months
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They're just so silly
(I am going to rewatch every episode of this season for months to come)
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emptycup16 · 10 months
Finally hyped myself up enough to make fan content ✨️ *dramatic gasp*
Can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men
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