germanlangblr · 3 years
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So I've been meaning to start a german diary for a while now and I did it today after seeing this post (which is, funnily enough, a screenshot of a Tumblr post, which I couldn't find).
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germanlangblr · 3 years
to all struggling language learners out there: keep going!! you are smarter and stronger than you know, just keep on studying and loving culture, and you will achieve all of your goals!
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germanlangblr · 3 years
german pronunciation rules
ei, ai - pronounced like “y” in “sky” - mein, nein, dein, kein
ie, ieh - pronounced like “ee” in cheese - lieben, biegen
s is pronounced like “z” when there is a vowel after it - sieben, sie, süß
ch is the /x/ and /ç/ sound - ich, machen, nicht
sch is pronounced like “sh” - schon, schreiben
tsch is pronounced like “ch” in “cherry” - tschüß, deutsch
eu, äu are pronounced like “oi” in “boiling” - neu, neun
z, tz are pronounced like “ts” - zu, sitzen
j is pronounced like “y” in “you” - ja, jacke
qu is pronounced like “kv” - quatsch
sp, st are pronounced like “sh” - spielen, sprechen, stehen, stunde
ck is pronounced like “k” - ecke 
chs is pronounced like “ks” - wachsen
v is pronounced like “f” - viel, vorstellen
ö is like “o”, but pronounced with rounded lips - schön, öl
ü is like “ou” in “you” but pronounced with rounded lips - tschüß
ä is like “e” in “bet” at the beginning of the word and after vowels, and like “ay” in “say” after consonants - mädchen, äpfel
ß is like a long “s” - tschüß, süß
an “h” after a vowel just makes it longer, as well as a doubled vowel 
please correct me if i got something wrong!
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germanlangblr · 3 years
Signs of the Zodiac in German
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Here is my first vocab list (I´m so happy ;-))
Aries - der Widder
Taurus - der Stier (the bull)
Gemini - die Zwillinge (the twins)
Cancer - der Krebs
Leo - der Löwe (the lion)
Virgo - die Jungfrau (the virgin)
Libra - die Waage (the scale)
Scorpio - der Skorpion (the scorpion)
Sagittarius - der Schütze (the shooter)
Capricorn - der Steinbock (the ibex)
Aquarius - der Wassermann (the waterman)
Pisces - die Fische (the fish)
zodiac - der Tierkreis
sign of the zodiac/zodiac sign - das Tierkreiszeichen/ das Sternzeichen
horoscope - das Horoskop
constellation - das Sternbild
star(s)- der Stern (plural: die Sterne)
astrology - die Astrologie
astronomy - die Astronomie
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germanlangblr · 3 years
Common Words
These words may be common, but I somehow always forget every single one of them.
wahrscheinlich - probably
eigentlich - actually
tatsächlich - actually
vielleicht - maybe
vermutlich - presumably
trotzdem - anyway
deshalb - therefore
bereit - ready
fertig - finished
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germanlangblr · 3 years
German resources
For anon! (I’m going to leave out the most obvious ones like Memrise and Duolingo. Feel free to add ones that I’ve missed.)
Deutsch Für Euch Easy German Get Germanized Slow German (also a podcast)
Online Proficiency Tests:
Deutsch Lernen Transparent Heidelberg
General Websites:
lyricstraining DeutscheWelle Buzzfeed Deutschland German resources Tumblr tag My German tag (gotta get that self-promo) Goethe Institut deutsch.info deutschdrang Internet Polyglot 1000 Most Common German Words deutsch-perfekt yourdailygerman
Websites specifically for A1-A2
learn-german-online A1 Goethe Institut A1-A2 longua.org A1 longua.org A2 A1 Vocab list deutschakademie A2
Websites specifically for B1-B2
B1 vocab list B2 vocab list longua.org B1 longua.org B2 german-course-vienna B1 german-course-vienna B2
Websites specifically for C1-C2
longua.org C1 deutschakademie C1 schubert-verlag C1 and here schubert-verlag C2 and here Quizlet C1-C2 vocab flash cards
German News/TV
ZDF ORF TLC Deutschland Das Erste ProSieben
German Music
Disney songs Rap Rock My German playlist
Online German Dictionaries
Linguee dict.cc reverso Duden Austrian dictionary Austrian German Glossary Bavarian dictionary Colognian dictionary Swabian - English
Finding people to talk to:
@polyspeak‘s German community list italki
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germanlangblr · 3 years
Bookish vocabulary in German
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das Buch, Bücher - book lesen - to read
der Bücherwurm - bookworm die Leseratte - bookworm (lit. “reading rat“) der Buchliebhaber - book lover der Bücherfreund - bibliophile (lit. “friend of books”) der Büchernarr - bibliophile (lit. “fool for books”) belesen - well-read, bookish
die Buchhandlung - book shop die Bücherei - library die Bibliothek - library (more formal)
das Taschenbuch - paperback das gebundene Buch / das Hardcover - hardcover das E-Book - e-book der E-Reader - e-reader der Autor - author der Band - volume das Kapitel - chapter die Seite - page das Lesezeichen - bookmark gebraucht - used neu - new
die Literatur - literature die Belletristik / die Prosaliteratur - fiction die Sachliteratur - non-fiction die Lyrik / die Poesie / die Dichtung - poetry der Roman - novel das Sachbuch - non-fiction book das Gedicht - poem der Klassiker - classic der Krimi - crime novel der Thriller - thriller die Biographie - biography die Autobiographie - autobiography der Liebesroman - romance novel die Schnulze (derog.) - very cheesy novel ein fesselndes Buch - page-turner
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germanlangblr · 3 years
From Beginner to Intermediate: an intense plan for advancing in language
I've studied Spanish at school for 3 years and now I'm at a low B1 level. I can actually understand pretty well while listening or reading but I can't communicate fluently.
This plan will include vocabulary build up, some grammar revision, a lot of listening, reading and writing. And could be used for the most languages, not only Spanish.
Every day:
Conjugate one verb in present, past and future tenses
Make a list about 10 - 30 words long
Create flashcards with them and start learning them (I use Quizlet for flashcards)
Revise yesterday's set of flashcards
2-3 times a week:
Read an article or a few pages from a book
Write a few sentences about anything in your target language
Listen to one episode of podcast (at least one)
Once a week or every two weeks:
Watch a movie in your target language, preferably animated movie as the language used there is easier. You can watch with subtitles
Grammar exercises
Translate some short text
Once a month:
Write something longer, like an essay or report, on chosen topic
Talk to yourself, to your friends, to your pets
Text with someone
Look at the transcription while listening to the podcast for second time
Repeat what you hear (in podcast or movie)
Check words you don't know from the listening and reading
Read out loud
Listen to music in your target language - you can even learn the text and sing along
Watch YouTube in your target language
Change your phone language to the one you're learning
Think in you target language!!!
***This is very intense plan for self-learners, you don't have to do all of these things in the given time. Adjust it to your own pace. I'll try to stick to this, if I have enough time.***
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germanlangblr · 3 years
Konjunktionen - Conjunctions
Nebenordnende - Coordinating aka. normal verb placement
aber - but
denn - because, for
oder - or
sondern - but rather, instead
und - and
entweder…oder - either…or
weder…noch  - neither…nor
nicht nur…sondern auch - not only…but also
Unterordnende - Subordinating aka. verb kickers
als - when
bevor - before
bis - until
da - because, since
damit - so that
dass - that 
daher - therefore, thus
darum - therefore, thus
nachdem - after
ob - if, whether
obwohl - although
obgleich - although
seit - since
seitdem - since
sobald - as soon as
solang - as long as 
statt dass - instead of
während - while
wann - when
weil - because
wenn - if, when, whenever
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germanlangblr · 3 years
Imperative (Sie, du and ihr)
The imperative in German is very simple and easy to get the hang of. You can use the imperative in three forms:
Sie (it is the polite form and used for somebody that you do not know well).
Basically the 3rd person conjugated form of the verb ‘Sie’ serves as both the plural and polite form. However, in the imperative you simply put ‘Sie’ after the verb rather than before it. For example:
Sie schreiben - schreiben Sie bitte (Write, please)
Sie hören - hören Sie bitte (Listen, please)
Du (the singular form of ‘you’ and to be used with somebody you know well).
With the imperative you take away ‘du’ and the conjugated ending of the verb. For example:
du schreibst - schreib! (Write!)
du schläfst - schlaf! (Sleep!)
(Tip: When the ‘du’ form has an umlaut it is never included in the imperative form)
Ihr (the plural form of ‘you’ and used for multiple people).
The ihr form is very very simple, you simply remove ‘Ihr’ from the sentence. For example:
Ihr sprecht - sprecht (Speak)
Ihr kommt - kommt (Come)
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germanlangblr · 3 years
Ab vs von
Ab and von both mean ‘from’ but they are NOT interchangeable and are used in a specific context. 
von is used when there is a defined period of time that you are doing/or have done something.  
For example: 
Ich lerne Deutsch von 11 bis 12 Uhr - I learn German from 11 to 12 o’clock. 
Ich schlafe von 22 bis 7 Uhr - I sleep from 10 to 7 o’clock. 
(Tip: When speaking about time make sure that Uhr comes at the end of the second time period, saying 11 Uhr bis 12 Uhr is incorrect). 
Ab is used when you do something from a period of time but do not specify the length that the action is completed. It is easy to think of it like the English phrase ‘from then on’ 
Ab Montag, lerne ich Deutsch - From Monday, I learn German. 
Ab 11 Uhr, muss ich meine Mutter anrufen - From 11 o’clock, I must call my mother. 
I hope this helps! Have a good evening all x
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germanlangblr · 3 years
German Trennbar Verbs/ Verben
Hi everyone! I’m currently studying German in Cologne (Köln) and I thought to share a super important aspect of the German language with you as I haven’t really seen it discussed on other German langblr sites. (Correct me if I’m wrong!) 
Trennbar verbs are extremely common in the German language and they are basically ‘separable verbs’. This means that the start of verb has to always be at the end of the sentence. This may sound confusing but it is actually very simple to get the hang of!
Let’s take an example: abholen - to pick up. 
Ich hole meine Kinder von der Schule ab - I pick up my children from school. 
As you can see at the beginning part of the verb or ‘participle’ is always at the end of the sentence while the stem verb is conjugated. I hope this makes sense and I’ll give a few more examples to show you what I mean. 
mitbringen - to bring with 
Ich bringe Bier und Wein zur Party mit - I bring beer and wine to the party. 
ausschlafen - to sleep in
Ich schlafe aus - I sleep in. 
Am Samstag, schlafe ich bis 11 Uhr aus - On Saturday, I sleep in until 11 o’clock. 
You know if a verb is trennbar if it BEGINS with: 
abholen - to pick up abstellen - to stop 
anrufen - to call  anfangen - to begin anziehen - to attract/ to put on anklofen - to knock 
aufhören - to stop listening  aufmachen - to open up
ausschlafen - to sleep in ausgehen - to go out ausziehen - to take off
einladen - to invite  einkaufen - to go shopping
herkommen - to come here
hinfallen - to fall down
loswerden - to get rid of
mitkommen - to come with mitnehem - to take away
rausgehen - to leave
reinkommen - to get in
vorlesen - to read for
wegfahren - to move/to pull away
zumachen - close zuhören - to listen/ to listen in
zurückkommen - to come back
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