Sorry peeps for not posting I've not taken many pictures as of late but I'm probably going to take some soon.
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Sounds like you're just bringing in experts who like their jobs and then securing a ton of funding! I endorse!
Does @amtrak-official endorse this plan?
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Saw this last week lol.
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Which one looks better. And how do I stop my images from flipping. I can fit my phone in my pocket on bike rides and I've neglected to take photos sideways for some reason.
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TW: Loud as hell noises. Constantly. I thought it sounded nice but it's a crossing with the lights and bells going and then the train passes by. So just lower your volume by 66%. Took this video on sunday. Hope you all like it! Also voice reveal I guess.
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Hey peeps I know this isn't in my jurisdiction but they're bringing back the northlander.
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A GO train engine car with no passenger space, facing backwards, passing into the station
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A Bombardier BiLevel Coach, passing by.
Trains are pretty sweet. I have like 20 pictures of trains and nature and whatnot, but I don't want them to come out sideways.
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Small problem, not the theme of my blog. Still.
To prove something to a friend, please
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If I hypothetically placed a vaguely child shaped thing onto the tracks, and then boarded the other gambling car and betted against that train, I could, hypothetically, make a shitload of cash. Hypothetically of course.
We need to bring back gambling cars on trains.
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Nature Nthursday
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A cemetary, taken on Not Nature Nwednesday, along side a few other images
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The train's coming. Also pictured that day. Uploaded Ntoday (i'm so sorry screen readers)
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On the bike ride back. I don't really go places right now so I'm just biking around taking pictures. I'm trying to avoid having people in the frame.
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Hey apparently my computer lets me convert images in the finder. That helps. Anyways sorry about not posting yesterday, I bike everyday but I didn't feel like uploading that day. I'll probably make a queue because of all the images im taking. I'll basically never have a slow day again unless I stop again.
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Keep trains and the buses that take you to the trains if you're too far from them for some reason. At least until we make more trains.
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All forms of transport that aren't ships or boats
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We're doing something not quite the same but it's pretty cool still.
@amtrak-official please help this reach the trainnys out there
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J'adore! Love this version so much. I probably mangled the grammar on the french "I love" but hey, maybe I didn't.
this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.
reblog to spread this version
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Got some cute pics of the GO train passing by.
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It's like a cute bug train thing. And it has two levels so you can fit more people in a nice comfy train
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Yeah I lucked out. I didn't expect the train to be there as I arrived.
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I was frantically pulling my phone out of my pocket and moving my bike closer
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Pretty sweet pics though right? It's a nice view. Now imagine being on it.
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Gonna go out and check out the station nearby, maybe pick something up from Timmy's we'll see how it goes
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Neat thing
If we do more transit, we could reduce cars on the road and thus have to invest less in car infrastructure, meaning more people want transit and letting us invest more in transit. At least I'm pretty sure how that works. Wow, someone qualified should run this account huh. It's a good thing that'll never happen.
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Hell yeah!
Reblog to open a rail line from your blog to the person you reblogged this from
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