learngermanblog · 2 months
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neristudy · 9 months
◦ Lets study some damn German ◦
A collection of my main online resources that have been found and sorted by me for my personal use. Feel free to steal it for yourself, though.
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To fully learn a language, you need to know and comprehend:
⊳ Reading;
⊳ Writing;
⊳ Listening;
⊳ Speaking.
But since I have ADHD, I add one more thing: learning through games. This will include literal computer games from German developers with German voiceovers, or just gamification of learning like Duolingo.
Because why the hell not?
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter one: Reading〙 °°••....••°°
➤ LingQ
There aren't as many non-political articles as I'd like (and certainly not enough articles on cooking!), but poor people can't be choosers.
➤ German.net
The site has a pretty decent library of resources not only for reading, but I put it in this category because of the presence of texts with comprehension tests at the end. It's a very nice way to see if you really understood what was written there or not.
➤  ... probably, some german book? Is there a comunity of german writers on AO3....
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter two: Writing〙 °°••....••°°
They all more or less focus on grammar, so I don't see the need to describe each one separately. However, pay attention to the last 3 links - those are  resources with avaliable Ukrainian language.
➤ Learn German online
➤ German with Laura
➤ Deutschbuch.com
➤ FluentU
➤ Easy-Deutch.com
➤ Lingvvozone
The only one that deserves further explanation, for this site is essentially a very thicc online dictionary. Very useful.
❥ Грамматика з нуля ❥ Golernen Akademia ❥ Deutsche Welle
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter three: Listening〙 °°••....••°°
Beware: mostly Youtube, so get your adblock up maties.
➤  Learn Languages With Isa
Cute short german stories.
➤  Easy German
The man, the myth, the legend.
➤ Learn German with Herr Antrim
He’s got whole courses and deserves a watch at least bc of his shiny personality!
➤  Learn German With Falk  
Great, slow podcast with managable pasing.
➤ Listen to German music, playlists are:
    - here
    - and here
    - and also here!
°°••••°° 〘Chapter three: Speaking 〙 °°••••°°
➤ Sing along german songs (even better if you have studied a song before and know what it is about);
➤ Start a voice diary: daily send yourself (on Telegram or wherever it is convenient and / or easy for you) a voice message in which you tried to talk about something (or on a specific topic) for x minutes.
➤ The most scary and/or hard one: get yourself a buddy who learn or already native to German language. Can also write to me, and we can study together!
°°••....••°° 〘Chapter four: Games〙 °°••....••°°
➤ Piranha Bytes & friends
For now the greatest sourse of my active german playing is games from Piranha Bytes & friends, ya can fing their bundle here on steam. Just scroll down a bit.
➤ Duolingo
The infamous legend. Acually quite helpful to study in casheer line, or on a 15-mins break. Not much helpful in other stuff.
For now it is basically all I have. Would add more later!
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himmelstudies · 8 months
Hi! I'm also learning German and I just wanted to ask you - how do you stay motivated to study it? :) It's sometimes so hard to stay focused with all of their grammar and vocabulary. Plus, there are very little TV shows or series that seem interesting enough to watch for language practice. So, do you have any tips?🤗
Hi! Glad to find someone learning german too! 💙❤️ I understand that feeling of not having motivation to study it, I also had that phase when I just couldn't get myself to study the module. I just find stuff that I am interested in or make some small goals to work towards.
For instance, I found a science paper in german when I was doing my internship and made it a goal to be able to understand about 50% of the sentences in this specific paper. As I am also aiming to further study in germany, I also had a small goal to at least get a level A2 certification by the end of my unversity journey. I try to put small goals to work towards along the way, that are relevant and of interest to me to keep me motivated so to speak!
Not only that, I got hooked onto listening to german nursery rhymes, music or podcasts! I have some of those that I regularly listen to linked here. (I absolutely love backe backe kuchen hahaha) However, I am still finding other ways to keep myself interested in the language and am also slowly learning how else I can better learn this language. I am not too sure if this is useful for you but having a goal, even a small one, would do well in motivating you to study a bit more on it.
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grandbloodystudies · 1 year
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Deutscher Kaffeewortschatz
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English   -   German with definite article
Coffee - der Kaffee
A cup of coffee - eine Tasse Kaffee
Cup  - die Tasse
Sugar - der Zucker
Milk - die Milch
Coffee maker - die Kaffeemaschine
Coffee pot - die Kaffeekanne
Coffee grounds - der Kaffeesatz
Coffee bean - die Kaffeebohne
Ground coffee - der gemahlener Kaffee
Vanilla - die Vanille
Vanilla sugar - der Vanillezucker
Caramel - der Karamell
Cinnamon - der Zimt
Cinnamon bun - die Zimtschnecke
Whipped cream -  die (Schlag)Sahne
Coffee to go - Kaffee to-go | Kaffee zum mitnehmen
Note: Eiskaffee is not what Americans think of as iced coffee, meaning coffee with ice cubes! See below:
Coffee with icecream - Der Eiskaffee
Iced coffee - Kaffee mit Eiswürfeln
This vocabulary list was made for the langblr reactivation challenge week one day four! I could have added a ton more words but I didn’t know how much vocabulary people would be interested in on the topic. That said if you want a longer / more specific / different themed / more complex list in German, let me know and I would be happy to make one or point you towards other resources!
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oskar-vajld · 7 months
My German lang teacher yoinked me from two other classes and now I have twice as many German classes in order to prepare for DSD II
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Gott hilf mir 😭
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deutschtext · 2 years
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foundingerman · 9 months
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🇩🇪: Bitte langsam fahren
🇬🇧: Please drive slowly
📖 Vocabulary 📖 ➡️ bitte - please ➡️ langsam - slow ➡️ fahren - to drive
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inspectorerina · 10 months
Wer ist Bihter Ziyagil?
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Hallo! Ich möchte euch Bihter Ziyagil vorstellen. Bihter ist die Frau des Geschäftsmannes Adnan Ziyagil. Sie sieht sehr schön aus. Sie ist eine attractive Frau, wer extravagenter Stil hat. Sie ist leidenschaftlich und ehrgezig. Sie ist nicht immer ehrlich mit sich selbst. Sie verliebt Behlül sich, obwohl sie verheiratet war. Sie hat ihnen Mann mit ihrem Neffe betrogen. Behlül war egoistisch, arrogant, selbstsüchtig und nicht zuverlässing. Bihter wollte zusammen mit Behlül weglaufen. Behlül war mutlos. Sie war enttäuscht und mit gebrochenem Herz. 
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olesentuition · 1 year
🇩🇪 German Grammar Quiz 🔮. Test your German language skills now 🤓!
Wo bin ich?
a) ins türkisblauem Meer
b) im türkisblaues Meer
c) im türkisblauen Meer
What's your answer? Leave it in the comments below, along with additional comments and questions you might have.
Learn about prepositions, adjective endings and other grammar topics on our German language blog "Auf Deutsch, bitte!"
#learngerman #germangrammarquiz #germanlanguage #studygerman #german #lerndeutsch #deutschlernen #learngermanfast #germangrammar #germanlanguageblog #goethezertifikat #deutschprüfung #germanexam #learngermanwithme
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More German content on YouTube: German Learning Seasons + Instagram: german.learning.seasons
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learngermanblog · 6 months
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thelanguageskool · 9 days
A Rich Tapestry of Experiences I TLSWAY
German culture is a captivating fusion of tradition, innovation, and diversity. From the fairy-tale landscapes of the Black Forest to the bustling streets of Berlin, Germany offers a rich tapestry of experiences for visitors and locals alike. Rooted in centuries of history, German culture celebrates its heritage through vibrant festivals, intricate craftsmanship, and timeless literature. Yet, it also embraces modernity with its technological prowess, scientific achievements, and avant-garde art scene. Whether savoring a hearty plate of bratwurst, exploring medieval castles, or immersing oneself in the dynamic nightlife, Germany's cultural landscape is as varied and intriguing as the country itself, inviting exploration and discovery at every turn.
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gsstudyabroad · 7 months
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📚Learn in Germany🎓
✅Admission Open For Undergraduate Courses Feb 2024 intakes ✅
✔ Without IELTS ✔ 2Yrs Of PSW ✔ Scholarship Available
Book a Free Consultation Session with GS Study Abroad Experts Now 📩[email protected] 📲 092052 11884
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grandbloodystudies · 1 year
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sstory · 8 months
Schwierigkeiten bei der Übersetzung von Büchern ins Deutsche.
Hallo an alle und insbesondere an die deutschsprachige Tumblr-Community! Ein besonderes Hallo an diejenigen, die gerade erst angefangen haben, Deutsch zu lernen, genau wie ich. Ich liebe diese Sprache trotz aller Schwierigkeiten, die ich beim Lernen habe. Wie schafft ihr es, zum Beispiel, eure eigenen Bücher von einer Sprache in die andere zu übersetzen?
Wie gut muss man Deutsch können? Welche Autoren sollte man zuerst lesen, um die meisten Feinheiten der Sprache und gängigen Redewendungen zu verstehen? Ich bin verrückt nach verschiedenen Märchen, besonders nach dem Kleinen Prinzen und Momo, aber egal wie sehr ich mich anstrenge… Moment, ich habe die Frage nicht richtig formuliert.
Zurzeit habe ich eine auf Deutsch geschriebene Geschichte, ein Buch, das ursprünglich als Märchen geplant war. Nur benutze ich immer noch Wendungen aus dem Russischen, für die im Deutschen eine echte Alternative zu finden, ist eine echte Herausforderung. Ohohohoho!
Wie kritisch stehen die Leute zu freien Übersetzungen von etwas? Es wäre nicht schwer, Profis zu engagieren, die mir dabei helfen könnten, aber das würde meine Arbeiten verfälschen, weil ich dann völlig abhängig von meinem Assistenten wäre.
Es ist sooo kompliziert!
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