gaynation · 5 months
Heartbreak has gotta be one of the worst feelings in life. You get a knot in your chest that makes it hard to breathe for the whole time you have it and it makes you listen to sad emo songs about love the entire day until it goes away. It's like an actual disease with symptoms and all.
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gaynation · 8 months
“What is it that the child has to teach?
The child naively believes that everything should be fair and everyone should be honest, that only good should prevail, that everybody should have what they want and there should be no pain or sadness. The child believes the world should be perfect and is outraged to discover it is not.
And the child is right.”
— Rabbi Tzvi Freeman
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gaynation · 8 months
Me and some friends partook in the long lasting tradition of gathering together at the graveyard today to congregate and listen to music. I'll now be posting incriminating evidence here!!
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gaynation · 8 months
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Happy birthday, baby. You're doing amazing.
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gaynation · 10 months
if you use music to cope with anxiety, depression or to help with your ADHD (like me) reblog, I'm trying to prove a point to my teacher
I think I’ve probably already reblogged this, but screw it, I will again.
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gaynation · 10 months
So I've been dating a guy who has shown himself to be less and less caring and compassionate towards me as time went on (we're currently together for 6 months and have known eachother by an year) and I was thinking of breaking up with him this weekend... that is until he asked me to come with him to his hometown for that time span, and I did cuz I was really hoping this would be a turnaround for us. It wasn't, now Im stuck on a city for the weekend with somoene I don't recognize, virtually alone and sad and scared and about to have an ulcer. This has been my vent.
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gaynation · 1 year
I remember when I first found out about this band back in 2018, I started listening to them every day. Didn't think I'd see the day when someone else on tumblr would blog about them.
Have you heard of the hard/psychedelic rock band Graveyard? I think you might like them. If you want to check them out, my favorite song by them is “Lost in Confusion” but all the songs off their first album are good (I haven’t listened to their other albums).
I haven’t actually, so thank you for telling me about it! It sounds awesome! Kind of gives me NITW (Night in the woods) vibes/ when i have the time, i’ll definitely be looking into the first album!
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gaynation · 1 year
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my piramid studs finally came so i could stud up my vest, im very proud of how well it turned out
no i cannot decide on a back patch
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gaynation · 1 year
Yes we need more chaste twee baby gay romances like heartstopper and yes we also need more shows where men fuck raw to express their love for one another like Élite and yes we need more toxic gays having hate sex like Interview with the Vampire and yes we need more incidental gay characters like the dads in cartoons like Owl House.
It's not a competition! It's a hoard and I'm like a gay little Smaug.
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gaynation · 1 year
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this is the gay agenda and i LOVE it
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gaynation · 1 year
good news guys the federal no fly list just got cracked by an otherkin on twitter
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gaynation · 1 year
So we are back to having a bot problem on tumblr aren't we
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gaynation · 1 year
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by Gerard Donelan
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gaynation · 2 years
2pm the perfect time to get emotional abt pansy division album covers for Deflowered + Wish Id Taken Pictures + Quite Contrary. The amount of love and playfulness within them... The development of the albums subjects/style themselves are also reflected in the design and... I mean just look at them okay
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gaynation · 2 years
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gaynation · 2 years
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Pride was originally a riot. It's not supposed to be "family-friendly". Those who want family-friendly LGBT spaces are free to just create them. Take places that are already family-friendly and make them LGBT-friendly also. If you don't want to do that, then that's why Pride is still necessary.
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gaynation · 2 years
Yall I really need some queercore for like when you are a gay man and fall in love with a guy but ends up heartbroken even though you knew it was never going to happen helpp
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